早稲田大学 教授
群馬大学 助教授
群馬大学 講師
群馬大学 助手
2025/03/13 更新
早稲田大学 教授
群馬大学 助教授
群馬大学 講師
群馬大学 助手
群馬大学 工学研究科 化学工学専攻
Acute Exposure to 17α-Ethinylestradiol Alters Aggressive Behavior of Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) Toward Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes)
Dang, Hieu M, Inagaki, Yoshihiko, Yamauchi, Yuta, Kurihara, Takaaki, Vo, Cong H, Sakakibara, Yutaka
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 98 ( 5 ) 643 - 648 2017年05月 [査読有り]
Removal of endocrine disrupters by a carbon electrolytic reactor
V. H. Cong, T. D. Vien, Y. Sakakibara
Vietnum J. Agr. Sci 14 ( 10 ) 1502 - 1509 2016年
Recent Developments in Electrochemical Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatments
Cong Vo Huu, Sakakibara Yutaka, Komori Masahito, Kishimoto Naoyuki, Watanabe Tomohide, Mishima Iori, Ihara Ikko, Tanaka Tsuneo, Yoshida Yukihito, Ozaki Hiroaki
Journal of Water and Environment Technology 14 ( 2 ) 25 - 36 2016年
Electrolytic Treatment of Trace Natural and Synthetic Estrogens
Vo Huu Cong, Yutaka Sakakibara
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES 17 ( 1 ) 115 - 120 2014年01月 [査読有り]
吉野 弘晃, Vo Huu Cong, 榊原 豊
土木学会論文集G(環境) 69 ( 7 ) III_137 - III_143 2013年
Operating Condition of Bio-Fenton Process for Treatments of Orange II
Y. Kyuma, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technology (AOT-18) 2012年11月
Performance and kinetics of Estrogens Removals by Aquatic Plants
Y. Inagaki, T. Fujita, A. R. dos Reis, S. Suzuki, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of The 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference Oral-95 2012年11月
稲垣嘉彦, 藤田泰史郎, Andre Rodrigues, dos Reis, 鈴木 詩麻, 榊原 豊
土木学会論文集G(環境) 68 ( 7 ) 77 - 85 2012年11月 [査読有り]
Electrolytic Treatment of Trace Natural and Synthetic Estrogens
Procs. of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technology (AOT-18 2012年10月
Removal Mechanism of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Aquatic Plants
A. R. dos Reis, Y. Sakakibara
Association of Pacific Rim Universities FELLOWS PROGRAM 2012 2012年06月
Strategic Environmental Assessment of Zero Waste to Landfill in Thai Paper Mill
S. Chotiwan, Y. Sakakibara, M. Murayama
Procs. of Environmental Science and Technology 570 - 575 2012年06月
Hydrogen Dissolution Rates in Hydrogenotrophic Denitrification Process Equipped with Solid-Polymer-Electrolyte (SPE) Membrane Electrode
R. Mine, M. Komori, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of Environmental Science and Technology 57 - 63 2012年06月
Phosphorus Removal and Recovery from Wastewater by Electrochemical Process
H. Yoshino, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of Environmental Science and Technology 196 - 201 2012年06月
Electron Spin Resonance Analysis of Bio-Fenton Process
S. Nagahashi, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of Environmental Science and Technology 375 - 380 2012年06月
Biological Fenton’s degradation of chlorinated endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic plants
A. R. dos Reis, Y. Kyuma, M. Atarashi, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of Environmental Science and Technology 2012年06月
Electrochemical treatment of trace endocrine disrupting chemicals by a novel granular electrode
V. H. Cong, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of Environmental Science and Technology 367 - 374 2012年06月
A Biological Fenton Reaction for the Complete Decomposition of Chlorinated Compounds
Y. Inagaki, A. R. dos Reis, Y. Kyuma, Y. Sakakibara
Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds F8 106 2012年06月
Enzymatic Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Aquatic Plants and Relations to Biological Fenton Reaction
A. R. dos Reis, Y. Sakakibara
Water Science and Technology 66 ( 4 ) 775 - 782 2012年04月 [査読有り]
Y. Kasai, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara, M. Milintawisamai, S. Srilachai
Journal of Water and Environment Technology 10 ( 4 ) 337 - 345 2012年04月
