2025/02/16 更新


カノスエ カズユキ
彼末 一之
工学博士 ( 大阪大学 )
医学博士 ( 大阪大学 )


  • 2022年04月

    順天堂大学   スポーツ健康科学部   特任教授

  • 2009年

    早稲田大学グローバルCOE リーダー














    大阪大学   工学研究科   電気工学  


    東京工業大学   工学部   電気工学  



    The Australian Neuroscience Society


    The American Physiological Society




    Society for Neuroscience









  • 神経科学一般 / 生理学 / スポーツ科学


  • スポーツ神経科学、スポーツ生理学、システム生理学


  • ME学会論文賞




  • Reciprocal inhibition of the thigh muscles in humans: A study using transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation.

    Kento Nakagawa, Gaku Kakehata, Naotsugu Kaneko, Yohei Masugi, Rieko Osu, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Kimitaka Nakazawa

    Physiological reports   12 ( 9 ) e16039  2024年05月  [国際誌]


    Evaluating reciprocal inhibition of the thigh muscles is important to investigate the neural circuits of locomotor behaviors. However, measurements of reciprocal inhibition of thigh muscles using spinal reflex, such as H-reflex, have never been systematically established owing to methodological limitations. The present study aimed to clarify the existence of reciprocal inhibition in the thigh muscles using transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS). Twenty able-bodied male individuals were enrolled. We evoked spinal reflex from the biceps femoris muscle (BF) by tSCS on the lumber posterior root. We examined whether the tSCS-evoked BF reflex was reciprocally inhibited by the following conditionings: (1) single-pulse electrical stimulation on the femoral nerve innervating the rectus femoris muscle (RF) at various inter-stimulus intervals in the resting condition; (2) voluntary contraction of the RF; and (3) vibration stimulus on the RF. The BF reflex was significantly inhibited when the conditioning electrical stimulation was delivered at 10 and 20 ms prior to tSCS, during voluntary contraction of the RF, and during vibration on the RF. These data suggested a piece of evidence of the existence of reciprocal inhibition from the RF to the BF muscle in humans and highlighted the utility of methods for evaluating reciprocal inhibition of the thigh muscles using tSCS.

    DOI PubMed


  • Transsynaptic activation of human lumbar spinal motoneurons by transvertebral magnetic stimulation

    Kazutake Kawai, Toshiki Tazoe, Toshimasa Yanai, Kanosue Kazuyuki, Yukio Nishimura

    Neuroscience Research   200   20 - 27  2024年03月


  • Constraints on hand-foot coordination associated with phase dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery

    Kento Nakagawa, Saeko Kawashima, Kazuki Fukuda, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   17  2023年06月


    Interlimb coordination involving cyclical movements of hand and foot in the sagittal plane is more difficult when the limbs move in opposite directions compared with the same direction (directional constraint). Here we first investigated whether the directional constraint on hand-foot coordination exists in motor imagery (imagined motion). Participants performed 10 cyclic coordinated movements of right wrist flexion-extension and right ankle dorsiflexion-plantarflexion as quickly and precisely as possible, in the following three conditions; (1) actual movements of the two limbs, (2) imaginary movements of the two limbs, and (3) actual movement of one limb combined with imaginary movement of the other limb. Each condition was performed under two directions; the same and the opposite direction. Task execution duration was measured as the time between the first and second press of a button by the participants. The opposite directional movement took a significantly longer time than did the same directional movement, irrespective of the condition type. This suggests that directional constraint of hand-foot coordination occurs even in motor imagery without actual motor commands or kinesthetic signals. We secondarily examined whether the corticospinal excitability of wrist muscles is modulated in synchronization with an imaginary foot movement to estimate the neural basis of directional constraint on imaginary hand-foot coordination. The corticospinal excitability of the forearm extensor in resting position increased during dorsiflexion and decreased during plantarflexion similarly in both actual and imaginary foot movements. This corticospinal modulation depending on imaginary movement phase likely produces the directional constraint on the imaginary hand-foot coordination.



  • 坂ダッシュトレーニングによる下肢筋活動への影響

    欠畑 岳, 後藤 悠太, 礒 繁雄, 彼末 一之

    デサントスポーツ科学   44   174 - 183  2023年02月


    本研究は,上り坂走と平地走における下肢筋活動の相違について解明することを目的とした.被験者は大学陸上競技部の男女12名 (男子7名,女子5名) であった.平地および上り坂で60mを全力疾走した際の走動作と下肢筋 (前脛骨筋,腓腹筋外側頭,大腿直筋,両脚の大腿二頭筋) の筋電図を取得した.解析区間 (40-60m) における時空間的変数,筋活動のタイミング,筋活動量を定量し条件間で比較した.その結果,上り坂走では走速度,ピッチ,ストライドが有意に減少した.筋活動量はいずれも条件間で有意差が認められなかった.一方,上り坂走では,大腿直筋の筋活動のタイミングがランニングサイクルの後半に有意にシフトした.これは上り坂走において,スウィング脚のリカバリー動作 (股関節屈曲) のタイミングに遅延が生じ,ピッチの低下に繋がっていたと推察される.以上より,坂ダッシュトレーニングは,筋活動量でなく筋活動のタイミングに影響を及ぼす可能性が示された.


  • Real-time Feedback from a Bird's-eye View: Improving Spatial Perception in Cutoff Man Training Using a Drone

    Satoshi Miura, Kento Nakagawa, Kazumasa Hirooka, Yuya Matsumoto, Yumi Umesawa, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Advanced Biomedical Engineering   12   193 - 203  2023年



  • Inter- and Intra-Limb Coordination of Rectus Femoris and Biceps Femoris Muscles at Different Running Speeds

    Gaku Kakehata, Yuta Goto, Hikaru Yokoyama, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise   Publish Ahead of Print ( 5 ) 945 - 956  2022年12月


    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spatiotemporal variables and the muscle activity of the rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) in both legs at various running speeds. METHODS: Eighteen well-trained male athletes (age: 20.7 ± 1.8 yr) were asked to run for 50 m with 7 different "subjective efforts (SE)" (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 90%, 95%, and 100% SE). SE scaled relative to the maximal effort running (100%). The spatiotemporal variables (running speed, step frequency, step length) were measured over the distance from 30 to 50 m. The RF and BF muscle activities were obtained from both legs with wireless electromyography (EMG) sensors. We calculated RF and BF onset/offset timings in both legs (e.g., ipsilateral leg RF is "iRF," contralateral leg BF is "cBF"), which were expressed as % of a running cycle. Based on those timings, we obtained the EMG timing variables (%), as Switch1 (iBF offset to iRF onset), Switch2 (iRF offset to iBF onset), Scissors1 (cBF onset to iRF onset), and Scissors2 (iRF offset to cBF offset). RESULTS: running speed was well correlated with the SE, and higher running speed (>9 m·s -1 ) was achieved with higher step frequency (>4.0 Hz). Relative timings of RF and BF onset/offset (%) appeared earlier and later, respectively, with an increase in running speed. The absolute duration of RF activation (s) was elongated with the decrease in absolute running cycle time (increase in running speed). Both Switch and Scissors showed significant negative correlations with running speed and step frequency. CONCLUSIONS: The RF and BF excitation in both legs, as evidenced by changes in both Switch and Scissors, is coordinated for controlling running speed, as well as step frequency.

    DOI PubMed

  • Activation of human spinal locomotor circuitry using transvertebral magnetic stimulation

    Kazutake Kawai, Toshiki Tazoe, Toshimasa Yanai, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Yukio Nishimura

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   16  2022年09月  [査読有り]


    Transvertebral magnetic stimulation (TVMS) of the human lumbar spinal cord can evoke bilateral rhythmic leg movements, as in walking, supposedly through the activation of spinal locomotor neural circuitry. However, an appropriate stimulus intensity that can effectively drive the human spinal locomotor circuitry to evoke walking-like movements has not been determined. To address this issue, TVMS was delivered over an intervertebral space of the lumbar cord (L1–L3) at different stimulus intensities (10–70% of maximum stimulator output) in healthy human adults. In a stimulus intensity-dependent manner, TVMS evoked two major patterns of rhythmic leg movements in which the left-right movement cycles were coordinated with different phase relationships: hopping-like movements, in which both legs moved in the same direction in phase, and walking-like movements, in which both legs moved alternatively in anti-phase; uncategorized movements were also observed which could not be categorized as either movement type. Even at the same stimulation site, the stimulus-evoked rhythmic movements changed from hopping-like movements to walking-like movements as stimulus intensity was increased. Different leg muscle activation patterns were engaged in the induction of the hopping- and walking-like movements. The magnitude of the evoked hopping- and walking-like movements was positively correlated with stimulus intensity. The human spinal neural circuitry required a higher intensity of magnetic stimulation to produce walking-like leg movements than to produce hopping-like movements. These results suggest that TVMS activates distinct neural modules in the human spinal cord to generate hopping- and walking-like movements.



  • The Timing of Thigh Muscle Activity Is a Factor Limiting Performance in the Deceleration Phase of the 100-m Dash

    Gaku Kakehata, Yuta Goto, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Medicine and science in sports and exercise   54 ( 6 ) 1002 - 1012  2022年06月  [査読有り]


    PURPOSE: We aimed to examine the timing of electromyography activity of the rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) in both legs, as well as spatiotemporal variables (running speed (RS), step frequency (SF), step length (SL)) between the maximal speed (Max) phase (50-70 m) and the deceleration (Dec) phase (80-100 m) of the 100-m dash. METHODS: Nine track and field athletes performed the 100-m dash with maximal effort. Spatiotemporal variables of each 10-m section were measured. A portable wireless data logger was attached to the subject's lower back to record electromyographies. We calculated onset/offset timing (%) of RF and BF in both legs using a Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator filter (e.g., ipsilateral leg RF onset is "iRF-onset," contralateral leg BF onset is "cBF-onset") in a running cycle. RESULTS: The decreased RS in the Dec phase (P < 0.001) was due to a decreased SF (P < 0.001). Moreover, iRF-onset (P = 0.002), iRF-offset (P = 0.008), iBF-offset (P = 0.049), and cBF-offset (P = 0.017) in the Dec phase lagged in the running cycle as compared with the Max phase. Furthermore, the time difference between the swing leg RF activity (iRF-onset) and the contact leg BF activity (cBF-onset; "Scissors1") became bigger in the Dec phase (P = 0.041). Significant negative correlations were found between ΔiRF-onset and ΔSF (P = 0.045), and between ΔiBF-offset and ΔSF (P = 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: The decreased RS and SF in the Dec phase of the 100-m dash would be the delayed timing of the RF and BF activities in the same leg as well as the disturbed interleg muscular coordination.

    DOI PubMed


  • Competing against another athlete side-by-side improves 60 m sprint running performance

    Gaku Kakehata, Hiroki Tsukamoto, Yuta Goto, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance   1 ( 2 ) 94 - 102  2022年05月


    <jats:p>Purpose: Purpose of this study was to elucidate the differences in sprint performance between two different conditions in the 60 m dash: subjects ran alone (Alone Condition: AC) or two runners competed side-by-side (Competitive Condition: CC). Methods: Subjects were twenty-six male university sprinters. They were asked to perform two 60 m dash, the AC and CC, with maximal effort from crouching start. Running spatiotemporal variables were obtained from video images taken with two digital high-speed cameras. Results: Running speed (AC: 9.34 ± 0.45 mžs-1 vs CC: 9.40 ± 0.43 mžs-1, p = .011) and step length (AC: 2.04 ± 0.12 m vs CC: 2.06 ± 0.10 m, p = .021) in the maximal speed section (30-60m) were significantly increased in the CC. However, there was no significant difference in step frequency (AC: 4.58 ± 0.26 Hz vs CC: 4.57 ± 0.27 Hz, p = .595). There was no significant difference in any variables in the acceleration section (0-30m). Conclusion: These results indicate that running with a competitor improves running speed with increasing step length in the maximal speed section but does not affect performance in the acceleration section. We concluded that competition improves sprint performances in the maximal speed section.</jats:p>

    DOI DOI2

  • Dynamic Control of Upper Limb Stretch Reflex in Wrestlers


    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise   54 ( 2 ) 313 - 320  2022年02月  [査読有り]


  • スキーの小回り: なぜできない?

    彼末, 一之, 中井, 宏, 行方, 剛, 西村, 斉, 内田, 雄介, 大室, 康平, 加藤, 孝基, 中川, 剣人, 大橋, 拓未, 後藤, 悠太, 小澤, 悠, 水口, 暢章, 中田, 大貴, 依田, 珠江, 坂本, 将基, 桜井, 良太, 小林, 海, 永見, 智行, 村岡, 哲郎, 中島, 剛, 樋口, 貴俊, 柳谷, 登志雄, 岡田, 利修

    スポーツ科学研究   19   127 - 138  2022年  [査読有り]

  • 幼児における疾走動作の観察的評価と疾走能力との関係

    鈴木 康介, 後藤 悠太, 欠畑 岳, 中田 大貴, 彼末 一之

    体育学研究   67   947 - 959  2022年


  • Difference in gaze control ability between low and high skill players of a real-time strategy game in esports.

    Inhyeok Jeong, Kento Nakagawa, Rieko Osu, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    PloS one   17 ( 3 ) e0265526  2022年  [国際誌]


    This research investigated the difference in aspects of gaze control between esports experts (Expert) and players with lower skills (Low Skill) while playing the real-time strategy game called StarCraft. Three versions of this game at different difficulty levels were made with the StarCraft Editor, and the gaze movements of seven Expert and nine Low Skill players were analyzed while they played the games. The gaze of Expert players covered a significantly larger area in the horizontal direction than the gaze of Low Skill players. Furthermore, the magnitude and number of saccadic eye movements were greater, and saccade velocity was faster in the Expert than in the Low Skill players. In conclusion, StarCraft experts have a specific gaze control ability that enables them to quickly and widely take visual information from all over the monitor. This could be one of the factors enabling StarCraft experts to perform better than players with lower skills when playing games that require task-switching ability.

    DOI PubMed


  • Recognition capability of one's own skilled movement is dissociated from acquisition of motor skill memory.

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Shohei Tsuchimoto, Hirofumi Fujii, Kouki Kato, Tomoyuki Nagami, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 ) 16710 - 16710  2021年08月  [国際誌]


    When we have rehearsed a movement using an object, we can reproduce the movement without holding the object. However, the reproduced movement sometimes differs from the movement holding a real object, likely because movement recognition is inaccurate. In the present study, we tested whether the recognition capability was dissociated from the acquisition of motor skill memory. Twelve novices were asked to rotate two balls with their right hand as quickly as possible; they practiced the task for 29 days. To evaluate recognition capability, we calculated the difference in coordination pattern of all five digits between the ball-rotation movement and the reproduced movement without holding balls. The recognition capability did not change within the first day, but improved after one week of practice. On the other hand, performance of the ball rotation significantly improved within the first day. Since improvement of performance is likely associated with acquisition of motor skill memory, we suggest that recognition capability, which reflects the capability to cognitively access motor skill memory, was dissociated from the acquisition of motor skill memory. Therefore, recognition of one's own skilled movement would rely on a hierarchical structure of acquisition of motor skill memory and cognitive access to that memory.

    DOI PubMed


  • Timing of Rectus Femoris and Biceps Femoris Muscle Activities in Both Legs at Maximal Running Speed

    Gaku Kakehata, Yuta Goto, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Medicine and science in sports and exercise   53 ( 3 ) 643 - 652  2021年03月


    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spatiotemporal variables of running and onset/offset timing of rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) muscle activities in both legs. METHODS: Eighteen male well-trained athletes (age = 20.7 ± 1.8 yr) were asked to run 50 m at maximal speed. The spatiotemporal variables (running speed, step frequency, and step length) over the distance from 30 to 50 m were measured. In addition, RF and BF muscle activities were obtained from both legs using wireless EMG sensors. To quantify the onset and offset timing of muscle activity, the band-pass filtered (20-450 Hz) EMG signal was processed using a Teager-Kaiser energy operator filter. We calculated RF and BF onset/offset timings (%) in both legs (e.g., ipsilateral leg RF [iRF] and contralateral leg BF [cBF]) during running cycle. Based on those timings, we obtained the EMG timing variables (%) as follows: "Switch1 (iBF-offset to iRF-onset)," "Switch2 (iRF-offset to iBF-onset)," "Scissors1 (cBF-onset to iRF-onset)," and "Scissors2 (iRF-offset to cBF-offset). RESULTS: We found that "Switch2" had positive (r = 0.495, P = 0.037), "Scissors1" had negative (r = -0.469, P = 0.049), and "Scissors2" had positive (r = 0.574, P = 0.013) correlations with step frequency. However, these variables had no significant correlations with running speed or step length. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that higher step frequency would be achieved by smoother switching of the agonist-antagonist muscle activities and earlier iRF activation relative to the cBF activity. To improve sprint performance, athletes and coaches should consider not only muscle activities in one leg but also coordination of muscle activities in both legs.

    DOI PubMed


  • Stability of bimanual finger tapping coordination is constrained by salient phases

    Yan Zheng, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Tetsuro Muraoka

    Neuroscience Research   163   1 - 9  2021年02月


    In bimanual cyclical continuous movements, the relative timing of the most salient movement phase in each movement is a predominant constraint. This is the case for coordination when both movements have a single most salient phase (the relative-salience hypothesis). We tested whether the relative-salience hypothesis could explain results obtained for repetitive discrete movements, utilizing finger tapping. In experiment 1, participants performed unimanual alternate two-finger tapping with the metronome beat (i.e., one finger taps on the beat and the other finger taps off the beat). The stability of the tapping timing relative to the beat, which reflects the extent of salience, was higher in the index finger than the middle finger, and was lower in the ring finger than the middle finger. In experiment 2, participants performed four conditions of repetitive bimanual four-finger tapping (i.e., alternate two-finger tapping in each hand) without external pacing signals. Under all four conditions, a more stable pattern occurred when the timing of the more salient tapping in each hand was simultaneous rather than alternate, regardless of relative direction in the external space or movement coupling of the homologous fingers. The results indicated that bimanual four-finger tapping could be explained by the relative-salience hypothesis.

    DOI PubMed


  • Determinants of Neural Plastic Changes Induced by Motor Practice

    Wen Dai, Kento Nakagawa, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   15  2021年01月


    Short-term motor practice leads to plasticity in the primary motor cortex (M1). The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the increase in corticospinal tract (CST) excitability after motor practice, with special focus on two factors; “the level of muscle activity” and “the presence/absence of a goal of keeping the activity level constant.” Fifteen healthy subjects performed four types of rapid thumb adduction in separate sessions. In the “comfortable task” (C) and “forceful task” (F), the subjects adducted their thumb using comfortable and strong forces. In the “comfortable with a goal task” (CG) and “forceful with a goal task” (FG), subjects controlled the muscle activity at the same level as in the C and F, respectively, by adjusting the peak electromyographic amplitude within the target ranges. Paired associative stimulation (PAS), which combines peripheral nerve (median nerve) stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), with an inter-stimulus interval of 25 ms (PAS25) was also done. Before and after the motor tasks and PAS25, TMS was applied to the M1. None of the four tasks showed any temporary changes in behavior, meaning no learning occurred. Motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude increased only after the FG and it exhibited a positive correlation with the MEP increase after PAS25, suggesting that FG and PAS25 share at least similar plasticity mechanisms in the M1. Resting motor threshold (RMT) decreased only after FG, suggesting that FG would also be associated with the membrane depolarization of M1 neurons. These results suggest task-dependent plasticity from the synergistic effect of forceful muscle activity and of setting a goal of keeping the activity level constant.



  • Extracting and Interpreting Unknown Factors with Classifier for Foot Strike Types in Running

    Chanjin Seo, Masato Sabanai, Yuta Goto, Koji Tagami, Hiroyuki Ogata, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Jun Ohya

    25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition     3217 - 3224  2021年01月  [査読有り]



  • Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running: Effects of training level and athletic modality.

    Yuta Goto, Tetsuya Ogawa, Gaku Kakehata, Naoya Sazuka, Atsushi Okubo, Yoshihiro Wakita, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    PloS one   16 ( 10 ) e0258709  2021年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    The effect of the different training regimes and histories on the spatiotemporal characteristics of human running was evaluated in four groups of subjects who had different histories of engagement in running-specific training; sprinters, distance runners, active athletes, and sedentary individuals. Subjects ran at a variety of velocities, ranging from slowest to fastest, over 30 trials in a random order. Group averages of maximal running velocities, ranked from fastest to slowest, were: sprinters, distance runners, active athletes, and sedentary individuals. The velocity-cadence-step length (V-C-S) relationship, made by plotting step length against cadence at each velocity tested, was analyzed with the segmented regression method, utilizing two regression lines. In all subject groups, there was a critical velocity, defined as the inflection point, in the relationship. In the velocity ranges below and above the inflection point (slower and faster velocity ranges), velocity was modulated primarily by altering step length and by altering cadence, respectively. This pattern was commonly observed in all four groups, not only in sprinters and distance runners, as has already been reported, but also in active athletes and sedentary individuals. This pattern may reflect an energy saving strategy. When the data from all groups were combined, there were significant correlations between maximal running velocity and both running velocity and step length at the inflection point. In spite of the wide variety of athletic experience of the subjects, as well as their maximum running velocities, the inflection point appeared at a similar cadence (3.0 ± 0.2 steps/s) and at a similar relative velocity (65-70%Vmax). These results imply that the influence of running-specific training on the inflection point is minimal.

    DOI PubMed


  • Difference in racket head trajectory and muscle activity between the standard volley and the drop volley in tennis.

    Ryosuke Furuya, Hikaru Yokoyama, Milos Dimic, Toshimasa Yanai, Tobias Vogt, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    PloS one   16 ( 9 ) e0257295  2021年  [国際誌]


    Among tennis coaches and players, the standard volley and drop volley are considered basically similar, but muscles need to be relaxed (deactivation) just at the moment of impact when hitting the drop volley. However, this is not evidence-based. The aim of this study was to clarify racket head trajectory and muscle activity during the drop volley and to compare them with those of the standard volley. We hypothesized that 1) the racket head would move less forward for the drop volley than for the standard volley and 2) the wrist and elbow muscles be relaxed for the drop volley at the time of ball impact. Eleven male college students with sufficient tennis experience volunteered to participate in this study. Wireless EMG sensors recorded activation of the four arm muscles. Each subject performed the standard volley or the drop volley with both a forehand and a backhand from a position near the net. Four high speed video cameras (300 Hz) were set up on the court to measure ball speed and racket head trajectory. Returned ball speed of the drop volley was significantly lower than that of the standard volley (p < 0.05). The racket head moved less forward than in the standard volley, supporting the first hypothesis. Muscle activity of the drop volley, just before and after ball impact for both the forehand and backhand, was lower than that of the standard volley. However, the activity was in the form of a gradual increase as impact time approached, rather than a sudden deactivation (relaxation), which did not support the second hypothesis. For the drop volley, lower muscle activity in the forearm enabled a softer grip and thus allowed a "flip" movement of the racket to diminish the speed of the returned ball.

    DOI PubMed


  • Comparison of the Position-Matching and Position-Reproducing Tasks to Detect Deficits in Knee Position Sense After Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament.

    Takuma Hoshiba, Hiroki Nakata, Yasuaki Saho, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Toru Fukubayashi

    Journal of sport rehabilitation   29 ( 1 ) 87 - 92  2020年01月  [国際誌]


    CONTEXT: Deficits in knee position sense following reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) can delay an athlete's return to sport participation and increase the risk of reinjury. Deficits in position sense postreconstruction have been evaluated using either a position-reproducing or position-matching task. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to combine both to determine which assessment would be more effective to identify deficits in knee position sense. DESIGN: Longitudinal laboratory-based study. PARTICIPANTS: Eleven athletes (6 men and 5 women; mean age, 20.5 [1.2] y), who had undergone ACL reconstruction with an ipsilateral hamstring autograft, and 12 age-matched controls. INTERVENTIONS: Position sense was evaluated at 6 and 12 months postreconstruction and once for the control group. In addition, peak isokinetic knee extension and flexion strength, at 60°/s and 180°/s, was assessed for the ACL reconstruction group to evaluate possible influences of muscle strength on knee joint position sense. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The variables include the angular differences between the reference limb and indicator limb, and peak torque values of isokinetic knee extension and flexion. RESULTS: Significant matching differences were identified at 6 months postsurgery on the position-matching task, but not at 12 months postsurgery. No significant between-group and within-subject differences were identified on the position-reproducing task. No significant matching errors were identified for the control group. There was no correlation between errors in position sense and maximum isokinetic strength. CONCLUSION: The position-matching task is more sensitive than the position-reproducing task to identify deficits in knee position sense over the first year following ACL reconstruction surgery.

    DOI PubMed


  • 児童の接地タイプによる疾走パフォーマンスの違い—Differences in the sprint performance of elementary school children with different foot strike patterns

    信岡, 沙希重, 樋口, 貴俊, 後藤, 悠太, 中田, 大貴, 礒, 繁雄, 彼末, 一之

    スポーツ科学研究   17   28 - 43  2020年  [査読有り]


  • Relationship between subjective effort and kinematics/kinetics in the 50 m sprint

    Gaku Kakehata, Kai Kobayashi, Akifumi Matsuo, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Shigeo Iso

    JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT AND EXERCISE   15 ( 1 ) 52 - 66  2020年


    Purpose. This study investigated the relationship between subjective effort (SE) and kinematics/kinetics throughout an entire 50 m sprint. Methods. Fifteen male sprinters performed the 50 m sprint at 3 different levels of SE (100 %SE; maximal-effort, 90 %SE and 80 %SE, sub-maximal efforts). Kinematic and kinetic data were obtained with a digital high speed camera and 50 ground reaction force (GRF) plates placed every 1 m in the running lane. Variables recorded were sprint time, running speed, step frequency, step length, aerial time, contact time, GRF, and ground reaction impulse (GRI). Results & Discussion. Sprint times decreased with increases in SE. However, some subjects ran their fastest 50m at a sub-maximal SE. Thus, the optimal combination of step length & frequency necessary for obtaining maximum speed does not necessarily occur at maximal SE. Indeed, while step frequency significantly increased with an increase in SE, step length was usually the longest at a sub-maximal SE. The vertical GRI in the first half of the ground contact period was significantly greater at sub-maximal SEs. Vertical GRIs and horizontal GRIs in the second half of the ground contact period did not significantly differ among different SEs. Our results suggest that those runners who increase SF too much at maximal SE do so at the cost of decreasing step length (SL). Thus, applying a large force against the ground in the first half of the ground contact period would be effective for improving step length.



