Research Areas
Research Interests
Microsensor, MEMS, MicroTAS
2022.07 エレクトロニクス実装学会
Winner: 河合アラリック洋平
2020.05 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会
Winner: 庄子習一
2019 Micromachines Best Paper Award
2020.02 Micromachines Size-Dependent and Property-Independent Passive Microdroplet Sorting by Droplet Transfer on Dot Rails
Winner: D.H. Yoon, D. Tanaka, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Mate 2020 優秀発表賞
2020.01 第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2020) ソフトリソグラフィー技術を用いてマイクロパターン化した魚うろこコラーゲン足場材付き培養口腔粘膜の作成
Winner: 三輪慶人, 鈴木絢子, 桑江博之, 山口勇, 兒玉泰洋, 泉健次, 庄子習一, 水野潤
2020.01 第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2020) 液体有機ELを用いたオンデマンド蛍光検出システムの開発
Winner: 大塚茜里, 桑江博之, 大島寿郎, 庄子習一, 水野潤
IMPACT 2019 Packaging - Best Student Award
2019.10 14th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-IAAC 2019) LiTaO3/Quarts Bonding with Low-Residual-Stress Al2O3 Amorphous Intermediate Layer for 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
Winner: A. Tezuka, H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, S. Shoji, S. Kakio, J. Mizuno
Best Student Poster Award
2019.07 The 10th Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS 2019 Introduction of the Study on Moisture Adsorption Characteristics of Woody Carbon Material
Winner: N. Takahashi, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
IEP Poster Award of ICEP 2019」
2019.04 2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2019) Study of Low-Residual Stress Amorphous Film Deposition Method for LiTaO3/Quarts or LiNbO3/Quarts Bonding toward 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
Winner: A. Tezuka, H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, S. Shoji, S. Kakio, J. Mizuno
IEEE EPS Japan Chapter Young Award
2019.04 2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2019) Cu-Cu Quasi-Direct Bonding with Atomically Thin-Au and Pt Intermediate Layer Using Atomic Layer Deposition
Winner: H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, W. Momose, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
CIAiS International Symposium 2019 Best Poster Award
2019.03 Water-Electrokinetic Energy Harvester Using Flexible Woody Carbon Film
Winner: S. Maeda, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Mate 2019優秀発表賞 (学生賞)
2019.01 フレキシブル木質系炭素材料を用いた水蒸気発電デバイス
Winner: 高橋奈々, 前田世蓮, 桑江博之, 庄子習一, 水野潤
Mate 2019 優秀発表賞 (学生賞)
2019.01 メッシュパターンを有するフレキシブル酸化インジウムスズ電極の開発
Winner: 坂本暁祐, 桑江博之, 庄子習一, 水野潤
Mate2018 優秀発表賞 (学生賞)
2018.01 非晶質層を用いたLiTa03/QZ接合SAW基板の作製
Winner: 須崎遥, 桑江博之, 岸田和人, 垣尾省司, 庄子習一, 水野潤
2017 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Electronic Interconnection I Best Oral Presentation Award
2017.10 Effects of Surface Modification on Woody Carbon Materials by Vacuum Ultraviolet Treatment
Winner: H. Kuwae, K. Mizokami, S. Maeda, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
第34回 センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム シンポジウム 奨励賞
2017.10 電気学会 センサ・マイクロマシン部門 フレキシブルエレクトロニクスデバイスへ向けたメッシュパターンを有するフレキシブル酸化インジウムスズ電極
Winner: 坂本暁祐, 桑江博之, 小林直史, 登厚惇輝, 庄子習一, 水野潤
IEEE-NEMS 2017 Best Student Paper Award
2017.04 Highly Bendable Transparent Electrode Using Mesh Patterned Indium Tin Oxide for Flexible Electronic Devices
Winner: K. Sakamoto, H. Kuwae, N. Kobayashi, A. Nobori, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
IEEE CPMT Japan Chapter Young Award of ICEP 2017
2017.04 Fabrication of Self-Standing Curved Film with Pillar Arrays by Large Area Spherical Soft-UV Imprint Lithography
Winner: T. Kamibayashi, H. Kuwae, A. Nobori, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
IEEJ Fellow
2017.03 Institutw of Electrical Engineers of Japan Fellow
Mate2017 優秀発表賞
2017.02 ナノポーラス金接合に向けた真空紫外光による表面前処理
Winner: 金田達志, 岡田愛姫子, 付偉欣, 庄子習一, 齊藤美紀子, 西川宏, 水野潤
IMPACT-IAAC 2016 Student Packaging Paper Award
2016.10 Simultaneous Fabrication of a Through-Glass Interconnect Via and Bumps Using Dry Filling Process of Submicron Gold Particles
Winner: K. Nomura, A. Okada, S. Shoji, T. Ogashiwa, J. Mizuno
The 10th IMPACT Conference Student Paper Award
2015.10 Low Temperature Direct Bonding of Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) and Pt
Winner: W. Fu, A. Shigetou, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
電気学会 第24回業績賞
Winner: 庄子習一
第31回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム シンポジウム 奨励賞
IEEE CPMT Japan Chapter Young Award, 2014 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2014)
2014.04 IEEE
Young Award, IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2013
2013.11 International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2013
Bio4Apps2013 Best Award, International Conference on BioSensors, BioElectronics, BioMedical Devices, BioMEMS/NEMS and Applications 2013 & 5th Sensing Biology Symposium (Bio4Apps 2013)
ICEP 2013 IEEE CPMT Japan Chapter Young Award, International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2013 (ICEP 2013)
Student Best Poster Award, International Joint Symposium on Single-Cell Analysis, 2012
Outstanding Paper Award, The 7th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2012)
Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012 (IWN 2012)
Best Student Award, The 9th Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference
Best Presentation Award, 2012 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2012)
CHEMINAS Poster Award 1st Prize, The International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2011)
Best Poster Award, 4th Asian Nanoimprint Lirhography Symposium (ASNIL)
第18回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 優秀ポスター賞
Electrochemistry Communications 2007 Best Cited paper Award: "MEMS-based design and fabrication of a new concept micro direct methanol fuel cell (micro-DMFC)"
電気学会 電気技術振興賞 論文賞
16th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference Award, Most Impressive Poster
科学計測振興会賞 「パッケージドマイクロセンサ」
電子情報通信学会論文賞 「生体用マイクロISFETの試作」
Daiki Tanaka, Masashi Kobayashi, Risa Fujita, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashiro Akitsu, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Tanii, Masahiro Furuya
Soft Matter 2025
Efficient Separation of Methanol Single-Micron Droplets by Tailing Phenomenon Using a PDMS Microfluidic Device
Daiki Tanaka, Shengqi Zheng, Masahiro Furuya, Masashi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Fujita, Takashiro Akitsu, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
29 ( 9 ) 2024.04 [Refereed]
Deformability-Based Microfluidic Microdroplet Screening to Obtain Agarolytic Bacterial Cells.
Mikihisa Muta, Wataru Kawakubo, Dong Hyun Yoon, Daiki Tanaka, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji, Mei Ito, Yuji Hatada, Takashi Funatsu, Ryo Iizuka
Analytical chemistry 2023.10 [International journal]
High-Efficiency Single-Cell Containment Microdevices Based on Fluid Control
Daiki Tanaka, Junichi Ishihara, Hiroki Takahashi, Masashi Kobayashi, Aya Miyazaki, Satsuki Kajiya, Risa Fujita, Naoki Maekawa, Yuriko Yamazaki, Akiko Takaya, Yuumi Nakamura, Masahiro Furuya, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Micromachines 14 ( 5 ) 1027 - 1027 2023.05 [Refereed]
Efficient Synthesis of a Schiff Base Copper(II) Complex Using a Microfluidic Device
Masashi Kobayashi, Takashiro Akitsu, Masahiro Furuya, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Tanii, Daiki Tanaka
Micromachines 14 ( 4 ) 890 - 890 2023.04
Dielectrophoresis-Based Selective Droplet Extraction Microfluidic Device for Single-Cell Analysis
Seito Shijo, Daiki Tanaka, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Jun-ichi Ishihara, Hiroki Takahashi, Masashi Kobayashi, Shuichi Shoji
Micromachines 2023 14 ( 3 ) 706 - 706 2023.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author
Selection of Green Fluorescent Proteins by in Vitro Compartmentalization Using Microbead-Display Libraries
Ryo Iizuka, Kentaro Tahara, Anna Matsueda, Soichiro Tsuda, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Biochemical Engineering Journal 187 2022.09 [Refereed]
Authorship:Last author
Fabrication of Micropatterned Fish Scale Collagen Scaffold Using Microelectromechanical Systems Technologies for Oral Mucosa Tissue Engineering
Kazuma Kishimoto, Keito Miwa, Ayako Suzuki, Isamu Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Kodama, Orakarn Suebsamarn, Shuichi Shoji, Kenji Izumi, Jun Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 15 E21-008-1 - E21-008-7 2022.08
Seito Shijo, Daiki Tanaka, Masahiro Furuya, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Controlling Microdroplet Inner Rotation by Parallel Carrier Flow of Sesame and Silicone Oils
Hibiki Yoshimura, Daiki Tanaka, Masahiro Furuya, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Micromachines 2022 13 ( 9 ) 1 - 7 2021.12 [Refereed]
Efficient Generation of Microdroplets Using Tail Breakup Induced with Multi-Branch Channels
Daiki Tanaka, Satsuki Kajiya, Seito Shijo, Dong Hyun Yoon, Masahiro Furuya, Yoshito Nozaki, Hiroyuki Fujita, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Molecules 2021 26 ( 12 ) 3707 - 3707 2021.06 [Refereed]
Authorship:Last author
1Citation(Scopus) -
Validation of droplet-generation performance of a newly developed microfluidic device with a three-dimensional structure
Yoshito Nozaki, Dong Hyun Yoon, Masahiro Furuya, Hiroyuki Fujita, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 331 ( 331 ) 112917 - 112917 2021.06 [Refereed]
Authorship:Last author
5Citation(Scopus) -
Nana Takahashi, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Seren Maeda, Masahiro Kawamura, Ami Tezuka, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Coatings 11 ( 4 ) 411 - 411 2021.04 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
1Citation(Scopus) -
Fabrication of Micropatterned Fish Scale Collagen Scaffold Using Soft Lithography for Oral Mucosa Tissue Engineering
Kazuma Kishimoto, Keito Miwa, Ayako Suzuki, Isamu Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Kodama, Orakarn Suebsamarn, Shuichi Shoji, Kenji Izumi, Jun Mizuno
Development of Microdroplet Generation Method for Organic Solvents Used in Chemical Synthesis
S. Hattori, C. Tang, D. Tanaka, D.H. Yoon, Y. Nozaki, H. Fujita, T. Akitsu, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Molecules 25 ( 22 ) 5360 - 5371 2020.11 [Refereed]
Microdroplet Synthesis of Azo Compounds with Simple Microfluidics-Based pH Control
D. Tanaka, S. Sawai, S. Hattori, Y. Nozaki, D.H. Yoon, H. Fujita, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
RSC Advances 2020 ( 10 ) 38900 - 38905 2020.10 [Refereed]
15Citation(Scopus) -
庄子 習一
化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会誌 19 ( 2 ) 35 - 39 2020.10 [Invited]
Low Temperature Copper-Copper Quasi-Di rect Bonding Utilizing Ultra-Thin Metal Interlayer Formation by Atomic Layer Deposition
Ami TEZUKA, Kosuke YAMADA, Yohei Alaric KAWAI, Hiroyuki KUWAE, Syuichi SHOJI, Wataru MOMOSE, Jun MIZUNO
9 ( 5 ) 232 - 236 2020.09 [Refereed]
Liquid/Solution-based Microfluidic Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diodes for High-Colour-Purity Light Emission
M. Kawamura, K. Kuwae, T. Kamibayashi, J. Oshima, T. Kasahara, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Scientific Reports 1 - 9 2020.09 [Refereed]
RGB all Liquid-Based Microfluidic Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diodes Using Deep-Blue Liquid Organic Semiconductor Backlight
Masahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Takumi Kamibayashi, Juro Oshima, Takashi Kasahara, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 2020- 1238 - 1241 2020.01
1Citation(Scopus) -
A micromachined liquid chromatography chip with a pillar array mixer for post-column derivatization in the analysis of neurotransmitters
Muneki Isokawa, Kanki Nakanishi, Takahiro Kanamori, Huiqi Zhuang, Hayate Yamazaki, Takuo Sugaya, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017 1318 - 1319 2020
Deformability-based microfluidic microdroplet sorting as a screening method for single agarolytic bacterial cells
Mikihisa Muta, Kai Saito, Ryo Iizuka, Wataru Kawakubo, Dong Hyun Yoon, Mei Ito, Yuji Hatada, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Funatsu
MicroTAS 2020 - 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 48 - 49 2020
Hiro Nodaka, Ami Tezuka, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Kosuke Yamada, Morihisa Hoga, Haruo Shimamoto, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 13 ( 0 ) E20-008-1 - E20-008-4, 2020.01 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
Ami Tezuka, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Kosuke Yamada, Shuichi Shoji, Shoji Kakio, Jun Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 13 ( 0 ) E19-009-1 - E19-009-7 2020.01 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
Low-Temperature Quasi-Direct Copper-Copper Bonding with a Thin Platinum Intermediate Layer Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition
H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, T. Kamibayashi, W. Momose, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 2020 13 E19-014-1 - E19-014-9 2020.01 [Refereed]
T. Sugaya, D.H. Yoon, H. Yamazaki, K. Nakanishi, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 1 - 6 2019.11 [Refereed]
4Citation(Scopus) -
D.H. Yoon, Y. Nozaki, D. Tanaka, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Micromachines 2019 10 ( 9 ) 613 - 613 2019.09 [Refereed]
5Citation(Scopus) -
High-Color-Purity Microfluidic Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diodes Using the Electroluminescence of the Liquid Organic Semiconductor Backlight
Masahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Takumi Kamibayashi, Juro Oshima, Takashi Kasahara, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems and Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 and EUROSENSORS XXXIII 724 - 727 2019.06
2Citation(Scopus) -
Takuo Sugaya, Daiki Tanaka, Dong Hyun Yoon, Yoshito Nozaki, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashiro Akitsu, Shuichi Shoji
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII) 2019.06
Study on role of inserted Pt intermediate layer deposited by atomic layer deposition for Cu-Cu quasi-direct bonding
Kosuke Yamada, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Takumi Kamibayashi, Shuichi Shoji, Wataru Momose, Jun Mizuno
Proceedings of 2019 6th International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration, LTB-3D 2019 41 2019.05
原田 一朗, 尹 棟鉉, 関口 哲志, 船津 高志, 庄子 習一, 角田 誠
日本薬学会年会要旨集 139年会 ( 2 ) 231 - 231 2019.03
Low temperature copper-copper quasi-direct bonding with ultrathin platinum intermediate layer using atomic layer deposition
Kosuke Yamada, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Takumi Kamibayashi, Wataru Momose, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Proceedings of Technical Papers - International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACT 2018- 123 - 126 2019.01
3Citation(Scopus) -
High-aspect-ratio Sub-2-μm vias using thermal imprint with build-up resin
Takumi Kamibayashi, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Takahiro Kishioka, Yuki Usui, Takuya Ohashi, Mamoru Tamura, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Proceedings of Technical Papers - International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACT 2018- 115 - 118 2019.01
2Citation(Scopus) -
Simultaneous microdroplets generation by tail breakup induced with multi-branch channel
Satsuki Kajiya, Dong Hyun Yoon, Yoshito Nozaki, Taisuke Isano, Hitoshi Yamagata, Hiroyuki Fujita, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019 959 - 960 2019
Establishment of labo-in-a-microdroplet for azo compound synthesis
Daiki Tanaka, Shunsuke Sawai, Takuo Sugaya, Yoshito Nozaki, Dong Hyun Yoon, Taisuke Isano, Hitoshi Yamagata, Hiroyuki Fujita, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashiro Akitsu, Shuichi Shoji
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019 538 - 539 2019
Sequential formation of daughter droplets by breakup of microdroplets into bypass channel
Shohei Hattori, Dong Hyun Yoon, Yoshito Nozaki, Taisuke Isano, Hitoshi Yamagata, Hiroyuki Fujita, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019 979 - 980 2019
Design Optimization and Fabrication of Simple Printable Piezoelectric Energy Harvest Device
Kenta Sasagawa, D. H. Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Toshio Sasaki, Takashi Nakajima, Shuichi Shoji
NEMS 2018 - 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems 440 - 443 2018.12
1Citation(Scopus) -
Measurement of the Cell Migration and Cytokine Secretion Activity with Real-Time Imaging System
Yumiko Tanaka, Nobutake Suzuki, Kazuyo Moro, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji, Sotaro Uemura, Yoshitaka Shirasaki
MHS 2018 - 2018 29th International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 2018.12
Structural Formation of Oil-in-Water (O/W) and Water-in-Oil-in-Water (W/O/W) Droplets in PDMS Device Using Protrusion Channel without Hydrophilic Surface Treatment
D.H. Yoon, D. Tanaka, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Micromachines 2018 9 ( 9 ) 2018.09 [Refereed]
A wide-energy-gap naphthalene-based liquid organic semiconductor host for liquid deep-blue organic light-emitting diodes
Naofumi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Juro Oshima, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Shuya Tashiro, Toshihiko Imato, Chihaya Adachi, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Journal of Luminescence 200 19 - 23 2018.08 [Refereed]
26Citation(Scopus) -
磯川 宗生, 中西 完貴, 金森 貴宏, 尹 棟鉉, 関口 哲志, 船津 高志, 庄子 習一, 角田 誠
日本薬学会年会要旨集 138年会 ( 2 ) 280 - 280 2018.03
Oil-in-water droplet formation in hydrophobic PDMS device using three-dimensional protruded taper channel
Chenwei Tang, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018 1 395 - 397 2018
Fabrication of Hole-Patterned Self-Standing Curved Film Using Large-Area Spherical Soft UV Imprint Lithography
T. Kamibayashi, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 10 E17-002-1 - E17-002-6 2017.12 [Refereed]
磯川 宗生, 中西 完貴, 金森 貴宏, 尹 棟鉉, 関口 哲志, 船津 高志, 庄子 習一, 角田 誠
日本分析化学会講演要旨集 66年会 53 - 53 2017.08
Analysis of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer film for nonpolarized energy harvester
Yuki Kamata, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashi Nakajima, Toshio Sasaki, Yoon Dong-Hyun, Daiki Tanaka, Shuichi Shoji
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 56 ( 7 ) 070301-1 - 070301-3 2017.07 [Refereed]
2Citation(Scopus) -
Low Temperature Direct Bonding between PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) and Pt via Vapor-Assisted Vacuum Ultraviolet Surface Modification
W. Fu, A. Shigetou, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B 7 ( 2 ) 49 - 62 2017.06 [Refereed]
Fabrication of bottom-emitting organic light-emitting diode panels interconnected with encapsulation substrate by Au-Au flip-chip bonding and capillary-driven filling process
S. Yamada, C. -H. Shim, T. Edura, A. Okada, C. Adachi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 161 94 - 97 2016.08 [Refereed]
3Citation(Scopus) -
