2025/02/12 更新


イワサキ キヨタカ
岩崎 清隆
理工学術院 大学院先進理工学研究科
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院創造理工部 総合機械工学科   教授

  • 2014年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院先進理工学研究科共同先端生命医科学専攻   教授

  • 2013年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院先進理工学研究科共同先端生命医科学専攻   准教授

  • 2012年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院総合研究所   主任研究員/研究員准教授

  • 2007年04月

    早稲田大学   高等研究所   客員准教授

  • 2007年03月

    早稲田大学 高等研究所 准教授

  • 2007年03月

    早稲田大学   フューチャーインスティテュート   客員助教授

  • 2006年04月

    同 助教授

  • 2004年10月

    Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Research Scientist

  • 2004年07月

    早稲田大学 先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構(SCOE) 生命医療工学インスティテュート 講師

  • 2004年04月

    早稲田大学 大学院理工学研究科COE 講師

  • 2001年04月

    早稲田大学 理工学部機械工学科 助手、早稲田大学大学院生命理工学専攻 助手

  • 2001年

    Research Associate, Major in Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University



  • 1999年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院理工学研究科   機械工学専攻(博士課程)  

  • 1997年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院理工学研究科   機械工学専攻(修士課程)  

  • 1993年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   機械工学科  


  • 2022年04月

    日本医療機器テクノロジー協会ISO/TC194, ISO/TC150 (SC2, SC6)  国内委員会 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  庶務会則委員会 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  財務委員会 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  学会活性化(循環系)WG 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  学会活性化(広領域)WG 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  選奨委員会 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  論文賞選出(循環系)委員会 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  選出評議員候補者選出委員会 委員

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  研究推進委員会 副委員長

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  医療産業促進委員会 委員長

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  大会賞萌芽研究ポスター賞WG 委員長

  • 2022年02月

    日本人工臓器学会  レギュラトリーサイエンス委員会 委員長

  • 2021年05月

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  企画小委員会ティッシュエンジニアリング・人工臓器副査

  • 2021年05月

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  バイオレオロジー・リサーチ・フォーラム運営委員会委員長

  • 2021年05月

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  企画委員会委員

  • 2021年05月

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  理事

  • 2021年05月

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  企画理事

  • 2021年04月

    日本機械学会  医工学テクノロジー推進会議運営委員会委員

  • 2020年04月

    公益財団法人吉田育英会  選考委員

  • 2020年04月

    独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構  専門委員

  • 2020年

    Artificial Organ  Editorial Board

  • 2019年

    日本循環器学会  重症心不全に対する植込み型補助人工心臓治療ガイドライン作成班協力員

  • 2018年05月

    ライフサポート学会  理事

  • 2017年06月

    日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門  代議員

  • 2017年01月

    厚生労働省 薬事・食品衛生審議会  医療機器・再生医療等製品安全対策部会員

  • 2016年10月

    日本生体医工学会  新技術開発賞選定委員会幹事

  • 2016年09月

    日本生体医工学会  新技術開発賞選定委員

  • 2016年02月

    日本人工臓器学会レギュラトリーサイエンス委員会  委員

  • 2014年11月

    日本再生医療学会  代議員

  • 2013年

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  理事

  • 2013年

    日本医療機器テクノロジー協会 ISO10993-4 TC194 WG-9  国内委員会 副主査(Effects of blood)

  • 2011年

    日本循環制御学会  評議員

  • 2011年

    日本バイオマテリアル学会  評議員

  • 2010年

    ライフサポート学会フロンティア講演会  管理委員会委員

  • 2004年

    日本人工臓器学会  評議員


    IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  Conference Editorial Board

  • 2020年04月

    国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター  臨床研究審査委員会 技術専門員

  • 2019年11月

    独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構  コンピューターシミュレーションを活用した医療機器ソフトウェアの審査の考え方に関する専門部会 委員

  • 2019年04月

    日本機械学会  バイオエンジニアリング部門運営委員

  • 2018年09月

    独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構  専門委員

  • 2016年04月

    (4) 日本医療機器テクノロジー協会 TC150 SC2 WG-3 (Vascular stent), SC2 WG-7 (Bioabsorbable stent)  国内委員会 委員

  • 2018年03月

    日本生体医工学会  第58回大会 プログラム委員

  • 2018年09月

    日本機械学会  学会賞委員会 委員

  • 2014年04月

    日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門「Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering」  Associate Editor

  • 2018年

    日本生体医工学会  臨床研究法WG 委員

  • 2013年05月

    ライフサポート学会  評議員

  • 2016年08月

    厚生労働省 平成28年度・29年度次世代医療機器評価指標作成事業  「血流シミュレーションソフトウェア分野」審査ワーキンググループ委員

  • 2016年09月

    日本機械学会学会賞委員会  委員

  • 2015年10月

    厚生労働省 平成27年度・28年度次世代医療機器評価指標作成事業  「生体由来材料分野」審査ワーキンググループ委員

  • 2015年10月

    厚生労働省  ワーキンググループ委員

  • 2017年

    JST CRDS ライフサイエンス・臨床医学分野  研究開発の俯瞰報告書、医療技術評価(医療機器) 作成協力者

  • 2015年05月

    日本生体医工学会  代議員

  • 2014年08月

    独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構  科学専門部会委員

  • 2014年08月

    厚生労働省 平成27年度・28年度次世代医療機器評価指標作成事業  「生体吸収性ステント審査ワーキンググループ」委員

  • 2012年

    科学研究費委員会  専門委員

  • 2013年05月

    日本機械学会  バイオエンジニアリング部門企画委員会委員

  • 2010年04月

    日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門  運営委員

  • 2014年

    日本機械学会  年次大会委員

  • 2010年

    日本バイオレオロジー学会  評議員

  • 2012年

    日本循環器学会  重症心不全に対する植込み型補助人工心臓治療ガイドライン作成班協力員

  • 2012年

    補助人工心臓有害事象検討会  委員

  • 2007年

    日本人工臓器学会  英文誌「Journal of Artificial Organs」Editorial Board,Managing Editor.和文誌「人工臓器」 編集委員

  • 2007年

    日本人工臓器学会  編集委員

  • 2012年

    ライフサポート学会フロンティア講演会  大会長

  • 2011年

    日本機械学会  出版センター委員

  • 2009年

    日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門  関東支部代議員

  • 2010年

    内閣官房医療イノベーション推進室  医療機器ワーキングチーム委員




    American Heart Association



























  • 生体材料学 / 生体医工学


  • 医療機器の非臨床評価法

  • レギュラトリーサイエンス

  • 組織工学

  • 循環器医工学


  • 令和3年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(研究部門)

    2020年   革新的循環型非臨床試験系によるクラスIV治療機器開発の研究  

  • 2020年度日本機械学会標準事業表彰

    2020年   先進的治療機器の有効性と安全性評価のための実臨床を模した非臨床試験機器と評価法の開発  



  • 2013 Best Abstract Award

    2013年   TCTAP (Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Asia Pacific Conference)   "Flexibiity and Stent Fracture Potensials Against Cyclically Bending Coronary Artery Motion: Comparison Between 2-Link and 3-Link DESs"  

  • Outstanding Paper Award

    2008年   13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering  

  • 第10回早稲田ベンチャーフォーラム最優秀賞

    2007年   無細胞化組織の事業化プラン  

  • 各ステントの構造の違いがもたらす留置後のステント形状の検討


  • 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Outstanding Paper Award受賞


  • 第31回人工心臓と補助循環懇話会若手研究奨励賞


  • 第41回日本人工臓器学会オリジナル賞受賞


  • 第47回アメリカ人工臓器学会ASAIO Fellowship Award


  • 第38回日本人工臓器学会オリジナル賞(阿部裕輔らと)


  • ライフサポート学会研究奨励賞




  • 前十字靱帯の損傷、ウシの組織で再建 早大など治験開始




  • ウシを用いた組織再生型靱帯を開発、自家腱の採取が不要に新たな膝前十字靭帯再建術の治験が11月に開始




  • 東京女子医科大、脱細胞化技術を用いた膝前十字靭帯再建用の組織再生型靭帯 治験開始ー健康な組織を採取せずに組織再生が可能になり、再建手術の新たな治療方法にー




  • ウシ腱移植で膝靱帯再建へ 治験開始、スポーツ医療に活用―早大など




  • 膝前十字靭帯損傷の革新的な再建技術で、世界へ




  • CTBE社、脱細胞化技術を用いた膝前十字靭帯再建用の組織再生型靭帯治験開始のお知らせ




  • starasys製3Dプリンタの事例紹介




  • Cutting-Edge Regenerative Medicine for the Knees


    NHK WORLD   番組「Medical Frontiers」  


  • 動物由来の人工靭帯―国内で来年治験へーCTBE, 米国展開も狙う




  • Medtech Startup CoreTissue BioEngineering to Be the First Japanese Startup at JPOD @ Boston


    Business Wire  


  • 未来を創るレギュラトリーサイエンス




  • アスリートを科学する人(上)早大理工学術院教授岩崎清隆氏―ブタで人工靱帯,選手救う,滅菌対策,ヒントは虫

    日本経済新聞 電子版  





  • Synthesis of the clinical utilities and issues of intraoperative imaging devices in clinical reports: a systematic review and thematic synthesis

    Hiroyuki Suzuki, Yusuke Tsuboko, Manabu Tamura, Ken Masamune, Kiotaka Iwasaki

    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making   25 ( 1 )  2025年02月




    Intraoperative imaging devices (i-ID), such as intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT), offer surgeons critical insights previously unobservable, enhancing surgical precision and safety. Despite their benefits, i-IDs present challenges that necessitate early identification and synthesis of clinical issues to promote safer surgical implementation. This study aims to explore the potential of Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) for synthesising qualitative evidence from clinical reports regarding the clinical utility and issues associated with iOCT devices.


    In June 2022, we conducted a systematic literature search using PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for articles on iOCT for retinal surgery. Criteria included articles in English, with at least ten cases, and providing qualitative insights into iOCT’s utilities and issues. We performed thematic synthesis from the identified articles using qualitative data analysis software, beginning with initial coding of the ‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’ sections to create themes reflecting iOCT’s utilities and issues. The created themes were further refined through axial coding and were used to construct a model illustrating iOCT’s potential influence on patient outcomes. The reliability and validity of the themes were ensured through independent coding, expert consultations, and iterative revisions to achieve consensus among reviewers.


    The QES approach enabled systematic data extraction and synthesis, providing a comprehensive view of both the utilities and issues associated with iOCT. Our findings emphasise the significant role of iOCT in enhancing decision-making, specifically in membrane peeling tasks and in detecting preoperatively undetected conditions such as full-thickness macular holes. This study also revealed critical insights into the technical challenges associated with iOCT, including device malfunctions and procedural interruptions, which are vital for improving device safety and integration into surgical practice.


    The application of QES facilitated a thorough investigation into the clinical utilities and issues of iOCT, encouraging the application of this method in the ongoing evaluation of i-ID technologies. This initial experience with QES confirms its potential in synthesising qualitative clinical data and suggests its applicability to other i-ID modalities. This approach enhances the reliability of findings and provides a solid foundation for assessing clinical utilities and issues for policymakers and medical specialists.


  • Conditioned serum-free culture medium accomplishes adhesion and proliferation of bovine myogenic cells on uncoated dishes

    Takashi Morikura, Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Ryu-ichiro Tanaka, Azumi Yoshida, Hironobu Takahashi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tatsuya Shimizu

    npj Science of Food   8 ( 1 )  2024年12月



  • Magnesium-based bioresorbable flow diverter for intracranial aneurysms: a pilot study of biocompatibility and bioresorption in a rabbit vascular model

    Ryo Akiyama, Akira Ishii, Natsuhi Sasaki, So Matsukawa, Shinichi Yagi, Hideo Chihara, Hidehisa Nishi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Shinichi Sakurai, Yoshihito Kawamura, Yoshiki Arakawa

    Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery     jnis - 2024  2024年11月



    Bioresorbable flow diverters (BRFDs) have the potential to solve several problems associated with conventional permanent flow diverters. We have constructed bare and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)-coated magnesium BRFDs (MgBRFDs) using a high-strength corrosion-resistant magnesium alloy. This study aimed to compare bioresorption and biocompatibility between the two types in a rabbit vascular model to determine which is more clinically feasible in humans.


    Bare and PLLA-coated MgBRFDs were fabricated by braiding 48 thin magnesium alloy wires. Mechanical testing was conducted. Bare (n=13) and PLLA-coated (n=13) MgBRFDs were implanted into rabbit aortas and harvested 14, 30, and 90 days after implantation. The physical structure of the resolution process was examined using optical coherence tomography (OCT), micro-computed tomography, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The biological response of the vascular tissue was examined using SEM and histopathological analysis.


    The porosity and pore density of the bare MgBRFD were 64% and 16 pores/mm2, respectively; corresponding values for the PLLA-coated MgBRFD were 63% and 12 pores/mm2, respectively. The OCT attenuation score was significantly higher for the PLLA-coated MgBRFD at all time points (14 days, P=0.01; 30 days, P=0.02; 90 days, P=0.004). OCT, micro-computed tomography, and SEM demonstrated better stent structure preservation with the PLLA-coated MgBRFD. Neointimal thickness did not significantly change over time in either type of MgBRFD (bare, P=0.93; PLLA-coated, P=0.34); however, the number of inflammatory and proliferative cells peaked at 14 days and then decreased.


    Both bare and PLLA-coated MgBRFDs had excellent biocompatibility. The PLLA-coated MgBRFD has greater clinical feasibility because of its delayed bioresorption.



  • Hemodynamics with mechanical circulatory support devices using a cardiogenic shock model.

    Kazuyuki Yahagi, Gohki Nishimura, Kei Kuramoto, Yusuke Tsuboko, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Scientific reports   14 ( 1 ) 14125 - 14125  2024年06月  [国際誌]


    Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices, including veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) and Impella, have been widely used for patients with cardiogenic shock (CS). However, hemodynamics with each device and combination therapy is not thoroughly understood. We aimed to elucidate the hemodynamics with MCS using a pulsatile flow model. Hemodynamics with Impella CP, VA-ECMO, and a combination of Impella CP and VA-ECMO were assessed based on the pressure and flow under support with each device and the pressure-volume loop of the ventricle model. The Impella CP device with CS status resulted in an increase in aortic pressure and a decrease in end-diastolic volume and end-diastolic pressure (EDP). VA-ECMO support resulted in increased afterload, leading to a significant increase in aortic pressure with an increase in end-systolic volume and EDP and decreasing venous reservoir pressure. The combination of Impella CP and VA-ECMO led to left ventricular unloading, regardless of increase in afterload. Hemodynamic support with Impella and VA-ECMO should be a promising combination for patients with severe CS.

    DOI PubMed


  • Late Sinus Sequestration After TAVR-in-TAVR Rescued by Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

    Tomoki Ochiai, Futoshi Yamanaka, Tsuyoshi Yamabe, Hirokazu Miyashita, Noriaki Moriyama, Koki Shishido, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Shigeru Saito

    JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions   17 ( 6 ) 810 - 813  2024年03月



  • A tissue-silicone integrated simulator for right ventricular pulsatile circulation with severe functional tricuspid regurgitation.

    Jumpei Takada, Hayato Morimura, Kohei Hamada, Yusei Okamoto, Shiho Mineta, Yusuke Tsuboko, Kaoru Hattori, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Scientific reports   14 ( 1 ) 5120 - 5120  2024年03月  [国際誌]


    There is a great demand for development of a functional tricuspid regurgitation (FTR) model for accelerating development and preclinical study of tricuspid interventional repair devices. This study aimed to develop a severe FTR model by creating a tissue-silicone integrated right ventricular pulsatile circulatory simulator. The simulator incorporates the porcine tricuspid annulus, valve leaflets, chordae tendineae, papillary muscles, and right ventricular wall as one continuous piece of tissue, thereby preserving essential anatomical relationships of the tricuspid valve (TV) complex. We dilated the TV annulus with collagenolytic enzymes under applying stepwise dilation, and successfully achieved a severe FTR model with a regurgitant volume of 45 ± 9 mL/beat and a flow jet area of 15.8 ± 2.3 cm2 (n = 6). Compared to a normal model, the severe FTR model exhibited a larger annular circumference (133.1 ± 8.2 mm vs. 115.7 ± 5.5 mm; p = 0.009) and lower coaptation height (6.6 ± 1.0 mm vs. 17.7 ± 1.3 mm; p = 0.003). Following the De-Vega annular augmentation procedure to the severe FTR model, a significant reduction in regurgitant volume and flow jet area were observed. This severe FTR model may open new avenues for the development and evaluation of transcatheter TV devices.

    DOI PubMed


  • ヒト病態模擬試験システムの開発


    医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス PMDRS 55(5)     372 - 375  2024年

  • 脱細胞化組織による生体内自己組織構築


    バイオマテリアル, 42(4)    2024年


  • Difference in tissue temperature change between two cryoballoons

    Takahiro Hayashi, Kohei Hamada, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Jumpei Takada, Masato Murakami, Shigeru Saito

    Open Heart   10 ( 2 ) e002426 - e002426  2023年12月



    Cryoballoon ablation, especially Arctic Front Advance Pro (AFA-Pro) (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), has been widely recognised as a standard approach to atrial fibrillation (AF). Recently, Boston Scientific has released a novel cryoballoon system (POLARx). Despite comparable acute clinical outcomes of these two cryoballoons, the recent study reported a higher complication rate, especially for phrenic nerve palsy, with POLARx. However, their impact on biological tissue remains unclear.


    The purpose of our study is to evaluate temperature change of biological tissue during cryoablation of each cryoballoon using a porcine experimental model.


    A tissue-based pulmonary vein model was constructed from porcine myocardial tissue and placed on a stage designed to simulate pulmonary vein anatomy and venous flow. Controlled cryoablations of AFA-Pro and POLARx were performed in this model to evaluate the tissue temperature. A temperature sensor was set behind the muscle and cryoballoon ablation was performed after confirming the occlusion of pulmonary vein with cryoballoon.


    The mean tissue nadir temperature during cryoablation with AFA-Pro was −41.5°C±4.9°C, while the mean tissue nadir temperature during cryoablation with POLARx was −58.4°C±5.9°C (p<0.001). The mean balloon nadir temperature during cryoablation with AFA-Pro was −54.6°C±2.6°C and the mean balloon nadir temperature during cryoablation with POLARx was −64.7°C±3.8°C (p<0.001).


    POLARx could freeze the biological tissue more strongly than AFA-Pro.



  • Favorable clinical outcomes of simultaneous ACL reconstruction and UKA or HTO: A systematic surveillance

    Junya Itou, Masafumi Itoh, Umito Kuwashima, Shinya Imai, Ken Okazaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of Joint Surgery and Research   1 ( 1 ) 201 - 208  2023年12月


  • Repairable ex vivo model of functional and degenerative mitral regurgitation

    Hayato Morimura, Yusei Okamoto, Jumpei Takada, Minoru Tabata, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery   64 ( 5 )  2023年11月



    <p></p> OBJECTIVES

    Transcatheter mitral valve repair is an emerging alternative to the surgical repair. This technology requires preclinical studies to assess efficacy in mitigating mitral regurgitation (MR). However, ex vivo MR models are not established. We developed 2 novel repairable models, functional and degenerative, which can quantitatively assess regurgitation and effect of intervention.


    We used porcine mitral valves and a pulsatile flow circulation system. In the functional MR model, the annulus was immersed in 0.1% collagenase solution and dilated using 3D-printed dilators. To control the regurgitation grade, the sizes of the dilator and silicone sheet in which the valve was sutured to were adjusted. Chordae of P2 were severed in the degenerative model, and the number of severed chordae was adjusted to control the regurgitation grade. Models were repaired using the edge-to-edge or artificial chordae technique.


    The mean regurgitant fraction of the moderate–severe functional and degenerative models were 47.9% [standard deviation (SD): 2.2%] and 58.5% (SD: 8.0%), which were significantly reduced to 28.7% (SD: 4.4%) (P &amp;lt; 0.001) and 26.0% (SD: 4.4%) (P &amp;lt; 0.001) after the valve repair procedures. Severe functional model had a mean regurgitant fraction of 59.4% (SD: 6.0%).


    Both functional and degenerative models could produce sufficient MR levels that meet the interventional indication criteria. The repairable models are valuable in evaluating the efficacy of valve repair procedures and devices. The ability to control the amount of regurgitation enhances the versatility and reliability of these models. These reproducible models could expedite the development of novel devices.



  • Biaxial tensile testing system for measuring mechanical properties of both sides of biological tissues

    Jumpei Takada, Kohei Hamada, Xiaodong Zhu, Yusuke Tsuboko, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials   146   106028 - 106028  2023年10月



  • Importance of optimal rewiring guided by 3-dimensional optical frequency domain imaging during double-kissing culotte stenting demonstrated through a novel bench model.

    Takayuki Okamura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Hongze Lu, Xiaodong Zhu, Tatsuhiro Fujimura, Norika Kitaba, Keisuke Murakami, Ryota Nakamura, Haruki Mitsui, Yusuke Tsuboko, Yousuke Miyazaki, Tetsuya Matsuyama

    Scientific reports   13 ( 1 ) 13511 - 13511  2023年08月  [国際誌]


    The usefulness of optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) guidance on two-stenting at left main bifurcation has not been evaluated. Here, we used a novel bench model to investigate whether pre-defined optimal rewiring with OFDI-guidance decreases acute incomplete stent apposition (ISA) at the left main bifurcation segment. A novel bench simulation system was developed to simulate the foreshortening and overlapping of daughter vessels as well as left main bifurcation motion under fluoroscopy. Double-kissing (DK) culotte stenting was performed using the novel bench model under fluoroscopy with or without OFDI-guidance. In the OFDI-guidance group, if the guidewire did not pass through the pre-defined optimal cell according to the 3-dimensional OFDI, additional attempts of rewiring into the jailed side branch were performed. The success rate of optimal jailed side branch rewiring after implantation of the first and second stent under OFDI-guidance was significantly higher than that under only angio-guidance. After completion of the DK-culotte stenting, the incidence and volume of ISA at the bifurcation segment in the OFDI-guidance group was significantly lower than that in the angio-guidance group. Online 3-dimensional OFDI-guided DK-culotte stenting according to a pre-defined optimal rewiring point might be superior to only angio-guided rewiring for reducing ISA at the bifurcation.

    DOI PubMed


  • Importance of optimal rewiring guided by 3-dimensional optical frequency domain imaging during double-kissing culotte stenting demonstrated through a novel bench model

    Takayuki Okamura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Hongze Lu, Xiaodong Zhu, Tatsuhiro Fujimura, Norika Kitaba, Keisuke Murakami, Ryota Nakamura, Haruki Mitsui, Yusuke Tsuboko, Yousuke Miyazaki, Tetsuya Matsuyama

    Scientific Reports   13 ( 1 )  2023年08月



    The usefulness of optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) guidance on two-stenting at left main bifurcation has not been evaluated. Here, we used a novel bench model to investigate whether pre-defined optimal rewiring with OFDI-guidance decreases acute incomplete stent apposition (ISA) at the left main bifurcation segment. A novel bench simulation system was developed to simulate the foreshortening and overlapping of daughter vessels as well as left main bifurcation motion under fluoroscopy. Double-kissing (DK) culotte stenting was performed using the novel bench model under fluoroscopy with or without OFDI-guidance. In the OFDI-guidance group, if the guidewire did not pass through the pre-defined optimal cell according to the 3-dimensional OFDI, additional attempts of rewiring into the jailed side branch were performed. The success rate of optimal jailed side branch rewiring after implantation of the first and second stent under OFDI-guidance was significantly higher than that under only angio-guidance. After completion of the DK-culotte stenting, the incidence and volume of ISA at the bifurcation segment in the OFDI-guidance group was significantly lower than that in the angio-guidance group. Online 3-dimensional OFDI-guided DK-culotte stenting according to a pre-defined optimal rewiring point might be superior to only angio-guided rewiring for reducing ISA at the bifurcation.



  • Predicting Intracardiac Thrombus Formation in the Left Atrial Appendage Using Machine Learning and CT Images

    Shota Nako, Chanjin Seo, Shota Tsutsui, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Takaaki Ohkawauchi, Jun Ohya

    2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine &amp; Biology Society (EMBC)    2023年07月


  • Biaxial tensile testing system for measuring mechanical properties of both sides of biological tissues.

    Jumpei Takada, Kohei Hamada, Xiaodong Zhu, Yusuke Tsuboko, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials   146   106028 - 106028  2023年07月  [国際誌]


    The aortic wall exhibits a unique elastic behavior, periodically expanding in aortic diameter by approximately 10% during heartbeats. This elastic behavior of the aortic wall relies on the distinct yet interacting mechanical properties of its three layers: intima, media, and adventitia. Aortic aneurysms develop as a result of multifactorial remodeling influenced by mechanical vulnerability of the aortic wall. Therefore, investigating the mechanical response of the aneurysmal wall, in conjunction with changes in microstructural parameters on both the intimal and adventitial sides, may offer valuable insights into the mechanisms of aortic aneurysm development or rupture. This study aimed to develop a biaxial tensile testing system to measure the mechanical properties of both sides of the tissue to gain insights concerning the interactions in anisotropic layered tissue. The biaxial tensile test set-up consisted of four motors, four cameras, four load cells, and a toggle switch. Porcine ascending aortas were chosen as the test subject. Graphite particles with diameters of approximately 5-11 [μm] were randomly applied to both sides of the aorta. Strain measurements were obtained using the stereo digital-image correlation method. Because stretching a rectangular specimen with a thread inevitably concentrates and localizes stress, to reduce this effect the specimen's shape was investigated using finite element analysis. The finite element analysis showed that a cross-shaped specimen with diagonally cut edges would be suitable. Therefore, we prepared specimens with this novel shape. This test system showed that mechanical response of the aortic tissue was significantly different between the intimal and adventitial side in the high-strain range, due to the disruption of collagen fibers. The adventitia side exhibited a smaller elastic modulus than the intimal side, accompanied by disruption of collagen fibers in the adventitia, which were more pronounced in the longitudinal direction. In contrast, in the mid-strain range, the elastic modulus did not differ between the intimal and adventitial sides, irrespective of longitudinal or circumferential direction, and collagen fibers were not disrupted but elongated. A biaxial tensile test system, which measures the mechanical properties of both sides of biological tissues and the shape of the specimen for reducing the concentration of stress at the chuck region, was developed in this study. The biaxial tensile testing system developed here is useful for better understanding the influences of mechanical loads and tissue degeneration on anisotropic, layered biological tissues.

    DOI PubMed


  • Hybrid Impedance Control-based Autonomous Robotic System for Natural-like Drinking Assistance for Disabled Persons

    Amos Alwala, Haitham El-Hussieny, Abdelfatah Mohamed, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Samy F. M. Assal

    International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems   21 ( 6 ) 1978 - 1992  2023年06月



  • Performance evaluation methods for improvements at post-market of artificial intelligence/machine learning-based computer-aided detection/diagnosis/triage in the United States

    Mitsuru Yuba, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    PLOS Digital Health   2 ( 3 ) e0000209 - e0000209  2023年03月


    Computer-aided detection (CADe), computer-aided diagnosis (CADx), and computer-aided simple triage (CAST), which incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), are continually undergoing post-market improvement. Therefore, understanding the evaluation and approval process of improved products is important. This study intended to conduct a comprehensive survey of AI/ML-based CAD products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that had been improved post-market to gain insights into the efficacy and safety required for market approval. A survey of the product code database published by the FDA identified eight products that were improved post-market. The methods used to evaluate the performance of improvements were analysed, and post-market improvements were approved with retrospective data. Reader study testing (RT) or software standalone testing (SA) procedures were conducted retrospectively. Six RT procedures were conducted because of modifications to the intended use. An average of 17.3 readers (minimum 14, maximum 24) participated, and the area under the curve (AUC) was considered the primary endpoint. The addition of study learning data that did not change the intended use and changes in the analysis algorithm were evaluated by SA. The average sensitivity, specificity, and AUC were 93% (minimum 91.1, maximum 97), 89.6% (minimum 85.9, maximum 96), and 0.96 (minimum 0.96, maximum 0.97), respectively. The average interval between applications was 348 days (minimum –18, maximum 975), which showed that the improvements were implemented within approximately one year. This is the first comprehensive study on AI/ML-based CAD products that have been improved post-market to elucidate evaluation points for post-market improvements. The findings will be informative for the industry and academia in developing and improving AI/ML-based CAD.



  • A survey on the usage of decellularized tissues in orthopaedic clinical trials

    Masafumi Itoh, Junya Itou, Shinya Imai, Ken Okazaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Bone &amp; Joint Research   12 ( 3 ) 179 - 188  2023年03月



    Orthopaedic surgery requires grafts with sufficient mechanical strength. For this purpose, decellularized tissue is an available option that lacks the complications of autologous tissue. However, it is not widely used in orthopaedic surgeries. This study investigated clinical trials of the use of decellularized tissue grafts in orthopaedic surgery.


    Using the ClinicalTrials.gov (CTG) and the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) databases, we comprehensively surveyed clinical trials of decellularized tissue use in orthopaedic surgeries registered before 1 September 2022. We evaluated the clinical results, tissue processing methods, and commercial availability of the identified products using academic literature databases and manufacturers’ websites.


    We initially identified 4,402 clinical trials, 27 of which were eligible for inclusion and analysis, including nine shoulder surgery trials, eight knee surgery trials, two ankle surgery trials, two hand surgery trials, and six peripheral nerve graft trials. Nine of the trials were completed. We identified only one product that will be commercially available for use in knee surgery with significant mechanical load resistance. Peracetic acid and gamma irradiation were frequently used for sterilization.


    Despite the demand for decellularized tissue, few decellularized tissue products are currently commercially available, particularly for the knee joint. To be viable in orthopaedic surgery, decellularized tissue must exhibit biocompatibility and mechanical strength, and these requirements are challenging for the clinical application of decellularized tissue. However, the variety of available decellularized products has recently increased. Therefore, decellularized grafts may become a promising option in orthopaedic surgery.

    Cite this article:Bone Joint Res 2023;12(3):179–188.


  • Estimation Failure Risk by 0.5-mm Differences in Autologous Hamstring Graft Diameter in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Meta-analysis

    Masafumi Itoh, Junya Itou, Ken Okazaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    The American Journal of Sports Medicine   52 ( 2 ) 535 - 543  2023年03月



    Because grafts are made in 0.5-mm increments clinically for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, it is important to clarify how the failure rate decreases as the diameter increases. Moreover, it is important to know whether even a slight increase in the graft diameter decreases the risk of failure.


    The risk of failure decreases significantly with each 0.5-mm increase in hamstring graft diameter.

    Study Design:

    Meta-analysis; Level of evidence, 4.


    The systematic review and meta-analysis have estimated the diameter-specific failure risk for each 0.5-mm increase in ACL reconstruction using autologous hamstring grafts. We searched for studies describing the relationship between graft diameter and failure rate published before December 1, 2021, in leading databases, such as PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science, according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. We included studies using single-bundle autologous hamstring grafts to investigate the relationship between failure rate and graft diameter of 0.5-mm intervals with &gt;1-year follow-up. Then, we calculated the failure risk caused by 0.5-mm differences in autologous hamstring graft diameter. Assuming Poisson distribution for the statistical model, we employed an extended linear mixed-effects model in the meta-analyses.


    Five studies containing 19,333 cases were eligible. The meta-analysis revealed that the estimated value of the coefficient of diameter in the Poisson model was −0.2357 with a 95% CI of −0.2743 to −0.1971 ( P &lt; .0001). With every 1.0-mm increase in diameter, the failure rate decreased by 0.79 (0.76-0.82) times. In contrast, the failure rate increased by 1.27 (1.22-1.32) times for each 1.0-mm decrease in diameter. The failure rate significantly decreased with each 0.5-mm increase in graft diameter in the range of &lt;7.0 to &gt;9.0 mm from 3.63% to 1.79%.


    The risk of failure decreased correspondingly with each 0.5-mm increase in graft diameter in the range of &lt;7.0 to &gt;9.0 mm. Failure is multifactorial; however, increasing the graft diameter as much as possible to match each patient’s anatomic space without overstuffing is an effective precaution that surgeons can take to reduce failures.



  • In-vitro analysis of neo-sinus flow dynamics after transcatheter aortic valve replacement using particle image velocimetry technique

    Xuetong Xu, Kaoru Hattori, Ryusuke Ai, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of Biorheology   37 ( 2 ) 162 - 169  2023年



  • 植え込み後47年を経たBjoerk-Shiley Delrin弁機能不全に対して再MVRを施行した1例

    池田 諒, 菊地 千鶴男, 坪子 侑佑, 池原 大烈, 渡邊 冴基, 山田 有希子, 市原 有起, 浜崎 安純, 岩崎 清隆, 新浪 博士

    日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌   52 ( 1 ) 29 - 33  2023年01月


    64歳男性.16歳時に僧帽弁閉鎖不全症に対してBjoerk-Shiley Delrin弁(非カーボン製ディスク)を用いた僧帽弁置換術(MVR)を当科で施行した.手術後は年に1度の経胸壁心臓超音波検査が施行され,一貫して軽度の僧帽弁閉鎖不全症(MR)を認めるのみであったが,術後45年目からMRの増悪と労作時呼吸苦が出現するようになった.経食道心臓超音波検査による精査を行ったところ高度のtrans valvular leakageを認めたため人工弁機能不全と診断し,術後47年目に再MVRを施行した.摘出した弁の解析からはDelrin製ディスクの消耗により弁座との間隙が開大したことによりMRの増悪を生じたと考えられた.Bjoerk-Shiley弁の登場から半世紀が経過し,きわめて長期間弁機能不全を生じることなく経過した症例を経験したため文献的考察と当科でのこれまでの使用成績を併せて報告する.(著者抄録)

  • 植え込み後47年を経たBjoerk-Shiley Delrin弁機能不全に対して再MVRを施行した1例

    池田 諒, 菊地 千鶴男, 坪子 侑佑, 池原 大烈, 渡邊 冴基, 山田 有希子, 市原 有起, 浜崎 安純, 岩崎 清隆, 新浪 博士

    日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌   52 ( 1 ) 29 - 33  2023年01月


    64歳男性.16歳時に僧帽弁閉鎖不全症に対してBjoerk-Shiley Delrin弁(非カーボン製ディスク)を用いた僧帽弁置換術(MVR)を当科で施行した.手術後は年に1度の経胸壁心臓超音波検査が施行され,一貫して軽度の僧帽弁閉鎖不全症(MR)を認めるのみであったが,術後45年目からMRの増悪と労作時呼吸苦が出現するようになった.経食道心臓超音波検査による精査を行ったところ高度のtrans valvular leakageを認めたため人工弁機能不全と診断し,術後47年目に再MVRを施行した.摘出した弁の解析からはDelrin製ディスクの消耗により弁座との間隙が開大したことによりMRの増悪を生じたと考えられた.Bjoerk-Shiley弁の登場から半世紀が経過し,きわめて長期間弁機能不全を生じることなく経過した症例を経験したため文献的考察と当科でのこれまでの使用成績を併せて報告する.(著者抄録)

  • Comparison of hemodynamics and root configurations between remodeling and reimplantation methods for valve-sparing aortic root replacement: a pulsatile flow study

    Masahiro Seki, Takashi Kunihara, Jyunpei Takada, Kenichi Sasaki, Ryo Kumazawa, Hiroshi Seki, Saeko Sasuga, Hirotsugu Fukuda, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Surgery Today   53 ( 7 ) 845 - 854  2022年11月




    To compare the characteristics of reimplantation (RI) using grafts with sinuses and remodeling (RM) with/without external suture annuloplasty using a pulsatile flow simulator.


