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ホソイ アツシ
細井 厚志
理工学術院 基幹理工学部
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2021年03月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   教授

  • 2016年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   准教授

  • 2014年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   講師

  • 2008年05月

    名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科   助教

  • 2011年11月

    シドニー大学   航空・機械・電子工学科   訪問学者

  • 2007年04月


  • 2008年

    Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Nagoya University

  • 2008年

    JSPS Research Fellow (PD)

  • 2007年

    JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)

  • 2005年10月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   客員研究助手

  • 2005年

    Visiting Research Associate, Department of Science and Technology, Waseda University



  • 2018年

    日本機械学会  会員部会委員

  • 2016年

    日本材料学会  複合材料部門 幹事

  • 2016年

    日本複合材料学会  評議員

  • 2015年

    日本機械学会  機械材料・材料加工部門 運営委員会委員

  • 2018年

    6th Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP2018)  Scientific & Program Committee

  • 2017年

    7th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC7)  International Scientific Committee

  • 2017年

    3rd Turkey-Japan Workshop on Polymeric Composite Materials  International Scientific Advisory Committee

  • 2017年

    International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity (ICAF2017), 35th Conference and 29th Symposium  Organizing Committee

  • 2015年

    2nd Turkey-Japan Workshop on Polymeric Composite Materials  International Scientific Advisory Committee

  • 2014年

    日本機械学会  会誌編修部会委員

  • 2013年

    - 日本材料学会 複合材料部門 JCCM-5実行委員 実行委員

  • 2013年

    - 日本材料学科会 複合材料部門 中部地区担当委員

  • 2012年

    日本複合材料学会 第37回複合材料シンポジウム実行委員 幹事

  • 2012年

    日本材料学会 複合材料部門第3回JCOM若手シンポジウム実行委員 担当委員

  • 2010年

    経済産業省 原子力安全・保安院 高経年化技術評価高度化事業 専門員

  • 2012年

    - 日本非破壊検査協会 電界計測に基づく非破壊評価実用研究会 幹事

  • 2010年

    - 日本複合材料学会東海・北陸支部 支部監事












    The Society of Materials Science, Japan


    The Japan Society for Composite Materials


    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers



  • 材料力学、機械材料


  • 非破壊検査

  • 複合材料

  • 破壊力学

  • 疲労

  • 材料強度

  • Nondestructive Inspection

  • Fracture

  • Crack Healing

  • Fatigue

  • Material Evaluation



  • 林賞

    2020年06月   日本複合材料学会   繊維強化複合材料の疲労における長期信頼性評  

  • 機械材料・材料加工部門 部門一般表彰 (優秀講演論文部門)

    2017年09月   日本機械学会   熱処理によるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の疲労き裂治癒における冷却条件の影響  

  • 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞

    2017年04月   文部科学省   構造材料の疲労損傷評価及びき裂治癒技術の開発に関する研究  

  • 船井学術賞

    2017年04月   船井情報科学財団   繊維強化複合材料の長期信頼性評価技術の確立とその応用  

  • 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)

    2016年04月   日本機械学会   炭素繊維強化複合材料の長期耐久性評価に関する研究  

  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)

    2015年04月   日本機械学会   層間高靭性化CFRPクロスプライ積層板の繰り返し荷重下におけるトランスバースクラック発生評価  

  • 機械材料・材料加工部門 部門一般表彰 (優秀講演論文部門)

    2014年09月   日本機械学会   マイクロ波伝播理論による繊維強化複合材料内部の層間はく離の定量評価  

  • 最優秀ポスター賞

    2013年11月   日本ばね学会   高密度電流場制御と熱処理による疲労き裂閉口に関する研究  

  • 複合材料部門奨励賞

    2013年05月   日本材料学会   繊維強化複合材料の疲労における長期信頼性評価に関する研究  

  • ベストインプレッション賞

    2011年06月   日本ばね学会   高密度電流場制御による疲労き裂修復における表面活性化プリコート処理の影響  

  • 林学生賞

    2007年10月   日本複合材料学会   CFRP積層板の高サイクル疲労特性(トランスバースクラックの影響を考慮に入れた層間剥離成長挙動の評価)  

  • 三浦賞

    2005年03月   日本機械学会  




  • Evaluation of matrix crack growth in interlaminar toughened quasi-isotropic carbon-fiber reinforced plastic laminates up to the very-high cycle regime by ultrasonic fatigue testing

    Yuki Nishi, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Science and Technology   253  2024年07月


    It is time-consuming to conduct conventional hydraulic fatigue testing up to the very-high cycle fatigue (VHCF, N (number of cycles) ≥ 108) regime. Ultrasonic fatigue testing has been proposed as an accelerated alternative method. In this study, ultrasonic fatigue testing was conducted on interlaminar toughened quasi-isotropic carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates to evaluate the characteristics and mechanism of fatigue up to the VHCF regime. Hydraulic fatigue tests were conducted at the same stress ratio as a comparison. The resulting S–N diagrams showed a lower fatigue strength and different fatigue mechanisms for specimens subjected to ultrasonic fatigue tests compared with those subjected to hydraulic fatigue tests. The observed growth of the matrix crack density in each laminate layer was used to perform a shear-lag analysis to calculate the energy release rate considering off-axis matrix cracks. The results suggested different damage growth behaviors for specimens subjected to ultrasonic and conventional fatigue tests.



  • Stress and energy release rate analysis of cross-ply carbon fiber-reinforced plastic laminate with transverse cracks subjected to ultrasonic vibration using a variational approach

    Yuki Nishi, Shinji Itoh, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Advanced Composite Materials    2024年


    Application of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) to structures that are subjected to increasingly high numbers of cyclic loads is expected to expand, so evaluation of fatigue properties up to the very-high cycle regime is essential to prove their long-term reliability. Conventional fatigue testing is not practical for such conditions owing to the excessive time required; ultrasonic fatigue testing, which can be performed at a frequency of 20 kHz, is an effective alternative. Stress distribution in ultrasonic fatigue testing differs from that in conventional fatigue testing because the specimen is resonated. The stress distribution of cross-ply laminates with transverse cracks subjected to resonance was calculated using a variational approach. The energy release rate was calculated based on the results of a previous study on transverse crack initiation. The results of the stress analysis are in good agreement with those of finite-element analysis. Quantitative evaluation of transverse crack initiation was also conducted.



  • Very high-cycle fatigue properties of 90 degrees unidirectional CFRP laminates and evaluation of fatigue limits by free volume measurement using positron microscopy

    Masafumi Tazuke, Tsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Atsushi Hosoi, Koji Michishio, Nagayasu Oshima, Hiroyuki Kawada



    The objective of this study was to experimentally evaluate the fatigue limit of 90 degrees unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates. The very high-cycle fatigue properties of the specimens were evaluated using ultrasonic and electromagnetic fatigue testing machines. Ultrasonic fatigue tests were conducted to obtain the fatigue properties under the giga-cycle regime. The specimen geometry was designed to resonate at 20 kHz, the specimen consisted of CFRP laminate and a metal tab to connect to the horn end of the testing machine. Additionally, the free volume of the matrix material, namely, epoxy resin, of the CFRP laminates was evaluated using the positron annihilation method. A slit was introduced in the specimen surface to identify the location of damage development, which facilitated the free volume measurement by positron microscopy. The obtained S-N curves reveal that failure did not occur at strain levels lower than epsilon(max) = 0.75% at the slit tip for all specimens up to N = 1.0 x 10(9) cycles. The free volume measurement for a specimen set above the threshold strain level revealed that the free volume increased in size and decreased in amount as the number of cycles increased. The test results revealed that the opposite trend existed below the threshold, which suggests that a fatigue limit may exist.


  • Experimental evaluation of mode I fracture toughness of dissimilar-material joints with thermal residual stresses

    Kazuki Harada, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Momoka Shima, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Science and Technology   224  2022年06月


    The mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of dissimilar-material joints with thermal residual stresses is experimentally evaluated. The double cantilever beam (DCB) test is commonly used to assess the interlaminar fracture toughness of composites but is inadequate when dissimilar materials are joined owing to the mixed mode, which arises from differences in the bending stiffness and the thermal residual stresses formed during manufacturing because of differences in the linear expansion coefficient of the adherends. To address these difficulties, a new test, named the constant-load DCB test, was developed to evaluate the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness. In this study, a testing machine, based on the theoretical method previously established to derive the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of dissimilar-material joints, is manufactured, and the fracture toughness is experimentally determined. As a result, good agreement between the theoretical value and experimental results is obtained, and the mode mixity ratio is significantly decreased compared with that of the general DCB test.



  • Application of Ultrasonic Fatigue Test for Evaluation of Very High Cycle Fatigue Damage Growth in L-Shaped Quasi-Isotropic CFRP Laminates

    Sugano Moe, Kosugi Kensuke, Miyakoshi Tsuyosi, Hosoi Atsushi, Tsuda Terumasa, Kawada Hiroyuki

    Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   71 ( 10 ) 841 - 846  2022年


    The fatigue characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime have not been well understood. Moreover, it is necessary to research the fatigue behavior of L-shaped CFRP laminates in VHCF regime, which is often seen in structures. To investigate the fatigue behavior of L-shaped CFRP laminates in the VHCF regime, an ultrasonic fatigue test method was constructed in this study. An ultrasonic fatigue test was conducted in the range of 107 - 109 cycles. The working frequency was 20 kHz, and the geometry of the specimen was designed by the results of finite element analysis to resonate in the same frequency. Displacement, temperature, and fatigue damage of specimen were observed. As a result, it was confirmed that specimens resonated at 20 kHz during the test. The high temperature was measured, and delamination was observed at the curved section of specimens. The results showed ultrasonic fatigue tests can perform with L-shaped CFRP laminates. The observation suggests that stress concentration occurs at curved section during the test, and the interlayer stresses between 90°ply and 45°ply near the center of the 16 layers are dominant in fatigue damage initiation.



  • Influence of covalently-bound graphene oxide on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber composite materials

    Mai Kikuchi, Kensuke Nakaso, Atsushi Murata, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Diamond and Related Materials   121  2022年01月


    Graphene was used as an additive in fiber-reinforced plastics. The apparent interfacial shear strength (IFSS) was improved by grafting graphene onto the fibers. In this study, the effect of graphene grafted onto carbon fiber via chemical covalent bonding on the mechanical properties of the fibers was evaluated. This method was used to link graphene and carbon fibers via ester linkages, which are stronger than physical adsorption interactions and cause little damage to the fiber strength. Before grafting through an ester linkage, an electrophoretic deposition was conducted to uniformly coat graphene onto the carbon fibers. The purpose of this study was to establish a fabrication method that could control the density and thickness of the graphene layer covalently bound to the fibers. In addition, the optimal production process and composite form of the reinforced fibers were determined by evaluating the fiber strength and IFSS of various graphene-reinforced fibers. Ultimately, it was determined that graphene could be grafted onto carbon fibers relatively uniformly, and that the graphene layer thickness affected their interfacial shear strength. In terms of optimizing the IFSS, a thin and uniform graphene layer was best, and the IFSS was improved by 42.1% compared with untreated fibers containing sizing agents.



  • Evaluation of very high cycle fatigue properties for transverse crack initiation in cross-ply carbon fiber-reinforced plastic laminates

    Tsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Takeru Atsumi, Kensuke Kosugi, Atsushi Hosoi, Terumasa Tsuda, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures   45 ( 8 ) 2403 - 2414  2022年


    This paper investigates the transverse crack initiation behaviors of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) in the high-cycle and very high cycle regimes. To accelerate the fatigue test up to the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime, an ultrasonic fatigue testing system that can apply the specimen ultrasonic load at a frequency of 20 kHz was used. The fatigue behavior of cross-ply CFRP laminates formed with T800S/2592 prepreg was investigated. The fatigue behaviors at N = 103–107 cycles and N = 108–109 cycles were obtained by hydraulic and ultrasonic fatigue tests, respectively. The slope of the S–N diagram for transverse crack initiation showed a linear decrease in the region of N = 103–106 cycles and leveled off over N = 106 cycles. Furthermore, no cracks occurred in any specimen tested under the 90°-layer stress σ90°max = 44 MPa up to a maximum of N = 6.56 × 109 cycles.



  • Post-synthesis treatment improves the electrical properties of dry-spun carbon nanotube yarns

    Takumi Watanabe, Akira Itoh, Tomohisa Watanabe, Takeshi Kizaki, Masayasu Inaguma, Atushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Carbon   185   314 - 323  2021年11月


    Researchers expect carbon nanotube (CNT) yarns as an alternative to metallic wiring. However, the electrical properties of CNT yarns remain relatively low, necessitating further improvement. In this study, we fabricated CNT yarns by dry-spinning and performed several post-synthesis treatments to enhance the electrical properties. Polymer solution impregnation increased the electrical conductivity 1.82 × and the current capacity 1.58 ×, attributable to densification of the CNT yarn bundles. Graphitization (GT) increased the electrical conductivity 2.58 × and the current capacity 1.83 ×, attributable to purification of the crystalline structure. Iodinemonochloride/dichloromethane (ICl/DCM) doping increased the electrical conductivity 1.79 × and the current capacity 1.31 ×, attributable to the increased electron carrier density. We achieved further enhancement by a two-step treatment—GT and ICl/DCM doping—resulting in a 4.88 × increase in conductivity and reaches a maximum of 5.12 × 105 S/m. We observed greater doping effects after GT, which increased the electrical conductivity 1.89 ×, whereas doping for pristine CNT yarn only increased the electrical conductivity 1.79 ×. The X-ray photoelectron spectra of CNT yarn in each step indicated a positive relationship between the peak area of the π–π∗ transition component and the electrical conductivity. Therefore, we hypothesize that purification of the crystalline structure increases the electron carrier density by doping.



  • Fatigue delamination growth characterization of a directly bonded carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates and aluminum alloys with surface nanostructure using DCB test

    Kei Saito, Kristine M. Jespersen, Hiroki Ota, Keita Wada, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Journal of Composite Materials   55 ( 22 ) 3131 - 3140  2021年09月


    With the recent demand for weight reduction, structural materials for transportation equipment are being replaced by carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTPs). Therefore, techniques to join CFRTPs to alloys are needed. In this study, the fatigue delamination growth of bonded CFRTP/aluminum alloy joints was characterized. The specimens were bonded in three ways, using adhesive, direct chemical bonding, and direct chemical bonding with a nanostructured surface. The type of the specimen was double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen, which consisted of aluminum alloy (A5052) and plain woven CFRTP. The lay-up of the CFRTP was [(0,90)]9 and the used matrix was PA6. Fatigue loading was applied in displacement control mode. The ratio between the minimum and maximum displacement was 0.1, and the test frequency was 5 Hz. The crack length during the fatigue tests was obtained by compliance calibration. Fatigue was characterized by constructing a Paris diagram for each specimen type. The fracture surface distinctively changed from smooth brittle-like fracture to hair-like ductile fracture post fabricating a nanostructure and chemical bonding. As a result, the fatigue crack growth resistance of the specimen with the nanostructure significantly improved due to the hair-like ductile fracture.



  • Effect of the interfacial nanostructure on the interlaminar fracture toughness and damage mechanisms of directly bonded carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics and aluminum

    Hiroki Ota, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Kei Saito, Keita Wada, Kazuki Okamoto, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing   139  2020年12月  [査読有り]



    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTPs) are becoming of interest to mass production industries. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the direct bonding technique to join an aluminum alloy and a CFRTP laminate by fabricating a nanostructure on the aluminum alloy surface. The effect of the nanostructure on the fracture toughness and the damage mechanisms were investigated. The nanostructure improved the fracture toughness by about 2.6 times compared with that without the nanostructure. From observations of the fracture surface, ductile failure of the matrix owing to the nanostructure occurred, suggesting that plastic deformation improved the fracture toughness. From X-ray computed tomography observations, intralaminar failure caused by the nanostructure occurred, which appeared to be a factor for the improved fracture toughness.



  • Experimental measurement of mode-I fracture toughness of dissimilar material joints with thermal residual stresses

    Kristine M. Jespersen, Hiroki Ota, Kazuki Harada, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Engineering Fracture Mechanics   238  2020年10月  [査読有り]


    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd The current study presents a novel test method to experimentally cancel out the thermal stresses in dissimilar material joints. For the commonly used double cantilever beam test the presence of thermal stresses results in a significant mode mixity at the crack tip, which varies with applied load even if the elastic properties of the adherends are similar. This is particularly a challenge for fibre reinforced plastics bonded to metals due to the large difference in thermal expansion coefficients. The presence of mode-II loading is likely to provide a higher fracture energy from experiments than if tested under pure mode-I loading, which can lead to non-conservative results when using standard test methods. To overcome this challenge a novel test method inspired by the mixed mode bending test is developed. It is shown that the thermal stresses can be cancelled by applying initial constant loads during testing, and that the fracture toughness under pure mode-I loading can be obtained under specific conditions. The test method is validated by carrying out virtual compliance calibration experiments using cohesive zone finite element modelling. As the test method relies solely on analytical calculations and can be used with standard test equipment, it is relatively simple to apply in practice.



  • Effect of interfacial nanostructure on mode mixity in directly bonded carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic laminates and aluminum alloy with thermal stresses

    Hiroki Ota, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Kei Saito, Keita Wada, Kazuki Okamoto, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials and Processing, LEMP 2020    2020年


    In recent years, for the aim of weight reduction of transportation equipment, carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTPs), which have high recyclability and formability, are becoming suitable for mass production. Additionally, with the development of multi-material structures, excellent technologies for joining metal and CFRTPs are required. In present industry, joining between dissimilar materials include adhesive bonding and mechanical joining methods, however, these methods still have some problems, and therefore an alternative bonding method without adhesive and mechanical joining is required for joining CFRTPs and metals. Thus, this study focused on direct bonding between CFRTP and an aluminum alloy, by producing a nanostructure on the surface of the aluminum alloy. The nanostructure penetrates the CFRTP matrix causing an anchoring effect, which results in significant bonding strength improvement. The influence of the nanostructure on the fracture toughness for the directly bonded CFRTP and aluminum was evaluated by static double cantilever beam (DCB) testing. Due to the difference of the thermal expansion coefficients between the CFRTP laminates and the aluminum alloy, significant residual stresses are generated. The effect of the thermal residual stresses on the fracture toughness along with the resulting mode mixity (mode ? and ?) was calculated. It is found that the thermal stresses introduce a significant mode mixity of the fracture toughness.



  • Very high-cycle fatigue characteristics of cross-ply CFRP laminates in transverse crack initiation

    Atsushi Hosoi, Takuro Suzuki, Kensuke Kosugi, Takeru Atsumi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Terumasa Tsuda, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering     838 - 846  2020年  [査読有り]


    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. Fan blades are subjected to very high-cycle loadings during the design life, so it is essential to evaluate the giga-cycle fatigue characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates. In this study, the transverse crack initiation of the cross-ply CFRP laminates in very high-cycle fatigue region was evaluated using an ultrasonic fatigue testing machine. The fatigue tests were conducted at the frequency of f = 20 kHz and the stress ratio of R = −1. In order to suppress temperature rise of the specimen, the intermittent operation with the loading time of 200 ms and the dwelling time of 2000 ms was adopted. The fatigue life data to transverse crack initiation in very high-cycle fatigue region was compared with the data of the fatigue test which was conducted at the frequency of f = 5 Hz and the stress ratios of R = 0.1 and −1 using a hydraulic control fatigue test machine. It was evaluated considering the influences of the stress ratio and the thermal residual stress by using the modified Walker model. The fatigue life to the transverse crack initiation of the cross-ply CFRP laminates in the very high-cycle region exceeding 108 cycles was on the extension of the test data in the low cycle region.



  • Damage mechanisms and mechanical properties of directly bonded CFRTP and aluminium with nano-structured surface

    Kristine Munk Jespersen, Hikaru Abe, Hiroki Ota, Kei Saito, Keita Wada, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering     104 - 112  2020年  [査読有り]


    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. The present work studies the cohesive behaviour of a previously proposed novel direct bonding method for dissimilar bonding between a carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) and aluminium. A nanostructure is manufactured on the aluminium surface and is directly bonded to the CFRTP by applying heat and pressure. Double cantilever beam (DCB) testing is carried out to evaluate the bonding properties and the initial results of a method for directly measuring the traction-separation behaviour from experiments is presented. The nanostructure is observed to improve the bonding properties significantly compared to two other considered bonding cases. Furthermore, the measured traction-separation behaviour is seen to be difference for each case. Nevertheless, the applied calculation method shows some challenges related to thermal stresses and plastic deformation that should to be taken into account in future studies.



  • Energy absorption mechanism of thermoplastic fiber-reinforced plastics under impact loading using split-hopkinson pressure-bar method

    Ayuta Nambu, Shogo Adachi, Tomoya Yabu, Yuji Ishitsuka, Atushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Key Engineering Materials   858 KEM   47 - 52  2020年  [査読有り]


    © 2020 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland. The energy absorbing performance in the progressive failure of glass long-fiber-reinforced polyamide was evaluated by using the split Hopkinson pressure-bar method. An impact compression test of glass long-fiber-reinforced polyamide was performed from –30 °C to 90 °C, and the temperature-independent energy absorbing performance was confirmed only for the progressive failure mode. To clarify this phenomenon, compression tests, interlaminar compressive shear tests and mode-I fracture-toughness tests were conducted under static and impact conditions. The compression strength and the shear strength of all specimens decreased with an increase in temperature. The toughness improved with temperature. In addition to the mechanical tests, failure-mode analysis was performed by using a three-dimensional X-ray microscope to clarify the absorbing mechanism. From the above, it was concluded that the temperature-independent energy absorbing performance results from a balance of these mechanical properties against the temperature change.



  • X-ray tomography based finite element modelling of non-crIMP fabric based fibre composite

    Kristine M. Jespersen, Leif E. Asp, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, Lars P. Mikkelsen

    ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials    2020年  [査読有り]


    © CCM 2020 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials. All rights reserved. The current study presents a workflow to import a fibre bundle structure of a non-crimp fabric based fibre composite obtained by X-ray CT to a solvable 3D model in the finite element software ABAQUS. The considered fibre composite is similar to that used for the load carrying parts of wind turbine blades, and each layer of the non-crimp fabric contains fibre bundles oriented in the 0◦, 90◦, and ±45◦ directions. The 3D fibre bundle geometry is first segmented in the software AVIZO and then imported to Geomagic Wrap where the geometry is smoothened and converted into a nurbs surface that can be imported into ABAQUS. The resulting stress distribution is qualitatively compared to previous experimental observations and discussed.

  • Enhancing mechanical properties of graphene / epoxy nanocomposites using few-layer graphene produced by liquid phase exfoliation

    K. Oba, Y. Arao, A. Hosoi, H. Kawada

    ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials    2020年  [査読有り]


    © CCM 2020 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials. All rights reserved. In this study, few-layer graphenes (FLGs) were produced by new liquid phase exfoliation (LPE), exfoliation of graphite with weak acid salts. A high concentration dispersion of FLGs in low-boiling point solvents is successfully carried out, achieved by binding molecules with a dispersing function. And then graphene/epoxy nanocomposites were fabricated and tensile properties were evaluated in order to understand the effect of FLGs introduced into the resin. Graphene/epoxy nanocomposite showed improved mechanical properties. Tensile strength and fracture strain were increased by 11.5% and 55.6% compared with as-received one's. Especially, the improvement of fracture strain was outstanding, which indicated that adding FLGs had a positive impact on suppressing effect on crack propagation and improving fracture toughness of matrix resin. These beneficial results were derived from crack trapping by uniformly dispersed FLGs.

  • Evaluation of strength degradation behavior and fatigue life prediction of plain-woven carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic laminates immersed in seawater

    Shuhei Koshima, Shunsuke Yoneda, Norihiro Kajii, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing   127  2019年12月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd The effect of long-term seawater immersion on the mechanical properties and fatigue life of plain-woven carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates was investigated. Under tension loading, the static strength and low-cycle fatigue strength of the CRFP laminates greatly decreased owing to the rapid growth of interface debonding and delamination. However, under compression loading, the fatigue strength of the CRFP laminates dramatically decreased in the entire fatigue region as fiber buckling was likely to occur. These findings indicate that the fatigue strength degradation differed depending on the stress ratio and deterioration of the fiber/matrix interface strength. In addition, the fatigue life after seawater immersion was predicted using Epaarachchi and Clausen's model and constant life diagrams. These models were shown to accurately reflect the decrease in fatigue strength resulting from seawater immersion and can thus be used for fatigue life prediction of CFRPs after long-term immersion in seawater.



  • The effect of nanospike structures on direct bonding strength properties between aluminum and carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics

    Hikaru Abe, Joon Cheol Chung, Takaaki Mori, Atsushi Hosoi, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Part B: Engineering   172   26 - 32  2019年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd With recent design developments in the automotive industry, it has become necessary to join dissimilar materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTPs). In this study, a nanospike structure is fabricated on the surfaces of aluminum plates and directly bonded to CFRTP laminates. The effect of the nanospike structure on the adhesion strength is evaluated by single-lap joint tests. It is found that the nanospike structure improves the adhesion strength. Furthermore, combining the nanospike structure with a silane coupling treatment results in failure in the aluminum part of the single-lap specimens with an overlap length of 12.5 mm, rather than in the joined region. The average adhesion strength of the single lap joint specimens with an overlap length of 5.0 mm is found to be 24.9 MPa. Scanning electron microscopy observations of the fracture surfaces of the joined region only showed cohesive failure. On the fracture surface of the CFRTP laminate, the matrix exhibits a hairy structure due to the presence of the nanospike structure in some regions and in other regions carbon fibers are exposed due to adherend failure. Thus, in addition to an improved joint strength, the results suggest that the nanostructure will also improve the fracture toughness by causing ductile failure of the matrix.



  • Direct exfoliation of layered materials in low-boiling point solvents using weak acid salts

    Yoshihiko Arao, Jonathon D. Tanks, Masatoshi Kubouchi, Akira Ito, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Carbon   142   261 - 268  2019年02月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd The method for mass production of nanosheets is essential for fully realizing their commercial use. Direct exfoliation of layered materials in liquid is the simplest and low-cost technique for exfoliation without introducing defects in basal plane. However, the technique requires toxic and high-boiling point solvents, which makes it difficult for further processing. In addition, solvent exchange involves time-consuming processes such as filtering and redispersion. A breakthrough is necessary to make 2D-crystal-based functional dispersions. Here, we find a new method to directly exfoliate layered materials in low-boiling point solvents. Addition of small amounts of salt prevents reaggregation of exfoliated nanosheets and improves electrical repulsion. In this process, the mechanical force applied by sonication generates active carbon species at the fractured surfaces, leading to a reaction between the active carbon and the salt in liquid. High concentration graphene dispersions (1 g/L) can be obtained in isopropanol with only 5 min of sonication. We also confirm salt-assisted exfoliation is effective for the other 2D crystals such as MoS2 and boron nitride in a wide variety of polar solvents. Direct exfoliation in processable solution opens up a range of large-area applications such as high performance nanocomposites and coatings.