Liquid Chromatography Chip with Low-Dispersion and Low-Pressure-Drop Turn Structure Utilizing a Distribution-Controlled Pillar Array
Muneld Isokawa, Katsuya Takatsuki, Yanting Song, Kailing Shih, Kanki Nakanishi, Zhimin Xie, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 88 ( 12 ) 6485 - 6491 2016.06 [Refereed]
19Citation(Scopus) -
Evaluation of hybrid bonding technology of single-micron pitch with planar structure for 3D interconnection
Masaki Ohyama, Masatsugu Nimura, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji, Toshihisa Nonaka, Yoichi Shinba, Akitsu Shigetou
MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY 59 134 - 139 2016.04 [Refereed]
9Citation(Scopus) -
角田 誠, 宋 彦廷, 高月 克也, 関口 哲志, 庄子 習一, 船津 高志
日本薬学会年会要旨集 136年会 ( 2 ) 260 - 260 2016.03
Culture-independent method for identification of microbial enzyme-encoding genes by activity-based single-cell sequencing using a water-in-oil microdroplet platform
Kazuki Nakamura, Ryo Iizuka, Shinro Nishi, Takao Yoshida, Yuji Hatada, Yoshihiro Takaki, Ayaka Iguchi, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Funatsu
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 2016.02 [Refereed]
33Citation(Scopus) -
Fifty-second analysis of oxidative stress markers in human plasma using amide-modified liquid chromatography chip
M. Isokawa, K. Nakanishi, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Funatsu, S. Shoji, M. Tsunoda
20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016 583 - 584 2016
Complex check-like cross-sectional flow formation for fiber-shaped materials
K. Kobayashi, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016 836 - 837 2016
Development of a Simple Fabrication Process for a Printable Piezoelectric Energy Harvest Device
Yuki Kamata, Donghyun Yoon, Toshio Sasaki, Yoshito Nozaki, Shinichi Yamaura, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashi Nakajima, Syuichi Shoji
Retention and Bandwidth Predictions by Fast Gradient Elution Chromatography Using a Pillar Array Column
Yanting Song, Katsuya Takatsuki, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
CHROMATOGRAPHY 37 ( 3 ) 111 - 116 2016 [Refereed]
K. Nomura, A. Okada, S. Shoji, T. Ogashiwa, J. Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 8 ( 1 ) 74 - 80 2015.12 [Refereed]
Microfluidic White Organic Light-Emitting Diode Based on Integrated Patterns of Greenish-Blue and Yellow Solvent-Free Liquid Emitters
Naofumi Kobayashi, Takashi Kasahara, Tomohiko Edura, Juro Oshima, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Miho Tsuwaki, Toshihiko Imato, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 2015.10 [Refereed]
34Citation(Scopus) -
Suppression of external quantum efficiency roll-off of nanopatterned organic-light emitting diodes at high current densities
Hiroyuki Kuwae, Atsushi Nitta, Kou Yoshida, Takashi Kasahara, Toshinori Matsushima, Munetomo Inoue, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno, Chihaya Adachi
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 118 ( 15 ) 2015.10 [Refereed]
30Citation(Scopus) -
Isopentenyl pyrophosphate secreted from Zoledronate-stimulated myeloma cells, activates the chemotaxis of gamma delta T cells
Eishi Ashihara, Tatsuya Munaka, Shinya Kimura, Saori Nakagawa, Yoko Nakagawa, Masaki Kanai, Hideyo Hirai, Hirohisa Abe, Takashi Miida, Susumu Yamato, Shuichi Shoji, Taira Maekawa
17Citation(Scopus) -
Droplet-based microfluidics for high-throughput screening of a metagenomic library for isolation of microbial enzymes
Masahito Hosokawa, Yuri Hoshino, Yohei Nishikawa, Tomotada Hirose, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Mori, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji, Haruko Takeyama
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 67 379 - 385 2015.05 [Refereed]
94Citation(Scopus) -
Chemical Reaction in Microdroplets with Different Sizes Containing CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot and Organic Dye
Takeshi Fukuda, Tomokazu Kurabayashi, Hikari Udaka, Nayuta Funaki, Miho Suzuki, Donghyun Yoon, Asahi Nakahara, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E98C ( 2 ) 123 - 126 2015.02 [Refereed]
1Citation(Scopus) -
On-chip integration of solid-phase-extraction and silicon pillar arrays for high efficient liquid chromatography
K. Nakanishi, K. Shih, T. Kanamori, D. H. Yoon, T. Funatsu, M. Tsunoda, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 1936 - 1938 2015
Single cell encapsulated microdroplet formation using tip-streaming and deterministic lateral displacement
Y. Kamata, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 379 - 381 2015
Culture-independent method for screening and identifying microbial enzyme-encoding genes using microdroplet-based single cell genomics
K. Nakamura, R. Iizuka, T. Yoshida, Y. Hatada, Y. Takaki, S. Nishi, A. Iguchi, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 513 - 515 2015
Multi-color microfluidic organic light-emitting diodes based on on-demand emitting layers of pyrene-based liquid organic semiconductors with fluorescent guest dopants
Takashi Kasahara, Shigeyuki Matsunami, Tomohiko Edura, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Juro Oshima, Miho Tsuwaki, Toshihiko Imato, Shuichi Shoji, Chihaya Adachi, Jun Mizuno
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 207 ( Part A ) 481 - 489 2015
52Citation(Scopus) -
Selective droplet sampling using a minimum number of horizontal pneumatic actuators in a high aspect ratio and highly flexible PDMS device
Dong Hyun Yoon, Daisuke Wakui, Asahi Nakahara, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
RSC ADVANCES 5 ( 3 ) 2070 - 2074 2015 [Refereed]
11Citation(Scopus) -
Real-time monitoring of chemical reaction in microdroplet using fluorescence spectroscopy
Takeshi Fukuda, Nayuta Funaki, Tomokazu Kurabayashi, Miho Suzuki, Dong Hyun Yoon, Asahi Nakahara, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 203 536 - 542 2014.11 [Refereed]
13Citation(Scopus) -
船橋翼, 庄子習一, 佐藤正倫, 北島昌夫, 梅津理恵, 水野潤
電子情報通信学会論文誌 J97-C ( 11 ) 386 - 390 2014.11
バイオマテリアル 32 ( 4 ) 256 - 263 2014.10
Fabrication and characterization of large-area flexible microfluidic organic light-emitting diode with liquid organic semiconductor
Miho Tsuwaki, Takashi Kasahara, Tomohiko Edura, Shigeyuki Matsunami, Juro Oshima, Shuichi Shoji, Chihaya Adachi, Jun Mizuno
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 216 231 - 236 2014.09 [Refereed]
32Citation(Scopus) -
Development of an electrohydrodynamic ion-drag micropump using three-dimensional carbon micromesh electrodes
Dong Hyun Yoon, Hironobu Sato, Asahi Nakahara, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Satoshi Konishi, Shuichi Shoji
10Citation(Scopus) -
笠原崇史, 津脇美帆, 庄子習一, 水野潤
化学工業 65 ( 9 ) 37 - 42 2014.09
Active microdroplet merging by hydrodynamic flow control using a pneumatic actuator-assisted pillar structure
Dong Hyun Yoon, Afshan Jamshaid, Junichi Ito, Asahi Nakahara, Daiki Tanaka, Takashiro Akitsu, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
LAB ON A CHIP 14 ( 16 ) 3050 - 3055 2014.08 [Refereed]
24Citation(Scopus) -
Multi-color microfluidic electrochemiluminescence cells
Takashi Kasahara, Shigeyuki Matsunami, Tomohiko Edura, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Juro Oshima, Miho Tsuwaki, Toshihiko Imato, Shuichi Shoji, Chihaya Adachi, Jun Mizuno
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 214 225 - 229 2014.08 [Refereed]
38Citation(Scopus) -
High Yield Micro Fludic Synthesis of Metal Complex Containig Proteins
D. Tanaka, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, T. Akitsu
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Microchemsitry and Microsystems (ISMM) 39 - 40 2014.07 [Refereed]
Hybrid Au-Adhesive Bonding Using Planar Adhesive Structure for 3-D LSI
Masatsugu Nimura, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji, Katsuyuki Sakuma, Hiroshi Ogino, Tomoyuki Enomoto, Akitsu Shigetou
14Citation(Scopus) -
電気学会創立125周年記念特集号 巻頭言、電気学会誌3 134 ( 3 ) 127 2014.03
Peptide-based ligand screening system for g protein-coupled receptors using water-in-oil microdroplets
T. Sakurai, R. Iizuka, R. Sekine, Y. Nakamura, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, J. Ishii, A. Kondo, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014 965 - 967 2014
Fast and simultaneous analysis of phenylalanine and tyrosine in plasma using pillar array columns with a gradient elution system
Muneki Isokawa, Yanting Song, Katsuya Takatsuki, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Jun Mizuno, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014 941 - 943 2014
Satoshi Numakunai, Afshan Jamsaid, Dong Hyun Yoon, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Fast and quantitative analysis of branched-chain amino acids in biological samples using a pillar array column
Yanting Song, Katsuya Takatsuki, Muneki Isokawa, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Jun Mizuno, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 405 ( 25 ) 7993 - 7999 2013.10 [Refereed]
26Citation(Scopus) -
Low-Temperature Au-Au Bonding Using Nanoporous Au-Ag Sheets
H. Mimatsu, J. Mizuno, T. Kasahara, M. Saito, H. Nishikawa, S. Shoji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 050204 2013.04
Matrix Arrangement of Three-Dimensional Sheath Flow for Multiple Component Nanofibers
D.H. Yoon, A. Nakahara, A. Jamshaid, H. Sato, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Journal of Sensors 2013 Article ID 814753 - (6pages) 2013.03 [Refereed]
Integrated Channel Selector for Directing Fluid Flow Using Thermoreversible Gelation Controlled by a Digital Mirror Device
Y. Shirasaki, M. Tatsuoka, M. Yamagishi, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
Journal of Sensors 2013 Article ID 436492 - (6pages) 2013.03 [Refereed]
Study on Hybrid Au-Underfill Resin Bonding Method with Lock-and-Key Structure for 3-D Integration
M. Nimura, J. Mizuno, A. Shigetou, K. Sakuma, H. Ogino, T. Enomoto, S. Shoji
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 3 10.1109/TCPMT.2013.2240566 2013.02
Quantitative determination of branched-chain amino acids in human plasma using pressure-driven liquid chromatography with pillar array columns
Y. Song, K. Takatsuki, M. Isokawa, T. Sekiguchi, J. Mizuno, T. Funatsu, S. Shoji, M. Tsunoda
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013 3 1794 - 1796 2013
One-minute separation of biological compounds using pillar array column with low dispersion and low pressure-drop turns
Muneki Isokawa, Katsuya Takatsuki, Kailing Shih, Masanori Kono, Yanting Song, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Jun Mizuno, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013 1 569 - 571 2013
Wide range dynamic volume ratio and size control of microdroplets using active droplet division device
J. Ito, D. H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013 2 742 - 744 2013
Real-time secretion analysis revealed correlation of IL-1β release and loss of cell membrane integrity
Y. Shirasaki, M. Yamagishi, K. Izawa, K. Nakagawa, A. Nakahara, N. Suzuki, J. Mizuno, T. Sekiguchi, T. Heike, R. Nishikomori, S. Shoji, O. Ohara
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013 3 1686 - 1688 2013
Local cell damage-induced apoptosis analysis on microfluidic system
Risa Kajiyama, Taku Watanabe, Yoshikuni Edagawa, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
Fabrication and Surface Modification of Flat Lignocellulosic Carbon Materials
T. Funabashi, M. Sato, M. Kitajima, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 010203 2013.01 [Refereed]
Fabrication of Low Dislocation Density GaN Template by Nano-channel FIELO Using Nanoimprint Lithography
Akiko Okada, Shuichi Shoji, Hidetoshi Shinohara, Hiromi Nishihara, Hiroshi Goto, Haruo Sunakawa, Toshiharu Matsueda, Akira Usui, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi, Jun Mizuno
Continuous Generation of Femtolitre Droplets Using Multistage Dividing Microfluidic Channel
K. Kawai, M. Fujii, J. Uchikoshi, K. Arima, S. Shoji, M. Morita
Current Applied Physics 12 533 - 537 2012.12 [Refereed]
Surface Modification of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) by 172-nm Excimer Lamp
T. Kasahara, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 5 ( 1 ) 47 - 54 2012.12
仁村将次, 佐久間克幸, 庄子習一, 水野潤
電子情報通信学会論文誌 J95-C ( 11 ) 296 - 303 2012.11
Large-Scale Atmospheric Step-and-Repeat UV Nanoimprinting
K. Ishibashi, H. Goto, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Journal of Nanotechnology 2012 Article ID 103439 2012.08
シリコンチップの新接合技術 (New Chip Joint Method for Silicon Die Bonding)
水野潤, 佐久間克幸, 宇波奈保子, 仁村将次, 庄子習一
スマートプロセス学会誌 1 ( 3 ) 120 - 125 2012.05
Construction of Membrane Sieves Using Stoichiometric and Stress-Reduced Si3N4/SiO2/Si3N4 Multilayer Films and Their Applications in Blood Plasma Separation
Dae-Sik Lee, Yo Han Choi, Yong Duk Han, Hyun C. Yoon, Shuichi Shoji, Mun Youn Jung
ETRI JOURNAL 34 ( 2 ) 226 - 234 2012.04 [Refereed]
15Citation(Scopus) -
Fast analysis of biological compounds by gradient liquid chromatography using pillar array column
Yanting Song, Masao Noguchi, Katsuya Takatsuki, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Jun Mizuno, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji, Makoto Tsunoda
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012 587 - 589 2012
1PT234 Yeast-based ligand assay system for detecting G protein-coupled receptor activation in water-in-oil droplets(The 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
Sakurai Takashi, Iizuka Ryo, Tanigaki Yasuyuki, Sekine Rui, Yoon Dong H., Sekiguchi Tetsushi, Ishii Jun, Kondo Akihiko, Nemoto Naoto, Shoji Shuichi, Funatsu Takashi
Seibutsu Butsuri 52 S108 2012
XPS and NEXAFS Studies of VUV/O3-Treated Aromatic Polyurea and its Application to Microchip Electrophoresis
H. Shinohara, A. Nakahara, F. Kitagawa, Y. Takahashi, K. Otsuka, S. Shoji, O. Ohara, J. Mizuno
IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) Nanobiotechnology 2011 5 ( 4 ) 136 - 142 2012.01
Biochip applications of DLC films on a resin material
Satoshi Murata, Shin Ito, Jun Mizuno, Kenji Hirakuri, Hitoshi Sakamoto, Sadaaki Masuko, Keisuke Sato, Naoki Fukata, Fukuo Shizuku, Shuichi Shoji
4Citation(Scopus) -
Development of a Roll Press UV Imprint Process for Replication of Microstructures on a Large and Thin Quartz Substrate
Motonori Okubo, Yutaka Tsutsui, Kentaro Ishibashi, Lingyi Li, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno, Masumi Yanagisawa
Large Area Nano Pattern Fabrication Using Improved Step and Repeat UV Nanoimprint
Kentaro Ishibashi, Hiroshi Goto, Takashi Kasahara, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
超精密 17 44 - 47 2011.12
Microfluidic active sorting of DNA molecules labeled with single quantum dots using flow switching by a hydrogel sol-gel transition
Mai Haneoka, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Hirokazu Sugino, Tokihiko Aoki, Takahiro Arakawa, Kazuto Ozaki, Dong Hyun Yoon, Noriyuki Ishii, Ryo Iizuka, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Funatsu
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 159 ( 1 ) 314 - 320 2011.11 [Refereed]
22Citation(Scopus) -
Improvement of the Size-Selective Separation of Microbeads in a Curved Microchannel Using Particle Focusing
B.H. Kwon, H.H. Kim, J. Cha, C.H. Ahn, T. Arakawa, S. Shoji, J.S. Go
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 97301 2011.09 [Refereed]
Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio amorphous perfluorinated polymer structure for total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
Asahi Nakahara, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Kentaro Kawai, Osamu Ohara, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 88 ( 8 ) 1817 - 1820 2011.08 [Refereed]
8Citation(Scopus) -
Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Amorphous Perfluorinated Polymer Structure for Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
A. Nakahara, Y. Shirasaki, K. Kawai, O. Ohara, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Microelectronic Engineering 88 ( 8 ) 1817 - 1820 2011.08
Integrated hydrophilic surface treatment system of vapor deposition polymerization and vacuum ultraviolet irradiation for chemical/biochemical microchips
H. Shinohara, T. Hori, S. Umeda, Y. Takahashi, S. Shoji, O. Ohara, J. Mizuno
MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 88 ( 8 ) 2751 - 2754 2011.08 [Refereed]
4Citation(Scopus) -
Studies on Low-Temperature Direct Bonding of VUV/O3-, VUV-and O2 Plasma-Pre-Treated Poly-Methylmethacrylate
H. Shinohara, T. Kasahara, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 21 85028 2011.07
Microfluidic Active Sorting of DNA Molecules Labeled with Single Quantum Dots Using Flow Switching by a Hydrogel Sol-Gel Transition
M. Haneoka, Y. Shirasaki, H. Sugino, T. Aoki, T. Arakawa, K. Ozaki, D.H. Yoon, N. Ishii, R. Iizuka, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
Sensors and Actuators B 159 314 - 320 2011.06
電気学会誌 131 ( 5 ) 281 - 282 2011.05
Development of Lateral Displacement Sensor for Real-Time Detection of Structural Damage
Iwao Matsuya, Ryota Tomishi, Maya Sato, Kiyoshi Kanekawa, Yoshihiro Nitta, Motoichi Takahashi, Satoru Miura, Yasutsugu Suzuki, Tomohiko Hatada, Ryuta Katamura, Takashi Tanii, Shuichi Shoji, Akira Nishitani, Iwao Ohdomari
27Citation(Scopus) -
High-Throughput Single-Cell Manipulation System for a Large Number of Target Cells
T. Arakawa, M. Noguchi, K. Sumitomo, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Shoji
Biomicrofluidics 5 ( 1 ) 14114 2011.03 [Refereed]
Single cell analysis of the proinflammatory responses of mast cell by a real time secretion assay
Y. Shirasaki, A. Nakahara, N. Shimura, N. Suzuki, M. Yamagishi, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, O. Ohara
15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011 2 843 - 845 2011
Single cell real time secretion assay using amorphous fluoropolymer microwell array
Y. Shirasaki, A. Nakahara, N. Shimura, M. Yamagishi, J. Mizuno, O. Ohara, S. Shoji
2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11 755 - 758 2011 [Refereed]
4Citation(Scopus) -
Local drug-stimulation on microfluidic system for analysis of apoptotic impact on local area
Watanabe, Taku, Kawai, Kentaro, Fujii, Masaru, Shoji, Shuichi, Edagawa, Yoshikuni
Simple and Low-Cost Fabrication of Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensors
T. Kasahara, M. Mizushima, H. Shinohara, T. Obata, T. Futakuchi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 16502 2011.01 [Refereed]
Improvement of Filtration Performance Using Self-Turning of Flow Resistance
D.H. Yoon, Y.K. Bahk, B.H. Kwon, S.S. Kim, Y.-D. Kim, T. Arakawa, J.S. Go, S. Shoji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 17201 2011.01 [Refereed]
Studies on Low-Temperature Direct Bonding of VUV, VUV/O3 nd O2 Plasma Pretreated Cyclo-Olefin Polymer
H. Shinohara, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Sensors and Actuators A 165 ( 1 ) 124 - 131 2011.01
Anti-Sticking Curing of Fluorinated Polymers for Improvement of Mold Releasability
