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クロイワ シゲキ
黒岩 繁樹
研究院(研究機関) ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構
博士(学術) ( 広島大学 )


  • 2022年04月

    株式会社こころみ   チーフサイエンティスト

  • 2015年04月

    早稲田大学   ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構   主任研究員(研究院准教授)

  • 2013年04月

    早稲田大学   ナノ理工学研究機構   主任研究員(研究院准教授)

  • 2010年10月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   主任研究員(研究院准教授)

  • 2008年04月

    早稲田大学 先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構 生命医工学研究所 客員准教授(専任扱い)

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    京都薬科大学 COEポストドクター

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    東京大学 大学院 総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 生命環境科学系 助手

  • 1998年

    科学技術振興事業団 博士研究員

  • 1997年

    関西学院大学 理学部物理学科 実験実習指導補佐




    広島大学大学院   生物圏科学研究科   生物機能科学専攻  


    広島大学   総合科学部   総合科学科  











  • ナノバイオサイエンス


  • バイオセンサ、電界効果トランジスタ


  • ナノテクノロジーフォーラムアワード

    2020年06月   早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム   再利用型FETバイオセンサ応答の再現性向上  

    受賞者: 黒岩繁樹



  • Field-effect transistor biosensor with signal amplification by ternary initiation complexes for detection of wide-range RNA concentration

    Hiroki Hayashi, Akihiro Enami, Hiroto Fujita, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Masayasu Kuwahara, Tetsuya Osaka, Toshiyuki Momma

    Talanta   273   125846  2024年02月  [査読有り]



  • Semiconductor-based biosensor exploiting competitive adsorption with charged pseudo-target molecules for monitoring 5-fluorouracil concentration in human serum

    Hiroki Hayashi, Mayuri Fujita, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Masahisa Okada, Futoshi Shibasaki, Tetsuya Osaka, Toshiyuki Momma

    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical     134495 - 134495  2023年08月



  • Enhancement of Refractive Index Sensitivity Using Small Footprint S-Shaped Double-Spiral Resonators for Biosensing

    Anh Igarashi, Maho Abe, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Hirohito Yamada

    Sensors   23 ( 13 ) 6177 - 6177  2023年07月


    We demonstrate an S-shaped double-spiral microresonator (DSR) for detecting small volumes of analytes, such as liquids or gases, penetrating a microfluidic channel. Optical-ring resonators have been applied as label-free and high-sensitivity biosensors by using an evanescent field for sensing the refractive index of analytes. Enlarging the ring resonator size is a solution for amplifying the interactions between the evanescent field and biomolecules to obtain a higher refractive index sensitivity of the attached analytes. However, it requires a large platform of a hundred square millimeters, and 99% of the cavity area would not involve evanescent field sensing. In this report, we demonstrate the novel design of a Si-based S-shaped double-spiral resonator on a silicon-on-insulator substrate for which the cavity size was 41.6 µm × 88.4 µm. The proposed resonator footprint was reduced by 680 times compared to a microring resonator with the same cavity area. The fabricated resonator exposed more sensitive optical characteristics for refractive index biosensing thanks to the enhanced contact interface by a long cavity length of DSR structures. High quality factors of 1.8 × 104 were demonstrated for 1.2 mm length DSR structures, which were more than two times higher than the quality factors of microring resonators. A bulk sensitivity of 1410 nm/RIU was calculated for detecting 1 µL IPA solutions inside a 200 µm wide microchannel by using the DSR cavity, which had more than a 10-fold higher sensitivity than the sensitivity of the microring resonators. A DSR device was also used for the detection of 100 ppm acetone gas inside a closed bottle.



  • Improvement in long-term stability of field effect transistor biosensor in aqueous environments using a combination of silane and reduced graphene oxide coating

    Sho Hideshima, Hiroki Hayashi, Ryo Takeuchi, Shofarul Wustoni, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka

    Microelectronic Engineering   264   111859 - 111859  2022年08月



  • A compact-size and ultrasensitive optical biosensor using a double-spiral microresonator.

    Anh Igarashi, Yugang Shang, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Hirohito Yamada

    IEEE SENSORS     1 - 4  2022年



  • Potassium-regulated Immobilization of Cortisol Aptamer for Field-effect Transistor Biosensor to Detect Changes in Charge Distribution with Aptamer Transformation

    Shigeki Kuroiwa, Hiroki Hayashi, Ryo Toyama, Naoto Kaneko, Katsunori Horii, Keishi Ohashi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka

    Chemistry Letters   50 ( 5 ) 892 - 895  2021年05月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Salivary cortisol concentration and its circadian variation were detected by optimizing the ionic concentration of a solution during the immobilization of aptamers on a field-effect transistor biosensor. This was achieved by modifying our previously developed technique of detecting uncharged cortisol using the transformation of negatively charged aptamers by controlling the aptamer spacing. This spacing control was achieved by synthesizing pseudo-cortisol-binding aptamers with a guanine-quadruplex during the immobilization of the aptamers in a highly concentrated solution of K+.



  • Immobilization of Target-Bound Aptamer on Field Effect Transistor Biosensor to Improve Sensitivity for Detection of Uncharged Cortisol

    Hiroki HAYASHI, Ryo TOYAMA, Ryota TAKIBUCHI, Sho HIDESHIMA, Shigeki KUROIWA, Naoto KANEKO, Katsunori HORII, Keishi OHASHI, Toshiyuki MOMMA, Tetsuya OSAKA

    Electrochemistry   89 ( 2 ) 134 - 137  2021年03月  [査読有り]



  • 4.電界効果トランジスタを用いたバイオセンサの展開

    黒岩 繁樹, 大橋 啓之, 逢坂 哲彌

    電気化学   88 ( 4 ) 317 - 325  2020年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • Detection of Stress-Related Secretory IgA in Human Sweat Using Lectin-Immobilized Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    Hiroki Hayashi, Naoki Sakamoto, Sho Hideshima, Yoshitaka Harada, Mika Tsuna, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2020-02 ( 66 ) 3391 - 3391  2020年11月


    A field effect transistor (FET) biosensor is a promising device for various applications such as medical diagnosis and environmental monitoring. Because characteristics of FET biosensors are directly influenced by the change of gate-insulator surface potential induced by the adsorption of charged molecules, FET biosensors could provide the rapid and label-free biomolecular detection. Recently, mental stress-related diseases, such as integration disorder syndrome and depression, affect people's health, resulting that simple stress monitoring is expected for early stage detection of the disease. Previously, the relation between concentration of stress markers and mental stress has been reported [1], and the monitoring of circadian concentration of the markers is found to be important for prediction of the stress condition. Especially, secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), which is an immunity-related molecule present in the human mucus, is one of the candidates to be monitored as a stress marker. However, conventional methods for measuring concentration of s-IgA are restricted in daily use due to complex protocol, time-consuming and expensive equipment.

    Nowadays, we have investigated sensitive detection method for various targets by using the FET biosensor [2,3]. To achieve improvement of the sensitivity, small receptors have been applied to increase electrical responses owing to the effective use of a charge-recognition region from FET gate surface, Debye length [4,5]. In this study, we selected a small plant lectin, jacalin (66 kDa), which specifically binds glycan of hinge region of IgA, as a receptor. Additionally, jacalin was inexpensive compared with antibody due to the purification from jackfruits seeds. From these points, jacalin-immobilized FET biosensor was worth to be investigated to realize a simple, sensitive and low-cost stress monitoring device for stress marker. Thus, we investigated the usefulness of the jacalin as a FET receptor.

    The SiO2 gate insulator of the FET was exposed to O2 plasma (200 W for 1 min) for introduction of hydroxyl groups reacting with triethoxysilane groups of self-assembled monolayer (SAM). Then, the FET chip was immersed in toluene solvent including 1%(v/w) 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane in an argon atmosphere (60ºC for 7 min.). Following by the cross-linking by glutaraldehyde, jacalin was immobilized on FET gate surfaces. Finally, ethanolamine capping was performed to prevent the non-specific adsorption of contaminating molecules in analyzed samples, resulting in the fabrication of the jacalin-immobilized FET biosensor. The FET characteristics were measured by sweeping the gate-voltage (V g) from -2.0 V to 0 V with 0.1 V drain voltage (V d) in 0.01 × phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4). Then, the electrical responses (ΔV g) were analyzed from the FET characteristics before and after the addition of analyte to gate surface.

    To evaluate the specificity of jacalin-immobilized FET biosensor, ΔV g caused by the addition of s-IgA and human serum albumin (HSA) were measured. The FET charactristics was shifted in a positive direction (+53 mV) due to the adsorption of negative-charged s-IgA (Figure 1a), while the responses related with HSA addition were scarcely observed. Thus, specific capture of the s-IgA molecules by the jacalin-immobilized surface was indicated. Moreover, to evaluate the advantage of jacalin, we compared ΔV g with FET functionalized by antigen binding fragment (Fab), which was obtained by cleaving the anti-s-IgA antibody. An electrical response of Fab-immobilized FET was +24 mV (Figure 1b). The change in ΔV g values for these two FET sensors using jacalin or Fab could be discussed as follows. Jacalin could capture more s-IgA molecules within Debye length from the gate surface of FET. In addition, the jacalin-immobilized FET responded linearly to s-IgA in a concentration range from 0.1 μg/mL to 100 μg/mL. Finally, sweat samples collected from healthy persons were examined with the developed jacalin-immobilized FET biosensor, and clear responses were obtained. From these results, jacalin was found to be useful as a receptor for FET biosensors to achieve a sensitive, simple and non-invasive detection of s-IgA.

    [1] K. Obayashi, Clin. Chim. Acta, 425, 196-201 (2013).

    [2] S. Hideshima, M. Kobayashi, T. Wada, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, N. Sawamura, T. Asahi, T. Osaka, Chem. Commun., 50, 3476-3479 (2014).

    [3] S. Hideshima, K. Fujita, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, Y. Seto, S. Sekiguchi, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka, Sens. Bio-Sens. Res., 7, 90–94 (2016).

    [4] S. Cheng, K. Hotani, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, M. Hashimoto, Y. Mori, T. Osaka, Materials, 7, (4), 2490-2500 (2014).

    [5] S. Hideshima, H. Hayashi, H. Hinou, S. Nambuya, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Momma, S.-I. Nishimura, Y. Sakoda, T. Osaka, Sci. Rep., 9, 11616 (2019).

    Figure 1 V g-I d characteristics of (a) jacalin or (b) Fab-immobilized FET biosensor before and after the addition of 100 μg/mL s-IgA.

    Figure 1



  • Detection of Uncharged 5-Fluorouracil Exploiting Sequential Adsorption of 5-Fluorouracil-Modified Bovine Serum Albumin Using Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    Mayuri Fujita, Hiroki Hayashi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka, Masahisa Okada, Futoshi Shibasaki

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2020-02 ( 66 ) 3361 - 3361  2020年11月


    The dosage of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), which is a widely used for cancer medication, is determined based on body surface area, although efficacy largely depends on the liver function of the individual, resulting that only 21% patients are given an optimal dose of 5-FU in these years. The measurement of the 5-FU concentration in the blood enables us to adjust individual dose adjustment. Conventional methods for 5-FU detection such as an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and liquid chromatography are not very suitable for clinical applications because they need time-consuming procedure with expensive equipments. Detection of 5-FU using a field effect transistor (FET) biosensor, which enables rapid and simple measurement, is expected to solve such problems. However, FET biosensor, which detects changes in its surface density due to the adsorption of charged molecules, was unable to detect uncharged 5-FU. In this study, a method for the FET biosensing to detect 5-FU exploiting sequential adsorption of 5-FU modified bovine serum albumin (BSA/5-FU) was proposed. By using this method, FET responses caused by the adsorption of negatively charged BSA/5-FU depending on the 5-FU concentration were detected.