  • Mechanical properties and microstructural fracture behaviors of dry-spun SiC fibers

    Tatsuya Kimura, Hinako Ozaki, Michimasa Uda, Yoshio Hasegawa, Akiko Koshizaka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   6 ( 3 )  2019年  [査読有り]


    Research and development of SiC/SiC composite materials as structural members of aerospace engines is progressing. In order to manufacture SiC/SiC composites with excellent high-temperature characteristics, the SiC fibers which have high mechanical properties at high temperature are necessary; thus, further development of SiC fibers is considered a critical issue. In addition, the development of low-cost SiC fibers is necessary for the practical application of SiC/SiC composites. Here, the low-cost SiC fibers can be fabricated by dry spinning method. In the dry-spinning method, the raw material, Polycarbosilane (PCS) is dissolved in an organic solvent and the solution is spun at room temperature. As high-molecular-weight Polycarbosilane is prepared in advance, the infusible process conventionally required in the melt-spinning method is not required. In this study, to evaluate the differences among dry-spun SiC fibers fabricated under various conditions, monofilament tensile tests were conducted. Examination of the fracture surface and elemental analysis of arbitrary cross-sections were then performed to investigate the effects of the fabrication conditions. The tensile strength results indicated that defects were suppressed by excluding low-molecular-weight components and that heat treatment between 1300 degrees C and 1500 degrees C resulted in the maximum strength. Weibull analysis revealed that the dry-spun fibers exhibited lower tensile strength but smaller variation of fiber strength than that of the melt-spun fiber because the dry-spun fibers were more homogeneous. However, evaluation of the crystallinity indicated that the interference pattern derived from the crystal was unclear in the dry-spun fibers but clear in the melt-spun fiber. Therefore, it was suggested that the dry-spun fibers exhibited lower crystallinity than the melt-spun fiber. In addition, the dry-spun and melt-spun fibers exhibited similar C/Si ratios, whereas a large amount of oxygen was detected on the surface of the dry-spun fiber relative to that on the surface of the melt-spun fiber. Further improvement of the mechanical properties is expected upon increasing the molecular weight of the raw material and improving the microstructure.


  • Ex-situ X-ray computed tomography, tension clamp and in-situ transilluminated white light imaging data of non-crimp fabric based fibre composite under fatigue loading

    Kristine M. Jespersen, Jens A. Glud, Jens Zangenberg, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, Lars P. Mikkelsen

    Data in Brief   21   228 - 233  2018年12月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 The Authors The data published with this paper is obtained during fatigue testing of a unidirectional non-crimp fabric based glass fibre composite by means of ex-situ X-ray CT and in-situ transilluminated white light imaging experiments. The data experimentally shows the damage initiation and progression under fatigue loading both in terms of off-axis cracks in the thin supporting backing fibre bundles and fibre fractures in the load carrying fibre bundles. X-ray CT data comparing the loaded and unloaded state of damage regions by means of a tension clamp solution are also published with this paper.



  • Damage mechanisms of directly bonded carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics and aluminium with nanostructured surface

    K. M. Jespersen, J. C. Chung, K. Okamoto, H. Abe, A. Hosoi, H. Kawada

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering   388 ( 1 )  2018年07月  [査読有り]


    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The current study presents a direct bonding method making it possible to obtain a high interface strength of aluminium joined to carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) plates by hot pressing. This is achieved by subjecting the aluminium to a combination of anodising, etching, and silane-coupling treatments prior to bonding. Different types of aluminium are subjected to different treatments and bonded to different types of CFRTP laminates. The effect of the surface structure on the static bonding strength and fatigue life measured by single-lap testing is compared and discussed. The bonding strength is found to be highly dependent on the anodisation conditions along with the type of thermoplastic resin.



  • Fatigue life prediction for transverse crack initiation of CFRP cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Materials   11 ( 7 )  2018年07月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 by the authors. Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates are used as main structural members in many applications. Transverse cracks that form in 90° layers of CFRP laminates are mostly initial damage in the case where tensile loading is vertically applied to the 90° layers of CFRP laminates, and they are the origin of more serious damage of delamination and fiber breakage. It is thus important to predict quantitatively the transverse crack initiation of CFRP laminates subjected to cyclic loading to ensure the long-term reliability of the laminates. The initiation and multiplication behaviors of transverse cracks strongly depend on the laminate configuration, thickness, and thermal residual stress. Therefore, a model based on theWalker model was proposed to predict transverse crack initiation in CFRP cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates under cyclic loading in the present study. The usefulness of the proposed model was verified with 10 different CFRP laminates formed from four different prepregs with epoxy resin matrices. The analysis results were in good agreement with experimental results. The fatigue life was expressed with three constants, which related to the fatigue strength reduction, the normalized fatigue strength at N = 1 cycle, and the contribution of stress amplitude to the fatigue life, and they are independent of the laminate configuration.



  • Uncovering the fatigue damage initiation and progression in uni-directional non-crimp fabric reinforced polyester composite

    Kristine M. Jespersen, Jens A. Glud, Jens Zangenberg, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, Lars P. Mikkelsen

    Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing   109   481 - 497  2018年06月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd The current work studies the fatigue damage initiation and progression in a quasi-unidirectional non-crimp fabric based fibre composite used for wind turbine blades. This is done by combining in situ transilluminated white light imagining (TWLI) with ex-situ X-ray computed tomography (CT) experiments along with tension clamp X-ray CT experiments. TWLI is used to monitor the off-axis cracks in the thin supporting backing fibre bundles present in quasi-UD composites, and a crack counting algorithm is applied to automatically count the cracks in images obtained in situ during fatigue testing. It is found that off-axis cracks not only initiate at the specimen edges but also at isolated locations inside the specimen, which could be related to the microstructural features. In addition, a clear effect of strain level on the measured off-axis crack density is observed. From the X-ray CT experiments, it is found that the UD fibre fractures initiate and progress from regions where the off-axis backing fibre bundles are ‘in contact’ with a UD fibre bundle. Damage is seen to first initiate at a cross-over region of the backing fibre bundles, and later at a region with only one backing fibre bundle. In addition, applying tension to the specimen during X-ray CT scanning is found to reveal additional UD fibre fractures that are not visible in scans performed the unloaded state. With load applied, a significant number of UD fibre fractures were observed earlier in the fatigue life than expected. Based on the observations of the study a damage progression scheme is presented for quasi-UD fibre composites.



  • Influences of plasticity-induced crack closure on fatigue crack healing of carbon steel with heat treatment

    Eiichi Hamada, Yuto Furuya, Atsushi Hosoi, Yuji Morita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)   12  2018年  [査読有り]


    Copyright © 2018 ASME Healing technology for metallic materials is an important subject in terms of long-term reliability and durability of structural members, a healing technology to heal fatigue crack by applying heat treatment at annealing temperature level has been discovered. In this study, the influences of plasticity-induced crack closure on healing were evaluated by obtaining the crack opening load during the pre-crack introduction and evaluating the fatigue crack propagation characteristics before and after the healing heat treatment, using compact tension specimens made of carbon steel with different test conditions. As a result, the specimen with high crack opening load showed high healing effect and were able to heal up to 95% of the pre-crack length. This suggested that the residual compressive stress due to the plasticity-induced crack closure accelerates the solid-state diffusion bonding during the crack healing process and this leads to the improvement of the healing effect.



  • 電気めっき処理によるカーボンナノチューブ/銅複合配線の創製および許容電流評価

    金 太成, 酒井 貴広, 星 雄大, 二川 秀史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   84 ( 857 ) 17 - 00313-17-00313  2018年  [査読有り]


    <p>Carbon nanotube yarn, which is an aggregate form of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), is expected to be practically used as a lightweight wiring material. In recent years, CNT/metal composite yarn has been fabricated for making the CNT yarn highly conductive. While improving conductivity in the CNT/metal composite yarns, current capacity, which determines durable current value of the wiring material, has not reached practical value. In this study, composite material of untwisted CNT yarn and copper was fabricated by plating treatment for the purpose of creating a lightweight wiring with larger ampacity than metal wiring. In addition, CNT/copper composite yarns having different composite structures were fabricated and the relationships between the composite structure and electric characteristics were evaluated. One of the composite yarns had a two-layer structure in which copper was deposited on the surface of the CNT yarn, and the other had a structure in which copper precipitated to the inside of the CNT yarn. As a result of the plating treatment using a copper sulfate bath, current capacity of the composite yarn reached 6.87×108 A/m2 at the copper volume fraction of 28.9%, and the specific current capacity was 1.29 times larger than copper wire. From evaluation of the fracture mechanism, it was revealed that combustion of the CNTs and melting of the metal part were suppressed by combining the CNT yarn with copper, and it led to the large ampacity. In addition, it was possible to electroplate inside of the yarn by adding a dipping step to the plating process. In the case of the composite yarn plated the inside, an increase in resistance under large current was suppressed and further improvement of the current capacity was achieved.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 強化繊維径および界面特性を考慮したGF/PA射出成形材の引張強度予測

    白木 伶治, 岡本 彪, 小澤 憲人, 金 太成, 平山 紀夫, 谷口 憲彦, 西脇 剛史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   84 ( 860 ) 17 - 00582-17-00582  2018年  [査読有り]


    <p>Fiber reinforced thermoplastics (FRTP) attracts attention as a lightweight material for mass-produced automobiles due to advantages such as excellent formability and recyclability in addition to high specific strength and specific rigidity. Many factors influence the improvement of the mechanical properties of FRTP. We have revealed that the tensile strength of injection-molded glass fiber/polyamide66 (GF/PA) improves as the reinforcement fiber diameter decreases in the wide strain rate range in previous researches. In addition, it was suggested that by using a strength prediction model of discontinuous fiber reinforcement, if the strength can be obtained for one diameter, the strength can be predicted for other diameters. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of the strength enhancement of the GF/PA associated with thinning of the reinforcement fibers and increase of the strain rate. To ascertain the interface properties, single-fiber pull-out tests were conducted on the GF/PA and it was confirmed that the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of the GF/PA had strain rate dependency. The strength prediction of the GF/PA with the strain rate dependency of IFSS taken into account showed values closer to the experimental values than the values obtained from the prediction with an assumption that IFSS is constant regardless of the strain rate. Furthermore, investigating the factor of the increase in strength due to the thinning of the fibers suggested that the increase of the fiber strength is the dominant factor.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 無撚カーボンナノチューブ糸の機械的特性に及ぼす黒鉛化の影響と強度発現機構

    金 太成, 林 晏理, 二川 秀史, 白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 橋田 俊之, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   84 ( 860 ) 17 - 00585-17-00585  2018年  [査読有り]


    <p>Carbon nanotube yarn, which is an aggregation of Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), enables CNTs to be used on macro scale. However, tensile strength of the CNT yarn is much lower than CNT itself, and improvement of the mechanical properties is a challenge for practical application of the yarns. CNTs composing the yarns include some defect structures and impure materials, and their presence can cause a decrease in tensile strength of the yarn. In this study, untwisted CNT yarns were fabricated by dry spun method and graphitized at a temperature of 2800°C for the purpose of improving mechanical properties. Additionally, strength of a CNT composing the yarn and interactive force between the CNTs were evaluated to clarify strength development mechanism of the graphitized CNT yarn. Crystallinity of the CNT yarn was improved more than ten times, and defect structures and impure materials was removed by the graphitization treatment. As a result of single fiber tensile tests, strength of the yarn was increased by 20~35% after the graphitization. On the other hand, strength of the CNT composing the yarn was decreased. The breaking form of the CNT yarn was changed from pulling out of CNT bundles to rapture of the bundles by the graphitization, indicating an increase of interactive force between the bundles. In addition, as a result of pulling out simulations by molecular dynamics method, it was indicated that the pulling out of the CNT bundles were suppressed by increase in van der Waals force. Consequently, the improvement of mechanical properties of the untwisted CNT yarns was not due to the change in the strength of the CNT in the yarns but the main cause was the increase in the interactive force between the CNTs.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 一方向および擬似等方層間高靭性化厚肉CFRP積層板の面外方向疲労特性に及ぼす応力比の影響

    新井 智貴, 福島 槙一郎, 世木 選, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   84 ( 863 ) 18 - 00039-18-00039  2018年  [査読有り]


    <p>The effect of stress ratio on through thickness fatigue properties of thick carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with toughened interlaminar layers was evaluated. The unidirectional (UD) [088] and quasi-isotropic (QI) [45/0/-45/90]11S laminates were formed using prepregs (T800S/3900-2B) with toughened interlaminar layers. The spool shaped specimens were cut from the laminates. Static tensile and compressive tests were performed. As the results of the static tests on both laminates, the through thickness compressive strength was more than five times higher than tensile strength. The fracture morphology under compressive loading was difference between each laminate. Fatigue tests were performed under the stress ratio of R=0.1,-1,-3 and -6 on both laminates. As the results of the fatigue tests on both laminates, the fatigue life decreased as the stress ratio was lower. On the other hand, the remarkable difference of the fracture surface was not observed under each fatigue test condition by both macroscopic and microscopic observation in this study. The fatigue life of UD and QI specimens was able to be evaluated by the proposed model, the modified H-κ model based on strain energy approach. The predicted fatigue life was good agreement with the experimental results.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 層間強化層を有する厚肉CFRP積層板の面外方向及び面内トランスバース方向における疲労寿命の評価

    世木 選, 新井 智貴, 福島 槙一郎, 細井 厚志, 藤田 雄三, 武田 一朗, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   83 ( 851 ) 16 - 00571-16-00571  2017年  [査読有り]



    <p>Fatigue properties of the thick carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with toughened interlaminar layers in the out-of-plane direction (Z direction) and in the in-plane transverse direction (T direction) were evaluated experimentally. Spool specimens were machined from the thick mother plates which were laminated prepregs of T800S/3900-2B unidirectionally. The specimens were attached to metal tabs to apply loads in the thickness direction of the specimen. The tensile strengths in Z and T direction were measured by static tensile tests and S-N curves were obtained by fatigue tests at a stress ratio of R=0.1. As the results, the tensile strength in Z direction was 24% lower than that in T direction. Fatigue strength in Z direction at 106 cycles was also 25% lower than that in T direction. It was observed using a digital microscope that the fracture occurred in intralaminar layers in both static tensile tests and fatigue tests in Z direction. The thermal residual stress which was generated during the fabrication process and the stress distribution by mechanical loadings in spool specimens were calculated by finite element analysis. The calculated results showed that compressive residual stress applied in intralaminar layers in T direction by restraining the thermal deformation. It is found that the static tensile and fatigue properties in Z direction were almost the same as those in T direction by evaluating with the stresses applied in the nearest intralaminar layer to the minimum cross-section in the spool specimen.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 高温環境下におけるクロスプライCFRTP積層板のトランスバースクラック発生及び累積挙動の評価

    細井 厚志, 寺内 幹, 角田 大, 木村 達哉, 古挽 彰, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   83 ( 855 ) 17 - 00312-17-00312  2017年  [査読有り]


    <p>The effects of environment temperature on initiation and multiplication of transverse crack in cross-ply carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) laminates have been investigated. Static tensile tests for the cross-ply laminates and the 90° unidirectional laminates were carried out at room temperature, 93 °C and 130 °C, respectively. The transverse cracks were observed by soft X-ray photography. The tensile strength and the failure strain in the cross-ply laminates and the 90° unidirectional laminates at high temperature decreased compared to the values at room temperature. It was also found that the behavior of initiation and multiplication of the transverse cracks in the cross-ply laminates was changed due to the environment temperature. The experimental results under different temperature were analyzed by Weibull distribution on the basis of probabilistic model. Next, the energy release rate was calculated due to formation of a new micro crack based on the Weibull distribution. The predicted transverse crack density by Weibull distribution was compared with the experiment result and the reasonability of using Weibull distribution to CFRTP cross-ply laminates under high temperature was verified. It was found that the critical energy release rate of CFRTP laminates has decreased at high temperature and the experimental results showed that the matrix strength was decreased at high temperature. Also, the fiber-matrix interfacial fracture on the fracture surface of the 90° unidirectional laminates was observed in some areas at high temperature whereas the matrix fracture was observed at room temperature. Therefore, it was suggested that the interface strength between polymer and fiber was decreased at high temperature.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • CFRP円筒材の静的ねじり特性に及ぼす積層構成の影響

    渡邉 太一, 里村 圭介, 木元 尚紀, 中村 崇人, 金 太成, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    材料   65 ( 8 ) 567 - 572  2016年08月  [査読有り]


    <p>Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) pipes are expected to substitute for steel drive shafts to improve motorcar's fuel efficiency and driving performance. The static torsional strength of CFRP pipes formed by a modified simultaneous multi ply winding method is 20% higher than that of CFRP pipes formed by a filament winding method owing to few initial flaws. As the results of static torsional tests regarding [90/-45/+45]6 pipes, it was revealed that the delamination from the prepreg end occurred in the innermost layer and propagated in the interlaminar area of the -45°/+45° plies before the final failure. It is expected to design stacking sequence for preventing the delamination. In this study, effects of stacking sequence on the static torsional properties of the CFRP pipes were investigated. [902/-45/+45]6 and [90/-45/90/+45]6 pipes were formed to investigate effects of lamination angle difference between adjacent plies. Maximum lamination angle difference of the [90/-45/90/+45]6 pipe is smaller than that of the [902/-45/+45]6 pipe. In case of the [90/-45/90/+45]6 pipes with small lamination angle difference, the initiation of the delamination was delayed because the interlaminar stress was reduced. Furthermore, [(90/-45/90/+45)6/90] pipes were formed to investigate effects of an application of a 90° layer on the innermost layer. The delamination from the prepreg end did not occur before the final failure by the application of a 90° layer on the innermost layer since the applied load on the prereg end was reduced. Finally, the static torsional strength of the [(90/-45/90/+45)6/90] pipes was 25% higher than that of the [902/-45/+45]6 pipes due to improvement of delamination resistance.</p>

    DOI CiNii


  • Microwave atomic force microscope: MG63 osteoblast-like cells analysis on nanometer scale

    Lan Zhang, Yuanhui Song, Atsushi Hosoi, Yasuyuki Morita, Yang Ju

    Microsystem Technologies   22 ( 3 ) 603 - 608  2016年03月  [査読有り]


    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. In this paper, we report a non-invasive and non-destructive probing method for analyzing the MG63 osteoblast-like cells. High frequency microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) can be used to measure the surface topography and microwave image of MG63 cells simultaneously in one scanning process. Under the frequency modulation AFM mode, the M-AFM probe tip can scan above the cell surface, maintaining a constant stand-off distance and the created lateral forces were small enough as not to sweep away or deform the fragile biomolecules. By analyzing the results, quantification such as, the number and distribution of organelles and proteins of MG63 cells as well as their dimension and electrical property information can be characterized. The unique potentials of that M-AFM imaging biological substrates with no damaging manner and nanometer scale resolution, while the original structure and function of the biomolecules during the investigation are preserved, make this technique very attractive to biologists.



  • Fatigue life prediction of thick CFRP laminates with toughnened interlaminar layers in the out-of-plane direction at different stress ratio

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shiwon Tsuge, Sen Seki, Yuzo Fujita, Ichiro Taketa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials    2016年  [査読有り]


    © 2016, European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM. All rights reserved. The fatigue life of thick carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with toughened interlaminar layers in the out-of-plane direction was evaluated at different stress ratios. The spool shaped specimens were cut out the unidirectional thick CFRP laminates which pile up 88 plies of the prepreg with toughened interlaminar layer, T800S/3900-2B. The fatigue tests were conducted under the stress ratios of R = 0.1, -1, -3 and -6 to evaluate the effect of the stress ratio. As the results of the fatigue tests, the fatigue life of the specimens became shorter as the stress ratio became smaller, i.e. as the absolute values of the compressive stress became higher. It was found that the fatigue properties of the CFRP laminates in the out-of-plane direction are affected by the stress amplitude from the experimental results. In addition, the fatigue life under the different stress ratio was evaluated equivalently using the proposed model, modified H-κ model, which considers the strain energy. The analytical results showed good agreement with experimental results. In addition, the fatigue properties of the thick CFRP laminates in the out-of-plane direction were evaluated with the constant fatigue life diagram derived from the proposed model.

  • Development of untwisted carbon nanotube yarn with high strength by heat treatment

    Taesung Kim, Hidefumi Nikawa, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials    2016年  [査読有り]


    © 2016, European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM. All rights reserved. Carbon nanotube (CNT) is increasingly applied as a reinforcement of polymer matrix composite because of extremely high mechanical properties. Among several forms of CNT reinforcement, CNT yarn can be a next-generation reinforcement which enables the use of CNTs in the macro-scale. In this study, untwisted CNT yarns were fabricated by the dry spinning method using a die and graphitized in order to develop CNT yarns with high strength and stiffness. Impure materials and defective structures on MWCNTs were removed after graphitization treatment. G/D ratio was improved more than 10 times. Stress transfer between constituent MWCNTs of CNT yarns became more effectively by removing impure materials. Consequently, macroscopic mechanical properties of CNT yarns were improved by the graphitization treatment in addition to improvement of MWCNT itself.

  • CFRP円筒材のねじり疲労特性に及ぼす積層構成の影響

    渡邉 太一, 里村 圭介, 木元 尚紀, 中村 崇人, 金 太成, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   82 ( 839 ) 16 - 00013-16-00013  2016年  [査読有り]


    Application of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) pipes to torque transmission shafts makes it possible to improve automotive driving performance as well as fuel efficiency. A modified simultaneous multi ply winding method was developed as a new forming method for CFRP pipes using prepregs. The CFRP pipes formed by the method have fewer initial flaws, such as voids and fiber waviness. It resulted in 20 % increase in the static torsional strength than conventional CFRP pipes formed by a filament winding method. In this study, effects of stacking sequence on the torsional fatigue properties of the CFRP pipes formed by the modified method were investigated. Torsional fatigue tests were conducted under load control. All tests were conducted at the test frequency f=1 Hz, the maximum applied torque Tmax=1.0 kNm and the stress ratio R=0.1. [902/-45/+45]6 and [90/-45/90/+45]6 pipes were formed to investigate effects of lamination angle difference between adjacent plies. Maximum lamination angle difference of the [90/-45/90/+45]6 pipe is smaller than that of the [902/-45/+45]6 pipe. When the CFRP pipes had smaller lamination angle difference, the initiation and growth of the delamination from the prepreg end in the innermost layer were delayed because interlaminar stress was reduced. Moreover, [(90/-45/90/+45)6/90] pipes were formed to investigate effects of an application of a 90° layer on the innermost layer. As the result, the delamination hardly initiated since the shear stress on the prereg end was reduced. Consequently, the fatigue life of the [(90/-45/90/+45)6/90] pipes increased seven-fold than that of the [902/-45/+45]6 pipes due to improvement of delamination resistance under cyclic torsional loading.

    DOI CiNii

  • 射出成形ガラス長繊維強化ポリアミドの衝撃引張特性に及ぼす繊維径の影響

    小澤 憲人, 金 太成, 角田 大地, 荒尾 与史彦, 谷口 憲彦, 西脇 剛史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   82 ( 839 ) 15 - 00657-15-00657  2016年  [査読有り]


    <p>Applications of fiber reinforced plastics have been expanding due to improvement of not only fuel efficiency but also the motion performance of some recent vehicles. Especially, the demand for injection-molded fiber reinforced thermoplastics is expected to increase because of their superior moldability, productivity and recyclability. In this study, the influence the fiber diameter has on the impact tensile properties of long glass-fiber reinforced polyamide (GF/PA) is investigated using the split Hopkinson pressure bar method. Prior to the tensile tests, an investigation of the fiber-orientation distribution was conducted in order to cut out specimens with the same fiber orientation angle from the injection molded plate. Two types of specimens, referred to as specimens with high- and low orientation angle, were manufactured using glass fibers with average diameters of 13, 17, 23 μm. In the tensile test, the GF/PA with smallest fiber diameter showed the highest tensile strength and the most significant strain rate dependency on the strength. These effects were more significant for the specimens with high orientation angle. From SEM observations on the fracture surface and an average fiber length measurement, it was observed that the interfacial fracture and the fiber breakage were dominant failure modes under the considered tensile loading conditions. It was suggested that decreasing the stress acting on the fiber/matrix interface by reducing the fiber diameter affected the improvement of the GF/PA strength. Using the modified linear rule of mixtures, the tensile strength was predicted. The predictions showed good agreement with experimental results. Therefore, it is believed that the decrease of critical fiber length is the reason that the impact tensile properties are higher for the samples with smaller fiber diameter.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Detection and quantitative evaluation of defects in glass fiber reinforced plastic laminates by microwaves

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yuhei Yamaguchi, Yang Ju, Yasumoto Sato, Tsunaji Kitayama

    Composite Structures   128   134 - 144  2015年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. A novel method using microwaves is proposed to detect and evaluate defects in glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) laminates. A thin circular plastic film simulating delamination was inserted in GFRP laminates and was detected using microwave reflectometry. A focusing mirror sensor consisting of a horn antenna and two metal mirrors was used to improve the measurement resolution. In addition, the thickness of the film was calculated using a proposed model based on microwave propagation theory. Measuring the variation in the amplitude of the microwave reflectivity, a 7.5-μm-thick film was successfully detected in a 3-mm-thick GFRP laminate. Moreover, the calculated results of the inserted film thickness had a high degree of accuracy.



  • Effect of stress ratio on fatigue characteristics in the out-of-plane direction of thick CFRP laminates with toughened interlaminar layers

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shigeyoshi Sakuma, Sen Seki, Yuzo Fujita, Ichiro Taketa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials   2015-July  2015年  [査読有り]


    © 2015 International Committee on Composite Materials. All rights reserved. The effect of the stress ratio on fatigue characteristics in the out-of-plane direction of thick carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with toughened interlaminar layers was evaluated. The spool shaped specimens cut out the unidirectional thick CFRP laminates, which pile up 88 plies of the prepreg with toughened interlaminar layer, T800S/3900-2B, were used. The fatigue tests were conducted under the stress ratios of R = 0.1 and -1 to evaluate the effect of the stress ratio. As the results of the fatigue tests, the fatigue life of the specimens at R = -1 was shorter than that at R = 0.1. It was found that the fatigue properties of the CFRP laminates in the out-of-plane direction are affected by the stress amplitude from the experimental results. In addition, the fatigue life under the different stress ratio can be evaluated equivalently using the Walker model which can consider the mean stress effect.

  • Strain rate dependent tensile properties of injection molded long glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics

    Taesung Kim, Yoshihiko Arao, Norihiko Taniguchi, Tsuyoshi Nishiwaki, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials   2015-July  2015年  [査読有り]


    © 2015 International Committee on Composite Materials. All rights reserved. Long Fiber reinforced Thermoplastics (LFT) have been used in a lot of industrial fields such as automotive industries because of their excellent moldabilities, productivities, and high mechanical properties compared with injection molded Short Fiber reinforced Thermoplastics (SFT). On the other hand, mechanical properties of LFT are significantly low compared with continuous fiber reinforced plastics. So, improvements of them are still important study subjects. In past studies, there were some reports about the absorbed impact energy of LFT, and LFT showed higher energy absorption property than SFT. However, there have been few studies focused on strength, stiffness and their strain rate dependencies of LFT in impact loading condition. These quantitative evaluations are essential to material design for developments of impact-resistant LFT. In this study, mechanical properties and strain rate dependency of injection molded long glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics under impact loading were investigated. The effectiveness of longer residual fibers to improvement of impact properties of injection molded composites was indicated. LFT showed higher mechanical properties compared with SFT at any strain rate in this study. Increasing rate of tensile strength in LFT was also much higher than that in SFT, and significant improvement of impact properties of injection molded composites were achieved by longer residual fibers. As a result of observation of micro structures and fracture surfaces after impact tensile test, it was confirmed that the fracture occurred mainly in matrix and fiber/matrix interface in the case of SFT. On the other hand, in LFT specimens, impact tensile loading was effectively transferred to reinforcement glass fibers, and they were broken after impact tensile test. Consequently, it was revealed that strain rate dependency of glass fiber strength resulting from the slow crack growth development led to high impact tensile properties of LFT.

