Education Background
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/02/07
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
国際電気化学会 第5部門部門長
表面技術協会 常任理事
International Society of Electrochemistry Chair, Division 5
Surface Finishing Society of Japan Exective Board Member
エレクトロニクス実装学会 理事
電気化学会 常任理事
Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging Exective Board Member
The Electrochemical Society of Japan Exective Board Member
日本化学会 化学教育協議会 副議長
Chemical Socoety of Japan Vice Chair, Council of Chemical Education
米国電気化学会 会誌"The Journal of the Electrochemical Society" 編集委員
The Electrochemical Society Editorial Board Member, The Journal of The Electrochemical Society
International Society of Electrochemistry
The Electrochemical Society
Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
Surface Finishing Society of Japan
The Electrochemical Society of Japan
Chemical Socoety of Japan
Electrochemistry, Nano fabrication process, MEMS, Surface chemistry, Data storage devices
ECS フェロー
電気化学会 フェロー
電気化学会 学術賞
電気化学会 論文賞
Research Award(Electrodeposition Division), The Electrochemical Society
Best Paper Presentation Award, Interfinish
電気化学会 佐野賞・進歩賞
表面技術協会 進歩賞
表面技術協会 柴田記念賞
Additive Effect of Li on Electrical Property of ZnO Passivation Layer to Control Dendritic Growth of Zn during Recharge Processes
Ayumu Komiya, Tanyanyu Wang, Masahiro Kunimoto, Tsuyoshi Asano, Yoshinori Nishikitani, Takayuki Homma
Journal of Power Sources 626 235714 2024.10
Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Nanostructures on Glass Surfaces Using Hydrogen Fluoride Gas.
Kohei Yasuda, Yasuo Hayashi, Takayuki Homma
ACS Omega 10 ( 9 ) 12204 - 12210 2024.02
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy measurement of surface pH at the electrode during Ni electrodeposition reaction
Homma, Takayuki, Homma, Takayuki, Kunimoto, Masahiro, Sasaki, Moe, Hanai, Tomoya, Yanagisawa, Masahiro
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 533 ( 6 ) 1 - 7 2023.12
Effect of indium and tin additives on the surface morphology of zinc negative electrodes for Zn-Ni flow-assisted batteries
T.Otani, T.Okuma, T.Homma
J. Electroanal. Chem. 878 ( 1 ) 341 - 348 2023.12 [Refereed]
Depth profiling of APTES self-assembled monolayers using surface-enhanced confocal Raman microspectroscopy
Yingying Sun, Masahiro Yanagisawa, Masahiro Kunimoto, Masatoshi Nakamura, Takayuki Homma
Study of Multilayer X-ray Absorbers to Improve Detection Efficiency of TES X-ray Microcalorimeter Arrays
T. Hayashi, K. Nagayoshi, H. Muramatsu, N. Y. Yamasaki, K. Mitsuda, M. Saito, T. Homma, T. Hara, H. Noda
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 184 ( 1月2日 ) 257 - 262 2023.07 [Refereed]
Potentiostatic Li Electrodeposition in LiTFSI-PC Electrolyte
Tetsuo Nishida, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma, Toshiyuki Nohira
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 ( 26 ) 12454 - 12465 2023.06 [Refereed]
Thickness control of 3-dimensional mesoporous silica ultrathin films by wet-etching
Maho Kobayashi, Kyoka Susuki, Tomohiro Otani, Shinpei Enomoto, Haruo Otsuji, Yoshiyuki Kuroda, Hiroaki Wada, Atsushi Shimojima, Takayuki Homma, Kazuyuki Kuroda
NANOSCALE 9 ( 24 ) 8321 - 8329 2023.06 [Refereed]
Key Ionic Electrolytes for Highly Self‐Stable Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells Based on Ir(III) Complexes
E. Fresta, M.A Monclus, M. Bertz, C. Ezquerro, J. M. Molina-Aldareguia, J. R. Berenguer, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma, R. D. Costa
Adv. Opt. Mater. 8 ( 12 ) 1 - 14 2023.06 [Refereed]
Experimental Measurement of Overpotential Sources during Anodic Gas Evolution in Aqueous and Molten Salt Systems
B. Chmielowiec, T. Fujimura, T. Otani, K. Aoyama, T. Nohira, T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka, A. Allanore
J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 ( 10 ) E323 - E329 2023.06 [Refereed]
In Situ Measurement for Diffusion-Adsorption Process of Cl− and SPS in Through-Silicon Via Using SERS Effect Produced by Cu Nanodot Arrays
M. Kunimoto, F. Yamaguchi, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 ( 6 ) D212 - D217 2023.06 [Refereed]
Fabrication of a 64-Pixel TES Microcalorimeter Array With Iron Absorbers Uniquely Designed for 14.5-keV Solar Axion Search
Y.Yagi, T.Hayashi, K.Tanaka, R.Miyagawa, R.Ota, N.Y.Yamasaki, K.Mitsuda, N.Yoshida, M.Saito, T.Homma
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 33 ( 5 ) 2100805 - 2100805 2023.04 [Refereed]
Effect of Li+ addition on growth behavior of ZnO during anodic dissolution of Zn negative electrode
T. Otani, T. Yasuda, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta 305 90 - 100 2023.04 [Refereed]
First-principle study of the oxidation mechanism of formaldehyde and hypophosphite for copper and nickel electroless deposition process
Y. Onabuta, M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta 307 536 - 542 2023.03 [Refereed]
Kohei IDE, Masahiro KUNIMOTO, Kota MIYOSHI, Kaori TAKANO, Koji MATSUOKA, Takayuki HOMMA
Electrochemistry 91 ( 2 ) 027003 - 027003 2023.02 [Refereed]
Performance of TES X-Ray Microcalorimeters Designed for 14.5-keV Solar Axion Search
Y.Yagi, R.Konno, T.Hayashi, K.Tanaka, N.Y.Yamasaki, K.Mitsuda, R.Sato, M.Saito, T.Homma, Y.Nishida, S.Mori, N.Iyomoto, T.Hara
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 211 ( 3 ) 255 - 264 2023.02 [Refereed]
Surface pH Effects on Catalytic Behavior of Pyridinic Nitrogen on Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanotube in CO2 Electrochemical Reduction
K.Ide, M.Kunimoto, K.Miyoshi, K.Takano, K.Matsuoka, T.Homma
Electrochem. 91 ( 2 ) 27003 - 27003 2023.02 [Refereed]
Electrodeposition of Fe-Ni-Pt alloy films for heat-assisted magnetic recording media: Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties
S. Ge, Q. Lin, S. Wodarz, M. Kambe, T. Homma, G. Zangari
Electrochim. Acta 302 92 - 101 2023.02 [Refereed]
Determination of copper nanoparticle size distributions with total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Andy Singh, Katharina Luening, Sean Brennan, Takayuki Homma, Nobuhiro Kubo, Stanisław H. Nowak, Piero Pianetta
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24 ( 1 ) 283 - 287 2023.01
Spectroscopic and Computational Analyses of Liquid-Liquid Interfacial Reaction Mechanism of Boric Acid Esterification with 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-Pentanediol in Boron Extraction Processes
M. Kunimoto, D. Bothe, R. Tamura, T. Oyanagi, Y. Fukunaka, H. Nakai, T. Homma
J. Phys. Chem. C 368 ( 122 ) 10423 - 10429 2018.04 [Refereed]
Transmission-type plasmonic sensor for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
M. Yanagisawa, M. Saito, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
Appl. Phys. Express ( 9 ) 122002 2016.11 [Refereed]
Chemical Analysis of Buried Interface Using SERS Sensors
YANAGISAWA Masahiro, HOMMA Takayuki
Hyomen Kagaku 37 ( 9 ) 435 - 440 2016.09
Electrodeposition of Si Film from Water-Soluble KF-KCl Molten Salt and Feasibility of SiCl4 as a Si Source
Kouji Yasuda, Kazumi Saeki, Kazuma Maeda, Toshiyuki Nohira, Rika Hagiwara, Takayuki Homma
MOLTEN SALTS AND IONIC LIQUIDS 20 75 ( 15 ) 593 - 601 2016.08 [Refereed]
斎藤学, 橋本尚吾, ヴォダルツジギー, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
信学技報 ( 116 ) 43105 2016.07 [Refereed]
Life estimation of carbon overcoat on magnetic media for heatassisted magnetic recording using novel Raman spectroscopy
M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
ASME 2016 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems ISPS 2016 2016.06 [Refereed]
Depth profile analysis of chemical structures around lubricant/overcoat interface using plasmonic sensor
M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
ASME 2016 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems ISPS 2016 2016.06 [Refereed]
Estimated Phase Transition and Melting Temperature of APTES Self-Assembled Monolayer Using Surface-Enhanced Anti-Stokes and Stokes Raman Scattering
Y. Sun, M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, M. Nakamura, T. Homma
Appl. Surf. Sci. ( 363 ) 572 - 577 2016.02 [Refereed]
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy analysis of SiCl4 reduction in ionic liquids
Yasuhiro Tsuyuki, Tram Anh Pham Huynh, Jason Komadina, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 183 49 - 55 2015.11
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy analysis of SiCl4 reduction in ionic liquids
Yasuhiro Tsuyuki, Tram Anh Pham Huynh, Jason Komadina, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 183 ( 183 ) 49 - 55 2015.11 [Refereed]
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy analysis of SiCl4 reduction in ionic liquids
Yasuhiro Tsuyuki, Tram Anh Pham Huynh, Jason Komadina, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 183 49 - 55 2015.11 [Refereed]
國本雅宏, 本間敬之
表面技術 ( 66 ) 438 - 442 2015.10 [Refereed]
Electrochemical Processes for the Fabrication of Functional Micro/nano Structures and Devices: Mechanistic Understanding and Process Development
T. Homma
Electrochemistry 83 ( 83 ) 680 - 687 2015.09 [Refereed]
The Role of Granule Size on the Kinetics of Electrochemical Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2
X. Yang, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
Metallurgical and Mat. Trans. B ( 47 ) 788 - 797 2015.09 [Refereed]
Fabrication of FePt Nanodot Arrays with High Coercivity by Pulse Electrodeposition
115 ( 115 ) 25 - 29 2015.07 [Refereed]
Elimination of Boron from Soluble Silica Via Solvent Extraction with 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-Pentanediol Using a Multistage Flow-Type Reactor
N. Matsuo, T. Ishihara, T. Oyanagi, K. Nakajima, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
ECS Trans. 64 ( 64 ) 91 - 97 2015.04 [Refereed]
Fabrication of FePt and CoPt Magnetic Nanodot Arrays by Electrodeposition Process
T. Homma, S. Wodarz, D. Nishiie, T. Otani, S. Ge, G. Zangari
ECS Trans. ( 64 ) 43109 2015.03 [Refereed]
Reaction Behavior of Stratified SiO2 Granules during Electrochemical Reduction in Molten CaCl2
Xiao Yang, Kouji Yasuda, Toshiyuki Nohira, Rika Hagiwara, Takayuki Homma
Kinetic Characteristics of Electrochemical Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2
X. Yang, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
J. Electrochem. Soc. 16 ( 161 (7) ) D3116 - D3119 2014.05 [Refereed]
Kinetic Characteristics of Electrochemical Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2
X. Yang, K.Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
J. Electrochem. Soc. ( 161 ) D3116 - D3119 2014.05 [Refereed]
Reaction Behavior of Stratified SiO2 Granules during Electrochemical Reduction in Molten CaCl2
X. Yang, K.Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
Metallurgical and Mat. Trans. B ( 45 ) 1337 - 1344 2014.03 [Refereed]
WODARZ Siggi, MANIWA Yuta, HAGIWARA Hiroki, OTANI Tomohiro, NISHIIE Daiki, ZANGARI Giovanni, HOMMA Takayuki
IEICE technical report. Magnetic recording 113 ( 297 ) 7 - 10 2013.11
Wodarz Siggi, Maniwa Yuta, Hagiwara Hiroki, Homma Takayuki
IEICE technical report. Magnetic recording 113 ( 127 ) 13 - 17 2013.07
Analysis of hydrazine on a Cu surface with nanoscale resolution using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Bin Jiang, Takanari Ouchi, Naofumi Shimano, Akira Otomo, Masahiro Kunimoto, Masahiro Yanagisawa, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 100 317 - 320 2013.06 [Refereed]
YANAGISAWA Masahiro, SAITO Mikiko, HOMMA Takayuki
IEICE technical report. Magnetic recording 112 ( 294 ) 1 - 4 2012.11
Measurement Technology for Hard Disk Interface:Application of Plasmonic Sensor : A Challenge to Sub-nanometer Scale
YANAGISAWA Masahiro, SAITO Mikiko, HOMMA Takayuki
112 ( 294 ) 1 - 4 2012.11
Electrochemical fabrication processes for functional micro and nano scale structures
HOMMA Takayuki
81 ( 5 ) 406 - 409 2012.05
Quantum Chemical Analysis of Electroless Deposition Processes
KUNIMOTO Masahiro, HOMMA Takayuki
Jitsumu Hyomen Gijutsu 62 ( 12 ) 657 - 662 2011.12
S165011 Molecular structure analysis on magnetic disk surface with plasmonic sensor
YANAGISAWA Masahiro, SAITO Mikiko, HOMMA Takayuki
Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2011 "S165011 - 1"-"S165011-5" 2011.09
本間 敬之
電気化学および工業物理化学 : denki kagaku 78 ( 9 ) 747 - 747 2010.09
Electrochemical etching process to tune the diameter of arrayed deep pores by controlling carrier collection at a semiconductor-electrolyte interface
Hirotaka Sato, Takuya Yamaguchi, Tetsuhiko Isobe, Shuichi Shoji, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 12 ( 6 ) 765 - 768 2010.06 [Refereed]
Magnetization Reversal Process of Hard/Soft Nano-Composite Structures Formed by Ion Irradiation
M. Aniya, A. Shimada, Y. Sonobe, K. Sato, T. Shima, K. Takanashi, Simon J. Greaves, T. Ouchi, T. Homma
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 46 ( 6 ) 2132 - 2135 2010.06 [Refereed]
Electrochemical etching process to tune the diameter of arrayed deep pores by controlling carrier collection at a semiconductor-electrolyte interface
Hirotaka Sato, Takuya Yamaguchi, Tetsuhiko Isobe, Shuichi Shoji, Takayuki Homma
Electrochemical Fabrication and Characterization of CoPt Bit Patterned Media: Towards a Wetchemical, Large-Scale Fabrication
Takanari Ouchi, Yuki Arikawa, Taisuke Kuno, Jun Mizuno, Shuichi Shoji, Takayuki Homma
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 46 ( 6 ) 2224 - 2227 2010.06 [Refereed]
SAITO Mikiko, MAEGAWA Takeyuki, HOMMA Takayuki
Jitsumu Hyomen Gijutsu 61 ( 6 ) 447 - 451 2010.06
Characterization of the Surface Layer on Strained Si Wafer by Electrochemical Methods
K. Sakata, M. Kato, N. Kubo, T. Senda, K. Izunome, T. Homma
J. Phys. Chem. C 112 3785 - 3788 2008.03
Molecular orbital study on the oxidation mechanism of hydrazine and hydroxylamine as reducing agents for electroless deposition process
Takuya Shimada, Amiko Tamaki, Hiromi Nakai, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 75 ( 1 ) 45 - 49 2007.01 [Refereed]
Adsorption of organic molecules by photochemical reaction on Cl : Si(111) and H : Si(111) evaluated by HREELS
Katsuhiko Nishiyama, Yosuke Tanaka, Hiroshi Harada, Taro Yamada, Daisuke Niwa, Tomoyuki Inoue, Takayuki Homma, Tetsuya Osaka, Isao Taniguchi
SURFACE SCIENCE 600 ( 10 ) 1965 - 1972 2006.05 [Refereed]
Evaluation of 256-pixel TES microcalorimeter arrays with electrodeposited Bi absorbers
U Morita, Y Yamakawa, T Fujimori, Y Ishisaki, T Ohashi, Y Takei, K Yoshida, T Yoshino, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, H Sato, Y Minoura, N Takahashi, T Homma, S Shoji, Y Kuroda, M Onishi
Electrochemical formation process of Si macropore and metal filling for high aspect ratio metal microstructure using single electrolyte system
H Sato, T Homma, K Mori, T Osaka, S Shoji
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 73 ( 4 ) 275 - 278 2005.04
Electrochemical formation process of Si macropore and metal filling for high aspect ratio metal microstructure using single electrolyte system
H Sato, T Homma, K Mori, T Osaka, S Shoji
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 73 ( 4 ) 275 - 278 2005.04 [Refereed]
Formation of Pd nanocluster seeds by electrochemical process for control of magnetic properties in Co/Pd multilayered film
J Kawaji, M Tanaka, K Kimura, T Asahi, T Homma, T Osaka
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 40 ( 4 ) 2473 - 2475 2004.07
