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Updated on 2025/03/12
Crystal growth and anisotropic transport properties of high-Tc superconductors
T. Watanabe, T. Fujii, A. Matsuda
Recent Res. Devel. Phys, 5 51 - 86 2004
Structural Study of the Inhomogeneous Charge Distribution of Inequivalent CuO2 Planes in a Bi2.1Sr1.9Ca2Cu3O10+d
T. Watanabe, T. Fujii, A. Matsuda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 72 ( 11 ) 2924 - 2929 2003.11 [Refereed]
Observation of Band Renormalization Effects in Hole-Doped High-Tc Superconductor
T. Sato, H. Matsui, T. Takahashi, H. Ding, H.-B. Yang, S.-C. Wang, T
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 ( 15 ) 157003 2003.10 [Refereed]
Systematics of electronic structure and interations in Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4(n=1-3) by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
H. Matsui, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, H. Ding, H.-B. Yang, S.-C. Wang, T
Phys. Rev. B 67 ( 6 ) 060501 2003.08
Gap Inhomogeneity, Phase separation and Pseudogap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d
A. Matsuda, T. Fujii, T. Watanabe
Phyica C 388-389 207 - 208 2003 [Refereed]
Superconducting gap and pseudogap in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d by short-pulse interlayer tunneling spectroscopy
Y. Yamada, K. Anagawa, T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda, T. Shibauchi, M. Suzuki
Phyica C 388-389 285 - 286 2003 [Refereed]
Low Energy Excitation and Scaling in Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4 (n=1-3): Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
T. Sato, H. Matsui, S. Nishina, T. Takahashi, T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 ( 6 ) 67005 - 67008 2002.08 [Refereed]
Large in-plane anisotropy on ressistivity and thermopower in the misfit layered oxide Bi2-xPbxSr2Co2Oy
T. Fujii, I. Terasaki, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 ( 7 ) L783 - L786 2002.07 [Refereed]
Doping dependence of anisotropic resistivities in trilayered superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d
T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, I. Terasaki, A. Matsuda
Phys. Rev. B 66 ( 2 ) 024507 2002.07 [Refereed]
Effect of silver addition on structure and electrical properties of the spin ladder compound La2Cu2O5 single crystals
C Sekar, T Watanabe, A Matsuda, H Shibata, Y Zenitani, J Akimitsu
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 233 ( 3 ) 466 - 472 2001.12 [Refereed]
Influence of substrates on epitaxial thin films of high-temperature superconductors
H. Sato, M. Naito, A. Tsukada, S. Karimoto, A. Matsuda
Physica C 362 189 - 194 2001.09 [Refereed]
Novel Approaches to Crystalize Materials with Nallow Liquidas Lines:
T. Watanabe, C.Sekar, T. Fujii, A. Matsuda
J. of Cryst. Growth 229 316 - 320 2001.07
Crystal growth, structure, and transport properties of the five-leg spin ladder compound La8Cu7O19
C Sekar, T Watanabe, A Matsuda, H Shibata, Y Zenitani, J Akimitsu
JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 156 ( 2 ) 422 - 427 2001.02 [Refereed]
Comparative study of transport properties of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystals
T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda
Phyica C 357-360 173 - 176 2001 [Refereed]
Superconductor-Insulator transition and transport property of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy single crystals
K. Semba, A. Matsuda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 ( 3 ) 496 - 499 2001.01 [Refereed]
Single Crystal growth of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d (Bi-2223) by TSFZ method
T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda
J. of Cryst. Growth 223 175 - 180 2001.01
Anisotropy in the Superconducting State and c-axis resistivity of Precisely Oxygen Cotrolled Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Single Crystals
T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda
Phyica C 341-348 1873 - 1874 2000.11 [Refereed]
La-214 Thin Films under Eptaxial Strain
H. Sato, A. Tsukada, M. Naito, A. Matsuda
Phyica C 341-348 1767 - 1768 2000.11 [Refereed]
Pseudogap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d studied by measureing anisotropic susceptibilities and out-of-plane transport
T. Watanabe, T. Fujii, A. Matsuda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 ( 25 ) 5848 - 5851 2000.07
Absence of "1/8 anomaly" in Strained Thin Films of La2-xBaxCuO4+d
H. Sato, A. Tsukada, M. Naito, A. Matsuda
Phys. Rev. B 62 ( 2 ) R799 - R802 2000.07 [Refereed]
La2-xSrxCuOy epitaxial thin films (x-0 to 2): Structure, strain, and superconductivity
H. Sato, A. Tsukada, M. Naito, A. Matsuda
Phys. Rev. B 61 ( 18 ) 12447 - 12456 2000.05 [Refereed]
Transport Property and Quantum Critical Point of Underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x
K. Semba, A. Matsuda, M. Mukaida
Advances in Sci. & Tech. 29 121 - 128 2000
Pseudogap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d studied by measuring anisotropic suscptibilities and out-of-plane transport
T. Watanabe, T. Fujii, A. Matsuda
Phyica C 341-348 931 - 932
Crystal growth and transport properties of spin ladder compounds La4+4nCu8+2nO14+8n(n=2,3)
T. Watanabe, C.Sekar, H. Shibata, A. Matsuda, Y. Zenitani, J. Akimitsu
Phyica C 357-360 380 - 383
Microwave-induced zero-current crossings in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y intrinsic Josephson junctions
T. Shibauchi, J. Hashimoto, K. Fujita, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda, M. Suzuki
Phyica C 388-389 461 - 462
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