Jun Mizuno, Lingyi Li, Yasuhide Kawaguchi, Kentaro Tsunozaki, Hidetoshi Shinohara, Shuichi Shoji
Measuring Relative-Story Displacement and Local Inclination Angle Using Multiple Position-Sensitive Detectors
Iwao Matsuya, Ryuta Katamura, Maya Sato, Miroku Iba, Hideaki Kondo, Kiyoshi Kanekawa, Motoichi Takahashi, Tomohiko Hatada, Yoshihiro Nitta, Takashi Tanii, Shuichi Shoji, Akira Nishitani, Iwao Ohdomari
SENSORS 10 ( 11 ) 9687 - 9697 2010.11 [Refereed]
30Citation(Scopus) -
Microfluidic cell sorter with flow switching triggered by a sol-gel transition of a thermo-reversible gelation polymer
Kazuto Ozaki, Hirokazu Sugino, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Tokihiko Aoki, Takahiro Arakawa, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 150 ( 1 ) 449 - 455 2010.09 [Refereed]
17Citation(Scopus) -
北川文彦, 篠原秀敏, 水野潤, 大塚浩二, 庄子習一
電気学会論文誌E 130 ( 8 ) 351 - 355 2010.08
石橋健太郎, 小久保光典, 後藤博史, 水野潤, 庄子習一
電気学会論文誌E 130 ( 8 ) 363 - 368 2010.08
Au-Electrode-Embedded Cyclo-Olefin Polymer Microchip Using Low-Temperature Direct Bonding
H. Shinohara, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines 130 ( 8 ) 347 - 350 2010.08
Effects of Vacuum Ultraviolet Surface Treatment on the Bonding Interconnections for Flip Chip and 3-D Integration
Katsuyuki Sakuma, Jun Mizuno, Noriyasu Nagai, Naoko Unami, Shuichi Shoji
18Citation(Scopus) -
光を用いた高速微小領域流体制御 - バイオ・MicroTAS分野への光応用
月刊オプトロニクス 29 ( 7 ) 104 - 107 2010.07
Electrochemical etching process to tune the diameter of arrayed deep pores by controlling carrier collection at a semiconductor-electrolyte interface
Hirotaka Sato, Takuya Yamaguchi, Tetsuhiko Isobe, Shuichi Shoji, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 12 ( 6 ) 765 - 768 2010.06 [Refereed]
7Citation(Scopus) -
Electrochemical Fabrication and Characterization of CoPt Bit Patterned Media: Towards a Wetchemical, Large-Scale Fabrication
Takanari Ouchi, Yuki Arikawa, Taisuke Kuno, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji, Takayuki Homma
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 46 ( 6 ) 2224 - 2227 2010.06 [Refereed]
11Citation(Scopus) -
Effects of Excimer Irradiation Treatment on Thermocompression Au-Au Bonding
N. Unami, K. Sakuma, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 ( 6 ) 06GN12 2010.06
生体分子・細胞を「見る」「測る」「解る」ための新規分析法 オンチップ生体分子ソーターの開発
白崎 善隆, 荒川 貴博, 庄子 習一, 船津 高志
日本薬学会年会要旨集 130年会 ( 1 ) 313 - 313 2010.03
An Experimental Study on Relative Displacement Sensing Using Phototransistor Array for Building Structures
Kiyoshi Kanekawa, Iwao Matsuya, Maya Sato, Ryota Tomishi, Motoichi Takahashi, Satoru Miura, Yasutsugu Suzuki, Tomohiko Hatada, Ryuta Katamura, Yoshihiro Nitta, Takashi Tanii, Shuichi Shoji, Akira Nishitani, Iwao Ohdomari
26Citation(Scopus) -
Use of Folded Micromachined Pillar Array Column with Low-Dispersion Turns for Pressure-Driven Liquid Chromatography
Chiaki Aoyama, Akira Saeki, Masao Noguchi, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Funatsu, Jun Mizuno, Makoto Tsunoda
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 82 ( 4 ) 1420 - 1426 2010.02 [Refereed]
65Citation(Scopus) -
Selective droplet sampling flow system using minimum number of horizontal pneumatic valves formed by single step PDMS molding
D. H. Yoon, D. Wakui, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010 2 1085 - 1087 2010
8-Parallel Bioparticle Sorter with a Multilayer PDMS Chip
Sugino, Hirokazu, Ozaki, Kazuto, Arakawa, Takahiro, Shirasaki, Yoshitaka, Nara, Yuki, Shoji, Shuichi, Funatsu, Takashi
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 98 ( 3 ) 194A - 194A 2010 [Refereed]
An experimental study on relative displacement sensing using phototransistor array for building structures
Kiyoshi Kanekawa, Iwao Matsuya, Maya Sato, Ryota Tomishi, Motoichi Takahashi, Satoru Miura, Yasutsugu Suzuki, Tomohiko Hatada, Ryuta Katamura, Yoshihiro Nitta, Takashi Tanii, Shuichi Shoji, Akira Nishitani, Iwao Ohdomari
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5 ( 2 ) 251 - 255 2010
26Citation(Scopus) -
Integration in a multilayer microfluidic chip of 8 parallel cell sorters with flow control by sol-gel transition of thermoreversible gelation polymer
Hirokazu Sugino, Takahiro Arakawa, Yuki Nara, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Kazuto Ozaki, Shuichi Shoji, Takashi Funatsu
LAB ON A CHIP 10 ( 19 ) 2559 - 2565 2010 [Refereed]
15Citation(Scopus) -
Copper Multilayer Interconnection Using Ultraviolet Nanoimprint Lithography with a Double-Deck Mold and Electroplating
N. Nagai, H. Ono, K. Sakuma, M. Saito, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) 48 ( 11 ) 115001 2009.11 [Refereed]
Seamless Pattern Fabrication of Large-Area Nanostructures Using Ultraviolet Nanoimprint Lithography
S. Kataza, K. Ishibashi, M. Kokubo, H. Goto, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48 ( 6 ) 06FH21 2009.07
務中達也, 叶井正樹, 木村晋也, 芦原英司, 阿部浩久, 庄子習一, 前川平
島津評論 66 ( 3・4 ) 141 - 149 2009.03
Generation of polystyrene microcapsules as nanoliter volume gas encapsulants by using gas-organic-water multiphase junction
Dong Hyun Yoon, Takahiro Arakawa, Jeung Sang Go, Shuichi Shoji
Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 1422 - 1424 2009
Masao Noguchi, Takahiro Arakawa, Keiko Sumitomo, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, Shuichi Shoji
TRANSDUCERS 2009 - 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems 628 - 631 2009 [Refereed]
Fabrication of Uniform Gratings on Composite Semiconductors Using UV Nanoimprint Lithography
Shugo Ishizuka, Masashi Nakao, Shinro Mashiko, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
Desktop Type Equipment of Thermal-assisted UV Roller Imprinting
Tomotaka Shibazaki, Hidetoshi Shinohara, Tamano Hirasawa, Nobuji Sakai, Jun Taniguchi, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
「機械工学年鑑」24章2節:マイクロ・ナノ工学 — マイクロTAS
日本機械学会誌 2008年8月号 111 ( 1077 ) 83 2008.08
M41 Micropump: liquid
S. Shoji, H. Sato, R. Zengerle
Comprehensive Microsystems, Elsevier Science Ltd. 2008.03
バルブ技報 通巻第60号 23 ( 1 ) 73 - 76 2008.03
Fabrication of high-intensity light-emitting diodes using nanostructures by ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography and electrodeposition
Hiroshi Ono, Yoshinobu Ono, Kenji Kasahara, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 47 ( 2 ) 933 - 935 2008.02 [Refereed]
26Citation(Scopus) -
Microfluidic alignment system for single cell manipulation and culture
Arakawa T, Takeda N, Edagawa Y, Yamaguchi Y, Shoji S
12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference 1855 - 1857 2008 [Refereed]
Fabrication of microsystem for non-invasive capture and culture of individual single cells
Hisa Oshi Hamada, Takahiro Arakawa, Yoichi Mu Rakami, Kiyotaka Sakai, Shuichi Shoji, Naoya Takeda, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, Yoshikuni Edagawa
1P-325 Mammalian cells sorting with thermal gelation polymer solution on a PDMS chip fabricated using one step 3D casting technique(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
Shirasaki Yoshitaka, Arakawa Takahiro, Sugino Hirokazu, Mizuno Jun, Shoji Shuichi, Funatsu Takashi, Ohara Osamu
Seibutsu Butsuri 48 S72 2008
Microfluidic Centrifuge of Nano-Particles Using Rotating Flow in a Microchamber
J.H. Lee, J.B. Ha, Y.K. Bahk, S.H. Yoon, T. Arakawa, J.S. Ko, B.S. Shin, S. Shoji, J.S. Go
Sensors and Actuators B 132 525 - 530 2008 [Refereed]
Fabrication of magnetic nanodots array using UV nanoimprint lithography and electrodeposition for high density patterned media
Hidetoshi Shinohara, Makoto Fukuhara, Tamano Hirasawa, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
荒川貴博, 庄子習一
表面科学 29 ( 6 ) 356 - 363 2008
精密工学会誌 74 ( 1 ) 28 - 32 2008.01
Parallel and Passive Distribution to Arrayed Microwells Using Self-Regulating Pinched Flow
Kentaro Kawai, Masaki Kanai, Tatsuya Munaka, Hirohisa Abe, Akira Murakami, Shuichi Shoji
SENSORS AND MATERIALS 20 ( 6 ) 281 - 288 2008 [Refereed]
3D Sheath Flow Using Hydrodynamic Position Control of the Sample Flow
H. Sato, Y. Sasamoto, D. Yagyu, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17 2211 - 2216 2007.10
Rapid Multi-Reagents Exchange TIRFM Microfluidic System for Single Biomolecular Imaging
T. Arakawa, T. Sameshima, Y. Sato, T. Ueno, Y. Shirasaki, T. Funatsu, S. Shoji
Sensors and Actuators B 128 218 - 225 2007.06
H. Shinohara, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 46 ( 6A ) 3661 - 3664 2007.06
20Citation(Scopus) -
On-Chip Cell Sorting System Using Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer
Y. Shirasaki, H. Sugino, M. Tatsuoka, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 ( 2 ) 223 - 227 2007.04
Interdigitated Array 3D Micromesh Electrodes for Electrochemical Sensors
H. Sato, K. Yoshimine, T. Otsuka, S. Shoji
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17 909 - 914 2007.04
原田隆宏, 鈴木幸人, 越塚誠一, 荒川貴博, 庄子習一
日本機械学会論文集 2007年2月号B編 73 ( 726 ) 437 - 444 2007.02
Multiple core-sheath liquid transfer using matrix arrangement of 3D sheath flows
Hironobu Sato, Yutaka Sasamoto, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Takayuki Homma, Shuichi Shoji
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, uTAS 2007 1571 - 1573 2007
Single cell manipulation system by using microfluidic technology: Application for pharmacological analysis
Hisayoshi Hamada, Takahiro Arakawa, Tatsuya Saito, Kiyotaka Sakai, Shuichi Shoji, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, Naoya Takeda, Yoshikuni Edagawa
Real-time monitoring of antibody secretion from B-cells on a microchip stimulated with a minute amount of mitogen
Munaka, Tatsuya, Abe, Hirohisa, Kanai, Masaki, Sakamoto, Takashi, Nakanishi, Hiroaki, Shoji, Shuichi, Kimura, Shinya, Maekawa, Taira, Murakami, Akira
Analyst 132 ( 6 ) 512 - 514 2007 [Refereed]
UV nanoimprint lithography and its application for nanodevices
Makoto Fukuhara, Hiroshi Ono, Tamano Hirasawa, Makoto Otaguchi, Nobuji Sakai, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji
High-speed particles and biomolecules sorting microsystem using thermosensitive hydrogel
Takahiro Arakawa, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Toshimitsu Izumi, Tokihiko Aoki, Hirokazu Sugino, Takashi Funatsu, Shuichi Shoji
MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 17 ( 12 ) 3141 - 3146 2006.12 [Refereed]
13Citation(Scopus) -
An extended gate FET-based biosensor integrated with a Si microfluidic channel for detection of protein complexes
Dong-Sun Kim, Jee-Eun Park, Jang-Kyoo Shin, Pan Kyeom Kim, Geunbae Lim, Shuichi Shoji
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 117 ( 2 ) 488 - 494 2006.10 [Refereed]
89Citation(Scopus) -
Metallization on three dimensions microstructures using photoresist spray coating for microdirect methanol fuel cell
Masanori Ishizuka, Hiroaki Houjou, Shinji Motokawa, Jun Mizuno, Toshiyuki Momma, Tetsuya Osaka, Shuichi Shoji
10Citation(Scopus) -
Simulation of droplet generation in micro flow using MPS method
Takahiro Harada, Yukihito Suzuki, Seiichi Koshizuka, Takahiro Arakawa, Shuichi Shoji
庄子習一, 荒川貴博, 叶井正樹, 佐藤寛暢
真空(日本真空協会) 49 ( 7 ) 395 - 399 2006.07
Improved passive cell distributing method for micro cellular diagnostic well array
Kentaro Kawai, Masaki Kanai, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Shuichi Shoji
Microfluidics assisted synthesis of well-defined spherical polymeric microcapsules and their utilization as potential encapsulants
Sinoj Abraham, Eun Ho Jeong, Takahiro Arakawa, Shuichi Shoji, Kyung Chun Kim, Il Kim, Jeung Sang Go
LAB ON A CHIP 6 ( 6 ) 752 - 756 2006.06 [Refereed]
59Citation(Scopus) -
ニューダイヤモンドフォーラム会誌NEW DIAMONDO 第81号 22 ( 2 ) 48 - 50 2006.04
1P073 Development of a single molecule fluorescence microscope with rapid solution switching system using microfablication technique(2. Protein function (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
Sameshima Tomoya, Sato Yukiko, Ueno Taro, Arakawa Takahiro, Shirasaki Yoshitaka, Shoji Shuichi, Funatsu Takashi
Seibutsu Butsuri 46 ( 2 ) S165 2006
Flow type electrochemical immuno sensing systems
Yutaka Yamaguchi, Nobuo Honda, Masashi Inaba, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
2006 IEEE SENSORS, VOLS 1-3 486 - + 2006 [Refereed]
Monitoring Cellular Events in Living Mast Cells Stimulated with an Extremely Small Amount of Fluid on a Microchip
T. Munaka, H Abe, M. Kanai, T. Sakamoto, H. Nakanishi, T. Yamaoka, S. Shoji, A. Murakami
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45 ( 24 ) L634 - L637 2006 [Refereed]
西泰治, 萩原清道, 福田始弘, 木下藤寿, 伊藤克之, 菊池佑二, 庄子習一, 水野潤, 篠原秀敏
日本ヘモレオロジー学会誌 9 ( 2 ) 2006
Realization of A Chip-Level Batch Process Chemical Plant with Quantitative Performance Evaluation
E. H. Jeong, T. Arakawa, K. C. Kim, J. S. Boo, J. S. Ko, B. Shin, S. Shoji, J. S. Go
Key Engineering Materials 326-328 269 - 272 2006 [Refereed]
Real-time monitoring of antibody secretion from hybridomas on a microchip by time-resolved luminescence anisotropy analysis
Munaka, Tatsuya, Abe, Hirohisa, Kanai, Masaki, Sakamoto, Takashi, Nakanishi, Hiroaki, Yamaoka, Tetsuji, Shoji, Shuichi, Murakami, Akira
Analytical biochemistry 353 ( 1 ) 1 - 6 2006 [Refereed]
石束真典, 阿部昌昭, 北條洋明, 水野潤, 庄子習一
電気学会論文誌E 125 ( 9 ) 393 - 397 2005.09
ケミカル エンジ二ヤリング (化学工業社) 50 ( 7 ) 1 - 5 2005.07
佐藤寛暢, 庄子習一
混相流 19 ( 2 ) 86 - 93 2005
Prototype of the high sensitive X-ray microcalorimeter for X-ray imaging
H Kudo, T Nakamura, T Arakawa, S Ohtsuka, T Izumi, S Shoji, H Sato, H Kobayashi, K Mori, T Homma, T Osaka, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, K Futamoto, Y Takei, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Sato, T Ohashi, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, K Otake, F Beppu
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 114 ( 2-3 ) 171 - 175 2004.09 [Refereed]
1Citation(Scopus) -
Development of Bi electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber array for high sensitive X-ray imaging sensor
H Sato, H Kobayashi, H Kudo, T Izumi, T Homma, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 72 ( 6 ) 424 - 426 2004.06 [Refereed]
Fabrication of multi-pixel TES microcalorimeters with an electrodeposited Sn absorber and Bi absorber
T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, N Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
3Citation(Scopus) -
電気学会論文誌E 124 ( 10 ) 349 - 353 2004
microTAS2004 Malmo Sweden
次世代センサ 14 ( 2 ) 18 - 19 2004
早稲田大学COE ナノ分子工学研究拠点
次世代センサ 14 ( 1 ) 5 - 7 2004
内田大輔, 叶井正樹, 西本尚弘, 庄子習一
電気学会論文誌E 124 ( 10 ) 364 - 368 2004
Fabrication of polymer and metal three-dimensional micromesh structures
H.Sato, Y.Houshi, T.Otsuka, S.Shoji
J. J. Applied Physics 43 ( 12 ) 8341 - 8344 2004 [Refereed]
Three-dimensional micro-structures consisting of high aspect ratio inclined micro-pillars fabricated by simple photolithography
H.Sato, Y.Houshi, S.Shoji
Microsystem Technologies 9 440 - 443 2004 [Refereed]
High sensitive X-ray microcalorimeter using Bi-Au microabsorber for imaging applications
H.Kudo, T.Arakawa, S.Ohtsuka, T.Izumi, S.Shoji, H. Sato, H. Kobayashi, K. Mori, T. Osaka
J.J. Applied Physics 43 ( 3 ) 1190 - 1195 2004 [Refereed]
Sn electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber arrays for an X-ray microcalorimeter
T Homma, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Arakawa, H Kudo, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, T Oshima, N Iyomoto, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
11Citation(Scopus) -
計測と制御 42 ( 12 ) 1005 - 1009 2003
表面科学 24 ( 11 ) 684 - 688 2003
OHM, Ohmsha 90 ( 10 ) 53 - 56 2003
Digital sorting of flow-through droplet phase microfluid
J.S.Go, S.Shoji
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 L449 - 450 2003 [Refereed]
機能材料 22 ( 1 ) 52 - 57 2002
マテリアルインテグレーション 15 ( 2 ) 1 2002
日本フルードパワーシステム学会誌 33 ( 3 ) 44 - 47 2002
Fabrication of an X-ray microcalorimeter with an electrodeposited X-ray microabsorber
H Kudo, H Sato, T Nakamura, T Arakawa, E Goto, S Shoji, T Homma, T Osaka, K Mitsuda, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, MD Audley, T Miyazaki, T Oshima, M Yamazaki, K Futamoto, Y Takei, Y Ishisaki, T Kagei, T Hiroike, T Ohashi, NY Yamasaki, A Kushino, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto
LOW TEMPERATURE DETECTORS 605 235 - 238 2002 [Refereed]
Lab. Clin. Paract. 19 ( 1 ) 11 - 13 2001
機械振興 395 26 - 31 2001
化学工業 52 ( 11 ) 42 - 46 2001
医用電子と生体工学:BME 15 ( 10 ) 51 - 56 2001
Development of Biological Micro Reactor Array System
E.Shinohara, A.Kondo, K.Akahori, K.Tashiro, S.Shoji
IEICE Trans. Electron. E84-C ( 12 ) 1807 - 1912 2001 [Refereed]
Condition optimization, reliability evaluation of SiO2-SiO2HF bonding and its application for UV detection micro flow cell
H Nakanishi, T Nishimoto, M Kanai, T Saitoh, R Nakamura, T Yoshida, S Shoji
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 83 ( 1-3 ) 136 - 141 2000.05 [Refereed]
Studies on SiO2-SiO2 bonding with hydrofluoric acid. Room temperature and low stress bonding technique for MEMS
H Nakanishi, T Nishimoto, R Nakamura, A Yotsumoto, T Yoshida, S Shoji
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 79 ( 3 ) 237 - 244 2000.02 [Refereed]
電気化学および工業物理化学 68 ( 3 ) 188 - 191 2000
Cell-free protein synthesis in a microfabricated reactor
T Nojima, T Fujii, K Hosokawa, A Yotsumoto, S Shoji, Endo, I
BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING 22 ( 1 ) 13 - 17 2000.01 [Refereed]
化学 154 ( 10 ) 36 - 38 1999
uTAS その現状と将来
精密工学会誌 165 ( 5 ) 655 - 658 1999
Very low-power consumption wireless ECG monitoring system using body as a signal transmission medium
Takashi Handa, Shuichi Shoji, Shinichi Ike, Sunao Takeda, Tetsushi Sekiguchi
International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Proceedings 2 1003 - 1006 1997
Micromachining:Handbook of Sensors and Actuators: Intelligent Sensors
Elsevier Science B.V. 3 1996
日本ME学会雑誌BME/日本ME学会 10;5 1995.05
まてりあ/金属学会 34;1 1995
Books and Other Publications
蜂巣琢磨, 水野潤, 庄子習一, 逢坂哲彌
㈱シーエムシー出版 2014.03
仁村将次, 庄子習一, 水野潤, 重藤暁津, 佐久間克幸, 荻野浩司, 榎本智之
㈱テクノタイムズ社 2013.03
ナノインプリントの開発とデバイス応用」(第12章4 実装技術 及び、第14章2 マイクロTAS)
水野潤, 篠原秀敏, 笠原崇史, 庄子習一
シーエムシー出版 2011.10
Microfluidics, Topics in Current Chemistry 304
S. Shoji, K. Kawai
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.04
庄子習一, 川合健太郎
シーエムシー出版 2010.03
Solid State Circuits Technologies
H. Shinohara, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
INTECH 2010.01
MEMS/NEMS工学全集(Fundamentals and Applications of MEMS/NEMS Engineering)
テクノシステム 2009.04
2009 ナノインプリント技術大全(Nanoimprint Technology Outlook)
篠原秀敏, 水野潤, 庄子習一
電子ジャーナル 2009.04
2009 ナノインプリント技術大全(Nanoimprint Technology Outlook)
石塚修吾, 庄子習一, 水野潤
電子ジャーナル 2009.04
技術教育出版社 2009.01
Comprehensive Microsystems
S. Shoji, H. Sato, R. Zengerle
Elsevier Science Ltd. 2008.03
福田・新井編「バイオテクノロジーシリーズ 細胞分離・操作技術の最前線」
庄子習一, 荒川貴博, 川合健太郎
シーエムシー出版 2008
シーエムシー出版 2006.02
高分子学会編 ポリマーフロンティア21シリーズ「ナノバイオー微細加工と計測技術の新展開」
水野 潤, 庄子習一
シーエムシー出版 2005
進化するマイクロマシン: 2.6 μTAS
日刊工業新聞 2004
日本化学会編 第5版実験化学講座:機能性材料
丸善 2004
北森武彦, 庄子習一, 馬場嘉信, 藤田博之編
丸善 2004
Lab-on-a-chip, Miniaturies Systems for (Bio)Chemical Analysis and Synthesis
S.Shoji, K.Tashiro, T.Sekiguchi, H.Sato, N.Honda, T.Funatu
Elsevier Science Ltd. 2003
Electrochemical Microsystem Technologies
Tayler & Francis, London 2002
IEICE Trans.
