2025/02/16 更新


タカグチ ヒロト
高口 洋人
理工学術院 創造理工学部
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )
1970年 京都生まれ、大阪で育つ。1995年早稲田大学理工学部建築学科卒業、1997年同大学院理工学研究科修了。2002年博士(工学)取得。 早稲田大学助手・客員講師(常勤扱い)、九州大学特任助教授を経て2007年より早稲田大学准教授。2012年より現職。完全リサイクル型住宅や家庭用燃料電池の開発に従事。現在、住宅や建築物の省エネルギー対策、新エネルギーの導入促進に関する研究などにも取り組む。著書に「完全リサイクル型住宅Ⅰ、Ⅱ」「地方都市再生の戦略」「都市環境学」「健康建築学」「 民家再生の実例」(いずれも共著)、「ZED Book」(共訳)」「エコまち塾(共著)」「ゼロ・エネルギーハウス―新しい環境住宅のデザイン(共著)」「しくみがわかる建築環境工学 基礎から計画・制御まで(共著)」など。


  • 2012年

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   教授

  • 2007年

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   准教授

  • 2004年


  • 2002年


  • 1999年




    早稲田大学   理工学研究科   建設学専攻建築学専門分野  


    早稲田大学   理工学部   建築学科  





    NPO法人 アジア都市環境学会











  • 社会システム工学 / 環境政策、環境配慮型社会 / 環境影響評価 / 建築環境、建築設備 / 環境負荷低減技術、保全修復技術


  • 防災マネジメント

  • 再生可能エネルギー

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント

  • 脱炭素

  • 建築設備

  • 環境マネジメント

  • 環境政策

  • 都市環境



  • UIAゴールデンキューブ賞特別賞受賞

    2023年05月   国際建築家連合  

  • ゴールデンキューブ賞出版部門優秀賞

    2023年01月   日本建築家協会   SDGsスーパーシティゲームの開発~まちづくりを通じたSDGsの加速~  

    受賞者: 前田拓生, 福田徹, 高口洋人, チンケツカ, 関根海央, 千賀由香, 粕谷彩乃, 古田祥一朗, 上田紘暉, 梅澤美菜, 斉藤瑠加, 西出知世

  • 早稲田大学ティーチングアワード

    2019年11月   早稲田大学  

  • 最優秀賞

    2015年   エネマネハウス2015  

    受賞者: ワセダライブハウス

  • 日本学生科学賞 入賞2等




  • 建築物の建設工事現場に設ける仮設現場事務所のLCCM化の検討

    Takahiro UENO, Keisuke HIGUCHI, Hiroto TAKAGUCHI, Tatsuto KIHARA, Yoshihiko AKAMINE

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   30 ( 74 ) 222 - 227  2024年02月


  • Relationship between Cooling Methods and Energy Consumption for the Development of Low-Carbon Collective Housing in Indonesia

    Keigo Miyamoto, Sri Novianthi Pratiwi, Shuntaro Nishiiri, Hiroto Takaguchi, Tetsu Kubota

    Sustainability   16 ( 4 ) 1635 - 1635  2024年02月



    Indonesian urban population increase has led to increased energy demands and housing inventory shortages. The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) supplies collective housing for low-income communities (MBR). The development of low-carbon collective housing has been thought to suppress the abrupt increase in household-sector energy demand and lead to mitigated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In tropical climates, it is essential to reduce the dependence on air conditioners (AC) to suppress energy consumption. Therefore, to investigate the relationship between cooling methods and energy consumption, this study surveyed the energy consumption per household and classified the existing cooling patterns of ACs, fans, and window openings in collective housing with different income groups in Indonesia. The results confirmed that the use of AC increases household energy consumption. Meanwhile, the implementation of natural ventilation (NV) showed significantly lower energy consumption with a high thermal satisfaction of more than 80% during the day and 90% at night; thus, both energy consumption reduction and indoor thermal comfort improvement could be achieved through these methods. The findings of this study serve as a starting point for verifying the energy saving effects of air conditioning habits with the consideration of socio-demographic changes for the purpose of decarbonizing collective housing, including future predictions and energy simulations.



  • Embodied energy and carbon assessment of existing affordable apartments in Indonesia

    Rudi Setiadji Agustiningtyas, Hiroto Takaguchi, Andhika Budi Prasetya, Tetsu Kubota

    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering     1 - 14  2023年11月






    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 773 ) 535 - 543  2020年




  • 議事録分析によるBIM活用の設計業務効率化の評価

    吉開 恵治, 筒井 隆博, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   83 ( 749 ) 1297 - 1303  2018年07月  [査読有り]


    &nbsp;In recent years, the architectural design process has been becoming more and more complicated due to increase in factors to consider. Therefore, facilitation in the design process is becoming more important to reduce the task and needlessness work. As a tool to facilitate design process, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is the focus of attention recently. But, in spite of the large expectations for BIM's influence of facilitating design work, actual introduction of BIM into the building industry is very few, because of the lack of quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of BIM. Therefore, in this research, we evaluated the effectiveness of BIM utilization on reducing reworks and improving the design flow by comparing the 7 buildings which designed with BIM and 3 buildings which designed without BIM.<br>&nbsp;As preparation, we organized meeting date and contents in chronological order from minutes information of 10 buildings. And we classified the contents into 113 design work items.<br>&nbsp;The first analysis is the evaluation using a progress chart. It is the graph showing the progress of the design progress degree. The average of the design progress degree in BIM used cases was higher at the early stage of design process than that of the BIM unused cases. So that, it made clear that many design work items are considered from the early stage of the design process in BIM used cases.<br>&nbsp;The second analysis is the evaluation of the study timing of design work items. It is the percentage value expressed as the average timing of the meeting. The study timing in BIM used cases average is 28%, and that of study timing in BIM unused cases average is 39%. which shows that utilization of BIM leads forward the meeting timing. Next, analysis of the study timing of 19 design work group shows that &ldquo;16. Structural performance&rdquo; and &ldquo;19. Estimate and make the book of confirmation request&rdquo; were studied early stage of design process. And, analysis of the study timing of 113 design work items shows that &ldquo;46. Decide the beam size&rdquo;, &ldquo;78. Study the fire protection zone&rdquo;, &ldquo;79. Design the corridors&rdquo;, &ldquo;94. Decide the floor vibration performance&rdquo;, &ldquo;103. Design the window (form/kind)&rdquo; and &ldquo;113. Make the book of construction order&rdquo; were studied early stage of design process.<br>&nbsp;The third analysis is the evaluation of rework. We clarify the type of rework occurred at each meeting. The type is classified as &ldquo;1. Rework by owner's change request&rdquo;, &ldquo;2. Returning by designer's change request&rdquo;, &ldquo;3. Rework by the change of other design work item&rdquo; and &ldquo;4. The other&rdquo;. In this research, the rework frequency of BIM used cases is 28% in average, and that of BIM unused cases is 19% in average. It shows that reworks are increased 9% by BIM using. However, in the interview survey, designer said &ldquo;Utilizing BIM, the cases that have been overlooked in the design stage and become troubles at the construction stage have been discovered and improved at the design stage.&rdquo;.<br>&nbsp;In conclusion, using BIM in the architectural design process is effective in front-loading of design work, but it becomes a factor to increase the rework of design work. However, the number of building in this research is 10, making it difficult to say statistical analysis results. Also, if the increase in the rework at the basic design stage is one that foresaw the trouble at the construction stage and avoided it, verification including implementation design is required.

    DOI CiNii

  • グーグルサテライト高解像度画像を用いたハルツーム平屋住宅の配置に関する研究

    アウダラマジッド A. M. A. モハメド, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   83 ( 744 ) 205 - 213  2018年02月  [査読有り]



    &nbsp;This paper aims to determine the most common features of both the layout and the building materials of the single floor house in Khartoum -the capital of Sudan- using different methodologies. The results were then used to create a standard testing model to be utilized by researchers in all fields, especially, researches in the field of energy simulation, environmental design, etc. Google High resolution images were used to determine the layouts by studying the location of the visible roof parapets of each house. Three small neighborhoods were randomly chosen from the three cities of Khartoum state (Khartoum, Bahri, and Omdurman), each neighborhood contained around 350 houses. Additionally, one large neighborhood (about 15000 houses) was selected in an old third-class area in Khartoum state to test the various house layouts, in order to estimate the commonness of a specific uniform layout amongst the other layout patterns. Afterwards, the building materials and space dimensions were determined by surveying a random sample of 96 houses chosen from the large neighborhood. These 96 houses were built in accordance to the uniform pattern layout subject of this research. The results show that the uniform pattern layout is clear in about 39.75% of the total samples, and the common dimensions (length, width and height) of the room, hall, saloon, and the kitchen are (4.4m &times; 4.2m &times; 3.8m), (5.7m &times; 3m &times; 3.2m), (7.4m &times; 3.2m &times; 3.8m), and (4.4m &times; 4.2m &times; 3.8m) respectively. The most used materials are brick for the walls, local materials for the roofs, steel for doors, and steel frame and glass panels for the windows in 88%, 38%, 76%, and 82% of the cases respectively.

    DOI CiNii


  • 外断熱改修のための不燃外断熱システムの開発

    角尾 怜美, 清瀬 英人, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   ( 56 ) 281 - 281  2018年02月  [査読有り]


  • 外断熱改修のための不燃外断熱システムの開発

    角尾 怜美, 清瀬 英人, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   24 ( 56 ) 281 - 284  2018年  [査読有り]



    Recently, the number of renovation with external thermal insulation for energy-saving has been increasing. This report shows four experimental studies on external thermal insulation system for apartment houses. First, based on noncombustible certification test, it was found that the system was composed of noncombustible materials. Second, as the result of test for tensile strength, the system turned out to have the durability to wind load and strain. Finally, strain test and exposure test were carried out. The result showed that strain was within the permissible range in the system through changes of temperatures and weather conditions.