    The SiO2 surface of the FET gate insulator was exposed to O2 plasma to introduce hydroxyl groups. After the exposure, the surface was exposed to 3-aminopropyltriethoixysilane (APTES), followed by the modification of the cross-linker, glutaraldehyde (GA). A single chain variable fragments (ScFv) and antigen binding fragments (Fab) were allowed to react with each activated GA-modified FET. After the immobilization, the residual aldehyde-groups were treated by ethanolamine to suppress the non-specific adsorption. V g-I d characteristics were measured before and after dripping of both 5-FU and BSA/5-FU on the ScFv- and Fab-immobilized FET biosensors. Finally, threshold voltage shifts (∆V g) caused by the adsorption of BSA/5-FU were obtained.

    To compare the capture capability of ScFv and Fab, the electrical responses of the FET biosensors functionalized with the two receptors due to the adsorption of BSA/5-FU were measured. The responses of ScFv- and Fab-immobilized FET biosensor caused by dripping of 25 μg/mL BSA/5-FU were +25 mV and +40 mV, respectively. The difference between ΔV g values for these two FET sensors using ScFv or Fab can be ascribed to the difference of affinity [1]. To verify the specificity of Fab-immobilized FET biosensor, ∆V g was measured when human serum albumin (HSA) was dropped on the FET biosensor, and the ∆V g was hardly observed. Additionally, the atomic force microscopic (AFM) images on the FET gate surface shows that the size of observed particles matches the size of BSA/5-FU, while the surface morphology and roughness are not significantly changed. These results indicated that Fab-immobilized surface specifically captured BSA/5-FU. To investigate the quantitative detectability of the Fab-immobilized FET biosensor, we measured the FET responses corresponding to the amount of adsorbed BSA/5-FU, which was related with the concentrations of 5-FU. As a result, the magnitude of ∆V g by dripping of 1000 ng/mL 5-FU and 25 μg/mL BSA/5-FU was reduced to +12 mV compared with the response of 25 µg/mL BSA/5-FU (Figure 1). These results can be attributed to that the adsorbed 5-FU inhibited the adsorption of BSA/5-FU to the Fab-immobilized surface. Therefore, we conclude that the detection of 5-FU using the FET biosensors by applying the charged BSA/5-FU is a promising simple method for monitoring the concentration of 5-FU.


    [1] Y. Reiter, et al., J. Biol. Chem., 269, 28, 18327-18331 (1994).

    Figure 1 V g-I d characteristics of Fab-immobilized FET biosensor before and after dripping of (a) 0 ng/mL 5-FU and 25 µg/mL BSA/5-FU or (b) 1000 ng/mL 5-FU and 25 µg/mL BSA/5-FU.

    Figure 1



  • Saliva Stress Marker Monitor Using Aptamer Immobilized FET Biosensor

    Keishi Ohashi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Ryo Toyama, Hiroki Hayashi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2020-02 ( 66 ) 3390 - 3390  2020年11月



    People have felt that their mind controls the body. Advances in immunology and neuroscience are scientifically elucidating this experience. For example, it has been clarified that the mechanism by which changes in the activity of the central nervous system due to stress regulate the immune response through sympathetic nerves. If these latest medical knowledge and electronic advances can be used to provide a simple monitoring system for stress-related substances, it is hoped that it will help prevent mental and physical diseases. Nevertheless, performing a blood draw to detect the stress hormones cortisol and catecholamine has the challenge that the act of drawing blood itself causes stress. Instead, cortisol concentration measurement from saliva has been developed as a non-invasive detection, but catecholamines cannot be detected from saliva. Salivary cortisol concentration measurements have been developed as an alternative non-invasive detection method, but catecholamines are unable to obtain the necessary information from saliva. Salivary α-amylase and chromogranin A (CgA) have also been studied and used in part as alternatives to catecholamines. Secretary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) in saliva is also a good stress marker that reflects suppression of the immune system by stress. Simultaneous monitoring of the time-dependence of these stress markers of different origins is expected to help elucidate the complex mental stress mechanisms [1].

    Sensor module platform

    Accurate and inexpensive biomaterial detectors are required for IoT biosensing systems and monitoring over time has not been realized until now. Field-effect transistor (FET) biosensors are small devices that detect various types of biomarkers at low power consumption without disturbing the system under test [2]. The biggest challenge of FET biosensors when used in electronics systems is instability due to current drift. We have succeeded in developing a method that minimizes drift using only the normal silicon fab process. This manufacturing process does not use tantalum pentoxide or other special materials.

    Figure 1 shows a picture of a newly developed four element FET sensor chip with extremely low instability. The electronics part of the developed biosensor module consists of this chip and a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-type communication circuit. We selected four types of aptamers as sensor receptors on the gate insulator on the chip [3]. The aptamers can be stored and used at room temperature for a long period of time. They also have the advantages of being reversible to thermal denaturation and can be produced inexpensively and industrially. Finally, as a technique for producing biosensors with less variation, such as commercial physical sensors, we developed a tool for uniformly immobilizing the receptor monolayer in a narrow range of fixed positions on the chip.

    Simultaneous detection of multiple stress markers in saliva

    When n types of receptors are immobilized on n FET elements, n-1 types of independent signals can be extracted. The effects of non-specifically adsorbed substances and pH in saliva, temperature fluctuation, optical noise, and crosstalk between elements can be eliminated from the original signals of multiple FET elements. Using this technique, we succeeded in obtaining multiple stress marker concentrations such as cortisol, a-amylase, s-IgA, and CgA [4], at the same time just by dropping saliva on the sensor. The signal time constant is less than 1 minute, which indicates that a continuous monitor is realized substantially.

    Operability equivalent to physical sensor

    Internet of Things (IoT) systems require many low-cost sensors. FET sensor chips manufactured using only the conventional silicon fab process can achieve a low cost of about $1 per chip. However, even with such cheap biosensors, if they are disposable, the cost burden on the user will increase significantly in the long run. As a result, it becomes difficult to secure good customers as fixed users. In addition, disposable chips are not suitable for continuous monitoring required for medically important data. We are developing biosensors that are as easy to operate as conventional physical sensors by introducing reusable cleaning methods and recycled precision cleaning methods.


    [1] L. Steinman, Annu. Rev. Immunol., 32, 257-281, (2014).

    [2] K. Ohashi, T. Osaka, ECS Transactions, 75, 39, 1-9, (2017).

    [3] N Kaneko, H Minagawa, J Akitomi, K Ohashi, S Kuroiwa, S Wustoni, S Hideshima, T Osaka, K Horii, I Waga, The 43rd International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry, 2P-55, (2016).

    [4] S. Kuroiwa, R. Takibuchi, A. Matsuzaka, S. Hideshima, N. Kaneko, H. Minagawa, K. Horii, I. Waga, T. Nakanishi, K. Ohashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka, 232nd ECS Meeting, 2115, (2017).

    Figure 1



  • Tetrameric jacalin as a receptor for field effect transistor biosensor to detect secretory IgA in human sweat

    Hiroki Hayashi, Naoki Sakamoto, Sho Hideshima, Yoshitaka Harada, Mika Tsuna, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry   873   114371 - 114371  2020年09月  [査読有り]



  • Nature-Inspired Flexible Electrochromic Devices

    Masayoshi Higuchi, Yukio Fijii, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Keishi Ohashi, Yoshiharu Hamada, Akihiko Kubota

    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops     1415 - 1417  2019年11月


    Nature-inspired flexible electrochromic devices have been fabricated using electrochromic metallo-supramolecular polymer for the first time in the world. The use of Ru(II)-based polymer, which changes the color between red and green, and the multi-layer coating method have enabled to reproduce the nature of a real fallen leaf by the devices


  • Glycan-immobilized dual-channel field effect transistor biosensor for the rapid identification of pandemic influenza viral particles

    Sho Hideshima, Hiroki Hayashi, Hiroshi Hinou, Shunsuke Nambuya, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Toshiyuki Momma, Shin-Ichiro Nishimura, Yoshihiro Sakoda, Tetsuya Osaka

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   9  2019年08月  [査読有り]


    Pandemic influenza, triggered by the mutation of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (IFV), has caused considerable damage to public health. In order to identify such pandemic IFVs, antibodies that specifically recognize viral surface proteins have been widely used. However, since the analysis of a newly discovered virus is time consuming, this delays the availability of suitable detection antibodies, making this approach unsuitable for the early identification of pandemic IFVs. Here we propose a label-free semiconductor-based biosensor functionalized with sialic-acid-containing glycans for the rapid identification of the pandemic IFVs present in biological fluids. Specific glycans are able to recognize wild-type human and avian IFVs, suggesting that they are useful in discovering pandemic IFVs at the early stages of an outbreak. We successfully demonstrated that a dual-channel integrated FET biosensing system, which were modified with 6'-sialyllactose and 3'-sialyllactose for each gate area, can directly and specifically detect human H1N1 and avian H5N1 IFV particles, respectively, present in nasal mucus. Furthermore, to examine the possibility of identifying pandemic IFVs, the signal attributed to the detection of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) particles, which was selected as a prime model of a pandemic IFV, was clearly observed from both sensing gates. Our findings suggest that the proposed glycan-immobilized sensing system could be useful in identifying new pandemic IFVs at the source of an outbreak.



  • Effect of human serum on the electrical detection of amyloid-β fibrils in biological environments using azo-dye immobilized field effect transistor (FET) biosensor

    Sho Hideshima, Shofarul Wustoni, Masumi Kobayashi, Hiroki Hayashi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research   17   25 - 29  2018年02月



  • Multianalyte Detection of Cancer Biomarkers in Human Serum Using Label-free Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    Ke Si, Shanshan Cheng, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    SENSORS AND MATERIALS   30 ( 5 ) 991 - 999  2018年


    Recent statistics show that the incidence and mortality of cancer are on the rise. Among all types of cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer arc the most prevalent. We have many biomarkers for these two cancers, among which the cytokeratin fragment 21-1 (CYFRA 21-1) and a-fetoprotein (AFP) are the most common and widely used. Among the various detection methods, the field effect transistor (FET) biosensor is one of the most attractive approaches, providing a label-free, fast, and low-cost electrical detection of biomarkers with high specificity and sensitivity. In previous work, we applied biomarkers for a single cancer type. With the detection of CYFRA 21-1 and neuron-specific enolase (NSE), lung cancer was differentiated in the early stages. Compared with the early work, the biomarkers for the two cancer types, CYFRA 21-1 for lung cancer and AFP for liver cancer, were prepared in this work. The detection of CYFRA 21 1 and AFP in human serum was achieved at the same time with the limits of detection of 1 and 10 ng mL(-1), while the cut-off values were 4 and 10 ng mL(-1). The method featured short analytical time, small sample volume, and low cost. With its good selectivity and appropriate sensitivity, clinical application will become popular in the future.