  • ヒト脊髄歩行中枢の入力出力関係

    河合 一武, 田添 歳樹, 彼末 一之, 西村 幸男

    スポーツ科学研究   16   49 - 61  2019年12月  [査読有り]



  • Elastic kirigami patch for electromyographic analysis of the palm muscle during baseball pitching

    Yamagishi, Kento, Nakanishi, Takenori, Mihara, Sho, Azuma, Masaru, Takeoka, Shinji, Kanosue, Kazuyuki, Nagami, Tomoyuki, Fujie, Toshinori

    NPG ASIA MATERIALS   11  2019年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Surface electromyography (sEMG) is widely used to analyze human movements, including athletic performance. For baseball pitchers, a very precise movement is required to pitch the ball into the strike zone. The palm muscles appear to play a key role in this movement, and a real-time recording of sEMG from the palm muscle is useful in the analysis of motion during baseball pitching. However, the currently available devices with rigid and bulky electrodes (including connective wires) impede natural movements of the wearer and recording of sEMG from the palm muscles during vigorous action. Here, we describe a skin-contact patch consisting of kirigami-based stretchable wirings and conductive polymer nanosheet-based ultraconformable bioelectrodes, which address the challenge of mechanical mismatch between human skin and electrical devices. The key strategy is a kirigami-inspired wiring design and a mechanical gradient structure from nanosheet-based flexible bioelectrodes to a bulk wearable device. This approach would buffer the mechanical stress applied to the skin-contact bioelectrodes during an arm swing movement. With this patch, we precisely measure sEMG at the abductor pollicis brevis muscle (APBM) in a baseball player during ball pitching. We observe differences in the activity of the APBM between different types of pitches-fastball and curveball. This sEMG measurement system will enable the analysis of motion in unexplored muscle areas, such as on the palm and the sole, leading to a deeper understanding of muscular activity during performance in a wide range of sports and other movements.



  • 小学5・6 年生における走ることが苦手な児童に対する短距離走の指導効果の検討

    鈴木 康介, 後藤 悠太, 欠畑 岳, 彼末 一之

    体育学研究   64 ( 1 ) 265 - 284  2019年06月  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • Functional plasticity of the ipsilateral primary sensorimotor cortex in an elite long jumper with below-knee amputation.

    Mizuguchi N, Nakagawa K, Tazawa Y, Kanosue K, Nakazawa K

    NeuroImage. Clinical   23   101847  2019年05月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • 05バ-12-ポ-24 競走はスプリントパフォーマンスを向上させる?—加速区間・最高速度区間の比較

    塚本 弘樹, 欠畑 岳, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   70   182_1 - 182_1  2019年


    陸上競技の短距離種目は、他選手と競走する状況で実施される。2009年の世界陸上100m決勝で、ウサイン・ボルトとタイソン・ゲイのステップが無意識のうちに一致した(同調現象)ことで、お互いのパフォーマンスが増長した可能性が示唆されている。そこで本研究では単独走と競走という条件設定の違いが走速度、ピッチ、ストライドに及ぼす影響を調べることを目的とした。被験者は短距離走を専門とする大学生26人とした。被験者はクラウチングスタートから60m走を1人で走る条件(単独走)と2人で走る条件(競走)をランダムに実施した。解析は加速局面(0-30m)と最高走速度局面(30-60m)に分けて行った。最高走速度局面では、走速度およびストライドが競走において有意に大きかった (p<0.01)。一方、加速局面では、走速度が競走において有意に大きかった(p<0.05)。いずれの局面においても「競走する」ことが走速度の向上に貢献する、つまりパフォーマンスの向上に繋がる可能性が示唆された。しかし、競走によるストライドへの影響は加速局面と最高走速度局面とでは異なることが示唆された。

    DOI CiNii

  • Walking and finger tapping can be done with independent rhythms

    Qi, W, Nakajima, T, Sakamoto, M, Kato, K, Kawakami, Y, Kanosue, K

    Sci. Rep.   9 ( 1 ) 7620  2019年  [査読有り]



  • Negative BOLD responses during hand and foot movements: An fMRI study.

    Nakata H, Domoto R, Mizuguchi N, Sakamoto K, Kanosue K

    PloS one   14 ( 4 ) e0215736  2019年  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • Vividness and accuracy: Two independent aspects of motor imagery.

    Mizuguchi N, Suezawa M, Kanosue K

    Neuroscience research    2018年12月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • Head-eye movement of collegiate baseball batters during fastball hitting

    PLoS ONE    2018年07月  [査読有り]



  • Effect of salient points in movements on the constraints in bimanual coordination.

    Zheng Y, Muraoka T, Nakagawa K, Kato K, Kanosue K

    Exp Brain Res   236 ( 5 ) 1461 - 1470  2018年05月  [査読有り]

  • Motor imagery of voluntary muscle relaxation of the foot induces a temporal reduction of corticospinal excitability in the hand

    Kouki Kato, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Neuroscience Letters   668   67 - 72  2018年03月


    The object of this study was to clarify how the motor imagery of foot muscle relaxation influences corticospinal excitability for the ipsilateral hand. Twelve participants volitionally relaxed their right foot from a dorsiflexed position (actual relaxation), or imaged the same movement (imagery relaxation) in response to an auditory cue. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to the hand area of the left primary motor cortex at different time intervals after an auditory cue. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the right extensor carpi radialis (ECR) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR). MEP amplitudes of ECR and FCR caused by single-pulse TMS temporarily decreased during both actual relaxation and imagery relaxation as compared with those of the resting control. A correlation of MEP amplitude between actual relaxation and imagery relaxation was observed. Our findings indicate that motor imagery of muscle relaxation of the foot induced a reduction of corticospinal excitability in the ipsilateral hand muscles. This effect is likely produced via the same mechanism that functions during actual muscle relaxation.



  • Performance control in one consecutive motor task sequence – Approaching central neuronal motor behaviour preceding isometric contraction onsets and relaxation offsets at lower distinct torques

    Vogt, Tobias, Kato, K, Flüthmann, N, Bloch, O, Nakata, H, Kanosue, K

    Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions   18 ( 1 ) 1 - 8  2018年03月


    © 2018, International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. All rights reserved. Objective: Motor-related cortical potentials (MRCP) often compared separated muscle activations; however, MRCP preceding combined contraction onsets and relaxation offsets of one consecutive motor task sequence remain to be elucidated. Methods: Twelve healthy males (27.92±4.33 years, 181.83±7.15 cm, 84.58±7.15 kg) performed 40 submaximal isometric right-limb wrist flexions (i.e. motor task sequences). Each motor task sequence combined timed contractions to and relaxations from distinct torque levels, i.e. 20% and 40% of maximum voluntary contractions (MVC). Synchronized continuous EEG (32 Ag/AgCl-electrodes mounted over motor-related areas) and EMG (i.e. flexor carpi radialis, FCR) recordings served to detect torque level-on/offsets for MRCP analyses. Results: Motor task sequences were accurately maintained with participants’ mean values of FCR muscle activity revealing no signs of fatigue (p > 0.05). Main findings (i.e. readiness potential) were larger amplitudes over frontal electrode sites (p < 0.05) preceding contractions compared to relaxations, whereas amplitudes were larger (i.e. peak) over centro-parietal electrode sites (p < 0.05) preceding 40% compared to 20% MVC. Conclusion: When performed in one consecutive motor task sequence, controlling the production as well as the releasing of force may require similar proprioceptive and visuo-motor processing preceding the same force level (i.e. 20% or 40%); however, this is irrespective of the muscle activation type (i.e. contraction or relaxation).

  • The Effect of Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on A Throwing Task Depends on Individual Level of Task Performance

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Takashi Katayama, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Neuroscience   371   119 - 125  2018年02月


    The effect of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on motor performance remains controversial. Some studies suggest that the effect of tDCS depends upon task-difficulty and individual level of task performance. Here, we investigated whether the effect of cerebellar tDCS on the motor performance depends upon the individual's level of performance. Twenty-four naïve participants practiced dart throwing while receiving a 2-mA cerebellar tDCS for 20 min under three stimulus conditions (anodal-, cathodal-, and sham-tDCS) on separate days with a double-blind, counter-balanced cross-over design. Task performance was assessed by measuring the distance between the center of the bull's eye and the dart's position. Although task performance tended to improve throughout the practice under all stimulus conditions, improvement within a given day was not significant as compared to the first no-stimulus block. In addition, improvement did not differ among stimulation conditions. However, the magnitude of improvement was associated with an individual's level of task performance only under cathodal tDCS condition (p &lt
    0.05). This resulted in a significant performance improvement only for the sub-group of participants with lower performance levels as compared to that with sham-tDCS (p &lt
    0.05). These findings suggest that the facilitation effect of cerebellar cathodal tDCS on motor skill learning of complex whole-body movements depends on the level of an individual's task performance. Thus, cerebellar tDCS would facilitate learning of a complex motor skill task only in a subset of individuals.



  • Unstable rocker shoes promote recovery from marathon-induced muscle damage in novice runners

    K. Nakagawa, T. Inami, T. Yonezu, Y. Kenmotsu, T. Narita, Y. Kawakami, K. Kanosue

    Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports   28 ( 2 ) 621 - 629  2018年02月


    We recently reported that wearing unstable rocker shoes (Masai Barefoot Technology: MBT) may enhance recovery from marathon race-induced fatigue. However, this earlier study only utilized a questionnaire. In this study, we evaluated MBT utilizing objective physiological measures of recovery from marathon-induced muscle damages. Twenty-five university student novice runners were divided into two groups. After running a full marathon, one group wore MBT shoes (MBT group), and the control group (CON) wore ordinary shoes daily for 1 week following the race. We measured maximal isometric joint torque, muscle hardness (real time tissue elastography of the strain ratio) in the lower limb muscles before, immediately after, and 1, 3, and 8 days following the marathon. We calculated the magnitude of recovery by observing the difference in each value between the first measurement and the latter measurements. Results showed that isometric torques in knee flexion recovered at the first day after the race in the MBT group while it did not recover even at the eighth day in the CON group. Muscle hardness in the gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis showed enhanced recovery in the MBT group in comparison with the CON group. Also for muscle hardness in the tibialis anterior and biceps femoris, the timing of recovery was delayed in the CON group. In conclusion, wearing MBT shoes enhanced recovery in lower leg and thigh muscles from muscle damage induced by marathon running.

    DOI PubMed


  • 05バ-24-口-05 児童の短距離走時の接地部位と走パフォーマンスの関係

    樋口 貴俊, 信岡 沙希重, 後藤 悠太, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   69   135_2 - 135_2  2018年



    DOI CiNii

  • 05バ-24-ポ-06 スプリントにおける股関節筋の活動タイミングの特徴

    欠畑 岳, 後藤 悠太, 礒 繁雄, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   69 ( 0 ) 138_3 - 138_3  2018年


    <p> 【目的】スプリントにおける股関節筋の筋活動の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】被験者は男子陸上競技短距離選手18名であった。最大努力による50m走中の大腿直筋(RF)と大腿二頭筋(BF)の表面筋電図を取得した。接地からその脚が再び接地する直前までを走の1サイクルとし、測定区間(20m)に要した8~10歩(4~5サイクル)を分析対象とした。筋電データはそれぞれのサイクル時間に合わせて規格化した。そして1サイクルにおけるRFおよびBFの活動タイミングおよび走速度とのピアソンの積率相関係数をそれぞれ算出した。【結果】走速度は9.88 ± 0.6m/s(最大値:10.99 m/s、最小値:9.30 m/s)であった。走速度の高い選手は、離地時にBFの活動が終了するタイミングが早く(r = 0.553)、スウィング期においてRFが活動し始めるタイミング(r = 0.637)とそれが終了するタイミングが早かった(r = 0.527)。さらに、スウィング期後半でBFが活動し始めるタイミングも走速度の高い選手ほど早かった(r = 0.621)。【結論】走速度の高い選手は、1サイクルにおいて股関節筋であるRFおよびBFの活動タイミングが早いことが示唆された。</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • スキー滑走動作における拡張現実技術を用いた第三者視点からのリアルタイムフィードバックシステムの有効性の予備的検討

    中川剣人, 三浦智, 廣岡和真, 梅沢侑実, 神庭弘行, 後藤悠太, 藤本浩志, 藤江正克, 彼末一之

    スキー研究   15 ( 1 ) 77 - 82  2018年  [査読有り]

  • Corticospinal excitability for hand muscles during motor imagery of foot changes with imagined force level

    Kouki Kato, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    PLoS ONE   12 ( 9 )  2017年09月


    The object of this study was to clarify whether corticospinal excitability controlling hand muscles changes concurrently with increases in the imagined contraction level of foot dorsiflexion. Twelve participants performed actual and imagined dorsiflexion of their right foot at three different EMG levels (10, 40 or 80% of the maximum voluntary contraction). During isometric actual- or imagined- dorsiflexion, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to the right hand area of the left primary motor cortex. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the right extensor carpi radialis (ECR) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR). During actual contraction, MEP amplitudes of ECR and FCR increased with an increased EMG level of dorsiflexion. Similarly, during imagery contraction, MEP amplitudes of ECR and FCR increased with the intensity of imagery contraction. Furthermore, a correlation between MEP amplitude during actual contraction and imagery contraction was observed for both ECR and FCR. Motor imagery of foot contraction induced an enhancement of corticospinal excitability for hand muscles that was dependent on the imagined contraction levels, just as what was observed when there was an actual contraction.

    DOI PubMed


  • Association between Hypometabolism in the Supplementary Motor Area and Fear of Falling in Older Adults

    Ryota Sakurai, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Masashi Yasunaga, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Manuel Montero-Odasso, Kenji Ishii

    FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE   9 ( JUL )  2017年07月  [査読有り]


    Background: A better understanding of the neural mechanisms that underlie the development of fear of falling (FoF) in seniors may help to detect potential treatable factors and reduce future falls. We therefore investigate the neural correlates of FoF in older adults using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET).
    Methods: This cohort study included 117 community-dwelling older adults. At baseline, participants were assessed for FoF, psychiatric symptoms, walking speed, global cognition and cerebral glucose metabolism with FDG-PET. The incidence of FoF in the participants who did not report FoF (N-FoF) at baseline was again ascertained 2 years later. FDG uptake was compared between the FoF and non-FoF groups. Logistic regression analyses to examine the predictors of newly developed FoF (D-FoF) using normalized regional FDG uptake were then performed.
    Results: At baseline, 50.4% (n = 59) of participants had FoF. The FoF group had significantly decreased glucose metabolism in the left superior frontal gyrus (supplementary motor area, SMA; BA6) compared to the non-FoF group. After 2 years, 19 out of the 58 participants in the non-FoF group developed FoF. Logistic regression analysis revealed that decreased cerebral glucose metabolism in the left SMA at the baseline was a significant predictor of the future development of FoF, independently of psychiatric symptoms and walking speed.
    Conclusion: In healthy older adults, hypometabolism in the left SMA, which is involved in motor planning and motor coordination, contributes to the development of FoF. Our result might help elucidate underlying mechanism of the association between deficits in motor control and FoF.



  • Neural basis for the relationship between frequency of going outdoors and depressive mood in older adults

    Ryota Sakurai, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Masashi Yasunaga, Rumi Takeuchi, Yoh Murayama, Kimi Estela Kobayashi Cuya, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Kenji Ishii

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY   32 ( 6 ) 589 - 595  2017年06月  [査読有り]


    Objective: Low frequency of going outdoors (e.g. being homebound) is associated with depressive mood; however, the underlying neural mechanism of this association is unclear. We therefore investigated the neural substrate involved in the relationship between frequency of going outdoors and depressive mood using positron emission tomography (PET), focusing on the frontal lobe and the limbic system.
    Methods: One hundred fifty-eight community-dwelling older adults aged 65-85 years underwent PET with F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose to evaluate regional cerebral metabolic rates of glucose normalized in reference to cerebellar glucose metabolic value (normalized-rCMRglc) in six regions of interest. We also assessed depressive mood, frequency of going outdoors, and potential covariates. Depressive mood was assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS).
    Results: The proportion of participants who reported low frequency of going outdoors (LG, every 2-3days or less) was 36.1%. The LG group showed significantly higher GDS scores than those who reported high (once a day or more) frequency of going outdoors. A multiple linear regression analysis adjusted for potential covariates showed higher GDS scores were associated with lower normalized-rCMRglc in the ventrolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortices. Adjusting for frequency of going outdoors, the association between GDS score and normalized-rCMRglc in the orbitofrontal cortex was attenuated.
    Conclusions: Our results suggest that the orbitofrontal cortex may mediate the relationship between low frequency of going outdoors and depressive mood among community-dwelling older adults. These findings may help disentangle the role of going outdoors in regulating brain function to improve and/ormaintain mental health among community-dwelling older adults. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • Central neuronal motor behaviour in skilled and less skilled novices – Approaching sports-specific movement techniques

    Vogt, Tobias, Kato, Kouki, Schneider, Stefan, Schneider, Stefan, Türk, Stefan, Kanosue, Kazuyuki

    Human Movement Science   52   151 - 159  2017年04月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Research on motor behavioural processes preceding voluntary movements often refers to analysing the readiness potential (RP). For this, decades of studies used laboratory setups with controlled sports-related actions. Further, recent applied approaches focus on athlete-non-athlete comparisons, omitting possible effects of training history on RP. However, RP preceding real sport-specific movements in accordance to skill acquisition remains to be elucidated. Therefore, after familiarization 16 right-handed males with no experience in archery volunteered to perform repeated sports-specific movements, i.e. 40 arrow-releasing shots at 60 s rest on a 15 m distant standard target. Continuous, synchronised EEG and right limb EMG recordings during arrow-releasing served to detect movement onsets for RP analyses over distinct cortical motor areas. Based on attained scores on target, archery novices were, a posteriori, subdivided into a skilled and less skilled group. EMG results for mean values revealed no significant changes (all p  >  0.05), whereas RP amplitudes and onsets differed between groups but not between motor areas. Arrow-releasing preceded larger RP amplitudes (p  <  0.05) and later RP onsets (p  <  0.05) in skilled compared to less skilled novices. We suggest this to reflect attentional orienting and greater effort that accompanies central neuronal preparatory states of a sports-specific movement.

    DOI PubMed


  • 運動イメージと運動パフォーマンス

    水口 暢章, 彼末 一之

    計測と制御   56 ( 8 ) 568 - 572  2017年


  • Task-dependent engagements of the primary visual cortex during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Maiko Nakamura, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   636   108 - 112  2017年01月  [査読有り]


    Motor imagery can be divided into kinesthetic and visual aspects. In the present study, we investigated excitability in the corticospinal tract and primary visual cortex (V1) during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery. To accomplish this, we measured motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and probability of phosphene occurrence during the two types of motor imageries of finger tapping. The MEPs and phosphenes were induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex and V1, respectively. The amplitudes of MEPs and probability of phosphene occurrence during motor imagery were normalized based on the values obtained at rest. Corticospinal excitability increased during both kinesthetic and visual motor imagery, while excitability in V1 was increased only during visual motor imagery. These results imply that modulation of cortical excitability during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery is task dependent. The present finding aids in the understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying motor imagery and provides useful information for the use of motor imagery in rehabilitation or motor imagery training. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Task-dependent engagements of the primary visual cortex during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Maiko Nakamura, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   636   108 - 112  2017年01月


    Motor imagery can be divided into kinesthetic and visual aspects. In the present study, we investigated excitability in the corticospinal tract and primary visual cortex (V1) during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery. To accomplish this, we measured motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and probability of phosphene occurrence during the two types of motor imageries of finger tapping. The MEPs and phosphenes were induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex and V1, respectively. The amplitudes of MEPs and probability of phosphene occurrence during motor imagery were normalized based on the values obtained at rest. Corticospinal excitability increased during both kinesthetic and visual motor imagery, while excitability in V1 was increased only during visual motor imagery. These results imply that modulation of cortical excitability during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery is task dependent. The present finding aids in the understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying motor imagery and provides useful information for the use of motor imagery in rehabilitation or motor imagery training. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Effect of muscle relaxation in the foot on simultaneous muscle contraction in the contralateral hand

    Kouki Kato, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Neuroscience Letters   633   252 - 256  2016年10月


    We investigated the effects of foot muscle relaxation and contraction on muscle activities in the hand on both ipsilateral and contralateral sides. The subjects sat in an armchair with hands in the pronated position. They were able to freely move their right/left hand and foot. They performed three tasks for both ipsilateral (right hand and right foot) and contralateral limb coordination (left hand and right foot for a total of six tasks). These tasks involved: (1) wrist extension from a flexed (resting) position, (2) wrist extension with simultaneous ankle dorsiflexion from a plantarflexed (resting) position, and (3) wrist extension with simultaneous ankle relaxation from a dorsiflexed position. The subjects performed each task as fast as possible after hearing the start signal. Reaction time for the wrist extensor contraction (i.e. the degree to which it preceded the motor reaction time), as observed in electromyography (EMG), became longer when it was concurrently done with relaxation of the ankle dorsiflexor. Also, the magnitude of EMG activity became smaller, as compared with activity when wrist extensor contraction was done alone or with contraction of the ankle dorsiflexor. These effects were observed not only for the ipsilateral hand, but also for the contralateral hand. Our findings suggest that muscle relaxation in one limb interferes with muscle contraction in both the ipsilateral and contralateral limbs.

    DOI PubMed


  • Difference in activity in the supplementary motor area depending on limb combination of hand–foot coordinated movements

    Nakagawa, Kento, Nakagawa, Kento, Nakagawa, Kento, Kawashima, Saeko, Mizuguchi, Nobuaki, Kanosue, Kazuyuki

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   10 ( OCT2016 )  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    © 2016 Nakagawa, Kawashima, Mizuguchi and Kanosue.Periodic interlimb coordination shows lower performance when the ipsilateral hand and foot (e.g., right hand and right foot) are simultaneously moved than when the contralateral hand and foot (e.g., right hand and left foot) are simultaneously moved. The present study aimed to investigate how brain activity that is related to the dependence of hand–foot coordination on limb combination, using functional magnetic imaging. Twenty-one right-handed subjects performed periodic coordinated movements of the ipsilateral or contralateral hand and foot in the same or opposite direction in the sagittal plane. Kinematic data showed that performance was lower for the ipsilateral hand–foot coordination than for the contralateral one. A comparison of brain activity between the same and opposite directions showed that there was a greater activation of supplementary motor area for ipsilateral hand–foot coordination as compared to that seen during contralateral hand–foot coordination. We speculate that this might reflect a difference in the degree of inhibition of the neural circuit that disrupts opposite directional movements between ipsilateral and contralateral hand–foot coordinated movements.



  • Effect of muscle relaxation in the foot on simultaneous muscle contraction in the contralateral hand

    Kouki Kato, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   633   252 - 256  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    We investigated the effects of foot muscle relaxation and contraction on muscle activities in the hand on both ipsilateral and contralateral sides. The subjects sat in an armchair with hands in the pronated position. They were able to freely move their right/left hand and foot. They performed three tasks for both ipsilateral (right hand and right foot) and contralateral limb coordination (left hand and right foot fora total of six tasks). These tasks involved: (1) wrist extension from a flexed (resting) position, (2) wrist extension with simultaneous ankle dorsiflexion from a plantarflexed (resting) position, and (3) wrist extension with simultaneous ankle relaxation from a dorsiflexed position. The subjects performed each task as fast as possible after hearing the start signal. Reaction time for the wrist extensor contraction (i.e. the degree to which it preceded the motor reaction time), as observed in electromyography (EMG), became longer when it was concurrently done with relaxation of the ankle dorsiflexor. Also, the magnitude of EMG activity became smaller, as compared with activity when wrist extensor contraction was done alone or with contraction of the ankle dorsiflexor. These effects were observed not only for the ipsilateral hand, but also for the contralateral hand. Our findings suggest that muscle relaxation in one limb interferes with muscle contraction in both the ipsilateral and contralateral limbs. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Neural correlates of older adults’ self-overestimation of stepping-over ability

    Sakurai, Ryota, Sakurai, Ryota, Sakurai, Ryota, Fujiwara, Yoshinori, Yasunaga, Masashi, Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Murayama, Yoh, Imanaka, Kuniyasu, Kanosue, Kazuyuki, Ishii, Kenji

    Age   38 ( 4 ) 351 - 361  2016年08月  [査読有り]


    © 2016, American Aging Association.A growing body of literature indicates that cognitively intact older adults tend to overestimate their physical functioning (e.g., step-over ability), which may lead to fall risk. However, the neural correlates underlying this phenomenon are still unclear. We therefore investigated the neural basis of older adults’ self-overestimation of stepping-over ability. A total of 108 well-functioning community dwelling older adults (mean age = 73.9 years) performed step-over tests (SOT) in two ways: self-estimation of step-over ability and an actual step-over task. During the self-estimation task, participants observed a horizontal bar at a distance of 7 m and estimated the maximum height (EH) of successful SOT trials. The actual SOT was then performed to determine the actual maximum height (AH) of successful trials. Participants also underwent positron emission tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose at rest to assess cerebral neural activity. The SOT showed that 22.2 % of participants overestimated their step-over ability. A regression analysis adjusted for potential covariates showed that increased self-estimation error (difference between EH and AH) was correlated with lower glucose metabolism in the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and left frontal pole. Only the significant correlation between self-estimation error and OFC activity persisted after correcting for multiple comparisons. For well-functioning healthy older adults, overlooking one’s own functional decline may be influenced by reduced metabolic activity in the anterior prefrontal cortex, particularly in the OFC. Our findings also suggest that functional decline in the OFC prevents older adults from updating the qualitative/quantitative values of their impaired physical abilities.



  • The right temporoparietal junction encodes efforts of others during action observation

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   6  2016年07月  [査読有り]


    Smooth social interactions require a deep understanding of others' intentions and feelings. In the present study, to investigate brain regions that respond to inference of others' effort level, we recorded brain activity during action observation of different effort levels using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We used a dumbbell curl movement to depict a movement requiring effort. To dissociate the factors of effort level of the actor and weight of the dumbbell, we used four combinations of dumbbell weight and actor physique: a thin actor or a built actor lifting a heavy or light dumbbell. During observation of dumbbell curls, the bilateral front-parietal action observation network (AON) was activated. This included the premotor cortices, parietal cortices, visual areas 5/superior temporal cortices (STS), amygdalae, hippocampi, right dorsolateral and ventrolateral frontal cortices. When we evaluated brain regions associated with the actor's effort level, activity in the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and STS was observed. However, activity in the front-parietal AON was independent of the actor's effort during action observation. This finding suggests that the right TPJ and STS play an important role in the inference of others' effort levels during the observation of others' movements.



  • Muscle relaxation of the foot reduces corticospinal excitability of hand muscles and enhances intracortical inhibition

    Kouki Kato, Tetsuro Muraoka, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Kento Nakagawa, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   10 ( 2016 )  2016年05月


    The object of this study was to clarify the effects of foot muscle relaxation on activity in the primary motor cortex (M1) of the hand area. Subjects were asked to volitionally relax the right foot from sustained contraction of either the dorsiflexor (tibialis anterior
    TA relaxation) or plantarflexor (soleus
    SOL relaxation) in response to an auditory stimulus. Single- and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to the hand area of the left M1 at different time intervals before and after the onset of TA or SOL relaxation. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the right extensor carpi radialis (ECR) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR). MEP amplitudes of ECR and FCR caused by single-pulse TMS temporarily decreased after TA and SOL relaxation onset, respectively, d as compared with those of the resting control. Furthermore, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) of ECR evaluated with paired-pulse TMS temporarily increased after TA relaxation onset. Our findings indicate that muscle relaxation of the dorsiflexor reduced corticospinal excitability of the ipsilateral hand muscles. This is most likely caused by an increase in intracortical inhibition.