稲垣 嘉彦, 藤田 泰史郎, REIS Andre Rodrigues dos, 鈴木 詩麻, 榊原 豊
土木学会論文集G(環境) 68 ( 7 ) III_77 - III_85 2012年 [査読有り]
Bio-Fenton Process for Advanced Treatment of Refractory Compounds
Y. Sakakibara, A. R. Ruis, K. Kyoma, Y. Inagaki
Biological Fenton’s oxidation of pentachlorophenol by aquatic plants
Reis A. R, Kyuma Y, Sakakibara Y, Srilacha S, Milintawisamai
Procs. of the 9th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment 2011年12月
Continuous Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Aquatic Plants and Biological Fenton Reaction
A. R. doe Reis, Y. Sakakibara
SCE, Ser. G (Environmental Research) 67 ( 7 ) 725 - 734 2011年11月
Water treatment technology using aquatic plants
Y. Sakakibara
Paten (PCT/JP2011/69518) 2011年11月
Enzymatic degradation of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in aquatic plants and relation to biological Fenton reaction
A.R. Reis, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition 2011年11月
Enhanced Water and Wastewater Treatment with Simple Operation by Electrochemical Processes
Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 8th Japan-China Workshop on Technology for Water Pollution Prevention, 2011年11月
Removal of Chlorinated Compounds by a Biological Fenton Reaction
Y. Sakakibara, A.R. Ruis, K. Kyuma, Y. Inagaki
Procs. of 17th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil (AOTs-17) (invited lecture) 2011年11月
志村 光哉, Md. Helal Uddin, 榊原 豊
環境工学論文集 48 697 - 703 2011年11月
Continuous treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic plants and biological Fenton Reaction
A. R. Reis, Y. Sakakibara
JSCE, Ser. G (Environmental Research) 67 ( 7 ) 725 - 734 2011年11月
Field Survey on Removals of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Residues in Oxidation Ponds and Constructed Wetlands in Tropical Areas
Y. Kasai, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara, M. Milintawisamai, S. Srilachai
Procs. of the 4th IWA-ASPIR, USB 1 2011年10月
Treatments of Trace Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Aquatic plants
Y. Sakakibara, A.R. Ruis, K. Tabei, K. Kyuma, Y. Inagaki
Procs. of IWA 10th Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems, CD Rom SS4 Water 1 - 8 2011年04月
An Advanced Oxidation Process Using A 3-Dimensional Electrochemical Reactor Generating and Reducing O3
M. Shimura, M. H. Uddin, Y. Sakakibara, T. Tanaka
Proc. of the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 330 - 338 2011年
榊原 豊, 中井 壮洋, 森本 紗代, Andre Rodrigues, dos REIS
41 619 - 617 2010年11月
Application of life cycle risk assessment (LCRA) of fish to different suburban streams
Y. Bando, N. Kikuchi, Y. Sakakibara
Water Practice & Technology 5 ( 3 ) 2010年10月
Enzymatic degradation of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic plants
A. R. Reis, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara, S. Srilachai, M. Milintawisama
Procs. of the 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment 2010年10月
Peroxidase Concentration Enzymes in Tropical Aquatic Plants, a Potential Tool for Removing New Emerging Pollutants in Water
M. Milintawisamai, S. Srilachai, R. Suksamran, C. Tanadilok, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of the 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment 2010年10月
Enhanced treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicalsby a granular bed electrochemical reactor
Y. Sakakibara, T. Kounoike, H. Kashimura
Water Science and Technology 62 ( 10 ) 2218 - 2214 2010年10月 [査読有り]
Assessment of Habitat Scale of Zacco platypus by Using Microsatellite DNA Markers
N. Kosaka, N. Koizumi, Y. Sakakibara
1 448 2010年06月
Effectiveness of Aquatic Plants in Batch and Continuous Treatments of Trace Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
A.R. Reis, N. Maruyama, K. Tabei, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 2009年11月
小森 正人, 松谷 裕貴, 秋田 靖典, 榊原 豊
環境工学論文集 46 137 - 143 2009年11月
Treatment of Aqueous EDCs by Artificial and Natural Oxidation Processes
Y. Sakakibara
WICE (invited lecture) 2009年10月
