Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Dr. Eng. ( Kyoto University )

Education Background


    Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Industrial Chemistry  


    University of Sao Paulo   Faculty of Engineering   Chemical Engineering  

Professional Memberships


    Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers


    Japanese Section of the Combustion Institute


    The Chemical Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • Science education / Fundamental physical chemistry

Research Interests

  • Language in science education, materials chemistry



  • Genre-Based, Corpus-Supported Writing Courses for Science and Engineering Students at Japanese Universities

    Judy Noguchi, Nilson Kunioshi

    STEM English in Japan     117 - 136  2022.12

    Authorship:Last author



  • Pressure Dependence of Rate Coefficients of Unimolecular and Chemical Activation Reactions Connected to the Potential Energy Wells of Si2H2Cl4, Si2Cl6, and Si2Cl4 via Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus Calculations

    Kaito Noda, Yoshihiro Jagawa, Akio Fuwa, Nílson Kunioshi

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A    2022.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author



  • Pressure dependence of rate coefficients of unimolecular and chemical activation reactions connected to the potential energy wells of chlorinated monosilanes by RRKM calculations

    Kaito Noda, Yoshihiro Jagawa, Akio Fuwa, Nilson Kunioshi


     View Summary

    Rate coefficients for elementary reactions connected to the potential energy wells of SiHCl3, SiH2Cl2, SiHCl2, and SiH3Cl, which are important Si-1 species in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes that use chlorosilanes as silicon source gases, were determined through Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) theory for various conditions of temperature and pressure. Many of the unimolecular decomposition channels and chemical activation reactions investigated in this work were found to be in the fall-off regime under subatmospheric to moderately high-pressure conditions, so that it is expected that accurate modeling of the gas phase in chlorosilane CVD reactors requires careful determination of the rate coefficients as functions of temperature and pressure for the conditions of interest, instead of using high-pressure limit rate coefficients. The rate coefficients determined here were tabulated using Chebyshev coefficients and can be used in simulations of systems under a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions.



  • Dynamics of reactions inhibiting epitaxial growth of Si(100) surfaces via interaction with hydrogen chloride

    Nilson Kunioshi, Yoshiki Fujimura, Akio Fuwa, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    Computational Materials Science   155 ( 12 ) 28 - 35  2018.12  [Refereed]



  • Novel pathways for elimination of chlorine atoms from growing Si(100) surfaces in CVD reactors

    Nílson Kunioshi, Sho Hagino, Akio Fuwa, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    Applied Surface Science   441   773 - 779  2018.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Reactions leading to elimination of chlorine atoms from growing Si(100) surfaces were simulated using clusters of silicon atoms of different sizes and shapes, and at the UB3LYP/6–31 g(d,p) level of theory. The reactions of type SiCl2(s) + 2 H2(g), where (s) indicates an adsorbed species at the surface and (g) a gas-phase species, were found to proceed in two steps: SiCl2(s) + H2(g) → SiHCl(s) + HCl(g) and SiHCl(s) + H2(g) → SiH2(s) + HCl(g), each having activation energies around 55 kcal/mol, a value which is comparable to experimental values published in the literature. In addition, the results suggested that H-passivation of Si(100) surfaces support reactions leading to canonical epitaxial growth, providing a plausible explanation for the convenience of passivating the surfaces prior to silicon deposition. The reactions analyzed here can therefore be seen as important steps in the mechanism of epitaxial growth of Si(100) surfaces.



  • Evidence of cultural differences between American and Japanese mainstream science and engineering contexts from analysis of classroom discourse

    Nilson Kunioshi, Judy Noguchi, Kazuko Tojo

    European Journal of Engineering Education    2018.01  [Refereed]



  • Features, Challenges and Prospects of a Science and Engineering English-taught Program

    Nilson Kunioshi, Harushige Nakakoji

    English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education     250 - 262  2017.11  [Refereed]



  • Pressure Dependence of Rate Coefficients for Formation and Dissociation of Pentachlorodisilane and Related Chemical Activation Reactions

    Kaito Noda, Nilson Kunioshi, Akio Fuwa

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS   49 ( 8 ) 584 - 595  2017.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Four entrance channels to the pentachlorodisilane (Si2HCl5) potential energy well, namely, SiCl2 + SiHCl3, SiCl4 + SiHCl, Cl3SiSiCl + HCl, and SiCl3 + SiHCl2, were analyzed in detail through transition state theory, Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) theory, and solution of the multichannel master equation. The stationary points in the potential energy surface were optimized, and their vibrational frequencies and rotational constants calculated at the (U)B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory; the (U)CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level was then used for accurate estimation of activation energies. The pressure and temperature dependence of the rate coefficients of the channels related to Si2HCl5 stabilization/dissociation was determined along a wide range of conditions, for the first time. All channels showed strong pressure dependence in the four cases, at least at low-to-moderate pressure conditions. Each entrance channel leads to the formation of different products under different conditions, and the mechanism was analyzed in detail. The results indicated that at atmospheric pressure the reactions are in the falloff region, and therefore do not support the adoption of high-pressure limit rate coefficients in reaction models designed for simulation of systems at atmospheric or subatmospheric pressure conditions.



  • Analysis of the dynamics of reactions of SiCl2 at Si (100) surfaces

    Keisuke Anzai, Nilson Kunioshi, Akio Fuwa

    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE   392   410 - 417  2017.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The dynamics of reactions of SiCl2 at Si(100) surfaces was investigated through the molecular orbital method at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory, with the surface being modeled using clusters of silicon atoms. The intradimer adsorption of a SiCl2 molecule proceeded with no energy barrier, and in the structure of the product of the adsorption reaction the Si atom of the SiCl2 adsorbate formed a triangular structure with the two Si atoms of the surface dimer, in agreement with theoretical predictions published recently in the literature for a small cluster. However, the dynamics reported in this work indicates that SiCl2 undergoes molecular adsorption at the silicon surface, in contrast with the dissociative adsorption suggested by some available kineticmodels. Intradimer adsorption of a second SiCl2 molecule, and interdimer adsorptions of a first, a second, and a third SiCl2 molecule were also seen to proceed without significant energy barriers, suggesting that the formation of the first additional layer of silicon atoms on the surface would be fast if the adsorption of SiCl2 were the only type of reaction proceeding in the system. The diffusion of the SiCl2 adsorbate over the surface and its desorption from the surface were found to have comparable activation energies, so that these reactions are expected to compete at high temperatures. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Supporting English-medium pedagogy through an online corpus of science and engineering lectures

    Nílson Kunioshi, Judy Noguchi, Kazuko Tojo, Hiroko Hayashi

    European Journal of Engineering Education   41 ( 3 ) 293 - 303  2016.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    As English-medium instruction (EMI) spreads around the world, university teachers and students who are non-native speakers of English (NNS) need to put much effort into the delivery or reception of content. Construction of scientific meaning in the process of learning is already complex when instruction is delivered in the first language of the teachers and students, and may become even more challenging in a second language, because science education depends greatly on language. In order to identify important pedagogical functions that teachers use to deliver content and to present different ways to realise each function, a corpus of lectures related to science and engineering courses was created and analysed. NNS teachers and students in science and engineering involved in EMI higher education can obtain insights for delivering and listening to lectures from the Online Corpus of Academic Lectures (OnCAL).