Development of Bi electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber array for high sensitive X-ray imaging sensor
H Sato, H Kobayashi, H Kudo, T Izumi, T Homma, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 72 ( 6 ) 424 - 426 2004.06 [Refereed]
Ab initio molecular orbital study of the electron emission mechanism of TiCl3 as a reductant for an electroless deposition process
T Shimada, Komatsu, I, T Homma, H Nakai, T Osaka
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 72 ( 6 ) 462 - 465 2004.06 [Refereed]
Development of Bi electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber array for high sensitive X-ray imaging sensor
H Sato, H Kobayashi, H Kudo, T Izumi, T Homma, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 72 ( 6 ) 424 - 426 2004.06
Performance analyse's of TES microcalorimeters with mushroom shaped X-ray absorbers made of Sn or Bi
Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, K Futamoto, Y Takei, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, K Yoshida, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
Fabrication of multi-pixel TES microcalorimeters with an electrodeposited Sn absorber and Bi absorber
T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, N Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
TES microcalorimeter development for future Japanese X-ray astronomy missions
R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, Y Takei, K Futamoto, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, K Yoshida, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, H Kudo, H Sato, T Arakawa, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu, T Tanaka, T Morooka, S Nakayama, K Chinone
Performance analyse's of TES microcalorimeters with mushroom shaped X-ray absorbers made of Sn or Bi
Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, K Futamoto, Y Takei, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, K Yoshida, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
Fabrication of multi-pixel TES microcalorimeters with an electrodeposited Sn absorber and Bi absorber
T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, N Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
TES microcalorimeter development for future Japanese X-ray astronomy missions
R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, Y Takei, K Futamoto, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, K Yoshida, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, H Kudo, H Sato, T Arakawa, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu, T Tanaka, T Morooka, S Nakayama, K Chinone
Formation of micro and nanoscale patterns of monolayer templates for position selective immobilization of oligonucleotide using ultraviolet and electron beam lithography
D Niwa, K Omichi, N Motohashi, T Homma, T Osaka
CHEMISTRY LETTERS 33 ( 2 ) 176 - 177 2004.02 [Refereed]
Sn electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber arrays for an X-ray microcalorimeter
T Homma, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Arakawa, H Kudo, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, T Oshima, N Iyomoto, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
Improvement of signal to noise ratio for Co/Pd multilayer perpendicular magnetic recording media by the addition of an underlayer
T Onoue, T Asahi, K Kuramochi, J Kawaji, T Homma, T Osaka
Molecular orbital study on the reaction mechanisms of electroless deposition processes
T Homma, Komatsu, I, A Tamaki, H Nakai, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 47 ( 1月2日 ) 47 - 53 2001.09
CoCrPtTa and Co/Pd perpendicular magnetic recording media with amorphous underlayers
T Onoue, T Asahi, K Kuramochi, J Kawaji, T Homma, T Osaka
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 37 ( 4 ) 1592 - 1594 2001.07
Electrochemical studies on the deposition process of electroless CoNiP films with graded magnetic properties
T Homma, Y Kita, T Osaka
JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 147 ( 11 ) 4138 - 4141 2000.11 [Refereed]
Evaluation of substrate (Ni)-catalyzed electroless gold plating process
T Osaka, T Misato, J Sato, H Akiya, T Homma, M Kato, Y Okinaka, O Yoshioka
JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 147 ( 3 ) 1059 - 1064 2000.03
Microstructural study on the functionally graded magnetic thin films prepared by electroless deposition
T Homma, Y Kita, T Osaka
尾上貴弘, 滝澤敦尚, 平山貴邦, 池田 真, 本間敬之, 法橋滋郎, 逢坂哲彌, 酒井浩志, 吉川利彦
日本応用磁気学会誌 23 ( 4 ) 977 - 980 1999.04
本間敬之, 喜多洋介, 逢坂哲彌
日本金属学会誌 62 ( 11 ) 1025 - 1030 1998.11
Nucleation of Trace Copper on the H-Si(111) Surface in Aqueous Fluoride Solutions
T. Homma, C.P.Wade, C.E.D.Chidsey
J. Phys.Chem. B 102 ( 41 ) 7919 - 7922 1998.10
Nucleation of Trace Copper on the H-Si(111) Surface in Aqueous Fluoride Solutions
T. Homma, C.P.Wade, C.E.D.Chidsey
J. Phys.Chem. B 102 ( 41 ) 7919 - 7922 1998.10 [Refereed]
日刊工業新聞 1613 - 1622 1998.02
Gradient Control of Magnetic Properties in Electroless Deposited CoNiP Films
T. Homma, M.Suzuki, T.Osaka
J.Electrochem.Soc. 145 ( 1 ) 134 - 138 1998.01
Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis of the Growth Process of Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Films on Nonconducting Surfaces
T. Homma, M. Tanabe, K. Itakura, T. Osaka
J.Electrochem.Soc. 144 ( 12 ) 4123 - 4127 1997.12
Electrodeposition of soft gold from a thiosulfate-sulfite bath for electronics applications
T Osaka, A Kodera, T Misato, T Homma, Y Okinaka, O Yoshioka
JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 144 ( 10 ) 3462 - 3469 1997.10
Noise Properties of an Electroless-deposited CoNiReP Perpendicular Magnetic Prcording Medium and a Perpendicular / Longitudinal Composite Medium
J. Hokkyo, T. Osaka, T. Homma, T. Onoue, N. Miyamoto
J.Magn.Soc.Jpn. 21 ( S2 ) 525 - 528 1997.09
黒川義昭, 長崎 顕, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
日本応用磁気学会誌 21 ( S1 ) 163 - 168 1997.04
逢坂哲彌, 本間敬之, 黒川義昭, 田口智一, 瀧澤敦尚
日本応用磁気学会誌 21 ( 4 ) 213 - 216 1997.04
Effect of Perpendicular Layer Thickness on Read/Write Characteristics of Perpendicular/Longitudinal Composite Media Using Ring-Type Head
Y. Kurokawa, A. Nagasaki, T. Homma, T. Osaka
IEEE Trans.Magn 32 ( 6 ) 3810 - 3812 1996.11
逢坂哲彌, 本間敬之, 黒川義昭, 田口智一
電気化学および工業物理化学 64 ( 7 ) 850 - 851 1996.07 [Refereed]
Magnetic Force Microscopy Analysis of Micromagnetization Mode of Double-Layered Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media
T.Homma, Y.Kurokawa, T.Nakamura, T.Osaka, I.Otsuka
J.Vac.Sci.Technol B 14 ( 2 ) 1184 - 1187 1996.04
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 31 ( 6 ) 3102 - 3104 1995.11
Correlation between Magnetic Properties and Phase-Separated Microstructure of Electroless CoNiP Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media
T. Homma, T. Osaka, Y. Yamazaki, T. Namikawa
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 33 ( 10 ) 1569 - 1573 1995.11
Electrochemically Deposited Thin Films for Magnetic Recording Devices
T. Osaka, T. Homma
Interface 4 ( 2 ) 42 1995.04
Electrochemical Fabrication of CoPt Nanodot Arrays on Glass Disks by UV Nanoimprint Lithography
T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma
Electrochem. Soc. Trans. 16 ( 45 ) 79 - 84 1905.07
Electrochemical Fabrication and Characterization of CoPt Bit Patterned Media: towards a Wet Chemical, Large-Scale Fabrication
T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma
IEEE Trans. Magn. 46 2224 - 2227 1905.07
Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Array using Electrochemical Deposition Processes
T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, Y. Konishi, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta 55 8081 - 8086 1905.07
Microstructure Formation within Films of Silicon using Electrochemical Anodization
J. B. Ratchford, M. Saito, T. Homma
Trans, Mat. Res. Soc. 35 ( 1 ) 69 - 72 1905.07
Electrochemical Etching Process to Tune the Diameter of Arrayed Deep Pores by Controlling Carrier Collection at a Semiconductor-Electrolyte Interface
H. Sato, T. Yamaguchi, T. Isobe, S. Shoji, T. Homma
Electrochem. Comm. 12 765 - 768 1905.07
齋藤美紀子, 前川武之, 本間敬之
表面技術 61 ( 6 ) 447 - 451 1905.07
CoNiP electroless deposition process for fabricating ferromagnetic nanodot arrays
T. Ouchi, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta ( 56 ) 9575 - 9580 1905.07 [Refereed]
Density Functional Theory Analysis for Orbital Interaction between Hypophosphite Ions and Metal Surfaces
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
J. Electrochem. Soc. ( 158(10) ) D626 - D633 1905.07 [Refereed]
Theoretical Analysis of Catalytic Activity of Metal Surfaces on Reaction of Hypophosphite Ion
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
Electrochemistry ( 80(3) ) 126 - 131 1905.07 [Refereed]
State-of-the-art Plating Technologies : Processes and Perspective
HOMMA Takayuki
Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering 78 ( 12 ) 1021 - 1024 1905.07
Laterally enhanced growth of electrodeposited Au to form ultrathin films on nonconductive surfaces
C. Kobayashi, M. Saito, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta ( 74 ) 235 - 243 1905.07 [Refereed]
Initial catalyzation analysis of electroless NiP nanoimprinting mold replicated from self-assembled monolayer modified nanopatterns
C-P. Lin, M. Saito, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta ( 82 ) 75 - 81 1905.07 [Refereed]
Electrochemical potential measurement and finite element structure analysis of Si wafer surface under mechanical stress
K. Sakata, T. Homma
Electrochem. Commun. ( 25 ) 144 - 146 1905.07 [Refereed]
Acceleration effect of thiourea on the oxidation reaction of hypophosphite ion on Ni surface
M. Kunimoto, K. Endo, H. Nakai, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta ( 100 ) 311 - 316 1905.07 [Refereed]
In Situ Observation of Lithium Deposition Processes in Solid Polymer and Gel Electrolytes
T. Osaka, T. Homma, T. Momma, H. Yarimizu
J. Electroanal. Chem. 421 ( 1 ) 153 - 158 1905.06 [Refereed]
A study on growth processes of CoNiP perpendicular magnetic anisotropy films electroless-deposited at room temperature
T Homma, Y Sezai, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 42 ( 20-22 ) 3041 - 3047 1905.06
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study on the Oxidation Mechanism for Dimethylamine Borane as a Reductant for an Electroless Deposition Process
T. Homma, H. Nakai, M. Onishi, T. Osaka
J. Phys.Chem. B 103 ( 10 ) 1774 - 1778 1905.06 [Refereed]
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study on the Oxidation Mechanism for Dimethylamine Borane as a Reductant for an Electroless Deposition Process
T. Homma, H. Nakai, M. Onishi, T. Osaka
J. Phys.Chem. B 103 ( 10 ) 1774 - 1778 1905.06
Effect of deposition site condition on the initial growth process of electroless CoNiP films
K Itakura, T Homma, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 44 ( 21-22 ) 3707 - 3711 1905.06
平山貴邦, 尾上貴弘, 朝日 透, 本間敬之, 法橋滋郎, 逢坂哲彌
日本応用磁気学会誌 24 ( 4 ) 271 - 274 1905.06
森田善幸, 倉持健太郎, 尾上貴弘, 朝日 透, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
日本応用磁気学会誌 24 ( 4 ) 223 - 226 1905.06
森田善幸, 尾上貴弘, 朝日 透, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
日本応用磁気学会誌 25 ( 4 ) 619 - 622 1905.06
Mechanism of Sulfur Inclusion in Soft Gold Electrodeposited from the Thiosulfate-Sulfite Bath
T. Osaka, M. Kato, J. Sato, K. Yoshizawa, T. Homma, Y. Okinaka, O. Yoshioka
J. Electrochem. Soc 148 ( 10 ) C659 - C662 1905.06 [Refereed]
Ab initio molecular orbital study of the oxidation mechanism of hypophosphite ion as a reductant for an electroless deposition process
H. Nakai, T. Homma, I. Komatsu, T. Osaka
J. Phys. Chem. B 105 ( 9 ) 1701 - 1704 1905.06
Substrate(Ni)-Catalyzed Electroless Gold Deposition from a Noncyanide Bath Containing Thiosulfate and Sulfite: Part II Deposit Characteristics and Substrate Effects
J. Sato, M. Kato, H. Otani, T. Homma, Y. Okinaka, T. Osaka, O. Yoshioka
J. Electrochem. Soc 149 ( 3 ) C168 - C171 1905.06 [Refereed]
Substrate(Ni)-Catalyzed Electroless Gold Deposition from a Noncyanide Bath Containing Thiosulfate and Sulfite: Part I Reaction Mechanism
M. Kato, J. Sato, H. Otani, T. Homma, Y. Okinaka, T. Osaka, O. Yoshioka
J. Electrochem. Soc 149 ( 3 ) C164 - C167 1905.06 [Refereed]
Substrate(Ni)-Catalyzed Electroless Gold Deposition from a Noncyanide Bath Containing Thiosulfate and Sulfite: Part II Deposit Characteristics and Substrate Effects
J. Sato, M. Kato, H. Otani, T. Homma, Y. Okinaka, T. Osaka, O. Yoshioka
J. Electrochem. Soc 149 ( 3 ) C168 - C171 1905.06
Maskless and Electroless Fabrication of Patterned Metal Nanostructures on Silicon Wafers by Controlling Local Surface Activities
T. Homma, N. Kubo, T. Osaka
Electrochim. Acta 48 ( 20 ) 3115 - 3122 1905.06
川治 純, 北泉太士, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
信学技報 MR2003 ( 1 ) 1 - 5 1905.06
川治 純, 朝日 透, 田中睦美, 木村公治, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
信学技報 MR2003 ( 28 ) 7 - 11 1905.06
High Sensitive X-ray Microcalorimeter Using Bi-Au Microabsorber for Imaging Applications
H. Kudo, T. Arakawa, S. Ohtsuka, T. Izumi, S. Shoji, H. Sato, H. Kobayashi, K. Mori, T. Homma, T. Osaka, N. Iyomoto, R. Fujimoto, K. Mitsuda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 ( 3 ) 1190 - 1195 1905.06 [Refereed]
High Sensitive X-ray Microcalorimeter Using Bi-Au Microabsorber for Imaging Applications
H. Kudo, T. Arakawa, S. Ohtsuka, T. Izumi, S. Shoji, H. Sato, H. Kobayashi, K. Mori, T. Homma, T. Osaka, N. Iyomoto, R. Fujimoto, K. Mitsuda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 ( 3 ) 1190 - 1195 1905.06
Formation of Molecular Templates for Fabricating On-Chip Biosensing Devices
D. Niwa, Y. Yamada, T. Homma, T. Osaka
J. Phys. Chem. B 108 ( 10 ) 3240 - 3245 1905.06
Fabrication of Organic Monolayer Modified Ion-Sensitive Field Effect Transistors with High Chemical Durability
D. Niwa, T. Homma, T. Osaka
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 ( 1A/B ) L105 - L107 1905.06
Deposition Mechanism of Ni on Si(100) Surfaces in Aqueous Alkaline Solution
D. Niwa, T. Homma, T. Osaka
J. Phys. Chem. B 108 ( 28 ) 9900 - 9904 1905.06
Area-selective formation of macropore array by anisotropic electrochemical etching on n-Si (100) surface in aqueous HF solution
T. Homma, H. Sato, K. Mori, T. Osaka, S. Shoji
J. Phys. Chem. B 109 5724 1905.06
Characterization of strained Si wafer surface by density functional theory analysis
K. Sakata, T. Homma, H. Nakai, T. Osaka
Electrochim. Acta 51 1000 - 1003 1905.06
Surface Conductivity in Methyl- Monolayer/Si Heterojunction Structure in the Presence of Water
D. Niwa, K. Omichi, N. Motohashi, T. Homma, T. Osaka
Chem.Lett. 34 ( 4 ) 520 - 521 1905.06
Preparation and characterization of electroplated amorphous gold?nickel alloy film for electrical contact applications
N. Togasaki, Y. Okinaka, T. Hommaa, T. Osaka
Electrochim. Acta 51 882 - 887 1905.06
Fabrication of patterned nanostructures with various metal species on Si wafer surfaces by maskless and electroless process
N. Kubo, T. Homma, Y. Hondo, T. Osaka
Electrochim. Acta 51 834 - 837 1905.06
Electrochemical analysis of zincate treatments for Al and Al alloy films
M. Saito, T. Maegawa, T. Homma
Electrochim. Acta 51 1017 - 1020 1905.06
Picoliter volume glass tube array fabricated by Si electrochemical etching process
H. Sato, T. Homma, K. Mori, T. Osaka, S. Shoji
Electrochim. Acta 51 844 - 848 1905.06
Deposition Behavior of Ni on Si(100) Surfaces in an Aqueous Alkaline Solution
D. Niwa, T. Homma, T. Osaka
J. Electrochem.Soc. 152 ( 2 ) C52 - C59 1905.06 [Refereed]