Application of life cycle risk assessment (LCRA) of fish to different suburban streams
Y. Bando, N. Kikuchi, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 90 - 91 2009年
小森正人, 榊原豊
土木学会論文集 65 ( 3 ) 153 - 163 2009年
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by aquatic plants
Y. Sakakibara
Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology #700 2008年07月
High-rate Hydrogenotrophic Denitrification in a Fluidized-Bed Biofilm Reactor using SPEME,
M. Komori, Y. Sakakibara
Water Science and Technology 58 ( 7 ) 1441 - 1446 2008年02月 [査読有り]
Removal of Trace Environmental Contaminants by Algal Biofilms
H. Sugiura, N. Kishida, Y. Sakakibara
IWA Biofilm Technologies Conference ABSTRACT HANDBOOK 129 - 130 2008年
Assessing crucial stress to survival of fish in suburban streams
Y. Sakakibara, A. Nakada
Water Science and Technology 58 ( 2 ) 445 - 450 2008年
Removal of Trace Environmental Contaminants by Algal Biofilms
H. Sugiura, N. Kishida, Y. Sakakibara
IWA Biofilm Technologies Conference, ABSTRACT HANDBOO 129 - 130 2008年01月
Electrolytic Treatment of Trace Toxic Substances in Urine
T. Ono, Y. Sakakibara
Conference Proceedings, IWA ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, P107 1 - 6 2007年10月
Modeling Water Quality and Quantity of Sediments in Small and Medium Size Urban Rivers
H. Ito, Y. Sakakibara
Conference Proceedings, 2nd-IWA ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, P147 1 - 7 2007年10月
Application of a life cycle risk assessment (LCRA) for fishes to suburban streams
A. Nakada, Y. Sakakibara
Conference Proceedings, 2nd-IWA ASPIRE, Conference and Exhibition, P098 1 - 6 2007年10月
Enhancing hydrogenotrophic denitrification with solid-polymer electrolyte membrane electrode (SPEME
M. Komori, Y. Sakakibar
Conference Proceedings, 2nd-IWA ASPIRE, Conference and Exhibition, No.091 1 - 7 2007年10月
A Mathematical Model for Electrochemical Treatment of Trace Environmental Pollutants
Y. Sakakibara, M. Komori, H. Kashimura
Procs. of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation 129 - 134 2007年09月
Electrolytic Treatment of Trace Toxic Substances in Urine
T. Ono, M. Hayashi, A. Inoue, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation 135 - 143 2007年09月
Electrochemical Treatment of Trace toxic Substances in Urine
T. Ono, R. Nagata, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 12th Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOTs), Pittsburgh, Sep. 2006年
Comparative Study on Electrolytic Generation from Wastewater by two Different Biofilm-Electrode Reactor
N. Takako, M. Miyazawa, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 5th IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, China 2006年
Electrochemical treatment of trace endocrine disrupting chemicals with a three-dimensional electrode system
R Nagata, M Prosnansky, Y Sakakibara
Enhanced treatment of trace pollutants by a novel electrolytic cell
Y. Sakakibara, Y. Senda, T. Obanayama, R. Nagata
Engineering in Life Science 6 ( 6 ) 1 - 5 2006年01月
A Life-cycle Risk Assessment for Fishes in Streams in Suburban Areas
T. Aoki, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 10th International Specialist Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management 2005 2005年09月
Continuous Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals with a Three-dimensional Electrode System
R. Nagata, K. Kashimura, M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of the 2nd European Conference on Oxidation and Reduction Technologies for Ex-Situ and In-Situ Treatment of Water, Air and Soil 2005年07月
Direct Oxidation Treatment by a Novel 3-DImensinal Electrolytic Cell Reactor
Y. Sakakibara, Y. Senda, M. Prosnansky
Procs. of 1st IWA-ASPIRE (Asia Pacific Regional Group) Conference and Exhibition 4B-3 2005年06月 [査読有り]
Bio-dehalogenation of PCE
M. Prosnansky, Y. Hadano, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 1st IWA-ASPIRE (Asia Pacific Regional Group) Conference and Exhibition 1 E-3 2005年06月
