Updated on 2025/03/12


LEE, HeeHyol
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
工学博士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2003

    Waseda University

  • 1996

    Fukuoka Institute of Technology

  • 1991

    Fukuoka Institute of Technology

  • 1986

    Waseda University

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering  

Professional Memberships



Research Areas

  • Control and system engineering

Research Interests

  • システム制御、制御系設計


  • 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門 優秀論文賞


  • システム制御情報学会 椹木記念賞




  • Development of an Ankle Assistive Robot with Instantly Gait-Adaptive Method

    Ming-Yang Xu, Yi-Fan Hua, Yun-Fan Li, Jyun-Rong Zhuang, Keisuke Osawa, Kei Nakagawa, Hee-Hyol Lee, Louis Yuge, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   35 ( 3 ) 669 - 683  2023.06

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    As the population ages, the number of elderly people suffering from systemic diseases such as stroke increases. To address this problem, various wearable walking assistive robots have been developed to promote physical exercise for stroke prevention. Wearable assistive robots have shown the ability to improve human mobility. However, most of these robots are heavy, bulky, and impractical. In this study, we developed a compact ankle assistive robot for elderly users to promote walking exercise. By informing the user of correct motion and timing, the robot can guide the user to achieve a healthy gait by only assisting their ankle joint. The robot provides faster-than-ankle motion to allow the user to feel supported while walking. Users can adjust the robot’s assistance parameters through a graphical user interface (GUI) according to their needs. Furthermore, we proposed a gait-adaptive method for ankle assistive robots to adapt to the user’s changing gait. Hence, the robot can automatically adjust the parameters to provide more accurate walking assistance. Finally, the results of an evaluation experiment demonstrated the feasibility of human gait adaptation. The proposed methods have the advantages of low cost and easy implementation.



  • Development of Automatic Controlled Walking Assistive Device Based on Fatigue and Emotion Detection

    Yunfan Li, Yukai Gong, Jyun-Rong Zhuang, Junyan Yang, Keisuke Osawa, Kei Nakagawa, Hee-hyol Lee, Louis Yuge, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   34 ( 6 ) 1383 - 1397  2022.12

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    The world’s aging population is increasing. The number of elderly individuals having walking impairments is also increasing. Adequate exercise is becoming necessary for them. Therefore, several walking assistive devices have been developed or are under development. However, elderly individuals may have low motivation for exercising, or they may experience physical damage by excessive fatigue. This study proposed a method to enable elderly individuals to exercise with a positive emotion and prevent damage such as muscle fatigue. We proposed a 3D human condition model to control the walking assistive device. It includes the arousal, pleasure, and fatigue dimensions. With regard to the arousal and pleasure dimensions, we used heartbeat and electromyography (EEG) signals to train a deep neural network (DNN) model to identify human emotions. For fatigue detection, we proposed a method based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to detect muscle fatigue. All the sensors are portable. This implies that it can be used for outdoor activities. Then, we proposed a walking strategy based on a 3D human condition model to control the walking assistive device. Finally, we tested the effectiveness of the automatic control system. The wearing of the walking assistive device and implementation of the walking strategy can delay the fatigue time by approximately 24% and increase the walking distance by approximately 16%. In addition, we succeeded in visualizing the distribution of emotion during each walking method variation. It was verified that the walking strategy can improve the mental condition of a user to a certain extent. These results showed the effectiveness of the proposed system. It could help elderlies maintain higher levels of motivation and prevent muscle damage by walking exercise, using the walking assistive device.



  • Auto-splitting D* lite path planning for large disaster area

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Jiaheng Chen, Yu-chi Liao, Hee-hyol Lee

    Intelligent Service Robotics,   15 ( 3 ) 1 - 18  2022.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Auto-splitting D* lite with Frenet Frame Path Planning for Large Road Network

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Humin Sun, Ji-sun Shin, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Seventh International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     1261 - 1266  2022.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Development of a tele-rehabilitation system using an upper limb assistive device

    Eiichiro Tanaka, Wei-Liang Lian, Yun-Ting Liao, Hao Yang, Li-Ning Li, Hee-Hyol Lee, Megumi Shimodozono

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   33 ( 4 ) 877 - 886  2021.08

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    A tele-rehabilitation system that can achieve remote interaction between a physical therapist (PT) and a patient was developed. Patients need to execute rehabilitation exercises to maintain upper limb function. However, it is difficult for them to travel to hospitals without aid. This system is equipped with a PC and a Kinect sensor at the hospital side (i.e., the PT), and a PC and an upper limb assistive device in the patient’s home. The PT displays the motion in front of a Kinect sensor, which identifies the motion. In addition, the device on the home side assists the motion of the patient using the Internet. When the device receives a force higher than the safety value from the patient at any particular point on it, vibrators at the corresponding point on the PT’s arm start to vibrate. Thereby, the PT can identify the patient’s condition and limitations. The time delays in the transmission of data of device motion and the vibrators were measured and compared. As a result, the PT could identify the patient’s condition faster than the motion of the device.



  • Diagonal Node-based Path Planning and Path Smoothing for First Responders and Rescue Robots

    Shin Nyeong Heo, Erxiang Xu, Hee-Hyol Lee

      141 ( 2 ) 179 - 192  2021.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Real-time Learning Detection of Drowsy Driving using Bus Driver

    Youngdal Oh, Shin-nyeong Heo, Sunhong Park, Jinhae Yae, Sujin Baek, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Sixth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     649 - 653  2021.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Auto-Splitting using k-means with Voronoi Diagram to Divide Large Map for Splitting D* Lite

    Jiaheng Chen, Shin-nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Sixth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     639 - 634  2021.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Dynamic Weighted Splitting D* lite for Rescue Robot Path Planning in Large Fire Areas

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Jiheng Chen, Youngdal O, Ji-sun Shin, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Sixth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     634 - 638  2021.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Binary Power Generation Control by Multiply-connected Neuro PID

    Kun-Young Han, Heehyol Lee

    The 9th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy (ICCGE 2020)    2020.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • PID Neural Network Control of Quadrotor with Path Tracking

    Guo Shi, Shin nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     750 - 754  2020.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Realistic looking path on Grid-node in Disaster area

    Shin nyeong Heo, Ji-Sun Shin, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     761 - 765  2020.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Drone-based Parking Space Detection and Path Planning for Vehicles

    Erxiang Xu, Shin Nyeong Heo, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     772 - 776  2020.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Development and Evaluation of a Kinect-Based Motion Recognition System based on Kalman Filter for Upper-Limb Assistive Device

    Yun-Ting Liao, Hao Yang, Hee-Hyol Lee, Eiichiro Tanaka

    2019 58th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2019     1621 - 1626  2019.09

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    There is a population in the world who loses the function of upper extremity due to the accidence or disease. The upper-extremity disorders significantly reduce the people's quality of life due to losing the ability to carry out the activities of daily living, which mostly require the upper-limb function. Therefore, the needs of the upper-limb assistance devices for the upper extremity increased. In this research, we proposed a motion intention recognition system based on the Kinect® v2 sensor. The sensor directly detected the user's motion and further control the device with the corresponding angles instead of using the pre-trajectory to control the device. Since the body dimensions have the individual difference, we considered the unconstrained user-device interface by using two pressure sensor trays on each robot arm to support the user's forearm and upper arm, respectively. The unconstrained user-device system can slightly compensate not only the individual difference but the control error. Therefore, the unconstrained user-device model was established to obtain the relationship between the user and the device, and further control the device using the recorded user's motion. Additionally, the Kinect® sensor can capture the coordination of human joints and further calculate the arm length of the user, which can realize the adaptivity of different user. To realize the real-time control and assistance, the Kalman filter which has prediction function was exploited. The feasibility of assistance was confirmed by the system response. The results proved that the proposed motion recognition system and the unconstrained user-device system can successfully provide adequate assistance with a lesser time delay compared with the system without Kalman filter.



  • Multiply-Connected Neuro PID Control

    Kun-Young Han, Hee-hyol Lee

    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management   139 ( 4 ) 504 - 513  2019.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Development of Kinect-based Upper-Limb Assistance Device for the Motions of Activities of Daily Living

    Yun-Ting Liao, Chi-Hang Zong, Hee-Hyol Lee, Eiichiro Tanaka

    2018 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems, CBS 2018     222 - 227  2019.01

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    There are many people around the world who cannot raise their arms by themselves due to the diseases or accidents, even though they can control their fingers. It will make the patients lose the function of activities of daily living (ADL) of upper-limb. In our previous research, an upper-limb assistance device had been proposed, which can be controlled by several control interfaces. However, those control interfaces require the users to operate by the other hand. According to the object position, the upper-limb motions do not have a certain trajectory. In this article, we focused on developing a Kinect-based upper-limb assistance device. We proposed the motion detection system based on Microsoft Kinect 2 to detect the human motion, and further control the device and assist the user's upper limb. Based on the human intention, the assistive motions can be realized without preprogrammed trajectories. The motions of the device and user were confirmed by the simulation and experiment. By using the system, the users may overcome several motions in ADL without the preprogrammed trajectories.



