2025/03/13 更新


ホンダ マサアキ
誉田 雅彰
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )





  • 言語学 / 知能ロボティクス


  • 音声情報処理、感覚行動システム、音声学、音声科学


  • 日本人工知能学会研究会優秀賞


  • 計測自動制御学会SI2004ベストセッション講演賞


  • 2003年IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 応用部門最優秀論文賞




  • Production of Various Vocal Cord Vibrations Using a Mechanical Model for an Anthropomorphic Talking Robot

    Kotaro Fukui, Yuma Ishikawa, Eiji Shintaku, Masaaki Honda, Atsuo Takanishi

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   26 ( 1-2 ) 105 - 120  2012年  [査読有り]


    We developed a three-dimensional mechanical vocal cord model for Waseda Talker No. 7 (WT-7), an anthropomorphic talking robot, for generating speech sounds with various voice qualities. The vocal cord model is a cover model that has two thin folds made of thermoplastic material. The model self-oscillates by airflow exhausted from the lung model and generates the glottal sound source, which is fed into the vocal tract for generating the speech sound. Using the vocal cord model, breathy and creaky voices, as well as the modal (normal) voice, were produced in a manner similar to the human laryngeal control. The breathy voice is characterized by a noisy component mixed with the periodic glottal sound source and the creaky voice is characterized by an extremely low-pitch vibration. The breathy voice was produced by adjusting the glottal opening and generating the turbulence noise by the airflow just above the glottis. The creaky voice was produced by adjusting the vocal cord tension, the sub-glottal pressure and the vibration mass so as to generate a double-pitch vibration with a long pitch interval. The vocal cord model used to produce these voice qualities was evaluated in terms of the vibration pattern as measured by a high-speed camera, the glottal airflow and the acoustic characteristics of the glottal sound source, as compared to the data for a human. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden and The Robotics Society of Japan, 2012



  • 発話データに基づく人間形発話ロボットの制御

    福井孝太郎, 草野世大, 高西淳夫, 誉田雅彰

    音声研究   14 ( 2 ) 57 - 64  2010年08月

  • Assessment of visual function by a new quantitative method of dynamic visual acuity

    Uchida, Y, Kudoh, D, Honda, M

    Human Performance Measurement   7   1 - 6  2010年

  • The influence of time-scale changes in movement on mental images and prediction

    Uchida Y, Honda M

    The inaugural international academy of sportology - english monograph    2010年

  • 発音発語-工学から見た発音発語


    第68回日本矯正歯科学会大会(招待講演)    2009年

  • Three-dimensional mechanical tongue and vocal cord models for human speech production

    Fukui,K, Sintaku, E, Ishikawa, Y. Sakakibara, N, Mukaida,M, Takanishi, A, Honda, M

    Acoustical Society of America 157th Meeting    2009年

  • Production of various voice qualities using mechanical vocal code model

    Honda, M, Fukui, K, Shintaku, E, Ishikawa, Y, Sakakibara, N, Mukaeda, Y, Takanshi, A

    roceeding of the 1st Int. Workshop on Dynamic Modeling of the Oral, Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Complex for Biomedical Applications     97 - 100  2009年

  • NN順逆モデリングを用いた人間形発話ロボットの声帯振動制御

    福井孝太郎, 新宅英滋, 下村彰宏, 榊原菜々, 石川優馬, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳夫

    日本ロボット学会誌   26 ( 7 ) 76 - 82  2008年10月

  • Three-dimensional Tongue Mechanism of Anthropomorphic Talking Robots for Human-like Voice Production

    K. Fukui, N. Sakakibara, E. Shintaku, A. Shimomura, Y. Ishikawa, M. Honda, A. Takanish

    Proceedings of the 16th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control    2008年07月

  • Control Methods Based on Neural Network Forward and Inverse Models for a Biomechanical Structured Vocal Cord Model on an Anthropomorphic Talking Robot