  • Kinetics of the Conversion of Silicon Tetrachloride into Trichlorosilane Obtained through the Temperature Control along a Plug-Flow Reactor

    Nilson Kunioshi, Yu Moriyama, Akio Fuwa

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS   48 ( 1 ) 45 - 57  2016.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A process for obtaining trichlorosilane (TCS or SiHCl3) from hydrogenation of silicon tetrachloride (STC or SiCl4) through control of the temperature along a one-dimensional plug-flow reactor at atmospheric pressure was simulated using a reaction model that was built based on a literature review: Rate coefficients for reactions that occur in silicon CVD processes were adopted from published data. A compact model made available recently in the literature for simulating reactions occurring in silicon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors was used as a basis, and more reactions from other sources were added for better description of the thermal decomposition of STC. The kinetic model built in this work comprised 63 elementary reactions occurring among 26 species. This model was applied to the calculation of the species concentration profiles along the reactor, which was divided into two parts: a STC hydrogenation step, proceeding at a high and constant temperature in the first, and a cooling step, where the gases are brought to room temperature, in the second part. When the hydrogenation temperature was set to 1273 K or higher, the first step was just a stage where the gases reached chemical equilibrium. More interesting reactions occur in the second step, where cooling prevents reactions from reaching equilibrium. This leads to the production of TCS from SiCl2 and HCl, with efficiencies that depend on the conditions. Among the conditions investigated in this work, hydrogenation of a mixture of molar composition STC:H-2 = 1:4 at 1473 K followed by cooling at a rate of -50.92 K cm(-1) gave the highest conversion efficiency from STC into TCS. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Effects of cluster size on calculation of activation energies of silicon surface reactions with H-2 and HCl

    Nilson Kunioshi, Keisuke Anzai, Harunobu Ushijima, Akio Fuwa

    JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH   418   115 - 119  2015.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In order to determine the effect of cluster size on the calculation of activation energies of reactions at silicon surfaces, intradimer adsorption/desorption reactions of H-2 and HCl with silicon clusters of various sizes and shapes were analyzed under the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. Activation energies of reactions of H-2 and HCl with clusters composed of different number and orientation of dimers on the surface were estimated. For clusters having dimers parallel to each other, the activation energies converged satisfactorily at three (timers, but for clusters having dimers aligned in a row, activation energies did not converge sufficiently even at four dimers. The activation energies for clusters having three dimers parallel to each other on the surface were seen to be in good agreement with values published in the literature, but considering potential application of the cluster to model intrarow and interrow reaction mechanisms, reactions of H-2 and HCl with a cluster having three dimers parallel to each other and three (timers aligned in a row on the surface were also investigated, and the resultant activation energies were in even better agreement with published values. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




    Nilson Kunioshi, Judy Noguchi, Kazuko Tojo, Hiroko Hayashi


     View Summary

    The OnCAL (Online Corpus of Academic Lectures) project was initiated in 2010 to support instructors who are non-native speakers of English (NNS) in preparing for delivering lectures in English. An interactive search interface was developed for lecture transcripts from MIT Open CourseWare (MIT OCW) and Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE). As of January 2015, 430 transcripts can be searched at the OnCAL site; the corpus comprises 3.5 million words, which corresponds to about 395 hours of recorded lecture time. The lectures cover many fields related to science and engineering: biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science as undergraduate courses, and advanced mathematics, robotics, and artificial intelligence as graduate courses. Pedagogical functions have been identified, and in the present work, we show how teachers use language to connect the presentation of new content to contents presented previously. Here we present examples of pedagogical link-making devices, which are important for promoting continuity of ideas and helping students connect chunks of information presented over a series of lessons. Concrete examples can be observed via OnCAL to help NNS teachers deliver effective lectures and students listen to them.


    N. Kunioshi, J. Noguchi, K. Tojo


     View Summary

    In order to support instructors who are non-native speakers of English (NNS) in preparing for delivering lectures in an English-medium science and engineering program, we started the OnCAL (Online Corpus of Academic Lectures) project in 2010. Transcriptions of lectures delivered mostly by native speakers of English (NS) were obtained from MIT Open Courseware (MIT OCW) and Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE), and an online corpus was built. As of September 2015, the corpus comprises 430 lecture transcriptions, which contain 3.5 million words. This corresponds to about 395 hours of recorded lecture time. The lectures are from courses that cover a wide range of fields in science and engineering: biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science as undergraduate courses, and advanced mathematics, robotics, and artificial intelligence as graduate courses. Pedagogical functions have been identified in the teacher utterances to allow OnCAL users to find examples of how teachers use language to realize specific pedagogical purposes. The examples of utterances found through OnCAL can thus be seen by NNS teachers as a reference for their own lectures. In the present work, we analyze how mathematical equations are explained in lectures. In this type of explanations teachers make use of and are aided by visual modes, but we believe that the spoken language that accompanies the other modes still have to be very accurate.

  • An online support site for preparation of oral presentations in science and engineering

    Nílson Kunioshi, Judy Noguchi, Hiroko Hayashi, Kazuko Tojo

    European Journal of Engineering Education   37 ( 6 ) 600 - 608  2012.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Oral communication skills are essential for engineers today and, as they are included in accreditation criteria of educational programmes, their teaching and evaluation deserve attention. However, concrete aspects as to what should be taught and evaluated in relation to oral communication skills have not been sufficiently established. In this paper, a method to aid the efficient teaching of oral presentation skills is proposed, from the presentation structure level to word and sentence level choices, through the use of JECPRESE, The Japanese-English Corpus of Presentations in Science and Engineering. As of June 2012, the corpus is composed of transcriptions of 74 presentations delivered in Japanese by students graduating from the Master's programme of various engineering departments and 31 presentations delivered in English, 16 by experienced researchers at an international conference on chemistry, and 15 by undergraduate engineering students of a mid-sized American university. The utterances were classified according to the specific moves (sections of the speech that express specific speaker intent) appearing in the presentations and frequently used words/expressions to express these moves were identified. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.



  • Identifying English words and expressions used frequently in a corpus of science and engineering lectures

    Nilson Kunioshi, Judy Noguchi, Kazuko Tojo, Hiroko Hayashi

    e-Learning教育研究   7   49 - 54  2012.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • グローバルな社会に向けての理系日本語を用いたコミュニケーション

    林洋子, 国吉ニルソン, 野口ジュディー, 東條加寿子

    工学教育   60 ( 6 ) 162 - 169  2012.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant accident revealed serious problems with Japanese information communication systems. From a rhetorical viewpoint, the Japanese language starts to explain a situation from the beginning and leaves the outcome until the end. In traditional Japanese culture, the world is thought to move with the collective flow of nature, and all things are constantly in the process of change. Thus, self-assertion is not encouraged in Japan. The Japanese language itself is imbued with "vagueness," possessing a wealth of vocabulary and expressions but often not being conducive to sending out a clear message. Unfortunately, under emergency circumstances, such as experienced in March 2011, serious problems can occur. In this paper, we examine the language used by researchers in science and engineering, where clarity is essential. We prepared the Japanese-English Corpus of Presentations in Science and Engineering (JECPRESE) of transcriptions of presentations given in Japanese and English by researchers. Our comparative analyses revealed that the "vagueness" in Japanese results from missing subjects and a lack of sensitivity for paragraph structure (idea frameworks), verb tense and mood. In order to send out a clear message, more effort needs to be made to be aware of the audience' s viewpoint. Only in this way can the Japanese learn to speak out without "vagueness" as the world accelerates towards internationalization with the ever increasing need to send out clear messages.

    DOI CiNii

  • 化学系と機械系の口頭発表における基本語彙

    林洋子, 国吉ニルソン, 野口ジュディー, 東條加寿子

    工学教育   58 ( 6 ) 130 - 136  2010.11  [Refereed]

  • 工学系修士論文口頭発表のムーブ解析

    林洋子, 国吉ニルソン, 野口ジュディー

    工学教育   57 ( 6 ) 137 - 143  2009.11  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Proposal for a Technical Writing Course Syllabus for Undergraduate Students of Science and Engineering

    Nilson Kunioshi

    JAESP (The Japan Association of English for Specific Purposes) Proceedings   1   3 - 9  2008.03  [Refereed]

  • 工学系英語教育のためのオンライン教材の開発と活用

    東條加寿子, 野口ジュディー, 国吉ニルソン

    e-Learning 教育研究   2   13 - 22  2007.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Numerical analysis of the effect of acetylene and benzene addition to low-pressure benzene-rich flat flames on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation

    Nilson Kunioshi, Seisaku Komori, Seishiro Fukutani

    COMBUSTION AND FLAME   147 ( 1-2 ) 1 - 10  2006.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A modification of the CHEMKIN II package has been proposed for modeling addition of an arbitrary species at an arbitrary temperature to an arbitrary distance from the burner along a flat flame. The modified program was applied to the problem of addition of acetylene or benzene to different positions of a 40-Torr, phi = 2.4 benzene/O-2/40%-N-2 premixed flame to reach final equivalence ratios of phi = 2.5 and 2.681. The results obtained showed that acetylene addition to early positions of the flame led to significant increase in pyrene production rates, but pyrene concentrations were lower in the flames with acetylene addition in both the phi = 2.5 and 2.681 cases. Addition of benzene to the flame did not alter pyrene production rates in either the phi = 2.5 or 2.681 cases; however, for phi = 2.5, pyrene concentrations increased with benzene addition, while for phi = 2.681, pyrene contents decreased in comparison to the correspondent flames with no addition. Acetylene addition led to a significant increase in pyrene production rates, but the pyrene levels dropped due to increase in the flow velocity. Pyrene production rates were not sensitive to benzene addition, but pyrene contents increased with benzene addition when the flow velocity decreased. These results show that PAH concentration changes accompanying species addition to flames should be interpreted carefully, because an increase or decrease in the content of a PAH species does not necessarily reflect an effect on its formation rate or mechanism. (c) 2006 The Combustion Institute. published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Kinetics of the Formation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Combustion Gases

    Nilson Kunioshi

    日本燃焼学会誌   48 ( 144 ) 159 - 165  2006.05  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • 低圧場での芳香族炭化水素燃料燃焼過程におけるPAHおよびフラーレンの生成

    武原 弘明, 吉川 俊一, 芝原 正彦, 国吉ニルソン, 香月 正司

    日本機械学会論文集 B 編   71 ( 702 ) 682 - 689  2005  [Refereed]



  • Computational study on the formation of five-membered rings in PAH through reaction with O-2

    N Kunioshi, M Touda, S Fukutani

    COMBUSTION AND FLAME   128 ( 3 ) 292 - 300  2002.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The oxidation reactions of phenyl and 1-naphthyl radicals through reaction with O-2 were investigated through 7 a quantum chemical molecular orbital method as potential sources of PAH species containing 5-membered rings in hydrocarbon flames. The reaction between phenyl radical and 0, was seen to produce phenoxy radical in a single elementary step. The same mechanism was followed in the reaction between 1-naphthyl radical and O-2. with formation of naphthoxy radical in a single step. In both phenyl and 1-naphthyl oxidation reactions, the variation of energy and atomic arrangement with the reaction coordinate was found to be similar and their rate coefficients, evaluated through transition state theory, to agree with each other. Thus, because the oxidation reaction of a species composed of one aromatic ring (phenyl radical) and that of a species composed of two aromatic rings ( 1-naphthyl radical) proceed through the same mechanism and have similar rate coefficients, the oxidation of species composed of an arbitrary number of aromatic rings can lie supposed to proceed through that mechanism and have the same rate coefficient. The mechanism of the subsequent decomposition of phenoxy radical into cyclopentadienyl radical and CO agreed with the mechanism reported in the literature, and the decomposition of naphthoxy radical was found to be similar to that of phenoxy radical. In summary, the routes
    C6H4 + O-2 --> C6H5O + CO + O
    C10H7 + O-2 --> C10H7O + O --> C9H7 + CO + O,
    where C5H5 and C9H7 are, respectively, cyclopentadienyl radical and indenyl radical, proceed through the same mechanism. From these results it is suggested that the formation of species containing a peripheral 5-membered ring (aryl-5) through partial oxidation of a peripheral 6-membered ring of arbitrary aryl radicals (aryl-6), described generally as
    aryl-6 + O-2 --> aryl-6-O + O --> aryl-5 + CO + O,
    can be thought to proceed through the same mechanism. The rate coefficients of the first step are the same for any aryl-6 species, but they were found to he much smaller than values reported in the literature for phenyl as aryl-6 species. (C) 2002 by The Combustion Institute.



  • Hydrogen abstraction reactions from C-2 hydrocarbons

    N Kunioshi, S Mouri, N Yamashita, S Fukutani

    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   73 ( 10 ) 2185 - 2192  2000.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The sequence of hydrogen abstraction reactions from ethane to acetylene, which proceeds in fuel-rich methane flames, has been investigated by an ab initio molecular orbital method. First, the hydrogen abstraction mechanism was elucidated through an analysis of the variation in the electron spin density distributions through the reacting species. The H atoms holding the largest spin densities within a radical where seen to be those being abstracted from the species. The reaction rate coefficients for the four elementary abstraction steps from ethane to acetylene were determined through the transition state theory, and the results were compared with data published in the literature. The obtained rate coefficients were found to be lower than the published data for all four reactions examined. Especially, for two of the reactions, some published data seem to be too large, considering that the rate coefficients obtained through transition state theory tend to be larger than the true values.

  • Ab initio study on the dynamics of the oxidation reaction of acetylene

    Nílson Kunioshi, Yumi Yatabe, Shigeru Mouri, Seishiro Fukutani

    JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering   43 ( 2 ) 258 - 263  2000  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The dynamics of the oxidation reaction of an acetylene molecule with an oxygen atom was investigated through an ab initio molecular orbital method. The three reactions (1) C2H2+O→HCCO+H, (2) HCCO+H→CH2+CO and (3) C2H2+O→CH2+CO, reported in reaction schemes, were confirmed as being the main elementary steps related to the acetylene oxidation but were found to be not single elementary steps, with each one forming intermediary species before the proposed products. These intermediaries are expected to decompose always and much faster than they form, so that those three reactions can be treated as elementary steps without problem. Under ideal conditions, only reaction (3) can be expected to proceed, but vibrations of the atoms in a structure formed during the process can cause its decomposition into HCCO+H, and later the so formed HCCO can meet another H atom and react to CH2+CO. Reactions (1) and (2) are then found to be, respectively, an early and a late step of reaction (3), but each of the three events can occur, depending on how is the collision between the O atom and the vibrating C2H2 molecule. The present results are compared with experimental data reported in the literature, and a qualitative agreement with the data of Miller and Bowman can be seen for reactions (1) and (3), and with the data of Warnatz for reaction (2).



  • メタン-空気ブンゼン火炎の数値解析Ⅱ.火炎基部および内炎先端, 外炎先端の構造

    国吉ニルソン, 福谷 征史郎

    日本機械学会論文集 B 編   62 ( 593 ) 374 - 379  1996.01  [Refereed]

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    A methane-air premixed flame with and equivalence ratio of 1.25 was simulated with a model including 91 pairs of elementary reactions occurring among 29 species. In this second part, the flame structures at the base of the flame and at inner and outer cone tips are discussed. Around the burner rim, the entrainment of air from the surroundings is seen to be the main reason for the activation of chemical reactions by promoting large production of O atoms and OH radicals. As a consequence, the rate of heat release there is very large, allowing the flame temperature to increase steeply and the flame to be held on the burner. At the inner cone tip, also, chemical reactions proceed with large rates, due to flame stretch and to preferential diffusion of H2. H2 is consumed there, so that the fuel burning at the inner cone tip is composed of a mixture of CH4+H2. CH3 radicals remain above the inner cone tip and, around the tip of the outer cone, oxidation via C1 route leads to formation of CO, which is oxidized into CO2, as in any other point of the outer cone. H2, however, is formed by reduction of water above the inner cone tip. This H2 formation continues even within and above the outer cone tip, so that respect to H2 the outer cone is found to have no tip.

    DOI CiNii


  • メタン-空気ブンゼン火炎の数値解析Ⅰ.内炎および外炎の構造

    国吉ニルソン, 福谷 征史郎

    日本機械学会論文集 B 編   61 ( 592 ) 4492 - 4497  1995.12  [Refereed]



    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   65 ( 10 ) 2569 - 2572  1992.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The combustion mechanisms in premixed flames having a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide as the fuel and the stoichiometric amount of air as the oxidizer were investigated by numerical simulation to elucidate the fuel-mixing effects on the burning velocity. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide have similar physical properties and their stoichiometric flames with air are known to propagate through the same type of mechanism, governed by active species diffusion. The flames of the mixed fuel hydrogen+carbon monoxide were found here to have their heat-release rate distributions changing with conformity in shape when the fuel composition is changed. The burning velocity was found to vary almost linearly with the hydrogen content in the fuel. Furthermore, the flux of chemical energy which is carried into low-temperature regions by hydrogen atoms diffusing from the flame front was also found to be roughly proportional to the burning velocity.



