2025/03/14 更新


ハヤシ ヤスヒロ
林 泰弘
理工学術院 先進理工学部
博士(工学) ( 1993年03月 早稲田大学 )


  • 2022年12月

    一般社団法人 電気学会   フェロー

  • 2022年12月

    早稲田大学   カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター   所長

  • 2022年12月

    スマート社会技術融合研究機構(ACROSS) 機構会長

  • 2009年12月


  • 2009年


  • 2014年07月

    スマート社会技術融合研究機構   機構長

  • 2007年

    福井大学工学部 電気・電子工学科 准教授

  • 2000年


  • 1997年


  • 1994年


  • 1993年

    早稲田大学・理工学部, 助手




    早稲田大学   理工学研究科   電気工学専攻  



    早稲田大学   理工学研究科   電気工学専攻  


    早稲田大学   理工学部   電気工学科  


  • 2024年05月

    電気学会  編集委員会 委員長

  • 2023年02月

    うつのみやゼロカーボン推進協議会  座長

  • 2022年09月

    経済産業省  次世代の分散型電力システムに関する検討会 座長

  • 2020年

    経済産業省  電力・ガス取引監視等委員会 特別委員

  • 2016年

    スマート社会技術融合研究機構(ACROSS)  エネルギー・リソース・アグリゲーション・ビジネス・フォーラム 座長

  • 2023年06月

    経済産業省  令和5年度横断要素検討会 委員

  • 2020年09月

    経済産業省  次世代スマートメーター制度検討会 委員

  • 2016年01月

    経済産業省 エネルギー・リソース・アグリゲーション・ビジネス 検討会  委員

  • 2021年01月

    経済産業省  スマート・システム標準専門委員会 委員長

  • 2020年07月

    経済産業省 省エネルギー・新エネルギー分科会 「省エネルギー小委員会」  委員(総合資源エネルギー調査会臨時委員)

  • 2015年10月

    電力・ガス取引監視等委員会 制度設計専門会合  委員

  • 2016年04月

    経済産業省 電力・ガス取引監視等委員会  委員

  • 2014年12月

    経済産業省 スマートグリッド戦略専門委員会  委員 (日本工業標準調査会臨時委員)

  • 2018年01月

    経済産業省 分散型エネルギー・マネジメント・システム サブワーキンググループ  委員長

  • 2019年

    経済産業省  総合資源エネルギー調査会 臨時委員

  • 2014年04月

    経済産業省 エネマネ事業審査委員会  委員長

  • 2012年10月

    経済産業省 スマートハウス・ビル標準・事業促進検討会  座長

  • 2014年11月

    総務省 自治体主導の地域エネルギーシステム整備研究会  構成員

  • 2011年08月

    宮古島市全島エネルギーマネジメントシステム実証事業推進委員会  委員長

  • 2015年

    経済産業省  電力取引監視等委員会 委員

  • 2010年05月

    経済産業省 スマートメーター制度検討会  座長

  • 2013年08月

    経済産業省 総合資源エネルギー調査会 基本政策分科会 「電力システム改革小委員会 制度設計ワーキンググループ」  委員 (総合資源エネルギー調査会臨時委員)

  • 2013年07月

    資源エネルギー庁 平成25年度 都市ガス計量機器高度化導入効果実証 事業評価委員会  委員

  • 2014年

    日本CIGRE  国内委員会SC C6分科会 委員

  • 2011年

    電気学会  スマートグリッドの実現に向けた電力系統技術調査専門委員会 委員長

  • 2011年07月

    文部科学省 平成23年度大学発グリーンイノベーション創出事業 審査委員会  委員

  • 2011年11月

    経済産業省 スマートメータータスクフォース  座長

  • 2011年11月

    経済産業省 スマートハウス標準化検討会  座長

  • 2011年05月

    経済産業省 次世代送配電システム制度検討会WG2  委員

  • 2010年11月

    経済産業省 総合資源エネルギー調査会 電気事業分科会 「制度環境小委員会」  委員(総合資源エネルギー調査会臨時委員)

  • 2010年05月

    経済産業省 次世代送配電システム制度検討会  委員

  • 2010年05月

    経済産業省 次世代送配電システム制度検討会WG1  委員

  • 2009年08月

    経済産業省「次世代エネルギーシステムに係る国際標準化に関する 研究会」  委員(WG2主査)








  • 地球資源工学、エネルギー学   エネルギーマネジメントシステム / 電力工学


  • energy efficiency

  • photovoltaic

  • CO2 emissions

  • climate change

  • Net Zero

  • エネルギーマネジメントシステム

  • 先進電気エネルギーシステムの最適化、分散型電源と電力系統との協調運用・制御

  • 分散型電源と電力系統との協調運用・制御

  • 先進電気エネルギーシステムの最適化

  • Cooperative operation and control of distributed generation and power system

  • Optimization of advanced electrical energy system



  • Best Paper Award受賞

    2023年   国際会議CIGRE 2023 COLLOQUIUM  

  • 平成31年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 研究部門

    2019年04月   文部科学省  

  • 早稲田大学リサーチアワード(大型研究プロジェクト推進)

    2019年   早稲田大学  

  • 早稲田大学リサーチアワード(大型研究プロジェクト推進)

    2018年   早稲田大学  

  • 早稲田大学リサーチアワード(大型研究プロジェクト推進)

    2017年12月   早稲田大学  

  • 早稲田大学リサーチアワード(大型研究プロジェクト推進)

    2016年11月   早稲田大学  

  • 早稲田大学リサーチアワード(大型研究プロジェクト推進)

    2015年11月   早稲田大学  

  • 早稲田大学リサーチアワード(大型研究プロジェクト推進)

    2014年11月   早稲田大学  

  • 電気学術振興賞 論文賞

    2008年05月   電気学会  

    受賞者: 本人他8名

  • 電気学会論文賞


  • 平成9年度論文発表賞

    1998年10月   電気学会  

  • 平成7年度論文発表賞

    1996年08月   電気学会  




  • Quantifying spatio-temporal carbon intensity within a city using large-scale smart meter data: Unveiling the impact of behind-the-meter generation

    Soma Sugano, Yu Fujimoto, Yuto Ihara, Masataka Mitsuoka, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Applied Energy   383   125373 - 125373  2025年04月



  • 都市再エネの地産地消向上によるゼロカーボンムーブ実証〜宇都宮におけるスマートメータデータ利活用事例〜

    藤本悠, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘

    電気学会誌   145 ( 3 )  2025年03月

  • Multifaceted Evaluation of Distribution Network Configurations to Minimize Remaining Power Outage

    Shuhei Sugimura, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Teppei Nozaki, Akira Suzuki, Takehiro Ito, Takayuki Tanabe

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   144 ( 12 ) 640 - 649  2024年12月



  • A Low-Carbon Charging Operation Planning Approach for Electric Buses

    Haruka Nakano, Yu Fujimoto, Nanae Kaneko, Soma Sugano, Wei-Hsiang Yang, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2024 13th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA)     457 - 462  2024年11月


  • Charging and Discharging Schedule Optimization Method Considering Renewable Energy and Distribution System for Electric Buses

    Natsuno Kato, Tsunayoshi Ishii, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shingo Uchiyama, Kohei Oishi, Kenjiro Mori

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   144 ( 10 ) 526 - 539  2024年10月


    Electric buses are introduced toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, and there is a movement to utilize their storage batteries. On the other hand, the electric power system, where distributed energy resources are rapidly spreading, is becoming increasingly complex, and the impact of charging by electric buses on power system is an issue. In this study, we propose an optimization method for electric bus charge/discharge schedule that considers sector coupling between transportation system and power system. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method from the viewpoints of both the distribution system operator and the electric bus operator by performing power flow calculations using a distribution system model. The results show that the proposed method can contribute to power demand shifting and smoothing power flow in distribution network by charging and discharging, and that multiple evaluation indices, e.g. peak-cutting of power flow, line occupation rate, distribution loss, reverse power flow utilization rate, renewable energy rate and CO2 emissions, are improved compared to the conventional charging scheduling method.



  • 固定速揚水発電の可変速化がCO2削減に及ぼす影響評価

    矢部邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌   45 ( 5 ) 153 - 161  2024年09月

  • A Decentralized Voltage Regulation Scheme Using Improved Volt-Var Function of PV Smart Inverter

    Shanghong Xie, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   19 ( 8 ) 1300 - 1310  2024年08月


    With the growing distributed PV installation rate in distribution systems, voltage regulation difficulties such as local voltage violations and fluctuations have become common. To solve the voltage regulation problems, the local voltage regulation method using volt-var (VV) function is effective for its high regulation speed, high accuracy, and flexibility. However, there are still hurdles on real application, such as parameter setting difficulties, insufficient voltage fluctuation mitigation effect, and unfairness of reactive power generation between PV customers. To further improve the VV function, this paper proposes a PID closed-loop based VV function and mode-switching function of PV smart inverter (SI). To validate the proposed methods, numerical simulations were conducted using a 6-feeder distribution system model based on the JST-CREST 126 distribution feeder model. According to the simulation result, the proposed method can better mitigate the local voltage violation compared to basic VV function based on the VV curve, also improve the fairness between PV customers, while the total reactive power generation and tap operations increases for the aim of more adequate voltage regulation. © 2024 The Authors. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering published by Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and Wiley Periodicals LLC.