E.Shinohara, A.Kondo, K.Akahori, K.Tashiro, S.Shoji
Electron. 2001
Biosensors & Their Applications
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub. 2000
Biosensors & Their Applications
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub. 2000
朝倉書店 1997
Micromachining:Handbook of Sensors and Actuators: Intelligent Sensors
Elsevier Science B.V. 1996
田中大器, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
Presentation date: 2022.11
Event date:2022.11 -
宮崎彩, 田中大器, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
Presentation date: 2022.11
Event date:2022.11 -
電気浸透流を応用した一細胞選択抽出 マイクロ流体デバイスの開発
四條星斗, 田中大器, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
Presentation date: 2022.11
Event date:2022.11 -
山中康平, 古谷正裕, 田中大喬, 田中大器, 関口哲志, 庄子習一, 鷲尾方一
Event date:2022.11 -
Studies on Stretchable Organic Light-Emitting Material Based on Liquid Organic Semiconductor
Hikaru Katada, Juro Oshima, Takashi Kasahara, Yutaro Yamada, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.11
Event date:2022.11 -
The Best Use of Wall Shear to Generate Massive Monodisperse Single-Micrometer Droplets in Microchannel
Manabu Asahi, Masahiro Furuya, Hirotaka Tanaka, Tomoya Murashige, Daiki Tanaka, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
8th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety for Students and Young Researchers (NTHAS12 Joint Seminar)
Event date:2022.10 -
Physics of Droplets Coalescing Inside the Micro flow Devices
Tomoya Murashige, Masahiro Furuya, Hirotaka Tanaka, Manabu Asahi, Kohei Yamanaka, Daiki Tanaka, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
8th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety for Students and Young Researchers (NTHAS12 Joint Seminar)
Event date:2022.10 -
Nano-Artifact Metrics Chip Mounting Technology for Edge AI Device Security
Hitoshi Masago, Hiro Nodaka, Kazuma Kishimoto, Alaric Yohei Kawai, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
17th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.10
Event date:2022.10 -
Selective Chemical Products Separation from Organic Micro Droplets Using Surfactant Free Single Micron Droplet Generation
Shengqi Zheng, Daiki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Fujita, Takashiro Akitsu, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
The 26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.10
Event date:2022.10 -
High Speed and Room Temperature Synthesis of Amino Acid Schiff Base Copper Complex Using Microfluidic Device
Masahi Kobayashi, Daiki Tanaka, Takashiro Akitsu, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
The 26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2022),
Presentation date: 2022.10
Event date:2022.10 -
Efficient Protein Crystallization and Damageless Extraction Flow Device Using Multi-Microdroplet Trapping Structure
Aya Miyazaki, Daiki Tanaka, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Masahiro Furuya, Shuichi Shoji
The 26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.10
Event date:2022.10 -
河合アラリック洋平, 岸本一真, 庄子習一, 水野潤
Presentation date: 2022.07
Event date:2022.07 -
Post Deposition Treatment of Thin Film HfO2 Dielectric for Increased Performance in MIM Capacitors
Alaric-Yohei Kawai Petillot, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.05
Event date:2022.05 -
Development of a Novel Biomaterial for Spinal Implant Purpose
Kazuma Kishimoto, Jun Mizuno
2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.05
Event date:2022.05 -
羽島颯平, 田中大器, 藤田博之, 秋津貴城, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
日本化学会 第102春季年会(2022)
Presentation date: 2022.03
Event date:2022.03 -
日本化学会 第102春季年会(2022)
Presentation date: 2022.03
Event date:2022.03 -
宮崎彩, 庄子習一, 関口哲志, 田中大器
日本化学会 第102春季年会(2022)
Presentation date: 2022.03
Event date:2022.03 -
Stable Generation of Single-Micron Droplets and Highly Efficient Encapsulation of Cells by Multi-Branch Channels
Seito Shijo, Daiki Tanaka, Masahiro Furuya, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
The 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2022)
Presentation date: 2022.01
Event date:2022.01 -
Fabrication of Tissue-Engineered Oral Mucosa with Micropatterned Fish Scale-Collagen Scaffold Using 3D Printing Technology and Soft Lithography
Kazuma Kishimoto, Orakarn Suebsamarn, Yoshihiro Kodama, Takafumi Komatsu, Ayako Suzuki, Shuichi Shoji, Kenji Izumi, Jun Mizuno
2021 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting
Presentation date: 2021.11
Event date:2021.11-2021.12 -
Study of Atomic Layer Deposition of hafnium oxide as an insulation layer on Cu for potential flip chip integration
A.Y. Kawai, S. Kataza, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2021 (ICSJ 2021)
Presentation date: 2021.11
Event date:2021.11 -
Microdroplet Inner Rotation Control by Parallel Carrier Flow of Different Oils, Sesame and Silicone
H. Yoshimura, D. Tanaka, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2021)
Presentation date: 2021.10
Event date:2021.10 -
High Throughput Micrometer Scale Droplets Devices
S. Shoji [Invited]
The 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2021)
Presentation date: 2021.06
Event date:2021.06 -
Fabrication of Micropatterned Fish Scale Collagen Scaffold Using Soft Lithography for Oral Mucosa Tissue Engineering
K. Kishimoto, K. Miwa, A. Suzuki, I. Yamaguchi, Y. Kodama, O. Suebsamarn, S. Shoji, K. Izumi, J. Mizuno
2021 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2021)
Presentation date: 2020.05
Event date:2021.05 -
Deformability-Based Microfluidic Microdroplet Sorting as a Screening Method for Single Agarolytic Bacterial Cells
M. Muta, K. Saito, R. Iizuka, W. Kawakubo, D.H. Yoon, M. Ito, Y. Hatada, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
The 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2020) (online)
Presentation date: 2020.10
QFP/Quartz Adhesive Bonding with Surface Treatment for Physical Security of Edge Artificial Intelligence Devices
H. Nodaka, A. Tezuka, H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, M. Hoga, H. Shimamoto, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2020 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2020) (online)
Presentation date: 2020.04
湯成河, 服部翔平, 野崎義人, 尹棟鉉, 田中大器, 藤田博之, 秋津貴城, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
日本化学会 第100春季年会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2020.03
Electrical Property Change of Woody Carbon Material by Moisture Absorption
N. Takahashi, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
CIAiS (Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science) International Symposium (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2020.02
庄子習一, 桑江博之, 尹棟鉉, 田中大器, 関口哲志, 水野潤, 野崎義人, 笠原崇史, 秋津貴城 [Invited]
電子情報通信学会 システムナノ技術に関する特別研究専門委員会(SNT)第3回研究会 (東京、日本)
Presentation date: 2020.01
三輪慶人, 鈴木絢子, 桑江博之, 山口勇, 兒玉泰洋, 泉健次, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2020) (横浜、日本)
Presentation date: 2020.01
山田紘右, 桑江博之, 百瀬渉, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2020) (横浜、日本)
Presentation date: 2020.01
大塚茜里, 桑江博之, 大島寿郎, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2020) (横浜、日本)
Presentation date: 2020.01
RGB All Liquid-Based Microfluidic Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diodes Using Deep-Blue Liquid Organic Semiconductor Backlight
M. Kawamura, H. Kuwae, T. Kamibayashi, J. Oshima, T. Kasahara, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2020) (Vancouver, Canada)
Presentation date: 2020.01
Study on Correlation between Surface Morphology and Work Function of Aluminum Film in Nanoscale
K. Sasagawa, H. Kuwae, H. Goto, M. Sakata, T. Yasuda, J. Lu, H. Itoh, A. Honda, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2019 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA)
Presentation date: 2019.12
Fabrication of Artificial Oral Mucosa with Micropatterned Fish Scale-Collagen Scaffold by Soft Lithography
K. Miwa, A. Suzuki, H. Kuwae, I. Yamaguchi, Y. Kodama, K. Izumi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2019 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting. (Boston, USA)
Presentation date: 2019.12
Sequential Formation of Daughter Droplets by Breakup of Microdroplets into Bypass Channel
S. Hattori, D.H. Yoon, Y. Nozaki, T, Isano, H. Yamagata, H. Fujita, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2019) (Basel)
Presentation date: 2019.10
Simultaneous Microdroplets Generation by Tall Breakup Induced with Multi-Branch Channel
S. Kajiya, D.H. Yoon, Y. Nozaki, T. Isano, H. Yamagata, H. Fujita, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2019) (Basel)
Presentation date: 2019.10
Establishment of Labo-In-A-Microdroplet for Azo Compound Synthesis
D. Tanaka, S. Sawai, T. Sugaya, Y. Nozaki, D.H. Yoon, T. Isano, H. Yamagata, H. Fujita, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2019) (Basel)
Presentation date: 2019.10
LiTaO3/Quarts Bonding with Low-Residual-Stress Al2O3 Amorphous Intermediate Layer for 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
A. Tezuka, H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, S. Shoji, S. Kakio, J. Mizuno
14th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-IAAC 2019) (TAipei)
Presentation date: 2019.10
Low-Residual Stress ALD-AI2O3 Intermediate Layer for LiTaO3/Quarts Combined Surface Acoustic Wave Substrate
A. Tezuka, H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, S. Shoji, S. Kakio, J. Mizuno
2019 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Electronic Interconnection III (Taichung)
Presentation date: 2019.10
Construction of a Well-Operable Crystallization Method for Chemical Analysis Applying Microdroplet Device
S. Hattori, D. Tanka, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, Y. Nozaki, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 4th Conference on Micro Fluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2019) (Enschede, The Netherlands)
Presentation date: 2019.10
High Efficient Synthesis of Functional Compounds by Microfluidic Device
D. Tanaka, D.H. Yoon, Y. Nozaki, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 4th International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-4) (Sendai, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.10
Introduction of the Study on Moisture Adsorption Characteristics of Woody Carbon Material
N. Takahashi, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 10th Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS (JCK MEMS/NEMS 2019) (Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.07
M. Kawamura, H. Kuwae, T. Kamibayashi, J. Oshima, T. Kasahara, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2019) (Berlin, Germany)
Presentation date: 2019.06
T. Sugaya, D. Tanaka, D.H. Yoon, Y. Nozaki, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2019) (Berlin, Germany)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Study on Role of Inserted Pt Intermediate Layer Deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition for Cu-Cu Quasi-Direct Bonding
K. Yamada, H. Kuwae, T. Kamibayashi, S. Shoji, W. Momose, J. Mizuno
2019 6th IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2019) (Kanazawa, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.05
H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, W. Momose, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2019) (Niigata, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.04
A. Tezuka, H. Kuwae, K. Yamada, S. Shoji, S. Kakio, J. Mizuno
2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2019) (Niigata, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.04
澤井俊介, 田中大器, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 秋津貴城, 庄子習一
日本化学会 第99春季年会(2019) (神戸)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Low Cost and High-Efficient Piezoelectric MEMS Energy Harvester with Interdigitated Electrodes and Liquid-based VDF-TrFE
K. Sasagawa, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Sasaki, T. Nakajima, S. Shoji
CIAiS (Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science) International Symposium 2019 (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Water-Electrokinetic Energy Harvester Using Flexible Woody Carbon Film
S. Maeda, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
CIAiS (Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science) International Symposium 2019 (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Oil-In-Water Droplet Formation in Hydrophobic PDMS Device Using Three-Dimensional Protruded Taper Channel
D.H. Yonn, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
CIAiS (Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science) International Symposium 2019 (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Water-Electrokinetic Power Generation Device Using Flexible Woody Carbon Film
S. Maeda, H. Kuwae, K. Sakamoto, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2019) (Seoul)
Presentation date: 2019.01
前田世蓮, 桑江博之, 高橋奈々, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第25回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2019) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2019.01
坂本暁祐, 桑江博之, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第25回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2019) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2019.01
上林拓海, 桑江博之, 岸岡高広, 臼井友輝, 大橋拓矢, 田村護, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第25回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2019) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2019.01
Measurement of the Cell Migration and Cytokine Secretion Activity with Real-Time Imaging System
Y. Tanaka, N. Suzuki, K. Moro, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, S. Uemura, Y. Shirasaki
29th 2018 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS 2018) (Nagoya, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.12
Electrowetting Device With Liquid Organic Semiconductor Emulsion
H. Kuwae, A. Fujiwara, K. Sakamoto, J. Oshima, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2018) (Sapporo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.11
Oil-In-Water Droplet Formation in Hydrophobic PDMS Device Using Three-Dimensional Protruded Taper Channel
C. Tang, D.H. Yoon, T-Sekiguchi, S, Shoji
The 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2018) (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2018.11
菅谷拓央, 深野愼介, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
第35回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (札幌)
Presentation date: 2018.11
田中大器, 菅谷拓央, 川久保渉, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
第35回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (札幌)
Presentation date: 2018.10
Low Temperature Copper-Copper Quasi-Direct Bonding with Ultrathin Platinum Intermediate Layer Using Atomic Layer Deposition
K. Yamada, H. Kuwae, T. Kamibayashi, W. Momose, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuit Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018), (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2018.10
High-Aspect-Ratio Sub-2-µm Vias Using Thermal Imprint with Build-Up Resin
T. Kamibayashi, H. Kuwae, T. Kishioka, Y. Usui, T. Ohashi, M. Tamura, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuit Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018) (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2018.10
Position Controllable Liquid Organic Emitter Device Using Electrowetting on Dielectrics
K. Atsumi, A. Fujiwara, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 3rd International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-3) (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.09
桑江博之, 山田紘右, 上林拓海, 百瀬渉, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (名古屋)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Fabrication of Long Luminant Tissues in Three-Dimensional Gel Scaffolds with Oriented Cellulose Nanofibers
T. Tanaka, K. Imato, K. Yoneda, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, N. Takeda
5th Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society World Congress 2018 (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Fabrication of Long Myotube Bundles in Three-Dimensional Gel Scaffolds with Oriented Cellulose Nanofibers
K. Imato, K. Yoneda, T. Tanaka, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, N. Takeda
5th Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society World Congress (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Fabrication of Self-Standing Curved Film with Pillar-Shaped Hole Patterns Using Large-Area Spherical Soft UV Imprint Lithography
T. Kamibayashi, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2018 Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Electronic Interconnection II (Kuwana, Mie, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.04
笹川健太, 佐々木敏夫, 関口哲志, 中島啓, 庄子習一
4大学ナノ・マイクロファブリケーションコンソーシアム・シンポジウム (川崎)
Presentation date: 2018.03
菅谷拓央, 中西完貴, 磯川宗生, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一, 船津高志, 角田誠
4大学ナノ・マイクロファブリケーションコンソーシアム・シンポジウム (川崎)
Presentation date: 2018.03
今任景一, 米田憲司, 田中智, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一, 武田直也
第17回日本再生医療学会総会 (横浜)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Simple Formation of Complex Cross-Sectional Flow Using Multi-Stacked Three-Dimensional PDMS Structures
D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
CIAiS (Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science) International Symposium 2018 (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Crystallization of Zinc(II) Complex Containing Lysozyme by Super Water Repellent Umbrella Pillar Array
D. Tanaka, W. Kawakubo, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
CIAiS (Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science) International Symposium 2018 (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Fabrication of Diamond-Based Transmission Electron Microscopy Grid for High-Resolution Bio-Sample Observation
B. Xu, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
第24回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2018) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2018.01
登惇輝, 桑江博之, 小林直史, 笠原崇史, 大島寿郎, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第24回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2018)
Presentation date: 2018.01
須崎遥, 桑江博之, 岸田和人, 垣尾省司, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第24回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2018) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2018.01
Preparation and Charterization of High Performance Activated Carbon Fibers by Vaccum Ultaraviolet Surface Treatment
H. Kuwae, K. Mizokami, S. Maeda, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA)
Presentation date: 2017.11
Promoting Proliferation and Elongation of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells via Nano-Grain Deposited Periodic Nanostructures
M. Shiozawa, Y. Akiba, K. Uoshima, K. Eguchi, H. Kuwae, W. Fu, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA)
Presentation date: 2017.11
Luminance Degradation and Recovery of Liquid Organic Semiconductors
K. Sakamoto, H. Kuwae, N. Kobayashi, A. Nobori, J. Oshima, C. Adachi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA)
Presentation date: 2017.11
前田世蓮, 桑江博之, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (広島)
Presentation date: 2017.11
川久保渉, 田中大器, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 高橋啓太, 秋津貴城, 庄子習一
34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (広島)
Presentation date: 2017.11
田中大器, 川久保渉, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 秋津貴城, 庄子習一
第34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (広島)
Presentation date: 2017.10
坂本暁祐, 桑江博之, 小林直史, 登厚惇輝, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (広島)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Effects of Surface Modification on Woody Carbon Materials by Vacuum Ultraviolet Treatment
H. Kuwae, K. Mizokami, S. Maeda, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Electronic Interconnection I (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2017.10
A Micromachined Liquid Chromatography Chip with a Pillar Array Mixer for Post-Column Derivatization in the Analysis of Neurotransmitters
M. Isokawa, K. Nakanishi, T. Kanamori, H. Zhuang, H. Yamazaki, T. Sugaya, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Funatsu, S. Shoji, M. Tsunoda
The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2017) (Savannah, Georgia, USA)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Crystallization of Zinc(II) Complex Containing Lysozyme by Super Water Repellent Doubly Reentrant Structure Umbrella Pillar Array
D. Tanaka, W. Kawakubo, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 3rd Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2017) (Enschede, The Netherlands)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Extremely Efficient and Non-Hazardous Bromo Group Addition Reaction Using Simple Microfluidic Devices
W. Kawakubo, D. Tanaka, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, K. Takahashi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 3rd Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2017) (Enschede, The Netherlands)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Free-Formable Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Diode Ribbons Using Liquid Organic Semiconductors
A. Nobori, H. Kuwae, N. Kobayashi, T. Kasahara, J. Oshima, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2nd International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-2) (Nagoya, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.09
Effects of Surface Modification on Lignocellulosic Porous Carbon Materials by Vacuum Ultraviolet Treatment
S. Maeda, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2nd International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-2) (Nagoya, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.09
Fabrication of Mechanical Durable Glass Nanopillar with Bridged Structure
H. Kuwae, T. Sudo, K. Takayama, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2017) (Sendai, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.09
A Study on Low Temperature SAM Modified POM Direct Bonding Affected by VUV/O3 Irradiation
W. Fu, B. Ma, H. Kuwae, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 5th International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D) (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.05
Cu-Cu Direct Bonding by Introducing Au Intermediate Layer
H. Noma, T. Kamibayashi, H. Kuwae, N. Suzuki, T. Nonaka, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 5th International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D) (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.05
Fabrication of Self-Standing Curved Film with Pillar Arrays by Large Area Spherical Soft-UV Imprint Lithography
T. Kamibayashi, H. Kuwae, A. Nobori, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2017) (Tendo, Yamagata, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.04
Low Temperature Direct Bonding of Polyoxymethylene (POM) Through Self Assembled Monolayers (SAM)
W. Fu, H. Kuwae, B. Ma, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2017 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2017) (Tendo, Yamagata, Japan)
Presentation date: 2017.04
Highly Bendable Transparent Electrode Using Mesh Patterned Indium Tin Oxide for Flexible Electronic Devices
K. Sakamoto, H. Kuwae, N. Kobayashi, A. Nobori, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2017) (Los Angeles, USA)
Presentation date: 2017.04
塩澤茉由子, 桑江博之, 庄子習一, 水野潤
4大学ナノ・マイクロファブリケーションコンソーシアム・シンポジウム (川崎)
Presentation date: 2017.03
Fabrication of the Microfluidic Device for Chemical Reaction
S. Sawai, D. Tanaka, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
4大学ナノ・マイクロファブリケーションコンソーシアム・シンポジウム (川崎)
Presentation date: 2017.03
野村和哉, 岡田愛姫子, 庄子習一, 小柏俊典, 水野潤
第23回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2017) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2017.02
金田達志, 岡田愛姫子, 付偉欣, 庄子習一, 齊藤美紀子, 西川宏, 水野潤
第23回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2017) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2017.02
金田達志, 桑江博之, 庄子習一, 安達千波矢, 水野潤
第23回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2017) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2017.02
Deep-Blue Light Emission with a Wide-Bandgap Naphthalene-Derivative Liquid Organic Semiconductor Host
N. Kobayashi, H. Kuwae, J. Oshima, R. Ishimatsu, S. Tashiro, T. Imato, C. Adachi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
SPIE Photonics West 2017 (San Francisco, USA)
Presentation date: 2017.02
OLEDs with Ultra-High Thermal Conductivity Substrate
K. Atsumi, H. Kuwae, Y. Shihara, A. Nobori, C. Adachi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
he 8th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics (A-COE 2016) (Kyoto, Japam)
Presentation date: 2016.12
Study of LiTaO3/ST-Quartz Bonding with Amorphous Interlayer Assisted by VUV/O3 Treatment for SAW Device
H. Suzaki, H. Kuwae, A. Okada, S. Shoji, S. Shoji
International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2016) (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Simultaneous Fabrication of a Through-Glass Interconnect Via and Bumps Using Dry Filling Process of Submicron Gold Particles
K. Nomura, A. Okada, S. Shoji, T. Ogashiwa, J. Mizuno
International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2016) (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2016.10
中西完貴, 簔城森幸, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (長崎)
Presentation date: 2016.10
小林和博, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (長崎)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Study for Simple Fabrication Process of Printable Piezoelectric Energy Harvest Device
鎌田裕樹, 尹棟鉉, 佐々木敏夫, 野崎義人, 山浦真一, 関口哲志, 中嶋宇史, 庄子習一
第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (長崎)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Fifty-Second Analysis of Oxidative Stress Markers in Human Plasma Using Amide-Modified Liquid Chromatography Chip
M. Isokawa, K. Nakanishi, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Funatsu, S. Shoji, M. Tsunoda
The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2016) (Dublin, Ireland)
Presentation date: 2016.10
In Vitro Selection of Novel Peptide Agonists for Human Somatostatin Receptor Subtype-2 Using a Water-In-Oil Microdroplet Platform
T. Sakurai, R. Iizuka, Y. Nakamura, J. Ishii, A. Kondo, A. Iguchi, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2016) (Dublin, Ireland)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Complex Check-Like Cross-Sectional Flow Formation for Fiber-Shaped Materials
K. Kobayashi, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2016) (Dublin, Ireland)
Presentation date: 2016.10
庄子習一 [Invited]
MEMSセンシング&ネットワークシステム展「MEMS協議会フォーラム」 (横浜)
Presentation date: 2016.09
早大 MEMS技術の紹介と小型発電デバイスへの応用例