  • Relation Between Lift Force and Ball Spin for Different Baseball Pitches

    Tomoyuki Nagami, Takatoshi Higuchi, Hiroki Nakata, Toshimasa Yanai, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS   32 ( 2 ) 196 - 204  2016年04月  [査読有り]


    Although the lift force (F-L) on a spinning baseball has been analyzed in previous studies, no study has analyzed such forces over a wide variety of spins. The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between F-L and spin for different types of pitches thrown by collegiate pitchers. Four high-speed video cameras were used to record flight trajectory and spin for 7 types of pitches. A total of 75 pitches were analyzed. The linear kinematics of the ball was determined at 0.008-s intervals during the flight, and the resultant fluid force acting on the ball was calculated with an inverse dynamics approach. The initial angular velocity of the ball was determined using a custom-made apparatus. Equations were derived to estimate the F-L using the effective spin parameter (ESp), which is a spin parameter calculated using a component of angular velocity of the ball with the exception of the gyro-component. The results indicate that F-L could be accurately explained from ESp and also that seam orientation (4-seam or 2-seam) did not produce a uniform effect on estimating F-L from ESp.

    DOI PubMed


  • Contribution of Visual Information about Ball Trajectory to Baseball Hitting Accuracy

    Takatoshi Higuchi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Hiroki Nakata, Masakazu Watanabe, Tadao Isaka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    PLOS ONE   11 ( 2 )  2016年02月  [査読有り]


    The contribution of visual information about a pitched ball to the accuracy of baseball-bat contact may vary depending on the part of trajectory seen. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between hitting accuracy and the segment of the trajectory of the flying ball that can be seen by the batter. Ten college baseball field players participated in the study. The systematic error and standardized variability of ball-bat contact on the bat coordinate system and pitcher-to-catcher direction when hitting a ball launched from a pitching machine were measured with or without visual occlusion and analyzed using analysis of variance. The visual occlusion timing included occlusion from 150 milliseconds (ms) after the ball release (R+150), occlusion from 150 ms before the expected arrival of the launched ball at the home plate (A-150), and a condition with no occlusion (NO). Twelve trials in each condition were performed using two ball speeds (31.9 m.s(-1) and 40.3 m.s(-1)). Visual occlusion did not affect the mean location of ball-bat contact in the bat's long axis, short axis, and pitcher-to-catcher directions. Although the magnitude of standardized variability was significantly smaller in the bat's short axis direction than in the bat's long axis and pitcher-to-catcher directions (p &lt; 0.001), additional visible time from the R+150 condition to the A-150 and NO conditions resulted in a further decrease in standardized variability only in the bat's short axis direction (p &lt; 0.05). The results suggested that there is directional specificity in the magnitude of standardized variability with different visible time. The present study also confirmed the limitation to visual information is the later part of the ball trajectory for improving hitting accuracy, which is likely due to visuo-motor delay.




    N. Mizuguchi, H. Nakata, K. Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE   315   104 - 113  2016年02月  [査読有り]


    To elucidate the neural substrate associated with capabilities for kinesthetic motor imagery of difficult wholebody movements, we measured brain activity during a trial involving both kinesthetic motor imagery and action observation as well as during a trial with action observation alone. Brain activity was assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Nineteen participants imagined three types of whole-body movements with the horizontal bar: the giant swing, kip, and chin-up during action observation. No participant had previously tried to perform the giant swing. The vividness of kinesthetic motor imagery as assessed by questionnaire was highest for the chin-up, less for the kip and lowest for the giant swing. Activity in the primary visual cortex (V1) during kinesthetic motor imagery with action observation minus that during action observation alone was significantly greater in the giant swing condition than in the chin-up condition within participants. Across participants, V1 activity of kinesthetic motor imagery of the kip during action observation minus that during action observation alone was negatively correlated with vividness of the kip imagery. These results suggest that activity in V1 is dependent upon the capability of kinesthetic motor imagery for difficult whole-body movements. Since V1 activity is likely related to the creation of a visual image, we speculate that visual motor imagery is recruited unintentionally for the less vivid kinesthetic motor imagery of difficult whole-body movements. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of IBRO. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).



  • Baseball Hitting Accuracy and Contributing Factors.

    Takatoshi Higuchi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Sports Performance     335 - 351  2016年  [招待有り]



  • The spin on a baseball for eight different pitches thrown by an elite professional pitcher.

    Tomoyuki Nagami, Takatoshi Higuchi, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Sports Performance     323 - 334  2016年  [招待有り]



  • 野球投手が投じる様々な球種の運動学的特徴

    永見 智行, 木村 康宏, 彼末 一之, 矢内 利政

    体育学研究   61 ( 2 ) 589 - 605  2016年


    In this study, we analyzed the kinematic characteristics of various types of baseball pitches by elite baseball pitchers, and tested a null hypothesis that &ldquo;no type of pitch has the same kinematic characteristics as another.&rdquo;<br>  A high-speed video camera was used to record the initial trajectory of the pitched ball thrown by 84 skilled baseball pitchers. Each pitcher was asked to throw all the different types of pitch he would use in competition and practice, and to self-declare the type of pitch used for each throw. The kinematic characteristics of each pitched ball were analyzed as ball speed, the direction of the spin axis, and the spin rate. A custom-made device was used to analyze the direction of the spin axis and the spin rate, and the ball speed was measured with a radar gun. One-way ANOVA with the Games-Howell post hoc test was used to test the hypothesis.<br>  The total of 364 pitches were categorized into 11 self-declared pitch types. Four of 10 pitch types thrown by more than one pitcher - the four-seam fastball, slider, curveball and cutter - had unique kinematic characteristic distinct from all of the other pitch types. No significant differences were found in any of the kinematic parameters between 1) changeup and sinker, 2) forkball and split-fingered fastball, and 3) two-seam fastball and shoot ball. Therefore, the hypothesis was retained for these 3 pairs of pitch types: although they were kinematically similar, the pitchers categorized them as different types.<br>  When the breaking ball was compared with the four-seam fastball, they were classifiable into 3 types: 1) pitches with a slower ball speed and lower spin rate with a different direction of spin axis (changeup, sinker, forkball and split-fingered fastball), 2) pitches with a slower ball speed, different direction of the spin axis and a spin rate comparable to the four-seam fastball (slider, curveball and cutter), and 3) pitches with a comparable ball speed, similar spin axis direction, and lower spin rate (two-seam fastball and shoot ball). These data revealed that the kinematic characteristics of some pitch types are quite different from those described in baseball coaching handbooks.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • Interlimb coordination from a psychological perspective

    Muraoka Tetsuro, Nakagawa Kento, Kato Kouki, Qi Weihuang, Kanosue Kazuyuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   5 ( 5 ) 349 - 359  2016年


    <p>During coordination of the movement of two limbs, the movements often interfere with each other, i.e., interlimb coordination is constrained. Many movement-related parameters such as movement direction, movement frequency, the coupling of limbs, neural network among limbs, and muscle homology are considered constraints of interlimb coordination, and they are roughly consolidated into two constraints, a neuromuscular constraint, and a perceptual-cognitive constraint. Interlimb coordination is considered to be governed by a coalition of neuromuscular and perceptual-cognitive constraints. On the other hand, spontaneous interlimb coordination is considered purely perceptual in nature. In this review, we focused on an influential study on interlimb coordination published in Nature by Mechsner et al. (2001), which supported the latter psychological approach. Thorough verification of the paper with reference to related studies revealed that no studies have yet proposed decisive contrary evidence against the psychological approach. Rather, investigation of interlimb coordination with perceptual-cognitive perspective has uncovered new findings. As a next psychological approach, the proposal of a unified and predictive explanation for movements is required. In addition, neural mechanisms that connect perceptual-cognitive representation to an appropriate motor command, if any, should be addressed.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 04生−26−口−29 走動作の変化がエネルギー代謝に与える影響

    後藤 悠太, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   67 ( 0 ) 157_2 - 157_2  2016年


    <p> 人の自由走行時のステップ長とケイデンスは代謝が最小になるものであると考えられている(Cavanagh et al. 1992)。それらの研究は長距離選手が対象である。長距離選手においては、効率的な動作を獲得した結果、代謝が少ない可能性があり、一般人でも同様かは不明である。そこで、走動作の変化が代謝に及ぼす影響を、ケイデンスを変化させた際の長距離選手と一般人の代謝を比較することで検討した。対象は長距離選手男性10名と、数分間継続して走行できる体力を有する一般男性10名である。測定は1日目にトレッドミルを用いて運動負荷試験を行い、60% HRreserveになる運動強度を決定した。2日目の測定ではトレッドミルの自由走行に加え、自由走行時のケイデンスから± 10%増減させたケイデンスをメトロノームで指示して走行させた。解析の結果、一般人では自由走行時に最も少ない代謝を示した。長距離選手ではケイデンス減少試行において代謝がより高くなる傾向が見られた。以上の事から一般人においても自分が身に付けている走動作では、自由なケイデンスが最も代謝が低くなると考えられる。</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 04生−25−ポ−02 筋感覚的運動イメージと視覚的運動イメージ中の非対称的な脳活動変化

    水口 暢章, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   67 ( 0 ) 159_1 - 159_1  2016年


    <p> 運動イメージを用いたトレーニングは運動スキルを向上させることできる。運動イメージは筋感覚的運動イメージと視覚的運動イメージに分けることができるが、2種類のイメージ中の第一次運動野と第一次視覚野の興奮性を同時に検討した研究はない。そこで、本研究は14名の被験者を対象に、筋感覚的および視覚的運動イメージ中の第一次視覚野の興奮性を経頭蓋磁気刺激によって誘発されるphospheneの出現確率によって評価した。第一次運動野の興奮性は運動誘発電位の振幅から評価した。イメージする動作は指タッピングとした。その結果、視覚的運動イメージ中には第一次視覚野および第一次運動野の興奮性が安静時と比較して増大した。しかし、筋感覚的運動イメージ中には第一次運動野の興奮性のみしか増大しなかった[交互作用(イメージのモダリティ×脳部位):p<0.05]。これらの結果は、2つのモダリティの運動イメージによって増大する皮質興奮性は非対称的であることを示している。運動イメージ中の神経メカニズムを明らかにすることはより効果的なイメージトレーニング法の開発につながる。</p>


  • Anteroposterior ground reaction force as an indicator of gait alteration during treadmill walking after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

    Hoshiba Takuma, Nakata Hiroki, Saho Yasuaki, Kanosue Kazuyuki, Fukubayashi Toru

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   5 ( 1 ) 95 - 103  2016年


    We investigated the weight transferring aspect of gait pattern during treadmill walking and muscle strength of the knee extensors and flexors following unilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. At 6 and 12 postoperative months, 11 patients (six men, five women) walked on a split-belt treadmill with two embedded force plates at their preferred speeds, 20% slower and 20% faster. Seventeen healthy control subjects (nine men, eight women) were also evaluated. Peak values of three components of ground reaction force (vertical, anteroposterior, and mediolateral) were measured bilaterally, and their variabilities were analyzed by coefficients of variation (CVs). The CVs for the anteroposterior forces differed between the reconstructed and contralateral limbs at 6 postoperative months, and this difference disappeared at 12 months. This was not matched by the time course change of quadriceps strength since quadriceps weakness in the reconstructed limb persisted up to 12 months postoperative. These findings suggest that gait alteration in anteroposterior forces may not be caused by quadriceps weakness alone, and the reconstructed and contralateral limbs may compensate for gait execution over the first year following ACL reconstruction surgery.

    DOI CiNii

  • 不安定性を有するシューズの着用がフルマラソン後の下肢筋形態および機能に及ぼす影響

    中川 剣人, 稲見 崇孝, 釼持 優太, 米津 貴久, 成田 崇矢, 川上 泰雄, 彼末 一之

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 680 - 680  2015年12月

  • Cut-Off Man Performance Using a Real-time Bird Eye View Feedback System from a Drone

    Miura Satoshi, Hirooka Kazumasa, Matsumoto Yuya, Kobayashi Yo, Fujimoto Hiroshi, Kanosue Kazuyuki, Fujie Masakatsu G

    The ... international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM : abstracts   2015 ( 6 ) 9 - 10  2015年12月


    This paper presents a novel sports training system. We developed a visual real-time feedback system that directly transmits a bird's eye view from a drone camera to a player's eyes. Individual physical ability, experience and intuition is important; however, in team sports such as baseball, football and volleyball, players need to perform spatial cognition such that they immediately understand where they, their teammates and their opponents are on the field as if they could see it from a bird's eye view. The objective is to validate the feasibility of the bird's eye view feedback system. In an experiment, nine participants moved and stood between two experimenters as a cut-off man with or without the system. Using the system produced significantly less error than with no system (p < 0.05). In conclusion, this bird's eye view feedback system can improve human spatial cognition.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of muscle relaxation on sustained contraction of ipsilateral remote muscle

    Kouki Kato, Tasuku Watanabe, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Physiological Reports   3 ( 11 )  2015年11月


    The objective of this study was to clarify the temporal change of muscle activity during relaxation of ipsilateral remote muscles. While participants maintained a constant right wrist extensor isometric force, they dorsiflexed the ipsilateral ankle from resting position or relaxed from dorsiflexed position in response to an audio signal. The wrist extensor force magnitude increased in the 0–400 msec period after the onset of foot contraction compared to that of the resting condition (P &lt
     0.05). On the other hand, wrist extensor force magnitude and electromyographic (EMG) activity decreased in the 0–400 msec period after the onset of ankle dorsiflexion compared to that of the resting condition (P &lt
     0.05). Our findings suggest that foot muscle relaxation induces temporal reduction in hand muscle EMG activity and force magnitude.



  • Corticospinal excitability modulation in resting digit muscles during cyclical movement of the digits of the ipsilateral limb

    Tetsuro Muraoka, Masanori Sakamoto, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Kento Nakagawa, Kazuyuki Kanosue



    We investigated how corticospinal excitability of the resting digit muscles was modulated by the digit movement in the ipsilateral limb. Subjects performed cyclical extension-flexion movements of either the right toes or fingers. To determine whether corticospinal excitability of the resting digit muscles was modulated on the basis of movement direction or action coupling between ipsilateral digits, the right forearm was maintained in either the pronated or supinated position. During the movement, the motor evoked potential (MEP) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was measured from either the resting right finger extensor and flexor, or toe extensor and flexor. For both finger and toe muscles, independent of forearm position. MEP amplitude of the flexor was greater during ipsilateral digit flexion as compared to extension, and MEP amplitude of the extensor was greater during ipsilateral digit extension as compared to flexion. An exception was that MEP amplitude of the toe flexor with the supinated forearm did not differ between during finger extension and flexion. These findings suggest that digit movement modulates corticospinal excitability of the digits of the ipsilateral limb such that the same action is preferred. Our results provide evidence for a better understanding of neural interactions between ipsilateral limbs, and may thus contribute to neurorehabilitation after a stroke or incomplete spinal cord injury.



  • Mode-dependent control of human walking and running as revealed by split-belt locomotor adaptation

    Tetsuya Ogawa, Noritaka Kawashima, Hiroki Obata, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Kimitaka Nakazawa

    JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY   218 ( 20 ) 3192 - 3198  2015年10月  [査読有り]


    Here, we investigate the association of neural control between walking and running, and in particular, how these two gait modes at different velocities are controlled by the central nervous system. The subjects were fully adapted by acquiring modified motor patterns to either walk or run on a split-belt treadmill driven in split mode (asymmetry in the velocities of two belts at 1.0 and 2.0 m s(-1)). Subsequently, we tested how the adaptation affected walking and running at three different velocities in the tied mode (equal belt velocities). At 0.75 m s(-1), we found a preference to walk, at 1.50 m s(-1), there was a preference to both walk and run, and at a velocity of 2.25 m s(-1) there was a preference to run. Both walking and running on the split belt resulted in the emergence of a significant aftereffect (asymmetrical movement) at all of the velocities tested when walking after adapting to walk and running after adapting to run. However, for contrasting modes (i.e. running after adapting to walk and walking after adapting to run), such aftereffects were far less evident at all velocities; thus showing only limited transfer across gait modes. The results demonstrate a clear mode dependency in the neural control of human walking and running. In addition, only for walking, was there a degree of velocity dependency.

    DOI PubMed


  • Estimation of the core temperature control during ambient temperature changes and the influence of circadian rhythm and metabolic conditions in mice

    Ken Tokizawa, Tamae Yoda, Yuki Uchida, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Kei Nagashima

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY   51   47 - 54  2015年07月  [査読有り]


    It has been speculated that the control of core temperature is modulated by physiological demands. We could not prove the modulation because we did not have a good method to evaluate the control. In the present study, the control of core temperature in mice was assessed by exposing them to various ambient temperatures (T-a), and the influence of circadian rhythm and feeding condition was evaluated. Male ICR mice (n=20) were placed in a box where T-a was increased or decreased from 27 degrees C to 40 degrees C or to -4 degrees C (0.15 degrees C/min) at 0800 and 2000 (daytime and nighttime, respectively). Intra-abdominal temperature (T-core) was monitored by telemetry. The relationship between T-core and T-a was assessed. The range of T-a where T-core was relatively stable (range of normothermia, RNT) and T-core corresponding to the RNT median (regulated T-core) were estimated by model analysis. In fed mice, the regression slope within the RNT was smaller in the nighttime than in the daytime (0.02 and 0.06, respectively), and the regulated T-core was higher in the nighttime than in the daytime (37.5 degrees C and 36.0 degrees C, respectively). In the fasted mice, the slope remained unchanged, and the regulated T-core decreased in the nighttime (0.05 and 35.9 degrees C, respectively), while the slopes in the daytime became greater (0.13). Without the estimating individual thermoregulatory response such as metabolic heat production and skin vasodilation, the analysis of the T-a-T-core relationship could describe the character of the core temperature control. The present results show that the character of the system changes depending on time of day and feeding conditions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • Potential explanation of limb combination performance differences for two-limb coordination tasks.

    Nakagawa K, Muraoka T, Kanosue K

    Physiol Rep.   3 ( 2 ) e12301  2015年02月  [査読有り]


  • Training locomotor function: From a perspective of the underlying neural mechanisms

    Tetsuya Ogawa, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Sports Performance     49 - 58  2015年01月  [招待有り]


    In a variety of sports activities and in our daily lives, we utilize locomotory movements such as walking and running. It is well understood that maintaining and improving their function can be of major significance in the acquisition of a better sports performances and a more fulfilling life. To facilitate appropriate changes in performance, it is essential to know the basic mechanisms underlying them. In the case of the basiclocomotory movements, their neuronal control mechanisms are predominantly automatic and quite different from those that underlie voluntarily-induced movements. A number of studies in the last several decades have described the characteristic features and responsible mechanisms in both animals and humans. On the basis of the knowledgeobtainedin these studies, this chapter will review the recently acquired knowledge to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying execution of locomotion movements and provide information for construction of possible intervention for improvement in their performance.



  • Intra- and inter-person coordinated movements of fingers and toes

    Tetsuro Muraoka, Yuki Watanabe, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Sports Performance     37 - 48  2015年01月  [査読有り]


    When performing intra- or inter-person coordination of cyclical movements of two joints, there is a perceptual-cognitive constraint based on spatial information for performing such coordination. However, bimanual coordination of the index finger flexion-extension is an exception in which the constraint occurs based on motoric information, which might be peculiar to digits. In order to investigate whether intra- and inter-person coordination of fingers and toes were constrained based on spatial or motoric information, coordinated movements were performed in one of two modes, flexing fingers concomitant with either toe flexion or toe extension, with the forearm either in the pronated or supinated position. In intra-person coordination, both the relative direction of movement and activation coupling influenced the stability of coordination toa similar extent. In inter-person coordination, the coordination with alternate activation of the corresponding muscles of fingers and toes in the opposite direction was less stable as compared to other coordination modes. These findings suggest that both spatial and motoric information are utilized in intra-person coordination of the fingersand toes, whereas either spatial or motoric information is utilized in inter-person coordination to meet a specific requirement for each task.



  • The effect of somatosensory input on motor imagery depends upon motor imagery capability.

    Mizuguchi N, Yamagishi T, Nakata H, Kanosue K

    Frontiers in psychology   6   104  2015年  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • 児童の疾走速度とピッチ・ストライド・接地時間・滞空時間の関係

    信岡 沙希重, 樋口 貴俊, 中田 大貴, 小川 哲也, 加藤 孝基, 中川 剣人, 土江 寛裕, 礒 繁雄, 彼末 一之

    体育学研究   60 ( 2 ) 497 - 510  2015年


    The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between maximal running speed, step frequency, step frequency index, step length, step length index, foot contact time, and aerial time during sprinting in elementary school children. The participants were 335 girls and 352 boys (age: 6 to 12 years) who ran a 50-m sprint race as part of their school fitness test in 2013. Their maximal running speed, step frequency, and step length were calculated from images captured by video cameras (60 frames/second) located at the sides of the lanes. Contact time and aerial time over the distance from 20 m to 30 m were calculated from images captured by high-speed video cameras (300 frames/second) located at the side of the 25-m mark for the lanes. Two-way ANOVA with the Games-Howell procedure was used to test differences among all grades. Two-way ANCOVA was used to test interaction and the main effect of gender and grade on maximal running speed. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) and partial correlation coefficient (pr) were calculated to analyze the relationship between maximal running speed, step frequency, stride length, foot contact time, and aerial time. Step length (which was strongly correlated with maximal running speed) showed a strong partial correlation (controlled for age) with maximal running speed. Therefore, it is suggested that step length contributes to not only the increase in running speed with growth, but also individual differences in running speed among the children at the same age. There were slight tendencies for step frequency and foot contact time to increase with growth. However, these factors showed a significant partial correlation (controlled for age) with running speed. Therefore, it was suggested that these factors contribute to individual differences in running speed. The absence of a negative impact of a shorter foot contact time on stride length suggests that the running performance of school children could be improved by decreasing their foot contact time. In order to establish effective methods for augmenting the development of running ability in children, it will be necessary to consider foot contact time and aerial time in addition to step frequency and step length.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • Post-marathon wearing of Masai Barefoot Technology shoes facilitates recovery from race-induced fatigue: an evaluation utilizing a visual analog scale

    Nakagawa K, Obu T, Kanosue K

    Open Access J Sports Med   8 ( 5 ) 267 - 271  2014年12月  [査読有り]

  • Motor imagery of voluntary muscle relaxation induces temporal reduction of corticospinal excitability.

    Kato K, Watanabe J, Muraoka T, Kanosue K

    Neurosci Res.   92   39 - 45  2014年11月  [査読有り]


  • Activity of right premotor-parietal regions dependent upon imagined force level: an fMRI study

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE   8   810  2014年10月  [査読有り]


    In this study, we utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signals. This allowed us to evaluate the relationship between brain activity and imagined force level. Subjects performed motor imagery of repetitive right hand grasping with three different levels of contractile force; 10%, 30%, and 60% of their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). We observed a common activation among each condition in the following brain regions; the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), supplementary motor area (SMA), premotor area (PM), insula, and inferior parietal lobule (IPL). In addition, the BOLD signal changes were significantly larger at 60% MVC than at 10% MVC in the right PM, the right IPL, and the primary somatosensory cortex (SI). These findings indicate that during motor imagery right fronto-parietal activity increases as the imagined contractile force level is intensified. The present finding that the right brain activity during motor imagery is clearly altered depending on the imagined force level suggests that it may be possible to decode intended force level during the motor imagery of patients or healthy subjects.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effector-independent brain activity during motor imagery of the upper and lower limbs: An fMRI study

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   581   69 - 74  2014年10月  [査読有り]


    We utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate the common brain region of motor imagery for the right and left upper and lower limbs. The subjects were instructed to repeatedly imagined extension and flexion of the right or left hands/ankles. Brain regions, which included the supplemental motor area (SMA), premotor cortex and parietal cortex, were activated during motor imagery. Conjunction analysis revealed that the left SMA and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)/ventral premotor cortex (vPM) were commonly activated with motor imagery of the right hand, left hand, right foot, and left foot. This result suggests that these brain regions are activated during motor imagery in an effector independent manner. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • Prediction of shot success for basketball free throws: Visual search strategy

    Yusuke Uchida, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Masaaki Honda, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE   14 ( 5 ) 426 - 432  2014年08月  [査読有り]


    In ball games, players have to pay close attention to visual information in order to predict the movements of both the opponents and the ball. Previous studies have indicated that players primarily utilise cues concerning the ball and opponents' body motion. The information acquired must be effective for observing players to select the subsequent action. The present study evaluated the effects of changes in the video replay speed on the spatial visual search strategy and ability to predict free throw success. We compared eye movements made while observing a basketball free throw by novices and experienced basketball players. Correct response rates were close to chance (50%) at all video speeds for the novices. The correct response rate of experienced players was significantly above chance (and significantly above that of the novices) at the normal speed, but was not different from chance at both slow and fast speeds. Experienced players gazed more on the lower part of the player's body when viewing a normal speed video than the novices. The players likely detected critical visual information to predict shot success by properly moving their gaze according to the shooter's movements. This pattern did not change when the video speed was decreased, but changed when it was increased. These findings suggest that temporal information is important for predicting action outcomes and that such outcomes are sensitive to video speed.

    DOI PubMed


  • 座談会 : スキーの指導について

    岡田 利修, 西村 斉, 樋口 貴俊, 中川 剣人, 加藤 孝基, 内田 雄介, 依田 珠江, 彼末 一之

    スポーツ科学研究   11   131 - 145  2014年


  • Factors that determine directional constraint in ipsilateral hand-foot coordinated movements.

    Nakagawa K, Muraoka T, Kanosue K

    Physiol Rep.   1 ( 5 ) e00108  2013年10月  [査読有り]



  • Interaction between simultaneous contraction and relaxation in different limbs.

    Kato K, Muraoka T, Higuchi T, Mizuguchi N, Kanosue K

    Exp Brain Res.   232 ( 1 ) 181 - 189  2013年10月  [査読有り]



  • Modulation of corticospinal excitability dependent upon imagined force level.

    Mizuguchi N, Umehara I, Nakata H, Kanosue K

    Experimental brain research   230 ( 2 ) 243 - 249  2013年10月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • The Effect of Fastball Backspin Rate on Baseball Hitting Accuracy

    Takatoshi Higuchi, Jun Morohoshi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS   29 ( 3 ) 279 - 284  2013年06月  [査読有り]


    The effectiveness of fastballs of equivalent speed can differ; for example, one element of this difference could be due to the effect of rate and orientation of ball spin on launched ball trajectory. In the present experiment, baseball batters' accuracy in hitting fastballs with different backspin rates at a constant ball velocity of 36 m/s was examined. Thirteen skilled baseball players (professionals, semiprofessionals, and college varsity players) participated in the study. The movements of bat and ball were recorded using two synchronized high-speed video cameras. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) was calculated and used to analyze the relationship between ball backspin rate and the vertical distance between ball center and sweet spot at the moment of ball-bat impact. Ball backspin rate was positively correlated with increases in the distance from the optimal contact point of the swung bat (sweet spot) to the actual point of contact (r = .38, P &lt; .001). Batters were most effective at the usual backspin rate for the ball velocity used. The decrease in accuracy of the batter's swing that was observed when the fastball's backspin deviated from the usual rate likely occurred because experienced batters predict ball trajectory from perceived ball speed.