  • 8-1-2 分散協調EMSのリアルタイム制御による地域潮流の混雑緩和評価

    山下 聡史, 三宅 治良, 坂元 賢太郎, 進士 聖雄, 飯野 穣, 石井 綱吉, 林 泰弘

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   33   196 - 197  2024年07月


  • Historical reconstruction dataset of hourly expected wind generation based on dynamically downscaled atmospheric reanalysis for assessing spatio-temporal impact of on-shore wind in Japan

    Yu Fujimoto, Masamichi Ohba, Yujiro Tanno, Daisuke Nohara, Yuki Kanno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuki Itoda, Wataru Wayama

    Big Earth Data     1 - 23  2024年07月



  • Model-based analysis to identify the impact of factors affecting electricity gaps during COVID-19: A case study in Germany

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Heliyon   10 ( 14 ) e33943 - e33943  2024年07月



  • Development of Evaluation Process for Demand-Side Resilience against Power Outage

    N. Sakai, T. Tobo, R. Takahashi, Y. Iino, K. Yabe, Y. Hayashi

    CIGRE Science and Engineering   2024 ( 32 )  2024年02月


    Power outage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons is likely to take a few days to restore service and has been one of the issues for social infrastructure. As climate change could make weather events severer and more frequent, it is getting more important to reinforce resilience against the malfunction of power system. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), represented by integrated systems of photovoltaic power (PV) and batteries, are supposed to be effective to improve reliability of power supply as a part of Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) for consumers whose business needs continuous energy. However, clarifying the bene t of DERs in case of power outage is not easy due to variety of causes and uncertainty of occurrence. The objective of this study is to develop a process of evaluating the ‘resilience value’ of DERs. This process is expected to help reduce costs to reinforce overhead power lines against natural disasters by boosting DER installation on the demand-side. The evaluation process mainly consists of ve steps: evaluation condition setup, probabilistic risk assessment, resilience curve analysis, risk curve construction, and resilience value calculation. For the evaluation condition setup, speci cations of power supply equipment including DERs and daily load patterns of consumers changing with weather are collected to set evaluation conditions. Probabilistic risk assessment identi es likely combinations of component states in the demand-side energy system exposed to hazards by event tree analyses. In the resilience curve analysis, transient balance between consumer load and available DER supply during power outage is calculated for each combination of component states by optimizing objective functions to minimize costs considering the penalty for lost load which is divided according to three importance levels. Risk curves are drawn with lost load associated with each combination of component states and cumulative probabilities for its occurrence, providing expected values of lost load caused by the hazards. Eventually, ‘resilience value’ is acquired as the difference between values of lost load (VoLL) with DERs and without any demand-side countermeasures. As a case-study, the resilience values of a single ve-storied building in case of an earthquake were evaluated. The building had been originally equipped with an emergency diesel generator (EDG) for its critical load demand and was assumed to add PV power system with batteries at the roof oor in the evaluation. For the risk analysis, fragility values of six system components by an earthquake leading to seven-day power outage were determined, and occurrence probabilities for combinations of component states were acquired. Resilience values were calculated from the difference in the area formed by the risk curves. The results showed that resilience values for the total service life of the equipment would increase if the renewable DERs were added to the building. The application of the evaluation process will be extended to complex facilities with multiple buildings and DERs connected with each other.

  • スポット市場・需給調整市場に対するコージェネ発電機群によるkWhとΔkWの同時入札戦略の提案と評価

    飯野穣, 今井龍之介, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    電気学会 論文誌B   144 ( 2 ) 112 - 122  2024年02月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • 市場価格とインバランスリスクを考慮したDERの最適市場入札戦略に関する研究

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    電気学会 論文誌B   144 ( 2 ) 68 - 78  2024年02月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • SVR Control Method Adapted to Three-Phase Unbalanced Voltage inDistribution Systems with Photovoltaics and Electric Vehicles

    奥野竜希, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 土肥実

    共通英文論文誌   19 ( 2 ) 222 - 233  2024年02月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Multipurpose Optimization Method for Energy Storage System Specification Using Measurement Data of <scp>DC</scp> Traction Substations

    Sho Nakamura, Takahiro Fukuda, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hitoshi Hayashiya

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   19 ( 4 ) 553 - 566  2024年01月


    The peak demand for railway power occurs when trains operate at full capacity, which calls for the need of facilities that can handle such peaks. These expansive railway power facilities, which cover vast areas, result in increased maintenance and management costs while affecting the power supply to traction substations (TSs). Herein, we investigated the load leveling of TSs using energy storage systems (ESSs). Most of the studies that have been conducted on the use of ESSs in electric railways have focused on high‐speed railways and urban lines. The application of ESSs to local lines is expected to be highly effective in reducing the capacity of power facilities using the load leveling of TSs. However, the introduction of ESSs to such local lines has not yet been discussed in detail. Hence, we focused on the relationship between ESS specifications (battery capacity, kWh) and load peak reduction (kW) and proposed a method to determine the ESS specifications by simultaneous optimization using linear programming. Numerical calculations were performed based on measured data from a real line, and the proposed method was verified in terms of battery capacity, load peak reduction, and ESS operation ratio. The numerical results indicate that the maximum load of the TS can be reduced by 98.7% and 91.1% using 380 kWh and 65.42 kWh ESS, respectively, considering its cooling time. This highlights the potential of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) to balance TS (Time‐of‐Use) loads and consequently reduce power facility requirements. © 2024 The Authors. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering published by Institute of Electrical Engineer of Japan and Wiley Periodicals LLC.



  • 鉄道き電系統における経済性のあるEV活用の提案

    福田 嵩大, 児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 林屋 均, 中村 将

    エネルギー・資源学会   45 ( 1 ) 23 - 30  2024年01月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


  • Renewable Energy Bidding Strategy in Multiple Markets Considering Uncertainty in Generation and Price

    Kazuki Katsurada, Yu Fujimoto, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichiro Minotsu, Ryuichi Shibata

    International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM    2024年


    Increasing renewable energy (RE) penetration is indispensable for achieving a carbon-neutral society. In particular, a methodology to ensure profitability through the electricity market is a crucial technology for RE producers with unstable output, such as wind power, and a decision-making framework for bidding based on the uncertainty of generation and market prices is essential. This study proposes a day-ahead bidding scheduling method for RE generation targeting two Japanese markets. The proposed method includes functionalities to select appropriate bidding for markets from the viewpoint of maximizing expected revenues calculated based on probabilistic forecast results considering the uncertainty of RE generation and market transaction prices. The usefulness of the proposed method was evaluated through a numerical experiment using real-world historical data.



  • Generalize the Bidding Strategy of Distributed Energy Resources for the Balancing Market

    Ryunosuke Imai, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ayumu Miyasawa, Kojiro Nishioka

    International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM    2024年


    In recent years, there has been an emerging trend towards aggregation businesses in the distributed energy resources (DERs) that consumers utilise, where aggregators bundle their balancing power values for the balancing market. Therefore, this study proposes a three-stage optimization market bidding strategy for DERs. It incorporates a bidding strategy that considers the balancing market's characteristics and the conventional function of supplying electricity to consumers. The proposed method comprises three optimization stages. First, a bidding plan is devised. Second, a plan is formulated accounting for the execution results. Third, the plan is modified based on the output command value. The approach incorporates formulations accommodating DER activation and availability costs alongside simultaneous optimization by an energy service provider and aggregator. The effectiveness is evaluated based on market transaction simulations utilising real market data.



  • Dynamic Determination Method of Line Drop Compensator Parameters for Voltage Regulators Based on Mixture of Experts Using Real-Time Information

    Tatsuki Okuno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masaaki Ishimaru, Minoru Doi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering    2024年


    In this paper, a method for determining line drop compensator (LDC) parameters for step voltage regulators and on-load tap changers is proposed to avoid voltage violations in distribution systems with voltage fluctuations due to photovoltaic (PV) generation and electric vehicle (EV) charging. Distribution system operators need to effectively solve voltage problems caused by the widespread installation of distributed energy resources with the existing voltage regulators to construct an efficient and rational infrastructure. Our focus was on improving the method for determining the LDC parameters for the existing voltage regulators based on LDC control. A mechanism to dynamically change the LDC parameters depending on the situations in the distribution system was developed by using a mixture of experts, one of the machine learning techniques, and real-time voltage and power flow information from information technology switches. The power flow calculations were performed using a distribution system model constructed based on the topology, loads, and generation characteristics of an actual distribution system in the Hokuriku region. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated in terms of its improved effect on PV and EV hosting capacity, as well as the impact on the frequency of tap operations of voltage regulators. © 2024 The Author(s). IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering published by Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and Wiley Periodicals LLC.