    DOI CiNii


  • 新虎通りにおけるCVMを用いた街路樹事業の費用便益分析

    木原 己人, 伊原 さくら, 谷 葉留佳, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   ( 54 ) 687 - 687  2017年06月  [査読有り]


  • 新虎通りにおけるCVMを用いた街路樹事業の費用便益分析

    木原 己人, 伊原 さくら, 谷 葉留佳, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   23 ( 54 ) 687 - 690  2017年  [査読有り]



    In this study, I perform a cost-benefit analysis of the roadside tree project in the planning stage, by using the method of CVM. In CVM survey of trees project model in the Toranomon Street, I used two types of survey. (One shows the results of the thermal environment simulation, one does not) There was no difference between the result of the survey. As a result of the cost-benefit analysis, cost-benefit ratio from seven years after the effect was presented in the questionnaire begins obtained are more than 1, could be evaluated the roadside tree project is that it is reasonable.

    DOI CiNii


  • 都市環境負荷予測シミュレータの開発 : グラフ関数同定プログラムの開発とモデルの検証

    上野 貴広, 住吉 大輔, 赤司 泰義, 高口 洋人

    都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要   ( 31 ) 19 - 28  2017年01月  [査読有り]


    We made a long-term prediction simulator of CO_2 emissions from 1975 to 2050 for Fukuoka City with system dynamics. In this simulator, CO_2 emissions are calculated by multiplying CO_2 emission units with amounts of activities. In our past research, it took many hours to make the model because we manually adjust multiplying functions of the model. Therefore we develop a program to adjust every multiplying function of the model for reducing the simulator making hours. Moreover, we compared actual values and calculated values of the simulator by using multiplying functions that were identified by the program, and did accuracy verification of the program.


  • 超高層大学におけるエネルギー消費に関する調査:-東日本大震災前後夏期におけるエネルギー消費量の比較-

    張 健, 許 雷, 中島 裕輔, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   79 ( 699 ) 451 - 458  2014年  [査読有り]

    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者


    The energy supply in Japan faces challenges after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The electricity consumption and the energy consumption for cooling before and after this earthquake in a high-rise university with BEMS is investigated. Compared with the energy consumption in 2010, about 22% of the electricity consumption and 20% of the energy consumption for cooling is cut down in 2011. According to the hourly data for lighting, electric outlets, cooling systems, the load patterns for different energy consumption are studied. The results show that the load patterns before and after the earthquake are quite similar. Furthermore, the difference of energy consumption for cooling in similar climate conditionings in these two summers is pointed out, which illustrates the effectiveness of energy saving methods adopted. Compared with the contracted electricity demand, 15% of the peak electricity demand is cut down in the summer of 2011.

    DOI CiNii

  • DSM分析とその応用による事務所建築物の設計プロセス可視化とケーススタディ

    竹川 慶, 大場 大輔, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   20 ( 45 ) 747 - 750  2014年  [査読有り]


    In recent years, design process has become more complicated due to increase in factors to consider. Thus, a need for design process facilitation is apparent in architectural design. We first specify the design process of a basic office building by using DSM, an analytical method. We then analyze reworks occurred in design process in detail by conducting 4 case studies. Finally, we find the potential rework rate for each case, which was 28.4%&ndash;38.1% in general office buildings. Meanwhile, the rate was only 17.9% for the environmental office building.

    DOI CiNii


  • 東日本大震災後の夏期節電実態:非住宅(民生業務部門)建築物の環境関連データベース(DECC)の構築と解析 その2

    高口 洋人, 依田 浩敏, 坂本 雄三, 坊垣 和明, 村上 周三, 山本 隆晴, 亀谷 茂樹, 半澤 久, 吉野 博, 浅野 良晴, 奥宮 正哉, 下田 吉之, 村川 三郎

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   79 ( 703 ) 795 - 801  2014年  [査読有り]


    Because of the lack of power in Tokyo and Tohoku due to Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011, ordinance of electric power usage restrictions were triggered for the first time in 37 years. Large consumers of more than 500kW electric power contract were asked to reduce power consumption of 15%. Furthermore, since the power plant was stopped across the country, power-saving and energy-saving measures have been implemented in almost all over Japan. We conducted the investigation on the power saving conditions in the summer of 2011, in order to grasp and analyze the actual condition of power saving which commercial buildings performed. When we compared the energy consumption of the total from April to September of 2011 with 2010, about Office building, Kanto Area showed the biggest reduction of 21.4%, and when we compared the peak load of electricity of 2011 with 2010, the large office building in Tohoku Area showed the biggest reduction of 23.6%.

    DOI CiNii


  • カンボジアにおける住宅内エネルギー消費量急増の抑制方法に関する研究:- 省エネルギーモデル住宅の提案 -

    宮崎 恵子, 山本 裕貴, 鷲谷 聡之, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   77 ( 673 ) 193 - 202  2012年  [査読有り]


    South-east Asian countries are now experiencing remarkable economic growth in recent years. In hot and humid countries like Cambodia, air-conditioning equipments are becoming widely accepted. Because of the lack of fundamental data on Cambodian lifestyle and energy consumption, this paper first studies and estimates the amount of energy consumption of Cambodian houses in urban areas by questionnaire method, targeting the families living in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Then the amount of energy consumption of Cambodian houses is estimated by simulation analyses on typical two types of model houses. And the paper simulates many methods to decrease the amount of energy consumption, and proposes the most effective and realistic methods to mitigate the rapid increase of energy consumption in south-east Asian countries.

    DOI CiNii


  • 非住宅建築物の環境関連データベースに基づく小売業態分類別商業施設一次エネルギー消費原単位の比較

    山口 容平, 半澤 久, 吉野 博, 浅野 良晴, 奥宮 正哉, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 鈴木 雄介, 山崎 政人, 下田 吉之, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 松縄 堅, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   77 ( 681 ) 889 - 897  2012年  [査読有り]


    Authors gathered and investigated annual energy consumption of 4,194 retail facilities. The retail facilities were classified by the retail categories into department store, general merchandise store, grocery store, garment store, household merchandise store, home center, drag store, convenience-store, shopping center and specialized store. The average of total floor area and annual primary energy consumption per unit floor area were compared among the retail categories. Except the combination between department store and shopping center, these retail categories showed a significant difference in the total floor area and/or annual energy consumption per total floor area. This result implies that classification by retail category contributes to understand the characteristics of energy consumption.

    DOI CiNii


  • 中国北方における某大学建物のエネルギー消費特性と省エネルギー対策の効果評価

    蘇 媛, 高口 洋人, 王 福林

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   77 ( 677 ) 605 - 614  2012年  [査読有り]


    This paper compares the effect of energy conservation measures between two buildings on university campus in northern China. The paper also presents for the first time the detailed hourly energy consumption characteristics and composition of such buildings in this area for the year of 2010. Compared in buildings, &lsquo;A&rsquo; is near to the average electricity consumption unit of the investigated buildings while &lsquo;B&rsquo; includes energy conservation measures. Firstly, variation of heating/cooling load and electricity consumption unit has been analyzed. Then averaged electricity consumption unit with different usage like air conditioning system, lighting were examined at different periods. The indices of daily electricity consumption were figured out. Furthermore, energy conservation measures were evaluated to discuss the energy conservation effect.<br>Based on the investigation results, the heating load index per floor area of building B was found to be 40% of building A while the cooling load index per floor area was 30% of A. Air conditioning system accounted for 64.8% in building A and electrical socket accounted for 61.8% in building B of the total electricity consumption. Average daily electricity consumption ratio of building B is 5.1% higher than building A indicating possibility of energy conservation in building A. Finally, from the calculation based on actual data and simulation results, it is worth noting that overall energy consumption in building A can be reduced by 38% and individually heating and cooling loads can be cut down 57.8% and 61.5% respectively.

    DOI CiNii


  • 中国南方にある理工系大学キャンパスにおけるエネルギー消費構造の分析

    蘇 媛, 高口 洋人, 閆 軍威

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   77 ( 675 ) 399 - 407  2012年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents in depth analysis of the actual energy consumption structure of a science and engineering university campus in southern China. It also clarifies for the first time the hourly energy consumption characteristics of such campus buildings in this area. Firstly, the measurement meters were installed on the power circuits of 11 different buildings in the campus to obtain hourly end-user energy consumption data from Sep.1st 2009 to Aug.31st 2010. Then examination of energy consumption unit according to the different buildings has been analyzed base on the measured data. Furthermore, the energy consumption of buildings with different usages has been evaluated; the analysis was performed for different days and different load periods. Finally, a detail of energy consumption unit was discussed and constructed based on it.<br> From the analysis, variation of daily energy consumption unit structure of different usage buildings and the whole campus is clearly indicated. The energy consumption of the research laboratory buildings accounted for 58% of the whole campus' energy consumption. The average daily energy consumption unit of the library was the highest. Among the proportion of the total energy consumption for the whole campus, the cooling consumption accounted for 52% with 72.18 MJ/(m2&bull;a), electricity consumption of lighting and electrical socket accounted for 23% with 32.01 MJ/(m2&bull;a). The maximum value of hourly average electricity consumption unit for the whole campus in each month was recorded at 12:00 Oct. 2009 with 24.08 kJ/(m2&bull;h) and the maximum value of hourly average cooling consumption unit was recorded at 16:00 Oct. 2009 with 71.14 kJ/(m2&bull;h) respectively. The energy consumption unit in different load period was listed to indicate which building and which period consumed more energy. In particular, this study we aim to find out peak energy unit of the different buildings, in order to make a proposal for energy conservation measures to reduce peak energy amount of the whole campus to the greatest possible extent.

    DOI CiNii


  • 非住宅(民生業務部門)建築物の環境関連データベース(DECC)の構築と解析:その1 基礎データベースの構築

    高口 洋人, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 坂本 雄三, 坊垣 和明, 村上 周三, 井筒 進平, 鷲谷 聡之, 亀谷 茂樹, 半澤 久, 吉野 博, 浅野 良晴, 奥宮 正哉, 下田 吉之

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   77 ( 678 ) 699 - 705  2012年  [査読有り]


    The number of commercial buildings in Japan is estimated over 10 million and these buildings are considered to emit large amounts of CO2. However, environmental load for commercial buildings has not been fully researched and those researches done in the past have focused on limited subjects or areas in Japan. This research aims to develop a nationwide database on CO2 emission and water usage of commercial buildings which can be used by researchers, policy makers and business people.<br>This paper reports the outline of this database and the specific primary energy consumption, which was developed centrally by 33 universities. The data was collected through questionnaire surveys which was conducted between 2007 and 2009, and a total of 40,085 building data was collected, of which 27,902 were disclosed. The collected data was divided into 23 uses and primary energy consumption intensity for the disclosed database were calculated by areas, gloss floor area and year of completion.