  • Two-dimensional emotion evaluation with multiple physiological signals

    Jyun-Rong Zhuang, Ya-Jing Guan, Hayato Nagayoshi, Louis Yuge, Hee-Hyol Lee, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   774   158 - 168  2019

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    Extended roles of robots for activities of daily living (ADL) lead to researchers’ increasing attention to human-robot interaction. Emotional recognition has been regarded as an important issue from the human mental aspect. We are developing an assistive walking device which considers the correlation between physical assistance and mental conditions for the user. To connect the assistive device and user mental conditions, it is necessary to evaluate emotion in real-time. This study aims to develop a new method of two-dimensional valence-arousal model emotion evaluation with multiple physiological signals. We elicit users’ emotion change based on normative affective stimuli database, and further extract multiple physiological signals from the subjects. Moreover, we implement various algorithms (k-means, T method of MTS (Mahalanobis Taguchi System) and DNN (deep neural network)) for determining the emotional state from physiological data. Finally, the findings indicate that deep neural network method can precisely recognize the human emotional state.



  • Diagonal Path planning for Rescuing Robot and First Responders

    Shin nyeong Heo, Shen yu Lu, Shi Guo, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     828 - 833  2019.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Optimal path planning with heap optimization and least turn for multiple rescue robots

    Shengyu Lu, Shin nyeong Heo, Hee-hoyl Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     839 - 843  2019.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Different Bounded Curvature Methods for Diagonal Path Plannin

    Guo Shi, Shin nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of The Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     834 - 838  2019.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Fire Area Detection based on Convolutional Neural Network and Improved A* Path Planning

    Jia hua Yu, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Conference on Information and Communication Technology-Robotics    2018.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Robust Stability of Active Suspension LQG Control for Railway Vehicle with Parametric Fluctuations

    Kaushalendra K Khadanga, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Conference on Information and Communication Technology-Robotics    2018.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Weight Initialization of Neural Network for Neuro PID Controller

    Theertham Akilesh Sai, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Conference on Information and Communication Technology-Robotics    2018.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Multi-Robot-Multi-Target Path Planning and Position Estimation for Disaster area

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Conference on Information and Communication Technology-Robotics    2018.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Development and evaluation of a worker-wear assistance suit with the adjustable and concealable elastic structure for the manual handling workers

    Yun-Ting Liao, Kenji Kodama, Toshifumi Ishioka, Hee-Hyol Lee, Eiichiro Tanaka

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM   2018-   1252 - 1256  2018.08

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    Due to worker injuries in industries such as nursing and construction, we have developed a tunable and concealable worker-wear assistance suit that consists of elastic belts to prevent arm muscle fatigue and injury in workers whose arms repeatedly perform motions upon their shoulders. According to the layout and the material of the belts, the suits may assist the user's arm without any electrical resources. To verify the feasibility and functionality of the layout and the structure of our proposed suits, simulations and experiments were employed. The simulation was conducted based on the average body dimensions of young Japanese people, and its results showed that the proposed suits may effectively assist the user's arm muscles. By measuring the muscles activities of six subjects wearing these suits and lifting a load of 10 kg, practically and concretely verifying the functionality of the suits, the results showed a 45% improvement ratio for their arm muscles. The proposed assistance suit can not only directly support and assist the elbow and shoulder j oint but also indirectly prevent lower back injury.



  • The applicability of an assistive walking device integrating overload protection mechanism using a torque limiter

    Jyun Rong Zhuang, Hayato Nagayoshi, Hirotoshi Kondo, Hee-Hyol Lee, Eiichiro Tanaka

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM   2018-   851 - 856  2018.08

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    Considering the practical usage of the assistive walking device, the user usually encounters unexpected walking motion which induces equipped motor easily breakage. In this study, we designed a torque limiter as overload protection mechanism for an assistive walking device. The material sheet plays a key role in this torque limiter. This work used the NBR (nitril-butadiene rubber) as an ideal material since the material assessment results reveal it possesses the great transmitted torque and durability. To assess the practical applicability, this work integrates this torque limiter into our developed assistive walking device to conduct the walking trials. We observe that this torque limiter can continually sustain overload torque for over five minutes and does not break the gear. To conclude, a novel torque limiter design can achieve the same assisting motions as the original gear, and it can protect the servo motor against unexpected overload torque. Finally, by integrating a torque limiter, our assistive walking device can maintain long-term service lives
    further, the users can freely utilize it to prompt exercise and conduct rehabilitation.



  • An Effective Criterion for Estimating Drowsy Driving

    Youngdal Oh, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics,     630 - 634  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Stochastic Optimal Control for Traffic Signal of Asymmetrical Intersection based on DBN Model

    C. Cui, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     626 - 625  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Convolutional Neural Network PID Control for Thermal Fusion Bonding of Panel

    Ziang Wei, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     622 - 625  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Improved Node Based Optimal Path Planning Algorithm with Box Blur Method

    Jiahua Yu, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     618 - 621  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Improved 3D Node based Optimal Algorithm with Position Estimation for First Responder,

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     606 - 611  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Neuro PID Control using Self-learning for Ultra-Compact Binary Power Generation Plant

    KunYoung Han, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     612 - 617  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Non-Squared Decouple PID Control of Ultra-Compact Binary Power Generation Plant Using Low Temperature Difference Thermal Energy

    Han Kun-Young, Arita Mamoru, Ikegami Yasuyuki, Lee Hee-Hyol

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   137 ( 10 ) 1340 - 1352  2017.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    <p>This paper deals with the development of a 5kW ultra-compact binary power generation plant using low temperature difference thermal energy and a control system design method with high control performance using low electrical power consumption actuator. It is necessary to save electrical power consumption of manipulated variables in the operation of the plant to realize the ultra-compact binary power generation. A three-input and two-output transfer function model that has one more manipulated variable of very low electrical power consumption than the number of controlled variable to improve control performance by using a non-squared (NS) decouple PID control system is proposed, and its strategy as a method of control system design is introduced. The model is presented with a linear transfer function that represents a dynamic characteristic at nearby operating point of the plant. The control results are compared with the other control systems through simulations to verify the validity of the proposed control system.</p>

    DOI CiNii


  • Multivariable Predictive Control of Ultra-Compact Binary Power Plant

    Ye Dizhuoran, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Workshop on Artificial Life and Robotics    2017.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 3D path planning method with position estimation for moving target search in partially known terrain

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Workshop on Artificial Life and Robotics    2017.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Multi-layer Neural Network PID Control for Thermal Fusion Bonding of Panel

    Ziang Wei, Hee-hyol Lee

    International Workshop on Artificial Life and Robotics    2017.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Non-Squared Decouple PID Control of Ultra-Compact Binary Power Generation Plant

    KunYoung Han, HeeHyol Lee

    Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Energy and Environment    2016.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Non-Squared Decouple PID Control of Ultra-Compact Binary Power Generation Plant

    KunYoung Han, Hee-hyol Lee

    WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control   11 ( 51 )  2016.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Decoupled Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Control in Thermal Fusion Bonding Panel

    Wu Shang, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     680 - 684  2016.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Quadrotor Control Utilizing Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Servo Control System

    Liu Jiandong, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     675 - 679  2016.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Path Planning in Unknown Terrain using D* lite and Localization with Bayes Theorem Combining Kalman Filter

    Shin-nyeong Heo, Hee-hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     669 - 674  2016.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Stochastic Optimal Control for Traffic Signals of Asymmetrical Intersection

    Chengyou Cui, Hee-hyol Lee

    Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics   20 ( 2 ) 190 - 196  2015.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Real-time Stochastic Optimal Control for Traffic Signals of Multiple Intersections

    Chengyou, Cui, Jizhe Cui, Hee-hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   19 ( 5 ) 142 - 149  2014.02

  • Cellular Automaton Traffic Model and Real-time Stochastic Optimal Coordinated Control of Traffic Signals

    Chengyou Cui, Hu Jin, Jizhe Cui, Hee-hyol Lee

    roceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     703 - 707  2014.01

  • Modeling and Design of Decouple PID Control for Ultra-Compact Binary Power Generation Plant Using Low Temperature Difference Thermal Energy

    Kun-Young Han, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     691 - 696  2014.01

  • Cooperative Behavior Control of Robot Group using Stress Antibody Allotment Reward

    Sung-geun Kim, Shinya Taguchi, Su-ill Hong, Hee-hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   19 ( 1 ) 16 - 21  2014.01

  • A intelligent english situated learning system based on signboard information

    Jin-Il Kim, Hee-Hyol Lee

    International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering   9 ( 5 ) 291 - 299  2014

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    Recently, the prevalence of high-performance mobile devices and development of IT technologies, including augmented reality technology and location information service, etc. has led to the formation of an educational environment allowing learners to practice context learning theory ideally, subsequently contributing to active progress of relevant studies. Therefore, it is difficult to expect leaners to have an interest and a commitment since it cannot connect a lot of information coming through the perspective of the learner in a real-world environment with situated learning in real time. Accordingly, this paper proposes a intelligent English situated learning system that can practice situation context learning more reasonably using a location-based service and a recognition technology that automatically recognizes text information on street signboards that are easily accessible in everyday life, yet provide learners with a lot of information. The proposed system provides learners with English conversation learning contents that can be used in the business sector related to trade name recognized through text information on street signboards from images captured by cameras. © 2014 SERSC.