  • 調整力確保を考慮した需給シミュレーションによる蓄電池導入と連系線強化の影響評価


    電気学会 論文誌B   144 ( 1 ) 5 - 16  2024年01月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


  • Evaluation of CO2 Emission and Local Flexibility by Water Pumping Scheduling in Water Distribution System

    杉村修平, 田邊隆之, 林泰弘

    共通英文論文誌   19 ( 1 ) 33 - 40  2023年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Prioritization of Distribution Networks with Distributed Energy Resources for Efficient Deployment of Loss Minimum Reconfiguration Technology

    Kei Hagiwara, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryo Maeda, Kohei Oishi, Kenjiro Mori

    2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia)    2023年11月


  • Evaluation of Power Characteristics under Constant PCS Power Factor Operation in PV Distribution Line

    Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Osei Ikeda, Daisuke Munakata

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   143 ( 11 ) 585 - 592  2023年11月



  • Abnormal Detection Line Method to Estimate Disconnection Points in Power Distribution Lines

    Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery   38 ( 4 ) 2607 - 2617  2023年08月


  • Two-step approach for quasi-optimization of energy storage and transportation at renewable energy site

    原田耕佑, 矢部邦明, 高見洋史, 後藤晃, 佐藤康司, 林泰弘

    Renewable Energy   211   846 - 858  2023年07月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • 高低圧PV混在配電線のVolt-var制御による無効電力出力とSVR動作の適正化

    Yusuke Yamashita, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naohisa Murashita

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   143 ( 5 ) 270 - 281  2023年05月



  • Electric Bus Charge/Discharge Scheduling Optimization Method for Power Flow Smoothing in a Distribution System

    Natsuno Kato, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryo Maeda, Kohei Oishi, Kenjiro Mori

    2023 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech)    2023年04月


  • Identifying Faulty Sections in Distribution Line Loop Operation using Section Switchgear with Sensor without Branch Lines

    Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   18 ( 6 ) 856 - 864  2023年03月



  • Feasibility assessment of net zero-energy transformation of building stock using integrated synthetic population, building stock, and power distribution network framework

    Yohei Yamaguchi, Yuto Shoda, Shinya Yoshizawa, Tatsuya Imai, Usama Perwez, Yoshiyuki Shimoda, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Applied Energy   333   120568 - 120568  2023年03月



  • Ground Fault Protection Methods in Micro-grid Systems

    児玉安広, 林泰弘

    共通英文論文誌   18 ( 2 )  2023年02月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]

  • 屋内配線における漏電・過電流を起因とした停電に対する早期復旧と区間の縮小方策

    児玉安広, 林泰弘

    電気学会 論文誌B   143 ( 2 ) 51 - 57  2023年02月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • Forecast of area‐scale behaviours of behind‐the‐metre solar power and load based on smart‐metering net demand data

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Shogo Akira, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IET Smart Cities    2023年01月



  • Challenges in Smartizing Operational Management of Functionally-Smart Inverters for Distributed Energy Resources: A Review on Machine Learning Aspects

    Yu Fujimoto, Akihisa Kaneko, Yutaka Iino, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energies   16 ( 3 ) 1330 - 1330  2023年01月


    The widespread introduction of functionally-smart inverters will be an indispensable factor for the large-scale penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) via the power system. On the other hand, further smartization based on the data-centric operation of smart inverters (S-INVs) is required to cost-effectively achieve the same level of power system operational performance as before under circumstances where the spatio-temporal behavior of power flow is becoming significantly complex due to the penetration of DERs. This review provides an overview of current ambitious efforts toward smartization of operational management of DER inverters, clarifies the expected contribution of machine learning technology to the smart operation of DER inverters, and attempts to identify the issues currently open and areas where research is expected to be promoted in the future.



  • 分散型エネルギー資源の所有・運用形態によるエネルギー融通性能の比較評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   66   761 - 764  2023年


  • Planning and Management of Distributed Energy Resources for Achieving the Target Renewable Energy Rate in Distribution Systems

    Sota Miyazaki, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Kawano, Masayuki Kagita, Keishi Matsuda, Nobuhiko Itaya

    2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT Asia 2023    2023年


    Distributed energy resources (DERs) such as photovoltaics (PV) and battery energy storage system (BESS) are effective for improving the target renewable energy (RE) rate in a region. Furthermore, it is expected that distribution system operators (DSOs) will promote their installation in the future. However, it is not enough for DSOs to simply install large-capacity PV and BESS. They need to determine these capacities by taking into account the cost reduction of equipment and the constraints on grid operation. In this paper, we propose a DER installation capacity optimization method based on linear programming using annual data and a layout method from the operator's perspective. This method determines the capacity of DERs based on the target RE utilization rate in a controlled area of a distribution system. Furthermore, we report the results of an analysis of power flow when the DER is introduced. Moreover, we estimate the actual required capacity of DERs for a real 2-feeder distribution system model. In addition, power flow calculations are performed for a typical day where that amount of DERs were installed. The results were evaluated in terms of grid voltage, thermal capacity of line, and distribution losses, and the necessary controls were discussed.



  • Grid Congestion Management using Grouping of Renewable Energies based on Sensitivity Analysis and Grid Congestion Amount of Transmission Lines

    Yujiro Tanno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuki Itoda, Wataru Wayama, Choei Takahashi

    2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT Asia 2023    2023年


    This study proposes an output curtailment method for determining the output curtailment of renewable energy sources (REs) to mitigate grid congestion in transmission systems with a significant influx of REs. To manage congestion, minimizing the total REs output curtailment while avoiding the concentrated output curtailment on a specific RE is crucial. As a means of identifying effective curtailment targets for congestion mitigation, sensitivity analysis is being used for quantifying the congestion mitigation effect with curtailment. Furthermore, equality in output curtailment can be ensured by grouping REs of similar sensitivity and uniformly curtailing each group. Minimizing the curtailment of REs under the grouping-based approach requires forming a group of REs that is sensitive to frequently congested lines, considering the tendency of congestion occurrence in the whole grid. Consequently, this study proposes a method for determining the output curtailment rate of REs using grouping based on weighted sensitivity, considering the sensitivity of each RE and grid congestion. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated by numerical simulation of congestion management over one year on a grid in the northern area of the Tohoku region in Japan. The results indicated that the proposed method was superior in terms of total REs curtailment and equality compared to the comparison method that does not consider the grid congestion amount.



  • Effectiveness of Load and Photovoltaic Current Separation Function of Grid Control System in Determining SVR Control Parameters

    Koto Watanabe, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasunori Iwamoto, Kazuhisa Hikoyama, Hideo Nomura, Tokuhiro Fukuda, Hitoshi Motojima

    Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC    2023年


    Voltage violations in distribution systems (DS) with large photovoltaic (PV) installations must be cleared. To regulate the voltage, Chubu Electric Power Grid has implemented a grid control system (GCS) that aggregates measurement information from switches with sensors, smart meters, step voltage regulators (SVRs), and on-load tap changers (OLTCs) to determine their control parameters. The GCS is characterized by its function to separate measured currents into load and PV currents for the consideration of measured power flow conditions with and without PV generation. Based on the results of numerical simulations using a real grid model, we evaluated the effect of separating functions on increasing the PV hosting capacity in this study.



  • Evaluation of Impact on Voltage Regulation by Management of Electric Vehicle Charging in Japanese Actual Distribution Network Model

    Tatsuki Okuno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ishimaru Masaaki, Minoru Doi

    Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC    2023年


    In this study, we comprehensively evaluated the impacts of popularizing electric vehicles (EVs) and the time shift of EV charging on voltage regulation in distribution systems. Although the popularization of photovoltaics (PVs) and EVs is required to realize a sustainable society, the generation from PVs and the charging demand of EVs may cause voltage violations in distribution systems. To combat these challenges, distribution system operators (DSOs) must upgrade the facilities and management of distribution systems. To verify the strategies for future operations, DSOs evaluate the impact of distributed energy resources (DERs) installation and the effectiveness of the countermeasure candidates on voltage regulations. Therefore, this study assesses the impacts of EV popularization on voltage regulation using an actual distribution system model in the Hokuriku area of Japan. In the numerical simulation, EV and PV popularization levels are set from 0 % to 100 % in 20 % increments. Additionally, the effectiveness of the time shift of EV charging as a countermeasure for voltage regulations is evaluated. To validate the effectiveness, ratios of time-shift EVs are set to 20 % and 50 %. The results reveal the effectiveness and limitation of the time shift of EV charging.