Development of high performance H2 feeder for bioremediation
T. Nobata, M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara, S. Fukuda
Water Science and Technology 52 ( 9 ) 259 - 265 2005年
Development of high performance H2 feeder for bioremediation
T. Nobata, M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara, S. Fukuda
Water Science and Technology 52 ( 9 ) 259 - 265 2005年 [査読有り]
Electrochemical Oxidation of Trace Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) with 3-Dimensional Electrode System
H. Kashimura, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 11th Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOTs) 2005年
A Fundamental Study of PCE by Biofilm-Electrode Reactor
Y. Hadano, M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2005年01月
Fundamental Study on Electron Recovery from Wastewater by a Biofilm-Electrode Reactor (BER)
M. Miyazawa, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2005年01月
Development of A High- Efficiency H2 Feeder for Bioremediation
T. Nobata, M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara, S. Fukuda
Procs. of 4th IWA World Water Congress 2004年09月 [査読有り]
Application of IWA RWQM No.1 for the Restoration of Polluted Streams in Japan
R. Kawamoto, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 4th IWA World Water Congress 2004年09月
A New Electrochemical System for the Removal of Trace Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
T. Obanayama, R. Nagata, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 4th IWA World Water Congress, Marrakech 2004年09月
Enhanced MF Performance by Hybrid Biofilm-Electrode/MF Reactor
M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of IWA Specialty Conference-WEMT 2004 2 769 - 774 2004年
Enhanced Reduction of Heavy Metal Ion by a Novel 3-Dimensional Multi-Electrode System
Y. Sakakibara, Y. Machida, M. Prosnansky
Procs. of IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2003年10月
A Novel Electrolytic Oxidation Process(EOP) for Treatment of Dilute Solutions
Y. Senda, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2003年10月
A Fundamental Study on Phosphate Removal By a Granular Metal Filter
K. Tashiro, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of The First International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment 1 382 - 386 2003年10月
In Situ Auto-trophic Denitrification with Continuous Injection of H2 Gas
T. Doi, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of In Situ and On Site Bioremediation 2003年06月
A bio-electrochemical reactor coupled with adsorber for the removal of nitrate and inhibitory pesticide
Z Feleke, Y Sakakibara
WATER RESEARCH 36 ( 12 ) 3092 - 3102 2002年07月 [査読有り]
High-Rate Denitrification and SS Rejection by Biofilm-Electrode Reactor (BER) Combined with Microfiltration
M. Prosnansky, Y. Sakakibara
Water Research 36 4408 - 4418 2002年 [査読有り]
A Hybrid Biofilm Reactor for Nitrate and Pesticide Removal
Y. Sakakibara, Z. Feleke, T. Katahira
Water Science and Technology 12 ( 2 ) 35 - 45 2002年 [査読有り]
Biobarrier Comprised of Soil and BAC, In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation
Y. Sakakibara, D. Kaminura
Bioaugmentation, Biobarriers, and Biogeochemistry, Lesson, Alleman, Alvarez, and Magar (Eds.), Battelle Press 6 ( 8 ) 113 - 120 2001年06月
Biobarrier Comprised of Soil and BAC, In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation
Y. Sakakibara, D. Kaminura
Bioaugmentation, Biobarriers, and Biogeochemistry, Lesson, Alleman, Alvarez, and Magar (Eds.), Battelle Press 6 ( 8 ) 113 - 120 2001年06月 [査読有り]
日下, 榊原
土木学会論文集 671 ( Ⅶ-18 ) 59 - 71 2001年
High-rate denitrification in biofilm-electrode reactor combined with microfitration
M Prosnansky, Y Sakakibara
BIOREMEDIATION OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS 6 ( 9 ) 201 - 207 2001年 [査読有り]
Performance and Function of Johkasou System
Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of the Seminar on Johkasou Management 1 - 10 2000年11月
