Updated on 2025/03/12


OTA, Yutaka
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
工学博士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships













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Research Areas

  • Fluid engineering

Research Interests

  • 流体機械、数値流体力学、空力音響、非定常空気力学


  • Best Visualization Award of ASV2011


  • ASME Aerospace Division Best Paper Award


  • 日本機械学会賞 研究奨励賞




  • The Influence of Compressor Airfoil Shape on the Unsteady Loss Produced by the Mixing of Incoming Wakes

    Pallot, G, Kato, D, Ohta, Y

    ASME Turbo Expo 2015   GT2015-43801  2015.06

  • Unsteady Behavior and Control of Vortices in Centrifugal Compressor

    Yutaka Ohta, Nobumichi Fujisawa

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE   23 ( 5 ) 401 - 411  2014.10  [Refereed]

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    Two examples of the use of vortex control to reduce noise and enhance the stable operating range of a centrifugal compressor are presented in this paper. In the case of high-flow operation of a centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser, a discrete frequency noise induced by interaction between the impeller-discharge flow and the diffuser vane, which appears most notably in the power spectra of the radiated noise, can be reduced using a tapered diffuser vane (TDV) without affecting the performance of the compressor. Twin longitudinal vortices produced by leakage flow passing through the tapered portion of the diffuser vane induce secondary flow in the direction of the blade surface and prevent flow separation from the leading edge of the diffuser. The use of a TDV can effectively reduce both the discrete frequency noise generated by the interaction between the impeller-discharge flow and the diffuser surface and the broadband turbulent noise component. In the case of low-flow operation:a leading-edge vortex (LEV) that forms on the shroud side of the suction surface near the leading edge of the diffuser increases significantly in size and blocks flow in the diffuser passage. The formation of an LEV may adversely affect the performance of the compressor and may cause the diffuser to stall. Using a one-side tapered diffuser vane to suppress the evolution of an LEV, the stable operating range of the compressor can be increased by more than 12 percent, and the pressure-rise characteristics of the compressor can be improved. The results of a supplementary examination of the structure and unsteady behavior of LEVs, conducted by means of detailed numerical simulations, are also presented.



  • Visualization of Unsteady Internal Flow under Surge and Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor using Double-Phase-Locked Averaging Technique

    Mitsui, H, Oka, S, Ohta, Y

    5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Sciences    2014.09

  • Unsteady Behavior of Leading Edge Vortex and Diffuser Stall Inception in a Centrifugal Blower with Vaned Diffuser

    Fujisawa, N, Hara, S, Yutaka, O, Goto, T

    ASME Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting   FEDSM2014-21242  2014.08  [Refereed]

  • The Influence of Stator Design on the Rotor Wakes Recovery Process

    Pallot, G, Kato, D, Hoshino, W, Ohta, Y

    Asian Congress on Gas Turbine   ACGT2014-0088  2014.08

  • Experimental Investigation of Three-dimensional Structure of Rotating Instability Vortex in a Centrifugal Blower

    Fukuda, Y, Itagaki, Y, Fujisawa, N, Ohta, Y

    Asian Congress on Gas Turbine   ACGT2014-0042  2014.08

  • Unsteady Flow Structure in an Axial Compressor at Windmill Condition

    Goto, T, Kato, D, Ohta, Y, Outa, E

    ASME Turbo Expo 2014   GT2014-25609  2014.06  [Refereed]

  • 側板付羽根車を有する遠心送風機に発生する旋回不安定擾乱の特性

    福田泰之, 武山祐輔, 太田有

    日本機械学会論文集   80 ( 809 ) 1 - 11  2014.01


  • Coexisting phenomena of surge and rotating stall in an axial flow compressor

    Takuya Abe, Hiroaki Mitsui, Yutaka Ohta

    Journal of Thermal Science   22 ( 6 ) 547 - 554  2013.12

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    The unsteady inner flow structure of a single-stage axial flow compressor under the coexisting conditions of surge and rotating stall was experimentally investigated via detailed measurements of the unsteady characteristics and the internal flow velocity fluctuations. The main relevant feature of the tested compressor is a shock tube with a capacity tank connected in series to the compressor outlet through slits and a concentric duplex pipe: surge and rotating stall can both be generated by connecting the shock tube. Research attention is focused on the unsteady behavior of a rotating stall during the surge cycle. The size of the rotating stall cell during the recovery process of an irregular surge cycle was experimentally determined by the circumferential flow velocity fluctuations ahead of the rotor blade. The results suggested that the size of the rotating stall cell at the switching point of the performance curve between large and small cycles is considered to be the key parameter in determining the following surge cycle. In addition, the surge cycle is largely influenced by the unsteady behavior of the rotating stall cell. © 2013 Science Press, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



  • Effects of Diffuser Vane Geometries on Compressor Performance and Noise Characteristics in a Centrifugal Compressor

    Yohei Morita, Nobumichi Fujisawa, Takashi Goto, Yutaka Ohta

    Proc. ASME 2013 FEDSM    2013.07  [Refereed]

  • 軸流圧縮機の非定常現象と計測技術


    計測と制御   52 ( 2 ) 105 - 111  2013.02

  • 軸流圧縮機におけるサージ・旋回失速共存系の非定常挙動


    ターボ機械   40 ( 11 ) 658 - 665  2012.11

  • 羽根付ディフューザを有する遠心圧縮機の性能・騒音特性の改善

    後藤尚志, 太田有, 大田英輔

    日本ガスタービン学会誌   第40巻 ( 第6号 ) 351 - 356  2012.11

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of both impeller-diffuser gap and diffuser inlet angles on the compressor performance and noise level radiated from the tested compressor. The original wedge type vane and hub-side tapered diffuser vane, which has tapered portion on the hub side near diffuser leading-edge, were tested. These diffuser vanes were placed on two impeller-diffuser gaps and three inlet angle positions. The compressor performance can be improved but the radiated noise level was enlarged by the vaned diffuser with shortened impeller-diffuser gap. By hub-side tapered diffuser vane, not only compressor performance, furthermore, can be improved but also wide stable operation range can be obtained.


