Research Experience
RWTH Aachen, Germany :
Yamagata university :
NISSAN Motor Co, Ltd. :
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/07
RWTH Aachen, Germany :
Yamagata university :
NISSAN Motor Co, Ltd. :
waseda university faculty of science and engineering
American Physical Society (APS)
Fluid dynamics, bioinfomatics, engine combustion, computer science
JSST Best Paper Award
Winner: Tomotaka Kobayashi, Ken Naitoh
JSME paper award
JSAE paper award
Prognostic medication: prediction by a macroscopic equation model for actual medical histories of illness with various recovery speeds
Aya Hosoi, Tsubasa Takizawa, Remi Konagaya, Ken Naitoh
Vol. 25 ( Issue 2 ) 189 - 198 2020
A macroscopic theory for predicting catastrophic phenomena in both biological and mechanical chemical reactions.
R, Konagaya, T. Takizawa, K. Naitoh
Artificial Life and Robotics Vol. 25 ( Issue 2 ) 178 - 188 2020
流体力学的物理量の局所的高精度 化と熱力学的量の全体積分保存性を両立する非線 形補正法:単一成分流での基礎検証 とエンジンへの適用.日本シミュレーション学会論文 誌, 12 巻 2 号, pp. 38-48, 2020.
小長谷礼美, 内藤健, 木嶋洋貴, 五十嵐大智
日本シミュレーション学会論文 誌 12 巻 ( 2 号 ) 38 - 48 2020
Deterministic and stochastic computations of mysterious internal flows: based on a nonlinear local correction method with global conservativity. Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering,
R. Konagaya, K. Naitoh, H. Kijima
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering Vol. 7 ( No. 1 ) 51 - 70 2020
Two prototype engines with colliding and compression of pulsed supermulti-jets through a focusing process, leading to nearly complete air insulation and relatively silent high compression for automobiles, motorcycles, aircrafts, and rockets.
R. Konagaya, K. Naitoh, T. Kobayashi, Y. Isshiki, H. Ito, H. Makimoto, Y, Kobayashi, Y. Tada, N. Kikuchi, A. Hosoi, Y. Fujii
SAE SAEpaper2020-01-0837 2020
New quasi-stable ratios of particles in nature revealed by multi-dimensional Taylor approximation.
Tomotaka Kobayashi, Ken Naitoh
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering. 2019 Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 80-93 2019.03 [Refereed]
High Compression and Nearly complete Air insulation Obtained for a New Rocket Engine Based on the Pulsed Supermulti-jets Colliding.
R. Konagaya, T. Kobayashi, J. Mikoda, K. Kinoshita, S. Kawaguchi, H. Makimoto, Y. Kobayashi, S. Shinoda, S. Lujiang, K. Naitoh
Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves OR-04-0175 ( OR-04-0175 ) 1 - 6 2019
Unsteady three-dimensional computations and shock tube experiments of the compression principle of supermulti jets colliding with pulse.
Konagaya R, Kobayashi T, Naitoh K
AIAA Paper 2018-4630 2018.07
High Thrust Measured for Pulsed Engine Based on Supermulti-jets Colliding.
Ashikawa,K, Tsuchiya, J, Ayukawa, K, Mikoda, J, Kinoshita, K, Makimoto, H, Konagaya, R, Naitoh, K
AIAApaper 2018-4631 1 - 8 2018.07
Unsteady three-dimensional computations and experiments of compression flow formed by collision of supermulti-jets.
Bulletin of the JSME, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology Vol.13 ( No.1, Paper No.17-00367 ) 2018.03 [Refereed]
Spatial transition point from laminar flow to turbulence in a pipe with injection revealed by solving a weakly-stochastic Navier-Stokes equation.
Koki Naruse, Ken Naitoh
AIAApaper 2018-0589 2018.01
Computations for Improving the Performance of a New Hydrogen-Oxygen Rocket Engine Based on Supermulti-jets Colliding with Pulse.
