Updated on 2025/03/07


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
Dr. eng. ( Waseda university )

Research Experience


    RWTH Aachen, Germany :


    Yamagata university :


    NISSAN Motor Co, Ltd. :

Education Background


    waseda university   faculty of science and engineering  

Professional Memberships










    American Physical Society (APS)

Research Interests

  • Fluid dynamics, bioinfomatics, engine combustion, computer science


  • JSST Best Paper Award


    Winner: Tomotaka Kobayashi, Ken Naitoh

  • JSME paper award


  • JSAE paper award




  • Prognostic medication: prediction by a macroscopic equation model for actual medical histories of illness with various recovery speeds

    Aya Hosoi, Tsubasa Takizawa, Remi Konagaya, Ken Naitoh

      Vol. 25 ( Issue 2 ) 189 - 198  2020

  • A macroscopic theory for predicting catastrophic phenomena in both biological and mechanical chemical reactions.

    R, Konagaya, T. Takizawa, K. Naitoh

    Artificial Life and Robotics   Vol. 25 ( Issue 2 ) 178 - 188  2020

  • 流体力学的物理量の局所的高精度 化と熱力学的量の全体積分保存性を両立する非線 形補正法:単一成分流での基礎検証 とエンジンへの適用.日本シミュレーション学会論文 誌, 12 巻 2 号, pp. 38-48, 2020.

    小長谷礼美, 内藤健, 木嶋洋貴, 五十嵐大智

    日本シミュレーション学会論文 誌   12 巻 ( 2 号 ) 38 - 48  2020

  • Deterministic and stochastic computations of mysterious internal flows: based on a nonlinear local correction method with global conservativity. Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering,

    R. Konagaya, K. Naitoh, H. Kijima

    Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering   Vol. 7 ( No. 1 ) 51 - 70  2020

  • Two prototype engines with colliding and compression of pulsed supermulti-jets through a focusing process, leading to nearly complete air insulation and relatively silent high compression for automobiles, motorcycles, aircrafts, and rockets.

    R. Konagaya, K. Naitoh, T. Kobayashi, Y. Isshiki, H. Ito, H. Makimoto, Y, Kobayashi, Y. Tada, N. Kikuchi, A. Hosoi, Y. Fujii

    SAE   SAEpaper2020-01-0837  2020

  • New quasi-stable ratios of particles in nature revealed by multi-dimensional Taylor approximation.

    Tomotaka Kobayashi, Ken Naitoh

    Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering.   2019 Volume 6 Issue 1   Pages 80-93  2019.03  [Refereed]


  • High Compression and Nearly complete Air insulation Obtained for a New Rocket Engine Based on the Pulsed Supermulti-jets Colliding.

    R. Konagaya, T. Kobayashi, J. Mikoda, K. Kinoshita, S. Kawaguchi, H. Makimoto, Y. Kobayashi, S. Shinoda, S. Lujiang, K. Naitoh

    Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves   OR-04-0175 ( OR-04-0175 ) 1 - 6  2019

  • Unsteady three-dimensional computations and shock tube experiments of the compression principle of supermulti jets colliding with pulse.

    Konagaya R, Kobayashi T, Naitoh K

    AIAA Paper   2018-4630  2018.07

  • High Thrust Measured for Pulsed Engine Based on Supermulti-jets Colliding.

    Ashikawa,K, Tsuchiya, J, Ayukawa, K, Mikoda, J, Kinoshita, K, Makimoto, H, Konagaya, R, Naitoh, K

    AIAApaper   2018-4631   1 - 8  2018.07

  • Unsteady three-dimensional computations and experiments of compression flow formed by collision of supermulti-jets.


    Bulletin of the JSME, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology   Vol.13 ( No.1, Paper No.17-00367 )  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • Spatial transition point from laminar flow to turbulence in a pipe with injection revealed by solving a weakly-stochastic Navier-Stokes equation.

    Koki Naruse, Ken Naitoh

    AIAApaper   2018-0589  2018.01

  • Computations for Improving the Performance of a New Hydrogen-Oxygen Rocket Engine Based on Supermulti-jets Colliding with Pulse.

    Sota Kawaguchi, Remi Konagaya, Kohta Tsuru, Ken Naitoh

    AIAApaper   2018-0668  2018.01

  • Prognostic medication: for predicting premonition and recovery

    Remi Konagaya, Ken Naitoh, Keisuke Suzuki, Hiroshi Takashima

    Artificial Life and Robotics   22 ( 4 ) 449 - 456  2017.12

     View Summary

    A nonlinear ordinary differential equation model of time-dependent features of six macroscopic molecular groups on information and function interacting in living beings (Naitoh in Jpn J Ind Appl Math 28:15–26, 2011
    Naitoh and Inoue in J Artif Life Robot 18:127–132, 2013) brings a possibility for predicting the morphogenetic process and sustainment of human beings. In this report, along with the number theory, we derive mathematical conditions for predicting the premonition just before sickness, which are logically derived from the differential equation model, and also agree with computational results of death and apparent death obtained by numerically solving the equation model. The mathematical conditions derived agree with an important knowledge revealed by Chen (Proceedings of the international symposium on artificial life and robotics (AROB20th), Beppu, Oita Japan, pp 127–132, 2015), i.e., a critical condition on densities of healthy molecules just before sickness. This agreement is an evidence for significance of our nonlinear equation model and the linear analysis done by Chen et al. Furthermore, we also derive a two-step mathematical condition for classifying death and apparent death. These conditions lead to a method for acquiring premonition of illness and a method for recovering from illness. Finally, we show a possibility that this equation model, extended with random noise from environmental disturbance, may predict life pattern concerning periods of sickness, while also considering polymorphism.