    K. Fukui, E. Shintaku, A. Shimomura, N. Sakakibara, Y. Ishikawa, M. Honda, A. Takanishi

    Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     3648 - 3653  2008年05月  [査読有り]

  • Improved high-quality MPEG-2/4 advanced audio coding encoder

    Yotaro Kubo, Masaaki Honda, Katsuhiko Shirai, Tomoyasu Komori, Nobumasa Seiyama, Tohru Takagi

    Acoustical Science and Technology   29 ( 6 ) 362 - 371  2008年


    We propose three methods for implementing an improved MPEG-2/4 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) encoder. The naive implementation using only the informative part of the AAC standard results in coded audio signals with a significantly poor quality. However, the encoder implementation can be modified to improve coding efficiency. Some coding modules require more sophisticated methods for improving the quality. The first among the three methods is a grouping method in the short block mode of AAC. The second is a codebook selection method in the Huffman coding. The third is the scale-factor sectioning method in bit allocation to the frequency components. We also present the methods proposed in our previous papers. The efficiency of the proposed methods has been evaluated objectively and subjectively. We have confirmed that the proposed methods are capable of improving the quality of encoded streams. © 2008 The Acoustical Society of Japan.



  • 生理学的構造に基づく人間形発話ロボットの声帯機械モデル

    福井孝太郎, 新宅英滋, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳夫

    日本機械学会論文集   73 ( 734-C ) 2750 - 2756  2007年10月


    WT-5 (Waseda Talker No. 5), a new anthropomorphic talking robot have been developed with novel vocal cords based on human biomechanical structure. The mechanical vocal cord model has vocal folds with hollow to reproduce layer structure of human vocal cords. The vocal cords are formed by using the thermoplastic rubber "Septon", available from Kuraray Co. Ltd., which has similar elasticity to human tissue. The vocal cords self-oscillate driven by an air flow exhausted from a mechanical lung in similar manner to a human. With new mechanisms, the robot produces natural sounding voices closer to those of a human.


  • New Anthropomorphic Talking Robot having a Three-dimensional Articulation Mechanism and Improved Pitch Range

    K. Fukui, Y. Ishikawa, T. Sawa, E. Shintaku, M. Honda, A. Takanishi

    Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     2922 - 2927  2007年04月  [査読有り]

  • Automatic music selection method adapted to the user's preference

    Kentaro Hikosaka, Toru Taniguchi, Yotaro Kubo, Masaaki Honda and

    Proc. of NCSP'07     477 - 480  2007年03月

  • ロボットにおける発話

    福井孝太郎, 高西淳夫, 誉田雅彰

    日本音響学会誌   63 ( 1 ) 23 - 28  2007年02月

  • Talking Robot mimicking human speech production

    M. Honda

    Robotics for Society, New Direction in Cognitive Science    2007年01月

  • Acoustic analysis and synthesis of laughter

    T.Haga, M.Honda, K.Shirai

    The 4-th Joint Meeting of Acoustical Society of Amerika and Acoustical Society of Japan   120 ( 5 ) 3374  2006年11月

  • New anthropomorphic talking robot -Investigation for the three dimensional articulation mechanism and improvement of the pitch range

    K.Fukui, Y.Ishikawa, T.Sawa, E.Shintaku, M.Honda, A.Takanishi

    The 4-th Joint Meeting of Acoustical Society of Amerika and Acoustical Society of Japan   120 ( 5 ) 3249  2006年11月

  • Sinusoidal model basen on instantaneous frequency attractors

    T. Abe, M. Honda

    IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing   14 ( 4 ) 1292 - 1300  2006年07月  [査読有り]

  • A mechanical model of the vocal cords mimicking human biological structure

    K.Fukui, E.Shintaku, K.Takada, S.Ikeo, K.Nishikawa, A.Takanishi, M.Honda

    The 5-th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics     69 - 70  2006年07月