    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   65 ( 10 ) 2573 - 2577  1992.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Fuel mixing effects on flame propagation were investigated with hydrogen and methane, whose flames, respectively, propagate through two different kinds of mechanisms. The calculated burning velocities did not show linearity with the hydrogen content in the fuel. The addition of only 5% of methane to hydrogen reduces the burning velocity by 20%, notoriously inhibiting the combustion of the mixture. This is caused by obstruction of the harmonious progression of two key chain-branching reactions, resulting in a decrease in hydrogen atom production at the flame front. However, the upstream flux, at the ignition point, of chemical energy due to diffusion of hydrogen atoms from the flame front and the integrated amount of heat released in the low-temperature region did show linearity with the burning velocity. Therefore, it was found that even for flames of mixed fuels whose components burn individually through different propagation mechanisms, the burning velocity can be expressed as a simple linear function of the upstream chemical energy flux or of the amount of heat released in the low-temperature region.

  • A Method for Reduction of Carbon-dioxide Emission by Soot Deposition (II). Promotion of Soot Deposition by Air Addition.:Promotion of Soot Deposition by Air Addition

    FUKUTANI Seishiro, YAMADA Toshifumi, SAKAGUCHI Keizo, KUNIOSHI Nilson

    Journal of the Fuel Society of Japan   71 ( 9 ) 856 - 861  1992

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    A method for reduction of carbon dioxide emission due to the use of hydrocarbons as fuels consisting in a pre-deposition of part of the carbon content in the fuel into soot was tested for industrial application. As a basic research, the influences of the amount of air added to the fuel and the temperature to which the mixture is heated up on the soot pre-deposition when methane is the fuel were investigated. Below 1500K, addition of 30% of air led to the largest soot pre-deposition; the addition of this relative large amount of air promotes soot formation because the active species needed for the first step of that process, the conversion of methane into methyl radicals, are produced through reactions activated by oxygen; further addition of air promotes the oxidation of carbon into carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, lowering the soot deposition. At temperatures higher than 1500K, thermal decomposition of methane causes the reactions to proceed very fast, and the addition of air reduces the soot deposition. Concretely, conversion of 30% of the carbon content in the fuel into soot can be easily controled at temperatures below 1500K with addition of convenient amounts of air; and the conversion of 50% of the carbon into soot can be obtained at reaction temperatures above 1550K.

    DOI CiNii




    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   64 ( 10 ) 3098 - 3104  1991.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Premixed stoichiometric flames of acetylene, ethylene, and ethane with air were investigated using a chemical scheme composed of eighty-two pairs of elementary reactions to illustrate the dependence of the propagation mechanisms of C2 hydrocarbon flames on the heat release distribution. The general role of heat release distribution through flames was depicted by means of an analytical treatment of the governing equations with the thermal properties of the gases being constant and the temperature profile given by an appropriate function of the position in the flame. It was found that the amount of heat released by chemical reactions at low-temperature regions of a flame is of fundamental importance for its propagation and that the main trigger of exothermic reactions at those zones is hydrogen atoms, which diffuses from the flame front; in the acetylene flame reactions consuming hydrogen atoms at the low-temperature region were found to yield all the heat released at that zone. Heat release distribution extended down to low-temperature regions was found to be able to lead to large burning velocities even though the amount of heat released at each position was small.



    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   64 ( 8 ) 2328 - 2334  1991.08  [Refereed]

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    In this work the combustion mechanism of silane-air flames is elucidated through a simulation employing a detailed chemical scheme. Two different pathways for the consumption of silane were found: SiH4 --> SiH3 --> SiH2O --> HSiO, which proceeds in low-temperature regions, and SiH4 --> SiH2 --> HSiO, occurring at high temperatures; this supports results previously reported in the literature. It was also found that some reactions occur over wide ranges of temperature and that the governing step for the whole silane combustion is the reaction of silane with hydroxyl radicals. A least square fitting to the burning velocities and adiabatic flame temperatures obtained for the four investigated mixtures, with equivalence ratios of 2.0, 1.43, 1.0, and 0.5, indicated that a mixture with equivalence ratio of about 1.2 would have the largest burning velocity and the highest flame temperature.



    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   64 ( 8 ) 2335 - 2340  1991.08  [Refereed]

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    A detailed chemical reaction scheme and a full set of governing equations for fluid dynamics were used to elucidate the chemical and physical phenomena involved in a silane-air counterflow diffusion flame, where the fuel and air issue from the lower and upper nozzles, respectively. It was found that a stagnation surface, where the axial velocities fall down to zero, is kept in a position slightly shifted to the upper side, dividing the system into two zones: the upper air side and the lower fuel side; after leaving the nozzle silane begins to dissociate itself into SiH2 and H-2 when it reaches the region of rising temperature; oxygen penetrates into the fuel side by diffusion and reacts with H-2 forming OH radicals and H atoms. The produced SiH2 is further dehydrogenated to SiO via HSiO; comparing with premixed flames, the diffusion flames have large local equivalence ratios, so that the combustion reactions in the latter flames occur through a different mechanism.



    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   64 ( 5 ) 1623 - 1631  1991.05  [Refereed]

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    A reaction scheme reproducing methane combustion by computer simulation under a wide range of stoichiometric ratio has been proposed and applied to flat methane-air premixed flames to elucidate factors determining their propagation mechanisms and the role of C2 reaction pathways. Main methane combustion reactions, which progress sequentially from the fuel to carbon dioxide, are inhibited at low temperatures due to retarded production of oxygen atoms which are necessary for the oxidation of methyl radicals. The role of C2 routes have been investigated by comparison of the results obtained by use of the C2 scheme and a simplified C1 scheme. Some of the methyl radicals are once recombined to ethane but most of the produced ethane is dissociated again to methyl via ethyl radicals. Then the C2 routes work as a temporary storage of species and hinder the main combustion reactions which go through C1 species.

  • Flame structure of an axisymmetric hydrogen-air diffusion flame

    Seishiro Fukutani, Nílson Kunioshi, Hiroshi Jinno

    Symposium (International) on Combustion   23 ( 1 ) 567 - 573  1991  [Refereed]

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    A detailed model including a full scheme of combustion reactions and the governing equations of fluid mechanics was designed for two-dimensional hydrogen burning systems, and applied to a Burke-Schumann type hydrogen-air diffusion flame to elucidate its flame structure and combustion reaction mechanism. The same flame was also experimentally investigated and radial profiles of OH radical concentration and rotational temperature through the flame were determined by a conveniently improved line-of-sight absorption method. Simulation suggested that a well-developed diffusion flame occurs from heights about 5 mm from the burner mouth, in very good agreement with the experimental results. At each horizontal section of the well-developed diffusion region, the calculated rates of the chemical reactions showed considerable values within an annular zone about 5 mm thick, in which there is a point where H2 and O2 are simultaneously exhausted, and in whose vicinity the temperature becomes maximum. This result confirmed one of the Burke-Schumann's predictions, but radial displacements of about 1 mm between the peeks of the rates of different reactions and also between the maximum OH radical concentration and the maximum temperature were found in both experiments and calculation, showing that the reactions do not occur in an infinitely thin region, contradicting one of the Burke-Schumann's assumptions. At the lowest part of the flame, below the burner tip, the issuing air and the H2 diffusing downward meet and react like premixed gas mixtures
    the whole flame was found to be held at the burner rim by large heat release rates at that region. The experimental results, in very good agreement with the simulation, showed that the maximum OH concentration through the flame occurs at a height around 2 mm, confirming the premixed-like intense combustion reactions taking place at the lower part of the flame. © 1991 Combustion Institute.