  • Fundamental experimental tests toward future cold fusion engine based on point-compression due to supermulti-jets colliding with pulse (fusine)

    Naitoh, Ken, Tuschiya, Jumpei, Ayukawa, Ken, Oyanagi, Susumu, Kanase, Takuto, Tsuru, Kohta, Konagaya, Remi

    Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science   24   236 - 243  2017.10

     View Summary

    © 2017 ISCMNS. All rights reserved. Our previous reports based on theoretical considerations and supercomputer simulation showed the possibility that super multi-air jets of gases such as air or deuterium colliding with pulse (K. Naitoh, patent: 2012-519298 (2010)) lead to self-compression over 60 MPa and 2000 K at single point around the reacted center, at maximum. This may bring about a more stable occurrence of cold fusion. This approach due to supermulti-jets will also cause an insulation effect because of encasing, which will result in less heat loss from the reactor walls. Based on this, we developed three types of prototype engine reactors using the supermulti-jets colliding with pulse. In the present report, we show some fundamental experimental data for one of the three prototype engine reactors, derived now, before we plan to begin testing for cold fusion.

  • Experimental Measurements and Computations for Clarifying Nearly Complete Air-Insulation Obtained by the Concept of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets

    Remi Konagaya, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Jumpei Tsuchiya, Ken Ayukawa, Kodai Kinoshita, Junya Mikoda, Hirotaka Fujita, Ken Naitoh

    SAE Technical Papers   2017- ( March ) 1 - 12  2017.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In our previous papers, a new concept of a compressive combustion engine (Fugine) was proposed based on the collision of pulsed supermulti-jets, which can enclose the burned gas around the chamber center leading to an air-insulation effect and also a lower exhaust gas temperature due to high single-point compression. In order to examine the compression level and air-insulation effect as basic data for application to automobiles, aircraft, and rockets, a prototype engine based on the concept, i.e., a piston-less prototype engine with collision of bi-octagonal pulsed multi-jets from fourteen nozzles, was developed. Some combustion results [Naitoh et al. SAE paper, 2016] were recently reported. However, there was only one measurement of wall temperature and pressure in the previous report. Thus, in this paper, more experimental data for pressures and temperatures on chamber walls and exhaust temperatures, are presented for the prototype engine. First, pressure over 0.6MPa was measured on the chamber wall. A nearly complete air insulation effect was presumably obtained based on the experimental data for temperature measured on the chamber wall. The measured exhaust temperature was at an intermediate level around 700K. Experimental data are also presented for the air-insulation effect on a small solid wall located downstream from the collision point of the supermulti-jets. Unsteady three-dimensional computations of compressible flow also indicate that the experimental result of 0.6 MPa at the cylinder wall implies pressure of about 5 MPa at the collision point of the jets. The potential for high thermal efficiency is evaluated on the basis of the data.



  • Unsteady Three-Dimensional Computations of the Penetration Length and Mixing Process of Various Single High-Speed Gas Jets for Engines

    Remi Konagaya, Ken Naitoh, Kohta Tsuru, Yasuo Takagi, Yuji Mihara

    SAE Technical Papers   2017- ( March )  2017.03

     View Summary

    For various densities of gas jets including very light hydrogen and relatively heavy ones, the penetration length and diffusion process of a single high-speed gas fuel jet injected into air are computed by performing a large eddy simulation (LES) with fewer arbitrary constants applied for the unsteady three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equation. In contrast, traditional ensemble models such as the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation have several arbitrary constants for fitting purposes. The cubic-interpolated pseudo-particle (CIP) method is employed for discretizing the nonlinear terms. Computations of single-component nitrogen and hydrogen jets were done under initial conditions of a fuel tank pressure of gas fuel = 10 MPa and back pressure of air = 3.5 MPa, i.e., the pressure level inside the combustion chamber after piston compression in the engine. An important point of the present study is to obtain clear evidence for Hamamoto's experimental data that the penetration length of a light hydrogen gas jet of low density is nearly the same as that of relatively heavy gas jets such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide. It is confirmed that the computed penetration lengths of hydrogen and nitrogen gas jets injected into air are nearly the same, although hydrogen has very small inertia due to its low density. It is also stressed that computational results agree fairly well with Hamamoto's empirical data on penetration lengths and diffusion area in the direction normal to the jet axis. Moreover, computations based on the present LES also clarify a physical mechanism underlying combustion instability in engine experiments conducted by Takagi et al., although the RANS is relatively difficult to reveal instability of unsteady flow field.



  • Experimental Measurements and Computations for Clarifying Nearly Complete Air-Insulation Obtained by the Concept of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets

    Remi Konagaya, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Jumpei Tsuchiya, Ken Ayukawa, Kodai Kinoshita, Junya Mikoda, Hirotaka Fujita, Ken Naitoh

    SAE Technical Papers   2017- ( March )  2017.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In our previous papers, a new concept of a compressive combustion engine (Fugine) was proposed based on the collision of pulsed supermulti-jets, which can enclose the burned gas around the chamber center leading to an air-insulation effect and also a lower exhaust gas temperature due to high single-point compression. In order to examine the compression level and air-insulation effect as basic data for application to automobiles, aircraft, and rockets, a prototype engine based on the concept, i.e., a piston-less prototype engine with collision of bi-octagonal pulsed multi-jets from fourteen nozzles, was developed. Some combustion results [Naitoh et al. SAE paper, 2016] were recently reported. However, there was only one measurement of wall temperature and pressure in the previous report. Thus, in this paper, more experimental data for pressures and temperatures on chamber walls and exhaust temperatures, are presented for the prototype engine. First, pressure over 0.6MPa was measured on the chamber wall. A nearly complete air insulation effect was presumably obtained based on the experimental data for temperature measured on the chamber wall. The measured exhaust temperature was at an intermediate level around 700K. Experimental data are also presented for the air-insulation effect on a small solid wall located downstream from the collision point of the supermulti-jets. Unsteady three-dimensional computations of compressible flow also indicate that the experimental result of 0.6 MPa at the cylinder wall implies pressure of about 5 MPa at the collision point of the jets. The potential for high thermal efficiency is evaluated on the basis of the data.