  • Day-Ahead Scheduling of Wind-Hydro Balancing Group Operation to Maximize Expected Revenue Considering Wind Power Output Uncertainty

    Yu Fujimoto, Maiko Inagaki, Akihisa Kaneko, Shinichiro Minotsu, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Access   11   119200 - 119218  2023年


  • Quantitative Effect of the Inertia Emulation Block of Grid-Forming Inverters on Frequency Stability

    Ryosuke Shikuma, Dai Orihara, Hiroshi Kikusato, Hisao Taoka, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, PowerTech 2023    2023年


    The short-term frequency stability of power systems has decreased with the replacement of synchronous generators (SGs) with inverter-based resources. Grid-forming inverters (GFMIs), developed to maintain power system stability, are also effective for frequency stability. Virtual synchronous generators (VSGs) and droop controls (Droops) are major algorithms of GFMIs. VSGs are considered to outperform Droops in terms of frequency stability because of the existence of the inertia emulation block in the active power controller. However, few studies have identified the quantitative effect of the inertia emulation block of GFMIs on frequency stability. This study analyzes the effect by deriving the relationship between the inertial response and the frequency based on the swing equation of SGs. The method of the analysis is verified by the simulation by the PSCAD/EMTDC. As indicated in this study, after a disturbance, the inertia emulation block immediately increases the load share of the VSG and decreases that of the SG, resulting in improved frequency stability. Moreover, it is implied that the Droop, i.e., the GFMI without inertia emulation block, can improve frequency stability as the VSG by increasing the droop gain, although the Droop requires larger energy provision from the direct-current side than the VSG. This study clarifies the better performance of the VSG in frequency stability by quantifying short-term load sharing among GFMIs and SGs that are significantly related to the short-term frequency stability.



  • Facility Planning and Operation in Zero Emission Grid with Photovoltaic and Battery Systems

    Sota Miyazaki, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Kawano, Keishi Matsuda, Masayuki Kagita, Nobuhiko Itaya

    2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, PowerTech 2023    2023年


    This paper proposes a distribution network operation scheme referred to as the zero emission grid (ZEG) in which all demand is met by renewable energy to reduce the environmental burden. In addition, we propose and evaluate a method for planning and controlling distributed energy resources (DERs) under this scheme. To meet the entire demand with renewable energy, it is necessary to install photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy storage system (BESS), and to control them appropriately to satisfy the grid operation constraints such as voltage and thermal line capacity. Therefore, we propose a PV capacity determination method to achieve ZEG and a BESS charging/discharging method to satisfy the grid constraints under the PV installation of the calculated capacity. Furthermore, we performed numerical simulation using a two-distribution-line model with the calculated capacity of PV to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed DER management method. The results demonstrated that the proposed method could satisfy the power flow constraints and utilize the BESS efficiently.



  • EV充電器の複数の無効電力制御を対象とした配電系統における電力品質改善効果の評価

    平野和明, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 奥野竜希, 石丸雅章

    電気学会 論文誌B   142 ( 12 ) 604 - 615  2022年12月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • Robustness Evaluation of Operational Methods for Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems Installed on Remote Islands

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoru Akagi, Jun Yoshinaga

    2022 International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy (ICSCGE)    2022年11月


  • Practical Charging Schedule of Electrified Buses for Using Local Photovoltaic Surplus Power: Effective Utilization of Real-Time Information on

    Fumiaki Osaki, Yu Fujimoto, Yutaka Iino, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    33rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2022年11月

  • Basic Study of An Optimized Closed- loop Volt-Var Control Strategy of PV Smart Inverters for Voltage Regulation

    Shanghong Xie, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    33rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2022年11月

  • A Low-Carbon Operational Plan for Commercial Electric Vehicles Utilizing Local PV Surplus Power Generation in Charging

    Ryoji Miyabe, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    33rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2022年11月

  • Mitigation of Grid Congestion by Curtailment of Thermal Generators and Renewable Energies based on Sensitivity Analysis

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 飛田雄一, 佐々木和人

    共通英文論文誌   17 ( 10 ) 1441 - 1451  2022年10月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Short-circuit Point Estimation Method Using AnomalyDetection Line of Distribution Line

    児玉安広, 林泰弘

    共通英文論文誌   17 ( 10 ) 1452 - 1459  2022年10月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • 需要家利益と系統貢献価値の同時実現を目指した住宅需要家群向けDER最適配置計画

    笠原亮太, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 金子雄

    電気学会 論文誌B   142 ( 9 ) 404 - 414  2022年09月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • Residential Battery Storage System Sizing for the Medically Vulnerable from the Life Continuity Planning Perspective: Toward Economic Operation Using Uncertain Photovoltaic Output

    Fujio Iwata, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   17 ( 6 ) 833 - 846  2022年06月



  • Sensitivity analysis of factors relevant to extreme imbalance between procurement plans and actual demand: Case study of the Japanese electricity market

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Applied Energy   313   118616 - 118616  2022年05月



  • Construction of Middle and Low Voltage Distribution Network Models as Platforms for Quantitative Evaluation on Performance of Voltage Control Methods

    Akihisa Kaneko, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ohsei Ikeda, Kazuki Takahashi, Naoki Nishida, Jun Yoshinaga, Takahiro Matsuura, Hiromu Hamada, Kenjiro Mori

    CIGRE 2022 Kyoto Symposium    2022年04月

  • バスの段階的な電動化を考慮した充電スケジュール最適化によるPV地産地消能力の評価

    富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 児玉 安広, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 池田 欧世, 吉永 淳

    電気学会 論文誌B   142 ( 2 ) 67 - 76  2022年02月  [査読有り]



  • 分散協調EMS方式による需要家群のレジリエンス性能の向上

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   65   49 - 52  2022年



    Yujiro Tanno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naoki Ito, Katsuhiro Kakeda, Masamichi Ohba, Daisuke Nohara, Yuki Kanno

    IET Conference Proceedings   2022 ( 23 ) 656 - 661  2022年


    With the recent introduction of renewable energy sources, the shortage of the transmission line capacity (i.e., grid congestion) in Japan is a major concern. To maximize the output of wind turbines (WTs), the installation area is determined by considering the grid congestion frequency and wind conditions when installing new WTs. However, determining the appropriate area may be challenging for some power producers in terms of the limitation of accessible information and construction of an evaluation platform as detailed information on the power system and power flow calculations is required. Therefore, this study assumes that the system operator shares the information of acceptable additional generation in each area without grid congestion based on past actual power flow data. Furthermore, using this information, a simple evaluation method is proposed for power generators to evaluate the frequency of grid congestion after the introduction of new WTs. To verify the usefulness of the proposed method, numerical experiments are conducted for several scenarios introducing WTs in a simplified power system model of the northern area of the Tohoku region. The results indicate that the proposed method can accurately estimate the frequency of grid congestion in the evaluation scenarios.




    Maiko Inagaki, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichiro Minotsu

    IET Conference Proceedings   2022 ( 23 ) 650 - 655  2022年


    The amount of power generated by wind farms (WFs) varies depending on the wind conditions, and its use as the main power source within a power system is thus uncertain. This study proposes a balancing group (BG) scheme that combines the power from WFs with an existing variable-speed pumped-storage hydro generator (PSHG), which possesses a large capacity that can compensate for the variability in WF output. To maximize revenue, power suppliers need to schedule and operate the BG by considering the uncertainty in WF output and the PSHG's operational constraints. In the proposed method, probability density predictions (PDPs) are used to estimate WF uncertainty, and the BG output is scheduled to maximize the expected revenue. The PSHG water-level transition is managed within an operational limit using WF output scenarios derived from PDP results and historical WF output trends. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme was assessed based on revenue for three weeks with characteristic wind conditions, and the results of numerical simulations conducted using several operational schemes were compared using real-world WF output data. The results indicate that higher revenues can be achieved using the proposed operational scheme, thus validating the usefulness of the proposed method.



  • Estimation Method of Disconnection Point Using Common Earthing Conductor for Distribution Line with Branch Line

    Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yusuke Nishida

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   142 ( 1 ) 34 - 40  2022年01月



  • Impact of Smart Meter Measurement Granularity on Control Parameters of OLTC in Distribution Networks with PV

    Marika Nakamura, Akihisa Kaneko, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2022 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2022    2022年


    In distribution networks, grid operators need to prevent voltage violations when photovoltaic generation increases. As a countermeasure, they apply sophisticated updating of the control parameters of on-load tap changers (OLTCs). Furthermore, to upgrade the grid operation, the measurement granularity of smart meters has been altered from 30-minute increments to shorter times. However, in terms of data communication load reduction, only a few smart meters need changes. In this study, we evaluate the effect of smart meter data with short measurement granularity on the voltage control performance of an OLTC. As a method of programming consumers to acquire data every 5 min, we selected the consumers measuring the high or low voltage among the past measured database. The numerical simulations showed that voltage violations occurred with control parameters using 30minute measurement data. However, this could completely be avoided by using 5-minute data.