庄子習一, 関口哲志, 水野潤 [Invited]
東北大学金属材料研究所・ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構 連携協定締結記念シンポジウム (仙台)
Presentation date: 2016.09
鎌田裕樹, 佐々木敏行, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
東北大学金属材料研究所・ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構 連携協定締結記念シンポジウム (仙台)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Fabrication Process of Fluidic Devices for Producing Fine Droplets
Y. Nozaki, T. Kanai, A. Matsuo, D. Tanaka, I. Yuito, T. Takeuchi, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 16th International Conference on Nanotechnology, (IEE NANO 2016) (Sendai, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.08
尹棟鉉, 有吉理沙, 佐藤成晃, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門総合研究会 (金沢)
Presentation date: 2016.06
根岸周也, 鎌田将仁, 梶原利一, 金子祐史, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一, 工藤寛之
電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門総合研究会 (金沢)
Presentation date: 2016.06
Fabrication of Conductive Diamond Membrane for Functional TEM Grids Using Two-Step Dry Etching
B. Xu, H. Kuwae, T. Edura, H. Adaniya, M. Yamashita, T. Shintake, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2016 (APCOT 2016) (Kanazawa, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.06
Low Temperature Bonding Between Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) and Pt Through Vapor Assisted VUV Surface Modification
W. Fu, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno, A. Shigetou
2016 IEEE 66th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2016) (Las Vegas, USA)
Presentation date: 2016.06
ST-Quartz/LiTaO3 Direct Bonding Using SiO2 Amorphous Layers with VUV/O3 Pre-Treatment for a Novel 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Device
H. Suzaki, H. Kuwae, A. Okada, B. Ma, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2016) (Sapporo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.04
VUV/O3 Assisted Single-Crystal Quartz Bonding with Amorphous SiO2 Intermedicate Layer for Manufacturing Optical Low Pass Filter
B. Ma, H. Kuwae, A. Okada, W. Fu, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2016) (Sapporo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.04
Low Temperature Direct Bonding of PEEK and Pt Through VUV/FAB Surface Treatments
W. Fu, A. Shigetou, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2016) (Sapporo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.04
Development of a Simple Fabrication Process for a Printable Piezoelectric Energy Harvest Device
Y. Kamata, D.H. Yoon, T. Sasaki, Y. Nozaki, S. Yamaura, T. Sekiguchi, T. Nakajima, S. Shoji
The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016) (Matsushima, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.04
Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diode Ribbons Using Three Liquid Organic Semiconductors
A. Nobori, N. Kobayashi, H. Kuwae, T. Kasahara, J. Oshima, C. Adachi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016) (Matsushima, Japan)
Presentation date: 2016.04
須藤健成, 岡田愛姫子, 桑江博之, 高山公介, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第22回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2016) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2016.02
大山真輝, 仁村将次, 庄子習一, 田村護, 榎本智之, 重藤暁津, 水野潤
第22回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(Mate 2016) (横浜)
Presentation date: 2016.02
All-Round Micro Sheath Flow Formation to Realize Complex Cross Sections by Simply Stacked PDMS Structures
D.H. Yoon, L. Ariyoshi, D. Tanaka, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2016) (Shanghai, China)
Presentation date: 2016.01
Low Temperature Direct Bonding of Single Crystal Quartz Substrates for High Performance Optical Low Pass Filter Using Amorphous SiO2 Intermediate Layers
B. Ma, H. Kuwae, A. Okada, W. Fu, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2016) (Shanghai, China)
Presentation date: 2016.01
Nano-Structured Organic Light Emitting Diode for Suppression of Roll-Off Characteristics Toward Electrically-Pumped Organic Semiconductor Laser Diodes
H. Kuwae, A. Nitta, T. Kasahara, K. Yoshida, S. Shoji, C. Adachi, J. Mizuno
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2015.12
庄子習一, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志 [Invited]
新化学技術推進協会(JACI) 電子情報技術部会 マイクロナノシステムと材料・加工分科会 講演会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.11
鎌田祐樹, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
第32回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (新潟)
Presentation date: 2015.10
中西完貴, 尹棟鉉, 関口哲志, 庄子習一
第32回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (新潟)
Presentation date: 2015.10
須藤健成, 桑江博之, 岡田愛姫子, 笠原崇史, 高山公介, 海田由里子, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第32回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (新潟)
Presentation date: 2015.10
小林直史, 笠原崇史, 江面知彦, 大島寿郎, 石松亮一, 今任稔彦, 庄子習一, 水野潤
第32回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (新潟)
Presentation date: 2015.10
桑江博之, 新田篤志, 笠原崇史, 吉田功, 庄子習一, 安達千波矢, 水野潤
第32回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム (新潟)
Presentation date: 2015.10
On-Chip Integration of Solid-Phase-Extraction and Silicon Pillar Arrays for High Efficient Liquid Chromatography
K Nakanishi, K. Shih, T. Kanamori, D.H. Yoon, T. Funatsu, M. Tsunoda, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2015) (Gyeongiu, Korea)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Culture-Independent Method for Screening and Identifying Microbial Enzyme-Encoding Genes Using Microdroplet-Based Single Cell Genomics
K. Nakamura, R. Iizuka, T. Yoshida, Y. Hatada, Y. Takaki, S. Nishi, A. Iguchi, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji, T. Funatsu
The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2015) (Gyeongiu, Korea)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Multi-Stage Size Dependent Passive Droplet Sorting Using Droplet Transfer on Cascade Line-Rails and Shape Recovery on Dot-Rails
Z. Xie, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2015) (Gyeongiu, Korea)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Single Cell Encapsulated Microdroplet Formation Using TIP-Streaming and Deterministic Lateral Displacement
Y. Kamata, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2015) (Gyeongiu, Korea)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Low Temperature Direct Bonding of Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) and Pt
W. Fu, A. Shigetou, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuit Technology Conference (IMPACT 2015) (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Fabrication of a Hermetic Sealing Device Having I-Structure TGV Filled with Submicron Gold Particles
K. Nomura, A. Okada, S. Shoji, T. Ogashiwa, J. Mizuno
International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuit Technology Conference (IMPACT 2015) (Taipei, Taiwan)
Presentation date: 2015.10
水野潤, 笠原崇史, 津脇美帆, 松波成行, 江面知彦, 石松亮一, 大島寿郎, 今任稔彦, 庄子習一, 安達千波矢
一般社団法人エレクトロニクス実装学会 秋季大会 第25回マイクロエレクトロニクスシンポジウム (大阪)
Presentation date: 2015.09
High Quality GaN Template Using Nanometer-Size SiO2 mask structure fabricated by UV-NIL
A. Okada, H. Shinohara, Hiroshi Goto, T. Matsueda, H. Sunakawa, Hiroki Goto, T. Nakagawa, A. Usui, A. Yamaguchi, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 6th NIMS/MANA-Waseda University International Symposium (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2015.07
Effects of Surface Modification on Lignocellulosic Porous Carbon Pellets by Vacuum Ultraviolet Treatment
H. Kuwae, T. Kasahara, T. Funabashi, M. Kitajima, K. Mizokami, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 7th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC-7) and 4th JACI/GSC Symposium (Tokyo, Japan)
Presentation date: 2015.07
High Efficient Synthesis of Manganese(II), Cobalt(II) Complexes Containing Lysozyme Using Reaction Area Separated Micro Fluidic Device
D. Tanaka, Y. Murakoshi, E. Tsuda, Y. Mitsumoto, D.H. Yoon, T. Sekiguchi, T. Akitsu, S. Shoji
The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015) (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)
Presentation date: 2015.06
Microfluidic White Organic Light-Emitting Diode Based on Striped Fine Microchannels for Greenish Blue and Yellow Liquid Emitters
N. Kobayashi, T. Kasahara, T. Edura, J. Oshima, R. Ishimatsu, M. Tsuwaki, T. Imato, S. Shoji, J. Mizuno
The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015) (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)
Presentation date: 2015.06
Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) and Vapor – Combined Surface Modification for Hybrid Bonding of SiC, GaN, and Si Substrates at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
A. Shigetou, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Confirence (ECTC 2015) (San Diego, CA, USA)
Presentation date: 2015.05
Hybrid Bonding of Cu/Sn Microbump and Adhesive with Silica Filter for 3D Interconnection of Single Micron Pitch
M. Ohyama, M. Nimura, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, M. Tamura, T. Enomoto, A. Shigetou
IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Confirence (ECTC 2015) (San Diego, CA, USA)
Presentation date: 2015.05
In Situ Monitoring Chemical Reaction in Microdroplet
T. Fukuda, T. Kurabayashi, H. Udaka, D.H. Yoon, M. Suzuki, A. Nakahara, T. Sekiguchi, S. Shoji
EMN (Energy Materials Nanotechnology) Meeting on Droplets (Phuket, Thailand)
Presentation date: 2015.05
Improvement of Surface Properties on Microfluidic Devices by Diamond-Like Carbone Coatings
Y. Murayama, K. Shiba, Y. Ohgoe, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, K. Ozeki, K. Sato, A. Alanazi, K. Hirakuri
2015 International Conference on Electronics Packaging & iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC2015) (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2015.04
Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) and Vapor-Combined Surface Modification for Hybrid Bonding at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
A. Shigetou, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
2015 International Conference on Electronics Packaging & iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC2015) (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2015.04
Fabrication of a Hermetic Sealing Device Using Low Temperature Intrinsic-Silicon/Glass Bonding
K. Nomura, J. Mizuno, A. Okada, S. Shoji, T. Ogashiwa
2015 International Conference on Electronics Packaging & iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC2015) (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2015.04
Improved Low Temperature Gold-Gold Bonding Using Nanoporous Powder Bump Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiation Pre-Treatment
T. Kaneda, J. Mizuno, A. Okada, K. Matsunaga, S. Shoji, M. Saito, H. Nishikawa
2015 International Conference on Electronics Packaging & iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC2015) (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2015.04
マイクロ?体デバイスを用いたキラルサレン型Mn(II), Co(II)錯体含有リゾチームの高効?合成
Presentation date: 2015.03
Presentation date: 2015.03
Presentation date: 2015.03
Presentation date: 2015.03
Presentation date: 2015.03
Presentation date: 2015.03
第21回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム(MATE 2015)
Presentation date: 2015.02
Highly Controllable Three-Dimensional Sheath Flow Device for Fabrication of Artificial Capillary Vessels
The 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2015)
Presentation date: 2015.01
One Core-Five Sheaths Coaxial Flow Formation Using Multilayer Stacked Flow Focusing Structure
The 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2015)
Presentation date: 2015.01
マイクロフルイディック エンジニアリング
Presentation date: 2014.12
Wide Range Dynamic Volume Ratio and Size Control of Microdroplets Using Active Droplet Division Device
Waseda University & Singapore Polytechnic Joint Symposium 2014 on “Advanced Materials
Presentation date: 2014.12
Active Sequential Merging of Two Reagents Isolated in Micro Droplets in Multiple Ratios
Waseda University & Singapore Polytechnic Joint Symposium 2014 on “Advanced Materials
Presentation date: 2014.12
Droplets Handling in Micrometer Scale Channels for Bio/Chemical Applications
Waseda University & Singapore Polytechnic Joint Symposium 2014 on “Advanced Materials
Presentation date: 2014.12
3D Chip Interconnection by Hybrid Bonding Technology with Lock-and-Key Structure for Integrated Sensor Systems
Presentation date: 2014.12
Low Temperature Gold-Gold Bonding Using Excimer Irradition Treatment or Integrated Sensor Systems
Presentation date: 2014.12
Quantitative Analysis of Chemical Reaction in Microdroplets with Different Sizes Containing CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot and Organic Dye
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-5) Conjunction with 6th IBB Frontier Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.12
Basic Research of Vibration Energy Harvesting Micro Device Using Vinylidene Fluoride/Trifuluoroethylene Copolymer Thin Film
The 14th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.11
Energy Harvesting MEMS Device Using Vinylidene Fluoride/Trifluoroethylene Copolymer
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-5) Conjunction with 6th IBB Frontier Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.11
Microfluidic Handling of Small Samples Using Miniaturized Devices and Systems
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-5) Conjunction with 6th IBB Frontier Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.11
Optimization of Micro Power Generation Device by the Computer Simulation Analysis
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-5) Conjunction with 6th IBB Frontier Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.11
Low Temperature Bump Bonding Realized by Single-Micrometer Ag-Nanoparticle Bumps
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-5) Conjunction with 6th IBB Frontier Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.11
Low Temperature Gold-Gold Bonding Using Nanoporous Powders for Bump Interconnects
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-5) Conjunction with 6th IBB Frontier Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.11
Microdroplet Based Fluidic Devices and Systems for Bio/Chemical Analysis
10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies (EMNT 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.11
Droplet-Based Microfluidics for High-Throughput Screening of a Metagenomic Library
10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies (EMNT 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.11
Digital/Analog Micro Fluidic Devices and Systems for Bio/Chenical Applications - Symmetry between Integrated Circuits and Micro Fluidic Systems -
IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2014
Presentation date: 2014.11
Fast and Simultaneous Analysis of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine in Plasma Using Pillar Array Columns with a Gradient Elution System
The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
High-Throughput Single-Cell Secretion Measurement on an Optical Waveguide Chip
The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Peptide-Based Ligand Screening System for G. Protein-Coupled Receptors Using Water-In-Oil Microdroplets
The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Sensitive Fluorescence-Activated Sorting of Microdroplets Containing Subcellular Structures by Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer
The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
UV-NIL Applied Fabrication of High Quality 2-Inch Gan Template Using Nanometer-Size SiO2 Lattice Mask Structure
13th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Presentation date: 2014.10
Presentation date: 2014.10
Presentation date: 2014.10
Presentation date: 2014.10
Volume Controllable Sequential Generation of Three Different Reagents Incubated in Micro Droplets for Digital Flow Synthesis
2nd International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Porous Pillar Array Formation Using Isotropic Xenon Difluoride Etching for Liquid Chromatography Microchip
2nd International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.10
第24回マイクロエレクトロニクスシンポジウム(MES 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.09
High Throughput Micro/Nano Systems for Chemical and Biochemical Applications
The 18th Nano Engineering and Microsystem Technology Conference (NMC 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.08
In Channel Microdroplet Handling Devices for Precise Bio/Chemical Analysis and Synthesis
The 6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.07
High Yield Micro Fluidic Synthesis of Metal Complex Containing Proteins
The 6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.07
文部科学省 先進環境材料・デバイス創製スクール(GRENE)主催「MEMS・ナノテクの基礎と応用講座」
Presentation date: 2014.07
Low Temperature and Low Pressure Bump Bonding Realized by Single-Micrometer Ag-Nanoparticle Bumps
2014 4th IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.07
Fine-Pitch Interconnection by Hybrid Cu/Sn-Adhesive Bonding for 3D Integration
2014 4th IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.07
Fabrication of Superhydrophilic Silica Nanostructure Using Simple Photolithography and Dry Etching for Self-Cleaning Glass
The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.06
Vapor-Assisted Bonding Method as a Tool for Materials Hybridization in Future 3D Integration
International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.06
Low-Temperature Bonding Using Selective Formation of Nanoporous Powders for Bump Interconnects
International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.06
Real-Time Monitoring of Chemical Reaction in Microdroplet with Quantum Dot and Dye Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
The 8th International Symposium on Organic Molecular Electronics (ISOME 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.05
TIA N-MEMSシンポジウム / MEMS協議会フォーラム(ナノ・マイクロ ビジネス展)
Presentation date: 2014.04
Fine-Pitch Hybrid Bonding with Cu/Sn Microbumps and Adhesive for High Density 3D Integration
2014 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.04
Room-Temperature Direct Bonding of Graphene Films by Means of Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV)/Vapor-Assisted Method
2014 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.04
Hemocompatibility of DLC Coating for Blood Analysis Devices
2014 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.04
Flexible and Capacitive Tactile Sensor Sheet
2014 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2014)
Presentation date: 2014.04
Presentation date: 2014.03
Presentation date: 2014.03
Graphene-Graphene Monolayer Direct Bonding Using Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Vapor-Assisted Method in Ambient Air
The 5th NIMS/MANA-Waseda University International Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.03
Novel Bump Bonding Method Using Ag Nanoparticle Coated Cu Bump Through Squeegee-Coating
The 5th NIMS/MANA-Waseda University International Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.03
Presentation date: 2014.03
早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム主催シンポジウム「ナノテクノロジーとその応用技術 —環境・生命医科学分野への最新応用事例とイノベーション展開—」
Presentation date: 2014.03
Low-Temperature Gold-Gold Bonding Using Selective Formation of Nanoporous Powders for Bump Interconnects
The 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2014),
Presentation date: 2014.01
Multiple Size-Oriented Passive Droplet Sorting Device and Basic Approach for Digital Chemical Synthesis
The 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2014),
Presentation date: 2014.01
Microfluidic Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) Integrated Flow Cell for Portable Fluorescence Detection
The 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2014),
Presentation date: 2014.01
Presentation date: 2014.01
Presentation date: 2014.01
早稲田大学・関西大学 第4回理工学研究交流セミナー
Presentation date: 2013.12
Graphene-Graphene Room Temperature Direct Bonding by Using Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Vapor-Assisted at Atmospheric Pressure
Presentation date: 2013.12
Presentation date: 2013.11
Presentation date: 2013.11
Novel Bonding Method Using Cu Bumps Coated with Flexible Ag
IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2013
Presentation date: 2013.11
Fine Nanoscale Structure Fabrication Using Combination of UV-Nanoimprint Lithography and Anisotropic Wet Etching Toward Single Nanoscale Interconnects
26th International Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.11
High Quality GaN Template of a 2-Inch Wafer Using Nanometer-Size SiO2 Lattice Mask Structure Fabricated by UV Nanoimprint Lithography
26th International Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.11
電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門大会 第30回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2013.11
Controllable Three-Dimensional Sheath Flow Microfluidic Device Focusing and Embedding Cells in Center of Double Layered Hydrogel Fiber for Tissue Engineering Applications
International Conference on BioSensors, BioElectronics, BioMedical Devices, BioMEMS/NEMS and Applications 2013 & 5th Sensing Biology Symposium (Bio4Apps 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Active Sequential Merging of Two Reagents Isolated in Micro Droplets in Multiple Ratios
The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Real-Time Secretion Analysis Revealed Correlation of IL-β Release and Loss of Cell Membrane Integrity
The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Quantitative Determination of Branched-Chain Amino Acids in Human Plasma Using Pressure-Driven Liquid Chromatography with Pillar Array Columns
The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Wide Range Dynamic Volume Ratio and Size Control of Microdroplets Using Active Droplet Division Device
The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Room Temperature Uniform and High Throughput Agarose Gel Micro Droplet Generation for Single Cell Analysis
The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
One-Minute Separation of Biological Compounds Using Pillar Array Column with Low Dispersion and Low Pressure-Drop Turns
The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Presentation date: 2013.10
Electronic Journal 第1919回 Technical Seminar
Presentation date: 2013.10
Presentation date: 2013.10
文部科学省 先進環境材料・デバイス創製スクール(GRENE)主催「微細加工の基礎コース講座」
Presentation date: 2013.09
Controllable Three-Dimensional Sheath Flow Microfluidic Device Focusing Cells in Central Axis of the Hydrogel Fiber for Tissue Engineering Applications
Tsukuba International Conference on Materials Science -Summer School (TICMS-BIO)
Presentation date: 2013.08
Active Droplet Handling Microfluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Applications
International Workshop on Soft and Flexible Micro/Nano System Technology (SF-MINAS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.07
TIA N-MEMSシンポジウム / MEMS協議会フォーラム(ナノ・マイクロ ビジネス展)
Presentation date: 2013.07
Presentation date: 2013.06
Fabrication of Low Dislocation Density GaN Template by Nano-Channel FIELO Using Nanoimprint Lithography
The 30th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology (ICPST-30)
Presentation date: 2013.06
Live Imaging of Cell Apoptosis Using FRET-Based Bioprobes in MEMS Fabricated Microculture Dish
The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’ 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.06
Variable Multi-Color Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Device Based on Mixing of Electrochemiluminescence Solutions
The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’ 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.06
Number Controllable Active Microdroplet Merging with Wide Range of Volume for Digital Chemical Synthesis
The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’ 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.06
Au-Au Bonding Technology Using Planar Adhesive Structure for 3D Integration
IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.05
VUV/O3 Treatment for Reduction of Au-Au Bonding Temperature
International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2013 (ICEP 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.04
SU-8 Microfluidic Chip Integrated with Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Electrodes for Organic Light Emitting Device Applications
International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2013 (ICEP 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.04
Active Size Controlled Droplet Generation Device Using Horizontal Pneumatic Microvalves
The 7th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology (MMB 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.04
Functional SU-8-PET Composite Microchip Including Au Microdot Array Fabricated by Low Temperature Polymer Bonding
The 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.04
PDMS-CYTOP Hybrid Structure Microwell Array Chip for Total Internal Reflection Fluorescent Microscopy
The 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.04
Presentation date: 2013.03
Presentation date: 2013.03
Fabrication of Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Device
4th NIMS (MANA)-Waseda International Symposium
Presentation date: 2013.03
Controllable Active Micro Droplets Merging Device Using Horizontal Pneumatic Valves
4th NIMS (MANA)-Waseda International Symposium
Presentation date: 2013.03
Real Time Secretion Analysis of Single Cell Using Amorhous Fluoropolymer Microwell Array
4th NIMS (MANA)-Waseda International Symposium
Presentation date: 2013.03
Presentation date: 2013.01
Presentation date: 2013.01
Simple and High-Throughput Fabrication of Large-Area and Multilayer Flexible Polymer Film Structures for Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Diode
The 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.01
MEMS LC Microchip with Low Dispersion and Low Pressure Drop Turn Structure Using Distribution Controlled Micro Pillar Array
The 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.01
Multi-Color Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Device Using Electroluminescence and Electrochemiluminescence
The 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.01
Simple Through Silicon Interconnect via Fabrication Using Dry Filling of Sub-Micron Au Particles for 3D MEMS
The 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2013)
Presentation date: 2013.01
Using Nano-Porous Au-Ag Sheets as a Joint Layer for Low-Temperature Au-Au Bonding
IEEE CPMT (Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology) Symposium Japan 2012
Presentation date: 2012.12
Low Temperature Bonding Using Sub-Micron Au Particles for Wafer-Level MEMS Packaging
IEEE CPMT (Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology) Symposium Japan 2012