Surface Conductivity in Methyl- Monolayer/Si Heterojunction Structure in the Presence of Water
D. Niwa, K. Omichi, N. Motohashi, T. Homma, T. Osaka
Chem.Lett. 34 ( 4 ) 520 - 521 1905.06 [Refereed]
Nucleation and growth of copper nanoparticles on silicon surfaces
A. Singh, K. Luening, S. Brennan, T. Homma, N. Kubo, P. Pianetta
PHYSICA SCRIPTA T115 714 - 716 1905.06 [Refereed]
Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Arrayed Structures Using Si Electrochemical Etching
H. Sato, T. Homma
Sci. Tech. of Adv. Mater. 7 468 - 474 1905.06
Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Arrays for Patterned Magnetic Recording Media
H. Sato, T. Homma
J. Nanosci. Nanotech 7 ( 1 ) 225 - 231 1905.06
Nanoscopic and Electrochemical characterization of Defects and Strain at Si Wafer Surfaces
T. Homma, K. Sakata, N. Kubo
Proc. Adv. Sci. Tech. Si Mat. 5 32 - 36 1905.06
Electrocrystallizationin Nanotechnology
G. Staikov, Ed
Wiley-VCH 2007
実験化学講座 24 表面・界面
谷口 功, 山田太郎編
丸善 2007.01
実験化学講座 27 機能性材料
逢坂哲彌, 本間敬之編
丸善 2004.09
日刊工業新聞社 2000.02
Chemical structure analysis of CeO2 and polyacrylic acid slurry in CMP
Presentation date: 2024.11
In-situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic analysis for loading force effect on molecular structure change of base oil and oiliness improver at iron sliding interface
Presentation date: 2024.10
森内 爽太, 國本雅宏, 福中 康博, 本間 敬之
Presentation date: 2024.10
Morphological and Composition Variations of Cu-Se Thick Films Electrodeposited on Au Substrate
Collen Takaza, Phillipe Allongue, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma
Presentation date: 2024.10
Effect of Li on the Uniformity of Zn Recharge Reaction in the Anodic ZnO Passivation Layer
Ayumu Komiya, Tanyanyu Wang, Masahiro Kunimoto, Tsuyoshi Asano, Yoshinori Nishikitani, Takayuki Homma
Presentation date: 2024.10
Suppression Effect of Sn on Irregular Shape Deposition of Zn for Negative Electrode of Large-Scale Energy Storage Devices
M. Kunimoto, F. Ono, A. Komiya, S. Harasawa, T. Homma
Presentation date: 2024.10
Microfabrication of Highly Robust Superhydrophobic Glass Surfaces Via Combined Thermal Poling and HF Gas Etching
Kohei Yasuda, Nobuya Mineyuki, Kohei Sano, Yasuo Hayashi, Takayuki Homma
Presentation date: 2024.10
Seed layer effect on electrodeposited 3D CoPt alloy nanowires for magnetic storage application
Md Mahmudul Hasan, Tongshuang Huang, Mikiko Saito, Yota Takamura, Philippe Allongue, Takayuki Homma
Presentation date: 2024.10
Fabrication of Pt-Rich CoPt/Co-Rich CoPt Bilayer Films with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy for Vertical Domain Wall Memory
Daiki Araki, Yoshiaki Sonobe, Takayuki Homma
Presentation date: 2024.10
荒木大輝, 園部義明, 高橋有紀子, 本多周太, 小野輝男, 本間敬之
Presentation date: 2024.09
齋藤美紀子, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, 黄童雙, 高村陽太, 本間敬之
Presentation date: 2024.09
鈴木 律兵, 齋藤 美紀子, 阪田 薫穂, 雨宮 健太, 本間 敬之
Presentation date: 2024.09
Direct Formation ofNifep Catalytic Films on Anion Exchange Membrane As EfficientHERCatalyst for Water Electrolysis Device
Kaiming Guo, Masahiro Kunimoto, Takayuki Homma
245 th ECS meeting
Presentation date: 2024.05
Effect of Silicate Addition on ZnO Formation During Zn Discharging Process
Tanyanyu Wang, Masahiro Kunimoto, Takayuki Homma
245 th ECS meeting
Presentation date: 2024.05
Template-Assisted Fabrication of Transparent SERS Sensor with Uniform Au-Ag Nanoparticles Electrodeposition
Zhengke Tu, Mikiko Saito, Masahiro Kunimoto, Masahiro Yanagisawa, Takayuki Homma
245 th ECS meeting
Presentation date: 2024.05
Electrodeposition Processes for Controlling Surface Morphology of Thick Cu 2 Se Films as Thermoelectric Conversion Materials
Collen Takaza, Phillipe Allongue, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma
245 th ECS meeting
Presentation date: 2024.05
Operando Raman Imaging of Wear and Deformation Processes
Morten Bertz, 柳沢 雅広, 本間 敬之
Presentation date: 2024.05
澤木昴, 柳沢雅広, 山口健, 会田昭二郎, 國本雅宏, 本間敬之
Presentation date: 2024.05
Measurement of Tribological Interface using Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Presentation date: 2024.05
電気化学会第91回大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2024.03
電気化学会第91回大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2024.03
杉﨑知樹,國本雅宏,福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第91回大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2024.03
電気化学会第91回大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2024.03
鈴木 律兵,齋藤美紀子,園部義明,本間敬之
表面技術協会第149回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2024.03
表面技術協会第149回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2024.03
表面技術協会第149回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2024.03
Electroless Deposition Processes of NiFeP Thin Film on Anion Exchange Membranes as an HER Catalyst for Water Electrolysis
Masahiro Kunimoto, Kaiming Guo, Riku Ito, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Takayuki Homma
Advanced Materials Research Grand Meeting, MRM 2023/IUMRS-ICA223 (京都)
Presentation date: 2023.12
Electrochemical Deposition Of Compact Cu2Se Films For Thermoelectric Applications.
Collen Takaza,Takayuki Homma
Advanced Materials Research Grand Meeting, MRM 2023/IUMRS-ICA223 (京都)
Presentation date: 2023.12
第13回CSJ化学フェスタ (東京)
Presentation date: 2023.10
Electrochemical Deposition Processes for Fabrication of Cathodes/Anodes of Alkaline Water Electrolysis Device
Masahiro Kunimoto, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Hiroshi Ito, Takayuki Homma
244th ECS Meeting (Sweden)
Presentation date: 2023.10
Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of electrodeposited CoPt alloy nanowires for 3D magnetic memory application
Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Tongshuang Huang, Mikiko Saito, Yota Takamura, Takayuki Homma
The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetics in Japan (大阪)
Presentation date: 2023.09
2023電気化学秋季大会 (福岡)
Presentation date: 2023.09
2023電気化学秋季大会 (福岡)
Presentation date: 2023.09
表面技術協会第148回講演大会 (山形)
Presentation date: 2023.09
Approaches for Mechanistic Understanding of Electrodeposition Processes for Fabricating Micro/Nano Structures and Devices
Takayuki Homma,M. Kunimoto ,M. Yanagisawa [Invited]
243rd ECS Meeting with SOFC-XVIII (Boston)
Presentation date: 2023.05
Electrodeposited CoPt multilayer nanowires for 3D memory device
[Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Tongshuang Huang, Mikiko Saito, Yota Takamura, Daiki Oshima, Takeshi Kato, Takayuki Homma]
Intermag2023 (Sendai)
Presentation date: 2023.05
船岡聖矢, 李艾珊,越智洋次郎,福永明彦
電気化学会第90回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2023.03
吉原昌幸, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第90回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2023.03
電気化学会第90回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2023.03
Fabrication of plasmonic sensors by electroless deposition of Ag nanoparticles with hypophosphite
Zhengke Tu, Masahiro Kunimoto, Masahiro Yanagisawa, Takayuki Homma
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第147回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2023.03
Preparation and evaluation of electrodeposited CoPt nanowires for 3D magnetic memory
Md. Mahmudul Hasan,Mikiko Saito,Tongshuang Huang,Yota Takamura,Keisuke Yamada,Daiki Araki,Shinya Kasai,Yoshiaki Sonobe,Daiki Oshima,Takeshi Kato,Shigeki Nakagawa, Teruo Ono, Takayuki Homma
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第147回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2023.03
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第147回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2023.03
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第147回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2023.03
吉原昌幸, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 本間敬之
日本材料科学会 第27回 若手研究者討論会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2022.12
Versatile In Situ SERS Setup for Electrochemical Interface Analysis and Its Application to Zn Secondary Battery and Cu Electroplating
Zhengke. Tu, Masahiro. Kunimoto, Masahiro. Yanagisawa, Takayuki. Homma
8th DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on Electrochemistry (Busan(South Korea))
Presentation date: 2022.11
Analysis of Action Mechanism of Additives in Zinc Anode Reaction by In Situ Shell-isolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Ayumu. Komiya, Masahiro. Kunimoto, Masahiro. Yanagisawa, Takayuki. Homma
8th DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on Electrochemistry (Busan(South Korea))
Presentation date: 2022.11
第12回CSJ化学フェスタ (東京)
Presentation date: 2022.10
In situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy analysis for estimation of the role of pyridinic nitrogen on nitrogen-doped carbon catalyst in CO2 electroreduction
Kohei Ide, Masahiro Kunimoto, Kota Miyoshi, Kaori Takano, Koji Matsuoka, Takayuki Homma
242nd ECS meeting (Atranta, US)
Presentation date: 2022.10
2022年 電気化学秋季大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2022.09
2022年 電気化学秋季大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2022.09
表面技術協会 第146回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2022.09
In-situ Monitoring Systems of Electrolytic/electroless Deposition Processes using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Plasmon Sensors
M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma [Invited]
15th International Fischer Symposium (Germany,Seeon-Seebruck)
Presentation date: 2022.06
Effect of Additive Species on the Nucleation and Growth Process on Zn Negative Electrode Surface
Takayuki Homma, Yusuke Onabuta, Tomohiro Otani, Masahiro Kunimoto, Yasuhiro Fukunaka [Invited]
241st ECS meeting (Canada, Vancouver)
Presentation date: 2022.06
吉田立樹,國本雅宏,柳沢雅広,Morten Bertz,本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2022 春 東京 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2022.05
電気化学会第89回大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2022.03
電気化学会第89回大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2022.03
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第145回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2022.03
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第145回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2022.03
トライボロジーのオペランド観察(第8報)潤滑油のトライ ボ触媒反応
トライボロジー会議2021 秋 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.10
トライボロジー会議2021 秋 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.10
ナノ隙間における固液界面分子構造の表面増強ラマ ン分光解析
吉田立樹,柳沢雅広,ベルツモルテン,本間 敬之,國本雅宏
トライボロジー会議2021 秋 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.10
Visualizing Stress Distributions Using Raman Imaging Combined with Machine Learning
トライボロジー会議2021 秋 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.10
エラストマー変形時における表面及び内部変化の計 測・解析
山口健,ベルツモルテン,本間 敬之
トライボロジー会議2021 秋 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.10
土屋進悟,齋藤美紀子,Giovannni Zangari,本間敬之
表面技術協会 第144回講演大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
Zn電析過程における Zn原子の表面拡散挙動と電子状態の解析
2021年 電気化学秋季大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
Development and Application of SERS Sensor Elements for Reaction Analyses in Electrochemical Deposition Processes
M. Kunimoto,M. Yanagisawa,T. Homma
Interfinish2020 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
Development of Direct Fabrication Process of Metal Layer on Anion Exchange Membrane Using Electroless Deposition Process
T. Fujimura,A. Hirai,M. Kunimoto,Y. Fukunaka,H. Ito,T. Homma
Interfinish2020 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
A DFT and KMC study for the shape evolution at the initial stage of the Zn electrodeposition
Y. Onabuta,M. Kunimoto,S. Wang,Y. Fukunaka,H. Nakai,T. Homma
Interfinish2020 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
In-situ SERS measurement of organic additive mechanism on Zn electrode surface under anodic conditions
T. Zhengke,M. Kunimoto,M. Yanagisawa,T. Homma
Interfinish2020 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
Si Thin Film Fabrication by Pulse Electrodeposition Technique from Acetonitrile as Organic Solvent
K. Hirasawa,M. Kunimoto,Y. Fukunaka,T. Homma
Interfinish2020 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.09
In-situ Spectroscopic Analyses of Electrolyte Decomposition Reaction in Li Ion Battery using Plasmonic Sensor Element
M. Kunimoto,K. Saito,M. Yanagisawa,T. Homma
72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE 2021) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.08
トライボロジ-界面計測の新技術コンセプ ト
柳沢雅広,Bertz Morten,國本雅宏,本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2021 春 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.05
トライボロジーのオペランド観察(第7報)- 潤滑油の化学反応-
柳沢雅広,Bertz Morten,國本雅宏,本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2021 春 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.05
Operando Observation of Wear during Sliding using Multipoint Raman Microscopy
Bertz Morten,柳沢雅広,國本雅宏,本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2021 春 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.05
表面増強ラマン分光法による衛生設備機 器/水垢界面の分析
トライボロジー会議2021 春 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.05
エラストマー変形時における内部構造変 化の計測・解析
山口健,Bertz Morten,柳沢雅広,本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2021 春 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.05
表面増強ラマン散乱を用いたセリア表面 の吸着ポリマの水中観察
トライボロジー会議2021 春 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.05
プラズモンセンサ実装の電気化学セルを用いた電解液分解反応のin-situ SERS測定
國本雅宏,東海林輝,柳沢雅広,本間敬之 [Invited]
電気化学会第88回大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.03
第68回 応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.03
第68回 応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.03
表面技術協会 第143回講演大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.03
第2回非鉄精錬学Web討論会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2021.01
トライボロジー会議2020秋 別府 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.11
柳沢雅広,國本雅宏,本間敬之,イゴーリ クドゥリャショフ,森平康志,河村賢一
トライボロジー会議2020秋 別府 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.11
トライボロジー会議2020秋 別府 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.11
Initial Stage of Li Electrodeposition in PC Electrolyte
T. Nishida,Y. Fukunaka,T. Homma,T. Nohira
Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.10
The Effect of Surface Nano and Microstructures on Hydrogen Gas Evolution Behavior on Ni Patterned Electrodes
T. Fujimura,M. Kunimoto,Y. Fukunaka,T. Homma
Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.10
Multiscale Simulation for Effects of the Li+ Addition at the Initial Stage of Zn Electrodeposition Processes
Y. Onabuta,S. Wang,M. Kunimoto,H. Nakai,T. Homma
Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.10
Optical Trapping Raman Spectroscopy As a Sensor / Actuator / Treatment System
M. Bertz,D. Molinnus,M. J. Schoening,T. Homma
Pacific Rim meeting on Electrochemical &Solid-State Science (PRiME2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.10
表面技術協会 第142回公演大会 (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.09
In-Situ Raman and DFT Analyses of ZnO Formation Reaction at Zn Negative Electrodes during Discharge Process
M. Kunimoto,M. Yanagisawa,T. Homma
237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.05
Multiscale Simulation for Initial Stage of the Zn Electrodeposition with Kinetic Monte Carlo Based on First-Principle Calculation
Y. Onabuta,K. Onuki,S. Wang,M. Kunimoto,H. Nakai,T. Homma
237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.05
Initial Stage of Si Electrodeposition Process in Ionic Liquids