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply and quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yuzo Fujita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    34th ICAF Conference and 28th ICAF Symposium, ICAF 2015   2   550 - 555  2015年  [査読有り]


    © 28th ICAF Symposium, ICAF 2015. All rights reserved. A method has been proposed to predict the fatigue life to the transverse crack initiation in cross-ply and quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates. The six kinds of the laminates were formed of the two kinds of the prepregs, T800S/3900-2B with toughened interlaminar layers and T800H/3631 without toughened interlaminar layers. The unidirectional and cross-ply laminates of the stacking sequence of [90]12, [0/904]S and [0/906]S were formed of the T800S/3900-2B prepreg, and the cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates of the stacking sequence of [0/902]S, [0/906]S and [45/0/-45/90]S were formed of T800H/3631 prepreg. Tensile fatigue tests were performed under load control using a hydraulic fatigue testing machine. The transverse crack initiation in the laminates under fatigue loading was evaluated by modifying the Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT) model, which can evaluate the mean stress effect on the fatigue life. Finally, it was found that the initiation of transverse crack in the laminates with the various laminate configuration can be predicted using the modified SWT model, and that means that it is possible to predict the initiation of transverse crack in the laminates with the various laminate configuration using S-N curve of unidirectional laminates in 90° direction.

  • Mechanical properties of densified untwisted carbon nanotube yarn / epoxy composites

    Risa Yoshizaki, Kim Tae Sung, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2015   1  2015年  [査読有り]


    Copyright © 2015 by ASME. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have very high specific strength and stiffness. The excellent properties make it possible to enhance the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites. However, it is difficult to use CNTs as the reinforcement of long fibers because of the limitation of CNT growth. In recent years, a method to spin yarns from CNT forests has developed. We have succeeded in manufacturing the unidirectional composites reinforced with the densified untwisted CNT yarns. The untwisted CNT yarns have been manufactured by drawing CNTs through a die from vertically aligned CNT arrays. In this study, the densified untwisted CNT yarns with a polymer treatment were fabricated. The tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the yarns were improved significantly by the treatment, and they were 1.9 GPa and 140 GPa, respectively. Moreover, the polymer treatment prevented the CNT yarns from swelling due to impregnation of the matrix resin. Finally, the high strength CNT yarn composites which have higher volume fraction than a conventional method were successfully fabricated.



  • Prediction of initiation of transverse cracks in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading by fatigue properties of unidirectional CFRP in 90° direction

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shigeyoshi Sakuma, Yuzo Fujita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing   68   398 - 405  2015年01月  [査読有り]


    © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. A fatigue life to the initiation of transverse cracks in cross-ply carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates has been predicted using properties of the fatigue strength of unidirectional CFRP in the 90° direction. In the experiments, unidirectional [90]12 laminates were used to obtain a plot of maximum stress versus number of cycles to breaking, and two types of cross-ply laminates of [0/904]S and [0/906]S were used to evaluate the initiation and multiplication of transverse cracks under fatigue loading. Transverse cracks were studied by optical microscopy and soft X-ray photography. Analytical and experimental results showed good agreement, and the fatigue life for transverse crack initiation in cross-ply laminates was predicted successfully from the fatigue strength properties of the unidirectional CFRP in the 90° direction. The prediction results showed a conservative fatigue life than the experimental results.



  • Growth of 3-D flower/grass-like metal oxide nanoarchitectures based on catalyst-assisted oxidation method

    Lijiao Hu, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    Nanoscale Research Letters   9 ( 1 )  2014年12月  [査読有り]


    © 2014, Hu et al.; licensee Springer. Abstract: Cu2O grass-like and ZnO flower-like nanoarchitectures were fabricated directly on Cu powders and Zn powders using a novel thermal oxidation stress-induced (TOS) method based on catalyst assistance at a low temperature of 150°C under moderate humid atmosphere. The experiments of Al powder were also carried out based on TOS method. Overlapping migration (OLM) of Cu and Zn atoms and toothpaste squeezing migration (TSM) of Al atoms caused by different atom densities in metal oxide materials were studied.PACS: 81. Materials science; 81.07.-b Nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization; 81.16.Hc Catalytic methods



  • Fabrication of AFM probe with CuO nanowire formed by stress-induced method

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hisataka Koto, Yang Ju

    Microsystem Technologies   20 ( 12 ) 2221 - 2229  2014年09月  [査読有り]


    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014. A novel method has been proposed to fabricate an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe using CuO nanowire and a stress-induced method that can form the nanowire easily. By heating a commercial AFM probe with a film coating of Ta and Cu, a Cu hillock with CuO nanowires on its surface could be formed at the end of the probe. The thickness of the coating films, the heating temperature, and the heating time were investigated to obtain CuO nanowires with a high aspect ratio for use as an AFM probe tip. It was found that a suitable probe tip can be fabricated using the a Cu film thickness of 700 nm, a heating temperature of 380 °C and a heating time of 6 h. Probe tips (~5 μm high) and nanowires of ~25 nm diameter were obtained successfully. In the range evaluated, the measurement resolution of the CuO nanowire probe was slightly worse than that of a commercial AFM probe. However, both probes had almost the same dimensional measurement precision.



  • Quantitative evaluation of the displacement distribution and stress intensity factor of fatigue cracks healed by a controlled high-density electric current field

    A. Hosoi, T. Yano, Y. Morita, Y. Ju

    Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures   37 ( 9 ) 1025 - 1033  2014年09月  [査読有り]


    Fatigue cracks were healed by controlling a high-density electric current. The changes in the displacement distribution around the crack tip and the stress intensity factor before and after crack healing were evaluated quantitatively with a digital image collation method. According to the results, it was determined that the cracks were closed by approximately 2 to 7-μm in this study. On the other hand, the stress intensity factor decreased or increased depending on the conditions of the crack and the current applied. The physical restriction between the crack surfaces, such as bridging, is important with respect to lowering the stress intensity factor after healing. © 2014 Wiley Publishing Ltd.



  • TLyP-1-conjugated Au-nanorod@SiO<inf>2</inf> core-shell nanoparticles for tumor-targeted drug delivery and photothermal therapy

    Baiyao Xu, Yang Ju, Yanbin Cui, Guanbin Song, Yuichi Iwase, Atsushi Hosoi, Yasuyuki Morita

    Langmuir   30 ( 26 ) 7789 - 7797  2014年07月  [査読有り]


    Mesoporous silica-coated Au nanorod (AuNR@SiO2) is one of the most important appealing nanomaterials for cancer therapy. The multifunctions of chemotherapy, photothermal therapy, and imaging of AuNR@SiO2 make it very useful for cancer therapy. In this study, AuNR@SiO2 was functionalized to deliver hydrophobic antitumor drug and to heat the targeted tumor with the energy of near-infrared (NIR). To carry out the function of targeting the tumor, tLyP-1, a kind of tumor homing and penetrating peptide, was engrafted to AuNR@SiO2. The fabricated AuNR@SiO2-tLyP-1 which was loaded with camptothecin (CPT) showed a robust, selective targeting and penetrating efficiency to Hela and MCF-7 cells and induced the death of these cells. When the micromasses of these AuNR@SiO2-tLyP-1 internalized cells were irradiated by NIR illumination, all the cells were killed instantaneously owing to the increased temperature caused by the surface plasma resonance (SPR) of the internalized AuNR@SiO2-tLyP-1. Moreover, the systematic toxicity of CPT-loaded AuNR@SiO2-tLyP-1 on human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) was minimized, because the AuNR@SiO 2-tLyP-1 selectively targeted and penetrated into the tumor cells, and little hydrophobic CPT was released into the culture medium or blood. This study indicates that the AuNR@SiO2-tLyP-1 drug delivery system (DDS) has great potential application for the chemo-photothermal cancer therapy. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

    DOI PubMed


  • Growth of Cu <inf>2</inf> O flower/grass-like nanoarchitectures and their photovoltaic effects

    Lijiao Hu, Yang Ju, Mingji Chen, Atsushi Hosoi, Shigeo Arai

    Applied Surface Science   305   710 - 715  2014年06月  [査読有り]


    Cu 2 O flower/grass-like nanoarchitectures (FGLNAs) were fabricated on a thin film of copper electrodeposited onto copper foils using a thermal oxidation method with a nickel catalyst at an elevated temperature under a moderately humid atmosphere. The morphology of the Cu 2 O FGLNAs can be controlled by the heating temperature, and the FLGNAs growth mechanism is discussed in detail. The photovoltaic effect of Cu 2 O/Cu junction based on fabricated Cu 2 O FGLNAs was also investigated. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.



  • Microwave atomic force microscope: MG63 osteoblast-like cells analysis on nanometer scale

    Lan Zhang, Yuanhui Song, Atsushi Hosoi, Yasuyuki Morita, Yang Ju

    DTIP 2014 - Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS     244 - 248  2014年03月  [査読有り]


    © 2014 Circuits Multi Projets - CMP. In this paper, we report a non-invasive and nondestructive probing method for analyzing the MG63 osteoblast-like cells. High-frequency Microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) can sense the topography and microwave image of MG63 cells simultaneously in one scanning process. Under the frequency modulation (FM) AFM mode, this powerful instrument is applied successfully to create a microwave image of MG63 cells with nanometer-scale spatial resolution. By analyzing the results, quantification such as, the number and distribution of organelles and proteins of MG63 cells as well as their dimension and electrical property information can be characterized.



  • Core-shell nanowire based electrical surface fastener used for room-temperature electronic packaging bonding

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    Electronic Materials Letters   10 ( 2 ) 503 - 507  2014年03月  [査読有り]


    With the ongoing miniaturization in electronic packaging, the traditional solders suffer from severe performance degradation. In addition, the high temperature required in the traditional solder reflow process may damage electronic elements. Therefore, there is an increasing urgent need for a new kind of nontoxic solder that can afford good mechanical stress and electrical contact at low temperature. This paper presents a method of fabricating nanowire surface fastener for the application of microelectronic packaging bonding at room temperature. This surface fastener consists of copper core and polystyrene shell nanowire arrays. It showed an adhesive strength of ~;24 N/cm2 and an electrical resistance of ~;0.41 × 10-2 Ω·cm2. This kind of nanowire surface fastener may enable the exploration of wide range applications, involving assembly of components in the electronic packaging. © 2014 The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.



  • Prediction of first transverse crack formation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Ken Kurihara, Narumichi Sato, Hiroyuki Kawada

    International Journal of the Institute of Materials Malaysia   1 ( 2 ) 157 - 164  2014年  [査読有り]

  • 層間高靱性化CFRPクロスプライ積層板の繰り返し荷重下におけるトランスバースクラック発生評価

    川田 宏之, 曽我 理昂, 重盛 洸, 細井 厚志, 藤田 雄三

    日本機械学会論文集   80 ( 812 ) SMM0079 - SMM0079  2014年  [査読有り]


    Initiation and growth behaviors of a transverse crack occurred in interlaminar toughened CFRP cross-ply laminates under cyclic loading were evaluated. Specimens whose stacking sequence is [0/904]S and [0/906]S were formed with T800S/3900-2B prepreg. The specimen edges were observed with an optical microscope and a laser microscope to investigate the behavior of transverse crack initiation and growth. To observe the edge surface of the specimen at arbitrary loading cycles, a replica technique was used. In addition, soft X-ray photography was used to observe internal damage. The number of cycles to transverse crack initiation was predicted quantitatively by applying the normalized modified Paris law, which shows the relationship between transverse crack density growth rate and normalized energy release rate range associated with transverse crack formation. Analytical results showed good agreement with experimental results. It was found that transverse crack initiation in interlaminar toughened CFRP laminates can be evaluated by applying the normalized modified Paris law. Moreover, in comparison to the laminates with and without toughened layers, the fatigue life to transverse crack initiation was prolonged due to the toughened layers. From damage observation, it was cleared that a transverse crack path to the thickness direction of the laminate was prevented by polyamide particles in the toughened layers. Therefore, it was found that the toughened layers dispersed polyamide particles to prevent delamination are effective for obstructing initiation of a transverse crack under cyclic loading.

    DOI CiNii

  • 面外方向繰り返し荷重を受ける層間高靱性化CFRP積層板の疲労強度特性

    重盛 洸, 細井 厚志, 藤田 雄三, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   80 ( 812 ) SMM0087 - SMM0087  2014年  [査読有り]


    In this study, fatigue strength properties of interlaminar toughened CFRP laminates in the out-of-plane direction, or through thickness, were investigated. Thick laminates whose stacking sequence was unidirectional were formed with 88 plies of T800S/3900-2B prepreg. The T800S/3900-2B prepreg is constituted of fiber layer and interlaminar toughened layer in which polyamide particles are dispersed. The material properties of the thick laminates were measured by compression test and 4-points shear test. Spool specimens machined from the thick laminates were loaded in the out-of-plane direction. Stress distributions of spool specimens were evaluated by FE analysis. Fiber layer and interlaminar toughened layer in the each ply were modeled separately in the analysis. In comparison to the out-of-plane direction, the properties of in-plane transverse direction were investigated with 90° thin laminates. To evaluate the fatigue strength properties quantitatively, an analytical equation was introduced for the results of fatigue test. The fracture surfaces of the specimens after static and fatigue tests were observed by SEM. From the observation of the fracture surfaces after fatigue test, it was found that the interfacial debonding between fiber and matrix was occurred due to cyclic loading in both of specimens. In addition, it was observed that crack generated from debonding grew in the fiber layer until ultimate fracture. Moreover, the experimental and analytical results showed that, in comparison to the in-plane transverse direction, the fatigue life in the out-of-plane direction is shorter.

    DOI CiNii

  • Carbon nanotube-Cu/parylene nanowire array electrical fasteners with high adhesion strength

    Yanbin Cui, Yang Ju, Peng Wang, Baiyao Xu, Naoki Kojima, Kazuma Ichioka, Atsushi Hosoi

    Applied Physics Express   7 ( 1 )  2014年01月  [査読有り]


    The preparation of room-temperature electrical fasteners with high adhesion strength presents a major challenge at the micro- or nanoscale. A carbon nanotube (CNT)-Cu/parylene core/shell nanowire (NW) array room-temperature electrical fastener was therefore prepared, and is described herein. The shear adhesion strength of the CNT-Cu/parylene NWarray electrical fastener reached a maximum of 50.72N/cm2, which is six times higher than that of a metallic NW electrical fastener. A theoretical analysis indicated that the adhesion force of such a fastener can potentially be further improved by increasing the effective contact length between the CNTs and the Cu/parylene NW. The resistance of the fastener is 45.4Ω, which indicates that it has good electrical conductivity. © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.



  • Mimicking a gecko's foot with strong adhesive strength based on a spinnable vertically aligned carbon nanotube array

    Yanbin Cui, Yang Ju, Baiyao Xu, Peng Wang, Naoki Kojima, Kazuma Ichioka, Atsushi Hosoi

    RSC Advances   4 ( 18 ) 9056 - 9060  2014年  [査読有り]


    To mimic gecko foot adhesion, spinnable vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) arrays, which have a higher density and cleaner surface than ordinary VACNT arrays, were prepared by a normal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process that is simple and easy to operate for large-scale fabrication, particularly compared with the low-pressure CVD process. The height of the spinnable VACNT array was tuned by varying the reaction time. The shear adhesion strength of the spinnable VACNT array (0.16 cm2) was increased from 21.4 ± 1.7 to 85.8 ± 8.7 N cm-2 when the length of the spinnable VACNT array increased from 35 to 110 μm. Based on the enhanced van der Waals force induced by the large number of contact points on the high-density spinnable VACNT array, the maximum shear adhesion strength of the spinnable VACNT array (0.16 cm2) is 91.8 N cm-2, which is comparable to that of the CNT-based adhesive (∼100 N cm-2) prepared by the low-pressure CVD process. Moreover, a spinnable VACNT array adhesive was prepared over a large area, and a maximum weight of 3.0 Kg was supported successfully by a spinnable VACNT array adhesive with a contact area of 0.96 cm2. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.



  • Copper/parylene core/shell nanowire surface fastener used for room-temperature electrical bonding

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Yanbin Cui, Atsushi Hosoi

    Langmuir   29 ( 45 ) 13909 - 13916  2013年11月  [査読有り]


    The traditional bonding technology in electronic assembly relies on high-temperature processes, such as reflow soldering or curing of adhesives, which result in undesired thermal excursions and residual stress at the bonding interface. Therefore, there is an urgent need to attach electronic components on the circuit board with good mechanical and electrical properties at room temperature. In this paper, a room-temperature electrical surface fastener consisting of copper/parylene core/shell nanowire (NW) arrays were prepared, and van der Waals (VDW) forces were utilized to interconnect the core/shell NWs. Interestingly, the Parylene C film becomes conductive due to dielectric breakdown when the thickness of it is miniaturized to nanoscale. Our electrical surface fastener exhibits high macroscopic adhesion strength (∼25 N/cm 2) and low electrical resistance (∼4.22 × 10-2 Ω·cm2). Meanwhile, a new theoretical model based on VDW forces between the NWs is proposed to explain the adhesion mechanism of the core/shell structure. © 2013 American Chemical Society.



  • Healing of Fatigue Crack by High-Density Electropulsing in Austenitic Stainless Steel Treated with the Surface-Activated Pre-Coating

    Atsushi Hosoi, Tomoya Kishi, Yang Ju

    MATERIALS   6 ( 9 ) 4213 - 4225  2013年09月  [査読有り]


    A technique to heal a fatigue crack in austenitic stainless steel SUS316 by applying a controlled, high-density pulsed current was developed. A surface-activated pre-coating (SAPC), which eliminates the oxide layer and coats a Ni film on the crack surface, was used to improve the adhesion between crack surfaces. Cracks were observed by scanning electron microscopy before and after the application of high-density electropulsing. To evaluate the healing effect of the SAPC during crack propagation, fatigue tests were conducted under a constant stress intensity factor. The fatigue crack treated with the SAPC was found to be effectively healed as a result of electropulsing, and also showed a slower rate of crack propagation.



  • マイクロ波を用いた非破壊検査

    巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    静電気学会誌   37 ( 2 ) 68 - 74  2013年03月


  • Room-temperature bonding technique based on copper nanowire surface fastener

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Mingji Chen, Atsushi Hosoi, Yuanhui Song, Yuka Iwasaki

    Applied Physics Express   6 ( 3 ) 035001-1-035001-4  2013年03月  [査読有り]


    A free-standing copper nanowire array was directly fabricated on a silicon substrate by improved template-assisted electrodeposition. A roomtemperature bonding technique was realized by pressing two nanowire arrays against each other. The van der Waals forces between the interconnected nanowires contributed to the room-temperature bonding which exhibited good mechanical and electrical properties. Theoretical analysis further showed that a much higher mechanical strength can be obtained if most copper nanowires could interconnect with each other. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.



  • Core shell nanowire surface fastener used for mechanical and electrical room temperature bonding

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013   4   2964 - 2968  2013年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents a method of fabricating surface fastener for the application of mechanical and electrical room temperature bonding based on core shell nanowire array. This surface fastener consists of core shell nanowire array with the copper core and parylene shell. The copper nanowire array on the silicon substrate was prepared through template-assistant electro-deposition, which provided the electrical conductive function. The parylene shell was deposited on Cu nanowire array through CVD method, which provided surface compliance to increase contact areas, thereby realizing larger bonding strength. Through pressing core shell nanowire arrays against each other, the van der Waals forces between the interpenetrating nanowires had a contribution to the room temperature. This room temperature bonding technology may enable the exploration of a wide range applications involving assembly of components in the micro electronics. Copyright © (2013) by International Conference on Fracture.

  • Growth of grass like architectures on Si substrate and its mechanism study

    Lijiao Hu, Yang Ju, Hosoi Atsushi

    13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013   4   2988 - 2992  2013年  [査読有り]


    Grass like architectures were synthesized directly on Silicon substrate by thermal oxidation method with nickel catalyst at low temperature. Humidity and catalyst played an important role in the fabrication of the grass like architectures. The morphology of the grass-like architectures was controlled by heating temperature. The grass like architectures were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM, JSM-7000FK), Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The grass like architectures were approximately 8-70μm in size with 1-2.5μm width leaves. The growth of grass like architectures affected by oxidation, vertical stress induced, and horizontal compressive stress was studied in details. Copyright © (2013) by International Conference on Fracture.

  • Fabrication of AFM probe with CuO nanowire formed by stress-induced method

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hisataka Koto, Yang Ju

    2013 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP 2013    2013年  [査読有り]


    A novel method to fabricate an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe with CuO nanowire was proposed using a stress-induced method which can form nanowire easily. By heating a commercial AFM probe which is eliminated its tip and is coated with Ta and Cu films, Cu hillock and CuO nanowires on the hillock can be formed at the probe end. To obtain the CuO nanowire of high aspect ratio that can use as an AFM probe tip, thickness of coating films, heating temperature and heating time were investigated. As the result, the probe tip approximately 5 μm high and the nanowire approximately 25 nm in diameter were successfully obtained. In the results that the measurement resolution was evaluated, the measurement resolution of the CuO nanowire probe slightly worse than that of a commercial AFM probe. However, from the viewpoint of the dimensional measurement, the precision was almost equal between both probes. © 2013 CMP.

  • A study on spatial resolution of the microwave atomic forcemicroscope imaging affected by scanning speed

    Lan Zhang, Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju

    Materials Science Forum   750   200 - 203  2013年  [査読有り]


    Using the microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) measuring system, the sampleof Au nanowires arranged on glass wafer was sensed with three kinds of scanning speed. As theresults shown, the spatial resolution of topographies is increased with the decrease of scanningspeed. However, the precision of microwave images is not changed much with decreasing thescanning speed. Since M-AFM with the compact microwave instrument can always implement thereal time measurement, the variation of scanning speed will not affect the microwave measurement. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.



  • 疲労荷重下におけるCFRPクロスプライ積層板のトランスバースクラック発生に関する層厚さの影響

    栗原 謙, 細井 厚志, 佐藤 成道, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集 A編   79 ( 799 ) 249 - 265  2013年  [査読有り]


    The effect of ply thickness on the formation of first transverse crack caused in cross-ply carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates was evaluated under fatigue loading. In addition, the initiation process of the transverse crack was observed with an atomic force microscopy (AFM) in detail. The formation of the first transverse crack was evaluated quantitatively with the power law between the transverse crack density growth rate and the normalized energy release rate range associated with transverse crack formation. The analytical results showed good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover, from the analytical results with the cross-ply [0/906]s and [02/9012]s laminates, it was shown that the fatigue life to the formation of the first transverse crack in [0/906]s is approximately 100 times longer than that in [02/9012]s. Furthermore, as the results observed the process of the transverse crack initiation with AFM, it was cleared that matrix resins around fibers were uplifted on the laminate edge surface due to cyclic loading. The observation results indicate that the micro cracks are initiated at the interface between fiber and matrix resin by the stress concentration due to the uplift of matrix resins, that the micro cracks grow to the thickness direction in 90&deg; plies with concatenating the interfacial cracks and that the transverse crack is formed finally.

    DOI CiNii


  • Detection of delamination in GFRP and CFRP by microwaves with focusing mirror sensor

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yuhei Yamaguchi, Yang Ju, Yasumoto Sato, Tsunaji Kitayama

    Materials Science Forum   750   142 - 146  2013年  [査読有り]


    A technique to detect delamination in composite materials by noncontact, rapid and high sensitive microwave reflectometry with a focusing mirror sensor was proposed. The focusing mirror sensor, which has high sensitivity and resolution, is expected to detect delamination sensitively. In this paper, the ability of microwave inspection to detect delamination in glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) was verified. As the results, the existences of 100 μm thick delamination in 3 mm thick GFRP laminate and 2 mm thick CFRP laminate were detected. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.



  • Restoration of fatigue damage in stainless steel by high-density electric current

    Yongpeng Tang, Atsushi Hosoi, Yasuyuki Morita, Yang Ju

    International Journal of Fatigue   56   69 - 74  2013年  [査読有り]


    To investigate the effect of high-density electric current on healing of the fatigue damage, the recovery of residual plastic strain was quantitatively evaluated with the digital image correlation method. The microhardness was measured within the plastic zone at the root of notch. Furthermore, the dislocation structures before and after the application of electric current were investigated by transmission electron microscopy to further understand the mechanics of the healing effect. It was concluded that the fatigue damage was healed by a decrease in dislocation density. As a result, fatigue crack initiation was delayed by the healing of fatigue damage. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The surface condition effect of Cu<inf>2</inf>O flower/grasslike nanoarchitectures grown on cu foil and cu film

    Lijiao Hu, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Yongpeng Tang

    Nanoscale Research Letters   8 ( 1 )  2013年  [査読有り]


    Cu2O flower/grass-like nanoarchitectures (FGLNAs) were fabricated directly on two category specimens of Cu foils and Cu film using thermal oxidation method. The FGLNAs are approximately 3.5 to 12 μm in size, and their petals are approximately 50 to 950 nm in width. The high compressive stress caused by a large oxide volume in the Cu2O layer on the specimen surface played an important role in the growth of FGLNAs. The effects of surface conditions, such as the surface stresses, grain size, and surface roughness of Cu foil and Cu film specimens, on the FGLNA growth were discussed in detail.



  • Effect of high-density electric current on the microstructure and fatigue crack initiation of stainless steel

    Yongpeng Tang, Atsushi Hosoi, Yuichi Iwase, Yang Ju

    Materials Transactions   54 ( 11 ) 2085 - 2092  2013年  [査読有り]


    To investigate the effect of high-density electric current on the delay of fatigue crack initiation, the dislocation structures before and after the application of electric current were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Dislocation density was quantitatively characterized before and after the application of electric current to further understand the mechanics of the healing effect. Atomic force microscope results showed that the slips disappeared locally and the slip height decreased on the surface of the specimens. Furthermore, the delaying effect of the crack initiation due to the application of electric current was evaluated by the fatigue crack-initiation model in which the accumulation of the dislocation density was considered. © 2013 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials.



  • Measurement of electrical properties of materials under the oxide layer by microwave-AFM probe

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    Microsystem Technologies   18 ( 11 ) 1917 - 1922  2012年11月  [査読有り]


    The capability of a new AFM-based apparatus named microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) which can measure the topography and electrical information of samples simultaneously was investigated. Some special samples with different thicknesses of dielectric film (SiO2) which plays the role of oxide layer creating on the material surface were fabricated. The measurement of electrical properties of materials under the oxide layer by the M-AFM was studied. The results indicate that the M-AFM can lead the microwave signal penetrate the oxide film (SiO2) with a limited thickness of 60 nm and obtain the electrical information of underlying materials. © Springer-Verlag 2012.



  • マイクロ波による繊維強化プラスチック積層板の非破壊評価

    細井 厚志, 巨 陽, 佐藤 康元

    検査技術   17 ( 9 ) 1 - 5  2012年09月


  • 電磁波によるガラス繊維強化複合材層間はく離の検出性検討

    佐藤 康元, 小倉 夏樹, 北山 綱次, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    非破壊検査 : journal of N.D.I   61 ( 6 ) 286 - 287  2012年06月


  • Fatigue crack healing by a controlled high density electric current field

    A. Hosoi, T. Nagahama, Y. Ju

    Materials Science and Engineering A   533 ( 30 ) 38 - 42  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    A technique was developed to heal a fatigue crack in stainless steel by controlling a high-density electric current field. The high density electric current field was applied at the tip of the crack by using closely spaced electrodes. From the experimental results, it was observed the crack closure and the bridging between the surfaces of a crack were caused around the vicinity of the crack tip after a high density pulse current was applied to a specimen. It was shown that crack propagation was delayed temporarily in the healed specimen. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.