    Porcine aortic roots were obtained from an abattoir, and six models of RM and RI with sinuses were prepared. External suture annuloplasty (ESA) was performed in the RM models to decrease the root diameter to 22 mm (RM-AP22) and 18 mm (RM-AP18). Valve models were tested at mean pulsatile flow and aortic pressure of 5.0 L/min and 120/80 (100) mmHg, respectively, at 70 beats/min. The forward flow, regurgitation, leakage, backflow rates, valve-closing time, and mean and peak pressure gradient (p-PG) were evaluated. Root configurations were examined using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT).


    The backflow rate was larger in the RM models than in the RI models (RI: 8.56% ± 0.38% vs. RM: 12.64% ± 0.79%; p &lt; 0.01). The RM-AP and RI models were comparable in terms of the forward flow, regurgitation, backflow rates, p-PG, and valve-closing time. The analysis using a micro-CT showed a larger dilatation of the sinus of the Valsalva in the RM groups than in the RI group (Valsalva: RI, 26.55 ± 0.40 mm vs. RM-AP22, 31.22 ± 0.55 mm [p &lt; 0.05]; RM-AP18, 31.05 ± 0.85 mm [p &lt; 0.05]).


    RM with ESA and RI with neo-sinuses showed comparable hemodynamics. ESA to RM reduced regurgitation.



  • Systematic analysis of the test design and performance of AI/ML-based medical devices approved for triage/detection/diagnosis in the USA and Japan

    Mitsuru Yuba, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Scientific Reports   12 ( 1 )  2022年10月



    The development of computer-aided detection (CAD) using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is rapidly evolving. Submission of AI/ML-based CAD devices for regulatory approval requires information about clinical trial design and performance criteria, but the requirements vary between countries. This study compares the requirements for AI/ML-based CAD devices approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) in Japan. A list of 45 FDA-approved and 12 PMDA-approved AI/ML-based CAD devices was compiled. In the USA, devices classified as computer-aided simple triage were approved based on standalone software testing, whereas devices classified as computer-aided detection/diagnosis were approved based on reader study testing. In Japan, however, there was no clear distinction between evaluation methods according to the category. In the USA, a prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted for AI/ML-based CAD devices used for the detection of colorectal polyps, whereas in Japan, such devices were approved based on standalone software testing. This study indicated that the different viewpoints of AI/ML-based CAD in the two countries influenced the selection of different evaluation methods. This study’s findings may be useful for defining a unified global development and approval standard for AI/ML-based CAD.



  • 灌流培養で構築した立体子宮内膜様組織の機能評価

    若林 憲信, 坂口 勝久, 戸部 友輔, 藤間 千尋, 藏本 吾郎, 本間 順, 岩崎 清隆, 清水 達也

    人工臓器   51 ( 2 ) S - 176  2022年10月

  • 粒子画像流速計測によるIMPELLA留置後の大動脈弁逆流の新規発生および増悪機序に関する実験的検討

    坪子 侑佑, 矢作 和之, 倉本 慧, 伊佐地 康佑, 岩崎 清隆

    人工臓器   51 ( 2 ) S - 187  2022年10月

  • 立体子宮内膜様組織構築のための灌流培養の有効性の検討

    若林 憲信, 坂口 勝久, 戸部 友輔, 藤間 千尋, 藏本 吾郎, 本間 順, 岩崎 清隆, 清水 達也

    日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集   2022年   122 - 122  2022年10月

  • 灌流培養で構築した立体子宮内膜様組織の機能評価

    若林 憲信, 坂口 勝久, 戸部 友輔, 藤間 千尋, 藏本 吾郎, 本間 順, 岩崎 清隆, 清水 達也

    人工臓器   51 ( 2 ) S - 176  2022年10月

  • Comprehensive Analysis of Clinical Studies and Regulations of Therapeutic Applications in the United States and Japan

    Mao Ono, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Therapeutic Innovation &amp; Regulatory Science   57 ( 1 ) 86 - 99  2022年09月




    Digital therapeutics (DTx), the provision of treatment through mobile devices such as smartphones, have attracted great interest as a new medical modality. However, the number of authorized therapeutic applications in the US and Japan is low. Understanding the obstacles in obtaining regulatory authorizations will be the key in promoting timely development of therapeutic applications. Thus, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the clinical study designs of therapeutic applications authorized in the US and Japan.


    Data on authorized therapeutic applications and the regulations involved were collated from the databases of the Food and Drug Administration (USA), Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), and Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (Japan).


    Most therapeutic applications authorized targeted neuropsychiatric disorders and used cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based treatments. All the involved clinical trials were randomized-controlled studies. Various types of controls—such as standard care, sham application, digital control, and therapies delivered by healthcare providers—were used. Both subjective and objective indices were acceptable as the primary endpoints. Long-term efficacy was evaluated, and all adverse events were assessed comprehensively. The setting up of controls and the need to study long-term efficacy depend heavily on the applications functionality and the target disease characteristics.


    This study reveals the points to be considered in planning clinical studies and regulatory strategies for authorizing therapeutic applications. Therapeutic applications can provide new therapy and have potential to solve unmet clinical needs. Our findings shed a light on efficient development and rapid commercialization of therapeutic applications.



  • Gap distribution mapping to visualize regions associated with type 1 endoleak in a fenestrated thoracic stent graft

    Kota Shukuzawa, Tomoya Fujii, Makoto Sumi, Junya Kozaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Takao Ohki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery   62 ( 2 )  2022年07月



    <p></p> OBJECTIVES

    Our goal was to analyse the relationships between aortic surface irregularity and a type 1 endoleak (T1EL) after a thoracic endovascular repair using the Najuta fenestrated stent graft.


    The patients who were treated using the Najuta stent graft for an intact aortic arch aneurysm at the Saitama Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center between June 2013 and June 2017 were analysed retrospectively. The primary end point was the occurrence of a T1EL. The gap between a virtual aorta and the patient's aortic wall at the stent graft fixation was calculated over the whole circumference at 1 mm intervals, and gap distribution mapping was performed. The rate of freedom from a T1EL was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method and compared between the patients with or without a continuously malapposed region of &amp;gt;1 mm from the branches to the aneurysm.


    Twenty-one patients were analysed. During the mean follow-up period of 21.7 months, 4 patients were confirmed to have T1ELs. Three of the T1Els were detected during the perioperative period and occurred through a fenestration. The remaining patient had a T1EL 2 years postoperatively. The gap distribution mapping confirmed the presence of a continuously malapposed region of &amp;gt;1 mm from the cervical branch to the aneurysm postoperatively in 4 patients with T1ELs. Patients who had a continuously malapposed region of &amp;gt;1 mm showed a statistically lower T1EL rate than those without (p &amp;lt; 0.001). Malapposed regions defined using the gap distribution mapping were consistent with flow channels through T1EL fenestrations detected using the perioperative computed tomography data.


    The gap distribution mapping could be useful to predict the occurrence of T1ELs in patients with the Najuta stent graft.



  • Verification of the differences of scoring effect in current scoring balloons

    Yoshihisa Kinoshita, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Takahiko Suzuki

    Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics   37 ( 3 ) 513 - 518  2022年07月



  • 断層粒子画像流速計測法を用いた大動脈解離モデルにおける解離進展の力学的機序解明に関する基礎検討

    坪子 侑佑, 伊佐地 康佑, 許 雪童, 四方田 直輝, 岩崎 清隆

    人工臓器   51 ( 1 ) 28 - 28  2022年06月

  • 断層粒子画像流速計測法を用いた大動脈解離モデルにおける解離進展の力学的機序解明に関する基礎検討

    坪子 侑佑, 伊佐地 康佑, 許 雪童, 四方田 直輝, 岩崎 清隆

    人工臓器   51 ( 1 ) 28 - 28  2022年06月

  • JCS/JSCVS/JATS/JSVS 2021 Guideline on Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Device for Patients With Advanced Heart Failure.

    Minoru Ono, Osamu Yamaguchi, Tomohito Ohtani, Koichiro Kinugawa, Yoshikatsu Saiki, Yoshiki Sawa, Akira Shiose, Hiroyuki Tsutsui, Norihide Fukushima, Goro Matsumiya, Masanobu Yanase, Kenji Yamazaki, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Masatoshi Akiyama, Teruhiko Imamura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Miyoko Endo, Yoshihiko Ohnishi, Takahiro Okumura, Koichi Kashiwa, Osamu Kinoshita, Kaori Kubota, Osamu Seguchi, Koichi Toda, Hiroshi Nishioka, Tomohiro Nishinaka, Takashi Nishimura, Toru Hashimoto, Masaru Hatano, Haruhiko Higashi, Taiki Higo, Takeo Fujino, Yumiko Hori, Toru Miyoshi, Motoharu Yamanaka, Takayuki Ohno, Takeshi Kimura, Shunei Kyo, Yasushi Sakata, Takeshi Nakatani

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   86 ( 6 ) 1024 - 1058  2022年05月  [国内誌]

    DOI PubMed


  • Perfusable vascular tree like construction in 3D cell-dense tissues using artificial vascular bed.

    Yusuke Tobe, Jun Homma, Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Hidekazu Sekine, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tatsuya Shimizu

    Microvascular research   141   104321 - 104321  2022年05月  [国際誌]


    Perfusable vascular structures in cell-dense tissues are essential for fabricating functional three-dimensional (3D) tissues in vitro. However, it is challenging to introduce functional vascular networks observable as vascular tree, finely spaced at intervals of tens of micrometers as in living tissues, into a 3D cell-dense tissue. Herein, we propose a method for introducing numerous vascular networks that can be perfused with blood into 3D tissues constructed by cell sheet engineering. We devise an artificial vascular bed using a hydrogel that is barely deformed by cells, enabling perfusion of the culture medium directly beneath the cell sheets. Triple-layered cell sheets with an endothelial cell network prepared by fibroblast co-culture are transplanted onto the vascular bed and subjected to perfusion culture. We demonstrate that numerous vascular networks are formed with luminal structures in the cell sheets and can be perfused with India ink or blood after a five-day perfusion culture. Histological analysis also demonstrates that perfusable vascular structures are constructed at least 100 μm intervals uniformly and densely within the tissues. The results suggest that our perfusion culture method enhances vascularization within the 3D cell-dense tissues and enables the introduction of functional vasculature macroscopically observable as vascular tree in vitro. In conclusion, this technology can be used to fabricate functional tissues and organs for regenerative therapies and in vitro experimental models.

    DOI PubMed


  • Time-series biological responses toward decellularized bovine tendon graft and autograft for 52 consecutive weeks after rat anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

    Masafumi Itoh, Hiroki Imasu, Kazuya Takano, Mitsuo Umezu, Ken Okazaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Scientific reports   12 ( 1 ) 6751 - 6751  2022年04月  [国際誌]


    There is an essential demand for developing biocompatible grafts for knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). This study investigated cell infiltration into decellularized bovine tendon xenografts using a rat knee ACLR model. Twelve-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were used. At weeks 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 26, and 52 (each period, n = 6) after ACLR, rats receiving decellularized bovine tendon (group D, n = 42) or autologous tendon (group A, n = 42) as grafts underwent peritibial bone tunnel bone mineral density (BMD), histological, and immunohistological assessments. BMD increased over time in both the groups until week 16 and then remained unchanged without exhibiting significant differences between the groups. Initially, cellularity in group D was lower than that in group A; however, by weeks 4-8, both the groups were comparable to the native anterior cruciate ligament group and cellularity remained unchanged until week 52. Initially, group A had more M1 macrophages, indicating inflammation, whereas group D had more M2 macrophages, indicating tissue regeneration. Nonetheless, the M1 and M2 macrophage counts of both the groups were comparable at most times. This study revealed the excellent recellularization and tendon-bone integration abilities of decellularized tendons using a cross-species model.

    DOI PubMed


  • Biodesign program introduction in Japan: promotion of entrepreneurship and viewpoints of education on medical technology innovation.

    Koji Nakao, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs    2022年03月  [国内誌]


    The Stanford Biodesign program was first introduced in Japan in 2015 at three national universities to develop medical technology innovation and its talent. This study aimed to (1) show the outcomes of leadership talent development, (2) indicate the educational results of the program, and (3) objectively analyze the ways in which the program executed in Japan, effectively promoted entrepreneurship orientation and the origination of new businesses. The latter is especially relevant as Japan has low entrepreneurial awareness and new business entry rates compared to the United States and Europe. Herein, fellows were subjected to questionnaires, interviews, and a survey based on academic papers, extant literature, and treatises issued by the Nihon Biodesign Gakkai (Academic Society of Japan Biodesign). Overall program performance showed notable results, despite indicating a need to improve business-related programs and team learning which is greatly influenced by Japanese culture. An externship program, planned and developed in Japan, was most inspiring and served to expose participants to role models. Comparing Japan Biodesign education elements to factors of general entrepreneurship promotion in Japan, sampled and organized from relevant White Papers, proved its educational effectiveness in entrepreneurship promotion from an objective viewpoint. Within the 4-year timeframe, the results indicated that leadership talent was indeed developed. Medical device innovation should progress through the stages of establishing new ventures, followed by contriving medical devices with novel, impactful value. This study revealed that Japan Biodesign education provides a platform for achieving these goals, despite the challenging Japanese new business environment.

    DOI PubMed


  • Latest outcomes of transcatheter left atrial appendage closure devices and direct oral anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation over the past 5 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Keiichi Takeda, Yusuke Tsuboko, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics    2022年01月  [国内誌]


    Left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) are emerging treatment for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, data on the safety, efficacy, and medications for LAAC devices in patients with AF are lacking. We aimed to investigate the incidence of all-cause mortality, stroke, and major bleeding in AF patients with LAAC devices and DOACs. Moreover, we aimed to investigate the incidence rate of device-related thrombus (DRT) and the medications used in the management of AF patients with LAAC devices to gain insights into achieving better outcome. Based on a literature search using PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science databases between January 2015 and December 2020, eight LAAC device studies that used WATCHMAN and Amulet, and three DOAC studies that used rivaroxaban, with a total of 24,055 AF patients (LAAC devices, n = 2855; DOAC, n = 21,200), were included. A random-effects model was used to incorporate heterogeneity among studies. The pooled incidence of events per person-years were as follows: all-cause mortality, 0.06 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.02-0.10) for WATCHMAN, 0.04 (95% CI 0.00-0.14) for Amulet, and 0.03 (95% CI 0.01-0.04) for rivaroxaban; stroke; 0.02 (95% CI 0.00-0.04) for WATCHMAN, 0 for Amulet, and 0.01 (95% CI 0.01-0.02) for rivaroxaban; major bleeding, 0.04 (95% CI 0.02-0.06) for WATCHMAN, 0.02 (95% CI 0.00-0.06) for Amulet, and 0.02 (95% CI 0.01-0.03) for rivaroxaban. The incidence rate of DRT was 2.3%, and complications were reported in 9%. The incidence of all-cause mortality, stroke, and major bleeding were similar between LAAC devices and DOACs. The rate of complications was acceptable, and those of DRT were lower than the average incidence reported in previous studies. However, further follow-up is needed. Concomitant anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapies should be further evaluated to find the optimal regimen for AF patients with LAAC devices.

    DOI PubMed


  • 亜急性期の大動脈解離におけるフラップ可動性が偽腔内の圧力場および流れ場に与える影響

    四方田 直輝, 坪子 侑佑, 伊佐地 康佑, 岩﨑 清隆

    バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集   2022.32   2D26  2022年


  • 冠動脈石灰化モデルに治療デバイスによって生じるひずみの実験的計測手法確立に向けた脆性を有する透明な石灰化試験片作製

    許 雪童, 坪子 侑佑, 伊佐地 康佑, 岩﨑 清隆

    バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集   2022.32   1C25  2022年


  • Comprehensive Risk Analysis of the Wingspan Stent in Relation to Target Vessels

    Hiroo Yamaga, Yusuke Tsuboko, Tomoaki Terada, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy   16 ( 9 ) 458 - 466  2022年


  • Comparative performance analysis of interventional devices for the treatment of ischemic disease in below-the-knee lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Emi Kearon Matsuoka, Terumitsu Hasebe, Ryota Ishii, Naoki Miyazaki, Kenzo Soejima, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics   37 ( 1 ) 145 - 157  2022年01月  [国内誌]


    This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the device performance of conventional balloon catheters (POBA), drug-coated balloons (DCB), bare-metal stents (BMS), and drug-eluting stents (DES) in below-the-knee (BTK) ischemic lesions with regard to lesion characteristics. Online searches of PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases (2010-2019) were conducted for each of the test devices. Primary patency rates (pp) and major amputation rates 1 year after the use of each device were analyzed using a random-effects meta-analysis model. Meta-regression analysis was conducted to test associations between the outcomes and lesion characteristics. The analysis included 18 studies reporting on 24 separate cohorts comprising 2,438 patients. DES demonstrated the best pp among the test devices (83.6%; 95% confidence interval = 78.4-88.8%, studies = 8; I2 = 66%, P = 0.005). A negative coefficient between lesion length and pp (P = 0.002) was obtained. The ratio of critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients impacted the amputation rates (P = 0.031), whereas no statistically significant difference was found between the devices. DES showed favorable pp in BTK lesions; however, as the lesion lengths using DES were short, pp in long lesions still needs to be evaluated. Shorter lesions gained better pp. A higher ratio of CLI patients resulted in increased amputation rates.

    DOI PubMed


  • Characteristics of anatomical difficulty for cryoballoon ablation: insights from CT.

    Takahiro Hayashi, Masato Murakami, Shigeru Saito, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Open heart   9 ( 1 )  2022年01月  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: The limited availability of balloon sizes for cryoballoon leads to anatomical limitations for pulmonary vein (PV) isolation. We conducted a comprehensive systematic analysis on procedural success rate, atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence rate and complications of cryoballoon ablation in association with the anatomy of the left atrium and PV based on preprocedural CT to gain insights into proper treatments of patients with AF using cryoballoon. METHOD: A systematic search of literature databases, including PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane Library, from the inception of each database through February 2021 was conducted. Search keywords included 'atrial fibrillation', 'cryoballoon ablation' and 'anatomy'. RESULTS: Overall, 243 articles were identified. After screening, 16 articles comprising 1396 patients were included (3, 5 and 8 for acute success, AF recurrence and complications, respectively). Regarding acute success and AF recurrences, thinner width of the left lateral ridge, higher PV ovality, PV ostium-bifurcation distance, shorter distance from the non-coronary cusp to inferior PVs, shallower angle of right PVs against the atrial septum and larger right superior PV (RSPV) were associated with poor outcomes. Regarding complications, shorter distance between the RSPV ostium and the right phrenic nerve, larger RSPV-left atrium angle, larger RSPV area and smaller right carina width were associated with incidences of phrenic nerve injury. CONCLUSION: This study elucidated several key anatomical features of PVs possibly affecting acute success, AF recurrence and complications in patients with AF using cryoballoon ablation. CT analysis has helped to describe benefits and anatomical limitations for cryoballoon ablation.

    DOI PubMed


  • The efficacy of sinus plication in aortic valvuloplasty for bicuspid aortic valve: experiments in a pulsatile flow simulation model.

    Satoshi Arimura, Jumpei Takada, Gohki Nishimura, Natsuki Nakama, Eita Kawasaki, Minoru Matsuhama, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Hitoshi Kasegawa, Takashi Kunihara

    European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery   60 ( 4 ) 859 - 864  2021年10月  [国際誌]


    OBJECTIVES: Sinus plication has emerged as a promising tool that can lead to better stability in bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) repair. However, the mechanisms underlying the efficacy of this technique are unclear. We evaluated the hydrodynamic effect of sinus plication using the experimental pulsatile flow simulator and our original BAV model in vitro. METHODS: Based on the computed tomography data of a BAV patient who had undergone aortic valvuloplasty, a BAV model (group C, n = 6) was developed with bovine pericardium and vascular prosthesis (J-graft Shield Neo Valsalva 24 mm). We performed sinus plication (group SP, n = 6) in the BAV model and compared hydrodynamic data with the control model in the pulsatile flow simulator. Non-fused cusp angle, annulus diameter and effective height were measured by ultrasonography. RESULTS: The average flow was significantly increased in group SP compared to group C (4.24 ± 0.14 l/min vs 4.14 ± 0.15 l/min, respectively, P = 0.034). The mean transvalvular pressure gradient and regurgitant fraction were significantly decreased in group SP compared to group C (11.6 ± 4.3 mmHg vs 16.6 ± 5.0 mmHg, respectively, P = 0.009 and 14.1 ± 2.0% vs 17.4 ± 2.1%, respectively, P = 0.001). Ultrasound measurement indicated that non-fused cusp angle was significantly increased in group SP compared to group C (163.8° ± 9.2° vs 153.0° ± 4.6°, respectively, P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Sinus plication in the BAV model significantly increased the commissural angle. It was effective in not only controlling regurgitation but also improving valve opening. These finding should be confirmed by evaluating cusp stress and/or long-term durability in the future studies.

    DOI PubMed


  • Feasibility and efficacy of an ultra-short side branch-dedicated balloon in coronary bifurcation stenting.

    Yoshinobu Murasato, Masaaki Nishihara, Takahiro Mori, Kyohei Meno, Kodai Shibao, Katsuhiko Takenaka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology   17 ( 5 ) e425-e432  2021年08月  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: Side branch (SB) dilation with an ultra-short balloon after main vessel (MV) stenting may minimise stent failure in coronary bifurcation lesions. AIMS: We sought to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of the Glider balloon (GB), a side branch (SB)-dedicated balloon 4 mm in length, in coronary bifurcation stenting. METHODS: In bench testing, stent configuration was examined with micro-focus computed tomography after crossover stenting followed by GB dilation or kissing balloon inflation (KBI). In the clinical study we performed GB dilatation after MV stenting for 207 lesions in 194 patients. Failure of the GB dilation and additional procedures due to inducible stent failure were investigated as well as adverse cardiac events at 1-year follow-up. RESULTS: In bench testing GB dilation maintained cross-sectional stent area without significant deformation and presented effective jailed strut removal in a high-angled bifurcation model. In the clinical study the cohort included left main, true bifurcation lesion, and two-stent treatment in 42.0%, 45.9%, and 14.0%, respectively. The proximal optimisation technique (POT) or POT-like inflation was performed in 82.1%. GB crossing failure, SB stenting due to dissection, and stent deformation requiring correction by KBI or MV dilation occurred in 8.7%, 1.4%, and 5.8%, respectively. Finally, simple GB dilation without KBI was completed in 91.8% for SB dilation. At one-year follow-up, target lesion revascularisation, cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and stent thrombosis were found in 7.2%, 2.1%, 2.1%, and 1.0%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Simple GB dilation after adequate expansion of the proximal MV stent provided acceptable acute and long-term results as an alternative to KBI.

    DOI PubMed


  • The stability of flow velocity and intracoronary resistance in the intracoronary electrocardiogram-triggered pressure ratio.

    Masafumi Nakayama, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Takashi Uchiyama, Takaaki Ohkawauchi, Yusuke Tsuboko, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yoshiaki Kawase, Hitoshi Matsuo

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 ) 13824 - 13824  2021年07月  [国際誌]


    Assessment of coronary artery lesions using the fractional flow reserve and instantaneous flow reserve (iFR) measurements has been found to reduce the incidence of further cardiovascular events. Here, we investigated differences in terms of coronary flow velocity and resistance within the analysis interval between the iFR and the intracoronary electrocardiogram (IC-ECG)-triggered distal/aortic pressure (Pd/Pa) ratio (ICE-T). We enrolled 23 consecutive patients (n = 33 stenoses) who required coronary flow measurements. ICE-T was defined as the average Pd/Pa ratio in the period corresponding to the isoelectric line of the IC-ECG. We compared the index value, flow velocity, and intracoronary resistance during the analysis intervals of the iFR and the ICE-T, both at rest and under hyperemia. ICE-T values and ICE-T intracoronary resistance were both found to be significantly lower, whereas flow velocity was significantly higher than those of the iFR at both rest and under hyperemia (P < 0.001), and all fluctuations in ICE-T values were also significantly smaller than those in the iFR. In conclusion, the ICE-T appears theoretically superior to pressure-dependent indices for analyzing phases with low and stable resistance, without an increase in invasiveness.

    DOI PubMed


  • CORRIGENDUM: Diagnostic Performance and Pressure Stability of a Novel Myocardial Ischemic Diagnostic Index - The Intracoronary-Electrocardiogram-Triggered Distal Pressure/Aortic Pressure Ratio.

    Masafumi Nakayama, Takashi Uchiyama, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Takaaki Ohkawauchi, Shunsuke Miwa, Nobuhiro Hijikata, Yuichi Kobori, Hitoshi Matsuo, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Circulation reports   3 ( 6 ) 360 - 360  2021年06月  [国内誌]


    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1253/circrep.CR-20-0099.].

    DOI PubMed

  • 粒子画像流速計測法による弾性左冠動脈前下行枝モデルの血行力学的解析

    池原 大烈, 坪子 侑佑, 新浪 博士, 岩崎 清隆

    人工臓器   50 ( 1 ) 53 - 53  2021年06月

  • Aortic root geometry following valve-sparing root replacement with reimplantation or remodeling: experimental investigation under static continuous pressure.

    Kenichi Sasaki, Takashi Kunihara, Hitoshi Kasegawa, Masahiro Seki, Hiroshi Seki, Jumpei Takada, Saeko Sasuga, Ryo Kumazawa, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   24 ( 2 ) 245 - 253  2021年06月  [国内誌]


    The differences in aortic root geometry associated with various valve-sparing root replacement (VSRR) techniques have not fully been understood. We evaluated the root configuration of current VSRR techniques by developing in vitro test apparatus. Six fresh porcine hearts were used for each model. The aortic root remodeling control group involved replacement of the ascending aorta with diameter reduction of sino-tubular junction (STJ) (C1). The aortic valve reimplantation control group involved replacement of the ascending aorta alone (C2). VSRR included remodeling without (RM) or with annuloplasty (RM + A) and reimplantation with a tube (RI) or a handmade neo-Valsalva graft (RI + V). The root geometry of each model in response to closing hydraulic pressures of 80 and 120 mmHg was investigated using echocardiography. Among the VSRR models, RM yielded the largest aorto-ventricular junction (AVJ), which was similar to those in non-VSRR models [mean AVJ diameter (mm) at 80 mmHg; RM = 25.1 ± 1.5, RM + A = 20.9 ± 0.7, RI = 20.7 ± 0.9, RI + V = 20.8 ± 0.4]. RI + V yielded the largest Valsalva size and largest ratio of Valsalva/AVJ, which was similar to the control group [mean Valsalva diameter (mm) at 80 mmHg; RM = 28.4 ± 1.4, RM + A = 25.8 ± 1.3, RI = 23.6 ± 1.0, RI + V = 30.5 ± 0.8, ratio of Valsalva/AVJ at 80 mmHg; RM = 1.14 ± 0.06, RM + A = 1.24 ± 0.06, RI = 1.15 ± 0.06, RI + V = 1.47 ± 0.05]. The STJ diameter at 80 mmHg was numerically smaller with RM + A (22.4 ± 1.2 mm) than with RM (24.8 ± 2.3 mm, p = 0.11). There were no significant differences in AVJ, Valsalva, or STJ distensibility or ellipticity between procedures. Current modifications, including annuloplasty for remodeling or reimplantation in the setting of neo-Valsalva graft, yield near-physiological root geometries.

    DOI PubMed


  • Comparison of supportive regulatory measures for pediatric medical device development in Japan and the United States.

    Sara Takahashi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Haruki Shirato, Mami Ho, Mitsuo Umezu

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   24 ( 1 ) 90 - 101  2021年03月  [国内誌]


    Further development of medical devices for children is required in Japan, but the development of such devices is delayed compared to that of medical devices for adults. Herein, we investigated policies for advancing the development of pediatric medical devices in Japan and the United States. Considering the achievements of each policy, we proposed a strategy to promote further development of pediatric medical devices in Japan. We investigated policies for supporting the development of pediatric medical devices and approved cases in Japan and the United States by searching contents of websites of regulatory bodies and other related administrations, and scientific papers. We found the main six policies in Japan and nine main policies in the United States for the development of pediatric medical devices. In the United States, various measures have initiated mainly in the 2000s, while in Japan, the main measures have been in place since 2013. Similarities were found in both countries, such as subsidies for application fees and research and development expenses, exemption of requirements for regulatory approval, and priority review and consultation by the regulatory body. Our study revealed that there are similarities in initiatives by both countries. To promote further development of pediatric medical devices in the future, improvements to expediting the review process to approval by the regulatory body, global development, and implementation of alternative measures to ensure the efficacy and safety of the device instead of large-scale clinical trials should be anticipated through cooperation among industry, government, and academia.

    DOI PubMed


  • Bicuspid aortic valve morphology and aortic valvular outflow jets: an experimental analysis using an MRI-compatible pulsatile flow circulation system.

    Kaoru Hattori, Natsuki Nakama, Jumpei Takada, Gohki Nishimura, Ryo Moriwaki, Eita Kawasaki, Michinobu Nagao, Yasuhiro Goto, Hiroshi Niinami, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 ) 2066 - 2066  2021年01月  [国際誌]


    The characteristics of aortic valvular outflow jet affect aortopathy in the bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). This study aimed to elucidate the effects of BAV morphology on the aortic valvular outflow jets. Morphotype-specific valve-devising apparatuses were developed to create aortic valve models. A magnetic resonance imaging-compatible pulsatile flow circulation system was developed to quantify the outflow jet. The eccentricity and circulation values of the peak systolic jet were compared among tricuspid aortic valve (TAV), three asymmetric BAVs, and two symmetric BAVs. The results showed mean aortic flow and leakage did not differ among the five BAVs (six samples, each). Asymmetric BAVs demonstrated the eccentric outflow jets directed to the aortic wall facing the smaller leaflets. In the asymmetric BAV with the smaller leaflet facing the right-anterior, left-posterior, and left-anterior quadrants of the aorta, the outflow jets exclusively impinged on the outer curvature of the ascending aorta, proximal arch, and the supra-valvular aortic wall, respectively. Symmetric BAVs demonstrated mildly eccentric outflow jets that did not impinge on the aortic wall. The circulation values at peak systole increased in asymmetric BAVs. The bicuspid symmetry and the position of smaller leaflet were determinant factors of the characteristics of aortic valvular outflow jet.

    DOI PubMed


  • 生体外で血栓性を評価する試験システムの開発への挑戦と社会実装


    日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B & R,電子版)第35巻,第1号,p.1    2021年


  • クラスIV治療機器開発と事業化を促進する基盤創生:早稲田大学ツインズでの取り組みとレギュラトリーサイエンス人材の育成


    医療機器学6     303 - 309  2021年


  • Reconstruction of a Vascular Bed with Perfusable Blood Vessels Using a Decellularized Porcine Small Intestine for Clinical Application

    Yusuke Tobe, Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Jun Homma, Kazunori Sano, Eiji Kobayashi, Hidekazu Sekine, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tatsuya Shimizu, Mitsuo Umezu

    IFMBE Proceedings     284 - 292  2021年  [査読有り]



  • Finite element analysis of cutting balloon expansion in a calcified artery model of circular angle 180°: Effects of balloon-to-diameter ratio and number of blades facing calcification on potential calcification fracturing and perforation reduction.

    Xiaodong Zhu, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    PloS one   16 ( 5 ) e0251404  2021年  [国際誌]


    Calcified artery lesions cause stent under-expansion and increase the risk of in-stent restenosis and stent thrombosis. Cutting balloons facilitate the fracturing of calcification prior to stent implantation, although vessel dissection and perforation are potential issues. In clinical practice, calcifications having maximum calcium angles ≤ 180° are rarely fractured during conventional balloon angioplasty. We hypothesize that the lesion/device diameter ratio and the number of blades facing a non-circular calcified lesion may be crucial for fracturing the calcification while avoiding vessel injury. The geometries of the cutting balloons were constructed and their finite-element models were generated by folding and wrapping the balloon model. Numerical simulations were performed for balloons with five different diameters and two types of blade directions in a 180° calcification model. The calcification expansion ability was distinctly higher when two blades faced the calcification than when one blade did. Moreover, when two blades faced the calcification model, larger maximum principal stresses were generated in the calcification even when using undersized balloons with diameters reduced by 0.25 or 0.5 mm from the reference diameter, when compared with the case where one blade faced the calcified model and a balloon of diameter equal to the reference diameter was used. When two blades faced the calcification, smaller stresses were generated in the artery adjacent to the calcification; further, the maximum stress generated in the artery model adjacent to the calcification under the rated pressure of 12 atm when employing undersized balloons was smaller than that when only one blade faced the calcification and when lesion-identical balloon diameters were used under a nominal pressure of 6 atm. Our study suggested that undersized balloons of diameters 0.25 or 0.5 mm less than the reference diameter might be effective in not only expanding the calcified lesion but also reducing the risk of dissection.