    DOI CiNii


  • 愛知万博における地域冷暖房プラント運転実績調査

    中島 裕輔, 山田 正也, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   73 ( 624 ) 237 - 243  2008年02月  [査読有り]


    EXPO2005 was held from Mar. 25 to Sep. 25 in 2005. In this EXPO Nagakute area, air-conditioning energy were supplied from five DHC plants. We had recorded air-conditioning energy, gas, power, and upper and lower water consumption in this area. In this study, we chiefly analyze the operation results of these DHC plants. As a results, main three plants had tended to operate in a lot of numbers of the refrigerating machine for the load. In that situation, plant No. 6 which was subdivided to four showed better COP value, and importance of quipment composition of plants was confirmed. And, it was problem that excessive load calculation of enterprise pavilions influenced the plant load factor decrease.

    DOI CiNii


  • Detailed research for energy consumption of residences in Northern Kyushu, Japan

    Yasuto Takuma, Hiroyuki Inoue, Futoshi Nagano, Akihito Ozaki, Hiroto Takaguchi, Toshiyuki Watanabe

    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS   38 ( 11 ) 1349 - 1355  2006年11月  [査読有り]


    Energy consumption in residential sector has been increasing year by year since 1965. To improve this situation, it is necessary to reconsider the traditional energy supply systems. Distributed power source systems, such as photovoltaic (PV) system and micro co-generation system, are considered as solutions to current residential energy problems. In order to utilize these systems effectively, understanding detailed energy consumption of residences is required. The purpose of this research is to clarify detailed energy consumption; seasonal and annual energy consumption classified by uses, the effect of energy-saving apparatus and heating demand of residences located in the north of Kyushu, Japan. Major results are as follows: (1) energy consumption for hot water supply is larger than ones for lighting, air-conditioning and cooking among most houses, in the north part of Kyushu, (2) PV system is quite effective to save energy of residential buildings, and (3) Heat demand and electric power demand of residences are clarified by detailed measurement for installing individual dispersed power source system, some houses show high thermoelectricity ratio enough to move micro co-generation system effectively, even at present. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 家庭用固体高分子形燃料電池CGSの運転方法と導入効果 : 家庭用分散型電熱源の導入効果に関する研究 その1

    黒木 洋, 清水 章太郎, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   71 ( 610 ) 67 - 73  2006年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents the effective operation methods and the regional energy conservation effects of housing Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Co-Generation System (PEFC-CGS). We built the model-based simulation program to calculate the energy budget in a case that PEFC-CGS was introduced to detached houses considering specifications of a real PEFC-CGS. As a result of model-based simulations, we found that DSS (Daily Start and Stop) operation was the most effective method. Energy conservation effect is higher in cold areas because it varies by quantity of hot water supply load. The primary energy consumptions are reduced by 4-13% and CO_2 emissions are reduced by 7-20% in Japan. These values are increased by 1-2% in a case of the reverse power flow. Utility costs are also reduced by PEFC-CGS, but they vary by payment setting in each area.

    DOI CiNii

  • EXPO2005における都市環境モニタリングシステムの開発(環境工学)

    高口 洋人, 中島 裕輔, 須藤 洋志, 吉田 友紀子, 井上 元

    日本建築学会技術報告集   12 ( 24 ) 223 - 227  2006年  [査読有り]


    We developed the Environmental Monitoring System that was able to combine a collection of the measurement data of the broad zone and immediacy, whose draw on the cell-phone network or human power conventionally. This system was installed on the site of EXPO2005 in Aichi as Environmental Monitoring System (Expo Amedas) and its stability and immediacy were confirmed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 木造住宅と森林資源の日本型循環モデル構築に関する研究

    高口 洋人, 尾島 俊雄

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   66 ( 544 ) 85 - 92  2001年  [査読有り]


    The purpose of this study is building a Japanese circulation model between the wooden house and forest resources. Japanese circulation model satisfies the following condition. 1. The supply and demand of wood for housing circulate in domestic area. 2. CO_2 emission from housing is all fixed by domestic forest. By building the model, we make it clear the way of building the wooden house to reduce CO_2 emission. And this study shows the possibility of perfect circulation by Re-use the wood and promoting the use for biomass energy system.

    DOI CiNii

  • 木造専用住宅と森林資源との循環型モデルに関する研究 : 砺波平野散居村におけるケーススタディ

    高口 洋人, 尾島 俊雄

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   64 ( 516 ) 93 - 99  1999年  [査読有り]


    Wood resource has expected to circulate between the forest resources and wood consumption for buildings in some area. There are distinctive formed rural district which are called Sankyo-Son, those do not construct main part. Each Sankyo-Son has some scale grove of tree which is called residential trees (Yasiki-Rin). Those trees have function as windbreak and residents have used those for fuel and building materials. This study grasps Sankyo-Son as the minimal model of resources circulation between buildings and residential trees, and verifies resources circulation from the point of view of LCCO_2 and LCMass.

    DOI CiNii

  • 災害時に活用可能な木質バイオマスCHPのケース検証

    加藤 桜椰風, 山崎 慶太, 高口 洋人, 宮崎 賢一

    環境情報科学   53 ( 1 ) 87 - 94  2024年01月  [査読有り]



    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   88 ( 806 ) 1371 - 1377  2023年04月  [査読有り]


  • Forecasting model of activities of the city-level for management of CO2 emissions applicable to various cities

    Jieun Lee, Yasunori Akashi, Hiroto Takaguchi, Daisuke Sumiyoshi, Jongyeon Lim, Takahiro Ueno, Kento Maruyama, Yoshiki Baba

    Journal of Environmental Management   286   112210 - 112210  2021年05月



  • Research for energy use of high environmental performance building in Japan

    H Kobayashi, H Takaguchi

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science   588 ( 2 ) 022011 - 022011  2020年11月



    Recently, the increase in energy consumption of commercial building is remarkable, and energy-saving is continuously required. Therefore, the government is promoting high environmental performance building. In this situation DECC (Database for Energy Consumption of Commercial building) committee collected the data of the energy consumption and published them as a database. However, analysis about High environmental Performance Building (HPB) has not been conducted in DECC database. So, I extract HPB from DECC database and analyze the consumption.



  • Energy consumption and indoor temperature in Cambodian houses

    Hiroto Takaguchi

    Sustainable Houses and Living in the Hot-Humid Climates of Asia     313 - 324  2018年06月


    Cambodia is located almost at the center of the Mekong Delta. The largest lake in Southeast Asia, named the Tonle Sap, is located at the center of Cambodia. The Khmer dynasty had flourished in Cambodia, and economic growth has continued following the end of the civil war. There are four main types of housing in Cambodia. They include "town houses" (which are often called "shop houses"), "detached houses," "traditional houses," and "condominiums." In this chapter, the energy consumption of these four types of houses is reported by use and by household income. The results are from several interview surveys that were conducted in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kandal, and Takeo. The energy consumption of Cambodian houses shows a strong correlation with household income, location, and the style of the house. The average annual energy consumption in urban areas was 13.3 GJ per household. In rural areas, the average annual energy consumption was 22.3 GJ per household. Low-income families depended highly on biomass energy and used more than high-income households because the combustion efficiency of biomass is low. As a result, the energy consumption in rural areas was larger than that in urban areas. When the income of household exceeded approximately $300 per year, the shift from using biomass energy to LPG and electricity progressed rapidly. Corresponding to this shift in energy source, energy efficiency improved, and energy consumption decreased. Ultimately, as household income increased even more, energy consumption also increased.



  • Sustainable houses and living in the hot-humid climates of Asia

    Tetsu Kubota, Hom Bahadur Rijal, Hiroto Takaguchi

    Sustainable Houses and Living in the Hot-Humid Climates of Asia     1 - 559  2018年06月  [査読有り]


    This book provides information on the latest research findings that are useful in the context of designing sustainable houses and living in rapidly growing Asian cities. The book is composed of seven parts, comprising a total of 50 chapters written by 53 authors from various countries, mainly in the Asian region. Part I introduces vernacular houses in different Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Nepal, China, Thailand and Laos. Parts II and III then explore in depth indoor adaptive thermal comfort and occupants' adaptive behavior, focusing especially on those in hot-humid climates. Part IV presents detailed survey results on household energy consumption in various tropical Asian cities, while Part V analyses the indoor thermal conditions in both traditional houses and modern houses in these countries. Several real-world sustainable housing practices in Asian cities are reviewed in the following part. The final part then discusses the vulnerability of expanding Asian cities to climate change and urban heat island. Today, approximately 35-40% of global energy is consumed in Asia, and this percentage is expected to rise further. Energy consumption has increased, particularly in the residential sector, in line with the rapid rise of the middle class. The majority of growing Asian cities are located in hot and humid climate regions, and as such there is an urgent need for designers to provide healthy and comfortable indoor environments that do not consume non-renewable energy or resources excessively. This book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in sustainable house design in the growing cities of Asia.



  • Designing of human behavior, thermal comfort and ceiling on energy

    Jun Nakagawa, Keigo Kobayashi, Hiroto Takaguchi, Shin Ichi Tanabe

    Healthy Buildings Europe 2017    2017年  [査読有り]


    © Healthy Buildings Europe 2017. All rights reserved. This research aims to investigate the behavior change and the thermal environment correlation when changing the constraint condition of electric power using a power control system developed independently using open source hardware and a tactile interface. When inhabitants interact with architecture, an interface for the study that is used is the environment not only in the city and architecture but also with consumer electronics. A feature of the study is to build up a system to overcome constraints, which inhabitants set by themselves proactively, as well as to expand a range of thermal comfort by conveying condition of energy consumption to inhabitants.

