2025/03/13 更新


スール ティモシー
スール ティモシー
国際学術院 国際教養学部





    American Political Science Association


  • 政治学


  • Understanding Global Political Economy through English: Concepts and Approaches

    Tim Seul, Masakazu Iino, Masazumi Wakatabe

    Yuhikaku Press    2014年04月

  • Nietzsche's Intimacy: The Free Spirit and Its Voice

    Tim Seul

    Waseda Global Forum   No. 10   481 - 493  2014年03月

  • The Men of the Militias: Then and Now

    Tim Seul

    Waseda Global Forum   No. 8 ( 8 ) 211 - 225  2012年03月


  • The Means of Reproduction: Neorealism as a Structural Utopia

    Tim Seul

    Waseda Global Forum   ( 3 ) 95 - 98  2007年04月


  • "Uncovering Conservative Myths: The Projection of Truth in Ideological Formations"

    Tim Seul

    Newtopia   III ( 18 )  2004年10月

  • "Global Nationalism: Forging an Old Frontier"

    Tim Seul

    Newtopia   II ( 14 )  2003年12月

  • "The Hobbesian State and Rousseau's Island Self: Guided and Self-Constructed Modes of Travel"

    Tim Seul

    Journal of Liberal Arts   ( 115 ) 19 - 28  2003年12月


  • "Enemy Construction: The Language of Political Morality"

    Tim Seul

    The Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication   11 ( 1 ) 81 - 91  2002年09月


  • "The Return of the Sovereign and Kristeva's Modernism"

    Tim Seul

    Journal of Liberal Arts   ( 112 ) 235 - 245  2002年03月

  • "Crashing Technotopia: An Analysis of Technology as Education"

    Tim Seul, Masakazu Iino

    The Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication   10 ( 1 ) 70 - 84  2001年09月

  • "The Nineteenth Amendment"

    Tim Seul

    Constitutional Amendments: From Freedom of Speech to Flag Burning    2001年04月

  • The Twentieth Amendment

    Tim Seul

    Constitutional Amendments: From Freedom of Speech to Flag Burning    2001年04月

  • The Twenty-third Amendment

    Tim Seul

    Constitutional Amendments: From Freedom of Speech to Flag Burning    2001年04月

  • The Twenty-sixth Amendment

    Tim Seul

    Constitutional Amendments: From Freedom of Speech to Flag Burning    2001年04月

  • "Militias"

    Tim Seul

    The St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture    1999年12月

  • "Net-Space as Civil Society Space?"

    Tim Seul

    Left History   5 ( 2 ) 96 - 102  1997年09月

  • "Militia Minds: Inside America's Contemporary Militia Movement"

    Tim Seul

    Purdue University     1 - 240  1997年05月




  • Right-Wing Politics in America


    アメリカ   Purdue大学


  • 附属機関・学校   グローバルエデュケーションセンター

  • 国際学術院   国際コミュニケーション研究科


  • Populism and the Liberal International Order: Implications for Japan

    2023年   Paul Bacon


    This project has continued to move forward in a variety of ways. I've recently been collecting updated information from various scholars related to extremist groups in the United States. I will also travel to the U.S. in both February and April to collect further data and meet with colleagues working in this area. In the meantime I've been monitoring a variety of websites where militia member regularly communicate with one another, as well as sites that monitor these groups, including Southern Poverty Law Center and the Chicago Project on Security and Threats at the University of Chicago.The topic has also been expanded to include a more in-depth look at the implications of populism for the international relations of Japan. There is a risk that populism threatens alliances with central western states aimed at guaranteeing Japan's security at home and abroad. It is thus important to gain a sense of how Japanese view populist surges in relation to security alliances and the implications of this for its defense posture.  

  • Populism and the Liberal International Order

    2022年   Paul Bacon


    In terms of preparation status and research development, the project bridges the PI and the Co-I’s fields of expertise. Both applicants have already collaborated intensively to produce the research design, which bridges political science and international relations. To offer a concrete description of PI and Co-I role-sharing, we purchased texts relevant to the project and jointly conducted an extensive literature review. We have collaborated intensively to create our joint, shared research questionnaires. The PI visited the US, and the Co-I visited the UK and EU. The PI and Co-I continue to work on ambitious but realistic publication plans, and all subsequent publications will be co-authored as a result of close writing collaboration between the PI and the Co-I. In short, the PI and Co-I will continue to collaborate intensively as the project moves forward.

  • Populism and the Liberal International Order

    2022年   Paul Bacon


    In terms of preparation status and research development, the project bridges the PI and the Co-I’s fields of expertise. Both applicants have already collaborated intensively to produce the research design, which bridges political science and international relations. To offer a concrete description of PI and Co-I role-sharing, we purchased texts relevant to the project and jointly conducted an extensive literature review. We have collaborated intensively to create our joint, shared research questionnaires. The PI visited the US, and the Co-I visited the UK and EU. The PI and Co-I continue to work on ambitious but realistic publication plans, and all subsequent publications will be co-authored as a result of close writing collaboration between the PI and the Co-I. In short, the PI and Co-I will continue to collaborate intensively as the project moves forward.