Presentation date: 2012.12
Fabrication and Basic Investigation of Flat Lignocellulosic Carbon Material for Self-Supporting Electrodes in Electric Double-Layer Capacitors
2012 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting
Presentation date: 2012.11
集積化マイクロセンサ、センサシステム −3次元加工技術の観点から−
第1回ICE Cube Center(東京工業大学異種機能集積研究センター)研究会
Presentation date: 2012.11
ナノテクことはじめ − 微細加工の基礎 −
Presentation date: 2012.11
Simple Assembly Method of Polymeric Micro Lens in Micro Fluidic Channel Using Buoyancy of Droplets
The 3rd Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-3)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Low Dispersion and Low Pressure Drop Turn Structure Using Distribution Controlled Micro Pillar Array
The 3rd Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-3)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Study of Surface Treatment Process Using VUV/O3 Treatment for Au-Au Flip Chip Bonding
The 3rd Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-3)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Study of Hybrid Solder-Adhesive Bonding Using Resin Planarization Technique for 3DIC
The 3rd Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-3)
Presentation date: 2012.11
High Throughput Size-Oriented Passive Droplet Sorting Device Using Surface Free Energy with Sinple Parallel Guide Grooves
25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Large Area Flatness Measurement and Optimization for Step and Repeat UV Nanoimprinting
25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Yeast-Based Ligand Assay System for Detecting G Protein-Coupled Receptor Activation in Water-In-Oil Droplets
The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Measurement of Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion from Human Monocytes after Inflammasome Activation
The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Uniform and High Throughput Agarose Gel Micro Droplet Generation Device for Single Cell Analysis
The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Fast Analysis of Biological Compounds by Gradient Liquid Chromatography Using Pillar Array Column
The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Fabrication of High Quality GaN Template by Nano-Channel FIELO Using UV Nanoimprint Lithography for High Efficiency LED
The 11th International Conference on Nanoimprint & Nanoprint Technology (NNT 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Anti-Reflection Structures Fabricated by Angled Two Step UV Nanoimprint Lithography Using Line and Space
The 11th International Conference on Nanoimprint & Nanoprint Technology (NNT 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
XeF2 Si鋳型作製に関する研究
電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門大会 第29回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2012.10
GaN Lateral Overgrowth by HVPE through Nanometer-Size Channels Fabricated with Nanoimprint Lithography
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012 (IWN 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Controllable Active Micro Droplets Merging Device Using Horizontal Pneumatic Valves
1st International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Active and Precise Control of Microdroplet Division Using Horizontal Pneumatic Valves in Bifurcating Microchannel
1st International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Structure Controlled Polymeric Microlens Fabrication Using Multiphase Droplet Assembly
1st International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Simplified Microfluidic-Based System to Generate Double Emulsion Micro Droplets for Biomedical Applications
1st International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Presentation date: 2012.09
Fabrication of Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Diodes
9th International Conference on Electroluminescence & Organic Optoelectronics (ICEL 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.09
Presentation date: 2012.09
Presentation date: 2012.07
A Study on Simple Assembly Method of Polymeric Microlens Using Buoyancy of Droplets
The 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.06
Low Dispersion and Low Pressure Drop Turn Structure Using Distribution Controlled Micro Pillar Array for Efficient LC Microchip
The 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.06
Hybrid Au-Underfill Resin Bonding with Lock-and-Key Structure
62nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.05
Low Temperature Au-Au Flip Chip Bonding with VUV/O3 Treatment for 3D Integration
3rd International IEEE Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.05
Hybrid Solder-Adhesive Bonding Using Simple Resin Planarization Technique for 3D LSI
3rd International IEEE Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.05
Surface Modification of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET) by VUV and VUV/O3 Treatments for Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensors
Joint Conference of “International Conference on Electronics Packaging and IMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.04
Development of Roll Press UV Imprint Process for Replication of Micro Lens Arrays on the Large and Thin Quartz Substrate
The 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.03
Precisely Controlled Micro Droplet Merging Device Using Horizontal Pneumatic Valves
The 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.03
Microfluidic Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) Using Liquid Organic Semiconductors
The 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.02
Low Temperature Au-Au Bonding wih VuV/O3 Treatment
IEEE International 3D System Integration Conference (3DIC)
Presentation date: 2012.02
第18回エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術シンポジウム(Mate 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.02
Presentation date: 2012.01
Continuous Size-Selective Separation Using Three Dimensional Flow Realized by Multilayer PDMS Structure
The 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.01
Size-Oriented Passive Droplet Sorting by Using Surface Free Energy with Micro Guide Groove
The 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012)
Presentation date: 2012.01
Large Area Nanoimprinting with UV Nanoimprint under Atmospheric Pressure for Silicon and Polymer Substrate
The 3rd NIMS(MANA)-Waseda International Symposium
Presentation date: 2011.11
Evaluations of Low Temperature Bonding Using Au Sub-Micron Particles for Wafer Level MEMS Packaging
2011 International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials (APM 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Investigations of Fluxless Flip-Chip Bonding Using Vacuum Ultraviolet and Formic Acid Vapor Surface Treatment
2011 International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials (APM 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Stacked Three-Dimensional Micro/Nano Structures and Their Applications for Chemistry and Biochemistry
The 10th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Optimized Step and Repeat UV Nanoimprint Process for large Scale Nano Pattern Fabrication
The 10th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Microfluidic Analysis of Neurodegenerative Impact Evoked by Local Stimulation-Triggered Apoptotic Information
The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Microfluidic Active Sorting of DNA Molecules Labeled with Single Quantum Dots Using Flow Switching by a Hydrogel Sol-Gel Transition
The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Controllable Three-Dimensional Sheath Flow with a Wide Range Reynolds Number and Its Application for Efficient Cell Sorting
The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Microchannel Array for Long-Term Monitoring of Multicellular Filamentous Cyanobacterium with Controlled Perfusion Culture
The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Single Cell Analysis of the Proinflammatory Responses of Mast Cell by a Real Time Secretion Assay
The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Integration of a Gradient Elution System for Pressure-Driven Liquid Chromatography with MEMS Fabricated Efficient Pillar Array Columns
The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2011)
Presentation date: 2011.10
Presentation date: 2011.09
ウェーハレベルパターン転写法を用いたサブミクロンAu 粒子低温ウェーハ接合
第51 回マイクロ接合研究委員会ソルダリング分科会
Presentation date: 2011.07
Presentation date: 2011.07
Biochip Applications of DLC Films Deposited on a Resin Material
International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-13)
Presentation date: 2011.07
Presentation date: 2011.07
東京大学マイクロ・ナノ多機能デバイス研究ネットワーク 第3回シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2011.07
Large Area Nanoimprinting with UV Nanoimprint under Atmoshperic Pressure for Silicon and Polymer Substrate
4th Asian Nanoimprint Lithography Symposium (ASNIL)
Presentation date: 2011.06
SnCu-Au Flip-Chip Bonding Using Vacuum Ultraviolet and Formic Acid Vapor Surface Treatment
Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC5) and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (ADMI2)
Presentation date: 2011.06
Three-Dimensional Sample Flow Focusing for Wide-Range Flow Speed Applications
Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC5) and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (ADMI2)
Presentation date: 2011.06
第23回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(23rd CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2011.06
Stand-Alone Microfluidic System Using Partly Disposable PDMS Microwell Array for High Throughput Cell Analysis
The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers 2011
Presentation date: 2011.06
Single Cell Real Time Secretion Assay Using Amorphous Fluoropolymer Microwell Array
The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers 2011
Presentation date: 2011.06
Solder/Adhesive Bonding Using Simple Planarization Technique for 3D Integration
Presentation date: 2011.06
Multilayer PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) Device Fabrication Using Concave-Convex 3D Alignment Pair Structures
The International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2011
Presentation date: 2011.06
Three-Dimensional Sample Flow Focusing and Positioning for Wide Range Flow Speed Applications
The International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2011
Presentation date: 2011.06
Fluxless Bonding for Fine-Pitch and Low-Volume Solder 3-D Interconnection
The Electronic Components and Technology Conference: ECTC 2011
Presentation date: 2011.06
Optimization of Cyclo-Olefin Polymer-Polydimethylsiloxane Direct Bonding Conditions for Biochemical Microchips
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP2011
Presentation date: 2011.04
Surface Modification of Polyimide by 172nm Excimer Lamp Irradiation
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP2011
Presentation date: 2011.04
MEMS Engineering Forum 2011
Presentation date: 2011.03
表面技術会 第123回講演大会
Presentation date: 2011.03
Presentation date: 2011.03
Presentation date: 2011.03
Relative-Story Displacement Sensor for Measuring Five-Degree-of-Freedom Movement of Building Layers
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Systems
Presentation date: 2011.03
Evaluation of UV Roller Imprinting Using Replicated Fluorinated Film Molds
The 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems: IEEE-NEMS 2011
Presentation date: 2011.02
NEXAFS and XPS Studies of VUV/O3 Treated Aromatic Polyurea for High-Speed Electrophoresis Microchips
The 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems: IEEE-NEMS 2011
Presentation date: 2011.02
精密工学会 超精密加工専門委員会 第61回研究会
Presentation date: 2011.01
Volume Controlled High Throughput Picoliter Droplet Generation System Using Cascade Multi-Stage Separation Channel
The 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2011
Presentation date: 2011.01
Micro/Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical/Biochemical Micro Total Analysis Systems
The 2nd NIMS(MANA)-Waseda International Symposium
Presentation date: 2010.12
High Speed Generation of Uniform Femtoliter Volume Droplets Using Cascade Multi-Stage Separation Microfluidic Device
23rd International Microproccesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2010
Presentation date: 2010.11
Surface Treatment Using Vacuum Ultraviolet and Formic Acid Vapor for SnCu-Au Flip-Chip Bonding
23rd International Microproccesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2010
Presentation date: 2010.11
Partly Disposable Lab-on-a-Chip System Using Electromagnetically-Drive Hydraulic Valves
23rd International Microproccesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2010
Presentation date: 2010.11
第22回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(22nd CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2010.11
Presentation date: 2010.11
Ultimate Hydrogel Thermal-Transition Based Flow Control System for User-Friendly Particle and Cell Sorting
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.10
On-Chip Gas Concentration Gradient Formation Using PoreflonTM and NeoflonTM for In Vitro Observation of Cancer Cell
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.10
Selective Droplet Sampling Flow System Using Minimum Number of Horizontal Pneumatic Valves Formed by Single Step PDMS Molding
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.10
Size Controllable Polymeric Microlens Fabrication by Using a Multiphase Droplet Including Air Core
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.10
Fabrication of Vertical and High-Aspect-Ratio Glass Microfluidic Device by Borosilicate Glass Molding to Silicon Structure
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.10
A Microfluidic Mammalian Cell Sorter with Thermal Gelation Polymer Solution
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.10
Polymer MEMSとその化学・バイオ・医療への応用
Presentation date: 2010.09
Fabrication of High-Aspect Ratio Amorphous Perfluorinated Polymer Structure for Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
The 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering: MNE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.09
Integrated Hydrophilic Surface Treatment System of Vapor Deposition Polymerization and Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiation for Biochemical Microchips
The 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering: MNE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.09
MEMS/NT Based Biological Cell Function Analysis Micro Fluidic Devices/Systems
2010 Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Symposium - Nanotech and Health Care
Presentation date: 2010.09
Presentation date: 2010.09
Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Amorphous Perfluorinated Polymer Structure for Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
The 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering: MNE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.09
Low-Temperature Wafer Bonding for MEMS Packaging Utilizing Screen Printed Sub-Micron Size Au Particle Patterns
The 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering: MNE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.09
Integrated Hydrophilic Surface Treatment System of Vapor Deposition Polymerization and Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiation for Biochemical Microchips
The 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering: MNE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.09
Presentation date: 2010.07
第21回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(21st CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2010.06
第21回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(21st CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2010.06
第21回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(21st CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2010.06
Simple and Low Cost Fabrication of High-Sensitive Capacitance Sensors
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP2010
Presentation date: 2010.05
Studies on Direct Bonding of PDMS with Plastic Materials Using Pretreatment of Atmospheric-Pressure Oxygen Plasma
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP2010
Presentation date: 2010.05
Precise Structure Controlled Plastic Hot Embossing Method for Low-Temperature Direct Bonding
The 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering: MNE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.05
Fluxless Bonding Using Vacuum Ultraviolet and Formic Acid for 3D Interconnects
2010 MRS Spring Meeting
Presentation date: 2010.04
Fine 3-Dimensional Micro/Nanofabrications and Their Future Applications
International Symposium on Nano-Micro Multi-Functional Devices
Presentation date: 2010.03
Presentation date: 2010.03
Vacuum Ultraviolet Treatment for Cu/Sn Micro-bumps
2nd International IEEE Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration
Presentation date: 2010.01
Multi Channel Droplet Sorting Device with Horizontal Pneumatic Actuation Using Single Layer PDMS Flexible Parallel Walls
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.01
MEMS Fabricated Liquid Chromatography Microchip for Practical Uses
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2010
Presentation date: 2010.01
Multi Uniform Picoliter Volume Droplets Generation and Sorting Device for Digital Picoliter Dispenser
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences:μTAS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Generation of Polystyrene Microcapsules as Nanoliter Volume Gas Encapsulants by Using Gas-Organic-Water Multiphase Junction
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences:μTAS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Precise Volume Controlled Multi Reagents Injective Microwell Array for Efficient Cell Function Analysis
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences:μTAS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Microvalve Integrated All Neoflon Accurate Sample Injecter Fabricated by Low Temperature Embossing and Bonding
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences:μTAS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
High Performance Multiple E. Coli Cell Sorting System Using Thermosensitive Hydrogel and Fluorescence Spectrum Detection
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences:μTAS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Filtration of a Fluid from Mixed Microparticles by Using Self-Tuning of Flow Resistance Microfilter
Ninth International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
NEXAFS Studies on VUV and Oxygen Plasma Pretreated PMMA Surfaces for Investigation of Low-Temperature Bonding Mechanisms
2009 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Treatment for Au-Au Flip-Chip Bonding
2009 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Simple and Low Cost Fabrication of Capacitance Sensors
2009 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC 2009
Presentation date: 2009.11
Presentation date: 2009.11
MEMS Based Cell Function Analysis Micro Fluidic Devices and Systems
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Nano / Molecular Medicine and Engineering: IEEE-NANOMED 2009
Presentation date: 2009.10
Fabrication of a Grafting Composite Semiconductor Using UV Nanoimprint Lithography
26th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology: ICPST-26
Presentation date: 2009.07
Presentation date: 2009.07
Presentation date: 2009.07
マイクロナノ2009 MEMS協議会(MIF)フォーラム
Presentation date: 2009.07
Large Scale Micro Fluidic Systems for Sequential Trapping, Labeling and Content Extraction of Single Cells
The 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers 2009
Presentation date: 2009.06
100 Picoliter Droplet Handling Using 256 (28) Microvalve Array with 18 Multiplexed Control Lines
The 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers 2009
Presentation date: 2009.06
Studies on Low-Temperature Bonding Mechanism of VUV and Plasma Pretreated Cyclo-Olefin Polymer
The 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers 2009
Presentation date: 2009.06
3D Chip-Stacking Technology
The 2009 Lithography Workshop
Presentation date: 2009.06
Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Surface Treatment Process for Flip Chip and 3D Interconnection
The 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference: ECTC 2009
Presentation date: 2009.05
第19回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(19th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2009.05
第19回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(19th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2009.05
第20回プラスチック成形加工学会 年次大会
Presentation date: 2009.05
MEMS Based Cell Function Analysis Micro Fluidic Systems
The 11th Korean MEMS Conference: KMEMS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.04
Low Temperature Wafer Bonding Using Metal Diffusion Technique
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP 2009
Presentation date: 2009.04
Studies on Low-Temperature Direct Bonding Methods of PMMA and COP Using Surface Pretreatment
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP 2009
Presentation date: 2009.04
Effect of the Excimer Irradiation Process on the Interconnection of Flip Chip Bonding
International Conference on Electronics Packaging: ICEP 2009
Presentation date: 2009.04
4大学(慶大・早大・東工大・東大)ナノ・マイクロファブリケーションコンソーシアム 拠点形成シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2009.03
MEMS Engineer Forum 2009
Presentation date: 2009.03
Presentation date: 2009.02
EHD Micro Pump Using Pyrolyzed Polymer 3-D Carbon Mesh Electrodes
22nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.01
Precise Titration Microfluidic System Using Sub-Picoliter Droplet Injection
22nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2009
Presentation date: 2009.01
Presentation date: 2009.01
The Long Pillar Array Column with the Low-Dispersion Curve for Liquid Chromatography
International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2008
Presentation date: 2008.12
3D Hydrodynamic Focusing Device Using Symmetrical Herringbone Grooves
International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2008
Presentation date: 2008.12
All Fluoroplastic (NEOFLONTMEFEP) Microfluidic Devices Fabricated by Low Temperature Molding and Bonding
International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2008
Presentation date: 2008.12
Electrophoretic Analyses of Biogenic Compounds Using Surface Modified Polymer Microchips
International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2008
Presentation date: 2008.12
Presentation date: 2008.12
第18回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(18th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2008.12
第18回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(18th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2008.12
第18回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(18th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2008.12
Cell Function Analysis Tools Fabricated by MEMS and Nanotechnology
International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology: ISSS-5
Presentation date: 2008.11
Presentation date: 2008.11
第28回キャピラリー電気泳動シンポジウム (SCE2008)
Presentation date: 2008.11
Recent Progresses of Micro/Nano Flow Systems for Bioapplications
The 4th Joint Symposium Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Waseda University
Presentation date: 2008.10
Cell Rupture Microfluidic Device Using Nano Needle Allay for Damage-Free Extraction of Organelles
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Dynamic Imaging of Single Biomolecular Interaction Using Flow Control and TIRFM
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
High Performance Multiple Biomolecules Sorting System
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Preparation and Characterization of Microcapsules Containing Fluorescent Nanoparticles Sensitive to Organic Solvent
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Multiplexed Pneumatic Valve Control System for Large Scale Integrated Microfluidic Circuit (LSIMC)
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
High Performance Parallel Bioparticle Sorter with 3-Dimensional PDMS Chip
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
High Performance Microfluidic Device for Sequential Trapping, Labeling and Content Extraction of Single Cells
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Microfluidic Alignment System for Single Cell Manipulation and Culture
The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Electrochemical Fabrication of CoPt Nanodot Arrays on Glass Disks by UV Nanoimprint Lithography
14th ECS Meeting
Presentation date: 2008.10
Comparison of a Microfluidic Gas-Intake Devices with Pillar-Type and Microfluidic Membrane-Type Structures
214th ECS Meeting, ECS Transactions
Presentation date: 2008.10
High-Throughput Nano-Metal Patterning Process Using UV Nanoimprint Lithography and Electrodeposition
The 7th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology: NNT ’08
Presentation date: 2008.10
MEMS/NT Based Cell Function Analysis Microdevice/Systems
Micro- and Nano Technologies in Medicine - a Swedish-Japanese Collaborative Workshop
Presentation date: 2008.10
PDMS Microfluidic System for Single Cell Capture and Long-Term Cell Cultivation
21st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
All Fluoroplastic Nanoliter Sample Injector
21st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Seamless Pattern Fabrication for Large Area Nano Structures Using UV-NIL
21st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
Batch Transfer Large-Area Gratings for DFB Lasers Fabricated on GaAs Substrates Using Ultraviolet Nano-Imprint Lithography
21st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
第2回かずさDNA研究所—ASMeW 合同シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2008.10
第16回プラスチック成形加工学会 秋季大会(成形加工シンポジア‘08)
Presentation date: 2008.10
第16回プラスチック成形加工学会 秋季大会(成形加工シンポジア‘08)
Presentation date: 2008.10
Compoud Nanoimprint Processes and Their Applications for Functional Nanodevices
The 2008 International Conference on Solid State and Materials: SSDM2008
Presentation date: 2008.09
Presentation date: 2008.09
Presentation date: 2008.09
Presentation date: 2008.07
Study of Low-Temperature Wafer Bonding with Au-Au Bonding Technique
Proc. MicroNano 08
Presentation date: 2008.06
A New Fine-Pitch Vertical Interconnection Process for Through Silicon VIAS and Microbumps
The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies: APCOT 2008
Presentation date: 2008.06
Highly Stable and Reproducible Cyclo-Olefin Polymer Nano-Electrospray Tip for Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry
The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies: APCOT 2008
Presentation date: 2008.06