  • Stability Enhancement of Axial-Flow Compressor by Jet Injection

    Yutaka Fujita, Takuya Abe, Kazuyoshi Miyagawa, Yutaka Ohta

    Proc. of ISFMFE 2012    2012.10

  • Behavior of Pressure Fluctuation Rotating around Impeller Periphery in a Centrifugal Compressor Equipped with Vaned Diffuser

    Takashi Goto, Atsuhito Mizuno, Kazuyoshi Miyagawa, Yutaka Ohta, Eisuke Outa

    Proc. of ACGT 2012    2012.08

  • Rotating Instability in a Centrifugal Blower with Shrouded Impeller

    Yutaka Ohta, Daisuke Tsugita, Yusuke Takeyama, C.K.P. Kowshik

    Proc. of ASME Turbo Expo 2012    2012.06  [Refereed]

  • Coexisting Phenomena of Surge and Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor

    Takuya Abe, Hiroaki Mitsui, Yutaka Ohta

    Proc. 11th ISAIF    2012.05

  • Unsteady Behavior of Surge and Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor

    Yutaka Ohta, Yutaka Fujita, Daisuke Morita

    Journal of Thermal and Fluid Sciences,   Vo.21, No.4   302 - 310  2012.04

  • Visualization of Rotating Vortex in a Centrifugal Blower Impeller

    Yutaka Ohta, Daisuke Tsugita, Yusuke Takeyama, C.K.P. Kowshik

    Journal of Visualization     1 - 8  2012.02  [Refereed]



  • Detail Flow Field Investigation of an Axial Flow Compressor at Windmill Condition

    Motohiro Imaeda, Dai Kato, Yutaka Ohta, Goh Totani, Eisuke Outa

    Proceedings of IGTC 2011 Osaka    2011.11

  • Effects of Impeller-Diffuser Radial Gap on Unsteady Flow Fields in a Centrifugal Compressor with Vaned Diffuser

    Takashi Goto, Yutaka Ohta, Eisuke Outa

    Proceedings of IGTC 2011 Osaka    2011.11

  • Effects of Impeller-diffuser Radial Gap on Compressor Performance and Noise Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressor

    T. Goto, Y. Hirato, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of 10th ISAIF    2011.07

  • Unsteady Behavior of Surge and Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor

    D. Morita, Y. Fujita, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of 10th ISAIF    2011.07

  • Characteristics of Surge and Rotating Stall in a Three-stage Axial Flow Compressor Using Shock Tube

    D. Morita, Y. Fujita, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (AJK2011-FED)    2011.07

  • Visualization of Rotating Vortex in a Centrifugal Blower Impeller

    D. Tsugita, S. Noguchi, C. K. P. Kowshik, Y. Ohta

    Proc. of 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization (ASV11)    2011.06

  • ディフューザ案内羽根前縁形状が遠心圧縮機性能・騒音に与える影響

    後藤尚志, 太田 有, 大田英輔

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   77 ( 777 ) 1229 - 1238  2011.05

  • Unsteady Flow Field under Surge and Rotating Stall in a Three-stage Axial Flow Compressor

    Takayuki Hara, Daisuke Morita, Yutaka Ohta, Eisuke Outa

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE   20 ( 1 ) 6 - 12  2011.01  [Refereed]

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    The unsteady flow structure between rotor blade-to-blade passages in a three-stage axial flow compressor is experimentally investigated by detailed measurements of unsteady performance characteristics, casing wall pressure fluctuations and their wavelet analyses. The main feature of the test compressor is a capacity tank facility connected in series to the compressor outlet in order to supply compression and/or expansion waves from downstream of the compressor. Research attention is focused on the post-stall characteristics of the surge and rotating stall which occur simultaneously. The influence of the compressor operating point on the unsteady performance curve shows that the surge cycle changes irregularly depending on the steady-state resistance characteristics, and the results of the wavelet analyses of the wall pressure fluctuations suggest that the surge cycle may selectively be determined by the rotating stall cell structure within the rotor cascade.



  • 遠心圧縮機ディフューザに発生する前縁渦の非定常挙動と制御

    後藤, 太田,大田

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   76 ( 772 ) 2039 - 2049  2010.12

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    The unsteady behavior of a vortex generated on the diffuser leading-edge, which is called the leading-edge vortex (LEV), is discussed through experiments and numerical simulation. The LEV is different from the separating vortex of the diffuser leading-edge and passage vortex of the diffuser, develops rapidly with a decrease in the compressor mass flow rate, and forms a flow blockage in diffuser passages. Therefore, the evolution of the LEV may become a cause of diffuser stall. Additionally, in one attempt to control the LEV, two types of tapered diffuser vanes, which are shroud- or hub-side tapered diffuser vanes, were adopted. Though the shroud-side tapered diffuser vane can effectively reduce the compressor noise level, the compressor performance deteriorates remarkably. On the other hand, the hub-side tapered diffuser vane not only reduces the compressor noise level but also improves the compressor performance. According to the visualization results of the oil-film methods and numerical simulations, the hub-side tapered diffuser vane can suppress the evolution of the LEV in the compressor low-flow-rate operation.

    DOI CiNii


  • Study on Automated Inspection Robot and Quantitative Detection of Outer Tile Wall Exfoliation by Wavelet Analysis

    F. Inoue, S. Doi, T. Ishizaki, Y. Ohta

    Proc. Int. Conf. on Control Automation and Systems(ICCAS2010)    2010.10  [Refereed]

  • Unsteady Flow Field under Surge and Rotating Stall in a Three-stage Axial Flow Compressor

    T. Hara, D. Morita, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. the 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science    2010.09

  • Unsteady Behavior and Control of Diffuser Leading-edge Vortex in a Centrifugal Com1pressor

    Y. Ohta, T. Goto, E. Outa

    Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010,   GT2010-22394  2010.06  [Refereed]

  • Noise Reduction and Surge Margin Improvement UsingTapered Diffuser Vane in a Centrifugal Compressor

    Takashi Goto, Eri Ohmoto, Yutaka Ohta, Eisuke Outa

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE   19 ( 1 ) 21 - 25  2010.01  [Refereed]

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    Improvement Of Surge margin and reduction of interaction tone noise radiated from a centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser is discussed from experiments and CFD analyses. Two types of one-side tapered diffuser vanes, which are shroud- and hub-side tapered vanes, were used in the experiments. The height of the leading edge of the tapered vanes varied from 100% to 10%. Both types of tapered vanes are effective for the reduction of the interaction tone noise radiated from the compressor, because of the smaller interaction area between impeller-discharge flow and diffuser vane surface. Especially, the hub-side tapered diffuser vane suppresses the evolution of the leading-edge vortex, which causes reverse-flow in the diffuser passage. Furthermore, the hub-side tapered diffuser vane, which has an optimized diffuser leading edge shape, can improve the compressor pressure-rise characteristics at low-flow operation and can enlarge the surge margin.