  • Label-free detection of allergens in food via surfactant-induced signal amplification using a field effect transistor-based biosensor

    Sho Hideshima, Mai Saito, Keisuke Fujita, Yoshitaka Harada, Mika Tsuna, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   254   1011 - 1016  2018年01月  [査読有り]


    In recent years, food safety concerning food allergy has received increasing attention globally. A simple and sensitive detection method should be developed to measure trace amounts of allergens in foods. Here, we propose a label-free field effect transistor (FET)-based biosensing system for the detection of a buckwheat allergenic protein, BWp16, by surfactant-induced signal amplification. BWp16 could be detected by coupling with an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), as this coupling enhanced the net charge of the protein, enough to be detected by FET biosensors. A significant response was observed when the allergen was coupled with SDS, while the responses were decreased or unchanged when it was coupled with a cationic or non-ionic surfactant, suggesting that the SDS coupling maintains the antibody recognition ability of the target allergen, and it would be useful to enhance the sensor responses. The fluorescence spectroscopic measurement revealed that the SDS molecules were successfully coupled with target allergenic protein BWp16, resulting in an increase in its net charge. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the FET biosensor enables specific detection of the allergen in food at the desired concentration levels for food safety analysis, suggesting that it could be used as an alternative food allergen analyzer, both industrially and domestically. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Fabrication of Aptamer-Immobilized Multi-Target Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor for Sensing Mental Stress

    Shigeki Kuroiwa, Ryota Takibuchi, Akane Matsuzaka, Sho Hideshima, Naoto Kaneko, Hirotaka Minagawa, Katsunori Horii, Iwao Waga, Takuya Nakanishi, Keishi Ohashi, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2017-02 ( 49 ) 2115 - 2115  2017年09月


    The sensing of biomarkers in the body is very effective for diagnosis of disease and monitoring of human health condition. However, blood sampling of mental stress markers is stressful for those who do not feel serious health concerns when they want to check only their own stress level. We need to measure stress markers noninvasively in our daily lives. Saliva is an ideal biological sample to be taken noninvasively. α-amylase and cortisol are known as stress markers in saliva. Since individual differences in stress response are large, it is important to simultaneously detect multiple markers and evaluate the stress level. In this study, we attempted to fabricate two field effect transistor (FET) biosensors using aptamers against α-amylase and cortisol as indexes of stress. Our purpose was to investigate the characteristics of sensing two types of biomarkers, a protein and a steroid molecule, using aptamer-immobilized FET biosensors. The aptamer against α-amylase and the one against cortisol were obtained after eight rounds of selection by SELEX method from an initial DNA library. The gate insulator (SiO2) of FET was modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, followed by addition of glutaraldehyde. Each of two aptamers, which are terminated with amino group, was immobilized on the thus-prepared surface of insulator. We detected α-amylase and cortisol in phosphate buffer using the aptamer against α-amylase and the one against cortisol respectively. An increase in the magnitude of response was observed with an increase of α-amylase concentration in the range between 1 nmol/dm3 and 100 nmol/dm3. FET sensor responded as a gate voltage shift to the change in charge on the gate insulator surface. The observed response was suggested the binding of negatively charged α-amylase (isoelectric point = 6.34) to the aptamer. Though cortisol is an electrically neutral molecule, an increase in the magnitude of response was observed with an increase of cortisol concentration in the range between 1 μmol/dm3 and 1 mmol/dm3. It was a similar behavior toward the increase of negative charge or the decrease of positive charge. The phosphate groups of DNA aptamers and their counter ions have an electrical charge on the gate insulator. This suggests that the cortisol aptamer contracted and its negative charge penetrated Debye length or that the counter ion bound to the aptamer beforehand was removed after the association of cortisol. The concentration of α-amylase in saliva is 1 - 3 μmol/dm3. The sensitivity of this α-amylase sensor is at a practical level. The concentration of cortisol in saliva is 3 - 11 nmol/dm3. This cortisol FET sensor requires optimization of aptamer and refinement of the device for practical application. The quantitative detection of α-amylase and cortisol using aptamer-immobilized FET sensor was achieved. This sensor can be sensitive to a structural change of aptamer induced by the target binding. It was demonstrated that the detection of the neutral target molecule is possible.


    <p></p> Acknowledgement

    <p></p> This work is supported by Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through targetdriven R&amp;D (A-STEP), and the Center of Innovation S&amp;T-Based Radical Innovation &amp; Entrepreneurship Program (COI-STREAM), both from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.


  • Label-Free and Highly Sensitive Detection of Buckwheat 16kD Allergenic Protein with Field Effect Transistor (FET) Sensor and Immunochromatography Strip

    Yoshitaka Harada, Mika Tsuna, Sho Hideshima, Mai Saito, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2017-02 ( 56 ) 2353 - 2353  2017年09月


    A field effect transistor (FET) sensor detects the change in charge generated by binding of a specific target molecule to the sensor. This simple mechanism allows label-free rapid detection. However, the sensitivity of detection depends on the net charge of the targeted molecule. Buckwheat 2S albumin (BWp16), which is one of the major allergens of buckwheat, constitutes an analyte of buckwheat in food, but its small net charge limits its sensitivity to a FET sensor. We show here that pretreatment of BWp16 with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) increases the net charge of this analyte and increases sensitivity to 1 ng/ml of BWp16 using a FET sensor. Our results suggest a FET sensor is applicable to food safety management. We also developed an immunochromatography assay strip for convenient and rapid detection of BWp16 to a lower limit of 5 ng/ml.

    Food Allergen Labeling Regulations in Japan require mandatory labeling of seven allergens in foods at 10 µg/g or more, including buckwheat proteins. Allergenic contamination of food is usually monitored using enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay (ELISA), which requires multiple handling steps, an enzyme-labeled secondary antibody, and optical equipment for quantification. In contrast, a FET sensor and an immunochromatography assay strip are potential assay tools without those drawbacks due to their direct sensing mechanism.

    In this study, we propose a FET sensor and an immunochromatography assay strip be devised for detection of buckwheat protein. Here we attempt to improve the sensitivity of a FET sensor for buckwheat protein BWp16 by increasing the net charge of its molecules.

    BWp16 was determined specifically using a FET sensor. The response of the FET sensor was improved markedly by pretreatment of recombinant BWp16 (rBWp16) with SDS. The response of the FET sensor was correlated positively with the concentration of rBWp16 down to a detection limit below1 ng/ml.

    The charge number of BWp16 calculated from its molecular weight (15,106 Da) and isoelectric point (pH 5.25) was small (−3.67/molecule) at the sensing condition of pH 7.4 used with the FET sensor. After the pretreatment with SDS, BWp16 was covered with enough negative charge to increase sensitivity to approximately 10 ng of buckwheat proteins/g of food material.

    We devised an immunochromatography assay strip and tested the strip on 40 food samples. The assay strip gave a lower limit of detection below 5ng/ml of BWp16.

    SDS pretreatment of BWp16 protein from buckwheat increased its sensitivity to detection with a FET sensor nearly 1000-fold. This simple charge-amplification technique can increase the sensitivity of a FET sensor to a targeted protein that would ordinarily carry a small net charge.

    Both a FET sensor and an immunochromatography assay strip achieved highly sensitive and specific detection of buckwheat protein.


  • Development of Semiconductor-Based Biosensor for Detection of Buckwheat Allergenic Protein in Food Products

    Sho Hideshima, Mai Saito, Yoshitaka Harada, Mika Tsuna, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2017-02 ( 56 ) 2352 - 2352  2017年09月


    People all over the world have recently suffered from food allergies, thus allergenic substances in raw materials need to be severely controlled in food manufacturing factories. To regulate food safety, food manufactures are required to label allergenic information on their products. In the United States, labeling for seven kinds of food materials, milk, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanut, wheat, and soy, are required, and in Japan similar seven kinds of food materials such as milk, egg, shrimp, crab, peanut, wheat, and buckwheat, are listed. The Japanese food labeling law defines that the labeling is mandatory when the amount of proteins of an allergenic food is equal to or over 10 μg per gram amount of food product. According to the above criteria, food manufacturers always check materials purchased for food production and inspect the production facilities of these materials. Representative detection methods for food allergens used in food factories are ELISA test or lateral flow test strip, although they are some drawbacks such as complicated operation steps and large analysis equipment. To overcome these drawbacks, a simple label-free allergen detection technique is desirable. A field effect transistor (FET) biosensor is a promising platform because it can be used in mass production and for large-scale integration. FET biosensors may directly detect the intrinsic charge of proteins captured by immobilized receptors, suggesting that it has the potential to eliminate some of the steps involved in conventional allergen detection processes. In our previous study, an allergenic buckwheat protein, BWp16, was successfully detected by the FET biosensor. Soba, buckwheat noodle, is one of the most popular Japanese dishes. It should be noted that soba may cause serious allergic reactions like peanuts. To detect the BWp16 protein which does not possess its intrinsic charge enough to be detected by the FET biosensor, we achieved the signal amplification by coupling of the negatively charged surfactant with the BWp16 protein. Toward the practical application of the FET biosensor to food inspection, extract and specific detection of allergens from processed foods are important steps to be optimized. In this presentation, we evaluated an availability of the FET biosensing system for the detection of buckwheat protein in processed foods. First, to achieve significant signal amplification by using the SDS surfactant, the concentration of the surfactant was optimized. Second, the FET responses obtained for the target protein treated with anionic, cationic, and nonionic surfactants were compared to verify the effect of electric charge derived from surfactant on the signal amplification. In addition, the attachment of surfactant to protein was examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Finally, the specific detection of the buckwheat protein in food extracts or processed foods was examined.


    This work is partly supported by the Center of Innovation Program, Building of Consortia for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology, Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Research Institute and Academia and Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), all from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.


  • 生体バランス物質のさりげないセンシングに関するレビュー

    大橋 啓之, 黒岩 繁樹, 秀島 翔, 中西 卓也, 逢坂 哲彌

    電気学会論文誌. E, センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌   136 ( 8 ) 357 - 361  2016年08月  [査読有り]


    The concept of unobtrusive physiological balance sensing system implementing biosensors is discussed. Biosensors connected with a data system is expected to play a significant role when we extend the sensing objects from body to mind and spirit. Here, we describe the unobtrusive monitoring system using FET-type sensors and wireless communication devices. Substances subject to the survey of our research will include small ions, immunoglobulins, and hormones.

    DOI CiNii


  • Conversion of protein net charge via chemical modification for highly sensitive prion detection using field effect transistor (FET) biosensor

    Shofarul Wustoni, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Yasuro Mori, Tetsuya Osaka

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   230   374 - 379  2016年07月  [査読有り]


    A robust and applicable strategy of signal amplification for field effect transistor (FET) biosensor is of scientifically and technologically importance to detect wide range of target molecules, particularly for the molecules of low charge density, and to configure highly sensitive analysis. In this communication, we demonstrate a simple technique to modify the net charge of target protein based on the concept of protein conjugation for the detection of prion, which is infectious and transmissible protein in neurodegenerative disorders. The increases of prion net charge after chemical modification generate signal amplification and have remarkably enhanced the sensitivity of FET biosensor below than femtomolar (fM) level. Thus, we suggest that such strategy is promising technique for achieving a highly sensitive detection at very low concentration that is useful for early determination of protein biomarkers. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Preparation of anatase phase titanium dioxide film by non-aqueous electrodeposition

    Takuma Hachisu, Kazuaki Shi, Tokihiko Yokoshima, Atsushi Sugiyama, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Tetsuya Osaka, Noriko Nakajima, Masahiro Yoshino

    ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS   65   5 - 8  2016年04月  [査読有り]


    The electrodeposition-annealing route to fabricating thin film of the promising photocatalyst material anatase-titanium dioxide (anatase-TiO2) has been studied. The sample was deposited with a solution of N,N-dimethylformamide containing titanium compound by controlled-potential technique. SEM image showed the annealed sample at 600 degrees C for 1 h under air provided a continuous film with a thickness of ca. 350 nm. In this sample, X-ray photoelectron spectrumcorresponding to the Ti 2p peak assigned to a chemical bond of TiO2 and X-ray diffraction peaks assigned to the anatase phase were observed, respectively. Electrochemical oxidation in sodium sulfate solution on this annealed film was enhanced in the presence of UV light radiation. These results confirm the successful synthesis of photocatalytic anatase-TiO2 film by the electrodeposition and annealing process. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Signal amplification in electrochemical detection of buckwheat allergenic protein using field effect transistor biosensor by introduction of anionic surfactant

    Sho Hideshima, Keisuke Fujita, Yoshitaka Harada, Mika Tsuna, Yasuhiro Seto, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research   7   90 - 94  2016年03月



  • Amplification Strategy of FET Biosensor Signal for Sensitive Detection of Prion Proteins

    Shofarul Wustoni, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2015-02 ( 45 ) 1804 - 1804  2015年07月


    Field effect transistor (FET) biosensor was considered as a valuable tool for detection of chemical and biological molecules over the past decades [1]. The basic principle of FET biosensor is by converting the variation in the surface potential of gate insulator into the conductivity change in the semiconductor channel. Such kind of direct detection can interestingly offers a simple, label-free and reliable sensing mechanism. However, to configure highly sensitive sensor, the FET signal is strongly depend on the electric field resulting from the binding of charged molecule to the gate surface. Hence, the charge of target molecule is a key factor for electrically-based sensing in which the FET biosensor in some cases hampers to be applied for the detection of low charge density of molecules and neutral molecules.

    In this research, we designed two approaches of charge amplification including (i) addition of metal ions as second ligand, and (ii) chemical modification via coupling reaction as illustrated at Figure 1. These strategies were performed into the target protein that can increase the charge of proteins, leading to the enhancement of FET signal. Here, we used and detected prion proteins as a model of the target protein. Highly sensitive method for detecting prion proteins is a top priority for early diagnosis and minimizing the spread of the diseases [2], and the amplified FET signal is of utmost importance to meet the goal for improving the sensitivity of prion detection to the lowest concentration as possible.