  • 非住宅建築物(民生業務部門)の環境関連データベース構築に関する研究 : デパート・スーパーにおける水消費実態

    高島 健太, 須藤 諭, 村川 三郎, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久, 吉野 博, 奥宮 正哉, 浅野 良晴, 下田 吉行, 依田 浩敏

    学術・技術報告会論文集 = Collection of papers of the conference   5   97 - 102  2016年03月  [査読有り]


  • 福祉施設の節電効果に関する要因分析:&minus;非住宅建築物の環境関連データベース(DECC)構築に係る調査結果の分析&minus;

    金田一 清香, 下田 吉之, 依田 浩敏, 坂本 雄三, 坊垣 和明, 村上 周三, 西名 大作, 村川 三郎, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久, 吉野 博, 浅野 良晴, 奥宮 正哉

    日本建築学会技術報告集   22 ( 51 ) 645 - 650  2016年  [査読有り]


    Changes of the energy consumption in welfare facilities before and after the Great Earthquake of East Japan were analyzed based on the investigation for development of the DECC. Both electricity and primary energy consumption in the facilities with the residential function were reduced by approximately 8% in the Tohoku region and 16% in the Kanto region in 2011 compared to those in 2010 even though the difference of air temperatures were taken into consideration. As the results from multivariate analyses, measures related to lighting were effective for energy savings in the facilities both with and without the residential function. Additionally, changes of setting temperature of freezers could be a strong factor for energy savings in the facilities with the residential function, whereas restriction of use of electric appliances such as portable electric pots had large influences in the facilities without the function.

    DOI CiNii


  • 病院施設におけるエネルギー削減率:病院施設における気温変化を考慮したエネルギー消費量削減率の補正手法の検討

    角田 健一, 坊垣 和明, 村上 周三, 浅野 良晴, 高村 秀紀, 岩井 一博, 原 英嗣, 高口 洋人, 亀谷 茂樹, 松縄 堅, 坂本 雄三

    日本建築学会技術報告集   22 ( 50 ) 183 - 187  2016年  [査読有り]


    The environmental impact and energy consumption database is used for reducing carbon dioxide effectively in commercial buildings. This study is a part of a project that aims at the development of the database for energy consumption of commercial buildings in Japan. This paper describes the correction method for the primary energy consumption reduction rate with consideration of a temperature change at a hospital from 2010 to 2013.

    DOI CiNii


  • 民家・町家の省エネ温熱環境改善のためのゾーニング改修手法開発:ゾーニング改修に向けた住宅診断法及び熱的性能評価手法の検討

    鈴木 進, 高口 洋人, 中島 裕輔, 松井 郁夫, 滝口 泰弘, 三澤 文子, 久保 隆一, 勝見 紀子, 坂下 雛子

    住総研研究論文集   42 ( 0 ) 61 - 71  2016年  [査読有り]



    DOI CiNii

  • 都市環境負荷予測シミュレータの開発 : CO₂排出原単位モデルの構築とモデルの汎用化に向けた改良

    上野 貴広, 仁科 裕貴, 住吉 大輔, 赤司 泰義, 高口 洋人

    都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要   ( 28 ) 47 - 56  2015年07月  [査読有り]


    We made a long-term prediction simulator of C02 emissions from 1975 to 2050 for Fukuoka City with system dynamics. In this simulator, C02 emissions are calculated by multiplying C02 emission units with amounts of activities. In our past research, we developed a calculation method of activities in detail. On the other hand, C02 emission unit calculation is not enough. Because we didn't have a prediction method of them. Therefore we develop a model to predict C02 emission units in this paper. Moreover, there are various problems to apply this model to the other cities. Improvement of the model for generalization is shown in this paper

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on the environmental performance of a natural material wooden house

    Hiroto Takaguchi, Yusuke Nakajima, Kei Kawamura, Shumpei Uchida, Yutaka Tonooka, Akinori Sagane



    In this study, we examined the advantages of houses that use a lot of wood and natural materials and that also have breathable walls. There is insufficient research literature concerning the characteristics of effects obtained by using substantial quantities of wood for interiors. Typical Japanese modern houses have a damp-proof membrane but this risks being damaged during the tenure of residents or by earthquakes. Breathable walls do not have such a damp-proof membrane. We measured the environmental performance (indoor thermal environment, thermal environment and humidity in walls, and energy consumption) of four houses that use large amounts of wood, with each house using approximately 1.5 times the amount used by a typical wooden house. Results for one of these houses using large amounts of wood, even the room that was not air conditioned was most stable in terms of relative humidity, and 73.1% of measurements were classified as being within the central range of humidity. And the humility inside the wall was low enough to avoid the mold growth. From the viewpoint of energy, generally theses houses consumption of energy were smaller than the national average, but one was bigger because of the size of family and neighborhood circumstances. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.



  • Life Cycle Assessment of a Domestic Natural Materials Wood House

    Yutaka Tonooka, Hiroto Takaguchi, Koichi Yasui, Takuo Maeda



    We conducted a project entitled "Achieving Climate Change Abatement and Comfortable Life by a Partnership between Forestry and Natural Material Housing (NMH) in Urban Areas," which aims to achieve carbon neutral housing by 2050 by linking forest management to the use of domestic wood in environmentally friendly Natural Materials Housing. In this paper, we conduct long term Life Cycle Assessment of CO2 emissions from afforestation stage to ultimate demolition of the house, encompassing the following stages: afforestation work and log cutting, lumber production, house building, use of the house (with main emissions coming from energy consumption for space heating and cooling, cooking, hot water supply, lighting, and appliances), repair, demolition, and waste treatment. Analysis results indicate that Life Cycle CO2 emissions from Natural Materials Housing are low, when compared with standard cases. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.



  • 宿泊建物のエネルギー消費原単位の推定に関する研究

    井城 依真, 須藤 諭, 吉野 博, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 松縄 堅, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久, 奥宮 正哉, 浅野 良晴, 下田 吉之, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 田中 英紀, 増田 幸宏

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   ( 686 ) 341 - 349  2013年04月  [査読有り]

  • 宿泊建物のエネルギー消費原単位の推定に関する研究:-非住宅建築物の環境関連データベースにおける平成21年度調査データによる分析 その2-

    井城 依真, 奥宮 正哉, 浅野 良晴, 下田 吉之, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 田中 英紀, 増田 幸宏, 須藤 諭, 吉野 博, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 松縄 堅, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   78 ( 683 ) 45 - 54  2013年  [査読有り]


    In this study we aimed to identify characteristics of energy consumption of accommodation building by drawing on 2009 fiscal year of DECC survey data. Conducting statistical analysis on the base-load and the fluctuation-load on a national scale derived from patterns of variation in the monthly energy consumption, we obtained estimation equations for energy consumption rate.<br> To determine the base-load rate, we focused on differences between heat-generation equipments in the accommodation buildings and classified them into three categories: electrical, fuel-based, and electric-fuel hybrid. We then carried out the multiple regression analysis for each category. As a result, we obtained accurate estimation equations for the electrical and the fuel-based heat-generation equipments. And to determine the summer and the winter fluctuation-load rate, we were able to obtain accurate estimation equations using the multiple regression analysis.

    DOI CiNii


  • 事務所建物のエネルギー消費原単位の熱源設備別分析:&minus;DECC平成21年度調査データによる分析&minus;

    井城 依真, 奥宮 正哉, 浅野 良晴, 下田 吉之, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 須藤 諭, 吉野 博, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 松縄 堅, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久

    日本建築学会技術報告集   19 ( 43 ) 1017 - 1022  2013年  [査読有り]


    In this study, we aimed to confirm whether it is possible to improve the accuracy of the estimation equations of energy consumption rate of office buildings.<br>By the difference in the type of heat source equipment, we classified the DECC survey data of 2009 fiscal year into three categories: &ldquo;the electrical type&rdquo;, &ldquo;the fuel-based type with boiler&rdquo; and &ldquo;the fuel-based type without boiler&rdquo;.<br>As a result, using the multiple regression analysis, we were able to obtain more accurate estimation equations than before except for summer fluctuation-load rate in the electrical type.

    DOI CiNii


  • 自治体版CASBEEによる評価実績に関する調査研究

    竹川 慶, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   19 ( 43 ) 1027 - 1030  2013年  [査読有り]


    CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency), developed by the Japan Sustainable Building Consortium, is now being widely used in 24 local government in Japan, since it was first introduced in to the green building policy of Nagoya city in 2004. To learn the current status of CASBEE by local governments, this report investigates the evaluation results of local versions of CASBEE in Nagoya city, Osaka city, Yokohama city, and Kyoto prefecture. From various statistical analyses and comparison, characteristics of evaluation results of the 4 local versions of CASBEE have been shown.

    DOI CiNii


  • 事務所建物のエネルギー消費原単位の推定に関する研究:-非住宅建築物の環境関連データベースにおける平成21年度調査データによる分析-

    井城 依真, 奥宮 正哉, 浅野 良晴, 下田 吉之, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 須藤 諭, 吉野 博, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 松縄 堅, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   77 ( 673 ) 203 - 211  2012年  [査読有り]


    This research intends to define base load and fluctuation load from the pattern of monthly changes in the energy consumption of office buildings in Japan obtained from the investigation in 2009 fiscal year, and to clarify the characteristics of energy consumption by determining estimation equations.<br>It became possible to confirm the tendency by the estimation equation obtained from the multiple regression analyses of base load rate. The reliability of the estimation equation of fluctuation load rate by the multiple regression analysis was higher than that of the estimation equation obtained from the simple regression analysis of the average yearly temperature.