  • Multipurpose Charging Schedule Optimization Method for Electric Buses: Evaluation Using Real City Data

    Yuki Tomizawa, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ohsei Ikeda, Jun Yoshinaga

    IEEE Access   10   56067 - 56080  2022年


  • 分岐線を有する配電線の共同接地線を用いた断線点推定手法

    児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 西田 悠介

    電気学会 論文誌B   142 ( 1 ) 34 - 40  2022年01月  [査読有り]

  • Dealing with uncertainty in automated operational planning for residential fuel cell system: A comparative study of state-of-the-art approaches

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy and Buildings   255   111614 - 111614  2022年01月  [査読有り]



  • Effective Reactive Power Reduction of Low Voltage PV Inverters by Applying Volt var Control Method to High Voltage PV Smart Inverters

    Yusuke Yamashita, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naohisa Murashita

    IEEE ISGT Asia    2021年12月  [査読有り]

  • PV出力変動に伴うSVR動作と配電損失増加を低減するVolt-var曲線決定手法

    山下 裕輔, 芳澤 信哉, 児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 村下 直久

    電気学会 論文誌B   141 ( 12 ) 763 - 772  2021年12月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • Evaluation of Business Profitability for Planned Generation of Battery-assisted PV Considering Bidding to Wholesale Market

    Ryu Ando, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Informatics    2021年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • Advanced Voltage Control Method for Improving the Voltage Quality of Low-Voltage Distribution Networks with Photovoltaic Penetrations

    Marika Nakamura, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Informatics   4  2021年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    As the number of photovoltaic (PV) power generators connected to the distribution grid increases, applications of on-load tap changers (OLTCs), power conditioning systems, and static reactive power compensators are being considered to mitigate the problem of voltage violation in low voltage distribution systems. The reactive power control by power conditioning systems and static reactive power compensators can mitigate steep voltage fluctuations. However, it creates losses in generation opportunities. On the other hand, OLTCs are installed at the bases of distribution lines and can collectively manage the entire system. However, the conventional voltage control method, i.e., the line drop compensation (LDC) method, is not designed for the case in which a large number of PV systems are installed in the distribution network, which results in voltage violations above the limit of the acceptable range. This study proposes a method to determine the optimal LDC control parameters of the voltage regulator, considering the power factor of PV systems to minimize the magnitude of voltage violations based on the voltage profile analysis of low-voltage (LV) distribution networks. Specifically, during a measurement period of several days, the voltages at some LV consumers and pole transformers were measured, and the optimal parameters were determined by analyzing the collected data. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified through a numerical simulation study using the actual distribution system model under several scenarios of PV penetration rates. Additionally, the difference in the effectiveness of voltage violation reduction was verified in the case where all the LV consumer’s consumer voltage data measured per minute were used as well as in the case where only the maximum and minimum values of the data within the measurement period were used. The results reveal that the proposed method, which operates within the parameters determined by the voltage analysis of the LV distribution network, is superior to the conventional method. Furthermore, it was found that even if only the maximum and minimum values of the measurement data were used, an effective voltage violation reduction could be expected.



  • Model Predictive Control with Pattern Learning of Prediction and Control Trajectory and its Application to a Battery EMS Problem

    Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    SICE Annual Conference2021     WeA07.2  2021年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • Deep Reservoir Architecture for Short-Term Residential Load Forecasting: An Online Learning Scheme for Edge Computing

    Yu Fujimoto, Megumi Fujita, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Applied Energy   298 ( 117176 ) 1 - 18  2021年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • 分岐線を有しない配電線の共同接地線を用いた断線点推定手法

    児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 西田 悠介

    電気学会 論文誌B   141 ( 8 ) 559 - 567  2021年08月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]  [国際共著]


  • Predictive Voltage Control Scheme Based on Estimation of Short‐Time‐Ahead Voltage Fluctuation in Distribution System with PVs

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   16 ( 6 ) 916 - 924  2021年06月  [査読有り]



  • Spatial Demand Forecasting Based on Smart Meter Data for Improving Local Energy Self-Sufficiency in Smart Cities

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IET Smart Cities    2021年06月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • CO2削減賦課金と蓄電池の導入が石炭火力の利用率とCO2排出量に及ぼす影響の評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌   42 ( 3 ) 166 - 174  2021年05月  [査読有り]


    As the Japan's feed-in tariff scheme, a renewable energy surcharge is charged in proportion to the grid power consumption. Authors proposed to replace this with a "CO2 reduction surcharge" which is charged in proportion to CO2 emissions. This paper evaluates nationwide effects of introducing this surcharge and storage battery when renewable energy is largely introduced. By optimizing hourly thermal power generation output of each type, PV/wind energy curtailment, charge/discharge amount and tie line power flow, the annual thermal power cost in Japan is minimized with linear programming methods. Then the CO2 emissions and costs are evaluated. Results show the introduction of storage battery decreases PV/wind energy curtailment, but CO2 emissions are not decreased because the energy share of coal-fired power generation is increased. When the surcharge unit price is increased, the availability and capacity of lower efficiency coal-fired power generation are decreased. Results also show that CO2 emission intensity can be decreased to 0.2kg-CO2/kWh when most of coal-fired plants are abolished, but then more capacity of LNG combined cycle power generation and more fuel costs are required.

    DOI CiNii

  • Voltage Regulation of Distribution System by Demand Side Battery Control Method Considering Coordination with HEMS

    Shogo Fukui, Teru Miyazaki, Yutaka Iino, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naoya Matsumoto, Yu Matsumoto, Shin Inagaki

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   141 ( 5 ) 336 - 344  2021年05月



  • Forecast of Area Prices in Japanese Day-Ahead Electricity Market using Open Data

    Manaka Omura, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Toshiyuki Sawa, Hiroto Sasaki, Naoto Fukuyama, Yoshitaka Nishino

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   141 ( 5 ) 366 - 373  2021年05月



  • HEMSとの協調を考慮した需要家蓄電池の配電系統電圧制御手法

    福井 将悟, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 松本 直也, 松本 侑, 稲垣 信

    論文誌B   141 ( 5 ) 337 - 344  2021年05月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • Prioritization of distribution networks for efficient introduction of loss minimum reconfiguration technology

    Sakura Ami, Teru Miyazaki, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masahiko Hasegawa, Yoshitaka Miyazato, Ikki Shinozaki

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   141 ( 2 ) 127 - 135  2021年02月


    Loss minimum reconfiguration technology has been studied well from the theoretical and computational perspectives in the past decades and is expected to implement to the real-world distribution systems. In the real-world implementation of loss minimum reconfiguration technology, one of the barriers is the preprocessing cost for modeling the physical characteristics of the distribution networks and grasping the spatio-temporal dynamics of the load in order to derive the expected energy loss based on the power flow simulation though it is desirable that this technology is applied to the site with high expected energy loss reduction effect preferentially, the above laborious preprocess for prioritization which requires to be conducted for all the existing distribution networks becomes a problem of rapid implementation. In this study, the authors discuss several statistical approaches for prioritization of distribution networks with high expected loss reduction effect, that does not require the exhaustive preprocess. Numerical experiments based on data acquired from the real-world demonstration test reveal pros and cons depending on the application situation of these prioritization methods.



  • Scheduling of pumped-storage hydro generator operation in balancing group with wind farms

    Akihisa Kaneko, Maiko Inagaki, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Nonaka

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   141 ( 2 ) 79 - 87  2021年02月


    To utilize renewable energy systems (RES) as main generators in power system, power system operators need to maintain reserve power to compensate the uncertain output of RES, such as wind farms (WF). This paper focuses on the balancing group (BG) composed of WF and a pumped-storage hydro generator (PSHG). In the BG operation, power system operators need to schedule the operation of PSHG to minimize the imbalance risk caused by the prediction error of WF output while considering the system specific constraints of PSHG, e.g. the mechanical constraint on pump-up/down switching. This paper proposes a method to schedule the PSHG operation using the interval prediction results of the WF output for alleviating the imbalance risk the proposed scheduling scheme is formulated based on the linear programming. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the amount of imbalance and the net generation of the BG were evaluated based on numerical experiments under two types of situations with different characteristics in WF output. The experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • 可制御空間最大化MPC方式の提案と分散型エネルギー資源調整力最適化EMS問題への適用

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   64   49 - 52  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • Operation method and generator capacity determination method using battery energy storage system of off-grid system based on renewable energy in Remote Island

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Teru Miyazaki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Tomoaki Shoji, Jun Yoshinaga

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   141 ( 6 ) 406 - 414  2021年


    Off-grid is the power system that is completely separated from the commercial grid, and the system is introduced in remote areas such as islands. Currently, power is mainly supplied from diesel generators, but there are some problems that operation and management costs such as fuel and transportation costs are enormous, and that CO2 emissions are very large. Therefore, off-grid systems that have installed renewable energy are attracting attention. In this paper, the power system composition of off-grid mainly based on renewable energy, operation methods that enable efficient power supply, the generator capacity determination method that enables stable power supply are proposed and economical and environmental performances, generator capacities and operational parameters are evaluated. In addition, this study uses the data acquired on the actual island and is carried out by simulation.



  • Assessing the Operational Potential of Pumped-Storage Hydro Generators for Supporting the Grid Integration of Wind Farms

    Maiko Inagaki, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichiro Minotsu



    This study evaluates the operational potential of pumped-storage hydro generators (PSHGs) as a regulating power source for the stable use of wind power generation. In recent years, the concept of a balancing group (BG), consisting of multiple generators, has been considered to alleviate the imbalance, defined as a discrepancy between planned and actual power supply values. Combining unstable power sources, such as wind power with controllable sources such as PSHG, is expected to reduce the imbalance in BG. For the effective utilization of PSHG, power system operators need to determine a schedule of operation considering the uncertainty in the wind farm (WF) output on the preceding day. In this study, the operation scheduling of PSHG, based on the interval prediction results of wind power generation, is discussed and the potential contribution of PSHG operation is assessed from the perspective of the imbalance reduction within this framework. The operational potential is evaluated from the viewpoint of the types of PSHG, that is, fixed-speed and variable-speed PSHGs, by the annual operational simulation using real-world WF output data. The results show that the appropriate operational scheduling of a single variable-speed PSHG can contribute to a reduction in imbalance comparable to the reduction achieved by two fixed-speed PSHGs.