  • 低温度差熱エネルギーを用いた超小型バイナリー発電プラントのモデリングと非干渉化PID制御系の設計

    韓建栄, 有田護, 池上康之, 李羲頡

    OTEC   18   5 - 16  2013.04

  • I-PD Controller Design for Systems described by Fuzzy Model using Coefficient Diagram Method

    SASAKI Masaya, LEE Hee-Hyol, MIYAZAKI Michio

    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics   25 ( 3 ) 748 - 759  2013

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    This study deals with the design of an integration-proportional derivative (I-PD) controller with respect to an unspecified plant. Herein, for a plant represented by a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model, we designed an I-PD controller by the coefficient diagram method (CDM), which provides a good balance of stability, response, and robustness. The output of the fuzzy model is determined by a transfer function. This approach enables us to determine the parameters of the I-PD controller. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by simulation results.

    DOI CiNii

  • Distributed traffic signal control using PSO based on probability model for traffic jam

    Cheng-You Cui, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   193 ( 1 ) 629 - 639  2013

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    In this article, a new traffic signal control method is proposed. The Bayesian Network (BN) model and the Cellular Automaton (CA) model are used to build up a probability model for traffic jam. And then using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based on the probability model, the optimal traffic signal can be obtained. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown with a micro-traffic simulator. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.



  • Decouple Sliding Mode Control of Compact Binary Power Generation

    Kun-Young Han, Hee-Hyol Lee


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    This paper presents a Decouple Sliding Mode Control(DSMC) of a compact binary power generation using low-temperature difference thermal energy. First, a state equation model based on the transfer function model is deduced. Then, a Sliding Mode Control system with decoupler is designed to control the pressure difference between inlet and outlet of a turbine by high pressure steam of working fluid. The validity of the proposed model is confirmed by a comparison between simulation and experimental result and the control simulation results show the effectiveness of the decouple Sliding Mode Control.

  • Real-Time Stochastic Optimal Control for Traffic Signals of Multiple Intersections

    Cheng-You Cui, Hee-Hyol Lee


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    Traffic congestion has become a serious problem with exponential increase of vehicles recently. In urban area, almost all of traffic jams occur at intersections. In such cases, traffic signal control is a reasonable method to reduce the traffic jams. Traffic signal control can be divided into two types: one is off-line (Pre-timed) control and the other is on-line (Adaptive) control. In the pretimed control, empirical formulas were used to calculate the traffic signals off-line using historical traffic data, but it cannot handle the variation of traffic flows. The adaptive control can overcome this limitation by adjusting the traffic signals on-line in the various traffic flows. The adaptive control can also be divided into two types: centralized and distributed systems. However, the centralized system requires the extensive data processing and computational time to calculate optimal traffic signals. On the other hand, the distributed system can achieve a real time control. In this paper, a real time stochastic optimal control method of traffic signal is proposed. A modified Cellular Automaton (CA) traffic model and Bayesian Network (BN) model are used to predict the traffic jams. In addition, H-GA-PSO algorithm is used to search optimal traffic signals based on the stochastic model. The H-GA-PSO algorithm is a modified Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization (H-PSO) method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown through simulations at multiple intersections using a micro traffic simulator.

  • A Micro-Simulator for Traffic Signal Control based on Modified Cellular Automaton Traffic Flow Model

    Hu-jin Chengyou, Hee-hyol Lee

    The 18th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics    2013.01

  • Real-Time Stochastic Optimum Control of Traffic Signals

    Hee-hyol Lee

    Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering   11 ( 1 ) 30 - 44  2013.01

  • 階層型H-GA-PSOを用いた多差路交差点渋滞確率最適化によるリアルタイム交通信号制御

    崔成優, 韓建栄, 宮崎道雄, 李羲頡

    電気学会論文誌    2012.12

  • 係数図法を用いた多入力多出力系に対するPID制御系の一設計法

    佐々木正哉, 森一之, 李羲頡, 宮崎道雄

    電気学会論文誌   132 ( 9 ) 1465 - 1472  2012.09

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    In multivariable systems, controlled variables interact each other in general. Therefore it is difficult for the classical control theory such as PID control to control multivariable systems. The Nyquist Array method as the practical design technique has been used for the long time. However the method becomes fairly complicated when we design a precompensator and PID controller.<br>Therefore we propose the PID controller design method for multivariable systems which can realize PID control relatively easily in view of utility. We design a compensator which meets the diagonal dominance using Real Code Genetic Algorithms. Next, we design the PID controller using Coefficient Diagram Method which takes simultaneously good balance of stability, response, and robustness by using coefficient diagram. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed with the simulation results.

    DOI CiNii


  • Real-Time Traffic Signal Control of Multi-Way Intersection based on Prediction of Traffic-Jam Probability

    ChengYou Cui, Hee-Hyol Lee

    The 8th International Conference on Humanized Systems    2012.08

  • Decoupling PID control System for Power Generation by Low-Temperature Difference

    Kun-Young Han, Arita Mamoru, Hee-Hyol Lee

    International Conference on Humanized Systems     306 - 311  2012.08

  • 交通渋滞確率最適化のためのリアルタイム交通信号制御

    崔成優, 申芝仙, 宮崎道雄, 李羲頡

    電気学会論文誌C   132 ( 1 ) 21 - 31  2012.01

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    Real-time traffic signal control is an integral part of urban traffic control system. It can control traffic signals online according to variation of traffic flow. In this paper, we propose a new method for the real-time traffic signal control system. The system uses a Cellular Automaton model and a Bayesian Network model to predict probabilistic distributions of standing vehicles, and uses a Particle Swarm Optimization method to calculate optimal traffic signals. A simulation based on real traffic data was carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed real-time traffic signal control system CAPSOBN using a micro traffic simulator.

    DOI CiNii


  • Real-time traffic signal control of multi-way intersection using H-GA-PSO algorithm based on optimization of traffic jam probability

    Cheng-You Cui, Gen-Young Han, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   132 ( 12 ) 1982 - 1991  2012

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    Traffic jam has become a serious problem with exponential increase of vehicles recently. In urban area, almost all traffic congestion occurs at intersections. The intersections can be divided three types according to the number of road at the intersections: T-junction (3-way intersection), Crossroads (4-way intersections), and Multi-way intersection (more than 4). The traffic signal phases are generally more complicated at the multi-way intersections. Consequently, traffic jams occur very often. One of the ways to solve this problem is to extend roads, but it is not easy to realize in urban areas. In such cases, traffic signal control is considered as an effective way to solve the problem. In this paper, we propose a real-time traffic signal control system for the multi-way-intersection. The aim of the control is to search the optimal traffic signals to minimize traffic-jam probabilities using a new H-GA-PSO algorithm, which includes a modified PSO, an initial generation of particles, and a modified GA. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.

    DOI CiNii


  • Traffic Signal Control for a Multi-Forked Road

    Chengyou Cui, Mizuki Takamura, Heehyol Lee

    Artificial Life Robotics   16 ( 2 ) 253 - 257  2011.02

  • 交通渋滞の確率モデルと交通信号制御

    申芝仙, 崔成優, 李 大弘, 李羲頡

    電気学会論文誌C   131 ( 2 ) 303 - 310  2011.02

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    Traffic signal control is an effective method to solve the traffic jam. and forecasting traffic density has been known as an important part of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The several methods of the traffic signal control are known such as random walk method, Neuron Network method, Bayesian Network method, and so on. In this paper, we propose a new method of a traffic signal control using a predicted distribution of traffic jam based on a Dynamic Bayesian Network model. First, a forecasting model to predict a probabilistic distribution of the traffic jam during each period of traffic lights is built. As the forecasting model, the Dynamic Bayesian Network is used to predict the probabilistic distribution of a density of the traffic jam. According to measurement of two crossing points for each cycle, the inflow and outflow of each direction and the number of standing vehicles at former cycle are obtained. The number of standing vehicle at k-th cycle will be calculated synchronously. Next, the probabilistic distribution of the density of standing vehicle in each cycle will be predicted using the Dynamic Bayesian Network constructed for the traffic jam. And then a control rule to adjust the split and the cycle to increase the probability between a lower limit and ceiling of the standing vehicles is deduced. As the results of the simulation using the actual traffic data of Kitakyushu city, the effectiveness of the method is shown.

    DOI CiNii


  • Building of reverse logistics model in reusable recovery and optimization considering transportation, inventory, and backorder costs

    Jeong-Eun Lee, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 16th'11     511 - 514  2011

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    This paper deals with the building of the reusable reverse logistics model considering the decision of the backorder or the next arrival of goods. The optimization method to minimize the transportation cost and to minimize the volume of the backorder or the next arrival of goods occurred by the Just in Time delivery of the final delivery stage between the manufacturer and the processing center is proposed. Through the optimization algorithms using the priority-based genetic algorithm and the hybrid genetic algorithm, the sub-optimal delivery routes are determined. Based on the case study of a distilling and sale company in Busan, Korea, the new reverse logistics model in reusable recovery of empty bottles is built and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified. © 2011 ISAROB.