    Firstly, by utilizing thiamine as probe molecule, the surface of FET biosensor can specifically interact with the prion protein as confirmed by FET response, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis [3]. Then, the sensitivity of thiamine-immobilized FET to the prion protein in human serum sample before the use of amplification step was quantitatively determined and achieved at the concentration of 400 pM, which is also lower than the cut-off value (2 nM). Furthermore, the amplification process was applied. As for approach (i), by taking the advantage of specific interaction between prion protein and copper (II) ions (Cu2+), a model of dual-ligand binding consist of thiamine immobilized surface, prion protein and Cu2+was performed and successfully generated an enhancement of FET response. As for approach (ii), we demonstrated the feasibility of protein modification with conventional coupling reaction, converting the carboxylate group (anionic) to the amino group (cationic) of prion protein. These strategies can result higher electrical signals in prion detection based on FET biosensor. The detail of experimental procedure and mechanism will be discussed further in the conference. In summary, the FET biosensor device could provide a promising technique and a pave way for highly sensitive detection of prion protein.

    References: M. J. Schöning and A. Poghossian, Analyst, 127, 1137-1151 (2002).

    J. Castilla, P. Saa, C. Soto, Nature, 11, 982-985 (2005).

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, M. Hashimoto, Y. Mori, T. Osaka, Biosens. Bioelect., 67, 256-262 (2015).


    Figure 1



  • Label-free detection of tumor markers using field effect transistor (FET)-based biosensors for lung cancer diagnosis

    Shanshan Cheng, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   212   329 - 334  2015年06月  [査読有り]


    Detection of tumor markers is important for cancer diagnosis. Field effect transistor (FET) has been recognized as a powerful technique for label-free, sensitive, real-time, and multifunctional biosensing. Here, we developed FET biosensors that allow the label-free detection of cytokeratin fragment 21-1 (CYFRA 21-1) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE), useful tumor markers for lung cancer type differentiation. It was found that the FET biosensor was capable of quantitatively detecting these tumor markers in both phosphate-buffered saline and human serum. Additionally, we developed a multianalyte FET biosensor for the selective multiplexed detection of CYFRA 21-1 and NSE at the same time, by integrating two antibody types on the same chip, providing a step towards the realization of sensor arrays. The multianalyte FET biosensor, as described herein, will help for lung cancer differential diagnosis with advantages of simple and rapid detection procedures, low sample consumption, and low cost. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Sensitive electrical detection of human prion proteins using field effect transistor biosensor with dual-ligand binding amplification

    Shofarul Wustoni, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Masahiro Hashimoto, Yasuro Mori, Tetsuya Osaka

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics   67   256 - 262  2015年05月  [査読有り]



  • Label-free detection of Cu(II) in a human serum sample by using a prion protein-immobilized FET sensor

    Shofarul Wustoni, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Yasuro Mori, Tetsuya Osaka

    ANALYST   140 ( 19 ) 6485 - 6488  2015年


    We have developed a field effect transistor (FET) sensor to sensitively detect copper ions (Cu2+) in a human serum (HS) sample for promising health-care diagnosis. By utilizing a Cu2+-binding prion protein that was immobilized on the FET gate surface, such an FET sensor can provide a simple, label free and highly selective performance, even in HS samples. We demonstrated the sensitivity of the sensor at the nanomolar level, 0-100 nM, which is very useful for the detection range of Cu2+ deficiency in practical applications.



  • Toward Industrialization on Semiconductor-Based Biosensors in Health and Medical Fields

    Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Masahiro Hashimoto, Yasuro Mori, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2014-02 ( 16 ) 884 - 884  2014年08月


    Development of diagnostic technology in preventive medicine plays an important role for health maintenance in coming aged society as well as creation of an emerging industry. Industrialization of biosensing devices for health check will contribute to the improvement of quality of life. As one of promising devices for biosensing, in the recent decade, we have succeeded in the development of the SiO2-gate field effect transistor (FET) with a high degree of chemical durability by covering its surface with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) [1], and have successfully achieved the transfer of fabrication technology of the FET biosensors to a company. The semiconductor-based biosensor can detect the intrinsic charge of target proteins, which bind specifically to receptors on the sensing surface, with high sensitivity. The FET biosensor would be applied to various health and medical diagnoses, just by choosing the appropriate receptors for the target proteins. To date, we have demonstrated the applications of the FET biosensors to the detection of tumor marker [2,3,7], influenza virus related proteins [4] and neuropsychiatric disorder related proteins [5,6] etc.

    Detection of tumor marker [2,3,7]

    A tumor marker, which increases with progression of cancer in the blood, is a biogenic factor for cancer screening. We have developed the FET biosensor for tumor marker detection by using antibody or antigen binding fragment (Fab) as a receptor. We succeeded in the quantitative detection of a tumor marker of liver cancer, α-fetoprotein (AFP), in blood serum.

    Detection of influenza virus related proteins [4]

    Influenza virus binds to host cells by using a viral surface protein, hemagglutinin (HA), to recognize the glycan on their cellular surface. Generally, human influenza virus HA (e.g. H1HA) and avian influenza virus HA (e.g. H5HA) binds to the glycans terminating in sialic acid-α2,6-galactose (6′-sialyllactose) and in sialic acid-α2,3-galactose (3′-sialyllactose), respectively. We have succeeded in the development of the glycan-immobilized FET biosensors for the discrimination of H1HA and H5HA at the atto molar level.

    Detection of neuropsychiatric disorder related proteins [5,6]

    Alzheimer’s disease, which is classified as a type of dementia, is known to be due to nerve cell death caused by aggregates and deposits of amyloid β protein (Aβ) in brain. Especially, the aggregation of Aβ42 isoform induces neuronal death. We have demonstrated that the FET biosensor having the gate modified with Congo red (CR), which interact specifically with amyloid aggregate containing cross-β-structure, could detect the Aβ42 aggregates at femto molar level.

    Based on the above-mentioned results, we are now in the earliest stages of commercialization of the FET biosensors toward their industrialization, and try to promote the collaboration with companies, healthcare professionals and so on.


    This work is partly supported by the Center of Innovation Program from Japan Science and Technology Agency, JST, Japan.

    References <p></p> D. Niwa, K. Omichi, N. Motohashi, T. Homma, T. Osaka, Sens. Actuators B, 108, 721–726 (2005).

    <p></p> S. Hideshima, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka, Biosens. Bioelectron., 26, 2419–2425 (2011).

    <p></p> S. Hideshima, R. Sato, S. Inoue, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka, Sens. Actuators B, 161, 146–150 (2012).

    <p></p> S. Hideshima, H. Hinou, D. Ebihara, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, S. Nishimura, T. Osaka, Anal. Chem., 85, 5641–5644 (2013).

    <p></p> S. Hideshima, S. Wustoni, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, A. Koike, T. Osaka, ChemElectroChem, 1, 51–54 (2014).

    <p></p> S. Hideshima, M. Kobayashi, T. Wada, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, N. Sawamura, T. Asahi, T. Osaka, Chem. Commun., 50, 3476–3479 (2014).

    <p></p> S. Cheng, K. Hotani, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, M. Hashimoto, Y. Mori, T. Osaka, Materials, 7, 2490–2500 (2014).


  • Effect of the Receptor Size on the Sensitivity of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor for Label-Free Detection of Cancer Biomarker

    Shanshan Cheng, Kaori Hotani, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Yasuro Mori, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2014-01 ( 5 ) 431 - 431  2014年04月


    The early detection of cancer biomarker is critical for the survival of the patients. A variety of technologies have been developed for biomarker detection, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). However, most of them suffer from a complicated labeling process, time-consuming and relatively insensitive detection. Field effect transistor (FET) has been recognized as a powerful technique, because of the prospect for sensitive, label-free, real time and multifunctional biosensing [1-3]. Yet, the detection of low-level concentrations of cancer biomarker is severely hampered by charge screening effect. The use of small receptor enables immune-binding reaction to occur within the Debye length, resulting in the enhancement of the sensitivity and detection limit of the sensing system.

    In this work, we developed an FET biosensor for label-free detection of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a liver cancer marker. In order to improve the sensitivity of FET biosensor, this biosensor was designed by immobilizing antigen binding fragment (Fab) with small size as a receptor (Figure 1). The immobilization of Fab molecules was carried out on the SiO2 gate surface of FET devices modified with monolayer of 3-aminopropylsilane by using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linker. The gate voltage (V g)-drain current (I ds) characteristics were measured before and after the reaction between cancer biomarker (antigen) in the test solution and receptor (antibody or Fab) on the gate. A shift of threshold voltage (ΔV g), evaluated from a linear region of the FET characteristics was discussed as an FET response. We have experimentally compared the sensitivity of the Fab-immobilized FET biosensors with that of antibody-immobilized one (Figure 2). Electrical measurement results showed that the use of Fab results in more than twice higher response to AFP of the same concentration than the use of antibody. It should be noted that the response of Fab-immobilized FET to 100 pg/mL AFP is still greater than the response of antibody-immobilized FET to 10 ng/mL AFP. Considering the fact that both FETs shows the response as small as 5 mV to 1 μg/mL human serum albumin (HSA) added as a negative control, it was demonstrated that, compared to the antibody-immobilized FET, the Fab-immobilized FET has similar specificity to AFP and detection ability to two-digit lower concentrations.

    Thus, the sensitivity of FET biosensor for label-free detection of cancer biomarker was improved by the use of Fab with small size instead of antibody. The calibration scheme of Fab-immobilized FET biosensor will be discussed at the conference.


    This work was financially supported in part by Grants for Excellent Graduate Schools (Practical Chemical Wisdom), and by Global COE program “Center for Practical Chemical Wisdom”, both from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.


    [1] D. Niwa, K. Omichi, N. Motohashi, T. Homma, T. Osaka, Sens. Actuators B, 108, 721 (2005).

    [2] S. Hideshima, R. Sato, S. Inoue, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka, Sens. Actuators B, 161, 146 (2012).

    [3] S. Hideshima, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka, Biosens. Bioelectron., 26, 2419 (2011).


  • Effect of Synthetic Quartz Nanoparticle-Supported Counter Electrode on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell

    Shigeki Kuroiwa, Atsushi Kyan, Tomoko Ito, Nobuaki Komatsu, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    ELECTROCHEMISTRY   82 ( 3 ) 165 - 167  2014年03月  [査読有り]



    We fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) with synthetic quartz nanoparticle (SQNP)-supported Pt/fluorine doped tin oxide counter electrodes to utilize an adsorptive capacity of synthetic quartz. The amperage of I-3(-) reduction was 1.6 times higher with SQNP than that without SQNP. SQNP also improved the photocurrent density-voltage characteristics and the incident photon to current conversion efficiency spectra in the visible region. These suggest that SQNP enhances the I-3(-) reduction activity on the counter electrode and the electron transfer to the photoanode. The SQNP-supported counter electrode is expected to be useful to raise the efficiency of a DSSC. (C) The Electrochemical Society of Japan, All rights reserved.



  • Monitoring Amyloid Sup35NM Growth with Label-Free Electrical Detection Using a Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor

    Sho Hideshima, Shofarul Wustoni, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Ayumi Koike-Takeshita, Tetsuya Osaka

    CHEMELECTROCHEM   1 ( 1 ) 51 - 54  2014年01月  [査読有り]



  • A label-free electrical assay of fibrous amyloid β based on semiconductor biosensing

    Hideshima, S, Kobayashi, M, Wada, T, Kuroiwa, S, Nakanishi, T, Sawamura, N, Asahi, T, Osaka T

    Chemical Communications   50 ( 26 ) 3476 - 3479  2014年  [査読有り]



  • Field effect transistor biosensor using antigen binding fragment for detecting tumor marker in human serum

    Shanshan Cheng, Kaori Hotani, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Masahiro Hashimoto, Yasuro Mori, Tetsuya Osaka

    Materials   7 ( 4 ) 2490 - 2500  2014年


    Detection of tumor markers is important for cancer diagnosis. Field-effect transistors (FETs) are a promising method for the label-free detection of trace amounts of biomolecules. However, detection of electrically charged proteins using antibody-immobilized FETs is limited by ionic screening by the large probe molecules adsorbed to the transistor gate surface, reducing sensor responsiveness. Here, we investigated the effect of probe molecule size on the detection of a tumor marker, α-fetoprotein (AFP) using a FET biosensor. We demonstrated that the small receptor antigen binding fragment (Fab), immobilized on a sensing surface as small as 2-3 nm, offers a higher degree of sensitivity and a wider concentration range (100 pg/mL-1 μg/mL) for the FET detection of AFP in buffer solution, compared to the whole antibody. Therefore, the use of a small Fab probe molecule instead of a whole antibody is shown to be effective for improving the sensitivity of AFP detection in FET biosensors. Furthermore, we also demonstrated that a Fab-immobilized FET subjected to a blocking treatment, to avoid non-specific interactions, could sensitively and selectively detect AFP in human serum. © 2014 by the authors.