  • Voltage-Sensitivity-Based Volt-VAR-Watt Settings of Smart Inverters for Mitigating Voltage Rise in Distribution Systems

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Yanagiya, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takahiro Matsuura, Hiromu Hamada, Kenjiro Mori

    IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy   8   584 - 595  2021年


  • 輸入水素および国内製造水素の発電・直接利用を含む電源構成・需給最適化モデルの構築

    原田 耕佑, 矢部 邦明, 高見 洋史, 後藤 晃, 佐藤 康司, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌   42 ( 5 ) 315 - 324  2021年


    This paper proposes a novel planning model for electricity-hydrogen energy system in consideration of imported hydrogen, hydrogen demand and renewable energy that is largely penetrated. The model is designed to reveal the optimal ratio of domestic and imported hydrogen production and uses non-linear variables such as start-up costs and partial load efficiency of thermal power generation plants with linear programming in an approximation manner. By using this model, the optimal power supply mix and hourly operation of the energy system in Kyushu, Japan in 2030 are explored. As the introduction of domestic renewable energy increases, domestically produced hydrogen will become more competitive than imported hydrogen, though the use of imported hydrogen is important for thorough decarbonization. The results show that the optimal solution is to use domestic or imported hydrogen up to the amount of surplus renewable energy and the hydrogen price.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Planned Power Generation for Battery-Assisted Photovoltaic System Using Short-Term Forecast

    Ryu Ando, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Guiping Zhu

    IEEE Access   9   125238 - 125246  2021年  [査読有り]


  • 蓄電池を活用した再生可能エネルギーを主体とする離島オフグリッドシステムの運用手法及び容量選定手法

    長澤 和輝, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 庄司 智昭, 吉永 淳

    論文誌B   141 ( 6 ) 406 - 414  2021年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • Dynamic Optimization of SVR Control Parameters for Improving Tap Operation Efficiency of Voltage Control in Distribution Networks

    Kohei Murakami, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Kondo, Yuki Kanazawa, Hideo Nomura, Takuya Kajikawa

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   16 ( 1 ) 67 - 77  2021年01月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • 配電損失最小構成技術の効果的普及に向けた適地選定のための統計的スクリーニング手法

    阿美咲良, 宮崎輝, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 長谷川匡彦, 宮里善貴, 篠崎一樹

    論文誌B   141 ( 2 ) 1 - 9  2021年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • オープンデータに基づく電力スポット市場のエリア価格予測 -複数予測スキームの統合アプローチの検討

    大村 愛花, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 澤 敏之, 佐々木 浩人, 福山 直人, 西野 由高

    論文誌B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   141 ( 5 ) 366 - 373  2021年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • 風力発電の安定利用を目的としたバランシンググループにおける揚水発電機の運転計画決定手法

    金子曜久, 稲垣舞子, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 野中俊介

    論文誌B   141 ( 2 ) 79 - 87  2021年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • Battery smoothing control for photovoltaic system using short-term forecast with total sky images

    Anto Ryu, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Electric Power Systems Research   190 ( 106645 )  2021年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Charging Prioritization of Electric Vehicles Under Peak Demand in Commercial Facility: Destination Charging as a Service

    Shota Miyahara, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinkichi Inagaki, Akihiko Kawashima, Tatsuya Suzuki

    2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES)    2020年11月


  • Basic Study on Cooperative Management Scheme of Electric Vehicle Charging for Reduction of Impact on Low-Voltage Distribution System

    Taisei Ogura, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Masataka Mitsuoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Kensuke Murai, Kenta Suzuki, Keigo Ikezoe

    2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES)    2020年11月


  • Backup generator output control method of off-grid system based on renewable energy in remote island

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Teru Miyazaki, Tomoaki Shoji, Yutaka Iino, Jun Yoshinaga

    2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES)    2020年11月


  • Charging Schedule Optimization Method for Electric Buses with PV Installed at Bus Stations: Sensitivity Analysis of PV Capacity based on Real City Data

    Yuki Tomizawa, Yutaka Iino, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Teru Miyazaki, Ryota Yamamoto

    2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES)    2020年11月


  • Operational Planning of a Residential Fuel Cell System for Minimizing Expected Operational Costs Based on a Surrogate Model

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Access   8   173983 - 173998  2020年10月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    This study proposes a novel operational planning method for polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs). PEFC-CGSs provide hot water by utilizing waste heat produced in the electricity generation process, and hot water is stored in an attached tank. Generating and storing hot water based on an optimal operational plan according to household demand leads to further energy saving; therefore, operational planning methods based on household demand prediction have received significant attention. However, the improvement in the demand prediction accuracy does not necessarily lead to efficient PEFC-CGS operation in terms of operational costs; in other words, the accuracy in the demand prediction does not directly indicate the resulting operational efficiency. In this study, the authors propose a novel approach based on a surrogate model for deriving an appropriate plan that minimizes the expected operational costs among the operational plan candidates. In the proposed scheme, the error between expected and actual operational costs explicitly represents the relevance of the operational plan, so that the optimal operational plan can be selected directly from the perspective of the resulting operational efficiency. The practicality of the proposed approach is evaluated with the existing demand prediction-based approach via numerical simulations using real-world measurements of multiple customers in Japan. The proposed method reveals 30% reduction of the excessive operational costs by avoiding the inefficient operation of the auxiliary gas-heater in the experiments and will further enhance the value of introducing highly efficient residential fuel cell system that contributes to a low-carbon society.



  • Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using an Adaptive Combination Method in the Japanese Spot Market

    Manaka Omura, Yu Fujimoto, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Toshiyuki Sawa, Hiroto Sasaki, Naoto Fukuyama

    International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM   2020-  2020年09月


    Forecasting the electricity spot market price (i.e., the price of electricity traded for the next day) is important in planning efficient power generation and demand schedules. This research aims to discuss the following two points in the forecasting task: an explicit scheme for estimating high and low-price situations and an effective weighted integration of given multiple forecast products depending on the estimated situations. The authors propose an adaptive method of combining market price forecasts (ADAPTIVE) to utilize several types of given forecast results efficiently and improve forecasting accuracy. The method aims to capture the features of the component models' results considering high- and low-prices situations. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed ADAPTIVE, numerical experiments were conducted on electricity spot market prices in the Japan Electric Power Exchange. The results indicate that the proposed method is a promising way to improve the accuracy of the conventional method of combining forecasts.



  • Graphical Modeling for Analysis of Hourly Electricity Demand and Market Price

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM)    2020年09月


  • Designing Sustainable Smart Cities: Cooperative Energy Management Systems and Applications

    Yu Fujimoto, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   15 ( 5 ) 155 - 165  2020年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • 太陽光発電大量導入地域における車両電動化のエネルギーチェーンによる経済性・環境性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌   41 ( 5 ) 155 - 165  2020年09月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    The vehicle electrification, the replacement of engine vehicles by hybrid (HV), electric (EV) and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) is expected to reduce CO2 emissions in transport sector. However, the reduction amount by EV and FCV is largely affected by CO2 emission intensity of power system and the way to make hydrogen. Authors simulate a power system in 2030 where a large amount of PV is implemented, and PV generated energy must be curtailed on many days. The annual cost is minimized by optimizing the hourly output of coal fired and LNGCC plants, when the 16% of passenger vehicle mileage is replaced by EV charged at midnight and/or daytime. In FCV case, the capacity of water electrolysis and hydrogen tank, and the hourly electrolysis output as well as thermal power plant output are optimized. Results show CO2 emissions decrease particularly when EVs are charged at daytime and the charging power is controlled to contribute frequency stability. The electrolysis demand decreases the PV energy curtailment but increases the CO2 emission because of the lower energy converting efficiency and higher facility cost. The energy chain including whole power system, demand and fuel is analyzed to see the power flow and CO2 emission.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of Mutual Effect between Power and Traffic Aiming Electrified Urban Transportation System Using Integrated Light Rail Transit and Distribution System Model

    Hiroyuki Kosaba, Hiroyasu Kobayashi, Teru Miyazaki, Yutaka Iino, Keiichiro Kondo, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryota Yamamoto, Masahiko Hasegawa, Jun Yoshinaga

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   140 ( 8 ) 892 - 904  2020年08月



  • An integrated approach of estimating demand response flexibility of domestic laundry appliances based on household heterogeneity and activities

    Yohei Yamaguchi, Chien-fei Chen, Yoshiyuki Shimoda, Yoshie Yagita, Yumiko Iwafune, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Policy   142   111467 - 111467  2020年07月  [査読有り]