  • A Neuro PID control of Power Generation using Low Temperature Gap

    Kun-Young Han, Hee-Jae Park, Hee-Hyol Lee


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    Recently, renewable energy is increasingly attractive in solving global problem such as the environmental pollution and energy shortage. Among varieties of renewable energy resource, power generation using low temperature gap has received much attention of researchers. However, this system is difficult to control because each of the components of this system, such as heat exchanger, working fluid and turbine, has a dynamic characteristic or nonlinear factor. In order to overcome this problem, PID controller based on neural network for power generation using low temperature gap is designed to keep the stable speed of the steam turbine in real environment.

  • An Intelligent Context-Aware Learning System Based on Mobile Augmented Reality

    Jin-Il Kim, Inn-woo Park, Hee-Hyol Lee


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    Learning content using context-aware mobile technology, whether the content is manual or interactive, is hardly expected to arouse learners to interest or immersion because most of real-life environment is discrete from mobile content. For this reason, Augmented Reality is used to fix the drawback and to provide learners with an educational environment lit for desirable practice of the theory of situated learning. Increasing interest in Augmented Reality in recent years has led to multiple study efforts to build applications based on Augmented Reality, most of which require additional hardware or software, resulting in difficulties in establishing proper learning environment in the field of education. Therefore, in this paper we propose an intelligent context-aware learning system based on mobile Augmented Reality that provides a hassle-free desirable learning environment requiring nothing but a common mobile device.

  • 再発注・入荷待ち判断を考慮した再使用リバース・ロジスティクスのモデル構築と最適化

    李静銀, 玄光男, 李瓊球, 李羲頡

    電気学会論文誌C   131 ( 12 )  2010.12

  • Learning Control of Power Generation Using Low Temperature Gap

    Hee-Jae Park, Satomi Shikasho, Kun-Young Han, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of electronics, information and system conference, Electronics, Information and System Society, IEEof Japan     846 - 849  2010.09

  • Real time traffic signal learning control using BPNN based on prediction for probabilistic distribution of standing vehicles

    Chengyou Cui, Jisun Shin, Heehyol Lee

    Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 15th'10     569 - 572  2010

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    In this paper, a new method to predict the probabilistic distribution of traffic jam at crossroads and a traffic signal learning control system are proposed. First, the Dynamic Bayesian Network is used for build a forecasting model to predict the probabilistic distribution of vehicles for traffic jam during the each period of traffic signal. The adjusting algorithm of traffic signal control is applied to maintain the probability of a lower limit and ceiling of the standing vehicles to get the desired probabilistic distribution of the standing vehicles. In order to achieve the real time control, a learning control system based on the Back Propagation Neural Network is used. Finally, the effectiveness of the new traffic signal control system using the actual traffic data will be shown. © 2010 ISAROB.

  • Real-time traffic signal learning control using BPNN based on predictions of the probabilistic distribution of standing vehicles

    Chengyou Cui, Jisun Shin, Heehyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   15 ( 1 ) 58 - 61  2010

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    In this article, a new method to predict the probabilistic distribution of a traffic jam at crossroads and a traffic signal learning control system are proposed. First, a dynamic Bayesian network is used to build a forecasting model to predict the probabilistic distribution of vehicles in a traffic jam during each period of the traffic signals. An adjusting algorithm for traffic signal control is applied to maintain the probability of a lower limit and a ceiling of standing vehicles to get the desired probabilistic distribution of standing vehicles. In order to achieve real-time control, a learning control system based on a back-propagation neural network is used. Finally, the effectiveness of the new traffic signal control system using actual traffic data will be shown. © 2010 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB).



  • A learning control of unused energy power generation

    Satomi Shikasho, Kun-Young Han, Ji-Sun Shin, Chui ChengYou, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   15 ( 4 ) 450 - 454  2010

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    In recent years, the development of new clean energy without dependence on fossil fuel has become urgent. This article proposes a learning control system for power generation using a low-temperature gap which has been designed to maintain the speed of a steam turbine in a real environment. This system includes nonlinearity and the characteristics of changing parameters with age and deterioration, as in the real environment. The evaporator, condenser, and turbine systems have been modeled, and a PID control with the ability to learn, based on a BackPropagation neural network, has been designed. © 2010 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB).



  • Multiobjective hybrid genetic algorithm for reverse logistics network design of inventory systems with backordering

    Jeong-Eun Lee, Kyong-Gu Rhee, Hee-Hyol Lee

    IEEM2010 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management     2318 - 2322  2010

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    The reverse logistics is the process flow of used-products that are collected to be reproduced so that they can be sold again to customers after some processing. Within this perspective, we formulated a mathematical model of the reuse system as a reverse logistics with two objectives functions: one is minimizing cost of reverse logistics network problem, (i.e. transportation cost, disposal cost, purchase cost and inventory holding cost) another is just-in-time delivery, and minimizes the costs of backorders and inventories in manufacturer in all periods. This paper proposes a new multiobjective hybrid genetic algorithm approach, and shows how the performance of multiobjective genetic algorithm can be improved by hybridization with Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). In the experimental results comparing CPLEX, pri-awGA (priority-based adaptive weight Genetic Algorithm) and mo-hGA (multiobjective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm), we demonstrated the effectiveness of mo-hGA such as shortness of computational time and better solutions. ©2010 IEEE.



  • Tracking and constant disturbance rejection of robust constrained LMI-based MPC

    Tanet Kato, Hee-Hyol Lee

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   130 ( 12 ) 17 - 2226  2010

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    In practical situations, poor control performance due to parameter uncertainty is frequently unavoidable. So, robustness against uncertainty has become a desirable property in any control system, especially one that requires accurate parameters such as Model Predictive Control (MPC). With just a nominal model, MPC fails to stabilize a plant that incorporates parameter uncertainty. Robust constrained LMI-based MPC offers a way to handle parameter uncertainty. Therefore, it is appropriate to extend this particular method to cover more types of problems. This research analyzes and synthesizes reference trajectory tracking extension and constant disturbance rejection extension to robust constrained LMI-based MPC in order to broaden the practicality of MPC to process control. The control laws for both reference trajectory tracking extension and constant disturbance rejection extension are obtained through system augmentation to include error dynamics and integrator dynamics, respectively. © 2010 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • Development of a Mobile Language Learning Assistant System Based on Smartphone

    Jin-il Kim, Young-Hun Lee, Hee-Hyol Lee

    COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING, PT II   120   321 - +  2010  [Refereed]

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    One of the most important issues of the school education today is that learners are not able to apply their knowledge that they've learned from the classroom to their real life. Situated Learning Theory would be one of the best solutions to solve these problems. However, current methods which have been developed for instructional purpose until now don't seem to reflect Situated Learning Theory enough. It is vital to investigate better applicable methods that can be practiced in education field based on Situated Learning Theory. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to design and implement a Mobile Language Learning Assistant System using location awareness technology. This study has found that Mobile Language Learning Assistant System can be effectively utilized in providing authentic learning environment and also its future prospect is very bright according to the learner evaluation.

  • Traffic signal control based on a predicted traffic jam distribution

    Chengyou Cui, Jisun Shin, Fumihiro Shoji, Heehyol Lee

    Artificial Life Robotics   14 ( 2 ) 134 - 137  2009.02

  • On-line tuning PID parameters in idle-speed engine based on modified BP neural network by particle swarm optimization,

    Jia-Meng Yin, Ji-Sun Shin, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   14 ( 2 ) 129 - 133  2009.02

  • Production Adjusting Method based on Predicted Distribution of Production and Inventory using Dynamic Bayesian Network

    Yeong-Hwa Park, Ji-Sun Shin, Ki-Yun Woo, Fumihiro Shoji, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   14 ( 2 ) 138 - 143  2009.02

  • Using Fuzzy Reasoning to Support a System of Diagnosis of Skin Disease

    Makio Akimoto, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Bioimages   17   9 - 18  2009.01

  • 生産在庫管理のためのDynamic Bayesian Network

    申芝仙, 高崎宣行, 李 大弘, 金 鎭一, 李羲頡

    電気学会論文誌C   128 ( 12 ) 1789 - 1796  2008.12

  • Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Production and Inventory Control of Automobile Parts

    Shin Ji-Sun, Yeong-Hwa Park, Lee Hee-hyol

    Proceeding of International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     43 - 48  2008.11

  • P2Pネットワーク環境下での遊休コンピューティング資源を利用したサイバー教育用コンテンツ伝送システム

    金鎮一, 申芝仙, 李羲頡

    電気学会論文誌   128 ( 8 ) 1320 - 1326  2008.08

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    Recently, the rapid growth of Internet Technology and the deployment of high speed networks have produced many kinds of multimedia services. Together with it, demands for variase information and its data have been increaded and confused. The requirement for the scale of them are rapidly changing the configuration of Internet content delivery and traffic. Preexisting contents delivery systems were designed based on the Client/Server model, which brings on problems such as frequent disconnections and low speed communication due to high load on the central server. The traditional Client/Server system to delivere contents, therefore, is in denger of attainment of limit, because Internet users have been increased explosively and the quantity and quality of the need for the contents have been enhanced. In order to solve these problems, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are introduced and expanded through Internet environments. In this paper, an education contents delivery system for cyber education system using idle computing powers in the hybrid P2P computing to share computing resources is designed and implement.