  • Noise Reduction Using Tapered Diffuser Vane in a Centrifugal Compressor

    Y.Ohta, E. Outa

    Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science   Vo.18 ( No.5 ) 17  2009.12

  • Noise Reduction and Surge Margin Improvement Using Tapered Diffuser Vane in a Centrifugal Compressor

    T. Goto, E. Omoto, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of 9th Int. Symp. on Experimental and Computational Aerithermodynamics of Internal Flows    2009.09

  • Unsteady Vortical Structure and Related Noise and Performance of a Centrifugal Compressor

    T. Goto, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of Asian Congress on Gas Turbine 2009    2009.08

  • Development of Automated Inspection Robot and Diagnosis Method for Tile Wall Separation by Wavelet Analysis

    F. Inoue, S. Doi, T. Okada, Y. Ohta

    Proc. of Int. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction    2009.06

  • Stall Inception Process and Perspects for Active Hub-Flap Control in Three-stage Axial Flow Compressor

    T. Okada, A. Kawajiri, Y. Ohta

    Journal of Thermal and Fluid Sciences   17 ( 4 ) 324 - 330  2008.11

  • 建築用外装タイルの定量的剥離診断,ウエーブレット解析を用いた打撃診断手法の提案

    岡田,太田, 井上,土井

    超音波TECHNO   20 ( 4 ) 26 - 30  2008.07

  • Stall Inception Process and Prospects for Active Hub-Flap Control in Three-Stage Axial Flow Compressor

    T. Okada, A. Kawajiri, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. 2nd Asian Workshop on Thermo and Fluid Science     72 - 78  2008.06

  • Improvement of Aerodynamic Performance and Noise Reduction of Centrifugal Compressor with Tapered Diffuser Vanes

    Y. Ohta, T. Goto, E. Outa

    Proc. IGTC 2007 Tokyo    2007.12

  • Effects of tapered diffuser vane on the flow field and noise of a centrifugal compressor

    Yutaka Ohta, Takashi Goto, Eisuke Outa

    Journal of Thermal Science   16 ( 4 ) 301 - 308  2007.11

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    The effects of a three-dimensional tapered diffuser vane on the flow field and noise radiated from a centrifugal compressor are investigated by both CFD analyses and experiments. Tapered diffuser vanes are very useful not only for the reduction of the interaction tone noise but also for the improvement of the pressure recovery characteristics within the diffuser passage. By using tapered diffuser vanes, the interaction area between the impeller-discharge flow and diffuser vanes becomes small, and then the noise level of the discrete tone can be reduced remarkably as a result. Furthermore, by utilizing the visualization technique of vortical structures based on the CFD results, the scale of vortex shedding leaving from the leading edge of the diffuser vanes is found to be contracted and a tendency for the turbulence level to decrease is observed. This may be the cause of the attenuation of broadband noise components. The secondary flow, which is considered to be an obstruction of diffuser pressure recovery, can also be suppressed by the tapered diffuser vanes, and the pressure decrease observed in the throat part of the diffuser passage is further reducible. © 2007 Science Press.



  • Early stall warning technique for axial-flow compressors

    Nobuyuki Tahara, Masahiro Kurosaki, Yutaka Ohta, Eisuke Outa, Takurou Nakajima, Tomofumi Nakakita

    JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME   129 ( 3 ) 448 - 456  2007.07  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes a unique stall risk index based on pressure signals by high-response transducers on the casing wall at the rotor leading-edge location. The aim of the research is to explore the possibility of reducing current excessive stall margin requirement for compressor design based on the worst-case scenario. The index is generated by computing correlation degradation of pressure time histories of current and one revolution before over each blade pitch. Tests conducted on a single-stage low-speed compressor exhibits that the correlation diminishes significantly with proximity to stall, and the proposed technique might have the capability of generating a stall warning signal sufficiently in advance of spike inception. Extensive experiments on a research compressor show that the degree of the index degradation depends on various factors, such as flow coefficient, tip clearance, and rotor blade incidence. In order to obtain a reliable stall warning signal in practical use, these effects must be carefully examined.



  • Aerodynamic Performance and Noise Characteristics of a Centrifugal Compressor with Modified Vaned Diffuser

    Y. Ohta, Y. Okutsu, T. Goto, E. Outa

    Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science   Vol.15 ( No.4 ) 289 - 295  2006.12  [Refereed]

  • Active Noise Reduction of Blade-Passing Frequency Tone Radiated from a Centrifugal Blower

    Y. Ohta, T. Goto, E. Outa

    Proc. of the 34th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering    2006.12

  • Aerodynamic Performance and Noise Characteristics of a Centrifugal Compressor with Modified Vaned Diffuser

    Y. Okutsu, T. Goto, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of Asian Workshop on Thermo and Fkuid Science    2006.06

  • 軸流圧縮機でのアクティブストール制御の研究 第一報:あるストール警報技術

    太原,太田, 黒崎,大田

    日本ガスタービン学会誌   Vol.34 ( No.3 ) 51 - 56  2006.05

  • 軸流圧縮機でのアクティブストール制御の研究 第二報:あるストール制御技術

    太原,太田, 中島, 黒崎,大田

    日本ガスタービン学会誌   Vol.34 ( No.3 ) 57 - 63  2006.05

  • Effects of Diffuser Vane Geometry on Interaction Noise Generated from a Centrifugal Compressor

    Yutaka Ohta, Naho Takehara, Yasuhiko Okutsu, Eisuke Outa

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE   14 ( 4 ) 321 - 328  2005.12  [Refereed]

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    The characteristics of interaction tone noise radiated from a centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser are discussed by experiments, including visualization techniques using the oil-film method. Research attention is paid to the leading edge geometries of the diffuser vanes that are deeply related to the generation mechanism of the interaction tone noise. The compressor-radiated noise can be reduced by several decibels by setting some clearances in both the hub and shroud surfaces of the diffuser wall along with some decline in the pressure-rise coefficient. Since the decline turned out to be caused by the flow impingement and also by the secondary flow within the diffuser passages, several new types of diffuser vane geometries which do not detract from both the performance and noise level are developed and utilized for the experiments. The presented diffuser vane geometries will offer a few basic guidelines for the diffuser vane design.