  • Effect of Amyloid Conformation On the Response of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor to Sup35NM Protein

    Sho Hideshima, Shofarul Wustoni, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Ayumi Koike-Takeshita, Tetsuya Osaka

    ECS Meeting Abstracts   MA2013-02 ( 47 ) 2672 - 2672  2013年10月


    Abstract not Available.


  • Attomolar Detection of Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin Human H1 and Avian H5 Using Glycan-blotted Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    Hideshima, S, Hinou, H, Ebihara, D, Sato, R, Kuroiwa, S, Nakanishi, T, Nishimura, S, Osaka, T

    Analytical Chemistry   85 ( 12 ) 5641 - 5644  2013年05月

  • Effect of the size of receptor in allergy detection using field effect transistor biosensor

    Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Marika Kimura, Shanshan Cheng, Tetsuya Osaka

    Electrochimica Acta   110   146 - 151  2013年


    Allergy diagnosis, conducted to determine whether a specific syndrome is attributable to allergy, plays a significant role in the overall health examination. In this paper we report that the detection of allergy-associated protein, immunoglobulin E (IgE), was achieved by using field effect transistors (FETs) immobilized with an antigen as a receptor, which is smaller in size than the conventional receptor (antibody). The antigen-immobilized FETs exhibit a higher response to IgE than the antibody-immobilized FETs, suggesting that the smaller receptor not only makes the more effective use of the charge-detectable region for the FET-based detection in terms of Debye length, but also provides more recognition sites for target molecules and greater ability to block nonspecific adsorption of non-related proteins because of the closely-packed immobilized receptors. In addition, the application of the antigen to FET biosensor gives an advantage in the identification of the specific allergen. These results show that the small receptor of antigen is more effective than the antibody in the allergy detection using FET biosensors. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..



  • Detection of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 by Field Effect Transistor with a Fibronectin-immobilized Gate

    Daisuke Yamamoto, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   41 ( 8 ) 825 - 827  2012年08月  [査読有り]


    Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) is known to be involved in chronic inflammation, tumor invasion, and carcinogenesis. To detect MMP-2, we examined the use of field effect transistors (FETs). After the addition of MMP-2 to a fibronectin (FN)-immobilized gate, negative value of FET response was observed, which indicates MMP-2 decreased the amount of negative charges arising from FN molecules. This FET device successfully detected MMP-2 by utilizing degradation of FN on the gate.



  • Detection of tumor marker in blood serum using antibody-modified field effect transistor with optimized BSA blocking

    Sho Hideshima, Ryosuke Sato, Sayaka Inoue, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Tetsuya Osaka

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   161 ( 1 ) 146 - 150  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    This paper demonstrates that antibody-modified field effect transistors (FETs), which were treated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) blocking, had quantitative capability for tumor marker detection in blood serum. Antibody-modified surface covered with 0.1% BSA effectively minimized nonspecific adsorption of blood proteins. Tumor markers with their isoelectric points of around 5 generated strong signals in body environmental pH (pH 7.4) in proteins with isoelectric points ranging from 3 to 10. Detection of a tumor marker alpha-fetoprotein in blood serum at required level for clinical diagnosis (10 ng/mL) was achieved. The obtained results suggest that the fabricated FETs be expected to practical application in medical fields for direct detection of multi-tumor markers from blood. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Effect of surface roughness and surface modification of indium tin oxide electrode on its potential response to tryptophan

    Md Zaved Hossain Khan, Takuya Nakanishi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Yoichi Hoshi, Tetsuya Osaka

    ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA   56 ( 24 ) 8657 - 8661  2011年10月  [査読有り]


    The effect of surface modification of indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode on its potential response to tryptophan was investigated for ITO substrates with different surface roughness. It was found that a small difference in surface roughness, between similar to 1 and similar to 2 nm of R(a) evaluated by atomic force microscopy, affects the rest potential of ITO electrode in the electrolyte. A slight difference in In:Sn ratio at the near surface of the ITO substrates, measured by angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectrometry and Auger electron spectroscopy is remarkable, and considered to relate with surface roughness. Interestingly, successive modification of the ITO surface with aminopropylsilane and disuccinimidyl suberate, of which essentiality to the potential response to indole compounds we previously reported, improved the stability of the rest potential and enabled the electrodes to respond to tryptophan in case of specimens with R(a) values ranging between similar to 2 and similar to 3 nm but not for those with R(a) of similar to 1 nm. It was suggested that there are optimum values of effective work function of ITO for specific potential response to tryptophan, which can be obtained by the successive modification of ITO surface. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Fabrication of stable antibody-modified field effect transistors using electrical activation of Schiff base cross-linkages for tumor marker detection

    Sho Hideshima, Ryosuke Sato, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Tetsuya Osaka

    BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS   26 ( 5 ) 2419 - 2425  2011年01月  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we present a method of fabricating a rigid antibody-immobilized surface using electric activation of a glutaraldehyde (GA)-modified aminopropylsilyl surface for stable antibody-modified field effect transistors (FETs). Electric activation of the GA-modified gate surface of the FET reduces Schiff bases, which are easily hydrolyzed and collapsed, formed between GA and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, resulting in preventing the immobilized antibodies from desorbing from the surface. The lack of Raman peaks that could be assigned to a Schiff base after the electrical activation of the GA-modified surface indicated that the electric activation had reduced the Schiff base. The use of the antibody-modified FETs has three advantages for the detection of antigens: increased sensitivity, distinct recognition ability, and improved reproducibility. A tumor marker, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), was quantitatively detected up to a concentration of 10 ng/mL using the antibody-modified FET. The detection ability of the FET accomplished a cutoff value of hepatic cancer. The quantitative detection of AFP in a solution with contaminating proteins was also demonstrated. This electric activation method is applicable to other antibody-modified FETs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Relation between Effective Charge Numbers and Signals Caused by Protein Adsorption on Field Effect Transistor Detection

    S. Hideshima, T. Nakamura, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka



    This paper describes a practical method for predicting signals of an adsorbed protein detected by field effect transistors (FETs). The FETs detect the change of the surface charge caused by protein adsorption. The sensing signals strongly depend on an ionic strength of the buffer solution. The prediction of signals is useful for optimizing the strength. A calculation method using three-dimensional conformation structure of proteins was proposed for the prediction tool in the latest paper citing biotin-avidin interaction as an example. To verify availability of the method for alternative adsorbed protein, an adsorption model of streptavidin, which also has a binding ability to biotin, was investigated. Streptavidin has little charge in a buffer solution at pH 7.4 calculated from the method. The results suggest that the signals caused by adsorption of streptavidin were barely detectable using a biotinylated FET.



  • Sialylglycan-modified Field Effect Transistor for Detection of Charged Lectin under Physiological Conditions

    Takahiro Nakamura, Yoshihiro Sakurai, Sho Hideshima, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Tetsuya Osaka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   39 ( 12 ) 1245 - 1247  2010年12月  [査読有り]


    Determination of protein charges under physiological conditions by field effect transistors (FETs) is challenging because of the screening effect by solution counter ions We showed that sugar-chain-modified FETs can detect proteins under physiological conditions Protein charges are detectable on the gate interface by applying sugar chains as receptors these sugar chains are short and highly flexible Threshold voltage shifts caused by adsorption of SSA lectin from Sambucus sieboldiana onto sialylglycan-modified FET showed a linear relationship with SSA concentrations under physiological conditions



  • Theoretical Optimization Method of Buffer Ionic Concentration for Protein Detection Using Field Effect Transistors

    Hideshima, S, Einati, H, Nakamura, T, Kuroiwa, S, Shacham-Diamand, Y, Osaka, T

    Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research   20 ( 8 ) J410 - J410  2010年10月



  • Effect of Surface Morphology on Ionic Response of Reference Field Effect Transistor

    Shigeki Kuroiwa, Tomomi Shibasaki, Tetsuya Osaka

    ELECTROCHEMISTRY   78 ( 2 ) 143 - 145  2010年02月  [査読有り]


    Fabricating reference field effect transistor (FET) sensors instead of reference electrodes are important for the miniaturization and variegated applications of FET sensors. To make a reference FET, the gate surface of FET was modified with the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of n-octadecyltrimethoxysilane (ODS). Though an ODS-SAM FET had low pH-sensitivity, it was cation-sensitive. This work demonstrates the relation between the surface morphology and the cationic and pH-sensitivity of ODS-SAM FETs. A roughness parameter of atomic force microscope images. the mean summit curvature (Ssc) has correlation with the cationic and pH-sensitivity of ODS-SAM FETs.



  • Theoretical Optimization Method of Buffer Ionic Concentration for Protein Detection Using Field Effect Transistors

    Sho Hideshima, Hila Einati, Takahiro Nakamura, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Yosi Shacham-Diamand, Tetsuya Osaka

    JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY   157 ( 12 ) J410 - J414  2010年  [査読有り]


    Field effect transistors (FETs) may respond to charge variations occurring when proteins are adsorbed to the gate surface. The electrolyte electrostatic screening allows a practical detection of charges that are only within a distance of approximately the double layer thickness, which is related to the Debye length in the electrolyte. Hence, operating the FET biomolecular sensors at the highest possible ionic concentration improves reproducibility; however, it may reduce the signal if the concentration is too high. Here, we propose an optimization method of the buffer ionic concentration using a figure of merit "charge number," Z(d), which is defined as the ratio between the effective number of the surface charges and the number of immobilized molecules. The theoretical Z(d) was calculated using a three-dimensional conformation data taken from the Protein Data Bank. The Z(d) was obtained from the total number of four charged amino acids of avidin, arginine (positive), lysine (positive), aspartic acid (negative), and glutamic acid (negative), which are within the double layer length from the surface. To verify this model, we chose avidin-biotin interaction. The experimental Z(d), which was obtained for three buffer concentrations, matched the theoretical Z(d). This method shortens the solution calibration time and reduces the analyte amount. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3491764] All rights reserved.



  • Modulation of protein-ligand interactions by photocleavage of a cyclic peptide using phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase SH3 domain as model system

    Isao Takahashi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Hanna E. Lindfors, Lionel A. Ndamba, Yoshitaka Hiruma, Tatsuo Yajima, Nobuyuki Okishio, Marcellus Ubbink, Shun Hirota

    JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE   15 ( 6 ) 411 - 416  2009年06月  [査読有り]


    To photomodulate the interaction of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase SH3 domain with a peptide ligand, a cyclic peptide (cyclic-1)with a photolabile side chain-to-side chain linker was synthesized. The conformation of cyclic-1 differs from that of the parent linear peptide, but becomes identical by UV-irradiation. Accordingly, the binding affinity of cyclic-1 to the SH3 domain increased upon conversion of the cyclic to a linear flexible structure by irradiation (Kd: 3.4 +/- 1.7 and 0.9 +/- 0.3 mm, respectively). These results confirm the usefulness of a photocleavable peptide for photocontrol of peptide-protein interactions. Copyright (C) 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • Tb3+-enhanced Potentiometric Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism by Field Effect Transistors

    Jinping Wang, Kenya Ito, Takuya Nakanishi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Tetsuya Osaka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   38 ( 4 ) 376 - 377  2009年04月  [査読有り]


    The use of Tb3+ as a center ion and media to introduce more exogenously negative charges onto double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), can greatly enhance potentiometric signals produced by the shift of gate voltage of field effect transisitor (FET). Furthermore, different affinities of Tb3+ to normal and mismatched dsDNAs amplified the signal difference between their detections, which can improve the discrimination of single nucleotide polymorphism.