  • Brain activity during motor imagery of an action with an object: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

    Mizuguchi N, Nakata H, Hayashi T, Sakamoto M, Muraoka T, Uchida Y, Kanosue K

    Neuroscience Research   76 ( 3 ) 150-155  2013年04月  [査読有り]

  • Ipsilateral wrist-ankle movements in the sagittal plane encoded in extrinsic reference frame.

    Muraoka T, Ishida Y, Obu T, Crawshaw L, Kanosue K

    Neuroscience Research   75 ( 4 ) 289-294  2013年03月  [査読有り]

  • 08測-28-口-12 小学校の体力テスト「ソフトボール投げ」における課題と対策 : 埼玉県所沢市内の一つの小学校を対象として(08 測定評価,一般研究発表抄録)

    樋口 貴俊, 中田 大貴, 加藤 孝基, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   64   264 - 264  2013年

    DOI CiNii

  • 05バ-30-口-21 投球動作におけるボールリリース位置の球種間差とボール回転の特徴(05 バイオメカニクス,一般研究発表抄録)

    永見 智行, 矢内 利政, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   64   200 - 200  2013年

    DOI CiNii

  • 筋痙攣中のM波振幅の低下

    中川剣人, 宮本直和, 村上雄治, 彼末一之

    東京体育学研究   4   11 - 16  2013年  [査読有り]

  • Relationship between performance variables and baseball ability in youth baseball players

    Nakata H, Nagami T, Higuchi T, Sakamoto K, Kanosue K

    Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research   27 ( 10 ) 2887 - 2897  2013年  [査読有り]



  • How Baseball Spin Influences the Performance of a Pitcher.

    Nagami T, Higuchi T, Kanosue K

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   2 ( 1 ) 63 - 68  2013年  [招待有り]


  • 野球投手の投球の質的評価―ボールの回転とパフォーマンスの関係

    永見智行, 樋口貴俊, 彼末一之

    体育の科学   63 ( 1 ) 47 - 51  2013年  [招待有り]

  • Effect of hopping frequency on bilateral differences in leg stiffness

    Hiroaki Hobara, Koh Inoue, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Journal of Applied Biomechanics   29 ( 1 ) 55 - 60  2013年


    Understanding the degree of leg stiffness during human movement would provide important information that may be used for injury prevention. In the current study, we investigated bilateral differences in leg stiffness during one-legged hopping. Ten male participants performed one-legged hopping in place, matching metronome beats at 1.5, 2.2, and 3.0 Hz. Based on a spring-mass model, we calculated leg stiffness, which is defined as the ratio of maximal ground reaction force to maximum center of mass displacement at the middle of the stance phase, measured from vertical ground reaction force. In all hopping frequency settings, there was no significant difference in leg stiffness between legs. Although not statistically significant, asymmetry was the greatest at 1.5 Hz, followed by 2.2 and 3.0 Hz for all dependent variables. Furthermore, the number of subjects with an asymmetry greater than the 10% criterion was larger at 1.5 Hz than those at 2.2 and 3.0 Hz. These results will assist in the formulation of treatment-specific training regimes and rehabilitation programs for lower extremity injuries. © 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc.



  • The effect of fastball backspin rate on baseball hitting accuracy

    Takatoshi Higuchi, Jun Morohoshi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Journal of Applied Biomechanics   29 ( 3 ) 279 - 284  2013年


    The effectiveness of fastballs of equivalent speed can differ
    for example, one element of this difference could be due to the effect of rate and orientation of ball spin on launched ball trajectory. In the present experiment, baseball batters' accuracy in hitting fastballs with different backspin rates at a constant ball velocity of 36 m/s was examined. Thirteen skilled baseball players (professionals, semiprofessionals, and college varsity players) participated in the study. The movements of bat and ball were recorded using two synchronized high-speed video cameras. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) was calculated and used to analyze the relationship between ball backspin rate and the vertical distance between ball center and sweet spot at the moment of ball-bat impact. Ball backspin rate was positively correlated with increases in the distance from the optimal contact point of the swung bat (sweet spot) to the actual point of contact (r = .38, P &lt
    .001). Batters were most effective at the usual backspin rate for the ball velocity used. The decrease in accuracy of the batter's swing that was observed when the fastball's backspin deviated from the usual rate likely occurred because experienced batters predict ball trajectory from perceived ball speed. © 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc.



  • Relative importance of different surface regions for thermal comfort in humans

    Mayumi Nakamura, Tamae Yoda, Larry I. Crawshaw, Momoko Kasuga, Yuki Uchida, Ken Tokizawa, Kei Nagashima, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   113 ( 1 ) 63 - 76  2013年01月  [査読有り]


    In a previous study, we investigated the contribution of the surface of the face, chest, abdomen, and thigh to thermal comfort by applying local temperature stimulation during whole-body exposure to mild heat or cold. In hot conditions, humans prefer a cool face, and in cold they prefer a warm abdomen. In this study, we extended investigation of regional differences in thermal comfort to the neck, hand, soles, abdomen (Experiment 1), the upper and lower back, upper arm, and abdomen (Experiment 2). The methodology was similar to that used in the previous study. To compare the results of each experiment, we utilized the abdomen as the reference area in these experiments. Thermal comfort feelings were not particularly strong for the limbs and extremities, in spite of the fact that changes in skin temperature induced by local temperature stimulation of the limbs and extremities were always larger than changes that were induced in the more proximal body parts. For the trunk areas, a significant difference in thermal comfort was not observed among the abdomen, and upper and lower back. An exception involved local cooling during whole-body mild cold exposure, wherein the most dominant preference was for a warmer temperature of the abdomen. As for the neck and abdomen, clear differences were observed during local cooling, while no significant difference was observed during local warming. We combined the results for the current and the previous study, and characterized regional differences in thermal comfort and thermal preference for the whole-body surface.



  • Modulation of Corticospinal Excitability during Acquisition of Action Sequences by Observation

    Masanori Sakamoto, Noriyoshi Moriyama, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    PLOS ONE   7 ( 5 )  2012年05月  [査読有り]


    Excitability of the corticospinal pathway increases during observation of an action. However, how corticospinal excitability changes during observation of sequential actions in the course of acquiring novel skills (observational learning) remains unexplored. To investigate this, we used a previously unpracticed sequence of ten hand postures. Participants were asked to repeat observation and replication of the sequence. This block of observation and replication was repeated 5 times. During observation of a given hand posture (OK sign), motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation were recorded from hand muscles. In experiment 1, the OK sign appeared in the 9th position of the sequence. Almost all participants could replicate the OK sign only at the 5th block of the experiment. MEP amplitude was greater than that in the control, and decreased with the stages. This suggested that during observational learning of sequential hand postures MEP changed with the progress of the learning. To evaluate this idea, we performed two additional experiments. In experiment 2, the OK sign appeared in the 2nd position. Almost all participants replicated the OK sign even in the 1st block. The MEP amplitude did not change across stages. In experiment 3, the OK sign appeared in the 9th position, but the order of other signs was randomized in every stage. Many participants were not able to replicate the OK sign even during the 5th block of the experiment. The MEP amplitude did not change across stages. These results suggest that: (1) During observational learning modulation of corticospinal excitability is associated with the learning process. (2) Corticospinal excitability decreases as learning progresses.



  • Influence of somatosensory input on corticospinal excitability during motor imagery

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Masanori Sakamoto, Tetsuro Muraoka, Noriyoshi Moriyama, Kento Nakagawa, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   514 ( 1 ) 127 - 130  2012年04月  [査読有り]


    Our previous studies showed that corticospinal excitability during imagery of squeezing a foam ball was enhanced by somatosensory input generated by passively holding the ball. In the present study, using the same experimental model, we investigated whether corticospinal excitability was influenced by holding the object with the hand opposite to the imagined hand. Corticospinal excitability was assessed by monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous muscle following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex during motor imagery. Subjects were asked to imagine squeezing a foam ball with the right hand (experiment 1) or the left hand (experiment 2), while either holding nothing (Null condition), a ball in the right hand (Right condition) or a ball in the left hand (Left condition). The MEPs amplitude during motor imagery was increased, only when the holding hand and the imagined hand were on the same side. These results suggest that performance improvement and rehabilitation exercises will be more effective when somatosensory stimulation and motor imagery are done on the same side. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Motor Imagery and Sport Performance

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Hiroki Nakata, Yusuke Uchida, Kazuyuki Kanosue



    In the present review, we summarized, how to measure motor imagery ability, brain activity during motor imagery, the benefits of motor imagery practice, and the influence of sensory inputs on motor imagery. First, we explain the classification of motor imagery. Many methods have been utilized to evaluate motor imagery ability. For example, questionnaires, mental chronometry, and mental rotation tasks have been used in the psychological approach. Brain activity has been measured utilizing transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and electroencephalography (EEG). Brain regions working in motor execution show activation during motor imagery. This includes the supplementary motor area (SMA), the premotor cortex (PM) and the parietal cortex: Although motor imagery is done without movement or muscle contraction, sensory input from the periphery interacts with motor imagery. Brain activation during imagery of an action, as assessed by TMS, is stronger when sensory inputs resemble to those present during the actual execution of the action. Many studies have provided evidence of the effects of motor imagery practice on basic motor skills and sport performance. Most elite athletes (70 - 90 %) report that they use motor imagery to improve performance, and professional players,as compared to amateurs, utilized imagery practice more often. Many studies have confirmed that motor imagery practice can also be useful not only in sports, but also for improving performance in patient rehabilitation programs.

  • 野球打撃前に行う加重したバットでの素振りがバット速度と正確さに及ぼす影響

    樋口貴俊, 永見智行, 宮本直和, 彼末一之

    東京体育学研究   4   17 - 22  2012年

  • Motor imagery and sport performance

    N. Mizuguchi, H. Nakata, Y. Uchida, K. Kanosue

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   1(1)   103 - 111  2012年

  • Electromyographic analysis of lower limbs during baseball batting

    H. Nakata, A. Miura, M. Yoshie, K. Kanosue, K. kudo

    Journal of Stregth &amp; Conditioning Research   ( in press )  2012年

  • Dynamic visual acuity in baseball players is due to superior tracking abilities

    Y. Uchida, D. Kudoh, T. Higuchi, M. Honda, K. Kanosue

    Medicine&amp; Science in Sports &amp; Exercise   ( in press )  2012年

  • Factors influencing Artistic Choreography in the Individual Women Category in Aerobic Gymnastics with Special Regard to Transitions

    Ying Liang, Hongbin Tang, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Medicine &amp; Science in Sports &amp; Exercise   ( in press )  2012年

  • Brain activities during motor imagery of and action with and object

    N. Mizuguchi, H. Nakata, T. Hayashi, M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, Y. Uchida, K. Kanosue

    Brain Res.   ( being submitted )  2012年

  • Disturbance i hitting accuracy due to intentional change of target position

    T. Higuchi, J. Norohoshi, T. Nagami, H. Nakata, K. Kanosue

    PloS ONE   ( being submitted )  2012年

  • The influence of activation coupling of corresponding muscles of fingers and toew on the stability of coordinated movements of ipsilateral fingers and toes

    T. Muraoka, M. Sakamoto, N. Mizuguchi, K. Nakagawa, K. Kanosue

    Behavioral Brain Research   ( being submitted )  2012年

  • Spin on Fastballs Thrown by Elite Baseball Pitchers

    Tomoyuki Nagami, Jun Morohoshi, Takatoshi Higuchi, Hiroki Nakata, Shigeto Naito, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   43 ( 12 ) 2321 - 2327  2011年12月  [査読有り]


    NAGAMI, T., J. MOROHOSHI, T. HIGUCHI, H. NAKATA, S. NAITO, and K. KANOSUE. Spin on Fastballs Thrown by Elite Baseball Pitchers. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 2321-2327, 2011. Purpose: In this study, we analyzed the direction of the spin axis angles and the spin rate of baseballs pitched by elite collegiate and professional pitchers. Method: The video image of a ball being pitched was taken from the period just before release until 200 ms after release with a high-speed video camera at a rate of 1000 frames per second. A custom-made device was used to analyze the spin axis angle and the spin rate. Results and Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the direction of the spin axis angles or the spin rate between collegiate and professional pitchers. A significant correlation was obtained between spin rate and ball speed; that is, the higher the ball speed, the greater the spin rate. In addition, the spin rate deviated more across subjects than did ball speed. For all subjects, the azimuth and elevation of spin axis were 19 degrees +/- 14 degrees and -32 degrees +/- 9 degrees, respectively. Some of the pitchers were able to put a characteristic spin on their fastball; the nature of this spin could be related to their pitching success.



  • Acute effects of static stretching on leg-spring behavior during hopping

    Hiroaki Hobara, Koh Inoue, Emika Kato, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   111 ( 9 ) 2115 - 2121  2011年09月  [査読有り]


    Despite the fact that a stiffer leg spring is prerequisite for achieving a better performance during sports activities, effects of various types of warm-up on the leg stiffness is not well-known. The purpose of this study was to determine if static stretching influences the leg stiffness during two-legged hopping. Fourteen male subjects performed two-legged hopping at 2.2 Hz before and after a 3-min passive stretching of the triceps surae (dorsiflexion of 30 degrees). Based on a spring-mass model, we calculated leg stiffness, which is defined as the ratio of maximal ground reaction force to maximum center of mass displacement at the middle of the stance phase. It was found that there was no significant difference in leg stiffness after passive static stretching. These results suggest that 3-min passive static stretching does not affect the leg-spring behavior and stiffness regulation during two-legged hopping. Finally, possible explanations for the invariant leg stiffness after the passive stretching are discussed.



  • Determinant of leg stiffness during hopping is frequency-dependent

    Hiroaki Hobara, Koh Inoue, Kohei Omuro, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   111 ( 9 ) 2195 - 2201  2011年09月  [査読有り]


    Identifying the major determinant of leg stiffness during hopping would be helpful in the development of more effective training methods. Despite the fact that overall leg stiffness depends on a combination of the joint stiffness, it is unclear how the major determinants of leg stiffness are influenced by hopping frequency. The purpose of this study was to identify the major determinant of leg stiffness over a wide range of hopping frequencies. Fourteen well-trained male athletes performed in a place hopping on two legs, at three frequencies (1.5, 2.2 and 3.0 Hz). We determined leg and joint stiffness of the hip, knee and ankle from kinetic and kinematic data. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that knee stiffness could explain more of the variance of leg stiffness than could ankle or hip stiffness at 1.5 Hz hopping. Further, only ankle stiffness was significantly correlated with leg stiffness at both 2.2 and 3.0 Hz, and the standardized regression coefficient of ankle stiffness was higher than that of knee and hip stiffness. The results of the present study suggest that the major determinant of leg stiffness during hopping switches from knee stiffness to ankle stiffness when the hopping frequency is increased.



  • 運動中のハイポトニック飲料の自由摂取が体液および電解質バランスに及ぼす影響

    呉康雄, 樋口満, 彼末一之, 村岡功, 坂本静雄, 鈴木克彦, 光田博充, 仲立貴, 張志動

    スポーツ科学研究   8   144 - 154  2011年


  • Concepts to utilize in describing thermoregulation and neurophysiological evidence for how the system works

    Kazuyuki Kanosue, Larry I. Crawshaw, Kei Nagashima, Tamae Yoda

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   109 ( 1 ) 5 - 11  2010年05月  [査読有り]


    We would like to emphasize about the system involved with homeostatic maintenance of body temperature. First, the primary mission of the thermoregulatory system is to defend core temperature (T (core)) against changes in ambient temperature (T (a)), the most frequently encountered disturbance for the system. T (a) should be treated as a feedforward input to the system, which has not been adequately recognized by thermal physiologists. Second, homeostatic demands from outside the thermoregulatory system may require or produce an altered T (core), such as fever (demand from the immune system). There are also conditions where some thermoregulatory effectors might be better not recruited due to demands from other homeostatic systems, such as during dehydration or fasting. Third, many experiments have supported the original assertion of Satinoff that multiple thermoregulatory effectors are controlled by different and relatively independent neuronal circuits. However, it would also be of value to be able to characterize strictly regulatory properties of the entire system by providing a clear definition for the level of regulation. Based on the assumption that T (core) is the regulated variable of the thermoregulatory system, regulated T (core) is defined as the T (core) that pertains within the range of normothermic T (a) (Gordon in temperature and toxicology: an integrative, comparative, and environmental approach, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2005), i.e., the T (a) range in which an animal maintains a stable T (core). The proposed approach would facilitate the categorization and evaluation of how normal biological alterations, physiological stressors, and pathological conditions modify temperature regulation. In any case, of overriding importance is to recognize the means by which an alteration in T (core) (and modification of associated effector activities) increases the overall viability of the organism.



  • Leg stiffness adjustment for a range of hopping frequencies in humans

    Hiroaki Hobara, Koh Inoue, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kohei Omuro, Masanori Sakamoto, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS   43 ( 3 ) 506 - 511  2010年02月  [査読有り]


    The purpose of the present study was to determine how humans adjust leg stiffness over a range of hopping frequencies. Ten male subjects performed in place hopping on two legs, at three frequencies (1.5, 2.2, and 3.0 Hz). Leg stiffness, joint stiffness and touchdown joint angles were calculated from kinetic and/or kinematics data. Electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded from six leg muscles. Leg stiffness increased with an increase in hopping frequency. Hip and knee stiffnesses were significantly greater at 3.0 Hz than at 1.5 Hz. There was no significant difference in ankle stiffness among the three hopping frequencies. Although there were significant differences in EMG activity among the three hopping frequencies, the largest was the 1.5 Hz, followed by the 2.2 Hz and then 3.0 Hz. The subjects landed with a straighter leg (both hip and knee were extended more) with increased hopping frequency. These results suggest that over the range of hopping frequencies we evaluated, humans adjust leg stiffness by altering hip and knee stiffness. This is accomplished by extending the touchdown joint angles rather than by altering neural activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 一人の女子短距離トップ選手のオリンピックに向けた5年間の取り組みの分析:トレーニング課題の実施・達成状況から

    信岡沙希重, 磯繁雄, 五味宏生, 彼末一之

    スポーツパフォーマンス研究   2   73 - 100  2010年


  • 一人の女子短距離トップ選手のオリンピックに向けた5年間の取り組みの分析-トレーニング課題の実施・達成状況から-

    信岡沙希重, 礒 繁雄, 五味宏生, 彼末一之

    スポーツパフォーマンス研究   2   73 - 99  2010年


  • 野球投手の手指の動作ーボール回転ー軌道の解析

    永見智行, 樋口貴俊, 諸星潤, 矢内利政, 彼末一之

    日本機械学会シンポジウム講演論文集   10-53   36 - 39  2010年

  • 直球ボール回転速度が打撃正確性に及ぼす影響

    樋口貴俊, 諸星潤, 永見智行, 中田大貴, 彼末一之

    日本機械学会シンポジウム講演論文集   10-53   56 - 60  2010年

  • 運動指令の違いが同側二肢協調動作の安定性に与える影響

    中川剣人, 田代哲郎, 小穴幸子, 村岡哲郎, 坂本将基, 彼末一之

    東京体育学研究   2   29 - 33  2010年

  • ランニングにおけるピッチ変化が下肢バネ特性の左右脚差に及ぼす影響

    保原浩明, 井上恒, 彼末一之

    東京体育学研究   2   41 - 44  2010年

  • Combining observation and imagery of an action enhances human corticospinal excitability

    Masanori Sakamoto, Tetsuro Muraoka, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   65 ( 1 ) 23 - 27  2009年09月  [査読有り]


    The present study investigated whether combining observation and imagery of an action increased corticospinal excitability over the effects of either manipulation performed alone. Corticospinal excitability was assessed by motor-evoked potentials in the biceps brachii muscle following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex during observation, imagery or both. The action utilized was repetitive elbow flexion/extension. Simultaneous observation and imagery of the elbow action facilitated corticospinal excitability as compared to that recorded during observation or imagery alone. However, facilitation due to the combination of observation and imagery was not obtained when the participants imagined the action pattern while they observed the same action presented out of phase. These findings suggest that a combination of observation and imagery can enhance corticospinal excitability. This enhancement depends on phase consistency between the observed and imagined actions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. Ail rights reserved.



  • Execution-dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during action observation

    Masanori Sakamoto, Tetsuro Muraoka, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Experimental Brain Research   199 ( 1 ) 17-25  2009年08月  [査読有り]

  • Knee stiffness is a major determinant of leg stiffness during maximal hopping

    Hiroaki Hobara, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kohei Omuro, Kouki Gomi, Masanori Sakamoto, Koh Inoue, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS   42 ( 11 ) 1768 - 1771  2009年08月  [査読有り]


    Understanding stiffness of the lower extremities during human movement may provide important information for developing more effective training methods during sports activities. It has been reported that leg stiffness during submaximal hopping depends primarily on ankle stiffness, but the way stiffness is regulated in maximal hopping is unknown. The goal of this study was to examine the hypothesis that knee stiffness is a major determinant of leg stiffness during the maximal hopping. Ten well-trained male athletes performed two-legged hopping in place with a maximal effort. We determined leg and joint stiffness of the hip, knee, and ankle from kinetic and kinematic data. Knee stiffness was significantly higher than ankle and hip stiffness. Further, the regression model revealed that only knee stiffness was significantly correlated with leg stiffness. The results of the present study suggest that the knee stiffness, rather than those of the ankle or hip, is the major determinant of leg stiffness during maximal hopping. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Influence of touching an object on corticospinal excitability during motor imagery

    Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Masanori Sakamoto, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH   196 ( 4 ) 529 - 535  2009年07月  [査読有り]


    We investigated whether corticospinal excitability during the imagery of an action involving an external object was influenced by actually touching the object. Corticospinal excitability was assessed by monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous muscle following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex during imagery of squeezing a ball-with or without passively holding the ball. The MEPs amplitude during imagery when the ball was held was larger than that when the ball was not held. The MEPs amplitude was not modulated just by holding the ball. In the same experimental condition, the somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in response to the stimulation of median nerve were not modulated by motor imagery or by holding the ball. These results suggest that the corticospinal excitability during imagery of squeezing a ball is enhanced with the real touch of the ball, and the enhancement would be caused by some changes along the corticospinal pathway itself and not by the change in responsiveness along the afferent pathway to the primary somatosensory cortex.




    Nakamura Mayumi, Yoda Tamae, Uchida Yuki, Tokizawa Ken, Nagashima Kei, Kanosue Kazuyuki

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   205  2009年  [査読有り]

  • Differences in lower extremity stiffness between endurance trained athletes and untrained subjects.

    H. Hobara, K. Kimura, K. Omuro, K. Gomi, T. Muraoka, M. Sakamoto, K. Kanosue

    Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport   13   106 - 111  2009年

  • Continuous change in spring-mass characteristics during a 400-m sprint.

    H. Hobara, K. Inoue, K. Gomi, M. Sakamoto, T Muraoka, S. Iso, K. Kanosue

    Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport   13   256 - 261  2009年

  • M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, N. Mizuguchi, and K. Kanosue

    M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, N. Mizuguchi, K. Kanosue

    Neuroscience Research   65   23 - 27  2009年

  • Exexution-dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery

    M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, N. Mizuguchi, K. Kanosue

    Exp. Brain Res.   199(1)   17 - 25  2009年

  • 野球投手のボールリリース時の手・指の動作とボールコントロールの関係

    永見智行, 諸星潤, 彼末一之

    日本機械学会シンポジウム講演論文集   9-45   51 - 55  2009年


  • スプリント走の加速局面における一流短距離選手のキネティクスに関する研究

    小林海, 土江寛裕, 松尾彰文, 彼末一之, 磯繁雄, 矢内利政, 金久博昭, 福永哲夫, 川上泰雄

    スポーツ科学研究   6   119 - 130  2009年


  • Regional differences in temperature sensation and thermal comfort in humans

    Mayumi Nakamura, Tamae Yoda, Larry I. Crawshaw, Saki Yasuhara, Yasuyo Saito, Momoko Kasuga, Kei Nagashima, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   105 ( 6 ) 1897 - 1906  2008年12月


    Sensations evoked by thermal stimulation (temperature-related sensations) can be divided into two categories, "temperature sensation" and "thermal comfort."Although several studies have investigated regional differences in temperature sensation, less is known about the sensitivity differences in thermal comfort for the various body regions. In the present study, we examined regional differences in temperature-related sensations with special attention to thermal comfort. Healthy male subjects sitting in an environment of mild heat or cold were locally cooled or warmed with water-perfused stimulators. Areas stimulated were the face, chest, abdomen, and thigh. Temperature sensation and thermal comfort of the stimulated areas were reported by the subjects, as was whole body thermal comfort. During mild heat exposure, facial cooling was most comfortable and facial warming was most uncomfortable. On the other hand, during mild cold exposure, neither warming nor cooling of the face had a major effect. The chest and abdomen had characteristics opposite to those of the face. Local warming of the chest and abdomen did produce a strong comfort sensation during whole body cold exposure. The thermal comfort seen in this study suggests that if given the chance, humans would preferentially cool the head in the heat, and they would maintain the warmth of the trunk areas in the cold. The qualitative differences seen in thermal comfort for the various areas cannot be explained solely by the density or properties of the peripheral thermal receptors and thus must reflect processing mechanisms in the central nervous system.