  • 三段軸流圧縮機における旋回失速の初生と能動制御


    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会    2005.10

  • 偏心二重円筒間に発生するTaylor渦流れの非定常挙動と制御


    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会    2005.10

  • 三段軸流圧縮機における旋回失速の突入過程と制御


    第18回翼列研究会    2005.10

  • Design and Prototyping of Micro Centrifugal Compressor for Ultra Micro Gas Turbine

    Y. Ohta, S. Mizuki, E. Outa

    Proc. of the 7th ISAIF    2005.09

  • Effects of Diffuser Vane Geometry on Performance and Noise of a Centrifugal Compressor

    Y. Ohta, E. Outa, K. Tajima

    Proc. of the 7th ISAIF    2005.09

  • 遠心送風機における翼通過周波数騒音の低減化

    太田, 大田,田島

    日本機械学会2005年度年次大会講演会    2005.09

  • 外壁タイル剥離判定の自動化に関する研究


    第10回建設ロボットシンポジウム    2004.09

  • Frequency-Response Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressor Noise

    Y. Ohta, E. Outa, K. Tajima

    Proc. of the 33rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering    2004.08

  • Early Stall Warning Technique for Axial Flow Compressors

    N. Tahara, M. Kurosaki, Y. Ohta

    Proc. of ASME Turbo Expo 2004    2004.06

  • Noise Reduction of Blade-Passing Frequency Components in a Centrifugal Blower

    Y. Ohta, E. Outa, K. Tajima

    Proc. of ASME Turbo Expo 2004    2004.06

  • 超小型ガスタービン用遠心圧縮機の要素開発

    水木, 太田,大田

    ターボ機械   32 ( 2 )  2004.02

  • 外壁タイル剥離判定の自動化に関する研究

    井上, 太田,他

    第15回建設施工ロボットシンポジウム   CD-ROM  2004.01

  • Pre-Stall Analysis for Short Spike Inception Compressor

    N. Tahara, M. Kurosaki, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of the IGTC 2003 Tokyo    2003.11

  • Wavelet解析を用いた建築用壁面タイルの剥離診断

    井上, 太田,他

    日本建築学会大会    2003.09

  • 偏心二重円筒間に発生するTaylor渦流れの数値解析


    日本機械学会第81期年次大会    2003.08

  • Frequency-Response Characteristics of Interaction Tone Noise Radiated from a Centrifugal Compressor

    Y. Ohta, E. Outa, K. Tajima

    Proc. of the 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluid Engineering Conference    2003.07

  • Design and Prototyping of Ultra-Micro Centrifugal Compressor

    S. Mizuki, Y. Ohta, E. Outa

    Proc. of the 6th ISAIF    2003.04

  • Design and Prototyping of Micro Centrifugal Compressor

    Shimpei Mizuki, Gaku Minorikawa, Toshiyuki Hirano, Yuichiro Asaga, Naoki Yamaguchi, Yutaka Ohta, Eisuke Outa

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE   12 ( 1 ) 33 - 37  2003.02  [Refereed]

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    In order to establish the design methodology of ultra micro centrifugal compressor, which is the most important component of ultra micro gas turbine unit, a 10 times of the final target size model was designed, prototyped and tested. The problems to be solved for downsizing were examined and 2-dimensional impeller was chosen as the first model due to its productivity. The conventional 1D prediction method, CFD and the inverse design were attempted. The prototyped compressor was driven by using a turbocharger and the performance characteristics were measured.

  • Noise Source Characteristics of Blade-Passing Frequency Components Radiated from a Centrifugal Blower, and Methods for Noise Reduction

    Y. Ohta, E. Outa, K. Tajima

    Proc. of the Fifth JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference    2002.11

  • 遠心送風機から発生する高次翼通過周波数騒音の能動制御

    太田, 大田,田島

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   68 ( 671 ) 2056 - 2063  2002.07

  • 超小型ガスタービン用遠心圧縮機の要素試作

    水木,太田, 大田,他

    日本機械学会第8回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム    2002.06

  • Active Stall Control With Practicable Stall Prediction System Using Auto-Correlation Coefficient

    N. Tahara, M. Kurosaki, Y. Ohta, E. OUta

    AIAA Paper   No.2001-3623  2001.07

  • Active Stall Control in Axial Flow Compressor Using Artificial Hub Stall

    N. Tahara, M. Kurosaki, Y. Ohta, E. OUta

    AIAA Paper   No.97-2656  1997.07

  • Evaluation and prediction of blade passing frequency noise generated by a centrifugal blower

    Y Ohta, E Outa, K Tajima

    JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME   118 ( 3 ) 597 - 605  1996.07  [Refereed]

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    The blade-passing frequency noise, abbreviated to BPF noise, of a low-specific-speed centrifugal blower is analyzed by separating the frequency response of the transmission passage and the intensity of the noise source. Frequency response has previously been evaluated by the authors using a one dimensional linear wave model, and the results have agreed well with the experimental response in a practical range of the blower speed. In the present study, the intensity of the noise source is estimated by introducing the quasi-steady model of the blade wake impingement on the scroll surface. The effective location of the noise source is determined by analyzing the cross-correlation between measured data of the blower suction noise and pressure fluctuation on the scroll surface. Then, the surface density distribution of a dipole noise source is determined from pressure fluctuation expressed in terms of quasi-steady dynamic pressure of the traveling blade wake. Finally the free-field noise level is predicted by integrating the density spectrum of the noise source over the effective source area. The sound pressure level of the blower suction noise is easily predicted by multiplying the free-field noise level by the frequency-response characteristics of the noise transmission passage.