  • Effect of Surface Morphology of Reference Field Effect Transistor Modified by Octadecyltrimethoxysilane on Ionic Responses

    Kuroiwa, S, Wang, J, Satake, D, Nomura, S, Osaka, T

    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &amp; Technology   19 ( 7 )  2009年02月

  • Effect of Surface Morphology of Reference Field Effect Transistor Modified by Octadecyltrimethoxysilane on Ionic Responses

    Shigeki Kuroiwa, Jinping Wang, Daisuke Satake, Satoshi Nomura, Tetsuya Osaka

    JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY   156 ( 4 ) J67 - J72  2009年  [査読有り]


    For completion of on-chip field effect transistor (FET) biosensors, it is essential to produce a reference FET instead of a reference electrode that uses an inner electrolyte. In this study, a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) modified by a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of octadecylsilane (ODS) was pH-insensitive (-1.5 mV/pH), but it was sensitive to ionic strength as was reported in polymer-gate FETs. Our purpose was to make clear the problems of the evaluation methods of ODS-SAM FETs concerning pH and ionic responses and the effect of the surface morphology to improve a reference SAM-FET. An ODS-SAM LAPS and FET were deposited under different conditions. pH and ionic responses, roughness measured by atomic force microscope, and contact angle (CA) were greatly changed by the difference in morphology of the ODS-SAM. ODS coagulation raised the CA. It is difficult to distinguish the ODS-SAM with and without ODS coagulation only by CA, but CA is utilizable for observing the state of hydroxyl groups on the surface without ODS coagulation. ODS coagulation caused the pH response with the ODS-SAM but decreased the ionic response of the LAPS. Controlling the surface morphology of the ODS-SAM is important to suppress the pH and ionic sensitivities for an in vivo applicable reference FET.



  • ミトコンドリア中のシトクロム酸化酵素のin situラマン散乱

    小倉尚志, 高橋俊成, 黒岩繁樹

    生物物理   45   272 - 275  2005年09月

  • Heme Reduction by Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Cysteine Mutant Myoglobin under Carbon Monoxide Atmosphere

    Hirota, S, Azuma, K, Fukuba, M, Kuroiwa, S, Funasaki, N

    Biochemistry   44   10322 - 10327  2005年04月

  • Reduction of ferricytochrome c by tyrosyltyrosylphenylalanine

    Hirota, S, Okumura, H, Kuroiwa, S, Funasaki, N, Watanabe, Y

    J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.   10   355 - 363  2005年03月

  • Probing the Oxygen Activation Reaction in Intact Whole Mitochondria through Analysis of Molecular Vibrations

    Takahashi, T, Kuroiwa, S, Ogura, T, Yoshikawa, S

    J. Am. Chem. Soc.   127   9970 - 9971  2005年03月

  • Application of deep blue diode laser to resonance Raman spectroscopy of hemoproteins

    K Oda, S Kuroiwa, T Ogura

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   58 ( 5 ) 636 - 638  2004年05月  [査読有り]

  • The position of cytochrome b(559) relative to Q(A) in Photosystem II studied by electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR)

    S Kuroiwa, M Tonaka, A Kawamori, K Akabori

    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS   1460 ( 2-3 ) 330 - 337  2000年11月  [査読有り]


    The electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) method was applied to measure the dipole interaction between cytochrome (Cyt) b(559)(+) and the primary acceptor quinone (Q(A)(-)), observed at g = 2.0045 with the peak to peak width of about 9 G, in Photosystem II (PS II) in which the non-heme Fe2+ was substituted by Zn2+. The paramagnetic centers of Cyt b(559)(+)Y(D)(.)Q(A)(-) were trapped by illumination at 273 K for 8 min, followed by dark adaptation for 3 min and freezing into 77 K. The distance between the pair Cyt b(559)(+)-Q(A)(-) was estimated from the dipole interaction constant fitted to the observed ELDOR time profile to be 40 +/- 1 Angstrom. In the membrane oriented PS II particles the angle between the vector from Q(A) to Cyt b(559) and the membrane normal was determined to be 80 +/- 5 degrees. The position of Cyt b559 relative to Q(A) suggests that the heme plane is located on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane. ELDOR was not observed for Cyt b(559)(+) Y-D(.) spin pair, suggesting the distance between them is more than 50 Angstrom. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • A comparative electron spin echo envelope modulation study of the primary electron acceptor quinone in Zn-substituted and cyanide-treated preparations of photosystem II

    AV Astashkin, H Hara, S Kuroiwa, A Kawamori, K Akabori

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS   108 ( 24 ) 10143 - 10151  1998年06月  [査読有り]


    The electron spin echo envelope modulation spectra of the reduced primary acceptor quinone, Q(A), in two preparations of plant photosystem II, have been studied. In one of these preparations the Fe2+ ion in the quinone-iron complex has been substituted by diamagnetic Zn2+. In the other preparation this iron ion has been converted into the diamagnetic state using a potassium cyanide treatment. A comparative analysis of two-dimensional three-pulse electron spin echo envelope modulation spectra has shown similar structure of the binding site of QA in both preparations. Two nitrogen nuclei have been found to contribute to the spectra in both preparations. One of these nitrogens is, most probably, an amino nitrogen in the imidazole ring of histidine 215 of the D2 protein. The other nitrogen has been assigned to the peptide group of alanine 261 of the D2 protein. The numerical simulations of the electron spin echo envelope modulation spectra have shown that both nitrogens are simultaneously bound to Q(A). (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.

  • 光合成光化学系Ⅱにおける環状電子移動と光阻害反応初期過程


    広島大学総合科学部紀要   Ⅳ   187 - 190  1996年



    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS   102 ( 14 ) 5583 - 5588  1995年04月  [査読有り]

  • ESEEM and pulsed ENDOR studies of primary acceptor quinone in photosystem II

    A Kawamori, H Mino, AV Astashkin, S Kuroiwa, K Akabori

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS: FROM LIGHT TO BIOSPHERE, VOL I   Vol. I   563 - 566  1995年  [査読有り]



    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   34 ( 1 ) 139 - 139  1992年10月  [査読有り]



  • 近未来のデジタルヘルスを支える酵素バイオ技術~センサと発電~

    ( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第Ⅳ編 第8章 電界効果トランジスタを用いたバイオセンサ)

    シーエムシー出版  2022年02月


  • 疑似抗原との競合を利用した半導体型バイオセンサによる血清中5-フルオロウラシルの検出

    林宏樹, 藤田真佑里, 黒岩繁樹, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 岡田政久, 芝崎太, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 受容体分子の変形に伴う電荷分布の変化を利用したコルチゾールアプタマー固定化電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサ

    黒岩 繁樹, 林 宏樹, 遠山 良, 大橋 啓之, 門間 聰之, 逢坂 哲彌


    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • Detection of Stress-Related Secretory IgA in Human Sweat Using Lectin-Immobilized Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    H. Hayashi, N. Sakamoto, S. Hideshima, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, S. Kuroiwa, K. Ohashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020)  

    発表年月: 2020年10月

  • Saliva Stress Marker Monitor Using Aptamer Immobilized FET Biosensor

    K. Ohashi, S. Kuroiwa, R. Toyama, H. Hayashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020)  

    発表年月: 2020年10月

  • Detection of Uncharged 5-Fluorouracil Exploiting Sequential Adsorption of 5-Fluorouracil-Modified Bovine Serum Albumin Using Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    M. Fujita, H. Hayashi, S. Kuroiwa, K. Ohashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka, M. Okada, F. Shibasaki

    Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020)  

    発表年月: 2020年10月

  • 自由形状を有するフレキシブルECデバイスの開発

    樋口昌芳, 藤井幸男, 黒岩繁樹, 大橋啓之, 濱田芳治, 久保田晃弘


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • Internal Environment Sensing for Human Centric IoT

    K. Ohashi, S. Kuroiwa, R. Toyama, H. Hayashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    7th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年11月

  • 簡便なストレスマーカー検出のための半導体センサ界面の構築とバイオセンシングシステム

    林宏樹, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • FETバイオセンサによる非荷電分子検出の感度向上を目的としたターゲット-アプタマー複合体を用いた認識界面の構築

    遠山良, 黒岩繁樹, 林宏樹, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌

    2019年 電気化学秋季大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • Semiconductor-Based Portable Biosensor for Food Allergen Detection

    S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, H. Hayashi, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2019 (ISCAS2019)  

    発表年月: 2019年05月

  • ストレスマーカーの低侵襲測定に向けたアプタマー固定化電界効果トランジスタセンサの作製

    遠山良, 林宏樹, 黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌

    TOBIRA 第8回研究交流フォーラム(2019)  

    発表年月: 2019年05月

  • 小型受容体ジャカリンを用いた電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサによる分泌型IgAの検出

    坂本尚輝, 林宏樹, 佐藤慎, 秀島翔, 原田義孝, 綱美香, 黒岩繁樹, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • インフルエンザウイルスの宿主域識別に向けた糖鎖固定化半導体センサの評価

    林宏樹, 秀島翔, 比能洋, 西村紳一郎, 迫田義博, 黒岩繁樹, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌

    第18回Conference for BioSignal and Medicine CBSM2018  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • Development of food allergy detection system based on field effect transistor biosensor

    S. Hideshima, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • コンゴ―レッド固定化FETバイオセンサを用いたヒト血清中アミロイドβ凝集体の検出

    黒岩繁樹, 林宏樹, 秀島翔, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Detection of Whole Influenza Viral Particle in High Ionic Strength Solution by using Glycan-Immobilized Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    S. hideshima, H. Hayashi, S. kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    The 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nano System Technologies (EMNT2018)  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • Chemical durability of graphene oxide/aminopropylsilane coated onSiO2 gate of field effect transistor towards biosensor application

    R. Takeuchi, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    International Symposium on Biological Material Science for Agriculture and Engineering  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Detection of four kinds of Stress Biomarkers by Aptamer-Immobilized Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    R. Toyama, S. Kuroiwa, S. Hideshima, N. Kaneko, H. Horii, H. Minagawa, I. Waga, K. Ohasi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    International Symposium on Biological Material Science for Agriculture and Engineering  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Discrimination of influenza virus subtypes in nasal mucus using glycan-immobilized field effect transistor biosensor

    H. Hayashi, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    International Symposium on Biological Material Science for Agriculture and Engineering  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Graphene-oxide/self-assembled-monolayer coated insulator for log term solution stability of field effect transistor based biosensor

    S. Hideshima, R. Takeuchi, S. kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    28th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Detection of Influenza virus in nasal mucus by viscosity reduction using glycan-immobilized FET biosensor

    H. Hayashi, S. Hideshima, H. Hinou, S. Nishimura, Y. Sakoda, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    28th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Detection of Mental Stress Biomarker by Aptamer-Immobilized Field-Effect Transistor Sensor

    S. Kuroiwa, R. Takibuchi, S. Hideshima, N. Kaneko, K. Horii, H. Minagawa, I. Waga, T. Nakanishi, K. Ohashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    "22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry "  

    発表年月: 2018年04月

  • Fabrication of Aptamer-Immobilized Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor for Detecing Stress Biomakers

    R. Takibuchi, S. Kuroiwa, S. Hideshima, T. Nakanishi, K. Ohashi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Evaluation of stability of graphine oxide coating on gate insulator of field effect transistor biosensor during storage in solution

    R. Takeuchi, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • FET-based detection of buckwheat allergenic protein in food by introduction of negatively charged surfactant for signal amplifacation

    M. Saito, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Development of glycan-immobilized FET biosensor toward the detection of Influenza virus biological sample

    H. Hayashi, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Momma, T. Osaka

    5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Label-Free and Highly Sensitive Detection of Buckwheat 16kD Allergenic Protein with Field Effect Transistor (FET) Sensor and Immunochromatography Strip

    Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, S. Hideshima, M. Saito, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    232 nd ECS Meeting  