Nitrate and Pesticide Removal by a Combined Bioelectrochemical/Adsorption Process
Z. Fleke, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of 1st World Congress of IWA Book 2 450 - 457 2000年07月
Effect of Pesticide on Denitrification in BER
Z. Feleke, Y. Sakakibara
Procs. of ISEB2000 9 - 14 2000年07月
Denitrificaton and Oxygenation Process Equipped with a Multi-Electrode System
Y. Sakakibara, T. Nakakayama
CD Rom of 1st World Congress of IWA L243 2000年07月
In situ autotrophic denitrification using electrode under oligotrophic conditions
Y Sakakibara, J Kusaka
生物活性炭添加土壌による温室効果ガス(CH4, N2O)の放出制御に関する基礎的研究
榊原, 田中, 吉田
土木学会論文集 629 ( Ⅶ-12 ) 27 - 36 1999年
Selective reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas in a biofilm-electrode reactor
Z Feleke, K Araki, Y Sakakibara, T Watanabe, M Kuroda
WATER RESEARCH 32 ( 9 ) 2728 - 2734 1998年09月 [査読有り]
The Denitrification and Neutralization Performance of an Electrochemically Actirated Biofilm Reactor Used to Treat Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater
Y. Sakakibara, K. Araki, T. Watanabe, M. Kuroda
Wat. Sci. Tech. 31 ( 6 ) 61 - 68 1997年06月 [査読有り]
An In-Situ Denitritication with an Application of Electric Current
Y. Sakakibara, K. Ihara, T. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, M. Kuroda
Procs. of 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 6 234 - 244 1997年
Performance of Denitrification and Newtralization of Electrochemically-Actirated Biofilin Reactors Treating Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater(共著)
Y. Sakakibara, K. Araki, T. Watanabe, M. Kuroda
3rd International IAWQ Special Conference on Biofilm Systems, Copenhagen 1996年08月
An In-situ Denitrification of Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater using H<SUB></SUB> as an External Electron Donor(共著)
Y. Sakakibara, K. Ihara, T. Watanabe, M. Kuroda
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference-ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD 116 - 120 1996年
電極を用いた硝酸汚染地下水の原位置(In Situ)脱窒法に関する研究
榊原, 田中, 井原, 渡辺, 黒田
環境工学研究論文集 32/,407-415 407 - 415 1995年11月
Modeling of Electrochemicolly-Actiroted Denitrifying Biofilms
Y. Sakakibara, J. R. V. Flora, M. T. Suidan, M. Kuroda
Water Res. 28 ( 5 ) 1077 - 1086 1994年05月 [査読有り]
WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 29 ( 10-11 ) 517 - 524 1994年 [査読有り]
WATER RESEARCH 28 ( 1 ) 9 - 16 1994年01月 [査読有り]
WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 30 ( 6 ) 151 - 155 1994年 [査読有り]
BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 42 ( 4 ) 535 - 537 1993年08月 [査読有り]
Preservation Characteristics of Facultative Anaerobes Immobilized with Gels and Porous Solid Supports. (共著)
Y. Sakakibara, M. Kuroda
Procs. of Asian WATERQUAL'91 221 - 226 1991年
Evaluation of COD Removal Performance Based on Organic Acid Decomposition in An Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor(共著)
M. Kuroda, Y. Sakakibara
Water Science and Technology 24 ( 5 ) 111 - 121 1991年 [査読有り]
Affinity of Carbon Material to Methanogenic Bacteria(共著)
A. Oya, Y. Tosaka, T. Asano, Y. Sakakibara, M. Kuroda, S. Otani
J. Mater. Sci. 9 693 - 695 1990年 [査読有り]
Simplified Equations for Effectiveness Factors in Anaerobic Biofilms
M. Kuroda, Y. Sakakibara, C. R. Escarela
J. Environ. Eng. (ASCE) 115/6 ( 6 ) 1123 - 1139 1989年06月
Methanogenic Bacteria Adhered to Solid Supports(共著)
M. Kuroda, M. Yuzawa, Y. Sakakibara, M. Okamura
Wat. Research 22/5,653-656 1988年 [査読有り]
Theoretical Consideration on the Treatment Characteristics of Volatile Fatty Acids in Completely Mixed Anaerobic Biofilm Reactors(共著)
Y. Sakakibara, M. Yuzawa, M. Kuroda
Procs. of JSCE 387/2-8 291 - 299 1987年08月
榊原 豊
NTS 2007年05月 ISBN: 9784860431457
榊原 豊
土木学会 2004年01月 ISBN: 4810604217
Application of Phyto-Fenton process to POPs-contaminated soil
R. Sasaki, Y. Sakakibara, V. H. Cong, D. T. Tran, N. D. Thi, H. M. Dang
7 th European Bioremediation Conference & 11th ISEB Conference (クレタ島) International Society for Environmental Biogeochemistry