    DOI PubMed


  • Confirmation of maximal hyperemia by the incremental dose of intracoronary papaverine

    Masafumi Nakayama, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Jun Yamashita, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics   35 ( 4 ) 371 - 378  2020年10月


    We investigated the effect of the papaverine dose increment method to confirm maximal hyperemia for fractional flow reserve (FFR) measurements. We evaluated 115 consecutive patients involving 200 lesions. FFR was measured after intracoronary papaverine injection into the left (12 mg) and right (8 mg) coronary arteries as standard doses. Except for 2 patients who had ventricular tachyarrythmia (VTA), we administered a higher papaverine dose (2 mg added to the standard dose). We compared the FFR values after using different papaverine doses. VTA incidence and electrocardiogram parameters were compared according to the papaverine doses used. The QTU interval and corrected QTU were significantly prolonged after using a higher dose compared with a standard dose. VTA occurred in one patient (0.9%) at the higher dose. There was no significant difference with a strong correlation between the FFR values in the 2 doses (r = 0.963, P ' 0.001). Maximal hyperemia was achieved in most patients at the standard papaverine dose. However, 19 lesions changed ischemic diagnosis at the higher dose (12 lesions changed from ischemia negative to positive, and 7 lesions changed from positive to negative). Therefore, to confirm the appropriate ischemia diagnosis for borderline FFR values, it may be favorable to perform another FFR measurement at an incremental papaverine dose.

    DOI PubMed


  • Measuring the Contractile Force of Multilayered Human Cardiac Cell Sheets

    Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Hiroaki Takahashi, Yusuke Tobe, Daisuke Sasaki, Katsuhisa Matsuura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tatsuya Shimizu, Mitsuo Umezu

    Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods   26 ( 9 ) 485 - 492  2020年09月


    Three-dimensional (3D) cardiac tissue reconstruction using tissue engineering technology is a rapidly growing area of regenerative medicine and drug screening development. However, there remains an urgent need for the development of a method capable of accurately measuring the contractile force of physiologically relevant 3D myocardial tissues to facilitate the prediction of human heart tissue drug sensitivity. To this end, our laboratory has developed a novel drug screening model that measures the contractile force of cardiac cell sheets prepared using temperature-responsive culture dishes. To circumvent the difficulties that commonly arise during the stacking of cardiomyocyte sheets, we established a stacking method using centrifugal force, making it possible to measure 3D myocardial tissue. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes were seeded in a temperature-responsive culture dish and processed into a sheet. The cardiac cell sheets were multilayered to construct 3D cardiac tissue. Measurement of the contractile force and cross-sectional area of the multilayered 3D cardiac tissue were then obtained and used to determine the relationship between the cross-sectional area of the cardiac tissue and its contractile force. The contractile force of the 1-, 3-, and 5-layer tissues increased linearly in proportion to the cross-sectional area. A result of 6.4 mN/mm2, accounting for one-seventh of the contractile force found in adult tissue, was obtained. However, with 7-layer tissues, there was a sudden drop in the contractile force, possibly because of limited oxygen and nutrient supply. In conclusion, we established a method wherein the thickness of the cell sheets was controlled through layering, thus enabling accurate evaluation of the cardiac contractile function. This method may enable comparisons with living heart tissue while providing information applicable to regenerative medicine and drug screening models.

    DOI PubMed


  • Correction to: A Comprehensive Analysis of Postmarket Surveillance Study Orders: Device Characteristics, Study Statuses, Outcomes, and Potential Contributions (Therapeutic Innovation &amp; Regulatory Science, (2020), 54, 4, (953-963), 10.1007/s43441-020-00113-7)

    Chie Iwaishi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science   54 ( 5 ) 1256 - 1257  2020年09月


    In the original article Fig. 3 is not displayed correctly. The corrected figure follows.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effect of QTU prolongation on hyperemic instantaneous wave-free ratio value: a prospective single-center study

    Masafumi Nakayama, Takashi Uchiyama, Nobuhiro Hijikata, Yuichi Kobori, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Heart and Vessels   35 ( 7 ) 909 - 917  2020年07月


    We hypothesized that in patients with QT prolongation, resistance might not decrease in the wave-free period, because QTU prolongation cannot be detected by instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) analysis software. We investigated whether corrected QTU (QTUc) prolongation affects the hyperemic iFR value. Forty-two consecutive patients with intermediate stenosis (≥ 50%) in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) were analyzed. Fractional flow reserve (FFR) and hyperemic iFR were simultaneously and continuously recorded with intravenous adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and papaverine infusions. In 17 patients with stenosis in the proximal LAD, coronary flow was measured. Patients were divided into two groups according to the median absolute deviation of the QTUc by ATP administration/QTUc by papaverine administration. FFR, hyperemic iFR, and flow data were compared between each stimulus and group. Moreover, influences of pressure and electrocardiogram parameters on differences in iFR values under ATP and papaverine administration were compared between the following two groups (group 1: the absolute difference of hyperemic iFR values between ATP and papaverine administration is ≤ 0.05
    group 2: that is &gt
    0.05). The paired t test and t test were used in analysis. Hyperemic iFR values of patients under the use of papaverine were lower than those of patients under the use of ATP when QTUc was more prolonged by papaverine administration than by ATP administration (ATP 0.74 ± 0.14, papaverine 0.71 ± 0.15, P = 0.025). No significant differences were observed in the FFR value and flow data between the groups. Regarding QTU, QTUc, and QTUc by ATP/QTUc by papaverine, significant differences were observed between group 1 and group 2. Pressure parameters did not induce significant differences. QTUc prolongation induced by papaverine was associated with lower hyperemic iFR values. An iFR-based assessment might lead to inappropriate treatment of patients with QTUc prolongation.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Postmarket Surveillance Study Orders: Device Characteristics, Study Statuses, Outcomes, and Potential Contributions.

    Chie Iwaishi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science   54 ( 4 ) 953 - 963  2020年07月  [国際誌]



    BACKGROUND: The postmarket surveillance system plays a vital role in managing residual risks and identifying safety signals in real-world clinical practice. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can order postmarket surveillance studies when safety concerns are raised. We conducted a thorough investigation of device characteristics, study statuses, and the outcomes of US postmarket surveillance studies. METHODS: As of April 2017, we identified 338 orders, corresponding to 394 studies using the FDA database. Additional searches were conducted to identify safety issues or reasons for orders. RESULTS: Completed and active studies were limited. Fifteen of the 394 (3.8%) studies have been completed, and one study resulted in a recommendation of a labeling change. Forty-one (10.4%) studies were active. The majority of the studies (84.3%) were inactive. Three hundred fourteen (93%) orders were issued for implantable devices. The devices for use in women accounted for 144 (43%) orders. The mean from the first premarket approval or 510(k) clearance to 522 orders were 2968 days (n = 9) and 3320 days (n = 326), respectively, and the longest lag was 13,186 days. CONCLUSIONS: Our investigation highlighted that postmarket surveillance study orders resulted in the weeding out of many of the subject medical devices. There were little clinical data produced under the program. Timely and transparent feedback from the postmarket studies are critical for informed decisions by patients and medical practitioners and in expediting patient access to innovative or advanced medical devices.

    DOI PubMed


  • Classification of Aortic Stenosis Using ECG by Deep Learning and its Analysis Using Grad-CAM.

    Erika Hata, Chanjin Seo, Masafumi Nakayama, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Takaaki Ohkawauchi, Jun Ohya

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference   2020   1548 - 1551  2020年07月  [国際誌]


    This paper proposes an automatic method for classifying Aortic valvular stenosis (AS) using ECG (Electrocardiogram) images by the deep learning whose training ECG images are annotated by the diagnoses given by the medical doctor who observes the echocardiograms. Besides, it explores the relationship between the trained deep learning network and its determinations, using the Grad-CAM.In this study, one-beat ECG images for 12-leads and 4-leads are generated from ECG's and train CNN's (Convolutional neural network). By applying the Grad-CAM to the trained CNN's, feature areas are detected in the early time range of the one-beat ECG image. Also, by limiting the time range of the ECG image to that of the feature area, the CNN for the 4-lead achieves the best classification performance, which is close to expert medical doctors' diagnoses.Clinical Relevance-This paper achieves as high AS classification performance as medical doctors' diagnoses based on echocardiograms by proposing an automatic method for detecting AS only using ECG.

    DOI PubMed


  • Finite element analysis of the cutting balloon with an adequate balloon-to-artery ratio for fracturing calcification while preventing perforation

    X. Zhu, M. Umezu, K. Iwasaki

    Circulation Reports   3 ( 1 ) 1 - 8  2020年  [国内誌]


    DOI PubMed

  • Intracoronary Electrocardiogram - Identification of the Culprit Artery in Asymptomatic Myocardial Infarction.

    Masafumi Nakayama, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mikio Yuhara, Takayuki Morishima, Yuichi Kobori, Takashi Uchiyama

    Circulation reports   1 ( 8 ) 352 - 353  2019年08月  [国内誌]

    DOI PubMed

  • 経カテーテル大動脈弁における弁葉周辺および冠動脈開口部流れの可視化のための拍動循環シミュレータ開発

    坪子 侑佑, 藍 龍之介, 前原 瑠海, 許 雪童, 岩崎 清隆

    日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B&R)   33 ( 2 ) 50 - 50  2019年06月  [査読有り]

  • One-point advice: Experimental comparison between the reimplantation method and remodeling method

    Kenichi Sasaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Aortic Valve Preservation: Concepts and Approaches     123 - 126  2019年01月



  • Underfilled Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation With Ad Hoc Post-Dilation - Pulsatile Flow Simulation Using a Patient-Specific Three-Dimensional Printing Model.

    Masahiro Yamawaki, Kazuto Obama, Saeko Sasuga, Azuma Takahashi, Yoshiaki Ito, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   83 ( 2 ) 461 - 470  2019年01月  [国内誌]


    BACKGROUND: Underfilled transcatheter aortic-valve implantation with ad hoc post-dilation is a therapeutic option for patients with borderline annuli to avoid acute complication. The effects of this technique on valve leaflet behavior, hydrodynamic performances, and paravalvular leakage (PVL) using patient-specific three-dimensional (3D) aortic-valve models were investigated. Methods and Results: A female octogenarian patient was treated with this technique by using a 23-mm Sapien-XT. Patient-specific models were constructed from pre-procedure computed tomography (CT) data. Change in aortic annulus areas during systolic/diastolic phases and post-procedure stent areas were adjusted to those of the patient. The following was performed: (1) -3 cc initial and -2 cc underfilled post-dilation to the scale-down model by adjusting percent oversizing; and (2) -1 cc initial underfilling, nominal volume, and repeat nominal volume post-dilation using the patient-specific model. Underfilling was associated with higher %PVL. Observation using a high-speed camera revealed distorted leaflets after underfilled implantation, with a longer valve-closing time and smaller effective orifice areas, especially in the -3 cc underfilled implantation. Micro-CT analysis revealed that the transcatheter valves shifted to the opposite side of the large annulus calcification after post-dilation and reduced the malapposition there. CONCLUSIONS: Excessive underfilled implantation showed unacceptable acute hemodynamics. Abnormal leaflet motions after underfilled implantation raised concerns about durability. Flow simulations using patient-oriented 3D models could help to investigate hemodynamics, leaflet motions, and the PVL mechanism.

    DOI PubMed


  • In vitro flow and optical coherence tomography comparison of two bailout techniques after failed provisional stenting for bifurcation percutaneous coronary interventions.

    Julien Adjedj, Fabien Picard, Satoshi Mogi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Hamid Aoumeur, Omar Alansari, Edem Agudze, William Wijns, Olivier Varenne

    Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions   93 ( 1 ) E8-E16  2019年01月  [国際誌]


    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate, in vitro, SB stenting techniques after failed provisional stenting. We aimed to compare flows and stent strut apposition of T and protrusion (TAP) versus Reversed String (RS) techniques using a flow simulator, optical coherence tomography (OCT) using silicon bifurcation phantoms with different bifurcation angulations. BACKGROUND: While bifurcation coronary artery stenoses are preferably treated with provisional T-stenting strategy, the preferred bailout two stents technique to treat the side branch remains unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven 30°-angle and ten 60°-angle bifurcation phantoms were used. After performing provisional stenting, TAP and RS techniques were compared in six phantoms with 30° and five with 60° angles. Flow measurement was performed using absolute coronary flow and particle image velocimetry techniques. Strut apposition was evaluated using OCT. Flow analyses showed that disturbed flow regions were observed in the vicinity of floating struts protruded into the lumen both regardless of TAP and RS techniques. OCT analysis showed a higher proportion of floating struts protruding into the main branch with TAP compared to RS, respectively (13% vs. 1%; P <0.001) in both angles. CONCLUSIONS: RS reduces the proportion of floating struts protruding into the main branch compared to TAP, at comparable flow rates. Clinical studies are needed to evaluate feasibility and potential clinical benefit of this technique.

    DOI PubMed


  • Sophisticated Hydrodynamic Simulation of Pulmonary Circulation for the Preclinical Examination of Right Heart Circulatory Assist Device

    Yusuke Tsuboko, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Akihiro Yamada, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Tomoyuki Yambe

    World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018   68 ( 3 ) 717 - 720  2019年  [査読有り]



  • 心血管治療の新展開(ステントグラフト・弁膜症) 壁面間距離マッピング法を用いたNajutaステントグラフトと周術期typelaエンドリークの検討

    宿澤 孝太, 藤井 智也, 墨 誠, 大木 隆生, 梅津 光生, 岩崎 清隆

    人工臓器   47 ( 2 ) S - 14  2018年10月

  • Three-Dimensional Strain Measurements of a Tubular Elastic Model Using Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry.

    Azuma Takahashi, Xiaodong Zhu, Yusuke Aoyama, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Cardiovascular engineering and technology   9 ( 3 ) 395 - 404  2018年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    The evaluation of strain induced in a blood vessel owing to contact with a medical device is of significance to examine the causes leading to vascular injury and rupture. The development of a method to assess strain in largely deformed elastic materials is expected. This study's scope was to measure strain in deformed tubular elastic mock vessels using tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomo-PIV), and to show the applicability of this measurement method by comparing the results with data derived from a finite element analysis (FEA). Strain distribution was calculated from the displacement distribution, which in turn was measured by tracking fluorescent 13 μm particles in a transparent tubular elastic model using tomo-PIV. The von Mises strain distribution was calculated for a model whose inner diameter was subjected to a pressure load, because of which it expanded from 25 to 27.5 mm, adjusting to the diameter change of a human aorta during heartbeat. An FEA simulating the experiment was also conducted. Three-dimensional strain was successfully measured by using the tomo-PIV method. The radial strain distribution in the model linearly decreased outward (from the its inner to its outer side), and the result was consistent with the data obtained from the FEA. The mean von Mises strain measured using tomo-PIV was comparable with that obtained from the FEA (tomo-PIV: 0.155, FEA: 0.156). This study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing tomo-PIV to quantitatively assess the three-dimensional strain induced in largely deformed elastic models.

    DOI PubMed


  • Low-temperature culturing improves survival rate of tissue-engineered cardiac cell sheets.

    Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Yuto Hinata, Yuki Kagawa, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Satoshi Tsuneda, Tatsuya Shimizu, Mitsuo Umezu

    Biochemistry and biophysics reports   14   89 - 97  2018年07月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Assembling three-dimensional (3D) tissues from single cells necessitates the use of various advanced technological methods because higher-density tissues require numerous complex capillary structures to supply sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Accordingly, creating healthy culture conditions to support 3D cardiac tissues requires an appropriate balance between the supplied nutrients and cell metabolism. The objective of this study was to develop a simple and efficient method for low-temperature cultivation (< 37 °C) that decreases cell metabolism for facilitating the buildup of 3D cardiac tissues. We created 3D cardiac tissues using cell sheet technology and analyzed the viability of the cardiac cells in low-temperature environments. To determine a method that would allow thicker 3D tissues to survive, we investigated the cardiac tissue viability under low-temperature culture processes at 20-33.5 °C and compared it with the viability under the standard culture process at 37 °C. Our results indicated that the standard culture process at 37 °C was unable to support higher-density myocardial tissue; however, low-temperature culture conditions maintained dense myocardial tissue and prevascularization. To investigate the efficiency of transplantation, layered cell sheets produced by the low-temperature culture process were also transplanted under the skin of nude rats. Cardiac tissue cultured at 30 °C developed denser prevascular networks than the tissue cultured at the standard temperature. Our novel findings indicate that the low-temperature process is effective for fabricating 3D tissues from high-functioning cells such as heart cells. This method should make major contributions to future clinical applications and to the field of organ engineering.

    DOI PubMed


  • A proctoring system to manage the learning curve associated with the introduction of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in Japan.

    Masahiro Yamawaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Motoharu Araki, Tsutomu Ito, Yoshiaki Ito, Norio Tada, Kensuke Takagi, Futoshi Yamanaka, Yusuke Watanabe, Masanori Yamamoto, Shinichi Shirai, Kentaro Hayashida

    Heart and vessels   33 ( 6 ) 630 - 639  2018年06月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    As transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) requires multidisciplinary collaboration, operators and the entire heart team must overcome a steep learning curve. A web-based screening and traditional on-site proctoring system were developed for the introduction of TAVI in Japan. To assess the learning curve involved with the introduction of TAVI under the supervision of a novel proctoring system. We divided 749 consecutive patients enrolled in the OCEAN-TAVI study between October 2013 and August 2015 into the trans-femoral (TF, n = 608) and transapical (TA, n = 141) approach groups to compare outcomes in patients who underwent TAVI during the early proctoring period (proctoring group) and after the procedures began to be performed independently (independent group). The primary endpoint was the rate of composite events regarding early safety (at 30 days) according to the valve academic research consortium-2 criteria. For TF-TAVI, the logistic EuroSCORE and the rate of peripheral artery disease were significantly lower during the independent period. The rate of device success significantly increased during the independent period (90.5 vs. 81.8%, p = 0.005). The rate of the primary endpoint was significantly reduced during the independent period compared to that during the proctoring period for TA-TAVI (21.3 vs. 37.9%, p = 0.031); however, no difference was observed for TF-TAVI (16.8 vs. 13.1%, p = 0.283). No deaths occurred within 30 days during the proctoring period for TF-TAVI. After adjustment using propensity score matching, the procedure time for TF-TAVI (88 ± 43 vs. 102 ± 36 min, p = 0.004) and the rate of life-threatening bleeding for TA-TAVI (3.6 vs. 25%, p = 0.026) reduced during the independent period compared to the values during the proctoring period. During the introduction of TAVI under the supervision of a new proctoring system in Japan, clinical outcomes and technical aspects improved significantly. There are differences in the steepness of the learning curve between TF-TAVI and TA-TAVI.

    DOI PubMed


  • Investigation of adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents in the iliac vein: insights into developing a better iliac vein stent.

    Takuya Shida, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   21 ( 2 ) 254 - 260  2018年06月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    We analyzed the adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents for the treatment of iliac venous thromboembolism and investigated their relationships with the anatomical features of the iliac vein, to gain insights into the development of a better iliac vein stent. Reports of adverse events following the use of stents in the iliac vein were retrieved from the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database that contain suspected device-associated complications reported to the Food and Drug Administration. Data from 2006 to 2016 were investigated. The literature analysis was also conducted using PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Web of Science focusing on English articles published up to 4 October 2016. The analysis of 88 adverse events from the MAUDE database and 182 articles from the literature revealed that a higher number of adverse events had been reported following the use of arterial stents in the iliac vein compared to CE-marked iliac vein stents. While stent migration and shortening were reported only for the arterial stents, stent fracture and compression occurred regardless of the stent type, even though a vein does not pulsate. A study of the anatomical features of the iliac vein implies that bending, compression, and kink loads are applied to the iliac vein stents in vivo. For designing, developing, and pre-clinical testing of stents intended for use in the iliac vein, the above mechanical load environments induced by the anatomical features should be considered.

    DOI PubMed


  • Quantitative assessment of paravalvular leakage after transcatheter aortic valve replacement using a patient-specific pulsatile flow model.

    Yutaka Tanaka, Shigeru Saito, Saeko Sasuga, Azuma Takahashi, Yusuke Aoyama, Kazuto Obama, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    International journal of cardiology   258   313 - 320  2018年05月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: Quantitative assessment of post-transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) aortic regurgitation (AR) remains challenging. We developed patient-specific anatomical models with pulsatile flow circuit and investigated factors associated with AR after TAVR. METHODS: Based on pre-procedural computed tomography (CT) data of the six patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR using a 23-mm SAPIEN XT, anatomically and mechanically equivalent aortic valve models were developed. Forward flow and heart rate of each patient in two days after TAVR were duplicated under mean aortic pressure of 80mmHg. Paravalvular leakage (PVL) volume in basal and additional conditions was measured for each model using an electromagnetic flow sensor. Incompletely apposed tract between the transcatheter and aortic valves was examined using a micro-CT. RESULTS: PVL volume in each patient-specific model was consistent with each patient's PVL grade, and was affected by hemodynamic conditions. PVL and total regurgitation volume increased with the mean aortic pressure, whereas closing volume did not change. In contrast, closing volume increased proportionately with heart rate, but PVL did not change. The minimal cross-sectional gap had a positive correlation with the PVL volumes (r=0.89, P=0.02). The gap areas typically occurred in the vicinity of the bulky calcified nodules under the native commissure. CONCLUSIONS: PVL volume, which could be affected by hemodynamic conditions, was significantly associated with the minimal cross-sectional gap area between the aortic annulus and the stent frame. These data may improve our understanding of the mechanism of the occurrence of post-TAVR PVL.

    DOI PubMed


  • Long-Term Durability Test for the Left Ventricular Assist System EVAHEART under the Physiologic Pulsatile Load.

    Kitano T, Iwasaki K

    ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)   64 ( 2 ) 168 - 174  2018年03月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • Bench testing and coronary artery bifurcations: a consensus document from the European Bifurcation Club.

    John A Ormiston, Ghassan Kassab, Gerard Finet, Yiannis S Chatzizisis, Nicholas Foin, Timothy J Mickley, Claudio Chiastra, Yoshinobu Murasato, Yukata Hikichi, Jolanda J Wentzel, Olivier Darremont, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Thierry Lefèvre, Yves Louvard, Susann Beier, Hikmat Hojeibane, Ashley Netravali, Jeffery Wooton, Brett Cowan, Mark W Webster, Pau Medrano-Gracia, Goran Stankovic

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology   13 ( 15 ) e1794-e1803 - e1803  2018年02月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    This is a consensus document from the European Bifurcation Club concerning bench testing in coronary artery bifurcations. It is intended to provide guidelines for bench assessment of stents and other strategies in coronary bifurcation treatment where the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or International Organization for Standardization (ISO) guidelines are limited or absent. These recommendations provide guidelines rather than a step-by-step manual. We provide data on the anatomy of bifurcations and elastic response of coronary arteries to aid model construction. We discuss testing apparatus, bench testing endpoints and bifurcation nomenclature.

    DOI PubMed


  • Prolonged Inflation Technique Using a Scoring Balloon for Severe Calcified Lesion.

    Yoritaka Otsuka, Taku Koyama, Yuki Imoto, Yoshio Katsuki, Masaaki Kawahara, Keita Nakamura, Sunao Kodama, Hiroo Noguchi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    International heart journal   58 ( 6 ) 982 - 987  2017年12月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    Percutaneous coronary intervention for the treatment of a severe calcified lesion is still one of the most technically challenging areas of interventional cardiology. Calcified lesions are a cause of stent underexpansion, which significantly increases the subsequent risks of in-stent restenosis and thrombosis, even when drug-eluting stents are used. In this report, we describe the usefulness of prolonged inflations using a scoring balloon catheter (Scoreflex) for severe calcified lesions. Prolonged inflation using a scoring balloon enables an adequate dilation for treatment of a severe calcified plaque that was unresponsive to conventional technique with or without rotational atherectomy.

    DOI PubMed


  • Investigation of the influence of fluid dynamics on thrombus growth at the interface between a connector and tube.

    Yuki Matsuhashi, Kei Sameshima, Yoshiki Yamamoto, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   20 ( 4 ) 293 - 302  2017年12月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    Thrombus formation at the interface between connectors and tubes is a potential risk factor for complications. We investigated time-dependent relationships between formation of thrombus and hemodynamic factors at the interface between connectors and tubes using optical coherence tomography (OCT) under pulsatile flow. A swept-source OCT with the center wavelength of 1330 nm was employed. The sequential process of thrombus formation at the interface of connectors and tubes in the inlet and outlet was investigated. Connectors with and without tapers were tested using identical 50-ml air-contactless circuits. Fresh human blood from healthy volunteers was circulated under pulsatile flow. Thrombus initially formed at the interface between the connector tip and the tube. Geometries of thrombus growth were different between the 2 connectors, and between the inlet and the outlet. Growth of thrombus was observed at the interface between the connectors and tubes over time in 60 min circulation, except at the outlet part of connector without tapers. At the connector without tapers outlet, thrombus propagation length from the connector edge toward the flow downstream was comparable at 10 and 60 min (0.55 ± 0.35 vs. 0.51 ± 0.32 mm, p = 0.83). Analysis using particle image velocimetry showed the presence of a flow reattachment point 1.5 mm downstream from the connector edge. These results suggest that the flow reattachment point inhibits downstream thrombus growth. We quantitatively demonstrated sequential thrombus process at the interface between the connectors and tubes under pulsatile flow of human blood using OCT.

    DOI PubMed


  • 腹部大動脈瘤モデルを用いたステントグラフトの留置形態に関する検討

    赤岡 拓, 宿澤 孝太, 藤井 智也, 伊藤 大輝, 梅津 光生, 大木 隆生, 岩崎 清隆

    日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B&R)   31 ( 2 ) 125 - 125  2017年05月

  • Quantification of Incompletely-apposed Gap after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Using Patient-specific Models for Understanding the Mechanism of Paravalvular Leak

    Saeko Sasuga, Yutaka Tanaka, Azuma Takahashi, Kazuto Obama, Yusuke Aoyama, Umezu Mitsuo, Shigeru Saito, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY   69 ( 16 ) S88 - S88  2017年04月  [査読有り]


  • Analysis of the safety evaluation for premarketing clinical trials of hemodialyzer and of postmarketing safety reports of hemodialyzer in Japan and the US: insights into the construction of a sophisticated premarketing evaluation.

    Masami Saito, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   20 ( 1 ) 62 - 70  2017年03月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    Our aim was to conduct a scoping review of the regulations for hemodialyzers in the safety evaluation in Japan and the United States, and to evaluate the criteria for premarketing clinical trials and postmarketing safety reports to inform the development of a sophisticated premarketing evaluation in Japan. Regulations for approval of hemodialyzers were identified from the databases of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan and the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) in the United States (US). The criteria for premarket clinical trials and postmarketing safety reports were evaluated for both countries. Standards in Japan required evaluation of blood compatibility and reporting of acute adverse effects by a premarketing clinical trial in 6 of 86 applications with semipermeable membrane materials deemed to be different to those of previously approved devices from 1983 to 31 August 2015. By comparison, the clinical trial was required in one of 545 approvals in the US from 1976 to 29 January 2016, but blood compatibility was not the point. All postmarketing adverse effects identified in Japan were included in the set of 'warnings'. The more stringent requirements for evaluation of blood compatibility and acute adverse effects in Japan seemed to be related to differences in the history of quality management systems for medical devices between the two countries. This study revealed that there were differences between Japan and the US in requiring the premarketing clinical trials for the hemodialyzers. Our findings could be useful for constructing sophisticated premarketing safety evaluation.

    DOI PubMed


  • Reduction in incomplete stent apposition area caused by jailed struts after single stenting at left main bifurcation lesions: micro-CT analysis using a three-dimensional elastic bifurcated coronary artery model.

    Yutaka Hikichi, Mitsuo Umezu, Koichi Node, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics   32 ( 1 ) 12 - 17  2017年01月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    Stent struts protruding into ostial side branch called "jailed strut" at bifurcation lesions is a likely cause of thrombus formation. We aimed to investigate the influences of multiple kissing balloon inflation (KBI) for stent expansion, and stent platform design, respectively, on the reduction of incomplete stent apposition area (ISA area) caused by jailed struts at a side-branch ostium, using a three-dimensional elastic left main (LM) bifurcated coronary artery model. The referenced LM bifurcation angle data of 209 patients were stratified by tertiles focusing on the angle between the LM trunk (LMT) and left anterior descending artery (LAD). A bifurcation model was fabricated with angles of 129°, 122.2°, and 76.4° for LMT-LAD, LMT-left circumflex (LCx), and LAD-LCx, respectively, and with diameters of 5, 3.75, and 3.5 mm for LMT, LAD, and LCx, respectively; these diameters fulfill Murray's law. A 75 % stenosis was included along the LMT. One-time and three-time KBIs were conducted using two-link Nobori and three-link Xience Xpedition (n = 6 each). The ISA area was quantified using micro-CT. Three-time KBI was effective in reducing the ISA area compared with one-time KBI for both the Nobori (p = 0.05) and Xience Xpedition (p = 0.07). The ISA area was smaller in the Nobori than in the Xience Xpedition, both in one-time and three-time KBI (one-time KBI: p = 0.003; three-time KBI: p = 0.001). Our findings of this study on reducing the ISA area by focusing on an interventional technique and stent design may help to improve coronary bifurcation intervention for a possibly better long-term clinical outcome.

    DOI PubMed


  • A three-dimensional strain measurement method in elastic transparent materials using tomographic particle image velocimetry.

    Azuma Takahashi, Sara Suzuki, Yusuke Aoyama, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    PloS one   12 ( 9 ) e0184782  2017年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: The mechanical interaction between blood vessels and medical devices can induce strains in these vessels. Measuring and understanding these strains is necessary to identify the causes of vascular complications. This study develops a method to measure the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of strain using tomographic particle image velocimetry (Tomo-PIV) and compares the measurement accuracy with the gauge strain in tensile tests. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The test system for measuring 3D strain distribution consists of two cameras, a laser, a universal testing machine, an acrylic chamber with a glycerol water solution for adjusting the refractive index with the silicone, and dumbbell-shaped specimens mixed with fluorescent tracer particles. 3D images of the particles were reconstructed from 2D images using a multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART) and motion tracking enhancement. Distributions of the 3D displacements were calculated using a digital volume correlation. To evaluate the accuracy of the measurement method in terms of particle density and interrogation voxel size, the gauge strain and one of the two cameras for Tomo-PIV were used as a video-extensometer in the tensile test. The results show that the optimal particle density and interrogation voxel size are 0.014 particles per pixel and 40 × 40 × 40 voxels with a 75% overlap. The maximum measurement error was maintained at less than 2.5% in the 4-mm-wide region of the specimen. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully developed a method to experimentally measure 3D strain distribution in an elastic silicone material using Tomo-PIV and fluorescent particles. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that applies Tomo-PIV to investigate 3D strain measurements in elastic materials with large deformation and validates the measurement accuracy.

    DOI PubMed


  • Real-time visualization of thrombus formation at the interface between connectors and tubes in medical devices by using optical coherence tomography.

    Yuki Matsuhashi, Kei Sameshima, Yoshiki Yamamoto, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    PloS one   12 ( 12 ) e0188729  2017年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: Blood-contacting devices have contributed to improving the treatment of patients. However, thrombus formation at the interface between a connector and tube is still a potential source of thrombus-related complications that induce stroke or myocardial infarction. We aimed to develop a non-blood-contacting real-time method for visualizing thrombus formation, and to experimentally investigate the time-dependent phenomenon of thrombus formation at the interface between a connector and a tube in a medical device. METHODS AND FINDINGS: An optical coherence tomography device with a center wavelength of 1330 nm was used to visualize thrombus formation during porcine blood circulation for 50 min in a closed 50-mL circulation system isolated from ambient air. The thrombus formation sites at the interface between a tube and connector were visualized. The area of the thrombus formation at the interface between the inlet of the connector and the tube was found to be 0.012 ± 0.011 mm2. Conversely, at the interface between the outlet of the connector and the tube, the area was found to be 0.637 ± 0.306 mm2. Thus, significantly larger amounts of thrombus were formed at the outlet interface (p < 0.01). The thrombus formation area at the outlet interface increased over time. Conversely, the area of thrombus formation showed repeated increasing and decreasing behavior at the inlet interface. Flow visualization with particle image velocimetry showed the presence of a flow separated area in the minimal flow phase at the inlet interface and a large recirculating slow flow region at the outlet interface in the minimal flow phase. These data suggested that the recirculating stagnant flow region contributed to thrombus growth. CONCLUSIONS: The method presented here was effective in quantitatively assessing time-dependent phenomena of thrombus formation at the connector-tube interface. The method may contribute to the assessment of thrombogenicity of a novel design of connector.

    DOI PubMed


  • 医療機器ソフトウェアの安全対策の現状分析

    Kitawaki Ryota, Umezu Mitsuo, Iwasaki Kiyotaka, Nambu Kyojiro, Kasanuki Hiroshi

    生体医工学   55 ( 3 ) 196 - 196  2017年



    DOI CiNii

  • 大血管外科手術において新規ナビゲーションシステムを用いた6症例に関する報告

    植松 美幸, 青見 茂之, 山崎 健二, 岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生, 中岡 竜介, 配島 由二, 鈴木 孝司, 村垣 善浩, 伊関 洋

    生体医工学   55 ( 5 ) 434 - 434  2017年



    DOI CiNii

  • Simulation of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement and Assessment of Regurgitation in in-vitro Pulsatile Model With Patient-specific Anatomy

    Yutaka Tanaka, Yusuke Aoyama, Kazuto Obama, Saeko Sasuga, Azuma Takahashi, Mitsuo Umezu, Shigeru Saito, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    CIRCULATION   134  2016年11月  [査読有り]

  • The effect of tendon stem/progenitor cell (TSC) sheet on the early tendon healing in a rat Achilles tendon injury model.