  • Computations of a new hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse

    Remi Konagaya, Ken Naitoh, Takuma Okamoto, Kohta Tsuru

    AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting    2017

     View Summary

    We propose a new type of rocket engine that uses the new compressive combustion principle based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse, which may further improve the thermal efficiency of present rocket engines. In this research, we calculate the flow inside the combustion chamber of our new rocket engine by computation, based on the unsteady three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equation, by using a method alike the C-CUP method. Computational results showed that auto-ignition occurred near the center of the chamber, and the pressure of the combustion chamber increased to 3-6 times the value of fuel tanks.



  • Computational experiments of a new engine equipped with side passages to compress air by colliding supermulti-jets with pulsation, at the hypersonic regime

    Kohta TSURU, Takahiro KIHARA, Yoshiaki TANAKA, Ken NAITOH

    APISAT    2016.10

  • Computation of a New Rocket Engine Using a New Compressive Combustion Principle Based on the Supermulti-jets Colliding with Pulse


    APISAT    2016.10

  • Computation of Turbulent Mixing Process of Single High-Speed Hydrogen Jets


    Extended abstracts of APISAT    2016.10

  • Computations and Experiments of Single-Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine with Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets, Single Piston and Rotary Valve

    Kan Yamagishi, Yuichi Onuma, Soichi Ohara, Kenya Hasegawa, Kentaro Kojima, Tomoya Shirai, Takahiro Kihara, Kota Tsuru, Ken Naitoh

    SAEpaper2016-01-2334    2016.10  [Refereed]

  • High Thermal Efficiency Obtained with a Single-Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine Prototype Having Pulsed Supermulti-Jets Colliding in an Asymmetric Double Piston Unit

    Ken Naitoh, Soichi Ohara, Yuichi Onuma, Kentaro Kojima, Kenya Hasegawa, Tomoya Shirai

    SAEpaper2016-01-2336    2016.10  [Refereed]

  • Computations and Experiments for Clarifying Compression Level and Stability of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets in a Piston-Less Single-Point Autoignition Engine

    Ken Naitoh, Jumpei Tsuchiya, Daiki Ikoma, Takuya Nakai, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Takuma Okamoto, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Ken Ayukawa, Remi Konagaya

    SAEpaper2016-01-2331     1 - 12  2016.10  [Refereed]

  • Fundamental Combustion Experiments of a Piston-Less Single-Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine Based on Compression Due to Colliding of Pulsed Supermulti-Jets

    Ken Naitoh, Ken Ayukawa, Daiki Ikoma, Takuya Nakai, Susumu Oyanagi, Takuto Kanase, Jumpei Tsuchiya

    SAEpaper2016-01-2337    2016.10  [Refereed]

  • Computational experiments for improving the performance of Fugine based on supermulti-jets colliding working for a wide range of speeds from startup

    Tsuru, K., T, Naitoh, K

    AIAA paper 2016-4709    2016.07

  • Computational experiments for improving the performance of fugine based on supermulti-jets colliding working for a wide range of speeds from startup to hypersonic condition

    Tsuru, Kohta, Yamagishi, Kan, Okamoto, Takuma, Tanaka, Yoshiaki, Naitoh, Ken

    52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2016    2016.01

     View Summary

    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved.A new single-point compression principle based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulsation (Naitoh et al, 2010~2015) has a potential for engendering a new single lightweight engine (Fugine) capable of operating over a wide range of Mach numbers from startup to the hypersonic regime with high thermal efficiency due to less heat loss on walls and low noise. Although our previous reports indicate high thermal efficiencies at some Mach number conditions around sound speed, there were very less investigations at very low piston speed below 2,000rpm and at the hypersonic regime. Present computational results show that we can get higher thermal efficiency over 50% even in low piston speeds (about 1,000 rpm) by using the piston movement of a sigmoid manner. At the hypersonic regime, we demonstrate the results of higher power for conditions closer to the stoichiometric condition.

  • Fugine as Single-Point Compression Engine based on Supermulti-Jets Colliding with Pulse: Combustion Test of Second Prototype Engine with Strongly-Asymmetric Double-Piston System

    Naitoh, K, Shirai, T, Tanaka, M, Nojima, Y

    SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1964    2015.10  [Refereed]

  • Two small prototype engines developed based on pulsed supermultijets colliding: having a potential of thermal efficiency over 60% with satisfactory strength of structure

    Naitoh K, Ikoma T

    SAEpaper 2014-32-0099    2014.11

  • Design guidelines of the single-point auto-ignition engine based on supermulti-jets colliding for high thermal efficiency and low noise: obtained by computational experiments for a small stronglyasymmetric double-piston engine

    Naitoh K, Okamoto T

    SAEpaper 2014-32-0100, 2014.    2014.11

  • Physical theory of the single-point auto-ignition engine based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse.

    Naitoh K, Kojima K

    SAEpaper2014-01-2640   SAEpaper2014-01-2640  2014.10  [Refereed]

  • Development of Fugine based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse.

    Naitoh K, Hasegawa K

    SAEpaper2014-01-2639   SAEpaper2014-01-2639  2014.10  [Refereed]

  • Unsteady three-dimensional computational experiments of the single-point auto-ignition engine based on semispherical supermulti-jets colliding with pulse for automobiles.