  • Effects of alcohol on autonomic responses and thermal sensation during cold exposure in humans

    Tamae Yoda, Larry I. Crawshaw, Kumiko Saito, Mayumi Nakamura, Kei Nagashima, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    ALCOHOL   42 ( 3 ) 207 - 212  2008年05月  [査読有り]


    We investigated the effects of alcohol on thermoregulatory responses and thermal sensations during cold exposure in humans. Eight healthy men (mean age 22.3 +/- 0.7 year) participated in this study. Experiments were conducted twice for each subject at a room temperature of 18 degrees C. After a 30-min resting period, the subject drank either 15% alcohol at a dose of 0.36 g/kg body weight (alcohol session) or an equal volume of distilled water (control session), and remained in a sitting position for another 60 min. Mean skin temperature continued to decrease and was similar in control and alcohol sessions. Metabolic rate was lower in the alcohol session, but the difference did not affect core temperature, which decreased in a similar manner in both alcohol and control sessions (from 36.9 +/- 0.1 degrees C to 36.6 +/- 0.1 degrees C. Whole body sensations of cold and thermal discomfort became successively stronger in the control session, whereas these sensations were both greatly diminished after drinking alcohol. In a previous study we performed in the heat, using a similar protocol, alcohol produced a definite, coordinated effect on all autonomic and sentient heat loss effectors. In the current study in the cold, as compared to responses in the heat, alcohol intake was followed by lesser alterations in autonomic effector responses, but increased changes in sensations of temperature and thermal discomfort. Overall, our results indicate that although alcohol influences thermoregulation in the cold as well as in the heat, detailed aspects of the influence are quite different. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 04-11-8LBY-2 道具を扱う運動イメージに皮膚感覚が及ぼす影響(運動生理学1,04.運動生理学,一般研究発表抄録)

    水口 暢章, 永見 智行, 福永 浩介, 木俣 尚也, 村岡 哲郎, 坂本 将基, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   59   121 - 121  2008年

    DOI CiNii

  • 04-11-8LBY-3 ライフル射撃選手の足圧中心動揺の測定(運動生理学1,04.運動生理学,一般研究発表抄録)

    福永 浩介, 永見 智行, 茶川 剛史, 水口 暢章, 村岡 哲郎, 坂本 将基, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   59   121 - 121  2008年

    DOI CiNii

  • Determinants of difference in leg stiffness between endurance- and power-trained athletes

    Hiroaki Hobara, Kozo Kimura, Kohei Omuro, Kouki Gomi, Tetsuro Muraoka, Shigeo Iso, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS   41 ( 3 ) 506 - 514  2008年  [査読有り]


    Understanding the leg and joint stiffness during human movement would provide important information that could be utilized for evaluating sports performance and for injury prevention. In the present study, we examined the determinants of the difference in the leg stiffness between the endurance- trained and power-trained athletes. Seven distance runners and seven power-trained athletes performed in-place hopping, matching metronome beats at 3.0 and 1.5 Hz. Leg and joint stiffness were calculated from kinetic and kinematics data. Electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded from six leg muscles. At both hopping frequencies, the power-trained athletes demonstrated significantly higher leg stiffness than the distance runners. Hip, knee, and ankle joints were analyzed for stiffness and touchdown angles. Ankle stiffness was significantly greater in the power-trained athletes than the distance runners at 3.0 Hz as was knee stiffness at 1.5 Hz. There was no significant difference in touchdown angle between the DR and PT groups at either hopping frequencies. When significant difference in EMG activity existed between two groups, it was always greater in the distance runners than the power-rained athletes. These results suggest that (1) the difference in leg stiffness between endurance-trained and power-trained athletes is best attributed to increased joint stiffness, and (2) the difference in joint stiffness between the two groups may be attributed to a lack of similarity in the intrinsic stiffness of the muscle-tendon complex rather than in altered neural activity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • A15 動画像を用いた実投球ボールの画像解析(野球1)

    氏原 洋輔, 子安 大士, 前川 仁, 永見 智行, 大室 康平, 彼末 一之

    ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集:スポーツ工学シンポジウム:シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス   2008 ( 0 ) 78 - 82  2008年


    Analysis of actually pitched ball movement is important in various sports scenes such as amusement, science, and skill up for the pitching. We have been studying a method of spin detection of the pitched ball from image streams obtained by high speed camera. Our algorithm employs a set of linear equations composed by image coordinate of feature points that are corresponding between successive frame. In this paper, methods of ball radius estimation and feature points detection are described in detail, since the both are significantly affects on the performance of the algorithm.

    DOI CiNii

  • A21 一人のプロ野球投手が投げる8種類の投球のボール回転(野球2)

    永見 智行, 小宮山 悟, 彼末 一之, 諸星 潤, 大室 康平, 茶川 剛史, 勝亦 陽一, 氏原 洋輔, 子安 大士, 前川 仁

    ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集:スポーツ工学シンポジウム:シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス   2008 ( 0 ) 108 - 111  2008年


    The authors have recently developed a system for analyzing the spin on a baseball (Koseki et al., 2007). In the present study we analyzed the spin pitched by a professional pitcher. He pitched eight different pitches, each twice, from official pitching mound. The image of ball in the period from just before to 500 ms after the ball release was taken with a high speed video camera at 1000 fps. English alphabets E, M, A, and I were marked on the ball for image processing. Feature points from the image stream were assembled into a set of linear equations that represents orientation change between consecutive two frames by rotation matrix R, and the direction of spin axis and spin rate were obtained. Both values varied considerably depending on pitches. The recording of spin was suggested to be valuable for training if the data could be combined with those of motion analysis.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of muscle cooling on the stiffness of the human gastrocnemius muscle in vivo

    Tetsuro Muraoka, Kohei Omuro, Taku Wakahara, Tadashi Muramatsu, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Tetsuo Fukunaga, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    CELLS TISSUES ORGANS   187 ( 2 ) 152 - 160  2008年  [査読有り]


    Background/Aims: The effects of muscle cooling on the stiffness of the human gastrocnemius muscle (GAS) were examined in vivo. Methods: The knee joint was passively extended from 90 to 0 degrees (0 degrees = full knee extended position) with a constant ankle angle of 10 degrees dorsiflexed position (0 degrees = the sole of the foot is approximately perpendicular to the anterior margin of the shaft of the tibia) in a control condition (room temperature of 18-23 degrees C) and a cooling condition (muscle temperature decreased by 5.8 +/- 8 1.7 degrees C after cooling using a cold water bath at a temperature of 5-8 degrees C for 60 min). The change in passive Achilles tendon force, muscle fascicle length of GAS and muscle temperature were measured (n = 6) during the motion. Results and Conclusion: GAS stiffness was significantly greater in the cooling condition (20 +/- 8 N/mm) than the control condition (18 +/- 8 N/mm). There was no cooling effect on the muscle slack length, beyond which passive muscle force arises. The maximum passive Achilles tendon force significantly increased by 19 +/- 20% after cooling. These results suggested that cooling increased the passive muscle force due to the increase in the muscle stiffness rather than the shift of the muscle slack length. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.



  • Changes in muscle activity with increase in leg stiffness during hopping.

    Hiroaki Hobara, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Shuji Suzuki

    Neuroscience letters   418 ( 1 ) 55 - 9  2007年05月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    While the spring-like leg behavior of legs in mammalian locomotion has been well documented, its neural basis remains ambiguous. The purpose of the present study was to examine leg stiffness control during hopping. Seven male subjects performed in place two-legged hopping at their preferred frequency with two different contact times of the stance phase, preferred and short ones (PCT and SCT, respectively). Based on a spring-mass model, leg stiffness was calculated from the subjects' body mass, ground contact and flight times. Surface electromyographic (EMG) activities of the medial gastrocnemius (MG), soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were recorded. Leg stiffness was higher in the SCT condition than in the PCT condition. The SCT condition was characterized by high EMG activity of MG and SOL at both pre- and post-landing phases, which peaked at about 50 ms. On the other hand, the activity of TA was low throughout the contact phase as compared with those of MG and SOL, and its peak value around 50 ms after landing was significantly lower for the SCT condition than for the PCT condition. We conclude that (1) the leg stiffness is regulated by a change in centrally programmed muscle preactivation and probably also by a concomitant change in the short-latency stretch reflex response of the triceps surae muscles, and (2) the co-contraction of antagonistic TA does not play a major role in leg stiffness control.

    DOI PubMed


  • 短距離トップランナーの400m走中脚筋電図の記録

    五味宏生, 土江寛裕, 木村孝三, 小林海, 保原浩明, 村岡哲郎, 礒繁雄, 川上泰雄, 福永哲夫, 彼末一之

    スポーツ科学研究   4   10 - 17  2007年  [査読有り]

  • The regional difference in temperature related sensations

    Mayumi Nakamura, Tamae Yoda, Saki Yasuhara, Yasuyo Saito, Momoko Kasuga, Kei Nagashima, Larry I. Crawshaw, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Neuroscience Research   58   S108  2007年01月  [査読有り]


  • The median preoptic nucleus is involved in th facilitation of heat-escape/cold-seeking behaviour during systemic salt loading in rats "jointly worked"

    Konishi, M, Kanosue, K, Kano, M, Kobayashi, A, Nagashima, K

    American Journal of Physiology   292 ( 1 ) R150 - R159  2007年01月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • A19 野球のピッチングにおけるボールの画像解析(野球)

    小關 泰広, 狩野 宗徳, 子安 大士, 前川 仁, 永見 智行, 茶川 剛士, 大室 康平, 彼末 一之

    ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集:スポーツ工学シンポジウム:シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス   2007 ( 0 ) 91 - 96  2007年


    For improvement of pitching skill in baseball, it is important to understand the behavior of the pitched ball itself. This paper presents a method of detecting rotation of the pitched ball from image streams obtained by high speed camera. The ball was marked previously for helping image processing. Feature points from the image stream assemble into a set of linear equations that represents orientation change between consecutive two frames by rotation matrix R. The results from live pitching data are shown.

    DOI CiNii

  • 400m走中の脚筋電図測定

    五味宏生, 土江寛裕, 木村孝三, 小林 海, 保原 浩明, 村岡哲郎, 礒 繁雄, 川上泰雄, 福永哲夫, 彼末一之

    スポーツ科学研究   4   9 - 16  2007年

  • The median preoptic nucleus is involved in the facilitation of heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior during systemic salt loading in rats

    Masahiro Konishi, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Masumi Kano, Akiko Kobayashi, Kei Nagashima



    Systemic salt loading has been reported to facilitate operant heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior. In the present study, we hypothesized that the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) would be involved in this mechanism. Rats were divided into two groups (n = 6 each): one group had the MnPO lesion with ibotenic acid (4.0 mu g) and the other was the vehicle control. After subcutaneous injection (10 ml/kg) of either isotonic-(154 mM) or hypertonic-saline (2,500 mM), each rat was placed in a behavior box, where the ambient temperature was changed to 26 degrees C, 35 degrees C, and 40 degrees C every 1 h. The position of a rat in the box and the body core temperature (T(core)) were monitored. A rat could trigger 0 C air for 45 s in the 35 degrees C and 40 C heat when moved in a specific area in the box (operant behavior). In the control group, counts of the operant behavior were greater (P &lt; 0.05) in the hypertonic-than in the isotonic-saline injection (17 +/- 2 and 10 +/- 2 at 35 degrees C, 24 +/- 2 and 18 +/- 1 at 40 degrees C). Tcore remained unchanged throughout the exposure, although the level was lower (P &lt; 0.05) in the hypertonic-than in the isotonic-saline trial (36.6 +/- 0.2 degrees C and 37.4 +/- 0.1 degrees C at 26 degrees C and 36.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C and 37.4 +/- 0.1 degrees C at 40 C, respectively). However, in the MnPO-lesion group, counts of the behavior were similar between the hypertonic-and isotonic-saline injection trials (10 +/- 2 and 8 +/- 1 at 35 degrees C, and 17 +/- 1 and 16 +/- 1 at 40 degrees C, respectively). Tcore increased (P &lt; 0.05) in the heat in both trials (36.8 +/- 0.1 degrees C and 37.4 +/- 0.1 degrees C at 2 degrees C and 37.4 +/- 0.2 degrees C and 37.8 +/- 0.2 degrees C at 40 degrees C in the hypertonic-and isotonic-saline injection trials, respectively). These results may suggest that, at least in part, the MnPO is involved in the facilitation of heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior during osmotic stimulation.



  • Stiffness regulation depending on the visual condition during bouncing gait.

    H. Hobara, K. Inoue, T. Muraoka, K. Kanosue

    Neurosci. Lett.   418   55 - 59  2007年

  • A new system for the analysis of thermal judgments: Multipoint measurements of skin temperatures and temperature-relateld sensations and their joint visualization

    Mayumi Nakamura, Hidenori Esak, Tamae Yoda, Saki Yasuhara, Akiko Kobayashi, Aki Konishi, Naoki Osawa, Kei Nagashima, Larry I. Crawshaw, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   56 ( 6 ) 459 - 464  2006年12月  [査読有り]


    We report a new system for monitoring sensations of many body parts as well as comprehensively showing the distribution of overall skin temperature (T-sk) and temperature-related sensations. The system consists of a console with 52 levers to report temperature-related sensations and software that facilitates the visualization of the distribution of T-sk and temperature-related sensations by displaying them on a model of the human body. The system's utility was demonstrated with a physiological experiment involving three males and three females. They were exposed to step changes of ambient temperature from 23 degrees C to 33 degrees C. We measured T-sk at 50 points, and the subjects concurrently provided estimates of local temperature sensation and thermal comfort/discomfoq at 25 loci. This system greatly facilitates the perception and analysis of spatial relationships and differences in temperature and sensation in various areas of the body.



  • Effects of carbonated and noncarbonated beverage intakes in response to prolonged cycle ergometer exercise

    Taewoong Oh, Mitsuru Higuchi, Kazuyuki Kanosue, Chiyoko Usui, Isao Muraoka, Shizuo Sakamoto, Ikuo Shibuichi, Hiromichi Mitsuda

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   55 ( SUPPL. ) 205 - 208  2006年10月  [査読有り]


    Athletes have been instructed to refrain from taking carbonated beverages in the sports world, but the mechanism has not been clear. The purpose of this study was to clarify how physiological and biochemical evaluation are affected by taking a 10% CHO carbonated beverage after cycle ergometer (60 min, 60% V̇O 2max). Seven subjects consumed a carbonated or noncarbonated (10% carbohydrate) beverage after exercise. No differences were observed in concentration of glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, K and Na in serum from carbonated beverage compared with noncarbonated beverage intakes after exercise. These results indicate that carbonated beverage did not affect the changes of physiological and biochemical parameter after prolonged exercise, and it could be more refreshing and stimulate taste rather than noncarbonated beverage, but seemed to be hard to drink immediately after exercise because it made subjects feel as if having drunk more than they did.

  • Reflex activation of rat fusimotor neurons by body surface cooling, and its dependence on the medullary raphe

    M Tanaka, NC Owens, K Nagashima, K Kanosue, RM McAllen

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON   572 ( 2 ) 569 - 583  2006年04月  [査読有り]


    The nature of muscle efferent fibre activation during whole body cooling was investigated in urethane-anaesthetized rats. Multiunit efferent activity to the gastrocnemius muscle was detected when the trunk skin was cooled by a water-perfused jacket to below 36.0 +/- 0.7 degrees C. That efferent activity was not blocked by hexamethonium (50 mg kg(-1), i.v.) and was not associated with movement or electromyographic activity. Cold-induced efferent activity enhanced the discharge of afferent filaments from the isotonically stretched gastrocnemius muscle, demonstrating that it was fusimotor. Fusimotor neurons were activated by falls in trunk skin temperature, but that activity ceased when the skin was rewarmed, regardless of how low core temperature had fallen. While low core temperature alone was ineffective, a high core temperature could inhibit the fusimotor response to skin cooling. Fusimotor activation by skin cooling was often accompanied by desynchronization of the frontal electroencephalogram (EEG), but was not a simple consequence of cortical arousal, in that warming the scrotum desynchronized the EEG without activating fusimotor fibres. Inhibition of neurons in the rostral medullary raphe by microinjections of glycine (0.5 M, 120-180 nl) reduced the fusimotor response to skin cooling by 95 +/- 3%, but did not prevent the EEG response. These results are interpreted as showing a novel thermoregulatory reflex that is triggered by cold exposure. It may underlie the increased muscle tone that precedes overt shivering, and could also serve to amplify shivering. Like several other cold-defence responses, this reflex depends upon neurons in the rostral medullary raphe.



  • 05-20-T001-04 ティーバッティングとマシンバッティングにおける正確性の分析(05 バイオメカニクス,一般研究発表抄録)

    大室 康平, 長谷川 伸, 村岡 哲郎, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   57 ( 0 ) 147 - 147  2006年  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • 陸上競技の冬季練習における蒸気温熱シートの有用性

    小田英志, 井垣通人, 吉井圭二, 鈴木敦, 土屋秀一, 礒繁雄, 彼末一之

    スポーツ科学研究   3   48 - 60  2006年

  • Effects of warming the lower back with a heat and steam generating sheet on thermoregularoty responses and sensation.

    Oda, H, M. Igaki, T. Ugajin, A. Suzuki, S. Tsuchiya, K. Nagashima, S. Iso, K. Kanosue

    Jpn. J. Biometeor.   43 ( 43 ) 50  2006年

  • Effects of alcohol on thermoregulation during mild heat exposure in humans

    T Yoda, LI Crawshaw, M Nakamura, K Saito, A Konishi, K Nagashima, S Uchida, K Kanosue

    ALCOHOL   36 ( 3 ) 195 - 200  2005年07月  [査読有り]


    We investigated the effects of alcohol on thermoregulatory responses and thermal sensations during mild heat exposure in humans. Eight healthy men participated in this study. Experiments were conducted twice for each subject at a room temperature of 33 degrees C. After a 30-min resting period, the subject drank either 15% alcohol (alcohol session) at a dose of 0.36 g/kg body weight or equal volume of water (control session). Skin blood flow and chest sweat rate in the alcohol session significantly increased over those in controls 10 min after drinking. Deep body temperature in the alcohol session started to decrease 20 min after the onset of sweating and eventually fell 0.3 degrees C lower than in the controls. Whole body hot sensation transiently increased after alcohol drinking, whereas it changed little after water drinking. The increased "hot" sensation would presumably cause cool-seeking behavior, if permitted. Thus, alcohol influences thermoreaulation so that body core temperature is lowered not only by automatic mechanisms (sweating and skin vasodilation) but also behaviorally. These results suggest that decreases in body temperature after alcohol drinking are not secondary to skin vasodilation, a well-known effect of alcohol, but rather result from a decrease in the regulated body temperature evidenced by the coordinated modulation of various effectors of thermoregulation and sensation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Influence of muscle cooling on the passive mechanical properties of the human gastrocnemius muscle

    Tetsuro Muraoka, Kohei Omuro, Taku Wakahara, Tetsuo Fukunaga, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings   7   19 - 21  2005年


    The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of muscle cooling on the passive mechanical properties of the human gastrocnemius muscle (GAS) in vivo. In a thermoneutral (a room temperature of 18-23°C) and a local cooling (placing the right lower leg into cold water with a temperature of 5-8°C for 60 min) conditions, the change in passive plantarflexion force (F), which is produced only by the GAS length change, was taken in five subjects during passive knee extension from 90° to 0° with a constant ankle joint angle of 10° dorsiflexion. To evaluate an elastic component of the passive plantarflexion force of GAS, the subject held full knee extended position for 1 min (i.e. relaxation period). Skin and muscle temperature of GAS were also measured using a core temperature thermistor. The peak value of F (Fve) that was measured at the end of the knee extension phase, the decrease of F (ΔF) during the relaxation period, and the F at the end of the relaxation period (Fe) were measured in the two conditions. Muscle cooling decreased the skin and muscle temperature by 6.7 ± 1.1°C and 8.1 ± 2.5°C, respectively. Fve increased by 24% ± 22% by muscle cooling. ΔF in the thermoneutral and local cooling conditions were 11.5 ± 4.9 N and 12.5 ± 2.9 N, respectively. Fe increased by 28% ± 21% by muscle cooling. These results suggested that muscle cooling increased an elastic component of the passive force arisen from GAS and seemed not to affect its viscous component. © 2005 IEEE.



  • 05-25-ダンス-17 視覚制限下の連続跳躍動作におけるSpring-mass特性(05 バイオメカニクス,一般研究発表)

    保原 浩明, 大室 康平, 村岡 哲郎, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   56 ( 0 ) 261 - 261  2005年  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • The involvement of Cry1 and Cry2 genes in the thermoregulatory mechanisms for the circadian body temperature rhythm in mice "jointly worked"

    Nagashima, K, Matsue, K, Konishi, M, Iidaka, C, Miyazaki, K, Ishida, N, Kanosue, K

    American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology   288 ( 1 57-1 ) R329 - R335  2005年01月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • The involvement of Cry1 and Cry2 genes in the regulation of the circadian body temperature rhythm in mice

    K Nagashima, K Matsue, M Konishi, C Iidaka, K Miyazaki, N Ishida, K Kanosue



    The criptochrome genes (Cry1 and Cry2) are involved in the molecular mechanism that controls the circadian clock, and mice lacking these genes ( Cry1(-/-)/ Cry2(-/-)) are behaviorally arrhythmic. It has been speculated that the circadian clock modulates the characteristics of thermoregulation, resulting in body temperature (T-b) rhythm. However, there is no direct evidence proving this speculation. We show here that T-b and heat production in Cry1(-/-)/Cry2(-/-) mice are arrhythmic under constant darkness. In contrast, both rhythms occur under a light-dark cycle and/or periodical food restriction linked with spontaneous activity and/or eating, although they are not robust as those in wild-type mice. The relationship between heat production and T-b in Cry1(-/-)/Cry2(-/-) mice is linear and identical under any conditions, indicating that their T-b rhythm is determined by heat production rhythm associated with activity and eating. However, T-b in wild-type mice is maintained at a relatively higher level in the active phase than the inactive phase regardless of the heat production level. These results indicate that the thermoregulatory responses are modulated according to the circadian phase, and the Cry genes are involved in this mechanism.



  • Influence of long-term Kendo training on the geometric and mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon.

    Muraoka, T, Muramatsu, T, Kanosue, K, Fukunaga, T, Kanehisa, H

    Int. J. Sport Health Sci.   3 ( 2005 ) 303 - 309  2005年


    The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in the geometric and elastic properties of the Achilles tendon between right and left ankles in kendo (japanese fencing) athletes, who engaged in kendo training for years, and matched controls. The subjects were twelve kendo athletes and nine controls (21 and 20 yrs, 65 and 60 kg, and 172 and 171 cm, respectively). While the subjects developed maximum voluntary isometric plantarflexion (MVIP) torque (TQ), the tendon displacement and ankle joint rotation was determined using a B-mode ultrasonograph and a goniometer, respectively. The tendon force (F) was calculated from TQ and the moment arm of the Achilles tendon. The elongation of the Achilles tendon (ΔX) was obtained from the tendon displacement and ankle joint rotation. The cross-sectional area of the Achilles tendon (CSA) was measured using a B-mode ultrasonography. The Achilles tendon stiffness (k) was defined as F divided by ΔX, stress (σ) as F divided by CSA, strain (ε) at MVIP as ΔX divided by the Achilles tendon length at rest (Lr), and Young's modulus (E) as σ divided by ε. The results showed that there were no significant differences in TQ, F, σ, Lr, ΔX, ε, k, and E between right and left ankles for both control and kendo athlete subjects, and between control and kendo athlete subjects. CSA of kendo athletes' right ankles was significantly greater than that of kendo athletes' left ankles (p=0.03). It was suggested that a long-term kendo training did not affect the elastic properties of the Achilles tendon and resulted in smaller Achilles tendon CSA in left ankles.

    DOI CiNii

  • Fos activation in hypothalamic neurons during cold or warm exposure: Projections to periaqueductal gray matter

    K Yoshida, M Konishi, K Nagashima, CB Saper, K Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE   133 ( 4 ) 1039 - 1046  2005年  [査読有り]


    The hypothalamus, especially the preoptic area, plays a crucial role in thermoregulation, and our previous studies showed that the periaqueductal gray matter is important for transmitting efferent signals to thermoregulatory effectors in rats. Neurons responsible for skin vasodilation are located in the lateral portion of the rostral periaqueductal gray matter, and neurons that mediate non-shivering thermogenesis are located in the ventrolateral part of the caudal periaqueductal gray matter. We investigated the distribution of neurons in the rat hypothalamus that are activated by exposure to neutral (26 degrees C), warm (33 degrees C), or cold (10 degrees C) ambient temperature and project to the rostral periaqueductal gray matter or caudal periaqueductal gray matter, by using the immunohistochemical analysis of Fos and a retrograde tracer, cholera toxin-b. When cholera toxin-b was injected into the rostral periaqueductal gray matter, many double-labeled cells were observed in the median preoptic nucleus in warm-exposed rats, but few were seen in cold-exposed rats. On the other hand, when cholera toxin-b was injected into the caudal periaqueductal gray matter, many double-labeled cells were seen in a cell group extending from the dorsomedial nucleus through the dorsal hypothalamic area in cold-exposed rats but few were seen in warm-exposed rats. These results suggest that the rostral periaqueductal gray matter receives input from the median preoptic nucleus neurons activated by warm exposure, and the caudal periaqueductal gray matter receives input from neurons in the dorsomedial nucleus/dorsal hypothalamic area region activated by cold exposure. These efferent pathways provide a substrate for thermoregulatory skin vasomotor response and non-shivering thermogenes is, respectively. (c) 2005 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Brain activation by thermal stimulation in humans studied with fMRI

    T Yagishita, N Sadato, T Okada, A Taniguchi, M Konishi, K Nagashima, Y Yonekura, K Kanosue

    Environmental Ergonomics   3   17 - 20  2005年  [査読有り]


    Sensations evoked by innocuous thermal stimulation can be divided into two categories. One is "temperature sensation" in a narrow sense, which is directed towards an object outside the body. The other is the "thermal comfort/discomfort" of the body that is important for thermoregulation. We recently reported rCBF changes in the amygdala which correlated with thermal comfort during whole body cooling (Kanosue et al., 2000). In the present study we investigated the region of brain that is activated by local thermal stimulation of the hand. Eight healthy subjects were recruited and gave written informed consent to participate in the study. Warm (39 degrees C) or cold (25 degrees C) stimuli was applied to the right or left hand for 30 s by using a water circulating tube that covered the whole hand. Each subject reported the magnitude of the stimulus intensity of temperature sensation using a scale from 1 (very cold) to 9 (very hot). All subjects reported hot or cold sensations and not pain. We examined the correlation between the rating scores and regional activity over the entire brain with a 3 Tesla MR imagers (VP, General Electrics, Milwaukee, US). Activation was observed in the contralateral secondary somatosensory cortex in response to both warm and cold stimulation of the hand. No activation was observed in the amygdala. This suggests that temperature sensation and thermal comfort might be generated by completely different structures of the brain.

  • 体温調節のメカニズム(共著)

    彼末一之, 永島 計, 小西あき

    体育の科学   54 ( 10 ) 764 - 768  2004年10月

  • 野球のバットスイングの解析 : 速さか安定性か(野球(2))

    大室 康平, 坂元 龍斗, 永見 智行, 大部 隆志, 長谷川 伸, 野村 徹, 彼末 一之

    ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集:スポーツ工学シンポジウム:シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス   2004 ( 0 ) 108 - 112  2004年


    This study examined two factors that are important for baseball batting, (1) swing speed and (2) ability to repeat the same swing (repeatability). Twenty male subjects participated in the study; eight beginners, five active players from a university baseball club (players), and another seven who played baseball at a high school or university but are not active now (experienced). Each subject hit a ball on a batting tee fifteen times. Swing speed was measured by a custom-made machine using laser position detectors. The motion of the bat head was also recorded by a high speed video camera (250 flames/s). Swing speed was 82.6km/h, 108.2km/h, and 97.2km/h, for the beginner, player, and experienced groups, respectively. Repeatability of the swing was evaluated by utilizing the standard deviation (SD) of the bat head position in the vertical plane when it hit the ball. The SD was 2.1cm for the beginners and 1.1 cm for the player and experienced groups. There were significant differences in both swing speed and repeatability between the beginners and the player or experienced groups. These data suggest that both swing speed and repeatability improve with practice.