  • Development of a human-like sensory feedback mechanism for an anthropomorphic talking robot

    K.Fukui, K.Nishikawa, S. Ikeo, M.Honda, A. Takanishi

    IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation     101 - 106  2006年04月  [査読有り]

  • New anthropomorphic talking robot having sensory feedback structure and vocal cords based on human biomechanical structure

    K.Fukui, K.Nishikawa, S.Ikeo, E.Shintaku, K.Takada, A.Takanishi, M.Honda

    The first IEEE/RAS-EMBS Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics     70  2006年02月

  • Dicrimination of speech, musical instruments and singing voice using the temporal patterns of sinusoidal segments in audio signals

    T. Taniguchi, A. Adachi, S. Okawa, M. Honda, K.Shirai

    Proc. of 9th Euripean Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology     589 - 592  2005年09月

  • 人間の生理学的構造を模擬した器官を有する新型人間形発話ロボットの開発

    新宅英滋, 福井孝太郎, 西川員史, 池尾俊輔, 高田健太郎, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳夫

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会     3F22  2005年09月

  • 生理学的構造を模擬した人間形発話ロボットによる音声生

    新宅英滋, 福井孝太郎, 西川員史, 池尾俊輔, 高田健太郎, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳夫

    日本音響学会2005年秋季研究発表会講演論文集     315 - 319  2005年09月

  • 人間形発話ロボットにおける感覚フィードバックを用いた制御パラメータの最適化

    福井孝太郎, 池尾俊輔, 西川員史, 新宅英滋, 高田健太郎, 髙信英明, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳夫

    日本音響学会2005年秋季研究発表会講演論文集     317 - 318  2005年09月

  • Three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography: A measurement principle

    T Kaburagi, K Wakamiya, M Honda

    JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA   118 ( 1 ) 428 - 443  2005年07月  [査読有り]


    A measurement principle of the three-dimensional electromagnetic articulographic device is presented. The state of the miniature receiver coil is described by five variables representing the position in the three-dimensional coordinate system and the rotation angles relative to it. When the receiver coil is placed in the magnetic field produced from the distributed transmitter coils, its state can be optimally estimated by minimizing the difference between the measured strength of the received signal and the predicted one using the known spatial pattern of the magnetic field. Therefore, the design and calibration of the field function inherently determine the accuracy in estimating the state of the receiver coil. The field function in our method is expressed in the form of a multivariate B spline as a function of position in the three-dimensional space. Because of the piecewise property of the basis function and the freedom in the selection of the rank and the number of basis functions, the spline field function has a superior ability to flexibly and accurately represent the actual magnetic field. Given a set of calibration data, the spline function is designed to form a smooth curved surface interpolating all of these data samples. Then, an iterative procedure is employed to solve the nonlinear estimation problem of the receiver state variables. Because the spline basis function is a polynomial, it is also shown that the calculation of the Jacobian or Hessian required to obtain updated quantities for the state variables can be efficiently performed. Finally, experimental results reveal that the measurement accuracy is about 0.2 mm for a preliminary condition, indicating that the method can achieve the degree of precision required for observing articulatory movements in a three-dimensional space. It is also experimentally shown that the Marquardt method is a better nonlinear programming technique than the Gauss-Newton or Newton-Raphson method for solving the receiver state problem. (c) 2005 Acoustical Society of America.



