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オイカワ ヤスヒロ
及川 靖広
理工学術院 基幹理工学部
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2012年

    早稲田大学理工学術院基幹理工学部表現工学科 教授

  • 2012年

    デンマーク工科大学 客員教授

  • 2007年

    早稲田大学理工学術院基幹理工学部表現工学科 准教授

  • 2005年

    早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター 客員助教授

  • 2001年

    早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター 客員講師

  • 2001年

    スウェーデン王立工科大学 客員研究員

  • 2000年

    早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター 助手

  • 1997年

    日本学術振興会 特別研究員



  • 2015年05月

    日本音響学会  理事





    Acoustical Society of America















  • 機械力学、メカトロニクス / 応用物理一般 / 計測工学 / 知覚情報処理


  • 音響工学、音響計測、音コミュニケーション


  • The Fumio Okano Best 3D Paper Awards

    2019年04月   SPIE  

    受賞者: Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

  • CSS2018 最優秀論文賞

    2018年10月   情報処理学会  

    受賞者: 飯島涼, 南翔汰, シュウインゴウ, 竹久達也, 高橋健志, 及川靖広, 森達哉

  • 日本音響学会 学会活動貢献賞

    2017年03月   日本音響学会  

  • 電子情報通信学会 平成25年度ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞

    2013年12月   電子情報通信学会  

    受賞者: 小森智康, HKエンジニアリングシステム, 今井篤, 清山信正, 田高礼子(NH, 都木徹(NHKエンジニアリングシステム, 川靖広

  • 経済産業省 Innovative Technologies2013

    2013年09月   経済産業省  

    受賞者: 表現工学科, 音コミュニケーション科学研究室



  • Fringe pattern analysis based on the two-dimensional synchrosqueezing transform

    Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Optics Letters   49 ( 14 ) 4022 - 4025  2024年07月


    Windowed Fourier transform (WFT) is used to analyze fringe patterns observed from optical measurements. The space–frequency resolution of the WFT is limited, which affects the analyzing performance. In this Letter, we propose to apply the two-dimensional synchrosqueezing transform (SST) for analyzing fringe patterns. The SST is a technique used to overcome the limitation of the space–frequency resolution of the WFT, which sharpens the WFT representation using the derivative of the WFT phase. Numerical experiments confirm the effectiveness of the SST in denoising the fringe pattern and estimating the local frequency from the observed fringe pattern.

    DOI PubMed


  • Drumhead tuning based on vibration mode visualization using Fourier transform profilometry

    Ryota Hashimoto, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   45 ( 2 ) 106 - 109  2024年



  • Determination of microphone acoustic center from sound field projection measured by optical interferometry

    Denny Hermawanto, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   153 ( 2 ) 1138 - 1146  2023年02月


    This article presents a method for determining the acoustic center of a microphone from a sound field measured by optical interferometry. The acoustic center defines the equivalent point source position of a microphone serving as a sound source where the spherical waveform starts to diverge. The value is used to determine the effective distance between microphones for free-field reciprocity calibration. Conventionally, it is determined from the inverse distance law properties of a point source using the transfer function method. In this study, the acoustic center was determined from the projection of the sound field of the microphone. Parallel phase-shifting interferometry was used to measure the line integration of the sound pressure from a microphone. The acoustic center is determined as the position where the squared error between the measured data and the projection model of a point source is minimized. Experiments with the B&K 4180 (Brüel & Kjær, Nærum, Denmark) microphone were performed for frequencies from 10 to 50 kHz. The best acoustic center estimation was obtained at a microphone distance of 0 mm, with a difference of 0.17 mm to the IEC 61094-3 value and 0.36 mm to the Barrera-Figueroa et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120(5), 2668-2675 (2006)] result at a measurement frequency of 20 kHz.

    DOI PubMed


  • UPGLADE: Unplugged Plug-and-Play Audio Declipper Based on Consensus Equilibrium of DNN and Sparse Optimization

    Tomoro Tanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2023-June  2023年


    In this paper, we propose a novel audio declipping method that fuses sparse-optimization-based and deep neural network (DNN)- based methods. The two methods have contrasting characteristics, depending on clipping level. Sparse-optimization-based audio de-clipping can preserve reliable samples, being suitable for precise restoration of small clipping. Besides, DNN-based methods are potent for recovering large clipping thanks to their data-driven approaches. Therefore, if these two methods are properly combined, audio declipping effective for a wide range of clipping levels can be realized. In the proposed method, we use a framework called consensus equilibrium to fuse the above two methods. Our experiments confirmed that the proposed method was superior to both conventional sparse-optimization-based and DNN-based methods.



  • Improving Phase-Vocoder-Based Time Stretching by Time-Directional Spectrogram Squeezing

    Natsuki Akaishi, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2023-June  2023年


    Time stretching of music signals has a crucial problem, i.e., smearing of percussive sounds. Some time stretching algorithms have addressed this problem by detecting percussive components and manipulating them differently from the other components. However, conventional methods cause artifacts. In this paper, to prevent percussion smearing, we propose a preprocessing for time stretching. The proposed algorithm aims to preserve time scale of percussive components while stretching the rest of components in the ordinary way. To do so, time-frequency bins dominated by percussive components are squeezed in time direction so as to preserve the shape of spectrogram of percussive components. Our experiment showed that our method could improve sound quality for long stretching.



  • On-line Chord Recognition Using FifthNet with Synchrosqueezing Transform

    Rikuto Ito, Natsuki Akaishi, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    European Signal Processing Conference     141 - 145  2023年


    Automatic chord recognition is a fundamental and important task in music information processing. FifthNet is a recently proposed chord recognition framework based on a deep neural network (DNN). Its aim is to reduce the computational and memory loads by taking advantage of knowledge on music signals. Since FifthNet achieved the state-of-the-art performance and requires less computational resource compared to the other DNN-based methods, it seems suitable for real-time applications. However, the original FifthNet cannot be directly used in real-time because it applies the spectral reassignment method in its feature extractor. The reassignment method requires some look-ahead frames that results in unavoidable latency. In this paper, we propose to replace the reassignment method of FifthNet with the synchrosqueezing transform to reduce the amount of required look-ahead frames and the computational requirement. Our modification makes FifthNet on-line and removes the obstacle towards real-time execution. In addition, the experimental result shows that the accuracy of chord recognition can be improved by the proposed modification.



  • Online Phase Reconstruction via DNN-Based Phase Differences Estimation

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Kento Nagatomo, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing   31   163 - 176  2023年


    This paper presents a two-stage online phase reconstruction framework using causal deep neural networks (DNNs). Phase reconstruction is a task of recovering phase of the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) coefficients only from the corresponding magnitude. However, phase is sensitive to waveform shifts and not easy to estimate from the magnitude even with a DNN. To overcome this problem, we propose to use DNNs for estimating differences of phase between adjacent time-frequency bins. We show that convolutional neural networks are suitable for phase difference estimation, according to the theoretical relation between partial derivatives of STFT phase and magnitude. The estimated phase differences are used for reconstructing phase by solving a weighted least squares problem in a frame-by-frame manner. In contrast to existing DNN-based phase reconstruction methods, the proposed framework is causal and does not require any iterative procedure. The experiments showed that the proposed method outperforms existing online methods and a DNN-based method for phase reconstruction.



  • Speckle holographic imaging of a sound field using Fresnel lenses

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshifumi Shiraki, Takehiro Moriya

    Optics Letters   47 ( 21 ) 5688 - 5691  2022年11月


    In this Letter, we propose to use Fresnel lenses for holographic sound-field imaging. Although a Fresnel lens has never been used for sound-field imaging mainly due to its low imaging quality, it has several desired properties, including thinness, lightweight, low cost, and ease of making a large aperture. We constructed an optical holographic imaging system composed of two Fresnel lenses used for magnification and demagnification of the illuminating beam. A proof-of-concept experiment verified that the sound-field imaging with Fresnel lenses is possible by using the spatiotemporally harmonic nature of sound.



  • On-line sound event localization and detection for real-time recognition of surrounding environment

    Kento Nagatomo, Masahiro Yasuda, Kohei Yatabe, Shoichiro Saito, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Applied Acoustics   199  2022年10月


    Sound Event Localization and Detection (SELD) is a task of simultaneously identifying sound events and their locations. The existing methods perform SELD in the off-line setting using deep neural networks (DNNs) including bi-directional recurrent neural network (BiRNN). Although their effectiveness has been shown in the literature, they cannot be directly applied to real-time applications which requires on-line execution of SELD, i.e., the input signals must be successively processed with small latency. In this paper, we propose on-line extension of the off-line SELD systems and discuss about the essential latency of an on-line SELD system. The relationship between the system latency and accuracy of SELD was investigated by experiments. From the experimental results, we confirmed that on-line extension of the SELD system maintains or improves the performance of localization, while event detection performance is degraded in low-latency.



  • Visualization of sound wave from high-speed moving source

    Mariko Akutsu, Toki Uda, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   43 ( 6 ) 339 - 341  2022年



  • Underwater sound visualization and temperature measurement using high-speed interferometer

    Souta Yoshida, Risako Tanigawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   43 ( 3 ) 177 - 187  2022年


    In this paper, we propose applying a high-speed polarization interferometer to underwater sound fields for their non-invasive visualization and temperature measurement. Underwater sound is usually measured by hydrophones that may disturb the sound field. To circumvent such disturbance, for airborne sound, a high-speed polarization interferometer has been proposed as a new measurement method. It enables non-contact measurement of non-stationary sound fields in air. This research applies the high-speed interferometer to underwater sound and confirms its capability of visualization. As an application, we also propose a non-invasive temperature measurement method that calculates temperature from the sound speed of visualized sound. As a result, we confirmed that the proposed method can measure the water temperature with an accuracy of about ±0:5 to 1.5°C.



  • Window Functions With Minimum-Sidelobe Derivatives for Computing Instantaneous Frequency

    Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    IEEE Access   10   32075 - 32092  2022年


    In the field of nonstationary signal analysis and processing, the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is frequently used to convert signals into the time-frequency domain. The instantaneous frequency (IF) of the STFT is defined as the time derivative of the STFT phase and plays an important role in the reassignment method and the synchrosqueezing transform (SST). In this paper, we propose a framework to design a window function for computing the IF of STFT. Computing the IF requires the STFT with a window and STFT with its derivative, i.e., the IF computation depends on both the window function and its derivative. To design a window suitable for computing the IF, we formulate the window design problem as a sidelobe minimization problem of the corresponding derivative. Two windows are designed considering the sidelobe energy or the highest sidelobe level as cost functions for minimizing the sidelobes of their derivatives. The SST using the proposed window provides a sharper time-frequency representation compared to those produced using ordinary bandwidth-adjustable windows.




    Tomoki Kobayashi, Tomoro Tanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2022-May   6212 - 6216  2022年


    Phase reconstruction from amplitude spectrograms has attracted attention in recent acoustics because of its potential applications in speech synthesis and enhancement. The most well-known algorithm in acoustics is based on alternating projection and called Griffin-Lim algorithm (GLA). At the same time, GLA is known as the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm in optics, and a lot of its variants have been proposed independently of those in acoustics. In this paper, we propose to apply phase reconstruction algorithms developed in the optics community to acoustic applications and evaluate them using acoustical metrics. Specifically, we propose to apply the averaged alternating reflections (AAR), relaxed AAR (RAAR), and hybrid input-output (HIO) algorithms to acoustic signals. Our experimental results suggested that RAAR has enough potential for acoustic applications because it clearly outperformed GLA.




    Tomoro Tanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Masahiro Yasuda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2022-May   1011 - 1015  2022年


    In this paper, we propose an audio declipping method that takes advantages of both sparse optimization and deep learning. Since sparsity-based audio declipping methods have been developed upon constrained optimization, they are adjustable and well-studied in theory. However, they always uniformly promote sparsity and ignore the individual properties of a signal. Deep neural network (DNN)-based methods can learn the properties of target signals and use them for audio declipping. Still, they cannot perform well if the training data have mismatches and/or constraints in the time domain are not imposed. In the proposed method, we use a DNN in an optimization algorithm. It is inspired by an idea called plug-and-play (PnP) and enables us to promote sparsity based on the learned information of data, considering constraints in the time domain. Our experiments confirmed that the proposed method is stable and robust to mismatches between training and test data.




    Kento Nagatomo, Masahiro Yasuda, Kohei Yatabe, Shoichiro Saito, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2022-May   156 - 160  2022年


    Sound event localization and detection (SELD) is a combined task of identifying the sound event and its direction. Deep neural networks (DNNs) are utilized to associate them with the sound signals observed by a microphone array. Although ambisonic microphones are popular in the literature of SELD, they might limits the range of applications due to their predetermined geometry. Some applications (including those for pedestrians that perform SELD while walking) require a wearable microphone array whose geometry can be designed to suit the task. In this paper, for development of such a wearable SELD, we propose a dataset named Wearable SELD dataset. It consists of data recorded by 24 microphones placed on a head and torso simulators (HATS) with some accessories mimicking wearable devices (glasses, earphones, and headphones). We also provide experimental results of SELD using the proposed dataset and SELDNet to investigate the effect of microphone configuration.




    Natsuki Akaishi, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2022-May   301 - 305  2022年


    Harmonic and percussive sound separation (HPSS) is a widely applied pre-processing tool that extracts distinct (harmonic and percussive) components of a signal. In the previous methods, HPSS has been performed based on the structural properties of magnitude (or power) spectrograms. However, such approach does not take advantage of phase that contains useful information of the waveform. In this paper, we propose a novel HPSS method named MipDroP that relies only on phase and does not use information of magnitude spectrograms. The proposed MipDroP algorithm effectively examines phase through its mixed partial derivative and constructs a pair of masks for the separation. Our experiments showed that MipDroP can extract percussive components better than the other methods.



  • Phase-recovery algorithm for harmonic/percussive source separation based on observed phase information and analytic computation

    Kenji Kobayashi, Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   42 ( 5 ) 261 - 269  2021年09月


    Phase recovery is a methodology of estimating a phase spectrogram that is reasonable for a given amplitude spectrogram. For enhancing the signals obtained from the processed amplitude spectrograms, it has been applied to several audio applications such as harmonic/percussive source separation (HPSS). Because HPSS is often utilized as preprocessing of other processes, its phase recovery should be simple. Therefore, practically effective methods without requiring much computational cost, such as phase unwrapping (PU), have been considered in HPSS. However, PU often results in a phase that is completely different from the true phase because (1) it does not consider the observed phase and (2) estimation error is accumulated with time. To circumvent this problem, we propose a phase-recovery method for HPSS using the observed phase information. Instead of accumulating the phase as in PU, we formulate a local optimization model based on the observed phase so that the estimated phase remains similar to the observed phase. The analytic solution to the proposed optimization model is provided to keep the computational cost cheap. In addition, iterative refinement of phase in the existing methods is applied for further improving the result. From the experiments, it was confirmed that the proposed method outperformed PU.



  • Estimation of acoustic impedances in a room using multiple sound intensities and FDTD method

    Yukiko Okawa, Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    "Advances in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration - 2021" Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2021    2021年


    To simulate the sound field based on the real environment, it is essential to know the geometry of room and its acoustic impedances. Recently, the geometry of room can be measured easily using measurements such as Mixed Reality (MR) technology and a laser range finder. However, it is not easy to obtain the acoustic impedances on the surface of rooms by in-situ measurements. On the other hand, with the development of numerical simulation technology, the previous studies have proposed a method for estimating acoustic impedances using the recorded signals from the microphones and sound field simulation. However, for practical use, acoustic impedance estimation that is robust to the errors in the measurement positions is required. In our previous works, we also proposed the measurement system of sound intensities using MR technology. The system can quickly measure the multiple sound intensities and visualizes the measurement results as 3DCG in real time at the measurement position. In this study, we propose the estimation method of acoustic impedances of walls using the measurement of sound intensities at multiple points and FDTD simulation. From the simulations experiments with the positional errors in measurement points, the proposed method improved estimation accuracies by about 30 dB compared to the conventional method with time-signals. In addition, the accuracy was improved by about 8 dB by increasing the number of measurement points.

  • Immersive audio system based on 2.5D local sound field synthesis using high-speed 1-bit signal

    Kakeru Kurokawa, Yusuke Ikeda, Naotoshi Osaka, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   11766  2021年


    To a achieve highly immersive auditory experience, physically accurate sound field reproduction is required. Many local sound field synthesis (SFS) methods have been proposed to accurately reproduce the sound field around a listener. However, the narrow listening area in local SFS prevents the listener from moving freely. In this study, we developed a dynamic 2.5-dimensional local SFS system, which moves the listening area to follow the movements of the listener using a body-tracking camera. For the evaluation the proposed system, the azimuth localization accuracy was investigated by measuring interaural level differences in an anechoic chamber. The results show that when the distance between the listener and the virtual point source is 1.0 m, the proposed system has a small azimuthal localization error compared with conventional SFS.



  • Simultaneous Declipping and Beamforming via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Tomoro Tanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Tsubasa Kusano, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    European Signal Processing Conference   2021-August   316 - 320  2021年


    Audio declipping aims to reconstruct the original signal from a clipped observed signal. Clipping has a negative effect on subsequent multichannel processing such as beamforming. This is because the channel-wise nonlinear distortion deteriorates the spatial covariance matrix in the time-frequency domain. Hence, it is important to consider multichannel audio declipping that explicitly takes into account the subsequent audio signal processing. However, most of the existing methods have been developed for the single-channel case. In this paper, we propose a joint optimization method for declipping and beamforming. The multichannel declipped signal and the spatial filter are jointly optimized to sparsify the output of beamforming. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the beamforming with prior declipping.



  • Phase-aware Audio Inpainting Based on Instantaneous Frequency

    Tomoro Tanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2021 - Proceedings     254 - 258  2021年


    In this paper, we propose a phase-aware audio inpainting method and its variations. The aim of audio inpainting is to restore some gaps of audio signals. Among various methods, sparsity-based methods have been studied, especially for restoring gaps up to 50 ms. However, they usually focus only on the magnitude information even though the phase information is also available. In the proposed method, we utilize a phase-aware prior to induce smoothness of phase. The variations of the basic algorithm are also obtained by applying some updating schemes. The numerical results show effectiveness of the proposed methods, especially for longer gaps.