    Issei Komatsu, James H-C Wang, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tatsuya Shimizu, Teruo Okano

    Acta biomaterialia   42   136 - 146  2016年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    UNLABELLED: Tissue-engineering approaches have a great potential to improve the treatment of tendon injuries that affect millions of people. The present study tested the hypothesis that introduction of a tendon derived stem/progenitor cell (TSC) sheet accelerates tendon healing and tendon regeneration in a rat model. TSC sheets were produced on temperature-responsive culture dishes. Then, they were grafted on unwounded Achilles tendons and at sites of a 3mm of Achilles tendon defect. At 2 and 4weeks after implantation tendons were examined by histology, immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and mechanical testing. The results showed that the implanted TSC sheet remained stably attached on the tendon surface at 4 weeks after implantation. Moreover, in the tendon defect model, tendon defect area where TSC sheet was implanted was well regenerated and had better organized collagen fibers with elongated spindle shaped cells, compared to relatively disorganized collagen fibers and round shaped cells in the control group. TEM observations revealed longitudinally aligned collagen fibers and thick collagen fibrils in the TSC sheet implanted group. Finally, at 4weeks mechanical property of the TSC sheet implanted tendon had better ultimate load than the control. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the feasibility of implanting TSC sheets on tendons in vivo. Introduction of the cell sheets into a tendon defect significantly improved histological properties and collagen content at both 2 and 4 weeks after implantation, indicating that TSC sheets may effectively promote tendon remodeling in the early stages of tendon healing. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Tendon injury is a highly prevalent clinical problem that debilitates millions of people worldwide in both occupational and athletic settings. It also costs billions of healthcare dollars in treatment every year. In this study, we showed the feasibility of using tendon derived stem cell sheet to deliver biologically active tenogenic-constructs and promote tendon regeneration. This work has the potential to impact the orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine fields in the treatment of tendon injury.

    DOI PubMed


  • Regulatory science of new technology: tendency of medical professionals' interests on silicone breast implants.

    Tomomichi Nakazaki, Koji Ikeda, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   19 ( 3 ) 283 - 8  2016年09月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    New technology related to artificial organs is most attractive for worldwide researchers. We believe they must contribute for the future patients against untreatable diseases. Regulatory science is a new science to establish 'social acceptance' of new technology into the clinical market as soon as possible. In the history of silicone breast implants, we could recognize risks many times; however, we missed such chances to prevent a subsequent crisis. We analyzed the trend of published literature related to silicone breast implants to review the medical professionals' interests on such risks. This trend showed, despite issues of a social acceptance of silicone breast implants in a few countries, other countries' medical professionals had no interest. Our hypothesis is 'medical professionals face the government and do not have contributed to re-establish the social acceptance of new technologies for patients'. Any technology does not have the complete evidence of safety, efficacy and quality, despite regulatory authorities' review and approval with clinical evidences. medical professionals need to conduct subsequently the epidemiological study, to take a meta-analysis periodically and to create/update the guidance for their patients under their professional ethics after the marketing of new technologies. We need to take seriously the 'lesson learned' from the history of silicone breast implants for all kind of new technologies existed in the present.

    DOI PubMed


  • Time Series Analysis of the Effectiveness and Safety of Capsule Endoscopy between the Premarketing and Postmarketing Settings: A Meta-Analysis.

    Kazuo Iijima, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    PloS one   11 ( 6 ) e0153662  2016年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: Clinical studies for assessing the effectiveness and safety in a premarketing setting are conducted under time and cost constraints. In recent years, postmarketing data analysis has been given more attention. However, to our knowledge, no studies have compared the effectiveness and the safety between the pre- and postmarketing settings. In this study, we aimed to investigate the importance of the postmarketing data analysis using clinical data. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Studies on capsule endoscopy with rich clinical data in both pre- and postmarketing settings were selected for the analysis. For effectiveness, clinical studies published before October 10, 2015 comparing capsule endoscopy and conventional flexible endoscopy measuring the detection ratio of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding were selected (premarketing: 4 studies and postmarketing: 8 studies) from PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Library, EMBASE and Web of Science. Among the 12 studies, 5 were blinded and 7 were non-blinded. A time series meta-analysis was conducted. Effectiveness (odds ratio) decreased in the postmarketing setting (premarketing: 5.19 [95% confidence interval: 3.07-8.76] vs. postmarketing: 1.48 [0.81-2.69]). The change in odds ratio was caused by the increase in the detection ratio with flexible endoscopy as the control group. The efficacy of capsule endoscopy did not change between pre- and postmarketing settings. Heterogeneity (I2) increased in the postmarketing setting because of one study. For safety, in terms of endoscope retention in the body, data from the approval summary and adverse event reports were analyzed. The incidence of retention decreased in the postmarketing setting (premarketing: 0.75% vs postmarketing: 0.095%). The introduction of the new patency capsule for checking the patency of the digestive tract might contribute to the decrease. CONCLUSIONS: Effectiveness and safety could change in the postmarketing setting. Therefore, time series meta-analyses could be useful to continuously monitor the effectiveness of medical device in clinical practices.

    DOI PubMed


  • Systematic Analysis of the Incidence of Coronary Stent Fracture and Adverse Events in Japan

    Yutaka MATSUI, Mitsuo UMEZU, Hiroshi KASANUKI, Kiyotaka IWASAKI

    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌   6 ( 1 ) 1 - 10  2016年


    冠動脈ステントの破断は, 再狭窄やステント血栓症のリスクとして認識されている. しかし, 実際の発生頻度は明確になっていない. 本研究は, 査読付き論文を調査することによって国内におけるステント破断の発生状況を評価し, 不具合報告の現状を明らかにすることを目的としている. 2014年4月1日にPubMedおよび医学中央雑誌 (医中誌) を用いてステント破断の発生に関する文献分析を実施した. PubMedでは, 「stent fracture」を検索単語として使用した. 医中誌では, 「冠動脈」「ステント」「fracture」「破断」「破損」を検索単語として使用した. PubMed検索で895報が検索された. これらの中で, 日本以外の施設にて実施された文献が792報, 冠動脈が対象ではない文献が45報, ステント破断とは関係のない文献が17報, 同一症例を対象としていると考えられる文献が11報あった. これらを除外し, 14報の観察研究および16報の症例報告で合計30報を解析対象とした. 査読付き論文では643病変でのステント破断, 不具合報告では105病変でのステント破断が報告されていた. 14報の観察研究から, ステント破断の発生頻度は5.4% (10,927病変中595病変) であった. 不具合報告から得られたステント破断の発生件数は, 文献分析によって得られた発生件数より6.1倍少なかった. これらの結果から, 不具合報告によって把握できる発生状況は, 実臨床で発生している状況の一部分を表しているに過ぎないことが定量的に示された.

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of Medical Device Recalls Owing to Output Information from Software

    KITAWAKI Ryota, UMEZU Mitsuo, IWASAKI Kiyotaka, KASANUKI Hiroshi

    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌   6 ( 3 ) 281 - 293  2016年


    <p>ソフトウェア医療機器 (Software as a Medical device, SaMD) は患者との接触がないため, 従来の医療機器ソフトウェア (Non-SaMD) のような直接的な危害ではなく, 間接的な危害を引き起こし得る. 本研究の目的は, 上記2種類に分類される, ソフトウェアを含む医療機器の間接的危害の実態をアメリカのリコールデータから分析することである. アメリカにおける医療機器のリコールのうち, 米国食品医薬品局がソフトウェア起因としたものを対象に, 各リコール製品がSaMDか否かに分類した. また, フィジカルなもの (Group 1), 情報に関係するもの (Group 2), データに関係するもの (Group 3), その他 (Group 4) の4つの故障モードに分類した. 2009~2014年の全リコール (6,393件) からソフトウェア起因のリコールとして抽出した712件に対して分類を行った結果, 間接的危害に繋がり得るGroup 2が408件 (57%) で第1位を占めており, 直接的危害に繋がり得るGroup 1が122件 (17%) で続いた. Group 2の408件中387件 (95%) がリコールクラスⅡとなっており, 6件 (1%) はリコールクラスⅠとなっていた. 6件のうち4件はNon-SaMDにて, 2件がSaMDにて起きていた. 本研究によって明らかになったこの事実は, 情報提示機能の安全性について今後さらに理解を深めていくことの重要性および安全対策が課題であることを示唆している.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 胸腹部大動脈人工血管置換術用手術ナビゲーションシステム開発とユーザビリティの向上

    植松 美幸, 青見 茂之, 山崎 健二, 岩﨑 清隆, 中岡 竜介, 新見 伸吾, 鈴木 孝司, 村垣 善浩, 伊関 洋

    生体医工学   54 ( 26 ) S17 - S17  2016年


    <p>A navigation system with high accuracy is required for performing precise surgery. To obtain high accuracy, three factors should be considered: acquiring precise image data of patient, measuring an accurate intraoperative patient position and reducing registration error. Although it spends a lot of efforts to set up the system during surgery, its performance does not always satisfy surgeons.</p><p> During this decade, we have developed a surgical navigation system for aortic aneurysm repair and utilized it in one hundred clinical cases. It has been found that this system has needed to improve the usability and the reliability in registration process to show valuable information for surgery. Our recent system adopts a two-phased approach with different goals. Before thoracotomy, it exhibits the location of a target intercostal artery in the thorax and supports a surgeon to determine an appropriate approach to repair aortic aneurysm in each patient setup and anatomy. After adhesiolysis, it narrows the range of existing area of the artery within five millimeters and assists him to identify the artery. </p><p> In 2016, its improved system is ready to use for clinical pre-trial with approval from Hospital Ethics Committee of Tokyo Women's Medical University. In the next two years, it is hoped that the improved system provides the clinical benefit.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Newly designed tissue / cell storage bag for cryopreserved homograft by application of CO2 laser welding technique

    N. Motomura, A. Saito, Y. Kurosaki, K. Sato, K. Iwasaki, M. Takanashi, S. Tamura, T. Obase, K. Ueda

    IIR Workshop    2016年

  • Biomechanical Modeling to Improve Coronary Artery Bifurcation Stenting: Expert Review Document on Techniques and Clinical Implementation.

    Antonios P Antoniadis, Peter Mortier, Ghassan Kassab, Gabriele Dubini, Nicolas Foin, Yoshinobu Murasato, Andreas A Giannopoulos, Shengxian Tu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yutaka Hikichi, Francesco Migliavacca, Claudio Chiastra, Jolanda J Wentzel, Frank Gijsen, Johan H C Reiber, Peter Barlis, Patrick W Serruys, Deepak L Bhatt, Goran Stankovic, Elazer R Edelman, George D Giannoglou, Yves Louvard, Yiannis S Chatzizisis

    JACC. Cardiovascular interventions   8 ( 10 ) 1281 - 1296  2015年08月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions remains an ongoing challenge for interventional cardiologists. Stenting of coronary bifurcations carries higher risk for in-stent restenosis, stent thrombosis, and recurrent clinical events. This review summarizes the current evidence regarding application and use of biomechanical modeling in the study of stent properties, local flow dynamics, and outcomes after percutaneous coronary interventions in bifurcation lesions. Biomechanical modeling of bifurcation stenting involves computational simulations and in vitro bench testing using subject-specific arterial geometries obtained from in vivo imaging. Biomechanical modeling has the potential to optimize stenting strategies and stent design, thereby reducing adverse outcomes. Large-scale clinical studies are needed to establish the translation of pre-clinical findings to the clinical arena.

    DOI PubMed


  • Lessons from the real bench: non-BRS.

    John Ormiston, Olivier Darremont, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yoshinobu Murasato, Yutaka Hikichi, Bruce Webber, Mark Webster

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology   11 Suppl V   V27-30 - V30  2015年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Bench testing of stents used in bifurcations can provide information on the general properties that influence performance including crossing profile, radial strength, recoil, flexibility and radiopacity. Problems with device delivery can be clarified. Bench testing identified that side branch dilatation caused stent distortion and elucidated correction strategies. Bench testing led to a stent design change adding connectors between hoops to help overcome the clinical problem of longitudinal distortion. Testing on the bench can determine best deployment strategies and showed that a two-step post-dilatation strategy produced the best deployment with "crush" stenting. Scanning electron microscopy showed that withdrawal of a coronary guidewire trapped between a stent (or scaffold) and a mock arterial wall during a provisional side branch stenting strategy caused only mild linear polymer coating damage. Stent fracture can cause adverse clinical events and our repetitive bend test identified the stents most resistant to fracture. Causes of obstruction of the passage of a balloon over a wire through the side of a stent include damage to the catheter tip, complex cell geometry and inadvertent passage of a wire behind a strut. Bench testing plays a major role in validation of computer modelling of bifurcation treatments and flow alterations.

    DOI PubMed


  • Advantages by Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Patient in Medically Refractory Epilepsy Based on Analysis of Direct Medical Cost of One General Hospital in Japan

    ONOMURA Akira, YAMAMOTO Takamichi, ISEKI Hiroshi, IWASAKI Kiyotaka, UMEZU Mitsuo

    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌   5 ( 2 ) 111 - 120  2015年


    迷走神経刺激装置(Vagus Nerve Stimulation system)は完全植込み型の電気刺激装置で,左側の迷走神経を電気的に刺激することで薬剤抵抗性のてんかん発作を抑制したり軽減したりするものである.本邦では承認されてから3年が経過し,500例以上が植え込まれたものの直接医療費の変化については未だ報告が見られない.そこで本邦においてVNS植え込みの前後2年間の直接医療費を比較することでその変化が見られるかを検討した.聖隷浜松病院は2010年7月の承認以後2013年11月までに87例を植え込んだ.2年以上の迷走神経刺激治療を受けた患者の直接医療費を後方視的に調査するとともに,植込み前2年間と植込み後2年間の薬剤費も調査した.17症例(平均年齢28.6歳,16-56歳)がこの基準に達した.総直接医療費は薬剤費を除いて,植込み前2年間では\21,519,870だったが,植込み後2年間では\11,597,610だった.この医療費減少は,てんかん診療に係る診察費や脳波等の検査費および画像診断費の節減に負うところが大きい.4種類の新しい抗てんかん薬が2006年以降非常に高い薬価が付いて承認されたために迷走神経刺激による薬剤費の変化を論じることはできなかった.この調査により迷走神経刺激以降は薬剤費を除く直接医療費に変化が生じていることが明示された.しかしながら費用対効果を論じるまでには至っていない.加えて本調査は植え込み前2年間と植え込み後2年間の医療費の比較のために,調査期間が短く,そのために医療費が電池寿命による交換費用が含まれていない.今後は植え替えを含めた長期調査が必要と思われる.

    DOI CiNii

  • 有限要素解析を用いた繰り返し屈曲下での冠動脈ステントの疲労破断予測

    岩崎 清隆, 朱 暁冬, 徳武 祐諭, 梅津 光生

    生体医工学   53   S136_01 - S136_01  2015年


    Introduction: Coronary stent fracture is recognized as causes of restenosis or thrombosis. We conducted finite element analysis (FEA) of coronary stent to predict fatigue failure under cyclic bend loading. Methods: Matched with manufacturing steps of coronary stent, a stent with a diameter, length and thickness of 1.8mm, 18mm, and 81&mu;m was modeled. The stent was crimped on a balloon by applying enforced displacement until the outer diameter became 1.0mm. Next, the stent was deployed into a bended coronary artery model with an angulation of 125 degrees. Then, cyclic bend from 125 degrees to 105 degrees was applied to the stent. Results and Discussions: FEA of alternating stress, mean stress, and fatigue safety factor showed that there were nodes in unsafe zone in Goodman diagram. FEA suggested a threshold of cyclic bend angulation of the coronary stent on fatigue failure. Fracture locations observed in the cyclic-bend accelerated durability tests was consistent with the nodes of the stents which exceeded fatigue safety factor of 1. Conclusion: The comparison between FEA and accelerated durability tests indicated that FEA was useful to predict fatigue failure of the coronary stent.layer and gas layer.

    DOI CiNii

  • Optimal kissing balloon inflation after single-stent deployment in a coronary bifurcation model.

    Yoshinobu Murasato, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tadashi Yamamoto, Takanobu Yagi, Yutaka Hikichi, Yasunori Suematsu, Tomohiko Yamamoto

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology   10 ( 8 ) 934 - 41  2014年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    AIMS: To define the optimal kissing balloon inflation (KBI) after single-stent deployment in a coronary bifurcation model. METHODS AND RESULTS: We deployed stents in main vessels (MV) followed by KBI in various conditions and compared the stent configurations. A) KBI at the operator's discretion vs. under the guidelines of minimal balloon overlapping (MBO). Various stent configurations were observed after the former option, whereas similar maximal dilation points were observed under the MBO guidelines. B) Long balloon overlapping (LBO) vs. MBO with proximal MV dilated by a large balloon. The proximal MV was dilated to an ideal round shape with MBO versus an oval shape with LBO. C) Two-link vs. 3-link stents. Although the 2-link stent was advantageous to open the side branch, it incurred a risk of overdilatation of the proximal struts, whereas the 3-link stent preserved its structure. Computed simulations of coronary flow were analysed in the following left main coronary models: circle with a diameter of 4 and 5.5 mm, ellipse with longitudinal direction and tilt position. They revealed that the overdilated side was exposed to low shear stress regardless of its shape. CONCLUSIONS: Optimal KBI can be achieved with MBO and proximal dilatation by an optimally sized balloon.

    DOI PubMed


  • What are Key Factors to Achieve Better Stent Apposition at Left Main Bifurcation by Culottes Stenting Technique? Micro-CT Analysis Using Bifurcated Elastic Coronary Artery Models

    Yutaka Hikichi, Takafumi Ohba, Tsuyoshi Inukai, Sho Kishigami, Jun Arai, Mitsuo Umezu, Koichi Node, Kiyotaka Iwasaki

    CIRCULATION   130  2014年11月  [査読有り]

  • Angulation Range of Coronary Artery During the Cardiac Cycles is a Key Factor Inducing Stent Fracture; Demonstration by an in vitro Accelerated Durability Test

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Jun Arai, Takafumi Ohba, Hirotsugu Tokutake, Zhu Xiaodong, Mitsuo Umezu

    CIRCULATION   130  2014年11月  [査読有り]

  • Simultaneous comparison of thrombogenic reactions to different combinations of anticoagulants, activated clotting times, and materials.

    Mirei Nagai, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Makoto Ozaki

    Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials   102 ( 8 ) 1605 - 12  2014年11月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Thrombogenic reactions under multiple interactions of pharmacological agents, doses, and materials have not been well understood yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability to simultaneously compare thrombogenic reactions to different combinations of anticoagulants, doses, and blood-contacting materials, in a single human blood using an in vitro test method. Four venous blood samples were drawn from each of six healthy volunteers into syringes that contained two different amounts of heparin and argatroban to set the activated clotting time (ACT) to approximately 200 or 500 s, respectively. The four blood samples from each volunteer were immediately poured into two clinical-grade extracorporeal circulation tubes: a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube and a poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-coated (PMEA) PVC tube. These tubes with an inner diameter of 12.7 mm were rotated at 183 rpm in a 37°C chamber for 10 min. The results indicated that the in vitro thrombogenicity test method was capable of assessing differences in platelet factor 4 and β-thromboglobulin increases among different combinations of the two materials, two anticoagulants, and two ACTs. Higher amounts of total plasma proteins were absorbed on PVC tubes than on PMEA-coated tubes when using the same anticoagulant and dose. These data elucidate that the in vitro thrombogenicity test method is useful for the simultaneous quantitative evaluation of the influences of various combinations of materials, pharmacological agents, and doses on thrombogenicity in a single human blood.

    DOI PubMed


  • ヒトIPS細胞由来心筋細胞シートへの灌流血管網導入技術の開発

    坂口 勝久, 清水 達也, 岩崎 清隆, 大和 雅之, 梅津 光生, 岡野 光夫

    日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B&R)   28 ( 2 ) 86 - 86  2014年06月

  • 医療機器・材料の血液適合性評価と,生体外(in vitro)で可能な評価手法の展望,生体適合性制御と要求特性掌握から実践する高分子バイオマテリアルの設計・開発戦略


    サイエンス&テクノロジー     247 - 258  2014年05月

  • 日本心臓血管外科学会/日本循環器学会合同ガイドライン(2011-2012年度合同研究班報告) 重症心不全に対する植込型補助人工心臓治療ガイドライン

    許 俊鋭, 磯部 光章, 小野 稔, 絹川 弘一郎, 齋木 佳克, 澤 芳樹, 富永 隆治, 中谷 武嗣, 西村 隆, 山崎 健二, 市川 肇, 岩崎 清隆, 遠藤 美代子, 柏 公一, 木下 修, 金 信秀, 久保田 香, 戸田 宏一, 西岡 宏, 西中 知博, 堀 由美子, 松宮 護郎, 簗瀬 正伸, 山中 源治, 荒井 裕国, 小室 一成, 坂田 泰史, 高本 眞一, 松居 喜郎, 日本心臓血管外科学会, 日本循環器学会, 日本胸部外科学会, 日本人工臓器学会, 日本心臓移植研究会, 日本心臓病学会, 日本心不全学会, 日本臨床補助人工心臓研究会

    日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌   43 ( 2 ) 1 - 44  2014年03月

  • Orbital Shaking Promoted Vascular Elastogenesis in Cultured Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells

    Ryosuke Shiraishi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Takashi Aida, Shumpei Saito, Nur Khatijah Mohd Zin, Shinji Takeoka, Mitsuo Umezu, Susumu Minamisawa

    BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL   106 ( 2 ) 615A - 615A  2014年01月  [査読有り]



    Yasutaka Tobe, Takanobu Yagi, Yuki Iwabuchi, Momoko Yamanashi, Kenji Takamura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Yoshifumi Hayashi, Hirotaka Yoshida, Atsushi Nakajima, Kazutoshi Nishitani, Yoshifumi Okada, Michihito Sugawara, Shin Hiraguchi, Toshiro Kubo, Shigemi Kitahara




  • Investigation of mechanical load on proximal left anterior descending of coronary artery

    Tadashi Yamamoto, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Jun Arai, Katsumi Ohori, Mitsuo Umezu

    IFMBE Proceedings   43   805 - 808  2014年


    It is clinically recognized that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) treatment for proximal left anterior descending (LAD) artery disease is resulting in less satisfactory in comparison with other lesions. However, the reason has not yet clarified. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical loading conditions in proximal LAD artery. This study hypothesized that the coronary artery is prestretched in the heart. In order to investigate the pre-stretched value, porcine heart was obtained from a local slauterhouse. Two points were marked at coronary artery and its distance was measured. Two-dimensional distances (L1) between the dots marked on vessel centerline were measured with digital microscope. The coronary artery was separated from the heart, the distance between the points was measured again (L2). Pre-stretched ratio was calculated as (L1-L2)/L2 ×100%. 101 consecutive patients of coronary CT were taken in Hokkaido Cardiovascular Hospital from September 2012 in order to investigate dynamic loads acting on coronary artery. The distance of proximal LAD artery was measured in diastolic phase (Ld) and systolic phase (Ls) from a stretch view taken from CT. Shortening ratio was defined as (Ld-Ls)/Ld ×100%. The twist angle was defined as a sum of the following two angles and mesured in end-systolic and end-diastolic phase. One is tha angle between the line connecting the centers of LAD and left circumflex (LCX), and the perpendicular line toward abdominal to dorsal. The other is the angle between the line connecting the centers of LAD and the first septal branch, and the perpendicular line. Twisting ratio was calculated as θ/Ld ×100%.Results showed that the pre-stretched ratio was calculated to be 7.6±2.9% (mean±SD) in porcine LAD artery. The length of proximal LAD artery of human coronary artery was 26.6 ± 9.3mm (mean±SD). Shortening ratio was calculated to be 6.1 ± 6.2% (mean±SD). And the mean twisting ratio was calculated to be 0.6 °/mm. This study revealed the pre-stretched value of proximal LAD artery due to restrain from the myocardium. Moreover shortening and twisting motions in proximal LAD artery were quantified.



  • Awareness of Electromagnetic Interference in Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: An Analysis of Hospital Explanations and Other Factors. Regulatory Science of Mecical Products(医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス)

    F.Aoki, K.Iwasaki, M.Umezu, H.Kasanuki

      4 ( 2 )  2014年

  • Application of the International Medical Alarm Standard in Clinical Practice

    ECHIGO Masahiro, KASANUKI Hiroshi, IWASAKI Kiyotaka

    医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス   45 ( 3 ) 232 - 242  2014年


  • 冠動脈ステントの3回拡張法と臨床実践での評価

    山本匡, 岩﨑清隆, 新井淳, 北原茂美, 梅津光生

    生体医工学   51 ( 6 ) 350 - 356  2014年


  • 組織無細胞化技術による再生医療 (特集 再生医療に挑戦する機械工学)

    岩﨑 清隆

    日本機械学会誌   117 ( 1142 ) 28 - 31  2014年01月


  • Fracture Potentials and Dynamic Flexibility of Peripheral Stents: Insights into Clinical Practice From Durability Tests Simulating Multi-loading Environments of Superficial Femoral and Popliteal Arteries

    Iwasaki Kiyotaka, Kishigami Sho, Arai Jun, Ohba Takafumi, Tokutake Hirotsugu, Zhu Xiaodong, Yagishita Yuichi, Noguchi Yusuke, Yamamoto Tadashi, Hikichi Yutaka, Umezu Mitsuo

    CIRCULATION   128 ( 22 )  2013年11月  [査読有り]

  • 冠動脈ステントの疲労破壊:破損耐久性の可視化

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   33 ( 131 ) 139 - 144  2013年10月

    DOI CiNii

  • Numerical analysis of blood flow distribution in 4- and 3-branch vascular grafts.

    Chikako Konoura, Takanobu Yagi, Masanori Nakamura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yi Qian, Shigeo Okuda, Akihiro Yoshitake, Hideyuki Shimizu, Ryohei Yozu, Mitsuo Umezu

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   16 ( 2 ) 157 - 63  2013年06月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    Trifurcated arch grafts (3-branch grafts) are now being used to repair the thoracic aorta in addition to conventional arch grafts (4-branch grafts). The anatomical shape of the 3-branch graft is different from the original vessel, so it is necessary for clinical application to evaluate blood flow distribution in the graft to assess whether there is adequate blood flow to the target organs. To achieve this, we developed a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method to evaluate blood flow distribution in the grafts. Aortic blood flow was measured by phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI), and flow distribution into the branched vessels was obtained. The MRI image was used to create a patient-specific image model that represents the geometry of the aortic arch. The CFD analysis method was employed to determine a boundary condition of the blood flow analysis in the aorta using a patient-specific image model. We also created simplified models of 4-branch and 3-branch grafts and used our CFD analysis method to compare blood flow distribution among simplified models. It was found that blood flow distribution in the descending aorta was 71.3 % for the 4-branch graft and 67.7 % for the 3-branch graft, indicating that a sum of branching flow in the 3-branch graft was almost the same as the one in the 4-branch graft. Therefore, there is no major concern about implanting a new 3-branch graft. Our CFD analysis method may be applied to estimate blood flow distribution of a newly developed vascular graft prior to its clinical use and provide useful information for safe use of the graft.

    DOI PubMed


  • Preliminary study on the development of a system dynamics model: the case of EVAHEART.

    Tsugiko Kato, Mitsuo Umezu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Hiroshi Kasanuki, Yutaka Takahashi

    Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs   16 ( 2 ) 242 - 7  2013年06月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    The Japanese medical device industry's stagnation over the years can be attributed to the uncertainty related to device development. The purpose of this study is to identify the major factors that impact development. We studied the ventricular assist device EVAHEART through interviews with the persons involved and created a development model using system dynamics. There are at least six stages in the device development process, including interactions with academia and the government. Through a simulation and comparison to Novacor, it was determined that the satisfaction of academia leads to government action in the subsequent measures. Our trial simulation of EVAHEART suggests that it has the potential to clarify unclear relationships in the development of devices.

    DOI PubMed


  • Attitudes toward interprofessional healthcare teams: a comparison between undergraduate students and alumni.

    Takatoshi Makino, Hiromitsu Shinozaki, Kunihiko Hayashi, Bumsuk Lee, Hiroki Matsui, Nana Kururi, Hiroko Kazama, Hatsue Ogawara, Fusae Tozato, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yasuyoshi Asakawa, Yumiko Abe, Yoko Uchida, Shiomi Kanaizumi, Keiko Sakou, Hideomi Watanabe

    Journal of interprofessional care   27 ( 3 ) 261 - 8  2013年05月  [国際誌]


    The goal of effective interprofessional education (IPE) is high-quality patient-care delivery and attaining a high level of patient satisfaction in clinical settings. We aimed to examine if alumni who have studied in an IPE program at a pre-licensure stage maintain a positive attitude toward collaborative practice (CP) in the postgraduate clinical experience. This paper presents a cross-sectional descriptive study which employed the modified attitudes toward health care teams scale (ATHCTS) to examine the relationship between exposure to clinical practice and the attitudes toward interprofessional healthcare teams. Results indicated that the overall mean score of alumni was significantly lower than that of undergraduate students on the modified ATHCTS. Only "team efficacy" had a significantly lower regression factor score in alumni than undergraduate students. Our findings suggest that changes in professional identity in a team may be due to contact with patients after graduation in the postgraduate clinical healthcare experience. The reduction of attitudes toward healthcare teams in the postgraduate clinical experience may be related to "team efficacy". We emphasize the need for in-service IPE for sustaining attitudes and providing a useful CP, which results in good clinical outcome.

    DOI PubMed

  • Flexibility and Stent Fracture Potentials Against Cyclically Bending Coronary Artery Motions: Comparison Between 2-Link and 3-Link DESs.

    Iwasaki Kiyotaka, Kishigami Sho, Arai Jun, Ohba Takafumi, Zhu Xiaodong, Yamamoto Tadashi, Hikichi Yutaka, Umezu Mitsuo

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY   111 ( 7 ) 26B  2013年04月  [査読有り]


  • Prediction of Wall-thinning Area in Unruptured Intracerebral Aneurysms by Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Yoshifumi Hayashi, Takanobu Yagi, Yasutaka Tobe, Yuki Iwabuchi, Momoko Yamanashi, Kenji Takamura, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Takashi Ishida, Atsushi Nakajima, Hirotaka Yoshida, Kazutoshi Nishitani, Yoshihisa Ota, Michihito Sugawara, Yoshifumi Okada, Toshiro Kubo, Shigemi Kitahara

    STROKE   44 ( 2 )  2013年02月  [査読有り]

  • Clinical results of three-time-balloon-inflation method performed in elective PCI cases

    Tadashi Yamamoto, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Jun Arai, Shigemi Kitahara, Mitsuo Umezu

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   51 ( 6 ) 350 - 356  2013年


    Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for ischemic heart disease became a common therapy. The improvement of treatment results was caused by invention of drug-eluting stent (DES) but its implantation procedure for pressure and inflation time has not been discussed. 3-time-balloon-inflation method is proved to be an effective method for inflation in in vitro experiments and it was practiced in the clinical field. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the 3-time-balloon-inflation method and investigate the factors that cause suppression of stent expansion. From January 2011 to March 2012,PCI with drug-eluting stent (XIENCE V) were performed to 169 patients by a single-operator with 3-time-ballon-inflation method. Minimal lumen area (MLA), vessel cross-sectional area, and plaque cross-section in the MLA were measured by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) before stent implantation. Minimum stent area (MSA) was measured after stent implantation. Stent expansion ratio (SER) was calculated from assumed area and MSA. Area acquisition ratio (AAR) was calculated from MSA and MLA. Subsequently, the ratio of calcification in the lesion was measured using the color mapping function mounted on the IVUS. The stent diameter used in this study was 2.89±0.35[mm](mean±SD), stent length was 20.5±6.2[mm] (mean±SD), and the stent expansion pressure was 10.3±2.4[atm] (mean±SD). There was no difference in SER by stent size, target vessels, and MLA. Significant difference was seen in the calcification ratio between the group without pre-dilatation (n=27) and the group with pre-dilatation (n=142), but no difference in SER between the two groups. It was suggested that calcification ratio is one of the factors that causes the suppression of stent expansion because significance of calcification ratio came out in AAR.

  • Post-market Risk Assessment based on Malfunction Reports of Implantable Arrhythmia Devices in Japan

    OKURA Narumi, IWASAKI Kiyotaka, KASANUKI Hiroshi

    医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス   44 ( 4 ) 352 - 356  2013年


  • DuraHeart左心補助人工心臓システムの市販後における改良に関する報告

    中谷武嗣, 許俊鋭, 澤芳樹, 戸田宏一, 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生, 山根隆志, 荒井裕国, 磯部光章, 小野稔, 山崎健二

    人工臓器   42 ( 3 ) 262 - 274  2013年


  • 「新しい僧帽弁位ステントレス生体弁 Normo」の開発

    加瀬川 均, 岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    人工臓器   41 ( 3 ) 176 - 179  2012年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • Tensile Strength of Human Pericardium Treated with Glutaraldehyde

    Hiromasa Yamashita, Shigeyuki Ozaki, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Isamu Kawase, Yukinari Nozawa, Mitsuo Umezu

    ANNALS OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY   18 ( 5 ) 434 - 437  2012年10月  [査読有り]


    Purpose: We have reconstructed aortic valves using autologous pericardium treated with glutaraldehyde since April 2007. However, the strength of the human pericardium has not been confirmed. We compared tensile strength between glutaraldehyde-treated human pericardium and aortic valve leaflets with various degrees of calcification to determine their suitability for use in aortic valve reconstruction.
    Methods: We measured the ultimate tensile strength and elasticity of samples of glutaraldehyde-treated pericardia (n = 8), non-calcified (n = 12), calcified (n = 9) and decalcified (n = 21) aortic leaflets collected from 23 patients who underwent aortic valve surgery. Aortic valves were decalcified using a cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator. The pericardium was immersed in 0.6% buffered glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes and then rinsed three times for 6 minutes each in normal saline.
    Results: The ultimate tensile strength of the glutaraldehyde-treated human pericardium, non-calcified, calcified and decalcified leaflets was 10, 2.8, 1.0 and 0.8 MPa, respectively.
    Conclusions: The ultimate tensile strength of glutaraldehyde-treated human pericardium was 4 times higher than non-calcified leaflets, indicating its suitability for application to aortic valve reconstruction. Calcified leaflets were slightly stronger than decalcified leaflets. Thus, calcification can be removed without altering the tensile strength of valve materials.