  • 低比速度の遠心送風機における翼通過周波数騒音の予測

    太田, 大田,田島

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   59 ( 581 ) 1618 - 1625  1993.05




  • 遠心送風機における翼通過周波数騒音の特性と低減化法

    太田, 大田,田島

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   54 ( 500 ) 890 - 899  1988.04

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  • 部分流量における遠心送風機内部流れのLES解析


    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • 羽根付きディフューザを有する遠心圧縮機に発生する失速と前縁渦の関係


    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • 軸流圧縮機におけるサージ・旋回失速共存系の非定常内部流動の可視化


    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Unsteady Behavior and Control of Vortices in Centrifugal Compressor

    5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 自走式移動ロボットを用いたコンクリート構造物の強度推定(第1報,コンクリート強度の推定手法)


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 遠心ファンの内部流れからの音の計算


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 軸流圧縮機に発生するサージサイクルの挙動と非定常内部流れ


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 羽根付ディフューザを有する遠心圧縮機の部分流量時における非定常挙動


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • 遠心羽根車を旋回する非定常渦に起因する騒音


    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 衝撃波管を用いた軸流圧縮機の非定常現象と内部流れに関する研究


    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 前方スイープ動翼を有する軸流圧縮機の翼端隙間の影響


    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • アブレシブウォータージェットのコンクリート穿孔深さ推定手法に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 遠心圧縮機の動静翼間距離が圧縮機性能および内部流れ場に与える影響


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 相関法を用いた遠心羽根車を旋回する渦の同定


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 羽根付ディフューザを有する遠心圧縮機内部に発生する渦の挙動


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 遠心圧縮機の内部流れ場に発生する非定常流動現象の調査


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 遠心羽根車を旋回する非定常渦の挙動


    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 羽根付ディフューザを有する遠心圧縮機の性能・騒音特性の改善


    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • テーパ形案内羽根を有する遠心圧縮機の動静翼間距離が性能・騒音に与える影響


    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 衝撃波管を用いた三段軸流圧縮機の失速過渡特性に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 偏心二重円筒間に発生するTaylor渦流れの数値解析(外力による内円筒の振れ回り挙動)


    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • ウエーブレット解析を用いた建築用壁面タイルの定量的剥離診断(第5報:剥離診断におけるスケール効果)


    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 衝撃波管を用いた軸流圧縮機の失速過渡特性


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 遠心圧縮機羽根付ディフューザ前縁に発生する前縁渦の挙動


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • ウインドミル時の圧縮機動翼列作動特性に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 航空エンジン用気流微粒化燃料噴射弁の噴霧特性に雰囲気圧力・旋回気流が与える影響


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • ウエーブレット解析を用いた建築用外装タイルの定量的剥離診断,第4報:コンクリート構造物の不具合診断への適用


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 衝撃波管を用いた軸流圧縮機の失速過渡特性に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 遠心圧縮機ディフューザ前縁に発生する前縁渦の挙動


    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 偏心二重円筒間に発生するTaylor渦の非定常挙動


    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • 圧縮機スイープ動翼の中間流量域流れ変動


    Presentation date: 2009.01

  • 遠心圧縮機羽根付ディフューザ内の非定常流れと騒音の低減化


    Presentation date: 2009.01

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Research Projects

  • Co-existing Behavior of Surge and Rotating Stall Using Shock Tube and Windmill Characteristics in an Axial-Flow Compressor

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ohta Yutaka

     View Summary

    Unsteady phenomena and loss generation mechanism of axial-flow compressor off-design operation were investigated by detailed experiments and precise numerical simulations.Research attentions were focused on (1)unsteady flow field and cycle characteristics of co-existing state of surge and rotating stall, and (2)unsteady separated flow field and loss generation mechanism at windmill operation in high volume flow rate.Experimental results showed that global characteristics of surge and rotating stall were found to be determined by the cascade flow structure during the surge cycle. On the other hand, unsteady numerical simulations revealed loss generation mechanism and structure of loss core developed in the rotor and/or stator cascades under the windmill operations

  • 衝撃波管を用いた軸流圧縮機のサージ・旋回失速共存系の挙動とウインドミル特性の把握

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


  • Co-existing Behavior of Surge and Rotating Stall Using Shock Tube and Windmill Characteristics in an Axial-Flow Compressor

    Project Year :


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    Unsteady phenomena and loss generation mechanism of axial-flow compressor off-design operation were investigated by detailed experiments and precise numerical simulations.Research attentions were focused on (1)unsteady flow field and cycle characteristics of co-existing state of surge and rotating stall, and (2)unsteady separated flow field and loss generation mechanism at windmill operation in high volume flow rate.Experimental results showed that global characteristics of surge and rotating stall were found to be determined by the cascade flow structure during the surge cycle. On the other hand, unsteady numerical simulations revealed loss generation mechanism and structure of loss core developed in the rotor and/or stator cascades under the windmill operations

  • Shock Tube Experiment and Numerical Simulation on Transient Stall Characteristics and Active Stall Control in an Axial Flow Compressor

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTA Yutaka

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    Experimental investigation on the unsteady cascade flow characteristics as well as global behavior of the compressor system under the compression plane wave injection from the compressor downstream were carried out by using an axial flow compressor test rig which connected the shock tube directly in series to its outlet. Rotor blades rushes into stall transitionally with the injection of a compression wave, and shows a complicated unsteady recovery process by the difference in an operating point. Even when the compression wave is injected at the time of compressor stable operation in which the gradient of the characteristic curve is negative, the compressor system may rush into unsteady phenomena such as rotating stall and surge. Moreover, some of the stall cells rotate within the rotor cascade according to a large-scale surge cycle, the rotating stall and surge are found to be related closely each other.