    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • Development of Semiconductor-Based Biosensor for Detection of Buckwheat Allergenic Protein in Food Products

    S. Hideshima, M. Saito, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    232 nd ECS Meeting  

    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • Fabrication of Aptamer-Immobilized Multi-Target Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor for Sensing Mental Stress

    S. Kuroiwa, R. Takibuchi, A. Matsuzaka, S. Hideshima, N. Kaneko, H. Minagawa, K. Horii, I. Waga, T. Nakanishi, K. Ohhashi, T. Momma

    232 nd ECS Meeting  

    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • アプタマー固定化電界効果トランジスタ型バイオセンサの作製とストレスマーカーの検出

    滝渕亮太, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 金子直人, 皆川宏貴, 堀井克紀, 和賀巌, 中西卓也, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • 溶液中保存の安定性向上を目指した電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサゲート絶縁膜への酸化グラフェン被覆

    竹内亮, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2017年09月

  • アプタマー固定化センサー

    大橋啓之, 黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔


    発表年月: 2017年08月

  • ストレスマーカーモニターの開発~生体バランスセンシングプロジェクト

    大橋啓之, 黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔, 逢坂哲彌, 内海和明


    発表年月: 2017年08月

  • α-アミラーゼアプタマー固定化電界効果トランジスタ型バイオセンサの作製とα-アミラーゼの検出

    滝渕亮太, 松坂朱峰, 秀島翔, 金子直人, 皆川宏貴, 堀井克紀, 和賀巌, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之

    第17回Conference for BioSignal and Medicine  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • NFC給電のみで動作可能なpH測定デバイスの提案

    宮林駿, 隼田大輝, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 武岡真司, 大橋啓之, 佐藤慎, 黒岩繁樹, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌, 多和田雅師


    発表年月: 2017年05月

  • α-アミラーゼアプタマー固定化電界効果トランジスタ型バイオセンサーの作製とα-アミラーゼの検出

    松坂朱峰, 秀島翔, 金子直人, 堀井克紀, 和賀巌, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2017年03月

  • Signal Amplification Techniques By Effective Use of the Interfacial Region for Field Effect Transistor (FET) Based Biosensing

    S. Hideshima, S. Wustoni, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan)  

    発表年月: 2016年10月

  • 糖鎖固定化電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサによるインフルエンザウイルス粒子の高感度検出

    林宏樹, 秀島翔, 比能洋, 西村紳一郎, 迫田義博, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第16回大会 (CBSM2016)  

    発表年月: 2016年09月

  • 電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサによる加工食品中のソバアレルゲンの検出

    齊藤真衣, 秀島翔, 原田義孝, 綱美香, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第16回大会 (CBSM2016)  

    発表年月: 2016年09月

  • Aptamer-based Biosensors for Rapid Detection of Stress Markers

    N. Kaneko, H. Minagawa, J. Akitomi, I. Shiratori, K. Ohashi, S. Kuroiwa, S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, T. Osaka, K. Horii, I. Waga

    ISNAC 2016 (The 43rd International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry)  

    発表年月: 2016年09月

  • Effect of Serum Protein on the Response of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor to Amyloid Fibrils

    S. Hideshima, S. Wustoni, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka


    発表年月: 2016年08月

  • 半導体バイオセンサを用いた健康管理システムの開発

    秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    TOBIRA 第5回研究交流フォーラム  

    発表年月: 2016年05月

  • Monitoring biomolecules and ions with an FET sensor for physiological balance

    K. Ohashi, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, S. Hideshima, T. Osaka

    Biosensors 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年05月

  • Signal amplification method for semiconductor biosensing by addition of charged surfactants

    S. Hideshima, K. Fujita, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, T. Osaka

    Biosensors 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年05月

  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いたタンパク質検出に界面活性剤処理が及ぼす影響

    齊藤真衣, 藤田圭祐, 秀島翔, 原田義孝, 綱美香, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • "電界効果トランジスタ(FET)センサを用いたソバ16kDアレルゲンタンパク質 の非標識高感度検出 "

    原田義孝, 綱美香, 藤田圭祐, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • 糖鎖固定化FETバイオセンサを用いたインフルエンザウイルス分離ヘマグルチニンの検出

    林宏樹, 南部谷俊介, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム 第1回分科会ワークショップ「健康・医療分野における研究の現状と今後」  

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • Simple and label-free detection of prion protein using FET biosensor

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    3rd DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on electrochemistry  

    発表年月: 2015年12月

  • Amplification strategy of FET biosensor signal for sensitive detection of prion proteins

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    228th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS)  

    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • 生体バランス物質のさりげないセンシング

    大橋啓之, 黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • 電界効果トランジスタ(FET)バイオセンサを用いた食物アレルゲンの検出とアニオン界面活性剤処理による高感度化

    藤田圭祐, 秀島翔, 原田義孝, 綱美香, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • Unobtrusive and Wireless Physiological Balance Sensing

    K. Ohashi, S. Kuroiwa, S. Hideshima, T. Nakanishi, A. Matsuzaka, T. Osaka

    The 6th Annual IEEE Conference on RFID Technology and Applications  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 非水系電解めっきを用いたアナターゼ型TiO2薄膜の作製

    史一明, 横島時彦, 蜂巣琢磨, 杉山敦史, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌, 中島徳子, 吉野正洋


    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • Electrical Detection of Amyloid Prion Protein Using FET Biosensor

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    The 6th NIMS/MANA-Waseda University International Symposium  

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Discrimination between Subtypes of Hemagglutinin Dissociated from Influenza Virus Using Glycan-Modified Field Effect Transistor

    S. Nambuya, T. Maekawa, S. Hideshima, H. Hinou, S. Nishimura, Y. Sakoda, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine2015 (CBSM2015)  

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • A simple label-free detection of food allergenic proteins by filed effect transistor (FET) biosensor

    K. Fujita, S. Hideshima, Y. Harada, M. Tsuna, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine2015 (CBSM2015)  

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Field effect transistor (FET) biosensor functionalized with different probe molecules for identification of amyloid prion protein

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    MANA International Symposium  

    発表年月: 2015年03月

  • 糖鎖固定化電界効果トランジスタによるインフルエンザウイルスから分離したヘマグルチニンの検出

    南部谷俊介, 前川達洋, 秀島翔, 比能洋, 西村紳一郎, 迫田義博, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2015年03月

  • PtCu電析とCu脱合金化による色素増感太陽電池用高表面積Pt電極の作製

    田中俊, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2015年03月

  • 糖鎖固定化電界効果トランジスタによるインフルエンザウイルスヘマグルチニン亜型の識別

    南部谷俊介, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2014年12月

  • 電界効果型トランジスタ型のバイオセンシングにおける分子サイズとクラスター効果の影響

    黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    革新的イノベーション創出プログラム (COI-STREAM) 第2回拠点内研究交流会  

    発表年月: 2014年12月

  • Label-Free Detection of Proteins Using Field Effect Transistor (FET) Biosensors for Diagnosis of Cancer and Allergy

    S. Cheng, K. Hotani, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第13回大会(CBSM 2014)  

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Development of field effect transistor (FET) biosensor for detection of amyloid prion protein

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, Y. Mori, T. Osaka

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第13回大会(CBSM 2014)  

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • "Biofunctionalization of the surface of FET sensors with small receptors to improve their sensitivity"

    S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technology (EMNT2014)  

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Toward Industrialization on Semiconductor-Based Biosensors in Health and Medical Fields

    S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, M. Hashimoto, Y. Mori, T. Osaka

    2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting  

    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • Effect of Metal Ion Addition on The Sensitivity of Prion Detection Using Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    65th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)  

    発表年月: 2014年08月

  • Detection of human prion protein using thiamine-immobilized field effect transistor biosensor

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    Biosensors 2014  

    発表年月: 2014年05月

  • Effect of the Receptor Size on the Sensitivity of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor for Label-Free Detection of Cancer Biomarker

    S. Cheng, K. Hotani, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, Y. Mori, T. Osaka

    225th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS)  

    発表年月: 2014年05月

  • Evaluation of Amyloid Sup35NM Growth Using Congo red-Immobilized FET Biosensor

    S. Wustoni, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    NIMS-早稲田 ジョイントシンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • Label-free detection of neuron specific enolase in human serum using antibody-immobilized field-effect transistor

    S. Cheng, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    NIMS-早稲田 ジョイントシンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • Antibody-immobilized field effect transistor biosensor for quantitive detection of cytokeratinfragment 21-1 in blood serum

    S. Cheng, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    International Symposium on Integration of Chemistry and Bioscience  

    発表年月: 2014年01月

  • Antibody‐immobilized Field Effect Transistor Biosensor for Quantitative Detection of Cytokeratinfragment 21‐1 in blood serum

    S. Cheng, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources (WAEPS-6)  

    発表年月: 2013年12月

  • 腫瘍マーカーの電気的検出におけるプローブ分子小型化による高感度化

    宝谷佳織, 程サンサン, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2013年12月

  • 高性能センサが導く健やかな暮らしと社会

    中西卓也, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2013年11月

  • Effect of Amyloid Conformation On the Response of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor to Sup35NM Protein

    S. Hideshima, S. Wustoni, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, A. Koike-Takeshita, T. Osaka

    224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS)  

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • 糖鎖受容体を用いた電界効果トランジスタによるインフルエンザウイルスヘマグルチニンの検出

    海老原大介, 秀島翔, 比能洋, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 西村紳一郎, 逢坂哲彌

    第3回CSJ化学フェスタ 2013  

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • "Detection of Tumor Marker Using Antibody-modified Field Effect Transistor Biosensors "

    S. Cheng, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    The IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM) 2013  

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • Response of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor to Amyloid Beta (1-42) Depending on Its Growth

    S. Hideshima, M. Kobayashi, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, N. Sawamura, T. Asahi, T. Osaka

    64th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)  

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • 電析・脱合金化法による色素増感太陽電池用高表面積白金電極の作製

    喜屋武厚, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • Field effect transistor biosensor for the detection of matrix metalloproteinase-2 by utilizing degradation of fibronection immobilized on the gate

    D. Yamamoto, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on Electrochemistry  

    発表年月: 2013年08月

  • Size Effect in Immunoreations Using Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on Electrochemistry  

    発表年月: 2013年08月

  • Immobilization of Congo Red on Gate Surface of FET Biosensor for Detection of Amyloid Sup35NM

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, A. Koike-Takeshita, T. Osaka

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第12回大会(CBSM 2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • Quantitative detection of CYFRA 21-1 using antibody-based field effect transistor biosensors

    S. Cheng, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第12回大会(CBSM 2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いたアミロイドβ (1-42)凝集体の検出

    小林万純, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 澤村直哉, 朝日透, 逢坂哲彌

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第12回大会(CBSM 2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いたα-フェトプロテインの検出におけるプローブ分子サイズの影響

    宝谷佳織, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第12回大会(CBSM 2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • 糖鎖固定化電界効果トランジスタを用いたインフルエンザウイルスヘマグルチニンの検出

    海老原大介, 秀島翔, 比能洋, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 西村紳一郎, 逢坂哲彌

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第12回大会(CBSM 2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • アレルギー抗原タンパク質固定化電界効果トランジスタセンサによるIgE検出

    黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌

    Conference for BioSignal and Medicine 第12回大会(CBSM 2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • フィブロネクチンの分解反応を利用したマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ-2のFETによる検出

    山本大輔, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2013年03月

  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いた凝集形態の異なるアミロイドβの検出

    小林万純, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 澤村直哉, 朝日透, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2013年03月

  • Detection of Amyloid Sup35NM Depending on Its Growth Using Field Effect Transistor

    S. Wustoni, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 小池あゆみ, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2013年03月

  • Protein Determination Using Filed Effect Transistor Biosensor toward Practical Applications

    S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources (WAEPS-5)  

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Detection of Specific IgE Using Antigen-immobilized Field Effect Transistor

    S. Kuroiwa, S. Hideshima, T. Osaka

    The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources (WAEPS-5)  

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Detection of Amyloid Protein Using Congo Red-immobilized Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    S. Wustoni, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, A. Koike-Takeshita, T. Osaka

    The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources (WAEPS-5)  