T. Homma,Y. Tsuyuki,M. Kunimoto,Y. Fukunaka, P.A Pianetta
237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.05
Morphology Control of Cu Added Electrodeposited Bi-Sb-Te Thick Films for Micro Thermoelectric Device
C. Chen,M. Saito,T. Homma
237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) (オンライン)
Presentation date: 2020.05
Zn電析初期過程におけるZn原子表面拡散の第一原理計算及びkinetic Monte Carli法による解析
電気化学会第87回大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2020.03
電気化学会第87回大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2020.03
イオン液体を用いたパルス電析法による Si 薄膜形成に浴温度が与える影響の検討
表面技術協会第142回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2020.03
Zn 電析過程における Zn 原子表面拡散挙動の第一原理計算解析
表面技術協会第142回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2020.03
第43回電解技術討論会 (京都)
Presentation date: 2019.11
Introduction of Power Energy Professionals
T. Homma
7th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2019 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2019.11
Pulsed electrodeposition of Si under light illumination in ionic liquid
S. Watanuki,Y. Fukunaka,T. Homma
7th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2019 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2019.11
Morphology control of electrodeposited Cu doped p-type Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric film
C. Chen,M. Saito,T. Homma
7th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2019 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2019.11
鈴木文菜,ベルツ モルテン,國本雅宏,柳沢雅広,本間敬之
日本化学秋季事業 第9回 CSJ化学フェスタ2019 (東京)
Presentation date: 2019.10
Electrochemical Interfacial Phenomena Under Microgravity
Y. Fukunaka,H. Matasushima,K. Nishikawa,A. Allanore,T. Nohira,T. Goto,T. Homma,M. Rosso [Invited]
236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (236th ECS Meeting) (Atlanta)
Presentation date: 2019.10
表面技術協会 第139回講演大会 (福岡)
Presentation date: 2019.09
Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric film
2019年 電気化学秋季大会 (甲府)
Presentation date: 2019.09
Morphology control of electrodeposited Cu doped p-type Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric film
C. Chen,M. Saito,T. Homma,T. Homma
9th Jilin-Korea-Waseda Alliance Annual Symposium (Jilin)
Presentation date: 2019.08
First-Principle Study of the Oxidation of Formaldehyde and Hypophosphite As Reducing Agents in Electroless Deposition
Y. Onabuta,M. Kunimoto,H. Nakai,T. Homma
9th Jilin-Korea-Waseda Alliance Annual Symposium (Jilin)
Presentation date: 2019.08
Mechanistic Understanding of Liquid-liquid Interfacial Reactions and Reactor Design for Boron Extraction to Produce Highly Purified Silica
M. Kunimoto,T. Homma
9th Jilin-Korea-Waseda Alliance Annual Symposium (Jilin)
Presentation date: 2019.08
Chemical Recognition Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscory
M. Bertz,M. Yanagisawa,M. Kunimoto,T. Homma
70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Durban)
Presentation date: 2019.08
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面処理基礎講座(Ⅰ) (東京)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Hydrogen Gas Bubble Behaviors on Ni Micro-Patterned Electrode during Alkaline Water Electrolysis
T. Fujimura,W. Hikima,Y. Fukunaka,T. Homma
World Hydrogen Technologies Convention 2019 (WHTC2019) (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Molecuar-Level Analysis of Electrodeposition Processes Using Theoretical Calculations and Surface Enhanced Raman Microscopy
T. Homma,M. Kunimoto,Y. Onabuta,M. Bertz,M. Yanagisawa
235th Meetnigs of the Electrochemical Society (235th ECS Meeting) (Dallas)
Presentation date: 2019.05
Pulsed Electrodeposition of Si Under Light Illumination in Ionic Liquid
S. Watanuki,Y. Fukunaka,T. Homma
235th Meetnigs of the Electrochemical Society (235th ECS Meeting) (Dallas)
Presentation date: 2019.05
電気化学会第86回大会 (京都)
Presentation date: 2019.03
電気化学会第86回大会 (京都)
Presentation date: 2019.03
表面技術協会第139回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Morphology control of Cu added Bi-Sb-Te films for micro thermoelectric devices
C. Chen,M. Sugie,M. Saito,H. Takahashi,I. Terasaki,T. Homma
139th Meeting of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan (Kanagawa)
Presentation date: 2019.03
表面技術協会第139回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Zn アノード反応における ZnO 形成に対する添加剤効果の in situ ラマン分光解析
表面技術協会第139回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2019.03
岡村雪広,Yelchur Venkata Akash,國本雅宏,福中康博,本間敬之
表面技術協会第139回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Preparation of Solar Grade Silicon By Chemical and Ellectrochemial Processes
T. Homma [Invited]
Joiny Symposium of Peking University & Waseda University on Energy and Nanomaterials (Beijing)
Presentation date: 2019.01
First-Principle Study of the Oxidation of Formaldehydeand Hypophosphite As Reducing Agents in Electroless Deposition
Y. Onabuta,H. Nakai,T. Homma
Joiny Symposium of Peking University & Waseda University on Energy and Nanomaterials (Beijing)
Presentation date: 2019.01
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面処理基礎講座(Ⅱ) (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.11
In-situ SERS Analysis of SEI Formation at Graphite Electrode in Li Ion Battery using Manipulated Plasmonic Sensor Element
M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting (AiMES2018) (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2018.10
Process Development and Analysis of Si Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquid
T. Homma, Y. Tsuyuki, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta [Invited]
ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting (AiMES2018) (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2018.10
Purification of Diatomaceous Earth using Leaching and Liquid-Liquid Extraction Processes to Produce High Purity Silica for Solar-Grade Silicon
Yelchur Venkata Akash, Collen Takaza, M. Mimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting (AiMES2018) (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2018.10
First-Principles Study of Catalytic Activity of Cu, Ni and Pd Surface for Formaldehyde and Hypophosphite As Reducing Agents in Electroless Deposition
Y. Onabuta, M. Kunimoto, K. Nakai, T. Homma
ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting (AiMES2018) (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2018.10
大谷智博, 工藤亮介, 福中康博, 本間敬之
2018年電気化学秋季大会 (石川)
Presentation date: 2018.09
國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
2018年電気化学秋季大会 (石川)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Observation and classification of microorganisms using multi-modal surface-enhanced Raman microscopy
M. Bertz, M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma [Invited]
The 3rd International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-3) (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Znアノード反応におけるZnO析出過程のin situラマン分光法による解析
安田哲也, 大谷智博, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
表面技術協会 第138回講演大会 (北海道)
Presentation date: 2018.09
女部田勇介, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会 第138回講演大会 (北海道)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Review: Modeling Study on Gravitational Effects to Electrochemical Interfacial Phenomena during Charging/Discharging Operation with Cu-Electrodes Symmetry Cell
Y. Fukunaka, M. Kunimoto, S. Wodarz, T. Homma [Invited]
70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Bologna)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Electrochemical Fabrication of Micro/nano Structured Plasmonic Sensors for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Analysis
T. Homma, M. Kunimoto, M. Bertz, M. Saito, M. Yanagisawa [Invited]
69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Bologna)
Presentation date: 2018.09
Developing plasmonic sensors for surface enhanced Raman scattering microscopy for in situ analysis of electrochemical processes
T. Homma, M. Bertz, M. Kunimoto, M. Saito, M. Yanagisawa [Invited]
The 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nano System Technologies (EMNT2018) (Milano)
Presentation date: 2018.08
Analysis of Hydrogen Gas Evolution Phenomena on Micro-Patterned Ni Electrode during Alkaline Water Electrolysis
T. Fujimura, W. Hikima, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
The 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nano System Technologies (EMNT2018) (Milano)
Presentation date: 2018.08
堤優也, 神戸茉奈, Giovanni Zangari, 本間敬之
IEICE 磁気記録・ストレージ研究会(MRIS) (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.07
Electrochemical micro/nano fabrication processes – Process development and mechanistic understanding –
T. Homma [Invited]
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2018) (Wittenberg)
Presentation date: 2018.07
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面処理基礎講座(I) (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.06
Observation and Classification of Microorganisms Using Multi-Modal Surface-Enhanced Raman Microscopy Based on Plasmonic Sensors
M. Bertz, M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
10th International Symposium on Organic Molecular Electronics (ISOME 2018) (Saga)
Presentation date: 2018.05
Analysis of ZnO Growth Process and Effect of Li+ Additive on Zn Negative Electrode
T. Otani, M. Nagata, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
14 th International Fischer Symposium (Seeon)
Presentation date: 2018.05
Molecular-Level Analysis of Surface Species for Electrochemical Deposition Processes Using Density Functional Theory Calculations and Surface Enhanced Raman Microscopy with Plasmonic Sensors
T. Homma, M. Kunimoto, M. Bertz, M. Yanagisawa [Invited]
233 rd Meetnigs of the Electrochemical Society (233 rd ECS Meeting) (Seattle)
Presentation date: 2018.05
Electrodeposition in Li in Non-Aqueous Solution
Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma, T. Nishida, K. Nishikawa [Invited]
233 rd Meetnigs of the Electrochemical Society (233 rd ECS Meeting) (Seattle)
Presentation date: 2018.05
Morphology Control of Electrodeposited ZnO Patterns for Micro Thermoelectric Devices
K. Yoshitoku, H. Matsuo, M. Saito, H. Takahashi, I. Terasaki, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
In-situ analysis for interaction of additives for electrodeposition in through silicon via using surface enhanced Raman scattering
T. Yasuda, F. Yamaguchi, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Effect of Metal Additives on Electrodeposited Bi-Sb- Te Films for Micro Thermoelectric Devices
M. Sugie, M. Saito, H. Takahashi, I. Terasaki, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
First-Principles Study of Reaction Mechanism of Reducing Agents on Ni and Cu in Electroless Deposition Processes
Y. Onabuta, M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Fabrication of plasmon sensor with Ag@TiO 2 core-shell nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Y. Kashimata, Y. Sato, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Analysis of Electrodeposition Process of L1 0 -Ordered FePtCu Nanodot Arrays
M. Kambe, S. Wodarz, S. Hashimoto, G. Zangari, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Development of Silica Microlens Array Sensor for in situ SERS Analysis of Electrode Reaction Processes
A. Hayashi, Y. Sato, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Influences of ZnO Formation on Morphological Evolution of Zn Negative Electrode
T. Otani, M. Nagata, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Effect of electrolyte flow on the evolution of microsteps during zinc electrodeposition
Y. Masuda, T. Otani, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2018.04
Optimization of flow type reactor for efficient extraction of B for production of high purity silica のin situ SERS 解析
Yelchur Venkata Akash, M. Mimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
The 98th CSJ Annual Meeting (2018) (Funabashi)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Si 電析プロセスにおける還元反応機構に及ぼす微量水分 の影響の理論的解析
大貫浩介, 真田歩, 國本雅宏, 中井 浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第137回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
表面増強ラマン計測による電極界面水素イオン濃度のin situ解析
吉田悟, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第137回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
渡貫修永, 露木康博, 高井秀典, 福中康博, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第137回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
N型及びp型酸化物電析膜を用いたマイクロ熱電変換素子 の作製
井尻博之, 松尾日向子, 吉徳光一朗, 斎藤美紀子, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第137回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
透過型プラズモンセンサを用いた電極界面水素イオン濃度 のin situ SERS 解析
佐藤祐太, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
電気化学会第85回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
引間稚菜, 藤村樹, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第85回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
藤村樹, 引間稚菜, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第4回分科会ワークショップ『革新的エナジー・ハーべスティングに向けた材料・デバイス技術』 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Effect of metal additives on molphological evolution of zinc electrodeposition
大谷智博, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第4回分科会ワークショップ『革新的エナジー・ハーべスティングに向けた材料・デバイス技術』 (東京)
Presentation date: 2018.03
本間敬之, 福中康博, 曽根理嗣, 高橋哲哉, 國本雅宏, ヴォダルツジギー, ロッソマイケル, フランシアーヤン, アルカイアーリチャード
第37回宇宙エネルギーシンポジウムプログラム (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2018.03
本間敬之, 福中康博, 國本雅宏, ヴォダルツジギー
第 32 回 宇宙環境利用シンポジウム プログラム (神奈川県相模原市)
Presentation date: 2018.01
高井秀典, 露木康博, 藤村樹, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, P. Pianetta, 本間敬之
早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム 第 3 回分科会ワークショップ『環境問題と対策技術の最前線』 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.12
松尾日向子, 吉徳光一朗, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム 第 3 回分科会ワークショップ『環境問題と対策技術の最前線』 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.12
國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之 [Invited]
表面技術協会 関東支部 第93回講演会 (長野)
Presentation date: 2017.12
Electrodeposition of Si Thin Films ㏌ Ionic Liquid with Growth Control from Initial Stages
H. Takai, Y. Tsuyuki, T. Fujimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2017.12
Effect of metal additives on molphological evolution of zinc electrodeposition
T. Otani, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2017.12
Electrodeposition of ZnO from Acetate Bath for Thermoelectric Devices
H. Matsuo, Y. Koichiro, D. Furuyama, M. Saito, T. Homma
5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2017.12
Fabrication of Channel Type Mixing Devices for Efficient Solvent Extraction for High Purity Silica Production
Yelchur Venkata Akash, M. Mimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
5th DGIST-Waseda Workshop on Electrochemistry 2017 (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2017.12
溶融CaCl2 中における液体Zn 陰極上でのSiO2 電解還元反応
安田幸司, 馬元嘉, 井戸彬文, 萩原理加, 野平俊之, 本間敬之
第41回電解技術討論会-ソーダ工業技術討論会- (京都)
Presentation date: 2017.11
H. Takai, Y. Tsuyuki, T. Fujimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
27 th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-27) (Shiga)
Presentation date: 2017.11
松尾日向子, 吉徳光一朗, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
第7回CSJ化学フェスタ2017 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.10
永田雅人, 大谷智博, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第7回CSJ化学フェスタ2017 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.10
藤村樹, 引間稚菜, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第7回CSJ化学フェスタ2017 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Surface Reactivity of a Tin Electrode in Organic Carbonate Electrolytes