  • Room temperature electrical bonding technique based on titled copper nanowire fastener with anisotropic adhesion properties

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Atsuchi Hosoi, Yuanhui Song

    Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology    2012年  [査読有り]


    This paper presented a room temperature bonding technique based on copper nanowire. A structure with copper nanowire array growing on the patterned areas of the silicon substrate was prepared through template-assistant electro-deposition. Through pressing the tilted and straight nanowire arrays against each other, the van der Waals interactions between the interconnected nanowires resulted in the mechanical bonding and electrical connectivity. This room temperature bonding technique exhibited anisotropic adhesion properties. The maximum adhesive strength of 9.36 N/cm2 and electrical resistance of 0.3 (areas, A3.14 mm2) were obtained. Hence, it might have important implications for the assembly of components in the micro electronics. © 2012 IEEE.



  • Prediction of first transverse crack formation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    A. Hosoi, K. Kurihara, N. Sato, H. Kawada

    8th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials 2012, ACCM 2012 - Composites: Enabling Tomorrow's Industry Today   1   173 - 178  2012年  [査読有り]


    The formation of a first transverse crack in cross-ply CFRP laminates was predicted under fatigue loading and the fatigue limit of transverse crack initiation was evaluated quantitatively. Transverse cracks induce more serious damage, such as delamination or fiber breakage. It is essential to understand the mechanism of the transverse crack initiation for improving long-term durability of CFRP laminates. Therefore, a method was proposed to predict the number of cycles to transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading. Two types of cross-ply CFRP laminates, [0/90 6]s and [02/9012]s, of different thickness were used for fatigue tests. As the results, we were successful in predicting the number of cycles to transverse crack initiation under fatigue loading and evaluating the fatigue limit of the transverse crack initiation by the proposed analysis. Moreover, it was found that the fatigue life to transverse crack initiation in [0/906]s laminate was approximately 100 times longer than that in [02/90 12]s laminates. © 2012 by Asian-Australian Association for Composite Materials (AACM).

  • 静的引張試験による疲労荷重下における[0m/90n]sクロスプライCFRP積層板に生じるトランスバースクラックの発生予測

    細井 厚志, 高村 啓吾, 佐藤 成道, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集 A編   78 ( 791 ) 1000 - 1012  2012年  [査読有り]


    A method to predict quantitatively the first of transverse cracks accumulated in the various types of [0m/90n]s cross-ply carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates subjected to fatigue loading was proposed. On the basis of the assumption that the mechanism of transverse crack initiation is equivalent to that of transverse crack increase in the earlier stage of fatigue within low transverse crack density, the cycles at which a transverse crack initiates are calculated by applying the normalized modified Paris law, which shows the relationship between the transverse crack density growth rate and the normalized energy release rate range associated with the transverse crack formation. When the constants of the normalized modified Paris law are given with an arbitrary cross-ply laminate, the proposed method makes possible to predict the initiation of a transverse crack in the other various types of cross-ply laminates under fatigue loading by only measuring the stress at which a transverse crack initiates under static tensile loading.

    DOI CiNii


  • Microwave atomic force microscopy: Quantitative measurement and characterization of electrical properties on the nanometer scale

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    Applied Physics Express   5 ( 1 ) 016602-016602-3  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we report a noncontact and quantitative method of evaluating and characterizing electrical properties with a nanometer-scale spatial resolution. Microwave atomic force microscopy (M-AFM) can be used to obtain the topography and microwave image of materials in one scanning process simultaneously. Under the frequency modulation (FM) AFM mode, we successfully applied M-AFM to create a microwave image of a Au nanowire with a spatial resolution of 170 nm. Moreover, based on the analytical and explicit expressions proposed, M-AFM can implement the quantitative evaluation and characterization of the local conductivity of materials on the nanometer scale. © 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.



  • マイクロ波による繊維強化高分子基複合材料の非破壊評価

    細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    非破壊検査 : journal of N.D.I   60 ( 10 ) 566 - 571  2011年10月


  • 時間領域マイクロ波測定法による配管減肉の非破壊計測

    近藤 佑輔, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    非破壊検査 : journal of N.D.I   60 ( 7 ) 391 - 392  2011年07月


  • Quantitative evaluation of fatigue damage growth in CFRP laminates that changes due to applied stress level

    Atsushi Hosoi, Keigo Takamura, Narumichi Sato, Hiroyuki Kawada

    International Journal of Fatigue   33 ( 6 ) 781 - 787  2011年06月  [査読有り]


    The change of fatigue damage behavior depending on an applied stress level in carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates was evaluated quantitatively in this study. To evaluate damage growth, the energies released due to transverse crack propagation and delamination growth per unit length with consideration of transverse crack propagation were derived. Moreover, the transverse crack propagation and the delamination growth were evaluated using a modified Paris law that gives the relationship between the damage growth rate and the energy released due to damage growth. As a result, it was found that the growth of the transverse crack and the delamination could be evaluated with the unique Paris law constants, respectively. Finally, it was concluded that the change of the fatigue damage growth behavior was caused due to the difference of the growth rate of the transverse cracks and delamination at an applied stress level. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Structure modification of M-AFM probe for the measurement of local conductivity

    A. Fujimoto, L. Zhang, A. Hosoi, Y. Ju

    Microsystem Technologies   17 ( 4 ) 715 - 720  2011年04月  [査読有り]


    In order to realize the evaluation of electrical properties of materials in nanometer scale, a method to measure the local conductivity of materials was demonstrated. A microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) probe which can propagate and emit microwave signals was fabricated. An open structure of a waveguide at the tip of the probe was introduced by focused ion beam fabrication. The M-AFM combined a network analyzer and an AFM was used to measure a sample. The amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient of the microwave signals were measured, thereby the electrical conductivities of metallic materials were determined. The conductivity obtained by this method is agreement well with that measured by a high-frequency conductometry. © Springer-Verlag 2010.



  • Measurement of electrical properties of materials under the oxide layer by microwave-AFM probe

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    DTIP 2011 - Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS     334 - 338  2011年  [査読有り]


    The capability of a new AFM-based apparatus named microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) which can measure the topography and electrical information of samples simultaneously was investigated. Some special samples with different thicknesses of dielectric film (SiO2) which plays the role of oxide layer creating on the material surface were fabricated. The measurement of electrical properties of materials under the oxide layer by the M-AFM was studied. The results indicate that the M-AFM can lead the microwave signal penetrate the oxide film (SiO2) with a limited thickness of 60 nm and obtain the electrical information of underlying materials. © 2011 CMP.

  • 疲労負荷下におけるクロスプライCFRP積層板のトランスバースクラック発生評価

    髙村 啓吾, 細井 厚志, 佐藤 成道, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集 A編   77 ( 779 ) 1123 - 1134  2011年  [査読有り]


    In this study, transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading was evaluated focusing on the transverse crack growth and saturation. The number of cycles that a transverse crack initiates was predicted by the analytical model on the basis of the modified Paris law. In addition, the lower threshold of the transverse crack formation was researched by a modified Paris-law, and the fatigue limit of the transverse crack initiation was evaluated by calculating the stress applied in 90&deg; layer where the increase of the transverse cracks was saturated. Moreover, transverse crack was observed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) in order to investigate the mechanism of transverse crack initiation. As the results, the analytical results for predicting the transverse crack initiation showed good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover, it was shown that the lower threshold of the transverse crack formation existed, and that the stress applied in 90&deg; layer at saturation state was almost equivalent to the fatigue limit of the transverse crack initiation from the experimental results. From the observation with SEM, it was found that the initiation of the transverse crack under fatigue loading depended on the interface property between fiber and matrix.

    DOI CiNii


  • マイクロ波によるNi基合金溶接部表面の応力腐食割れの非破壊評価

    天野 智文, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    日本機械学会論文集 B編   77 ( 776 ) 959 - 963  2011年  [査読有り]


    To detect stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and evaluate its depth on the surface of Ni-base alloys, a microwave microscope was employed. An open-ended coaxial line sensor was used to increase the spatial resolution. The working frequency was 110 GHz and the standoff distance between the sensor and the sample was 60 &mu;m. The shape of SCC was obtained by microwave imaging. By measuring the amplitude of reflection coefficient, detection of SCC was achieved. To evaluate SCC depth, the attenuation constant of microwave in the crack was decided by comparing the measured microwave signal with the depth of a reference SCC obtained by destructive testing. Finally, the distribution of the depth of another SCC was evaluated by the proposed equation with the obtained attenuation constant.

    DOI CiNii


  • Enhancement of sensitivity for the evaluation of electrical properties by modifying the nano structure of microwave AFM probe

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    Materials Science Forum   675 677   555 - 558  2011年  [査読有り]


    To confirm the sensitivity in the measurement of electrical properties affected by the nano structure of microwave AFM (M-AFM) probe, three kinds of M-AFM probe with a nano-slit on its tip in different width (75 nm, 120 nm and 160 nm) were investigated. Au and glass samples were measured by the probes working at a non-contact AFM mode. The M-AFM probe with the nano-slit having the width of 75 nm, by which the difference of the measured voltage between Au and glass samples is 55.1 mV, shows the highest sensitivity for detecting electrical properties of materials. As the result illustrated, the M-AFM probe with smaller width nano-slit on the tip can be considered to be an ideal nano structure. © (2011) Trans Tech Publications.



  • Microwave atomic force microscopy imaging for nanometer-scale electrical property characterization

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    Review of Scientific Instruments   81 ( 12 ) 123708-1-4  2010年12月  [査読有り]


    We introduce a new type of microscopy which is capable of investigating surface topography and electrical property of conductive and dielectric materials simultaneously on a nanometer scale. The microwave atomic force microscopy is a combination of the principles of the scanning probe microscope and the microwave-measurement technique. As a result, under the noncontact AFM working conditions, we successfully generated a microwave image of a 200-nm Au film coating on a glass wafer substrate with a spatial resolution of 120 nm and a measured voltage difference of 19.2 mV between the two materials. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.



  • Properties of M-AFM probe affected by nanostructural metal coatings

    A. Hosoi, M. Hamada, A. Fujimoto, Y. Ju

    Microsystem Technologies   16 ( 7 ) 1233 - 1237  2010年07月  [査読有り]


    In order to develop a new structure microwave probe, the fabrication of the atomic force microscope (AFM) probe on a GaAs wafer was studied and characteristics of the AFM probe with different nanostructural metal coating were evaluated in order to understand the performance of the probe for the topography of materials and the propagation of microwave signals. A waveguide was introduced by the sputtering and the electron beam (EB) evaporation technique on the top and bottom surfaces of the GaAs AFM probe with Au or Al film. The open structure of the waveguide at the tip of the probe was introduced by using focused ion beam fabrication. It was found that the fabricated probes coated with the Au or Al film have nanometer order resolution. Moreover, using the Au-coating probe formed by the EB evaporation technique, microwave emission was detected successfully at the tip of the probe by approaching an Au film sample. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.



  • マイクロ波による物性評価と欠陥検出

    巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    非破壊検査 : journal of N.D.I   59 ( 5 ) 227 - 230  2010年05月


  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading

    Keigo Takamura, Atsushi Hosoi, Narumichi Sato, Hiroyuki Kawada

    7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials 2010, ACCM 2010   1   273 - 276  2010年  [査読有り]


    This study focused on the initiation of a transverse crack in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading. Transverse cracks induce more serious damages, such as delamination or fiber breakage. It is essential to understand the mechanism of the transverse crack onset under fatigue loading for improving long-term durability and reliability of CFRP laminates. Therefore, a method to evaluate and predict the initiation of a transverse crack in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading was proposed. Fatigue tests at various stress levels were performed to evaluate the initiation and multiplication of the transverse cracks. Fatigue tests were interrupted at arbitrary loading cycles to observe damage in cross-ply CFRP laminates. The transverse cracks caused in the laminates were observed by an optical microscope and soft X-ray photography. The fatigue limit of transverse crack initiation in this fatigue conditions was indicated by calculating the stress applied in 90° layer of the laminates at the saturated state of the transverse cracks with a variational approach. Moreover, the analytical method on the basis of Paris law in order to predict the number of cycles to transverse crack initiation under fatigue loading was proposed. As the results, the predicted number of cycles to transverse crack initiation shows good agreement with experimental results.

  • Structure modification of M-AFM probe for the measurement of local conductivity

    A. Fujimoto, L. Zhang, A. Hosoi, Y. Ju

    Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP 2010     22 - 26  2010年  [査読有り]


    In order to realize the evaluation of electrical properties of materials in nanoscale orders, a method for the measurement of local conductivity was presented. A microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) probe in which microwave signals can propagate was fabricated. An open structure of a waveguide at the tip of the probe was introduced by focused ion beam (FIB) fabrication. The microwave measurement system consisted of the combination of a network analyzer working at 44.5 GHz and an AFM were used to measure the samples without contact. The amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient of the microwave signal were measured to determine the electrical conductivity of non magnetic metals. The conductivity obtained by this method agrees with that measured by the high-frequency conductometry. © 2010 EDA Publishing/DTIP.

  • Effect of high density electric current field on fatigue cracks in stainless steel

    A. Hosoi, T. Nagahama, Y. Ju

    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)   9   123 - 128  2010年  [査読有り]


    A technique was developed to heal a fatigue crack by controlling a high density electric current field. The high-density electric current field was applied at the tip of the crack by using closely spaced electrodes. It was found that the electric stimulation influences the states and propagation behavior of a fatigue crack in the stainless steel. When the electric current was applied to a specimen having a pre-crack with a large opening displacement, a closure effect at the crack tip was shown and the bridges between the crack surfaces were observed. On the other hand, when the electric current was applied to a specimen having a pre-crack with a small opening displacement, an opening effect was shown. These effects were also evaluated quantitatively by the Paris law. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.



  • Nondestructive detection of defects in GFRP laminates by microwaves

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering   4 ( 11 ) 1711 - 1721  2010年  [査読有り]


    The application of microwave reflectometry was studied for nondestructive detection of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) laminates. The specimens having different kinds of defects and dimensions were prepared. The change of the microwave signals was measured by scanning the specimens with a K band waveguide sensor which can propagate microwaves from 18 to 26 GHz. The influence of the frequency of microwaves and the thickness of the laminates on measurement sensitivity was investigated. As a result, it was shown that the defects of more than 0.2 mm thickness in the GFRP laminate can be detected. The stable measurement results were obtained at lower frequency though measurement sensitivity for small defects was better at the higher frequency. It is necessary to select the suitable frequency for the measurement objectives because the interference due to the reflection waves from the top and bottom surfaces of the measurement objectives is caused depending on the objective and defect dimensions. In addition, it was shown that the defect of an aluminum film can be detected within the GFRP laminates of 30 mm thickness.

    DOI CiNii

  • CFRP直交積層板におけるトランスバースクラック発生の温度依存性

    川田宏之, 小柳潤, 細井厚志, 梶原俊作, 石岡義和, 佐藤成道

    材料システム   28   24 - 51  2010年  [査読有り]

  • High-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates over 108 cycles (Initiation and propagation of delamination considering interaction with transverse cracks)

    Atsushi Hosoi, Narumichi Sato, Yasuyuki Kusumoto, Keita Fujiwara, Hiroyuki Kawada

    International Journal of Fatigue   32 ( 1 ) 29 - 36  2010年01月  [査読有り]


    High-cycle fatigue features of over 108 cycles, particularly the initiation and propagation of edge delamination considering the effects of transverse cracks, were investigated using quasi-isotropic carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with a stacking sequence of [45/0/-45/90]s in this study. In the relationship between a transverse crack density and initiation and growth of edge delamination, it was found that fatigue damage growth behavior varied depending on applied stress. It was observed that edge delamination initiated and grew at parts where transverse cracks were dense at ordinary applied stress, whereas it was observed that edge delamination grew before or simultaneously with transverse crack propagation at a low applied stress and high-cycle loading. In addition, the critical transverse crack density where delamination begins growing was calculated to evaluate the interaction between transverse crack and edge delamination growth. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • High-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates over 108 cycles (Initiation and propagation of delamination considering interaction with transverse cracks)

    Atsushi Hosoi, Narumichi Sato, Yasuyuki Kusumoto, Keita Fujiwara, Hiroyuki Kawada

    International Journal of Fatigue   32 ( 1 ) 29 - 36  2010年01月  [査読有り]


    High-cycle fatigue features of over 108 cycles, particularly the initiation and propagation of edge delamination considering the effects of transverse cracks, were investigated using quasi-isotropic carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with a stacking sequence of [45/0/-45/90]s in this study. In the relationship between a transverse crack density and initiation and growth of edge delamination, it was found that fatigue damage growth behavior varied depending on applied stress. It was observed that edge delamination initiated and grew at parts where transverse cracks were dense at ordinary applied stress, whereas it was observed that edge delamination grew before or simultaneously with transverse crack propagation at a low applied stress and high-cycle loading. In addition, the critical transverse crack density where delamination begins growing was calculated to evaluate the interaction between transverse crack and edge delamination growth. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • マイクロ波を利用した探傷技術と材料評価への適用

    巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    検査技術   14 ( 12 ) 1 - 7  2009年12月


  • Transverse crack growth behavior considering free-edge effect in quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yoshihiko Arao, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Composites Science and Technology   69 ( 9 ) 1388 - 1393  2009年07月  [査読有り]


    The high-cycle fatigue characteristics focused on the behavior of the transverse crack growth up to 108 cycles were investigated using quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates whose stacking sequence was [-45/0/45/90]s. To assess the fatigue behavior in the high-cycle region, fatigue tests were conducted at a frequency of 100 Hz in addition to 5 Hz. In this study, to evaluate quantitative characteristics of the transverse crack growth in the high-cycle region, the energy release rate considering the free-edge effect was calculated. Transverse crack growth behavior was evaluated based on a modified Paris law approach. The results revealed that transverse crack growth was delayed under the test conditions of the applied stress level of σmax/σb = 0.2. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Properties of M-AFM Probe Affected by Coatings Nanostructural Metal

    A. Hosoi, M. Hamada, A. Fujimoto, Y. Ju

    DTIP of MEMS and MOEMS - Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS     197 - 201  2009年  [査読有り]


    In order to develop a new structure microwave probe, the fabrication of the atomic force microscope (AFM) probe on a GaAs wafer was studied and characteristics of the AFM probe with different nanostructural metal coating were evaluated in order to understand the performance of the probe for the topography of materials and the propagation of microwave signals. The fabricated probe had a tip of 8 ìm high and curvature radius approximately 30 nm. The dimensions of the cantilever are 250×30×15 ìm. A waveguide was introduced by the sputtering and the electron beam (EB) evaporation technique on the top and bottom surfaces of the GaAs AFM probe with Au or Al film. The open structure of the waveguide at the tip of the probe was introduced by using focused ion beam (FIB) fabrication. AFM topography of a grating sample was measured by using each fabricated probe. It was found that the fabricated probes coated with the Au or Al film have nanometer order resolution. Moreover, using the Au-coating probe formed by the EB evaporation technique, microwave emission was detected successfully at the tipof the probe by approaching an Au film sample. ©EDA Publishing/DTIP 2009.

  • マイクロ波を利用した最新事例と今後の課題

    巨陽, 細井厚志

    検査機器ニュース   ( 1166 ) 10 - 12  2009年

  • Variations of Fatigue damage growth in cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Narumichi Sato, Jiadi Shi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering   3 ( 2 ) 138 - 149  2009年  [査読有り]


    The behavior of transverse crack growth and delamination growth under high-cycle fatigue loadings was investigated with cross-ply CFRP laminates, [0/902]s and [0/906]s, and quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates, [45/0/-45/90]s. As a result, it was observed that the behavior of damage growth was different depending on the applied stress level. The growth of local or edge delamination was exacerbated under the test conditions of a low applied stress level and high-cycle loadings, because the areas of stress concentration were applied with high-cyclic loadings. On the other hand, when the fatigue tests were conducted under the applied stress level of 40% of the transverse crack initiation, the growth of transverse cracks was hardly observed until 108 cycles with [0/902]s, [0/906]s and [45/0/-45/90]s laminates.

    DOI CiNii

  • Stress analysis of laminates of carbon fiber reinforced plastics, containing transverse cracks, considering free-edge effect and residual thermal stress

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Materials Science and Engineering A   498 ( 1-2 ) 69 - 75  2008年12月  [査読有り]


    A variational approach is presented to evaluate the 3-dimensional stress state in cross-ply laminates of the form [(S)/90n]s that contain transverse cracks in the 90° plies, where (S) is any orthotropic sublaminate. Admissible stress states that satisfy equilibrium and all boundary and interface conditions are constructed, and the principle of minimum complementary energy is employed to find an optimal approximation of the composite strain energy. Using this method of analysis, we can express the stress state by considering the free-edge effect, which causes edge delamination in cracked laminates. The calculated results using the proposed model showed good agreement with the results calculated by the finite element method. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • High-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yoshihiko Arao, Hirokazu Karasawa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Advanced Composite Materials: The Official Journal of the Japan Society of Composite Materials   16 ( 2 ) 151 - 166  2007年03月  [査読有り]


    High-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates [-45/0/45/90]s up to 108 cycles were investigated. To assess the fatigue behavior in the high-cycle region, fatigue tests were conducted at a frequency of 100 Hz, since it is difficult to investigate the fatigue characteristics in high-cycle at 5 Hz. Then, the damage behavior of the specimen was observed with a microscope, soft X-ray photography and a 3D ultrasonic inspection system. In this study, to evaluate quantitative characteristics of both transverse crack propagation and delamination growth in the high-cycle region, the energy release rate associated with damage growth in the width direction was calculated. Transverse crack propagation and delamination growth in the width direction were evaluated based on a modified Paris law approach. The results revealed that transverse crack propagation delayed under the test conditions of less than σ © 2007 VSP. max/σ b = 0.3 of the applied stress level. © 2007 VSP.



  • Interaction between transverse cracks and edge delamination considering free-edge effects in composite laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shinako Yagi, Keiichi Nagata, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials    2007年  [査読有り]


    The high-cycle fatigue characteristics, especially the initiation and propagation of edge delamination, were investigated with quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates with a stacking sequence of [45/0/-45/90]S. To investigate the influence that transverse cracks have on the initiation and propagation of edge delamination, two types of specimens are used. One was a specimen where transverse cracks were arbitrarily introduced by static tensile loading before conducting the fatigue tests. The other was an undamaged specimen as new. As a result, it was found that the single transverse crack introduced before the fatigue test did not seriously affect the initiation of edge delamination. Moreover, the difference of the fatigue damage growth behavior depending on the applied stress level was observed. Under the test conditions of low-applied stress level and high-cyclic loadings, it was observed that the edge delamination grew before, or simultaneously with, the transverse crack propagation.

  • Fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates subjected to variable amplitude cyclic two-stage loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, Hiromichi Yoshino

    International Journal of Fatigue   28 ( 10 SPEC. ISS. ) 1284 - 1289  2006年10月  [査読有り]


    In this study the fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced plastics laminates subjected to variable amplitude cyclic two-stage loading were investigated. The cumulative damage was evaluated by considering residual strength as a parameter since the Linear Cumulative Damage rule, i.e., the Palmgren-Miner rule, did not show good agreement. Further, the internal microscopic damage was observed with an optical microscope. As a result, it was found that cumulative damage subjected to variable amplitude cyclic loading could be expressed by considering residual strength. Additionally, we were able to predict the fatigue life of laminates subjected to variable amplitude cyclic two-stage loading. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Long-term durability of polymer matrix composites under hostile environments

    H. Kawada, A. Kobiki, J. Koyanagi, A. Hosoi

    Materials Science and Engineering A   412 ( 1-2 ) 159 - 164  2005年12月  [査読有り]


    Long-term durability of polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) in hostile environments is described. Characteristics of a stress-corrosion crack in glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP), creep fracture in unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) and predictions of a variable loading fatigue life in CFRP laminates are the main topics of this paper. To enhance the performance of the PMCs as structural materials, many improvements are achieved so far. Characterization of mechanical properties under the hostile environments is still need for the studies. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Damage mechanics characterization of high-cycle fatigue in quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hirokazu Karasawa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Proceedings of the 2005 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics     1729 - 1736  2005年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes the high-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates [-45/0/45/90] s up to 10 8 cycles. To investigate the fatigue behavior in the high-life region, the fatigue tests were conducted with the frequency of 100Hz since it's difficult to conduct the tests with 5Hz. Then, the damage behavior of the specimen was observed with a microscope, a soft X-ray photography and a 3D ultrasonic inspection system. In this study, to evaluate quantitative characteristics of each the transverse crack propagation and the delamination growth in the high-cycle region, the energy release rate associated with damage growth to the width direction was calculate. The transverse crack propagation and the delamination growth to the width direction were evaluated based on a modified Paris-law approach. As the results, it was found that transverse crack propagation didn't depend on the frequency within the small temperature change and it was observed that delamination growth delayed with the test condition of less than σ max/σ b=0.3 of the applied stress level.