    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   63 ( 8 ) 2191 - 2198  1990.08  [Refereed]

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  • 量子化学計算によるリン脂質の石灰化機構の解析

    塩谷 恭史, ハラ エミリオ, 山口 勉功, 国吉 ニルソン

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Computational analysis of chemical reactions in the mineralization of phospholipids

    Nilson Kunioshi, Emilio Satoshi Hara, Reina Kurihara, Takafumi Shiotani, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    15th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC15) 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • 量子化学計算によるリン脂質の加水分解反応経路解析

    栗原 令奈, ハラ エミリオ, 国吉 ニルソン, 山口 勉功


    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • 量子化学計算によるCFRTP積層板の接着剤としてのシランカップリング剤の性能評価

    リ コウ, 空岡 利奈, 細井 厚志, 国吉 ニルソン


    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • DFT計算によるSi結晶表面上のCO2水素化反応機構の解析

    井上 岳紀, 国吉 ニルソン, 山口 勉功


    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • 量子化学計算によるCVD法におけるSi結晶成長のinterdimer反応機構の解析

    武田 直哉, 山口 勉功, 国吉 ニルソン

    Presentation date: 2020.03

    Event date:
  • 量子化学計算によるCFRTP積層板のシランカップリング剤における反応経路の解析及び性能評価

    リ コウ, 岡本 和起, 細井 厚志, 国吉 ニルソン


    Presentation date: 2020.03

    Event date:
  • 量子化学計算を用いたシリコン結晶表面上の二酸化炭素還元によるギ酸生成反応機構の解析

    井上岳紀, 山口 勉功, 国吉 ニルソン


    Presentation date: 2020.03

    Event date:
  • A Gas-Phase Reaction Model for Si-CVD Simulation under Atmospheric or Moderate Pressure

    Kaito Noda, Nilson Kunioshi, Yoshihiro Jagawa, Akio Fuwa

    11th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

    Event date:
  • 量子化学計算によるダイヤモンド(100)面上の二酸化炭素の吸着・還元反応の解析

    栗原令奈, 国吉ニルソン, 不破章雄, 山口 勉功

    日本化学会第99回春季大会  (神戸)  日本化学会

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 量子化学計算によるSi(100)面の二酸化炭素還元反応に対する触媒作用の評価

    井上岳紀, 国吉ニルソン, 不破章雄, 山口 勉功

    日本化学会第99回春季大会  (神戸)  日本化学会

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 量子化学計算によるSi(100)面におけるエピタクシャル成長の解析

    萩野翔, 国吉ニルソン, 不破章雄, 山口 勉功

    日本化学会第99回春季大会  (神戸)  日本化学会

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 量子化学計算を用いたHClによるSi(100)面のエッチング反応機構の解析

    藤村祥貴, 国吉ニルソン, 不破章雄, 山口 勉功

    日本化学会第99回春季大会  (神戸)  日本化学会

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Pedagogic Discourse Differences in American and Japanese Lectures: Evidence from corpora

    N. Kunioshi, J. Noguchi

    54th RELC International Conference  (Singapore)  Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • The multiculural classroom: a challenge for engineering educators

    N. Kunioshi, J. Noguchi, K. Tojo

    66th Japanese Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, International Session  (Nagoya)  Japanese Society for Engineering Education

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Silicon surfaces as substrates for carbon dioxide reactions with hydrogen

    N. Kunioshi

    11th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials  (Aveiro)  University of Aveiro

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 日本と米国の理工系高等教育における文化的背景の特徴-講義ディスコースの分析による比較-

    国吉ニルソン, 野口ジュディー, 東條加寿子

    日本比較教育学会第54回大会  (広島)  日本比較教育学会

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Evidence for reactions of carbon dioxide over silicon surfaces

    N. Kunioshi

    5th Global Conference on Polymers and Composite Materials  (Kitakyushu) 

    Presentation date: 2018.04

  • 日本と米国の科学教授法の相違についてー文化的背景による影響を分析ー

    国吉ニルソン, 野口ジュディー, 東條加寿子

    日本工学教育協会第65回年次大会  (東京)  日本工学教育協会

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Estimation of rate coefficients for simulation of silicon epitaxial growth processes

    Nílson Kunioshi, Keisuke Anzai, Akio Fuwa

    10th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

    Event date:
  • Building a corpus of science and engineering lectures delivered in English and Japanese to identify cultural differences

    N. Kunioshi, J. Noguchi, K. Tojo

    11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference  (Valencia)  International Academy of Technology, Education and Development

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Analysis of the dynamics of Si(100) surface reactions with SiHCl3 and SiCl2

    Keisuke Anzai, Nilson Kunioshi, Akio Fuwa

    The 96th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan  Chemical Society of Japan

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Calculation of activation energies of reactions between silicon clusters of various sizes with H2 and HCl

    The 95th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Explanations of mathematical equations in science and engineering lectures

    N. Kunioshi, J. Noguchi, K. Tojo

    8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation  (Sevilla)  International Academy of Technology, Education and Development

    Presentation date: 2015

  • Identifying Pedagogical Functions in University Science and Engineering Lectures

    New Perspectives in Science Education, 3rd edition 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Language support for teachers and students in engineering via a lecture corpus interface

    19th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes 

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Simulation of the reaction mechanism of clean conversion of silicon tetrachloride

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • OnCAL, the Online Corpus of Academic Lectures, an English language support system for university science and engineering instructors

    60th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Engineering Education, International Session 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Kinetics of the Silicon epitaxial growth

    2012 Spring Meeting of the Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Development of an online language support system for oral presentations delivered in Japanese and English

    2012 Spring Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Building a Japanese-English Corpus of Presentations in Science and Engineering: JECPRESE

    The First Workshop on Japanese Studies 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Building a bilingual corpus of presentations in science and engineering: purposes, issues and procedures

    The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Dynamics of PAH growth through reactions of diacetylene

    4th Combustion Symposium of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 口頭発表のためのバイリンガル・コーパスの利用


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Professional Language Acquisition by Novice Researchers

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, IEICE Technical Report 

    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • 理工系日本語・英語口頭発表におけるmove・表現が検索可能なオンラインコーパスの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • 化学系修論口頭発表のムーヴ解析−日英口頭発表の検索サイト開発に向けて−


    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Building and analysing a Japanese-English Corpus of oral academic presentations in engineering - towards the development of an online searchable site -

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, IEICE Technical Report 

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • 工学研究科における専門日本語プレゼンテーションコーパスの構築と解析


    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • English for Engineers at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University

    The Third Meeting of the e-Learning Education Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2006.10

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Research Projects

  • Designing of novel bone-inducing molecules by an experimental-computational approach

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    国吉 ニルソン, ハラ エミリオ・サトシ

  • グローバル化する理工系高等教育における英語を介した講義と教授文化の関連性の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    東條 加寿子, 国吉 ニルソン, 野口 ジュディー津多江

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    グローバル化する理工系高等教育における英語を介した講義の現状を分析し、その教授文化との関連性を明らかにするために、1)講義の比較分析を可能にする日本語講義コーパスの増設、2)分析の理論的枠組みとしてのLegitimation Code Theoryの検討とLCTに基づく分析、および3)LCTに基づいた講義構造分析自動化プログラム(Semantic Density Evaluation Program)の初期開発を行った。
    次に、日米の理工系講義の言語的特性とその背景にある教授文化の介在を明確にするための理論的枠組みとしてLegitimation Code Theory(LCT)を採用し、講義を教授者及び受講者が知識を構築していく過程と捉えた分析を行った。LCTではSemanthic Gravity(用語の文脈依存性)とSemanthic Density(用語の抽象度)を縦軸と横軸に置いた4象限において知識構築がどのように推移していくかをSemantic Wavesとして示す。OnCALに基づいて日米講義を解析した結果、英語講義では用語の抽象度を保持しながら文脈性を高める説明がなされ、一方日本語講義では、用語の抽象性を一般的用語レベルに下げながら知識理解を促す特徴があることが分かった。
    これらの解析結果に基づいて、LCTのSemantic Density(用語の抽象性)に着目し、講義用語を一般用語、アカデミック用語、専門用語に分類し、講義構造分析を自動化したSemantic Density Evaluation Programの初期開発を行った。

  • Elucidation of the role of language in science instruction through English and Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Kunioshi Nilson

     View Summary

    We built and analyzed a corpus of lectures delivered in Japanese at various Japanese universities. By comparing the results with those obtained using an existing corpus of lectures delivered in English at American universities, we found that some interesting aspects of the cultural backgrounds of Japanese and American societies are reflected in the lectures. For example, lectures delivered in Japanese were more teacher centered, and included personalized transmission of knowledge, while the lectures delivered in English were more interactive and did not include so much personal description of researchers. These findings confirm predictions published in the literature about features of educational systems in countries with lower (US) and higher (Japan) power distance index (PDI).