  • 発話ロボットの弾性体柔軟舌形状のモデル化および音響モデルとの統合

    西川員史, 小河原隆行, 高信英明, 持田岳美, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳

    日本機械学会論文集   C編   102 - 108  2005年06月

  • Development of an anthropomorphic talking robot and the mimicking speech control

    K. Fukui, K. Nishikawa, T.Kuwae, A. Takanishi, H. Takanobu, T. Mochida, M. Honda

    Proc. of 149th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America   117 ( 4 ) 2541 - 2541  2005年05月

  • Mechanical vocal tract model mimicking human biological strucure

    E. Shintaku, K.Fukui, K. Nishikawa, S. Ikeo, K. takada, A. Takanishi, H. Takanobu, M.Honda

    Proc. of 149th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America   117 ( 4 ) 2543 - 2543  2005年05月

  • Development of a New Human-like Talking Robot for Human Vocal Mimicry

    Kotaro Fukui, Kazufumi Nishikawa, Toshiharu Kuwae, Hideaki Takanobu, Takemi Mochida, Masaaki Honda, Atsuo Takanishi

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     1449  2005年04月  [査読有り]

  • Dynamic Non-Linear Techniques for Speech Recognition

    GE Lingnan, A. Kurematsu, M. Honda, K. Shirai

    日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会   I   233 - 234  2005年03月

  • 可変長セグメントパタンマッチングに基づく楽音の音高・楽器推定

    彦坂健太郎, 椿雅也, 谷口徹, 誉田雅彰, 白井克彦

    日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会   I   599 - 600  2005年03月

  • 音声・楽器音・歌声が混在した音響信号中の音カテゴリ検出

    谷口徹, 安達了慈, 大川茂樹, 誉田雅彰, 白井克彦

    日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会   I   265 - 266  2005年03月

  • 人間形発話ロボット -喉を震わせ口を動かして発話するロボット-

    誉田雅彰, 西川員史, 高西淳夫, 廣谷定男, 持田岳美

    日本音響学会誌   61 ( 2 ) 91 - 95  2005年02月

  • Development of a talking robot with vocal cords and lips having human-like biological structures

    K Fukui, K Nishikawa, S Ikeo, E Shintaku, K Takada, H Takanobu, M Honda, A Takanishi

    2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vols 1-4     2526 - 2531  2005年  [査読有り]


    We have developed a new talking robot, WT-5 aaseda Talker No. 5, having novel vocal cords and lips based on human biological structures. The vocal cords are made from the thermoplastic rubber "Septon", available from Kuraray Co. Ltd, which has a similar elasticity to human tissue. The vocal cord model was constructed with a similar structure to the biological structure of the human vocal cords. The vocal cords vibrated like those of a human. The new lips were able to attain a large deformation in a similar manner to human lips, without the leakage of air. This allowed clear pronunciation of vowels. With these new mechanisms, the robot could reproduce human speech in a more biological manner and could produce voices closer to those of a human.

  • Development of a new vocal cords based human biological structures for talking robot

    K Fukui, K Nishikawa, S Ikeo, E Shintaku, K Takada, H Takanobu, M Honda, A Takanishi



    We developed a new talking robot, WT-5 (Waseda Talker No. 5), having novel vocal cords, based on human biological structures. The vocal cords were made from the thermoplastic rubber "Septon", available from Kuraray Co. Ltd. Septon has a similar elasticity to human tissue. The vocal cord model to have a structure similar to the biological structure of the human vocal cords was made. The vocal cords were vibrated like those of a human. This made clean the robot's vowels. With these new mechanisms, the robot could reproduce the human speech in a more biological view and could produce voices nearer to those of a human.

  • 発話ロボットの聞き真似発話制御機構の検討

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部会講演会    2004年12月

  • Dynamical simulation of speech cooperative articulation by muscle linkages

    Takayuki Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Masaaki Honda

    Biological Cybernetics   61   275 - 282  2004年12月

  • 人間に近い声帯・声道接続条件を有する新型人間形発話ロボットの開発

    福井,西川, 桑江,秋山, 髙信,持田, 誉田,高西

    第22回日本ロボット学会講演会予稿集    2004年10月

  • Speaker adaptation method for acoustic-to-articulatory inversion using an HMM-based speech production model

    Sadao Hiroya, Masaaki Honda

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems   E87-D ( 5 )  2004年05月  [査読有り]