Fabrication of a Magnetic Nanodots Array Using UV Nanoimprint Lithography and Electrodeposition for High Density Patterned Media
The 25th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology, Materials & Processes for Advanced Microlithography and Nanotechnology: ICPST-25
Presentation date: 2008.06
Presentation date: 2008.05
第17回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(17th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2008.05
第17回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(17th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2008.05
第17回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(17th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2008.05
Microfluidic Manipulation System for Single Cell Isolation and Culture
22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations and Methods for Systems Biology: MSB 2008
Presentation date: 2008.03
Electrophoretic Separation and Mass Spectrometric Detection on Polymer Microchip Directly Integrated with ESI Spray
22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations and Methods for Systems Biology: MSB 2008
Presentation date: 2008.03
Presentation date: 2008.03
2008年春季 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Presentation date: 2008.03
2008年春季 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Presentation date: 2008.03
2008年春季 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Presentation date: 2008.03
Soft Cell Rupture Device Using Nano Needle Allay for Damage-free Extraction of Organelles
2008 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: ICONN 2008
Presentation date: 2008.02
Post-Hydrophilic Treatment Free Plastic Biochip Fabrication Method Using Polyurea Film
21st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: IEEE MEMS 2008
Presentation date: 2008.01
Microchip Electrophoresis-mass Spectrometry on Polymer Microfluidic Device Directly Integrated with a Nano ESI Tip
7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis: APCE 2007
Presentation date: 2007.12
(独)日本学術振興会 産業計測第36委員会研究会
Presentation date: 2007.12
Presentation date: 2007.12
Fabrication of the Functional 3-D Micromesh Structures Coated with TiO2 Particles and Biocatalyst
20th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC 2007
Presentation date: 2007.11
Presentation date: 2007.11
電気学会 第五回「量子ビームによるナノバイオ科学と基盤技術調査専門委員会」
Presentation date: 2007.11
応用物理学会 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会講習会
Presentation date: 2007.11
(社)新化学発展協会 電子情報技術部会 秋季講演会
Presentation date: 2007.11
Efficient Addressable Fluid Control System Using Pneumatic Valve Array
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
High Speed Organelles Sorting Microsystem Driven by a Single Pressure Source
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
Size-Selective Separation of Glass Beads Using the Secondary Flow in a Curved Microchannel
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
Size Control of Nano-Pores on Microcapsule for Controlled Release
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
Parallel Bioparticle Sorting with TGP Solution in 3-Dimentional Microflow System
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
Application of Cycloolefin Polymer Chip Directly Integrated with an Electronanospray Tip to Electrophoretic Separation and Mass Spectrometric Detection
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
Multiple Core-Sheath Liquid Transfer Using Matrix Arrangement of 3D Sheath Flows
The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: μTAS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
Electrophoretic Separation and Mass Spectrometric Detection on Polymer Chip Directly Integrated with an Electronanospray Tip
1st International Colloquium on Microfluidics: SICOM I
Presentation date: 2007.10
Electrophoretic Separation and Mass Spectrometric Detection on Polymer Chip Directly Integrated with a Nano ESI Tip
International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2007
Presentation date: 2007.10
第16回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(16th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2007.10
Presentation date: 2007.09
Presentation date: 2007.09
Presentation date: 2007.09
Cells and Biomolecules Handling Micro/Nanofluidic Systems
IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition: IEEE ICIA 2007
Presentation date: 2007.07
Presentation date: 2007.07
Presentation date: 2007.07
Presentation date: 2007.07
Fabrication of Multilayer Interconnection Using Ultraviolet Nanoimprint Lithography
Fourth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems: INSS 07
Presentation date: 2007.06
Spatially Focused Reagent Injection System for Cell Analysis Using 3-D Sheath Flow Scanner
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
High Generation Rate of Uniform Oil-In-Water Droplets Formed by Multi-Stage Divergence Microflow Device
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
High-Through-Put Parallel Biomolecules Sorting Microsystem with Three Dimensional PDMS Stack
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
Surface Hydrophilic Polyurea Film for PMMA Blood Analysis Chip Realized by Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Irradiation
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
Microfluidic Centrifuge of Nano Particles Using Rotating Flow in a Microchamber
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
Continuous Production of Spherical Microcapsules with Nano-Pores and Use as a Potential Encapsulant
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
Polymer Microchip for Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry Fabricated by Hot Embossing and Low Temperature Direct Bonding
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: TRANSDUCERS ’07
Presentation date: 2007.06
UV Nanoimprint Lithography and the Application to Device
The 23rd Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology
Presentation date: 2007.06
電気学会 第5回集積化センシングシステム調査専門委員会
Presentation date: 2007.06
Micro/Nano Flow Systems for Biological Cell Analysis
The 3rd Joint Symposium between Waseda & Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities
Presentation date: 2007.05
Presentation date: 2007.05
電気泳動分離−質量分析検出用シクロオレフィンポリマーマイクロチップの作製 (2)
Presentation date: 2007.05
Presentation date: 2007.05
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)用カラムのチップ化に関する研究
第15回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(15th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2007.05
第15回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(15th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2007.05
第15回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(15th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2007.05
第15回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(15th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2007.05
第15回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(15th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2007.05
High Speed Multi Reagents Exchange Flow System with Leakage Free Microvalves and Protein Real Time Monitoring by TIRFM
Nano Tech Insight 2007
Presentation date: 2007.03
Presentation date: 2007.03
Fabrication of Integrated Nano ESI Tip for Microchip Electrophoresis?Mass Spectrometry
21st International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations: MSB 2007
Presentation date: 2007.01
Pyrolyzed Polymer Mesh Electrode Integrated into Fluidic Channel for Gate Type Sensor
20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.01
High Aspect Ratio Nano-Scale CFx Structures Fabricated by Deep-RIE
20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.01
Continuous and Regulated Organic Micro Bubble Generation Using Lumped Gas and Organic Injected Junction
20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2007
Presentation date: 2007.01
The 4th 21COE International Symposium on Practical Nano-Chemistry, Waseda University
Presentation date: 2006.12
日本学術振興会 未踏・ナノデバイステクノロジー第151委員会研究会、ナノバイオフュージョン分科会合同研究会
Presentation date: 2006.12
ナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトセンター主催 第4回分野横断スクール「ナノバイオスクール:医療に向けたナノバイオ
Presentation date: 2006.12
Meshless Simulation for Micro Droplet Generation
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Fabrication of Highly Dimension Controlled PMMA Microchip by Hot Embossing and Low Temperature Direct Bonding
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Passive Distribuuting Method for Cellular Diagnostic Microwell Array Using Self-Regulating Pinched Flow
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Accurate and High Speed Particles and Biomolecules Sorting Microsystem Using 3-Dimensional Sheath Flow
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Multi-Reagents High Speed Exchange Flow System for Single Biomolecular Dynamics Real Time Monitoring
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
The Spatially Focused Reagent Injection System Using 3-D Sheath Flow Scanner Integrated With SiO2 Mesh Strainer
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Synthesis of Spherical Microcapsules with Nano-Pores and Use as a Potential Encapsulant
Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: microTAS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Continuous Liquid and Particle Handlings in Micro Channel
Sixth Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis: APCE 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
Individual Single Cell Manipulation with Micro Chamber Array
Sixth Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis: APCE 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
High Performance Electrophoretic Analysis on Cycloolefin Polymer Microchips
Sixth Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis: APCE 2006
Presentation date: 2006.11
MicroTAS 国際会議の歴史と今後の課題
第14回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(14th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2006.11
Presentation date: 2006.11
Presentation date: 2006.11
財団法人神奈川科学技術アカデミー主催 教育講座「マイクロ化学チップー基礎の基礎」
Presentation date: 2006.11
Fabrication of the 3-D comb-shaped micromesh electrodes for high sensitive electrochemical sensors
The 23rd Sensor Symposium
Presentation date: 2006.10
Micro/Nano Fluidic Devices and Systems for Bioapplications
Intenational Workshop on Micro/Nano Science and Engineering for the 21st Century
Presentation date: 2006.10
Metallization on Three Dimensions Microstructures Using Photoresist Spray Coating for Microdirect Methanol Fuel Cell
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Presentation date: 2006.10
Flow Type Electrochemical Immuno Sensing Systems Using 3-D Comb Electrodes
The 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors: IEEE Sensors 2006、A4L-F5
Presentation date: 2006.10
Fabrication of High Light-Extraction Efficiency LED Using Nanostructures by UV Nanoimprint Lithography and Electrodeposition
the 2006 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials: SSDM 2006
Presentation date: 2006.09
Equipments and Technologies for Packaging of Nano / Micro-Structured Polymer Applications
The 11th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems: COMS2006
Presentation date: 2006.08
3-D Sheath Flow Using Local Directional Streams Induced by Slanted Microgrooves
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology: ICN+T 2006
Presentation date: 2006.07
High Performance Multi Particles Sorting System Using Thermoreversible Hydrogel Gelation Controlled by DMD
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology: ICN+T 2006
Presentation date: 2006.07
Low Temperature Direct Bonding of PMMA for Polymer Microchips
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology: APCOT 2006
Presentation date: 2006.06
Fabrication of Metallic Nanopatterns Using the Vacuum Type UV-NIL Equipment
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology: APCOT 2006
Presentation date: 2006.06
VUV Irradiation Effects on Performance of Pentacene Thin Film Transistors
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology: APCOT 2006
Presentation date: 2006.06
高分子学会 第24回高分子表面研究会講座
Presentation date: 2006.06
Presentation date: 2006.05
第13回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(13th CHEMINAS)
Presentation date: 2006.05
MEMS Technologies and Micro/Nano Flow Systems for Bio/Chemical Applications
DICP (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Symposium (IX) on Miniaturization of Analytical Instruments & micro-System
Presentation date: 2006.04
Polymer MEMS and Micro/Nano Flow Systems for Bio/Chemical Applications
The 2nd International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology; ISMNT-2
Presentation date: 2006.03
シクロオレフィン樹脂マイクロチップにおける高性能電気泳動分析 (3)
Presentation date: 2006.03
社団法人 新化学発展協会 電子情報技術部会 MEMS - WG 講演会
Presentation date: 2006.02
Micro/Nano Flow Systems for Biological Cell Analysis
Waseda-Korea Universities’ Joint Symposium on “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” organized by 21COE Program at Waseda Univ. and CRM at Korea University
Presentation date: 2006.01
High Speed Particles and Biomolecules Sorting Microsystem Using Thermosensitive Hydrogel and Water Two-Phase Flow
19th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2006
Presentation date: 2006.01
財団法人光産業技術振興協会 平成17年度第4回光集積技術フィージビリティ調査委員会
Presentation date: 2006.01
High Performance Electrophoretic Analysis on Cycloolefin Polymer Microchips.3
Fifth International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2005
Presentation date: 2005.12
PU Coated PMMA Blood Analysis Chip
Fifth International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems: ISMM 2005
Presentation date: 2005.12
Application of thermal lens microscopy and sweeping for highly sensitive detection in electrophretic analysis on cycloolefin polymer microchips
2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies PACIFICHEM 2005, program no.895
Presentation date: 2005.12
Presentation date: 2005.12
Presentation date: 2005.12
Presentation date: 2005.12
Micro/Nano Flow Devices Systems for Bioapplications
2005 Symposium on Nanoscale Materials, Processes and Devices, 2005 Joint Symposium of Stanford Univ. & Waseda Univ.
Presentation date: 2005.11
Fabrication of All Plastic 3-D Microfluidic Devices
2005 Symposium on Nanoscale Materials, Processes and Devices, 2005 Joint Symposium of Stanford Univ. & Waseda Univ.
Presentation date: 2005.11
Micro Valve System for the Single Bio-Morecule Detection
2005 Symposium on Nanoscale Materials, Processes and Devices, 2005 Joint Symposium of Stanford Univ. & Waseda Univ.
Presentation date: 2005.11
Micro/Nano Flow Devices/Systems for Biological Cell Analysis
Bio-Nano-Robo Seminar Series organized by LIMMS / CNRS- IIS (UMI 2820)
Presentation date: 2005.11
Presentation date: 2005.11
Presentation date: 2005.11
シクロオレフィン樹脂マイクロチップにおける高性能電気泳動分析 (2)
第25回キャピラリー電気泳動シンポジウム;SCE 2005
Presentation date: 2005.11
Presentation date: 2005.11
Application of Thermal Lens Microscopy and Sweeping for Highly Sensitive Detection in Electrophoretic Analysis on Cycloolefin Polymer Microchips
9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: uTAS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
A Reagent Injection System for Stimulation to Specific Cell Colonies Using 3-D Sheath Flow Scanner
9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: uTAS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Numerical Analysis of Micro Droplet Generation Using a Particle Method
9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: uTAS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Cost Effective Plastic Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (uDMFC)
9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: uTAS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
PMMA Micro-Channel Array for Blood Analysis Fabricated by Hot Embossing
9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: uTAS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Functional Microcapsule for Drug Delivery
9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences: uTAS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Fabrication of Comb-Shaped 3-D Micromesh Ni Electrodes
The 208th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society: ECS 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Quantitative Droplet Generation in Microfluidic Device
The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems
Presentation date: 2005.10
Fabrication of Metallic Nano Patterns Using a New Photocurable Resin Durable for Electrodeposition Process
The 4th International Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology Conference 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
CFD Simulation of the Spiral Flow in 3-D Slanted Grooved Microchannels
The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems
Presentation date: 2005.10
Improved Passive Cell Distributing Method to Micro Cellular Diagnostic Well Array
2005 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
All Plastic Microfluidic Device with Built-In 3-D Fine Microstructures
2005 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference: MNC 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Polymer Micro/Nano Structure and Their Bio/Chemical Applications
Nanoengineering Symposium 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
微小空間における熱レンズ分光法およびナノ分子構造体を利用したマイクロチップ電気泳動の高感度化 (3)
Presentation date: 2005.09
日本学術振興会 未踏・ナノデバイステクノロジー第151委員会 スクール企画
Presentation date: 2005.09
日本機械学会 2005年度年次大会
Presentation date: 2005.09
精密工学会 「第27回マイクロ/ナノシステム研究専門委員会」
Presentation date: 2005.09
Micro/Nano Flow Systems for Biological Cell Analysis
19th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations: MSB Kobe
Presentation date: 2005.08
Application of thermal lens microscopy and sweeping for highly sensitive detection in electrophoretic analysis on cycloolefin polymer microchips
19th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations; MSB Kobe
Presentation date: 2005.08
High Efficiency Flow Electrochemical Immuno Sensors Using 3-D Comb Electrodes Made of Magnetic Alloy
5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology: IEEE-NANO 2005
Presentation date: 2005.07
Separation Sciences 2005
Presentation date: 2005.07
Low Cost High Aspect Ratio Microstructures for Chemical & Bio Applications
High Aspect Ratio Micro-Structure Technology 2005 Workshop: HARMST 05
Presentation date: 2005.06
Low Cost High Aspect Ratio Microstructures for Chemical & Bio Applications
High Aspect Ratio Micro-Structure Technology 2005 Workshop: HARMST 05
Presentation date: 2005.06
An Extended Gate Field Effect Transistor Based Protein Sensor Integrated with a Si Micro-fluidic Channel
The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems:TRANSDUCERS ’05
Presentation date: 2005.06
Pinhole-free Pyrex Glass Etching Using HF-H2SO4 Mixed Acid and Its Applications for a PDMS Microflow System
The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems:TRANSDUCERS ’05
Presentation date: 2005.06
Metallization on 3-D microstructures using spray coating for high performance micro direct methanol fuel cell (uDMFC)
The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems:TRANSDUCERS ’05
Presentation date: 2005.06
Cyclo Olefin Polymer Direct Bonding Using Low Temperature Plasma Activation Bonding
The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems:TRANSDUCERS ’05
Presentation date: 2005.06
Multi Particles and Biomolecules Sorting System using Thermoreversible Gelation Controlled by DMD
The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems:TRANSDUCERS ’05
Presentation date: 2005.06
微小空間における熱レンズ分光法およびナノ分子構造体を利用したマイクロチップ電気泳動の高感度化 (2)
Presentation date: 2005.05
Presentation date: 2005.05
Presentation date: 2005.05
Presentation date: 2005.05
Presentation date: 2005.05
Presentation date: 2005.05
センサ・アクチュエータ・マイクロマシンウィーク2005 総合シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2005.04
高分子学会 ポリマーフロンティア21
Presentation date: 2005.04
オンライン試料濃縮および熱レンズ顕微鏡測定によるマイクロチップ電気泳動分析の高感度化 (5)
Presentation date: 2005.03
Application of Thermal Lens Microscopy and On-Line Sample Preconcentration for High Sensitive Detection in Microchip Electrophoresis
Multi-Layer Microfluidic Devices for Amino Acid Analysis: The Mars Organic Analyzer, 18th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations: MSB 2005
Presentation date: 2005.02
Micro/nano flow systems for biological cell analysis
3rd Sweden Japan Workshop on Nanobiotechnology
Presentation date: 2005.02
Chemical and bio-applications of MEMS & Nanotechnology
1st Int. Forum on Nano Science and Technology
Presentation date: 2004.12
Chemical and bio-applications of MEMS & Nanotechnology
1st Int. Forum on Nano Science and Technology
Presentation date: 2004.12
Presentation date: 2004.12
Chemical free low temperature polymer to polymer direct bonding
4th Int. Symp. On Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM2004)
Presentation date: 2004.11
第10回 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会
Presentation date: 2004.11
第10回 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会
Presentation date: 2004.11
Micro/Nano Fluidic Devices and Elements for Bio/Chemical Applications
4th Int. Workshop on microfactories
Presentation date: 2004.10
Fabrication of the 3-D Fine Micromesh and electroplated Ni micromesh structures
2004 Int. Microprocess & Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2004
Presentation date: 2004.10
Flow type electrochemical immunosensors using 3D comb electrodes
2004 Int. Microprocess & Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2004
Presentation date: 2004.10
学振151委員会公開シンポジウム: 産業応用を広げるMEMS,ナノテクノを拓くNEMS
Presentation date: 2004.10
Fabrication of fine microchannel by using hot embossing
Electrochem. Soc. Proc. Microfabricated Systems and MEMS VII
Presentation date: 2004.09
Fabrication of 3-D micromesh Ni structures using electroplating
Electrochem. Soc. Proc. Microfabricated Systems and MEMS VII
Presentation date: 2004.09
3-dimensional nano volume PDMS microreactor equipped with pneumatically-actuated in-channel membrane valves
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
Selective surface modification of the perfluoro polymer passivated PDMS microstructures
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
2D free space flow control system using termoreversible gelation polymer by IR-laser
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
Monolithic microchemical process plant of immiscible microfluids
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
A multi cellular diagnostic device for high-throughput analysis
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
Application of thermal lens microscopy and online sample preconcentration for high sensitive detection in microchip electrophoresis
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
Development of individual cell sorting system for intercellular reaction analysis
8th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2004
Presentation date: 2004.09
Presentation date: 2004.08
Presentation date: 2004.08
Micro/nano devices for micro total analysis systems
1st Int. Workshop on Networked Sensing Systems: INSS2004
Presentation date: 2004.06
Micro/Nano electro mechanical system technologies for bio/chemical and IT applications
Int. Meeting for Future of Electron Devices Kansai: IMFEDK
Presentation date: 2004.06
Nano/micro flow device and systems for chemical/bio applications
1st Int. Workshop on Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices
Presentation date: 2004.05
Presentation date: 2004.05
第9回 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会
Presentation date: 2004.05
Micro/nano flow devices and systems for bio-applications
3rd Sino-Japanese Joint Seminar on Separation Science
Presentation date: 2004.04
センサ・アクチュエータ・マイクロマシンウィーク2004 総合シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2004.04
Presentation date: 2004.03
Presentation date: 2004.01
Semicon Japan2003, SEMI Technology Symposium: STS2003
Presentation date: 2003.12
Micro/nano flow devices for chemical/biochemical applications
Korea-Japan Joint Symp. On Manoengineering 2003, KSPE
Presentation date: 2003.11
Micro flow devices and systems for chemical/biochemical applications using MEMS technologies
1st Korea-Japan Symp. On Microsystems for Life Science and Chemistry: 1st KJSMLC, KAIST
Presentation date: 2003.10
Micro/Nano flow devices and systems for biochemical applications
3rd Nano-Biotechnology Int. Symp. 2003
Presentation date: 2003.10
日本学術振興会 ナノプローブテクノロジー第167委員会 第31回研究会
Presentation date: 2003.07
日本学術振興会 シリコン超集積化システム第165委員会 第29回研究会
Presentation date: 2003.07
第2回 生物試料分析科学会関東支部学術集会
Presentation date: 2003.06
Presentation date: 2003.05
Micro flow device/elements and a micro bio-molecules handling systems
1st Japan-European Workshop on Chemical Micro Mechatronics Systems and Biochips
Presentation date: 2003.02
Micro Flow Devices/Systems and Biomolecules Handling in Micro Flow Channels
1st Int. Meeting on Microsensors & Microsystems
Presentation date: 2003.01
Development of the Multiple Sample Injector Using Stepwise Flow to Prevent Sample Dilution
16th Int. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference: MEMS2003
Presentation date: 2003.01
A Novel Fabrication of In-Channel 3-D Micromesh Structure Using Maskless Multi-Angle Exposure and Its Microfilter Application
16th Int. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference: MEMS2003
Presentation date: 2003.01
Presentation date: 2002.12
Presentation date: 2002.12
Microfluidic Devices and Elements for Chemical/Biochemical Applications
CREST Workshop on Micro- and Nanotechnology for Genomic/Proteomic Analysis
Presentation date: 2002.11
Presentation date: 2002.11
Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS: Update on Microminiaturization
The 18th Int. Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Presentation date: 2002.10
日本学術振興会 創造機能化学第116委員会,公開シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2002.10
Recent Trends of Micro Flow Devices and Systems for Chemical/biochemical Applications
15th Conf. On Combinatorial Chemistry: JCCF
Presentation date: 2002.09
Presentation date: 2002.09
μTASの最近の動向 —Microfluidics Device/System を中心として—
Presentation date: 2002.09
Presentation date: 2002.09
Bioanalysis and biomolecles handling in micro flow channels
1st Int. Symp. on Next Generation Biotechnology
Presentation date: 2002.07
Presentation date: 2002.05
Presentation date: 2002.03
Presentation date: 2002.02
Presentation date: 2002.02
Presentation date: 2002.01
Presentation date: 2001.12
Presentation date: 2001.12
Presentation date: 2001.11
Presentation date: 2001.11
Presentation date: 2001.09
Presentation date: 2001.07
Presentation date: 2001.01
Design and fabrication of micromachined chemical/biochemical systems
1st Japan-Switzerland Bilateral Workshop on Science & Technologyin Micro/Nano Scale, Riken Symp.