  • Sparse time-frequency representation via atomic norm minimization

    Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2021-June   5075 - 5079  2021年


    Nonstationary signals are commonly analyzed and processed in the time-frequency (T-F) domain that is obtained by the discrete Gabor transform (DGT). The T-F representation obtained by DGT is spread due to windowing, which may degrade the performance of T-F domain analysis and processing. To obtain a well-localized T-F representation, sparsity-aware methods using '1-norm have been studied. However, they need to discretize a continuous parameter onto a grid, which causes a model mismatch. In this paper, we propose a method of estimating a sparse T-F representation using atomic norm. The atomic norm enables sparse optimization without discretization of continuous parameters. Numerical experiments show that the T-F representation obtained by the proposed method is sparser than the conventional methods.



  • Determination of frequency response of MEMS microphone from sound field measurements using optical phase-shifting interferometry method

    Denny Hermawanto, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Applied Acoustics   170   107523 - 107523  2020年12月  [査読有り]


    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd Accurate determination of microphone sensitivity is important to build reliable acoustical instruments. The sensitivity is usually determined by calibration. However, because available microphone calibration methods determine the sensitivity from a mathematical model derived from the geometry of a conventional condenser microphone, they cannot be applied to the calibration of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphone straightforwardly. To compromise this geometry difference with the available calibration methods, some authors have proposed the development of adapters that fits the conventional calibration apparatus and modified the calibration procedure. In this paper, we propose a different approach to calibrate the MEMS microphone. The sensitivity is calculated directly from the measurement of the sound field applied to the MEMS microphone and its output voltage. The projection of the sound field is measured by parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI), and sound pressure on the MEMS microphone is obtained by tomographic reconstruction. Experimental calibration of a MEMS microphone was performed and validated using a microphone substitution method to evaluate the discrepancies of the sensitivity result. It is shown that the proposed method can be used to determine the frequency response of the MEMS microphone in the frequency range of 1000 Hz to 12000 Hz.



  • Physical-model-based reconstruction of axisymmetric three-dimensional sound field from optical interferometric measurement

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Measurement Science and Technology   32 ( 4 )  2020年11月  [査読有り]


    Optical interferometric measurement methods for sound fields have garnered considerable attention owing to their contactless nature. The capabilities of non-invasive measurement and reconstruction of three-dimensional sound fields are significant for characterizing acoustic transducers. However, three-dimensional reconstructions are typically time consuming because of the two-dimensional scanning and rotation of the measurement system. This paper presents a scan and rotation-free reconstruction of an axisymmetric sound field in the human hearing range. A physical-model-based algorithm is proposed to reconstruct an axisymmetric sound field from optical interferograms recorded using parallel phase-shifting interferometry and a high-speed polarization camera. We demonstrate that audible sound fields can be reconstructed from data measured in 10 ms. The proposed method is effective for the rapid evaluation of axially symmetric acoustic transducers.



  • Seeing the sound of castanets: Acoustic resonances between shells captured by high-speed optical visualization with 1-mm resolution

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   148 ( 5 ) 3171 - 3180  2020年11月  [査読有り]


    Sound fields radiated from the castanet, a Spanish percussive instrument comprising two shells, were optically visualized. A measurement system, which used parallel phase-shifting interferometry and a high-speed polarization camera, enabled the capture of instantaneous sound fields around the castanets, while the castanets were played, with the spatial resolution of 1.1 mm and frame rate of 100 000 fps. By carefully aligning the tilt of the castanets, the sound fields within the 1-mm gaps between both the shells were captured. From the visualization results, two acoustic resonances between the shells were identified. The first mode appeared between 1000 and 2000 Hz and exhibited a frequency chirp of several hundred hertz for several milliseconds after the impact. This can be explained by the Helmholtz resonance with a time-varying resonator shape, which is caused by the movement of the shells after impact. The second mode showed a resonance pattern with a single nodal diameter at the center of the shells, i.e., the standing wave mode caused by the interior volume. These physical phenomena involved in the sound radiation were identified owing to the unique features of the optical imaging method, such as contactless nature and millimeter-resolution imaging of instantaneous pressure fields.

    DOI PubMed


  • Parametric speaker consisting of small number of transducers with sonic crystal waveguide

    Jun Kuroda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   41 ( 6 ) 865 - 876  2020年11月  [査読有り]



  • Visualization System of Measured and Simulated Sound Intensities with Mixed Reality

    Yukiko Okawa, Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Naotoshi Osaka

    Proc. IEEE Global Conf. Consumer Electronics (GCCE)    2020年10月  [査読有り]

  • Sound Localization Accuracy in 2.5 Dimensional Local Sound Field Synthesis

    Kakeru Kurokawa, Izumi Tsunokuni, Yusuke Ikeda, Naotoshi Osaka, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IEEE Global Conf. Consumer Electronics (GCCE)    2020年10月  [査読有り]

  • Self-supervised Neural Audio-Visual Sound Source Localization via Probabilistic Spatial Modeling

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Yoshiaki Bando, Kohei Yatabe, Yoko Sasaki, Masaki Onishi, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conf. Intelligent Robots and System (IROS)     4848 - 4854  2020年10月  [査読有り]


    Detecting sound source objects within visual observation is important for autonomous robots to comprehend surrounding environments. Since sounding objects have a large variety with different appearances in our living environments, labeling all sounding objects is impossible in practice. This calls for self-supervised learning which does not require manual labeling. Most of conventional self-supervised learning uses monaural audio signals and images and cannot distinguish sound source objects having similar appearances due to poor spatial information in audio signals. To solve this problem, this paper presents a self-supervised training method using 360 images and multichannel audio signals. By incorporating with the spatial information in multichannel audio signals, our method trains deep neural networks (DNNs) to distinguish multiple sound source objects. Our system for localizing sound source objects in the image is composed of audio and visual DNNs. The visual DNN is trained to localize sound source candidates within an input image. The audio DNN verifies whether each candidate actually produces sound or not. These DNNs are jointly trained in a self-supervised manner based on a probabilistic spatial audio model. Experimental results with simulated data showed that the DNNs trained by our method localized multiple speakers. We also demonstrate that the visual DNN detected objects including talking visitors and specific exhibits from real data recorded in a science museum.



  • Joint Amplitude and Phase Refinement for Monaural Source Separation

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Kento Nagatomo, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    IEEE Signal Processing Letters   27   1939 - 1943  2020年10月  [査読有り]


    Monaural source separation is often conducted by manipulating the amplitude spectrogram of a mixture (e.g., via time-frequency masking and spectral subtraction). The obtained amplitudes are converted back to the time domain by using the phase of the mixture or by applying phase reconstruction. Although phase reconstruction performs well for the true amplitudes, its performance is degraded when the amplitudes contain error. To deal with this problem, we propose an optimization-based method to refine both amplitudes and phases based on the given amplitudes. It aims to find time-domain signals whose amplitude spectrograms are close to the given ones in terms of the generalized alpha-beta divergences. To solve the optimization problem, the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is utilized. We confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method through speech-nonspeech separation in various conditions.


  • Experimental visualization of aerodynamic sound sources using parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Risako Tanigawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Experiments in Fluids   61 ( 9 )  2020年09月  [査読有り]


    Aerodynamic sound is one of the causes of noise in high-speed trains, automobiles, and wind turbines. To investigate the characteristics of aerodynamic sound generation, measurements around the sound sources are required. Aerodynamic sound is typically measured using microphones. However, microphones cannot capture the near-field of aerodynamic sound because they become new noise sources inside the air flow. To observe the aerodynamic sound near-field, we performed two-dimensional visualization of aerodynamic sound using an optical method. The optical method used in this research, parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI), can detect the pressure within the measurement area as variations of the phase of light. PPSI can therefore visualize the pressure fields. We visualized both the sound pressure and flow components of the sound generated by flow around a square cylinder and flat plates. The visualized pressure fields are provided as animations in the online resources. Analysis of the sound and flow component time variations confirmed the correlations between them.

    <title>Graphic abstract</title>




  • Effect of spectrogram resolution on deep-neural-network-based speech enhancement

    Daiki Takeuchi, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    Acoustical Science and Technology   41 ( 5 ) 769 - 775  2020年09月  [査読有り]


    In recent single-channel speech enhancement, deep neural network (DNN) has played a quite important role for achieving high performance. One standard use of DNN is to construct a maskgenerating function for time-frequency (T-F) masking. For applying a mask in T-F domain, the shorttime Fourier transform (STFT) is usually utilized because of its well-understood and invertible nature. While the mask-generating regression function has been studied for a long time, there is less research on T-F transform from the viewpoint of speech enhancement. Since the performance of speech enhancement depends on both the T-F mask estimator and T-F transform, investigating T-F transform should be beneficial for designing a better enhancement system. In this paper, as a step toward optimal T-F transform in terms of speech enhancement, we experimentally investigated the effect of parameter settings of STFT on a DNN-based mask estimator. We conducted the experiments using three types of DNN architectures with three types of loss functions, and the results suggested that U-Net is robust to the parameter setting while that is not the case for fully connected and BLSTM networks.



  • Visualization of Spatial Impulse Responses using Mixed Reality and Moving Microphone

    Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Naotoshi Osaka

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Posters    2020年08月  [査読有り]



  • Mixed Reality Visualization of Instantaneous Sound Intensity with Moving 4-ch Microphone Array

    Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Posters    2020年08月  [査読有り]



  • やさしい解説 光を用いた空中可聴音の計測技術

    矢田部浩平, 及川靖広, 石川憲治

    日本音響学会誌   76 ( 8 ) 450 - 457  2020年08月  [招待有り]

  • Noise reduction by spatio-temporal filtering on parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Nachanant Chitanont, Pannarong Thongtangsai, Dabasvee Tachatanachai, Praewa Chatsuksiridech, Fumihiko Imaeda, Risako Tanigawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    2020 6th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST)    2020年07月  [査読有り]


    Visualizing sound field is important to fully understand the acoustic behavior and phenomena. Recently, sound field visualization by using parallel phase-shifting interferometer (PPSI) has been proposed. PPSI can observe sound field quantitively and instantaneously without placing any object inside the field. However, the system has introduced some unwanted noise to the output fringe image. There is continuous development in signal processing method to reduce the noise in PPSI system. In this paper, different type of spatio-temporal filter has been tested to improve noise reduction in PPSI system upon establishing.


  • Invertible DNN-Based Nonlinear Time-Frequency Transform for Speech Enhancement

    Daiki Takeuchi, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)   2020-May   6644 - 6648  2020年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2020 IEEE. We propose an end-to-end speech enhancement method with trainable time-frequency (T-F) transform based on invertible deep neural network (DNN). The resent development of speech enhancement is brought by using DNN. The ordinary DNN-based speech enhancement employs T-F transform, typically the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), and estimates a T-F mask using DNN. On the other hand, some methods have considered end-to-end networks which directly estimate the enhanced signals without T-F transform. While end-to-end methods have shown promising results, they are black boxes and hard to understand. Therefore, some end-to-end methods used a DNN to learn the linear T-F transform which is much easier to understand. However, the learned transform may not have a property important for ordinary signal processing. In this paper, as the important property of the T-F transform, perfect reconstruction is considered. An invertible nonlinear T-F transform is constructed by DNNs and learned from data so that the obtained transform is perfectly reconstructing filterbank.


  • Maximally Energy-Concentrated Differential Window for Phase-Aware Signal Processing Using Instantaneous Frequency

    Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)   2020-May   5825 - 5829  2020年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2020 IEEE. The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is widely employed in non-stationary signal analysis, whose property depends on window functions. Instantaneous frequency in STFT, the time-derivative of phase, is recently applied to many applications including spectrogram reassignment. The computation of instantaneous frequency requires STFT with the window and STFT with the (time-)differential window, i.e., the computation of instantaneous frequency depends on both the window function and its time derivative. To obtain the instantaneous frequency accurately, the sidelobe of frequency response of differential window should be reduced because the side-lobe causes mixing of multiple components. In this paper, we propose window functions suitable for computing the instantaneous frequency which are designed based on minimizing the sidelobe energy of the frequency response of the differential window.


  • Real-Time Speech Enhancement Using Equilibriated RNN

    Daiki Takeuchi, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)   2020-May   851 - 855  2020年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2020 IEEE We propose a speech enhancement method using a causal deep neural network (DNN) for real-time applications. DNN has been widely used for estimating a time-frequency (T-F) mask which enhances a speech signal. One popular DNN structure for that is a recurrent neural network (RNN) owing to its capability of effectively modelling time-sequential data like speech. In particular, the long short-term memory (LSTM) is often used to alleviate the vanishing/exploding gradient problem which makes the training of an RNN difficult. However, the number of parameters of LSTM is increased as the price of mitigating the difficulty of training, which requires more computational resources. For real-time speech enhancement, it is preferable to use a smaller network without losing the performance. In this paper, we propose to use the equilibriated recurrent neural network (ERNN) for avoiding the vanishing/exploding gradient problem without increasing the number of parameters. The proposed structure is causal, which requires only the information from the past, in order to apply it in real-time. Compared to the uni- and bi-directional LSTM networks, the proposed method achieved the similar performance with much fewer parameters.


  • Phase Reconstruction Based On Recurrent Phase Unwrapping With Deep Neural Networks

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)   2020-May   826 - 830  2020年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2020 IEEE. Phase reconstruction, which estimates phase from a given amplitude spectrogram, is an active research field in acoustical signal processing with many applications including audio synthesis. To take advantage of rich knowledge from data, several studies presented deep neural network (DNN)-based phase reconstruction methods. However, the training of a DNN for phase reconstruction is not an easy task because phase is sensitive to the shift of a waveform. To overcome this problem, we propose a DNN-based two-stage phase reconstruction method. In the proposed method, DNNs estimate phase derivatives instead of phase itself, which allows us to avoid the sensitivity problem. Then, phase is recursively estimated based on the estimated derivatives, which is named recurrent phase unwrapping (RPU). The experimental results confirm that the proposed method outperformed the direct phase estimation by a DNN.


  • Deep Griffin–Lim Iteration: Trainable Iterative Phase Reconstruction Using Neural Network

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing   15 ( 1 ) 1 - 1  2020年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we propose a phase reconstruction framework, named Deep Griffin-Lim Iteration (DeGLI). Phase reconstruction is a fundamental technique for improving the quality of sound obtained through some process in the time-frequency domain. It has been shown that the recent methods using deep neural networks (DNN) outperformed the conventional iterative phase reconstruction methods such as the Griffin-Lim algorithm (GLA). However, the computational cost of DNN-based methods is not adjustable at the time of inference, which may limit the range of applications. To address this problem, we combine the iterative structure of GLA with a DNN so that the computational cost becomes adjustable by changing the number of iterations of the proposed DNN-based component. A training method that is independent of the number of iterations for inference is also proposed to minimize the computational cost of the training. This training method, named sub-block training by denoising (SBTD), avoids recursive use of the DNN and enables training of DeGLI with a single sub-block (corresponding to one GLA iteration). Furthermore, we propose a complex DNN based on complex convolution layers with gated mechanisms and investigated its performance in terms of the proposed framework. Through several experiments, we found that DeGLI significantly improved both objective and subjective measures from GLA by incorporating the DNN, and its sound quality was comparable to those of neural vocoders.


  • Audio Hotspot Attack: An Attack on Voice Assistance Systems Using Directional Sound Beams and its Feasibility

    Ryo Iijima, Shota Minami, Yunao Zhou, Tatsuya Takehisa, Takeshi Takahasi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Tatsuya Mori

    IEEE Trans. Emerging Topics in Computing   9 ( 4 ) 1 - 1  2019年11月  [査読有り]



  • 偏光高速度干渉計を用いた音響現象の可視化と計測

    及川靖広, 谷川理佐子, 矢田部浩平, 石川憲治

    騒音制御   43 ( 5 ) 207 - 210  2019年10月  [招待有り]

  • Effect of Switching Reproduction Area in Dynamic Local Sound Field Synthesis

    Kakeru Kurokawa, Izumi Tsunokuni, Yusuke Ikeda, Naotoshi Osaka, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IEEE GCCE    2019年10月  [査読有り]

  • Sparse Modeling of Musical Instruments Sounds in Time-frequency Domain

    Hiromu Ogi, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Miyagi, Koji Oishi

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     6502 - 6509  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Sound Field Evaluation by using Closely Located Four-point Microphone Method and Mixed Reality Technology

    Wataru Teraoka, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     4598 - 4604  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Fourier Spectral Method for Acoustic Simulation with Domain Enclosed by Curved Boundary

    Yu Kohase, Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     4504 - 4510  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Effect of handy microphone movement in Mixed Reality visualization system of sound intensity

    Yuta Kataoka, Wataru Teraoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     4452 - 4459  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Dynamic local sound field synthesis with multi-channel 1-bit signal reproduction system

    Kakeru Kurokawa, Izumi Tsunokuni, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     3071 - 3076  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Designing Nearly Tight Window for Improving Time-Frequency Masking

    Tsubasa Kusano, Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     2885 - 2892  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Detection of clean time-frequency bins based on phase derivative of multichannel signals

    Atsushi Hiruma, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     2797 - 2804  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Estimating sound intensity from acoustic data captured by parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Fumihiko Imaeda, Risako Tanigawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA)     2765 - 2772  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Three-dimensional sound source localization using microphone array and its display with mixed reality technology

    Tsubasa Kusano, Yasuhide Matsumoto, Yuta Kataoka, Wataru Teraoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kenichi Yoshida, Yoshimi Kitazumi

    Proc. InterNoise2019     1776  2019年06月  [査読有り]

  • Phase-aware Harmonic/percussive Source Separation via Convex Optimization

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2019-May   985 - 989  2019年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 IEEE. Decomposition of an audio mixture into harmonic and percussive components, namely harmonic/percussive source separation (HPSS), is a useful pre-processing tool for many audio applications. Popular approaches to HPSS exploit the distinctive source-specific structures of power spectrograms. However, such approaches consider only power spectrograms, and the phase remains intact for resynthesizing the separated signals. In this paper, we propose a phase-aware HPSS method based on the structure of the phase of harmonic components. It is formulated as a convex optimization problem in the time domain, which enables the simultaneous treatment of both amplitude and phase. The numerical experiment validates the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Guided-spatio-temporal Filtering for Extracting Sound from Optically Measured Images Containing Occluding Objects

    Risako Tanigawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2019-May   945 - 949  2019年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 IEEE. Recent development of optical interferometry enables us to measure sound without placing any device inside the sound field. In particular, parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI) has realized advanced measurement of refractive index of air. Its novel application investigated very recently is simultaneous visualization of flow and sound, which had been difficult until PPSI enabled high-speed and accurate measurement several years ago. However, for understanding aerodynamic sound, separation of air flow and sound is necessary since they are mixed up in the observed video. In this paper, guided-spatio-temporal filtering is proposed to separate sound from the optically measured images. Guided filtering is combined with a physical-model-based spatio-temporal filterbank for extracting sound-related information without the undesired effect caused by the image boundary or occluding objects. Such image boundary and occluding objects are typical difficulty arose in signal processing of an optically measured sound filed.