    DOI CiNii

  • Brain regions expressing Fos during thermoregulatory behavior in rats

    M Maruyama, M Nishi, M Konishi, Y Takashige, K Nagashima, T Kiyohara, K Kanosue



    We surveyed the neural substrata for behavioral thermoregulation with immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of Fos protein in the rat brain. We used an operant system in which a rat exposed to heat ( 40 degreesC) could get cold air ( 0 degreesC) for 30 s when it moved into the reward area. Rats moved in and out of the reward area of the system periodically and thus maintained their body temperature at a normal level. In the rats performing heat escape behavior ( active group), strong Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) was found in the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), parastrial nucleus ( PS), and dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) compared with the controls. Another group of rats ( passive group) were given the same temperature changes, regardless of the rat's movement, as those obtained by rats of the active group. Fos-IR in the MnPO was also seen in this group. The present results suggest that the PS and DMH play an important role in the genesis of thermoregulatory behavior, whereas the MnPO may be important for detecting changes in ambient and/or body temperatures.



  • Neurons of the rat preoptic area and the raphe pallidus nucleus innervating the brown adipose tissue express the prostaglandin E receptor subtype EP3

    K Yoshida, K Nakamura, K Matsumura, K Kanosue, M Konig, HJ Thiel, Z Boldogkoi, Toth, I, J Roth, R Gerstberger, T Hubschle

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   18 ( 7 ) 1848 - 1860  2003年10月  [査読有り]


    The major effector organ for thermogenesis during inflammation or experimental pyrogen-induced fever in rodents is the brown adipose tissue (BAT). Prostaglandin E2 (PGE(2)) microinjection into the medial preoptic area (POA) of rats leads to hyperthermia through an increase in BAT thermogenesis and induces pyrogenic signal transmission towards the raphe pallidus nucleus (RPa), a brainstem nucleus known to contain sympathetic premotor neurons for BAT control. The medial POA has a high expression of prostaglandin E receptor subtype EP3 (EP3R) on POA neurons, suggesting that these EP3R are main central targets of PGE(2) to mediate BAT thermogenesis. To reveal central command neurons that contain EP3R and polysynaptically project to the BAT, we combined EP3R immunohistochemistry with the detection of transneuronally labelled neurons that were infected after injection of pseudorabies virus into the BAT. Neurons double-labelled with EP3R and viral surface antigens were particularly numerous in two brain regions, the medial POA and the RPa. Of all medial POA neurons that became virally infected 71 h after BAT inoculation, about 40% expressed the EP3R. This subpopulation of POA neurons is the origin of a complete neuronal chain that connects potential PGE(2)-sensitive POA neurons with the BAT. As for the efferent pathway of pyrogenic signal transmission, we hypothesize that neurons of this subpopulation of EP3R expressing POA neurons convey their pyrogenic signals towards the BAT via the RPa. We additionally observed that two-thirds of those RPa neurons that polysynaptically project to the interscapular BAT also expressed the EP3R, suggesting that RPa neurons themselves might possess prostaglandin sensitivity that is able to modulate BAT thermogenesis under febrile conditions.



  • Effects of fasting on thermoregulatory processes and the daily oscillations in rats

    K Nagashima, S Nakai, K Matsue, M Konishi, M Tanaka, K Kanosue



    To investigate the mechanism involved in the reduction of body core temperature (T-core) during fasting in rats, which is selective in the light phase, we measured T-core, surface temperature, and oxygen consumption rate in fed control animals and in fasted animals on day 3 of fasting and day 4 of recovery at an ambient temperature (T-a) of 23 degreesC by biotelemetry, infrared thermography, and indirect calorimetry, respectively. On the fasting day, 1) T-core in the light phase decreased (P &lt; 0.05) from the control; however, T-core in the dark phase was unchanged, 2) tail temperature fell from the control (P &lt; 0.05, from 30.7 +/- 0.1 to 23.9 +/- 0.1 degreesC in the dark phase and from 29.4 +/- 0.1 to 25.2 +/- 0.2 degreesC in the light phase), 3) oxygen consumption rate decreased from the control ( P &lt; 0.05, from 24.37 +/- 1.06 to 16.24 +/- 0.69 ml . min(-1) . kg body wt(-0.75) in the dark phase and from 18.91 +/- 0.64 to 14.00 +/- 0.41 ml . min(-1) . kg body wt(-0.75) in the light phase). All these values returned to the control levels on the recovery day. The results suggest that, in the fasting condition, T-core in the dark phase was maintained by suppression of the heat loss mechanism, despite the reduction of metabolic heat production. In contrast, the response was weakened in the light phase, decreasing T-core greatly. Moreover, the change in the regulation of tail blood flow was a likely mechanism to suppress heat loss.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of fasting on thermoregulatory processes and the daily oscillations in rats

    K Nagashima, S Nakai, K Matsue, K Kanosue

    FASEB JOURNAL   17 ( 4 ) A30 - A30  2003年03月  [査読有り]

  • Involvement of the raphe pallidus in the suppresive effect of preoptic warming on non-shivering thermogenesis in rats

    Taniguchi, A, Chen, X.-M, Nagashima, K, Tanaka, M, Kanosue, K

    Brain Research   966 ( 1 ) 103 - 109  2003年  [査読有り]



  • Attenuation of metabolic heat production and cold-escape/warm-seeking behaviour during a cold exposure following systemic salt loading in rats "jointly worked"

    Konishi, M, Nagashima, K, Asano, K, Kanosue, K

    Journal of Physiology   551 ( 2 ) 713 - 720  2003年  [査読有り]



  • Systemic salt loading suppresses heat production and thermoregulatory behaviour in rats during cold exposure

    M. Konishi, K. Nagashima, K. Asano, K. Kanosue

    J. Physiol.   551   713 - 720  2003年

  • Inhibitory projection from the preoptic area to the medullary raph&eacute; for the control of thremoregulatory non-shivering thermogenesis in rats.

    A. Taniguchi, X.-M. Chen, K. Nagashima, M. Tanaka, K. Kanosue

    Brain Research   966   103 - 109  2003年

  • The caudal periaqueductal gray participates in the activation of brown adipose tissue in rats

    XM Chen, M Nishi, A Taniguchi, K Nagashima, M Shibata, K Kanosue

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   331 ( 1 ) 17 - 20  2002年10月  [査読有り]


    To investigate the involvement of the periaqueductal gray (PAG) in the control of non-shivering thermogenesis, we tested the effects of electrical or chemical stimulation of the PAG on thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in urethane anesthetized rats. Electrical stimulation (0.1 mA, 33 Hz, 0.5 ms) or application of D,L-homocysteic acid (0.5 mM, 0.3 mul) into the lateral region of the caudal PAG (cPAG) elicited BAT thermogenesis, measured as a rise in the local temperature of interscapular BAT. These results suggest that neurons in the cPAG send excitatory efferent signals for BAT thermogenesis. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Thermoregulatory control of sympathetic fibers supplying the rat’s tail.

    N.C. Owens, Y. Ootsuka, K. Kanosue, R.M. McAllen

    Journal of Physiology   543 ( 3 ) 849 - 858  2002年09月  [査読有り]



  • Brain activation during whole body cooling in humans studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging

    K Kanosue, N Sadato, T Okada, T Yoda, S Nakai, K Yoshida, T Hosono, K Nagashima, T Yagishita, O Inoue, K Kobayashi, Y Yonekura

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   329 ( 2 ) 157 - 160  2002年08月  [査読有り]


    Regional activation of the brain was studied in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging during whole body cooling that produced thermal comfort/discomfort. Eight normal male subjects lay in a sleeping bag through which air was blown, exposing subjects to cold air (8degreesC) for 22 min. Each subject scored their degree of thermal comfort and discomfort every min. As the subjects reported more discomfort the blood oxygen level dependent response in the bilateral amygdala increased. There was no activation in the thalamus, somatosensory, cingulate, or insula cortices. This result suggests that the amygdala plays a role in the genesis of thermal discomfort due to cold. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

  • Role of the medullary raphe in thermoregulatory vasomotor control in rats

    M Tanaka, K Nagashima, RM McAllen, K Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON   540 ( 2 ) 657 - 664  2002年04月  [査読有り]


    To investigate the involvement of the medullary raphe in thermoregulatory vasomotor control, we chemically manipulated raphe neuronal activity while monitoring the tail vasomotor response to preoptic warming. For comparison, neuronal activity in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) was manipulated in similar experiments. Injections Of D,L-homocysteic acid (DLH; 0.5 mm, 0.3 mul) into a restricted region of the ventral medullary raphe suppressed the tail vasodilatation normally elicited by warming the preoptic area to 42degreesC. DLH injection into the RVLM also suppressed the vasodilatation elicited by preoptic warming. Injection of bicuculline (0.5 mm, 0.3 mul) into the same raphe region suppressed the vasodilatation elicited by preoptic warming. Bicuculline injection into the RVLM did not suppress tail vasodilatation. These results suggest that neurones in both the medullary raphe and the RVLM are vasoconstrictor to the tail, but only those in the raphe receive inhibitory input from the preoptic area. That input might be direct and/or indirect (e.g. via the periaqueductal grey matter).

  • Fos expression induced by warming the preoptic area in rats

    K Yoshida, M Maruyama, T Hosono, K Nagashima, Y Fukuda, R Gerstberger, K Kanosue

    BRAIN RESEARCH   933 ( 2 ) 109 - 117  2002年04月  [査読有り]


    The preoptic area (POA) occupies a crucial position among the structures participating in thermoregulation, but we know little about its efferent projections for controlling various effector responses. In this study, we used an immunohistochemical analysis of Fos expression during local warming of the preoptic area. To avoid the effects of anesthesia or stress, which are known to elicit Fos induction in various brain regions, we used a novel thermode specifically designed for chronic warming of discrete brain structures in freely moving rats. At an ambient temperature of 22 degreesC, local POA warming increased Fos immunoreactivity in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG). Exposure of animals to an ambient temperature of 5 degreesC induced Fos immunoreactivity in the magnocellular paraventricular nucleus (mPVN) and the dorsomedial region of the hypothalamus (DMH). Concurrent warming of the POA suppressed Fos expression in these areas. These findings suggest that thermal information from the preoptic area sends excitatory signals to the SON and the PAG, and inhibitory signals to the mPVN and the DMH. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science BV All rights reserved.

  • Thermal regulation and comfort during a mild-cold exposure in young Japanese women complaining of unusual coldness

    K Nagashima, T Yoda, T Yagishita, A Taniguchi, T Hosono, K Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   92 ( 3 ) 1029 - 1035  2002年03月  [査読有り]


    We examined body core and skin temperatures and thermal comfort in young Japanese women suffering from unusual coldness (C, n=6). They were selected by interview asking whether they often felt severe coldness even in an air-conditioned environment (20-26degreesC) and compared with women not suffering from coldness (N, n=6). Experiments were conducted twice for each subject: 120-min exposure at 23.5degreesC or 29.5degreesC after a 40-min baseline at 29.5degreesC. Mean skin temperature decreased (P&lt;0.05) from 33.6&PLUSMN;0.1&DEG;C (mean &PLUSMN; SE) to 31.1&PLUSMN;0.1&DEG;C and from 33.5&PLUSMN;0.1&DEG;C to 31.1&PLUSMN;0.1&DEG;C in C and N during the 23.5&DEG;C exposure. Fingertip temperature in C decreased more than in N (P&lt;0.05; from 35.2+/-0.1degreesC to 23.6+/-0.2degreesC and from 35.5+/-0.1degreesC to 25.6+/-0.6degreesC). Those temperatures during the 29.5degreesC exposure remained at the baseline levels. Rectal temperature during the 23.5degreesC exposure was maintained at the baseline level in both groups (from 36.9+/-0.2degreesC to 36.8+/-0.1degreesC and 37.1+/-0.1degreesC to 37.0+/-0.1degreesC in C and N). The rating scores of cold discomfort for both the body and extremities were greater (P&lt;0.05) in C than in N. Thus the augmented thermal sensitivity of the body to cold and activated vasoconstriction of the extremities during cold exposure could be the mechanism for the severe coldness felt in C.



  • Involvement of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in body temperature modulation by food deprivation in rats

    S Liu, XM Chen, T Yoda, K Nagashima, Y Fukuda, K Kanosue

    BRAIN RESEARCH   929 ( 1 ) 26 - 36  2002年03月  [査読有り]


    Recently we found that food-deprived rats kept under a light-dark cycle showed a progressive reduction in body temperature during the light phase on each subsequent day while body temperature in the dark phase did not differ from baseline values. In this study, we investigated the effect of lesioning the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) on body temperature modulation by food deprivation. In the SCN-lesioned rats in which daily rhythms of body temperature and activity were abolished, body temperature was unchanged by food deprivation. We also examined the effect of food deprivation on the daily changes in Fos expression in the SCN. Under normal fed conditions the number of SCN cells expressing Fos is high during the day and low at night. Food deprivation attenuated the amplitude of this daily change in Fos expression in the SCN. This tendency was prominent in the dorsal part of the SCN. while the ventral part showed no effect of food deprivation. These findings suggest that the SCN plays some role in body temperature modulation due to food deprivation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 15
  • 温熱的快・不快感(暑さ・寒さ)とは

    彼末一之, 永島 計, 谷口あき, 小西正博

    繊維製品消費科学     159 - 164  2002年

  • Systemic salt loading activates heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior via the central V1 and AT1 receptors in rats.

    M. Konishi, K. Nagashima, K. Kanosue

    J. Physiol.   545   289 - 296  2002年

  • Systemic salt loading activates heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior via the central V1 and AT1 receptors in rats.

    Journal of Physiology   545 ( 1 ) 289 - 96  2002年  [国際誌]


  • Hypothalamic region facilitating shivering in rats

    M Tanaka, M Tonouchi, T Hosono, K Nagashima, M Yanase-Fujiwara, K Kanosue

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY   51 ( 5 ) 625 - 629  2001年10月  [査読有り]


    Although the posterior part of the hypothalamus has long, been considered important for thermoregulatory shivering, it is unknown whether the neurons there or the passing fibers are implicated in the response. Exposure of urethane-anesthetized rats to cold (15-21 degreesC) elicits shivering. An injection of muscimol (0.5 mm), a GABA(A) receptor agonist, into the medial part of the hypothalamus, including the dorsomedial and posterior nuclei, suppressed the cold-induced shivering. This result suggests that neurons having an excitatory effect on shivering are in this region of the hypothalamus.

  • Effects of estrogen on thermoregulatory tail vasomotion and heat-escape behavior in freely moving female rats

    T Hosono, XM Chen, A Miyatsuji, T Yoda, K Yoshida, M Yanase-Fujiwara, K Kanosue



    Effects of estrogen on thermoregulatory vasomotion and heat-escape behavior were investigated in ovariectomized female rats supplemented with estrogen (replaced estrogen rats) or control saline (low estrogen rats). First, we measured tail temperature of freely moving rats at ambient temperatures (T-a) between 13 and 31 degreesC. Tail temperature of the low estrogen rats was higher than that of the replaced estrogen rats at T-a between 19 and 25 degreesC, indicating that the low estrogen rats exhibit more skin vasodilation than the replaced estrogen rats. There was no significant difference in oxygen consumption and core temperature between the two groups. Second, we analyzed heat-escape behaviors in a hot chamber where rats could obtain cold air by moving in and out of a reward area. The low estrogen rats kept Ta at a lower level than did the replaced estrogen rats. These results imply that the lack of estrogen facilitates heat dissipation both by skin vasodilation and by heat-escape behavior. Ovariectomized rats may mimic climacteric hot flushes not only for autonomic skin vasomotor activity but also for thermoregulatory behavior.

  • Increased heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior following hypertonic saline injection in rats

    K Nagashima, S Nakai, M Konishi, L Su, K Kanosue



    We examined the effect of hypertonic saline injection on heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior in desalivated rats. Rats were exposed to 40 degreesC heat after normal (154 mM NaCl, control) or hypertonic saline (2,500 mM NaCl) injection (1 ml/100 g body wt). The rats received a 0 degreesC air for 30 s when they entered a specific area in an experimental box. Core temperature (T(c)) surpassed 40 degreesC in both conditions when 0 degreesC air was not available. Hypertonic saline injection produced a lower baseline T(c) than control [36.9 +/- 0.2 and 37.9 +/- 0.2 degreesC (means +/- SE), P &lt; 0.05] and a greater number of 0&lt;degrees&gt;C air rewards during the 2-h heat with lower T(c) at the end (48 +/- 1 and 34 +/- 2, 37.6 +/- 0.1, and 37.3 +/- 0.1 degreesC in the control and hypertonic saline injection trial, respectively, P &lt; 0.05, n = 6). However, T(c) was similar (37.7 +/- 0.2 and 37.6 +/- 0.4&lt;degrees&gt;C in the control and hypertonic saline injection trial, n = 5) when 0 degreesC air was automatically and intermittently (35 times) given during the heat. Rats augment heat-defense mechanisms in response to osmotic stress by lowering the baseline T(c) and increasing heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior.

  • 視床下部と体温調節

    彼末一之, 永島 計, 吉田恭子, 田中睦美, 谷口あき, 細野剛良

    Clinical Neuroscience   19   47 - 49  2001年

  • The central organization of the thermoregulatory system.

    Kanosue, K, K. Yoshida, M. Maruyama, K. Nagashima

    In Thermotherapy: Principles and Practice (Eds. M. Kosaka and E. Simon)   Springer, Tokyo,   2 - 11  2001年


  • Glossary terms for thermal physiology (3rd Ed.)

    As a member of, the, Commission, for Thermal Physiology of, the, International, Union of, Physiological Sciences

    The Japanese Journal of Physiology   ( 51 )  2001年

  • Autonomic and behavioural thermoregulation in starved rats

    S Sakurada, O Shido, N Sugimoto, Y Hiratsuka, T Yoda, K Kanosue

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON   526 ( 2 ) 417 - 424  2000年07月  [査読有り]


    1. We investigated the mechanism of starvation-induced hypothermia in rats.
    2. Threshold core temperatures (T-cor) for tail skin vasodilatation and cold-induced thermogenesis were determined after a 3 day starvation using a chronically implanted intravenous thermode. Food deprivation significantly lowered the threshold T-cor for heat production, but did not affect the heat loss threshold. 3. Thermogenic response to a fall in T-cor below its threshold was enhanced by starvation.
    4. Preferred ambient temperatures (T-pref) and T-cor were measured before and during a 3 day starvation in a thermal gradient. The 3 day starvation significantly lowered T-cor only in the light phase of the day. The level of hypothermia was the same throughout the fasting period, while T-pref gradually increased during the 3 days of starvation.
    5. When rats were starved at a constant ambient temperature of 25 degrees C (no thermal gradient), their T-cor levels were comparable with those of the rats kept in the thermal gradient.
    6. The results suggest that, in rats, hypothermia caused by starvation ws not due to a decrement in thermogenic capability, but was due to a decrease in the threshold for the activation of thermogenesis.

  • Neuronal circuitries involved in thermoregulation

    Kei Nagashima, Sadamu Nakai, Mutsumi Tanaka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    Autonomic Neuroscience   85 ( 1-3 ) 18  2000年  [査読有り]

    DOI DOI2


  • 生存のための脳機能


    BME    2000年

  • 温熱的情動感覚(暑さ・寒さ)の脳機構

    彼末一之, 永島 計, 八木下知子, 谷口あき, 細野剛良

    ジョイントシンポジウム 生活の場における温度・湿度と人間 講演論文集     33 - 36  2000年

  • Neuronal organizations for thermoregulation.

    Nagashima, K, S. Nakai, M. Tanaka, K. Kanosue

    Aut. Neurosci.   ( 85 ) 18 - 25  2000年

  • Effects of food deprivation on daily changes in body temperature and behavioral thermoregulation in rats

    T Yoda, LI Crawshaw, K Yoshida, L Su, T Hosono, O Shido, S Sakurada, Y Fukuda, K Kanosue



    Homeothermic animals regulate body temperature (Tb) by using both autonomic and behavioral mechanisms. In the latter process, animals seek out cooler or warmer places when they are exposed to excessively hot or cold environments. Thermoregulation is affected by the state of energy reserves in the body. In the present study, we examine the effects of 4-day food deprivation on circadian changes in Tb and on cold-escape and heat-escape behaviors in rats. Continuous measurement of Tb during food deprivation indicated that the peak Tb amplitude was not different from baseline values, but the trough amplitude continuously decreased after the onset of food deprivation. Cold-escape behavior was facilitated by food deprivation, whereas heat-escape behavior was unchanged. After the termination of food deprivation, the lowered Tb returned to normal on the first day. However, cold-escape behavior was still facilitated on the third day after food reintroduction. Autonomic and behavioral thermoregulatory effecters are modulated in the face of food shortage so as to maintain optimal performance during the active period, whereas increasing energy conservation occurs during the quiescent phase.

  • Hypothalamic network for thermoregulatory shivering

    K. Kanosue, Y. H. Zhang, M. Yanase-Fujiwara, T. Hosono

    American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology   267 ( 1 ) R275 - R282  1994年


    Warming one side of a rat's preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus (POAH) suppresses shivering on both sides of the body, and the present study evaluated the extent to which signals mediating this suppression cross the midline within and below the POAH. Hind paw shivering during unilateral POAH thermal stimulation was measured for rats in which the POAH had been midsagittally transected and for rats in which one side of the hypothalamus had been coronally transected just caudal to the POAH. In midsagittally transected rats, unilateral warming on either side of the POAH suppressed shivering equally on both sides of the body. In unilaterally transected rats, POAH warming on the transected side did not affect shivering, but warming the intact side suppressed shivering equally on both sides of the body. When a unilateral transection of only the lateral part of the hypothalamus included the medial forebrain bundle, the effect was the same as that of a unilateral transection of the whole hypothalamus. These results indicate that no information controlling shivering is exchanged between the left and right POAH and that efferent signals from the POAH, descending through the medial forebrain bundle, cross the midline somewhere below the hypothalamus to innervate both sides of the body equally.

    DOI PubMed


  • Hypothalamic network for thermoregulatory vasomotor control

    K. Kanosue, M. Yanase-Fujiwara, T. Hosono

    American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology   267 ( 1 ) R283 - R288  1994年


    Warming one side of a rat's preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus (POAH) causes skin vasodilation on both sides of the body, and the present study evaluated the extent to which signals mediating this vasodilation cross the midline within and below the POAH. Hind paw vasomotion during unilateral POAH thermal or electrical stimulation was measured for rats in which the POAH had been midsagittally transected and for rats in which one side of the hypothalamus had been coronally transected just below the POAH. In midsagittally transected rats, unilateral POAH thermal or electrical stimulation produced bilateral paw vasodilation, but the ipsilateral dilation occurred at a hypothalamic temperature lower than that at which contralateral dilation occurred. In the unilaterally transected rats, unilateral POAH warming produced bilateral vasodilation and, regardless of which side of the POAH was warmed, the threshold stimulus temperature was always lower for vasodilation on the intact side. Unilateral transection of a part of the hypothalamus that included the medial forebrain bundle had the same effect as did unilateral transection of the whole hypothalamus. Information controlling thermoregulatory vasomotion thus crosses the midline both within and below the POAH. Although efferent signals descending through the medial forebrain bundle innervate skin blood vessels on both sides of the body, this innervation is stronger on the ipsilateral side.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of centrally and systemically administered indomethacin on body temperature in exercising rats

    H. Tanaka, M. Yanase-Fujiwara, K. Kanosue

    American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology   265 ( 1 ) R230 - R234  1993年


    Subcutaneous and intracerebroventricular (icv) injections of indomethacin were used to test whether prostaglandin synthesis is essential for the exercise-induced increase in a rat's body temperature. At an air temperature of 24°C , male Wistar rats ran on a treadmill at 10-15 m/min 20 min after 300-μg icv injection or 60 min after 15-mg/kg sc injection of indomethacin or of control vehicle. The rectal temperature (T(re)) of control rats in 17 control experiments increased by 1.0°C during exercise, whereas the T(re) of the rats pretreated with intracerebroventricular indomethacin increased by only 0.4°C. Threshold T(re) for tail vasodilation was significantly lower in rats pretreated with indomethacin than the control rats (38.4 ± 0.1 vs. 38.9 ± 0.1°C), but O2 uptake did not differ between indomethacin-pretreated and control rats. Subcutaneous injection of indomethacin did not affect the body temperature, tail vasomotor activity, or O2 uptake of exercising rats. Intracerebroventricular indomethacin did not affect T(re) or tail vasomotor activity of rats resting at ambient temperatures of 24 and 28°C. Present results suggest that prostaglandin synthesis is required for the vasoconstrictive effect of exercise on skin blood vessels and thus for the exercise-induced elevation of body temperature.

    DOI PubMed


  • Involvement of fever mechanisms in exercise-induced hyperthermia

    K. Kanosue, M. Yanase-Fujiwara, H. Tanaka

    Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute   ( 80 ) 40 - 46  1992年



    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY   260 ( 3 ) R486 - R493  1991年03月  [査読有り]


    The present study explored the laterality of central nervous thermoregulatory control in anesthetized rats by measuring paw skin vasomotor activity and cold-induced shivering in hind leg muscles during unilateral preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus (POAH) warming and electrical stimulation or during unilateral thermal stimulation of abdominal skin. Unilateral POAH warming produced vasodilation on both sides of the body, but vasodilation on the ipsilateral side always either occurred at a lower threshold hypothalamic temperature or was stronger than on the contralateral side. In a cold environment (5-degrees-C), shivering was suppressed simultaneously in both hind legs when one side of the POAH was warmed, and shivering reappeared simultaneously on both sides when POAH warming stopped. These results suggest that different thermoregulatory effectors are regulated in a different way by each side of the POAH. Unilateral thermal stimulation of the abdominal skin, on the other hand, affected vasomotor activity and shivering equally on both sides of the body, as previously reported for its influence on salivary secretion. Skin thermal signals from both sides of the body therefore seem to converge before they act on different thermoregulatory effector systems.

    DOI PubMed



    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON   432   585 - 592  1991年01月  [査読有り]


    1. At neutral (24-degrees-C) and at hot (40-degrees-C) ambient temperatures (T(a)) salivary secretion from the submandibular gland of freely moving rats was recorded, together with simultaneous observation of saliva-spreading behaviour (grooming).
    2. At a T(a) of 24-degrees-C, basal salivary flow was less than 2-mu-l/min. When rats were first placed in the experimental chamber, brief grooming bouts often occurred. Transient secretion at more than 10-mu-l/min was associated with this grooming, and the rate of salivary flow was positively correlated with the duration of grooming activity.
    3. At a Ta of 40-degrees-C, grooming appeared frequently and salivary secretion at more than 20-mu-l/min continued even between grooming bouts. Threshold rectal temperatures (T(re)) for thermally induced grooming (38.2 +/- 0.2-degrees-C) and for salivary secretion (38.2 +/- 0.1-degrees-C) were similar, and for eleven of sixteen rats the two thresholds coincided.
    4. At the threshold T(re) both the rate of salivary secretion and the duration of grooming increased in a stepwise fashion. Above the threshold, there was no correlation between the duration of grooming and the rate of salivary flow.
    5. Thermally induced salivary secretion and grooming behaviour appear to be controlled by independent mechanisms.