  • 音を作りだす仕組みを探る


    計測と制御/計測自動制御学会   43  2004年04月

  • 発話動作の仕組みと発話生成モデル

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   sp2003.4  2004年03月

  • 高調波パターンを用いた音声・楽器音・歌声の識別

    日本音響学会2004年春季研究発表会講演論文集    2004年03月

  • 未知話者からの調音逆推定法の評価

    廣谷定男, 誉田雅彰

    日本音響学会春季研究発表会/日本音響学会    2004年03月

  • Estimation of articulatory movements from speech acoustics using an HMM-based speech production model

    S Hiroya, M Honda

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SPEECH AND AUDIO PROCESSING   12 ( 2 ) 175 - 185  2004年03月  [査読有り]


    We present a method that determines articulatory movements from speech acoustics using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech production model. The model statistically generates speech spectrum and articulatory parameters from a given phonemic string. It consists of HMMs of articulatory parameters for each phoneme and an articulatory-to-acoustic mapping for each HMM state. For a given speech spectrum, maximum a posteriori estimation of the articulatory parameters of the statistical model is presented. The performance on sentences was evaluated by comparing the estimated articulatory parameters with the observed parameters. The average RMS errors of the estimated articulatory parameters were 1.50 mm from the speech acoustics and the phonemic information in an utterance and 1.73 mm from the speech acoustics only.



  • Identification of articulator muscle dynamics producing quick speech movements

    Takayuki Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Masaaki Honda

    Proceeding of 6th International Seminar on Speech Production    2003年12月

  • An investigation on the measurement accuracy of the three-dimensional electromagnetic articurography

    Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kouhei Wakamiya, Masaaki Honda

    Proceeding of 6th International Seminar on Speech Production    2003年12月

  • Articulatory Control of Talking Robot by Mimicking Formant Trajectories of Human Speech

    T. Mochida, S. Hiroya, M. Honda, K. Nishikawa, A. Takanishi

    Proceeding of 6th International Seminar on Speech Production     173 - 178  2003年12月

  • Effects of tactile and auditory feedback on compensatory articulatory response to an unexpected palatal perturbation

    Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano

    Proceeding of 6th International Seminar on Speech Production    2003年12月

  • 発声力学に基づくタスクプニング機構の構築

    「脳を創る」終了シンポジウム(科学技術振興事業団)    2003年12月

  • 人間の発話器官を模擬した発話ロボットによる音声生成

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2003年12月

  • 人間型発話ロボットの実現をめざして(キーノート講演)

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2003年12月

  • 発話動作における感覚フィードバック機構


    日本音響学会誌   59 ( 11 ) 676 - 681  2003年11月


  • Speech production Humanoid robot to reproduce human vocal movement

    K. Nishikawa, K. Hayashi, H. Takanobu, T. Mochida, M. Honda, A. Takanishi

    Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     1907 - 1913  2003年10月

  • 発話機構の計算論的研究


    数理科学「脳型コンピュータの実現に向けて」 サイエンス社    2003年08月

  • 発声運動に応じた筋スティフネスによる上唇・顎の協調メカニズム

    伊藤貴之, 五味裕章, 誉田雅彰

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   86-DII   333 - 341  2003年

  • 人間形発話ロボットによる母音および子音発声の実現 −第3報 より人間に近い発声を目指した新型発話ロボットの開発

    西川員史, 林宏樹, 高信英明, 持田岳美, 誉田雅彰, 高西淳夫

    日本機械学会論文集   C69 ( 683 ) 139 - 144  2003年

  • 無声子音における舌・唇と喉頭の調音運動の時間関係の分析

    藤野昭典, 鏑木時彦, 誉田雅彰, 村野恵美, 新美成二

    日本音響学会誌   59 ( 3 ) 121 - 130  2003年


    無声子音の生成における舌・唇と喉頭の調音運動の時間的な協調関係を生理的計測に基づいて分析した。EMAとPGC, EGGを用いて3人の日本語を母国語とする被験者の調音運動を観測し、声道の狭小解放運動と声門の開閉運動の時間関係を単音の場合と促音が先行する場合の無声子音, 及び摩擦音/s/Φ/と破裂音/t/ /p/で比較した。その結果, 単音と促音の場合の両方において舌・唇と喉頭の協調運動の時間関係を与える制御規則が存在することが示された。また, この制御規則には摩擦音と破裂音で大きな違いはなく, 日本語の破裂音の生成では声門開大が最大になる時点がバースト音を生成する時点と必ずしも一致しないことが示された。