    DOI PubMed


  • Changes in attitudes toward interprofessional health care teams and education in the first- and third-year undergraduate students

    Tomoko Hayashi, Hiromitsu Shinozaki, Takatoshi Makino, Hatsue Ogawara, Yasuyoshi Asakawa, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tamiko Matsuda, Yumiko Abe, Fusae Tozato, Misako Koizumi, Takako Yasukawa, Bumsuk Lee, Kunihiko Hayashi, Hideomi Watanabe

    JOURNAL OF INTERPROFESSIONAL CARE   26 ( 2 ) 100 - 107  2012年03月  [査読有り]


    The interprofessional education (IPE) program at Gunma University, Maebashi, Japan, implements a lecture style for the first-year students and a training style for the third-year students. Changes in the scores of modified Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCTS) and those of modified Readiness of health care students for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) at the beginning and the end of the term were evaluated in the 2008 academic year. Two hundred and eighty-five respondents of a possible 364 completed the survey. In both the scales, the overall mean scores declined significantly after the lecture-style learning in the first-year students, while the scores improved significantly after the training-style learning in the third-year students. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the modified ATHCTS was composed of three subscales, and the modified RIPLS two subscales. Analyses using regression factor scores revealed that the scores of "quality of care delivery" subscale in the modified ATHCTS and those of "expertise" subscale in the modified RIPLS declined significantly in the first-year students. Consequently, IPE programs may be introduced early in the undergraduate curriculum to prevent stereotyped perceptions for IPE, and comprehensive IPE curricula may result in profound changes in attitudes among participating students.



    Yasutaka Tobe, Takanobu Yagi, Sara Takahashi, Yuki Iwabuchi, Momoko Yamanashi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Yoshifumi Hayashi, Hirotaka Yoshida, Kazutoshi Nishitani, Yoshifumi Okada, Michihito Sugawara, Shin Hiraguchi, Toshiro Kubo, Shigemi Kitahara




  • Assessment of a Novel Stentless Mitral Valve Using a Pulsatile Mitral Valve Simulator

    Hitoshi Kasegawa, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Shyunsuke Kusunose, Ryota Tatusta, Tetsuya Doi, Hiroki Yasuda, Mitsuo Umezu

    JOURNAL OF HEART VALVE DISEASE   21 ( 1 ) 71 - 75  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    Background and aim of the study: The study aim was to develop a novel stentless mitral valve (SMV) and to evaluate its performance, using an original pulsatile simulator developed specifically to analyze the hydrodynamic function of the mitral valve.
    Methods: The SMV developed at the authors' institution consists of two major components: a large anterior leaflet with commissures, and a small posterior leaflet. The valve is formed by suturing the leaflets (made from bovine pericardium) to a flexible (Duran) ring. The SMV, constructed with a 27 mm flexible ring, was installed into the mitral valve simulator, after which the four papillary flaps of the two leaflets were sutured to artificial papillary muscles. The artificial ventricle was driven pneumatically at a pulse rate of 70 beats/min, with a systolic fraction of 35%. The mean flow, aortic pressure, and atrial pressure were adjusted to 4.5 l/min, 120/80 mmHg, and 10 mmHg, respectively. A 27 mm mechanical valve (MEV; St. Jude Medical Inc.) was employed as a control. The hydrodynamic performance of the SMV and MEV were investigated and compared. An echo-Doppler study was also performed.
    Results: The waveforms of the SMV and MEV showed a similar pattern. The mean transvalvular flow was 4.7 +/- 0.4 l/min for the SMV, and 3.55 +/- 0.13 l/min for the MEV (p &lt;0.001). Mitral regurgitation was 5.07 +/- 1.15 and 3.78 +/- 0.35 ml/beat, respectively (p &lt;0.05). Echocardiographic data indicated that the regurgitant jet towards the left atrial model was none or trivial for the SMV, and trivial for the MEV.
    Conclusion: Within the environment of the mitral valve simulator, the novel SMV prepared from bovine pericardium demonstrated excellent performance characteristics, and may represent a potential future alternative for bioprosthetic stented mitral valves.


  • Neointimal Coverage Reduces a Potential Risk of Stent Separation of Sirolimus Eluting Stent: Accelerated Durability Tests Under in-vivo Simulated Cyclically-Bended Proximal Right Coronary Artery Environment

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yutaka Hikichi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Sho Kishigami, Jun Arai, Yusuke Noguchi, Hirhoshi Kasanuki, Mitsuo Umezu

    CIRCULATION   124 ( 21 )  2011年11月  [査読有り]

  • 灌流培養における3次元心筋組織の構築

    坂口 勝久, 清水 達也, 岩崎 清隆, 大和 雅之, 梅津 光生, 岡野 光夫

    日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B&R)   25 ( 2 ) 104 - 104  2011年06月

  • 血管拡張ステントの加速耐久試験に関する研究

    岩崎 清隆, 野口 裕介, 岸上 翔

    豊田研究報告   64 ( 64 ) 117 - 120  2011年05月


  • Tissue engineered trachea using decellularized aorta

    AC Paz, K.Kojima, K.Iwasaki, JD Ross, M.Umezu

    J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci.    2011年

  • Assessment of a novel stentless mitral valve using a pulsatile mitral valve simulator

    H.Kasegawa, K.Iwasaki, S.Kusunose, R.Tatsuta, T.Doi, H.Yasuda, M.Umezu

    The J Heart Valve Dis   21 ( 1 ) 71 - 75  2011年

  • 植込み型補助人工心臓システムEVAHEARTの耐久性評価

    北野 智哉, 宮越 貴之, 小林 信治, 得能 敏正, 山崎 健二, 岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    生体医工学   49 ( 6 ) 918 - 924  2011年


    A durability test of the implantable Left Ventricular Assist System EVAHEART was conducted to demonstrate that the EVAHEART Blood Pump can be run for 2 years without failing. This testing was useful to indicate potential for BTT and possibly DT applications. We developed a custom durability test mock circulation loop which generates a pulsatile flow simulating the native left ventricle. This mock circulation loop includes components which mimic the left ventricle (LV chamber) and compliance in the aorta (aortic column), and a loop which connects the blood pump to both the LV chamber (inlet) and the aortic column (outlet). The LV chamber has two one-way valves and a linear motor connected to a rolling seal, allowing it to generate pulsatile flow. The blood pump speed was tuned to achieve clinically relevant flow, based on the need to supplement a failing heart. The simulated heart rate (stroke rate of the linear actuator) cycled through 3 different settings each day to simulate changes in patient activity level. The sample size for the durability test was set to 18, and the test duration was 2 years. During the test, no critical blood pump failures were observed. There were no indications of significant decrease in pump performance or seal performance. Furthermore, no symptoms of failure, such as abnormal wear, were observed. In conclusion, the durability test successfully demonstrated that the EVAHEART Blood Pump achieved component reliability at a minimum of 90% reliability and 88% confidence interval over a mission life of two years.

    DOI CiNii

  • ヒト頚動脈病変の形状及び硬さを模擬した2層シリコーン狭窄血管モデルを用いたステントに必 要な拡張力に関する検討

    岡本吉弘, 田中智美, 小橋宏行, 犬飼孟, 山家弘雄, 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生

    医工学治療   23 ( 3 ) 197 - 205  2011年

  • ステントの至適拡張法の検討 : From bench to bedside

    上野 高史, 光武 良亮, 横山 晋二, 板家 直樹, 川崎 友裕, 挽地 裕, 岩崎 清隆

    人工臓器   39 ( 3 ) 222 - 226  2010年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • Two Stenting at Coronary Artery Bifurcation Yields Slow-Flow Region at Carina: In vitro Pulsatile Flow Investigation Using Elastic 3-Dimensional Stenotic Bifurcated Artery Replica

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Takanobu Yagi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Yuichi Yagishita, Manabu Shinke, Yusuke Noguchi, Sara Takahashi, Mitsuo Umezu

    CIRCULATION   122 ( 21 )  2010年11月  [査読有り]

  • Comparing Accuracy of Cerebral Aneurysm Size Measurements From Three Routine Investigations: Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Digital Subtraction Angiography

    Hiroyuki Takao, Yuichi Murayama, Toshihiro Ishibashi, Takayuki Saguchi, Masaki Ebara, Hideki Arakawa, Koreaki Irie, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Toshiaki Abe

    NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA   50 ( 10 ) 893 - 899  2010年10月  [査読有り]


    Modern imaging technologies, such as computed tomography (CT) angiography, magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, and digital subtraction (DS) angiography are widely used for pretreatment evaluation of cerebral aneurysms, but the relative accuracies of these modalities are unclear. This study compared the measurements of aneurysm neck and dome height and width on CT angiography, time-of-flight (TOF)-MR angiography, and DS angiography using a three-dimensional workstation. An elastic model of a side-wall aneurysm was connected to an artificial heart pulsatile circuit system. The aneurysm model was prepared using a silicone membrane of 0.6-mm thickness under normal physiological circulation parameters. Using this aneurysm model, three-dimensional TOF-MR angiography, contrast-enhanced CT angiography, and DS angiography were performed. Source images were post-processed on a dedicated workstation to calculate the aneurysm size. DS angiography measurements were found to be the most accurate. In contrast, aneurysm neck sizes measured on CT angiography were significantly wider than actual values (p &lt; 0.05) and aneurysm heights measured using TOF-MR angiography were significantly lower than actual values (p &lt; 0.01). In this in-vitro model, at least one aneurysm dimension measured with CT angiography and with TOF-MR angiography differed significantly from actual values. Aneurysm neck width markedly affects therapeutic planning, as a wide neck requires craniotomy or endovascular treatment using an adjunctive device, so inaccuracies should be considered when aneurysm treatment is planned using modern methods of visualization.

    DOI PubMed


  • Recent perspective on coronary bifurcation intervention: statement of the “Bifurcation Club in KOKURA”

    Murasato Y, Hikichi Y, Nakamura S, Kajiya F, Iwasaki K, Kinoshita Y, Yamawaki M, Shinke T, Yamashita T, Choo GH, Nam CW, Kim YH, Jepson N, Ferenc M

    Journal of interventional cardiology   23 ( 4 ) 295 - 304  2010年08月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • Silicone Vascular Models for Analysis of Carotid Artery Stenting

    Y. Okamoto, H. Inukai, H. Kobashi, H. Yamaga, T. Yagi, K. Iwasaki, R. Shiurba, M. Umezu

    6TH WORLD CONGRESS OF BIOMECHANICS (WCB 2010), PTS 1-3   31   398 - +  2010年


    Carotid artery stenting (CAS) is a minimally invasive surgical treatment for stenosis that is usually due to atherosclerotic plaque. Criteria to select an optimal stent for each clinical situation are lacking, however. Here we describe a surgical simulator that predicts vascular geometries after stenting using silicone rubber models of stenotic carotid arteries. Our objective was to develop the fabrication scheme of such vascular models. Herein, four CAS vascular models, or a soft plaque, two normal, and a hard one, were fabricated. By using rapid proto-typing of 3D CT angiographic data, we first made a patient-specific wax models with geometries that matched the lumen of carotid artery. Next, we fabricated a plaque model that matches patient-identical geometries. Then, we produced the each part using silicone rubber with different mechanical properties. In order to match the mechanical properties of the vessel model, pre- and post-stent geometry were compared in vivo and vitro using digital angiography. Moreover, we compared the stiffness of the vessel model by the Young's modulus. We first evaluated the mechanical properties of the vessel, and then that of the plaque. As for the former, the relationship between the expansion ratio and the stiffness parameter 11 was formulated by curve-fitting. We evaluated the mechanical properties of each plaque. It was found that the Young's modulus were 0.015, 0.092, 0.137, 0.503 N/m(2), for the soft, normal (two cases), and hard plaque, respectively. The largest difference was about 34 times for the soft and hard one. We achieved to develop a novel fabrication scheme for the carotid artery with atherosclerotic plaque. The validated vascular model featured two distinct mechanical properties for the vessel and plaque. Such models may help surgeons develop criteria to optimize CAS in a patient-specific manner.



  • Experimental Investigation to Ensure a Safety of the Exchange of Extracorporeal-Type Ventricular Assist Devices in Long-Term-Use Patients

    T. Tanaka, R. Kume, S. Kusunose, R. Tatsuta, T. Igarashi, K. Ito, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu

    6TH WORLD CONGRESS OF BIOMECHANICS (WCB 2010), PTS 1-3   31   378 - +  2010年


    Ventricular assist devices (VADs) are widely applied for end-stage congestive heart failure patients. Considering the shortage of organs donations in Japan, VADs tend to be used for longer period. The extracorporeal-type Toyobo VAD has been used. Because the guarantee period of the Toyobo VAD is one month due to a potential risk of thrombus formation inside the VAD, it is necessary to exchange the VAD periodically in a long time. In the VAD exchange, the cable-ties are removed and the VAD used including stainless-steel connectors are replaced with a new VAD. In the case of the patient for long-term-usage who can move, there is a danger that the connection parts will be detached just after VAD exchange in case some kinds of loads are added to the VAD. Therefore, it is necessary for both patients and nurses to understand the quantitative load for the detachment of the VAD.
    In this study, we investigated the load required for the detachment of connectors from cannulae of the VAD before and after the VAD exchange. The VAD was incorporated in a mock circuit and pneumatically-driven in a 37 degrees C controlled water bath. In that condition, the load for the detachment of connectors from cannulae of the VAD was examined using a uni-axial tensile tester. As alternatives to cannulae used for a long time, plastically- deformed cannulae were prepared by heating at 120 degrees C for 7 hours. Influence of the tensile speed, direction of the load applied, and presence of liquid between the connectors and the cannulae on the loads necessary for the detachment were investigated.
    The load necessary for the detachment in one hour after the VAD exchange was decreased to 50-60% of the load before one. However, in 24 hours after the exchange, the load was recovered to 80% of the load before the VAD exchange. When the perpendicular load of 8.5kgf was applied at the tensile speed of 500mm/min, the time required for the detachment was only 6 seconds.
    It is important for nurses and patients to pay much attention in order to prevent load acting on the VAD newly changed, especially for one day after the VAD exchange.



  • Repeated 3-times-balloon-inflation for Stent Deployment Increases Luminal Patency of Cobalt Alloy Stent: In vitro Study Using 75% Stenotic Mechanically-equivalent Coronary Artery Replica

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yutaro Hama, Yuichi Yagishita, Yusuke Noguchi, Syunsuke Tsubouchi, Yamamoto Tadashi, Mitsuo Umezu

    CIRCULATION   120 ( 18 ) S916 - S916  2009年11月  [査読有り]

  • 3次元心筋組織構築のためのバイオリアクターの開発

    坂口 勝久, 沢田 里智, 清水 達也, 岩崎 清隆, 大和 雅之, 梅津 光生, 岡野 光夫

    ライフサポート = / the Society of Life Support Technology [編]   21 ( 3 ) 104 - 109  2009年09月


    Recently, researchers have challenged to create three-dimensional (3-D) tissues with tissue engineering technology in order to establish in vitro models and new therapy for damaged organ. Most popular approach of tissue engineering is using 3-D biodegradable scaffolds as alternatives of extracellular matrix. By contrast, we have bioengineered pulsatile myocardial tissues by stacking cardiomyocyte sheets, which were harvested from temperature-responsive culture dishes only by lowering temperature. However, the shortage of oxygen and nutrition limits the final tissue thickness. In this study, we tried to fabricate thicker myocardial tissues by promoting oxygen and nutrition permeation using a novel perfusion bioreactor. Triple-layer neonatal rat cardiomyocyte sheets were attached in the culture chamber. Chambers were perfused with 2.4mL/h culture media and 15mmHg pressure gradient was applied to perfuse the culture media through the construct. After 5-days culture, the construct in the bioreactor was thicker and cell-denser than in static condition. These results indicate that the perfusion bioreactor should contribute to myocardial tissue engineering in vitro.

    DOI CiNii

  • Systematic inclusion of mandatory interprofessional education in health professions curricula at Gunma University: a report of student self-assessment in a nine-year implementation

    Hatsue Ogawara, Tomoko Hayashi, Yasuyoshi Asakawa, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Tamiko Matsuda, Yumiko Abe, Fusae Tozato, Takatoshi Makino, Misako Koizumi, Takako Yasukawa, Hideomi Watanabe

    HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH   7  2009年07月  [査読有り]


    Background: The mandatory interprofessional education programme at Gunma University was initiated in 1999. This paper is a statistical evaluation of the programme from 1999 to 2007.
    Methods: A questionnaire of 10 items to assess the achievement levels of the programme, which was developed independently of other assessment systems published previously, was distributed, as well as two or three open-ended questions to be answered at the end of each annual module. A multivariate analysis of variance model was used, and the factor analysis of the responses was performed with varimax rotation.
    Results: Over all, 1418 respondents of a possible 1629 students completed the survey, for a total response rate of 87.1%. Cronbach's alpha of 10 items was 0.793, revealing high internal consistency. Our original questionnaire was categorized into four subscales as follows: "Role and responsibilities", "Teamwork and collaboration", "Structure and function of training facilities", and "Professional identity". Students in the Department of Occupational Therapy reached a relatively lower level of achievement. In the replies to the open-ended questions, requests for the participation of the medical students were repeated throughout the evaluation period.
    Conclusion: The present four subscales measure "understanding", and may take into account the development of interprofessional education programmes with clinical training in various facilities. The content and quality of clinical training subjects may be remarkably dependent on training facilities, suggesting the importance of full consultation mechanisms in the local network with the relevant educational institutes for medicine, health care and welfare.


  • 臨床用補助人工心臓交換時の安全性に関する実験的研究

    田中 隆, 古里 正光, 石澤 祐馬, 伊藤 一彦, 岩崎 清隆, 銭 逸, 梅津 光生

    体外循環技術 = The journal of extra-corporeal technology   36 ( 2 ) 108 - 114  2009年06月


  • Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Tissues with Perfused Microchannels

    Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Tatsuya Shimizu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Masayuki Yamato, Mitsuo Umezu, Teruo Okano

    13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-3   23 ( 1-3 ) 1213 - +  2009年  [査読有り]


    Recently, researchers have challenged to create three-dimensional (3-D) tissues with tissue engineering technology in order to establish in vitro models and new therapy for damaged organ. We have developed cell-sheet based tissue engineering and successfully fabricated pulsatile 3-D myocardial tissues both in vivo and in vitro by layering cardiac cell sheets. However, in vitro scaling up of 3-D cell-dense tissues is limited due to lack of blood vessels supplying oxygen and nutrition and removing waste molecules. In this study, we have developed novel bioreactor culturing layered cell sheets on collagen-based microchannels and examined cell behavior between tissues and channels. Rat cardiac cells including endothelial cells were cultured on temperature responsible culture dishes for 4 days. By lowering temperature, confluent cardiac cells were harvested as an intact cell sheet and two cardiac cell sheets are layered. Collagen-based microchannels were engineered by gelling collagen around parallel stainless wires and extracting the wires. The double-layer cell sheets were put on the microchannels and the constructs were connected to the novel perfusion bioreactor. After 5 days of cultivation, the tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and endothelial cell specific Isolectin B4. HE staining demonstrated that layered cell sheets tightly connected onto the collagen microchannels. The microchannels maintained their patency during culture period. The cardiac cells migrated into collagen gel and the number of migration increased flow-rate dependently. At higher flow-rate, some cardiac cells reached to microchannels and covered over their inner surface. Isolectin B4 staining showed endothelial cells formed networks within the cell sheets and also played as migrating cells. We have successfully fabricated 3-D tissues with perfused microchannels and tissue-originated cells migrated and communicated with the microchannels. These results showed new insights regarding in vitro vascular formation and indicated the possibility for fabricating vascularized 3-D tissues.



  • 早稲田大学梅津研究室におけるもう1つの EBM: ENGINEERING BASED MEDICINE の推進

    岩﨑 清隆, 梅津 光生

    日本バイオレオロジー学会誌   23 ( 1 ) 7 - 9  2009年

    DOI CiNii

  • Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Tissues with Perfused Microchannels

    Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Tatsuya Shimizu, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Masayuki Yamato, Mitsuo Umezu, Teruo Okano



    Recently, researchers have challenged to create three-dimensional (3-D) tissues with tissue engineering technology in order to establish in vitro models and new therapy for damaged organ. We have developed cell-sheet based tissue engineering and successfully fabricated pulsatile 3-D myocardial tissues both in vivo and in vitro by layering cardiac cell sheets. However, in vitro scaling up of 3-D cell-dense tissues is limited due to lack of blood vessels supplying oxygen and nutrition and removing waste molecules. In this study, we have developed novel bioreactor culturing layered cell sheets on collagen-based microchannels and examined cell behavior between tissues and channels. Rat cardiac cells including endothelial cells were cultured on temperature responsible culture dishes for 4 days. By lowering temperature, confluent cardiac cells were harvested as an intact cell sheet and two cardiac cell sheets are layered. Collagen-based microchannels were engineered by gelling collagen around parallel stainless wires and extracting the wires. The double-layer cell sheets were put on the microchannels and the constructs were connected to the novel perfusion bioreactor. After 5 days of cultivation, the tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and endothelial cell specific Isolectin B4. HE staining demonstrated that layered cell sheets tightly connected onto the collagen microchannels. The microchannels maintained their patency during culture period. The cardiac cells migrated into collagen gel and the number of migration increased flow-rate dependently. At higher flow-rate, some cardiac cells reached to microchannels and covered over their inner surface. Isolectin B4 staining showed endothelial cells formed networks within the cell sheets and also played as migrating cells. We have successfully fabricated 3-D tissues with perfused microchannels and tissue-originated cells migrated and communicated with the microchannels. These results showed new insights regarding in vitro vascular formation and indicated the possibility for fabricating vascularized 3-D tissues.



  • Biomedical Engineering Analysis of the Rupture Risk of Cerebral Aneurysms: Flow Comparison of Three Small Pre-ruptured Versus Six Large Unruptured Cases

    A. Kamoda, T. Yagi, A. Sato, Y. Qian, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu, T. Akutsu, H. Takao, Y. Murayama



    A relationship between blood flows in cerebral aneurysms and their rupture remains obscure. In clinical practice, the size of aneurysms is one of the important factors for determining a strategy of treatment, but in our database three small aneurysms became ruptured during follow-up. Here, we aim to study their pre-ruptured hemodynamics, and differentiate them with those of six large unruptured aneurysms. All the aneurysms occurred in internal carotid artery, and their mean sizes were 6 and 10.8 mm for pre-ruptured and unruptured cases, respectively. We reproduced their replica as a patient-specific elastic model using clinical images obtained by digital subtraction angiography and a series of rapid proto-typing techniques. Flows were reproduced in vitro using a cerebral flow simulator, and visualized by Time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. All pre-ruptured cases showed the collision of an incoming flow at a distal neck, and formed a prominent jet stream directing towards the aneurismal head. In contrast, none of unruptured aneurysms had such a marked impingement, and their flows were most likely characterized by swirling patterns. All unruptured cases occurred in a twisted vessel, or carotid siphon, whereas pre-ruptured ones were located downstream whose geometries consisted of a simple curvature. These findings suggest that internal carotid artery has a regional dependency of the risk of aneurismal rupture. Furthermore, the presence of jet streams for small-sized aneurysms may be a substantial indicator of the rupture and immediate treatments.



  • Microscale Visualization of Erythrocyte Deformation by Colliding with a Rigid Surface Using a High-Speed Impinging Jet

    S. Wakasa, T. Yagi, Y. Akimoto, N. Tokunaga, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu



    Erythrocyte deformation by colliding with a rigid surface using a high-speed impinging jet was studied with microfluidic techniques. We aim to investigate the relevance of colliding erythrocytes with hemolysis. A micro-channel chip was made of polydimenthyl-siloxane (PDMS), which comprised a T- and V-shaped junction with a micro-nozzle and diffuser in order to attain a high-speed microflow with a jet velocity of m/s scale. A high-speed camera with a microscope imaged colliding erythrocytes by shadow imaging. Porcine erythrocyte with a hematocrit of 0.5% in phosphate buffer saline was utilized. At the Y-junction, erythrocytes showed buckling due to an impulsive, longitudinal, compressive deformation. Such anomalous phenomena were not detected at the T-junction, where erythrocytes underwent sequential compressions as approaching the colliding surface. Erythrocyte after buckling showed a hazy membrane while being released from the colliding surface, suggesting the ejection of hemoglobin out of the pore on a membrane. Flow-induced hemolysis has been considered as a model of viscous shear stress and exposure time. From our data, however, it was suggested that hemolysis due to a high-speed impinging flow characterized by mechanical heart valve flows may arise as an impulsive failure of erythrocyte membrane upon collision.



  • New challenge for studying flow-induced blood damage: macroscale modeling and microscale verification

    T. Yagi, S. Wakasa, N. Tokunaga, Y. Akimoto, T. Akutsu, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu



    Prosthetic heart valves often induce blood cell trauma, but its mechanism is not clearly understood due to the complexity of dynamical flows. We herein propose a new challenge, termed macroscale modeling and microscale verification. This report is the former, and here we aim to clarify the physical interpretation of Reynolds stress for flowing cells. One polymer and two mechanical valves are compared, and the Reynolds stress is visualized using a novel analytical technique including time-resolved particle image velocimetry and continuous wavelet transform. The method enables to analyze the dynamics of Reynolds stress in a spatial and temporal domain. As a result, it is found that the Reynolds stress should be considered as an indicator of impinging flows for circulating cells. Such flows may impulsively apply a colliding force on a membrane of flowing cells. As microscale verification based on this new hypothesis, we are currently investigating such collision phenomena of flowing cells using high-speed microfluidic techniques.



  • In-vitro Evaluation Method to Measure the Radial Force of Various Stents

    Y. Okamoto, T. Tanaka, H. Kobashi, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu



    Endovascular treatments of stenosis in carotid artery often utilize a self-expanding stent. There are a variety of stents commercially available. The radial force of a stent is a key parameter to characterize its mechanical property, but there is no reliable evaluation to standardize the force measurement. In measuring the radial force accurately, the stent deformation has to be uniform for the whole structure so as to ensure the force balance. Here we aim to develop such a measuring system of stent radial force, and compare the results with those obtained by conventional techniques.
    A developed device consisted of a tubular stent holder and a load measuring system. The Precise, Protege and Easy Wall stents with a diameter (D) of 10 mm were placed by a delivery system. Radial forces were measured with D = 8, 6, 5, and 4 mm at a temperature of 37 degrees. Maintaining the circular shape of stents was found to influence substantially the magnitude of radial force. The value increased about 80% at maximum for those measured by conventional techniques. These data show that the radial force has to be uniformly applied in a circumferential direction. Also, the Easy Wall stent showed a distinct tendency in contrast to the Precise and Protege stent. The Easy Wall stent was found to be placed with eliminating the axial variation of mesh geometries.
    These results indicate that the radial force measurements of stents have to ensure the uniform mesh geometry in both the axial and circumferential direction. It was concluded that our device can ensure the reliable measurement of stent radial forces.



  • Development of Evaluation Test Method for the Possibility of Central Venous Catheter Perforation Caused by the Insertion Angle of a Guidewire and a Dilator

    M. Uematsu, M. Arita, K. Iwasaki, T. Tanaka, T. Ohta, M. Umezu, T. Tsuchiya



    The Seldinger technique is a well-established medical procedure to insert an indwelling device into blood vessel. Although the method is widely performed, various adverse effects due to the procedure have been reported. In order to improve safety, some hospitals originally compiled important reminders based on their experiences in an operation manual. The aim of our research is to provide evidences supporting failure behaviors with a mock system to promote awareness in clinical practice. This paper presents results of a newly developed test method to evaluate the possibility of perforation while inserting the dilator to the cervical vein after the guidewire placement.
    A tensile tester (AGI-250kN, Shimadzu Corp.) equipped with a load cell (SLBL-50N, Shimadzu Corp.) was utilized to measure the insertion force of a dilator to vein. The porcine vein was prepared to be aligned with 15mm and to be cut opened to expose the medial wall, and it was mounted on a custom-made device. A guidewire and a dilator were vertically suspended from the upper side of the tensile tester. During the dilator was approaching down to the vein through the guidewire at the constant velocity, the insertion force was measured and the tissue surface was observed simultaneously. The perforation force was examined in relation to the insertion angle from 15degrees to 60degrees.
    While veins were pressed only by a guidewire, perforation was not identified at all degrees. After inserting a dilator, veins were torn at 45degrees and at 60degrees more than ION. It was suggested that vessel wall could be thinner and be torn by multiple insertion. It is concluded that the usage situation of a guidewire and a dilator was assessed objectively and the angle-load relationship was quantified. The test would be helpful to propose safe approach for patients.



  • Successful Reproduction of In-Vivo Fracture of an Endovascular Stent in Superficial Femoral Artery Utilizing a Novel Multi-loading Durability Test System

    K. Iwasaki, S. Tsubouchi, Y. Hama, M. Umezu



    Aim: High rates of stent fracture have been reported in the treatment of diseased superficial femoral artery (SFA). Understanding of in-vivo mechanical-loading environments, therefore, draws serious attention. We have developed a novel multi-loading durability tester which can apply cyclic twist and stretch on stents. Here, in-vitro stent fracture patterns were compared with stent fracture observed in vivo. Methods: The angle of cyclic twist as well as cyclic stretch exerted to the stents was regulated to physiologic conditions by utilizing referenced data of MR angiography of SFAs obtained in the spine and fetal position. Stiffness of the silicone vessel models were regulated to that of SFAs. As the SFAs are intrinsically stretched in vivo, stents were tested not only in the non-stretched vessel model but also in the 50% pre-stretched vessel model, respectively. The simultaneous cyclic multi-loads were exerted to the stents; under the mean luminal pressure of 100mmHg at 60 cycles per minute. Considering the data that average Japanese walk 7378 steps per day, the cyclic numbers of the in-vitro durability tests were converted to the equivalent durability in vivo. Results: Only minor fracture was observed at the stent strut after one-year-equivalent duration when the stents were tested using the non-stretched vessel models. However, employment of the novel pre-stretched vessel model resulted in complete stent fractures in the middle of longitudinal direction in 2-months-equivalent duration. Moreover, the fracture pattern was clearly coincident with the stent fracture in vivo. Conclusions: This is the first demonstration that the pre-stretch of vessel model is a requisite condition in durability tests of stents for SFA. Moreover, these results indicated that reproduction of multi-loading environments including cyclic twist and stretch is of great significance in order to obtain reliable durability data of endovascular stents for SFA.



  • Calibration System for Pulse Spectrophotometry Using a Double-Layer Pulsation Flow-Cell

    M. Oura, N. Kobayashi, S. Yamamori, S. Takeda, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu



    We have studied noninvasive devices for measuring total hemoglobin and hemoglobin derivatives such as carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and methemoglobin (MetHb). A calibration procedure needs to be developed to evaluate or calibrate these devices and pulse oximeters for clinical practice. However, people and animals are sometimes exposed to risk when they are used for calibration.
    In this paper, we propose a new in vitro calibration system for a pulse photometer. This system has a novel double-layer pulsation flow-cell that incorporates both venous and arterial blood flow. Using the calibration system, we are able to measure the in vitro pulsatile optical density ratio (Phi vt). The measured Phi vt agrees well with the in vivo pulsatile optical density ratio (Phi vt). This system simulates an in vivo environment with high accuracy and enables safe calibration. Consequently, the calibration system is able to standardize the performance and accuracy of pulse photometry.



  • Bioengineered three-layered robust and elastic artery using hemodynamically-equivalent pulsatile bioreactor

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Koji Kojima, Shohta Kodama, Ana C. Paz, Melody Chambers, Mitsuo Umezu, Charles A. Vacanti

    CIRCULATION   118 ( 14 ) S52 - S57  2008年09月  [査読有り]


    Background-There is an essential demand for tissue engineered autologous small-diameter vascular graft, which can function in arterial high pressure and flow circulation. We investigated the potential to engineer a three-layered robust and elastic artery using a novel hemodynamically-equivalent pulsatile bioreactor.
    Methods and Results-Endothelial cells (ECs), smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and fibroblasts were harvested from bovine aorta. A polyglycolic acid (PGA) sheet and a polycaprolactone sheet seeded with SMCs, and a PGA sheet seeded with fibroblast, were wrapped in turn on a 6-mm diameter silicone tube and incubated in culture medium for 30 days. The supporting tube was removed, and the lumen was seeded with ECs and incubated for another 2 days. The pulsatile bioreactor culture, under regulated gradual increase in flow and pressure from 0.2 (0.5/0) L/min and 20 (40/15) mm Hg to 0.6 (1.4/0.2) L/min and 100 (120/80) mm Hg, was performed for an additional 2 weeks (n=10). The engineered vessels acquired distinctly similar appearance and elasticity as native arteries. Scanning electron microscopic examination and Von Willebrand factor staining demonstrated the presence of ECs spread over the lumen. Elastica Van Gieson and Masson Tricrome Stain revealed ample production of elastin and collagen in the engineered grafts. Alpha-SMA and calponin staining showed the presence of SMCs. Tensile tests demonstrated that engineered vessels acquired equivalent ultimate strength and similar elastic characteristics as native arteries (Ultimate Strength of Native: 882 +/- 133 kPa, Engineered: 827 +/- 155 kPa, each n=8).
    Conclusions-A robust and elastic small-diameter artery was engineered from three types of vascular cells using the physiological pulsatile bioreactor.

    DOI PubMed


  • Tissue-engineered robust vascular grafts utilizing the physiologically equivalent pulsatile bioreactor

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Koji Kojima, Shota Kodama, Mitsuo Umezu, Charles Vacanti

    8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008   3   1694  2008年

  • 本邦初の次世代型補助人工心臓EVAHEART-自宅療養・就労復帰が可能となった

    山嵜健二, 梅津光生, 太田英輔, 富岡淳, 岩﨑清隆, 石原一彦

    油空圧技術     12 - 16  2008年

  • Development of a Compact Mock Circulation System and a New Flow-Cell Model for Pulse Spectrophotometry

    M. Oura, N. Kobayashi, S. Takeda, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu



    We have developed an extremely compact mock circulation system. This system can simulate artery blood circulation and generate a pulse wave with a very small amount of blood. We were also able to measure the in vitro pulsatile optical density ratio (phi vt) using this system with a flow cell [1]. Results showed a difference between phi vt and the in vivo pulsatile optical density ratio (phi vi) for the same oxygen saturations. To explain this difference, we proposed a new flow-cell model that includes venous flow and arterial flow. Because these systems can simulate the in vivo environment with very accurately, they can be applied to various pulse spectrophotometry studies. Moreover, the required blood volume is very small so the system can evaluate artificial blood or artificial red cells at very low cost. Thus, this system can reduce the time and cost of developing new pulse photometry techniques and other medical equipment.