  • Low-rankness of Complex-valued Spectrogram and Its Application to Phase-aware Audio Processing

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2019-May   855 - 859  2019年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 IEEE. Low-rankness of amplitude spectrograms has been effectively utilized in audio signal processing methods including non-negative matrix factorization. However, such methods have a fundamental limitation owing to their amplitude-only treatment where the phase of the observed signal is utilized for resynthesizing the estimated signal. In order to address this limitation, we directly treat a complex-valued spectrogram and show a complex-valued spectrogram of a sum of sinusoids can be approximately low-rank by modifying its phase. For evaluating the applicability of the proposed low-rank representation, we further propose a convex prior emphasizing harmonic signals, and it is applied to audio denoising.



  • Data-driven Design of Perfect Reconstruction Filterbank for DNN-based Sound Source Enhancement

    Daiki Takeuchi, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2019-May   596 - 600  2019年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 IEEE. We propose a data-driven design method of perfect-reconstruction filterbank (PRFB) for sound-source enhancement (SSE) based on deep neural network (DNN). DNNs have been used to estimate a time-frequency (T-F) mask in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. Their training is more stable when a simple cost function as mean-squared error (MSE) is utilized comparing to some advanced cost such as objective sound quality assessments. However, such a simple cost function inherits strong assumptions on the statistics of the target and/or noise which is often not satisfied, and the mismatch of assumption results in degraded performance. In this paper, we propose to design the frequency scale of PRFB from training data so that the assumption on MSE is satisfied. For designing the frequency scale, the warped filterbank frame (WFBF) is considered as PRFB. The frequency characteristic of learned WFBF was in between STFT and the wavelet transform, and its effectiveness was confirmed by comparison with a standard STFT-based DNN whose input feature is compressed into the mel scale.



  • Deep Griffin-Lim Iteration

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yuma Koizumi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Noboru Harada

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2019-May   61 - 65  2019年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 IEEE. This paper presents a novel phase reconstruction method (only from a given amplitude spectrogram) by combining a signal-processing-based approach and a deep neural network (DNN). To retrieve a time-domain signal from its amplitude spectrogram, the corresponding phase is required. One of the popular phase reconstruction methods is the Griffin-Lim algorithm (GLA), which is based on the redundancy of the short-time Fourier transform. However, GLA often involves many iterations and produces low-quality signals owing to the lack of prior knowledge of the target signal. In order to address these issues, in this study, we propose an architecture which stacks a sub-block including two GLA-inspired fixed layers and a DNN. The number of stacked sub-blocks is adjustable, and we can trade the performance and computational load based on requirements of applications. The effectiveness of the proposed method is investigated by reconstructing phases from amplitude spectrograms of speeches.



  • [解説論文] 光学的音響計測

    矢田部浩平, 石川憲治, 谷川理佐子, 及川靖広

    電子情報通信学会 Fundamentals Review   12 ( 4 ) 259 - 268  2019年04月  [招待有り]


  • Source directivity approximation for finite-difference time-domain simulation by estimating initial value

    Daiki Takeuchi, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   145 ( 4 ) 2638 - 2649  2019年04月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 Author(s). In order to incorporate a directive sound source into acoustic simulation using the finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD), this paper proposes an optimization-based method to estimate the initial value which approximates a desired directional pattern after propagation. The proposed method explicitly considers a discretized FDTD scheme and optimizes the initial value directly in the time domain so that every effect of the discretization error of FDTD, including numerical dispersion, is taken into account. It is also able to consider a frequency-wise directivity by integrating the Fourier transform into the optimization procedure, even though the estimated result is defined in the time domain. After the optimization, the obtained result can be utilized in any acoustic simulation based on the same FDTD scheme without modification because the result is represented as the initial value to be propagated and no additional procedure is required.

    DOI PubMed


  • 位相変換による複素スペクトログラムの表現

    矢田部浩平, 升山義紀, 草野翼, 及川靖広

    日本音響学会誌   75 ( 3 ) 147 - 155  2019年03月  [招待有り]

  • Griffin-lim like phase recovery via alternating direction method of multipliers

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    IEEE Signal Processing Letters   26 ( 1 ) 184 - 188  2019年01月  [査読有り]


    © 1994-2012 IEEE. Recovering a signal from its amplitude spectrogram, or phase recovery, exhibits many applications in acoustic signal processing. When only an amplitude spectrogram is available and no explicit information is given for the phases, the Griffin-Lim algorithm (GLA) is one of the most utilized methods for phase recovery. However, GLA often requires many iterations and results in low perceptual quality in some cases. In this letter, we propose two novel algorithms based on GLA and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for better recovery with fewer iteration. Some interpretation of the existing methods and their relation to the proposed method are also provided. Evaluations are performed with both objective measure and subjective test.



  • Three-dimensional noise and spatial mapping system with aerial blimp robot

    Ryouzi Saitou, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoust. Sci. & Tech.   40 ( 1 )  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Visualization system for sound field using see-through head mounted display

    Atsuto Inoue, Yusuke Ikeda, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoust. Sci. & Tech   40 ( 1 )  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Extracting sound from flow measured by parallel phase-shifting interferometry using spatio-temporal filter

    Risako Tanigawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   10997   109970R-1 - 109970R-6  2019年


    © 2019 SPIE. We have proposed a method of simultaneously measuring aerodynamic sound and fluid ow using parallel phase- shifting interferometry (PPSI). PPSI can observe phase of light instantaneously and quantitatively. This method is useful for understanding the aerodynamic sound because PPSI can measure near the source of the aerodynamic sound. However, the components of sound and ow should be separated in order to observe detail near the source of sound inside a region of ow. Therefore, we consider a separation of the component of sound from simultaneously visualized images of sound and ow. In previous research, a spatio-temporal filter was used to extract a component satisfying the wave equation. The ow and the sound are different physical phenomena, and the ow cannot be expressed by the wave equation. Hence, we think that the spatio-temporal filter enables us to separate the component of sound from the simultaneously visualized images. In this paper, we propose a method for separation of ow and sound using spatio-temporal filter in order to visualize the component of the aerodynamic sound near its source. We conducted an experiment of the separation of data measured by PPSI. The results show that the spatio-temporal filter can extract the sound from air-ow except for the sound near objects and boundaries.



  • Representation of complex spectrogram via phase conversion

    Kohei Yatabe, Yoshiki Masuyama, Tsubasa Kusano, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   40 ( 3 ) 170 - 177  2019年  [招待有り]


    ©2019 The Acoustical Society of Japan. As importance of the phase of complex spectrogram has been recognized widely, many techniques have been proposed for handling it. However, several definitions and terminologies for the same concept can be found in the literature, which has confused beginners. In this paper, two major definitions of the short-time Fourier transform and their phase conventions are summarized to alleviate such complication. A phase-aware signal-processing scheme based on phase conversion is also introduced with a set of executable MATLAB functions (https://doi.org/10/c3qb).



  • Modal decomposition of musical instrument sounds via optimization-based non-linear filtering

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   40 ( 3 ) 186 - 197  2019年  [査読有り]


    © 2019 Acoustical Society of Japan. All rights reserved. For musical instrument sounds containing partials, which are referred to as modes, the decaying processes of the modes significantly affect the timbre of musical instruments and characterize the sounds. However, their accurate decomposition around the onset is not an easy task, especially when the sounds have sharp onsets and contain the non-modal percussive components such as the attack. This is because the sharp onsets of modes comprise peaky but broad spectra, which makes it difficult to get rid of the attack component. In this paper, an optimization-based method of modal decomposition is proposed to overcome it. The proposed method is formulated as a constrained optimization problem to enforce the perfect reconstruction property which is important for accurate decomposition and causality of modes. Three numerical simulations and application to the real piano sounds confirm the performance of the proposed method.



  • Interferometric measurement of aerodynamic sound generated by parallel plates inside flow field

    Risako Tanigawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering     1602  2019年  [査読有り]


    © INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. All Rights Reserved. Optical measurement of sound play an important role to understand the physical natures and spatial distributions of sound. The optical measurement of sound is especially useful under the conditions where microphones cannot be installed such as inside high-temperature fields, narrow spaces, and flow fields. Flow-induced sound generated by parallel plates is one of such situations. The measurement of the sound by microphones is difficult because the spaces between plates are narrow and the objective sound is inside flow fields. While previous research investigates the pressure field including sound fields between flat plates by computer simulations, experimental measurement have not been well investigated. In this paper, we performed the measurement of the aerodynamic sound generated by flat plates inside a flow field by parallel phase-shifting interferometry in order to experimentally capture the sound field including spaces between flat plates. The result shows that the phases of sound between plates were opposite, which is consistent with the simulation in prior research.

  • Real-time Measurement and Display System of 3D Sound Intensity Map using Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display

    Yuta Kataoka, Wataru Teraoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda

    SIGGRAPH ASIA    2018年12月  [査読有り]

  • Blind reverberation energy estimation using exponential averaging with attack and release time constants for hearing aids

    Kotoyo Nozaki, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoh-ichi Fujisaka, Masahiro Sunohara

    Applied Acoustics   142   106 - 113  2018年12月  [査読有り]



  • 3D sound source localization based on coherence-adjusted monopole dictionary and modified convex clustering

    Tomoya Tachikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Applied Acoustics   139   267 - 281  2018年10月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd In this paper, a sound source localization method for simultaneously estimating both direction-of-arrival (DOA) and distance from the microphone array is proposed. For estimating distance, the off-grid problem must be overcome because the range of distance to be considered is quite broad and even not bounded. The proposed method estimates the positions based on a modified version of the convex clustering method combined with the sparse coefficients estimation. A method for constructing a suitable monopole dictionary based on the coherence is also proposed so that the convex clustering based method can appropriately estimate distance of the sound sources. Numerical and measurement experiments were performed to investigate the performance of the proposed method.



  • Parametric Approximation of Piano Sound Based on Kautz Model with Sparse Linear Prediction

    Kenji Kobayashi, Daiki Takeuchi, Mio Iwamoto, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2018-April   626 - 630  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. The piano is one of the most popular and attractive musical instruments that leads to a lot of research on it. To synthesize the piano sound in a computer, many modeling methods have been proposed from full physical models to approximated models. The focus of this paper is on the latter, approximating piano sound by an IIR filter. For stably estimating parameters, the Kautz model is chosen as the filter structure. Then, the selection of poles and excitation signal rises as the questions which are typical to the Kautz model that must be solved. In this paper, sparsity based construction of the Kautz model is proposed for approximating piano sound.



  • Phase Corrected Total Variation for Audio Signals

    Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2018-April   656 - 660  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. In optimization-based signal processing, the so-called prior term models the desired signal, and therefore its design is the key factor to achieve a good performance. For audio signals, the time-directional total variation applied to a spectrogram in combination with phase correction has been proposed recently to model sinusoidal components of the signal. Although it is a promising prior, its applicability might be restricted to some extent because of the mismatch of the assumption to the signal. In this paper, based upon the previously proposed one, an improved prior for audio signals named instantaneous phase corrected total variation (iPCTV) is proposed. It can handle wider range of audio signals owing to the instantaneous phase correction term calculated from the observed signal.



  • Envelope Estimation by Tangentially Constrained Spline

    Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2018-April   4374 - 4378  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. Estimating envelope of a signal has various applications including empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in which the cubic C^2 -spline based envelope estimation is generally used. While such functional approach can easily control smoothness of an estimated envelope, the so-called undershoot problem often occurs that violates the basic requirement of envelope. In this paper, a tangentially constrained spline with tangential points optimization is proposed for avoiding the undershoot problem while maintaining smoothness. It is defined as a quartic C^2 -spline function constrained with first derivatives at tangential points that effectively avoids undershoot. The tangential points optimization method is proposed in combination with this spline to attain optimal smoothness of the estimated envelope.



  • Modal Decomposition of Musical Instrument Sound Via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

    Yoshiki Masuyama, Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2018-April   631 - 635  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. For a musical instrument sound containing partials, or modes, the behavior of modes around the attack time is particularly important. However, accurately decomposing it around the attack time is not an easy task, especially when the onset is sharp. This is because spectra of the modes are peaky while the sharp onsets need a broad one. In this paper, an optimization-based method of modal decomposition is proposed to achieve accurate decomposition around the attack time. The proposed method is formulated as a constrained optimization problem to enforce the perfect reconstruction property which is important for accurate decomposition. For optimization, the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is utilized, where the update of variables is calculated in closed form. The proposed method realizes accurate modal decomposition in the simulation and real piano sounds.



  • Realizing Directional Sound Source in FDTD Method by Estimating Initial Value

    Daiki Takeuchi, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings   2018-April   461 - 465  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. Wave-based acoustic simulation methods are studied actively for predicting acoustical phenomena. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is one of the most popular methods owing to its straightforwardness of calculating an impulse response. In an FDTD simulation, an omnidirectional sound source is usually adopted, which is not realistic because the real sound sources often have specific directivities. However, there is very little research on imposing a directional sound source into FDTD methods. In this paper, a method of realizing a directional sound source in FDTD methods is proposed. It is formulated as an estimation problem of the initial value so that the estimated result corresponds to the desired directivity. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated through some numerical experiments.




    Yohsiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IWAENC     126 - 130  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    Kohei Yatabe, Yohsiki Masuyama, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IWAENC     555 - 559  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    Atsushi Hiruma, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IWAENC     266 - 270  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    Tomoya Tachikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IWAENC     161 - 165  2018年09月  [査読有り]

  • Display System for Distribution of Virtual Image Sources by using Mixed Reality Technology

    Wataru Teraoka, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda

    Proc. InterNoise2018   in18_1647  2018年08月  [査読有り]

  • System implementation of dereverberation method using exponential averaging with attack and release time constants for hearing aids

    Kotoyo Nozaki, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda, Yoh-ichi Fujisaka, Masahiro Sunohara

    IHCON   D6-P-10  2018年08月  [査読有り]

  • Three-Dimensional Large-Scale Loudspeaker Array System Using High-Speed 1-Bit Signal for Immersive Sound Field Reproduction

    Kakeru Kurokawa, Izumi Tsunokuni, Yusuke Ikeda, Naotoshi Osaka, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science   EB1-10  2018年08月  [査読有り]

  • Optical visualization of a fluid flow via the temperature controlling method

    Risako Tanigawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

    Optics Letters   43 ( 14 ) 3273 - 3276  2018年07月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Optical Society of America. In this Letter, a visualization method of a fluid flow through temperature control is proposed. The proposed method enables us to visualize an invisible fluid flow by controlling the temperature so that its visibility can be easily adjusted. Such ability of adjusting appearance is effective for visualizing the phenomena consisting of multiple physical processes. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, the measurement experiment of visualization of both flow and sound in air using parallel phase-shifting interferometry, which is a similar condition to the previous research [Opt. Lett. 43, 991 (2018)], was conducted.

    DOI PubMed


  • Time-directional filtering of wrapped phase for observing transient phenomena with parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Kohei Yatabe, Risako Tanigawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Optics Express   26 ( 11 ) 13705 - 13720  2018年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Optical Society of America. Recent development of parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI) enables accurate measurement of time-varying phase maps. By combining a high-speed camera with PPSI, it became possible to observe not only time-varying but also fast phenomena including fluid flow and sound in air. In such observation, one has to remove static phase (time-invariant or slowly-varying phase unrelated to the phenomena of interest) from the observed phase maps. Ordinarily, a signal processing method for eliminating the static phase is utilized after phase unwrapping to avoid the 2π discontinuity which can be a source of error. In this paper, it is shown that such phase unwrapping is not necessary for the high-speed observation, and a time-directional filtering method is proposed for removing the static phase directly from the wrapped phase without performing phase unwrapping. In addition, experimental results of simultaneously visualizing flow and sound with 42 000 fps are shown to illustrate how the time-directional filtering changes the appearance. A MATLAB code is included within the paper (also in https://goo.gl/N4wzdp) for aiding the understanding of the proposed method.

    DOI PubMed



    Shota Minami, Jun Kuroda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)     486 - 490  2018年04月  [査読有り]



  • Simultaneous imaging of flow and sound using high-speed parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Kenji Ishikawa, Risako Tanigawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

    Optics Letters   43 ( 5 ) 991 - 994  2018年03月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Optical Society of America. In this Letter, simultaneous imaging of flow and sound by using parallel phase-shifting interferometry and a high-speed polarization camera is proposed. The proposed method enables the visualization of flow and sound simultaneously by using the following two factors: (i) injection of the gas, whose density is different from the surrounding air, makes the flow visible to interferometry, and (ii) time-directional processing is applied for extracting the small-amplitude sound wave from the high-speed flow video. An experiment with a frame rate of 42,000 frames per second for visualizing the flow and sound emitted from a whistle was conducted. By applying time-directional processing to the obtained video, both flow emitted from the slit of the whistle and a spherical sound wave of 8.7 kHz were successively captured.

    DOI PubMed


  • Piezoelectric transducer with resonant modes control for parametric speaker

    Jun Kuroda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   39 ( 1 ) 1 - 10  2018年  [査読有り]


    Parametric speakers generate narrow directive sound field using modulated ultrasonic. Small size parametric speakers have a problem in sound quality. Demodulated audible sounds by parametric speakers have poor sound pressure in low and middle frequency bands due to the theory of the finite amplitude sound. The sound pressure of a demodulated sound monotonically increases as the frequency of the demodulated sound increases. To solve these problems, an ultrasonic transducer having a wide single peak or more than two peaks must be fabricated. Our previous paper proposed to use two resonant peaks which are close each other. Two close resonant peaks were obtained by two same sized diaphragms linked each other by a specially designed rod. In this paper, a transducer was developed to better structure which has durability against strong mechanical forces and two electrical inputs to control resonant modes of vibration. Durability was improved by optimization of the junction structure. The resonant mode control was enabled by a phase difference between two electrical signals applied to piezoelectric elements on two diaphragms. We succeeded in boosting mid-range sounds, by the newly developed transducer.