    DOI CiNii


  • 40399 環境モデル都市千代田区におけるグリーンストック作戦の実証調査研究 : 第6報 中小規模ビルのエネルギー消費特性とモニタリング調査(エネルギー消費・省エネルギー対策,環境工学I)

    三戸 遥, 村上 公哉, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 健一郎

    学術講演梗概集. D-1, 環境工学I, 室内音響・音環境, 騒音・固体音, 環境振動, 光・色, 給排水・水環境, 都市設備・環境管理, 環境心理生理, 環境設計, 電磁環境   2011 ( 2011 ) 837 - 838  2011年07月  [査読有り]


  • Statistical analysis for energy consumption of office buildings in Japan

    S. Nakamura, H. Yoshino, S. Murakami, K. Bogaki, K. Matsunawa, S. Kametani, H. Takaguchi, H. Hanzawa, M. Okumiya, Y. Asano, Y. Shimoda, S. Murakawa, T. Watanabe

    7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011   2   498 - 503  2011年  [査読有り]


    In this study, the result of the basic investigation of office buildings in the fiscal year 2008 by DECC (Data-base for Energy Consumption of Commercial Buildings) was shown. Questionnaire survey of office buildings has been carried out national wide, which helped to understand the actual usage pattern of energy consumption. There were 1128 valid responses in this investigation and the national averages of the annual primary energy consumption per square meter was 1738[MJ/m 2-Year].In order to identify the influential factor, the multiple regression analysis was done and from the result, you can see that the largest impact factor on total energy consumption was floor area and the coefficient of determination was over 0.8. The impact factors on energy consumption per square meter were cooling period, density of users and floor area. On the other hand, the coefficient of determination was about 0.25.

  • 非住宅建築物の環境関連データベースに基づく福祉施設のエネルギー消費特性に関する研究

    池田 大輔, 吉野 博, 浅野 良晴, 奥宮 正哉, 下田 吉之, 依田 浩敏, 村川 三郎, 西名 大作, 村上 周三, 坊垣 和明, 松縄 堅, 亀谷 茂樹, 高口 洋人, 半澤 久

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   76 ( 670 ) 1109 - 1117  2011年  [査読有り]


    This study is a part of the project that aims to construct the database for energy consumption of commercial buildings on the national scale. The purpose of this study is to obtain the basic data for energy consumption in the welfare facilities for the most of aged persons. The authors classified the buildings into two types of the residential and non-residential facility, and showed the attributes and energy consumption in each type. On the basis of these results, the factors that will have effect on the energy consumption for the unit of floor area in each type were clarified by the technique of multiple regression analysis. Furthermore, the relationships between the outside mean air temperature in each area and the monthly mean energy consumption in each facility were analyzed. After the monthly values of energy consumption were classified into the non-varied part through a year and the varied parts in summer and winter, the effect of the outside air temperature on each part was clarified by the multiple regression analysis.

    DOI CiNii


  • 既存学校施設の長期使用を視野に入れた改修手法に関する研究:‐既存改修と外断熱改修の運用コスト累積差シミュレーション‐

    平井 健嗣, 李 祥準, 堤 洋樹, 小松 幸夫, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   76 ( 664 ) 1163 - 1170  2011年  [査読有り]


    External Insulation Finishing System (EIFS) have been focused on mainly in cold districts in Japan. But EIFS is effective not only in cold districts but also in other districts in terms of elongation improving. Today in Japan, EIFS is not often used and the cost of EIFS is higher than that of conventional repair. The purpose of this study is to examine the payback period of the cost increment by the use of EIFS. This study is LCC simulation of the cost increment and focuses on electric cost reduction by the use of EIFS, specifically that of air conditioners. The main results are:<br>1. It is difficult to collect cost increment only by longer repair cycle and cost reduction of materials.<br>2. For Rooftop repair, built-up roofing with wear course is less expensive than with single-ply roofing in terms of total LCC.<br>3. In consideration electric cost reduction, payback period of cost increment can be examined 40 years.<br>4. By extending the time for usage, for example open school after school, payback period of cost increment is extended by 0-15 years.

    DOI CiNii

  • 杉並区エコスクールにおける住環境学習プログラムの開発:&minus;荻窪小学校における萌芽段階の事例評価&minus;

    田中 稲子, 村上 美奈子, 谷口 新, 望月 悦子, 古賀 誉章, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会技術報告集   17 ( 36 ) 755 - 758  2011年  [査読有り]


    Suginami eco-school is aiming at the integration of environmentally friendly facilities, management and learning. We planned, executed, and evaluated the built environment learning program for such eco-primary school in Suginami. To examine the possibility of continual execution of the program by school teachers, the questionnaire survey was carried out. The teachers&rsquo; own understandings and considerations to built environment learning seem to have improved after experience of the program. In addition, to continue the built environment learning program by school teachers, it is necessary to define the educational aim and the location of the program in entire curriculum.

    DOI CiNii


  • 既存市街地再整備方針立案におけるDCBAメソッドの応用

    高口 洋人, 笠 真希, 長谷川 佳, 幡場 喬二, 圓福 高志, 大野 貴弘

    日本建築学会技術報告集   17 ( 36 ) 603 - 606  2011年  [査読有り]


    We applied the DCBA method for built-up area in Japan, and verified the effect of the DCBA method for policy planning in the regeneration of built-up area. The DCBA method is a consensus building tool developed in the Netherlands that integrates environmental engineering and city planning. As a result, we shared the priority and the objective of measures between multi subjects. The effectiveness of the DCBA method application for policy planning in the regeneration of built-up area was shown.

    DOI CiNii


  • 既存集合住宅の断熱性能実態及びその改修による省エネルギー効果に関する研究

    広瀬 拓哉, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   76 ( 664 ) 581 - 586  2011年  [査読有り]


    In aims to meet the goal of 25% CO2 emission reduction compared to 1990 by 2020, the government has been developing policies on insulation renovations. In order to achieve the previously stated target, all existing houses are required to conduct insulation renovation. Thus, investigations on insulation efficiencies of existing apartments are necessary to verify the effect of insulation renovation on CO2 emissions. The Energy-Saving Standard, which sets the insulation efficiency of housings, was first presented in 1980, followed by the New Energy-Saving Standard in 1992 and the Next-Generation Energy-Saving Standard in 1999. Therefore, insulation efficiencies of housings are considered to be diverse depending on the age of completion. Research on the actual situation of insulation efficiencies in detached houses exists, but those on existing apartments are insufficient. In this study, we investigate the actual situation of insulation efficiencies of existing apartments and conduct an analysis on energy savings and reduction in utility costs through insulation renovation of existing apartments with different insulation efficiencies.

    DOI CiNii


  • 各種家庭用電熱源機器の導入効果について:家庭用分散型電熱源の導入効果に関する研究 その2

    黒木 洋, 清水 章太郎, 中尾 美晴, 青木 博子, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   75 ( 647 ) 43 - 50  2010年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents effects of housing electricity and heat source equipments. We studied about energy saving effects of 4 equipments, CO2 Heat Pump water heater (CO2-HP), Micro Gas Engine Co-Generation System (GE-&mu;CGS), Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Co-Generation System (PEFC-CGS), and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Co-Generation System (SOFC-CGS). As the result, we have found that energy consumption and CO2 emission reduction rate is the highest in case of SOFC-CGS. Energy consumption is reduced by 17-20% using SOFC-CGS on Electric Power Load Tracking Operation, and 44-47% on Rated Operation. And CO2 emission is reduced by 5-20% on Electric Power Load Tracking Operation and 22-46% on Rated Operation.

    DOI CiNii


  • 市民参加による都市環境気候図作成に関する研究―「市街地の暑熱環境体感ツアー」の試み―:-&lceil;市街地の暑熱環境体感ツアー&rfloor;の試み-

    増田 幸宏, 岡留 智史, 鍵屋 浩司, 高口 洋人, 高橋 信之, 尾島 俊雄

    日本建築学会技術報告集   16 ( 32 ) 215 - 219  2010年  [査読有り]


    We conducted a walking tour with citizens to experience and measure the urban thermal environment. This investigation was performed to make Klima-atlas with citizen participation by experience surveys. This trial was also performed to examine urban thermal environment from a new perspective based on comfort level (experience values) as indices for evaluation of heat island measures. This project provides an opportunity to raise awareness and increase understanding of the heat island phenomenon and its causes among local citizens. The results were provided to local citizens to create a good feedback loop to improve local environmental conditions.

    DOI CiNii


  • 小規模木質系バイオマスCGS の導入効果に関する研究

    高口 洋人, 小谷 健司, 杉崎 聡

    日本建築学会技術報告集   16 ( 34 ) 1027 - 1030  2010年  [査読有り]


    This paper reports the results of small scale wooden biomass Co-Generation System (we call it WBCGS) that had been introduced into S Prefecture T city in 2007. WBCGS uses LPG to start the gas engine and produce heat and electricity sent to the demand side. The fuel of the engine is a wood chip. The raw material of the wood chip is local thinned wood, forest reminder material, and mill ends.<br>As the result of the yearly total efficiency was 62.9%, the power generation efficiency was 10.6%, and thermal efficiency was 52.3%. After WBCGS had been introduced, 101 t- CO2 a year was reduced 88.6% has been reduced compared with conventional system.

    DOI CiNii


  • Cooling Effect of Tokyo Bay on "Sultry Nights" with Calm Wind Conditions

    Yukihiro Masuda, Keiko Miyazaki, Hiroto Takaguchi, Koji Kagiya

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING   8 ( 2 ) 555 - 562  2009年11月  [査読有り]


    In this study, the authors focused oil light wind from the sea and its thermal environment relaxation effect during periods of calm conditions during the night when there is a concern that the urban heat island phenomenon is exacerbated. The light wind from the sea may be characteristic to Urban waterfront areas where temperature increase persists throughout the day even during the night because of accumulated heat Oil the ground surface and artificial exhaust heat. The wind directions during periods of calm conditions at night were compared. The ratio of sea breeze to land wind near the ground level was greater than the ratio of the Upper-level wind during calm conditions at night. The authors focused on the period when Upper-level wind was calm. As the tipper-level wind became calm, the wind direction changed from land breeze to sea breeze, and the temperature decreased as the direction of the wind changed. These observations indicated the temperature lowering effect of light wind from the sea. Previous studies of the wind system during the night generally discussed the land breeze. This study was unique in that the authors' focused Oil utilizing the cool light breeze From the sea at night.