    Naitoh K, Yamagishi K

    SAEpaper2014-01-2641   SAEpaper2014-01-2641  2014.10  [Refereed]

  • Fugine: the supermultijet-convergence engine working from startup to hypersonic scram mode and attaining simultaneously light-weight, high-efficiency, and low noise.

    Naitoh K, Ishida K, Nonaka S, Kubota T

    AIAA paper 2014-3960   AIAA paper 2014-3960  2014.06

  • Quantum Leap From Complexity to Ultimacy : Stochastic Determinism(Essay)

    Naitoh Ken

    Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology   33 ( 2 ) 159 - 163  2014.06


  • Instantaneous and scale-versatile gourdron theory: pair momentum equation, quasi-stability concept, and statistical indeterminacy revealing masses of elementary, bio-molecular, and cosmic particles

    Ken Naitoh

    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 495    2014  [Refereed]

  • Complex System of Life(Review,<Special Feature>Complex System of Life)

    Naitoh Ken

    Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology   32 ( 2 ) 84 - 84  2013.06


  • 29aRA-2 Statistical Fluid mechanics : revealing the mechanism underlying symmetry breaking in subatomic and biological systems

    Naitoh Ken

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   68 ( 1 ) 19 - 19  2013.03


  • Catastrophic chaos theory

    Ken Naitoh

    J. of Artificial Life and Robotics   18. pp.127-132  2013

  • Cycle-resolved computations of stratified-charge turbulent combustion in direct injection engine.

    Shinmura N, Kubota T, Naitoh K

    JSME International Journal.Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering.   Vol.8, No.1.  2013

  • Simultaneous attainment of light-weight, high efficiency, and low noise: by supermultijets-twister engine working from startup to hypersonic scram mode.

    Naitoh K

    AIAApaper 2013-3011    2013

  • Gourdron theory

    Ken Naitoh

    J. of Artificial Life and Robotics   18. pp133-143.  2013

  • Cycle-resolved computations of stratified-charge turbulent combustion in direct injection engine

    Nobuhiro Shinmura, Tomoaki Kubota, Ken Naitoh

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology   8 ( 1 ) 44 - 57  2013

     View Summary

    An extremely lean burning engine has been expected to improve fuel consumption rate of engines. To achieve this, stable combustion should be realized for a wide range of operating conditions at air-fuel ratio over 40.0. In direct injection gasoline engines, cyclic variations of combustion derive from some main factors such as those of air flows and spray motions. In this report, we examine the influence of cyclic variations of "Air flows" and "Spray motions" on combustion instabilities, while other variation factors are fixed for each cycle of engine, by using our simulation model. The cyclic variations of stratified-charge turbulent combustion in direct injection gasoline engine can be simulated during ten continuous cycles based on the multi-level formation for the stochastic compressible Navier-Stokes equation and also a spray model. Computational results agree with cycle-averaged experimental data fairly well, while the cyclic variations computed are comparable to experimental ones reported by the other research group. Consequently, the present computational model will reveal an essential factor which generates the cyclic variations and will offer us an effective way to control combustion instabilities on very lean burning conditions. © 2013 by JSME.



  • Spatiotemporal structure

    Ken Naitoh

    J. of Physics    2012  [Refereed]

  • Hyper-gourd theory

    Ken Naitoh

    J. of Artificial Life and Robotics   17. pp.275-286  2012

  • C14 Aqua ratio : the magic numbers inducing well-beings in the brain

    NAITOH Ken

    Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2011   512 - 517  2011.10

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    It is known that the golden and silver ratios of about 1:1.5 give the human brains comfort. Then, there is also the symmetric ratio of 1:1 in ORIGAMI. The present report clarifies the reason why the human beings feel comfort in these ratios. Moreover, we find the aqua ratios for inducing well-being in the human brains, which also include the ratios around the golden and silver ones. Actual experimental data on the brains gives an evidence for the relation between feeling of comfort and brain structure.


  • F011003 Onto-neurology:toward further understanding of information, function, and structure in the brain

    Naitoh Ken

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011   "F011003 - 1"-"F011003-10"  2011.09


  • Thought Experiment Supported by Super-computing(Essay)

    Naitoh Ken

    Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology   30 ( 2 ) 109 - 113  2011.06


  • A Wide-range single engine: operated from startup to hypersonic

    Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto

    AIAA paper 2011-2316    2011.04

  • Morphogenetic cycle model: clarifying several stages of embryo, brain, lung, and heart

    A. Suzuki, K. Ogata, K. Naitoh

    Artificial Life and Robotics   Vol. 15  2011.02

  • Stochastic determinism for capturing the transition point from laminar flow to turbulence

    Ken Naitoh, Hiromu Shimiya

    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics    2011.02

  • Morphogenic economics: seven-beat cycles common to durable goods and stem cells

    Ken Naitoh

    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics    2011.02  [Refereed]

  • Stochastic determinism:Computational fluid dynamics of transition to turbulence in pipes including puffs and slugs

    Naitoh Ken, Matsushita Shunsuke, Maeguchi Hiroki, Ryu Korai

    NCTAM papers, National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Japan   60 ( 0 ) 80 - 80  2011

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    In this paper, computational analyses performed with a fine grid system having high resolution and accurate random force show quantitatively the relation between an inlet disturbance and the transition point in the transition to turbulence for incompressible flows in pipes. Moreover, laminarization phenomena in a straight pipe, including puffs and slugs, are also captured. This approach is also applied to the transition phenomenon in compressible flows.