  • Hat-type hearing aid system with flexible sound directivity pattern

    Takayuki Inoue, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   39 ( 1 ) 22 - 29  2018年  [査読有り]


    For speech communication, it is useful to emphasise the sound coming from a target direction. A large-scale microphone array enables a flexible design of the directivity pattern. However, it is difficult to implement a large-sale microphone array onto an ear-type hearing aid system. In this paper, we propose a hat-type hearing aid system composed of 48 MEMS microphones that can increase the flexibility of the sound directivity pattern. We found that it is possible to reduce the number of microphones to be used by considering the hat effect, without affecting the system performance. By compensating the time delays and reducing the number of microphones based on impulse response measurements, the directivity range of the sound directivity pattern was improved by 5 dB. In addition, we conducted a qualitative evaluation that resulted in an intelligibility improvement when using our hearing aid system.



  • Infinite-dimensional SVD for revealing microphone array's characteristics

    Yuji Koyano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    APPLIED ACOUSTICS   129   116 - 125  2018年01月  [査読有り]


    Nowadays, many acoustical applications utilize microphone arrays whose configurations have a lot of varieties including linear, planar, spherical and random arrays. Arguably, some configurations are better than the others in terms of acquiring the spatial information of a sound field (for example, a spherical array can distinguish any direction of arrival, while a linear array cannot distinguish the direction perpendicular to its aperture direction due to the rotational symmetry). However, it is not easy to compare arrays of different configurations because each array has been treated by a specific theory depending on the configuration of the array. Although several criteria have been proposed for evaluating and/or designing the arrays, most of them are application-oriented criteria, and the best configuration for some criterion may not be a better one for the other criterion. Therefore, an analysis method for microphone arrays which does not depend on the array configuration or application is necessary. In this paper, the infinite-dimensional SVD is proposed for analyzing and comparing the properties of arrays. The singular values, functions and vectors obtained by the proposed method provide the fundamental properties of an array. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.



  • Seeing the sound we hear: Optical technologies for visualizing sound wave

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   10666   106660C-1 - 106660C-8  2018年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    © 2018 SPIE. Optical methods have been applied to visualize sound waves, and these have received a considerable amount of attention in both optical and acoustical communities. We have researched optical methods for sound imaging including laser Doppler vibrometry and Schlieren method. More recently, parallel phase-shifting interferometry with a high-speed polarization camera has been used, and it can take a slow-motion video of sound waves in the audible range. This presentation briefly reviews the recent progress in optical imaging of sound in air and introduces the applications including acoustic transducer testing and investigation of acoustic phenomena.



  • Localization of marine seismic vibrator based on hyperbolic Radon transform

    Tsubasa Kusano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   39 ( 3 ) 215 - 225  2018年  [査読有り]


    © 2018 The Acoustical Society of Japan. In marine seismic surveys to explore seafloor resources, the structure below the seafloor is estimated from the obtained sound waves, which are emitted by a marine seismic sound source and reflected or refracted between the layers below the seafloor. In order to estimate the structure below the seafloor from returned waves, information of the sound source position and the sound speed are needed. Marine seismic vibrators, which are one of the marine seismic sound sources, have some advantages such as high controllability of the frequency and phase of the sound, and oscillation at a high depth. However, when the sound source position is far from the sea surface, it becomes difficult to specify the exact position. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate the position of a marine seismic vibrator and the sound speed from obtained seismic data by formulating an optimization problem via hyperbolic Radon transform. Numerical simulations confirmed that the proposed method almost achieves theoretical lower bounds for the variances of the estimations.



  • Optical visualization of sound source of edge tone using parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Risako Tanigawa, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

    INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering   in18_1494  2018年  [査読有り]


    © INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering. All rights reserved. In order to reduce aerodynamic noise, understanding the nature of aerodynamic sound sources is important. Generally, aerodynamic sound is measured by using microphones. However, microphones should be installed far from aerodynamic sound sources, which makes difficult to understand the nature of aerodynamic sound sources. As non-contact measurement methods, optical measurement methods of sound have been proposed. Among those, parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI) can capture time-varying phenomena. Recently, simultaneous visualization of flow and sound using PPSI has been proposed. This method enables to capture the propagation of sound inside a flow. In this paper, as an application of aerodynamic sound visualization using PPSI, results of visualization of sound sources of edge tones are shown. The nozzle-edge distance and the flow rate, which are parameters of changing frequency of an edge tone, were adjusted from 5 mm to 13 mm at intervals of 1 mm and from 15 L/min to 45 L/min at intervals of 5 L/min, respectively. The frame rate of the high-speed camera in PPSI was set to 20,000 frames per second and the size of the visualization area was 77 mm by 56 mm. From the visualized images, the characteristics of spatial spread of edge tones were observed.

  • Measurement of sound pressure inside tube using optical interferometry

    Denny Hermawanto, Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering   in18_1688  2018年  [査読有り]


    © INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering. All rights reserved. Measurement of sound pressure inside a tube is important for duct acoustics and microphone calibration. Inserting microphone directly into sound field will disturb the field and produce inaccurate measurement result. Recently, non-intrusive sound pressure measurement using optical techniques have been proposed. A laser Doppler vibrometer is used to measure line integrals of sound pressure yield projections and a reconstruction technique is then applied to recover the original sound field from projections. In this paper, measurement of sound pressure distribution using optical method is proposed to realize direct pressure measurement for microphone calibration. A simulation of sound field reconstruction from projections using filtered back-projection technique was developed and the performance was evaluated. The reconstruction performance was evaluated for the projection of plane wave and point source wave of frequency from 1000 Hz to 16000 Hz. The implementation of the proposed method for reconstruction of sound field inside an acrylic tube diameter 61.75 mm, length 22 mm, and thickness 3.5 mm for 1000 Hz sound source from projection using laser Doppler vibrometer was performed. The result shows that the proposed method was able to reconstruct the sound field inside tube and measure pressure distribution.

  • Optical visualization of sound field inside transparent cavity using polarization high-speed camera

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa

    INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering   in18_1806  2018年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    © INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering. All rights reserved. Visualization of a sound field is a powerful tool for understanding acoustic phenomena. Methods using a microphone array such as beamforming and near-field acoustic holography have widely been studied, and these have been applied to industrial problems. As alternative choices for the visualization of the sound field, optical methods have gained a considerable amount of attention due to their capability of non-intrusive measurement. These include laser Doppler vibrometry, Shadowgraphy, Schlieren method, optical digital holography, and parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI). These methods are well developed for the visualization of propagating sound wave in a free field. Also, as these methods can observe the sound field without installing any instruments into the field to be measured, they have the potential to achieve visualization of sound inside a cavity, which is quite important for duct acoustics. This paper presents the single-shot visualization of the sound field inside a transparent cavity using PPSI with a high-speed camera, as well as the brief review of the development of the optical measurement of sound. For the experiments, the sound field inside of a ported speaker box made by acrylic plates was measured. Acoustics resonances and mode patterns inside the box were successively captured.

  • Audio Hotspot Attack: An Attack on Voice Assistance Systems Using Directional Sound Beams.

    Ryo Iijima, Shota Minami, Yunao Zhou, Tatsuya Takehisa, Takeshi Takahashi 0001, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Tatsuya Mori

    ACM CCS2018     2222 - 2224  2018年  [査読有り]


  • Hyper ellipse fitting in subspace method for phase-shifting interferometry: practical implementation with automatic pixel selection

    Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    OPTICS EXPRESS   25 ( 23 ) 29401 - 29416  2017年11月  [査読有り]


    This paper presents a method of significantly improving the previously proposed simple, flexible, and accurate phase retrieval algorithm for the random phase-shifting interferometry named HEFS [K. Yatabe, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34, 87 (2017)]. Although its effectiveness and performance were confirmed by numerical experiments in the original paper, it is found that the algorithm may not work properly if observed fringe images contains untrusted (extremely noisy) pixels. In this paper, a method of avoiding such untrusted pixels within the estimation processes of HEFS is proposed for the practical use of the algorithm. In addition to the proposal, an experiment of measuring a sound field in air was conducted to show the performance for real data, where the proposed improvement is critical for that situation. MATLAB codes (which can be downloaded from http://goo.gl/upcsFe) are provided within the paper to aid understanding the main concept of the proposed methods. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America



  • Noise mapping system with acoustical measurement blimp robot

    Ryouzi Saitou, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. InterNoise2017     1451 - 1459  2017年08月  [査読有り]

  • Blind Reverberation Power Estimation Using Exponential Averaging with Attack and Release Time Constants for Hearing Aids

    Kotoyo Nozaki, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda, Yoh-Ichi Fujisaka, Masahiro Sunohara

    Proc. CHAT-2017     37 - 41  2017年08月  [査読有り]

  • Visualization of 3D sound field using see-through head mounted display

    Atsuto Inoue, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yusuke Ikeda

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Posters, SIGGRAPH 2017    2017年07月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). We propose a visualization system of three-dimensional (3D) sound information using video and optical see-through head mounted displays (ST-HMDs). The Mixed Reality (MR) displays enable intuitive understanding of 3D information of a sound field which is quite difficult to project onto an ordinary two-dimensional (2D) display in an easily understandable way. As examples of the visualization, the sound intensity (a stationary vector field representing the energy flow of sound) around a speaker and a motor engine is shown.



  • 空間的なマスキングリリースを利用した高齢者にも聞きとりやすい音響再生方法の検討

    小森智康, 都木徹, 及川靖広

    映像情報メディア学会誌   71 ( 5 ) J172 - J178  2017年05月  [査読有り]



  • Acousto-optic back -projection: Physical -model -based sound field reconstruction from optical projections

    Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION   394   171 - 184  2017年04月  [査読有り]


    As an alternative to microphones, optical techniques have been studied for measuring a sound field. They enable contactless and non-invasive acoustical observation by detecting density variation of medium caused by sound. Although they have important advantages comparing to microphones, they also have some disadvantages. Since sound affects light at every points on the optical path, the optical methods observe an acoustical quantity as spatial integration. Therefore, point -wise information of a sound field cannot be obtained directly. Ordinarily, the computed tomography (CT) method has been applied for reconstructing a sound field from optically measured data. However, the observation process of the optical methods have not been considered explicitly, which limits the accuracy of the reconstruction. In this paper, a physical -model -based sound field reconstruction method is proposed. It explicitly formulates the physical observation process so that a model mismatch of the conventional methods is eliminated. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 偏光高速度カメラによる音のイメージング計測

    及川靖広, 石川憲治, 大沼隼志

    OplusE   39 ( 3 ) 264 - 268  2017年03月  [招待有り]

  • Simple, flexible, and accurate phase retrieval method for generalized phase-shifting interferometry

    Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    This paper presents a non-iterative phase retrieval method from randomly phase-shifted fringe images. By combining the hyperaccurate least squares ellipse fitting method with the subspace method (usually called the principal component analysis), a fast and accurate phase retrieval algorithm is realized. The proposed method is simple, flexible, and accurate. It can be easily coded without iteration, initial guess, or tuning parameter. Its flexibility comes from the fact that totally random phase-shifting steps and any number of fringe images greater than two are acceptable without any specific treatment. Finally, it is accurate because the hyperaccurate least squares method and the modified subspace method enable phase retrieval with a small error as shown by the simulations. A MATLAB code, which is used in the experimental section, is provided within the paper to demonstrate its simplicity and easiness. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America.



  • Spatio-temporal filter bank for visualizing audible sound field by Schlieren method

    N. Chitanont, K. Yatabe, K. Ishikawa, Y. Oikawa

    APPLIED ACOUSTICS   115   109 - 120  2017年01月  [査読有り]


    Visualization of sound field using optical techniques is a powerful tool for understanding acoustical behaviors. It uses light waves to examine the acoustical quantities without disturbing the sound information of the field under investigation. Schlieren imaging is an optical method that uses a camera to visualize the density of transparent media. As it uses a single shot to capture the information without scanning, it can observe both reproducible and non-reproducible sound field. Conventionally, the Schlieren system is applied to high-pressure ultrasound and shock waves. However, since the density variation of air caused by the audible sound field is very small, this method was not applicable for visualizing these fields. In this paper, a spatio-temporal filter bank is proposed to overcome this problem. As the sound is a very specific signal, the spatio-temporal spectrum (in two-dimensional space and time) of the audible sound is concentrated in a specific region. The spatio-temporal filter bank is designed for extracting the sound field information in the specific region and removing noise. The results indicate that the visibility of the sound fields is enhanced by using the proposed method. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Interferometric Imaging of Acoustical Phenomena using High-speed Polarization Camera and 4-step Parallel Phase-shifting Technique

    K. Ishikawa, K. Yatabe, Y. Ikeda, Y. Oikawa, T. Onuma, H. Niwa, M. Yoshii



    Imaging of sound aids the understanding of the acoustical phenomena such as propagation, reflection, and diffraction, which is strongly required for various acoustical applications. The imaging of sound is commonly done by using a microphone array, whereas optical methods have recently been interested due to its contactless nature. The optical measurement of sound utilizes the phase modulation of light caused by sound. Since light propagated through a sound field changes its phase as proportional to the sound pressure, optical phase measurement technique can be used for the sound measurement. Several methods including laser Doppler vibrometry and Schlieren method have been proposed for that purpose. However, the sensitivities of the methods become lower as a frequency of sound decreases. In contrast, since the sensitivities of the phase-shifting technique do not depend on the frequencies of sounds, that technique is suitable for the imaging of sounds in the low-frequency range. The principle of imaging of sound using parallel phase-shifting interferometry was reported by the authors (K. Ishikawa et al., Optics Express, 2016). The measurement system consists of a high-speed polarization camera made by Photron Ltd., and a polarization interferometer. This paper reviews the principle briefly and demonstrates the high-speed imaging of acoustical phenomena. The results suggest that the proposed system can be applied to various industrial problems in acoustical engineering.




    Tomoya Tachikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    In this paper, 3D sound source localization method for simultaneously estimating both direction-of-arrival (DOA) and distance from the microphone array is proposed. For estimating distance, the off-grid problem must be overcome because the range of distance to be considered is quite broad and even not bounded. The proposed method estimates positions based on an extension of the convex clustering method combined with sparse coefficients estimation. A method for constructing a suitable monopole dictionary based on coherence is also proposed so that the convex clustering based method appropriately estimate distance of sound sources. Numerical experiments of distance estimation and 3D localization show possibility of the proposed method.




    Yuji Koyano, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    Nowadays, various types of microphone array are used in many applications. However, it is not easy to compare arrays of different types because each array has been treated by a specific theory depending on the type of an array. Although several criteria have been proposed for microphone arrays for evaluating and/or designing an array, most of them are application-oriented criteria and the best configuration for some criterion may not be a better one in the other criterion. Therefore, an analysis and comparing method for microphone arrays which does not depend on an array configuration and application are necessary. In this paper, infinite-dimensional SVD is proposed for analyzing and comparing properties of arrays. The singular values and functions obtained by proposed method show sampling property of an array and can be unified criterion.



  • Least-squares estimation of sound source directivity using convex selector of a better solution

    Yuki Tamura, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   38 ( 3 ) 128 - 136  2017年  [査読有り]


    © 2017 The Acoustical Society of Japan. Many acoustical simulation methods have been studied to investigate acoustical phenomena. Modeling of the directivity pattern of a sound source is also important for obtaining realistic simulation results. However, there has been little research on this. Although there has been research on sound source identification, the results might not be in a suitable form for numerical simulation. In this paper, a method for modeling a sound source from measured data is proposed. It utilizes the sum of monopoles as the physical model, and the modeling is achieved by estimating the model parameters. The estimation method is formulated as a convex optimization problem by assuming the smoothness of a solution and the sparseness of parameters. Moreover, an algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for solving the problem is derived. The validity of the method is evaluated using simulated data, and the modeling result for an actual loudspeaker is shown.



  • The activities of the research committee on “Oto barrier-free” of the Acoustical Society of Japan

    Kimio Shiraishi, Kentaro Nakamura, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Mari Ueda

    5th Joint Meeting ASA/ASJ, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.   140 ( 4 Pt.2 ) 3365  2016年12月  [招待有り]

  • Low latency dereverberation with considering speech naturalness for hearing aids

    Kotoyo Nozaki, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoh-ichi Fujisaka, Masahiro Sunohara

    5th Joint Meeting ASA/ASJ, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.   140 ( 4 Pt.2 ) 3275  2016年12月

  • Large-scale loudspeaker array system for sound field reproduction using high-speed 1 bit signal processing

    Yusei Yamanaka, Daiki Takeuchi, Dai Kuze, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    5th Joint Meeting ASA/ASJ, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.   140 ( 4 Pt.2 ) 3140  2016年12月

  • Study to fabricate high-quality and portable parametric speakers

    Jun Kuroda, Shota Minami, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    5th Joint Meeting ASA/ASJ, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.   140 ( 4 Pt.2 ) 3087  2016年12月  [招待有り]

  • Sound source localization based on sparse estimation and convex clustering

    Tomoya Tachikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   29 ( 1 ) 055004  2016年11月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 Acoustical Society of America. Sound source localization techniques using microphones have been the subject of much interest for many years. Many of them assume far-field sources, and plane waves are used as a dictionary for estimating the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of sound sources. On the other hand, there has been less research on 3D source localization which estimates both direction and distance. In case of estimating distances, monopoles must be used as a dictionary. By setting monopoles in far-field, their waves can be regarded as plane waves, and their distance can be estimated. However, monopoles set at many positions can be impossible due to high computational cost. Moreover, the grid discretization can cause estimation error because there are a lot of the number of grid points in 3D space. Such discretization issue is called off-grid problem. Therefore, a source localization with monopole-only dictionary needs some methods to solve the off-grid problem. The proposed method uses sparse estimation and modified convex clustering with a monopole-only dictionary. Sparse estimation selects the monopoles which are candidates of the source positions. Then, modified convex clustering solves the off-grid problem, and estimates source positions. In this paper, simulation and comparison with another method show effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Signal processing for optical sound field measurement and visualization

    Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   29 ( 1 ) 020010  2016年11月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    © 2017 Acoustical Society of America. Accurately measuring sound pressure is not an easy task because every microphone has its own mechanical and electrical characteristics. Moreover, the existence of a measuring instrument inside the field causes reflection and diffraction which deform the wavefront of sound to be measured. Ideally, a sensing device should not have any characteristic nor exist inside a measuring region. Although it may sound unrealistic, optical measurement methods are able to realize such ideal situation. Optical devices can be placed outside the sound field, and some of the sensing techniques, which decode information of sound from the phase of light, are able to cancel optical and electrical characteristics. Thus, optical sound measurement methods have possibility of achieving higher accuracy than ordinary sound measurement in principle. However, they have two main drawbacks that have prevented their applications in acoustics: (1) point-wise information cannot be obtained directly because observed signal is spatially integrated along the optical path; and (2) increasing signal-to-noise ratio is difficult because optical measurement of less than a nanometer order is typically required. To overcome the above difficulties, we have proposed several signal processing methods. In this paper, those methods are introduced with the physical principle of optical sound measurement.