  • Development of an online system to support English-medium instruction in science and engineering

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Kunioshi Nilson, Noguchi Judy, Tojo Kazuko, Hayashi Hiroko

     View Summary

    In order to support teachers and students who are involved in English-medium instruction and are nonnative English speakers, we built the Online Corpus of Academic Lectures (OnCAL, http://www.oncal.sci.waseda.ac.jp/) from 430 lecture transcripts made available by MIT and Stanford University. We identified various pedagogical functions, which are related to different types of explanations in the classroom discourse, so that OnCAL users can see in detail how native English speakers use language in the classroom to realize each pedagogical purpose.

  • Oral presentation skills development for scientists and engineers based on a corpus of presentations delivered in English and Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    NILSON Kunioshi, NOGUCHI Judy, HAYASHI Hiroko, TOJO Kazuko

     View Summary

    In order to offer language support to science and engineering researchers that are non-native speakers of those languages, research presentations delivered in Japanese by Japanese students, in English by American students, and in English by experienced researchers, were recorded and transcribed. After analysis of the presentation contents, a set of moves, which are a combination of a section and a step, were determined. Each utterance in the transcriptions was tagged properly according to the moves, and the tagged transcriptions were uploaded to JECPRESE(The Japanese-English Corpus of Presentations in Science and Engineering, http ://www. jecprese. sci. waseda. ac. jp/). Researchers from all over the world can now consult JECPRESE when preparing their presentations, through searches for words/expressions, or moves.

  • Analysis of reactions forming aromatic hydrocarbons in low pressure carburizing processes

    Project Year :


  • 火炎中のフラーレン生成機構の分子軌道法による解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    国吉 ニルソン

     View Summary

    3.しかし,温度が高いほど付加したC_2が分解する傾向が強くなることも明らかになり,炭化水素火炎中でフラーレンが生成する条件では以前に解析したO_2との反応によるPAHの部分酸化は重要な役割を果たしていることを支持する結果が得られ,第38回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集(2000,p.477)および28th International Symposium on Combustion,Abstracts of Work-In-Progress Posters(2000,p.314)に報告した.

  • 火災中におけるすす生成とフラーレン生成との岐路の解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    国吉 ニルソン

     View Summary

    1. 火炎中で進行する六員環からの五員環生成反応として,フェニル(C_6H_5)ラジカル+O_2→シクロペンタジエニル(C_5H_5)ラジカル+CO+Oについての報告がある.その実験結果を,分子軌道計算によって再現できることをまず確認した結果,(1)O_2分子がフェニルラジカルに近づき,フェノキシ(C_6H_5O)ラジカル+Oとなる,(2)CC_6H_5Oラジカルが熱振動を起こす結果,五員環にCOが付加した化学種となる,(3)COが解離する,といった一連の素反応によって五員環化学種であるC_5H_5ラジカルが生成することがわかった.つまり,実験的に確認された反応を再現しただけではなく,その詳細な進行機構も明らかになった.
    2. 次に,六員環二つからなる1-ナフチルラジカルとO_2との反応を調べた結果,(1)フェニルラジカルの場合と同様の機構によって酸化反応が進行し,最後にCOが解離する結果,六員環と五員環一つずつからなるインデニルラジカルが生成する,(2)フェニルラジカルからのC_5H_5ラジカルの生成,1-ナフチルラジカルからのインデニルラジカルの生成,両反応過程におけるポテンシャルエネルギーも同様に変化することがわかった.
    3. 以上の結果から,六員環一つからなる化学種と二つからなる化学種が同様の機構によって酸化されて五員環に至ることから,任意の数の六員環からなる化学種の部分酸化によって五員環を含む化学種が生成すると予想される.これは,炭化水素火炎ではススが非常に多く生成する条件よりも,ススの生成が少ない条件の方がフラーレンの生成を促すという実験結果を裏付けるものであり,火炎中にある程度酸素が存在しなければ,ススとフラーレンの岐路を決定する五員環が生成しにくいことを示唆している.

  • Theoretical Analyses of Combustion Characteristics of Diluted and Preheated Combustible Gas Mixtures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    FUKUTANI Seishiro, KUNIOSHI Nilson

     View Summary

    The combustion characteristics of diluted and preheated methane-air premixed and diffusion flames were analysed through flat-flame and counterfiow diffusion flame models. The results concerning to the premixed flame, or the flame in which the mixing rate of methane and air is very high, can be summarized as follows :
    1. In flames whose adiabatic flame temperature is higher than 2200 K, the fuel flux can be raised by diluting and preheating the metane-air mixture, independently of the air ratio. For the NO emission, in general, the greater the oxygen ratio the better, but there are optimum values for both the oxygen ratio and the preheating temperature.
    2. For flames whose adiabatic flame temperature is below 2000 K, both fuel flux and NO emission do not show strong dependence with neither dilution nor preheating. For these flames, preheating and dilution should be considered as the means to keep the condition of excess of enthalpy.
    For the diffusion flame, or the flame in which the mixing between methane and air is very slow, the following results were achieved :
    1. The NO emission level can be expressed as a function of the maximum flame temperature. In other words, neither the dilution nor the preheating of the air have any special effect in reducing the NO level.
    2. Therefore, the effect of dilution and preheating can not be achieved in flames in which the mixing between fuel and air is slow.

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  • 426 Effects of Temperature in the Chamber on Combustion Synthesis Mechanism of PAHs and Fullerenes

    Nakajima Akira, Shimizu Tsubasa, Shibahara Masahiko, Kuniyoshi Nilson

      2008 ( 83 ) "4 - 26"  2008.03


  • E122 Effect of Burner Structure on Combustion Synthesis Mechanism of PAHs and Fullerenes

    Nakajima Akira, Shimizu Tsubasa, Shibahara Masahiko, Kunioshi Nilson

    Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference   2007   171 - 172  2007.11

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    The combustion synthesis method is actually used in the industrial mass production process of fullerenes. However, the fullerene formation mechanism from PAHs in a toluene and oxygen premixed flame has not been clarified yet. In the present research, fullerene contents and PAH contents in soot samples were investigated to clarify the formation mechanism of PAHs and fullerenes when the burner structure was changed in two kinds. In the case of the burner B the fullerene contents decreased remarkably and PAHs contents increased in comparison with the case of the burner A. These results showed that the heat supply and the temperature in the chamber were important factors in the fullerene formation mechanism in a flame.


  • PAH and Fullerene Formation from Low Pressure Combustion of Toluene and Oxygen Premixed Flame

    SHIBAHARA Masahiko, TAKADA Hiroshi, SHIMIZU Tsubasa, KUNIOSHI Nilson, KATSUKI Masashi, TAKEHARA Hiroaki

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B   73 ( 731 ) 1456 - 1463  2007.07

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    In the present study, a sooting flame was formed in a reduced-pressure combustion chamber with a premixed flame of methane and oxygen for the surrounding flame and premixed flame of toluene and oxygen for the center flame. Collected soot samples were analyzed using the high performance liquid chromatography and a gas chromatography to determine the fullerene and the total PAH contents and 22 species of PAHs under various conditions. Effects of the chamber pressure, the equivalence ratio of totluene and oxygen, the flow velocity and the chamber length to yield of soot and contents of PAHs and fullerenes were discuseed. When the chamber pressure increases, the contents of PAH and fullerene decreased with keeping a constant soot yield. There were optimal equivalence ratio and flow rate of the center flame for fullerene formation whereas flow rate of the outer flame and chamber length were not essential for fullerene formation. Such chemical species as acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and phyrene accounted for large content in total PAHs.