  • 冠動脈バイパス手術における血管吻合手技の定量かに向けた基礎検討

    回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会, 回コンピュータ支援画像診断学会大会, 合同論文集

        83 - 84  2007年11月

  • Tissue engineered three-layered artery using hemodynamically-equivalent pulsatile bioreactor

    Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Koji Kojima, Shota Kodama, Cristina Paz, Melody A. Chambers, Mitsuo Umezu, Charles A. Vacanti

    CIRCULATION   116 ( 16 ) 685 - 685  2007年10月  [査読有り]

  • 量産向け旋回渦流型人工心臓内面検査装置の開発

    田中 隆, 古里 正光, 石澤 祐馬, 伊藤 一彦, 岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    ライフサポート   19   24 - 24  2007年10月

    DOI CiNii

  • 1114 走査型ステレオPIV法を用いた異なる大動脈バルサルバ洞形状をもつvalved Graft内の3次元流動特性(S02-3 循環器系・呼吸器系の生体機能モデリング(3),S02 循環器系・呼吸器系の生体機能モデリング)

    八木 高伸, 若狭 翔太朗, Yang William, 岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    年次大会講演論文集   2007   295 - 296  2007年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • 1117 In vivo複合負荷環境を模擬した加速試験装置による末梢ステントの耐久試験(S02-4 循環器系・呼吸器系の生体機能モデリング(4),S02 循環器系・呼吸器系の生体機能モデリング)

    岩崎 清隆, 錦織 晃, 坪内 俊介, 梅津 光生

    年次大会講演論文集   2007   301 - 302  2007年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • Characteristics of spiral vortex pump driven by two different drivers

    Ito K, Sudo T, Shima T, Kouno Y, Ohnishi Y, Tanaka T, Iwasaki K, Fujimoto T, Umezu M

    Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering   27 ( 1月2日 ) 121 - 132  2007年06月

  • Japanese-made implantable centrifugal type ventricular assist system(LVAS):EVAHEART

    Umezu M, Yamazaki K, Yamazaki S, Iwasaki K, Miyakoshi T, Kitano T, Tokono T

    Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering   27 ( 1月2日 ) 111 - 119  2007年06月

  • 再生医療を支える最先端技術と将来への展望

    梅津光生, 岩﨑清隆

    第5回薬事エキスパート研修会 要旨集     8 - 11  2007年02月

  • Investigation of a hydrodynamic performance of a ventricular assist device after its long-term use in clinical application

    Yuma Kokuzawa, Tomohiro Shima, Masateru Furusato, Kazuhiko Ito, Takashi Tanaka, Toshibiro Igarashi, Tomohiro Nishinaka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu

    Life System Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings   4689   429 - 435  2007年  [査読有り]


    A long-term durability of a ventricular assist device (VAD) is required due to a shortage of donor hearts for cardiac transplantation, but there is no analyzed pump data after long-term use. This study aimed to perform a comparative study between new VAD and VADs after long-term use. The hydrodynamic performance of the used Toyobo VADs (mean period of 5 months with the maximum of 12 months) was evaluated in a mock circulatory system, where a new VAD was used as a control. Although a remarkable difference was not observed in terms of mean flow rate, flow and pressure waveforms varied significantly. Then, the pressure-volume relationship of each pump was measured: It was found that the capacity of long-term VADs was reduced. Although a further study is required, these results suggested that a long-term use of VAD may cause a change in mechanical properties of polymer materials.



  • Coil compaction予測のための時系列PIV法を用いた実形状弾性脳動脈瘤モデル内の流れの可視化

    松本徹, 岩﨑清隆, 八木高伸, 福島桃子, 鴨田明憲, 梅津光生, 阿久津敏乃介, 高尾洋之, 石橋敏寛, 村山雄一

    第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 講演論文集     82 - 83  2007年01月

  • 脳血管系疾患のCFDによる解析:PIV可視化実験とのValidation

    原田哲司, 福井弘一, 銭逸, 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生, 高尾洋之, 石橋敏寛, 村山雄一

    第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 講演論文集     88 - 89  2007年01月

  • 末梢Stent耐久性能評価を目的としたねじり型加速疲労試験装置の開発

    第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 講演論文集     80 - 81  2007年01月

  • ステレオPIV法を用いた大動脈バルサルバ洞内の3次元流れ場構造に関する基礎知識

    須藤宏幸, 八木高伸, 石川大輔, 若狭翔太朗, William Yang, 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生

    第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 講演論文集     62 - 63  2007年01月

  • リアルタイム周波数解析を用いた人工弁閉鎖時に発達する瞬時高周波ストレスの検討

    石川大輔, 八木高伸, 須藤宏幸, 若狭翔太朗, 阿久津敏乃介, 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生

    第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 講演論文集     60 - 61  2007年01月

  • 組織工学と再生医療


    人工臓器36(3)     213 - 214  2007年

  • Investigation of a hydrodynamic performance of a ventricular assist device after its long-term use in clinical application

    Yuma Kokuzawa, Tomohiro Shima, Masateru Furusato, Kazuhiko Ito, Takashi Tanaka, Toshibiro Igarashi, Tomohiro Nishinaka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu

    Life System Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings   4689   429 - 435  2007年


    A long-term durability of a ventricular assist device (VAD) is required due to a shortage of donor hearts for cardiac transplantation, but there is no analyzed pump data after long-term use. This study aimed to perform a comparative study between new VAD and VADs after long-term use. The hydrodynamic performance of the used Toyobo VADs (mean period of 5 months with the maximum of 12 months) was evaluated in a mock circulatory system, where a new VAD was used as a control. Although a remarkable difference was not observed in terms of mean flow rate, flow and pressure waveforms varied significantly. Then, the pressure-volume relationship of each pump was measured: It was found that the capacity of long-term VADs was reduced. Although a further study is required, these results suggested that a long-term use of VAD may cause a change in mechanical properties of polymer materials.

  • A reproduction of inflow restriction in the mock circulatory system to evaluate a hydrodynamic performance of a ventricular assist device in practical conditions

    Masateru Furusato, Tomohiro Shima, Yuma Kokuzawa, Kazuhiko Ito, Takashi Tanaka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yi Qian, Mitsuo Umezu, ZhiKun Yan, Ling Zhu

    LIFE SYSTEM MODELING AND SIMULATION, PROCEEDINGS   4689   553 - +  2007年  [査読有り]


    A novel in vitro mock circulatory system, which enables to reproduce an inflow restriction, simulating blood volume pooling due to heart failure, was developed to evaluate a hydrodynamic performance of a pulsatile ventricular assist device (VAD) in practical conditions. The concept of this development was motivated by a difference of an inflow restriction between in vitro and in vivo environments. The major idea of this study is to reproduce an inflow restriction by using a centrifugal pump placed at an inflow side of a left ventricular model instead of a constant head reservoir in a conventional circuit. In the novel circuit, the maximum flow rate was obtained at lower systolic fraction as compared with a conventional circuit. This similar tendency by the novel one was observed in an acute animal experiment in sheep. This result suggests that a new mock circuit is effective to confirm a practical drive strategy of the VAD for various diseased conditions.



  • Tensile test to ensure a safety of cannula connection in clinical ventricular assist device (VAD)

    Takashi Tanaka, Tomohiro Shima, Masateru Furusato, Yuma Kokuzawa, Kazuhiko Ito, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Yi Qian, Mitsuo Umezu

    LIFE SYSTEM MODELING AND SIMULATION, PROCEEDINGS   4689   546 - +  2007年  [査読有り]


    A pneumatic driven ventricular assist device (VAD) is not only designed for short-term usage of a "bridge to recovery" (BTR) in cardiac function recovery, but also developed to apply as a "bridge to transplantation" (BTT) for cardiac transplant. However, in the latter, the VAD must be exchanged before its expiries of guarantee. In this research, the authors have investigated the connector's strength between connector and cannula, and safety during the VAD exchange.



  • Three-dimensional fluid mechanics of the sinus of Valsalva with a bileaflet mechanical heart valve

    Takanobu Yagi, Daisuke Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Sudo, Shotaro Wakasa, William Yang, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu


  • Biomedical engineering analysis of effectiveness of cardiovascular surgery: Anastomosis methods for coronary artery bypass grafting

    Umezu M, Kawai J, Suehiro J, Arita M, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Tanaka T, Akutsu T, Niinami H

    Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering 2006   26 ( 1 ) 61 - 67  2006年02月

  • Noninvasive measurement of total hemoglobin and hemoglobin derivatives using multiwavelength pulse spectrophotometry - In vitro study with a mock circulatory system

    Hironori Suzaki, Naoki Kobayashi, Takashi Nagaoka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Sunao Takeda, Tatsuo Togawa



    Total hemoglobin (tHb), carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), and methemoglobin (MetHb) are usually measured with a CO-oximeter. Noninvasive and continuous measurement of these blood components is expected to decrease the pain of a patient. Therefore, we developed an instrument to measure oxygen saturation (SpO(2)), tHb, COHb, and MetHb noninvasively. Multiwavelength LED (600, 625, 660, 760, 800, 940, and 1306 nm) and a combined detector (Si, InGaAs) were built into the instrument (Seven wavelengths transparent pulse spectrophotometer). We used the Waseda mock circulatory system, which can simulate blood circulation in tissues and generate a pulse wave mechanically, to estimate the instrument's performance. Furthermore we proposed new calculation formula including DC components of optical density (this method). Under conditions without any change of other components, the mean error standard deviation between this method and the CO-oximetry were SaO(2)=0.0 +/- 1.4%, tHb=0.0 +/- 0.0 g/dl, COHb = 0.0 +/- 2.0%, and MetHb=0.0 +/- 0.3%. When the concentration of other components was changed, this method showed mean errors and standard deviations of SaO(2)=0.2 +/- 1.6%, tHb=0.0 +/- 0.4 g/dl, COHb=0.5 +/- 4.1%, and MetHb = 0.0 +/- 03%.

    DOI PubMed


  • Noninvasive measurement of total hemoglobin and hemoglobin derivatives using multiwavelength pulse spectrophotometry -In vitro study with a mock circulatory system-

    Hironori Suzaki, Naoki Kobayashi, Takashi Nagaoka, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Sunao Takeda, Tatsuo Togawa

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings     799 - 802  2006年  [査読有り]


    Total hemoglobin (tHb), carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), and methemoglobin (MetHb) are usually measured with a CO-oximeter. Noninvasive and continuous measurement of these blood components is expected to decrease the pain of a patient. Therefore, we developed an instrument to measure oxygen saturation (SpO 2), tHb, COHb, and MetHb non-invasively. Multiwavelength LED (600, 625, 660, 760, 800, 940, and 1300 nm) and a combined detector (Si, InGaAs) were built into the instrument (Seven wavelengths transparent pulse spectrophotometer). We used the Waseda mock circulatory system, which can simulate blood circulation in tissues and generate a pulse wave mechanically, to estimate the instrument's performance. Furthermore we proposed new calculation formula including DC components of optical density (this method). Under conditions without any change of other components, the mean error ± standard deviation between this method and the CO-oximetry were SaO 2=0.0±1.4%, tHb=0.0±0.0 g/dl, COHb=0.0±2.0%, and MetHb=0.0±0.3%. When the concentration of other components was changed, this method showed mean errors and standard deviations of SaO 2=0.2±1.6%, tHb=0.0±0.4 g/dl, COHb=0.5±4.1%, and MetHb=0.0±0.3%. © 2006 IEEE.

    DOI PubMed


  • Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry for application in three-dimensional flow within a spiral vortex pulsatile blood pump

    Yagi T, Yang W, Ishikawa D, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering   26 ( 2 ) 39 - 48  2006年

  • 3D quantitative flow visualization of a spiral vortex pulsatile blood pump using stereoscopic PIV

    Yang W, Yagi T, Ishikawa D, Sudo H, Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Tu JY

    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization    2006年

  • Real-time planar spectral analysis of instantaneous high-frequency stress on blood cells downstream of an artificial heart valve

    Yagi T, Ishikawa D, Sudo H, Yang W, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization    2006年

  • Development of “Patient Robot”; Measurement system of myocardial behaviors for the quantitative evaluation of the surgical robot technology

    Uematsu M, Ando H, Morita A, Uesugi S, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    The first IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics     1172 - +  2006年  [査読有り]



  • Multiplane scanning Stereo-PIV measurements of flow inside a spiral vortex pulsatile blood pump

    Yagi.T, Yang W, Ishikawa D, Sudo H, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics   ( 2006 )  2006年

  • Relation between hematocrit and optical density in pulse oximetry -In vitro study with Waseda mock circulatory system-

    H. Suzaki, S. Takeda, N. Kobayashi, H. Kubota, T. Aomi, T. Nagaoka, K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu, A. Uchiyama

    2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference   7 VOLS   2626 - 2629  2005年12月  [査読有り]


    Optical properties of living tissues have not been well established even today, and bioopticinstrumentations have to be based on empirical formulae. In order to examine optical properties of the tissue having pulsating blood perfusion, we investigated the relation between optical density (defined as O.D.) of whole blood and hematocrit by transmission spectrophotometry. We used Waseda mock circulatory system that simulates blood circulation in the tissue. It was found that with increasing light path length, O.D. per unit light path length due to scattering and absorption effect, tended to become constant in each hematocrit. For wavelengths of 660, 805 and 940 nm, the relations between O.D. of whole blood and hematocrit predicted by Twersky&#039;s equation, Loewinger&#039;s equation and photon diffusion equation fitted to the data obtained. Meanwhile, for 1300 nm, the relation predicted by Loewinger&#039;s equation gave the best fit to the data. © 2005 IEEE.



  • 左心室形成術における切除線決定のための診断法に関する基礎的検討

    植松美幸, 白石泰之, 関根一光, 山家智之, 西條芳文, 安藤隼人, 朴栄光, 武田朴, 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生

    生体医工学   43 ( 4 ) 653 - 660  2005年12月


  • Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry measurements toward three dimensional flow investigations within the spiral vortex blood pump "jointly worked"

    Yagi T, Yang W, Ishikawa D, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminar 8th Polish-Japanese Seminar on New Technologies For Future Artificial Organs     106 - 112  2005年08月

  • Biomedical engineering analysis on the effectiveness of cardiovascular surgery: Anastomosis methods for coronary artery bypass grafting "jointly worked"

    Umezu M, Kawai J, Suehiro J, Arita M, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Tanak T, Akutsu T, Niinami H

    Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminar 7th Polish-Japanese Seminar on New Technologies For Future Artificial Organs     80 - 86  2005年08月

  • 様々な負荷に対する心機能変化計測への試み

    植松美幸, 白石泰之, 関根一光, 山家智之, 西條芳文, 武藤俊介, 朴栄光, 安藤隼人, 松本徹, 武田朴, 岩崎清隆, 梅津光生, 内山明彦

    電気学会研究会資料     23 - 26  2005年02月

  • 528 脳動脈瘤治療法の評価を目的とした拍動循環シミュレータの開発(GS-14 : 動脈瘤)

    栗山 仁志, 岩崎 清隆, 八木 高伸, 高島 俊洋, 藤井 麻由, 石川 大輔, 梅津 光生, 阿久津 敏乃介, 高尾 洋之, 石橋 敏寛, 村山 雄一

    バイオエンジニアリング学術講演会・セミナー講演論文集   2004   397 - 398  2005年01月

    DOI CiNii

  • Influence of drive conditions on hemodynamic performance of undulation type artificial heart

    Sone D, Yada Y, Iwasaki K, Saito I, Umezu M, Abe Y, Imachi K

    Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering   12   1A3 - 04  2005年

  • An investigation of instantaneous high-frequency turbulent stress in the vicinity of artificial heart valves using wavelet transform analysis of dynamic PIV measurements

    Yagi T, Ishikawa D, Sudo H, Akutsu T, Yang W, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering   12   1B2 - 06  2005年

  • An experimental investigation of three-dimensional flow structures within the spiral vortex ventricular assist device using stereoscopic PIV

    Yagi T, Yang W, Ishikawa D, Sudo H, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering   12   1A3 - 06  2005年

  • Development of an inexpensive first-aid type ventricular assist device driven by IABP consoles

    Sudo T, Iwasaki K, Ohnishi Y, Shima T, Tanaka T, Ito K, Umezu M

    Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering   12   1A3 - 05  2005年

  • Innovative bioreactor technologies produced a completely decellularized and pre-endothelialized functional aortic valve

    Iwasaki K, Ozaki S, Kawai T, Yamaguchi S, Eto M, Ohba Y, Umezu M

    Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering   12   1A2 - 07  2005年

  • 人工弁

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    人工臓器   33 ( 3 ) 178 - 186  2004年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • 人工弁

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生

    人工臓器   33 ( 3 ) 178 - 186  2004年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • Present status of Japanese implantable centrifugsl type ventricular assit system(LVAS):Evaheart

    Umezu M, Yamazaki K, Yamazaki S, Kurasawa H, Iwasaki K

    First Shanghai congress on heart assist and mechanical circulatory support     27 - 29  2004年12月

  • In vitro hydrodynamic test and in vitro hemolysis test for development of inexpensive spiral vortex ventricular assisting system using IABP console


    Journal of Shanghai University 2004   10   32 - 36  2004年10月

  • In vitro mitral simulator to evaluate effectiveness of valvoplasty technique

    Doi H, Arita M, Okuda M, Noda R, Iwasaki K, Tanaka T, Kasegawa H, Umezu M

    Journal of Shanghai University 2004   10   29 - 31  2004年10月

  • Biomedical engineering approach to evaluate anastomosis methods for coronary artery bypass grafting

    Umezu M, Kawai J, Suehiro J, Arita M, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Tanaka T, Niinami H

    Journal of Shanghai University 2004   10   25 - 28  2004年10月

  • 旋廻渦流型人工心臓量産化のための金型形状の検討

    田中隆, 岩﨑清隆, 伊藤一彦, 梅津光生

    第2回生活支援工学系学会連合大会講演予稿集     203 - 204  2004年09月


  • 拍動型人工心臓材料のin vitro血液適合性評価方法の検討

    竹内 有理, 岩崎 清隆, 佐伯 航, 石原 一彦, 梅津 光生

    ライフサポート   16   157 - 158  2004年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • 低価格旋回渦流型拍動血液ポンプの製作法の検討

    須藤 知浩, 岩崎 清隆, 吉田 敬, 田中 隆, 伊藤 一彦, 梅津 光生

    ライフサポート   16   155 - 156  2004年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of the elastic conditions around a stentless valvular bioprosthesis on opening behavior

    Tetsuo Fujimoto, Daisuke Kawaguchi, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Makoto Arita, Takashi Tanaka, Mitsuo Umezu

    Journal of Artificial Organs   7 ( 3 ) 133 - 136  2004年09月  [査読有り]


    Stentless valvular bioprostheses have been used clinically for over 8 years and the excellent properties of the bioprostheses have been demonstrated in clinical studies. The present study examined how differing elastic conditions around the bioprosthesis at the aortic position affect the hydrodynamic characteristics of the bioprosthesis. Bioprosthesis implantation is typically performed using either the subcoronary or the full-root technique. These procedures for implanting a stentless prosthetic heart valve at the aortic root were hydrodynamically evaluated in a mock circulatory system. Forward flow rate was 11% greater with the subcoronary technique than with the full-root technique. In a high-speed video camera study, the orifice area at full opening was 12% larger for the subcoronary technique than for the full-root technique. Evaluation of bioprosthetic characteristics in terms of mechanical conditions is important when considering surgical options.

    DOI PubMed


  • CMCの医療機器応用への期待

    梅津光生, 朴栄光, 松本徹, 岩﨑清隆, 田中隆, O Medvedev, 藤江正克, 高西淳夫, 山川宏, 元島栖二

    第15回カーボンマイクロコイル(CMC)研究会     19 - 22  2004年06月

  • CMC内蔵型シリコン管の製作と性能

    朴栄光, 梅津光生, 松本徹, 岩﨑清隆, 田中隆, O Medvedev, 青見茂之, 元島栖二

    第15回カーボンマイクロコイル(CMC)研究会     37 - 40  2004年06月

  • 122 医用高分子材料の長期血液環境使用下で問題となるカルシウム沈着特性の in vitro 評価試験手法の新開発

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生, 井上 旭, 井街 宏

    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集   2004 ( 16 ) 219 - 220  2004年01月


  • 人工心臓26題

    梅津 光生, 見藤 歩, 八木 高伸, 岩崎 清隆, 小堀 賢司, 今井 浩二, 福長 一義

    人工臓器   33 ( 2 ) s146 - s148  2004年

    DOI CiNii

  • 新規の完全大気非接触型拍動循環回路による人工臓器の in vitro 抗血栓性評価方法の確立に向けての挑戦

    岩崎清隆, 佐伯 航, 竹内 有理, 梅津 光生, 石原 一彦, 井街 宏, 桜井 靖久

    日本機械学会, 第16回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2004     217 - 218  2004年01月


  • 脱細胞化異種大動脈弁の開発 : 拍動循環下でのマイクロ波均一照射による完全脱細胞化および拍動循環での組織再内皮細胞化手法の検討

    岩崎清隆, 尾崎 重之, 中澤 剛, 今井 裕一, 川井 貴裕, 石原 雅之, 守本 裕司, 菊地 眞, 梅津 光生

    日本機械学会第16回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 北九州, 2004     437 - 438  2004年01月


  • 心臓病の治療効果評価のための左心系モデルの開発

    野口康雄, 梅津光生, 岩崎清隆

    日本機械学会第16回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集     63 - 64  2004年01月

  • 人工弁の最新の進歩

    尾崎重之, 菊地眞, 岩崎清隆, 守本裕司

    バイオマテリアル   22 ( 2 ) 89 - 98  2004年

  • 人工弁の最近の進歩

    尾崎重之, 菊地眞, 岩﨑清隆, 守本裕司

    バイオマテリアル   22 ( 2 ) 89 - 98  2004年

  • In vitro evaluating system for prosthetic heart valves

    Fujimoto T, Tsutsumi Y, Kawaguchi D, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Arita M, Umezu M

    芝浦工業大学学術フロンティア推進事業2002年度研究成果報告     17 - 26  2003年12月

  • Advance in animal experiments with the undulation pump total artificial heart: 50 and 54 day survival periods with 1/R control

    Y Abe, T Chinzei, T Isoyama, S Kobayashi, T Ono, Saito, I, K Iwasaki, M Ishimaru, A Baba, A Kouno, T Ozeki, T Tohyama, K Imachi

    ASAIO JOURNAL   49 ( 3 ) 325 - 332  2003年05月  [査読有り]


    The undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) is a unique, implantable, total artificial heart (TAH) that uses undulation pumps. To achieve long-term survival in animals with physiologic hemodynamic conditions, a control method based on conductance and arterial pressure was applied to UPTAH. With this control method, called 1/R control, survival periods of 50 days (No. 0016, 49.6 kg) and 54 days (No. 0030, 42.5 kg) were obtained in adult female goats. In No. 0016, 1/R control was applied to the left pump, whereas in No. 0030, it was applied to the right pump. Another pump was used for left-right balance control. The control stability was better in No. 0030 than in No. 0016. The sucking effect of the left atrium was remarkable in No. 0016, possibly because of a time delay when left-right balance control was performed with the right pump. In No. 0016, the cause of death was probably a thrombus flown from a panus in the left atrium. It is possible that the left atrial suction effect influenced the thrombus and panus formation in the left atrium. In No. 0030, the cause of death was a small rupture of the membrane in the right pump. The rupture may have been caused by excessive negative pressure inside the pump. This pressure resulted from suction of the right atrium because of an unexpected control excursion, which was probably caused by a software bug. It will be necessary to redesign the undulation pump and improve the software to achieve longer survival periods for animals with physiologic hemodynamic conditions.

    DOI PubMed


  • 610 大動脈弁置換用を目指したブタ組織弁の脱細胞化手法の検討及び in vitro 拍動下での細胞播種用バイオリアクターの開発

    岩崎 清隆, 尾崎 重之, 中澤 剛, 今井 裕一, 守本 裕司, 石原 雅之, 菊地 眞, 梅津 光生

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2003 ( 9 ) 83 - 84  2003年03月


  • Development of a polymer bileaflet valve to realize a low-cost pulsatile blood pump

    K Iwasaki, M Umezu, K Iijima, A Inoue, K Imachi, CX Ye

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   27 ( 1 ) 78 - 83  2003年01月  [査読有り]


    The final goal of this study is to realize a low-cost pulsatile blood pump especially for patients with acute heart failure or postoperative low cardiac output syndrome. In support of the pump, two types of polymer bileaflet valves with different configuration of the valve seats were developed. Influence of the leaflet thickness on the hydrodynamics of the prototype was preliminarily investigated among 70 mum, 100 mum, and 150 mum. As to the valves with the thinner leaflets, buckling of the leaflets was observed, which induced a large amount of regurgitation at valve closure. However, by thickening the leaflet to 150 mum, the mean flow of the prototype and the second model could be successfully comparable to the Medtronic-Hall valve. Moreover, accelerated fatigue tests showed that reinforcement of the valve seat with the additional spokes in the second model extended the durability by four times as compared with the prototype, equivalent to an in vivo duration of over one month.

    DOI PubMed


  • 人工臓器の in vitro 抗血栓性評価を目的とした完全大気非接触型拍動試験回路の開発

    岩崎清隆, 梅津 光生, 佐伯 航, 石原 一彦, 井街 宏

    日本機械学会, 第15回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2003     361 - 362  2003年


  • Progress in the control system of the undulation pump total artificial heart

    Saito, I, T Chinzei, Y Abe, M Ishimaru, S Mochizuki, T Ono, T Isoyama, K Iwasaki, A Kouno, A Baba, T Ozeki, K Takiura, T Tohyama, H Nakagawa, K Imachi

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   27 ( 1 ) 27 - 33  2003年01月  [査読有り]


    The undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) is a small implantable total artificial heart. As the UPTAH generates outflow and inflow at the same time, control of the UPTAH is very difficult. Therefore suitable control methods specifically for the UPTAH should be established. Various motor control, left-right flow balance control, and physiological control methods were examined and tried for the UPTAH control in this study. The control system is divided into seven categories. It has a hierarchical structure and all control modes work at the same time. The UPTAH with the newly developed control method has been implanted into the chest cavities of 48 goats. Until now, six goats survived for more than one month, including 63 days in the longest case. The good condition of the UPTAH implanted animal could be maintained with the newly developed control scheme, consisting of the 1/R control and several other additional controls.

    DOI PubMed


  • A novel in vitro device to investigate a calcification mechanism on cardiovascular implants

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Imachi K

    6th Polish-Japanese symposium on bio-medical engineering     41 - 42  2003年

  • Third model of the undulation pump total artificial heart

    Y Abe, T Chinzei, T Isoyama, T Ono, S Mochizuki, Saito, I, K Iwasaki, M Ishimaru, A Baba, A Kouno, T Ozeki, T Tohyama, K Imachi

    ASAIO JOURNAL   49 ( 1 ) 123 - 127  2003年01月  [査読有り]


    The undulation pump is a small, continuous flow displacement type blood pump, and the undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) is a unique, implantable total artificial heart based on this pump. To improve the durability of the UPTAH for investigating long-term pathophysiology with UPTAH, a third model (UPTAH3) has been developed. UPTAH3 was designed to separate the left and right undulation shafts and to be more durable. The undulation pumps were also redesigned. UPTAH3 was implemented with a diameter of 76 mm, width of 78 or 79 mm, total volume of 292 ml, and weight of 620 g. The priming volumes of the left and right pumps are 26 and 21 ml, respectively. The atrial cuffs and outflow cannulae were also redesigned for UPTAH3. The maximum output against an arterial pressure load of 100 mm Hg is about 11 L/min. The maximum pump efficiency is about 15% in the left pump and 18% in the right pump, giving a maximum total efficiency for both of about 11%. To date, UPTAH3 has been tested in 17 goats, and the longest survival period was 46 days. This third model will be useful for investigating pathophysiology with UPTAH.

    DOI PubMed

  • Development of a polymer bileaflet valve to realize a low-cost pulsatile blood pump

    K Iwasaki, M Umezu, K Iijima, A Inoue, K Imachi, CX Ye

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   27 ( 1 ) 78 - 83  2003年01月


    The final goal of this study is to realize a low-cost pulsatile blood pump especially for patients with acute heart failure or postoperative low cardiac output syndrome. In support of the pump, two types of polymer bileaflet valves with different configuration of the valve seats were developed. Influence of the leaflet thickness on the hydrodynamics of the prototype was preliminarily investigated among 70 mum, 100 mum, and 150 mum. As to the valves with the thinner leaflets, buckling of the leaflets was observed, which induced a large amount of regurgitation at valve closure. However, by thickening the leaflet to 150 mum, the mean flow of the prototype and the second model could be successfully comparable to the Medtronic-Hall valve. Moreover, accelerated fatigue tests showed that reinforcement of the valve seat with the additional spokes in the second model extended the durability by four times as compared with the prototype, equivalent to an in vivo duration of over one month.



  • The improved jellyfish valve: Durability enhancement with sufficient blood compatibility

    K Iwasaki, M Umezu, Y Abe, T Chinzei, T Isoyama, Saito, I, M Ishimaru, K Imachi

    ASAIO JOURNAL   48 ( 5 ) 532 - 537  2002年09月  [査読有り]


    The Jellyfish Valve is one of the most promising polymer valves for artificial hearts. The present problems to be solved are 1) how to prevent a membrane fracture and 2) how to eliminate a calcification, because both of these problems were observed in experiments with goats after 312 days and 414 days of pumping. Finite element analysis demonstrated that mechanical tensile strain induced in the membrane at valve closure was clearly consistent with the fracture location as well as calcification area in in vivo experiments. Based on this finding, a new valve seat with an additional concentric ring 14 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in width was finally developed. The maximum strain was dramatically reduced to 52% by the design improvement. Moreover, accelerated fatigue tests demonstrated that the improved valve was 10 times more durable as compared with the original valve, which was equivalent to an in vivo duration of 8.3 years. In animal experiments, including 31days and 46 days use in a total artificial heart (TAH), no thrombus was found despite the lack of anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapies. These results indicate that the improved Jellyfish Valve might be one of the most durable polymer valves, able to perform in artificial hearts for a long period of time.

    DOI PubMed

  • In vitro evaluating system for prosthetic heart valves in a case of the Jyros Valve

    Fujimoto T, Tsutsumi Y, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Yoshida M, Umezu M, J.Begg, J.Woodward

    Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2002   22 ( 4 ) 46 - 46  2002年09月

  • Left Ventricle simulator for surgeons’support

    Umezu M, Arita M, Iwasaki K, Shiraishi Y, Tono S, Uchida K

    Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2002   22 ( 4 ) 47 - 53  2002年09月

  • ブタ僧帽弁を組み込んだ手術支援シミュレータの開発 : 機械式循環モデルの有効活用例

    岩崎 清隆, 内田 浩司, 有田 誠, 加瀬川 均, 梅津 光生

    BME : bio medical engineering   16 ( 8 ) 20 - 27  2002年08月

    DOI CiNii

  • Implications for the establishment of accelerated fatigue test protocols for prosthetic heart valves

    K Iwasaki, M Umezu, K Iijima, K Imachi

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   26 ( 5 ) 420 - 429  2002年05月  [査読有り]


    The goal of this research is to establish a reliable methodology for accelerated fatigue tests of prosthetic heart valves. A polymer valve was the subject, and the influence of various drive parameters on durability was investigated in three different machines. Valve lifetime was notably shortened by increasing the cyclic rate or stroke even though the maximum pressure difference at valve closure was maintained at 120 mm Hg. These results demonstrate that adjustment of the maximum transvalvular pressure is not sufficient to ensure tests are conducted under the same conditions and indicate that measurement of the dynamic load would be more efficacious. Moreover, the locations of tears sustained in the accelerated tests differed from those encountered in an animal experiment although in both cases the locations were entirely consistent with the areas of strain concentration revealed by finite element analysis. These findings should be discussed during a revision of ISO 5840.

    DOI PubMed


  • Spiral vortex ventricular assist device : Its history and present status

    Umezu M, Ye CX, Nugent A, Nakamura T, Iwasaki K, Arita M, Shiraishi Y, Tanaka T, Imachi K, Ishihara K, Chang V.P

    Proceedings 2nd Wasda-Renji Hospital BioMedical Engineering Symposium     6 - 7  2002年03月

  • Ripple reduction control of the undulation pump total artificial heart

    Saito, I, T Chinzei, S Mochizuki, Y Abe, T Isoyama, K Iwasaki, T Suzuki, T Karita, T Ono, A Kouno, M Ishimaru, A Baba, T Ozeki, T Tohyama, S Kobayashi, K Imachi

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   26 ( 1 ) 40 - 44  2002年01月  [査読有り]


    An undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) in which the revolutions of the motor are converted to undulation motion of a disk has been developed. In an experiment, a goat using the UPTAH survived for 54 days. However, a large ripple was observed in the device's output pressure and flow waveform. In calculating the spectrum of the ripple, we found that the ripple mainly comprised 2 frequency sine waves: 1 having the same frequency as and 1 having double the frequency of the motor revolutions. To reduce the ripple, 2 sine waves, 1 having the same frequency as and 1 having double the frequency of the motor revolutions. were provided to the motor current to modulate the pulse width of the pulse width modulation controlling the: motor revolutions. This ripple control method reduced the pressure ripple by 90% in a mock circulation and by 70% in animal experiments. These results revealed that the ripple generated in the UPTAH could be controlled through the use of motor control software.