    DOI CiNii

  • Stochastic model of production and inventory control using dynamic bayesian network

    Ji-Sun Shin, Tae-Hong Lee, Jin-Il Kim, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   13 ( 1 ) 148 - 154  2008

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    Bayesian Network is a stochastic model, which shows the qualitative dependence between two or more random variables by the graph structure, and indicates the quantitative relations between individual variables by the conditional probability. This paper deals with the production and inventory control using the dynamic Bayesian network. The probabilistic values of the amount of delivered goods and the production quantities are changed in the real environment, and then the total stock is also changed randomly. The probabilistic distribution of the total stock is calculated through the propagation of the probability on the Bayesian network. Moreover, an adjusting rule of the production quantities to maintain the probability of the lower bound and the upper bound of the total stock to certain values is shown. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2008.



  • A cooperative behavior learning control of multi-robot using trace information

    Tomofumi Ohshita, Ji-Sun Shin, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   13 ( 1 ) 144 - 147  2008

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    The distributed autonomous robotic system has superiority of robustness and adaptability to dynamical environment, however, the system requires the cooperative behavior mutually for optimality of the system. The acquisition of action by reinforcement learning is known as one of the approaches when the multi-robot works with cooperation mutually for a complex task. This paper deals with the transporting problem of the multi-robot using Q-learning algorithm in the reinforcement learning. When a robot carries luggage, we regard it as that the robot leaves a trace to the own migrational path, which trace has feature of volatility, and then, the other robot can use the trace information to help the robot, which carries luggage. To solve these problems on multi-agent reinforcement learning, the learning control method using stress antibody allotment reward is used. Moreover, we propose the trace information of the robot to urge cooperative behavior of the multi-robot to carry luggage to a destination in this paper. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by simulation. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2008.



  • Learning type PID control system using input dependence reinforcement scheme

    Hideharu Sawada, Ji-Sun Shin, Fumihiro Shoji, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Artificial Life and Robotics   13 ( 1 ) 139 - 143  2008

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    PID control has widely used in the field of process control and a lot of methods have been used to design PID parameters. When the characteristic values of a controlled object are changed due to a change over the years or disturbance, the skilled operators observe the feature of the controlled responses and adjust the PID parameters using their knowledge and know-how, and a lot of labors are required to do it. In this research, we design a learning type PID control system using the stochastic automaton with learning function, namely learning automaton, which can autonomously adjust the control parameters updating the state transition probability using relative amount of controlled error. We show the effectiveness of the proposed learning type PID control system by simulations. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2008.



  • A Method of the Secrecy Communication Using Fuzzy and Chaos

    Yoshimasa Simizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, F.Qian

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    2007.11

  • Diagnosis of Skin Disease Using Fuzzy Reasoning from Skin Colors

    Yu Chen, Makio Akimoto, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering   ICEE ( 652 )  2007.07

  • On a Control System Design Using the Partial Model Matching of Controlled Processes

    Fumihiro Shoji, Noriyuki Takazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines   ICEM ( 574 )  2006.09

  • Learning Control of Carrier Robots with Cooperative Behavior

    Shinya Taguchi, Su-Ill Hong, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering   EC1 ( 01 ) 1 - 4  2006.07

  • Learning Type PID Control by Stochastic Automata with Learning Function

    Hong Qiu, Fanghui Shen, Fumihiro Shoji, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Engineering   EC2 ( 07 ) 1 - 4  2006.07

  • The Production and Inventory Control using the Bayesian Network

    Ji-Sun Shin, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering   EC2 ( 09 ) 1 - 4  2006.07

  • Chaos synchronization based on fuzzy model using sliding mode control

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Kageo Akizuki


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    In this paper, the chaos synchronization system used for secrecy communication is considered. The compound system which consists of subsystems is chaos-synchronized. And, the state of synchronization section in each subsystem is constituted by fuzzy model. Subsystems with the same chaotic dynamics are asynchronous at first. Furthermore, the noise which exists between subsystems invades into the control input of the chaos synchronization additionally. In consideration of the noise, the sliding mode control is applied to the chaos synchronization control. Then, the control input for the chaos synchronization can be made small by use of the chaotic characteristic of the subsystems.

  • Chaos synchronization based on fuzzy model using sliding mode control

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Kageo Akizuki


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    In this paper, the chaos synchronization system used for secrecy communication is considered. The compound system which consists of subsystems is chaos-synchronized. And, the state of synchronization section in each subsystem is constituted by fuzzy model. Subsystems with the same chaotic dynamics are asynchronous at first. Furthermore, the noise which exists between subsystems invades into the control input of the chaos synchronization additionally. In consideration of the noise, the sliding mode control is applied to the chaos synchronization control. Then, the control input for the chaos synchronization can be made small by use of the chaotic characteristic of the subsystems.

  • The Decoupling Control System based on the Generalized Pseudo Diagonalization and Series-Parallel Connection of Precompensators

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2005.07

  • A Design of Decoupling Control System based on the Generalized Pseudo Diagonalization

    Hiroaki Tanaka, Hee-Hyol Lee, Miyazaki Michio, Kageo Akizuki

    The 36th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     102 - 103  2004.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Chaos Synchronization based on Fuzzy Model using Sliding Mode Control

    The 36th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     108 - 109  2004.11

  • A Design of Decoupling Control System based on the Generalized Pseudo Diagonalization

    Hiroaki Tanaka, Hee-Hyol Lee, Miyazaki Michio, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     309 - 314  2004.11

  • 一般化擬似対角化アルゴリズムに基づく非干渉化制御系の一設計法

    Hee-hyol Lee

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     910 - 911  2004.09

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 高度デマンド信号制御方式を用いたファジィ理論による広域交通信号制御

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     918 - 922  2004.09

  • 部分的モデルマッチング法による補償器の設計に関する一考察

    電気学会 九州支部大会    2004.09

  • A Chaos Control Method for Unknown Discrete-time Systems Using Linear Sliding Mode Control

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference of Electronic Engineering   1   182 - 185  2004.07

  • 非干渉化前置補償器の多段階接続法とPID制御パラメータ調節則

    計測自動制御学会 第4回制御部門大会     643 - 646  2004.05

  • SMCを用いた外乱の存在するカオス同期

    計測自動制御学会 第4回制御部門大会     109 - 112  2004.05

  • 多入力多出力制御系のPID制御パラメータ調整則

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     934 - 937  2003.08

  • カオスNNとカオス同期化制御を用いた一秘匿通信法

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     874 - 879  2003.08

  • 起動時のデータに基づくウェーブレット変換を用いた回転機の異常検知

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     895 - 898  2003.08

  • Information Interface Design in Exchanging Data over Networks with Difference Organization,

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     506 - 507  2003.08

  • 前置補償器の直並列接続による多段階非干渉化PID制御

    李羲頡, 長町政宗, 崔元奎, 宋正永, 宮崎道雄, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   123-C ( 1 ) 43 - 49  2003.01


  • 未知システムに対するDFCとPFCとのハイブリッド型カオス制御

    清水能理, 宮崎道雄, 李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   123-C ( 1 ) 26 - 34  2003.01

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    Chaos control is stabilizing the state of a chaotic system into the peculiar unstable periodic orbit (UPO). In chaos control proposed until today, the target system is known in many cases. However, when the generating mechanism of chaos is unknown, the control only based on time series data observed from the system is also required. Delayed feedback control (DFC) applies control input based on the difference between the &tau;-time delayed state and the current state. Where &tau; denotes the periods of UPO. Although this method needs correctly no chaos orbit if the periods of UPO is known, there exists the limitation of the odd number property. As the method to compensate this fault, there is prediction-based feedback control (PFC) using the prediction value of &tau;-time future state. However, PFC needs to calculate this prediction value analytically by using the known mathematical model of the target system.<br>Then, in this paper, chaos control for unknown chaotic systems is proposed. This technique has the hybrid type control input to improve faults of DFC and PFC. The prediction value to be used in the control input is determined by using neural network or fuzzy neural network. The control inputs are impressed only near periodic points of the target UPO using the concept of the unstable periodic region.

    DOI CiNii


  • Generalization of the Pseudo Diagonalization Method

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium of Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    2002.11

  • Hybrid Type Chaos Control for Unknown System using Fuzzy Neural Network

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium of Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     223 - 228  2002.11

  • Generalization of the Pseudo Diagonalization Method

    The 34th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    2002.10

  • Hybrid Type Chaos Control for Unknown System Using Fuzzy Neural Network

    The 34th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     81 - 82  2002.10

  • 擬似対角化法の一般化

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     876 - 877  2002.09

  • Efficient Rendering of 3D Models on the Web

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     669 - 673  2002.09

  • Object oriented design of CRM contents for the Electronic Commerce

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     707 - 710  2002.09

  • FNNを用いた未知システムに対するハイブリッド型カオス制御

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     898 - 901  2002.09

  • Chaos Control for Unknown System based on Fuzzy Model

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Sang-Gu Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2002     2058 - 2063  2002.07

  • 状態予測に基づくDFC法によるカオス制御

    清水能理, 山中雄一郎, 宮崎道雄, 李羲頡, 李相球, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.122-C ( 6 ) 972 - 979  2002.06


  • Noninteracting PID Control using Precompensators with Series-Parallel Connections

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Won-Kyu Choi, Michio Miyazaki, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium of Stochastic Systems Theory and It's Applications     200 - 205  2002.06

  • ファジィ・ニューラルネットワークを用いた未知カオスシステム制御

    電気学会 全国大会    2002.03

  • 周波数成形された出力フィードバックによるスライディングモード制御系とプロセス系の追値制御への応用

    李羲頡, 庄司文啓, 鶴岡久, 宮崎道雄, 秋月影雄

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol.38 ( 2 ) 186 - 192  2002.02

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    This paper proposes a design method of frequency shaped Sliding Mode Control System using output feedback and application to follow-up control of a fluid temperature and liquid level interacting plant to a time dependent reference input. This method is characterized as that the Moore-Penrose's inverse matrix is used to deduce the equivalent control input because the numbers of inputs and outputs are not equal in general, then the order of the reduced system is equal to the number of outputs, and the chattering can be suppressed by introducing the switching hyperplane with dynamics. First, switching hyperplane is introduced as that it includes an integral element for the controlled deviation to remove the steady-state error, and a switching condition of the reachability to the switching surface is deduced using the eventual sliding mode. Next, a linear operator with dynamics is introduced to the switching hyperplane, and a frequency dependent weight matrix is introduced as that controlled deviation can be suppressed for certain frequencies. The switching hyperplane has frequency characteristics, so that the chatter motion is decreased. Finally, the frequency-shaped sliding mode system is applied to follow-up control of 2inputs-3outputs carriages, and a fluid temperature and liquid level interacting plant to confirm the effectiveness.