  • Shock Tube Experiment and Numerical Simulation on Transient Stall Characteristics and Active Stall Control in an Axial Flow Compressor

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Experimental investigation on the unsteady cascade flow characteristics as well as global behavior of the compressor system under the compression plane wave injection from the compressor downstream were carried out by using an axial flow compressor test rig which connected the shock tube directly in series to its outlet. Rotor blades rushes into stall transitionally with the injection of a compression wave, and shows a complicated unsteady recovery process by the difference in an operating point. Even when the compression wave is injected at the time of compressor stable operation in which the gradient of the characteristic curve is negative, the compressor system may rush into unsteady phenomena such as rotating stall and surge. Moreover, some of the stall cells rotate within the rotor cascade according to a large-scale surge cycle, the rotating stall and surge are found to be related closely each other

  • Inception Process and Active Control of Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor Using Shock Tube

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    In order to develop an effective control method for rotating stall in multi-stage axial flow compressors, shock tube connected directly with the exit of the tested compressor is utilized. First of all, inception process prior to rotating stall especially peculiar to multi-stage compressor is precisely investigated by measuring the casing wall pressure fluctuations at near the leading edge of the rotor blades at every stage. Though the tested compressor usually proceed to deep stall with spike-like inception signal, another types of inception patterns can be recognized when the blade load of the each rotor blades are altered by changing the stagger angle. For example, multiple short-length scrip stall cells are generated when the stagger angle of the third-stage rotor is large, ie. high loaded blade, and modal-like long-length scale wave is traveling only on the second-stage rotor when the stagger angle of the second-stage rotor is small. However, even in these caws, the inception of the deep stall can be detected more than 15 rotor revolutions before stall, in which the presented active hub-flap control can be successfully applied. Such a peculiar phenomenon occurring on the multi-stage compressor constitutes a future valuable research objects. Next, we have constructed the experimental apparatus to have a precise research of compressor transient process. The feature of the experimental device is to have an annulus concentric axis, so that the weak compression wave can be inserted from the downstream of the compressor into blade-to-blade region. The inserted compression Wave made to sudden stall forcibly, the stall inception as well as stall recovery process can be investigated. We already confirmed a transient process which the rotating stall and surge appears by turns. This unique experimental device can or some new underlying date concerning about the transient process of the multi-stage axial flow compressors

  • Inception Process and Active Control of Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor Using Shock Tube

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    In order to develop an effective control method for rotating stall in multi-stage axial flow compressors, shock tube connected directly with the exit of the tested compressor is utilized. First of all, inception process prior to rotating stall especially peculiar to multi-stage compressor is precisely investigated by measuring the casing wall pressure fluctuations at near the leading edge of the rotor blades at every stage. Though the tested compressor usually proceed to deep stall with spike-like inception signal, another types of inception patterns can be recognized when the blade load of the each rotor blades are altered by changing the stagger angle. For example, multiple short-length scrip stall cells are generated when the stagger angle of the third-stage rotor is large, ie. high loaded blade, and modal-like long-length scale wave is traveling only on the second-stage rotor when the stagger angle of the second-stage rotor is small. However, even in these caws, the inception of the deep stall can be detected more than 15 rotor revolutions before stall, in which the presented active hub-flap control can be successfully applied. Such a peculiar phenomenon occurring on the multi-stage compressor constitutes a future valuable research objects. Next, we have constructed the experimental apparatus to have a precise research of compressor transient process. The feature of the experimental device is to have an annulus concentric axis, so that the weak compression wave can be inserted from the downstream of the compressor into blade-to-blade region. The inserted compression Wave made to sudden stall forcibly, the stall inception as well as stall recovery process can be investigated. We already confirmed a transient process which the rotating stall and surge appears by turns. This unique experimental device can or some new underlying date concerning about the transient process of the multi-stage axial flow compressors

  • Unsteady Behaviors and Bifurcation Phenomena observed in an Impeller-Rotating Shaft System of a Centrifugal Fluid Machinery

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Concerning about centrifugal as well as axial-flow type fluid machinery, the following unsteady phenomena appearing in an impeller-rotating shaft system are investigated by experiments and also by the CFD analyses : (1)The unsteady behavior and bifurcation of the Taylor vortex flow generated in a mechanical bearing. (2)The aerodynamic noise generated in a centrifugal type of fluid machinery system and its noise source bifurcation. (3)The rotating stall pattern of the axial-flow compressor and bifurcation of stall cells. The detailed contents are as follows.
    (1)In order to understand the unsteady behavior of the Taylor vortex flow generated between two rotating cylinders with large eccentricity, a 3-D N-S simulation was carried out. As a result, while clarifying unsteady bifurcation of the cell, the first attempt which controls a cell using a jet from an outer cylinder was also performed. Furthermore, an unsteady temperature field and cooling technology were also examined by applying energy equation. The experimental apparatus for verifying numerical results was manufactured, and the preliminary experiment was conducted. (2)With respect to the noise generated from centrifugal fluid machines, the sound source characteristics and their bifurcation at the time of changing various operating conditions were experimentally investigated. Particularly, the noise source extent of the high-order BPF components shows irregular movement and bifurcation against the change of the operating conditions. Moreover, the numerical analysis aiming at understanding this phenomenon in detail was started. (3)Also about the rotating stall of a three-stage axial flow compressor and the bifurcation of a stall cell, by changing various stagger angles of rotor and stator, all kinds of stall inception patterns and the bifurcation of the stall cell were able to be confirmed. The active control technology of the compressor rotating stall by sensing the stall inception sign was also examined.

  • Unsteady Behaviors and Bifurcation Phenomena observed in an Impeller-Rotating Shaft System of a Centrifugal Fluid Machinery

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Concerning about centrifugal as well as axial-flow type fluid machinery, the following unsteady phenomena appearing in an impeller-rotating shaft system are investigated by experiments and also by the CFD analyses : (1)The unsteady behavior and bifurcation of the Taylor vortex flow generated in a mechanical bearing. (2)The aerodynamic noise generated in a centrifugal type of fluid machinery system and its noise source bifurcation. (3)The rotating stall pattern of the axial-flow compressor and bifurcation of stall cells. The detailed contents are as follows.(1)In order to understand the unsteady behavior of the Taylor vortex flow generated between two rotating cylinders with large eccentricity, a 3-D N-S simulation was carried out. As a result, while clarifying unsteady bifurcation of the cell, the first attempt which controls a cell using a jet from an outer cylinder was also performed. Furthermore, an unsteady temperature field and cooling technology were also examined by applying energy equation. The experimental apparatus for verifying numerical results was manufactured, and the preliminary experiment was conducted. (2)With respect to the noise generated from centrifugal fluid machines, the sound source characteristics and their bifurcation at the time of changing various operating conditions were experimentally investigated. Particularly, the noise source extent of the high-order BPF components shows irregular movement and bifurcation against the change of the operating conditions. Moreover, the numerical analysis aiming at understanding this phenomenon in detail was started. (3)Also about the rotating stall of a three-stage axial flow compressor and the bifurcation of a stall cell, by changing various stagger angles of rotor and stator, all kinds of stall inception patterns and the bifurcation of the stall cell were able to be confirmed. The active control technology of the compressor rotating stall by sensing the stall inception sign was also examined

