Updated on 2024/07/03

Faculty of International Research and Education, School of International Liberal Studies
Job title
Associate Professor
博士 ( ハーバード大学大学院 )

Research Experience

  • 2002.09

    Assistant Professor, Center for International Education, Waseda University

  • 2002.07

    Visiting Scholar, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University(USA)

  • 2001.08

    Junior Fellow (Faculty), Harvard Society of Fellows, Harvard University (USA)

  • 2001.07

    Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Bowdoin College (USA)


    present Assistant Professor, School of International Liberal Studies (SILS), Waseda University

Education Background


    Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   PhD (Doctorate) in Social Anthropology   Social Anthropology  


    McGill University   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences   Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology  

Professional Memberships


    American Anthropological Association


    Association for Asian Studies


    European Association for Japanese Studies


    American Ethnological Society


    Visual Anthropology Association

Research Interests

  • Sociocultural Anthropology


  • Harvard University, Milton Fund Award


  • Harvard University, Society of Fellows, Junior Fellowship


  • Harvard University, Center for the Study of World Religions, Doctoral Fellowship


  • Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, Cora Du Bois Fellowship


  • Joint Committee on Japanese Studies of the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies, with funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Dissertation Fellowship


  • Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship


  • Japanese Ministry of Education, Doctoral Research Fellowship


  • Hayase Prize for Greatest Improvement, Inter-University Center for Advanced Japanese Language Studies, Yokohama


  • Japan Foundation, Advanced Japanese Language Study Fellowship for Study at the Inter-University Center for Advanced Japanese Language Studies, Yokohama


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  • 伊勢神宮と戦後の天皇観

    ローズマリー ベルナ-ル

    明星大学、国際シンポジウムでの研究発表、2005年12月10日    2005.12

  • Ritual and Memory at Ise

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Paper presented as part of a panel on the Anthropology of Ritual and Memory, Anthropology and Sociology Section, at the 11th triennial International Meeting of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Vienna, September 1, 2005    2005.09

  • The Demonization of a Religion and its Afterlife: Ise, Nationalism and Postwar Shinto

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Tier II Canada Research Chair in Religion and Contemporary Society in Asia Lecture, presented at the Institute for Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, March 16, 2005    2005.03

  • Imperial Jingu, or Why Ise Jingu Matters to the Tenno

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Paper presented as part of an invited panel on Japanese Emperorship, at the 19th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Tokyo, March 26, 2005    2005.03

  • 伊勢神宮と戦後の天皇観

    ローズマリー ベルナール

    (東京)第19回国際宗教学宗教史会議世界大会で行われたパネル(神道における天皇観)の一部としての研究発表、2005年3月27日    2005.03

  • 遷宮広報と儀式の神秘性をめぐる問題について

    ローズマリー ベルナール

    神社本庁第5回遷宮広報会議特別講義、2005年1月24日    2005.01

  • Hello Kitty Goes to Ise: Imperial Jingu and Nostalgia in Postwar Media and Cultural Production

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Lecture presented at the Departments of Religious Studies and Anthropology, New York University, APril 19, 2004    2004.04

  • Transparency and Revelation: Politics of Secrecy at the Grand Shrines of Ise in the Age of Photography and Television

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Paper presented as part of a panel on secrecy in Japanese religions, in the Religion and History of Ideas Section, at the 10th triennial International Meeting of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Warsaw, August 30, 2003    2003.08

  • Cultural Politics of Ritual at the Grand Shrines of Ise

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Paper presented as part of a panel on Contemporary Shinto at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Japanese Religion, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Washington DC, April 5, 2002    2002.05

  • Reengendering SHinto: Gender Politics and Memory of Ise Ritual in Postwar Japan

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Keidanren Chair Lecture, presented at the Institute for Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, March 11, 2002    2002.03

  • Politics of Ceremonial Performances at the Grand Shrines of Ise

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Lecture presented at the Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University, Boston (USA), March 2, 2002    2002.03

  • Implications of GHQ Policies for Ise Jingu

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Lecture presented at the Institute of Asian Research, National University of Singapore, May 27, 2001    2001.05

  • Shinto and the Invention of Tradition

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Lecture presented at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 15, 2001    2001.03

  • Part of the Picture: Fieldwork, Media and the Politics of Representation

    Rosemarie Bernard

    Paper presented as part of a panel on `Framing the Anthropologist`, which I organized and chaired at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 17, 2000    2000.12

  • 杵築祭 (こつきさい)。

    ローズマリー ベルナール

    皇学館大学神道研究所紀要   10   32 - 41  1994.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • Mirror Image: Layered Narratives in Photographic and Televised Mediations of Ise's Shikinen Sengu.

    Rosemarie Bernard

    In Hent de Vries and Samuel Weber, eds., Religion and Media, pp. 339-375.  2001.09

  • The Image World of Jingu: Media Representation and Performances of Rites of Renewal at the Grand Shrines of Ise, 1869-1993. Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University、2000. (611 pages).

    Rosemarie Bernard

    University Microfilms Internation, Michigan, USA.  2000.06


  • Research on the implications of GHQ religious policies for postwar Shinto



  • Field and archival research concerning Ise Jingu`s Shikinen Sengu ritual system






Internal Special Research Projects