  • Three-dimensional sound-field visualization system using head mounted display and stereo camera

    Atsuto Inoue, Yusuke Ikeda, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   29 ( 1 ) 025001  2016年11月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 Acoustical Society of America. Visualization of a sound field helps us to intuitively understand various acoustic phenomena in sound design and education. The most straightforward method is to overlap the measured data onto a photographic image. However, in order to understand an entire three-dimensional (3D) sound field by using a conventional two-dimensional screen, it is necessary to move a camera and measure repeatedly. On the other hand, the augmented reality (AR) techniques such as an video see-through head mounted display (VST-HMD) have been rapidly developed. In this study, we propose a sound field visualization system using an VST-HMD and a hand held four-point microphone. This system calculates sound intensity from the four sound signals in real time. Then, the sound intensity distribution is depicted as arrows in the 3D display. The position and angle of the microphones and users head are acquired via AR markers and head tracking sensors of the VST-HMD. The system realizes simple and effective visualization of 3D sound field information from the various directions and positions of view. For the experiments, the sound fields generated by loudspeakers and motorcycles were visualized. The results suggested that the proposed system can present information of the field in easily recognizable manner.



  • Three-dimensional noise mapping system with aerial blimp robot

    Ryouzi Saitou, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   29 ( 1 ) 040006  2016年11月  [査読有り]


    This paper presents a prototype system of a three-dimensional noise mapping system with an aerial blimp robot. The system's length is 1.5 m, its width is approximately 1.2 m, and its weight is approximately 850 g. The system is divided into two parts
    one part is a balloon filled with helium gas, and the other part is a multirotor unit. Since the balloon helps to hover in the air without rotating propellers, the propeller rotation noise can be reduced. The buoyancy of helium gas is lighter than the system weight and therefore the system could return to the ground automatically, even when it is out of control caused by low battery or other problems. The multirotor unit has six propellers, which make enable omnidirectional motion. The multirotor unit also has a system control board with a field programmable gate array system on chip, which integrates central processing unit for controlling of propeller rotation, sound recording, and communicating with the host personal computer. The microphone for recording the sound is mounted at the middle of the balloon, to reduce the effect of propeller rotation noise. We evaluated the system two ways: a comparison of the propeller rotation noises between the system and a general multirotor, and an analysis of acoustical effect of the balloon. The result showed that the propeller rotation noise was reduced by 42 dB as compared with a general multirotor, and the balloon had large effects of the sound field when the balloon was placed between the sound source and the microphone. Finally, we measured the sound pressure level using the proposed system. The result showed that the proposed system can continuously measure sound pressure distribution in noise map space.



  • Optical sensing of sound fields: Non-contact, quantitative, and single-shot imaging of sound using high-speed polarization camera

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa, Minoru Yoshii

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   29 ( 1 ) 030005  2016年11月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    © 2017 Acoustical Society of America. Imaging of a sound field aids understanding of the actual behavior of the field. That is useful for obtaining acoustical spatial characteristics of transducers, materials and noise sources. For high spatial resolution imaging, optical measurement methods have been used thanks to its contactless nature. This paper presents sound field imaging method based on parallel phase-shifting interferometry, which enables to acquire an instantaneous two-dimensional phase distribution of light. Information of sound field is calculated from the phase of light based on the acousto-optic theory. The system consists of a polarization interferometer and high-speed polarization camera. The number of the measurement points in a single image are 512 × 512 and the interval between adjacent pixels is 0.22 mm. Therefore, the system can image a sound field with much higher spatial resolution compared with conventional imaging methods such as microphone arrays. The maximum frame rate, which is corresponding to the sampling frequency, is 1.55 M frames per second. This paper contains the principle of optical measurement of sound, the description of the system, and several experimental results including imaging of sound fields generated by transducers and reflection of the sound waves.



  • Improving principal component analysis based phase extraction method for phase-shifting interferometry by integrating spatial information

    Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    OPTICS EXPRESS   24 ( 20 ) 22881 - 22891  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    Phase extraction methods based on the principal component analysis (PCA) can extract objective phase from phase-shifted fringes without any prior knowledge about their shift steps. Although it is fast and easy to implement, many fringe images are needed for extracting the phase accurately from noisy fringes. In this paper, a simple extension of the PCA method for reducing extraction error is proposed. It can effectively reduce influence from random noise, while most of the advantages of the PCA method is inherited because it only modifies the construction process of the data matrix from fringes. Although it takes more time because size of the data matrix to be decomposed is larger, computational time of the proposed method is shown to be reasonably fast by using the iterative singular value decomposition algorithm. Numerical experiments confirmed that the proposed method can reduce extraction error even when the number of interferograms is small. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America



  • 高齢者に聞きやすい番組背景音レベル調整装置

    小森智康, 今井篤, 清山信正, 田高礼子, 都木徹, 及川靖広

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J99-D ( 9 ) 940 - 949  2016年09月  [査読有り]


  • Optical sound field measurement and imaging using laser and high-speed camera

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yusuke Ikeda

    Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future     258 - 266  2016年08月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    © 2016, German Acoustical Society (DEGA). All rights reserved. Optical sound measurement, which acquires acoustical quantities by means of optical techniques, is of growing interest as an alternative method for the sound field imaging. There are two remarkable aspects of the optical sound measurement. The first is non-intrusiveness. Since the measurement is achieved by observing the light passed through the sound field, the instruments can be arranged outside the measurement field; non-contact and non-destructive measurement can be achieved. The second one is spatial resolution. Instead of building an array, expanding or scanning of light are often used for the optical imaging. Therefore, the optical imaging does not have the limitation of interval of measurement points due to the size of the instruments as microphone arrays. These two aspects make the optical method possible to image sound field with high spatial resolution and without any disturbance to the original field. In this paper, we show several methods for the optical sound imaging. Laser Doppler vibrometer can be developed as the imaging methods by scanning a narrow light beam. The two dimensional of transient field measurement can be achieved by using a high-speed camera because of single-shot. In addition some signal processing techniques introduced to optical measurement are also described.

  • Compensation of fringe distortion for phase-shifting three-dimensional shape measurement by inverse map estimation

    Kohei Yatabe, Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    APPLIED OPTICS   55 ( 22 ) 6017 - 6024  2016年08月  [査読有り]


    For three-dimensional shape measurement, phase-shifting techniques are widely used to recover the objective phase containing height information from images of projected fringes. Although such techniques can provide an accurate result in theory, there might be considerable error in practice. One main cause of such an error is distortion of fringes due to nonlinear responses of a measurement system. In this paper, a postprocessing method for compensating distortion is proposed. Compared to other compensation methods, the proposed method is flexible in two senses: (1) no specific model of nonlinearity (such as the gamma model) is needed, and (2) no special calibration data are needed (only the observed image of the fringe is required). Experiments using simulated and real data confirmed that the proposed method can compensate multiple types of nonlinearity without being concerned about the model. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America



  • 光を用いた音場可視化装置

    石川憲治, 矢田部浩平, 池田雄介, 及川靖広

    日本音響学会誌   72 ( 7 ) 430 - 431  2016年07月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]

  • High-speed imaging of sound using parallel phase-shifting interferometry

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Nachanant Chitanont, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Takashi Onuma, Hayato Niwa, Minoru Yoshii

    OPTICS EXPRESS   24 ( 12 ) 12922 - 12932  2016年06月  [査読有り]


    Sound-field imaging, the visualization of spatial and temporal distribution of acoustical properties such as sound pressure, is useful for understanding acoustical phenomena. This study investigated the use of parallel phase-shifting interferometry (PPSI) with a high-speed polarization camera for imaging a sound field, particularly high-speed imaging of propagating sound waves. The experimental results showed that the instantaneous sound field, which was generated by ultrasonic transducers driven by a pure tone of 40 kHz, was quantitatively imaged. Hence, PPSI can be used in acoustical applications requiring spatial information of sound pressure. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America



  • Convex optimization-based windowed Fourier filtering with multiple windows for wrapped-phase denoising

    Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    APPLIED OPTICS   55 ( 17 ) 4632 - 4641  2016年06月  [査読有り]


    The windowed Fourier filtering (WFF), defined as a thresholding operation in the windowed Fourier transform (WFT) domain, is a successful method for denoising a phase map and analyzing a fringe pattern. However, it has some shortcomings, such as extremely high redundancy, which results in high computational cost, and difficulty in selecting an appropriate window size. In this paper, an extension of WFF for denoising a wrapped-phase map is proposed. It is formulated as a convex optimization problem using Gabor frames instead of WFT. Two Gabor frames with differently sized windows are used simultaneously so that the above-mentioned issues are resolved. In addition, a differential operator is combined with a Gabor frame in order to preserve discontinuity of the underlying phase map better. Some numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is able to reconstruct a wrapped-phase map, even for a severely contaminated situation. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America




    Yuji Koyano, Kohei Yatabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    Recent development of microphone arrays which consist of more than several tens or hundreds microphones enables acquisition of rich spatial information of sound. Although such information possibly improve performance of any array signal processing technique, the amount of data will increase as the number of microphones increases; for instance, a 1024 ch MEMS microphone array, as in Fig. 1, generates data more than 10 GB per minute. In this paper, a method constructing an orthogonal basis for efficient representation of sound data obtained by the microphone array is proposed. The proposed method can obtain a basis for arrays with any configuration including rectangle, spherical, and random microphone array. It can also be utilized for designing a microphone array because it offers a quantitative measure for comparing several array configurations.



  • Observation of traveling wave with laser tomography

    Yusuke Ikeda, Naoki Okamoto, Tadashi Konishi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yasuhiro Tokita, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   37 ( 5 ) 231 - 238  2016年  [査読有り]


    In this study, we observe traveling sound waves with a laser and computed tomography. In our previous research, we observed steady-state sound fields using a sine wave signal. However, transient sound fields observation is necessary in order to observe more complicated sound fields that need to be separated into direct and reflected sounds. Therefore, in this study, we use a traveling sound wave (pulse sound wave). For fundamental experiments, we observed projections of a traveling pulse sound wave generated by a 2-way loudspeaker and a flat-panel loudspeaker with a laser. For transit sound fields, we used the sound field projections obtained with a laser to observe that a flat sound wave generated by a flat-panel loudspeaker is reflected by a sound-reflecting board. Then, we reconstructed the sound field information on the transition of a pulse sound wave generated by a 2-way loudspeaker, by computed tomography.

    DOI CiNii


  • Hat-type hearing system using MEMS microphone array

    Takayuki Inoue, Ryota Imai, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc.WESPAC     156 - 159  2015年12月

  • Recording and Playback System High Speed Single-Bit Direct Quantized Signal with Dithering

    Yuji Koyano, Ryota Imai, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc.WESPAC     180 - 183  2015年12月

  • Numerical analysis of acousto-optic effect caused by audible sound based on geometrical optics

    Kenji Ishikawa, Kohei Yatabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc.WESPAC     165 - 169  2015年12月

  • Modeling of Free-Reed Instrument considering Mechanical Nonlinearity of the Reed

    Ayumi Nakamura, Yusei Yamanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc.WESPAC     206 - 209  2015年12月

  • Extracting sound Information from High-speed Video Using 3-D Shape Measurement Method

    Yusei Yamanaka, Kohei Yatabe, Ayumi Nakamura, Yusuke Ikeda, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc.WESPAC     30 - 34  2015年12月

  • Audible sound field visualization by using Schlieren technique

    Nachanant Chitanont, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc.WESPAC     5 - 9  2015年12月

  • Eigenanalysis of lp-norm ball-shaped room using the method of particular solutions

    Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. WESPAC     88 - 92  2015年12月

  • 第17回サマーセミナー「音響学の基礎と最近のトピックス」(会議報告)

    及川 靖広, 宮本 隆典, 小田 智美

    日本音響学会誌   71 ( 12 ) 689 - 690  2015年12月


  • Calculation of impulse response by using the method of fundamental solutions

    Naoko Suzuki, Kohei Suzuki, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc.WESPAC     388 - 389-d  2015年12月

  • レーザドプラ振動計を用いた音場計測におけるスパース性の導入とその応用

    矢田部 浩平, 及川 靖広

    日本音響学会誌   71 ( 11 ) 639 - 646  2015年11月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • A-10-5 後方散乱されたパルス光を用いた多点同時音圧計測手法の提案(A-10.応用音響,一般セッション)

    石川 憲治, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2015   156 - 156  2015年02月



    Nachanant Chitanont, Keita Yaginuma, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    Visualization of sound field using Schlieren technique provides many advantages. It enables us to investigate the change of the sound field in real-time from every point of the observing region. However, since the density gradient of air caused by the disturbance of acoustic field is very small, it is difficult to observe the audible sound field from the raw Schlieren video. In this paper, to enhance visibility of the audible sound fields from the Schlieren videos, we propose to use spatio-temporal filters for extracting sound information and for noise removal. We have utilized different filtering techniques such as the FIR bandpass filter, the Gaussian filter, the Wiener filter and the 3D Gabor filter, to do this. The results indicate that the data observed after using these signal processing methods are clearer than the raw Schlieren videos.




    Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    Visualization is an effective way to understand the behavior of a sound field. There are several methods for such observation including optical measurement technique which enables a non-destructive acoustical observation by detecting density variation of the medium. For audible sound propagating through the air, however, smallness of the variation requires high sensitivity of the measuring system that causes problematic noise contamination. In this paper, a method for reconstructing two-dimensional audible sound fields from noisy optical observation is proposed.



  • Optically visualized sound field reconstruction using Kirchhoff–Helmholtz equation

    Acoustical Science and Technology   36 ( 4 ) 351 - 354  2015年  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii


  • Redundant representation of acoustic signals using curvelet transform and its application to speech denoising

    Mariko Chiba, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Acoustical Science and Technology   36 ( 5 ) 457 - 458  2015年  [査読有り]


    A study is conducted to propose a sparse representation method for acoustic signals by the use of curvelets, and confirm its efficacy through an example of speech denoising. The curvelet denoising method was applied using the hard thresholding to speech, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed representation. The method was applied to a female speech with additive pink noise for conducting the investigations. The level of the noise was chosen so that signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) became 10 dB. The thresholding process was iterated 10 times. The same input signal was processed by two denoising Methods for comparison.

    DOI CiNii


  • Non-intrusive sound pressure measurement using light scattering

    Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   36 ( 5 ) 408 - 418  2015年  [査読有り]


    Light propagating through a sound field is affected by variations in the density of the medium caused by sound. Therefore, acoustical measurements using light have been studied. The popular measurement methods use the phase shift of the transmitted light. Because they detect integrated acoustical quantities along the optical path of the detected light, time and effort are required to measure the quantities at a single point. On the other hand, single-point acoustical particle velocity measurement by light scattering has been proposed. Using light scattering enables the measurement of non-integrated quantities because the scattered light includes only the acoustical information at a scattering point. However, a method of non-invasive sound pressure measurement at a single point in a free field has not been established. This paper proposes sound pressure measurement at a scattering point, in which the light scattered by particles in the sound field is observed. The intensity of light scattered in the sound field indicates the sound pressure because the intensity of the scattered light is proportional to the density of scatterers. The theory of light scattering by sounds is formalized, and sound measurement experiments with light scattering are also conducted using water drops and air particles as scatterers.

    DOI CiNii


  • Design of an ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer having double-linked diaphragms for parametric speakers

    Jun Kuroda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki, Shigeo Sato, Motoyoshi Komoda, Yasuharu Onishi

    Acoustical Science and Technology   36 ( 5 ) 385 - 396  2015年  [査読有り]


    Small highly efficient ultrasonic transducers are in high demand to fabricate compact parametric speakers. We focus on small piezoelectric transducers that can be used for ultrasonic emitters of parametric speakers. Typical small piezoelectric transducers have piezoelectric boards and radial cones. We propose a transducer consisting of a unimorph diaphragm and a flat metal plate. This structure gives two resonant peaks, which are determined by the physical parameters and dimensions of the diaphragms, the flat plate, and their junction structure. Controlling these resonant peaks is one approach to fabricating transducers having the ideal frequency response of the sound pressure for parametric speakers. We devised a design to control these two resonant peaks by adjusting the junction structure of the diaphragm and the flat plate. Using the results of a theoretical analysis, we designed an improved transducer that satisfies the ideal frequency response for parametric speakers.

    DOI CiNii


  • Evaluation of tooth-conduction microphone for communication under noisy environment

    Yusuke Torikai, Dai Kuze, Junko Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   36 ( 6 ) 500 - 506  2015年  [査読有り]


    We investigated a new communication-aid system focused on bone-conduction through a tooth, for listening to and recording voices. In this paper, we developed a tooth-conduction microphone (TCM) and evaluate the articulation of tooth-conducted voice (TCV). Because the TCM has the shape of one's dental mold, it is wearable like a mouthpiece. Moreover, it can extract tooth vibration during phonation as TCV. To evaluate articulation of TCV, we adopted monosyllable articulation for subjective assessment and linear predictive coding cepstral distance for objective assessment. The results of articulation show that TCV is not sufficiently clear compared to airconducted. However, it is confirmed that TCV is robust to environmental noise because the accuracy rate is not decreased when the TCV is recorded under high ambient noise.