    DOI PubMed


  • Biomedical Engineering approaches to evaluate a function of artificial organs

    Umezu M, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Arita M, Shimizu T, Okano T, Sakurai Y

    Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering    2002年

  • An inexpensive pulsatile blood pump: Fabrication strategies and in vitro reliable methodology to evaluate blood compatibility

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Tsujimoto T, Yoshida K, Saeki W, Yi Q, Ishihara K, Imachi K, Sakurai Y

    Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering    2002年

  • Spiral vortex ventricular assist device: Improvement by engineering analysis and simulation

    K Iwasaki, M Umezu, CX Ye, A Nugent, T Nakamura, M Arita, Q Yi, T Tanaka, K Imachi, K Ishihara, Chang, V



    Development of an inexpensive artificial organs is one of the most important issues. The final goal of this research is to realize such a low-cost pulsatile blood pump, especially for use in acute congestive heart failure or postoperative low cardiac output syndrome. In this study, design of the pneumatically-driven Spiral Vortex (SV) pump, which was originally developed in Australia, Was adopted. The specific feature is low hemolysis, because a continuous spiral flow is generated inside the pump without any stagnation. First, for the purpose of establishing a mass production system, vacuum forming technique was employed for fabrication of the pump. Each quality-controlled pump could be manufactured in one hour including assembling process, corresponding 1/15 times as compared with that by conventional injection-molding and/or solution casting technique. Second, in order to achieve blood compatibility, a novel phospholipid polymer composed of 2 methacryloxyethyl phosphorylcoline (MPC) was coated on the whole internal surface of the pump. A preliminary comparative in vitro test exhibited a superior blood compatibility of the MPC-coated pump, as compared with the non-coated one. At this stage, the final design is under investigation by the use of computational fluid dynamics. Third, the polymer Jellyfish valve has been developed to realize a low-cost pulsatile blood pump. Comparison between finite element analysis and animal experimental results of the original Jellyfish Valve indicated that reduction of strain concentration in the leaflet would be of great benefit in a prevention of fracture and calcification, observed after 10 months in an animal experiment. Based on the findings, a new valve seat was designed aiming to effectively reduce the strain concentration. The modified valve was hydrodynamically comparable with the Medtronic-Hall valves, while durability of the modified one was dramatically extended over 10 times as compared with the original, that was equivalent to an in vivo duration of 8.3 years. Moreover, an excellent anti-thrombogenicity as well as anti-calcification was achieved throughout a 240 day animal experiment. The data above are encouraging to continue development of a clinical quality inexpensive SV ventricular assist system.

  • A challenge to develop an inexpensive “Spiral Vortex Pump”

    Tsujimoto T, Iwasaki K, Saeki W, Yoshida K, Arita M, Umezu M, Quian Y, Chun-Xiu Ye, Imachi K, Ishiwata K, Tanaka T

    Proceeding of Asian Simulation Conference/ The 5th International Conference System simulation and scientific computing     1040 - 1044  2002年

  • ブタ僧帽弁を組み込んだ手術支援シミュレータ

    岩﨑清隆, 内田浩司, 有田誠, 加瀬川均, 梅津光生

    第15回日本ME学会秋季大会論文集     61 - 62  2001年11月

  • Improvement of a polymer bileaflet valve to realize a low−price pulsatile blood pump

    Proceedings 3rd Japan-Australia Cardiovascular Bioengineering Symposium     29 - 30  2001年11月

  • In vitro performance of “EVAHEART”

    Shiraishi Y, Saito Y, Moriyama H, Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Fujimoto T, Miyakoshi T, Kitano T, Tokuno T, Yamazaki K

    Proceedings 3rd Japan-Australia Cardiovascular Bioengineering Symposium     25 - 26  2001年11月

  • Design improvement of the Jellyfish valve for long-term use in artificial hearts

    K Iwasaki, M Umezu, K Imachi, K Iijima, T Fujimoto

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   24 ( 7 ) 463 - 469  2001年07月


    In a previous communication, we reported a leaflet fracture in a Jellyfish valve that was incorporated into a blood pump, after a 312-day animal implant duration. Subsequent finite element analysis revealed that the fracture location was consistent with an area of maximum strain concentration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to improve the durability in the light of these findings. Based on the engineering analysis results, a new valve seat having a concentric ring, of 0.5-mm width, located at a radius of 7.0 mm, was designed and fabricated. Accelerated fatigue tests, conducted under the conditions recommended by ISO 5840, demonstrated that the durability of this new prototype was extended by a factor of 10, as compared to the original valve. Moreover, further finite element analysis indicated that the maximum equivalent elastic strain of the proposed new valve was reduced by 52.3% as compared to the original valve. Accordingly, it has been confirmed that the modified Jellyfish valve is suitable for use in long-term artificial hearts.

  • Extension of durability of jellyfish valve for lpng-term use in artificial hearts

    Iwasaki K, Unezu M, Imachi K, Abe Y, Chinzei T, Isoyama T, Saito I, Fujimoto T

    Journal of Congestive Heart and Circulatory Supphort(2001)   1 ( 4 ) 293 - 297  2001年06月

  • A challenge to develop an Inexpensive spiral vortex pump

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Tsujimoto T, Saeki W, Inoue A, Nakazawa T, Arita M, Ye CX, Imachi K, Ishiwata K, Tanaka T

    Proceedings 2nd Wasda-Renji Hospital BioMedical Engineering Symposium     8 - 10  2001年03月

  • Flow-transformed pulsatile total artificial heart using axial flow blood pump

    Isoyama T, Chinzei T, Abe Y, Ono T, Mochizuki S, Saito I, Ishimaru M, Iwasaki K, Baba A, Karita T, Ozeki T, Kouno A, Imachi K

    Journal of Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory Support   1 ( 4 ) 327 - 330  2001年

  • Miniature undulation pump for the study of renal circulation

    Saito I, Abe Y, Chinzei T, Ono T, Isoyama T, Mochizuki S, Iwasaki K, Kouno A, Karita T, Ishimaru M, Baba A, Imachi K

    Journal of Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory Support   1 ( 4 ) 321 - 325  2001年

  • Extension of durability of jellyfish valve for long-term use in artificial hearts

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Imachi K, Abe Y, Chinzei T, Isoyama T, Saito I, Fujimoto T

    Journal of Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory Support   1 ( 4 ) 293 - 297  2001年

  • Design of atrial cuff for the undulation pump total artificial heart

    Imachi K, Chinzei T, Abe Y, Isoyama T, Ono T, Mochizuki S, Saito I, Ishimaru M, Iwasaki K, Mama A, Karita T, Ozeki T, Kouno A

    Journal of Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory Support   1 ( 4 ) 195 - 200  2001年

  • Progress in the development of the undulation pump total artificial heart

    Abe Y, Chinzei T, Isoyama T, Ono T, Mochizuki S, Saito I, Iwasaki K, Ishimaru M, Baba A, Kouno A, Karita T, Baba K, Imachi K

    Journal of Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory Support   1 ( 4 ) 167 - 170  2001年

  • One month survival with the undulation pump total artificial heart in a goat

    Y Abe, T Chinzei, T Isoyama, T Ono, S Mochizuki, Saito, I, K Iwasaki, M Ishimaru, T Karita, A Kuono, K Baba, K Imachi

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   25 ( 1 ) 69 - 71  2001年01月


    The undulation pump is a small continuous flow displacement-type blood pump. The undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) is a unique implantable total artificial heart using undulation pumps. An adult female goat weighing 45.8 kg was used for implantation. The natural heart was replaced with the UPTAH under extracorporal circulation. The cardiac output (CO) was maintained to 100 ml/kg/min by controlling the right pump manually. To prevent lung edema, the left pump was controlled automatically to maintain the left atrial pressure below 20 mm Hg. The CO was maintained for 2 weeks. Thereafter, the CO gradually decreased. The goat suddenly died because of a brain stroke on the 31st postoperative day. At autopsy, the cavity of the left atrial cuff was almost occupied by the big pannus-like thrombus, which was thought to be the cause of death. Improvement of the atrial cuff is necessary to obtain longer survival and is being modified. No thrombus was found inside the pumps. However, temperature rise in a left motor was a problem. Improvement of the efficiency in a motor is necessary. Although many problems still remained, 1 month survival could be obtained with this unique implantable TAH using continuous flow displacement-type blood pumps.



  • A new hypothesis on the mechanism of calcification formed on a blood-contacted polymer surface

    K. Imachi, T. Chinzei, Y. Abe, K. Mabuchi, H. Matsuura, T. Karita, K. Iwasaki, S. Mochizuki, Y. P. Son, I. Saito, A. Kouno, T. Ono

    Journal of Artificial Organs   4 ( 1 ) 74 - 82  2001年


    Calcification on a blood-contacting polymer surface in an artificial heart is one of the most serious problems. Recently, we maintained a goat with a total artificial heart (AH) for 532 days without systemic anticoagulation. Sac-type blood pumps coated with segmented polyurethane and incorporating jellyfish valves, thin polymer membrane valves, were used in the experiment. The pump was exchanged for a new one on the 312th day on the left side and the 414th day on the right side. They were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an X-ray microanalyzer. The valve membrane after 312 days of pumping revealed plastic deformation expanding toward upstream between the spokes by creep fatigue with blood pressure difference when the valve closed. Calcification on the membrane was concentrated in the limited portions that received a strong stretching force: the upstream side of the membrane between the spokes and downstream side of the membrane on the spokes. Slight or no calcification was observed on the opposite side of the membrane that received a compression force, and no calcification was found on nonmoving parts such as the center of the membrane and spokes. A new hypothesis on the mechanism of calcification at the portion that received repeated stretching force was raised. The repeated stretching force would extend the polymer membrane, causing some loosening between polymer molecules and generating microgaps. The blood protein and phospholipid would invade into these microgaps, which would then attract Ca ions followed by phosphate ions to make their complexation. The hypothesis could well explain the calcification phenomena on a blood-contacting polymer surface, and gave a good clue on how to protect from calcification.



  • Method of ranking of heart valve characteristics at mitral position based on statistical model analysis

    Makoto Arita, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuo Umezu, Masanori Yoshida, Tetsuo Fujimoto, Hisayoshi Suma, Tadashi Isomura

    Journal of Artificial Organs   4 ( 2 ) 131 - 137  2001年


    The purpose of this study was to explore a valve selection criterion based on the impact force generated at valve closure, and to test a statistical mathematical model for comparing valve performance. The impact force generated at valve closure in the mitral position was measured continuously, using a load cell mounted in the left atrial section of a mock circulatory system. Eight clinical valves were tested. The data obtained from the in vitro test were subjected to multiregression analysis, to enable systematic comparison of the impact forces of these valves. Furthermore, class I quantification theory was applied to construct the statistical mathematical model. As a result, the following interaction effect was observed in the statistical model. (1) The impact force generated at valve closure had a lower value in valves of smaller diameter. (2) The ranking of 29-mm-diameter valves by impact force was different for the flow region. Under the physiological flow condition of 4-61/min, high impact forces were generated in all valves, in the order Björk-Shiley monostrut, ATS, St. Jude medical, CarboMedics. We consider that low impact force at valve closure is desirable, upon consideration of the influence on the annulus tissue at valve replacement. From these findings, the results of the multiregression analysis provide indications for choosing the optimal valve for patients with severe mitral insufficiency (MI).



  • In vitro performance tests of a newly-developed bileaflet polymer valve

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Imachi H, Iijima K, Morita M, Ye CX

    10th International Conference On Biomedical Engineering     343 - 343  2000年12月

  • Accelerated fatigue testing method for heart valves

    Umezu M, Iwasaki K, Imachi h

    10th International Conference On Biomedical Engineering     51 - 51  2000年12月

  • Development of a miniature undulation pump for the distributed artificial heart

    Y Abe, T Ono, T Isoyama, S Mochizuki, K Iwasaki, T Chinzei, Saito, I, A Kouno, K Imachi

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS   24 ( 8 ) 656 - 658  2000年08月


    Research of the distributed artificial heart is important not only to acquire the means of individual organ perfusion but also to clarify the characteristics of the organ and the mechanism of blood distribution. To investigate the distributed artificial heart, the miniature undulation pump was developed. The outer diameter and the thickness of the developed pump were 38 mm and 11 mm. respectively. The priming volume of the pump was 3.2 ml. The total size including the motor unit was 38 mm in diameter and 32 mm in length. The total weight was 67.5 g. The total volume was 27.5 ml. The pump was driven with pulse width modulation by using a 1 chip motor controller. More than 5 L/min of continuous output could be obtained. The results showed that the developed miniature undulation pump system had enough performance for individual organ perfusion.



  • 人工弁加速耐久試験のISO基準の拡張: 高分子製人工弁への適用に関する検討

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生, 井街 宏, 藤本 哲男

    人工臓器   29 ( 2 ) 385 - 389  2000年05月


    高分子製人工弁の加速耐久試験方法に関してはISOでも規格が確立されていない。そこで, Jellyfish弁を使用し, 通常行われている圧力及び温度を基準とした加速耐久試験が高分子製人工弁に適用可能かを検討した。その結果, 1200BPMで行った加速耐久試験と105BPM程度で行った慢性動物実験では, 弁破断部位及び弁が破断に至るまでの開閉回数のいずれも一致しなかった。この弁破断位置の違いの原因を究明するために, 有限要素法を用いて力学的な解析を行った。その結果, 加速耐久試験では応力集中する部位で脆性破壊しているのに対し, 慢性動物実験では, 閉鎖時の変形によってひずみの集中する部位で延性破壊していることがわかった。したがって, 両者の破壊メカニズムは根本的に違うものであることがわかり, 現行のISOで定められた加速試験では, 高分子製弁の耐久性予測に限界があることが示唆された。

    DOI CiNii

  • 高分子製人工弁の加速耐久試験法確立に向けての力学的検討

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生, 井街 宏, 藤本 哲男

    人工臓器   29 ( 2 ) 489 - 495  2000年05月


    高分子製人工弁の加速耐久試験法はISOでもまだ確立されていない.そこでまず, Jellyfish弁の慢性動物実験で確認された弁葉破断部位を加速試験で再現できるような試験方法を検討することで, 信頼性のある加速耐久試験方法の確立を目指した.力学的な背景から, 弁閉鎖時の最大荷重および水温に着目して実験を行った.弁閉鎖時の最大荷重が標準的な拍動時の1/2の条件では, 作動流体の温度を40°Cから60°Cに上げても慢性動物実験で確認された弁葉破断部位を再現できなかった.しかし, 弁閉鎖時の最大荷重が標準的な拍動時の1/4の条件では, 水温を60°Cと高温に設定することではじめて慢性動物実験で確認された弁葉破断部位を再現することに成功した.したがって, 高分子製人工弁の加速耐久試験では, 弁閉鎖時の最大荷重および水温は最重要設定項目であることが判明し, さらに, 弁閉鎖時の最大荷重を下げ, 水温を上げることが重要であることがわかった.

    DOI CiNii

  • 高速ビデオカメラを用いた人工弁の回転に関する検討

    藤本 哲男, 比留間 信義, 堤 祐一, 岩崎 清隆, 白石 泰之, 梅津 光生, BEGG John, WOODARD John

    人工臓器   29 ( 1 ) 117 - 120  2000年02月


    筆者らは旋回渦流型血液ポンプの血栓形成や溶血に対する性能に優位性を示してきている。このポンプでは流出側の流れも旋回しているため同部位での弁選択は従来の単なる水力学的特性に加えて新たな規準が必要と考えられる。本研究ではまず基礎的検討として4種の人工弁を同ポンプの流出側に設置してin vitroで各弁の圧力損失を比較した。その結果, 弁葉の回転が可能なJyros弁の優位性が示唆された。さらに高速ビデオカメラによる解析の結果, 弁葉の回転は弁閉鎖開始の直前から生じ, 弁葉が回転しないように固定した場合に比べて圧力較差が有意に低下することが認められた。このように同弁における弁葉回転と圧力損失の関係を明示することができた。

    DOI CiNii

  • 冠動脈ステントの力学的挙動試験

    梅津 光生, 堀切 芳一, 岩崎 清隆, 藤本 哲男

    人工臓器   29 ( 1 ) 99 - 104  2000年02月


    多種の臨床用冠動脈ステントに対して同一条件下でのin-vitro試験を行い, そこで得られた力学的特性データをもとに, 冠動脈ステントの性能評価方法の確立を目指した。まず, 生体冠動脈と同等のヤング率を有する内径3mmのシリコンチューブを用い, ステント拡張直後のバルーン収縮に伴う径の変化率 (elastic recoil) および, チューブ外側の加圧に伴う径の変化率 (radial strength) を測定した。その結果, recoilは, 最大で6%程度の変化に留まり, radial strengthは0-200rnmHgの範囲では直線的に減少したが, 最大でも5%程度の低下であった。次に, 生理的な冠動脈圧, 流量が再現できる人工冠循環モデルを製作し, 拍動下におけるステントの外径変化を測定した。その結果, 径の変化率は最大1.5%で冠動脈流量と同期するように変化することが分かった。

    DOI CiNii

  • A step forward for the undulation pump total artificial heart

    Yusuke Abe, Tsuneo Chinzei, Takashi Isoyama, Toshiya Ono, Shuichi Mochizuki, Itsuro Saito, Kiyotaka Iwasaki, Mitsuhiko Ishimaru, Atsushi Baba, Akimasa Kouno, Toshinaga Ozeki, Takahiro Tohyama, Kazunori Baba, Kou Imachi

    Journal of Artificial Organs   3 ( 2 ) 70 - 74  2000年


    In the University of Tokyo, various types of total artificial heart (TAH) have been studied. Based on the experiences of TAH research, the development of the undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) started in 1994. The undulation pump is a small-size, continuous-flow, displacement-type blood pump, and the UPTAH is a unique implantable total artificial heart that uses the undulation pump. To date, three models of UPTAH have been developed. The first model, UPTAH1, was developed to investigate the possibility of reducing the size of the device so it could be implanted in small adults, such as Japanese patients, in 1994. The second model, UPTAH2, which was the prototype of the animal experimental model, was developed in 1996 to investigate the possibility of survival with the UPTAH. The third model, UPTAH3, which is the present model, was developed in 1998 to enable long-term survival in animal experiments and to investigate the pathophysiology of the UPTAH. From July 1996 to October 1999, 22 implantations of UPTAH2 or UPTAH3 were performed in goats. In spite of the limitation of their small chest cavity, the UPTAH could be implanted into the chest of all goats. Using UPTAH3, survival of 31 days could be obtained. The research and development of UPTAH are ongoing.



  • A new approch for the improvement of accelerated fatigue testing methodology

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Kobayashi Y, Fujimoto T, Imachi K

    Proceedings of inaugural Japan-Australia cardiovascular bioengineering meeting     29 - 30  1999年05月

  • Contribution of mechanical engineering to the field of artificial organs

    Umezu M, Fujimoto T, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Kohno K, Arita M

    Proceedings of inaugural Japan-Australia cardiovascular bioengineering meeting     2 - 3  1999年03月

  • 人工弁5

    藤本 哲男, 岩崎 清隆, 松居 喜郎

    人工臓器   28 ( 4 ) s77 - s78  1999年

    DOI CiNii

  • 耐久性向上を目指した高分子製人工心臓弁の開発とその総合的評価

    岩崎 清隆

    ライフサポート   11 ( 2 ) 40 - 42  1999年

    DOI CiNii

  • Three types pf in vitro evaluation test system for blood pump performance

    Umezu M, Fujimoto T, Shiraishi Y, Iwasaki K, Zhonggang Feng

    ICBME/ISBMRE/JCCCAS’98, 第8回コンピュータ支援画像診断学会大会,第7回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会     1 - 2  1998年09月

  • 有限要素法を用いたひずみ解析によるJellyfish弁のカルシウム付着発生市の検討

    岩崎 清隆, 梅津 光生, 藤本 哲男, 井街 宏

    人工臓器   27 ( 2 ) 545 - 550  1998年04月


    Jellyfish弁の耐久性を低下させる要因と考えられる弁葉へのカルシウム沈着の発生メカニズムを検討するため, 力学的特性に着目して弁閉鎖時の弁葉に生じるひずみを有限要素法を用いて解析した. 弁葉材料の物性値は単軸引張試験から取得し, 弁閉鎖荷重は動物実験から得た弁閉鎖時の平均大動脈圧を用いた. 4節点膜要素を使用し, 解析は幾何的対称性を考慮して全体の1/12のモデルについて行った. その結果, ひずみは主に2ヶ所で集中することが確認された. そこで, さらにこの2ヶ所の厚さ方向のひずみ分布を調べるために8節点六面体要素を使用して簡易化したモデルで弾性解析を行った. これらの結果, 解析で判明した高引張ひずみ域と動物実験結果で観察されたカルシウム沈着位置は見事に対応していた.<br>以上より, 変形によって生じる引張ひずみがカルシウム沈着現象の発生に大きな影響を与えるということが, 数値解析および動物実験の両面から明確にされた.

    DOI CiNii

  • 人工心臓<人工心臓用弁ほか>

    富永 隆治, 岩崎 清隆, MORSI Yos S., 田山 栄基, 大塚 吾郎, 田山 栄基, 大塚 吾郎

    人工臓器   27 ( 4 ) S39 - S41  1998年

    DOI CiNii

  • Improvement of dynamic conditions in the accelerated fatigue testing for prosthetic heart valves


    Proc. of 9th Int Conf on Biomedical Engineering     342 - 344  1997年


  • Improvement of dynamic conditions in the accelerated fatigue testing for prosthetic heart valves

    Iwasaki K, Umezu M, Wakui H, Kawada H, Fujimoto T, Imachi K

    9th international conference on biomedical engineering     342 - 345  1997年

  • Regional myocardial behaviour cardiac surface under arrhythmic conditions

    Uematsu M, Shiraishi Y, Sekine K, Yambe T, Saijo Y, Ando H, Park Y, Takeda S, Iwasaki K, Umezu M

    Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering   12   1A5 - 05



  • 体内で組織再構築し自己組織化する新しい価値を生む膝前十字靭帯再建治療機器;医用工学ハンドブック(監修;佐久間一郎;秋吉一成;津本浩平)

    岩﨑清隆( 担当範囲: pp.417-424)

    NTS  2022年02月

  • 冠動脈ステントの効果的治療法と研究開発を促進する新規評価法;医用工学ハンドブック(監修;佐久間一郎;秋吉一成;津本浩平)

    岩﨑清隆( 担当範囲: pp.368-378)

    NTS  2022年02月

  • 基礎工学から;流体解析から得られる理想的分岐部ステント治療とは;Coronary Intervention

    岩﨑清隆( 担当範囲: pp. 10-14)

    メディアルファ社  2021年03月

  • 膝前十字靭帯損傷の治療に用いる脱細胞化腱;監修;岸田晶夫;山岡哲二;干場隆志

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史( 担当範囲: pp.205-212)

    シーエムシー出版  2019年03月

  • One-point advice;Experimental comparison;between the reimplantation method;remodeling method;Aortic Valve Preservation;Concepts a;Approaches

    K. Sasaki, K. Iwasaki( 担当範囲: pp. 123-126)

    Springer Singapore  2019年

  • 血液適合性評価法の開発、バイオテクノロジーシリーズ

    植松美幸, 宮島敦子, 野村祐介, 蓜島由二, 伊佐間和郎, 岩崎清隆, 梅津光生( 担当範囲: pp.26-40)

    シーエムシ―出版・医療用バイオマテリアルの研究開発  2017年02月

  • 脱細胞化組織を用いた腱索機能を有する人工僧帽弁の開発, バイオ・医療への3Dプリンティング技術の開発最前線

    岩崎清隆, 村真人( 担当範囲: pp. 162-166)

    シーエムシー・リサーチ  2016年12月

  • eimplantation法とremodeling法の比較、実験,大動脈弁形成術のすべて

    佐々木健一, 岩崎 清隆, 國原孝, 高梨秀一郎( 担当範囲: pp. 66-68)

    文光堂  2015年

  • 医療機器・材料の血液適合性評価と,生体外(in vitro)で可能な評価手法の展望, 生体適合性制御と要求特性掌握から実践する高分子バイオマテリアルの設計・開発戦略

    岩崎 清隆( 担当範囲: pp. 247-258)

    サイエンス&テクノロジー  2014年05月

  • A proposal for redesigning aortofemoral prosthetic Y graft for treating abdominal aortic aneurysms, Aortic aneurysm recent advances

    岩崎 清隆( 担当範囲: pp. 195-211)

    Amalinei C, Intech  2013年04月

  • 理工学の立場からの医工学人材育成

    岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生

    Biophilia  2013年

  • 先端医療シリーズ43 循環器疾患の最新医療 人工心臓弁


    寺田国際事務所/先端医療技術研究所  2012年10月

  • 拍動循環バイオリアクター:動脈血管の創生、再生医療のための培養システム


    CMC出版  2010年01月

  • 人工臓器の非臨床性能評価法の開発



  • 心臓弁の再生—体内で自己細胞により再生・自己化を誘導する無細胞化心臓弁の創生—


    再生医療技術の最前線・CMC出版  2007年05月

  • 再生医療、生命・医療・福祉ハンドブック



  • 人工弁、生命・医療・福祉ハンドブック


    コロナ社  2007年02月

  • 人工臓器で幸せですか?(梅津光生編)『心臓弁膜症と治療』


    コロナ社  2005年10月

  • Artificial Heart: Heart Replacement 7, eds. By T.Akutsu and Koyanagi H

    K. Iwasaki, M. Umezu, K. Imachi, Y. Abe, T. Chinzei, T. Isoyama, I. Sato, T. Fujimoto( 担当範囲: pp.293-297)

    Isis Medical Media Limited  2001年



  • クラスIV治療機器の開発基盤を構築するヒト病態を模した試験システムの開発

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2024年12月

  • 医工連携でより良い医療を創造


    ARIA2024, 福岡  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる脱細胞化組織の基礎研究開発からFIHへ向けて


    第62回人工臓器学会大会, 栃木  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる脱細胞化組織を利用した組織再生型靭帯



    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • 新医療機器の社会実装を加速化するレギュラトリーサイエンス

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • Cutting Balloonによる病変への応力のかかり方:有効で安全な治療を目指して


    第64回 CVIT関東甲信越地方会,東京  

    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • アカデミアにおける医療機器開発と人材育成


    第14回レギュラトリーサイエンス学会学術大会, 東京  

    発表年月: 2024年09月

  • 革新的な医療機器のリスク評価のために考慮すべきこと



    発表年月: 2024年09月

  • Findings from bench testing of thrombectomy devices

    Iwasaki K.

    発表年月: 2024年08月

  • Left Main BifurcationにおけるMEGATRONTMの拡張性能

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Left Main BifurcationにおけるMEGATRONTMの拡張性能

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    Japanese Bifurcation Club Conference 2024,オンライン開催  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Cutting Balloonによる病変への応力のかかり方:有効で安全な治療を目指して

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2024年06月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる体内再生型治療機器

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2024年06月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる体内再生型新治療機器の実用化研究



    発表年月: 2024年06月

  • 脱細胞化腱を用いた膝前十字靱帯再建新治療機器の開発


    第97回日本整形外科学会学術総会, 福岡  

    発表年月: 2024年05月

  • 医療機器の非臨床試験にみる医工連携, 第80回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    第80回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 横浜  

    発表年月: 2024年04月

  • 人工心臓と補助循環治療デバイスの研究開発から実用化



    発表年月: 2024年04月

  • 異種脱細胞化腱組織を用いたACL再建新治療機器の開発

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年12月

  • 実験モデルと有限要素解析を用いた冠動脈石灰化病変拡張デバイスの性能評価と効果的使用法に係 る知見の取得



    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる体内で自己組織化する脱細胞化伳の実用化研究



    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • HuPaSS による新治療機器の研究開発と本邦 FIH 実施促進への取り組み



    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • B型大動脈解離における胸部大動脈の3次元的形態因子と偽腔内の流体因子の関係


    脈管学会, 横浜  

    発表年月: 2023年10月

  • 石灰化の治療へのモデルの活用


    POPAI2023, オンライン  

    発表年月: 2023年10月

  • 非臨床試験を医療機器開発に最大限にいかす

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年08月

  • Engineerring Perspective of Solitaire: Evidence of low vessel movement

    Iwasaki K.

    Korean Society of Interventional Neuroradiology, Korea  

    発表年月: 2023年05月

  • Implication from Clinically-Relevant Bench Testing of Thrombectomy Devices

    Iwasaki K.

    The 20th China Forum on Cerebrovascular Disease, Beijing China  

    発表年月: 2023年04月

  • 新治療機器の研究開発と社会実装を加速化する医工学研究の推進

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年01月

  • 脱細胞化組織を利用した新治療機器の研究開発-骨格筋系組織及び循環器への適用ー

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    第8回日本医療研究開発機構 レギュラトリーサイエンス公開シンポジウム,東京  

    発表年月: 2022年12月

  • Indenpenence Benchtop Testing Comparing Solitaire X 3mm, 4mm,and 6mm

    Iwasaki K.

    Oriental Conference of Interventional Neurovascology, Shanghai China  

    発表年月: 2022年12月

  • Cutting Balloonの活用-石灰化病変をいかに治療するか!


    ARIA2022, オンライン  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • 未来の医療を創る医工学研究の推進


    ARIA2022 TWIns 合同企画, オンライン  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • 偽腔血流:流れと血管壁に生じる負荷

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    第8回大動脈解離シンポジウム, 東京  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • Solitaire™ X :優しくとれるのか?

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    JSNET2022 ランチョンセミナー, 大阪  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • 体内で細胞が入靭帯化する脱細胞化組織による新治療機器の研究開発と展望

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    第2回日本Knee Osteotomy and Joint Preservation 研究会, 東京  

    発表年月: 2022年10月

  • 医工学的実験(In-vitro)から知るSolitaireTMX 3-20&3-40の効果的な使い方

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    日本脳神経外科学会第81回学術総会ランチョンセミナー, 横浜  

    発表年月: 2022年09月

  • Bioengineering Approach of 3x40 Solitaire

    Iwasaki K.

    16th Congress of World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic neuroradiology, Kyoto  

    発表年月: 2022年08月

  • Decellularized robust tendon for knee anterior cruciate ligamentreconstruction

    K. Iwasaki  [招待有り]

    9th World Congress of Biomechanics  

    発表年月: 2022年07月

  • “ EXTEND YOUR REACH ” 3mm × 40mm への期待

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    脳血管内治療ブラッシュアップセミナー2022 イブニングセミナー, 神戸  

    発表年月: 2022年07月

  • Appropriate combination of physical model and computer simulation in medical device evaluation

    K. Iwasaki


    発表年月: 2022年06月

  • 脱細胞化組織を用いた靭帯再建の現状と展望

    岩崎 清隆


    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • Unrelenting challenge to create future of clinical treatment through Biomedical Engineering

    K. Iwasaki


    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 新しい人工臓器開発に向けて:レギュラトリーサイエンス委員会/医療産業促進委員会の取り組み



    発表年月: 2021年11月

  • 人を模した非臨床試験の研究開発による治療機器の研究開発・事業化促進



    発表年月: 2021年11月

  • LMT Bifurcationモデルを用いた新たな血栓性試験法の開発



    発表年月: 2021年11月

  • 医工・産学協働で治療機器開発


    ARIA;TWIns 合同企画  

    発表年月: 2021年11月

  • 医工学的見地からみるSolitaireTMXの製品特性

    岩﨑清隆  [招待有り]

    日本脳神経外科学会第80回学術総会ランチョンセミナー, 横浜  

    発表年月: 2021年10月

  • 組織脱細胞化技術を基盤とした生体内組織再構築


    日本機械学会 第33回バイオエンジニアリング講演会  

    発表年月: 2021年06月

  • 組織再生バイオマテリアル-脱細胞化生体組織-の最前線 靭帯の再生

    岩崎清隆, 伊藤匡史, 今井伸哉, 畑中淳, 権美旋, 内山晃大, 伊藤淳哉, 岡崎賢, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • Flow from entry and re-entry tears in chronic type B aortic dissection

    K. Iwasaki


    発表年月: 2020年11月

  • レギュラトリーサイエンス:先進的医療機器の迅速な実用化と安全な普及を促進する非臨床試験法の開発



    発表年月: 2020年11月

  • TWInsの今: 医工学研究の進展


    Alliance for Revolution;Interventional Cardiology Advancement 2020  

    発表年月: 2020年11月

  • レギュラトリーサイエンス;医療をより良くする医療機器の実用化に向けて



    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 医療機器開発;効果的使用法の基盤となる非臨床試験の開発とTWIns共同大学院の取り組み



    発表年月: 2019年11月

  • Patient-data based experimental simulator for developing and investigating effective use of transcatheter aortic valvevvvv

    K. Iwasaki


    発表年月: 2019年11月

  • 先進的医療機器の効率的開発を促進する患者を模した非臨床試験系の開発

    岩﨑清隆, 松橋祐輝, 坪子侑佑, 朱暁冬, 高田淳平, 笠貫宏, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2019年06月

  • ヒツジ膝前十字靭帯再建実験による脱細胞化腱の生体内組織再生の評価



    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • 屈曲運動する病変;左主幹部でのOrsiroステントの性能;医工学評価



    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • 実臨床を模した先進的非臨床試験法の開発と活用

    岩﨑清隆, 山崎健二, 加瀬川均, 松橋祐輝, 高田淳平, 朱暁冬, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • 脱細胞化腱を用いたヒツジ膝前十字靭帯再建実験による生体内組織再生に関する評価

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史, 奥田慶也, 岡村昭慶, 八木優大, 江虹暁, 井桝浩貴, 高野和也, 岡崎賢, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • Development of a clinically-relevant thrombogenicity testing method of an inflow cannula at the interface with left ventricle: Contribution to the approval of titanium-mesh in flow cannula of EVAHEART without clinical trial

    K. Iwasaki, K. Yamazaki, Y. Matsuhashi, A. Takahashi, M. Hirata, M. Umezu

    26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support (ISMCS2018)  

    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • 心膜の力学的特性;患者の年齢と採取部位が力学特性に与える影響に関する研究

    岩﨑清隆, 金一, 井桝浩貴, 加瀬川均, 高梨秀一郎, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 患者のための循環器工学の進展;現在そして未来へ;回日本心血管インターベンション治療学術集会


    CIVIT 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • 開発における非臨床試験の役割と可能性;その限界について


    第2回 実践に基づく医療イノベーション研究会  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • 先進的非臨床試験法開発と国際標準化;グローバル展開

    岩﨑清隆, 松橋祐輝, 坪子侑佑, 朱暁冬, 笠貫宏, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • 脱細胞化腱を用いたヒツジ膝前十字靭帯による生体内での細胞浸潤の評価

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史, 井枡浩貴, 高野和也, 岡村昭慶, 奥田慶也, 八木優大, 吉本伸之, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • 3 times kissing balloon technique

    K. Iwasaki, Y. Hikichi

    European Bifurcation Club 2017  

    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • 持続的血液濾過器の血栓性評価in;vitro試験法の提案



    発表年月: 2017年09月

  • 流体力学からみ;分岐部病変


    第26回 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会学術集会  

    発表年月: 2017年07月

  • 脱細胞化組織を用いたヒツジ膝前十字靭帯再建実験による生体内での細胞浸潤に関する検討

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史, 井枡浩貴, 高野和也, 岡村昭慶, 奥田慶也, 八木優大, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2017年05月