    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON   424   459 - 471  1990年05月  [査読有り]


  • Object-specific modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery of actions with objects.

    N. Mizuguchi, M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, S. Naito, K. Kanosue

    PLoS ONE   6(10)e26006



  • 環境生理学

    本間研一, 彼末一之

    北海道大学出版会  2007年

  • Physiological responses to warming the lumbar region with heat and steam generating sheets in human.

    Oda, H, Igaki, M, Suzuki, A, Tsuchiya, S, Nagashima, Y, Yada, Y, Kanosue, K

    Proceedings of ICHES 2005  2005年

  • A new system for the analysis of thermal judgments: multi-point measurement of skin temperatures, thermal sensations, thermal affect, and their joint visualization

    Nakamura, M, H. Esaki, N. Osawa, A. Kobayashi, A. Konishi, S. Yasuhara, K. Nagashima, K. Kanosue

    Proceedings of ICHES 2005  2005年

  • 熱バランスと体温調節,「カラー図解よくわかる生理学の基礎 9章」

    彼末一之, 小西あき

    メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル  2005年

  • 神経と筋,身体運動,「カラー図解よくわかる生理学の基礎 2章」

    彼末一之, 小西あき

    メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル  2005年

  • やさしい生理学【改訂第5版】

    森本武利, 彼末一之

    南江堂  2005年

  • 電気回路の基礎 スタンダード生理学 付録(安藤、彼末、松川、二宮編)


    文光堂  2002年

  • 体温・エネルギー代謝 スタンダード生理学 第12章(安藤、彼末、松川、二宮編)


    文光堂  2002年

  • 体温調節中枢からみた自律分散型調節システム 「体温─運動時の体温調節システムと修飾要因」(平田、井上、近藤編)

    彼末 一之, 永島 計, 谷口 あき, 小西 正博

    ナップ、東京  2002年

  • 運動生理・生化学事典(担当:エントロピー、フィードバック(制御)、ホメオスタシス、温度感覚、温度受容器、交叉適応、高体温、体温、体温調節)(大野ら編)


    大修館  2001年

  • 運動をすると暑さ寒さに強くなるのか 運動と遺伝(大野、及川、石井編)

    依田珠江, 彼末一之

    大修館、  2001年

  • 脳と体温(暑熱・寒冷環境との戦い) ブレインサイエンスシリーズ23(大村、中川編)

    彼末一之, 中島敏博

    共立出版  2000年

  • 体温とその調節 標準生理学13章(本郷、広重監修)


    医学書院  2000年



  • スキー「小回り」の問題点の神経科学的検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    彼末 一之, 小澤 悠, 後藤 悠太

  • 運動イメージと協調運動の脳機構に基づくスキー技術の学習支援システム構築




    脳神経科学的な視点をス ポーツの指導/学習に取り入れることを目指し、その研究モデルとして日常にはない複雑な動作の習得が必要なスキーを取り上げる。先ずスキー滑走時の様々なパラメータを総合的に測定する系を確立する。そして、「運動イメ ージ」と「協調運動」についての知見に基づき、リアルタイムフィードバックを中心としたスキー技術の学習を 支援する手法を開発する。本研究はこれまで経験に頼りがちであったスキー指導に科学的根拠を与えてくれる。本年度は冬に行う測定が雪や天候の影響を強く受けるので、夏にサマーゲレンデで測定を行い。冬のデータと比較することで、サマーゲレンデの特徴、また雪上でのスキーと共通する知見が得られるかを検討した。実験は,ウイングヒルズ白鳥リゾート(岐阜県)にて行われた.ここは樹枝状の突起物をマットを用い,スキー板のエッジに対して抵抗を作り出し,ターン動作を可能にするようになっている.使用コースは全長1000m,平均傾斜12 °,最大傾斜15 °の初心者コースであった。一流のスキーヤーを被験者として「小回り」を行ったときの脚筋電図、足圧測定とビデオ撮影を行った。本研究に先立って,冬季の測定を雪上にて行ったが,足圧に関しては雪上とサマーゲレンデで同様の結果を示した,筋活動についてはさらに検討していく必要があるが,サマーゲレンデで得られた本研究の知見は,雪上でのスキー指導に還元することができると考えられる.また,本研究を通して,サマーゲレンデという環境が測定実験として好ましい条件を多く持っていることが明らかになった。本研究で,サマースキーゲレンデにおけるスキー滑走を多角的な指標から解析することができた.また,基礎スキーと競技スキーという異なる性質を持つスキーヤーの動作的特徴を検討するための指標の一つとして,足圧の変化が有用である可能性が示唆された.本年度の予定では、1)夏のゲレンデにおける測定の妥当性の検討、2)冬のゲレンデでの本格的測定、3)スキーヤーが滑走直後に自分の滑りを検討できるような、ビデオ遅延再生システムの開発、以上の3点であったが、2)については2月、3月の新型コロナウイルス渦の影響で実施することが出来ず、次年度に繰り延べとなった。夏のゲレンデでの測定は予想以上に良いデータを得ることが出来た。冬の雪上での滑りと感覚的には違いはなく、条件を一定に出来るという点では雪上よりよいことが分かり、2020年、21年度はサマーゲレンデでの測定を中心に研究を進めることにした。ビデオ遅延再生システムはソニーとの共同開発でプロトタイプが完成した。これを使うことで、スキーヤーは滑走直後に自分の滑りを観察することができる。ただし、スキーゲレンデは広いのでスキーヤーを同じ画角で捉え続けることができない。そこで、次年度はこの点を改良して自動ズーム装置を装備できるように改良を加える予定である。2020年度、21年度は本年度の測定でその有効性が確かめられた夏のサマーゲレンデでの測定を中心に研究を行う。ただし、ゲレンデでの実験には「密」状態での移動が不可避である。新型コロナウイルス渦の影響で実験が全くできなくなる可能性もある。そこで、追加の実験として実験室や大学キャンパス内に臨時に接地した簡易ゲレンデ(サマーゲレンデと同じ材質)での基礎的な実験を行うことも検討している。遅延再生システムについてはすでに自動追尾システムのβ版が完成しつつある。ただし、これも新型コロナウイルス渦のために遅れる可能性も考えられる。ただし、極力21年度中には完成できるようにする

  • ランニングの新しい概念に基づく正しい走動作獲得法の開発




    走能力は生まれつきの素質によると広く考えられている。足の速い子は運動有能感を持ち、足が遅いことはスポーツ嫌いを生む要因ともなる。しかし申請者らの最近の研究によれば子どもの疾走能力はランニングフォーム(技術)と強く関係する。本研究の目的は「正しいランニングフォーム」の重要性を検証、そ れを身につける方法を確立して「走能力は生まれつきの素質による」というドグマを打ち 破ることである。走ることが苦手な子どもや成人に正しいフォームを指導してその前後における疾走速度(短距離走能力 )やエネルギー効率(長距離走能力)の変化などを解析する。本研究は、アスリートの競技力向上に資する4つのテーマのうち、①よい動作の体感・実践に関係するプロジェクトである。ヒトは2歳~3歳には走れるようになるが、能力には大きな個人差がある。そのため走能力は生まれつきの素質によると広く考えられているが、疾走能力はランニングフォーム(技術)と強く関係することが初年度からの2年間による研究で明らかになってきた。最近陸上短距離選手が特徴的な「走速度-ケイデンス(単位時間当たりの歩数)-ステップ長(一歩の大きさ)の関係(V-C-S特性)」を持つことが報告されている。このV-C-S特性は高いスピードを発揮するための「正しいランニングフォーム」を獲得した結果であると考えられる。この特性の獲得過程を明らかにする事はランニング指導(特に走りが苦手な子ども)に役立つと考えられる。本年度の実績概要は以下の通りである。これまで1~10才児の幼児・児童の測定を行ってきた。本年度までの研究によって10才児頃までに成人のV-C-S特性に近づいていく可能性が示唆されたが、具体的な時期を明らかにする事ができなかった。そこで、本年度はこれまで測定した被験者の縦断的な測定および10歳以上の児童の測定を行う事で、V-C-S特性の形成について明らかにする事を目的とした。縦断研究では、初回測定で幼児~低学年だった被験者について行ったが、各年代におけるデータはこれまでの横断的測定で得られたデータ(10歳程度まではケイデンスの増加が主)と同様な傾向が得られた(図1)。しかし、これの結果は成人のようなV-C-S特性が形成される時期・要因を特定するためには及ばないため、今後も縦断的な測定を行う予定である。合わせて、これらの変化に個人の運動習慣がどのように影響していくかを検討する。本年度の研究で発育発達に伴う走運動の特性(V-C-S特性)は発達段階に応じて特徴的な傾向を示す一方で、ある時期を境に成人の走運動特性に近づいていく事が明らかになった。幼児・児童期(あるいはそれ以降)の運動経験(陸上競技以外も含む)が走運動特性の形成に及ぼす影響は今後の研究課題だが、この走運動特性は個人の走運動能力を評価する上で有用かもしれない。特に、この特性に応じたランニング指導は走るのが苦手な児童の動作改善に有効であると考えられる。今後は走運動能力とV-C-S特性の関係を測定し、より効果的な運動プログラムを考案する必要がある。ただし、発育・発達過程にある子どもでは成人で有効と考えられるトレーニングなどがそのままは応用できないので、怪我のリスクなども考慮して具体的にどのような運動プログラムが必要かを次年度は検討する。2020年度は新型コロナウイルス渦の影響が考えられるので、研究を予定通り進める努力をする一方で、実験が出来ない場合を想定して、これまで取得したデータをより詳細に解析することも合わせて行う。今後のV-C-S特性の競技経験、年齢などを包含するような原理を得るために、今後陸上競技選手の走行中の筋活動を測定する。それらのデータから、V-C-S特性におけるケイデンスとステップ長の相対的な寄与の変化と筋活動のパターンの変化が一致するか否かを検討する。これらのデータは今後のランニングフォームとV-C-S特性の関係解析に応用していく予定であり、ランニングの指導を行う上でも有益な知見になるだろう。長距離選手(特に専門家がフォームが悪いと判断する群)に「正しいフォーム」を指導し、その前後における疾走速度(短距離走能力)とエネルギー効率(長距離走能力)、V-C-S特性を測定する。この実験は検者と被験者の予定が合わず本年度実施が困難だった。しかし、今後のランニングフォームの指導において重要な要素になるかと思われるので2020年度後の研究で実施する予定である

  • スポーツスキル学習における運動イメージの役割と脳機構の解析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



  • 弓道の離れをモデルとした筋弛緩制御の脳機構解析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)



  • 一流野球選手の眼球運動と視覚認知能力の解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    彼末 一之, 内田 雄介, 中田 大貴



  • 全身協調動作を誘発する福祉支援ロボットの制御手法の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))





  • 野球の投球ボールの回転と手指運動の同時精密測定

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    彼末 一之



  • ミラーシステムに注目した全身運動学習の脳機構解析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    彼末 一之, 土屋 純, 坂本 将基, 渡邉 丈夫



  • 脱水時に見られる体温調節変化のメカニズムの全容解析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    永島 計, 彼末 一之, 時澤 健, 内田 有希, 林 政賢, 松田 真由美



  • スポーツシューズ着用に関する生理学的研究



  • 野球のバットスイングの基礎的能力の解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    彼末 一之, 谷澤 健一, 村岡 哲郎, 依田 珠江



  • 蒸気温熱の生理学的効果の明確化



  • 視床下部背内側核の体温調節における機能的接続の解明

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    彼末 一之, 永島 計


    体温のホメオスタシス調節は神経系で行われているにも関わらず、それに関する理解は断片的なものに限られている.とくに体温調節における温度感受部位、また求心路、遠心路の接点として重要な視索前野からの遠心性神経回路については情報がほとんど欠如していた.最近申請者らはラットの個々の体温調節効果器反応に関わる遠心路を解析する一連の研究を行った.その結果、遠心路内における視床下部背内側核(DMH)の重要性が明らかになってきた.そこで本研究では主として従来体温調節中枢と考えられている視束前野とDMHの接続について検討した.実験はすべてWistar系のラットを用いた.DMHにCholera toxin-b(CTb)を注入した.3〜7日の生存期間の後、本実験として高温(35℃)あるいは低温(10℃)の環境温に1時間暴露を1時間行い、温度刺激終了30分後に環流して脳を取り出す.そしてFosとCTbの免疫組織学的二重染色を行う.両方に染まったDMHニューロンはCTb注入部位に投射し、温度信号を受けていると考えられる.以上の結果、正中視束前野(MnPO)にCTbと暑熱暴露時にFosが共存するニューロンが密に観察された.寒冷暴露時には二重染色されたニューロンはMnPOには存在しなかった.以上の結果はMnPOには暑熱時に活動を増し、DMHに投射するニューロンが存ざいすることを示唆する.これまで、DMHは寒冷暴露時に活動するニューロンがあるので、この結果はPOからDMHに抑制性の単シナプス性接続をしていることが示唆される.

  • 「冷え症」の生理学的機序の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)





  • ファンクショナル反射光トモグラフィによるラット大脳皮質の神経活動電位の計測

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    春名 正光, 牧 敦, 近江 雅人, 彼末 一之



  • 視束前野から体温調節効果器への遠心性経路の全容解明

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



    彼末 一之, 永島 計, 土肥 義胤, 稲垣 忍



  • 温熱的情動感覚(行動性体温調節)解析系の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    彼末 一之, 永島 計, 井上 修, 大和谷 厚



  • 視床下部の体温調節機能モジュール仮説の検討

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    彼末 一之, 永島 計, 井上 修, 大和谷 厚, 細野 剛良



  • 行動性体温調節の脳内機序の比較生理学的解析。

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)



    彼末 一之, CRAWSHAN Lar, SCHMIDT Ingr, 紫藤 治, 細野 剛良, 大和谷 厚, CRAWSHAW Lar, 田中 英登


    体温のホメオスタシスは自律性調節と行動性調節が有機的に統合されて維持されている.行動性体温調節は自律性調節より系統発生的には古い.しかし行動によって一度良好な温熱環境が得られればエネルギーや水分などを消耗しないという点で有利で、ゆえに一般に自律性調節に先立って発動される.つまり体温調節機構の総合的な理解のためには行動性調節の解析は不可欠である.自律性体温調節の神経機構が研究代表者らの解(Kanosue et al.,1996)により明らかになりつつあるのに対し、行動性体温調節のそれは全くと言って良いほど不明である.本研究では体温調節行動を比較生理学的に検討し、どのような情報が脳のどこで、どのように処理されるかを解析するのが目的である.平成9年度は動物が自然な状態で学習できる行動性体温調節解析システムを開発し、特にラットを用いてその有効性を確認した.平成10年度は日本のグループは昨年度開発した行動性体温調節解析装置を用いて、ラットが絶食時にどのような体温調節行動を示すかを解析した.その結果、ラットの活動期には正常時と行動に差はなく体温も正常であるが、非活動期には体温が低下し、対寒反応は促進した.これは暖かい環境にいることにより、熱損失、つまりエネルギー損失を少なく抑えるための戦略であろうと考えられる.対応する実験をCrawshawは魚類(金魚)で行ったが絶食でも体温調節行動には影響しなかった.一方Schmidtは鳥類(ハト)で実験を行いラットと同様な結果を得た.つまりエネルギー損失を抑えるような戦略は恒温動物に特有なものと推察された.

  • 運動時ホメオスタシス調節研究のための総合的計測システム

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



    彼末 一之, 磯 博行, 大和谷 厚



  • 体温調節に関わる神経機構の総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)



    彼末 一之, 古山 忍, ROMANOVSKY A, SCHMID H., GERSTBERGER アール, 大和谷 厚, 稲垣 忍


    Schmidらドイツのグループは一酸化窒素が体温調節に関わる脊髄ニューロンの反応性を変化させることを見いだし,95年京都で行われた国際神経科学学会で発表した.またドイツのグループは脳室周囲器官の役割について主として電気生理学的な手法でsubfornical organにアンギオテンシンIIが作用しそれが一酸化窒素と拮抗的な作用を持つことを明らかにした.

  • 高分解能光プローブ生体情報センシング用光集積デバイスの試作

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(試験研究(B))



    春名 正光, 近江 雅人, 藤村 昌寿, 彼末 一之, 西原 浩



  • 自律神経機能の左右差発現

    科学研究費助成事業(愛知医科大学)  科学研究費助成事業(総合研究(A))



    小川 徳雄, 間野 忠明, 永坂 鉄夫, 佐藤 昭夫, 彼末 一之, 小野 武年



  • 視床下部ニューロン活動の光学的計測

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(試験研究(B))



    彼末 一之, 塩野 悟, 藤原 素子, 小阪 淳



  • 体温調節に関わる情報の視床下部内伝達路の解析

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(B))



    彼末 一之, 藤原 素子



  • 体温調節における左右視床下部の機能的連関

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))



    彼末 一之, 藤原 素子



  • ヒ-トパイプ方式による生体内局所加温・冷却システムの試作

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(試験研究)



    彼末 一之, 梁瀬 素子, 松村 潔, 小川 倉一, 田中 英登



  • ラット陰嚢皮膚の温度受容能

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))



    彼末 一之


    Hellon et al.)(1973)がラット脊髄、さらに上位の中枢神経内に陰嚢温度刺激に応答するニュ-ロンが多く存在することを見い出して以来、この系は温度感覚情報の求心路のモデルとして多くの解析がなされてきた。ところがこれらのニュ-ロン応答は覚醒に伴う非特異的な反応であることが最近明らかになった(Kanosue et al.,1984,1985)。そこで本研究では,実際にラットが陰嚢温度変化を感覚し得るかについてオペラント行動の解析から検討した。昭和63年度は実験システムの開発,作成を行った。ペルチエ素子の温度を0.1℃の精度で制御可能なcontroler及び電気刺激装置をパソコン(PCー9801RA)にて駆動し、また温度、レバ-押し・電気刺激の時刻情報も同じパソコンに入力してデ-タ解析が行えるようにした。本年度はそのシステムを用いて実験を行った。遮光・防音箱中におかれたレバ-付き小ケ-ジにラットを入れ、陰嚢温度刺激用ペルチエ素子、尾電気ショック用電極を装着、陰嚢温を正常値(32℃)からある温度(42℃以下)までステップ状に変化させ、一定時間(10秒)後にショック(1ms,5mA)を加える。温度変化後ラットがレバ-を押せば温度は正常値に戻り、ショックは回避できる。この行動のオペラント条件付けが起これば、ラットは陰嚢温度変化を感覚していることになる。11匹のラットで実験を行ったが、残念ながら条件付けには1匹も成功しなかった。しかしこの結果だけからラットは陰嚢の温度変化を知覚していると即断は出来ない。陰嚢温変化が刺激回避の条件刺激としては弱い可能性が否定できないからである。将来機会が有ればこの点にも検討を加え、温度感覚の問題をさらに解析して行きたい。

  • 自律性と行動性体温調節反応の発現機構

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(B))



    中山 昭雄, 玉置 陽子, 田中 英登, 彼末 一之, 松村 潔



  • 生体の温度感受性と体温調節反応の発現機構に関する統合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(A))



    中山 昭雄, 玉置 陽子, 田中 英登, 松村 潔, 彼末 一之, 石川 洋蔵


    1.視床下部ニューロンに関する実験 (1)視索上核,室傍核の神経分泌ニューロン活動は視床下部加温刺激により増加、冷却により減少する。生体における前向き制御と考えられる。(2)ラット陰嚢加温刺激は視床下部温度感受性ニューロンのみならず、視床ニューロン活動も促進させる非特異的な効果があり、皮質脳波を脱同期させるなど、侵害刺激と同様の反応をおこす。(3)ラット後視床下部には閾値の高いon-off的な反応を示す温ニューロンが見出された。唾液塗布行動に関与する可能性が示唆される。(4)高濃度の【CO_2】と低濃度【O_2】の吸入はいずれも温度感受性ニューロンの活動を促進させる。しかし脳切片標本では【CO_2】は抑制的に作用する。個体で見られる【CO_2】の体温下降効果は、呼吸ガスの化学受容器からの二次的作用によるものと推察される。
    2.体温調節の効果器活動に関する実験 (1)ラット視束前野を冷却すると、褐色脂肪組織の温度が上昇する。βアドレナリン遮断薬をあらかじめ腹腔内投与すると、この温度上昇は減弱する。視束前野を持続的に冷却して褐色脂肪組織温度を高いレベルに保ち、視床下部腹内側核にリドカインを注入すると、組織温は一過性に約0.5℃低下する。腹内側核は視束前野から温度信号を受取り、褐色脂肪組織熱産生を調節している。(2)麻酔ラットの加温刺激によって唾液分泌をおこす実験条件を詳細にしらべ、中枢と末梢の温度シグナルの統合を明らかにした。味覚や痛みによる唾液分泌反射も体温上昇によって促進される。視束前野・前視床下部の加温は唾液分泌と体伸展をおこし、後視床下部の加温が唾液塗布行動をおこす。(3)ラットが脳内自己刺激を行うさい、レバーに100gの負荷をかけておくと、体温上昇と報酬の間に競合がおこる。室温,刺激電流強度などを変えてそれを観察した。(4)低速走行のトレッドミル運動時、ラットの尾血管拡張開始時の直腸温は運動強度に比例して上昇した。

  • 温度および痛み刺激に対するラット視床・視床下部ニューロンの応答

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    彼末 一之

  • 環境適応反応の調和と干渉:快適環境創造への生理学的アプローチ


    1)清原は本会の目的と今後のスケジュールを説明した後、免疫組織化学的手法により明らかにした体温調節中枢神経回路網について解説した。2)小林は中枢神経系と後根神経節にあるサーモスタット細胞のイオン機構を電気生理学的に調べ、その特性を明らかにした。3)紫藤は暑熱馴化による体温調節機能の変化に関する新しい知見を述べ、暑熱暴露時間帯に愛する時間記憶がいかにされているか、体温調節機能の変化がどのように誘導されるかなどの問題提起した。4)中島は発熱と内因性解熱物質に関する新しい知見を発表し、体温調節系における自己調節系を物質的側面から解明する手がかりについて述べた。5)能勢は皮膚血流と血圧反射の相互干渉例を示し、その生体適応機構における役割を考察した。6)野本は哺乳類と鳥類の体温調節機構を比較し、長い進化の過程でそれぞれの動物種がその時々の環境に適応しながら独自に獲得してきた進化的環境適応機構について述べた。7)平田は皮膚血流量調節におよぼす発汗反応の関与について、ヒトを使った実験結果を示し、特にスポーツ生理の面からその適応機構を考察した。8)松川は体温調節機能と関係する皮膚血管運動の神経性調節についてこれま得られた知見を述べ、循環調節系と体温調節系の調和と統合、および皮膚交感神経活動の計測と皮膚血管運動に与える環境温度の影響にについて調べる実験計画を説明した。9)松本は耐熱性と発汗反応からみた暑熱適応性について、熱帯地住民にみられる長期暑熱順化機構の特性を示した。10)三木は自律神経によるエネルギー代謝の調節機構について、無痲酔・無拘束の動物から運動負荷時を含め、多面的にデータを集積する方法とその解析結果について述べた。11)彼末はふるえの発現機構について、その調節中枢が抱える問題点と新しい調節神経機構について提案した。 12)満渕は現在我々を取り巻いている人工環境が長期的に生態系におよぼす影響の解析から始めて、長期的に見てどのような人工環境が人類や生体にとって至適であり、どのような設計が求められるかについて論議した

  • 生体が持つサーモスタットの動作原理と分子基盤



  • 神経回路形成とシナプス形成における成長円錐反発分子セマフォリンの作用機序



  • 筋電信号を用いたヒト運動ニューロンの個数・サイズの推定法



  • 温熱的快適感の皮膚分節に従った脳内情報処理の解析





  • 坂ダッシュトレーニングによる下肢筋活動への影響

    欠畑岳, 欠畑岳, 後藤悠太, 礒繁雄, 彼末一之, 彼末一之

    デサントスポーツ科学(Web)   44  2023年


  • 幼児における疾走動作の観察的評価と疾走能力との関係

    鈴木康介, 後藤悠太, 欠畑岳, 中田大貴, 彼末一之, 彼末一之

    体育学研究(Web)   67  2022年


  • 05バ-11-ポ-08 スキー滑走時の動作、筋活動、足圧の計測システムの開発

    大橋 拓未, 彼末 一之, 加藤 孝基, 後藤 悠太

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   70   176_3 - 176_3  2019年


    基礎スキーの競技会では複数の審査員が同じ滑りに対して評価を下す形式をとっており、滑走者と審査員の間で滑走に対する評価の乖離が起きている可能性がある。本研究では、スキー上級者から滑走動作時の生理学的データを収集し、従来の主観的な評価にあたる、動画データに対する指導者の評価と比較することで、計測データから滑走動作を評価することの是非を検討する。測定にあたり、スキー中上級者の4人を被験者とした。種目は、ショートポール規制小回りターンとした。滑走者はTrignoTM Wireless System (DELSYS社、アメリカ)を貼付した状態で滑走してもらった。筋活動、足圧の2種類の生理学的データと、指導員資格をもつ現役のスキー教師2名に、動画データを見てもらったうえで、評価を受け、文章化した主観的データを収集した。本研究の計測システムでは、筋活動及び足圧は効果的に計測された。前脛骨筋と踵部において、強い反応が見られた。活動の多くは単峰性の増減を示した。小回り動作では、ターンごとのばらつきが小さく、周期的に同じ動作を行っている傾向が強い。本実験で計測したデータには滑走者の技術を測る上で既存の評価と合致するものが多く見られた。

    DOI CiNii

  • 11教−09−口−40 小学5・6年生における走ることが苦手な児童への短距離走の学習指導プログラムの効果

    鈴木 康介, 後藤 悠太, 欠畑 岳, 梶 将徳, 友添 秀則, 彼末 一之

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   68   267_1 - 267_1  2017年



    DOI CiNii

  • 05-10-8LBY-22 実投球されたプロ野球投手のボール回転について(バイオメカニクス2,05.バイオメカニクス,一般研究発表抄録)

    永見 智行, 小宮山 悟, 大室 康平, 茶川 剛史, 勝亦 陽一, 小林 海, 彼末 一之, 氏原 洋輔, 子安 大士, 前川 仁

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   59 ( 0 ) 146 - 146  2008年

    DOI CiNii

  • Influence of muscle cooling on the passive mechanical properties of the human gastrocnemius muscle

    Tetsuro Muraoka, Kohei Omuro, Taku Wakahara, Tetsuo Fukunaga, Kazuyuki Kanosue

    2005 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7     19 - 21  2005年


    The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of muscle cooling on the passive mechanical properties of the human gastrocnemius muscle (GAS) in vivo. In a thermoneutral (a room temperature of 18-23 degrees C) and a local cooling (placing the right lower leg into cold water with a temperature of 5-8 degrees C for 60 min) conditions, the change in passive plantarflexion force (F), which is produced only by the GAS length change, was taken in five subjects during passive knee extension from 90 degrees to 0 degrees with a constant ankle joint angle of 10 degrees dorsiflexion. To evaluate an elastic component of the passive plantarflexion force of GAS, the subject held full knee extended position for 1 min (i.e. relaxation period). Skin and muscle temperature of GAS were also measured using a core temperature thermistor. The peak value of F (Fve) that was measured at the end of the knee extension phase, the decrease of F (Delta F) during the relaxation period, and the F at the end of the relaxation period (Fe) were measured in the two conditions. Muscle cooling decreased the skin and muscle temperature by 6.7 +/- 1.1 degrees C and 8.1 +/- 2.5 degrees C, respectively. Fve increased by 24% +/- 22% by muscle cooling. Delta F in the thermoneutral and local cooling conditions were 11.5 +/- 4.9 N and 12.5 +/- 2.9 N, respectively. Fe increased by 28% +/- 21% by muscle cooling. These results suggested that muscle cooling increased an elastic component of the passive force arisen from GAS and seemed not to affect its viscous component.