I. Hasa, I. Hasa, T. Otani, T. Homma, P. N. Ross, R. Kostecki
232 nd ECS Meeting (National Harbor)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Effect of Cu Addition and Annealing on Electrodeposited Bi-Te Films for Micro Thermoelectric Devices
M. Sugie, D. Furuyama, M. Saito, Y. Sonobe, H. Takahashi, I. Terasaki, T. Homma
232 nd ECS Meeting (National Harbor)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Fabrication of Channel Type Mixing Devices for Efficient Solvent Extraction for High Purity Silica Production
Yelchur Venkata Akash, M. Mimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
232 nd ECS Meeting (National Harbor)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Gravitational Level Effects on the Coupling Phenomena between Mass Transfer and Morphorogical Variation Rate
T. Nishida, K. Nishikawa, H. Matsushima, T. Homma, M. Rosso, Y. Fukunaka
232 nd ECS Meeting (National Harbor)
Presentation date: 2017.10
SERS Analysis on Interfacial Reaction of Rechargeable Battery Electrode using Plasmonic Sensor Element – SEI Formation at Graphite Electrode Surface
M. Kunimoto, Y.Sun, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
232 nd ECS Meeting (National Harbor)
Presentation date: 2017.10
Preparation of Solar Grade Silicon by Interfacial and Electrochemical Processes
T. Homma, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Nohira [Invited]
International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability (ICMaSS2017) (Nagoya)
Presentation date: 2017.09
吉徳光一朗, 松尾日向子, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第136回講演大会 (石川)
Presentation date: 2017.09
真田歩, 國本雅宏, 露木康博, 福中康博, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
2017年電気化学秋季大会 (長崎)
Presentation date: 2017.09
Analysis on Growth Process of Irregular Shaped Zn Electrodeposits and Roles of Metal Additives
T. Otani, Y. Masuda, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
68 th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Providence, Rhode Island)
Presentation date: 2017.08
Dendrite Growth Rate of Li Electrodeposited in PC and Ionic Liquid
Y. Fukunaka, T. Nishida, K. Nishikawa, T. Homma [Invited]
68 th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Providence, Rhode Island)
Presentation date: 2017.08
Connecting Anodic Gas Evolution in Aqueous and High Temperature Molten Electrolyte Systems Via the Current Interrupt Technique
B. Chmielowiec, T. Fujimura, T. Otani, K. Aoyama, T. Nohira, T. Homma, A. Allanore
68 th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Providence, Rhode Island)
Presentation date: 2017.08
S. Wodarz, S. Hashimoto, M. Kambe, G. Zangari, T. Homma
The 28th Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC 2017) (Tsukubn)
Presentation date: 2017.08
電解析出法によるFePtナノドットアレイのL1 0 規則化の促進及び微細構造解析
神戸茉奈, ヴォダルツジギー, 橋本尚吾, GiovanniZangari, 本間敬之
磁気記録・ストレージ研究会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.07
本間敬之, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広 [Invited]
ナノプレーティング研究会 第62回例会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2017.06
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面処理基礎講座(I) (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.06
Electrochemical nano/micro Fabrication and Processing for Functional Structures, Devices and Materials - Process Development and Mechanistic Understanding
T. Homma [Invited]
11 th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering (Prague)
Presentation date: 2017.06
Theoretical Analysis of SiCl4 Reaction Mechanism for Si Electrodeposition Process in TMHA-TFSI as Ionic Liquids
T. Fujimura, Y. Tsuyuki, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunka, T. Homma
231 st ECS Meeting (New Orleans)
Presentation date: 2017.05
Analysis of Cathodic Reaction Process of SiCl4 in Ionic Liquids
Y. Tsuyuki, T. Fujimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
231 st ECS Meeting (New Orleans)
Presentation date: 2017.05
柳沢雅広, 齋藤美紀子, 國本雅宏, 本間敬之
平成 29 年度日本分光学会年次講演会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.05
柳沢雅広, 國本雅宏, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議 2017春 東京 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.05
柳沢雅広, 國本雅宏, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議 2017春 東京 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.05
柳沢雅広, 國本雅宏, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議 2017春 東京 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.05
柳沢雅広, 國本雅宏, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議 2017春 東京 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.05
本間敬之 [Invited]
早稲田応用化学会 先進研究講演会 「応用化学最前線-教員からのメッセージ」 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.04
岩田祥子, 露木康博, 続木南, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第84回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
荒原涼人, Morten Bertz, 柳沢雅宏, 本間敬之
電気化学会第84回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
金属種添加効果に注目したZn mossy構造の電析過程の解析
増田雄太, 大谷智博, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第84回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
銅埋め込み電析における添加剤の拡散・吸着挙動のin situ顕微ラマン分光法による解析
安田哲也, 山口楓太, 國本雅宏, 柳沢正広, 本間敬之
電気化学会第84回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
神戸茉奈, ヴォダルツジギー, 齋藤学, 橋本尚吾, Giovanni Zangari, 本間敬之
電気化学会第84回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
鍾明, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 本間敬之
電気化学会第84回大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
本間敬之 [Invited]
日本金属学会2017年春期(第160回)講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
女部田勇介, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第135回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2017.03
吉徳光一朗, 松尾日向子, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第135回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2017.03
杉江美紗貴, 古山大貴, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第135回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2017.03
Reduction Mechanism Analysis of SiCl4 during Si Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquids
露木康博, 藤村樹, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, P. Pianetta, 本間敬之
早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム 第2回分科会ワークショップ 「エネルギー利用と蓄電池に関して」 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
藤村樹, 内藤健博, 露木康博, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 本間敬之
早稲田大学ナノテクノロジーフォーラム 第2回分科会ワークショップ 「エネルギー利用と蓄電池に関して」 (東京)
Presentation date: 2017.03
Electrochemical nano/micro fablication processes for functional structures and devices - Process development and mecchanistic understanding
T. Homma [Invited]
International Conference on Material Sciences (SCICON' 16) (Coimbatore)
Presentation date: 2016.12
ラマン分光法を用いた動的機械物性と化学構造の同時測定: トライボロジー解析(第1報)
柳沢雅広, 斎藤美紀子, 國本雅宏, 本間敬之
第36回表面科学学術講演会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2016.11
2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol (TMPD)を用いたホウ素の溶媒抽出反応における液液界面状態の解析
鈴木隆, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第6回CSJ化学フェスタ2016 (東京)
Presentation date: 2016.11
柳沢雅広, 斎藤美紀子, 國本雅宏, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2016秋 新潟 (新潟)
Presentation date: 2016.10
柳沢雅広, 斎藤美紀子, 國本雅宏, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2016秋 新潟 (新潟)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Kinetic Studies on Direct Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2
M. Zhong, X. Yang, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Electrodeposition of Si Film from Water-Soluble KF-KCl Molten Salt and Gaseous SiCl4
K. Yasuda, K. Saeki, K. Maeda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Fe-Ni-Pt Alloy Films
S. Ge, S. Wodarz, S. Hashimoto, M. Saitou, T. Homma, G. Zangari
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Structural Control of Electrodeposited L10-FePt Nanodot Arrays Towards Reduction of Ordering Temperature
S. Wodarz, S. Hashimoto, M. Saitou, G. Zangari, T. Homma [Invited]
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Formation of Nanoporous Electrode on Aligned CNT Films Using Dealloying
M. Saito, J. Mizuno, M. Kusunoki, H. Nishikawa
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
In-situ Raman Spectroscopy Study on the Preferential Adsorption of Electrolyte Species on Electrode Surface of Lithium Ion Battery
Y. Sun, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
The Effect of Bath Condition on The Composition of Si thin Films Electrodeposited in Non-aqueous Solvents
Y. Tsuyuki, M. Tsuzuki, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Electrodeposition of ZnO from Acetate Bath for Thermoelectric Devices
H. Matsuo, K. Yoshitoku, D. Furuyama, M. Saito, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Growth Behavior of ZnO during Discharge of Zinc Negative Electrode
T. Otani, M. Nagata, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
A New Electrolytic Production Process of Silicon Using Liquid Zn Alloy Cathode in Molten Salt
T. Nohira, A. Ido, T. Shimao, X. Yang, K. Yasuda, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
PRiME 2016 (230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawai)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Development of Novel Process for Producing High-Purity Silicon through Designing Solid/Liquid Interfacial Reactions (2011-2016)
T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Theoretical Analysis of SiCl4 Reaction Mechanism for Si Electrodeposition Process in Ionic Liquids
T. Fujimura, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Reduction Mechanism Analysis of SiCl4 during Si Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquids
Y. Tsuyuki, T. Fujimura, M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Effects of Metal Additives on Morphological Evolution of Zinc Electrodeposition
T. Otani, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
The Kinetic Study on the Direct Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 Powder in Molten CaCl2
M. Zhong, X. Yang, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Bahavior of Direct Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 in Molten CaCl2
A. Ido, X. Yang, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Electrodeposition of Crystalline Silicon Films in Water-soluble KF-KCl Molten Salt
K. Saeki, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Carbothermic Reduction Path of a Silica-Silicon Carbide Pellet Irradiated by Laser Beam
Y. V. Akash, M. Kunimoto, T. Ishikawa, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Electrodeposition of Crystalline Silicon Films from Water-soluble KF-KCl Molten Salts
T. Nohira, K. Saeki, K. Yasuda, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Computational and Spectroscopic Study of Boron Extraction Reaction at Liquid-Liquid Interface
M. Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
Nucleation & Growth Research Conference -international Workshop of Electrochemical/Materials Processong for Renewable Energy- (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2016.09
吉田悟, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第134回講演大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Analysis on electrodeposition process of mossy shaped zinc
T. Otani, M. Nagata, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
EMNT2016 (Brussels)
Presentation date: 2016.08
DFT and SERS Study on the Effect of Thiourea for Electroless Cu Deposition Process
M. Kunimoto, S. Yoshida, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
EMNT2016 (Brussels)
Presentation date: 2016.08
Theoretical and In Situ SERS Analysis on the Electrochemical Micro/Nano Fabrication Processes
T. Homma [Invited]
The 5th International Symposium on Materials Science Surface Technology 2016 (MSST2016) (Yokohama)
Presentation date: 2016.08
齋藤学, 橋本尚吾, ヴォダルツジギー, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会(MR) (東京)
Presentation date: 2016.07
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面技術協会 夏季セミナー「表面処理基礎講座(Ⅰ)」 (東京)
Presentation date: 2016.06
Depth Profile Analysis of Chemical Structures Around Lubricant/Overcoat Interface Using Plasmonic Sensor
M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma, M. Kunimoto
ASME 2016 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS2016) (Santa Clara, CA)
Presentation date: 2016.06
Life Estimation of Carbon Overcoat on Magnetic Media for Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording Using Novel Raman Spectroscopy
M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma, M. Kunimoto
ASME 2016 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS2016) (Santa Clara, CA)
Presentation date: 2016.06
Preparation of Solar-Grade Silicon By Chemical and Electrochemical Processes
T. Homma, M. Kunimoto, X. Yang, K. Yasuda, Y. Fukunaka, T. Nohira
229th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (San Diego)
Presentation date: 2016.06
國本雅宏, 本間敬之
トライボロジー会議2016春 東京 (東京)
Presentation date: 2016.05
Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Additive Effects in Electrochemical Deposition Processes
M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
3rd DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2015.12
Electrodeposition of Si Thin Films in Ionic Liquids for Solar Cell Applications
Y. Tsuyuki, M. Tsuzuki, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
3rd DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2015.12
Analysis of Initial Deposition Stage of Co-Pt Nanodot Arrays
S. Wodarz, T. Homma
3rd DGIST-WASEDA Workshop on electrochemistry (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2015.12
電解・無電解めっきの基礎 (Ⅱ)-反応メカニズムの理論的解析と機能特性・ナノ構造制御
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面技術協会 冬季セミナー 「表面処理基礎講座(Ⅱ)」 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.11
Study on chemical structure inside APTES SAMs by using SERS: depth profile and phase transition process
Y. Sun, M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, M. Nakamura, T. Homma
第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Carbothermic Reduction Path of a Silica-Silicon Carbide Pellet Irradiated by Laser Beam
Y. Akash, M. Kunimoto, T. Ishikawa, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.10
堀江舜介, 中嶋一輝, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.10
中嶋一輝, 堀江舜介, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Preparation of Transparent-Type Plasmonic Sensors By the Sol-Gel Process and Electrodeposition
M. Saito, M. Mita, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
228th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Arizona)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Coupling Phenomena Between Micromorphological Evolution and Ionic Mass Transfer Rate during Ag Electrodeposition in AgNO3 Aqueous Solution
Y. Fukunaka, T. Wakatsuki, T. Homma
228th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Arizona)
Presentation date: 2015.10
齋藤学, 西家大貴, ヴォダルツジギー, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
2015年電気化学秋季大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2015.09
続木南, 露木康博, P. Anh, 福中康博, 本間敬之
2015年電気化学秋季大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2015.09
佐々木萌, 花井智也, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
2015年電気化学秋季大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2015.09
花井智也, 佐々木萌, 國本雅宏, 柳沢雅広, 中井浩己, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第132回講演大会 (長野)
Presentation date: 2015.09
Electrodeposition of p-type Bi-Sb-Te alloys and fabrication of Π-structured micro-thermoelectric device
D. Furuyama, K. Uda, M. Saito, Y. Sonobe, H. Takahashi, I. Terasaki, T. Homma