  • "ぬれ性"の制御と表面処理・改質技術

    技術情報協会, 穂積, 篤, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第5章,第2節,pp. 470-476)

    技術情報協会  2023年08月 ISBN: 9784861049774

  • 接着界面解析と次世代接着接合技術

    堀内, 伸, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第3章,第8節,pp.357-363)

    エヌ・ティー・エス  2022年10月 ISBN: 9784860437961

  • 機械系大学院への四力・制御問題精選

    青木, 隆平, 川田, 宏之, 細井, 厚志, 成田, 吉弘, 芝原, 正彦, 花村, 克悟, 高木, 周 (流体工学), 高比良, 裕之, 東, 俊一, 大塚, 敏之

    培風館  2022年07月 ISBN: 9784563067939

  • 自動車マルチマテリアルに向けた樹脂複合材料の開発

    技術情報協会, 山根, 健, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第7章,第15節,464-473)

    技術情報協会  2022年05月 ISBN: 9784861048838

  • 接着・接合の支配要因と最適化技術

    細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第4章,pp.252-256)

    S&T出版  2021年02月 ISBN: 9784907002848

  • CFRP/CFRTPの界面制御、成形加工技術と部材応用

    技術情報協会, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第9章,第1節,295-300)

    技術情報協会  2020年12月 ISBN: 9784861048111

  • シランカップリング剤の使い方と応用事例

    細井厚志, Kristine Munk Jesperse( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第8章,第3節,pp.273-279)

    サイエンス&テクノロジー  2020年03月 ISBN: 9784864282185

  • 自己修復材料、自己組織化、形状記憶材料の開発と応用事例

    技術情報協会, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第2章,第1節,pp.133-140)

    技術情報協会  2020年03月 ISBN: 9784861047817

  • 炭素繊維およびその繊維複合材料における分析試験、評価解析に関する最新事例集

    技術情報協会, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第6章,第3節,pp.273-280)

    技術情報協会  2019年06月 ISBN: 9784861047527

  • スマートマテリアル総覧

    日経BP総研, 日経xTECH, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第5章,pp.315-316)

    日経BP社,日経BPマーケティング (発売)  2018年10月 ISBN: 9784296100262

  • 「炭素繊維強化複合材料の長期信頼性評価」,繊維複合材料

    細井厚志, 川田宏之( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第2章,第14節,pp.252-257)

    技術情報協会  2018年01月

  • 「CFRP積層板の熱残留応力の解析」,高分子材料の残留応力対策

    川田宏之, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第5章,第4節,pp. 230-234)

    技術情報協会  2017年02月

  • 「層間剥離試験」,基礎からわかるFRP-繊維強化プラスチックの基礎から実用までー

    細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 5.8節,pp. 138-143)

    コロナ社  2016年04月

  • 「CFRPの疲労特性と強度評価」,炭素繊維およびCFRP/CFRTPの特性と製造・開発動向

    細井厚志, 川田宏之( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第4章,第1節,pp. 111-120)

    情報機構  2015年05月

  • 炭素繊維強化複合材料の疲労損傷進展評価および損傷発生評価技術」,自動車,航空機,輸送機器における樹脂・プラスチック材料の技術資料集

    細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第6節,pp. 79-83)

    技術情報協会  2015年02月

  • 「CFRPの疲労評価技術」,CFRPの成形・加工・リサイクル技術最前線,生活用具から産業用途まで適用拡大を背景として

    細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第3編,第1章,第2節,pp.273-278)

    エヌ・ティー・エス  2015年

  • 「疲労試験」,最新材料の性能・評価試験技術(プラスチック系材料および製品事例)

    川田宏之, 細井厚志( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第3章,第11節)

    産業技術サービスセンター  2014年05月

  • 「炭素繊維強化複合材料の非破壊評価事例」,高分子における劣化・破壊現象の写真・データ事例集

    細井厚志, 川田宏之( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第15章,第10節)

    技術情報協会  2014年03月

  • 「炭素繊維強化複合材料の疲労損傷進展評価および寿命評価技術」,次世代自動車(EV・HV)に向けた自動車材料の樹脂化による車体軽量化―新材料開発・加工技術の事例とこれからの展開―

    細井厚志, 川田宏之( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 第2章,第14節,pp. 201-204)

    技術情報協会  2013年02月

  • 「複合材料」, 破壊力学大系-壊れない製品設計へ向けて-

    川田宏之, 細井厚志( 担当範囲: 第4編,第2章,3節,pp.478-482)

    エヌ・ティー・エス  2012年02月



  • Enhancement of interlaminar fracture toughness by micro-bridging at crack tip in bonded dissimilar materials

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    21st European Conference on Composite Materials  

  • Fatigue damage growth of carbon fiber reinforced foam observed by X-ray CT and hybrid NDT methods

    Ryuto Sano, Yuta Koga, Atsushi Hosoi, Kota Kawahara, Hiroaki Matsutani, Yoshiki Takebe, Katsunori Kimoto, Hiroyuki Kawada

    21st European Conference on Composite Materials  

  • Influence of Self-Heating on Fatigue Life and Matrix Crack Growth of Quasi-Isotropic Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Laminates in Ultrasonic Fatigue Tests

    Toshiki Matsuo, Yuki Nishi, Hikari Saito, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    9th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue  

  • Evaluation of fatigue properties of CFRF and experimental elucidation of damage growth mechanism

    Koga Yuta, Yusuke Sato, Takuto Kikuchi, Atsushi Hosoi, Kota Kawahara, Yoshiki Takebe, Hiroyuki Kawada

    13th International Fatigue Congress  

  • Fatigue damage growth behavior of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates by ultrasonic fatigue testing

    Hikari Saitoh, Yuki Nishi, Atsushi Hosoi, Takahiro Sekigawa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics and International DIC Society Joint Conference 2023  

  • Effect of surface pretreatment on Interlaminar fracture toughness of dissimilar bonding of CF/PEEK laminates and aluminum alloys

    Kaori Kometani, Kazuki Yokota, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

  • Effect of span/thickness ratio on fatigue properties of thick quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates subjected to three-point bending loading

    Mitsuki Otsubo, Atsushi Hosoi, Takaya Sakurai, Toshio Yamatogi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    43rd Risø International Symposium on Materials Science  

  • Evaluations of SiC/SiC composites fabricated by film boiling method with temperature rise/fall cycles

    Sho Inoue, Shohei Tanaka, Yuki Kubota, Michimasa Uda, Keisuke Abe, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    11th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites  

  • Giga-cycle fatigue properties of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRP laminates using ultrasonic fatigue testing

    Hosoi Atsushi, Shinji Ito, Tsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Shima Momoka, Yuki Nishi, Hikari Saito, Hiroyuki Kawada

    38th Conference and 31st Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity  

  • Very high cycle axial fatigue property of CFRP laminates evaluated by using ultrasonic fatigue testing machine

    Yoshinobu Shimamura, Daiki Kawashima, Takuma Hashimoto, Tomoyuki Fujii, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 9th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites  

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in CFRP laminates under very-high cycle fatigue

    Atsushi Hosoi, Momoka Shima, Yuki Nishi, Hikari Saito, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 9th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites  

  • Evaluation of the effect of silane coupling treatment on the bond strength of aluminum alloy and CF/PEEK laminates

    Yuki Goto, Rina Soraoka, Atsushi Hosoi, Nilson Kunioshi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials&Processing  

  • Effect of CNTs deposited onto carbon fibers by new coating method on the mechanical properties of CNT/CF composites

    Kento Mizutani, Mai Kikuchi, Takuji Komukai, Maki Onizuka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials&Processing  

  • Investigation of densification treatment method for strengthening dry-spun CNT yarns

    Yoshimasa Kuzuno, Shota Endo, Yugo Ikuta, Akira Kunimoto, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials&Processing  

  • Stress and energy release rate analysis of cross-ply laminates with transverse cracks in ultrasonic fatigue test

    Yuki Nishi, Shinji Itoh, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Failure and Strength and 13th Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure  

    発表年月: 2022年12月

  • Evaluation of fatigue crack closure phenomena in steel by applying high-density pulse current

    Yoshitaka Iwase, Shota Nakayama, Yutaro Sugeno, Atsushi Hosoi, Makoto Kitano, Hiroyuki Kawada

    17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Failure and Strength and 13th Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure  

    発表年月: 2022年12月

  • Suppression of persistent slip band growth in polycrystalline copper by applying high-density electropulsing and its evaluation

    Haruka Sasa, Jeehwan Shin, Atsushi Hosoi, Makoto Kitano, Hiroyuki Kawada

    17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Failure and Strength and 13th Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure  

    発表年月: 2022年12月

  • Hiroyuki Kawada, Fatigue limit evaluation of 90° unidirectional CFRP laminates in very high-cycle fatigue and free volume measurement of matrix using positron microscopy

    Masafumi Tazuke, Tsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Atsushi Hosoi, Koji Michishio, Nagayasu Oshima, Naoki Sugiura

    International Conference on Materials & Processing 2022  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • Fatigue properties and fatigue life prediction of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Foam

    Yuta Koga, Yuma Hosono, Atsushi Hosoi, Kota Kawahara, Hiroaki Matsutani, Hiroyuki Kawada

    International Conference on Materials & Processing 2022  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • Effect of nanostructures fabricated on aluminum alloy on mode I fracture toughness in dissimilar joints of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics and aluminum alloy

    Momoka Shima, Kazuki Harada, Kei Saito, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    25th International Conference on Composite Structures  

    発表年月: 2022年07月

  • Trial of a spinning method to control the cross-sectional shape and investigation of dimensional effects of carbon nanotube yarns

    Rina Tateiwa, Atsushi Murata, Hiroyuki Kawada, Atsushi Hosoi

    25th International Conference on Composite Structures  

    発表年月: 2022年07月

  • Mechanical properties of CNT/CF composite Fabricated by new coating method

    Mai Kikuchi, Takuji Komukai, Maki Onizuka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    6th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2022  

    発表年月: 2022年01月

  • Electrical property enhancement of dry-spun carbon nanotube yarns by combination of post-synthesis treatment

    Takumi Watanabe, Tomohisa Watanabe, Takeshi Kizaki, Masayasu Inaguma, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition  

  • Evaluation of fracture toughness of thermally welded joints by removal of thermal residual stress

    Kazuki Harada, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Momoka Shima, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    1st Virtual ESIS TC4 Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives  

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation of cross-ply CFRP laminates by using ultrasonic fatigue testing

    Tsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Takeru Atsumi, Kensuke Kosugi, Atsushi Hosoi, Terumasa Tsuda, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hiroyuki Kawada

    8th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue  

  • Effect of interfacial nanostructure on fatigue delamination growth in dissimilar joining of CFRTP laminates and aluminum alloys

    Atsushi Hosoi, Kei Saito, Hiroki Ota, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Hiroyuki Kawada

    8th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites  

  • Effect of interfacial nanostructure on mode mixity in directly bonded carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic laminates and aluminum alloy with thermal stresses

    Hiroki Ota, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Kei Saito, Keita Wada, Kazuki Okamoto, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    the JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials and Processing  

  • Selection of synthesis conditions for improving mechanical properties of untwisted CNT yarn

    Naruki Hisaji, Kazuyoshi Sogo, Kouichi Okumo, Kazuhiko Takahashi, Keiichi Shirasu, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    1st Russia-Japan Joint Workshop on Composite Materials  

  • The effect of nano-structured surface of aluminum alloy directly bonded to CFRTP on fatigue delamination growth properties

    Kei Saito, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Hiroki Ota, Keita Wada, Kazuki Okamoto, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    1st Russia-Japan Joint Workshop on Composite Materials  

  • Effects of molecular weight of matrix resin on tensile and fiber/resin interfacial properties of continuous fiber reinforced composites with in-situ polymerized phenoxy resin

    Megumi Suzuki, Masafumi Miyata, Masahito Fujimoto, Kazuya Eto, Tetsuya Sugiyama, Akihiro Nishino, Toshiaki Miyanaga, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    1st Russia-Japan Joint Workshop on Composite Materials  

  • Effects of fabrication conditions on mechanical properties of dry-spun SiC fibers

    Hinako Ozaki, Tatsuya Kimura, Michimasa Uda, Yuki Kubota, Yoshio Hasegawa, Akiko Koshizaka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    3rd International Conference on Composite Material, Polymer Science and Engineering  

  • Energy absorption mechanism of thermoplastic fiber-reinforced plastics under impact loading using split-hopkinson pressure-bar method

    Ayuta Nambu, Shogo Adachi, Tomoya Yabu, Yuji Ishitsuka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    3rd International Conference on Composite Material, Polymer Science and Engineering  

  • Damage mechanisms and mechanical properties of directly bonded CFRTP and aluminium with nano-structured surface

    Kristine Munk Jespersen, Hikaru Abe, Hiroki Ota, Kei Saito, Keita Wada, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    36th Conference & 30th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity  

  • Very high-cycle fatigue characteristics of cross-ply CFRP laminates in transverse crack initiation

    Atsushi Hosoi, Takuro Suzuki, Kensuke Kosugi, Takeru Atsumi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Terumasa Tsuda, Hiroyuki Kawada

    36th Conference & 30th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity  

  • Suppression of slip band growth of copper alloy subjected to fatigue loading by electropulsing

    Hideyuki Takahashi, Taro Maeyama, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    7th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials  

  • CVD synthesis of few-walled carbon nanotubes for creating high-strength untwisted carbon nanotube yarn

    Kouichi Okumo, Tae Sung Kim, Kazuhiko Takahashi, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials  

  • Effect of grafting graphene onto carbon fiber by using chemical bond on graphene/CF’s mechanical properties

    Kensuke Nakaso, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials  

  • Mechanical properties and microstructural fracture behaviors of SiC fiber fabricated by dry spinning method

    Tatsuya Kimura, Hinako Ozaki, Akiya Ozeki, Hirohide Shiratori, Michimasa Uda, Yoshio Hasegawa, Akiko Koshizaka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2019)  

    発表年月: 2018年12月

  • Evaluation of transverse crack propagation in CF/modified PEEK laminates under fatigue loading

    Dai Tsunoda, Shinichiro Fukushima, Yoshihiro Higashikata, Atsushi Hosoi, Naoki Sugiura, Takahiro Hayashi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2018)  

    発表年月: 2018年12月

  • Influences of plasticity-induced crack closure on fatigue crack healing of carbon steel with heat treatment

    Eiichi Hamada, Yuto Furuya, Atsushi Hosoi, Yuji Morita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2018)  

    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • Progressive failure simulations considering effect of the test temperature for long-glass-fiber thermoplastic composites

    Shogo Adachi, Tomoya Yabu, Yuji Ishitsuka, Masato Nishi, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 13th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials (CJJCC-13)  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • Evaluation of influence of seawater immersion on fatigue strength reduction of plain woven CFRP laminates

    Shuhei Koshima, Norihiro Kajii, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 13th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials (CJJCC-13)  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • Fabrication of lightweight Cu/untwisted MWCNT yarn composite with high current capacity value

    Yuta Hoshi, Kotaro Kajihara, Tae Sung Kim, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASC 33rd Annual Technical Conference and 18th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Evaluation of Giga-Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of CFRP Cross-ply Laminates Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing

    Takuro Suzuki, Atsushi Hosoi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Terumasa Tsuda, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASC 33rd Annual Technical Conference and 18th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Damage mechanisms of directly bonded carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics and aluminium with nanostructured surface

    Kristine Munk Jespersen, Jooncheol Chung, Kazuki Okamoto, Hikaru Abe, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    39th Ris? International Symposium on Materials Science  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Effect of intermolecular force on mechanical properties of CNT/polymer composite yarn

    Taesung Kim, Hidefumi Nikawa, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 5th International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites (ICNN5)  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • Direct bonding between carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics and aluminum alloys and its soundness evaluation by non-contact ultrasonic testing

    Kazuki Okamoto, Joon Cheol Chung, Hikaru Abe, Atsushi Hosoi, Naoki Ishida, Shingo Matsukawa, Kristine Munk Jespersen, Hiroyuki Kawada

    26th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-26)  

    発表年月: 2018年07月

  • Fatigue damage growth behavior of quasi-isotropic CF/PEEK and CF/Epoxy laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shinichiro Fukushima, Yoshihiro Higashikata, Dai Tsunoda, Naoki Sugiura, Takahiro Hayashi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 7th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC7)  

    発表年月: 2018年07月

  • X-ray tomography based finite element modelling of non-crimp fabric based fibre composite

    Kristine Munk Jespersen, Leif E. Asp, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, Lars P. Mikkelsen

    18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM2018)  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Enhancing mechanical properties of graphene/epoxy nanocomposites using few-layer graphene produced by liquid phase exfoliation

    Keisuke Oba, Yoshihiko Arao, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM2018)  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Effect of test temperature on the energy absorption mechanism of injection molded FRTP

    Shogo Adachi, Ryoji Shiraki, Tomoya Yabu, Yuji Ishitsuka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, (IMECE2017)  

    発表年月: 2017年11月

  • Influence of long term seawater immersion on mechanical properties of carbon fiber/vinylester composites

    Shuhei Koshima, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, (IMECE2017)  

    発表年月: 2017年11月

  • Life prediction by simulation of transverse crack initiation in CFRTP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Taichi Watanabe, Akiya Ozeki, Motoki Terauchi, Akira Kobiki, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 29th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Effect of 3D surface nanostructures on adhesion strength between CFRTP laminates and aluminum plates

    Hikaru Abe, Jooncheol Chung, Takaaki Mori, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 2017 International Conference on Materials & Processing (ICMP2017)  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Development of Cu/untwisted CNT composite with high ampacity and conductivity

    Takahiro Sakai, Tae Sung Kim, Hidefumi Nikawa, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 2017 International Conference on Materials & Processing (ICMP2017)  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Strengthening of untwisted carbon nanotube yarn by graphitization treatment

    Taesung Kim, Anri Hayashi, Hidefumi Nikawa, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    2016 M&M International Symposium for Young Researchers  

    発表年月: 2016年08月

  • Fatigue life prediction of thick CFRP laminates with toughened interlaminar layers in the out-of-plane direction at different stress ratios

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shiwon Tsuge, Sen Seki, Yuzo Fujita, Ichiro Taketa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    17th European Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • Development of untwisted carbon nanotube yarn with high strength by heat treatment

    Taesung Kim, Hidefumi Nikawa, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    17th European Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in CFRTS and CFRTP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Taichi Watanabe, Akira Kobiki, Masahiro Kotani, Hiroyuki Kawada  [招待有り]

    PLASTICITY 2016: 22nd International Symposium Plasticity and its Current Applications  

    発表年月: 2016年01月

  • Processing of CNT/Polymer-matrix composite using liquid phase plasma and solvent-displacement method

    Tae Sung Kim, Saeko Nomura, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Hidenobu Anzai, Ryoichi Hanaoka, Sumitaka Terasaka, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition  

    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • Prediction of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRTP laminates in low and high cycle fatigue loadings

    Atsushi Hosoi, Taichi Watanabe, Akira Kobiki, Masahiro Kotani, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 14th Japanese-European Symposium on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • Improvement of mechanical properties in untwisted CNT yarn by PAA/DMSO densification treatment

    Tae Sung Kim, Kaoru Sugano, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 4th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2015  

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • Strain rate dependent tensile properties of injection molded long glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics

    Taesung Kim, Yoshihiko Arao, Norihiko Taniguchi, Tsuyoshi Nishiwaki, Norio Hirayama, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 20th International Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Effect of stress ratio on fatigue characteristics in the out-of-plane direction of thick CFRP laminates with toughened interlaminar

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shigeyoshi Sakuma, Yuzo Fujita, Ichiro Taketa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 20th International Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Mechanical properties of densified untwisted carbon nanotube yarn / epoxy composites

    Risa Yoshizaki, Kim Tae, Sung, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 10th ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2015  

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply and quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yuzo Fujita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 28th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity  

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRTP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Taro Fukui, Akira Kobiki, Masahiro Kotani, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 6th International Conference of Fatigue of Composite  

    発表年月: 2015年03月

  • Evaluation of out-of-plane fatigue properties of unidirectional and quasi-isotropic thick CFRP laminates with interlaminar toughened layers

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shigeyoshi Sakuma, Ko Shigemori, Yuzo Fujita, Ichiro Taketa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition  

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Prediction of transverse crack initiation in [0m/90n]S cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading using S-N diagram of unidirectional CFRP in 90° direction

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shigeyoshi Sakuma, Yuzo Fujita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    11th International Conference on Durability Analysis of Composite Systems  

    発表年月: 2014年09月

  • Evaluation of the depth distribution of thermal fatigue cracks on the metal surface using microwaves

    Kohei Nohara, Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju

    The 5th US/Japan NDT Symposium ASNT/JSNDI  

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Nondestructive and noncontact measurement of wall thinning location in metal pipeline by microwaves

    Fumiya Inukai, Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju

    The 5th US/Japan NDT Symposium ASNT/JSNDI  

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Microwave AFM: MG63 osteoblast-like Cells Analysis on Nanometer Scale

    Yang Ju, Lan Zhang, Yuanhui Song, Atsushi Hosoi

    Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2014 (DTIP2014)  

    発表年月: 2014年04月

  • Growth of 3D flower/grass-like metal oxide nano architectures based on catalyst assisted oxidation

    Lijiao Hu, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    The International Conference on Small Science  

    発表年月: 2013年12月

  • Nondestructive evaluation of wall thinning in metal pipes by microwaves and restoration of fatigue damage in stainless steel using high-density pulse current

    Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Fumiya Inukai, Yuichi Iwase

    Joint Symposium on Reliability Engineering & Fracture Mechanics  

    発表年月: 2013年11月

  • Detection and evaluation of defects in GFRP laminates backed by free space with microwave reflectometry

    Yuhei Yamaguchi, Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju, Yasumoto Sato, Tsunaji Kitayama

    13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition  

    発表年月: 2013年11月

  • Core-shell nanowire based electrical surface fastener used for room-temperature electronic packaging bonding

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    The 15th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging,  

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • Healing of fatigue crack treated with surface-activated pre-coating method by controlling high-density electric current

    Atsushi Hosoi, Tomoya Kishi, Yang Ju

    13th International Conference of Fracture  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • Core-shell nanowire surface fastener used for mechanical and electrical room temperature bonding

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    13th International Conference of Fracture  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • Growth of grass like architectures on Si substrate and its mechanism study

    Lijiao Hu, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    13th International Conference of Fracture  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • Effect of fiber volume fraction on first transverse crack formation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Ko Shigemori, Yuzo Fujita, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Proceedings of the 27th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • Fabrication of AFM probe with CuO nanowire formed by stress-induced method

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hisataka Koto, Yang Ju

    Proceedings of Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年04月

  • Prediction of first transverse crack formation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Ken Kurihara, Narumichi Sato, Hiroyuki Kawada

    8th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Nondestructive inspection of damages in CFRP and GFRP laminates by microwaves

    Yang Ju, Yuhei Yamaguchi, Atsushi Hosoi, Yasumoto Sato, Tsunaji Kitayama

    Proceedings of China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2012年09月

  • Room temperature electrical bonding technique based on titled copper nanowire fastener with anisotropic adhesion properties

    Peng Wang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Yuanhui Song

    IEEE 12th International Conference on Nanotechnology  

    発表年月: 2012年08月

  • Detection of delmaination in GFRP and CFRP by microwaves with focusing mirror sensor

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yuhei Yamaguchi, Yang Ju, Yasumoto Sato, Tsunaji Kitayama

    The 8th International Forum on Advanced Materials Science and Technology  

    発表年月: 2012年08月

  • Effect of high density electric current on recovery of strain caused by fatigue loading

    Yongpeng Tang, Atsushi Hosoi, Yasuyuki Morita, Yang Ju

    Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength-Mechanics and Materials 2012  

    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • Imaging the nano-structure materials utilizing microwave-AFM

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    the JSME/ASME 2011 International Conference on Materials and Processing  

    発表年月: 2011年06月

  • Measurement of electrical properties of materials under the oxide layer by microwave-AFM probe

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP2011)  

    発表年月: 2011年05月

  • Effect of high density electric current field on fatigue cracks in stainless steel

    Atsushi Hosoi, Takatsugu Nagahama, Yang Ju

    ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition  

    発表年月: 2010年11月

  • Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in cross-ply CFRP laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading

    Keigo Takamura, Atsushi Hosoi, Narumichi Sato, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2010年11月

  • Prediction of transverse crack initiation of CFRP laminates under fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Keigo Takamura, Narumichi Sato, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites  

    発表年月: 2010年10月

  • Enhancement of sensitivity for the evaluation of electrical properties by modifying the nano structure of microwave AFM probe

    Lan Zhang, Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    The 7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology  

    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • Structure modification of M-AFM probe for the measurement of local conductivity

    Akifumi Fujimoto, Lan Zhang, Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju

    Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP2010)  

    発表年月: 2010年05月

  • Nondestructive detection of defects in GFRP laminates by microwaves

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yang Ju

    The 2010 M&M International Symposium for Young Researchers  

    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • Development of a nanostructural AFM probe for propagating microwave signals

    Atsushi Hosoi, Motohiro Hamada, Akifumi Fujimoto, Yang Ju

    Nanotoday 2009 conference  

    発表年月: 2009年08月

  • Optimization of the Tip of Microwave AFM Probe

    Yang Ju, Motohiro Hamada, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    The ASME 2009 InterPACK Conference (InterPACK'09)  

    発表年月: 2009年07月

  • Properties of M-AFM probe affected by nanostructural metal coatings

    Atsushi Hosoi, Motohiro Hamada, Akifumi Fujimoto, Yang Ju

    The Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP2009)  

    発表年月: 2009年04月

  • Variations of fatigue damage growth in cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Narumichi Sato, Jiadi Shi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    International Conference on Materials and Processing 2008 (ICM&P2008)  

    発表年月: 2008年10月

  • Characteristics of Local and Edge Delamination Growth under High-Cycle Fatigue Loadings with Cross-Ply and Quasi-Isotropic CFRP Laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Jiadi Shi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Seminar on Composite Materials for Future Problem 2008  

    発表年月: 2008年07月

  • High-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates (Initiation and propagation of delamination considering the interaction with transverse cracks)

    Atsushi Hosoi, Keiichi Nagata, Yasuyuki Kusumoto, Keita Fujiwara, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 4th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC4)  

    発表年月: 2007年09月

  • Interaction between transverse cracks and edge delamination considering free-edge effects in composite laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Shinako Yagi, Keiichi Nagata, Hiroyuki Kawada

    16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM16)  

    発表年月: 2007年07月

  • Stress analysis of cracked laminates considering free-edge effect and residual thermal stress

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Korea-Japan Young Researchers Workshop on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2007年03月

  • Stress analysis of CFRP laminates containing transverse cracks considering free-edge effect and residual thermal

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM2)  

    発表年月: 2007年02月

  • Transverse crack growth behavior considering free-edge effect in quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yoshihiko Arao, Hiroyuki Kawada

    The 12th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 12)  

    発表年月: 2006年08月

  • High-Cycle Fatigue Characteristic of Quasi-Isotropic CFRP Laminates Containing Open Hole

    Atsushi Hosoi, Keiichi Nagata, Yasuhiro Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Proceedings of China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials (CJJCC-7)  

    発表年月: 2006年08月

  • Transverse crack growth behavior in quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates under high-cycle fatigue

    Atsushi Hosoi, Yoshihiko Arao, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Doshisha Univ./ KAIST/ Nihon Univ./ T.I.T./ Waseda Univ. Student Joint Workshop on Composite Materials  

    発表年月: 2006年02月

  • Damage mechanics characterization of high-cycle fatigue in quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hirokazu Karasawa, Hiroyuki Kawada

    Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Annual Conference and Exposition  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • Long-term durability of polymer matrix composites under hostile environments

    Hiroyuki Kawada, Akira Kobiki, Jun Koyanagi, Atsushi Hosoi

    International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM)  

    発表年月: 2004年12月

  • Fatigue characteristic of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates subjected to amplitude cyclic loading of two-stage

    Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, Hiromichi Yoshino

    Third International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC3)  

    発表年月: 2004年09月



  • 極限環境において高強度・高靭性な異種接合に関する研究開発

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  NEDO先導研究プログラム




  • 直流パルス及び高周波電子風力制御による金属疲労き裂治癒

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志


    機械や構造物には寿命が存在する.金属材料の疲労破壊を遅延させる技術としては,ショットピーニングや高周波焼き入れ等の手法が挙げられる.これらの手法では疲労寿命を改善することが可能であるが,き裂や転位等の損傷自体を修復することはできない.根本的に疲労損傷部分を修復することでインフラの長寿命化,安全性の向上を低コストで行う技術が求められており,き裂治癒技術は脱炭素社会や持続可能な社会の実現につながることが期待される.これまでの研究により,電流印加により疲労き裂の発生が遅延することや疲労寿命が延長されることが明らかになっている.しかし,電流印加による金属の損傷回復,疲労き裂発生の遅延に関するメカニズムは解明されていない.特に,疲労き裂発生の初期段階における固執すべり帯(Persistent Slip Band: PSB)に対する電流印加の影響を調査している論文は少なく,さらなる調査が求められている.そこで本研究では,パルス電流印加がPSBによって形成される突き出しと,PSB内の空孔濃度に与える影響を実験及び解析的に評価した.実験では試験片にパルス電流を印加した場合しなかった場合のPSBの突き出し成長速度を比較し,パルス電流印加前後での材料表面近傍の抵抗値を比較した.パルス電流印加を行うと,突き出し成長が遅くなり,抵抗値も減少した.このことは.パルス電流印加により,PSB内の空孔を含む点欠陥の濃度が低下したことが考えられる.PSBの空孔濃度の減少は,空孔濃度が再び定常状態に達するまで,突き出し成長を抑制すると結論付けた.