  • Morphogenetic Economics:Spatiotemporal structure underlying economical, morphogenetic, and brain systems

    Naitoh Ken

    NCTAM papers, National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Japan   60 ( 0 ) 202 - 202  2011

     View Summary

    We show that our minimum hypercycle theory (Naitoh, Artificial Life Robotics, 2008, JJIAM 2011 in press) reveals temporal cycles such as those of morphogenetic cycle, economic systems, and the circadian clock as well as the fundamental neural network pattern (topological pattern). First, this model clarifies the common principle underlying several levels of bio-chemical oscillations, because new organs emerge at sevenfold divisions of stem cells, while the circadian clock of about 24 hours is seven times the fundamental clock of about 3.5 hours. Next, we will see several types of boom-and-bust economic cycles: the Kondratev cycle of about 50 years, the Juglar cycle of about 7 years, and the Kitchin cycle of about 3.5 years, which are observed in human network systems. We hypothesize that several types of economic cycles are about seven times the length of the fundamental production cycles (durable periods).


  • Morphogenic economics: seven-beat cycles common to durable goods and stem cells

    Ken Naitoh

    JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS   28 ( 1 ) 15 - 26  2011  [Refereed]

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    There are several classes of boom-and-bust economic cycles. It has been difficult to predict these cyclic catastrophes systematically, because they are related to biological phenomena. Recently, we proposed a model for explaining the reason why organs such as a blast cyst, ectodermal endoderm, mesoderm, heart, and hand generate at about sevenfold cell divisions during the morphogenic process. In this report, we will show that the morphogenetic process with a rhythm of about seven beats is similar to several economic system cycles, because several types of economic cycles are about seven times the length of the fundamental production cycles or durable periods. The shortest economic cycle is also 1 week of 7 days. The longest type of economic catastrophe repeats with an interval of about 70 years, while the actual durable period of the longest lasting products is about 10 years.



  • Stochastic determinism for capturing the transition point from laminar flow to turbulence

    Ken Naitoh, Hiromu Shimiya


     View Summary

    To this day, the transition from laminar flow to turbulence in channels is still an important aspect of many different phenomena such as blood flows, micro-fluidics, and laminar airfoils. Although a lot of researchers have tried, no methods of computational fluid dynamics can directly simulate the transition point in space for a wide range of Reynolds numbers. Previous research studies have captured only the transition in time. In this report, we present the first successful simulation of the transition point in three-dimensional space using a stochastic determinism approach based on a systematic evaluation of molecular discontinuity and proper control of numerical errors, although the results are not quantitative.



  • Engine for brain development: Similarity between engine and brain

    H.Kawanobe, K.Naitoh

    Proceedings of 16th Int. Sympo. Artificial Life and Robotics    2011.01  [Refereed]

  • The inevitability of the bio-molecules: five nitrogenous bases and twenty amino acids

    K.Hashimoto, H.Inoue, K.Naitoh

    Proceedings of 16th Int. Symp. Artificial Life and Robotics    2011.01  [Refereed]

  • A force theory describing several two-particle systems from subatomic to biologic

    Ken Naitoh

    RIMS Koukyuroku (京都大学 講究録)    2011.01

  • 非圧縮・圧縮性の管内乱流遷移の数値解析

    劉黄塁, 前口紘毅, 松下俊介, 内藤健

    第24回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2010.12

  • 多重衝突噴流を用いた広域Mach数エンジンの数値解析

    江本丈浩, 中村和史, 貝沼佑亮, 内藤健

    第24回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2010.12

  • Inner-asymmetry and outer symmetry underlying life

    Ogata, K, Naitoh, K

    Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 15th'10     844 - 847  2010.12

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    Fusion of symmetry and asymmetry can be observed in biological molecules and cells. For example, the frequencies of purines and pyrimidines in double-strand DNA in a symmetric ratio of 1:1, while the asymmetric density ratios of purines and pyrimidines in RNA are between 1:1 and approximately 2:3.Size ratios of cells are also in the symbiotic fusion of symmetry and asymmetry. The cyto-fluid dynamic theory and onto-biology reported previously (Naitoh, 2001 & 2008) clarify the physics on the inevitability of symmetry and asymmetry underlying life. An important point is relatively inner cells among a colony divide into asymmetric ones, while outer cells on the colony surface proliferate symmetrically with an identical size. In this report, we examined the concept of inner-asymmetry and outer-symmetry by experiments. © 2010 ISAROB.

  • Morphogenetic-cycle model: Clarifying several stages of embryo, brain, lung, and heart

    Suzuki, A, Naitoh, K

    Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 15th'10     840 - 843  2010.12

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    Development processes of multi-cellular systems have attracted attention for a long time. The macroscopic model having six categories of molecules shows that the antagonism between the negative controllers and the positive replication factors induces bifurcations in stem and pluripotent cells at rhythmic intervals comprising about 6-7 cell divisions. Our theoretical model for the morphogenetic process shows that this cycle of 6-7 cell divisions, i.e., branching time between periodic bifurcation events, corresponds to the emergence timings of early developing stage, the nervous system, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. © 2010 ISAROB.

  • A new cascade-less engine operated from subsonic to hypersonic conditions: designed by computational fluid dynamics of compressible turbulence with chemical reactions

    Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE   19 ( 6 ) 481 - 485  2010.11  [Refereed]

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    By using our computational fluid dynamic models, a new type of single engine capable of operating over a wide range of Mach numbers from subsonic to hypersonic regimes is proposed for airplanes, whereas traditional piston engines, turbojet engines, and scram engines work only under a narrower range of operating conditions. The new engine has no compressors or turbines such as those used in conventional turbojet engines. An important point is its system of super multijets that collide to compress gas for the transonic regime. Computational fluid dynamics is applied to clarify the potential of this engine. The peak pressure at the combustion center is over 2.5 MPa, while that just before ignition is over 1.0 MPa. The maximum power of this engine will be sufficient for actual use. Under the conditions of higher Mach numbers, the main intake passage located in front of the super multijet nozzles, takes in air more. That results in a ram or scramjet engine for supersonic and hypersonic conditions.