  • PAH and Fullerene Formation from Low Pressure Combustion of Toluene, Methane and Oxygen Premixed Flame

    SHIBAHARA Masahiko, TAKADA Hiroshi, IRITANI Tetsuya, TAKEHARA Hiroaki, KATSUKI Masashi, KUNIOSHI Nilson

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B   72 ( 719 ) 1805 - 1811  2006.07

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    In the present study, a sooting flame was formed in a reduced-pressure combustion chamber using the vitiated coflow burner with a premixed flame of methane and oxygen for the surrounding flame and premixed flame of toluene, methane and oxygen for the center flame. Collected soot samples were analyzed using the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and a gas chromatography to determine the fullerene content of soot and the species of PAHs under various conditions. Effects of pressure and equivalence ratio to the formation of the PAHs and fullerenes and the branching mechanism between fullerene and soot were discussed. When the fullerene content in soot samples was relatively high, the fractions of anthracene and benzo [a] anthracene were relatively high. When the fullerene content in soot samples was relatively low, the fractions of phenanthrene, flouranthene and pyrene were relatively high. Under the same pressure condition, there was an optimal flow rate of toluene in the center flame for formation of C_<60> and C_<70> of which range became wider with the decrease of pressure condition.


  • 105 A study on PAH and fullerene formation process in toluene flame at low pressure condition

    SHIBAHARA Masahiko, TAKADA Hiroshi, IRITANI Tetsuya, TAKEHARA Hiroaki, KATSUKI Masashi, KUNIOSHI Nilson

      2005 ( 80 ) "1 - 15"-"1-16"  2005.03

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    Wide application of fullerene is expected in the various fields such as new materials and medical applications. Especially combustion synthesis process of fullerene is expected as one of mass production methods of fullerenes. However, the fullerene formation mechanism from PAHs in a flame has not been clarified yet. In the present study, PAH and fullerene concentration were investigated by gas and liquid chromatography in total amount of soot that was made from toluene flame burned at various temperature and pressure. Effects of pressure and equivalence ratio to the formation of the PAHs and fullerenes and branching mechanism between fullerene and soot were discussed.


  • 1220 Theoretical Determination of Rate Constants of PAH Growth Reactions

    YASUDA Yoshihiko, KUNIOSHI Nilson, SHIBAHARA Masahiko, KATSUKI Masashi

      2005 ( 80 ) "12 - 39"-"12-40"  2005.03

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    A better understanding of the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) is of great practical interest because of their potential hazardous health effects and their role as intermediates in soot and fullerene formation. In this work, a new PAH growth path, the addition of phenylacetyrlne (C_6H_4C_2H*2) to PAH, is suggested. The reaction rate constants were calculated as functions of pressure through the RRKM theory, using the molecular and transition-state parameters computed through the molecular orbital theory at the B3LYP/6-311G (d, p) or 6-31G (d, p) level.


  • Combustion Characteristics of Preheated and Diluted Methane-Air Mixtures

    FUKUTANI Seishiro, OIKE Hiroyuki, KUNIOSHI Nilson

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B.   64 ( 618 ) 568 - 573  1998.02

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    Preheating air to high temperatures and dilution of fuel-air mixtures with combustion gases are thought to support high performance combustion, or, in other words, large fuel fluxes and, simultaneously, low emission levels of NO. These combustion characteristics are known to result from complicated interactions between temperature and composition effects, but the mechanisms leading to these characteristics have not yet been elucidated. In this work, combustion of preheated mixtures of methane+air+combustion gases was simulated using a one-dimensional model. In order to analyze separately the temperature and the composition effects, four different values of adiabatic flame temperature T_a were chosen a priori ; then, the preheating temperature was determined as for satisfying T_a for fixed amounts of combustion gases added to the fuel-air mixture. The above cited combustion characterisics could be basically reproduced with the premixed flame model used in this study. Whatever added to the fuel-air mixture, preheating to about 1800 K was seen to be necessary for allowing the mixture to ignite spontaneously and burn efficiently with large burning velocities ; at such high preheating temperature combustion, the burning velocity, and then the fuel flux were found to be very large and the NO concentration much lower than that obtained when methane burns with room temperature air.


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Kagami Memorial Research Institute for Materials Science and Technology   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • シリコン表面上の二酸化炭素の吸着および水素化における実験的研究

    2023   幸田怜, 山口勉功

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  • リン脂質分子による石灰化機構の実験的および理論的解析

    2022   程 雲昊, ハラ・エミリオ・サトシ

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  • Computational analysis of chemical reactions in the mineralization process of phospholipids

    2021   ハラ・エミリオ, 山口勉功

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    リン脂質はPO4に2種類の分子片(一方は親水性のcholineやserineの官能基,もう一方は疎水性の脂肪酸)がつながった分子である.リン脂質分子は石灰化(hydroxy-apatite等を生成)することが知られているがその機構は不明である.石灰化機構を解明するために,phosphatidyl-choline (PC), phosphatidyl-serine(PS)の加水分解反応を解析した.加水分解によってcholineやserineが切れる場合と脂肪酸が切れる場合がある.両種類の加水分解は2段階を経ることがわかった.最初はH2O分子がPO4にくっ付くassociation段階で,次は結合が切れるhydrolysis段階である.解析した結果,association段階の方が活性化エネルギーが高かった.また,水溶液中にCaイオンが含まれていればリン脂質分子がそれに結ばれる.Caイオンと結ばれたリン脂質分子は,水溶液に単分子で存在する場合よりも加水分解されにくいこともわかった.

  • Relationship between cultural background and scientific research practices

    2020   Kazuko Tojo, Judy Noguchi

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    It is known that people born and grown in different cultures act differently. This is because culture is the result of the practices people used along time and at the same time culture influences the practices of people in the present. As an example of human activity, scientific research is expected to be conducted differently in countries that differ in cultural background. In this research, the related literature was first surveyed. Differences in how science education has been delivered in the classrooms, and how students having different backgrounds react to these different practices have been reported: even in a single country like the United States, children of different ethnicity and cultural background are raised differently. Differences between how Japanese and European American mothers talk to their children have also been reported. In order to verify how the cultural background is reflected in the classroom discourse in higher education, a corpus of lectures delivered in English at two leading American universities and a corpus of lectures delivered in Japanese at a leading Japanese university by various native speakers of their respective languages were built. The purpose is to compare the corpora to identify influences of the cultural background on pedagogical practices.

  • 固体表面上の二酸化炭素の吸着および還元反応のシミュレーション研究

    2019   井上岳紀, 山口勉功

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    排出&nbsp;CO2&nbsp;の再利用技術&nbsp;(CO2&nbsp;Capture and Utilization, CCU)&nbsp;開発へ貢献するために,本研究ではCO2分子が固体材料の表面に吸着し,吸着後に気相から表面に接近した分子と反応する過程を想定して,その化学反応動力学を解析した.先行研究に基づき,まずはシリコンを固体材料として想定し,CO2分子の吸着反応およびその後のH2との反応をシミュレーションした.シリコン結晶をモデル化するためにシリコン原子からなるクラスターを用い,Gaussian16分子軌道ソフトウェアを使用してSi(100)面上の反応動力学を解析した.Si(100)面,Si(110) 面,Si(111)面上でCO2吸着が吸着したが,Si(100)&nbsp;面上ではH2との還元反応が最も効率よく進行する傾向があることがわかった.

  • 二酸化炭素を炭素源として再利用するための材料探索に関するシミュレーション研究

    2018   山口勉功, 井上岳紀, 栗原令奈

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    シリコン結晶(100)面上で二酸化炭素分子が起こす反応をシミュレーションした.まず,吸着反応の活性化エネルギーは約 3 kcal/mol と小さく,二酸化炭素は簡単に Si(100) 上で吸着されることがわかった.吸着された CO2 の構造として,C-O結合の一つが Si-Si ダイマーの上に載った形となる.吸着後の CO2 は,気相から近づく H2 分子と反応して,HCOOH (ギ酸)となって脱着する可能性はあることを明らかにした.この反応の活性化エネルギーは約 20 kcal/mol であり,気相中で CO2 + H2 から HCOOH を生成させる場合の活性化エネルギー (74 kcal/mol) よりも小さい.つまり,シリコン結晶には,CO2 の還元反応を促進させる触媒作用があることを示唆した結果を得た.

  • 結晶シリコンのエピタキシャル成長における反応解析

    2017   藤村祥貴, 萩野翔, 豊嶋龍樹, 山口勉功

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    シリコン結晶の表面成長の機構を解明するために以前から研究を行っており,結晶表面をモデル化するために原子クラスターを用いてきた.2017年度では,クラスターが H 原子に被覆&nbsp;(H-passivation)&nbsp;されている場合の吸着反応の機構を調べた.並行に並んだ3個の表面ダイマーを含み,H 原子に被覆された P3H6 クラスターに SiCl2 分子が吸着されるが,H 原子に被覆されていないクラスターの場合と比べて活性化エネルギーが大きかった.この活性化エネルギー増加によって SiCl2 が H 原子に被覆されたクラスターから脱着しにくくなり,H-passivation が結晶成長を後押しすることがわかった.