Sota Kawaguchi, Remi Konagaya, Kohta Tsuru, Ken Naitoh
AIAApaper 2018-0668 2018.01
Fundamental experimental tests toward future cold fusion engine based on point-compression due to supermulti-jets colliding with pulse (fusine)
Naitoh, Ken, Tuschiya, Jumpei, Ayukawa, Ken, Oyanagi, Susumu, Kanase, Takuto, Tsuru, Kohta, Konagaya, Remi
Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 24 236 - 243 2017.10
Experimental Measurements and Computations for Clarifying Nearly Complete Air-Insulation Obtained by the Concept of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets
Remi Konagaya, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Jumpei Tsuchiya, Ken Ayukawa, Kodai Kinoshita, Junya Mikoda, Hirotaka Fujita, Ken Naitoh
SAE Technical Papers 2017- ( March ) 1 - 12 2017.03 [Refereed]
Experimental Measurements and Computations for Clarifying Nearly Complete Air-Insulation Obtained by the Concept of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets
Remi Konagaya, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Jumpei Tsuchiya, Ken Ayukawa, Kodai Kinoshita, Junya Mikoda, Hirotaka Fujita, Ken Naitoh
SAE Technical Papers 2017- ( March ) 2017.03 [Refereed]
Computational experiments of a new engine equipped with side passages to compress air by colliding supermulti-jets with pulsation, at the hypersonic regime
Kohta TSURU, Takahiro KIHARA, Yoshiaki TANAKA, Ken NAITOH
APISAT 2016.10
Computation of a New Rocket Engine Using a New Compressive Combustion Principle Based on the Supermulti-jets Colliding with Pulse
APISAT 2016.10
Computation of Turbulent Mixing Process of Single High-Speed Hydrogen Jets
Extended abstracts of APISAT 2016.10
Computations and Experiments of Single-Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine with Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets, Single Piston and Rotary Valve
Kan Yamagishi, Yuichi Onuma, Soichi Ohara, Kenya Hasegawa, Kentaro Kojima, Tomoya Shirai, Takahiro Kihara, Kota Tsuru, Ken Naitoh
SAEpaper2016-01-2334 2016.10 [Refereed]
High Thermal Efficiency Obtained with a Single-Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine Prototype Having Pulsed Supermulti-Jets Colliding in an Asymmetric Double Piston Unit
Ken Naitoh, Soichi Ohara, Yuichi Onuma, Kentaro Kojima, Kenya Hasegawa, Tomoya Shirai
SAEpaper2016-01-2336 2016.10 [Refereed]
Computations and Experiments for Clarifying Compression Level and Stability of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets in a Piston-Less Single-Point Autoignition Engine
Ken Naitoh, Jumpei Tsuchiya, Daiki Ikoma, Takuya Nakai, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Takuma Okamoto, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Ken Ayukawa, Remi Konagaya
SAEpaper2016-01-2331 1 - 12 2016.10 [Refereed]
Fundamental Combustion Experiments of a Piston-Less Single-Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine Based on Compression Due to Colliding of Pulsed Supermulti-Jets
Ken Naitoh, Ken Ayukawa, Daiki Ikoma, Takuya Nakai, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Jumpei Tsuchiya
SAEpaper2016-01-2337 2016.10 [Refereed]
Computational experiments for improving the performance of Fugine based on supermulti-jets colliding working for a wide range of speeds from startup
Tsuru, K., T, Naitoh, K
AIAA paper 2016-4709 2016.07
Computational experiments for improving the performance of fugine based on supermulti-jets colliding working for a wide range of speeds from startup to hypersonic condition
Tsuru, Kohta, Yamagishi, Kan, Okamoto, Takuma, Tanaka, Yoshiaki, Naitoh, Ken
52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2016 2016.01
Fugine as Single-Point Compression Engine based on Supermulti-Jets Colliding with Pulse: Combustion Test of Second Prototype Engine with Strongly-Asymmetric Double-Piston System
Naitoh, K, Shirai, T, Tanaka, M, Nojima, Y
SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1964 2015.10 [Refereed]
Two small prototype engines developed based on pulsed supermultijets colliding: having a potential of thermal efficiency over 60% with satisfactory strength of structure
Naitoh K, Ikoma T
SAEpaper 2014-32-0099 2014.11
Design guidelines of the single-point auto-ignition engine based on supermulti-jets colliding for high thermal efficiency and low noise: obtained by computational experiments for a small stronglyasymmetric double-piston engine
Naitoh K, Okamoto T
SAEpaper 2014-32-0100, 2014. 2014.11
Physical theory of the single-point auto-ignition engine based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse.
Naitoh K, Kojima K
SAEpaper2014-01-2640 SAEpaper2014-01-2640 2014.10 [Refereed]
Development of Fugine based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse.