  • Examination on Integration Use of Energy and Water Resource System at the Eco-campus

    Yuan Su, Hiroto Takaguchi, Weijun Gao



    The universities use much more energy generally than other types of industries, because they have many institutions and long-time activities. So it is important to grasp the actual situation of energy consumption at campus precisely. In this paper, the integration use of energy / water resources system at one typical eco-campus has been examined by taking a case study at Hibikino campus. Firstly, the energy and water consumption of eco-campus has been analyzed by using the data from 2001 to 2007. Then the influence between operating mode and energy use on running effect of energy system and water recycling has been analyzed respectively and compared with the conventional system. Furthermore, the improvement on the system has been taken into consideration after the evaluation.

  • 既存住宅ストックの活用による環境負荷削減効果に関する研究:福岡県におけるCO2排出量削減対策の検討

    細木 翼, 高井 智広, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   73 ( 625 ) 409 - 414  2008年  [査読有り]


    Although the population of Japan is going to decrease, the energy consumption of the residential sector is assumed to increase. On the other hand, new construction will decrease gradually, and the ratio of the existing houses in housing market will grow up. This research shows the prediction of CO2 emission between 2005 and 2050 from housing sector of Fukuoka Prefecture by construction, operation, demolition and area based on the present situation of the housing stock.<br>Fukuoka Prefecture is divided into &ldquo;Fukuoka City&rdquo;, &ldquo;Kitakyushu City&rdquo; and &ldquo;The other area&rdquo;. The trend CO2 emission and the main factor are different by areas, directly because the decrease of population and the change of household composition. Accordingly the effect of the measures would change. In Fukuoka City CO2 emission has a high percentage of the construction and operation factor on apartment house, therefore it is said that the measures for the apartment house are comparatively important. Meanwhile in Kitakyushu City and The other area, new construction of detached house has a large percentage in new construction, but taken altogether, it is a small amount. The measures for the housing stock are important.

    DOI CiNii


  • 522 既存住宅ストックの活用による環境負荷削減効果に関する研究(環境工学)

    細木 翼, 高井 智広, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行

    日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 2, 環境系   ( 46 ) 485 - 488  2007年03月  [査読有り]


  • 523 都市スループットシミュレータを用いた循環型住空間システム評価に関する研究 : その1 都市スループットシミュレータの構築(環境工学)

    高井 智広, 細木 翼, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行

    日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 2, 環境系   ( 46 ) 489 - 492  2007年03月  [査読有り]


  • 既存住宅ストックの活用による環境負荷削減効果に関する研究

    細木 翼, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行, Hosoki Tsubasa, Takaguchi Hiroto, Watanabe Toshiyuki

    都市・建築学研究   ( 11 ) 111 - 118  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    Although the population of Japan is going to decrease, the energy consumption of the residential sector is assumed to increase. On the other hand, new construction will decrease gradually, and the ratio of the existing houses in housing market will grow up. Therefore it would be very important to reduce the energy consumption of the existing houses. This study estimates household CO2 emission between 2005 and 2050 in Fukuoka. This paper aims to clarify reduction effect of environmental load by administrating each measures. The results of our analysis are as follows. 1)Effects of measures to existing houses are 0.8-2.5% larger than to newly built houses. 2)Housing policies can contribute to reduce CO2 emission by extending the lifetime of houses and promoting multifamily housing.

    DOI CiNii

  • PEFC-CGSと温水式床暖房の併用効果に関する研究--省エネルギー効果と室内温熱環境について

    綾垣 伸康, 尾崎 明仁, 黒木 洋, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行

    都市・建築学研究   ( 11 ) 127 - 136  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    We have been developed the numerical simulation program to calculate the primary energy consumption of housing Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Co-Generation System(PEFC-CGS) combined with floor heating of warm water type. In this program, the floor heating has been modeled with the piping pitch of warm water by using the fin efficiency. The indoor temperature has been controlled by Predicted Mean Vote(PMV) for over minus 0.5. As the results of this simulation, it is clarified that the floor heating has had effected the indoor by thermal radiation from floor surface and that the primary energy consumption has been reduced up to 5% in winter when PEFC-CGS is combined with the floor heating of warm water type.

    DOI CiNii

  • Feasibility study on using combined heat and power energy systems for various buildings in Japan

    阮 應君, 渡辺 俊行, 高口 洋人, Gao Weijun, 玩 鷹君, 渡辺 俊行, 高口 洋人, 高 偉俊

    都市・建築学研究   ( 11 ) 119 - 126  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    This paper examined the energy consumption characteristics in six different buildings including apartments, offices, commercial buildings, hospitals, hotels and education facilities. Then 5-hectare(50,000m^2) development site for respective building's type was assumed as case study to evaluate the viability of Combined Heat and Power(CHP) energy systems. A CHP system was selected according to their characteristics for each type building. And HEATMAP, a district energy system analysis software, was used to evaluate each system's energy saving, environmental effect and economic efficiency. The results can be summarized as follows: in hotels and hospitals at the proposed site, the CHP system is an attractive option in Japan. In others buildings, especially commerce buildings and offices, the introduction of CHP system is unreasonable.

    DOI CiNii

  • 中国における住宅のエネルギー消費に関するアンケート調査研究

    于 [セイ], 渡辺 俊行, 高口 洋人, 高 偉俊, 張 晴原

    都市・建築学研究   ( 11 ) 103 - 110  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    At present, the energy consumption has increased rapidly along with a large economic growth accomplished in China. Especially, energy consumption in residential sector has been increasing annually. The purpose of this research is to grasp the energy consumption of present situation for residential buildings in China. We did a questionnaire survey in northeast and middle region of China, and this survey will plan to spread at the whole country. In this paper, we reported about the results of the survey in each area, and the analysis of heating energy consumption using the numerical simulation.

    DOI CiNii

  • 家庭用固体高分子形燃料電池CGSと蓄電装置の併用効果

    新名 康平, 清水 章太郎, 高口 洋人, 渡辺 俊行, Niina Kohei, Shimizu Syotaro, Takaguchi Hiroto, Watanabe Toshiyuki

    都市・建築学研究   ( 11 ) 97 - 102  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    This paper presents the effctive operation methods and the energy conservation effects of housing Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Co-Generation System(PEFC-CGS) with an electric storage capacitor. We built the model-based simulation program to calculate the energy budget in the case that PEFC-CGS and Storage System were introduced to detached houses considering specifications of real PEFC-CGS and assumed Storage System. As a result of model-based simulations, we found that DSS(Daily Start and Stop) operation to follow the power loading was the most effective method. It is the calculation result of winter 2 weeks that effect could be comfirmed most. 27% of CO2 emissions discharge, and 19% of the amounts of the primary energy consumption were reduced.CO2 of 7.16kg-CO2 and the primary energy of 100MJ were reduced more than the case that only PEFC-CGS was introduced.The capacity of the Storage System of 600Wh should be necessary to get this effect.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research for energy consumption of residential buildings in China: A questionnaire survey on energy consumption in Changsha and Luoyang

    Ying Jun Ruan, Wei Jun Gao, Toshiyuki Watanabe, Hiroto Takaguchi, Liang Yu

    Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)   14 ( SUPPL. ) 76 - 80  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    In order to grasp to the energy consumption present condition for residential buildings, a questionnaire survey had been carried out in Changsha city Hunan Province and Luoyang city Henan Province. This paper has been present the preliminary investigation results. The results can be summarized as follows; 1) The households with floor area ranging 75 m-125 m account for more than 52% of the total amount investigated. More than 64% buildings had been constructed in recent ten years. 2) Total energy consumption for every household with 71, 856 MJ/Year in Luoyang is 3.1 times of that in Changsha being 23, 431 MJ/Year. But annual electricity energy consumption in Changsha is 2.2 times of that in Luoyang. 3) The space heating thermal demand accounts for more than 70% of the total energy demand in heating district. 4) There is much adoption of the saving energy countermeasure in two cities. But there is still considerable energy saving potentials in residential buildings.

  • Prediction of energy efficiency and thermal environment of residential buildings utilizing PEFC-CGS combined floor heating system

    Nobuyasu Ayagaki, Akihito Ozaki, Hiroto Takaguchi, Hiroshi Kuroki, Toshiyuki Watanabe

    IBPSA 2007 - International Building Performance Simulation Association 2007     546 - 553  2007年  [査読有り]


    The systematic numerical simulation program is developed to calculate the total energy efficiency of housing polymer electrolyte fuel cell co-generation system (PEFC-CGS) which is combined with hot water floor heating (HWFH). This simulation program can also predict actual building physics of heat transfer such as mutual radiant heat among interior surfaces and thermal strage relating with piping pitch of hot water and so on. The indoor temperature can be controlled by PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) to take account of thermal sensing affected radiant heat. As the results, it is clarified that the primary energy consumption is reduced up to 12% in winter because of the utilization of exhaust heat from PEFC-CGS and decreasing of indoor temperature for space heating by floor heating utility.

  • 我が国における住宅エネルギー消費量の地域比較分析

    副島 正成, 尾崎 明仁, 高口 洋人

    都市・建築学研究   10 ( 10 ) 77 - 82  2006年07月  [査読有り]


    The Kyoto protocol was taken effect, we have to reduce CO2 in residential sector that accounts for about 14% of total energy consumption in Japan. So it is necessary to understand energy consumption of residential buildings. According to this background, the energy consumption of residential buildings was measured for long-term on national scale. This paper reports the use structure of annual energy consumption and the energy consumption for air-conditioning, in which there are a lot of differences of each region. The results are as follows; Annual energy consumption in Hokkaido, Tohoku and Hokuriku regions are about twice time as much as that in Kyushu. Especially, there is a difference in the energy consumption for air-conditioning. Some of reasons are meteorological conditions and heating time and temperature of room when it is heating.