    DOI CiNii


  • 第16回サマーセミナー「音響学の基礎と最近のトピックス」(会議報告)

    及川 靖広, 宮下 知理, 手代 篤

    日本音響学会誌   70 ( 12 ) 664 - 665  2014年12月


  • Study of TV Sound Level Adjustment System for the Elderly with Speech Rate Conversion Function

    Tomoyasu Komori, Atsushi Imai, Nobumasa Seiyama, Reiko Takou, Tohru Takagi, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. AES 137th Convention     Convention Paper 9167  2014年10月  [査読有り]


    Kenji Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. ForumAcusticum2014     R01_6  2014年09月  [査読有り]

  • MEMSマイクロホンアレイによる音場の可視化(<小特集>マイクロホンアレイの新しい技術展開)

    及川 靖広, 矢田部 浩平

    日本音響学会誌   70 ( 7 ) 403 - 409  2014年07月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • レーザドプラ振動計を用いた音場測定への境界要素法の逆解析の導入(測定・計測,<特集>学生論文)

    電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界   97 ( 2 ) 104 - 111  2014年02月  [査読有り]




  • Sound reproduction using the photoacoustic effect

    Kaoru Yamabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   35 ( 1 ) 59 - 61  2014年  [査読有り]


    One possible solution for generating point sound sources in mid air is the photoacoustic effect: energy transduction from light energy to sound energy. The photoacoustic effect generates sounds from the alternate current components of air expansion due to the heat generated by light absorption of a material when light modulated with acoustic signal is radiated to a material. In order to confirm sound reproduction using the photoacoustic effect, the experiments to reproduce a pure tone and a musical sound is performed. In order to generate louder sound, the light from the halogen lamp is focused on a charcoal, which has high absorptive power since a charcoal is black and spongy. It is shown that a halogen lamp can be modulated with acoustic signal although the amplitude of higher frequency components is reduced because of the response speed of halogen lamp. Next, the experiments of sound reproduction using a halogen lamp and a charcoal were performed.

    DOI CiNii



    Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    An effective way to understand the behavior of a sound field is to visualize it. An optical measurement method is a suitable option for this as it enables contactless non-destructive measurement. After measuring a sound field, interpolation of the data is necessary for a smooth visualization. However, conventional interpolation methods cannot provide a physically meaningful result especially when the condition of the measurement causes moire effect. In this paper, a special interpolation method for an optically visualized sound field based on the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral equation is proposed.



  • Acoustic Yagi-Uda antenna using resonance tubes

    Yuki Tamura, Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Ouchi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control     311  2014年  [査読有り]


    A Yagi-Uda antenna gets high directivity by applying current phase shift between elements due to resonance phenomena. It has some directors and reflectors, which are elements without electric supply. The length of directors is shorter than half-wave and that of reflectors is longer than half-wave. We proposed an acoustic Yagi-Uda antenna which elements are resonance tubes and a loudspeaker. The aim of this research is to im- prove directivity in a specific frequency. This can be applied to Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS), which is a kind of radar for weather observation, or to a parametric loudspeaker. The phase shift of sound waves was observed in the condition with a resonance tube and without the tube at the same position. That shift changes suddenly around the resonance frequency of the tube. Our acoustic antenna has resonance tubes that have different length as directors and reflectors to apply this phenomenon. Moreover, the distances be- Tween a loudspeaker and tubes were concerned by some experiments and by numerical analysis. The acoustic antenna showed directivity in an appropriate condition of the distances and the frequency of the sound source. It will be also added the consideration about the effective frequency band of this acoustic antenna.

  • 第15回サマーセミナー「音響学の基礎と最近のトピックス」(会議報告)

    及川 靖広, 長田 涼佑, 岡本 華奈

    日本音響学会誌   69 ( 12 ) 653 - 654  2013年12月


  • Development of Volume Balance Adjustment Device for Voices and Background Sounds within Programs for Elderly People

    Tomoyasu Komori, Atsushi Imai, Nobumasa Seiyama, Reiko Takou, Tohru Takagi, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. AES Convention     9010  2013年10月  [査読有り]

  • Numerical sound field analysis considering atmospheric conditions

    Satoshi Ogawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. InterNoise2013     0647  2013年09月  [査読有り]

  • 高齢者に適した番組音調整装置の開発 : 家庭内で聞きとりやすい受信機を目指して(安全・安心な社会を創る音声・聴覚情報処理,音声/福祉/ディジタル信号処理/聴覚一般)

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. WIT, 福祉情報工学   113 ( 77 ) 107 - 112  2013年06月




  • 小空間における固有周波数の集合的特徴把握とその応用

    日本音響学会誌   69 ( 1 ) 16 - 23  2013年01月  [査読有り]

  • Design of resonant frequencies for piezoelectric actuator with integrated components

    Jun Kuroda, Yasuharu Onishi, Motoyoshi Komoda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   19   030066  2013年  [査読有り]


    Piezoelectric actuators are used in a wide range of electrical devices, including piezoelectric speakers, buzzers, haptics and ultrasonic transducers. For piezoelectric actuator systems used in mobile devices, the most important issue is improving the electromechanical conversion efficiency. The power consumed by the actuators must be minimized due to the small size of the batteries used. The frequency response around the mechanical resonance must be carefully designed to enable low power driving. The resonant frequencies of piezoelectric actuators that consist of integrated components, such as the metal cones in ultrasonic speakers, are determined by the energy dispersion of the total system. Therefore, factors such as the size and physical properties of each component must be designed to optimize the resonant frequencies for practical applications. The total energy of the piezoelectric system is described by Lagrange-Maxwell equations. Even though it is not easy to solve the differential equations written in a Lagrangian coordinate system by using exact calculations, useful information for designing systems can be derived from approximate calculations. In this paper, we will introduce design guidelines that can be used to optimize the resonant frequencies of piezoelectric actuators with integrated components, based on analysis using the Lagrangian coordinate system. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.



  • Sound generation using photoacoustic effect

    Kaoru Yamabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   19   030114  2013年  [査読有り]


    It is highly important to generate a point sound source in mid air for several applications such as virtual realty and precise acoustic measurement since most of acoustic theories are based on a point sound source. One possible solution for generating a point sound source in mid air is the photoacoustic effect that generates sounds from the alternate-current components of air expansion due to the heat generated by light absorption of a material when light modulated with acoustic signal is radiated to a material. To apply this method to molecule of gases in mid air, it is possible to generate a point sound source in mid air. Thus, for the first step to realize this possibility, this paper attempt to confirm that it is possible to generate audible sounds using the photoacoustic effect. In particular, this paper describes the sound generation using a charcoal that has high absorptive power and a halogen lamp that can produce high intensity infrared light, which is easier, absorbed by gas molecules than visible light. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.



  • Wind noise reduction using empirical mode decomposition

    Kohei Yatabe, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   19   055062  2013年  [査読有り]


    One common problem of outdoor recordings is a contamination of wind noise which has highly non-stationary characteristics. Although there are a lot of noise reduction methods which work well for general kinds of noises, most methods perform worse for wind noise due to its non-stationary nature. Therefore, wind noise reduction need specific technique to overcome this non-stationary. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is a relatively new method to decompose a signal into several data-driven bases which are modeled as amplitude and frequency modulated sinusoids that represent wind noise better than quasi-stationary analysis methods such as short-time Fourier transform since it assumes an analyzing signal as non-stationary. Thus, EMD has a potential to reduce wind noise from recorded sounds in an entirely different way from ordinary methods. In this paper, the method to apply EMD as a wind noise suppressor is presented. The experiment is performed on a female speech superimposed with wind noise, and the results showed its possibility. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.



  • Extract voice information using high-speed camera

    Mariko Akutsu, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   19   055019  2013年  [査読有り]


    Conversation is one of the most important channels for human beings. To help communications, speech recognition technologies have been developed. Above all, in a conversation, not only contents of utterances but also intonations and tones include important information regarding a speaker's intention. To study the sphere of human speech, microphones are typically used to record voices. However, since microphones have to be set around a space, their existences affect a physical behavior of the sound field. To challenge this problem, we have suggested a recording method using a high-speed camera. By using a high-speed camera for recording sound vibrations, it can record two or more points within the range of the camera at the same time and can record from a distance, without interfering with the sound fields. In this study, we extract voice information using high-speed videos which capture both a face and a cervical part of the subject. This method allows recording skin vibrations which contain voices with individuality and extrapolating sound waves by using an image processing method. The result of the experiment shows that a high-speed camera is capable of recording voice information. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.



  • Communication aid utilizing bone-conducted sound via teeth by means of mouthpiece form actuator

    Mikio Muramatsu, Junko Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   19   050090  2013年  [査読有り]


    Since bone-conducted sound is conveyed to cochlea directly, without passing through eardrum, it is audible even for hard-of-hearing people whose inner ears are still normal. In this study, we utilize bone-conducted sound via teeth so as to support sound communication. We implemented a bone-conducted actuator on teeth, while actuators of prevalent hearing aids are attached to mastoid, forehead or jaw in general. Teeth convey sound excitation more easily, because they are bare bones, not covered with skin. Our communication aid is made in the form of mouthpiece with a dental material, and it can be readily put on and taken off from a tooth. Using this actuator, we attempted to record vibrations of teeth when a subject produces a sound. In addition, we carried out experiments regarding sound lateralization of bone-conducted sound via teeth with this actuator. The result shows that examinees can perceive right and left using bone-conducted sound via teeth. The aim of this study is to suggest a new communication aid system not only for hard-of-hearing people but also for the robust. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.



  • 歯骨伝導アクチュエータを用いたコミュニケーションエイド(ヒューマンコミュニケーション,<小特集>電子情報通信分野における萌芽的研究論文)

    村松 未輝雄, 及川 靖広, 山﨑 芳男, 黒澤 潤子

    電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界   95 ( 7 ) 623 - 630  2012年07月  [査読有り]




  • 幼児の学習活動に着目した一斉保育活動場面における音環境の把握

    野口 紗生, 小西 雅, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   77 ( 672 ) 301 - 307  2012年02月  [査読有り]


    This study is a report of the result of investigating the sound environment at setting childcare scene in nursery institutions focused on children's learning activity aiming to make the acoustic environment as their learning field. By the behavioral observation and the sound field analysis at activity scene, we observed the characteristic of sound field at each study scene and the change of the acoustic environment when the teacher was setting the learning environment.The result shows that the sound by the children's behavior was a keynote source at dynamic activity scene like singing and dancing. Especially, the level of 1-2kHz band by children's voice and low frequency sound was characteristic. And for making settled space that was attached weight in young children's educational field, teachers often used the sound factor by the setting environment scene and a moderate silence was a very important environmental factor. For acoustic design according to the educational purpose, many-sided investigation of the sound space was essential to understand the teacher's setting behavior and children's behavioral pattern.

    DOI CiNii


    Mariko Akutsu, Yasuhiro Oikawa



    In this paper, we propose a measuring method of the sound field from high-speed movie of dust. The movements of dust in the sound field are affected by the sound vibration. We observe the dust using high-speed cameras. The movie is recorded by one high-speed camera in order to get the information of 2-D sound field and two high-speed cameras for 3-D. The influence of air current is reduced from the movement of dust so that the sound field information is extracted. The experimental results indicate that this method is effective to observe the sound field especially composed of low frequency components.



  • Development of a Broadcast Sound Receiver for Elderly Persons

    Tomoyasu Komori, Atsushi Imai, Nobumasa Seiyama, Reiko Takou, Tohru Takagi, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    COMPUTERS HELPING PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, PT I   7382   681 - 688  2012年  [査読有り]


    With the aim of making speech easier to listen to on a TV receiver, a noble method for back-ground-sound suppression processing was proposed, and the results of evaluation tests using broadcast-program sound showed that a prototype device was able to adjust a suitable level of background sound for elderly people. Our proposed method was able to suppress the magnitude of sound components with low correlation by using 2ch stereo signals and perform gain-control only on the speechless intervals. The preparatory evaluation tests confirm that it is possible to suitably reduce program background volume by the proposed method. On the basis of this result, a device for suppressing background sound by decoding the transport stream (TS) of a broadcast program was prototyped. The results of evaluation tests using this device demonstrate that the magnitude of background sound can be adjusted to a suitable level for elderly people.

  • Extraction of sound field information from high-speed movie of flowing dust

    Mariko Akutsu, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   33 ( 5 ) 316 - 319  2012年  [査読有り]


    A measuring method of the sound field using a high-speed movie of dust was proposed. A sound field generated using two speakers was measured from high-speed movies of dust. Two high-speed cameras and the powered monitor speakers were located. Speaker-L was driven by the sound of Japanese drums and Speaker-R was driven by 80 Hz sinusoidal sound. To analyze the frequency component, generalized harmonic analysis (GHA) was used. From the result of the waveforms and the frequency components, it is confirmed that the sound field information can be obtained from the movement of dust.



  • The driving system for piezoelectric speaker with low power consumption

    Jun Kuroda, Yasuharu Onishi, Motoyoshi Komoda, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   33 ( 6 ) 372 - 375  2012年  [査読有り]


    A study was conducted to demonstrate the design guidelines to use the multiband compressor as the suppressor of the electrical power for piezoelectric speakers. The design guidelines stated that the driving system needed to be designed according to signals whose energy concentrated in high frequency band, as electrical admittance of the piezoelectric speakers increased along with power consumption in high frequency band. The performance of the proposed system was investigated and the cutoff frequency of high pass and low pass filters and parameter of compressor were optimized to satisfy two requirements, such as high frequency components of standard signal, which needed to go through without any suppression and energy of high frequency band needed to be suppressed without exceeding the maximum rating of the driving system when it was excess. The response in time domain needed to be calculated as the solution of ordinary differential equations for the equivalent circuit for accurate estimation.



  • 音響テレビを用いた音源情報の可視化

    及川 靖広, 大内 康裕, 山崎 芳男, 田中 正人

    騒音制御   35 ( 6 ) 445 - 451  2011年12月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • センサ・ディスプレイ複合アレーによる音場の可視化(音場可視化,<特集>アコースティックイメージング技術の新展開論文)

    藤森 潤一, 栗原 誠, 本地 由和, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界   94 ( 11 ) 846 - 853  2011年11月  [査読有り]


    設置された位置で瞬時音圧を光強度に変換するデバイスをアレー状で空間に配置し音場の可視化を試みている.このセンサ(本システムではマイクロホン)とディスプレイ(本システムではLED)を一体化したものをセンサ・ディスプレイ複合(SDC:Sensor-Display Composite)と呼ぶことにする.SDCは観測する物理量をその位置から光によって伝送するデバイスであり,観測した物理量とその位置情報を同時に伝送できる利点がある.マイクロホンと発光体のSDCデバイスを用いた音場の可視化は古くから試みられている.一つのデバイスで空間をスキャンする方式では一定時間音場の維持が必要であり,定在波の観察や再現可能な音場の観察は可能であるが一度しか生成することのできない音場に対してはその観察が困難であり,任意の音場に対しては時変動を十分に把握できない.本研究ではSDCの二次元アレーに波形が認識できる程度の表示能力をもたせ,音波の可視化を可能にした.SDCデバイスの大きさは約1cm^2程度であり,現時点で利用可能な小型のMEMSマイクロホンとフルカラーLEDに加えてマイクロプロセッサを搭載し,ディジタル信号処理と時系列メモリ機能を備えた.時系列メモリを用いた音波の記録や再生を外部からコントロールできるので,任意の時刻近傍における音波の伝搬を時間を引き伸ばして観察することが可能であり,現場において非常に有効なものとなる.


  • 高齢者・聴覚障害者を対象とした音声聴取能力測定ガイドライン作成の試み ー日常生活環境下における音声聴取能力の評価法の構築ー

    白石君男, 佐藤洋, 上田麻理, 上羽貞行, 中村健太郎, 山崎芳男, 及川靖広, 荒井隆行, 伊藤憲三, 坂本修一, 田矢晃一, 坂本真一, 栗栖清浩, 船場ひさお, 小山大介

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集     1355 - 1356  2010年09月

  • Sound Environmental Design in Nursery Institutions focused on Floor Material

    Saki Noguchi, Tadashi Konishi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. ICA2010     946  2010年08月  [査読有り]

  • Visualization of sound field and sound source vibration using laser measurement method

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Tomomi Hasegawa, Yasuhiro Ouchi, Yoshio Yamasaki, Yusuke Ikeda

    Proc. ICA2010     898  2010年08月  [査読有り]

  • The Acoustical design of Mobile phones

    Yasuharu Onishi, Jun Kuroda, Yukio Murata, Motoyoshi Komoda, Kazuyuki Tsunoda, Yukio Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. ICA2010     489  2010年08月  [査読有り]

  • The Acoustical Design of Slim size Piezoelectric Speakers for Mobile Phones

    Jun Kuroda, Yasuharu Onishi, Yukio Murata, Motoyoshi Komoda, Kazuyuki Tsunoda, Masatake Takahashi, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. ICA2010     268  2010年08月  [査読有り]

  • The Development of Ultra Thin Speakers for Mobile Phones

    Yasuharu Onishi, Jun Kuroda, Yukio Murata, Motoyoshi Komoda, Nozomi Toki, Yasuhiro Sasaki, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. ICA2010     250  2010年08月  [査読有り]

  • 光を使った音場の計測

    小西 雅, 池田 雄介, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    騒音制御   34 ( 3 ) 198 - 204  2010年06月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • Source position estimation using single microphone and concave curved reflector

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. InterNoise2009     in09_966  2009年08月  [査読有り]

  • Acoustics in nursery institutions focused on children - Practical methodologies observing sound environment from children's view -

    Saki Noguchi, Tadashi Konishi, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. InterNoise2009     in09_790  2009年08月  [査読有り]

  • レーザトモグラフィを用いた進行波の観測

    池田雄介, 岡本直毅, 小西雅, 及川靖広, 鴇田泰弘, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会誌   Vol.64 ( No.3 ) 142 - 149  2008年03月  [査読有り]




  • Parallel computing in sound field analysis by bread slicing method

    Yasuhiro Tokita, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   29 ( 1 ) 113 - 116  2008年  [査読有り]


    The use of the bread slicing method to reduce the amount of communication among nodes of a computer cluster on parallel computing of the distributed memory system, was investigated. The computer cluster consisted of 128 calculating nodes were used for the study. The sound wave in a three dimensional sound field was used to determine nodes distance. Boundary conditions was used to calculate sound pressure at grid points. The 256 GB memory space of the cluster was used for dividing the calculating field. The calculation of the sound field was performed using a spatial grid that is effective to calculate field with less memory space. The field was divided by the bread slicing method that requires a shorter communicating time among the processes. The method has the ability to increase the speed and scale of a distributed memory system.