The 6th NIMS/MANA-Waseda University International Symposium (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2015.07
西家大貴, ヴォダルツジギー, 謝承達, 齋藤学, 阿部純也, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.07
本間敬之 [Invited]
表面技術協会 夏季セミナー 「表面処理基礎講座(Ⅰ)」 (東京)
Presentation date: 2015.06
Growth Control of Electrodeposited Co-Pt Nanodot Arrays
S. Wodarz, J. Abe, T. Homma
13th International Fischer Symposium (Lübeck)
Presentation date: 2015.06
Computational and Spectroscopic Study for Reaction Mechanism of Boric Acid Extraction in Micro-Channel Device
M. Kunimoto, R. Tamura, T. Oyanagi, N. Matsuo, Y. Fukunaka, H. Nakai, T. Homma
227th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (Chicago, IL)
Presentation date: 2015.05
Gravitational Level Effects on Coupling phenomena Between Morphological variations of Electrodeposited Film of ZnO and Mass Transfer Rates
H. Osaki, T. Wakatsuki, T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka
227th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (Chicago, IL)
Presentation date: 2015.05
田村理沙, 國本雅宏, 福中康博, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
電気化学会第82回大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
流路型リアクターを用いたホウ素抽出過程のラマン分光法によるin situ解析
小柳高宏, 國本雅宏, 松尾伸史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第82回大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
安田幸司, 島尾武征, 楊肖, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 一坪幸輝, 増田賢太, 本間敬之
電気化学会第82回大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
本間敬之 [Invited]
電気化学会第82回大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
古山大貴, 宇田和布, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第131回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
大谷智博, 福中康博, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第131回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
横道拓哉, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第131回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
齋藤美紀子, 三田正弘, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第131回講演大会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2015.03
Growth Process of Electrodeposited Si Thin Films in Ionic Liquid for Solar Cell Applications
Y. Tsuyuki, T. Anh Pham H, J. Komadina, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2014.11
Depth profiling of APTES self-assembled monolayer using Surface-enhanced Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy
Y. Sun, 柳沢雅広, 國本雅宏, 中村雅俊, 本間敬之
第34回表面科学学術講演会 (島根)
Presentation date: 2014.11
Analysis of the Initial Stage of Co-Pt Electrodeposition Process at Nanopatterned Substrate
S. Wodarz, T. Otani, H. Hagiwara, T. Homma
10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technology (EMNT2014) (Okinawa)
Presentation date: 2014.11
Theoretical Analysis of Additive Effect of Heavy Metals in Au Electrodeposition
M. Kunimoto, T. Yokomich, H. Nakai, T. Homma
10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technology (EMNT2014) (Okinawa)
Presentation date: 2014.11
EQCM and XPS Analysis of SiCl4 Reduction in Ionic Liquids
Y. Tsuyuki, T. Anh Pham H, J. Komadina, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technology (EMNT2014) (Okinawa)
Presentation date: 2014.11
In-situ temperature measurements on the phase change point of monolayer APTES by Surface-enhanced anti-Stokes and Stokes Raman scattering
Y. Sun, M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, M. Nakamura, T. Homma
The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (Shimane)
Presentation date: 2014.11
石原貴史, 中嶋一輝, 松尾伸史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
第4回CSJ化学フェスタ2014 (東京)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Reaction Mechanism of Thiourea as Suppressor in Electroless Cu Deposition Process
M. Kunimoto, T. Naito, H. Nakai, T. Homma
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
In Situ Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of the Electrochemical Deposition Processes Using Plasmon Antenna Sensors
T. Homma, T. Yamamoto, M. Nakamura, M. Kunimoto, M. Saito, M. Yanagisawa [Invited]
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Characterization of Electrodeposited Co-Pt Nano-Dot Array at Initial Deposition Stage
S. Wodarz, T. Otani, H. Hagiwara, T. Homma
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
The Study of Electrodeposition of Si in Tmhatfsi-SiCl4 analyzed by EQCM Method
Y. Tsuyuki, T. Anh Pham H, J. Komadina, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Elimination of Boron from Soluble Silica Via Solvent Extraction with 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-Pentanediol Using a Multistage Flow-Type Reactor
N. Matsuo, T. Ishihara, T. Oyanagi, K. Nakajima, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
A New Electrodeposition Process of Crystalline Silicon Utilizing Water-Soluble KF–KCl Molten Salt
K. Maeda, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, T. Homma
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
Fabrication of FePt and CoPt Magnetic Nanodot Arrays by Electrodeposition Process
T. Homma, S. Wodarz, D. Nishiie, T. Otani [Invited]
2014 ECS & SMEQ Joint International Meeting (Cancun)
Presentation date: 2014.10
銅埋め込み電析における添加剤分布のin situ測定手法の開発
中村雅俊, 柳沢雅広, 本間敬之
2014年電気化学秋季大会 (札幌)
Presentation date: 2014.09
安田幸司, 前田一真, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第130回講演大会 (京都)
Presentation date: 2014.09
定岡佑典, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第130回講演大会 (京都)
Presentation date: 2014.09
宇田和布, 古山大貴, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第130回講演大会 (京都)
Presentation date: 2014.09
Coupling Phenomena between Micromorphological Evolution and Ionic Mass Transfer Rate during Ag Electrodeposition in AgNO3 Aqueous Solution
Y. Fukunaka, T. Wakatsuki, T. Homma
65th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) (Lausanne)
Presentation date: 2014.09
High Purity Silicon Materials Prepared Through Wet-chemical and Electrochemical Approaches
T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka, T. Nohira [Invited]
65th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) (Lausanne)
Presentation date: 2014.09
Redox Reaction Current on Multi-microdisc Electrode
Y. Yamamoto, K. Fushimi, T. Nakanishi, Y. Hasegawa, M. Saito, T. Homma
65th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) (Lausanne)
Presentation date: 2014.09
萩原弘規, ヴォダルツジギー, 大谷智博, 西家大貴, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2014.07
Chemical Analysis of Ultra-thin DLC Films and Lubricant/DLC Interface using Plasmonic Sensors
M. Yanagisawa, M. Kunimoto, T. Homma
ASME 2014 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS2014) (Santa Clara, CA)
Presentation date: 2014.06
DFT Analysis of Catalytic Reaction of H2PO2- as a Reductant for Electroless Deposition Process
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma [Invited]
Post-symposium of TOCAT7 (The 7th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology) (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2014.06
Gravitational Effects on the Initial Stage of Cu Electrodeposition
H. Inari, Y. Konishi, R. Alkire, T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka
225th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Orlando, FL)
Presentation date: 2014.05
山下幸太, 國本雅宏, 本間敬之, 大木義路, 藤巻真, 粟津浩一
電気化学会第81回大会 (大阪)
Presentation date: 2014.03
小柳高宏, 松井雄希, 松尾伸史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第81回大会 (大阪)
Presentation date: 2014.03
西家大貴, 間庭佑太, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
電気化学会第81回大会 (大阪)
Presentation date: 2014.03
大谷智博, ヴォダルツジギー, 萩原弘規, 本間敬之
電気化学会第81回大会 (大阪)
Presentation date: 2014.03
斎藤美紀子, 藤田隼, 楠美智子, 本間敬之, 川原田洋
電気化学会第81回大会 (大阪)
Presentation date: 2014.03
Elimination of Boron from Silica with Solvent Extraction Using a Multistage Microchannel Device for High-Purity Source for Solar-Grade Silicon
松尾伸史, 松井雄希, 石原貴史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
NIMS-早稲田 ジョイントシンポジウム (東京)
Presentation date: 2014.03
Electrodeposition Conditions of ZnO Thin Films from Zinc Acetate Bath for Thermo Electronic Devices
A. A. Akhmaddireja, 齋藤美紀子, 福中康博, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第129回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2014.03
山本悠大, 伏見公志, 中西貴之, 長谷川靖哉, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第129回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2014.03
無電解Cu めっき反応に対するチオ尿素の添加効果の解析
内藤健博, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第129回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2014.03
無電解Ni-P めっき反応に対するチオ尿素の促進効果の理論的解析
関健司, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第129回講演大会 (千葉)
Presentation date: 2014.03
Elimination of incorporated boron in silica with precipitation control and solvent extraction using a microchannel device for high-purity source of solar-grade silicon
N. Matsuo, Y. Matsui, T. Ishihara, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
International Symposium on Integration of Chemistry and Bioscience (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2014.01
電解・無電解めっきの基礎〈上級編〉 -反応メカニズムの理論的解析と機能特性・ナノ構造制御
本間敬之 [Invited]
2013年冬季セミナー 表面処理基礎講座〈上級編〉 (東京)
Presentation date: 2013.11
ヴォダルツジギー, 間庭佑太, 萩原弘規, 大谷智博, 西家大貴, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2013.11
Electrolyte-Electrode Interfacial Study for Si Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquid
J. Komadina, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Tsuyuki, Y. Zhang, Y. Fukunaka, P. A. Pianetta, T. Homma
224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) (San Francisco, CA)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Electrochemical Reduction Behavior of Granular SiO2 in Molten CaCl2
X. Yang, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, K. Ichitsubo, K. Matsuda, T. Homma
224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) (San Francisco, CA)
Presentation date: 2013.10
DFT Analysis On Cathodic Reaction of Au Thiosulfate Complex At Au(111) Surface
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) (San Francisco, CA)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Influence of Incorporated Light Elements On Refining Process for High-Purity Silica Using Microchannel Device
N. Matsuo, Y. Matsui, T. Ishihara, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) (San Francisco, CA)
Presentation date: 2013.10
Electrochemical Fabrication of Magnetic Nanostructures- Analysis, Control, and Design of Deposition Processes
T. Homma, S. Wodarz, B. Jiang, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa [Invited]
224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) (San Francisco, CA)
Presentation date: 2013.10
電解析出法を用いた高保磁力Fe-Pt ナノドットパターンの形成
間庭佑太, 萩原弘規, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
第3回CSJ化学フェスタ 2013 (東京)
Presentation date: 2013.10
松井雄希, 石原貴史, 松尾伸史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
2013年電気化学秋季大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2013.09
石橋瑶子, 露木康博, J. Komadina, 福中康博, 本間敬之
2013年電気化学秋季大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2013.09
加藤晃, 柳澤雅広, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第128回講演大会 (福岡)
Presentation date: 2013.09
横道拓哉, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第128回講演大会 (福岡)
Presentation date: 2013.09
ヴォダルツジギー, 間庭佑太, 萩原弘規, 本間敬之
磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2013.07
Πstructured Bi-Te micro-thermoelectric device fabricated by electrodeposition process
K. Uda, Y. Seki, M. Saito, Y. Sonobe, Y. Hsieh, H. Takahashi, I. Terasaki, T. Homma
The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (Kobe)
Presentation date: 2013.07
Electrolyte-Electrode Interface and Si Deposition in Ionic Liquid
J. Komadina, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
223rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Toronto, Ontario)
Presentation date: 2013.05
Electrodeposition process to form patterned Si nanostructures
T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka, Y. Ishibashi, J. Komadina [Invited]
The 13th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Pretoria)
Presentation date: 2013.04
Nanoindentation analysis for mechanical properties of electroless NiP imprinting mold replicated from self-assembled monolayer modified patterns
林政平, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
電気化学会第80回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2013.03
間庭佑太, 高見淳, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
電気化学会第80回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2013.03
萩原弘規, ヴォダルツジギー, 高見淳, 本間敬之
電気化学会第80回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2013.03
ヴォダルツジギー, 萩原弘規, 高見淳, 本間敬之
電気化学会第80回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2013.03
石原貴史, 松井雄希, 松尾伸史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第80回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2013.03
露木康博, 石橋瑶子, 秋吉貴裕, J. Komadina, 福中康博, 本間敬之
電気化学会第80回大会 (宮城)
Presentation date: 2013.03
p 型Bi-Te 系薄膜の電析および熱電変換素子の作製
宇田和布, 関佑太, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 謝育秦, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
第60回応用物理学会学術講演会 (神奈川)
Presentation date: 2013.03
関健司, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第127回講演大会 (埼玉)
Presentation date: 2013.03
Theoretical Analysis of the Solvation Effect on the Adsorption of Hypophosphite Ion on Pd and Cu Surfaces
K. Seki, M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources (WAEPS-5) (Kumamoto)
Presentation date: 2012.11
高見淳, 間庭佑太, ヴォダルツジギー, 萩原弘規, 本間敬之
磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会(MR) (東京)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Silicon Bonding State in Films Electrodeposited from SiCl4 in Ionic Liquid
J. Komadina, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Ishibashi, X. Wang, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Fundamental Study of Li Dendrite Growth in Ionic Liquid
T. Nishida, K. Nishikawa, T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka, M. Rosso
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Raman and DFT Study of Reductant Adsorption on Metal Surfaces in Electroless Deposition Process
B. Jiang, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Theoretical Analysis of the Solvent Effect on Hypophosphite Ion Adsorption on Pd and Cu Surfaces
M. Kunimoto, K. Seki, H. Nakai, T. Homma
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
The Effect of the Deposition Conditions on the Electrodeposition of Si Nanopillars in TMHATFSI
Y. Ishibashi, T. Akiyoshi, J. Komadina, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Solvent Extraction Using Microchannel System for High Purification of Silica
N. Matsuo, Y. Matsui, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
Fundamental Study on Reduction Rate for Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 Powder in Molten CaCl2
T. Toba, K. Yasuda, T. Nohira, R. Hagiwara, K. Ichitsubo, K. Masuda, T. Homma
PRiME 2012 (222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 2012 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Presentation date: 2012.10
松井雄希, 松尾伸史, 福中康博, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第126回講演大会 (北海道)
Presentation date: 2012.09
秋吉貴裕, 石橋瑶子, J. Komadina, 福中康博, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第126回講演大会 (北海道)
Presentation date: 2012.09
國本雅宏, 島照人, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第126回講演大会 (北海道)
Presentation date: 2012.09
Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Surface Defects on the Reaction of Hypophosphite Ion as a Reducing Agent for Electroless Deposition Process