  • Closed Skillの学習へのコーチングの影響の解析


    ドイツ   ケルン体育大学


  • 同肢内筋間の機能的連携の解析




  • ランニングの新しい概念に基づく正しい走動作獲得法の開発

    2018年   後藤



  • 新しい身体活動教材としてのパントマイムの心理学的および動作学的解析

    2018年   依田



  • ランニングの新しい概念に基づく正しい走動作獲得法の開発

    2017年   後藤悠太, 欠畑 学


    「走能力は生まれつきの素質による」ものだと広く考えられているが、疾走能力にはランニングフォーム(技術)と強い関係がある。そこで、本研究では「正しいランニングフォーム」の重要性を検証、それを身につける方法を確立して「走能力は生まれつきの素質による」というドグマを打ち破る事を目標とした。本年度の研究目的は「正しいランニングフォーム」の重要性の検証である。走能力の評価には走速度が頻繫に用いられる。走速度(m/s)はストライド(一歩の長さ)とケイデンス(単位時間あたりの歩数)の積で求められる。陸上競技選手を対象にした研究から、低速度では走速度の増加に伴いストライドが増加していき、高速度ではケイデンスが急激に増加する事が報告されている(Hay, 2002)。しかし、これらの特性は陸上競技選手のトレーニングによって後天的に獲得された可能性がある。そこで、この仮説を検証するために陸上競技選手と非陸上競技選手を対象に実験を行った。両群を対象に様々な走速度(m/s)で走行した際のストライド(m)とケイデンス(step/s)を算出した。その結果、5m/s未満における走速度の増加に陸上競技選手と非陸上競技選手(特に運動経験のない素人)で異なる傾向が得られた。その傾向とは、運動経験のない素人は陸上競技選手群よりも速度の増加にケイデンスの増加をより多く用いる事である。つまり、陸上競技選手を対象に広く報告されてきた走速度の変化に関する特性は陸上競技選手群がトレーニングによって後天的に獲得した可能性を示唆している。そして、このような特性の違いにはランニングフォームの差が関係していると考えられる。今後はこの特性の違いを引き起こすランニングフォームの差について、「効率」の側面から検討する。これによって「正しいランニングフォーム」について定量的に評価するための基準を確立する。

  • スポーツ選手の特異的な姿勢制御の研究

    2017年   長谷川公輝, 中島 剛


    武道競技には攻防にすぐ移行できる構えという特有な姿勢がある。適切な構えを行うために、選手や指導者にとってこの構えのメカニズムを知ることは重要である。先行実験として、構えが姿勢制御の重要な要因の1つであるH反射に与える影響を検討した。被験者は国内レベルの大学相撲選手(8人、競技歴10年以上)とした。軸足の脛骨神経に電気刺激(パルス幅200µs,インターバル3s)を行った。ヒラメ筋のEMGからH波とM波を測定し、電気刺激強度を徐々に増加させ、リクルートメントカーブを作成した。リクルートメントカーブから得たH波最大値(Hmax)をM波最大値(Mmax)で規格化した(%Hmax)。電気刺激は3つの姿勢時に行った。立位、試合をイメージしたときの構え(構え-イメージ)、イメージをしなかったときの構え(構え-イメージなし)である。この時、試合場面における、相手に対してできるだけ素早く反応できるイメージの教示を行った。これら3姿勢の%Hmaxの比較を行った。構え-イメージありにおける%Hmaxが一番高い値を出した被験者の数は、8人中6人だった。立位における%Hmaxが一番低い値を出した被験者の数は同じく8人中6人だった。また、それぞれの姿勢での平均%Hmaxは、立位48.92±16.09%、構え-イメージあり55.45±15.34%、構え-イメージなし53.21±14.35%であった。立位と構え(イメージあり)の%Hmaxに差がある傾向が見られた(P=0.062)。立位と構え-イメージなし、構え-イメージありと構え-イメージなしの間では差が見られなかった。%Hmaxは脊髄興奮性を表す(S. Grosprêtre et al. 2012)。実験結果から、構えのイメージと、構え姿勢が脊髄内興奮性を高める傾向があった。イメージ単体がH反射与える影響が無いことから(B. Hale, et al. 2003)、構え姿勢と相手に素早く反応するイメージを組み合わせることによって、H反射を亢進した。これは長年の練習や経験によるものだと考えられる。

  • 高度なスポーツスキルの脳神経基盤

    2015年   水口暢章, 加藤孝基


    優れた運動制御に関する脳内機序を解明することは、スポーツスキルの向上に繋がると考えられる。本研究では、スキルを要する系列指タッピングのイメージ中の脳活動を、機能的磁気共鳴画像法(functional magnetic resonance imaging: fMRI)を用いて検討した。被験者は健常者29名であった。また、実際のタッピングの正確性も計測した。取得した脳活動データはStatistical Parametric Mapping 8を用いて解析した。高いスキルレベルと関連する脳活動をみつけるために解析を進めている。

  • ダンサーにおける連続した音と動作の協調性の特徴の検討

    2014年   中川剣人, 戚 維璜



  • 動作の時間的局面による協調運動制約の解析

    2014年   中川 剣人, 戚 維璜



  • ヒトの移動運動における制御機序の課題特異性の同定



     「歩く」や「走る」に代表されるヒトや動物の移動運動動作は中枢神経系における特殊な神経機構によって生成される。またそのような神経機構にはある種の階層性が存在することが近年の動物実験によって明らかにされてきた。例えば、同じ筋肉を使用する魚の泳ぎでも、泳ぎ方の違いによって動員される脊髄の神経細胞群は異なるものである。ヒトでも同様の階層性が存在する可能性が間接的な手法を用いた実験系によってごく最近示された。一定時間に及ぶ運動の継続によって中枢神経系に生じる「慣れ」を基盤としたものであり、異なる運動間における慣れの共有の有無はすなわち、各々の運動の遂行に内在する神経機構の共通性、もしくは個別性を示している。それぞれの運動を構成する神経機構がどのように成り立っているのか知ることはスポーツやリハビリなどのトレーニング戦略にとって重要であり、様々な移動運動についてさらに詳細に調べることが必要である。しかしながら、従来の実験系は慣れを誘発するための非常に大がかりな機器を必要とし、ごく限られた機関でのみ取り組みが可能なことから、より簡易な実験方法の確立が急務であった。そこで本課題においては、効果的に慣れを誘発するための簡易な外乱装置と関節角度計を用いた簡易な測定法の確立に取り組んだ。既にその個別性が明らかとなっているヒトの歩行と走行を対象の課題とした。 歩行または走行中の足部にゴムバンドを用いた力学的制約を課すと、その初期では運動パターンが大きく乱されるものの、時間経過とともに一定のパターンが獲得できる。すなわち慣れが生じる。その上で、制約を取り払うと通常の力学的環境であるにも関わらず通常通りの運動を遂行できない。力学的環境下でスムーズな歩様を実現するために生じた慣れがその後の通常環境下では異常な運動出力として顕在化した結果として捉えられる。しかしながら、歩行によって生じた慣れはその後、走行をしても顕在化しなかった。逆に、走行時に生じた慣れもまた、その後の歩行には影響しないことが、簡易なセンサーを用いた膝関節角度の変化より検出することができた。 従来は大がかりな測定を必要としていた当該の研究分野において、このように簡易な系を確立しつつあることで今後、ヒトの移動運動動作に内在する神経機構の共通性や個別性に関する議論が今後は加速的に進んでいくものと期待できる。

  • フィギュアスケーター・ダンサーの姿勢制御機構の解析



    姿勢制御を困難にする「眼が回る」状態を産み出している原因として、眼振と呼ばれる無意識的で不規則な眼球運動の発現がある。生理学的に、眼振は、回転刺激を感知する半規管もしくは耳石器からの眼球運動への信号入力によって、回転刺激による視覚の歪みを最小限に留める反射である。回転中はその刺激により、眼振が起こることは明白であるが、回転を終えた後であっても、定常状態に戻るまで眼振はしばらく続き、これを回転後眼振と呼ぶ。回転後眼振の持続時間は、回転訓練により減少することやスポーツ選手は回転後眼振の持続時間が非スポーツ選手に比べて明らかに短いことが報告されている(Clement et al. 2002)。一方で、スポーツ選手はその前庭系の半規管からの入力に誘発される眩暈を、回転中に随意的に視覚入力を制限することで回転後の眼振を防止する戦略を競技経験則から取っていることが言われている。しかし、これまでにスポーツ選手と一般人について視覚入力条件を変化させた場合の回転後の前庭反射の神経機構を検討した研究はない。そこで、本研究では、回転系競技であるフィギュアスケート及びダンスを専門種目とするスポーツ選手6名(アスリート群)と一般人6名(コントロール群)を対象として、それらの関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。方法として、133 degree/secの速度で回転する椅子に着座した被験者の回転中及び回転後眼振を眼電図(EOG)を用いて測定した。その際の視覚入力条件は、眼球から30cm先に位置する球状の目標物を注視するFixation条件課題(以下、F条件)と、目標物を置かず、視覚入力を制限しないNon Fixation条件課題(以下、NF条件)、目隠しゴーグルを用いて視覚入力を遮断するBlind条件課題(以下、B条件)の3種類を行った。解析では、それらの条件で得られた眼電位から緩徐相を抽出し、その積算値から各条件における眼振の大きさを比較検討した。 その結果、回転後眼振の積算量は、コントロール群ではF条件、NF条件で同等量の約150 degreeとなった。アスリート群では、F条件で約130 degreeとなったのに対し、NF条件では約80 degreeとなり、視覚入力条件の違いによって回転後眼振に差が見られた。また、B条件ではどちらの群においてもそのほかの2条件課題よりも有意に大きくなる傾向が見られ、コントロール群で約400 degree、アスリート群で約550 degreeとなった。 以上のことから、視覚入力を遮断した環境においては、眼球運動制御に前庭系の入力のみを直接受けることから眼振の積算量が大きくなることが予想される。それに対して、視覚情報入力を許容した場合視覚系の入力によって、前庭系からの入力が抑制され、その結果、積算量が減少したと推察される。本研究から、これまで経験的にスポーツ選手が回転中の随意的な視覚入力制限によって回転後の眩暈を防止を行っていたことが、科学的に真実である可能性が示唆される結果となった。しかし、その詳細な脳内メカニズムについては今後研究を進め明らかにしていく必要があると考える。

  • アスリートの随意運動準備過程に関する神経生理学的アプローチ

    2010年   中田大貴, 坂本 将基


     多くのスポーツでは「脳機能の優劣がパフォーマンスを決める」と考えられる。競技者は短時間に様々な判断をしなくてはならず、複雑な神経動作が瞬時に遂行されていると考えられる。そのため、素早くかつ正確な動作を行うためには、あらかじめ運動の準備が必要であり、大きく分けて2種類の運動準備過程があると考えられる。1つは「自発性運動の準備」である。例えば、ゴルフや体操のように、外部刺激にはよらず、自分のタイミングで動作の準備を行う動作のことである。もう1つが「刺激始動性運動の準備」で陸上競技のスタート時のような準備動作である。このような運動準備は、長年のトレーニングによって上達し、また運動準備を司る中枢神経系においても可塑的変化が生じる、と推察される。脳内の随意運動の準備過程を客観的に評価するために、脳波を記録し、運動関連脳電位(Movement-related cortical potentials: MRCPs)の活動様態を検討することがこれまでに行われている。運動関連脳電位とは、自発性動作に先行して約1.5秒前から記録される、陰性緩電位のことである。本研究では、アスリートにおける運動関連脳電位の特性を明らかにすることを目的とし、実験対象を陸上選手短距離選手、野球経験者、一般成人で全員男性とした。被験者は20~29歳(平均23.4歳)の健康成人男性31名(野球経験者9名、陸上短距離種目経験者12名、一般成人10名)であった。被験者は、安楽椅子に腰を掛け安静開眼状態で、2つの実験課題、①右手第III指(中指)伸展動作、②左手第III指(中指)伸展動作行った。2つの課題は約7秒に1回のセルフペースでそれぞれ80回行った。脳波の記録は国際10-20法に準じてFz、Cz、Pz、C3、C4の5部位に電極を配置し、基準電極を両耳朶とした。左右手第III指(中指)の伸展動作を計測するために、左右の総指伸筋の活動を記録した。運動関連脳電位の全平均波形の様態として、野球経験者は右手指動作課題では振幅が大きいのに対して、左手指動作課題では、特にC4、Pzで振幅が小さくなっていた。右手指動作課題に注目してみると、陸上経験者の振幅が小さくなっていた。運動関連脳電位のそれぞれの成分(Bereitschaftspotential: BP, Negativity Slope: NS’, Motor potential: MP)における振幅について、陸上選手短距離選手(経験者)、野球選手(経験者)、一般成人の間で統計的に有意差はなかったが、先行研究でも統一した見解は得られていない。Hatta et al (2009)は、BPとNS’の振幅は、剣道の選手と一般成人群は変わらないという結果が出ている。しかし、MPは剣道選手の方が一般成人よりも統計的に有意に振幅が大きい、としている。本実験は有意差こそ無かったが、振幅が野球経験者で大きくなる傾向があり、Hatta et alの結果を支持するものと考えられる。

  • ヒト温熱的快適感の部位特異性に関わる脳機構の解析



    Sensations evoked by thermal stimulation (temperature-related sensations) can be divided into two categories, “temperature sensation” and “thermal comfort.” Although several studies have investigated regional differences in temperature sensation, less is known about the sensitivity differences in thermal comfort for the various body regions. In the present study, we examined regional differences in temperature-related sensations with special attention to thermal comfort. Healthy male subjects sitting in an environment of mild heat or cold were locally cooled or warmed with water-perfused stimulators. Areas stimulated were the face, chest, abdomen, and thigh. Temperature sensation and thermal comfort of the stimulated areas were reported by the subjects, as was whole body thermal comfort. During mild heat exposure, facial cooling was most comfortable and facial warming was most uncomfortable. On the other hand, during mild cold exposure, neither warming nor cooling of the face had a major effect. The chest and abdomen had characteristics opposite to those of the face. Local warming of the chest and abdomen did produce a strong comfort sensation during whole body cold exposure. The thermal comfort seen in this study suggests that if given the chance, humans would preferentially cool the head in the heat, and they would maintain the warmth of the trunk areas in the cold. The qualitative differences seen in thermal comfort for the various areas cannot be explained solely by the density or properties of the peripheral thermal receptors and thus must reflect processing mechanisms in the central nervous system.

  • 野球の投球ボールの回転と手指動作の精密測定



    野球の投手が投ずるボールの動きはボールリリース直前の腕,手,指の動きによって決まる.特に指の動きは重要だが,この時点での指の動きは高速で,通常のビデオ映像では細かい動きはとらえられない.そのためピッチングの指の動きに関する研究はこれまでほとんどない.そこで,申請者は高速ビデオを3台用いて手・指の動きをmm, msecの精度で測定するシステムを開発した.これを用いて投手のコントロールの良し悪しと腕・手・指の動きの関係を解析するのが本研究の目的である.【方法】大学野球投手3名の手背部10点にマーカーを貼付し,正規のマウンドから30球投球させた.捕手捕球動作をビデオカメラで撮影し,捕球位置の垂直成分,水平成分を算出した.ボール及び手・指の動きを3台のビデオカメラ(1000Hz)で撮影し,ボールの軌道,指の関節角度及び手部の空間における角度を算出した.3次元座標系は投手板中央2塁側を原点とし,1塁方向をY軸,捕手方向をX軸,垂直上方をZ軸として構築した.【結果】捕球位置垂直成分はXZ平面に,水平成分はXY平面に投影したボール投射角度と強く相関した(p<0.001).またボール投射角度XZ成分はBR時のXZ平面における手の倒れ角度と相関した(p<0.01).示指,中指の各関節の最大伸展角度と捕手捕球位置の間には相関関係が無かった.【結論】ボールコントロールにはBR時の手部倒れ角度が重要な要因であることが示唆された.投球のパフォーマンスの実体が明らかになれば,それを具体的に実現するためのトレーニング法,投法の開発に結びつくであろう.とくに手,指の動作を知ることはパフォーマンスと体の動きのインターフェースを知ることである.たとえ手・指の動きを直接調節することは難しくとも(実際この動作フェイズは高速であるために,ほとんど意識できない)その動きが明らかになれば,それを実現するための腕,体の動きを意識することは出来,結果的に科学的なトレーニング法開発につながるであろう.

  • 複数肢協調運動を用いた「リラックス」の神経機構の解析

    2008年   坂本将基



  • ミラーシステムに注目した全身運動の学習メカニズムの解析

    2008年   坂本 将基


    サルが餌を「掴む」という動作を行ったときに反応するニューロンが、自らが動作を行わなくとも他の個体が同じ動作を行うのを「見た」ときに反応が見られた(Rizzolatti,2004)。これをミラーニューロンと呼び、ヒトにおいて、サル同様に運動前野を中心に反応が起こることから、ミラーニューロンシステムと呼ばれている。本研究では未経験者にとってイメージの困難であると考えられる宙返り動作と誰にでもできるジャンプ動作の映像を見たときに経験者と未経験者では脳のミラーニューロンシステムの活動がどのように異なるのかをTMSを用いて運動誘発電位(motor-evoked potential:MEP)により、検討することとした。被験者は健常な男女14人(20~23歳)であり、うち経験者群7名、未経験者郡7名で行った。被験者は椅子に座り、右腕を肘掛に乗せた状態で正面から撮影した立位姿勢(control)、宙返り動作(salto)、ジャンプ動作(jump)と、横から撮影したcontrol、salto、jumpの6つの映像を観察した。各課題観察中に、TMSにより刺激を行い、三角筋前部線維と三角筋中部線維からMEPを記録した。経験者と未経験者のsalto観察時におけるMEP振幅には、有意な差はなかった。課題間においてもcontrol観察時と比べsalto観察時やjump観察時に有意な差は見られなかった。しかし、全体として経験者はsalto観察時とjump観察時にMEPが増加する傾向が見られ、未経験者にはjump観察時にMEPが増加し、salto観察時にはMEPが減少する傾向が見られた。今後,被験者数を増やしていけば有意な差が現れる可能性も残っている。更に、正面からの動作を観察したときよりも横からの動作を観察したときの方がADとMD共に経験者に大きなMEPの増加傾向が見られたことから同じ動作であっても観察する方向によってミラーニューロンシステムの活性が違うことが示唆された。

  • 跳躍動作における下肢の「バネ」の実体の解析



    Understanding the leg and joint stiffness during human movement would provide important information that could be utilized for evaluating sports performance and for injury prevention. In the present study, we examined the determinants of the difference in the leg stiffness between the endurance-trained and power-trained athletes. Seven distance runners and seven power-trained athletes performed in-place hopping, matching metronome beats at 3.0 and 1.5 Hz. Leg and joint stiffness were calculated from kinetic and kinematics data. Electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded from six leg muscles. At both hopping frequencies, the power-trained athletes demonstrated significantly higher leg stiffness than the distance runners. Hip, knee, and ankle joints were analyzed for stiffness. Ankle stiffness was significantly greater in the power-trained athletes than the distance runners at 3.0 Hz as was knee stiffness at 1.5 Hz. When significant difference in EMG activity existed between two groups, it was always greater in the distance runners than the power-trained athletes. These results suggest that 1) the difference in leg stiffness between endurance-trained and power-trained athletes is best attributed to increased joint stiffness, and 2) the difference in joint stiffness between the two groups may be attributed to a lack of similarity in the intrinsic stiffness of the muscle-tendon complex rather than in altered neural activity.

  • アルコールのヒト体温調節機能への作用の解析



     アルコールは非常に身近な嗜好物だが、多くの生理作用を持つ。体温への作用もその一つで、アルコールを摂取すると「体温が低下」することは知られている。急性アルコール中毒時には体温の急激な低下がおき、特に厳冬期にはそのために死に至る危険性もある。しかし、アルコールの体温低下作用の正確な機序は明らかになっていない。一般にはアルコールの血管拡張作用によって、皮膚血管が拡張し熱放散が盛んになる結果、体温が低下すると考えられているが、我々の日常の経験ではアルコール摂取時には「暑く」なる。もしアルコールが末梢だけに作用して体温が下がり、体温調節中枢には変化がないなら、その体温低下を抑えるためにむしろ「寒く」感じるはずである。このことはアルコールが中枢に作用して体温の調節レベルを低下させることを示唆するものである。そこで本研究ではアルコールの暑熱下での自律性体温調節反応と温熱的感覚への作用を同時に検討した。 健康な成人男性8名が実験に参加した。暑熱環境下におけるアルコール摂取(15%、3cc/kg wt.)による体温調節反応を調べた。実験条件は①環境温33℃-アルコール摂取(alcohol)、②環境温33℃-水摂取(control)の2条件で、30分のbaseline dataの測定後、アルコールあるいは水を摂取し、以後90分、各測定を行い、この2条件の結果を比較検討した。深部体温を経口式の体温測定用テレメータシステムを用いて測定し、皮膚温を熱電対にて全身8箇所で測定した。熱放散反応の指標として、胸部皮膚血流量、胸部発汗量を測定した。主観的温度感覚(暑い-寒い)は10cmの直線スケール上に被験者自身が記入する方法を用いた。 深部体温はアルコール摂取後20分で、水を摂取した場合に比べ低下した(図1)。また、皮膚血流量はアルコール摂取後20分から、発汗量は10分から上昇し始めたが、水を摂取した場合には特に変化はみられなかった。このようにアルコールを摂取すると、自律性体温調節効果器の反応は体温を低下させるように働いている。一方、行動性体温調節を駆動させる要因となる主観的温度感覚はアルコールを摂取すると、摂取前よりも「暑い」側に移動した。以上のようにアルコール摂取は自律性・行動性体温調節どちらにも体温低下を誘発するように作用することが明らかになった。アルコール摂取による体温低下はアルコールの血管拡張作用がもたらす熱損失の増加による二次的なものではなく、アルコールの体温調節中枢への直接作用によって、すべての体温調節反応に影響する結果と考えられる。

  • 手足の動作協調に関わる神経機構の解析

    2005年   村岡 哲郎


    協調運動とは、多関節または多肢を時間的・空間的にある目的に従って制御することを要求される運動である.拍手や歩行、ドラム演奏など、我々の周囲には協調運動が多様に存在し、運動の難易度もまた様々である.本研究では、手関節および足関節の屈曲・伸展という単純な運動に着目し、パフォーマンスを定量化することで運動の難易度を序列化することを試みた. 【方法】 被験者は健常な男性4名、女性4名の計8名である.台上に仰臥位になり、手関節・足関節の屈曲・伸展運動を、5段階のメトロノーム音 (1, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3.3 Hz) に合わせて行った.関節回転角度はポテンショメータで計測した.タスクは6種類の二肢の組み合わせパターン (両手、両足、左手足、右手足、左手右足、右手左足) に対し、2種類の方向関連性パターン (in-phase:同位相/anti-phase:逆位相) を掛け合わせた12種類を用意した.同位相 (in-phase) とは、二肢を同時に同方向に動かすことを意味し、逆位相 (anti-phase) は同時に逆方向に動かすことを意味する.各タスクは10秒間維持され、またランダムな順番で行われた.ポテンショメータから得られた二肢の動きの変位を相互相関することで、パフォーマンスの評価の指標とした. 【結果】 タスクの種類によってパフォーマンスに難易差が現れた.1)homologous limbs (両手、両足) は、inhomologous limbs (手と足の組み合わせ) よりパフォーマンスを維持しやすい.2)同位相において、ipsilateral hand-foot (同側の手足の組み合わせ) とcontralateral hand-foot (対側の手足の組み合わせ) は、同じ位パフォーマンスを維持できる.3)逆位相において、同側の手足の組み合わせの方が、対側の手足の組み合わせよりパフォーマンスが困難である. 【結論】 同位相の運動より逆位相の運動の方でパフォーマンスが低いという結果から、運動の“方向性”がヒトのパフォーマンスに強く影響を与えることが考えられる.またそれは両手、両足といった相同性器官の組み合わせにおける運動よりも、手と足、特に同側の手と足を組み合わせた運動において顕著となって現われた.

  • 手足の動作協調に関わる神経機構の解析



     協調運動とは、多関節または多肢を時間的・空間的にある目的に従って制御することを要求される運動である。拍手や歩行、ドラム演奏など、我々の周囲には協調運動が多様に存在し、運動の難易度もまた様々である。本研究では、四肢による協調運動を解析した。 被験者は、立津の実験と同じ健常な男性4名、女性4名の計8名である(年齢は20~53歳)。被験者は台上に仰臥位になり、ポテンショメーターにて回転角度を測定できるレバーに対して手と足を固定した。4種の四肢の運動パターンをタスクとして設定した。(a)jump:四肢全てを同時に同方向に動かす。(b)pace:左右の同側肢は同位相、上肢・下肢は逆位相に動かす。(c)bound:左右の同側肢は逆位相、上肢・下肢は同位相に動かす。(d)trot:同側肢も上肢・下肢も共に逆位相(対側肢が同位相)に動かす。同位相とは各肢を同時に同方向に、逆位相とは各肢を同時に逆方向に動かすことを意味する。被験者は1Hzの周期で8種のタスクを10秒間ずつ全て行った。さらに周期を段階的に速くして、8つのタスクを5段階の周期(1、1.6、2、2.5、3.3Hz)で行った。この時タスクの順番はランダムにした。被験者にはメトロノーム音に同期するように、さらに無理に力を入れる必要はないができる範囲で可能な限り手・足を屈曲・伸展するように指示した。 本研究ではあるタスクで四肢の運動パターンを構成する6種の組み合わせの相互相関値の絶対値が全て0.75以上の場合にそのタスクができたと設定した。すると、jump→pace→bound→trotの順でパフォーマンスが低下した。同側肢が同位相であるjumpやpaceより同側肢が逆位相であるboundやtrotでパフォーマンスが低いことは、二肢でも同側肢の逆位相で最もパフォーマンスが低いことと合致する。ヒトのパフォーマンスには方向性が強く影響するのである。

  • 「冷え症」の生理学的機序の研究