    DOI CiNii

  • On an initial condition for a reduced-order model using a two-step iterative method

    FF Shoji, HH Lee


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    A two-step iterative algorithm we have proposed gives good approximation in the sense of an integral square-error of tme response between an original system and a reduced-order model. A reduced-order model using the two-step iterative algorithm is affected by an initial condition. In this paper, the reduced-order model using a denominator array expansion method is used the initial step reduced-order model in the two-step iterative algorithm. It is found that the resulting reduced-order model gives good approximation compare with other methods in the sense of integral square-error.

  • Frequency Shaped Variable Structure Servo System for MIMO System

    福工大エレクトロニクス研究所所報   Vol.18   79 - 85  2001.10


  • Noninteracting PID Control using Precompensators with Series-Parallel Connections

    The 33rd International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     75 - 76  2001.10

  • A Control Method for Unknown Chaostic Systems

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Sang-Gu Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems     683 - 686  2001.10

  • 前置補償器の直並列接続による非干渉化PID制御

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     257 - 260  2001.09

  • 状態予測に基づくDFC法によるカオス制御

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     441 - 447  2001.09

  • Effective Image Data Transfer through Wire/Wireless Network without help of Sever Side Programming

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会     205 - 208  2001.09

  • Chaos Control by DFC Method Using State Prediction

    Yoshimasa Shimizu, Naohiro Chiba, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Sang-Gu Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2001   3   1466 - 1470  2001.07


  • 多変数系に対するファジィ推論

    電気学会全国大会     944  2001.03

  • 多次元ファジィ関係の低次元化による高速道路の流入制御

    宮崎道雄, 吉澤修, 李羲頡, 李相球, 大浦邦彦, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.121-C ( 1 ) 252 - 260  2001.01


  • Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Servo System and Its Application to Follow-up Control of a Process System

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems     470 - 479  2000.12

  • 共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムと同定問題への応用

    計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会     459 - 462  2000.11

  • Variable Structure Control Systems with Frequency Shaping and Its Application to Follow-up Control of a Process System

    Proceedings of the Tenth FIT-NUST-AJOU University Joint Seminar     165 - 172  2000.11

  • Variable Structure Servo Control System with Frequency Shaped Sliding Mode

    福工大エレクトロニクス研究所所報   Vol.17   47 - 53  2000.10


  • 社内情報システム構築のソリューションと事例

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会   MC6-4  2000.09

  • 高速道路上における前方車両による車線変更アルゴリズム

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会   GS10-6  2000.09

  • Dynamical Compensation for Switching Surface of Sliding Mode Servo Control System

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Won-Kyu Choi, Jeong-Young Song, Sang-Gu, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2000     70 - 73  2000.07

  • Generating of Chaos in Duffing Oscillation by Nonlinear State Feedback Control

    Noriyuki Aoki, Michio Miyazaki, Hee-Hyol Lee, Sang-Gu Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2000     90 - 93  2000.07

  • ニューロ・ファジィアルゴリズムを用いた遠隔探査画像の地表面パターン分類システム

    李相球, 韓鐘圭, 李羲頡, 宮崎道雄, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.120-C ( 4 ) 546 - 553  2000.04


  • 周波数成形型すべり制御系とプロセス系の追値制御への応用

    平成12年度電気学会全国大会   (3-088)  2000.03

  • 多次元ファジィ関係の低次元化による高速道路の流入制御

    YOSHIZAWA Osamu, MIYAZAKI Michio, LEE Hee-Hyol, LEE Song-Gu, OURA Kunihiko, AKIZUKI Kageo

    電気学会産業計測制御研究会   Vol.IIC-00-36 ( 30 ) 33 - 39  2000.03


  • On a response characterictics in the Hodgkin-Huxley model of nerve and muscle fiber to a periodic stimulation

    FF Shoji, HH Lee


     View Summary

    For nerve anon the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, H-H equations or H-H model for short, shows the chaotic response under the periodic electrical stimulous. For muscle filer, Falk and Fatt formulated the Falk Fatt equations (the F-F equations or F-F model) which are nonlinear equations similar to those of Hodgkin and Huxley. However, the response characteristics of the model has not been studied in detail. In the present study, several aspects of the H-H model and the F-F modelis studied. The H-H model and F-F model are solved with a periodic stimulation (Acos omegat, omega = 2pif). The Chaotic responses are observed under a special condition on an amplitude and frequency. The production procedure of a chaotic response is investigated. In order to investigate the general characteristics of the H-H model and F-F model are average firing rate is computed;and phase variables are drawn in phase plane. Finally,the relationship between the F-F model and the H-H model is considered. For the same periodic stimulation, the F-F model shows the chaotic response and the H-H model shows the n/m phase-locked oscilation or vice vrsa.

  • 動的補償型切換超平面をもつすべりサーボ制御系の設計とプロセス制御への応用

    第18回計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会予稿集   pp.5-6  1999.11

  • 部分空間法に基づく逐次的プラインド伝送路特性推定法

    第14回電子情報通信学会ディジタル信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集   pp.533-537  1999.11

  • 準最適修正方向探索に基づく適応アルゴリズムの一提案

    第14回電子情報通信学会ディジタル信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集   pp.161-164  1999.11

  • A Sliding Mode Servo Control System with Frequency Shaped Optimal Switching Surface

    Proceedings of the Ninth Ajou-FIT-NUST Joint Seminar, pp.187-193    1999.11

  • A Design method of Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Servo Control System

    The 31st International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.127-128  1999.11

  • Generating of Chaos in Duffing Oscillation

    The 31st International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.27-28  1999.11

  • A Design method of Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Servo Control System

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.339-344  1999.11


  • Generating of Chaos in Duffing Oscillation

    Noriyuki Aoki, Michio Miyazaki, Sang-Gu Lee, Hee-Hyol Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.79-82  1999.11

  • 多次元ファジィ関係を用いた高速道路の交通制御

    平成11年度電気学会産業応用部門大会   pp.523-524  1999.08

  • 周波数成形型すべり定値制御系の一設計法

    平成11年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会   pp.667-668  1999.08

  • 高速道路における自動走行路判断アルゴリズム

    平成11年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会   pp.795-798  1999.08

  • 流体温度液面干渉系の非干渉化 PID 制御

    李羲頡, 庄司文啓, 崔元奎, 宋正永, 李相球, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.119-C, No.8/9, pp.1035-1041 ( 8 ) 1035 - 1041  1999.08


  • Parallel Fuzzy Inference on Hypercube Computer

    Sang-Gu Lee, Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference   Vol.1 pp.309-314  1999.08

  • Extended H∞ Control of a Fluid Temperature and Liquid Level Interacting System

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Won-Kyu Choi, Jeong-Young Song, Sang-Gu Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 1999   Vol.3, pp.305-308   305/308  1999.08


  • A Road-Reading Algorithm for Autonomous Car using Lane Detection

    Jin-Il Kim, Jeong-Young Song, Hee-Hyol Lee, Sang-Gu Lee, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 1999   Vol.3, pp.377-379  1999.08

  • A Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier for Land Cover Classification

    Sang-Gu Lee, Jong-Gyu Han, Kwang-Hoon Chi, Jae-Young Suh, Hee-Hyol Lee, Michio Miyazaki, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference   Vol.2, pp.1063-1068   1063 - 1068  1999.08


  • 流体温度液位干渉系のH∞制御

    福工大情報科学研究所所報   Vol.9,pp.77-85 ( 9 ) 77 - 87  1998.10


  • The Mixed Sensitivity H-infinity Control of a Fluid Temperature and Liquid Level Interacting System

    Lee Hee-Hyol

    Proceeding of the Eighth AU-FIT-NUST Joint Seminar, pp.79-86     79 - 86  1998.07


  • Decoupling Control of a Fluid Temperature and Liquid Level Interacting System using Noninteracting PID Controller

    Hee-Hyol Lee, Won-Kyu Choi, Jeong-Young Song, Kageo Akizuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference of Electronic Engineering   Vol.2, pp.649-652  1998.07