    DOI CiNii

  • Investigation of coarticulation in continuous speech

    Dang, Kiyosi Honda, Masaaki Honda

    Acoustical Science and Technology   24 ( 6 )  2003年

  • Articulatory coordination by muscle-linkage during bilabial utterances

    Takayuki Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Masaaki Honda

    Acoustical Science and Technology   24 ( 6 ) 391 - 393  2003年

    DOI CiNii


  • Modeling and analysis of elastic tongue mechanism of talking robot for acoustic simulation

    K Nishikawa, H Takanobu, M Mochida, A Takanishi



    This paper describes the modeling and analysis of an elastic tongue mechanism of a talking robot WT-2 and the development of an acoustic simulator for the construction of the computational model of human speech production. WT-2 consists of lungs, vocal cords and articulators. It is essential to accurately estimate and analyze the shapes of these organs to develop an acoustic simulator However it was difficult to estimate and analyze the mechanisms, because they were composed of an elastic rubber to make various shapes and to seal the air and sound Therefore, we constructed a modeling method to simulate the shape of the elastic mechanisms. This method is applicable to all the elastic body. We developed an acoustic simulator using this modeling method in the process of constructing the speech production model.

  • Modeling of muscle contraction dynamics of speech articulator

    Takayuki Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Masaaki Honda

    Proceeding of Society for Neuroscience    2002年11月

  • Proceeding of Investigation of coarticulation based on electromagnetic articulographic data

    J. Dang, M. Honda, K. Honda

    International Conference of Spoken Language Processing    2002年09月

  • Model of the mechanical linkage of the upper lip-jaw for the articukatory coordination

    Takayuki Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Masaaki Honda

    Proceeding of 6th Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing     889 - 892  2002年09月

  • Three-dimensional electromagnetic articulograph based on a nonparametric representation of the magnetic field

    Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kouhei Wakamiya, Masaaki Honda

    7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing    2002年09月

  • Acoustic-to-articulatory inverse mapping using an HMM-based speech production model

    Sadao Hiroya, Masaaki Honda

    Proceeding of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing   4   2305 - 2308  2002年09月


  • Effects of tactile and auditory feedback on compensatory articulatory response to an unexpected palatal perturbation

    Masaaki Honda, Akinori Fujino, Emi Murano

    Proceeding of the International Conference on Linguistics and Phonetics (LP2002)     12 - 12  2002年09月

  • 音響調音コードブックを用いた音声からの調音運動の逆推定

    鈴木 紳, 岡留剛, 誉田雅彰

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J85-A ( 8 ) 840 - 846  2002年08月

  • Electromagnetic articulograph based on a nonparametric representation of the magnetic field

    T Kaburagi, M Honda

    JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA   111 ( 3 ) 1414 - 1421  2002年03月  [査読有り]


    Electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) devices are capable of measuring movements of the articulatory organs inside and outside the vocal tract with fine spatial and temporal resolutions, thus providing useful articulatory data for investigating the speech production process. The position of the receiver coil is detected in the EMA device on the basis of a field function representing the spatial pattern of the magnetic field in relation to the relative positions of the transmitter and receiver coils. Therefore, the design and calibration of the field function are quite important and influence the accuracy of position detection. This paper presents a nonparametric method For representing the magnetic field, and also describes a method for determining the receiver position from the strength of the induced signal in the receiver coil. The field pattern in this method is expressed by using a multivariate spline as a function of the position in the device's coordinate system. Because of the piecewise property of the basis functions and the freedom in the,,election of the rank and the number of the basis functions, the spline function has a superior ability to flexibly and accurately represent the field pattern, even when it suffers from fluctuations caused by the interference between the transmitting channels. The position of the receiver coil is determined by minimizing the difference between the measured strength of the received signal and the predicted one from the spline representation of the magnetic field, Experimental results show that the error in estimating, the receiver position is less than 0.1 mm for a 14 X 14-cm measurement area, and this error can be further reduced by using a spline-smoothing technique. (C) 2002 Acoustical Society of America.



  • Compensatory articulation during bilabial fricative production by regulating muscle stiffness

    Hiroaki Gomi, Takayuki Ito, Emi Murano, Masaaki Honda

    Journal of Phonetics   30 ( 3 ) 261 - 279  2002年03月

    DOI CiNii


  • 発話機構の計算論的研究


    Computer Today サイエンス社    2002年

  • Compensatory responses of articulators to unexpected perturbation of the palate shape

    Masaaki Honda, Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi

    Journal of Phonetics   30 ( 3 ) 281 - 302  2002年


    This paper describes compensatory articulatory behavior in response to an unexpected perturbation of the oral cavity. A mechanical device was used to change dynamically the thickness of an artificial palate
    the thickness of the un-inflated artificial palate was increased or the thickness of the already inflated artificial palate was decreased. The palatal perturbations were introduced under conditions of normal and masked auditory feedback. Acoustic, perceptual, and speech movement changes were examined in response to the experimental conditions. An EMA system was used to look for evidence of compensatory articulation during the utterance of repeated CV syllables containing fricative /∫/ and affricate /t∫/. When perturbation by palatal inflation was randomly given just before the initial syllable in the repeated fricative syllable, there was frequent overshoot of the tongue in forming the constriction, causing speech errors in the first syllable with the fricative. Compensation by the tongue for the unexpected palatal inflation became evident around the second syllable and the speech error disappeared in the successive syllables. Even when auditory feedback was masked, rapid compensatory articulation of the tongue was observed around the second syllable, but speech errors randomly occurred in the successive syllables. This fact suggests that tactile feedback gathered by sensing contact between tongue and inflated artificial palate is primarily used to develop the rapid compensation, and that auditory feedback is used in finely adjusting articulation with a longer time lag. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Determination of articulatory movements from speech acoustics using an HMM-based speech production model

    S Hiroya, M Honda



    We present a method that determines articulatory movements from speech acoustics using an HMM (Hidden Markov Model)-based speech production model. The model statistically generates speech acoustics and articulatory movements from a given phonemic string. It consists of HMMs of articulatory movements for each phoneme and an articulatory-to-acoustic mapping. For a given speech acoustics, maximum likelihood estimation of the articulatory parameters in the statistical model is presented. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the method on sentences, and estimated articulatory parameters were compared with the observed parameters. The rms error of the estimated articulatory parameters is about 2.12 mm on average.

  • A dynamical simulation by using low pass filtered EMG for compensatory articulation

    Takayuki Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Masaaki Honda

    Society for Neuroscience    2001年11月

  • An experimental study on acoustical measurement of vocal-tract area function

    T. Mochida, M. Honda

    CREST Workshop on Speech Motor Control and Modeling    2001年09月

  • - Control mechanisms of cooperative articulation – From the viewpoint of perturbation study -

    H. Gomi, T. Ito, M. Honda

    CREST Workshop on Speech Motor Control and Modeling    2001年09月

  • Compensatory responses of articulators to unexpected palatal perturbation: Articulatory and EMG studies

    M. Honda, T. Kaburagi

    CREST Workshop on Speech Motor Control and Modeling    2001年09月

  • Dynamical simulation of the upper lip compensatory articulation using low filtered EMG signal