発表年月: 2018年06月
Treatment of Tetracycline by Bio-Fenton Process in Diatoms in SBR
V. P. Ranjusha, Y. Sakakibara [招待有り]
The 23rd International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil (フロリダ) Redox Technologies
発表年月: 2017年11月
Application of Phyto-Fenton Process to PCP-contaminated soil
K. Harada, T. Kurihara, S. Yanachi, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara
7th IWA-ASPIRE Conference 2017 & Water Malaysia Exhibition 2017 (クアラルンプル) International Water Association
発表年月: 2017年09月
Phyto-Fenton Process―Fenton reaction with vegetation systems
T. Kurihara, Y. Inagaki, M. D. Hieu, V. H. Cong, Y. Sakakibara
5th International Conference on Water, Energy & Environment (ドバイ) The American University of Sharjah
発表年月: 2017年02月
Degradation of pentachlorophenol by Oryza sativa L. with different iron catalysts
S. Nara, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara
5th International Conference on Water, Energy & Environment (ドバイ) The American University of Sharjah
発表年月: 2017年02月
Biological Fenton Process for Treatment of Toxic Compounds
Y. Sakakibara, Y. Inagaki, V. P. Ranjusha, S. Nara, S. Nagahashi [招待有り]
The 22nd International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil (アトランタ) Redox Technologies
発表年月: 2016年11月
Stress Factors to Fish Habitat in Urban River
Y. Yamauchi, T. Nakata, Y. Sakakibara
The 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ヒューストン) American Academy of Sciences
発表年月: 2016年06月
OH radical formations in Phyto-Fenton process- detection and application
S. Nara, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara
The 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ヒューストン) American Academy of Sciences
発表年月: 2016年06月
Continuous treatment of wastewater containing PPCPs by an electrochemical advanced oxidation process
J. Suzuki, E. Kawada, T. Maehata, Y. Sakakibara
The 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ヒューストン) American Academy of Sciences
発表年月: 2016年06月
Biological Fenton process for treatment of contaminants of emerging concern
Y. Sakakibara, V. P. Ranjusha, S. Nara, S. Nagahashi, Y. Inagaki [招待有り]
The 6th International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer (合肥)
発表年月: 2016年05月
Application of Electrochemical AOP to Different Water and Wastewater Treatments
Y. Sakakibara, V. H. Cong, J. Tomita, S. Iwaya, L. Wei, J. Suzuki [招待有り]
The 20th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil (サンディエゴ) Redox Technologies
発表年月: 2014年11月
Semi-continuous treatment of Pentachlorophenol by biological Fenton reaction
Y. Inagaki, S. Nagahashi, A. Fujiwara, A. R. dos Reis, Y. Sakakibara
11th International Phytotechnologies Conference (クレタ島) International Society for Environmental Biogeochemistry
発表年月: 2014年09月
Simulation of Water Quality in Different Oxidation Ponds in Tropical Area
A. Sato, Y. Sakakibara
The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ヒューストン) American Academy of Sciences
発表年月: 2014年06月
Hydrogen Peroxide in Tropical and Temperate Aquatic Plants
S. Suzuki, Y. Inagaki, Y. Sakakibara, M. Milintawisamai, S. Srilachai
The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ヒューストン) American Academy of Sciences
発表年月: 2014年06月
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 萌芽研究
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 萌芽研究
榊原 豊
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 基盤(C)
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))
榊原 豊
水素を用いた硝酸汚染地下水の原位置(In Situ)脱窒法の開発
科学研究費助成事業(群馬大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))
榊原 豊
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
榊原 豊, 渡辺 智秀
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
黒田 正和, 榊原 豊
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
黒田 正和, 榊原 豊, 湯沢 恩
榊原 豊
榊原 豊
榊原 豊
アメリカ ピッツバーグ大学
理工学術院 大学院環境・エネルギー研究科
附属機関・学校 グローバルエデュケーションセンター
理工学術院 大学院創造理工学研究科
理工学術院総合研究所 兼任研究員
2018年 Vo Huu Cong, Trần Đình Trinh, Dao Thi Nhung
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