  • 実データ処理を考慮した閉ループ系内プロセスの次数・むだ時間推定手順

    平成10年電気学会全国大会   pp.3-87  1998.03

  • Noninteracting PID Control of a Fluid Temperature and Liquid Level Interacting System

    The 29th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.69-70  1997.11

  • Noninteracting PID Control of a Fluid Temperature and Liquid Level Interacting System

    Hee-Hyol LEE, Fumihiro Shoji

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.177-182  1997.11

  • 流体温度液位干渉系の積分型非干渉化システムによるPID制御

    平成9年度電気関係学会九州支部連合会大会論文集    1997.10

  • 流体温度液位干渉系の非干渉化PID制御

    電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会    1997.08

  • 逆ナイキスト配列法による流体温度液位干渉系の非干渉化PI制御

    平成8年度電気関係学会九州支部連合会大会論文集    1996.10

  • 流体温度液位干渉系の2変数ファジィ制御におけるファジィ・プロダクション・ルールの改良

    福工大言語情報工学研究所彙報   Vol.7,pp.97-103 ( 7 ) 97 - 103  1996.10


  • Noninteracting PI Control of a Fluid Temperature and Liquid Level Interacting System

    Proceedings of the Sixth FIT-AJOU-NUST Joint Seminar, pp.118-125    1996.10

  • ファジィ推論の並列化法

    平成8年電気学会全国大会    1996.03

  • Fuzzy Control of a Fluid Temperature System with Membership Functions Optimized by Genetic Algorithm

    Proceedings of the Fifth FIT-AJOU Joint Seminar, pp.159-165    1995.11

  • ファジィ・プロダクション・ルールにおけるメンバーシップ関数のGAによる構造同定と流体温度系のファジィ制御

    福工大言語情報工学研究所彙報   Vol.6,pp.141-150  1995.10

  • The Shape Identification of Membership Functions by Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Control of a Fluid Temperature System

    The 27th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    1995.10

  • The Shape Identification of Membership Functions by Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Control of a Fluid Temperature System

    Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceeding of the International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   pp.83-87  1995.10

  • 手書きハングルの認識におけるニューラルネットワークの応用

    宋正永, 李羲頡, 李相球, 秋月影雄

    システム制御情報学会論文誌   Vol.8,No.2,pp.43-51  1995.02

  • Recognition System of Hand Written Hangeul Considering Stroke Order

    Jyong-Y.Song, Kageo Akizuki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    Proceeding of the International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   p.83-p.87  1994.11

  • 生体信号を用いた音声分析に関する研究

    福工大研究論集   Vol.27, No.2 ,pp.225-235  1994.10

  • Recognition of Hand Written Hangul Based on the Stroke Order of the Elementary Segment

    Korean Association of Automatic Control    1994.10

  • A Recognition System of Hand Written Hangul Considering Stroke Order

    Jyong-Y.Song, Kageo Akizuki, Hee-Hyol Lee

    The 26th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications   p.83-p.87  1994.10

  • 重複突然変異によるニューラルネットの構造設計に関する検討

    電子情報通信学会秋季大会    1994.09

  • 字素導出と筆順にもとづいた手書きハングル認識

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会    1994.07

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムによるニューラルネットワークの構造設計

    電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会    1994.07

  • A Recognition System of Hand Written Hangul including Neural Network adjusted by Back Propagation Algorithm

    SONG J. Y.

    The 25th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     81 - 83  1993.11


  • A Recognition of Hand Written Hangul by Neural Network,

    Korean Association of Automatic Control    1993.10

  • ニューラルネットワークにおけるパラメータの最適化と手書き文字認識

    計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1993.08

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたロボット制御回路の構造設計

    神経回路学会    1993.07

  • A Recognition of Hand Written Hangul by the Average Mode Fuzzy Inference

    The International Conference of Korea (U.S.A)    1993.07

  • 脳波信号の定常区間検出と鼻音識別のためのスペクトル分析

    福工大言語情報工学研究所彙報   Vol.4,pp.11-15  1993.05

  • 文字セグメントのファジイ化による手書きハングル認識

    宋正永, 李羲頡, 崔元奎, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.113-C, No.4, pp.245-253 ( 4 ) p245 - 253  1993.04


  • 鼻音音素認識のための脳波スペクトル分析

    電気学会全国大会    1993.03

  • 遺伝アルゴリズムを用いたロボット制御回路の構造設計

    福工大研究論集   Vol.25,No.2,pp.155-159 ( 2 ) p155 - 159  1993.03


  • Recognition of Hangul in a Simplified Form

    SONG J. Y.

    The 24th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications     21 - 24  1992.11


  • 生体情報を用いた音声分析に関する研究

    福工大言語情報工学研究所彙報   Vol.3,pp.13-22  1992.10

  • A Recognition of Hand Written Hangul by Parallel Procedure of Character Segments and Structure

    Korean Association of Automatic Control    1992.10

  • 脳波を利用した音声認識

    電子情報通信学会秋季大会    1992.09

  • 構造情報に基づく手書きハングル認識

    計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1992.07

  • 構造を考慮したファジイ推論型手書きハングル認識

    システム制御情報学会講演会    1992.05

  • A Speech Recognition by Fuzzy Inference

    Proceedings of the Second FIT-AJOU Joint Seminar   pp.12-17  1992.01

  • A Recognition of Hand Written Hangul by Fuzzy Inference

    The 23rd International Symposium of Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    1991.11

  • A Recognition of Hand Written Hangul by Fuzzy Inference in consideration of Hangul Structure

    Korean Association of Automatic Control    1991.10

  • ファジィ推論による母音認識と韓国語連続音声への応用

    崔元奎, 李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.111-C,No.5, pp.187-193 ( 5 ) p187 - 193  1991.05


  • ファジイ推論による音声認識と韓国語連続音声への応用

    計測自動制御学会システム工学部会研究会    1991.01

  • A Speech Recognition by Fuzzy Inference

    The 22nd International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    1990.10

  • A Continuous Speech Recognition based on Fuzzy Relation

    Korean Association of Automatic Control    1990.10

  • ファジィルールベースによる韓国語母音認識

    電気学会全国大会    1990.03

  • A Rule-Based Recognition System for Korean Spoken Place Names

    Korean Association of Automatic Control    1989.10

  • Speech Recognition with Fuzziness of Rule Representation

    The 21st International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    1989.10

  • ルールベースに基づいた音声認識システムと韓国地名音声への応用

    崔元奎, 李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.109-C,No.9, pp.637-644 ( 9 ) p637 - 644  1989.09


  • 韓国地名音声認識システムKOSRES

    第28回計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1989.07

  • A Rule-Based Recognition System for Korean Spoken Place Name Using Anti-formant

    The 20th International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications    1988.11

  • ルールベースに基づいた韓国語地名認識システム

    第31回自動制御連合講演会    1988.10

  • 韓国語音声認識のための改良型ホルマントトラッキングと数字音声認識への応用

    崔元奎, 李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.108-C,No.10, pp.803-809 ( 10 ) p803 - 809  1988.10


  • アンチ・ホルマントを用いた音声認識

    第27回計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1988.08

  • 拡張カルマンフィルターを用いた韓国語の数字音声認識

    第19回確率システムシンポジウム    1987.10

  • 韓国語数字音声認識アルゴリズム

    第26回計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1987.07

  • 韓国語数字音声認識におけるホルマントトラッキング

    電気学会全国大会    1987.04

  • 動的計画法を用いた韓国語の数字音声認識

    第29回自動制御連合講演会    1986.11

  • 韓国語の数字音声認識に関する一考察

    第18回確率システムシンポジウム    1986.10

  • 有色性雑音外乱を受けるすべり制御系の追従制御問題

    李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol.22,No.8, pp.910-912 ( 8 ) p910 - 912  1986.08


  • 有色性雑音外乱を受けるすべり制御系の追従制御問題

    電気学会全国大会   22 ( 8 ) p910 - 912  1986.04


  • 不規則外乱を受けるすべり制御系の追従制御問題

    李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol.22, No.3, pp.275-282 ( 3 ) p275 - 282  1986.03


  • 不規則入力を受ける可変構造制御系と最適切換面の設計

    李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol.21, No.11, pp.1143-1149 ( 11 ) 1143 - 1149  1985.11

     View Summary

    In recent year, Variable Structure Conrol System (VSCS) has become to be applied to control of a wide range. The notable feature of VSCS is that the sliding motion occurres on a switching surface. While in sliding mode, the system remains insensitive to parameter change and disturbances. However, when the Sliding Mode Control System receives random input, we haven't the condition of the sliding motion and a design method for an optimal switching surface for the present.<br>This paper deals with the sliding mode of VSCS which is subjected to white noise and state-dependent noise respectively, and the design of an optimal switching surface. First, we deduce the condition of a control gain for sliding mode in a mean sense. Secondly, we derive an equation of an optimal switching surface, which is based on a quadratic evaluation of a state, from the equivalent control method. Lastly, through digital simulation we confirm the above results and robustness of VSCS disturbed random input.