Naitoh K, Hasegawa K
SAEpaper2014-01-2639 SAEpaper2014-01-2639 2014.10 [Refereed]
Unsteady three-dimensional computational experiments of the single-point auto-ignition engine based on semispherical supermulti-jets colliding with pulse for automobiles.
Naitoh K, Yamagishi K
SAEpaper2014-01-2641 SAEpaper2014-01-2641 2014.10 [Refereed]
Fugine: the supermultijet-convergence engine working from startup to hypersonic scram mode and attaining simultaneously light-weight, high-efficiency, and low noise.
Naitoh K, Ishida K, Nonaka S, Kubota T
AIAA paper 2014-3960 AIAA paper 2014-3960 2014.06
Quantum Leap From Complexity to Ultimacy : Stochastic Determinism(Essay)
Naitoh Ken
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology 33 ( 2 ) 159 - 163 2014.06
Instantaneous and scale-versatile gourdron theory: pair momentum equation, quasi-stability concept, and statistical indeterminacy revealing masses of elementary, bio-molecular, and cosmic particles
Ken Naitoh
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 495 2014 [Refereed]
Naitoh Ken
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology 32 ( 2 ) 85 - 90 2013.06
Complex System of Life(Review,<Special Feature>Complex System of Life)
Naitoh Ken
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology 32 ( 2 ) 84 - 84 2013.06
29aRA-2 Statistical Fluid mechanics : revealing the mechanism underlying symmetry breaking in subatomic and biological systems
Naitoh Ken
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 68 ( 1 ) 19 - 19 2013.03
Catastrophic chaos theory
Ken Naitoh
J. of Artificial Life and Robotics 18. pp.127-132 2013
Cycle-resolved computations of stratified-charge turbulent combustion in direct injection engine.
Shinmura N, Kubota T, Naitoh K
JSME International Journal.Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering. Vol.8, No.1. 2013
Simultaneous attainment of light-weight, high efficiency, and low noise: by supermultijets-twister engine working from startup to hypersonic scram mode.
Naitoh K
AIAApaper 2013-3011 2013
Gourdron theory
Ken Naitoh
J. of Artificial Life and Robotics 18. pp133-143. 2013
Spatiotemporal structure
Ken Naitoh
J. of Physics 2012 [Refereed]
Hyper-gourd theory
Ken Naitoh
J. of Artificial Life and Robotics 17. pp.275-286 2012
C14 Aqua ratio : the magic numbers inducing well-beings in the brain
Symposium on sports and human dynamics 2011 512 - 517 2011.10
F011003 Onto-neurology:toward further understanding of information, function, and structure in the brain
Naitoh Ken
Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2011 "F011003 - 1"-"F011003-10" 2011.09
Thought Experiment Supported by Super-computing(Essay)
Naitoh Ken
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology 30 ( 2 ) 109 - 113 2011.06
A Wide-range single engine: operated from startup to hypersonic
Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto
AIAA paper 2011-2316 2011.04
Morphogenetic cycle model: clarifying several stages of embryo, brain, lung, and heart
A. Suzuki, K. Ogata, K. Naitoh
Artificial Life and Robotics Vol. 15 2011.02
Stochastic determinism for capturing the transition point from laminar flow to turbulence
Ken Naitoh, Hiromu Shimiya
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2011.02
Morphogenic economics: seven-beat cycles common to durable goods and stem cells
Ken Naitoh
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2011.02 [Refereed]
Stochastic determinism:Computational fluid dynamics of transition to turbulence in pipes including puffs and slugs
Naitoh Ken, Matsushita Shunsuke, Maeguchi Hiroki, Ryu Korai
NCTAM papers, National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Japan 60 ( 0 ) 80 - 80 2011
Morphogenetic Economics:Spatiotemporal structure underlying economical, morphogenetic, and brain systems
Naitoh Ken
NCTAM papers, National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Japan 60 ( 0 ) 202 - 202 2011
Engine for brain development: Similarity between engine and brain
H.Kawanobe, K.Naitoh
Proceedings of 16th Int. Sympo. Artificial Life and Robotics 2011.01 [Refereed]
The inevitability of the bio-molecules: five nitrogenous bases and twenty amino acids
K.Hashimoto, H.Inoue, K.Naitoh
Proceedings of 16th Int. Symp. Artificial Life and Robotics 2011.01 [Refereed]
A force theory describing several two-particle systems from subatomic to biologic
Ken Naitoh
RIMS Koukyuroku (京都大学 講究録) 2011.01
RIMS Kokyuroku 1724 176 - 185 2011.01
劉黄塁, 前口紘毅, 松下俊介, 内藤健
第24回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2010.12