  • Reduction of Centrifugal Blower Noise Using Active Noise Source Cancellation Method

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Experimental and Analytical Approach has been conducted for these three years in order to present an effective evaluation and reduction methods for aerodynamic noise radiated from widely used centrifugal type of blower.Experiments are focused on basic and higher-order of blade passing frequency (BPF) components of the radiated noise since these components show distinct peaks in power spectra and thus control the whole noise level. First, effective noise source region is experimentally determined using correlation method between the data of pressure fluctuation on the scroll surface and that of far field noise. The effective noise source region of basic BPF exists in the vicinity of the cut off apex as usually expected, while that of the higher-order BPF exists relatively downstream part on the scroll. Using this pattern of noise source distribution, active cancellation of BPF components are conducted by using piezoelectric actuators to oscillate the scroll surface directly. However, the presented active control is found to be very effective only for the higher-order BPF components because the pressure fluctuation level of basic BPF noise source is much larger than that of the secondary source. Then, another type of reduction method i.e. passive reduction method by changing geometric parameters of the blower, is necessary to have the complete noise reduction method. The passive reduction method is related to the characteristics of the noise transmission passage which is composed of some numbers of blade-to-blade passages and inlet duct. By adjusting the blade passing frequency to the maximum attenuation frequency of the frequency response function of the transmission passage, noise level of basic BPF can be reduced more than 20 decibels. The presented hybrid method of active and passive noise control is found to be effective against any types of radiated noise from centrifugal blower, and is the quite new type of noise reduction technique

  • Reduction of Centrifugal Blower Noise Using Active Noise Source Cancellation Method

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHTA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Experimental and Analytical Approach has been conducted for these three years in order to present an effective evaluation and reduction methods for aerodynamic noise radiated from widely used centrifugal type of blower.
    Experiments are focused on basic and higher-order of blade passing frequency (BPF) components of the radiated noise since these components show distinct peaks in power spectra and thus control the whole noise level. First, effective noise source region is experimentally determined using correlation method between the data of pressure fluctuation on the scroll surface and that of far field noise. The effective noise source region of basic BPF exists in the vicinity of the cut off apex as usually expected, while that of the higher-order BPF exists relatively downstream part on the scroll. Using this pattern of noise source distribution, active cancellation of BPF components are conducted by using piezoelectric actuators to oscillate the scroll surface directly. However, the presented active control is found to be very effective only for the higher-order BPF components because the pressure fluctuation level of basic BPF noise source is much larger than that of the secondary source. Then, another type of reduction method i.e. passive reduction method by changing geometric parameters of the blower, is necessary to have the complete noise reduction method. The passive reduction method is related to the characteristics of the noise transmission passage which is composed of some numbers of blade-to-blade passages and inlet duct. By adjusting the blade passing frequency to the maximum attenuation frequency of the frequency response function of the transmission passage, noise level of basic BPF can be reduced more than 20 decibels. The presented hybrid method of active and passive noise control is found to be effective against any types of radiated noise from centrifugal blower, and is the quite new type of noise reduction technique.

  • 遠心送風機発生騒音の評価法および低減化法に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 遠心送風機発生騒音の評価法および低減化法に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Numerical and Experimental Study on Transient Flows in Axial Compressor Rotor/Stator Cascades

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIOKA Eisuke, OHTA Yutaka, TAJIMA Kiyohiro

     View Summary

    Development of technologies for extending the stable range of axial compressor operation by suppressing onset of rotating stall, or by recovering swiftly from stall, is one of the main subjects in improving the jet engine performance. This research aims at understanding mechanisms of rotating stall and of related unsteady flow phenomena through experiments and a numerical study of 2-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
    In the numerical analysis, various aspects of unsteady flows generated by the relative motion of a rotor and a stator are presented with a special emphasis on features of vortical flow patterns in the cascades. With a rotor-stator cascades of a sufficiently large number of blades, it simulates a whole compressor characteristic from normal to deep-stall flow range, in the speed range up to transonic regime. For the subsonic case of rotor Mach number 0.3, comparisons are made on various flow data with measured data, whereas for the transonic case, total-pressure rise characteristics are compared to rig test data from an engine company.
    On rotating stall structure, a twin-vortex cell structure is presented, which is formed by the collision of an incoming flow to the cascades with a high pressure stagnant zone produced in some portion of the cascade. The cell propagation speed as well as the induced reverse-flow velocity agree well with the data measured by hot-film probes. In the transonic regime, cell exhibits a structure slightly different from subsonic cases due to the presence of shock waves. Although the analysis is two-dimensional, it can be expected that, by focusing on this vortex system, dynamic model of the cell be established, and that, by introducing the model into a simplified three-dimensional analysis, some three-dimensional features of the stall cell be evaluated.
    On the flow structure leading to stall inception, it can be prospected that, in such a highly loaded condition where the flow passing over the pressure surface of a blade rolls up to the suction surface, a blade-tip vortex stimulates this flow configuration, synchronized with the inlet distortion.
    Various findings regarding stall behavior and cell structure, as well as some specific subjects for future study are obtained. These were applied to develop a stall control technique, and an improvement of 15% in stable flow range was attained up to this moment. It is noted that one of the papers on this project has received a 1995 Gas Turbine Society of Japan award.