    DOI CiNii

  • 家庭用固体高分子形燃料電池の運転方法と地域別導入効果

    清水 章太郎, 黒木 洋, 高口 洋人 [ 他 ]

    都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要   10 ( 10 ) 83 - 89  2006年07月  [査読有り]


    This paper presents effective operation methods and regional energy conservation effects of housing Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Co-Generation System (PEFC-CGS). We built the model-based simulation program to calculate energy budget in a case that PEFC-CGS was introduced to detached houses considering specifications of real PEFC-CGS. As a result of model-based simulations, we found that DSS (Daily Start and Stop) operation was the most effective method. Energy conservation effect is higher in cold areas because it varies by quantity of hot water supply load. The primary energy consumptions are reduced by 4-13% and CO_2 emissions are reduced by 7-20% in Japan. These values are increased by 1-2% in a case of the reverse power flow. Utility costs are also reduced PEFC-CGS, but they vary by payment setting in each area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 住宅の省エネルギー改修に関する研究

    細木 翼, 萩原 智子, 高口 洋人

    都市・建築学研究   8 ( 8 ) 123 - 128  2005年07月  [査読有り]


    Although the population of Japan is going to decrease in 2006, the energy consumption of residential sector is predicted to increase. Therefore it would be very important to reduce the energy consumption of existing houses. This study defines housing improvements for energy saving as repair work to reduce energy consumption of residential buildings. This paper aims to clarify the actual situation of housing repair works for energy saving in Fukuoka and its saving effect. The results of our analysis are as follows; 1)For the spread of energy serving improvements, expressing energy saving effects in number is effective. 2)Technique with high cost performance is preferable, since large-scale investment is hard to be made for the repair construction.

    DOI CiNii

  • 家庭用デシカント換気システムの省エネルギー効果に関する研究

    金 日, 藤島 弘治, 高口 洋人

    都市・建築学研究   8 ( 8 ) 115 - 121  2005年07月  [査読有り]


    Desiccant ventilation system is a dehumidification ventilation system used the dehumidification material. If the air eliminated moisture and cooled down is introduced by the desiccant ventilation system, the cooling load can be decreased. In this paper, we present the effect of desiccant ventilation by comparison with the controled total heat exchange ventilation and total heat exchange ventilation. We studied two cooling patterns in four places(Kagoshima, Fukuoka, Tokyo, and Morioka). One is intermittent cooling and the other is all-room cooling during the whole day. In the case of intermittent cooling, cooling load reduction rates are 9.89% on desiccant ventilation, 0.26% on the controled totaled heat exchange ventilation, and -3.36% on total heat exchange ventilation in Kagoshima, 9.11%, 0.24%, and -3.79% in Fukuoka, 10.30%, 0.39%, and -4.28% in Tokyo, and 6.80%, 0.19%, and -16.76% in Morioka. In the case all-room cooling, 17.8%, 4.62%, and 6.43% in Kagoshima, 17.80%, 3.96%, and 6.49% in Fukuoka, 18.47%, 4.62%, and 6.49% in Tokyo, and 12.43%, 1.03%, and -6.98% in Morioka. As the result, cooling load reduction effect of desiccant ventilation is the highest in every places.

    DOI CiNii

  • リサイクル建築資材製造時の環境負荷原単位に関する研究

    茂呂 隆, 多葉井 宏, 高口 洋人

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   70 ( 595 ) 113 - 119  2005年  [査読有り]


    This study aims at contributing to life Cycle Assessment Analysis of resource recycling building and shows how to calculate environmental load units from manufacturing of recycled building materials. The results are as follows. 1) The environmental loads of 31 recycled building materials became clear by a reference investigation and a questionnaire performed to the makers. 2) We presented the method of incorporating the environmental loads which were calculated by accumulation method into Life Cycle Assessment Analysis with environmental load units by Input-Output table. And we made the environmental load units of recycled building materials at the time of building materials manufacture.

    DOI CiNii

  • 住宅における固体高分子型燃料電池の導入効果に関する研究

    黒木洋, 渡辺俊行, 赤司泰義, 高口洋人, 浅木朗

    都市・建築学研究 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 第6号:155-165   6 ( 6 ) 155 - 165  2004年07月  [査読有り]


    Energy saving effect of housing polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration system(PEFC-CGS) which is one of the distributed power source systems was clarified by computer simulation. First, model-based simulations were conducted using heating/cooling load data for air-conditioning and hot water supply demand data that are predicted in an experiment house as the inputs of the simulations to study an optimum operation method of PEFC-CGS. As the result, it is clarified that the DSS Electric Power Load Tracking Operation (PEFC-CGS starts when electric power load is needed and stops when not needed, and it runs in the partial output according to electric power load) is the most efficient. Second, in order to confirm energy saving effect of PEFC-CGS in existent detached house, the computer simulations were conducted using demand data measured in two detached houses located in Fukuoka prefecture. As the result, on one house the energy consumption reduction effect by PEFC-CGS was confirmed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 九州北部の住宅エネルギー消費実態に関する詳細調査

    井上 博之, 渡辺 俊行, 尾崎 明仁 [他], 赤司 泰義, 高口 洋人, 宅間 康人, 于 靚

    都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要   6   145 - 154  2004年07月  [査読有り]


    Energy Consumption in residential sector has been increasing year by year since 1965. Reconsideration of a traditional energy supply system is needed to improve this present situation. Individual dispersed power source systems, such as photovoltaic system and housing micro cogeneration system, is considered as one of systems which enable to save energy for housing. In order to utilize the system effectively, understaning energy consumption of residential buildings is required. This paper presents measured results on seasonal energy consumption classified based on uses, seasonal trends of energy consumption in one day, and heating demand of residential buildings located in the north of Kyushu.The results are as follows: 1) Energy consumption for hot water supply is larger than ones for lighting, air-conditioning and cooking in most houses, 2) Energy consumption for each use and the daily pattern are strongly affected by members of family, schedule of living and hot water supply system, 3) Photovoltaic system and hot water supply heat-pump-type system using natural refrigerant CO_2 are quite effective to save energy of residential buildings, 4) Heating demand and electric demand of residential buildings are clarified by detailed measurement for installing individual dispersed power source system.

    DOI CiNii

  • Experimentation and Verification of the “Perfect Recycle House”

    Yusuke Nakajima, Hiroto Takaguchi, Toshio Ojima

    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering   1 ( 1 ) 167 - 174  2002年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 住宅解体材の再生エネルギー消費量の計算に関する研究

    高 偉俊, 有山 高広, 尾島 俊雄

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   64 ( 516 ) 101 - 106  1999年

    DOI DOI2 CiNii



  • なぜ住まいのカーボンニュートラルは進まないのか? : 今私たちがすべき住まい方とは

    住総研「住宅の省エネ化推進のための情報発信」研究委員会, 秋元, 孝之, 田辺, 新一, 鶴崎, 敬大, 齋藤, 卓三, 池本, 洋一, 高口, 洋人, 腰原, 幹雄, 川島, 範久

    井上書院  2024年01月 ISBN: 9784753017706

  • 森林列島再生論 : 森と建築をつなぐイノベーション「森林連結経営」

    塩地, 博文, 文月, 恵理, 高口, 洋人, 松本, 晃 (pub. 2022), 酒井, 秀夫, 寺岡, 行雄

    日経BP,日経BPマーケティング(発売)  2022年09月 ISBN: 9784296112906

  • 災害に強い建築物:レジリエンス力で評価する


    早稲田大学出版部  2018年10月

  • Sustainable houses and living in the hot-humid climates of Asia

    Tetsu Kubota, Hom Bahadur Rijal, Hiroto Takaguchi

    Sustainable Houses and Living in the Hot-Humid Climates of Asia  2018年06月 ISBN: 9789811084652  [査読有り]


    This book provides information on the latest research findings that are useful in the context of designing sustainable houses and living in rapidly growing Asian cities. The book is composed of seven parts, comprising a total of 50 chapters written by 53 authors from various countries, mainly in the Asian region. Part I introduces vernacular houses in different Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Nepal, China, Thailand and Laos. Parts II and III then explore in depth indoor adaptive thermal comfort and occupants' adaptive behavior, focusing especially on those in hot-humid climates. Part IV presents detailed survey results on household energy consumption in various tropical Asian cities, while Part V analyses the indoor thermal conditions in both traditional houses and modern houses in these countries. Several real-world sustainable housing practices in Asian cities are reviewed in the following part. The final part then discusses the vulnerability of expanding Asian cities to climate change and urban heat island. Today, approximately 35-40% of global energy is consumed in Asia, and this percentage is expected to rise further. Energy consumption has increased, particularly in the residential sector, in line with the rapid rise of the middle class. The majority of growing Asian cities are located in hot and humid climate regions, and as such there is an urgent need for designers to provide healthy and comfortable indoor environments that do not consume non-renewable energy or resources excessively. This book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in sustainable house design in the growing cities of Asia.


  • Indoor thermal environments of Cambodian houses

    Hiroto Takaguchi

    2018年06月  [査読有り]


    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018. Currently, there are a variety of types of house from traditional stilt houses to contemporary town houses in Cambodia. Peoples have renovated their own houses based on their own needs or wants according to economic growth. Usually, they built a shading first for cutting direct sunlight and extend their space to outside for improving the quality of life. These actions for renovating their own houses, the quality of the indoor and outdoor environment, and occupant behavior influence each other. I report here about the difference in indoor temperature between several houses include the renovated house.