江本丈浩, 中村和史, 貝沼佑亮, 内藤健
第24回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2010.12
Inner-asymmetry and outer symmetry underlying life
Ogata, K, Naitoh, K
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 15th'10 844 - 847 2010.12
Morphogenetic-cycle model: Clarifying several stages of embryo, brain, lung, and heart
Suzuki, A, Naitoh, K
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 15th'10 840 - 843 2010.12
A new cascade-less engine operated from subsonic to hypersonic conditions: designed by computational fluid dynamics of compressible turbulence with chemical reactions
Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto
JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE 19 ( 6 ) 481 - 485 2010.11 [Refereed]
多重衝突噴流を用いた広域Mach 数エンジンの基礎研究
中村和史, 江本丈浩, 内藤健
日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2010.11
A unified force theory describing several two-particle systems from subatomic to cosmic
Ken Naitoh
The DNP 10 meeting of APS 2010 2010.11
田中啓, 木村翔, 内藤健
日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集 2010.09
K. Naitoh, H. Inoue, K. Hashimoto
Proceedings of WCB10 2010.08
Wide-range Single Engine Operated from Subsonic to Hypersonic Conditions: Designed by Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto, Takafumi Shimada
Proceedings of ICCFD6, St Petersburg 2010.07 [Refereed]
K. Naitoh, A. Noda, S. Kimura, H. Shimiya, H. Maeguchi
Proceedings of ETMM8, 2010 2010.06
Large eddy simulation for predicting combustion-stability in DI engine
清原達郎, 駿河陽平, 内藤健
自動車技術会2010年春季大会学術講演会前刷集 2010.05
Fluid-dynamic Imaging Leading to Further Understanding of the Morphogenic Process Based on Stem Cells and Sustainable Process Including Immune Globulins
Ken Naitoh
Book of abstract of 2nd International Congress of Antibodies-2010, Beijing 2010.03
Morphogenetic cycle model
A. Suzuki, K. Naitoh
Proceedings of 15th Int. Symp. on Artificial Life and Robotics 2010.02
Inner-asymmetry and outer-symmetry underlying life
K. Ogata, K. Naitoh
Proceedings of 15th Int. Symp. on Artificial Life and Robotics 2010.02
Onto-biology: clarifying also the spatiotemporal structure
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2010.02
Onto-biology: clarifying also the spatiotemporal structure
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 836 - 839 2010.02
A new cascade-less engine operated from subsonics to hypersonic conditions
Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto
Journal of Thermal Science 19 ( 6 ) 481 - 485 2010 [Refereed]
Onto-biology: A Design Diagram of Life, Rather Than Its Birthplace in the Cosmos
Ken Naitoh
Journal of Cosmology Vol. 5, pp.999-1007 2010.01
Stochastic Determinismによる管内乱流遷移位置の数値解析
前口 紘毅, 四宮 大夢, 劉 黄塁, 内藤 健
第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2009.12
Stochastic Determinismと多重格子系に基づく 乱流遷移現象の数値解析
四宮 大夢, 前口 紘毅, 内藤 健
第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2009.12
多数衝突噴流による 圧縮・着火方式の数値解析
嶋田 貴文, 中村 和史, 江本 丈浩, 内藤 健
第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2009.12
野田 明宏, 内藤 健
第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2009.12
壁面熱伝達を伴う 乱流遷移現象の数値解析
木村 翔, 内藤 健
第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2009.12
駿河 陽平, 清原 達郎, 田中 啓, 森永 健太, 内藤 健
第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 2009.12
内藤 健
日本流体力学会年会予稿集 2009.10
Morphogenic fluid-dynamics: Similarity between engine flow and brain shape
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 7th Nobeayama Workshop on COmputational Fluid DYnamics, Tokyo 2009.10
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 2009 Chemical, Biological, Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009), Singapore 2009.10 [Refereed]
Similarity between morphogenic and economic processes
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of JSIMA Annual Meeting 2009.09
Stochastic Determinism: a new mesoscopic approach between the Boltzmann equation and the Langevin equation
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of JSIAM Annual Meeting 2009.09
内藤 健
第41回流体力学講演会予稿集 2009.06
Space-Time Structure around the Transition Point in Channel Flow Revealed by the Stochastic Determinism
Hiromu Shimiya, Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Korea (TSFP6), Vol.I 263 - 268 2009.06
内藤 健
自動車技術会春季学術講演会(フォーラム予稿集) 2009.05
The origin of nTP
Ken Naitoh
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, Springer-Verlag Vol. 2 164 - 165 2009.05
Microorganic Engine
K. Naitoh, R. Kubo, R. Miyagawa, K. Ogata, A. Suzuki
Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2009.02
内藤 健
流れ(日本流体力学会) 2009