  • レーザトモグラフィを用いた音圧分布測定における精度

    池田雄介, 岡本直毅, 後藤亮, 小西雅, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会誌   Vol.64 ( No.1 ) 3 - 7  2008年01月  [査読有り]




  • Efficiency of acoustical parallel computing by bread slicing method

    Yasuhiro Tokita, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. International Symposium on Room Acoustics    2007年09月  [査読有り]

  • 小規模・自給自足を目指した熱音響システム

    松原博己, 鴇田泰弘, 大内康裕, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    信学技報   Vol.106 ( No.482 ) 19 - 24  2007年01月

  • Multichannel high sampling rate 1-bit audio with a high definition video recorder system

    Jun-ichi Fujimori, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. The 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan    2006年11月

  • Parallel computing on the sound fields by bread slicing method

    Yasuhiro Tokita, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. The 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan    2006年11月

  • Matching Pursuitを用いた音源方向推定の最適化

    及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集     609 - 610  2005年09月

  • Construction of Electric Exchange System whereby Environmental Noise is Considered to be an Energy Source

    Yasuhiro Tokita, Ryu Yoonsun, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. Int. Cong. Exp. Noise Cont. Eng. (InterNoise)    2005年08月

  • Direction of arrival estimates using matching pursuit

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. ForumAcusticum2005    2005年08月

  • Direction of arrival estimation using matching pursuit under reverberant condition

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   26 ( 4 ) 365 - 367  2005年07月  [査読有り]


    The method for estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) using a matching pursuit algorithm under reverberant conditions is discussed. The method starts with the obtaining of an array output of the delay-and-sum method and calculating the average array output in the fixed frequency range. The DOA is estimated by iteration at each step and a re-optimization of all DOA found at the earlier steps. It is suggested that the method can be improved by considering the spatial information from this method.



  • IEEE1394を用いた高速1bit信号とHD映像の記録再生システム

    及川靖広, 木村洋介, 山崎芳男, 藤森潤一

    Proc. AES 12th Regional Convention, Tokyo     128 - 131  2005年07月

  • コンデンサマイク/スピーカを用いた1bit波面記録再生システム

    武岡成人, 栗原 誠, 岡崎正倫, 及川靖広, 西川明成, 山崎芳男

    信学技報   Vol.105 ( No.136 ) 25 - 30  2005年06月

  • 共鳴型騒音制御装置内の音場の可視化

    劉 洋, 清野悠太, 柳 允善, 中沢 誠, 大内康裕, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    画像電子学会研究会    2005年03月

  • コミュニケーション・エイドとしての管楽器:電力の供給を必要としない音声合成器

    池畑光浩, 及川靖広, 永野桃子, 山崎芳男

    イスラム科学研究   ( No.1 ) 133 - 142  2005年03月


  • テーマカレッジ「ユネスコ」の活動から:イスラム科学の多様性と可能性

    荻野粛, 岡崎正倫, 及川靖広, 永野桃子, 山崎芳男

    イスラム科学研究   ( No.1 ) 227 - 230  2005年03月


  • Sound field measurements based on reconstruction from laser projections

    Y Oikawa, M Goto, Y Ikeda, T Takizawa, Y Yamasaki



    In this paper, we describe some new sound field measurement methods by using laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV). By Irradiating the reflection wall with a laser, we can observe the light velocity change that is caused by the refractive index change from the change in air density. It means that it is possible to observe the change of the sound pressure.
    We measured a sound field projection on a 2-D plane using a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer (SVM) which can visualize a sound field. And we made a 3-D sound field reconstruction from some 2-D laser projections based on the computed tomography (CT) techniques. We made the reconstruction image for the sound field near the loudspeaker or in the room.



  • Direction of arrival estimation using matching pursuit and its application to source separation for convolved mixtures

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Acoustical Science and Technology   26 ( 6 ) 486 - 494  2005年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we describe a new source separation method in which uses spatial information derived from the direction of arrival (DOA) estimates of each direct and reflected sound issued. The method we propose has the following steps: (1) each DOA is estimated using matching pursuit and reoptimized after each new DOA is estimated, (2) using these DOA estimates, the mixing matrix is also estimated and the inverse of the mixing matrix is used to separate the mixture signals. In our experiments, we obtained a better signal separation with the new method than with the conventional frequency-domain independent component analysis (ICA)-based source separation method.



  • レーザCTを用いた音場の3次元測定

    池田雄介, 後藤 亮, 滝澤俊和, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    信学技報   Vol.104 ( No.497 ) 43 - 48  2004年12月

  • Construction of Thermal and/or Electric Exchange System whereby Environmental Noise is Considered to be an Energy Source

    Yasuhiro Tokita, Ryu Yoonsun, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. Int. Cong. Exp. Noise Cont. Eng. (InterNoise)     612 - 617  2004年09月

  • 残響下でのMatching Pursuitを用いた多数音源方向推定

    及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集     609 - 610  2004年09月

  • 1ビットオーディオ録音再生システムの開発

    服部永雄, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    JAS Journal   Vol.44 ( No.4 ) 53 - 57  2004年04月  [査読有り]

  • The numerical analysis of sound fields produced by flat panel loudspeakers

    Yasuhiro Tokita, Kiyoshi Ogino, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. Int. Cong. Acoust. (ICA)   Vol.III   2373 - 2376  2004年04月

  • Direction of Arrival Estimates using Matching Pursuit and Source Separation for Convolved Mixtures

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. Int. Cong. Acoust. (ICA)   Vol.IV   2977 - 2980  2004年04月

  • Description of Sound Field using Generalized Harmonic Analysis and Cluster Analysis

    Makoto Nakazawa, Yosuke Kimura, Taro Bando, Kiyoshi Ogino, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Koji Oishi, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. Int. Cong. Acoust. (ICA)   Vol.IV   3123 - 3124  2004年04月

  • Estimation of direction of arraival using matching pursuit and its application to source separation

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshio Yamasaki

    Proc. Int. Workshop Acoust. Echo Noise Control(IWAENC2003)     235 - 238  2003年09月  [査読有り]

  • Matching Pursuitを用いた音源方向推定と音源分離

    及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集     693 - 694  2003年03月

  • 壁面配置マイクロホンを用いた収音による音源推定

    及川靖広, 小野政一郎, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   2001 ( 1 ) 541 - 542  2001年03月


  • 人間の聴覚を考慮した波面合成法による音場制御と音場再現

    及川靖広, 馬場貞如, 山崎芳男

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   Vol.5 ( No.3 ) 919 - 926  2000年10月  [査読有り]


    The sound field reproduction has been studied by many people. Dr. Itow suggested the stereophonies and an analyze the two channels system. We extend this theory and suggest the sound field control and reproduction method by wave front synthesis considering human hearing sense. We explain the stereophonies system and multi speakerphones system. Then we simulate this system and make sure of its effect. We are able to construct the virtual reality system, which has a realizable number of speakerphones.

    DOI CiNii

  • 開ループ制御と閉ループ制御を併用した自動車排気音の能動騒音制御

    及川靖広, 小嶋 純, 池谷 崇, 平川竜一, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会誌   Vol.56 ( No.10 ) 673 - 682  2000年10月  [査読有り]

  • Signal processing in sound fields -measurement and reproduction of spatial information in sound fields by closely located four point microphone method-

    Yoshio Yamasaki, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Proc. BalticAcoustic2000    2000年09月

  • 2チャンネル立体再生理論の多スピーカへの拡張

    及川靖広, 荻野 粛, 荒井 孝, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   2000 ( 2 ) 405 - 406  2000年09月


  • デジタル大辞典2000-2001年版

    日経BP    2000年03月

  • 一般化調和解析を用いた基本周波数の推定および雑音と信号の分離

    大内康裕, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    JAS Journal   Vol. 40 ( No. 2 ) 30 - 36  2000年02月  [査読有り]


  • 一般化調和解析を用いた音響信号の高能率符号化

    及川靖広, 大内康裕, 山崎芳男

    JAS Journal   Vol. 40 ( No. 1 ) 49 - 54  2000年01月  [査読有り]


  • High efficiency high speed 1bit coding using generalized harmonic analysis

    Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kazuo Endo, Shuji Kudo, Yoshio Yamasaki, Meisei Nishikawa, Hiroki Ohta

    Proc. ASA/ASJ Third Joint Meeting    1996年12月

  • Sound field reproduction using wavefront synthesis based on the four microphones measurements

    Yoshio Yamasaki, Shuji Kudo, Yasuhiro Oikawa

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   100 ( 4 ) 2698  1996年


    Reverberation time, distribution of sound pressure, intelligibility, and/or other parameters are used in sound room evaluation. But characteristics of room acoustics are complex, and often quite different impressions are received from rooms that have nearly the same parameters. These differences might come from the difference of spatial information, especially in early reflection periods. Thus a four‐microphone method is proposed to measure spatial information of the room. Here, the sound field reproduction using the wavefront synthesis [A. J. Berkhout, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93(5) (1993) and Y. Yamasaki, J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. 10(2) (1989)] based on the four‐point measurement is discussed. © 1996, Acoustical Society of America. All rights reserved.



  • Active control of sound field with multi-channel public address system

    Y Oikawa, Y Yamasaki, T Samejima, M Yasuoka




  • 音響学講座2 電気音響

    ( 担当: 共著,  担当範囲: "1bit信号処理", pp.201-209)

    コロナ社  2020年03月

  • 吸音・遮音材料の設計、性能向上と評価技術

    ( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: pp.599-608)

    技術情報協会  2018年07月

  • 音響キーワードブック

    及川靖広, 他多数編著( 担当: 分担執筆)

    コロナ社  2016年03月 ISBN: 9784339008807

  • トランスナショナルな「日系人」の教育・言語・文化―過去から未来に向って―

    ( 担当: 分担執筆)

    明石書店  2012年06月 ISBN: 9784750336213

  • オーディオ収録・編集の基礎

    及川靖広( 担当: 分担執筆)

    写真工業出版社  2010年04月

  • Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics

    Yasuhiro Oikawa( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Springer-Verlag  2009年09月 ISBN: 9780387304410



  • 少数マイクロホンを用いた空間連続な室内インパルス応答の測定

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    池田 雄介, 及川 靖広

  • 光学的音響計測による音源近接空間のセンシングと音源の記述





  • 走査型マイクロホンアレイを用いた三次元音場計測における位相同期





  • 身体的音空間知覚を可能にする広帯域三次元音場再現システム





  • 光音響効果を用いた空中音源の生成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    及川 靖広, 池田 雄介



  • 音響レンズと電磁波を用いた三次元音場のリモートセンシング

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    山崎 芳男, 及川 靖広, 園田 義人, 八十島 乙暢



  • 歯を介した骨導音に着目したコミュニケーションエイド

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    及川 靖広, 村松 未輝雄, 鳥飼 雄亮, 久世 大, 黒澤 潤子



  • 断熱系でない音場の解明に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    及川 靖広



  • 科学および地域の史的観点に立つイスラム問題の比較分析-中東と東南・中央アジア-

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))





  • 先端的な科学技術を視点としたイスラム問題の系譜的かつ広域的な研究と将来の展望

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



    北村 歳治, 佐藤 次高, 店田 廣文, 桜井 啓子, 山崎 芳男, 吉村 作治, 長谷川 奏, 及川 靖広, 鴨川 明子, 高橋 謙三, 保坂 修司, 北村 歳治



  • レコード・テープ文化財の非接触・非破壊読み取りによる保存

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



    山崎 芳男, 白井 克彦, 小林 哲則, 及川 靖広, 大内 康裕



  • 高臨場感通信を目的とした三次元音場の記述と構築に関する研究


    本研究は,申請者が日本学術振興会特別研究員時の3年間にわたって行ってきた三次元音空間の記述に関する研究に基づき,理論的に確立していたが膨大なハードウェア規模と制勧系の制約から実音場への適用が全く試みられていなかったキルヒホッフの積分公式に基づく音場制御を実現しようというものである。具体的には,三次元音場を効率的に記述(符号化)し,それを伝送し,現在開発中のマルチセル型平面スピーカを用いることによりキルヒホッフの積分公式に基づく音場制御を実現する。聴覚特性を考慮することによりキルヒホッフの積分公式の近似がどの程度可能であるのか,キルヒホッフの積分公式を用いるにあたっての新しい空間の記述(符号化)に関して更なる考察を加え,マルチセル型平面スピーカを用いてその理論を実空間に適用したシステムを構築し,聴感的評価を行ないシステムの最適化を図る。今年度は以下のことについて研究を行った。1.三次元音場再生システムにおけるキルヒホッフの積分公式の近似,空間の記述(符号化)について理論的考察を加えた。さらに平面スピーカを用いた再生システムを構築し聴感実験を行った。2.独立成分分析(ICA)による信号分離,人間の情景分析方法を考慮した音場の空間情報の取得とそれに基づく音源分離について研究をし,それらを用いた音場の記述について考察を加えた。音源分離の技術の空間記述への適用の可能性が確かめられた。3.これらの結果を統合し,HDクラスの映像と音場の伝送システムを構築した。4.これらの結果の一部を「Matching Pursuitを用いた音源方向推定と音源分離」として発表した

  • 高臨場感通信を目的とした三次元音場の理解と記述に関する研究





  • データ忠実性を制約とした最適化による楽器音のモード分解

    升山 義紀, 草野 翼, 矢田部 浩平, 及川 靖広, 宮城 雄介, 大石 耕史

    音楽音響研究会資料   36 ( 4 ) 109 - 114  2017年10月


  • 臨床研究 政府統計による小学生の視力不良の経年推移と関係因子の解析

    矢田部 浩平, 及川 靖広

    日本眼科学会雑誌   118 ( 2 ) 104 - 110  2014年02月




  • レーザによる可視化音場の復元における偏微分方程式制約の導入

    矢田部 浩平, 及川 靖広

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集 日本音響学会 編     1387 - 1390  2014年


  • 光散乱現象を用いた音響情報測定

    石川 憲治, 及川 靖広, 山﨑 芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集 日本音響学会 編     747 - 750  2014年


  • 凸最適化を用いた可視化音場の復元

    矢田部 浩平, 及川 靖広

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集 日本音響学会 編     583 - 586  2014年


  • ネットワーク型音響情報視覚化インターフェースを用いた音空間への可視的情報呈示 (ヒューマン情報処理)

    三枝 英一, 及川 靖広

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報   112 ( 283 ) 55 - 60  2012年11月


  • 自己帯電型振動膜を用いたフレキシブル静電型スピーカ

    山崎芳男, 八十島乙暢, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 直原洋平, 中山鶴雄

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • 両耳に追従する指向性制御型超音波スピーカ

    武岡成人, FREY Matthias, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • 無線による聴こえ支援について

    中村健太郎, 小山大介, 上羽貞行, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • 1bit8chポータブル半導体レコーダを用いた音場の収録・再生~計測・配信への応用~

    八十島乙暢, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • 高密度マイクロホンアレイを用いた音波の可視化

    小榑亮太, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男, 武岡成人

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • 空気中浮遊物の高速撮影による音場情報の取得

    阿久津真理子, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • 自己帯電型静電スピーカの振動膜の自己帯電機構

    直原洋平, 中山鶴雄, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011  2011年


  • パラメトリックスピーカの高速1bit信号処理による指向性制御

    石井紀義, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2010  2010年


  • 高速度カメラを用いたPIV法による音場収録

    武岡成人, 阿久津真理子, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2010  2010年


  • 高速1bit信号によるパラメトリックスピーカの直接駆動

    石井紀義, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2009  2009年


  • 高速度カメラを用いた3次元音場の記録と解析

    酒井寿理, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2008  2008年


  • 自然エネルギーを利用した直管型熱音響管の検討

    井田雄旭, 大内康裕, 鴇田泰弘, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会講演論文集    2008年

  • 電磁誘導を用いた音響表現システム

    井筒淳久, 及川靖広, 藤森潤一, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会講演論文集    2008年

  • 教育の場における音環境とコミュニケーション-幼稚園における音場測定と行動分析から-

    野口紗生, 小西雅, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    発達心理学会大会講演論文集    2008年

  • 高次数曲線で構成された音場

    須賀一民, 山崎芳男, 東山三樹夫, 及川靖広

    日本音響学会講演論文集     695 - 696  2007年

  • 幼児の観点からみた幼稚園施設における室内音場の把握

    野口紗生, 池田雄介, 小西雅, 鴇田泰弘, 及川靖広, 山﨑芳男

    日本音響学会講演論文集     997 - 998  2007年

  • 凹面反射板を用いた単一受音点での音源位置推定

    及川靖広, 早川以久郎, 鴇田泰弘, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会講演論文集     641 - 642  2007年

  • 受動的観測による固体内部探査

    田辺太郎, 小西雅, 中沢誠, 大内康裕, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会講演論文集     1339 - 1340  2007年

  • 色彩を利用した光収録

    酒井寿理, 武岡成人, 及川靖広, 山崎芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2006  2006年


  • コンデンサスピーカを用いたキルヒホッフ-ヘルムホルツ公式に基づく音場制御

    栗原 誠, 木村 洋介, 柳 允善, 岡崎 正倫, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   2005 ( 1 ) 419 - 420  2005年03月


  • スピーカと室の形状と音速を考慮した音場制御

    荒井 孝, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   2001 ( 2 ) 567 - 568  2001年10月


  • 形状と空調を考慮した教室の音響設計

    荻野 粛, 及川 靖広, 白井 克彦, 山崎 芳男, 福山 忠雄

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   2001 ( 2 ) 975 - 976  2001年10月


  • ランダムベクトル信号の空間合成による音響信号の再現

    根木 教男, 及川 靖広, 服部 永雄, 山崎 芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   2000 ( 1 ) 497 - 498  2000年03月


  • マルチセル平面スピーカを使った教室の拡声システム

    田中 巧, 小野 攻一郎, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   1999 ( 2 ) 815 - 816  1999年09月


  • 逐次成分分析を用いた聴覚機構に基づく高能率符号化

    渡辺 秀明, 及川 靖広, 山崎 芳男

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   1998 ( 2 ) 505 - 506  1998年09月


  • 一般調和解析を用いた高速1bit音響信号の時間軸圧伸・ピッチ変換

    林 雅尚, 山崎 芳男, 及川 靖広

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集   1996 ( 2 ) 603 - 604  1996年09月