  • Semicentralized Voltage Control Method Using SVR Based on Past Voltage Measurements in Distribution Network

    Kohei Murakami, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Kondo, Yuki Kanazawa, Hideo Nomura, Takuya Kajikawa

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   15 ( 7 ) 1032 - 1039  2020年07月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Electric Vehicle Charging Management Using Auction Mechanism for Reducing PV Curtailment in Distribution Systems

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Yu Fujimoto, Shin-ichi Hanada, Daiya Isogawa, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hiroshi Ohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy ( Early Access ),   11 ( 3 ) 1394 - 1403  2020年07月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Sparse Modeling Approach for Identifying the Dominant Factors Affecting Situation Dependent Hourly Electricity Demand

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Satoshi Kabe, Motonari Hayashida, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Applied Energy   265   114752 - 114752  2020年05月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • Operational strategies for self-consumption considering the use of an electric vehicle in a net zero energy house

    Mizuho Akimoto, Jungmin Kim, Yugo Tsuneoka, Reina Oki, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naomi Morito

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   85 ( 770 ) 277 - 287  2020年04月


    © 2020 Architectural Institute of Japan. All rights reserved. This study proposes operational strategies for combinations of equipment, including an electric vehicle (EV), in a house using self-consumption. The aim of this is to attain both comfort and efficient energy management under several household and regional conditions, focusing on the frequency of the EV's use as well as the residents' schedules. As operational strategies for self-consumption of surplus power, storage battery (BT) charging, EV charging and daytime operation of heat pump water heater (EC) were assumed. Moreover, the amount of self-consumption, CO2 emissions, and the cost-effectiveness of different equipment combinations were calculated and compared.



  • 電気自動車の利用を考慮したゼロ・エネルギー住宅の自家消費運用手法の提案

    秋元 瑞穂, 金 ジョンミン, 常岡 優吾, 大木 玲奈, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘, 森戸 直美

    日本建築学会環境系論文集 2020年4月 第85巻 第770号    2020年04月  [査読有り]

  • Evaluation and Visualization of kW / kWh Cost of a District Heating and Cooling System for Electricity Adjustment

    Kohei Tomita, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yutaka Iino, Yuto Yamamoto, Kosuke Kobayashi

    Proceedings of 2020 4th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, ICGEA 2020     22 - 27  2020年03月


    A District Heating and Cooling system (DHC) with Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is able to not only satisfy regional heat and cold demand but also generate and control electricity by CHP. Therefore, a DHC with CHP has potential as control reserve for electricity adjustment (EA). In Japan, an EA auction was established to secure control reserve efficiently. In our previous research, potential of EA by a DHC for this auction has already evaluated. Furthermore, it was found that kW and kWh costs of a DHC for EA mainly depend on the heat and cold demand. Operators of DHCs need to comprehend the exact costs for EA when they bid on the auction. Therefore, fluctuations in costs for EA due to changes in heat and cold demand have been a critical issue for operators in decision making for the bid. However, costs for EA of a DHC with comprehensive assumption of various heat and cold demands has not been evaluated. Therefore, in this paper, the kW and kWh costs of an existing DHC are quantified and visualized as a multidimensional function based on the conditions of heat and cold demands. In addition, the factors behind those results are discussed. As a result, this research made it possible to predict the costs for EA of the DHC with heat and cold demand forecasts, and the operator could use it as auxiliary information in decision making for the bid.



  • Multipurpose control and planning method for battery energy storage systems in distribution network with photovoltaic plant

    Satoru Akagia, Shinya Yoshizawa, Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Teru Miyazaki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Katsuhisa Tawa, Toshiya Hisada, Takashi Yano

    International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems   116  2020年03月  [査読有り]



  • LDC-Control Parameters by Plane Determination Using Database Offline in Distribution Networks with PV System

    Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masakazu Ito, Takaya Anegawa, Hideyasu Hokazono, Masayuki Oyama

    International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications(IJEETC)   9 ( 2 ) 80 - 87  2020年03月  [査読有り]



  • Multipurpose control and planning method for battery energy storage systems in distribution network with photovoltaic plant

    Satoru Asagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Teru Miyazaki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Katsuhisa Tawa, Toshiya Hisada, Takashi Yano

    International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems     1 - 13  2020年03月  [査読有り]

  • Stability evaluation of a multi-objective dispatch of frequency control generators in cross-regional operation under various conditions

    Daichi Azami, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Nonaka

    2020 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2020    2020年02月


    Large-scale and regionally intensive introductions of renewable energy sources (RES) requires greater control capacity from frequency control generators (FCGs). To solve this problem, cross-regional operation, which integrates multiple control areas, is widely studied. However, this involves more complicated power flow, due to the wider control area. Thus, a transmission system operator should adjust output of FCGs to compensate for RES fluctuations, considering system indices and power system constraints in various power flow conditions such as day or night. We have proposed a multi-objective optimizing method for FCG dispatches to compensate for RES fluctuations in one case in the daytime. A simulation was needed, under various load and RES output conditions, to evaluate the validity of the method. In this study, a simulation is conducted, using a power system model base on the power system of East Japan under seven power flow conditions. The results support the validity of the proposed method for determining a dispatch, considering multiple system indices in all cases.



  • Home Energy Management Systems under Effects of Solar-Battery Smart Inverter Functions

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yuji Takenobu, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   15 ( 5 )  2020年02月  [査読有り]



  • Partitioning Method for the Large-scale Operation Planning Problem of a District Heating and Cooling System for Electricity Adjustment

    Kohei Tomita, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuto Yamamoto, Kosuke Kobayashi, Atsuhiko Hayakawa

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   140 ( 2 ) 94 - 103  2020年02月  [査読有り]



  • 可制御軌道に基づく分散型エネルギー資源アグリゲーション制御

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   63   341 - 344  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • An evaluation of CO2emission reduction by EV and FCV introduction considering stable and economical power system operation

    Kuniaki Yabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     2328 - 2339  2020年


    To reduce CO2emissions in transport sector, it is a hopeful way to replace gasoline vehicles (GV) by electric vehicles (EV) and fuel cell vehicles (FCV). However, the reduction is largely affected by CO2emission intensity of power system and the way to make hydrogen. Authors simulate a power system in 2030 where a large amount of PV is implemented and 16% of PV generated energy must be curtailed. The annual cost is minimized by optimizing the hourly output of coal fired and LNGCC plants, when the 16% of passenger GV mileage is replaced by EV charged at midnight and/or daytime. In FCV case, the capacity of water electrolysis and hydrogen tank, and the hourly electrolysis output as well as thermal power output are optimized. Results show CO2emissions decrease particularly when EVs are charged at daytime using a part of surplus PV energy and the charging power is controlled to contribute frequency stability. The electrolysis demand decreases the PV energy curtailment but increases the CO2emission because of the lower energy converting efficiency and higher facility cost. Constraint conditions of the minimum ratio of non-synchronous generation and frequency control ability affect the results too.

  • On nonintrusive monitoring of electrical appliance load via restricted Boltzmann machine with temporal reservoir

    Megumi Fujita, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ICAART 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence   2   902 - 909  2020年


    This study proposes a nonintrusive appliance load monitoring framework for estimation of the power consumptions of individual residential appliances by using aggregated total consumption based on Gaussian-softmax restricted Boltzmann machine with temporal reservoir. The proposed method is expected to estimate the hidden states of the appliances well by coding the current situation in the nonlinear temporal dynamics of the power consumption in the reservoir units so as to estimate the appliance-wise consumptions well. The accuracy of the proposed framework is evaluated by using real-world power consumption data sets.

  • Fast hierarchical coordination using price signal for town-scale home-EMSs aggregation with digital annealer

    Toranosuke Saito, Shinya Katayama, Akira Yoshida, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koich Kimura, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1662 - 1673  2020年


    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The demand response (DR), which balances power supply and demand, is attracting attention as a method of absorbing fluctuations in renewable energy when output is unstable. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Japan has made progress toward the liberalization of electricity and the introduction of renewable energy. In 2021, a supply and demand adjustment market will be opened. Unlike companies and factories, which can control large amounts of power for long periods, household demand has a small capacity and is short term. However, household demand is expected to be able to respond quickly to emergencies and to secure capacity by consolidating multiple households via an aggregator. This study concerns two problems in assessing town-scale residential DR capability. First, we evaluate residential DR response capacity. This capacity is assumed to be pre-cooling heating by an air conditioner according to thermal insulation and heat capacity characteristics, and energy storage by a hot water storage tank and a power storage device. Next, we investigate implementing the optimization of the town-scale DR by an aggregator. Optimal town-scale aggregation proposals are often formulated in large-scale combinatorial optimization problems. The challenge is that the calculation tends to be time-consuming and difficult to solve. In this research, we propose a framework that can be solved at high speed using digital annealer. Finally, we evaluate the possibility of town-scale residential DR in specific areas of Tokyo.