    T. Ito, H. Gomi, M. Honda

    The international symposium on measurement, analysis and modeling of human functions    2001年09月

  • Compensatory articulation driven by muscle-linkage and change in acoustic distortion caused by different jaw-perturbations

    H. Gomi, T. Ito, M. Honda

    International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions    2001年09月

  • Electromagnetic articulograph system using the spline representation of the magnetic field

    T. Kaburagi, M.Honda

    CREST Workshop on Speech Motor Control and Modeling    2001年09月

  • 発声力学に基づくタスクプニング機構の構築


    「脳を創る」公開シンポジウム(科学技術振興事業団)    2001年05月

  • Generation of articulatory movements by using a kinematic triphone model

    Takeshi Okadome, Masaaki Honda

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   110  2001年  [査読有り]

  • Dynamic articulatory model based on multidimensional invariant-feature task representation

    Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   110  2001年  [査読有り]



  • Handbok of Signal Processing in Acoustics

    Masaaki Honda

    Springer  2009年02月 ISBN: 9780387776989

  • Advances in Speech Signal Processing

    Masaaki Honda

    Marcel Dekker Inc.  1992年


  • 発話動作における時間軸修正量と補償動作の関係


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 修正聴覚フィードバックによる時間軸伸縮と発話補償動作の関

    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 動作速度がゴール成否予測に与える影響


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 修正聴覚フィードバックにおける時間軸伸縮量と発話補償動作の関係

    日本音響学会2009 年秋季研究発表会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年09月

  • 時間軸修正聴覚フィードバックが発話動作に及ぼす影響

    日本音響学会2009 年春季研究発表会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年03月


  • 修正聴覚フィードバックに基づく発話運動計画機構の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    誉田 雅彰



  • 修正聴覚フィードバックに基づく発話運動計画機構の解明

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



  • 実体モデルに基づく病的音声生成機構の構築

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    誉田 雅彰, 高西 淳夫, 田山 二朗



  • 実体モデルに基づく声質生成機構の構築

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    誉田 雅彰, 高西 淳夫, 小林 哲則, 匂坂 芳典, 福井 孝太郎



  • 出力単語の語彙属性を用いた対話韻律制御に基づく音声合成

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    匂坂 芳典, 小林 哲則, 誉田 雅彰, 小林 哲則, 誉田 雅彰



  • 対話状況に応じた自発的コミュニケーション機構の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    白井 克彦, 榑松 明, 誉田 雅彰, 小林 哲則, 菊池 英明, 大川 茂樹



  • 感覚情報に基づく発話獲得機構の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    誉田 雅彰, 高西 淳夫, 本多 清志, 西川 員史





  • 音楽再生システム

    白井 克彦, 彦坂 健太郎, 谷口 徹, 誉田 雅彰, 久保 陽太郎


  • 人工声帯、声帯駆動機構、発声装置及びロボット

    高田 健太郎, 新宅 英滋, 高西 淳夫, 誉田 雅彰, 西川 員史, 池尾 俊輔


  • 舌体形状をモデル化する方法及びその装置、並びにそのモデル化する方法を用いた音響シミュレーション方法及びその装置

    高西 淳夫, 誉田 雅彰, 高信 英明, 西川 員史, 小河原 隆行, 桑江 俊治


  • 発声装置およびこれに用いられる声帯駆動機構、口唇駆動機構、舌駆動機構

    高西 淳夫, 誉田 雅彰, 高信 英明, 西川 員史, 小河原 隆行, 池尾 俊輔, 藤田 愛




  • NHK






  • 身体モデルに基づく感覚運動制御機構に関する研究


    フランス   GISPA Laboratory


  • 隠れマルコフモデルに基つくボールゲームの最適戦略の生成




  • 小型携行センサを用いた運動フォームの遠隔自動コーチングシステム

    2015年   尾崎惇志