  • シリコン結晶における表面成長反応のモデル化


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    シリコン結晶の成長反応機構を解明するために,気相中で生じる素反応および結晶表面で生じる反応を解析した.従来の研究に対象とされてこなかった,気相反応の圧力依存性を取り上げ,その速度定数を温度・圧力の関数として求めた.まず,SiCl2 + SiHCl3からの化学活性化反応を詳細に解析した.この反応が進行すると,Si2HCl5が中間体として生成し,圧力・温度の条件によっては複数の生成物に分解することがわかった.また,シリコン原子からなるクラスターを用いて結晶を近似して,以前から解析をしてきたHClやSiCl2の吸着反応の速度定数を求めた.

  • Academic Spoken English と Academic Written Englishにおける言語的特徴の解析


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    本研究では以前から開発し,公開した OnCAL (The Online Corpus of Academic Lectures, http://www.oncal.sci.waseda.ac.jp/) を活用して,MIT やStanford 大学の講義書き起こしを詳細に解析し,英語による講義における academic spoken English の言語特徴を解析した.また,英語による論文のコーパスを構築し,論文における academic written English の言語特徴を特定し,具体的に academic spoken English とどのように異なるかを解析した.OnCAL に約 350 万語,論文のコーパスには約 230 万語が含まれる.解析の結果,academic spoken English と academic written English との間に下記のような興味深い差異を特定した.1.教科書に頻度が高い academic words のリストとして知られる Academic Word List に含まれる単語を,OnCAL および論文のコーパス内の頻度は,大きく異なった.例えば,academic word である obtain は同義語の get との差を調べた結果,obtain は論文では 1,877 回出現するのに対して,OnCAL には 156 回しか出現しない.Get については,論文コーパスに 260 回,OnCAL には 15,919 回出現する.論文コーパスと講義コーパスの大きさは異なっていることを考慮しても,academic spoken English と academic written English との差ははっきり現れていると言える.2.単語(動詞,形容詞,名詞,副詞)レベルだけではなく,テキスト構造についても大きな差があることが明らかになった.論文は複数の section (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions) に分かれており,各 section は論理的に展開される.これに対して講義は,一番最初と最後の部分を除いて決まった section には分かれず,教員の教える意図は講義全体にわたる.3.論文作成の作業に研究者が時間をかけて表現を注意深く選ぶことがることができるのに対して講義の場合準備はできるが多くの不確定要素が多く入ってくる.英語非母語話者教員は講義を英語で行う場合,講義における academic spoken English の特徴を事前に把握できるように講義中の pedagogical functions を特定して,各 function 毎に典型的な表現を特定した.

  • 英語による講義におけるpedagogical functionsとその表現の特定

    2014   Judy Noguchi, 東條 加寿子, 林 洋子

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    本研究では,OnCAL (Online Corpus of Academic Lectures, http://www.oncal.sci.waseda.ac.jp) を開発している.2014 年度中には English Medium Instruction, Integration of Content and Language in Higher Education, English for Specific Purposes, Classroom language, Science Education など,幅広い分野における文献を調査し,その見知から構築したコーパスを分析した結果,11 種類の pedagogical functions を特定し,各 function によく使われる表現を特定した.Function 毎に高い頻度で出現した表現を OnCAL システムに登録し,ユーザが function を指定するだけでその function と関係する例文を簡単に参照することを可能とした.

  • 理工系分野に関する論文・口頭発表・講義における言語特徴の分析


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    目的 理工系の分野において,「論文」および「口頭発表」の形で研究者が情報発信を,英語によって行う必要がある.研究者はこの事実を強く意識しており,経験によってこれらのジャンルの言語特徴を把握し,適切に論文や口頭発表を行っている.近年,早稲田大学理工学術院においても,講義も英語によって行われることになった.ヨーロッパと異なり,日本においてはこの動きはまだ新しく,日本の大学教員は「英語による講義」の言語特徴を十分に把握できていない可能性は高い.そこで,本研究は「英語による講義」,「英語による論文」および「英語による口頭発表」の言語特徴にどのように異なるかを明らかにすることを目的とする.方法 「英語による論文」における言語特徴を特定するために Elsevier 社 やTaylor and Francis社,Institute of Physics, American Chemical Societyなどにある理工系の多分野にわたる多くのjournalに2013年に掲載された論文をダウンロードし,論文のコーパスを構築した.AntConcソフトウェアを用いて論文コーパスを解析した. 「英語による口頭発表」における言語特徴を特定するために以前に研究代表者が開発・公開したJECPRESE (The Japanese―English Corpus of Presentations in Science and Engineering)を用いた. 「英語による講義」の言語特徴を特定するために以前に研究代表者が開発・公開したOnCAL (The Online Corpus of Academic Lectures)を使用した.結果 論文,口頭発表および講義は,それぞれで取り上げられる内容は大きく異なるため,それぞれの言語特徴もそれによって異なるが,できるだけ似た内容を比較する必要がある.そこで,論文と口頭発表のIntroductionの部分は講義に出現する内容と最も近いと判断した.これは,Introductionではすでに知られていることを紹介する部分があるからである.その中ではknowという動詞に注目した.論文では,「It is well known that…」のような受け身形の動詞が含まれる表現は多く見られる.これに対して,knowという動詞を口頭発表で検索すると,「we all know that」に表現は変化し,「we」などの代名詞は主語になる表現は多く見られる.講義も話し言葉を用いるジャンルであるため,口頭発表と似た言語特徴を有する.しかし,講義では「don’t know」,「doesn’t know」および「didn’t know」の否定形はknowの全活用中に17%以上を占めていた.これは大変興味深い結果であり,ジャンル間に言語特徴が異なることを示している.結論研究者が研究成果を発信するためや講義にて教育効果を上げるためにそれぞれのジャンルにて言語を適切に用いることは重要であり,本研究で得られた結果がその事実を示している.

  • 熱分解および燃焼場における多環芳香族炭化水素の生成機構を表す反応モデルの確立


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     金属表面を固める方法として真空浸炭が用いられており、炭素源となるのは acetylene (C2H2) や propane (C3H8)、ethylene (C2H4)、cyclohexane (C6H12) などの炭化水素分子である。真空浸炭は高効率であるため環境に優しい方法であるがすすを生成するという問題も生じる。本研究ではすすの前駆体である多環芳香族炭化水素(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons、以降 PAH と呼ぶ)の挙動を解明するために実験および計算によって methane (CH4)、acetylene、propane および cyclohexane の熱分解過程を解析し、それぞれの条件で生成する PAH の濃度を求め、比較した。実験に小型の炉を用い、計算には文献に提唱されている化学反応モデルを組み合わせて使用した。得られた結果は以下のようである。 1.熱を加えても methane がほとんど分解されないまま高濃度で残る。Acetylene もかなり安定であるが benzene (C6H6) などの炭素原子が多い分子が生成する。 2.Propane および cyclohexane はほぼ完全に分解され、主な生成物は acetylene、hydrogen (H2)、benzene および methane である。 3.熱分解による主な生成物以外に加えて、diacetylene (C4H2), vinylacetylene (C4H4), butadiene (C4H6), toluene (C7H8), phenylacetylene (C8H6), styrene (C8H8), indene (C9H8), naphthalene (C10H8), acenaphthylene (C12H8), acenaphthene (C12H10) および phenalene (C13H10) の生成は実験的に確認され、実験的に求めたこれらの炭化水素濃度は計算の結果と定性的に一致した。 4.実験結果と計算結果との間に定性的な一致がみられたことによって採用した化学反応モデルは基本的には妥当であることがわかったが、diacetylene や styrene の濃度については差が大きかったことも明らかになった。すすの発生を抑える方法を探るためにPAH の挙動を解明する必要があるため、化学反応モデルを改良しなければならないことが判明し、今後の課題が明確になった。

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