Presentation date: 2000.11
Improvements of an X-ray microcalorimeter for detecting cosmic rays
Proc. SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication
Presentation date: 2000.11
東洋大学 第5回バイオ・ナノエレクトロニクス研究センター・シンポジウム
Presentation date: 2000.11
8x12 array micro reactors realizing efficient biochemical reactions
2nd Int. Workshop on Microfactories
Presentation date: 2000.10
Presentation date: 2000.08
日本機会学会 2000年度年次総会ワークショップ: バイオMEMS
Presentation date: 2000.08
サーフェイスマイクロマシニング マルチチップサービス(SUM-MICS)の動向
SEMIマイクロマシンセミナー、 セミコン関西
Presentation date: 2000.06
Design and simulation of particles and biomolecules handling micro flow cells with three-dimensional sheath flow
Micro Total Analysis Systems 2000, Kluwer Academic Pub.
Presentation date: 2000.05
Multi micro reactors consist of individually temperature controlled silicon well arrays realizing efficient biochemical reactions
Micro Total Analysis Systems 2000, Kluwer Academic Pub.
Presentation date: 2000.05
Presentation date: 2000.03
Presentation date: 2000.03
Presentation date: 2000.03
Presentation date: 1999.12
Presentation date: 1999.12
Integrated Mixing/Reaction Micro Flow Cell for Chemical and Biochemical Applications
Proc ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, MEMS
Presentation date: 1999.11
Partly Disposable Switching and Injection Microvalves for Medical Applications
Proc ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, MEMS
Presentation date: 1999.11
Micromachine Technologies for Micro Total Analysis Systems (uTAS)
Int. Symp. On Capillary Chromatography, Gifu
Presentation date: 1999.11
Fabrication for Fine Metal Microstructures Packaged in the Bonded Glass Substrates
Proc. SPIE Design, Characterization and Packaging for MEMS and Microelectronics
Presentation date: 1999.10
Micro Flow Devices and Micro Systems for Chemical and Biomedical Applications
The 1999 Joint Int. Meeting, Electrochem. Soc., Hawaii,
Presentation date: 1999.10
Development of a High Enagy Resolution X-ray Microcalorimeter Using Ti-Au TES
Proc. SPIE Design, Characterization and Packaging for MEMS and Microelectronics
Presentation date: 1999.10
Microfabrication Technologies and Micro Flow Devices for Chemical and Bio-chemical Micro Flow System
1999 Int. Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conf., Yokohama
Presentation date: 1999.07
Science & Technologyスクエアー(財)日本産業技術振興協会
Presentation date: 1999.06
Presentation date: 1999.03
Micromachine technologies and micro flow devices for chemical and bio-chemical micro flow systems
Proc. Int. Workshop on microfactories
Presentation date: 1998.12
Low Temperature HF Bonding and Micropackaging for Microsystems
Microstructures & Microfabricated Systems IV/ Proc.Electrochem. Soc.,
Presentation date: 1998.11
Fabrication of an Integrated Mixing /Reaction Micro Flow Cell formTAS
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems'98
Presentation date: 1998.10
Fabrication of Injection and Switching Valve for Whole Blood Control
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems'98,
Presentation date: 1998.10
Microfabrication and Micro Flow Devices for Micro Total Analysis Systems
Proc. Int. Trace Analysis Symposium, Tokyo
Presentation date: 1998.08
Studies on SiO2-SiO2 Bonding with Hydrofluoric Acid
Proc. IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop, Heiderberg
Presentation date: 1998.02
Studies on SiO2-SiO2 Bonding with Hydrofluoric Acid
Proc. 11th Micro Electro Mechanical System/IEEE
Presentation date: 1998.01
A Microfabricated Reactor for Cell-Free Protein Synthesis
Proc. 19th Int. Conf. of IEEE-EMB Society
Presentation date: 1997.11
Presentation date: 1997.09
Microbiochemical Systems for Enzymatic reactions
Presentation date: 1997.06
A Very Low-Power Consumption Wireless ECG Monitoring System Using Body as a Signal Transmission Medium
Tech. Dig. Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators/IEEE
Presentation date: 1997.06
Room Temperature Glass-Glass Bonding with Hydrofluolic Acid for Micro Packaging
Tech Dig. 15th Sensor Symposium/電気学会
Presentation date: 1997.06
Studies on Bio-Sensing Microsystems for Health Care
XIV Int. Symp. on Biotelemetry
Presentation date: 1997.05
Mechanical Micro Flow Control Devices for Medical and Biomedical Micro Total Analysis Systems (uTAS)
Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Microstructures and Microfabricated Systems/The Electrochem. Soc.
Presentation date: 1997.05
Presentation date: 1997.05
Anodic Bonding Below 180 C for Packaging and Assembling of MEMS Using Lithium Alminosilicate-β-Quartz Glass-ceramic
Proc. IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop
Presentation date: 1997.01
Three-way Microvalve for Blood Flow Control in Medical Micro Total Analysis Systems (uTAS)
Proc. IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop
Presentation date: 1997.01
Micromachined Micro Flow Devices for a Medical uTAS
Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Miniaturized Total Analysis Systems uTAS96
Presentation date: 1996.11
Micromachined Components for Micro Total Chemical Analysis Systems
1995 Int. Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies/Chemical Society of Japan
Presentation date: 1995.12
Presentation date: 1995.05
Temperature Compenstated Piezoresistor Fabricated by High Energy Ion Implantation
IEICE Trans. Electron./電子情報通信学会
Studies on Bio-sensing Microsystems for Health Care
Biotelemetry XIV/ Tectum Verlag, Marburg
Micromachining for Biosensors and Biosensing Systems
Biosensors & Their Applications, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub.
Micro Flow Switches Using Thermal Gelation of Methyl Cellulose for Biomolecules Handling
Dig. 11th Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors & Actuators; Transducers’01
Free Flow Electrophoresis Module for Rapid Sample Preparation
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001: uTAS2001
Fabrication of Micro Flow Cell for Multi-Analyte Sandwich Immunoassay, Using Teflon Micro Check Valves
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001: uTAS2001
A Particle and Biomolecules Sorting Micro Flow System Using Thermal Gelation of Methyl Cellulose Solution
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001: uTAS2001
Prototype of Micro Flow Cell for Multi-Analyte Sandwich Immunoassay
Proc. Microprocess & Nanotechnology Conference: MNC2001
Micro Flow Devices and Biomoleculer Handling in Micro Flow Channels
Proc. 1st Int. Symp. On Ultramicrochemical Process: ISUP 2002
Fabrication and Evaluation of Amperometric Sensors for Micro Flow Cell using 3-D Comb Electrodes
Dig. Int. Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conf.; MNC2002
Biomolecules Sorting System using Thermal Gelation of a Methyl Cellulose Solution
Dig. Int. Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conf.; MNC2002
A Novel Biomolecule Sorter Using Thermosensitive Hydrogel in Micro Flow Systems
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2002; uTAS2002
Design and Fabrication of Metal Electrode Implanted PDMS Structure for Micro Flow Device
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2002; uTAS2002
Optimal Design of the Micromixer using Nonhomogeneous Laminar Flow
Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2002; uTAS2002
Ultimate Device Scaling versus New System Integration; Biochip and MEMS
2002 Int. Conf. On Solid State Devices & Materials: SSDM2002
Micro Flow Cell for Sequential Sandwitch Immunoassay Using Passive Microvalves
The 7th World Congress on Biosensors, Biosensors 2002
Fabrication of an X-ray Microcalorimeter with an Electrodeposited X-ray Microabsorber
Low Temperature Detectors, American Institute of Physics
Micro flow systems for chemical and biochemical applications
Electrochemical Microsystem Technologies, Tayler & Francis, London
Superconducting feedthrough using Sn electrodeposition for integration of low temperature detector
Proc. 20th Sensor Symposium, IEEJ
A permanent magnet embedded on-chip PDMS devices for biomolecular separating systems
Proc. 20th Sensor Symposium, IEEJ
Multiple flow switch using stepwise sheath flow
16th Int. Microprocesses & Nanotechnology Conf.: MNC2003
A via hole based superconducting wiring method for enhanced X-ray image sensors
16th Int. Microprocesses & Nanotechnology Conf.: MNC2003
In-plane digital sorting of flow-through droplet phase microfluidics
7th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2003
PDMS microfluidic devices with PTFE passivated channels
7th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2003
In situ cell monitoring on a microchip using time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy analysis
7th Int. Conf. On Micro Total Analysis Systems: uTAS2003
Micro-sorting device with T-Shaped channel by using gelled mebiol
8th Int. Conf. On Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems; COMS2003
Fabrication of multi-pixel TES microcalorimeters with an electrodeposited Sn absorber and Bi absorber
Low Temperature Detectors 10
3-D micromesh structures consisting of high aspect ratio tilted micropillars and their applications for micro flow devices
High Appect Ratio micro-Structures Technology; HARMST’03
A novel in-plane digitalization of multiphase microfluids
12th Int. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers’03
3-D comb electrodes for amperometric immuno sensors
12th Int. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers’03
Prototype of the multi-pixel X-ray microcalorimeter
12th Int. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers’03
Design and fabrication of multi-metal electrodes implanted PDMS structures for micro flow devices using 3-D assembly
12th Int. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers’03
A disposable, dead volume-free and leak-free monolithic PDMS microvalve
12th Int. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers’03
Integrated micro chamber for living cell analysis with negligible dead volume sample injector
12th Int. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers’03
Development of the multi-pixel x-ray microcalorimeters
Proc. Int. Conf. Nanotech 2003
Fabrications of micro-channel devices by hot emboss and direct bonding of PMMA
Int. Conf. On MEMS, Nano, and Smart Systems
Feasibility studies on stepwise sheath flow using micro PIV
Asia-Pacific Conf. Of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004
High efficiency electrochemical immuno sensors using 3-D comb electrodes
8th World Congress on Biosensors
SU-8 micromesh array structure 2 um pore size for bio/chemical microstructure
205th Meeting of Electrochemical Soc.
Fabrication of 3D Comb Electrodes Using Magnetic Alloy for High Efficiency Immuno Sensors
205th Meeting of Electrochemical Soc.
Specific flow control systems using IR laser induced sol-gel transfer of hydrogel
NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show: Nanotech 2004
High aspect ratio nanovolume glass cell array fabricated by area-selective silicon electrochemical etching process
17th Int. Conf. On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2004
Functional 3-D PDMS microchannel having slanted grooves embedded walls realizing spiral flow
17th Int. Conf. On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: MEMS 2004
Research Seeds
Development of a Simple Fabrication Process for a Printable Piezoelectric Energy Harvest Device
Manufacturing Technology, Energy
Low-cost energy harvester using thin piezoelectric polymer film
Environment, Nanotechnology / Materials
Biological Implant Material with Bone Seeking
Life sciences
Microfluidic white organic light-emitting diode
Nanotechnology / Materials
Hybrid Bonding at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
Nanotechnology / Materials
Application of Microdroplets to Chemical Reactions
Nanotechnology / Materials
Nanotechnology / Materials
Research Projects
Construction of multiple micro interfaces using 3D microfluidic devices and application to functional chemical reactions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2020.04-2023.03 -
Micro-nano droplet handling for the measurement of biological samples
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2016.04-2019.03SHOJI Shuichi
Advanced Micro Fluidic Engineering and Its Applications for High Sensitive Quantitative Measurements of Biomolecules
Project Year :
2011.05-2016.03 -
Establishment of Electrochemical Device Engineering
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2008-2012OSAKA Tetsuya, MOMMA Toshiyuki, SHOJI Shuichi, SUGIYAMA Atsushi, NAKANISHI Takuya, HOMMA Takayuki, MATSUKATA Masahiko, MIZUNO Jun, SEKIGUCHI Tetsushi, YOSHINO Masahiro, TOMINAKA Satoshi
Development of Micro Fluidic Systems for Real Time Function Analysis of Single Biomolecules
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2007-2010SHOJI Shuichi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2004-2006SHOJI Shuichi, FUNATSU Takashi, HOMMA Takayuki, ARAKAWA Takahiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2003-2005HOMMA Takayuki, SHOJI Shuichi
Development of Reaction and Function Control Systems by Microchip Integration
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2001-2005TAKEHIKO Kitamori, KOBAYASHI Shu, MATSUMOTO Kazuko, SHOJI Shuichi, UOZUMI Yasuhiro, HISAMOTO Hideaki
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
2003庄子 習一, GO J. S.
Production of novel proteins using the micro system that permits sorting and functional evaluation at single molecular level
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2001-2003FUNATSU Takashi, TSUKITA Shoichiro, SHOJI Shuichi
Analysis and control of the fluids, interfaces of liquid-liquid and liquid-solid in microchannels
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2001-2003SHOJI Shuichi, HOMMA Takayuki, FUNATSU Takashi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2000-2002SHOJI Shuichi, HONMA Takayuki, FUNATSU Takashi
Project Year :
1998-2002 -
Development of Unrestrained Measurements for The Aid of Diagnosis and Operations
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
2000-2001UCHIYAMA Akihiko, SAITO Keiiti, SYOUJI Syuiti
Construction of Micro Bioanalytical Chemistry Lab,Systems and Single Cellular Biochemistry Integrated on a Glass Chip
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1999-2000YAMAZAKI Sunao, NAKAO Masayuki, SHOJI Shuichi, KITAMORI Takehiko, TOKESHI Manabu, KIMURA Hiroko
Medical Three Dimensional Structures Formed by Digital Micromirror Rapid Prototyping
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1999-2000TAKAHASHI Kohro, OOSAWA Yutaka, SHOJI Shuichi, NITTA Shinichi
Development of X-ray and infrared detectors using micromachining technologies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1997-2000MITSUDA Kazuhisa, HIROSE Kazuyuki, FUJIMOTO Ryuichi, SHOJI Shuji, SHIMIZU Hirohiko, MURAKAMI Hiroshi
Studies on Metal/Ferroelectric/Insulator/Semiconductor (MFIS) -FET Memories Obeying The Scaling Rule
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1997-1999SHOJI Shuichi
Environmentally Robust Biosensor Using Field Effect Transistors of Heteroepitaxial Diamond
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1997-1999KAWARADA Hiroshi, YAMASHITA Satoshi, SHOJI Shouichi
Studies on Integration and Packaging Technologies for Health Information Monitoring Microsystems
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1997-1998SHOJI Shuichi
Study on Devices And System For Endscope of The Next Generation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1996-1998UCHIYAMA Akihiko, SAITO Kiichi, SYOJI Syuichi
Studies on micro flow sensor for ultra high speed flow and ultra low speed flow
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1995-1996SHOJI Shuichi
Microactuator by Photofabrication
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1991-1994ESASHI Masayoshi, KURABAYASHI Tohru, MINAMI Kazuyuki, UCHIYAMA Masaru
Joint Study on Integrated Clinical Analysis System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1991-1992ESASHI Masayoshi, MINAMI Kazuyuki, SHOJI Shuichi, DE ROOIJ N.F., SENTURIA S.D., SCHMIDT M.A.
Implantable Pressure Measurement System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1988-1989ESASHI Masayoshi, OZAWA Hideo, NITTA Shinichi, SHOJI Shuichi
Development of Low Drift Monolithic Capacitive Pressure sensor for biomedical Applications
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
1985-1986MATSUO Tadayuki, SHOJI Shuichi, ESASHI Masayoshi
抗菌性物質・薬剤耐性 ATP依存型Lonプロテアーゼによるパーシスタンス制御機構(ATP-dependent Lon protease regulates awakening from ciprofloxacin-induced persistence)
前川 尚輝, 板寺 健悟, 石原 潤一, 梶谷 颯希, 田中 大器, 関口 哲志, 庄子 習一, 石橋 正己, 高橋 弘喜, 高屋 明子
日本細菌学雑誌 76 ( 1 ) 61 - 61 2021.02
A study on low temperature SAM modified POM direct bonding affected by VUV/O-3 irradiation
Weixin Fu, Bo Ma, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Kosuke Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Naofumi Kobayashi, Atsuki Nobori, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA, April 9-12, 2017 323 - 326 2017 [Refereed]
ST-quartz/LiTaO3 Direct Bonding Using SiO2 Amorphous Layers with VUV/O-3 Pre-treatment for a Novel 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Device
Haruka Suzaki, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Akiko Okada, Bo Ma, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP) 443 - 446 2016 [Refereed]
Bo Ma, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Akiko Okada, Weixin Fu, Shuichi Shoji, Jun Mizuno
Study of High Quality GaN Template by Nano-channel FIELO Using UV Nanoimprint
Mizuno Jun, Okada Akiko, Shoji Shuichi, Yamaguchi Atsushi A., Goto Hiroki, Sunakawa Haruo, Matsueda Toshiharu, Shinohara Hidetoshi, Nishihar Hiromi, Goto Hiroshi, Usui Akira
IEICE technical report. Electron devices 113 ( 9 ) 27 - 29 2013.04
Hybrid Bonding Technology of Au Microbump and Adhesive for 3D Integration
19 ( 3 ) 23 - 29 2013.03
宇波奈保子, 乃万裕一, 佐久間克幸, 重藤暁津, 庄子習一, 水野潤
Symposium on Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics 18th 2012
Studies on low-temperature bonding mechanism of VUV and plasma pretreated cyclo-olefin polymer
H. Shinohara, T. Suzuki, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji
TRANSDUCERS 2009 - 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems 1039 - 1042 2009
Industrial Property Rights
庄子 習一, 桑江 博之, 坂本 暁祐, 水野 潤
庄子 習一, 関口 哲志, 中西 完貴
庄子 習一, 水野 潤
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 岡田 愛姫子, 仁村 将次
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 仁村 将次
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 岡田 愛姫子
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 岡田 愛姫子
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 岡田 愛姫子
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 岡田 愛姫子
庄子 習一, 石橋 健太郎, 水野 潤
水野 潤, 庄子 習一
庄子 習一, 篠原 秀敏, 水野 潤
谷井 孝至, 仁田 佳宏, 金川 清, 松谷 巌, 大泊 巌, 西谷 章, 庄子 習一
松谷 巌, 大泊 巌, 西谷 章, 庄子 習一, 谷井 孝至, 仁田 佳宏, 金川 清
逢坂 哲彌, 庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 杉山 敦史, 蜂巣 琢磨
庄子 習一, 川合 健太郎
庄子 習一, 谷井 孝至, 大泊 巌, 西谷 章, 仁田 佳宏, 金川 清, 松谷 巌, 冨士 良太
谷井 孝至, 金川 清, 松谷 巌, 大泊 巌, 西谷 章, 庄子 習一, 仁田 佳宏
庄子 習一
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 後藤 峰生, 加藤 友也, 篠原 秀敏, 船津 高志, 荒川 貴博
谷井 孝至, 松谷 巌, 大泊 巌, 西谷 章, 庄子 習一, 仁田 佳宏, 金川 清
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 佐久間 克幸
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 篠原 秀敏
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 片座 慎吾
庄子 習一, 水野 潤, 大野 浩志
庄子 習一, 川合 健太郎
庄子 習一, 荒川 貴博, 山本 嵩洋
庄子 習一, 大野 浩志, 福原 誠, 水野 潤
庄子 習一, 大野 浩志, 福原 誠, 水野 潤
庄子 習一, 荒川 貴博, 白崎 善隆, 船津 高志
庄子 習一, 川合 健太郎
庄子 習一
本間 敬之, 庄子 習一, 逢坂 哲彌, 佐藤 裕崇
庄子 習一, 佐藤 寛暢
逢坂 哲彌, 庄子 習一, 門間 聰之, 本川 慎二
庄子 習一
筒井 謙, 江面 知彦, 和田 恭雄, 庄子 習一, 船津 高志, 水野 潤
船津 高志, 庄子 習一, 白崎 善隆
船津 高志, 庄子 習一, 和田 恭雄, 筒井 謙, 水野 潤, 白崎 善隆
Internal Special Research Projects
2014 関口 哲志
2013 関口 哲志
2011 関口 哲志
2010 関口哲志
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