  • 多重衝突噴流を用いた広域Mach 数エンジンの基礎研究

    中村和史, 江本丈浩, 内藤健

    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集    2010.11

  • A unified force theory describing several two-particle systems from subatomic to cosmic

    Ken Naitoh

    The DNP 10 meeting of APS 2010    2010.11

  • エンジン内乱流遷移現象の数値解析

    田中啓, 木村翔, 内藤健

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集    2010.09

  • Topo-embryology

    K. Naitoh, H. Inoue, K. Hashimoto

    Proceedings of WCB10    2010.08

  • Wide-range Single Engine Operated from Subsonic to Hypersonic Conditions: Designed by Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto, Takafumi Shimada

    Proceedings of ICCFD6, St Petersburg    2010.07  [Refereed]


    K. Naitoh, A. Noda, S. Kimura, H. Shimiya, H. Maeguchi

    Proceedings of ETMM8, 2010    2010.06

  • Large eddy simulation for predicting combustion-stability in DI engine

    清原達郎, 駿河陽平, 内藤健

    自動車技術会2010年春季大会学術講演会前刷集    2010.05

  • Fluid-dynamic Imaging Leading to Further Understanding of the Morphogenic Process Based on Stem Cells and Sustainable Process Including Immune Globulins

    Ken Naitoh

    Book of abstract of 2nd International Congress of Antibodies-2010, Beijing    2010.03

  • Morphogenetic cycle model

    A. Suzuki, K. Naitoh

    Proceedings of 15th Int. Symp. on Artificial Life and Robotics    2010.02

  • Inner-asymmetry and outer-symmetry underlying life

    K. Ogata, K. Naitoh

    Proceedings of 15th Int. Symp. on Artificial Life and Robotics    2010.02

  • Onto-biology: clarifying also the spatiotemporal structure

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics    2010.02

  • Onto-biology: clarifying also the spatiotemporal structure

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     836 - 839  2010.02

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    A protocol describing the origins and evolutions of life is outlined, based on the seven principles of information, topology, function, diversity, discontinuity, temporal cycle, and metabolic conservatibity. This is derived based on the nonequilibrium quantum chemistry on time-dependent electron clouds: the general mobilization of thermo-fluid dynamics, stochastic mechanics, traditional quantum mechanics, chemistry, and mathematics as warp and the biologies related to molecular biology, morphogenesis, bioinformatics, origin of life, and medicine as weft. This also reveals the procedure to generate left-right asymmetric liver and symmetric kidneys and also the standard clock common to stem-cell cycle and circadian clock. © 2010 ISAROB.

  • A new cascade-less engine operated from subsonics to hypersonic conditions

    Ken Naitoh, Kazushi Nakamura, Takehiro Emoto

    Journal of Thermal Science   19 ( 6 ) 481 - 485  2010  [Refereed]

  • Onto-biology: Clarifying the spatiotemporal structure

    Ken Naitoh

    Artificial Life and Robotics   15 ( 1 ) 117 - 127  2010

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    This article outlines a protocol describing the origin and evolution of life which is based on the seven principles of (I) information, (II) function, (III) topology, (IV) metabolism, (V) diversity, (VI) cycle, and (VII) discontinuity. One-dimensional information induces three-dimensional topologies of molecules such as RNA and proteins, which lead to various functions. Diversity and discontinuity principles clarify the fusion of only 20 amino acids and diverse proteins. Then metabolic cycles induced by input energy promote continuous replications of information and functions. The protocol is derived based on the nonstatic quantum mechanics of time-dependent electron clouds, thermo-fluid dynamics, stochastic mechanics, chemistry, and fundamental mathematics as the warp, and on biological research related to molecular biology, morphogenesis, bioinformatics, the origin of life, and medicine as the weft. Several natural processes, including the prebiotic soup, first cells, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and mammals, can be generated by repeating the seven steps representing the seven principles in this protocol. © 2010 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB).



  • Onto-biology: A Design Diagram of Life, Rather Than Its Birthplace in the Cosmos

    Ken Naitoh

    Journal of Cosmology   Vol. 5, pp.999-1007  2010.01

  • Stochastic Determinismによる管内乱流遷移位置の数値解析

    前口 紘毅, 四宮 大夢, 劉 黄塁, 内藤 健

    第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2009.12

  • Stochastic Determinismと多重格子系に基づく 乱流遷移現象の数値解析

    四宮 大夢, 前口 紘毅, 内藤 健

    第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2009.12

  • 多数衝突噴流による 圧縮・着火方式の数値解析

    嶋田 貴文, 中村 和史, 江本 丈浩, 内藤 健

    第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2009.12

  • 管内圧縮性乱流遷移過程の数値解析

    野田 明宏, 内藤 健

    第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2009.12

  • 壁面熱伝達を伴う 乱流遷移現象の数値解析

    木村 翔, 内藤 健

    第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2009.12

  • ガソリンエンジン内乱流燃焼のサイクル変動数値解析

    駿河 陽平, 清原 達郎, 田中 啓, 森永 健太, 内藤 健

    第23回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集    2009.12

  • 乱流遷移位置を予測するための数値解析方法論

    内藤 健

    日本流体力学会年会予稿集    2009.10

  • Morphogenic fluid-dynamics: Similarity between engine flow and brain shape

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 7th Nobeayama Workshop on COmputational Fluid DYnamics, Tokyo    2009.10


    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 2009 Chemical, Biological, Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009), Singapore    2009.10  [Refereed]