  • 三次元ナノ空間構造体による接合界面の応力場制御と異種接合技術への展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志, 須賀 健雄, 岩瀬 英治


    近年,車両重量の軽量化による燃費向上が求められている.そこで,比強度,比剛性,リサイクル性に優れ,プレス成型可能な炭素繊維強化熱可塑性プラスチック(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics : CFRTPs)を適材適所に用いた材料のマルチマテリアル化が進められている.金属とCFRTPの接合方法において,従来の接着剤接着や機械的締結は重量増加や品質管理の問題があり,新たな接合技術が求められている.これまで,アルミニウム合金表面にナノ構造を作製し,シランカップリング処理による化学結合によって直接接合する方法を提案してきた.繊維強化複合材料の層間破壊靭性評価方法としてDouble Cantilever Beam (DCB)試験がASTMやJIS規格に規定されており広く用いられているが,その評価手法は線形破壊力学に基づいており,材料の塑性変形が生じるほどの強固な直接接合試験片に対して破壊靭性を正しく評価できない.そこで本研究では,異種接合材の弾塑性特性および熱残留応力を考慮できる理論モデルの構築と実験的評価方法の提案を目的とした.J積分はき裂成長に伴うポテンシャルエネルギの変化量であり,DCB試験片をモデル化とすると,境界条件から荷重Pが寄与する機械的J積分,Jmechの値は,荷重Pと,荷重点のたわみ角θによってのみ決定される.一方で,熱残留応力による熱的エネルギーJtherは接合部のみ影響を受ける.計算の結果,機械的および熱的エネルギーは互いに独立していることが分かった.重ね合わせの原理よりこれらの合計が,熱残留応力を有する異種材接合試験片の塑性変形を考慮した見かけの層間破壊靱性と言える.実験結果から,機械的エネルギーのみを比較した場合,線形破壊力学を仮定したエネルギー解放率Gでは破壊靱性を過大評価していることが分かった.一方で数値シミュレーションとの比較はJ積分の実験結果とよく一致していることが示された.

  • ナノ界面性状制御による異種材料の強固接合及び容易分離

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  民間による若手研究者発掘支援事業




  • 溶媒可溶性グラフェンを利用した高強度・高耐久性ナノコンポジットの創出

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    荒尾 与史彦, 久保内 昌敏, 川田 宏之, 細井 厚志



  • 超音波疲労試験法を活用した炭素繊維強化エポキシ積層板の超高サイクル疲労特性の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    島村 佳伸, 藤井 朋之, 細井 厚志



  • 革新的応力場制御による高秩序ナノ空間構造体の創製と展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    巨 陽, 細井 厚志, 徳 悠葵, 木村 康裕, 森田 康之


    1.高品質、単結晶金属ナノワイヤアレイ作製条件の最適化 基板の加熱温度や加熱時間、昇温速度、そして成長領域と非成長領域での金属薄膜の厚さが成長領域における金属薄膜中の応力勾配に及ぼす影響を実験的かつ理論的に解明し、単結晶金属ナノワイヤアレイ作製条件の最適化を実現した。さらに、成長領域の金属薄膜厚さによるナノワイヤの直径および長さ、密度に及ぼす影響を明らかにし、単結晶金属ナノワイヤアレイの寸法および密度の制御を実現した。
    2.半導体ナノ空間構造体配列の作製手法の確立 厚さ300μmのCu基板を用いて化学酸化法によりCuO ナノフラワ/Cu(OH)2 ナノワイヤを作製した。その後、加熱還元法によりCu2Oナノ構造体を作製した。化学酸化法において、反応時間を5 分から120 分まで変化させ、CuO ナノフラワの形状制御を実現した。また、Ar雰囲気中にて加熱温度を300 oCから900 oCまで変化させ、Cu2Oナノ構造体の品質制御を実現した。さらに、応力場の制御によりFe2O3ナノグラスの創製に成功し、高秩序、高品質、高密度の半導体ナノ空間構造体の作製手法を確立した。
    3.原子配列の密度がナノ空間構造体の形成に及ぼす影響の解明 金属薄膜の原子配列の密度は応力および応力勾配の大きさとともに原子の拡散速度に影響を及ぼす。また、金属薄膜の表面酸化物における原子配列の密度も金属ナノワイヤと半導体ナノ空間構造体の成長に重要な役割を果たす。本研究では、根元から押し出すように成長する金属ナノワイヤの生成と,先端から伸びるように成長する半導体ナノ空間構造体の酸化生成を決定するメカニズムを、原子配列の密度を動力学的に解析することにより明らかにした。そして、各温度状態における原子密度の変化を考慮に入れ、ナノワイヤおよびナノ空間構造体成長の最適条件を特定した。

  • 電子風力場制御による金属疲労損傷治癒技術の開発と金属原子再配列・再結合機構の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志



  • 金属表面のナノ空間構造体の創製と異種材料直接接着技術への展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志, 荒尾 与史彦


    静的せん断試験においては表面ナノ構造によって接着面の表面積を増大し、樹脂がナノ構造に含浸することでアンカー効果が生じ、シランカップリング処理と組み合わせることで接着強度を24.4 MPaまで向上させることに成功した。破面は樹脂で破壊していることから、接着強度ほぼ最大値まで向上しており、接着強度特性は樹脂の強度特性に支配されていると示唆された。

  • 革新的合成法による無撚CNT繊維強化複合材料の創成と高強度化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    川田 宏之, 白須 圭一, 荒尾 与史彦, 細井 厚志


    本研究では世界最高強度を有するカーボンナノチューブ(CNT) 紡績糸の創製を目標としている.CNT紡績糸は,化学気層成長(CVD)法によってシリコン基板上に垂直に規則正しく成長したCNTフォレストからCNTを連続的に引き出し,それを撚り合わせることで作製される.本研究ではCNT紡績糸を構成するCNTの配向性を改善するために,微細径のダイスにCNTを通すことで,撚りの無い CNT紡績糸である CNT無撚糸を作製し,従来のCNT紡績糸よりも優れる機械的特性を得た.
    CNT無撚糸は機械的特性を向上させる余地があり,また機械的特性を向上させることで従来の繊維強化複合材料に用いられる強化繊維への代替が期待される.このことから本研究ではCNT無撚糸に対して,作製条件の最適化や,高密度化を目的としたポリマー溶液への含浸処理, CNTの高純度化を目的とした熱処理条件の検討などを行ってきた.その結果,最大強度2.4 GPa,ヤング率231 GPaと,従来の強化繊維に匹敵する機械的特性を得た.
    本年度はより高強度なCNT無撚糸の作製を目的に,CNT無撚糸を構成するCNT単体の物性値に着目し,CNTの合成条件の検討とCNT単体の物性値評価,異なるCNTで構成されたCNT無撚糸の機械的特性評価を行った.CNTは多数の層で構成された筒状の形態をしているが,分子動力学(MD)法を用いたCNT単体の定性的な理論強度計算を行った結果,CNTは薄層かつ細径であるほど機械的特性が向上することが示唆された.これをもとに,従来の5-10層,外径10 nmのCNTと本年度合成した3-8層,外径 7.4 nmの薄層・細線なCNTについて,それぞれ走査電子顕微鏡(SEM)内で引張試験を行った結果,薄層・細線なほどCNT単体の機械的特性が向上する傾向が得られ,解析結果と一致した.またそれぞれのCNTで構成されたCNT無撚糸についても,従来のCNT無撚糸と比較して,薄層・細線なCNTで構成されたCNT無撚糸が機械的特性に優れる結果が得られた.

  • 原子拡散誘起による金属疲労き裂治癒技術の開発と治癒メカニズムの解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志



  • 高密度化無撚CNT糸を用いた革新的超軽量高強度複合材料の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    川田 宏之, 荒尾 与史彦, 細井 厚志


    本研究ではCNT単体の優れた機械的特性が十分に発揮された革新的高強度CNT糸の創製を目的とし,乾式紡績法で作製した無撚CNT糸の高強度化を行った.糸を構成するCNT単体の強度評価および分子動力学解析によるCNT間相互作用力の評価によって,CNT糸の高強度化にはCNT単体の高強度化とCNT間の荷重伝達効率の向上が必要であることを明らかにした.また,それに基づいて黒鉛化処理によるCNTの高純度化,CNT糸と各種ポリマーとの複合化を行い,強度2.4 GPaのCNT糸を創製した.

  • 単層カーボンナノチューブシートフレキシブル透明導電膜の創製

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    巨 陽, 細井 厚志



  • 自己組織化金属ナノワイヤ面ファスナーの創製と電子輸送・ナノ力学機構の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    巨 陽, 細井 厚志, 森田 康之, 村岡 幹夫



  • CNT析出強化階層型複合材料の創成と界面評価および衝撃・疲労特性

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    川田 宏之, 細井 厚志, 荒尾 与史彦



  • 超高品質単結晶金属ナノワイヤの創製および1次元ナノ材料の電子輸送機構の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    巨 陽, 森田 康之, 細井 厚志



  • 高密度電子流衝突を利用した金属原子再配列・再結合による疲労損傷治癒

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志



  • 高密度電子流衝突を利用した疲労損傷治癒による金属材料の長寿命化

    産学が連携した研究開発成果の展開 研究成果展開事業 研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP) 探索タイプ



    細井 厚志



  • 高密度電流場制御による金属材料の疲労き裂治癒手法の開発と評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志



  • 生体マイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡の開発及び細胞活性の非侵襲計測

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    巨 陽, 村岡 幹夫, 木村 英彦, 細井 厚志



  • 炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP)積層板の高サイクル疲労における長期信頼性評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志



  • 先進複合材料の超高サイクル疲労における長期耐久性評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    細井 厚志



  • CFRP/CFRTPとマルチマテリアルの接合:2.CFRTPとAlの異種接合

    細井 厚志

    材料   69 ( 7 ) 563 - 567  2020年07月  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • アルミニウム合金とCFRTP積層板の異種接合の強度と破壊形態に及ぼす表面ナノ構造の影響 (接着・接合特集号)

    和田 啓汰, 大田 宙起, 齊藤 慧, ムンク イエスパーセン クリスティーン, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本複合材料学会誌   46 ( 4 ) 162 - 169  2020年


  • 熱酸化法により生成したSi基板上のCuOナノワイヤの成長及び界面剥離メカニズム

    柳澤 一星, 松永 光広, 土肥 優希, 木村 文哉, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 510 - 510  2019年


    <p>CuO nanowires are known to have excellent electrochemical properties and can be produced by various methods. Among them a method which directly heat either the Si wafer with Cu layer or pure copper plate so called the thermal oxidation method has lately been drawing attention. However, during its production, interfacial delamination between the Cu layer and the wafer has always been an issue. In this study, the mechanism of interfacial delamination was experimentally elucidated by comparing a Si wafer with Cu layer deposited by electron beam evaporation with a pure copper plate. As a result, it was found that the deposited Cu layer decreased with increasing heating time of the Si wafer production. Moreover, the disappearance of the Cu layer and Cu2O layer on the Si wafer was found in the specimens with a heating time of 6 hours. It was suggested that this disappearance would form an opening between the CuO layer and the Si wafer leading to the delaminating of the interface between the oxide film and the wafer. The disappearance also suggested that the length and density of the CuO nanowires in the specimens with a heating time of 6 hours were minimized. As for the pure copper plate, the disappearance of the Cu layer and Cu2O layer was not seen regardless of the heating time, therefore there was no interfacial delamination and it was able to produce CuO nanowires at a high density.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 超音波疲労試験によるクロスプライCFRP積層板の超高サイクル域におけるトランスバースクラック成長挙動の評価

    渥美 建, 宮腰 剛, 小杉 健祐, 細井 厚志, 島村 佳伸, 津田 皓正, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 121 - 121  2019年


    <p>For further application of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs), it is necessary to obtain fatigue properties up to very high-cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime. In this paper, CFRP laminates were subjected to fatigue test up to 109 cycle using an ultrasonic fatigue test machine in order to evaluate the transverse crack initiation life of laminates and the propagation behavior. In this experiment, T800S/2592 prepreg used as the cross-ply [0/906]s laminates. Using an ultrasonic fatigue test machine tension-compression fatigue tests were conducted with stress ratio of R= -1 at a frequency of 20kHz. The specimen dimension was determined by finite element analysis to resonance at the vicinity of the test frequency. It was found that the test was carried out as designed, since the temperature distribution obtained by IR-thermography camera and the displacement measurement by the Laser Doppler vibrometer showed close agreement with the finite element analysis result. It was confirmed that the slope of the S-N diagram would be gradual in the VHCF regime.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 化学的結合を介したグラフェン/CF繊維の作製および機械的特性評価

    村田 惇, 中曽 健輔, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) J04418P  2019年


    <p>In this study, graphene oxide was grafted to carbon fibers using chemical bonding and Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) to improve the properties of the fiber / resin interface. Graphene oxide grafted on the surface of fibers is expected to improve the mechanical properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRPs) by improving the adhesion and its interlock to resin. At that time, the influence of the grafted graphene oxide on the mechanical properties was investigated. As a result, it was confirmed that the interface properties of the fiber were improved without the fiber strength decreasing by the grafting. In particular, the interface shear strength showed the highest value even under the preparation conditions where a uniform graft morphology was observed, and showed an increase of 41.5% compared to the untreated fiber. Finally, the improvement mechanism of the interface properties was examined. It was suggested that the main factor of the improvement was that graphene oxide was dispersed in resin around the fiber and the physical property of the resin is improved.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 直接接合されたナノ構造を有するアルミニウム合金とCF/PA6積層板の強度発及び損傷メカニズム

    JESPERSEN Kristine Munk, 阿部 暉, 齊藤 慧, 大田 宙起, 和田 啓汰, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) J04411  2019年


    <p>The current study investigates the damage and strengthening mechanisms of a novel direct bonding method for joining aluminium and carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic laminates. The bonding properties are studied using double cantilever beam (DCB) and end notched flexure (ENF) tests. The specimens bonded using the proposed direct bonding method are found to show significantly stronger bonding properties than the considered adhesively bonded specimens. The interface properties are further investigated by extracting the cohesive traction-separation behaviour from DCB and ENF experimental tests and used in the finite element software ABAQUS to simulate the interface behaviour. Good agreement between experiments and simulation is found for the DCB tests, however poor agreement is found for the ENF tests due to significant plastic deformation of the aluminium adherend occurring prior to and during crack propagation. Thus, plasticity will have to be avoided or taken into account in future studies, which is ongoing work.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 疲労負荷を受けた銅合金のすべり帯の変形挙動に及ぼす高密度パルス電流の影響

    前山 太郎, 高橋 秀幸, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 19C08  2019年


    <p>It is important to enhance the fatigue life of machines and structures to prevent unexpected fracture. The technique which has influence on plastic deformation in slip bands formed in fatigue loading has been developed. Fatigue test of brass, C2600, was conducted in two stress amplitude level (σA/σB=0.4, σA/σB=0.8), and slip offset transition was measured by atomic force microscope. In this study, to investigate the effect of electric pulse current, electric pulse current of 50A/mm2 was applied to specimens in the interval of fatigue test. As a result, in case of no pulse current, slip offset transition was continued to grow and grow rapidly when reached to specific number of cycle in both of stress amplitude level. On the other hand, when pulse current was applied slip offset in low stress amplitude(σA/σB=0.4) was tended to decrease and slip offset in high stress amplitude(σA/σB=0.8) did not grow rapidly. A slip band was emerged when pulse current was applied. So that, it is suggested that electric pulse current affected plastic deformation of a slip band. This effect could be caused by compression stress of Joule heating around dislocations and shear stress by electron wind force.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 熱混酸処理を用いた黒鉛化無撚カーボンナノチューブ糸の官能基化および高強度化

    奥茂 洸一, 髙橋 祐衣, 金 太成, 二川 秀史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   85 ( 874 ) 19 - 00029-19-00029  2019年


    <p>Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have remarkable mechanical properties and low density. Since length of the CNT is limited, CNT yarn is regarded as a reinforced fiber of carbon fiber reinforced plastics. However, the CNT yarn does not have remarkable mechanical properties such as the individual CNT. The most popular way for improving the mechanical properties of the CNT yarn is to make composites with polymer such as polyvinyl alcohol or polyimide. If some functional groups such as carboxyl groups are introduced on the surface of CNTs, interaction between the CNTs and the polymer is improved and high mechanical properties will be obtained. In this study, untwisted CNT yarns were prepared by drawing vertical aligned CNTs through a die and functionalized with mixed acid. Mixed acid introduced not only the functional groups but also defects on the surface of CNTs. For reducing the defects, the CNT yarn was graphitized at a temperature of 2800°C before the mixed acid treatment. By the graphitization treatment, crystallinity of the CNT yarn was improved and amorphous carbon was removed. As a result of XPS analysis, a graphitized CNT yarn treated with mixed acid did not contain the functional groups. On the other hand, a graphitized CNT yarn treated with hot mixed acid (90°C) contained the functional groups. Crystallinity of this yarn was 4.5 times higher than the as-received CNT yarn. In addition, as a result of single fiber tensile tests, tensile strength of this yarn was increased by 79 % and Young's modulus was increased by 173 % compared to the as-received CNT yarn.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 無撚カーボンナノチューブ/ポリマー複合糸の機械的特性に及ぼすCNT間相互作用力の影響

    金 太成, 林 晏理, 二川 秀史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   85 ( 872 ) 18 - 00408-18-00408  2019年


    <p>Carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn is enables CNTs to be used on macro scale. However, the mechanical properties of CNT yarns are smaller than CNT itself, and improvement of the mechanical properties is a challenge for practical application. In this study, untwisted CNT yarns were fabricated by a dry spinning method, and the yarns were graphitized and combined with polymer for the purpose of development of CNT yarns with high strength. As a result of the graphitized treatment to the as-received yarns under inert atmosphere at 2800°C, impure materials and defect structure on CNTs were removed and strength of the yarn was increased by 19%. After combining the as-received yarns with polyacrylic acid (PAA), the strength was increased by 174% and reached 2.3 GPa. Breaking form of the yarns were changed from pulling out of CNT bundles to rapture of CNT bundles by graphitization and combining with PAA, indicating an increase interactive force between the CNT bundles. However, the strengthening effect was limited when graphitized CNT yarns were combined with PAA. As a result of molecular dynamics simulations, it was revealed force transfer capability of PAA was low when the graphitized yarns was combined with PAA. There were functional groups on as-received CNT such as carboxyl groups. On the other hand, the functional groups were removed from CNTs after the graphitization treatment. Consequently, interaction such as hydrogen bond between as-received CNT and PAA was removed by the graphitization, and it lead to the decrease of the force transfer capability of PAA.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 海水浸漬における平織CFRP積層板の静的引張強度及び疲労強度劣化特性の評価

    甲嶋 秀平, 梶井 憲弘, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会論文集   85 ( 871 ) 18 - 00435-18-00435  2019年


    <p>Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) are widely used as components of marine structures. Thus, it is important to understand the degradation of the mechanical properties and its mechanism under seawater immersion. The object of this study is the influence of seawater immersion on the mechanical properties of plain woven CFRP laminates. Static tensile test and tensile fatigue test were carried out on the CFRP immersed different time under seawater for 300, 2500 and 5400 hours. The mechanical properties immersed for 300 hours was almost the same value compared with those of no immersion. However, the tensile strength immersed for both 2500 and 5400 hours reduced by 22.5% compared with that of no immersion. Then, from the fatigue results, in the low-cycle fatigue region, the fatigue strengths decreased as immersion time was longer, on the other hand, in the high-cycle fatigue region, the fatigue strength did not change significantly regardless of immersion time. As a result, the inclination of S-N curves became gentle as immersion time was longer. From observation of fracture surfaces by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), it was shown that the fiber/matrix interface deteriorated remarkably after seawater immersion. Moreover, the difference of damage growth behaviors due to immersed in seawater under fatigue loading was investigated using soft X-ray photography. On specimen immersed in seawater, the accumulation of damage expanded more widely due to interface degradation compared with that of no immersion. Considering these results, it was suggested that the static tensile strength depended on load transmission efficiency between fiber and matrix, on the other hand, the fatigue strength in high cycle fatigue region depended on the strength of fiber along 0° that had small influences by seawater immersion.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • AFMによるCFRP積層板の端面観察 (分析関連特集)

    細井 厚志

    強化プラスチックス   64 ( 4 ) 154 - 157  2018年04月


  • Ti-6Al-4V合金の疲労き裂治癒技術の開発と治癒効果に及ぼす疲労き裂閉口現象の影響

    小林 陸人, 堀内 誠大, 細井 厚志, 貴志 公博, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 820 - 820  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • 現場重合型フェノキシ樹脂を母材とする連続繊維強化複合材料の引張強度特性に及ぼす内部欠陥及び母材樹脂の重合度の影響

    宮田 雅文, 鈴木 芽生, 藤本 允人, 細井 厚志, 江藤 和也, 杉山 哲也, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 227 - 227  2018年


    <p>Tensile strength properties in the transverse direction of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) laminates with in situ polymerizable phenoxy resin were evaluated. The unidirectional [90]14 laminates were formed using the prepreg, NS-TEPreg. By changing the conditions of fabricating CFRTP laminates, the void content in the laminates and the degree of polymerization of the matrix resin were varied. As the results of tensile tests and image analysis, it was revealed that when the void content inside the laminates is 0.5% or less, the influence of the void on tensile strength properties becomes limited. Also, as the results of measuring the average molecular weight of CFRTP laminates, it became clear that the transverse tensile strength σbT and transverse failure strain εbT increase as the average molecular weight of the matrix resin increases.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 高強度無撚CNT糸の創製に向けた薄層CNT合成条件の検討

    奥茂 洸一, 金 太成, 高橋 和彦, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 217 - 217  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • アルミニウム合金とCFRTP積層板の直接接着継手における破壊靱性の評価

    阿部 暉, 大田 宙起, 齊藤 慧, 和田 啓汰, Kristine Munk Jespersen, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 421 - 421  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • 金属材料の疲労き裂治癒技術の開発と評価

    細井 厚志, 濱田 叡一, 小林 陸人, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) F041003  2018年


    <p>Establishment of fatigue crack healing technology for metallic materials is important to improve the safety and life of machinery and structures. Therefore, the authors developed a novel fatigue crack healing technique removing the oxide film on the crack surface by heat treatment and using plasticity induced crack closure generated during fatigue crack growth as a driving force of the healing. It was found that the resistance of the fatigue crack growth after crack healing was larger as the effect of the plasticity induced crack closure was larger.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 厚肉CFRP積層板の面外方向の疲労特性評価 (長寿命・寿命予測特集)

    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    強化プラスチックス   63 ( 10 ) 485 - 489  2017年10月


  • LFT射出成形材の衝撃エネルギー吸収性能に及ぼす繊維配向性の影響

    白木 伶治, 安達 正悟, 彌武 朋也, 石塚 勇二, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2017 ( 0 ) OS1012  2017年


    <p>The energy absorbing performance of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics was evaluated by progressive crushing tests with the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus. Two types of specimens, one was injection molded glass long fiber reinforced polyamide 66 (GF/PA66), the other was twill weave glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 (GF/PA6), were prepared as specimens. As for injection molded plates of the GF/PA66, it was investigated the influence of the fiber orientation on the impact mechanical behavior of the test specimen cut out from the different position of the plate. Also, the impact behavior of injection molded the GF/PA66 plates and that of twill weave GF/PA6 laminates were compared in order to investigate the influence of the variation of reinforcing types. As a result of the progressive crushing tests at -30, 23, 90°C, it is revealed that the energy absorbing performance has no temperature dependency regardless of the fiber orientation and the reinforcing types. The reason that the SEA of the GF/PA66 increases with the mechanical properties was discussed from the comparison of the specific energy absorption (SEA) and the compressive strength. In the comparison of injection molded the GF/PA66 and the GF/PA6 laminates, the specimens were reinforced by the different mechanisms; therefore, it seems that influence of mechanical properties on the SEA is not critical because those fracture modes are different.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 海水環境下におけるFRPの長期寿命予測

    廣津 有記, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2017 ( 0 ) OS1009  2017年


    <p>In recent years, applications of fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs) to large marine structures are expected to improve their performances due to the high specific strength and stiffness and the corrosion resistance. However, the creep lifetime of FRPs in seawater environment has not been made clear so far. Objective of this study is to predict the creep lifetime of FRPs in seawater environment based on the accelerated test results and reveal the fracture mechanism. In this study, creep tests were carried out using the plain-woven GFRP and CFRP laminates under seawater environment and time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP) was used to predict the long-term creep rupture life. It was shown that the rupture time decreased with increase of the seawater temperature and the applied stress, and it was suggested that decrease of the strength was mainly caused by degradation of the interfacial shear strength between the fibers and the matrix. By using Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) as time-temperature parameter, the analytical results showed good agreement with the experimental results. For the GFRP laminates, behavior of the prediction curves varied in the lower applied stress because the glass fibers deteriorated in seawater. On the other hand, deterioration of carbon fibers was not observed in seawater so that the rupture time showed a consistent tendency to decrease for the CFRP laminates.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • NI基耐熱超合金INCONEL 718の疲労き裂治癒技術の確立

    小林 陸人, 前山 太郎, 藤田 耕平, 細井 厚志, 貴志 公博, 川田 宏之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2017 ( 0 ) GS1004  2017年


    <p>Ni-base superalloy Inconel 718 is used in structural members of aircraft engine parts. Its mechanical properties are deteriorated due to fatigue cracks at high temperature environment, but the processability of the material is poor and it is not easy to repair micro cracks. In this study, the fatigue crack healing technique for Inconel 718 was developed by controlling heating and cooling conditions in a furnace. Especially, the effect of the atmosphere on the fatigue crack healing was investigated. After the pre-fatigue crack was introduced using compact tension (CT) specimens, they were heated in vacuum or hydrogen atmosphere for the crack healing. The behavior of fatigue crack growth was evaluated before and after crack healing. As a result, the fatigue crack was successfully healed by heat treatment in hydrogen atmosphere whereas it was not healed in vacuum. The dimples which were characteristic fracture patterns in solid diffusion bonding were observed on the fracture surface of fatigue crack after crack healing treatment in hydrogen atmosphere. Thus, it was thought that the fatigue crack was healed because the hydrogen gas that has strong reduction power removed oxide film on the crack surfaces and solid diffusion bonding caused between the crack surfaces.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 熱処理によるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の疲労き裂治癒及び治癒メカニズムの検討

    前山 太郎, 小林 陸人, 藤田 耕平, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J0450104  2017年


    <p>It is important to enhance the fatigue life of machines and structures to prevent their accidents. The healing technique of fatigue crack in metallic materials by heat treatment has been developed. A pre-fatigue crack was introduced using a compact tension (CT) specimen of austenitic stainless steel, SUS316, and the fatigue crack growth behavior was investigated before and after crack healing heat treatment. In this study, to investigate the effects of cooling atmosphere and rate on the crack healing treatment, air cooling, N2 gas cooling, rapid cooling in vacuum and slow cooling in vacuum were applied to the specimens. As the results, the healing effect was improved in the specimen cooled rapidly in a vacuum furnace. It was thought that the fatigue crack was healed during cooling process because the fatigue crack healing by air cooling was not done enough due to the oxidization on the crack surfaces. The healed crack length under the condition of slowly cooling in vacuum was improved. It was thought that there was longer time for atomic diffusion between the crack surfaces. U-shape boundary was observed on the fracture surface of the fatigue crack after the crack healing. The detailed observation with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the U-shape boundary corresponded to the healed area on the fracture surface. This result suggested that the plasticity induced crack closure caused by fatigue crack growth was one of the driving forces for the crack healing.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 長期間海水に浸漬させた平織CFRP積層板の強度劣化特性評価