  • モード分解装置、モード分解方法、プログラム

    及川 靖広, 矢田部 浩平, 草野 翼, 升山 義紀


  • ステレオ信号生成装置、電子楽器、ステレオ信号生成方法、プログラム

    及川 靖広, 矢田部 浩平, 大木 大夢, 小林 憲治, 竹内 大起


  • 共鳴信号生成装置、電子楽器、共鳴信号生成方法

    及川 靖広, 矢田部 浩平, 小林 憲治


  • 静電型スピーカ


    山崎 芳男, 及川 靖広


  • 音の伝搬状態を可視化する装置


    山崎 芳男, 及川 靖広







  • 光学的音響計測の高度化に関する研究


    デンマーク   デンマーク工科大学

  • 歯骨伝導デバイスを用いたコミュニケーションエイド


    デンマーク   デンマーク工科大学


  • 理工学術院   大学院基幹理工学研究科

  • 附属機関・学校   グローバルエデュケーションセンター


  • 2023年

    データ科学センター   兼任センター員

  • 2022年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員

  • 2021年

    波動場・コミュニケーション科学研究所   プロジェクト研究所所長


  • LiDARセンサを用いた三次元音場リアルタイム可視化表現に関する研究



    &nbsp; 音波の伝播は視覚的な確認が困難であり、それらを効率的に計測し分かりやすく可視化することは、物理現象の空間的な把握に非常に重要である。そこでこれまで複合現実技術を活用した音空間計測手法および可視化技術の開発に取り組み、その有効性を示してきた。一方で、計測対象の拡大に伴い、実空間形状の正確な把握とそれを利用した三次元音場リアルタイム可視化表現の必要性が課題となっていた。そこで本研究では、実空間形状を点群データとして収集し、それを用いた三次元音場リアルタイム可視化を開発し、新たな表現手法を確立した。具体的には、以下の項目について取り組んだ。1. LiDARセンサを用いて獲得した実空間形状点群データを活用したアレイ信号処理LiDARセンサを用いて実空間形状を点群データとして収集し、この収集した点群を音源群として仮定し、アレイ信号処理により点群上の空間音圧分布を求める手法を実現した。アレイ信号処理についてはMVDRを用いた。2. 空間的に精密でかつ密な音圧分布の獲得LiDARセンサを用いて収集した空間形状データとアレイ信号処理を組み合わせることにより、実空間に存在する物体面場の音圧を求めることを可能とした。また、空間内に設定した複数の平面上や、空間内の任意の点に音源を仮定することも可能とし、空間的に精密でかつ密な音圧分布を求めることができるようになった。空間と音場の関係をこれまで以上に明確に示すことができた。3.リアルタイム動作化アレイ信号処理のアルゴリズムを効率化し、リアルタイム演算可能なものを開発した。光学透過型HMDやタブレットPCを用いて可視化結果をリアルタイム表示することを可能とした。4.計測結果への適用様々な音場計測への適用を通じ提案手法が有効であることを明らかにした。学会発表を多数行った。今後は本システムの社会実装を目指し、計測現場でより活用しやすいシステムにする。

  • 偏光高速度干渉計のための歪みの補正に関する研究




  • 実空間に視覚呈示する聴覚的質感表現の高度化



    &nbsp; 光学透過型Mixed Reality (MR) デバイスを用いた音場計測・可視化システムを提案してきた。これまで、物理量の一つであるインテンシティや人間の聴感に近い補正を行ったA特性音圧レベル等を可視化してきた。一方で、ユーザによるインタラクションが不足していた。そこで本研究では、これまでのシステムを高度化し視覚的に呈示した物理量と感覚量の空間分布情報を直接操作したり、またBuilding Information Modeling (BIM)とMR技術を融合することによる建築設計3Dモデルを直接かつインタラクティブに操作可能な音空間デザインシステムを構築した。

  • 光学透過型Mixed Realityデバイスを用いた音の感覚量分布の可視化



     AR/MRデバイスを用いた音場計測・可視化システムを提案してきた。これまでのシステムでは物理量の一つであるインテンシティの空間分布を計測し音のエネルギーの流れを可視化してきた。しかし、人間の感覚は物理量そのものを感じているのではなく、人間が知覚している音空間の把握には感覚量の空間分布を求めることが重要となる。 本研究では、これまでのシステムを高度化し、物理量(エネルギーの流れなど)と感覚量(ラウドネス(聴覚が感じる音の大きさ)など)の空間分布、時間変化を提示可能とした。音響信号をもとに生成される視覚的に確認できない他の物理量についても適用を検討し、その有効性を確認することができた。

  • 高精度光学的音響計測

    2019年   矢田部浩平


     本研究では,音場に影響を与えることなく,音の伝搬を定量的に評価する手法を確立することを目指す.これまで取り組んできた光学的音響計測法を高度化し,波動現象に影響を与えることなく計測する理論・システム・手法を確立するものである. 偏光高速度カメラと干渉計を用いたPPSI(並列位相シフト干渉法)に基づく光学的音響計測装置において,計測領域の拡大,ノイズレベルの低減に取り組み,システムを高度化させた.また,光学的音響計測結果には波動方程式を満たす成分が含まれていることに着目し,周波数と伝搬方向の定量評価,伝搬方向ごとへの分離,音とそれ以外の成分の分離等の解析処理を確立した.

  • 複合現実技術を用いた音響計測システムの高度化と応用範囲の拡張




  • 透過型 AR デバイスによる三次元音響インテンシティ可視化システム



     光学透過型ヘッドマウントディスプレイ(HMD)と空間認識センサを用いることにより、ビデオ透過型システムよりも自然な視覚情報と、広範囲の視点移動とオクルージョンを考慮した可視化が可能なシステムを新たに提案した。1.ビデオ透過型システムよりも自然な視覚情報呈示2.オクルージョンの不一致が生じない視覚情報呈示3.大空間における計測・可視化と広範囲の視点移動を確立、有効性を確認することができた。 今後は、複数人での観測や情報の共有が可能なシステムに発展させる。本システムを用いることにより、音源と音場の両者の計測・可視化を行い、それらを統合した音源の記述を目指す。

  • 光学的音響計測を用いた音源近接空間の高精度センシングと音源のモデル化に関する研究

    2018年   矢田部浩平



  • 多チャンネル高速1bit信号を用いた聴覚ディスプレイにおける音場制御信号処理



    没入型超高精細三次元音場創生システムの構築を行い、その性能を明らかにした。本庄キャンパスに4 MHz高速1bit信号を用いた256ch音場創生システムを構築した。大規模なシステムでの信号の取り扱いが容易な高速1bit信号を用いることにより、広範囲に設置されたスピーカまでデジタル信号のまま多チャンネルの信号を少ないケーブルで伝送可能なフルデジタルシステムを実現した。システムの基本的な性能の評価、遅延和による波面制御とWFSによる波面制御を実施し、どちらの制御手法でもシミュレーション結果に近い波面が確認され、提案システムが三次元音場創生に対して適用可能であることが確認された。

  • 歯を介した骨導音によるコミュニケーションの高度化

    2016年   池田雄介



  • 物理モデルとスパースモデルに基づく音響情報処理




  • 光音響効果を用いた空中音源の生成

    2015年   池田雄介



  • 歯骨伝導コミュニケーションの高度化

    2015年   池田雄介



  • 幼児の豊かな知性・感性を育む音環境づくり

    2010年   山崎芳男


     保育の場は、子どもにとってはじめて家族以外の集団の中で生活する場である。様々な場面において集団でともに活動する中で社会の規律を体得することは、幼児教育の場が担う大きな役割の一つである。それ故、話を聞く場面や音楽活動等の授業場面のみならず、食事や着替え行為等の日常生活行動も幼児に とって重要な学習場面であると捉えられる。また、集団活動の規模として自分と教諭、同年代同士という小さな集団からクラス全体といった大きな集団での活動へと、年齢とともに発展してゆく。学習場面として日常生活行動が重要であること、及び年齢ごとにコミュニケーション形態が異なることは保育の場の環境設計において重要な観点である。 現在までに、幼稚園教育の場における音環境の現状把握及び実験的な環境設 計に取り組んできた。本研究では、幼児の行動に伴う発生音を学年別に観測し、発達に適した学びの場として重要な音響条件を考察した。さらに対象を日本国内の幼稚園に限らず、国外の同様の施設についても調査を加えることとした。具体的には、ドイツ、ミュンヘンの幼稚園と共同でその音環境の調査をした。 その結果、幼稚園での一斉保育活動に着目し、年齢ごとに活動の成り立ちが異なること、及びそれに伴って音環境が異なる傾向にあることについて言及すると同時に、教育の場として学びの質自体も大きく変化し、教諭のかかわりが大きく変化してゆくことを観測した。幼児の行動発達としても、他者とのかかわり方の発達から、音情報の受け取り方、行動に伴う音のフィードバックの受け方も著しい発達過程にあることが示唆された。また、学年ごとの違いが大きいことから、同じ学年でも1年間で学びの質が大きく変化してゆくことが推察できる。 以上の結果から、保育の場の音環境設計として落ち着ける適度な静けさの確保は共通して求められる要件であるといえよう。それに加え、室内での学びの形態が発達過程に沿って展開し得ることが重要であるとすると、教諭によって適宜環境設計をおこなうことが必要である。今後は、幼児の音コミュニケーシ ョン活動に着目し、その発達過程を捉え環境設計にフィードバックしてゆく所存である。

  • 熱音響現象等の解析を目指した分子運動を考慮した音場解析



     音波伝播の解析には、音線法に代表されるような幾何音響解析手法、有限要素法や差分法に代表されるような波動音響解析手法が提案されている。高い周波数の音波が伝播する場合や、マイクロデバイス近傍の流れのように伝播する空間が狭い場合、気体中の着目点近傍の分子数が小さくなり、分子の衝突や相互作用がその物理特性に影響を及ぼすことが言及されている。このような空間の音場を解析する場合、気体分子運動に着目した分子気体力学および分子動力学法に代表されるような分子シミュレーションによる解析を行う必要がある。 本研究では熱音響現象等の解析を目指し分子運動を考慮した音場の解析を試みた。分子の衝突や相互作用から分子位置を計算する分子動力学法に着目し、分子の衝突や相互作用から分子位置を計算しつつ音波伝播の解析を試み、分子の衝突や相互作用が音波伝播に及ぼす影響について検討を行った。 具体的には、分子動力学シミュレーションを行い、分子位置を逐次求めた。求められた分子位置を、x軸方向から伝播してくる音波が観測できるような x-y 平面、x-z 平面にプロットした。気体分子は移動するが10^-14s後という非常に短い時間内に分子との衝突が起こることが分子位置と分子速度ベクトルの長さから考えることができた。これは気体分子の平均自由行程か63nmと小さく、十分な時間が経過しても空気中の分子はある一定の「塊」 で存在することを示している。また、任意の領域において巨視的な密度、速度分布を求めた。これより音波の伝播を分子運動から解析すると、粒子速度か正の値を取る場合分子数密度か小さくなり平均速度は大きな値を取る、粒子速度か負の値を取る場合分子数密度が大きくなり平均速度が小さな値を取ることが示された。さらに、圧力分布に関して、時間平均値を求めてブラウン運動の影響を最小限にすることを試みた。その結果、瞬時値と比較してグラフ全体の尖度が小さくなり、その中で尖度が大きい部分が存在し、圧力分布が最大値を取ることがわかった。その後圧力分布の大きなところが発生する。この圧力の伝播は音波によるものと考えることができる。 以上より、分子動力学法を用いて、分子の衝突や相互作用から分子位置を計算しつつ 音波伝播の解析を試み、密度分布と速度分布を求めた。今回は領域外に出てしまった分子に関して周期境界条件を用いて解析を行ったが、境界条件による誤差が現れてしまったので、シミュレーション領域を大きくとるか境界条件を改めて考える必要がある。今後は分子動力学法でこれまでに提案されている境界条件を用いて解析を行うこと、酸素や窒素など二原子分子について同様な解析か可能かどうか検討を加えてゆく所存である。

  • 幼児の豊かな知性・感性を育む音環境づくり

    2009年   山崎芳男


     就学前の幼児期において生活してゆく環境は非常に重要であり、その時期にふれあった人やモノなどの環境全体が後の成長に与える影響は極めて大きい。中でも音環境は、人々のコミュニケーション活動において重要な役割を果たしている。会話のような言語的コミュニケーションのみならず、「話のはずむ空間」「落ち着ける居場所」といった“場の雰囲気”や、サイン音・環境音等の外的刺激によるあらゆる行動の“動機づけ”など、音環境は人やモノを含めたコミュニケーション活動全般に深く影響していると考えられる。 本研究では、幼児の学習の場である幼稚園施設を対象とし、視覚的側面に比べてその重要性に差がつけ難く多面的な検討が必要な“音環境”に着目する。多彩な音、言語や音楽、建築学的な“音の響き”など、音響的側面における“他とのふれあい”を意識した環境づくりのための音環境観測手法について検討し、幼児の観点に立った音環境デザインの提案と実践を目指す。具体的には1) 幼児の観点に立った音環境観測手法の検討・ コミュニケーション活動の観測技術の開発・ 幼稚園における学習活動の観測2) 幼児の観点に立った音環境デザインの提案と実践・備品を用いた音空間づくりの実践を行った。音環境観察手法の検討としては、カメラ映像にマイクロホンアレーで収録した音情報をスーパーインポーズしどの場所からどのような音が発生しているかを観測可能な音響TVの開発や高速度カメラを用いた音場観察手法の検討を行った。特に音響TVに関してはそれを用いた幼稚園での活動の観測を行い、活動形態の違いによる音の発生の様子の違いを観測した。幼児の観点に立った音環境デザインの提案と実践としては、園舎室内床に絨毯を敷き込み、環境の変化前後の音響性能測定及び活動時の音環境の観測を行った。幼児にとっては新たな環境とかかわることであそびの活動が変化し、 創造的な活動の展開が促された。音響性能としての変化は残響時間の差として現れる一方、実際の活動時の音環境は一義的に変化せず、環境の変化による影響が活動形態によって異なる結果となった。

  • 光を用いた音場の直接観測とその応用

    2008年   山崎芳男, 大内康裕


    これまで音場の把握を目的として近接4点法をはじめとする手法で様々な音場を観測してきた。特に近年では実音場の精細な把握・測定を目的として、レーザ干渉計を用いた音場の観測法を試みている。本手法は光波が空気中を進む際その速度が空気の密度により変化する現象に基づきレーザ干渉計を用いて測定された光路長の変化から空気の疎密(音)を観測するものである。さらにレーザ干渉計を走査して得た音場の投影情報に計算断層撮影法を適用することで音圧分布の再構成を行ってきた。レーザを用いた音場の観測法は、広範囲の音場の空間情報を同時に計測することを可能にし、また観測対象となる音場に直接、観測器を設置することがないという特徴がある。 これまでの研究ではスピーカの再生する定常的な音場を観測の対象とし、測定信号には正弦波の連続信号を用い、特定の周波数成分について観測を行ってきた。しかし、反射音など複雑な音場を観測するには、直接音と反射音の区別など、過渡的な音場の観測を可能にする必要がある。本研究では測定信号にパルス音波を用い、レーザ干渉計によって進行波の観測を行った。平板スピーカにより駆動された平面進行波(パルス音波)の音響反射板による反射について、走査型レーザ干渉計による音波の2次元の投影と2次元の計算機シミュレーションの結果との比較を行った。また、投影情報を計算断層撮影法を用いて点の情報に再構成しなおすことでより音場の詳細な情報が得られることを示し、そこでパルス音波の点情報への再構成を試みた。また、音の干渉、反射、回折などの基礎的現象の観測を行った。特に高速道路などに設置されている防音壁の効果、スピーカアレイの指向性制御を確認することができた。 レーザを用いることで測定点自体に測定器を置く必要がないという特徴をもつことから様々な音場への応用が期待されているが、本手法を測定技術として確立するには実現できる測定精度を明らかにし、誤差の要因をできる限り予測する必要がある。本研究では提案するレーザによる測定手法における測定における誤差の基礎的な分析も行った。スピーカの再生する音場に対してレーザを用いた音圧レベル分布と騒音計を用いた結果の比較を行い,壁面の振動による誤差が充分に無視できることを確認した。 さらに、高速度カメラを用いた音場測定に関し検討を加え、発音体の振動そのものの観測、LEDと高速度カメラを用いた音場観測の基礎的実験を行い、その有用性を示した。

  • 三次元音空間の記述に関する研究



     近年、 実際とは異なった場所にいながらあたかも本当の場で体験するようなことを体験できるバーチャルリアリティ(人工現実感)に関心が高まってきており、さまざまな研究が行なわれている。バーチャルリアリティにおいては音より映像が主体であるかのように思われがちであるが、 実際の場の雰囲気を正確に得るためには音は重要な役割をはたす。音場の再現を目指した国内の研究としては古くはNHKの牧田康雄、早大の伊藤 毅らによる立体音響再生に関する研究、東京電機大学の三浦種敏らによるOSSやNTTの金田 豊、三好正人らによるMINTを使ったトランスオーラル系に関する研究、米国ではNASAをはじめ多くの研究機関で、ヨーロッパでは Ruhr 大学の Blauert らにより両耳受聴、再生システムに関する研究が行なわれている。 本研究は、理論的に確立していたが膨大なハードウェア規模と制御系の制約から実音場への適用が全く試みられていなかったキルヒホッフの積分公式に基づく音場制御を実現しようというものである。また、そのために必要となるであろう空間の記述(符号化)について研究を行なう。キルヒホッフの積分公式の近似による波面合成法を用いることによる実現可能なスピーカ数での三次元音場再生方法の確立、あるいは新しい音場再生手法の確立を目指す。キルヒホッフの積分公式の近似がどの程度可能であるのか、キルヒホッフの積分公式を用いるにあたっての新しい空間の記述(符号化)に関して考察し、その理論を実空間に適用したシステムを構築し、 聴感的評価を行ないシステムの最適化を図る。 三次元音場再生システムにおけるキルヒホッフの積分公式の近似、キルヒホッフの積分公式を用いるにあたっての空間の記述(符号化)、2スピーカを用いた立体音響再生理論およびそれを多スピーカへ拡張した場合について理論的考察を加えた。それに基づき、パーソナルコンピュータを用いた計算機シミュレーションによりさまざまな条件での音圧分布、波面を計算し、スピーカ数の違い,方法の違いが再生音場へ及ぼす影響を調べた。また,原音場と再現音場の比較を行い考察を加えた。その結果を踏まえ実空間に適用した再生システムを構築し、音源位置を変えた音場再現の実験を行った。さらに,近接4点法による音源定位位置を求める実験、聴感実験を行い聴感的評価を行った。 その結果、従来の手法では聴感的に音源の定位はある程度得られるものの,物理測定では所望の位置への音源の定位は困難であったが,この手法により音源の数が制御系より少ない場合には近接4点法による測定によって正確な位置に定位することが確認された。 本研究では、音場制御領域を特定の点から空間に拡張し、2~3スピーカによる立体音響再生法を拡張した方法を提案し,実現可能な数の制御系で比較的広い範囲にわたり音場の再生を実現した。近接4点法を用いた実験により音源位置の定位を確認することができた。また、聴覚実験により聴感的に必要かつ十分な制御システムであることが確認できた。