  • 地方都市再生の戦略: 政・産・官・学の共同声明 (早稲田大学理工総研シリーズ 20)

    額賀, 福志郎, 小澤, 一郎, 尾島, 俊雄, 高口,洋人, 他( 担当: 共著)

    早稲田大学出版部  2001年10月 ISBN: 4657019287


  • 完全リサイクル型住宅: 未来開拓学術研究推進事業として (木造編) (早稲田大学理工総研シリーズ 13)

    尾島俊雄、福田展淳、吉國泰弘、中島祐輔、高口洋人、髙偉俊、金森道( 担当: 共著)

    早稲田大学出版部  1999年03月 ISBN: 465799414X


  • カーボンプライシングのフロンティア : カーボンニュートラル社会のための制度と技術

    有村, 俊秀, 杉野, 誠, 鷲津, 明由, 高口, 洋人(部分執筆)( 担当: 共著)

    日本評論社  2022年03月 ISBN: 9784535540125

  • エコまち塾3 海外編

    伊藤 滋, 尾島俊雄, 村山顕人, 西田裕子, 野田由美子, 小澤一郎, 村上公哉, 高口洋人, 川瀬, 貴晴, 小林, 光, 小澤, 一郎, 吉見, 俊哉, エコまちフォーラム, 枝廣, 淳子, 杉浦, 淳吉, 別所, 哲也, 信時, 正人, 亀井, 忠夫, 森, 雅志, 村山, 顕人, 西田, 裕子, 野田, 由美子( 担当: 共著)

    鹿島出版会  2019年03月 ISBN: 4306073505


  • エコまち塾2:対話編

    伊藤 滋, 尾島 俊雄, 江守 正多, 江廣 淳子, 杉浦 淳吉, 村上 公哉, 末吉 竹二郎, 別所 哲也, 高口 洋人, 佐土原 聡, 信時 正人, 小澤 一郎, 中上 英俊, 小林 光, 川瀬 貴晴, 亀井 忠夫, 森 雅志, 亀井, 忠夫, 森, 雅志, 村山, 顕人, 西田, 裕子, 野田, 由美子( 担当: 共著)

    鹿島出版会  2018年05月 ISBN: 4306073408


  • ゼロ・エネルギーハウス : 新しい環境住宅のデザイン

    田辺, 新一, 長澤, 夏子, 高口, 洋人, 小林, 恵吾, 中川, 純

    萌文社  2017年10月 ISBN: 9784894913370

  • 都市環境から考えるこれからのまちづくり

    都市環境学教材編集委員会, 尾島, 俊雄, 増田, 幸宏, 横尾, 昇剛, 高口, 洋人, 澤田, 雅浩, 渡邉, 浩文, 渋田, 玲, 鍵屋, 浩司, 三浦, 秀一, 佐土原, 聡, 原, 英嗣, 堀, 英祐, 村上, 公哉, 中島, 裕輔, Dewancker, Bart, 三浦, 昌生, 須藤, 哲夫

    森北出版  2017年07月 ISBN: 9784627553415

  • しくみがわかる建築環境工学 基礎から計画・制御まで

    高口洋人( 担当: 共著)

    彰国社  2016年11月

  • エコまち塾

    伊藤滋+尾島俊雄+村上公哉+高口洋人+小澤一郎, 尾島, 俊雄, 江守, 正多, 中上, 英俊, 末吉, 竹二郎, 佐土原, 聡, 村上, 公哉, 高口, 洋人, 川瀬, 貴晴, 小林, 光, 小澤, 一郎, 吉見, 俊哉, エコまちフォーラム, 枝廣, 淳子, 杉浦, 淳吉, 別所, 哲也, 信時, 正人, 亀井, 忠夫, 森, 雅志, 村山, 顕人, 西田, 裕子, 野田, 由美子( 担当: 共著)

    鹿島出版会  2016年05月 ISBN: 4306073246


  • ZED Book : ゼロエネルギー建築縮減社会の処方箋

    Dunster, Bill, Simmons, Craig, Gilbert, Bobby, 高口, 洋人, 中島, 裕輔

    鹿島出版会  2010年09月 ISBN: 9784306072794

  • 健康建築学

    穴井謙, 渡辺俊行, 高口洋人

    技報堂  2007年10月 ISBN: 9784765525084

  • 完全リサイクル型住宅: 未来開拓学術研究推進事業として (3(生活体験と再築編)) (早稲田大学理工総研シリーズ 21)

    尾島俊雄、福田展淳、吉國泰弘、中島祐輔、高口洋人、髙偉俊、金森道、大橋巧、他( 担当: 単著)

    早稲田大学出版部  2002年12月 ISBN: 4657029304


  • 完全リサイクル型住宅: 未来開拓学術研究推進事業として (2(鉄骨造編)) (早稲田大学理工総研シリーズ 18)

    尾島俊雄、福田展淳、吉國泰弘、中島祐輔、高口洋人、髙偉俊、金森道、大橋巧、他( 担当: 共著)

    早稲田大学出版部  2001年02月 ISBN: 4657013068




  • エネマネハウス2015 ワセダライブハウス



  • 龍蔵寺倶会堂


  • 日本橋遠五ビルエントランス改修工事





  • 解体から始まる循環型建築学に関する総合的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    松村 秀一, 輿石 直幸, 山田 宮土理, 磯部 孝行, 奥村 誠一, 中谷 礼仁, 加藤 耕一, 中野 淳太, 矢口 哲也, 饗庭 伸, 権藤 智之, 岡部 明子, 荒木 美香, 高口 洋人, 西野 達也, 石山 央樹, 佃 悠

  • 被災直後に構築できる革新的な建設型応急住宅の生産システムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業  2023年度 基盤研究(B)(一般)



    位田達哉, 梅津信二郎, 高口洋人, 宮津裕次, 脇田健裕

  • 恒久転用可能なZEH型仮設住宅の開発と備蓄供給計画に関する調査研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    高口 洋人, 吉村 靖孝



  • 夏季除湿と冬季集熱が可能なインテリジェントPDSC外被システムの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    尾崎 明仁, 福田 展淳, 李 明香, 隈 裕子, 住吉 大輔



  • 都市環境負荷削減の施策立案支援に向けたハビタットシステム汎用モデルの構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    赤司 泰義, 高口 洋人, 住吉 大輔



  • 恒温恒湿性能を備えた自然エネルギー利用パッシブ住宅の開発と住環境評価に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    尾崎 明仁, 福田 展淳, 隈 裕子, 李 明香, 隈 裕子, 李 明香



  • 環境工学協働による地球環境対応型建築都市の評価手法・体系の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    佐土原 聡, 久野 覚, 田中 貴宏, 富永 禎秀, 小瀬 博之, 尾崎 明仁, 鳴海 大典, 中山 哲士, 吉田 聡, 合掌 顕, 安部 信行



  • 民生業務用建築物のエネルギー消費量に係わるナショナルデータベースの構築とその活用

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)



    坂本 雄三, 亀谷 茂樹, 伊香賀 俊治, 坊垣 和明, 半澤 久, 吉野 博, 浅野 良晴, 高口 洋人, 奥宮 正哉, 下田 吉之, 村川 三郎, 依田 浩敏, 村上 周三, 村上 周三



  • 自立循環都市ディスカッションツールの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(A)



    高口 洋人



  • 自立循環都市ディスカッションツールの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A))



    高口 洋人



  • 警固断層による福岡都市圏の地震被害予測とその環境的・経済的発災インパクト評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    川瀬 博, 清家 規, 竹中 博士, 山田 伸之, 村上 ひとみ, 高口 洋人, 藤田 敏之, 松島 信一, 那仁 満都拉, 高口 洋人, 藤田 敏之, 松島 信一



  • 警固断層による福岡都市圏の地震被害予測とその環境的・経済的発災インパクト評価

    科学研究費助成事業(九州大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    川瀬 博, 清家 規, 竹中 博士, 山田 伸之, 村上 ひとみ, 高口 洋人, 藤田 敏之, 松島 信一, 那仁 満都拉, 高口 洋人, 藤田 敏之, 松島 信一



  • 家族用分散型電熱源のエネルギー利用効率向上と省エネライフスタイル

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    高口 洋人, 住吉 大輔



  • 家族用分散型電熱源のエネルギー利用効率向上と省エネライフスタイル

    科学研究費助成事業(九州大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



    渡邊 俊行, 高口 洋人, 住吉 大輔



  • 家庭用個別分散型電熱源によるエネルギー自立型サステイナブル住宅の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    赤司 泰義, 高口 洋人


    PEFC-CGSの最適運転方法の検討では、予め最適となる起動停止時刻を設定してPEFC-CGSを運用する『DSS(Daily Start & Stop)運転』が最適であることが明らかになった。一般的な世帯(4人家族共働き)で、DSS電力負荷追従運転(逆潮流無し)を採用した場合、従来システムと比較して、1次エネルギー消費量を年間約11%、CO_2排出量を年間約16%削減できることが分かった。逆潮流を考慮し、定格出力でPEFC-CGSを運用した場合は、削減率は更に1〜2%高くなる。地域別で比較した場合、給湯負荷の大きくなる高緯度地域ほど削減率が高くなる。また、出力1kWのPEFC-CGSは2世帯から3世帯で共有すると導入効果はさらに高まり、6%程度の導入効果向上が見られた。

  • 家庭用個別分散型電熱源によるエネルギー自立型サステイナブル住宅の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(九州大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



    渡辺 俊行, 赤司 泰義, 高口 洋人


    PEFC-CGSの最適運転方法の検討では、予め最適となる起動停止時刻を設定してPEFC-CGSを運用する『DSS(Daily Start & Stop)運転』が最適であることが明らかになった。一般的な世帯(4人家族共働き)で、DSS電力負荷追従運転(逆潮流無し)を採用した場合、従来システムと比較して、1次エネルギー消費量を年間約11%、CO_2排出量を年間約16%削減できることが分かった。逆潮流を考慮し、定格出力でPEFC-CGSを運用した場合は、削減率は更に1〜2%高くなる。地域別で比較した場合、給湯負荷の大きくなる高緯度地域ほど削減率が高くなる。また、出力1kWのPEFC-CGSは2世帯から3世帯で共有すると導入効果はさらに高まり、6%程度の導入効果向上が見られた。

  • 東京23区における大深度地下インフラ・トンネルのルート設定に関する実証的調査研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)



    尾島 俊雄, 高橋 信之, 高 偉俊, 高口 洋人, 柳澤 聡子



  • 東京23区における大深度地下インフラ・トンネルのルート設定に関する実証的調査研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



    尾島 俊雄, 高橋 信之, デワンカ バート, 高 偉俊, 高口 洋人, 柳澤 聡子



  • 局部火災加熱される構造部材の加熱分布予測と部材温度応答計算法

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    長谷見 雄二, 若松 高志, 鍵屋 浩司, 高口 洋人



  • 局部火災加熱される構造部材の加熱分布予測と部材温度応答計算法

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    長谷見 雄二, 若松 高志, 鍵屋 浩司, 高口 洋人



  • 家庭用燃料電池の導入効果に関する共同研究

  • Zero Energy Residenceの研究

  • サステイナブル建築の設計プロセスの日米比較