    甲嶋 秀平, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J0440201  2017年


    <p>The influence of long-term seawater immersion on the mechanical properties of plain woven CFRP laminates was evaluated by static tensile and tension fatigue tests. These tests were carried out on the CFRP immersed different time under seawater: 2566 hours and 4967 hours. The mechanical properties of the specimen for 2566 hours immersion decreased drastically; the tensile strength, the elastic modules and the fatigue strength at 106 cycles reduced by 21.3%, 12.3% and 30.7% compared with those of no immersion specimen, respectively. On the other hand, after 4967 hours immersion, it was found that the mechanical properties decreased slightly. From observation of the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), it was clear that morphology of the fiber/matrix interface varied with the immersion time. However, there was a small difference on the interface fracture surface between 2566 hours and 4967 hours. These results indicated that degradation of the fiber/matrix interface progressed dramatically by 2566 hours, and after that, interface degradation gradually converged. Damage growth behavior under fatigue loadings was investigated by non-destructive inspections using soft X-ray photography and ultrasonic inspection. At first, matrix cracks occurred along 90° and ±45° fiber directions. After that, delamination occurred originating from the matrix crack. Then, these damages expanded as the number of cycles increased, and finally, the specimen broke as the longitudinal fiber in the 0°/90° layers damaged.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 銀担持グラフェンを用いて作製した透明導電膜の電気特性評価

    大場 圭介, 坂口 大輝, 荒尾 与史彦, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) G0400103  2017年


    <p>Recently, Indium tin oxide (ITO) has been widely used as transparent conductive films (TCFs) in various electronic devices. However, ITO has many drawbacks such as high cost and brittleness. Nowadays, graphene is the ideal alternative for ITO because of its excellent transparency, electrical conductivity and mechanical flexibility by the effect of sp2 hybridized orbital. However, the electrical properties of graphene TCFs are inferior to those of ITO so additional processing to improve electrical properties is required. Achieving the purpose, there is a number of studies on composite graphene and conductive materials such as Ag. And now, new simple, low-cost methods are required. In this study, we used the liquid plasma method to combine graphene and Ag. This is a low-cost, simple method for the hybridization. Then we made graphene / Ag hybridized TCFs using thin layer graphene-supported Ag and evaluated some characteristics. Finally, we acquired transmittance and sheet resistance of the graphene / Ag hybridized TCFs.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 黒鉛化処理による高強度無撚カーボンナノチューブ糸の機械特性評価

    髙橋 祐衣, 金 太成, 二川 秀史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 135 - 135  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 大電流容量・高導電率を有する金属複合CNT糸の作製

    酒井 貴広, 金 太成, 二川 秀史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 124 - 124  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 高温環境下における熱可塑性CFRP積層板のトランスバースクラック発生・進展挙動調査

    寺内 幹, 細井 厚志, 古挽 彰, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 127 - 127  2016年


    <p>The effects of environment temperature on initiation and propagation of transverse crack in cross-ply carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) laminates have been investigated. Static tensile tests for the cross-ply laminates and the 90° unidirectional laminates were carried out at room temperature and high temperature (366K). The transverse cracks were observed by soft X-ray photography. In consequence, the tensile strength and the failure strain in the cross-ply laminates and the 90° unidirectional laminates at 366K decreased compared to the values at room temperature. It was also found that the behavior of initiation and propagation of the transverse cracks in the cross-ply laminates was changed due to the environment temperature. Fiber-matrix interfacial fracture on the fracture surface of the 90° unidirectional laminates was observed in some areas at high temperature whereas matrix fracture was observed at room temperature. Therefore, it was suggested that the interface strength between polymer and fiber was decreased at high temperature.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • FRTP射出成形材の逐次破壊におけるエネルギー吸収メカニズムの検討

    角田 大地, 石塚 勇二, 田中 宏幸, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 126 - 126  2016年


    <p>The energy absorption mechanism on progressive crushing of injection molded fiber reinforced thermoplastics (FRTP) have been investigated with triggered coupon specimens. These materials consist of glass fiber and polyamide 6,6. Progressive crushing tests were carried out at -30, 23 and 90°C. The energy absorption performances on progressive crushing were constant independently of the temperature nevertheless the impact compressive strength decreased as the temperature rises. In the observation of fracture surface, matrix was stretched in the direction of shear. Furthermore, in the observation of fracture morphology using high speed camera, plural crack were formed during crushing. According to the above results, it was suggested that mode I/II fracture toughness affect the energy absorption performance.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 液相剥離法を用いた薄層グラフェンによる透明導電膜の作製および特性評価

    坂口 大輝, 荒尾 与史彦, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 415 - 415  2016年


    <p>Transparent conductive films (TCFs) are widely used in various electronic devices. In addition, due to the excellent transparency (T=97.7%) and electrical conductivity by the effect of sp2 hybridized orbital, using graphene for the materials of TCFs is ideal. Typical method for manufacturing graphene TCFs is chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. However, CVD method takes a high cost. On the other hand, liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) is the method for obtaining thin-layer graphene by peeling graphite in the organic solvent. In the LPE, method of making graphite oxide and peeling graphite is often used, but this method has problem that falling down conductivity due to structural defect in graphene. In this study, we used pressure homogenizer to obtain thin-layer graphene without using chemical treatment. Then, we made TCFs by using thin-layer graphene and evaluated some characteristics. Finally, we investigated transmittance and sheet resistance of the TCFs.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 熱処理によるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の疲労き裂治癒における冷却条件の影響

    藤田 耕平, 古谷 勇人, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 608 - 608  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 高導電性・電流容量を有するカーボンナノチューブ金属複合繊維の創製

    梶原 晃太郎, 金 太成, 酒井 貴広, 二川 秀史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) G0400104  2016年


    <p>Carbon nanotube (CNT) is attracted a lot of attention for new conductors because of its high current capacity, comparing with copper. In past study, carbon nanotube-copper (CNT-Cu) composite sheet was developed, which exhibiting similar conductivity as copper, but with a 100-times higher current capacity. However, since the length of CNT-Cu conductors was limited to several hundred μm long, the problem that using CNT with high electrical properties macroscopically remains to be solved. Therefore, in this study, untwisted CNT yarn was prepared by drawing multiwall carbon nanotube through die and was electroplated to realize metal CNT composite yarn with high electric conductivity and current capacity. For the influence of copper oxide layer, the electrical property of copper CNT composite yarn (CNT-Cu) showed a poor improvement from the untreated CNT yarn. On the other hand, both conductivity and current capacity of gold CNT composite yarn (CNT-Au) showed a higher value by the heat treating at 800°C, comparing with that of untreated CNT-Au.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 熱処理による金属材料疲労き裂の治癒及び疲労き裂進展特性の評価

    古谷 勇人, 岡村 崇史, 武田 翔馬, 細井 厚志, 木村 世弘, 森田 祐司, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) J0460101  2016年


    <p>Infrastructures built in the period of high economic growth have been used over their design life and the accidents due to aging and fatigue fracture become a serious problem. Therefore, the technique of healing fatigue cracks in metallic materials was developed by heat treatment. In this study, the effect of the cooing rate during crack healing treatment on the properties of fatigue crack growth was investigated using austenitic stainless steel, SUS316, and low carbon steel, S25C. The specimens were cooled with nitrogen gas or oil to evaluate the effect of cooling rate. As a result, the crack healing effect of SUS316 was improved by rapid cooling with oil. Although the delay of crack growth of S25C was observed, the cause was due to the change of the metallographic structure by rapid cooling. The dimples were observed on the fracture surface of fatigue crack after crack healing treatment. Thus, it was thought that the crack healing was caused by solid diffusion bonding.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • マイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡の開発 (電界計測の非破壊評価応用)

    巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    非破壊検査   64 ( 7 ) 314 - 318  2015年07月



  • G0300105 透過型電子顕微鏡を用いた電流印加による転位移動の多面方位観察

    小島 章裕, 細井 厚志, 森田 康之, 巨 陽

    年次大会   2015 ( 0 ) _G0300105 - -_G0300105-  2015年


    The techniques to heal fatigue damage by electric current have been studied. However, these mechanism was not investigated in detail. In this study, we observed dislocation motion by transmission electron microscope (TEM) before and after applying electric current in a sample cut out from fatigue specimen. The dislocation motion that depended on the current direction was confirmed from different plane orientations.

    DOI CiNii

  • (6)層間高靭性化CFRPクロスプライ積層板の繰り返し荷重下におけるトランスバースクラック発生評価(論文,日本機械学会賞〔2014年度(平成26年度)審査経過報告〕)

    川田 宏之, 曽我 理昂, 重盛 洸, 細井 厚志, 藤田 雄三

    日本機械学会誌   118 ( 1158 ) 257 - 258  2015年

    DOI CiNii

  • J0450401 熱CVD法によるCNT析出炭素繊維強化複合材料の力学特性評価

    中村 紘大, 名取 純希, 大澤 貞幸, 金 太成, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2015 ( 0 ) _J0450401 - -_J0450401-  2015年


    It is well known that grafting carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the reinforced fiber surface modifies fiber/matrix interface adhesion. In this study, the mechanical properties of unidirectional FRP using the CNT-grafted pitch-based carbon fiber were investigated. CNTs were grafted on the pitch-based carbon fiber surface using thermal chemical deposition (TCVD) method at 750℃. First, the single fiber tensile tests were conducted to examine the mechanical properties of the CNT-grafted carbon fibers. From the results, the mechanical properties of the CNT-grafted carbon fiber were decreased compared with as-received fiber. This degradation was caused by an exposure of the carbon fiber surface and a dissolution of iron particles into the carbon fiber surfaces under the high temperature condition of TCVD method. Moreover, static tensile tests were performed in unidirectional CFRP to investigate the mechanical properties of the CNT-grafted unidirectional CFRP. For these tests, specimens with fibers oriented at longitudinal (0°) or transverse (90°) angle from the load direction were prepared. From the results, the mechanical properties of the CNT-grafted unidirectional CFRP were decreased in longitudinal direction compared with as-received CFRP due to the degradation of the mechanical properties in CNT-grafted carbon fibers. On the other hand, it was revealed that the mechanical properties of the CNT-grafted unidirectional CFRP were increased in transverse direction compared with as-received CFRP. This enhancement was mainly due to a relaxation of stress concentration at the edge of carbon fiber by the constitution of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites around the carbon fibers.

    DOI CiNii

  • 120 層間高靭性化厚肉CFRP積層板の面外方向疲労特性に及ぼす圧縮荷重の影響

    柘植 紫苑, 世木 選, 細井 厚志, 藤田 雄三, 武田 一朗, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2015 ( 0 ) _120 - 1_-_120-3_  2015年


    An effect of compressive loads on the out-of-plane fatigue properties of thick CFRP laminates with the toughened interlaminar layers was investigated. The unidirectional [O_<88>] and quasi-isotropic [45/0/-45/90]_<11s> laminates were fabricated using T800S/3900-2B prepreg. This prepreg is constituted of a fiber layer and an interlaminar toughened layer in which polyamide particles are dispersed uniformly. The spool shaped specimens which were machined from the thick laminates were loaded in the out-of-plane direction of the specimen. The fatigue tests were performed at three types of stress ratios of R= 0.1, -1 and -3. As the results of the fatigue tests, it was conformed that the fatigue life was reduced with the compressive load under same maximum stress. In addition, the effect of the stress ratio on the fatigue life was dependent on the laminate configuration. When the cyclic loading at R= -3 were applied in the unidirectional specimen, the shear fracture mode was observed in the high-cycle region.

    DOI CiNii

  • 129 液中プラズマ処理による燃料電池電極用白金ナノ粒子担持CNTの創成

    中村 紘大, 金 太成, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2015 ( 0 ) _129 - 1_-_129-5_  2015年


    In this study, we synthesized cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNT) supported platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) using liquid phase plasma treatment, and morphology, particle size distribution and supported amount of the PtNPs supported onto the CSCNT were investigated. PtNPs were supported onto the CSCNT surfaces using liquid phase plasma treatment after adsorption of Pt precursor onto the CSCNT surfaces. First, observation of the CSCNT surfaces with field-emission transmission electron microscopy (FETEM) were conducted to examine the morphology of the PtNPs supported onto the CSCNT surfaces. PtNPs were well anchored and uniformly dispersed on the CSCNT surfaces without any dispersion stabilizer due to an exposure of the dangling bonds of graphene sheet which has high chemical reaction field. Moreover, the PtNPs size distribution of the CSCNT supported PtNPs were investigated with FETEM images of the CSCNT surfaces. The average size of PtNPs supported onto the CSCNT surfaces was about 2.2 nm, which was smaller than the PtNPs of conventional electrode catalysts for PEFC (3〜5 nm). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the CSCNT supported PtNPs were performed to investigate the supported amount of Pt of the CSCNT supported PtNPs. The supported amount of Pt was about 14.7 wt%, which was smaller than the PtNPs of conventional electrode catalysts for PEFC (50〜60 wt%).

    DOI CiNii

  • OS0512 電流印加による転位の移動

    小島 章裕, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2014 ( 0 ) _OS0512 - 1_-_OS0512-3_  2014年


    A technique to heal fatigue damage in a stainless steel by controlling high-density electric current have been studied. However, these mechanism was not investigated in detail. In this study, dislocation motion was observed by transmission electron microscope (TEM) before and after applying electric current in a sample cut out from fatigue specimen. When the current application direction was opposite, the dislocation motion direction also became opposite. The experimental results showed that dislocation motion was caused by electrons.

    DOI CiNii

  • OS1508 マイクロ波による局所領域の原子間力に及ぼす影響の実験的評価

    一二三 和馬, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2014 ( 0 ) _OS1508 - 1_-_OS1508-3_  2014年


    Recently, it has been reported that the microwave gives an effect to an interatomic force in local area among materials. Therefore, it is thought that an identification of materials and an evaluation of electrical characteristics become possible by clarifying the relation between microwave and interatomic force. So, we investigated interatomic force under the tip of microwave-AFM probe by focusing on the force-distance curve measurement using microwave-AFM as the first step. This paper describes the method and the results of the force-distance curve measurement on the sample of Au, Si, and glass. Results of this experiment indicate actually that microwave works as a force that amplifies the attractive force and the effect of microwave is different among samples which have different electric conductivities.

    DOI CiNii

  • G0310501 マイクロ波を用いた配管減肉の定量評価手法の開発(材料力学部門一般セッション:画像・計測)

    犬飼 文哉, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    年次大会   2014 ( 0 ) _G0310501 - -_G0310501-  2014年


    This research aims to find nondestructive and noncontact technique to detect the degree of pipe wall thinning. Microwaves, which have high sensitivity and resolution, are expected to be able to detect and evaluate pipe wall thinning. A microwave vector network analyzer to generate microwave signals and a waveguide sensor to transmit and receive were employed in this experiment where the frequency was swept in K-band (18 to 26 GHz). By analyzing the frequency domain response of the signals and extracting the shift of resonance frequency that corresponds to the pipe wall thickness reduction, evaluation of the pipe wall thinning degrees was realized. It was confirmed that the results obtained by this experiment are good agreement with the results obtained by our previous method. It was found that there is a liner relationship between a resonance frequency and wall thinning volumes. Our results demonstrate the importance and plausibility of microwave-based detection technique for remote monitoring wall thinning in metal pipeline in industry.

    DOI CiNii

  • J0310203 GaAsウェーハの電気的特性の非接触計測の開発([J031-02]電子情報機器・半導体デバイス・電子部品の冷却技術(2),材料力学部門)

    野原 康平, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    年次大会   2014 ( 0 ) _J0310203 - -_J0310203-  2014年


    GaAs has characteristics which are a high-speed operation and low power consumption. So, GaAs is applied as a material of circuit elements and substrate of integrated circuit. When a devise is designed with a semiconductor material, electrical properties as carrier concentration, resistivity and mobility are important factors. A technique for accurately measuring those values is required. In this study, we attempted to evaluate resistivity and mobility of GaAs by microwave inspection method which can inspect a specimen with non-contact. The method can evaluate resistivity because amplitude of microwave reflected from a specimen is changed by conductivity of the specimen. In this paper, using the relationship of the electrical properties and Q factor, the electrical properties were evaluated. Linear relationships were observed in resistivity and Q factor obtained in the experiment. As the result, quantitative evaluation of resistivity and mobility with high precision were succeeded.

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  • J2220201 ガスセンサー用カーボンナノチューブシートの開発([J222-02]マイクロ・ナノ材料創成とそのデバイス応用(2))

    巌 可逸, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会   2014 ( 0 ) _J2220201 - -_J2220201-  2014年


    Due to their high specific surface area and measurable change in conductance according to the chemical environment changes, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been proved to be an ideal material for next generation of gas sensor. Besides, with the successful synthesis of spinnable CNT array, mass production of CNT sheet based gas sensor became possible. This research mainly focuses on the fabrication of spinnable CNT array by CVD method. Using electron beam evaporation, Fe, alumina and SiO_2 were deposited on silicon substrate as catalyst. The furnace of CVD instruments was heated to the operating temperature of 780 ℃ under the Ar and H2 flow. Then C_2H_2 is introduced and CNT arrays were synthesized. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterize the morphology and height of CNT arrays. This research checked how C_2H_2 concentration influence the CNT array growth and optimal ratio of C_2H_2 and H_2 was found around 1:7.5 to 1:5. The highest CNT array synthesized is 1190 μm. Besides, attempt to draw CNT sheet has been carried out but due to low alignment of CNT arrays it turned out to be a failure.

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  • J2240204 CVD法により作製したカーボンナノチューブシートの性状及び配向評価([J224-02]『マイクロ・ナノ機械の信頼性』のための材料創製・測定・解析技術 マイクロ・ナノ実験力学と機能材料)

    中川 智貴, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会   2014 ( 0 ) _J2240204 - -_J2240204-  2014年


    Fabrication of aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is needed in order to secure the performance of CNTs. Therefore we fabricate Aligned CNTs by controlling the heating time and the flow rate of the gas and fabricate CNTs by thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD). We observe surface of CNTs and Fe nanoparticles on the Si substrate by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Dispersion of Fe nanoparticles as the catalyst is important to make the aligned CNT. As heating rate improve the dispersion of the Fe nanoparticles on Si substrate, and effect the growth of CNTs. The density of Fe nanoparticles was improved to be 2.76×10^<11> counts/cm^2 . The particle size distribution was improved to 10〜30nm from 10〜200nm. The nanoparticles that have narrow particle size distribution make high aligned CNT array.

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  • 109 酸化鉄ナノワヤイアレイの創成および太陽光水分解への応用(OS1-2 次世代エネルギに関する要素技術(2),OS1 次世代エネルギに関する要素技術)

    謝 毅源, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    東海支部総会講演会講演論文集   2014 ( 0 ) _109 - 1_-_109-2_  2014年

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  • OS1713 接着構造試験片を用いた層間高靱性化CFRP積層板の面外方向疲労試験

    佐久間 茂吉, 重盛 洸, 細井 厚志, 藤田 雄三, 武田 一郎, 川田 宏之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2014 ( 0 ) _OS1713 - 1_-_OS1713-2_  2014年


    A test method for interlaminar toughened thick CFRP laminates in the out-of-plane direction was studied. Unidirectional thick CFRP laminates whose thickness is approximately 17 mm were used in this study. Spool specimens machined from that thick laminates were loaded in the out-of-plane direction. Metal tabs were bonded to upper - and - lower surfaces of a specimen. At the bonding process, an alignment fixture was used to enhance alignment precision. In addition, an axis adjuster using wood's metal was used to connect the specimen with a testing machine with high axial precision during the tests. As a result of static test, it was confirmed that tensile and compressive load were applied without bending deformation. As a result of fatigue test, it was confirmed that the fatigue life at stress ratio of R=-1 is shorter than that at R=0.1.

    DOI CiNii

  • 研究について思うこと -若手の視点から-

    細井 厚志

    材料   62 ( 12 ) 796 - 796  2013年12月


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  • ICAF2013報告 : 航空機疲労・構造健全性の研究開発動向(トピックス)

    武田 展雄, 町田 茂, 岡田 孝雄, 細井 厚志

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   61 ( 11 ) 377 - 379  2013年

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  • G031052 高密度電流場制御による疲労損傷を付与したステンレス鋼における転位の消滅([G031-05]材料力学部門,一般セッション : 破壊力学,転位)

    岩瀬 友一, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会   2013 ( 0 ) _G031052 - 1-_G031052-3  2013年


    A technique to heal fatigue damage in a stainless steel by controlling high-density electric current was studied. The high-density electric current was applied to a fatigued specimen. A dislocation structure was observed by transmission electron microscope (TEM) before and after applying the high-density electric current. In addition, the effect of the temperature rise due to Joule heating on dislocation motion was investigated. The experimental results showed that the effect of electric current has a stronger influence on dislocation motion than the effect of temperature rise due to Joule heating.

    DOI CiNii

  • G031072 疲労き裂修復における表面活性化プリコート処理のき裂進展へ及ぼす影響([G031-07]材料力学部門,一般セッション : 表面処理)

    浅岡 幸靖, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会   2013 ( 0 ) _G031072 - 1-_G031072-3  2013年


    A technique to heal a fatigue crack for stainless steel by controlled high-density electric current field was studied. The high-density electric current was applied at the crack tip using adjacent electrodes. The surface-activated pre-coating technique was used to improve adhesion of the crack surface. To examine the change of the fatigue crack, the crack on the specimen surface was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after applying the high-density electric current. To evaluate the effect of crack healing on fatigue crack propagation, the fatigue tests were performed under a constant stress intensity factor range, AK. The experimental results showed that the fatigue crack was closed and the crack growth rate was delayed by the electrical stimulation.

    DOI CiNii

  • J046033 マイクロ波伝播理論による繊維強化複合材料内部の層間はく離の定量評価(〔J046-03〕高分子基複合材料の加工と評価(3))

    山口 雄平, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽, 佐藤 康元, 北山 綱次

    年次大会   2013 ( 0 ) _J046033 - 1-_J046033-4  2013年


    Glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) is lightweight, inexpensive and high corrosion-resistance material. So, GFRP is used for the structural members such as aircrafts, ships and the blades of electric-generating windmills. However, GFRP is often generated delamination under service environment. Moreover, the delamination causes extreme reduction of compressive strength of the material. Thus, the nondestructive inspection method to detect delamination in GFRP is required. Ultrasonic inspection, infrared thermography and radiography have been studied to detect delamination. However, these inspection methods cannot evaluate the thickness of delamination whereas it is very important to evaluate the seriousness on strength. For the reason, in this study, we attempted to evaluate the thickness of delamination in GFRP by microwave inspection method. The method can evaluate the thickness of delamination in GFRP because microwave reflected from GFRP is changed by the thickness of internal delamination. In this paper, a theoretical model to derive reflectivity of GFRP having internal delamination was developed. Subsequently, the thickness of polyethylene film inserted in GFRP instead of delamination was evaluated from the comparison of a theoretical reflectivity and a calibrated experimental reflectivity. As the result, the potential of microwave inspection to evaluate a thickness of delamination in GFRP was presented.

    DOI CiNii

  • J212015 マイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡を用いた金属ナノワイヤの導電率の定量評価に関する研究([J212-01]マイクロ・ナノ材料創成とそのデバイス応用(1))

    中島 隆博, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    年次大会   2013 ( 0 ) _J212015 - 1-_J212015-3  2013年


    With the development of nanotechnology in recent years, many researchers have focused on the development of nanomaterials and nanostructures such as nanowires. To apply these nanomaterials and nanostructures into nanodevices, there are great needs of the quantitative measurement of electrical properties of materials in an infinitesimal area. Recently, we proposed a novel microwave atomic force microscopy (M-AFM). M-AFM probe was fabricated by forming a microwave transmission line on the probe cantilever. By combining the AFM technique with microwave-based measurement, M-AFM has the ability to sense the topography and microwave image simultaneously with a high spatial resolution. In this study, we tried to evaluate quantitatively electrical properties of single crystalline aluminum nanowire. Using M-AFM, both measurements of the surface topography and the microwave response of single crystalline aluminum nanowire were succeeded. As a result, the electrical property of microwave signals was detected as the difference of the voltage value.

    DOI CiNii

  • 210 マイクロ波によるGaAs半導体ウェーハの電気的特性の非接触定量評価(GS 強度評価)

    吉田 貴博, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    東海支部総会講演会講演論文集   2013 ( 0 ) 91 - 92  2013年

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  • Healing of fatigue crack treated with surface-activated pre-coating method by controlling high-density electric current

    Atsushi Hosoi, Tomoya Kishi, Yang Ju

    13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013   2   1686 - 1695  2013年  [査読有り]


    A technique to heal a fatigue crack for a stainless steel by controlling a high-density electric current field was studied. The high-density electric current was applied at the crack tip using electrodes. A surface-activated pre-coating technique was used in order to improve adhesion of the crack surface. The crack on the specimen surface was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after the application of the high-density electric current to examine the effect of the fatigue crack healing. The experimental results showed that the fatigue crack was closed and the crack growth rate of a healed specimen was decreased by the electrical stimulation.

  • 2012年度JCOM若手シンポジウム開催報告

    細井 厚志

    材料   61 ( 12 ) 987 - 987  2012年12月  [査読有り]

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  • 疲労負荷を受けるクロスプライCFRP積層板のトランスバースクラック発生における繊維含有率の影響

    細井 厚志, 重盛 洸, 佐藤 成道

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会 M&P   20 ( 0 ) 4p - 1_-_811-4_  2012年11月

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  • 523 CuOナノワイヤ探針を有するAFMプローブの作製(OS8-1 ナノスケールフロンティアにおける材料と構造の新たな強度信頼評価手法の開拓1,OS8 ナノスケールフロンティアにおける材料と構造の新たな強度信頼評価手法の開拓)

    古藤 久貴, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    東海支部総会講演会講演論文集   2012 ( 0 ) _523 - 1_-_523-2_  2012年

    DOI CiNii

  • OS0111 高密度電流場制御による表面活性化プリコート処理を施した疲労き裂の修復

    貴志 友哉, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2012 ( 0 ) _OS0111 - 1_-_OS0111-2_  2012年


    A technique to heal a fatigue crack for a stainless steel by controlling a high-density electric current field was studied. The high-density electric current was applied at the crack tip using adjacent electrodes. Surface-activated pre-coating technique was used in order to improve adhesion of the crack surface. The crack on the specimen surface was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after applying the high-density electric current to examine the effect of the fatigue crack healing. The experimental results showed that the fatigue crack was closed and the strength of a healed specimen was increased by the electrical stimulation.

    DOI CiNii

  • OS2-2-6 銅箔上Cuパウダーの加熱による草状構造体の作製(OS2 三次元の微細形状創成技術(2))

    胡 立教, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム   2012 ( 0 ) 153 - 154  2012年


    Grass like architectures were synthesized directly on Cu foils by thermal oxidation method with nickel catalyst at a low temperature. Humidity and catalyst played an important role in the fabrication of the grass like architectures. The grass like architectures were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM, JSM-7000FK). The grass like architectures were approximately 8-50μm in size with 1-2.5μm width leaves. The growth of grass like architectures affected by oxidation, vertical stress induced, and horizontal compressive stress was studied in details.