    DOI CiNii

  • 有色性雑音外乱を受けるすべり制御

    第17回確率システムシンポジウム    1985.10

  • 不規則外乱下のすべり制御

    第24回計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1985.07

  • 不規則入力を受ける可変構造系と最適切換面

    第16回確率システムシンポジウム    1984.10

  • ランダムパラメータを有する非線形容量伝送線路のモーメント解析

    李羲頡, 秋月影雄

    電気学会論文誌   Vol.104-C, No.5, pp.109-114 ( 5 ) p109 - 114  1984.05


  • 確率オートマトンによるフィードバック系の学習制御

    第26回自動制御連合講演会    1983.11

  • 確率オートマトンによる未知システムの学習制御

    第15回確率システムシンポジウム    1983.10

  • 学習機構を有する多変数適応ディジタルフィルタ

    電気学会全国大会    1983.04

  • 状態依存性雑音を受ける非線形分布定数系のモーメント解析

    第14回確率システムシンポジウム    1982.10

  • 観測雑音に埋もれたソリトン波形の推定

    第20回計測自動制御学会学術講演会    1981.07

  • An Improved Diagonal A* Path Planning with Position Estimation

    Guo Shi

    International Conference on Information and Communication Technology-Robotics     201809  [Refereed]

  • Designing Micro Aerial Vehicle Control System Based on Fuzzy PID Hybrid Control Method

    MO Qiujing

    Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics     685 - 689  [Refereed]

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • システム制御Ⅱ

    オーム社  2004.02

  • 制御工学

    愛智出版  1994.04

  • パソコンFORTRANプログラミング

    東海大学出版会  1989.05

Research Projects

  • 感情・疲労のリアルタイム自動的推定に基づく歩行困難者向け運動促進リハ補助システム

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    田中 英一郎, 弓削 類, 中川 慧, 李 義頡, 大澤 啓介

  • 北九州環境未来技術開発助成事業「工場廃熱エネルギーを用いた小型バイナリー発電システムの実用化研究」

    Project Year :


  • 新エネルギーベンチャー技術革新事業「未利用エネルギーを用いた先導的発電システムの研究開発」

    Project Year :


  • プラント設備保全システムに関する研究

    Project Year :


  • Multi-Stage Connection of the Non-interacting Precompensators

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    LEE Yoshikatsu

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    In multivariable control systems, controlled variables interact with each other in general. In this case, compensation for a control loop exerts harmful influence upon other control loop through the interaction. If we could take away this interaction by some ways for a complete one to one corresponds between the manipulated variable and the controlled variables, then the design of control systems results in the individual compensation of the single loop control.A cross controller was used for removing the interaction thus far mainly, but it was complicated and the controller was high-order. On the other hand, the precompensator by the inverse Nyquist array method was also used for non-interaction of the controlled variable. However, it is difficult to remove the interaction of the controlled system, which has very strong interaction, when the precompensator is used only one.This research proposed the series and/or parallel connections of the precompensators for noninteracting PID control, and then the precompensators are applied to the control of the fluid temperature and liquid level interacting plant to confirm the effectiveness

  • Multi-Stage Connection of the Non-interacting Precompensators

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    LEE Yoshikatsu

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    In multivariable control systems, controlled variables interact with each other in general. In this case, compensation for a control loop exerts harmful influence upon other control loop through the interaction. If we could take away this interaction by some ways for a complete one to one corresponds between the manipulated variable and the controlled variables, then the design of control systems results in the individual compensation of the single loop control.A cross controller was used for removing the interaction thus far mainly, but it was complicated and the controller was high-order. On the other hand, the precompensator by the inverse Nyquist array method was also used for non-interaction of the controlled variable. However, it is difficult to remove the interaction of the controlled system, which has very strong interaction, when the precompensator is used only one.This research proposed the series and/or parallel connections of the precompensators for noninteracting PID control, and then the precompensators are applied to the control of the fluid temperature and liquid level interacting plant to confirm the effectiveness

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたメンバーシップ関数の形状同定と流体温度のファジィ制御

    科学研究費助成事業(福岡工業大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたメンバーシップ関数の形状同定と流体温度のファジィ制御

    科学研究費助成事業(福岡工業大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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▼display all


  • Automatic walking pattern transformation method of an assistive device during stair-ground transition

    YANG Bo-Rong, ZHANG Yu-Cheng, WANG Hui-Tian, YU Shuai-Hong, LEE Hee-Hyol, TANAKA Eiichiro

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (Web)   15 ( 1 )  2021


  • Posture compensation of a walking assistive device using zero-moment point to stabilize motions on stairs

    YANG Bo-Rong, LEE Hee-Hyol, TANAKA Eiichiro

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (Web)   14 ( 3 )  2020


  • A-1-40 Controller Design of I-PD Controller using by Coefficient Diagram Method

    Sasaki Masaya, Miyazaki Michio, Lee Hee-hyol

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2010   40  2010.03



Overseas Activities

  • ネットワーク型自立制御システム構築に関する研究


    アメリカ   UCLA

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 多重接続ニューロ非干渉化PID制御系の設計に関する研究


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    多入力多出力多変数制御対象に対して、環境変化による制御対象特性値変動にロバストで、同時に複数制御ループ間干渉を非干渉化する制御を実現するために、複数制御ループのNeuronを多重連結することで各制御ループPIDパラメータを同時に調節する多重接続ニューロ非干渉化 ( Multiply-Connected Neuro Decouple ) PID制御系を設計し、再生可エネルギー活用として注目されている、少量低温熱源を有する小規模工場や温泉旅館でも発電できる5[kW]超小型バイナリー発電プラントの制御へ応用した。

  • 10KW超小型バイナリー発電システムの無人化運転制御に関する研究


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     近年、化石燃料枯渇問題や環境問題などから、再生可能エネルギーとして未利用熱エネルギーの有効活用が益々注目されている.未利用熱エネルギー源としては、工場廃熱や温泉熱、海洋表層深層温度差熱などがある.これらの未利用熱エネルギーを用いた発電は、 火力発電や原子力発電と比べて、その熱源と冷却源の温度差が非常に低いため熱効率が低く、発電量あたりのコストが高くなる. 現在までのところ、熱エネルギーを用いた発電としては、100万KW級の大規模地熱発電から50 KW級までの小型発電は実用化されているが、小規模工場や温泉旅館でも設置可能な10 KW級の超小型バイナリー発電プラントの実用化には至っていない.それは、豊富な低温度差熱エネルギーであっても、風力発電や太陽光発電などの他の再生可能エネルギーと比べ、安価に、また安定に発電が維持できる熱交換器、タービン、ポンプなどにより構成された熱サイクルユニットの開発や作動媒体の選定、制御システムが十分に開発されていないためである. 一方、このようなバイナリー発電プラントは多入力多出力多変数システムであり、また非線形特性、無駄時間特などを有する動特性が複雑な制御対象である.これまでこのような発電プラントに対し、非線形モデルとBPを用いた制御手法が提案しているが、発電プラント全体の動特性を表す線形化モデルと制御方法は、未だ開発されていない. そこで本研究では バイナリー発電プラントの動作点近傍における動特性を十分に捉えた線形化伝達関数行列モデルを導出し、顕著な操作量と制御量間の相互干渉を考慮し制御性能を高める非干渉化PID制御系を設計する. 更に、制御量の数よりも操作量の数が多い制御系の制御性能について検討した.その結果、バイナリー発電プラントの適切な温水、及び冷水供給ポンプ回転数の動作点近傍における動特性を十分に捉えた線形化伝達関数行列モデルを導出し、実データとの比較により、その妥当性を示した.また、顕著な操作量と制御量間の相互干渉を考慮した非干渉化PID制御系を設計し、非干渉化前置補償器による制御性能を示した.更には、限られたコストの中で設置可能な操作量を増やすことによる制御性能の効果について検討し、その有効性を示した.

  • 擬似対角化の一般化アルゴリズムと非干渉化制御系設計


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    大規模なシステムは,一般に複数の操作量と制御量が相互に干渉し合い,強い相互干渉を有する制御対象に対して,そのことを考慮せず制御系を設計したときに十分な制御性能が得られない場合がある.このような多入力多出力制御系に対して,強い相互干渉を積極的に打ち消す非干渉化前置補償器を周波数領域で擬似対角化により設計する方法が有効なものとして用いられてきた.しかしながら、この非干渉化前置補償器を設計するための擬似対角化法は,従来,制御対象の入出力数が等しい場合にのみ適用可能であった. そこで、本研究では、入出力数が等しいとは限らない制御対象へも適用可能な一般化擬似対角化アルゴリズムを提案した.またこのとき、ひとつの前置補償器で非干渉化が達成できない場合が多く有り、そこで、複数の前置補償器の直列,並列,直並列接続で非干渉化を達成する前置補償器の多段階接続非干渉化法も提案している. 一方、擬似対角化法は,制御対象と前置補償器の直列接続伝達関数行列の非対角要素絶対値の二乗和が最小になるように非干渉化前置補償器を設計するので,完全に取り除くことができなかった他の制御ループからの影響を考慮しながら,単一ループ制御系を設計する必要があり,多くの労力を必要とする.そこで本研究では,入出力数が等しいとは限らない多入出力制御対象(一次遅れ・むだ時間系)に対して,一般化擬似対角化アルゴリズムによって設計された非干渉化前置補償器により対角優勢が達成させた後の多入出力型PID制御パラメータ調整則を導出している.