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technology (EMNT2012) (Linz)
Presentation date: 2012.08
Electrodeposition of Si nanopatterns from ionic liquid
T. Homma [Invited]
9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technology (EMNT2012) (Linz)
Presentation date: 2012.08
間庭佑太, 高見淳, G. Zangari, 本間敬之
東北大通研-早大ナノ機構 第2回研究会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2012.07
Electrochemical Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Arrays - analysis and design of deposition processes
T. Homma, A. Takami, M. Kunimoto [Invited]
12th International Fischer Symposium (Lübeck)
Presentation date: 2012.06
Optical Observation of Li Dendrite Growth in Ionic Liquid
T. Nishida, K. Nishikawa, T. Homma, Y. Fukunaka
221st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Seattle, WA)
Presentation date: 2012.05
Progress in Nanowire Growth and Mechanistic Analysis of Silicon Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquid
J. Komadina, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Fukunaka, P. Pianetta, T. Homma
221st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Seattle, WA)
Presentation date: 2012.05
鳥羽哲也, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 一坪幸輝, 増田賢太, 本間敬之
電気化学会第79回大会 (浜松)
Presentation date: 2012.03
齋藤美紀子, 石井智紘, 藤原英道, 本間敬之
電気化学会第79回大会 (浜松)
Presentation date: 2012.03
天野諭, 松尾伸史, Y. Choi, D.-J. Ahn, 本間敬之
電気化学会第79回大会 (浜松)
Presentation date: 2012.03
間庭佑太, 小西洋平, Giovanni Zangari, 本間敬之
電気化学会第79回大会 (浜松)
Presentation date: 2012.03
加藤晃, 小林千秋, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
電気化学会第79回大会 (浜松)
Presentation date: 2012.03
ヴォダルツジギー, 嶋野直史, 大友彬, 國本雅広, 柳沢雅宏, 本間敬之
電気化学会第79回大会 (浜松)
Presentation date: 2012.03
関佑太, 富田元紀, 山本智之, 齋藤美紀子, 園部義明, 高橋英史, 寺崎一郎, 本間敬之
第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2012.03
関健司, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第125回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2012.03
大友彬, 嶋野直史, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第125回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2012.03
島照人, 國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第125回講演大会 (東京)
Presentation date: 2012.03
本間敬之 [Invited]
4大学ナノ・マイクロファブリケーションコンソーシアム拠点形成シンポジウム (川崎)
Presentation date: 2012.03
本間敬之 [Invited]
神奈川科学技術アカデミー教育講座 (川崎)
Presentation date: 2012.01
Fabrication of 80 nm-scale imprinting mold by detaching electroless-deposited NiP from SAM modified SiO2 master mold
C.-P. Lin, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
第1回CSJ化学フェスタ (東京)
Presentation date: 2011.11
小林千秋, 青山裕, 若山裕, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
第1回CSJ化学フェスタ (東京)
Presentation date: 2011.11
Templated electrodeposition of Si nanowires from ionic liquid
T. Homma, J. Komadina, Y. Nakano, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Nishimura, T. Nishida, Y. Fukunaka [Invited]
220th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Boston, MA)
Presentation date: 2011.10
國本雅宏, 中井浩巳, 本間敬之
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 (愛知)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Electrochemical Fabrication of Functional Micro/Nano Structures
T. Homma, J. Komadina, M.Kunimoto, Y. Fukunaka
International Symposium on Renewable Energy & Materials Tailoring (REMT2011) (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Theoretical study of additive effects on reactions in electroless deposition processes
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
International Symposium on Renewable Energy & Materials Tailoring (REMT2011) (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Observation of reductants on copper surface in electroless deposition process with nano-scale resolution using surface enhanced raman spectroscopy
B.-Jiang, N. Shimano, T. Ouchi, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma
International Symposium on Renewable Energy & Materials Tailoring (REMT2011) (Kyoto)
Presentation date: 2011.09
DFT Analysis on Orbital Interaction between Hypophosphite Ion and Metal Surfaces in Electroless Deposition Process
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting) (Nigata)
Presentation date: 2011.09
I-V Characterization of Molecular Architecture Change in Polydiacetylene Supermolecules
N. Matsuo, Y. Choi, C. Kobayashi, C. Cui, D.-J. Ahn, T. Homma
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting) (Nigata)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Fabrication of electrodeposited Co-Pt nano dot arrays and analysis of its initial deposition process
Y. Konishi, A. Takami, T. Ouchi, T. Homma
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting) (Nigata)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Fabrication and initial deposition analysis of electroless Ni alloy nanoimprinting mold replicated from SAM modified nanopatterns
C.-P. Lin, M. Saito, T. Homma
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting) (Nigata)
Presentation date: 2011.09
High Coercivity Magnetic Thin Films Deposited from Simplified Electroless Bath System
T. Homma, T. Ouchi, N. Shimano [Invited]
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE, 62nd Annual Meeting) (Nigata)
Presentation date: 2011.09
青山裕, 小林千秋, 若山裕, 齋藤美紀子, 本間敬之
2011年電気化学秋季大会(第52回化学センサ研究発表会) (新潟)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Theoretical Study on Catalytic Activity of Metal Surfaces on P-H Bond Cleavage of Hypophosphite Ion
M. Kunimoto, H. Nakai, T. Homma
7th Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Physics (ISTCP-VII) (Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2011.09
Mechanical properties and initial deposition analysis of electroless Ni alloy nanoimprinting mold replicated from SAM modified nanopatterns
C.-P. Lin, M. Saito, T. Homma
(STAC5-AMDI2) Joint Conference of The Fifth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (Yokohama)
Presentation date: 2011.06
Investigation of Effects on Organic Additives for Laterally-Enhanced Growth of Au Electrodeposition Presenters
C. Kobayashi, S. Yoshida, M. Saito, T. Homma
219th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (Montreal, QC)
Presentation date: 2011.05
The Degradation of Carbon Electrode for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Battery at an Initial State of Cycling Revealed By in-Situ Raman Measurement
T. Wang
239th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2021) (オンライン)
Observation of Polymer Additive Absorption on Substrates for STI CMP Slurries
S. Nomura
239th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2021) (オンライン)
Deep Learning Combined with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Chemical Sensing and Recognition
M. Bertz
239th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2021) (オンライン)
Fabrication of SERS Plasmonic Sensor for Electrochemical Analysis Using Electroless Deposition Process
Zhengke Tu
74th Annual ISE Meeting (France)
第47回 日本磁気学会学術講演会 (大阪)
Electroforming Technique using Self-assembled Monolayer(SAM) for Modified Nanopatterns
Nanotechnology / Materials
The new interface measuring device using new plasmon sensor and raman scattering spectroscopy
Nanotechnology / Materials
The New Interface Measuring Device using New Plasmon Sensor and Raman Scattering Spectroscopy
Nanotechnology / Materials
Electrochemical Processing and Multi-scale Modeling of Zinc Electrodes for Large-scale Energy Storage System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Multi-scale, high resolution operando analysis of material destruction processes using mechano-chemical interactive measurements
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Homma Takayuki
Development of 3-dimensional-structure sensors with molecular-level resolution and their application to solid/liquid interface analysis on biocells.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki
Electrochemical processing of initial nucleation control for large scale energy storage devices
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Homma Takayuki, FUKUNAKA Yasuhiro, SAITO Mikiko, KUNIMOTO Masahiro
Development of in-situ Electrochemical Imaging Plate for Interfacial Reaction and Its Application to Estimation of Residual Lifetime of Metallic Materials
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Fushimi Koji, HOMMA Takayuki, SAITO Mikiko, LEE Jun-Seob, TAKABATAKE Yu, YANAGISAWA Kei, JIN Misako, YAMAMOTO Yudai
Development of 3-dimensional-structure sensors with molecular-level resolution and their application to solid/liquid interface analysis on biocells.
Project Year :
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki, YANAGISAWA Masahiro, SAITO Mikiko, KUNIMOTO Masahiro
Development of in-situ analysis method for solid-liquid interfaces with ultra-high resolution using plasmon antenna sensors
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki, YANAGISAWA Masahiro, SAITO Mikiko, KUNIMOTO Masahiro
Development of in-situ analysis method for solid-liquid interfaces with ultra-high resolution using plasmon antenna sensors
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki, YANAGISAWA Masahiro, SAITO Mikiko, KUNIMOTO Masahiro
Establishment of Electrochemical Device Engineering
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
OSAKA Tetsuya, MOMMA Toshiyuki, SHOJI Shuichi, SUGIYAMA Atsushi, NAKANISHI Takuya, HOMMA Takayuki, MATSUKATA Masahiko, MIZUNO Jun, SEKIGUCHI Tetsushi, YOSHINO Masahiro, TOMINAKA Satoshi
Electrochemical tailoring of semiconductor nanowire arrays and their application to photo-energy devices
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki
A study on lubrication technology for future magnetic disks using a lubricant flow in a small gap
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YANAGISAWA Masahiro, HOMMA Takayuki, SUGIYAMA Atsushi, YOSHINO Masahiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki
Development of Biological Sample Separation/Extraction and Preparation Microsystems for High Performance Biosensing
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SHOJI Shuichi, FUNATSU Takashi, HOMMA Takayuki, ARAKAWA Takahiro
Development of Novel electrochemical Nanofabrication Processes through Controlling Non-linear Diffusion
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOMMA Takayuki, SHOJI Shuichi
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)
Project Year :
Analysis and control of the fluids, interfaces of liquid-liquid and liquid-solid in microchannels
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SHOJI Shuichi, HOMMA Takayuki, FUNATSU Takashi
Project Year :
Studies on sorting and fixing of. Bioiooiecules for high performance micro chemical/biochemical analysis systems
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SHOJI Shuichi, HONMA Takayuki, FUNATSU Takashi
無電解析出法による高機能薄膜生成機構の走査トンネル顕微鏡によるin situ解析
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
本間 敬之
安田 幸司, 井戸 彬文, 鍾 明, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 本間 敬之
資源・素材学会平成29年度春季大会、千葉工業大学、 2017年3月27日~29日 2017.03
佐伯 一麦, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 本間 敬之
平成28年度第3回関西電気化学研究会[ポスター発表]、大阪府立大学、 2016年12月10日 2016.12
佐伯一麦, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
第48回溶融塩化学討論会 講演要旨集(新潟大学駅南キャンパス、新潟市、2016年11月24日-25日) 105 - 106 2016.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
Kinetic Studies on Direct Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2
Ming Zhong, Xiao Yang, Kouji Yasuda, Toshiyuki Nohira, Takayuki Homma
PRiME 2016, Joint international meeting of 230th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society and 2016 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan and 2016 Fall Meeting of The Korean Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, USA, 2-7 October, 2016. 2016.10
楊肖, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
第39回電解技術討論会-ソーダ工業技術討論会-(山梨大学、平成27年11月5日ー6日) 2015.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
前田 一真, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 本間 敬之
平成26年度第3回関西電気化学研究会[ポスター発表]、関西大学、平成26年12月13日 2014.12
前田一真, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
第46回溶融塩化学討論会 講演要旨集(木更津市、平成26年11月13日―14日) 39 - 40 2014.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
前田一真, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
資源・素材学会平成26年度秋季大会(熊本大学、平成26年9月15日ー17日) 2014.09
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
島尾 武征, 楊 肖, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 一坪 幸輝, 増田 賢太, 本間 敬之
第68回マテリアルズ・テーラリング研究会[ポスター発表]、軽井沢、平成26年7月24日〜26日 2014.07
前田 一真, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 本間 敬之
第68回マテリアルズ・テーラリング研究会[ポスター発表]、軽井沢、平成26年7月24日〜26日 2014.07
安田幸司, 前田一真, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
第130回表面技術協会講演会(京都大学、2014年6月23日) 23A-10 2014.06
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
楊肖, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 一坪幸輝, 増田賢太, 本間敬之
電気化学会第81回大会(関西大学千里山キャンパス、吹田市、2014年3月29日―31日) 194 2014.03
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
安田幸司, 前田一真, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
資源・素材学会平成26年度春季大会(東京大学、平成26年3月26日ー28日) 2014
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
前田一真, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
第45回溶融塩化学討論会 講演要旨集 (慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス、平成25年11月20日ー21日) 53 - 54 2013.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
第45回溶融塩化学討論会 講演要旨集 (慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス、平成25年11月20日ー21日) 49 - 50 2013.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
板倉 大地, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 本間 敬之
第65回マテリアルズ・テーラリング研究会[ポスター発表]、軽井沢、平成25年8月1日〜3日. 2013.08
板倉大地, 水谷陽介, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会 (千葉工業大学、平成25年3月28日~30日) 95 - 96 2013.03
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
鳥羽哲也, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 一坪幸輝, 増田賢太, 本間敬之
平成24年度第3回関西電気化学研究会(京都大学、平成24年12月1日) 2012.12
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
鳥羽哲也, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 一坪幸輝, 増田賢太, 本間敬之
第36回電解技術討論会-ソーダ工業技術討論会-(滋賀県立大学、平成24年11月25日ー26日) 2012.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
板倉大地, 水谷陽介, 安田幸司, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
資源・素材学会関西支部第9回若手研究者・学生のための研究発表会(京都大学、平成24年11月27日) 2012.11
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
鳥羽 哲也, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 一坪 幸輝, 増田 賢太, 本間 敬之
第62回マテリアルズ・テーラリング研究会[ポスター発表]、軽井沢、平成24年8月9日〜11日. 2012.08
水谷 陽介, 板倉大地, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 本間 敬之
第62回マテリアルズ・テーラリング研究会[ポスター発表]、軽井沢、平成24年8月9日〜11日. 2012.08
鳥羽 哲也, 安田 幸司, 野平 俊之, 萩原 理加, 一坪 幸輝, 増田 賢太, 本間 敬之
電気化学会第79回大会、アクトシティ浜松、平成24年3月29〜31日. 2012.03
安田幸司, 水谷陽介, 野平俊之, 萩原理加, 本間敬之
資源・素材学会平成24年度春季大会(東京大学、平成24年3月26日ー28日) 77 - 78 2012.03
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
Fabrication of magnetic nanodot array using electrochemical deposition processes
Takanari Ouchi, Yuki Arikawa, Yohei Konishi, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 55 ( 27 ) 8081 - 8086 2010.11 [Refereed]
Synchrotron radiation-induced total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
F. Meirer, A. Singh, G. Pepponi, C. Streli, T. Homma, P. Pianetta
TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 29 ( 6 ) 479 - 496 2010.06
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Effect of Tl-codeposition on Au Electrodeposition from Non-Cyanide Bath
M. Saito, K. Inoue, K. Shiokawa, T. Homma
High Perpendicular Coercivity Electroless Cobalt Alloy Films with 25 nm Thicknesses