    DOI CiNii

  • C105 マイクロ波によるNi基合金上の応力腐食割れ深さの非破壊評価(OS6 亀裂検査および溶接技術)

    天野 智文, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2011 ( 0 ) 27 - 28  2011年


    Microwave microscopy was employed to detect stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and evaluate its depth on the Ni-base alloys. An open-ended coaxial line sensor was used to increase the spatial resolution. The working frequency was 110GHZ and the standoff distance between the sensor and the sample was 60μm. By measuring the amplitude of reflection coefficient, the detection of SCC was achieved and W-shaped characteristic signal was obtained. The distribution of SCC depth along crack length was evaluated by measuring the attenuation of microwave signal. The evaluated SCC depth was good agreement with the actual SCC depth obtained by a destructive testing.

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  • OS0101 ステンス鋼のひずみの回復における電気的パルスの影響(OS1-1ひずみ測定,OS-1 実験力学と計測技術1)

    唐 永鵬, 細井 厚志, 森田 康之, 巨 陽

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス   2011 ( 0 ) _OS0101 - 1_-_OS0101-2_  2011年


    A technique to heal tensile plastic strain in a stainless steel by controlling high density electric current was developed. The tensile plastic zone before and after electropulsing was observed by optical microscope, and the effect of electropulsing on the recovery of strain in stainless steel was evaluated by digital image correlation method. It was found that the electric stimulation influences the recovery of plastic strain, and the average rate of recovery is 19.3% in stainless steel. The high density electric current treatment makes it possible to retard the failure of materials by healing tensile plastic strain.

    DOI CiNii

  • G030082 細胞の電気的特性を評価するマイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡プローブの開発([G03008]材料力学部門一般セッション(8):材料の電気的特性)

    牧野 孝則, 古藤 久貴, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _G030082 - 1-_G030082-2  2011年


    Recently, regenerative medicine has been focused with stem cells that can regenerate the lost human tissues and organs. To measure healthiness of cells non-invasively, microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) which can measure electrical properties and topography of cells has been developed. M-AFM probe was fabricated by forming a microwave transmission line on the probe cantilever. We succeeded in measuring both the microwave response and the surface topography of dried mesenchymal stem cells after ethanol dehydration by M-AFM with the probe. As a result, the change of microwave signals depending on the cell tissues was detected.

    DOI CiNii

  • G030083 四探針型原子間力顕微鏡プローブによる材料の電気的特性のイメージング([G03008]材料力学部門一般セッション(8):材料の電気的特性)

    張 琳, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _G030083 - 1-_G030083-3  2011年


    The field of local conductivity measurement has produced many kinds of scanning probes to measure the electricalcharacteristics at the nanoscale. However, due to the design limitations, no appropriate probe has been developed to measureand simultaneously image the electrical characteristics at 100 nm order. This research aims to fabricate a four-pOint AFMprobe in order to image electrical characteristics at 100 nm ord Four-point atomic force microscope probe for imaging the electrical characteristics of materials Lin ZHANG", Yang JU*2 and Atsushi HOSOI*2 *1Nagoya Univ. Dept. of Mechanical science and Engineering Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan The field of local conductivity measurement has produced many kinds of scanning probes to measure the electrical characteristics at the nanoscale. However, due to the design limitations, no appropriate probe has been developed to measure and simultaneously image the electrical characteristics at 100 nm order. This research aims to fabricate a four-point AFM probe in order to image electrical characteristics at 100 nm order. Specifically, a certain tape of AFM probe for cell measurement e.g . Biolever, can be etched into four independent electrodes with an in-between space of 200 nm. The four electrodes are basically used to measure the electrical potential drop by allowing the electric current to pass through. The four-point probe is then integrated into a multimode AFM to realize the scanning and imaging simultaneously. The present experimental results show that the four-point probe fabricated can be used to image the surface topography of the Au nanowire, thereby permitting the simultaneous measurements of surface profiles and electrical characteristics of the samples at the next stage.

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  • G030084 テンプレート法による高密度Cuナノワイヤアレイの作製および評価([G03008]材料力学部門一般セッション(8):材料の電気的特性)

    岩崎 由佳, 巨 陽, 森田 康之, 細井 厚志

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _G030084 - 1-_G030084-3  2011年


    Characteristic of nanowire is gradually attracting many researchers with potential applications of nano devices, nano sensors, solar sells and so on. This paper describes fabrication and evaluation of high density Cu nanowire array grown in porous aluminum. To fabricate high density nanowire array, at first Ta and Cu films were evaporated on one side of Si wafer as a conductive working electrode. Nanowire array was formed via electrical deposition in copper sulfate aqueous solution. After etching in 2 M NaOH aqueous solution to remove porous aluminum, we obtained high density nanowire array on Si wafer perpendicular to its surface. High density Cu nanowires with average diameter of 200 nm, approximately, were observed by scanning electron microscope. In order to understand performances of Cu nanowire array, electrical and mechanical properties of them were studied in details.

    DOI CiNii

  • G030101 高密度電流場制御により修復した疲労き裂先端の変位分布の評価([G03010]材料力学部門一般セッション(10):修復と抑制)

    矢野 貴浩, 細井 厚志, 森田 康之, 巨 陽

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _G030101 - 1-_G030101-3  2011年


    The technique to heal a fatigue crack in a stainless steel by controlling the high-density electric current field was studied. The high-density electric current field was applied at the crack tip using closely spaced electrodes. The crack on the specimen surface was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after applying the high-density pulse current to examine the effect of the high-density electric current field on the fatigue crack. In addition, the displacement distribution was obtained by a digital image correlation method. With those data, the change of the crack shape was evaluated quantitatively. The experimental results showed that the fatigue crack was closed by the electrical stimulation.

    DOI CiNii

  • J043024 繰返し負荷を受けるクロスプライCFRP積層板に生じるトランスパースクラック発生における静的引張試験による疲労寿命予測([J04302]高分子基複合材料の加工と評価(2))

    細井 厚志, 曽我 理昂, 佐藤 成道, 川田 宏之

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _J043024 - 1-_J043024-4  2011年


    A method to predict quantitatively the initiation of a transverse crack caused in the various types of [0・90,1 cross-ply carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates subjected to fatigue loading was proposed. On the basis of the assumption that the mechanism of transverse crack initiation is equivalent to that of transverse crack increase in the earlier stage of fatigue within low transverse crack density, the cycles that a transverse crack initiates are calculated by applying the normalized modified Paris law, which shows the relationship between the transverse crack density growth rate and the normalized energy release rate range associated with the transverse crack formation. Once the constants of the normalized modified Paris law are given with an arbitrary cross-ply laminate, the proposed method makes possible to predict the initiation of a transverse crack in the other various types of cross-ply laminates under fatigue loading by only measuring the stress at which a transverse crack initiates under static tensile loading.

    DOI CiNii

  • Imaging the Nano-Structure materials utilizing Microwave-AFM

    L. Zhang, Y. Ju, A. Hosoi, A. Fujimoto

    Proceedings of 4th JSME/ASME 2011 International Conference on Materials and Processing (CD-ROM)     ICMP2011-51081  2011年  [査読有り]


  • T0301-2-5 マイクロ波AFMプローブの構造改良による電気的特性の計測感度の向上([T0301-2]金属ナノ材料の創製と展開(2))

    張 嵐, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志, 藤本 紹文

    年次大会講演論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 185 - 186  2010年


    To confirm the sensitivity in the measurement of electrical properties affected by the nano structure of microwave AFM (M-AFM) probe, three kinds of M-AFM probe with a nano slit on its tip in different width (75nm, 120nm and 160nm) were investigated. Au and glass samples were measured by the probes working at a noncontact AFM mode. The M-AFM probe with the nano slit having the width of 75nm, by which the difference of the measured voltage between Au and glass samples is 55.1mV, shows the highest sensitivity for detecting electrical properties of materials. As the result illustrated, the M-AFM probe with smaller width nano slit on the tip is considered to be an ideal nano structure.

    DOI CiNii

  • S0301-1-2 マイクロ波によるNi基合金溶接部表面の応力腐食割れの計測・評価([S0301-1]欠陥の診断および治癒)

    天野 智文, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会講演論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 55 - 56  2010年


    In this paper, we report results of measuring stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and evaluating its depth on the surface of Ni-base alloys, utilizing microwaves. An open-ended coaxial line sensor was used to increase the spatial resolution. The working frequency was 110 GHz and the standoff distance between the sensor and the sample was 60 μm. The distribution of SCC was obtained by microwave imaging. By measuring the amplitude of reflection coefficient, detection of SCC was achieved and V-shaped and W-shaped characteristic signal was obtained. The equation to evaluate SCC depth was proposed. Consequently, the distribution of SCC depth along the crack length was evaluated using the measured amplitude difference.

    DOI CiNii

  • S0301-1-3 高密度電流場形成によるステンレス鋼の疲労き裂閉口及び進展挙動に及ぼす影響([S0301-1]欠陥の診断および治癒)

    長濱 孝胤, 矢野 貴浩, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会講演論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 57 - 58  2010年


    The technique to heal a fatigue crack in a stainless steel by controlling a high-density electric current field was developed. The high-density electric current field can be caused at the tip of the crack using extremely adjacent electrodes. As the experimental results, it was observed that the crack closure and the bridging on the crack surface at the vicinity of the crack tip were caused due to applying the high-density pulse current in the specimen. It was evaluated quantitatively by Paris law that the propagation of the healed fatigue crack delayed temporally.

    DOI CiNii

  • S0301-1-4 高密度電流場形成による疲労き裂先端におけるすべりに及ぼす影響([S0301-1]欠陥の診断および治癒)

    矢野 貴浩, 長濱 孝胤, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会講演論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 59 - 60  2010年


    A technique to heal a fatigue crack in a stainless steel based on the control of the high-density electric current field was developed. The high-density electric current field was caused at the crack tip by applying a pulse current through the electrodes near the crack. The crack surface was observed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an atomic force microscope (AFM) before and after the application of the high-density pulse current in order to examine the effect of the high-density electric current field on the fatigue crack. The experimental results show that the fatigue crack was closed and the surface having the slips at the vicinity of the crack tip became smoother by the electrical stimulation.

    DOI CiNii

  • C208 マイクロ波によるNi基合金溶接部表面の応力腐食割れの非破壊評価(亀裂の検査・モニタリング技術-(2),OS5 保全・設備診断技術),動力エネルギーシステム部門20周年,次の20年への新展開)

    天野 智文, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2010 ( 0 ) 339 - 340  2010年


    To detect stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and evaluate its depth on the surface of Ni-base alloys, a microwave microscope was employed. An open-ended coaxial line sensor was used to increase the spatial resolution. The working frequency was 110GHz and the standoff distance between the sensor and the sample was 60μm. The shape of SCC was obtained by microwave imaging. By measuring the amplitude of reflection coefficient, detection of SCC was achieved and V-shaped and W-shaped characteristic signal was obtained. The distribution of SCC depth along the crack length was evaluated using the measured amplitude of reflection coefficient.

    DOI CiNii

  • 610 マイクロ波の時間領域測定による配管減肉の非破壊評価(OS8-2 工業材料の変形および特性評価2,OS8 工業材料の変形および特性評価)

    近藤 佑輔, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    東海支部総会講演会講演論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 355 - 356  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • G0400-2-3 疲労負荷下におけるCFRPクロスプライ積層板のトランスバースクラック発生評価([G0400-2]機械材料・材料加工部門一般(2):非金属材料の力学)

    高村 啓吾, 細井 厚志, 佐藤 成道, 川田 宏之

    年次大会講演論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 359 - 360  2010年


    The initiation of a transverse crack in CFRP laminates under fatigue loading was investigated. Transverse cracks cause serious damage, such as delamination or fiber breakage. It is essential to understand the mechanism of the transverse crack onset for improving long-term durability and reliability of CFRP laminates. Therefore, a method to evaluate and predict the initiation of a transverse crack in cross-ply CFRP laminates under fatigue loading was researched. Fatigue tests at the various stress levels were performed in order to evaluate the initiation and propagation of the transverse cracks. The analytical method on the basis of Paris law in order to predict the number of cycles of transverse crack initiation was proposed. As the results, we were successful in predicting the initiation of the transverse crack under fatigue loadings by the proposed analysis.

    DOI CiNii

  • Optimization of the tip of microwave AFM probe

    Yang Ju, Motohiro Hamada, Atsushi Hosoi, Akifumi Fujimoto

    Proceedings of the ASME InterPack Conference 2009, IPACK2009   1   485 - 490  2010年  [査読有り]


    In order to develop a new structure microwave probe, the fabrication of the atomic force microscope (AFM) probe on a GaAs wafer was studied. The fabricated probe had a tip of 8 μ m high and curvature radius approximately 30 nm. The dimensions of the cantilever are 250x30x15 μm. A waveguide was introduced by evaporating Au film on the top and bottom surfaces of the GaAs AFM probe. The open structure of the waveguide at the tip of the probe was introduced by using focused ion beam (FIB) fabrication. To improve the resolution of AFM measurement, only the metal film was removed at the end of the probe tip. AFM topography of a grating sample was measured by the fabricated probe. As a result, it was found that the resolution of AFM measurement and the ratio of signal to noise were enhanced. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


  • Property evaluation and defect detection by microwave

    Yang Ju, Atsushi Hosoi

    Journal of the Japanese Society for non-destructive inspection   59 ( 5 ) 270 - 230  2010年

  • CFRP直交積層板におけるトランスバースクラック発生の温度依存性

    川田 宏之, 小柳 潤, 細井 厚志

    材料システム   28   47 - 52  2010年


  • T0401-2-1 マイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡プローブの開発および電気的特性の評価(金属ナノ材料の創製と展開(2))

    藤本 紹文, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    年次大会講演論文集   2009 ( 0 ) 85 - 86  2009年


    In order to evaluate electrical properties in nanoscale, the new microwave atomic force microscope (M-AFM) probe was studied and the characteristics of the M-AFM probe were evaluated in order to understand the performance of the probe for the topography of materials and the sensitivity for detection of microwave signals. AFM topography of a grating sample was measured by using the fabricated probe. It was found that the fabricated probes have nanometer order resolution. In addition, the amplitude of the reflection coefficient of microwave was measured by approaching an Au-GaAs sample, which has different conductivity, respectively. As a result, the change of the microwave signals between Au and GaAs were observed. These results indicate that the fabricated M-AFM probe has the capacity of measuring the electrical properties of materials in nanoscale.

    DOI CiNii

  • 369 マイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡に用いるGaAsプローブの開発(GS計測制御3)

    藤本 紹文, 細井 厚志, 巨 陽

    東海支部総会講演会講演論文集   2009 ( 0 ) 223 - 224  2009年

    DOI CiNii

  • S0406-1-4 高サイクル疲労負荷下におけるCFRPクロスプライ積層板のトランスバースクラック発生(プラスチック基複合材料の加工と評価(1))

    高村 啓吾, 楠本 康之, 細井 厚志, 佐藤 成道, 川田 宏之

    年次大会講演論文集   2009 ( 0 ) 329 - 330  2009年


    In this study, initiation of transverse crack for CFRP cross-ply laminates was investigated at various stress levels during high-cycle fatigue tests. Internal damages were observed with soft X-ray photography at arbitrary loading cycles. A variation of transverse crack density and the local delamination length was evaluated as the fatigue damage progression. The stress in 90° layer considering local delamination length was calculated with a variational approach from the experimental data. It was clear from the results that as the applied maximum stress is set to lower, the saturated transverse crack density and 90° layer stress also lowers. Moreover, the fatigue limit of transverse crack initiation is indicated in this fatigue test conditions.

    DOI CiNii

  • 繊維強化複合材料の疲労における長期耐久性評価


    早稲田大学博士論文   4  2008年


  • 407 Cross-Ply CFRP積層板の高サイクル疲労におけるトランスバースクラック及び層間はく離進展挙動の調査(高分子/高分子基複合材料1)

    川田 宏之, 小野 剛, 細井 厚志, 佐藤 成道

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2007 ( 0 ) 251 - 252  2007年


    Damage growth behavior of transverse crack and delamination in cyclic loading was studied with cross-ply laminates of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) composite. Damage of the specimens during the fatigue test was observed by soft X-ray photography. It was found that delamination growth behavior depended on the inter-laminer stress and the out-plane stress in thickness direction caused by free-edge effect. Quasi-isotropic, [45/0/-45/90]_s, laminates, are applied large peering stress at free edges of the specimen when the specimen is subjected to tensile stress. Therefore they showed edge delamination. On the other hands, cross-ply, [0/90_6]_s laminates, are applied large inter-laminer shear stress at transverse crack tips, and show local delamination originated by a transverse crack. Under the high-cycle loading, it was observed that depending on the applied stress level delamination growth behavior differed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 405 風車ブレードGFRP積層板のはく離進展シミュレーション(高分子/高分子基複合材料1)

    川田 宏之, 武中 達也, 細井 厚志

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集   2007 ( 0 ) 247 - 248  2007年


    A numerical study was performed on the fracture toughness test to obtain the critical strain energy release rate (G_<IC>) of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) laminates in wind turbine blade. Two-dimensional numerical analysis, based on an elastic finite element method (FEM) using the static explicit method and the cohesive damage model, was performed to simulate the fracture toughness test. The cohesive damage model used to predict the delamination occurrence and growth is based on a special developed interface finite element including an exponential damage process. The numerical prediction showed good agreement with the experimental results.

    DOI CiNii

  • 10405 引張疲労負荷におけるStitched Laminate Compositeの内部損傷進展(材料(1))

    荒尾 与史彦, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2006 ( 0 ) 363 - 364  2006年


    This paper studies the effects of edge stitching on tensile fatigue properties of CFRP laminates. Fatigue damage development was investigated through experimental observation. From experimental observation results, it was shown that introduction of the stitch threads suppressed the initiation and propergation of the delamination. But the stitch thread broke in earlier stage under the high stress level cyclic loading. As a result, fatigue lives of the stitched laminates were shorter than that of the unstitched laminates. On the other hand, it was remarkable that the fatigue lives between the both laminates were almost equal due to the difference of internal damage propergation.

    DOI CiNii

  • 10104 擬似等方性CFRP積層板の高サイクル疲労特性(疲労およびき裂進展,OS10 先進材料の力学と強度)

    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2005 ( 0 ) 189 - 190  2005年


    This paper describes high-cycle fatigue characteristics of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates [-45/0/45/90]_s to 10^8 cycles. To investigate the fatigue behavior in the high-life region, the fatigue tests were conducted with frequency of 100Hz since it's difficult to conduct its with 5Hz and the damage behavior of the specimen was observed with a microscope, a soft X-ray photography and a 3D ultrasonic inspection system. In this study, to evaluate quantitive characteristics of transverse crack propagation in the high-cycle region, the energy release rate associated with transverse crack growth to the width direction was calculated and the transverse crack growth to the width direction was evaluated based on a modified Paris-law approach.

    DOI CiNii

  • 擬似等方性炭素繊維強化プラスチックの疲労特性 : 2段変動荷重試験における疲労寿命の調査(FRPの疲労・環境破壊,OS.14 先進材料の力学)

    川田 宏之, 吉野 博道, 細井 厚志

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2004 ( 0 ) 373 - 374  2004年


    This paper presents characteristics of variable loading of the polymer matrix composites. The specimens were the quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminates;[-45/0/45/90]s, tension-tension fatigue loading was applied on condition that stress ratio R equaled 0.1. It was found that S-N diagram was linear in the range of this study. Two-step fatigue damage loading was applied to investigate applicability of cumulative damage law. The results of fatigue tests were not good agreement with the Linear Cumulative Damage rule (LCD: Palmgren-Miner's rule) at the condition of the high-low and low-high sequences. Several tests were stopped before ultimate failure to investigate the residual strength; the availability of the residual strength as a paramater of cumulative damage rule was discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 擬似等方性アルミナFRP積層板の疲労特性 : 疲労損傷に及ぼす周波数及び積層構成の影響

    川田 宏之, 細井 厚志, 山崎 慎一郎

    日本複合材料学会研究発表講演会予稿集   2003   9 - 10  2003年05月




  • 破壊靭性試験装置及び破壊靭性試験方法


    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之, 原田 和樹, イエスパーセン クリスティーン ムンク



  • 酸化銅ナノワイヤおよびその製造方法

    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之, 柳澤 一星, 松永 光広, 土肥 優希, 巨 陽



  • 破壊靭性試験装置及び破壊靭性試験方法

    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之, 原田 和樹, イエスパーセン クリスティーン ムンク



  • 樹脂金属接合体の製造方法


    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之, 阿部 暉



  • 破壊靭性試験装置及び破壊靭性試験方法

    細井厚志, 川田宏之, 原田和樹, イエスパーセンクリスティーンムンク


  • 樹脂金属接合体の製造方法及び樹脂金属接合体

    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之, 丁 ▲ジュンチョル▼, 岡本 和起, 阿部 暉



  • 樹脂金属接合体の製造方法及び樹脂金属接合体

    細井 厚志, 川田 宏之, 阿部 暉



  • 樹脂金属接合体の製造方法及び樹脂金属接合体

    細井厚志, 川田宏之, 丁ジュンチョル, 岡本和起, 阿部暉


  • 樹脂金属接合体の接合方法及び樹脂金属接合体

    細井厚志, 川田宏之, 阿部暉


  • 金属部材のき裂修復方法及びき裂修復装置

    細井 厚志, 巨 陽, 浅岡 幸靖



  • ミリ波イメージング装置

    佐藤 康元, 北山 綱次, 小倉 夏樹, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志



  • 金属部材のき裂修復方法及びき裂修復装置

    細井厚志, 巨陽, 浅岡幸靖


  • ミリ波イメージング装置

    佐藤康元, 北山綱次, 小倉夏樹, 巨陽, 細井厚志


  • 非破壊検査装置

    佐藤 康元, 北山 綱次, 小倉 夏樹, 巨 陽, 細井 厚志



  • 非破壊検査装置

    佐藤康元, 北山綱次, 小倉夏樹, 巨陽, 細井厚志








  • 2022年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員

  • 2022年

    カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター   兼任センター員


  • 深層ニューラルネットワークを用いたCFRP積層板の疲労寿命予測手法の構築



    繊維強化複合材料の破壊はマトリックスクラック,繊維破断,繊維/樹脂界面のはく離などの様々な要因によって引き起こされるため複雑である.デジタル画像相関(DIC)法は非破壊検査の1種であり,試験対象に付与されたスペクトルパターンから変位を計測する手法である.本研究ではDIC法を用いて短繊維複合材料(Short Fiber Reinforcedplastics : SFRPs)の疲労試験中のひずみ分布画像を取得し,損傷の進展を確認した.また,ひずみ分布画像を用いて深層畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(Deep Convolutional Neural Network: DCNN)による疲労寿命を予測し,その精度評価を実施した.DIC 法により取得されたひずみ分布画像から試験初期段階からひずみの極大値が複数個所確認され,破断サイクル比が 60%程度において破断部で最大ひずみが確認できた.また,ひずみ分布画像から試験片の3か所(標点間平均,中央部,破断部)のひずみ平均を算出し,剛性低下曲線を取得した.剛性低下曲線から破断部において剛性低下が顕著であることが確認でき,疲労試験中のひずみ分布画像は破断予測や疲労寿命予測に活用できることが確認された.また,疲労試験からDICを用いて取得されたひずみ分布画像を用いて,DCNN を用いた疲労寿命予測を実施した.本研究では DCNN の構造の一種である Xception を用いる.一般的な Xception は分類モデルであり,出力層が複数存在するが,本研究では出力層を1つに変更し回帰モデルとしている.また,各ひずみ分布画像に対して疲労寿命比(fatigue life ratio: flr)を定義した.4本の試験片のひずみ分布画像(511枚)をDCNN 学習させ,他の1本のひずみ分布画像(173 枚)でflrを予測した.また,Gradient-weighted ClassActivation Mapping(GradCAM)を用いてDCNNの注目領域を可視化した.RMSE=20.7であり,予測精度は低かったが,試験初期段階において破断領域を注目していることが確認された.目視では flr=70 程度で破断位置が確認できたが,DCNN モデル及びGrad-CAMを用いることで,flr=20 程度で破断位置が予測できる可能性があることが示された.

  • CFRTPとアルミニウム合金の異種接合体における非線形破壊靭性特性評価




  • CFRPの疲労限発現メカニズムの解明




  • CFRP積層板の超高サイクル疲労における疲労限発見への挑戦




  • ギガサイクル疲労におけるCFRP積層板のトランスバースクラック発生評価



    炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CarbonFiber Reinforced Plastics : CFRPs)は優れた比強度と比剛性を有する複合材料である.今後はさらなる軽量化のニーズから超高サイクル域での使用が想定される回転部材への適用が期待されている.本研究では,超音波疲労試験による超高サイクル域におけるトランスバースクラック発生寿命評価を目的とした.繰返し数N=103~107サイクルおよびN=108~109サイクルの疲労特性をそれぞれ油圧疲労試験および超音波疲労試験により取得した.高サイクル域ではS-N曲線は線形的な下降を示したが,超高サイクル域ではタブ付近のみにクラックが発生する試験片が多く観察された.また,90°層応力σ90°max=44MPa以下の応力レベルでは全ての試験片でクラックが発生せず,S-N曲線の傾きが緩やかとなることが確認された.

  • ナノ空間構造を有する金属と炭素繊維強化熱可塑性プラスチックの直接接着技術の開発




  • 海洋構造用CFRPの生物付着防止材料の開発と海水環境疲労特性評価技術の構築



    本研究では,長期間海水浸漬させた平織CFRP積層板の強度低下挙動の評価,劣化メカニズムの解明を目的とした.試験結果より,引張-引張疲労強度及び引張-圧縮疲労強度は,海水浸漬によって低サイクルで疲労強度は低下していたが,高サイクル域では収束した.一方,圧縮-圧縮疲労強度は,全領域で疲労強度は低下した.実験で得た結果からEpaarachchi and Clausenの疲労寿命予測モデルを用いて,長期疲労海水浸漬時における疲労寿命予測を行った.その結果,疲労寿命予測曲線は,各条件で実験値と良い一致を示し,長期海水浸漬によって,構成基材の劣化が収束傾向となり,同様の破壊メカニズムを有したことが示唆された.&nbsp;

  • 超音波疲労試験によるCFRP積層板のギガサイクル疲労強度特性評価



    層間高靭性化クロスプライCFRP積層板のギガサイクル領域におけるトランスバースクラック発生評価を行った.周波数20kHzでの超音波疲労試験を実施した結果,本研究で行った応力範囲においてはトランスバースクラック発生における疲労限は確認されなかった.また,Modified Walker modelにより評価すると,20 kHzの超音波疲労試験で取得したギガサイクル疲労におけるトランスバースクラック発生寿命は,5 Hzの油圧疲労試験で取得した低サイクル域の疲労寿命と同一の直線上に存在することが確認された.試験片中央部よりも下部において大きな温度上昇およびクラックが観察され,曲げモードの混在や金属タブ接着が影響を及ぼしている可能性が示唆された.

  • 海洋構造用CFRPの生物付着防止材料の開発と海水環境疲労寿命予測技術の構築

    2017年   須賀健雄



  • 炭素繊維複合材料とアルミニウム合金の生体模倣ナノ界面接合技術の開発と力学的評価




  • CFRTPとアルミニウム合金のバイオインスパイアードナノ構造界面接合技術の創製




  • 熱可塑性炭素繊維強化プラスチックにおける疲労損傷発生機構の解明と損傷発生寿命予測




  • バイオミメティクスに基づくCFRP-金属の革新的ナノ構造界面接合技術の創成




  • 金属疲労き裂の自己治癒技術の開発と治癒メカニズムの解明




  • エレクトロンインパクトによる高秩序原子再配列・再結合機構の解明と金属疲労の超回復



