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The Mathematical Society of Japan
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Updated on 2025/03/12
The Mathematical Society of Japan
Nolinear Partial Differential Equations
NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ(9月までの放送分)
NHK NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ(9月までの放送分)
NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ
NHK NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ
NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ
NHK NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ
NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ
NHK NHK高校講座 数学Ⅰ
URANO Michio
RIMS Kokyuroku 1693 57 - 67 2010.06
Transition Layers for a Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Variable Diffusion
Michio Urano
FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ-SERIO INTERNACIA 53 ( 1 ) 21 - 49 2010.04 [Refereed]
Transition layers and spikes for a reaction-diffusion equation with bistable nonlinearity
Michio Urano, Kimie Nakashima, Yoshio Yamada
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Suppl. Vol. 868 - 877 2005.11
Steady-states with transition layers and spikes for a bistable reaction-diffusion equation
Michio Urano, Kimie Nakashima, Yoshio Yamada
Mathematical Approach to Nonlinear Phenomena: Modeling, Analysis and Gakuto International Series, Math. Sci. Appl Simulations, Vol. 23 267 - 279 2005.11
Transition layers and spikes for a bistable reaction-diffusion equation
Michio Urano, Kimie Nakashima, Yoshio Yamada
Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 15(2) 683 - 707 2005 [Refereed]
Urano, Michio
1358 34 - 45 2004.02
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
浦野 道雄
算数っておもしろい! ~自分で作ろう「計算」の道具~
西東京市 西東京市連携事業「理科・算数だいすき実験教室」
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