  • 先進的医療機器開発の迅速化とリスクマネジメントを促進する非臨床評価法の開発意義と展望

    岩﨑清隆, 笠貫宏, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2016年11月

  • 膝前十字靱帯再建術に用いる無細胞化靱帯組織の開発

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史, 井枡浩貴, 高野和也, 岡村昭慶, 奥田慶也, 吉本伸之, 加藤義治, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2016年11月

  • Flow after stenting at left main bifurcation

    K. Iwasaki, Y. Hikichi

    European Bifurcation Club Meeting, Rotterdam  

    発表年月: 2016年10月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる動物由来脱細胞化靭帯組織の開発;ヒツジ膝前十字靭帯再建による安定性と強度評価

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史, 井桝浩貴, 岡村昭慶, 高野和也, 奥田慶也, 吉本伸之, 加藤義治, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2016年10月

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建に用いる脱細胞化ウシ腱の開発;ラット膝前十字靭帯再建による再生能と炎症反応評価

    岩﨑清隆, 伊藤匡史, 高野和也, 井桝浩貴, 奥田慶也, 岡村昭慶, 吉本伸之, 加藤義治, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2016年10月

  • ヒト左心室モデルを有する拍動循環シミュレータを用いたNormo弁の拍動動態に関する研究

    岩﨑清隆, 加瀬川均, 臼井一晃, 高田淳平, 朱暁冬, 梅津光生


    発表年月: 2016年09月

  • 革新的医療機器実用化促進のための非臨床性能評価系と評価法の確立;Engineering Based Medicine


    第6回 レギュラトリーサイエンス学会学術総会  

    発表年月: 2016年09月

  • 無細胞化腱を用いた異種動物の前十字靭帯再建による再性能評価


    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • 革新的医療機器実現化のためのEngineering Based Medicineに基づく非臨床性能評価系と評価法の開発



    発表年月: 2016年01月

  • 滅菌済無細胞化ウシ腱を用いたラット膝前十字靭帯再建による再生能と炎症反応評価



    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • 先進的人工弁・弁膜治療法の実用化と安全な普及を加速する非臨床評価試験法の開発



    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • Novel insigts from flow visualization in the bench

    K. Iwasaki, Y. Hikichi

    11th European Bifurcation Club Meeting  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 左心補助人工心臓の耐久試験法:日本初補助人工心臓の非臨床評価において留意した点,医用アクチュエーション研究会講演会「医用アクチュエーションの最近の話題」



    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 先進的医療機器の迅速な実用化と安全な普及を促進する非臨床評価試験法の進展


    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 冠動脈分岐部でのステント不完全圧着と血流~先進的な非臨床試験からの洞察~


    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • 有限要素解析を用いた繰り返し屈曲下での冠動脈ステントの疲労破断予測


    発表年月: 2015年05月

  • Angulation range of coronary artery during the cardiac cycles is a key;factor inducing;stent;fracture;Demonstration by;an;i;i;ro accelerated durability test

    Iwasaki, J. Arai, T. Ohba, H. Tokutake, Z. Xiaodong, M. Umezu

    American Heart;Association Scientific Sessions;Circulation  

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • 先進医療機器開発と普及のための医工学的非臨床評価法の進展


    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • 体組織無細胞化技術と組織滅菌技術による膝前十字靭帯再建デバイスの開発


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • 下肢ステントと血管に生じる力学的負荷環境


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • Stent!!〜冠動脈から抹消まで〜

    発表年月: 2014年08月

  • 先端医療機器・治療法の開発と普及のための非臨床評価の進展

    発表年月: 2014年08月

  • The Ultimate DES has Arrived 〜PREMIER® Performance〜

    発表年月: 2014年07月

  • 最先端医療機器の開発における医用工学

    発表年月: 2014年04月

  • 循環器医工学〜ステント性能評価法の進展〜

    発表年月: 2014年04月

  • ステントの特性

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • EVAHEART脱血管改良による血栓症リスク低減評価のための血栓飛散量評価試験法の開発

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 新規In vitro 血栓評価法による補助人工心臓の平滑及びメッシュ脱血管周囲に形成される血栓の飛散リスク比較評価

    発表年月: 2014年01月

  • Fracture potentials and dynamic flexibility of peripheral stents: Insights into clinical practice from durability tests simulating multi-loaing environments of superficial femoral and popliteal arteries

    発表年月: 2013年11月

  • Comparison of flexibility and stent fracture potentials against cyclically bending coronary artery motions between2-link and 3-link DES

    発表年月: 2013年05月

  • Flexibility and Stent Fracture Potensials Against Cyclically Bending Coronary Artery Motion: Comparison Between 2-Link and 3-Link DESs

    発表年月: 2013年04月

  • 医療機器の非臨床評価

    発表年月: 2013年01月

  • Bending flexibility of Stents: Comparison among four different DES platforms with different design and materials deployed in in-vivo simulated cyclically-bending coronary artery model

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • 人工臓器の溶血試験評価−再現性のある試験法−

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Decellularized and sterilized xenogeneic tissues inhibit complement and neutrophil activation: In vitro investigation using a novel blood-compatibility screening system

    発表年月: 2012年09月

  • ヒト鮮血を用いた無細胞化処理及び滅菌した動物由来組織の非臨床超急性免疫反応評価

    発表年月: 2012年06月

  • レギュラトリーサイエンスにおける評価科学で重要なこ と

    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • Neointimal coverage reduses a potential risk of stent separation of sirolimus eluting stent: Accelerated durability tests under in-vivo simulated cyclically-bended proximal right coronary artery environment

    発表年月: 2011年11月

  • ヒト前十字靱帯再建に適用可能なサイズの無細胞化ウシ腱の開発と力学的特性の検 討

    発表年月: 2011年10月

  • A novel in-vitro immune-response screening system?: Assessment of human blood response to decellularized, freeze-dried, and sterilized xenogeneic tissues

    発表年月: 2011年08月

  • ヒト血液性状を保持した超急性免疫反応評価実験システムの開発と無細胞組織の補体活性の評価

    発表年月: 2011年06月

  • 梅津光生,ヒト血液性状を保持した超急性免疫反応評価実験システムの開発と無細胞組織の補体活性の評価

    発表年月: 2011年06月

  • 治療機器開発に貢献する機械工学技術

    発表年月: 2011年01月

  • Development of in vitro test system to assess hyperacute immune response to decellularized bovine pericardium using human donor blood

    発表年月: 2010年12月

  • ヒト血液と無細胞化組織の超急性免疫反応評価実験系の開発

    発表年月: 2010年11月

  • Two stenting at coronary artery bifurcation yields show-flow region at carina :In vitro pulsatile flow investigation using elastic 3-dimensional stenotic bifurcated artery replica

    発表年月: 2010年11月

  • Fracture Potentials of Five Drug-Eluting-Stent Platforms in Proximal Right Coronary Artery Replica Under in-vivo Simulated Cyclically-Bended Environment

    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 心臓の収縮・拡張に伴うヒト右冠動脈基部の屈曲変形環境下での5種類のステントの破損に関する加速耐久試験

    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 組織無細胞化処理が心臓弁を構成する弁葉・血管壁・バルサルバ洞の細胞外マトリクス成分に及ぼす影響の検討

    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • Construction of elastic bifurcation model with stenosis for stent performance test

    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • ステント性能の実際:実臨床を踏まえたin vitro実験法開発の現状

    発表年月: 2009年12月

  • Recent Advance of Biomechanical Technology for Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering

    発表年月: 2009年11月

  • 人工心臓を駆使した組織無細胞化技術による大動脈弁の再生と抗石灰化

    発表年月: 2009年11月

  • Repeated 3-times-balloon-inflation for stent deployment increases luminal patency of cobalt alloy stent: in vitro investigation using 75% stenotic mechanically-equivalent coronary artery replica

    発表年月: 2009年11月

  • 人工臓器の非臨床性能評価法の開発-現況とTWInsでの展開-

    発表年月: 2009年10月

  • Decellularized bovine ligaments using microwave irradiation and pulsatile detergent-circulation

    発表年月: 2009年09月

  • 医工融合研究に基づく冠動脈ステントの3回拡張法の提案

    発表年月: 2009年08月

  • Decellularized porcine aortic heart valve: Regeneration and calcification-prevention in one-year implantation in porcine descending aorta

    発表年月: 2009年08月

  • Biomechanical Investigation on optimal sterilization of decellularized pericardium

    発表年月: 2009年08月

  • ステントに関する医工融合研究 破断と拡張実験

    発表年月: 2009年07月

  • 工学的側面から覗いたStentの実際

    発表年月: 2009年06月

  • 医工融合による再生する心臓弁・小口径動脈血管の開発

    発表年月: 2009年06月

  • 再生・成長する大動脈弁の開発

    発表年月: 2009年06月

  • Flow Study at Bifurcation

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 冠動脈ステントプラットフォームに関する医工融合研究,各種DES のフラクチャー耐久性試験及びEndeavor ステント至適留置方法の考察

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 医工融合による再生医療技術の開発〜先端生命医科学センターでの取り組み〜

    発表年月: 2009年03月

  • 血漿タンパク質程度の大きさの表面粗さが抗血栓性に及ぼす影響

    発表年月: 2009年02月

  • 機械工学と医学の融合による再生組織開発への挑戦

    発表年月: 2009年02月

  • Tissue engineered small-diametaer blood vessel for coronary artery bypass grafting

    発表年月: 2008年12月

  • Successful reproduction on in-vivo fracture of an endovascular stent in superficial femoral artery utilizing a novel multi-loading durability test system

    発表年月: 2008年12月

  • Successful reproduction on in-vivo fracture of an endovascular stent in superficial femoral artery utilizing a novel multi- loading durability test system

    発表年月: 2008年12月

  • A novel multi-loading accelerated durability test system for peripheral vascular stents

    発表年月: 2008年07月

  • Tissue engineering artery utilizing the physiologic pulsatile bioreactor

    発表年月: 2008年07月

  • The novel decellularized bovine medial collateral ligaments for regenerative medicine,6th International Conference of The International Society for Gerontechnology

    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • 人工臓器開発の経験を駆使した再生医療基盤技術の開発

    発表年月: 2008年03月

  • A Robust Artery Engineered Using the Novel Pulsatile Pressure and Flow Bioreactor Sustem Controllable of Favorable Gas Concentration

    発表年月: 2007年12月

  • Tissue Engineered Three-layered Artery Using Hemodynamically-equivalent Pulsatile Bioreactor

    発表年月: 2007年10月

  • In vitro quantitative assessment of thrombogenicity of a pulsatile ventricular assist device using the original circulation system

    発表年月: 2007年10月

  • 独自の組織無細胞化技術による体内で再生・自己化を促す心臓弁及び血管の創生

    発表年月: 2007年03月

  • 生体内に酷似したバイオリアクターシステムによる強度のある3層血管の創生

    発表年月: 2006年11月

  • マイクロ波と拍動循環を駆使した無細胞化技術による再生促進型大動脈弁

    発表年月: 2006年11月

  • 末梢ステントの加速耐久試験装置の開発〜短期間で長期の有用性を予測する技術〜

    発表年月: 2006年06月

  • 末梢ステントの加速耐久試験 装置の開発〜短期間で長期の有用性を予測する技術〜

    発表年月: 2006年06月

  • Innovative bioreactor technologies produced a completely decellularized and pre-endothelialized functional aortic valve

    発表年月: 2005年12月

  • マイクロ波照射かつ拍動循環による処理は大動脈弁を強度維持したまま完全無細胞化しα1-3ガラクトース抗原も除去する

    発表年月: 2005年11月

  • Microwave treatment combined with pulsatile circulation can completely remove cells and α1-3 galactose antigen; vortex pump

    発表年月: 2005年10月

  • In vitro anti-thrombogenic screening of biomaterials under practical pulsatile circulation

    発表年月: 2005年09月

  • Microwave treatment combined with pulsatile circulation can completely remove cells and α1-3 galactose antigen

    発表年月: 2005年09月

  • 生理的拍動環境を創出可能な 血液適合性評価装置による医療用具及び医用材料のin vitro抗血栓性スクリーニン グ試験

    発表年月: 2004年10月

  • 生理的拍動環境を創出可能な血液適合性評価装置による医療用具及び医用材料のin vitro抗血栓性スクリーニング試験

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • 急性心不全患者の心機能改善を目的とした超低価格拍動型の旋回渦流型補助人工心臓の開発戦略と性能試験

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • 拍動循環下でのマイクロ波照射による組織脱細胞化及び生理的拍動環境での細胞播種技術に基づく動物実験用大動脈弁の開発

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • Innovative decellularization and pre-endothelialization technologies to develop a tissue-engineered aortic valve

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • A completely decellularized and pre-cellularized tissue engineered aortic valve using innovative bioreactor technologies,Advances in tissue engineering and biology of heart valves

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • Development of a completely decellularized and precellularized functional porcine aortic valve

    発表年月: 2004年07月

  • A novel methodology for pre-screening anti-thrombogenicity of artificial organs under physiologically identical pulsatile environments

    発表年月: 2004年07月

  • In vitro accelerated calcification tester for biomaterials using real blood

    発表年月: 2004年06月

  • Innovative dynamic bioreactor technologies to realize a pre-endothelialized decellularized aortic heart valve

    発表年月: 2004年06月

  • 革新的動的バイオリアクター技術による再生・自己化促進型組織大動脈弁の開発

    発表年月: 2004年05月

  • A novel in vitro device to investigate a calcification mechanisum on cardiovascular implants

    発表年月: 2004年01月

  • 脱細胞化異種大動脈弁の開発:拍動循環下でのマイクロ波均一照射による完全脱細胞化および拍動循環での組織再内皮細胞化手法の検討

    発表年月: 2004年01月

  • 医用高分子材料の長期血液循環使用下で問題となるカルシウム沈着特性のin vitro 評価試験手法の新開発

    発表年月: 2004年01月

  • 新規の完全大気非接触型拍動流循環回路による人工臓器のin vitro 抗血栓性評価方法の確立に向けての挑戦

    発表年月: 2004年01月

  • 自分が使いたくなる再生型人工臓器の開発,及び人工臓器の開発のスピード化に寄与する協会領域の性能評価試験方法の確立に向けて

    発表年月: 2004年01月

  • Complete decellularization of xenogeneic aortic heart valves and in vitro re-endothelialization in a pulsatile circulation using novel bioreactors

    発表年月: 2003年12月

  • A novel in vitro methodology for blood compatibility tests for artificial organs in pulsatile flow and pressure environments

    発表年月: 2003年08月

  • A novel methodology to investigate a calcification potential of polymeric cardiovascular biomaterials under accelerated condition

    発表年月: 2003年07月

  • 拍動循環下でのマイクロ波照射によるブタ大動脈弁の完全脱細胞化手法の開発

    発表年月: 2003年06月

  • 大動脈弁置換用を目指したブタ組織弁の脱細胞化手法の検討及びin vitro拍動下での細胞播種用バイオリアクターの開発

    発表年月: 2003年03月

  • 人工臓器の血液適合性評価を目的とした生体内圧力・流量環境に合致した完全大気非接触in vitro評価回路の開発

    発表年月: 2003年01月

  • 長期機械的寿命の実現と同時にカルシウム沈着の長期抑制に成功した人工心臓用高分子製弁Jellyfish弁の開発

    発表年月: 2003年01月

  • 人工臓器のin vitro抗血栓性評価を目的とした完全大気非接触型拍動流試験回路の開発

    発表年月: 2003年01月

  • An inexpensive pulsatile blood pump:Fabrication strategies and in vitro reliable methodology to evaluate blood compatibility

    発表年月: 2002年12月

  • 高分子製人工弁Jellyfish弁の開発:カルシウム沈着の抑制と長期耐久性の実現

    発表年月: 2002年10月

  • 高分子製人工弁Jellyfish弁の開発: カルシウム沈着の抑制と長期耐久性の実現

    発表年月: 2002年10月

  • Development of a novel in-vitro closed circuit for anti-thrombogenic tests of cardiac prostheses under physiologic hemodynamic conditions

    発表年月: 2002年06月

  • カルシウム沈着抑制のための高分子製人工弁設計指標の提案

    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • Importance of dynamic-load conditions in the accelerated fatigue tests for polymer heart valves

    発表年月: 2001年10月

  • The improved jellyfish valve: Durability enhancement with Sufficient blood compatibility

    発表年月: 2001年04月

  • ダブルリム構造を有する改良型Jellyfish弁の動物実験による血液適応性評価

    発表年月: 2000年08月

  • Extension of a duraaaability of jellyfish valve for long-term use in artificial hearts

    発表年月: 2000年03月

  • Analysis of calification mechanism on jellyfish valve

    発表年月: 2000年03月

  • 高分子製人工弁の加速耐久試験確立に向けての力学的検討

    発表年月: 1999年09月

  • Development of a durable of a durable polymer valve based on finite element analysis

    発表年月: 1999年09月

  • 耐久性向上を目指した高分子製人工心臓弁の設計改良と試作

    発表年月: 1998年10月

  • 医療用高分子材料の疲労が血液適合性に与える影響の基礎検討

    発表年月: 1998年10月

  • 医療高分子材料の疲労が血液適合性に与える影響の基礎検討

    発表年月: 1998年10月

  • In vitro performance of coronary stents

    発表年月: 1998年08月

  • 有限要素法を用いたひずみ解析によるJellyfish弁のカルシウム沈着発生位置の検討

    発表年月: 1997年09月

  • 有限要素数を用いたJellyfish弁の弁膜破断位置の検討

    発表年月: 1997年04月

  • コーティング材料の異なる拍動ポンプのIn vitro拍動流抗血栓性試験における凝固因子の比較評価

  • 無細胞化技術及び拍動バイオリアクター培養技術による心臓弁再生

  • Tissue-engineered robust vascular grafts utilizing the physiologically equivalent pulsatile bioreactor




  • 膝前十字靭帯再建術に用いる脱細胞化動物組織由来の医療機器の開発・治験の実施

    日本医療研究開発機構  医工連携事業化推進事業




  • 右心室組織ハイブリッド循環シミュレータを用いた新たな三尖弁治療デバイスの提案

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    高田 淳平, 森村 隼人, 岩崎 清隆, 服部 薫, 坪子 侑佑

  • 血管への接触圧力分布を可視化するカテーテルシミュレータの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    森脇 健司, 岡本 吉弘, 岩崎 清隆

  • Computational investigation on the efficacy and safety of the lesion preparation devices in calcified coronary artery with a cracking model of calcification

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    朱 暁冬, 岩崎 清隆

  • ヒト心臓を用いた大動脈弁閉鎖不全症モデルの確立と生理的な大動脈リングの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    國原 孝, 岩崎 清隆, 加瀬川 均

  • 経カテーテル的僧帽弁治療システムの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    田端 実, 森村 隼人, 岩崎 清隆, 坪子 侑佑


    田端が開発した僧帽弁閉鎖不全症に対する外科的僧帽弁形成術方法(Double leaflet technique)をベースにしたカテーテル弁治療デバイスの開発を行っている。このデバイスは、扇形の弁葉を僧帽弁の病変部に覆いかぶせるように留置し、非病変部の僧帽弁と協働して逆流を制御するものである。大腿静脈から右心房を経由し心房中隔を貫いて、左心房・左心室に運搬され、左心房壁と左心室壁に固定される。
    我々はデバイスの最適な弁葉形態を探るために、拍動流モデルのなかにブタ心臓にて病変モデルを作成し、デバイス弁葉にょる僧帽弁逆流制御の評価を行った。拍動流モデルでは、収縮期率を35%、心拍動数70回/分とし、大動脈圧120/80 mmHg, 心拍出量4L/分を目安に循環させ、血流計で左室への流入量と左房への逆流量を計測した。僧帽弁の逆流率を左房への逆流量/左室への流入量として計算した。機能性僧帽弁閉鎖不全症のモデルでは平均逆流率が42%で、デバイス弁葉を縫着することで平均逆流率を27%に低下することができた。器質性僧帽弁閉鎖不全症のモデルでは平均逆流率が57%で、デバイス弁葉を縫着することで平均逆流率を26%に低下することができた。

  • 石灰化病変拡張時に冠動脈血管に生じる三次元ひずみ分布の実験的計測法開発の試み

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    坪子 侑佑, 岩崎 清隆, 八木 高伸, 挽地 裕


    上記手順にて試作した石灰化病変モデルを用いて、万能試験機での圧縮試験を実施したところ、ヒト石灰化の文献値と同等な圧縮強度と脆性破壊特性を示した。さらに、冠動脈バルーンカテーテルでの拡張試験を実施したところ、臨床で一般に用いられるノンコンプライアントバルーンで破壊可能な石灰化病変の厚みの閾値として報告される0.4 mmに対して、実験では、病変モデルの厚み0.4 mmでは破壊でき、0.5 mmでは破壊できないという結果を達成できた。
    あわせて、冠動脈モデルに生じる微小変形の計測のため、4台の高速度カメラで3次元的に病変モデルの変形を取得するための撮像系構築を試みた。光学設計を行い、斜位撮影における取得画像の収差を抑制するScheimpflug配置を満たす撮像系および実験系を構築し、直径3 mmのシリコーン製単純弾性管への内圧負荷時のひずみ分布計測の予備実験を行える環境が整った。

  • 心外膜下脂肪量および脂肪肝に着目した虚血性心疾患予測のための機械学習モデルの構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    弓場 充, 岩崎 清隆, 坪子 侑佑


    本邦において、虚血性心疾患を含む心疾患は癌に次ぐ2番目の死亡原因であり、早期発見、早期治療介入が重要であるため、心疾患罹患予測に関する研究が盛んに行われており、人工知能技術の応用による予測精度の向上が期待されている。近年、新たな虚血性心疾患のリスク因子として、心外膜下脂肪組織(EAT)が注目されている。本研究では、糖尿病、高脂血症、高血圧などのリスク因子に加えて、EAT量を学習データとして用いることを着想し、高精度に虚血性心疾患を診断可能な機械学習モデルの構築を目的とする。社会医療法人北海道循環器病院において、2018年1月から2019年12月までの間に、冠動脈CT検査を実施した患者を対象とした(北海道循環器病院の倫理委員会承認)。狭窄および虚血があり経皮的冠動脈形成術(PCI)または冠動脈バイパス術(CABG)を行った患者を虚血群として144症例、中等度の狭窄を有するが虚血症状の無い患者を非虚血群として242症例組入れた。年齢、性別、身長、体重、BMI、体表面積、HDLコレステロール、LDLコレステロール、トリグリセリド、高血圧、脂質異常、糖尿病、喫煙習慣、飲酒習慣の患者基本情報に加えて、EAT量(cm3)を冠動脈CTから後ろ向きに取得し機械学習させた。機械学習モデルはMicrosoft社製のAzure Machine Learningを用いて構築した。結果として、虚血群および非虚血群におけるEAT量の平均値±標準偏差はそれぞれ133.1±62.7(cm3)、123.9±50.3(cm3)であり有意な差は示されなかった。しかし、EAT量を学習データとして用いない場合のAUCは0.731であったのに対し、EAT量を追加し、体格による影響を排除するため、EAT量を体表面積で除して学習させた場合のAUCは0.794と精度の向上が見られた。

  • 生体組織由来脱細胞化小口径動脈グラフトの開発と大動物実験による検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    岩崎 清隆, 坪子 侑佑, 大木 隆生, 弓場 充, 宿澤 孝太, 國原 孝

  • 大動脈弁形成リング開発を見据えた至適血行動態を有する大動脈弁二尖弁の形態評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    國原 孝, 岩崎 清隆, 加瀬川 均


    1) 初年度はまず二尖弁モデルの確立と、拍動循環シミュレータを用いて弁機能、弁圧力損失、弁開放面積、弁開閉運動を検証し、最適な交連角度を決定することを目標とした。6例の術後CTデータより、ブタ心膜で大動脈弁尖を再現し、これを人工血管に縫着して大動脈基部形態を再現し二尖弁モデルを作成した。するとモデルは作成可能であり、回路条件の設定も可能であり解析は可能と判断した。
    2) 二年度はこのモデルを用い全周性の弁輪縫縮と癒合弁尖側のみの弁輪縫縮の効果に関する実験を拍動循環シミュレータを用いて行ったが、弁逆流の制御には有効であったが、弁開放の改善には有意差を認めなかった。そこでこのモデルを用いて癒合弁尖側のvalsalva洞縫縮の効果を検討するべく実験を行ったところ、弁逆流量は有意に減少し、弁開放も有意に改善を認めた。我々が追求していた二尖弁の弁逆流と開放の双方を改善する方として、癒合側のvalsalva洞縫縮が有効であることを示唆する結果であり、当初の目的を達成できたと考えている。
    3) 最終年度は交連間距離を短縮することによる弁開放改善効果を検討してきた。その結果、交連間距離24mmを20mmまで短縮することにより圧較差が減少し、弁口面積が増加することが判明した。

  • ヒト病態模擬試験システムHuPaSS(Human Pathological Simulator and System)の開発による先進的クラスIV治療機器の開発促進のための基盤創成

    日本医療研究開発機構  医薬品等規制調和・評価研究事業




  • 冠動脈分岐部病変におけるステント血栓症発生機序解明のための血栓可視化手法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    松橋 祐輝, 岩崎 清隆, 坪子 侑佑, 挽地 裕



  • 上行大動脈拡大の危険度予測のための新しい大動脈二尖弁形態分類

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    服部 薫, 岩崎 清隆, 新浪 博



  • 経カテーテル大動脈弁留置時の血管周囲三次元ひずみ分布計測法の確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    坪子 侑佑, 岩崎 清隆, 松橋 祐輝



  • 非臨床性能評価を深化する超小型血液循環シミュレータの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    梅津 光生, 八木 高伸, 岩崎 清隆, 坪子 侑佑, 松橋 祐輝, 伊関 洋


    研究代表者(梅津)の血液循環シミュレータ開発45年の総仕上げとして、従来の1/6 のスケールの“超小型血液循環シミュレータ”を開発した。その回路にヒト新鮮血を注入し、このミニ循環内に脳動脈瘤の破裂を未然に防ぐことを狙った新規医療機器のフローダイバータ留置を行った。シミュレータ内の圧力・流量の関係は、ヒトの血行動態と酷似し、超音波診断装置で撮像した結果から、血栓形成過程も明らかとなった。以上より、今回開発した超小型血液循環シミュレータは、実臨床における効果的な治療指針を決める上での有益な手段となりうることが確認できた。

  • 脱細胞化組織を用いた膝前十字靭帯再建大動物実験による生体内靭帯化に関する研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費 基盤研究(B)



    岩崎 清隆

  • 革新的医療機器の先進的非臨床試験法に関するガイドライン

    厚生労働省  革新的医療機器等国際標準獲得推進促進事業



    岩崎 清隆

  • 不具合情報の効率的解析手法に関する研究

    日本医療研究開発機構  医薬品等規制調和・評価研究事業



    岩崎 清隆

  • 大動脈弁温存基部置換術の各種術式によるvalsalva洞と弁機能評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    國原 孝, 岩崎 清隆, 加瀬川 均, 佐々木 健一, 関 雅浩, 有村 聡士, 関 宏


    人工弁関連合併症を回避する弁形成術が注目されているが、至適術式は確立していない。弁温存基部置換術であるreimplantation法とremodeling法には一長一短あり、血行動態も未知である。今回静的圧負荷モデルではreimplantationと比較し拡張するremodelingの弁輪部はバルサルバ洞、sino-tubular junctionとともに弁輪形成により有効に抑制できた。拍動循環モデルではremodeling単独では逆流制御に不利だが弁輪形成によりreimplantationと同等の効果を得、18mmでは圧較差が高く、22mmでは逆流制御不十分で、その中間が最適と推測された。

  • 新規治療機器を実臨床に導入時に有効な循環シミュレータの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    梅津 光生, 岩崎 清隆, 伊関 洋, 八木 高伸, 松橋 祐輝



  • 高強度NiTiを用いた下肢用セルフエキスパンダブルステントの開発・海外展開

    日本医療研究開発機構  医工連携事業化推進事業



    岩崎 清隆

  • 医療機器の安全対策充実のためのリスク・ベネフィット評価のフレームワーク構築に関する研究

    日本医療研究開発機構  医薬品等規制調和・評価研究事業



    岩崎 清隆

  • 植込み型医療機器の最適な使用成績評価期間の設定方法に関する研究

    日本医療研究開発機構  医薬品等規制調和・評価研究事業



    岩崎 清隆

  • 革新的医療機器の開発を加速する性能試験法拡充のための研究

    日本医療研究開発機構  医薬品等規制調和・評価研究事業



    岩崎 清隆

  • 大血管ナビゲーションのシステムデザイン最適化に向けたユーザビリティ工学的探究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    植松 美幸, 青見 茂之, 鈴木 孝司, 岩崎 清隆



  • 大動脈ステントグラフトを用いた治療目標達成度を評価する拍動流シミュレータ開発

    文部科学省  科学研究費 挑戦的萌芽



    岩崎 清隆

  • 無細胞化技術と生体組織滅菌技術による自己組織化する前十字靭帯再建デバイスの開発

    文部科学省  科学研究費 基盤研究(B)



    岩崎 清隆

  • 前十字靭帯再建手術に用いる動物由来無細胞化腱の事業化

    文部科学省  イノベーションシステム整備事業大学発新産業創出拠点プロジェクト(プロジェクト支援型)



    岩崎 清隆

  • 自己心膜製ステントレス僧帽弁置換術の安全性と効果に関する研究

    国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構  日本医療研究開発機構研究費 医療機器開発推進研究事業



    加瀬川均, 澤芳樹, 夜久均, 高梨秀一郎, 橋本和弘, 中谷敏, 齋木佳克, 岡本一真, 梅津光生, 岩崎清隆, 山中竹春, 福井寿啓, 金一


    昨年度の開発手法の継続的発展として,拡張カルマンフィルタを用いたStructure from Motion手法に関して,様々な条件下での結果を比較検討した.その中から,自己位置・姿勢推定と,環境の構造推定の分離の必要性が明らかとなった.これは,あらかじめ分離しておかなければ,その混在による結果として,完全な復元が出来ない場合が生じるためである。そこで,本年度は特にEgo-Motion手法による自己位置・姿勢だけの推定法をまず開発し,次にその推定値に基づいて環境構造の推定を行うという手法を開発した.Ego-Motion手法は対象画像領域を二段階で追従する研究代表者らが従来研究した手法を応用して開発したものであり,ある点周りの領域を画像上で追従するだけで,Ego-Motionを直接的に求めることが出来るものである.これら両手法を理想的な状態でシミュレーションを行い,さらに屋内外のビデオ映像に適用した.これらの結果を比較することにより,分離の効果を明らかにした.

  • 抗血栓性評価の新展開

    文部科学省  科学研究費 挑戦的萌芽



    岩崎 清隆

  • 自己治癒能力を引き出す再生促進型滅菌済無細胞腱:無細胞ウシ腱を用いたラット前十字靭帯再建実験による再生・安定性評価

    国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構  研究成果最適展開支援プログラムA-STEP FSステージ探索タイプ



    岩崎 清隆

  • 自己治癒能力を引き出す無細胞化組織実用化のための総合的基礎研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    岩崎 清隆, 坂口 勝久, 梅津 光生, 加藤 義治, 伊藤 匡史



  • 機械的刺激による血管弾性線維形成機序の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    南沢 享, 常田 聡, 加藤 尚志, 岩崎 清隆, 加川 友己



  • 医工連携に基づく組織細胞工学を応用した革新的ハイブリッド大動脈弁の実用化研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    尾崎 重之, 大関 泰宏, 梅津 光生, 岩崎 清隆, 佐々木 伸雄, 大関 泰宏, 梅津 光生, 岩崎 清隆, 佐々木 伸雄



  • 生体血液循環を代替する拍動バイオリアクターによる強度を有する再生大動脈弁の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    岩崎 清隆



  • 人工大動脈弁により影響されたバルサルバ洞内流れ場と冠循環流れの挙動解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    阿久津 敏乃介, 梅津 光生, 新浪 博, 岩崎 清隆


    本研究の目的は、「なる葉形状により大動脈弁位に装着された場合のバルサルバ洞内の流動象への影響の把とこの流れ場が冠循環量へ与える影響への関連を明らかにすること」であり、バルサルバ洞付きの大動脈部を模擬したInVitroモデルの製作(梅津、岩崎)と過去のシュミレータ製作の経験の蓄積を生かし、大動脈部の特性を再現できるモデルの製作および冠動脈循環なしのInVitroモデルで弁形状の相違によるバルサルバ洞内流れ場の解析(阿久津、梅津、岩崎、新浪)をDynamic PIV装置を用い、弁形状が流れ場に与える影響および冠動脈循環に与える影響を解析することである。
    研究の初年度は、InVitroモデルの試作と予備実験、平行してDynamic PIV装置を用いた解析方法の確立を第一に目指し、開始された。InVitroモデルの試作を用いた予備実験は、MIRA弁およびSJM弁を用いて行われ、形成された流れ場に大きな相違のあることが確認された。
    Dynamic PIVの解析方法の確立については、試験弁をデータの蓄積のある僧帽弁位に装着し、そのデザインや、装着方向が与える影響について、実験的研究がなされ、結果は、多くの所見が得られ、幾つかの内外の学会において口頭発表がなされた。

  • 臨床,工学および統計学的視点からの人工臓器評価システムの構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    藤本 哲男, 梅津 光生, 岩崎 清隆, 川副 浩平, 北村 信夫



  • 心臓外科手術訓練シミュレータ開発のための支援技術の確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    梅津 光生, 川副 浩平, 岩崎 清隆, 内山 明彦, 北村 信夫



  • 1ヶ月保証の超低価格血液ポンプの実用化を阻む要素の徹低解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    岩崎 清隆, 桜井 靖久, 梅津 光生, 石原 一彦, 白石 泰之, 岩崎 清隆, 北村 信夫



  • 信頼性の高い抗血栓性評価方法の提案:完全大気非接触型拍動流循環回路の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    岩崎 清隆



  • 大動脈ステントグラフトを用いた治療目標達成度を評価する拍動流シミュレータ開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 新しいステントレス僧帽弁の開発:臨床応用に向けて

    科学研究費助成事業(京都府立医科大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 無細胞化技術と生体組織滅菌技術による自己組織化する前十字靭帯再建デバイスの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 生物学をベースとした骨格系運動生理モデルの構築と医療応用