  • Similarity between morphogenic and economic processes

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of JSIMA Annual Meeting    2009.09

  • Stochastic Determinism: a new mesoscopic approach between the Boltzmann equation and the Langevin equation

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of JSIAM Annual Meeting    2009.09

  • 乱流遷移点を予測するための確率論を考慮した決定論

    内藤 健

    第41回流体力学講演会予稿集    2009.06

  • Space-Time Structure around the Transition Point in Channel Flow Revealed by the Stochastic Determinism

    Hiromu Shimiya, Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Korea (TSFP6), Vol.I     263 - 268  2009.06

  • フォーラムの趣旨とCFD技術動向

    内藤 健

    自動車技術会春季学術講演会(フォーラム予稿集)    2009.05

  • The origin of nTP

    Ken Naitoh

    Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, Springer-Verlag   Vol. 2   164 - 165  2009.05

  • Microorganic Engine

    K. Naitoh, R. Kubo, R. Miyagawa, K. Ogata, A. Suzuki

    Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics    2009.02

  • 自動車エンジンへのCFD貢献

    内藤 健

    流れ(日本流体力学会)    2009

  • Stochastic determinism approach for simulating the transition points in internal flows with various inlet disturbances

    Ken Naitoh, Yuki Nakagawa, Hiromu Shimiya

    Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008, Springer-Verlag    2009

  • Physics underlying Topobiology: Space-time structure underlying the morphogenetic process

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Springer-verlag    2008.12  [Refereed]

  • Onto-biology

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Springer-Verlag    2008.12

  • Stochastic Determinism underlying Life

    Ken Naitoh

    Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer. (also in Proceedings of 1st European Workshop on Artificial Life and Robotics)   Vol. 13   10 - 17  2008.12

  • Stochastic determinism approach for simulating the transition points in the internal flows with various inlet disturbances

    Ken Naitoh, Yuki Nakagawa, Hiromu Shimiya

    Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Korea    2008.07

  • Asymmetry underling Protein

    K. Naitoh, S. Ueki

    Proceedings of 13rd Int. Symp. Airtificial Life Robotics    2008

  • Inevitability of Spiral shape in DNA

    Ken Naitoh, Motohide Yahiro

    Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2007    2008.01

  • Engine for cerebral development

    Ken Naitoh

    Artificial Life and Robotics   13 ( 1 ) 18 - 21  2008

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    A deterministic theoretical model that simulates the developmental process of the human brain is proposed. Observations of the development of the human brain with a high-speed camera show that the bones of the skull become increasingly larger over the neck, and that a lot of soup-like fluid for generating brain cells enters the skull from the body. This process is essentially similar to the intake process of an internal combustion engine, because the volume of the engine's cylinder, which increases according to the descent of the piston, geometrically corresponds to the development of the skull, and also because the human neck resembles the intake port that serves as the throat of the engine. A higher-order numerical computation of the Navier-Stokes equation reveals the similarity between the convexoconcave forms inside the brain and the flow structure in the internal combustion engine. We will show that the present computation also simulates the emergence of the eyeballs. Finally, we will clarify the reason why cerebral development is strongly influenced by fluid dynamics. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2008.



  • Inevitability of nTP: Information - Energy carriers

    Ken Naitoh

    Artificial Life and Robotics   13 ( 1 ) 81 - 83  2008

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    Adenine is naturally selected as the main energy carrier from among two types of purines. C. Duve mentions that the inevitability of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is still a mystery. We examined the databases of DNA, RNA, and codon in order to clarify whether guanosine triphosphate (GTP) is mainly used for information storage in nucleic acids, because the adenine-uracil pair with a weaker connection would be dropped out relatively among the information carrier candidates due to natural selection. This paper presents a simple hypothesis that the relatively lower rates of adenine (A) and uracil (U) than the rates of guanine (G) and cytosine (C) observed in the RNAs for a lot of species cause redundant monomers of ATP and uridine triphosphate (UTP) outside nucleic acids, which become energy carriers. ATP runoff from RNA resembles the joker (or remaining unmatched queen) in the card game of Old Maid. The other redundant monomers of UTP might become polysaccharide generators. Actual frequencies of G and C in the RNAs of hyper-thermophiles are more than double those of A and U. A-U pairs are also fewer in number than G-C pairs in microorganisms such as yeast. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2008.



  • エンジン内流動・燃焼の次世代シミュレーション技術(LES)

    内藤 健

    エンジンテクノロジー、山海堂   ( 40 ) 19 - 23  2005.10

  • 生命の基本分子を貫くパターン

    内藤 健

    日経サイエンス   Vol.35 ( No.6 ) 58 - 65  2005.06

  • ソフトグラウンドビークル構想

    内藤 健

    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集    2005

  • Self-organizing mechanism of biosystems- Aymmetric density ratio of purine and pyrimidine in RNA &#8211;

    Ken Naitoh

    Aritificial Life Robotics    2005

  • 燃料電池劣化の要因・メカニズムに関する基礎的研究

    内藤 健

    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集    2004

  • Bioinformatics based on continuum mechanics

    Ken Naitoh

    Proceedings of ECCOMAS 2004    2004

  • 生命情報の起源に関する連続体近似モデル

    内藤 健

    日本応用数理学会   13 ( 1 )  2003

  • Cyto-fluid Dynamics Theory

    Ken Naitoh

    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics   18 ( 1 )  2001  [Refereed]

  • Macroscopic kinetic equation for a genetic algorithm

    Ken Naitoh

    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics   15 ( 1 )  1998

  • Large eddy simulation and direct simulation of compressible turbulence and combusting flows in engines based on the BI-SCALES method

    Ken Naitoh, Kunio Kuwahara

    Fluid Dynamics Research   10  1992  [Refereed]