  • Numerical and Experimental Study on Transient Flows in Axial Compressor Rotor/Stator Cascades

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIOKA Eisuke, OHTA Yutaka, TAJIMA Kiyohiro

     View Summary

    Development of technologies for extending the stable range of axial compressor operation by suppressing onset of rotating stall, or by recovering swiftly from stall, is one of the main subjects in improving the jet engine performance. This research aims at understanding mechanisms of rotating stall and of related unsteady flow phenomena through experiments and a numerical study of 2-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
    In the numerical analysis, various aspects of unsteady flows generated by the relative motion of a rotor and a stator are presented with a special emphasis on features of vortical flow patterns in the cascades. With a rotor-stator cascades of a sufficiently large number of blades, it simulates a whole compressor characteristic from normal to deep-stall flow range, in the speed range up to transonic regime. For the subsonic case of rotor Mach number 0.3, comparisons are made on various flow data with measured data, whereas for the transonic case, total-pressure rise characteristics are compared to rig test data from an engine company.
    On rotating stall structure, a twin-vortex cell structure is presented, which is formed by the collision of an incoming flow to the cascades with a high pressure stagnant zone produced in some portion of the cascade. The cell propagation speed as well as the induced reverse-flow velocity agree well with the data measured by hot-film probes. In the transonic regime, cell exhibits a structure slightly different from subsonic cases due to the presence of shock waves. Although the analysis is two-dimensional, it can be expected that, by focusing on this vortex system, dynamic model of the cell be established, and that, by introducing the model into a simplified three-dimensional analysis, some three-dimensional features of the stall cell be evaluated.
    On the flow structure leading to stall inception, it can be prospected that, in such a highly loaded condition where the flow passing over the pressure surface of a blade rolls up to the suction surface, a blade-tip vortex stimulates this flow configuration, synchronized with the inlet distortion.
    Various findings regarding stall behavior and cell structure, as well as some specific subjects for future study are obtained. These were applied to develop a stall control technique, and an improvement of 15% in stable flow range was attained up to this moment. It is noted that one of the papers on this project has received a 1995 Gas Turbine Society of Japan award.

  • 遠心送風機における翼通過周波数騒音の発生機構に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 遠心送風機における翼通過周波数騒音の発生機構に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 衝撃波管を用いた軸流圧縮機のサージ・旋回失速共存系の挙動とウインドミル特性の把握


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  • 遠心型ターボ機械に発生する旋回不安定擾乱の挙動と旋回失速の予兆現象


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  • 遠心型ターボ機械の内部流れおよび騒音の発生機構と特性に関する研究

    2002   吉岡 英輔

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  • 遠心型流体機械の発生騒音低減化法の開発


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  • 遠心型気体機械の静粛化に関する研究


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  • 音源領域を考慮した遠心送風機翼通過周波数騒音の能動制御に関する研究


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  • 低比速度遠心ブロワの発生騒音評価法・低減化法に関する研究


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  • 遠心ファンの高次翼通過周波数騒音の特性とモデル化


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     遠心ファンの発生騒音は、羽根車吐出流が舌部と干渉することで発生する翼通過周波数成分と、流れの中の渦などの非定常因子によって誘起される乱流広帯域成分とに大別される。翼通過周波数成分の発生および伝播機構については、従来からの研究により影響を与える物理パラメータが提示され、低減化の提案も行われている。しかし、その高次成分については、発生機構が極めて非線型性に富んでいるなどの理由により、実験的および理論的解析もほとんど行われた例がない。 本研究では、実機遠心ファンを用いた詳細な計測実験により、この高次成分の発生・伝播機構に与えるパラメータの選定を指向し、合わせて乱流広帯域成分についてもその特性を考慮した評価法を提案することを目的とした。熱線流速計による羽根車吐出流の二次元計測結果より、高次(特に2次)成分の発生には、翼表面から周期的に放出される渦が影響していることが明らかとなった。この放出渦が拡散・減衰する過程の調査、および舌部表面上で圧力変動を誘起する過程の調査は、今後の研究課題であり、数値解析を併用した新たな研究展開を計画中である。また、単独翼の場合に、風洞設備を利用した放出渦と騒音の関係を調査する基礎実験も合わせて行っていく。一方、乱流広帯域成分については、伝播系と音源の特性を分離して考える騒音相似則を適用し、比較的高精度で騒音レベルを予測できることを示した。翼通過周波数成分の影響を除去するために、狭帯域バンドパスフィルタを用いた信号処理により、広帯域成分本来の音源特性を正確に把握することが可能となった。また、口金隙間や吸込管路長さなど、伝播経路の違いによる特性の変化も詳細に把握することができた。これらの幾何形状パラメータの影響を考慮した音源特性、伝播特性の物理モデルを構築することが、今後の研究課題と考えている。このためにも、先に述べた風洞実験を実施し、基礎資料の収集・整理を行う。

  • 遠心送風機における高次翼通過周波数騒音の発生機構とそのモデル化


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    遠心送風機の羽根車には低流量域において旋回失速と呼ばれる非定常現象が発生する。この旋回失速の発生は,単に送風機性能を著しく低下させるだけでなく,振動や騒音という重大な環境問題を引き起こす場合がある。 本研究ではこの旋回失速に起因して発生する低周波数領域での離散周波数騒音に焦点を当て,特に3次成分まで顕著に現れる高周波成分と失速領域の周方向伝播特性との関係を定性的・定量的に把握することを最終目標としている。当年度はX線熱線流速計を羽根車後方に設置することで失速セルの周方向伝播特性を明らかにし,離散周波数騒音の発生周波数に関する知見を得ることを指向する。 羽根車周方向10点,軸方向10点,計100点での計測データに,失速セルの旋回に対して同時性を持たせるような処理法を提案した。この方法は基準位置にトリガー用I型プローブを設置し,各データ取得時に常にX型プローブとの同時計測を行い,トリガー波形の相互相関解析により位相差を算出するもので,比較的簡単な処理により全測定点同時計測と同じ結果を得ることができる。 さらに,遠心機特有の非対称渦型室形状に起因すると考えられる羽根車吐出流量の周方向特性が存在することを明らかにし,周方向各測定点での平均流速を代表速度として無次元化して評価する方法を採用した。本方法の採用により,周方向の流量特性に重畳する形で存在していた失速セル通過による低流速域の存在を明確に把握・定義することが可能となった。さらに,運転流量の低下に伴う失速セル旋回周期の違いを的確に判断する基準を提案することができた。これにより旋回失速に起因する離散周波数騒音の発生周波数を調査する有力な手掛りを得ることができた。 一方,旋回失速騒音の音圧レベル予測に関しては,振幅が代表速度の6乗に比例して増大する双極子的な音源であることを示し,系外へ伝播する際に吸込・吐出管路系の共振現象に強く影響されることを明らかにした。

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