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Carbohydrate Immobilization on the Surface of Field Effect Transistor Biosensor for Detection of Virus-related Protein

    S. Hideshima, H. Hinou, D. Ebihara, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, S. Nishimura, T. Osaka

    PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan)  

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • シアル酸含有糖鎖修飾電界効果トランジスタのニホンニワトコレクチンへの応答とその濃度依存性

    相澤一成, 中西卓也, 黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔, 逢坂哲彌

    第2回CSJ化学フェスタ 2012  

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Importance of Small Receptor on Allergy Detection Using Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    S. Hideshima, M. Kimura, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 63rd Annual Meeting)  

    発表年月: 2012年08月

  • Detection of matrix metalloproteinase-2 with the degradation of fibronectin immobilized on the gate of field effect transistor

    D. Yamamoto, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    Biosensors 2012  

    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • Detection of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 with the Degradation of Fibronectin Immobilized on the Gate of Field Effect Transistor

    D. Yamamoto, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka

    The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources  

    発表年月: 2012年01月

  • Field effect transistor biosensor for tumor marker detection toward cancer diagnosis

    S. Hideshima, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources  

    発表年月: 2012年01月

  • Allergy Sensing Based on IgE Detection with Allergen Protein-Immobilized FET

    M. Kimura, R. Sato, S. Hideshima, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka


    発表年月: 2011年12月

  • Detection of Proteins in Physiological Condition Using Field Effect Transistor Biosensor

    S. Hideshima, T. Nakamura, R. Sato, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting)  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Effect of Surface Modification of Indium Tin Oxide Electrode on Its Potential Response to Tryptophan

    T. Nakanishi, M.Z.H. Kha, S. Kuroiwa, Y. Hoshi, T. Osaka

    International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting)  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Relation between Effective Charge Numbers and Signals Caused by Protein Adsorption on Field Effect Transistor Detection

    S. Hideshima, T. Nakamura, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka

    219th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS)  

    発表年月: 2011年05月

  • Characterization of indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode to study the effect of surface modification on its potential response to indoles

    M. Z. H. Khan, T. Nakanishi, S. Kuroiwa, T. Osaka


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 糖鎖修飾電界効果トランジスタを用いた生理学的環境下におけるレクチン検出

    中村高廣, 櫻井善洋, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 抗体固定化FETを利用した血清中の腫瘍マーカー検出

    佐藤涼介, 井上清香, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 抗体固定化FETを利用した腫瘍マーカーの定量検出(2)夾雑タンパク質の影響

    佐藤涼介, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会第77回大会 (第49回化学センサ研究会)  

    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 抗体固定化FETを利用した腫瘍マーカーの定量検出(1)FET応答の安定化

    秀島翔, 佐藤涼介, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会第77回大会 (第49回化学センサ研究会)  

    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 自己組織化単分子膜を用いた参照用FETのイオン応答への表面モルフォロジーの効果

    電気化学会第77回大会 (第49回化学センサ研究会)  

    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • ビオチン修飾電界効果トランジスタを用いたアビジン検出におけるデバイ長と検出感度の関係

    中村高廣, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2009年09月

  • 自己組織化単分子膜を用いた参照用電界効果トランジスタセンサのpH・イオン応答


    発表年月: 2009年03月

  • 自己組織化単分子膜修飾REFETの応答特性に関する理論的考察

    黒岩繁樹, 佐竹大輔, 山内悠, 野村聡, 逢坂哲彌


    発表年月: 2008年11月

  • 光感受性修飾ペプチドを用いたSH3ドメインの分子認識の制御


    発表年月: 2006年03月

  • チトクロム酸化酵素のヘムaのモデル物質の共鳴ラマンスペクトル


    発表年月: 2003年09月

  • 低温光還元によるチトクロム酸化酵素の酸素化型反応中間体の捕捉


    発表年月: 2002年11月

  • 光還元によるチトクロム酸化酵素の反応中間体の捕捉


    発表年月: 2001年10月

  • ウシ心筋チトクロム酸化酵素とO2との反応中間体を低温で捕らえる


    発表年月: 2000年09月

  • 酸化型ウシ心筋チトクロム酸化酵素の架橋過酸化物


    発表年月: 1999年10月

  • 酸化型ウシ心筋チトクロム酸化酵素の外部配位子の構造


    発表年月: 1998年10月

  • 光合成光化学系II内環状電子移動における高電位型チトクロムb−559と非ヘム鉄の役割


    発表年月: 1997年03月

  • 光合成光化学系II光阻害初期過程におけるβ−カロテンの役割


    発表年月: 1996年03月

  • 光合成光化学系II光阻害における機能分子離脱過程


    発表年月: 1995年03月

  • 光合成光化学系II非ヘム鉄について


    発表年月: 1993年10月

  • 光合成光化学系II非ヘム鉄について


    発表年月: 1993年09月




  • 光アドレス電位差センサを用いたマルチバイオセンサの実用化研究





  • 無傷ミトコンドリアの共鳴ラマン分光

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    小倉 尚志, 黒岩 繁樹





    江南 陽裕, 林 宏樹, 藤田 博仁, 黒岩 繁樹, 大橋 啓之, 桒原 正靖, 門間 聰之, 逢坂 哲彌

    Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium   71   25 - 27  2022年09月


    林 宏樹, 藤田 真佑里, 黒岩 繁樹, 大橋 啓之, 門間 聰之, 岡田 政久, 芝崎 太, 逢坂 哲彌

    Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium   70   82 - 84  2022年03月

  • 疑似抗原との競合を利用した半導体型バイオセンサによる血清中5-フルオロウラシルの検出

    林宏樹, 藤田真佑里, 黒岩繁樹, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 岡田政久, 芝崎太, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   89th  2022年


  • RNAの高感度検出に向けた半導体バイオセンサへの等温核酸増幅法の適用

    江南陽裕, 林宏樹, 藤田博仁, 黒岩繁樹, 大橋啓之, 桑原正靖, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌

    Chemical Sensors   38 ( Supplement B )  2022年


  • 受容体分子の変形に伴う電荷分布の変化を利用したコルチゾールアプタマー固定化電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサ

    黒岩繁樹, 林宏樹, 遠山良, 大橋啓之, 門間聰之, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   88th  2021年


  • Review of Physiological Balance Sensing in an Unobtrusive Manner

    Keishi Ohashi, Shigeki Kuroiwa, Sho Hideshima, Takuya Nakanishi, Tetsuya Osaka

    ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN   100 ( 9 ) 50 - 55  2017年09月



    The concept of unobtrusive physiological balance sensing system implementing biosensors is discussed. Biosensors connected with a data system are expected to play a significant role when we extend the sensing objects from body to mind and spirit. Here, we describe the unobtrusive monitoring system using field effect transistor-type sensors and wireless communication devices. Substances subject to the survey of our research will include small ions, immunoglobulins, and hormones. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


  • NFC給電のみで動作可能なpH測定デバイスの提案

    宮林 駿, 隼田 大輝, 岩瀬 英治, 藤枝 俊宣, 武岡 真司, 大橋 啓之, 佐藤 慎, 黒岩 繁樹, 門間 聰之, 逢坂 哲彌, 多和田 雅師, 戸川 望, 片岡 孝介, 朝日 透, 岩田 浩康

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2017   1A1-L10  2017年

    DOI CiNii

  • 溶液中保存の安定性向上を目指した電界効果トランジスタバイオセンサゲート絶縁膜への酸化グラフェン被覆

    竹内亮, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    Chemical Sensors   33 ( Supplement B )  2017年


  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いたタンパク質検出に界面活性剤処理が及ぼす影響

    齊藤真衣, 藤田圭祐, 秀島翔, 原田義孝, 綱美香, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   83rd  2016年


  • 電界効果トランジスタ(FET)センサを用いたソバ16kDアレルゲンタンパク質の非標識高感度検出

    原田義孝, 綱美香, 藤田圭祐, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web)   2016  2016年


  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いたタンパク質検出に界面活性剤処理が及ぼす影響

    齊藤真衣, 藤田圭祐, 秀島翔, 原田義孝, 綱美香, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    Chemical Sensors   32 ( Supplement A )  2016年


  • 生体バランス物質のさりげないセンシング

    大橋 啓之, 黒岩 繁樹, 秀島 翔, 逢坂 哲彌

    「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編]   32   1 - 4  2015年10月


  • PtCu電析とCu脱合金化による色素増感太陽電池用高表面積Pt電極の作製

    田中俊, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   82nd  2015年


  • 電折・脱合金化法による色素増感太陽電池用高表面積白金電極の作製

    喜屋武厚, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集   2013  2013年


  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いた凝集形態の異なるアミロイドβの検出

    小林万純, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 澤村直哉, 朝日透, 朝日透, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    Chemical Sensors   29 ( Supplement A )  2013年


  • フィブロネクチンの分解反応を利用したマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ-2のFETによる検出

    山本大輔, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    Chemical Sensors   29 ( Supplement A )  2013年


  • フィブロネクチンの分解反応を利用したマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ-2のFETによる検出

    山本大輔, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集   80th  2013年


  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いた凝集形態の異なるアミロイドβの検出

    小林万純, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 澤村直哉, 朝日透, 逢坂哲彌, 朝日透, 逢坂哲彌

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集   80th  2013年


  • 腫瘍マーカーの電気的検出におけるプローブ分子小型化による高感度化

    宝谷佳織, 程サンサン, 秀島翔, 黒岩繁樹, 中西卓也, 逢坂哲彌, 逢坂哲彌

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   36th  2013年


  • 電界効果トランジスタを用いたマイクロセンサ-pHセンサからバイオセンサまで-

    逢坂哲彌, 黒岩繁樹, 秀島翔, 中西卓也

    Chemical Sensors   28 ( 1 )  2012年


  • 抗体固定化FETを利用した腫瘍マーカーの定量検出(2)夾雑タンパク質の影響

    佐藤 涼介, 秀島 翔, 黒岩 繁樹

    Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium   49   103 - 105  2010年03月


  • 抗体固定化FETを利用した腫瘍マーカーの定量検出(1)FET応答の安定化

    秀島 翔, 佐藤 涼介, 黒岩 繁樹

    Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium   49   100 - 102  2010年03月


  • 自己組織化単分子膜を用いた参照用電界効果トランジスタセンサのpH・イオン応答

    黒岩 繁樹, 王 進平, 山内 悠

    Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium   47   88 - 90  2009年03月


  • 自己組織化単分子膜修飾REFETの応答特性に関する理論的考察

    黒岩繁樹, 佐竹大輔, 山内悠, 野村聡, 逢坂哲彌

    表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集   28th ( 0 ) 25 - 25  2008年






  • アプタマー固定化半導体センシングデバイス及び非荷電分子の検出方法

    大橋 啓之, 逢坂 哲彌, 黒岩 繁樹, 林 宏樹


  • アプタマー固定化半導体センシングデバイス及び非荷電分子の検出方法

    大橋 啓之, 逢坂 哲彌, 黒岩 繁樹, 林 宏樹


  • 半導体センシングデバイス

    逢坂 哲彌, 秀島 翔, 黒岩 繁樹


  • 糖化合物固定化半導体センシングデバイス及び生物学的物質の検出方法

    逢坂 哲彌, 秀島 翔, 黒岩 繁樹, 西村 紳一郎, 比能 洋


  • DNAセンシング方法


    逢坂 哲彌, 黒岩 繁樹, 王 進平



  • GE ジャパン・テク...


    GE ジャパン・テクノロジー・フォーラム(会場:グランドハイアット東京)2009年5月26日
    FETバイオセンサを中心とした、キラルセンサおよび磁性ナノ粒子に関する技術紹介(およびGE社との個別ミーティング) 「早稲田大学・逢坂哲彌研究室」(黒岩繁樹,中西卓也,理工研・風間孝彦)rMark Little氏(GE上級副社長兼GEグローバルリサーチ所長)に対する展示ブースでの研究紹介(黒岩)の様子が、NHK Worldのニュースで放映された。rhttp://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/movie/feature51.htmlrr半導体産業新聞(産業タイムス社)2009年7月1日第5面r『ナノテクものづくり FETセンサーを医用診断ツールへ展開』