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 生命のエンジン

    内藤 健

    シュプリンガー・ジャパン  2006.08


  • A spatiotemporal structure

    Int. and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Novel Phenomena in integrated complex science: from non-living to living systems (IIWNP) 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Onto-biology: Current Status and Outlook of Bio-simulation

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 脳の情報・機能・構造の統合的理解の試み


    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Morphogenic Economics: Seven-Beat Cycles Common to Durable Goods and Stem Cells

    Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-mann's 80th Birthday 

    Presentation date: 2010.02

Research Projects

  • Fundamental research of a new compression-combustion engine of ultimate thermal efficiency

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAITOH Ken, SAGARA Shinichi, SATO Shigeru

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    Thermo-fluid dynamic theory, three-dimensional computations, and combustion experiments of new engines based on supermulti-jets colliding with pulse show the two following results. (1)Theory and computations: Supermulti-jets colliding with pulse bring auto-ignition of gasoline and high thermal efficiencies over 50%. This is because the supermulti-jets colliding has an effect of encasing the burned gas of high temperature around the chamber center, which results in very less hot gas on the chamber walls. (2)Combustion experiments: combination of point compression due to jets injected intake nozzles and piston compression having relatively low compression ratio actually indicated auto-ignition of gasoline and thermal efficiency potential comparable to that of traditional gasoline engines. Thus, the above results indicate the efficiency of the new compression-combustion principle based on the supermulti-jets colliding with pulse for various purposes

  • Cyto-fluid Dynamics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAITOH Ken

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    Life uses two types of nitrogenous bases for DNA and RNA, purine and pyrimidine. Then, base pairs of purine-pyrimidine are mainly used, while pairs of identical bases are also observed. The size ratio of base pairs are between 1.0 and about 1.5. Why are the present size ratios employed? We tried to clarify the reason by using a fluid dynamic model, stochastic computer models, fundamental experiments, and some databases.As the result, we think the diversity between 1.0 and 1.5 brings us flexibility. There will be not the best size ratio which brings highest replication speed. Then, we found that asymmetry of size ratio leads to complex shapes of RNAs. The range between 1.0 and about 1.5 is described by the n-th root of n.The present research also brings us the insight that Thermophiles preferring about 80 ℃ may eat some materials inside fuel cell systems

Industrial Property Rights

  • 原子凝集反応エンジン

    内藤 健


  • フリーピストンエンジン


    内藤 健


  • エンジン


    内藤 健




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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 人工天才脳の原理研究:神経細胞結合パターン基幹構造解明による創造性発現


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    Six nonlinear difference equations, i.e., the bio-standard network theory, (Naitoh, JJIAM, 2011, Naitoh and Inoue, Proc. of AROB, 2013) model the basic interaction between molecular/cell groups on a time axis, and simulate the number of vigorous cells during the organisms’ lifespan. By utilizing this theory and adding mathematical formulations, we propose new means for prognostic medication, which can predict the premonitions, recovery, periods of illness, and distinction of individuals. In this study, by changing the equations’ parameters, we performed extremely many cases of computations in details while checking the number of divisions of ES cells. We found that there are two main groups. In each main group, we could find many subgroups. Then, some cases in one main group match certain individuals’ actual medical histories, which may lead to the correspondence of parameters and individuals. Thus, the present model&nbsp;may be an artificial brain for predicting illness.

  • 人工天才脳の原理研究

    2015   Shu Nemoto, Remi Konagaya

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    An important target of the present research is to model “comfort” in the human brain, whereas traditional models of brain and neural networks concentrate on memory and learning.We propose that the composite cycle model of two standard neural networks derived from statistical physics reveals the mechanism of comfort-generating. The composite cycle model demonstrates mysterious temporal oscillations, with frequencies related to the super-magic numbers, including the golden ratios, which give living beings comfort. Because the numbers can also be observed in music, sympathetic resonance occurs between inside and outside of the brain, which gives comfort. Then we conduct more detailed examination of the relation between the model’s outputs and six kinds of comfortable chords of music. By optimizing some parameters in the model, we confirm conformity between all the six kinds of the ratios of the chords and the outputs. This result will lead to an artificial genius to produce creative works including comfortable music on the computer.

  • 脳の形態形成過程とエンジン内流動場の相似性に関する研究


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  • 数値誤差の柔軟利用による圧縮性乱流遷移位置の数値予測法の確立


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  • 原始生命合成のための分子流体力学研究


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    原始的な生命は、dnaやタンパク質の数は少なく、単純であると考えられるため、生命を維持するために必要な最小の分子数や最適限度必要な反応経路を思考実験・計算機実験・比較的単純な実験系で明らかにし、いくつかの論文や発表論文にまとめて公表した。また、原始生命のデータは少ないため、現存生命の多くのデータから外そうすることによる推測も重要である。このため、現代に生きる微生物から人間の脳にいたるまでの多くの既存のデータを調査した。その結果、dnaやタンパク質の構造に関する新たな知見を見出し、論文発表などを行った。加えて、アーヘン工科大学などの最近の生命研究についても調査を行い、さらに、多細胞生物の発生過程や脳の形態形成過程のメカニズムについて、いくつかの事項を明らかにすることができ、論文などで公表した。本研究の特徴は、従来の微視的な分子生物学・生命化学・バイオインフォマティクスとは一線をかくし、巨視的な立場から全体を見直して、新たな視点を提示した点にある。これらをもとにして、次年度の科研費の申請書も提出した。 また、上記の基礎研究を土台として、卒業研究・修士論文では、原始的生命に近いと言われる微生物を利用して、新たなバイオマス燃料の生成方法や環境改善技術の端緒をも見出した。これらを整理することによって、今後の更なる研究課題も見出すことができた。