T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, T. Homma
Fabrication of Nanogap Electrodes using Electrodeposition Process
C. Kobayashi, S. Yoshida, M. Saito, Y. Wakayama, T. Homma
Microstructure Formation within Films of Silicon using Electrochemical Anodization
J. B. Ratchford, M. Saito, T. Homma
Trans, Mat. Res. Soc. 35 ( 1 ) 69 - 72 2010
Electrochemical Fabrication of CoPt Nanodot Arrays on Glass Disks by UV Nanoimprint Lithography
T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma
Electrochem. Soc. Trans. 16 ( 45 ) 79 - 84 2009
Electrochemical Evaluation and Finite Element Structural Analysis of Si Wafer Surface under Mechanical Stress
K. Sakata, T. Homma
Electrochem. Soc. Trans. 16 ( 40 ) 79 - 84 2009
Preparation of electrodeposited Pt nano patterned electrode using UV-nano imprinting lithography
M. Saito, J. Mizuno, H. Nishikubo, H. Fujiwara, T. Homma
ECS Transactions 16 ( 25 ) 131 - 136 2009
Fabrication of catalyst-functionalized three-dimensional micromesh structures
Satoshi Keino, Hironobu Sato, Takayuki Homma, Shuichi Shoji
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 47 ( 6 ) 5204 - 5207 2008.06
Self-aligned formation of nano-holes to arrayed micro glass tubes
Hirotaka Sato, Takuya Yamaguchi, Tetsuhiko Isobe, Takayuki Homma, Shuichi Shoji
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 53 ( 1 ) 200 - 204 2007.11
Molecular orbital study on the oxidation mechanism of hydrazine and hydroxylamine as reducing agents for electroless deposition process
Takuya Shimada, Amiko Tamaki, Hiromi Nakai, Takayuki Homma
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 75 ( 1 ) 45 - 49 2007.01
Electrochemical formation of intermediate layer for Co/Pd multilayered media
Jun Kawaji, Koji Kimura, Toru Asahi, Takayuki Homma, Tetsuya Osaka
Adsorption of organic molecules by photochemical reaction on Cl : Si(111) and H : Si(111) evaluated by HREELS
Katsuhiko Nishiyama, Yosuke Tanaka, Hiroshi Harada, Taro Yamada, Daisuke Niwa, Tomoyuki Inoue, Takayuki Homma, Tetsuya Osaka, Isao Taniguchi
SURFACE SCIENCE 600 ( 10 ) 1965 - 1972 2006.05
Evaluation of 256-pixel TES microcalorimeter arrays with electrodeposited Bi absorbers
U Morita, Y Yamakawa, T Fujimori, Y Ishisaki, T Ohashi, Y Takei, K Yoshida, T Yoshino, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, H Sato, Y Minoura, N Takahashi, T Homma, S Shoji, Y Kuroda, M Onishi
Density functional theory study on the oxidation mechanisms of aldehydes as reductants for electroless Cu deposition process
T Shimada, K Sakata, T Homma, H Nakai, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 51 ( 5 ) 906 - 915 2005.11
Preparation and characterization of electroplated amorphous gold-nickel alloy film for electrical contact applications
N Togasaki, Y Okinaka, T Homma, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 51 ( 5 ) 882 - 887 2005.11
Fabrication of patterned nanostructures with various metal species on Si wafer surfaces by maskless and electroless process
N Kubo, T Homma, Y Hondo, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 51 ( 5 ) 834 - 837 2005.11
Electrochemical analysis of zincate treatments for Al and Al alloy films
M Saito, T Maegawa, T Homma
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 51 ( 5 ) 1017 - 1020 2005.11
Characterization of strained Si wafer surface by density functional theory analysis
K Sakata, T Homma, H Nakai, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 51 ( 5 ) 1000 - 1003 2005.11
Picoliter volume glass tube array fabricated by Si electrochemical etching process
H Sato, T Homma, K Mori, T Osaka, S Shoji
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 51 ( 5 ) 844 - 848 2005.11
Electrochemical formation process of Si macropore and metal filling for high aspect ratio metal microstructure using single electrolyte system
H Sato, T Homma, K Mori, T Osaka, S Shoji
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 73 ( 4 ) 275 - 278 2005.04
Nucleation and growth of copper nanoparticles on silicon surfaces
A. Singh, K. Luening, S. Brennan, T. Homma, N. Kubo, P. Pianetta
PHYSICA SCRIPTA T115 714 - 716 2005
Electrochemical formation process of Si macropore and metal filling for high aspect ratio metal microstructure using single electrolyte system
H. Sato, T. Homma, K. Mori, T. Osaka, S. Shoji
Electrochemistry 73 ( 4 ) 275 - 278 2005
Nucleation and growth of copper nanoparticles on silicon surfaces
A. Singh, K. Luening, S. Brennan, T. Homma, N. Kubo, P. Pianetta
Physica Scripta T T115 714 - 716 2005
Development of Bi electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber array for high sensitive X-ray imaging sensor
H Sato, H Kobayashi, H Kudo, T Izumi, T Homma, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
ELECTROCHEMISTRY 72 ( 6 ) 424 - 426 2004.06
Performance analyse's of TES microcalorimeters with mushroom shaped X-ray absorbers made of Sn or Bi
Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, K Futamoto, Y Takei, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, K Yoshida, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
Fabrication of multi-pixel TES microcalorimeters with an electrodeposited Sn absorber and Bi absorber
T Arakawa, H Kudo, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, K Mitsuda, N Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, N Iyomoto, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu
TES microcalorimeter development for future Japanese X-ray astronomy missions
R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, N Iyomoto, T Oshima, Y Takei, K Futamoto, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, K Yoshida, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, N Takai, T Ohashi, H Kudo, H Sato, T Arakawa, H Kobayashi, T Izumi, S Ohtsuka, K Mori, S Shoji, T Osaka, T Homma, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, M Goto, F Beppu, T Tanaka, T Morooka, S Nakayama, K Chinone
High sensitive X-ray microcalorimeter using Bi-Au microabsorber for imaging applications
H Kudo, T Arakawa, S Ohtsuka, T Izumi, S Shoji, H Sato, H Kobayashi, K Mori, T Homma, T Osaka, N Iyomoto, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, T Oshima, K Futamoto, Y Takei, T Ichitsubo, T Fujimori, Y Ishisaki, U Morita, T Koga, K Shinozaki, K Sato, T Ohashi, Y Kuroda, M Onishi, K Otake, F Beppu
Y Ishisaki, T Ohashi, T Oshima, U Morita, K Shinozaki, K Sato, K Mitsuda, NY Yamasaki, R Fujimoto, Y Takei, H Sato, N Takahashi, T Homma, T Osaka
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study of the Electron Emission Mechanism of TiCl3 as a Reductant for an Electroless Deposition Process
T. Shimada, I. Komatsu, T. Homma, H. Nakai, T. Osaka
Electrochemistry 72 ( 6 ) 462 - 465 2004
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study of the Electron Emission Mechanism of TiCl3 as a Reductant for an Electroless Deposition Process
T. Shimada, I. Komatsu, T. Homma, H. Nakai, T. Osaka
Electrochemistry 72 ( 6 ) 462 - 465 2004
KAWAJI Jun, ASAHI Toru, TANAKA Mutsumi, KIMURA Koji, HOMMA Takayuki, OSAKA Tetsuya
IEICE technical report. Magnetic recording 103 ( 433 ) 7 - 11 2003.11
Sn electrodeposition process for fabricating microabsorber arrays for an X-ray microcalorimeter
T Homma, H Sato, H Kobayashi, T Arakawa, H Kudo, T Osaka, S Shoji, Y Ishisaki, T Oshima, N Iyomoto, R Fujimoto, K Mitsuda
JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 559 ( 1 ) 143 - 148 2003.11 [Refereed]
Maskless and electroless fabrication of patterned metal nanostructures on silicon wafers by controlling local surface activities
T Homma, N Kubo, T Osaka
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 48 ( 20-22 ) 3115 - 3122 2003.09
Electric and Thermal Response and Noise Features of TES X-ray microcalorimeters
Takei Y., Fujimori T., Ishisaki Y., Koga T., Sato K., Ohashi T., Kudo H., Sato H., Nakamura T., Kobayashi H., Arakawa T., Morita U., Otsuka S., Izumi T., Mori K., Shoji S., Honma T., Osaka T., Tanaka K., Morooka T., Nakayama T., Chinone K., Mitsuda K., Kuroda Y., Onishi M., Ichitubo T., Iyomoto N., Fujimoto R., Yamasaki N., Futamoto K., Oshima T.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 1 ) 94 - 94 2003
Substrate (Ni)-catalyzed electroless gold deposition from a noncyanide bath containing thiosulfate and sulfite - II. Deposit characteristics and substrate effects
J Sato, M Kato, H Otani, T Homma, Y Okinaka, T Osaka, O Yoshioka
日刊工業新聞 1613 - 1622 1998.02 [Refereed]
Noise Properties of an Electroless-deposited CoNiReP Perpendicular Magnetic Prcording Medium and a Perpendicular / Longitudinal Composite Medium
J. Hokkyo, T. Osaka, T. Homma, T. Onoue, N. Miyamoto
J.Magn.Soc.Jpn. 21 ( S2 ) 525 - 528 1997.09 [Refereed]
Noise Properties of an Electroless-deposited CoNiReP Perpendicular Magnetic Prcording Medium and a Perpendicular / Longitudinal Composite Medium
J. Hokkyo, T. Osaka, T. Homma, T. Onoue, N. Miyamoto
J.Magn.Soc.Jpn. 21 ( S2 ) 525 - 528 1997.09
黒川義昭, 長崎 顕, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
日本応用磁気学会誌 21 ( S1 ) 163 - 168 1997.04 [Refereed]
逢坂哲彌, 本間敬之, 黒川義昭, 田口智一, 瀧澤敦尚
日本応用磁気学会誌 21 ( 4 ) 213 - 216 1997.04 [Refereed]
逢坂哲彌, 本間敬之, 黒川義昭, 田口智一
電気化学および工業物理化学 64 ( 7 ) 850 - 851 1996.07 [Refereed]
黒川義昭, 長崎 顕, 本間敬之, 逢坂哲彌
日本応用磁気学会誌 20 ( 2 ) 141 - 144 1996.04 [Refereed]
Electrochemically Deposited Thin Films for Magnetic Recording Devices
T. Osaka, T. Homma
Interface 4 ( 2 ) 42 1995.04 [Refereed]
電気化学および工業物理化学/電気化学協会 63 ( 4 ) 1995.04 [Refereed]
Electrochemically Deposited Thin Films for Magnetic Recording Devices
T. Osaka, T. Homma
Interface 4 ( 2 ) 42 1995.04
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広
柳沢 雅広, 本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 國本 雅宏, 福中 康博
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広, 齋藤 美紀子, 山本 智之
本間 敬之, 柳沢 雅広, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
齋藤 美紀子, 水野 潤, 本間 敬之
本間 敬之, 齋藤 美紀子
逢坂 哲彌, 沖中 裕, 本間 敬之
本間 敬之, 庄子 習一, 逢坂 哲彌, 佐藤 裕崇
本間 敬之
Diploma Work (Graduation Thesis) [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Industrial Chemistry Laboratory II [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Industrial Chemistry Laboratory I [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Physical Chemistry Laboratory [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Applied Chemistry: General [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Applied Chemistry:Course Exercises [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Applied Chemistry Laboratory I [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory I [S Grade]
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory I
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Power Resource Optimization II
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Practical Seminar on Technological Excellence I (Energy material)
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Seminar on Power and Energy Materials
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Practical Seminar on Technological Excellence II (Energy material)
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Practical Seminar on Technological Excellence II (Energy material)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Power Resource Optimization II
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Practical Seminar on Technological Excellence I (Energy material)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Seminar on Power and Energy Materials
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Master's Thesis (Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Master's Thesis (Department of Applied Chemistry)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Practical Seminar on Technological Excellence II (Energy material)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Master's Thesis (Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Power Resource Optimization II
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Seminar on Power and Energy Materials
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Master's Thesis (Department of Applied Chemistry)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Practical Seminar on Technological Excellence I (Energy material)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring and fall)
Seminar on Functional Surface Chemistry A
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Research on Functional Surface Chemistry
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Seminar on Functional Surface Chemistry B
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar on Functional Surface Chemistry A
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Research on Functional Surface Chemistry
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Research Ethics in Applied Chemistry
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring)
Seminar and Laboratory Course on Applied Chemistry B
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Inorganic Instrumental Analysis
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar and Laboratory Course on Applied Chemistry A
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Seminar on Functional Surface Chemistry B
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar and Laboratory Course on Applied Chemistry B
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar and Laboratory Course on Applied Chemistry A
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry B
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry A
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry D
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry C
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry C
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry B
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry D
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Research on Surface Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Seminar on Nanofunctional Surface Chemistry A
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Research on Surface Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Research Ethics in Applied Chemistry
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 an intensive course(spring)
Practical Chemical Wisdom: Seminar II
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Practical Chemical Wisdom: Seminar I
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Research on Applied Chemistry A HOMMA, Takayuki
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Research on Surface Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Practical Chemical Wisdom: Seminar I
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 spring semester
Research on Functional Surface Chemistry
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 full year
Practical Chemical Wisdom: Seminar II
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2024 fall semester
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering Concurrent Researcher
Kagami Memorial Research Institute for Materials Science and Technology Concurrent Researcher
Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society Concurrent Researcher
Alkaline Energy Device Research Institute Director of Research Institute
2017 ヴォダルツ ジギー, 齋藤美紀子, 國本雅宏, 福中康博
2017 斎藤美紀子, 柳沢雅広, 國本雅宏
2016 齋藤美紀子, 國本雅宏
2010 柳沢 雅広, 大内 隆成
2009 柳沢 雅広, 大内 隆成
2002 逢坂 哲彌, Chidsey, Christopher E.D. , Pianetta, Piero A., Chemla, Marius, Bertagna, Valerie
Click to view the Scopus page. The data was downloaded from Scopus API in February 06, 2025, via and .