Stochastic determinism approach for simulating the transition points in internal flows with various inlet disturbances
Ken Naitoh, Yuki Nakagawa, Hiromu Shimiya
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008, Springer-Verlag 2009
Physics underlying Topobiology: Space-time structure underlying the morphogenetic process
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Springer-verlag 2008.12 [Refereed]
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Springer-Verlag 2008.12
Stochastic Determinism underlying Life
Ken Naitoh
Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer. (also in Proceedings of 1st European Workshop on Artificial Life and Robotics) Vol. 13 10 - 17 2008.12
Stochastic determinism approach for simulating the transition points in the internal flows with various inlet disturbances
Ken Naitoh, Yuki Nakagawa, Hiromu Shimiya
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Korea 2008.07
Asymmetry underling Protein
K. Naitoh, S. Ueki
Proceedings of 13rd Int. Symp. Airtificial Life Robotics 2008
Inevitability of Spiral shape in DNA
Ken Naitoh, Motohide Yahiro
Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2007 2008.01
内藤 健
エンジンテクノロジー、山海堂 ( 40 ) 19 - 23 2005.10
内藤 健
日経サイエンス Vol.35 ( No.6 ) 58 - 65 2005.06
内藤 健
自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集 2005
Self-organizing mechanism of biosystems- Aymmetric density ratio of purine and pyrimidine in RNA –
Ken Naitoh
Aritificial Life Robotics 2005
内藤 健
自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集 2004
Bioinformatics based on continuum mechanics
Ken Naitoh
Proceedings of ECCOMAS 2004 2004
内藤 健
日本応用数理学会 13 ( 1 ) 2003
Cyto-fluid Dynamics Theory
Ken Naitoh
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 18 ( 1 ) 2001 [Refereed]
Macroscopic kinetic equation for a genetic algorithm
Ken Naitoh
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 15 ( 1 ) 1998
Large eddy simulation and direct simulation of compressible turbulence and combusting flows in engines based on the BI-SCALES method
Ken Naitoh, Kunio Kuwahara
Fluid Dynamics Research 10 1992 [Refereed]
内藤 健
シュプリンガー・ジャパン 2006.08
A spatiotemporal structure
Int. and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Novel Phenomena in integrated complex science: from non-living to living systems (IIWNP)
Presentation date: 2010.11
Onto-biology: Current Status and Outlook of Bio-simulation
Presentation date: 2010.06
Presentation date: 2010.03
Morphogenic Economics: Seven-Beat Cycles Common to Durable Goods and Stem Cells
Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-mann's 80th Birthday
Presentation date: 2010.02
Fundamental research of a new compression-combustion engine of ultimate thermal efficiency
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NAITOH Ken, SAGARA Shinichi, SATO Shigeru
Cyto-fluid Dynamics
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
内藤 健
内藤 健
内藤 健
Research on Thermofluid Science
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 full year
Seminar on Thermofluid Science B
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Thermofluid Science D
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Thermofluid Science A
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Thermofluid Science C
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Research on Thermofluid Science
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 full year
Seminar on Thermofluid Science C
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Thermofluid Science B
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Thermofluid Science A
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Thermofluid Science D
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering B
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering A
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Research on Thermofluid Science
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 full year
Basic Experiments in Science and Engineering 2A Kikai Kouku
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Laboratory 2 [S Grade]
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Laboratory 2
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Laboratory 1 [S Grade]
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Laboratory 1
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering Concurrent Researcher
Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society Concurrent Researcher
2015 Shu Nemoto, Remi Konagaya
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