  • Environmental efficiency evaluation in high solar wind penetration region with fractional optimization-based operational planning

    Akira Yoshida, Kuniaki Yabe, Hideo Ishii, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1686 - 1698  2020年


    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The article develops and demonstrates the fractional optimization to evaluate the environmental efficiency of the regional-scale energy system with heat pumping and thermal storage. The fractional optimization gets converted into the equivalent quadratic one via the proposed iterative algorithm. The proposed method makes converting a fractional equation into a different one with an auxiliary variable, and it makes us free from heuristic parameter tuning that makes balancing the weight of objective coefficient when the objective function is composed of some terms. We consider the operational planning problem of the mixed energy grid, including electricity and heat. It manages power generations and a heat pump with thermal storage as an application. The numerical studies take into account the open data measured by the most western region of Japan, where the region gets applied the installation/connection of variable renewable energy sources of 25.7 GW at the moment even not every capacity starts operation. As a result, the CO2conversion factor reaches 0.21 kg-CO2/kWh in the best case. It is confirmed that a heat pump with thermal storage can absorb the electrical output from variable renewable energy sources up to 2.72 TWh/y.

  • Pre-cooling operation aiming for demand response adaptation in house

    Jungmin Kim, Yugo Tsuneoka, Reina Oki, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naomi Morito

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   85 ( 769 ) 215 - 224  2020年


    © 2020 Architectural Institute of Japan. All rights reserved. Renewable energy is the focus of the 5th Strategic Energy Plan in Japan. Electric load management systems such as Demand Response (DR) are necessary to increase renewable energy usage. The focus of this study is pre-cooling operations in the daytime, during summer, to reduce electric load during DR. The aim of this study is to evaluate (1) the effectiveness of electric demand shift by "Pre-cooling", and (2) the effect on comfort and health of the residents who switch to "Pre-cooling".



  • Evaluation of an Optimal Radial-Loop Configuration for a Distribution Network With PV Systems to Minimize Power Loss

    Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takaya Anegawa, Hideyasu Hokazono and Yukiyasu Kuwashita

    IEEE Access   8   220408 - 220421  2020年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    This paper proposes a method to determine an optimal radial-loop configuration to minimize power loss in a distribution network with photovoltaic (PV) systems and evaluates the effectiveness of this configuration. Due to the disaggregation of transmission and distribution in a deregulated power system, stable and efficient operations in terms of voltage regulation and power loss reduction utilizing existing equipment is becoming more important for distribution system operators (DSOs). Japanese DSOs operate distribution networks in a radial configuration while supplying power to customers with high reliability. One method to reduce further power loss is to upgrade the network topology to a radial-loop configuration, which achieves partial loop structures by closing the tie-switches of the radial configuration. To implement a radial-loop configuration, DSOs must first evaluate the reliability, as a loop configuration can cause a feeder circuit breaker (FCB) malfunction and an expansion of the nonsupplied area during fault conditions. However, the impact of a radial-loop configuration on reliability and effectiveness has not been verified. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to determine an optimal radial-loop configuration that minimizes active power loss and maintains high reliability. In a numerical simulation, the reliability of radial-loop configurations is verified, and the effectiveness of the configuration is analyzed in terms of active power loss and voltage regulation under several PV system penetration conditions. A 6.6 kV distribution network consisting of 6 feeders and 11 tie-switches is modeled based on an existing Japanese distribution network and used for numerical simulation.



  • 柱上変圧器の容量超過回避を目的とした需要家蓄電池の分散型充放電制御手法

    大久保里矩, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 板屋伸彦, 高野富裕

    電力・エネルギー部門誌   140 ( 8 ) 638 - 649  2020年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    <p>This paper proposes a decentralized charging and discharging control method of a battery energy storage system (BESS) to prevent the over-capacity of a pole transformer (Pole-Tr) in low-voltage (LV) distribution systems due to reverse power flow from the photovoltaic generation (PV) system. A distribution system operator (DSO) provides the charging/discharging parameters determined by using only the LV-distribution system configuration and the PV/BESS capacity to the customers and each BESS automatically controls the charging/discharging power according to the provided parameters. The charging parameter is defined in the relationship between the state-of-charge (SoC) and the charging threshold ε as the SoC-ε curve, and a total of three SoC-ε curves for the different objectives are prepared. In the charging phase, the BESS selects one SoC-ε curve every minute and determines the charging power based on the charging threshold ε and the present SoC. In the discharging phase, the BESS operates in the load-following discharging and SoC control discharging to adjust the SoC for the prevention of the over-capacity of Pole-Tr. The proposed method is tested on several types of LV-distribution systems, and the numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can prevent the over-capacity of Pole-Tr and maintain the high charging amount of BESSs.</p>

    DOI CiNii


  • Advanced voltage control based on short-time ahead voltage fluctuation estimation in distribution system

    S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi

    Electr. Power Syst. Res   188 ( 106559 ) 1 - 6  2020年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]



  • 次世代型路面電車交通と配電系統の統合モデルによる電化公共交通都市を目指した電力交通間の相互影響の評価

    小鯖 裕之, 小林 宏泰, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 近藤 圭一郎, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 長谷川 匡彦, 吉永 淳

    論文誌C 電子・情報・システム部門誌   140 ( 8 ) 892 - 904  2020年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

  • 送電損失低減を目的としたPV連系送電系統における2電圧階級のVQC装置協調運用決定手法

    金子曜久, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 杉村修平, 植田喜延, 田邊隆之

    論文誌B   140 ( 6 ) 484 - 494  2020年  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    <p>Transmission system operators (TSO) are responsible to manage the power quality within a proper range and to reduce power loss. Voltage reactive power control (VQC) is mainly utilized to manage the power flow. In the conventional VQC scheme, the static condenser (SC) and shunt reactor (ShR) is generally adjusted based on the target value determined for the heavy load condition in each voltage class. On the other hand, the installation of the massive photovoltaic (PV) systems into transmission systems cause the complex power flow such as the short-term fluctuation of power flow and reverse power flow from the lower transmission system to the upper transmission system. Thus, in the future power system with PV systems, the target values of the VQC devices need to be updated in the short-time period considering the interaction between the upper and lower transmission system to manage the power quality and to the reduce power loss efficiently. This paper proposes the optimization methodology for VQC devices in two-voltage class of transmission system using tabu-search and optimal power flow based on the central VQC methodology. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, the numerical simulation was performed based on the revised IEEJ EAST 30-machine system model.</p>

    DOI CiNii


  • Intensive quadratic programming approach for home energy management systems with power utility requirements

    V.T.Dao, H.Ishii⁎, Y.Takenobu, S.Yoshizawa, Y.Hayashi

    International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems   115  2020年01月  [査読有り]



  • CO2削減賦課金と蓄電池導入効果のエネルギーチェーンによる経済性・環境性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌   41 ( 1 ) 29 - 37  2020年  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a CO2 reduction surcharge which is charged proportional to customers' CO2 emission, instead of FIT surcharge proportional to the grid power consumption. When this new surcharge is slightly over 10,000yen/ton-CO2, the operating unit cost of coal fired plants is over that of LNGCC plants, and the capacity factor decreases as well as CO2 emission. Authors simulated a power system in 2030 where a large amount of PV is implemented and the 18% of PV generated energy must be curtailed. The annual cost is minimized by optimizing LNGCC and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) capacity, hourly output of coal fired and LNGCC plants, hourly charge and discharge power of BESSs, and PV curtailment. Results show this surcharge is effective to change fuel and decrease CO2 emission, and BESSs moderate this fuel change but decrease PV curtailment and CO2 emission. The energy chain including whole power system, demand and fuel is analyzed to see the power flow and CO2 emission. It is also discussed to apply this surcharge to every fossil fuel usage in order to realize the almost CO2 free society with a reasonable cost increase.

    DOI CiNii

  • 系統貢献を目的とした地域冷暖房システムの大規模運転計画問題分割手法

    冨田 康平, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 山本 有途, 小林 広介, 速川 敦彦

    電気学会 電力・エネルギー部門誌   140 ( 2 ) 94 - 103  2020年  [査読有り]

  • Multi-Objective Optimal Operation Planning for Battery Energy Storage in a Grid-Connected Micro-Grid

    Anto Ryu, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications,    2020年  [査読有り]

  • Scheduling method of wind power generation for electricity market using state-of-charge transition and forecast error

    Aki Kikuchi, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   9 ( 1 ) 123 - 132  2020年01月  [査読有り]

  • Intensive quadratic programming approach for home energy management systems with power utility requirements

    V.T.Dao, H.Ishii⁎, Y.Takenobu, S.Yoshizawa, Y.Hayashi

    International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems    2020年01月  [査読有り]

  • Hot Water Demand Prediction Method for Operational Planning of Residential Fuel Cell System

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    7th International Conference on Smart Grid, icSmartGrid 2019     46 - 51  2019年12月


    © 2019 IEEE. This study proposes a hot water demand prediction method for operational planning of polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs). PEFC-CGSs provide hot water by utilizing waste heat produced in the electricity generation process. An optimal operational plan according to household demand leads to further energy saving. Therefore, operational planning methods based on household demand prediction have received intense focus. In particular, the prediction of the amount of hot water demand is important for efficient operation. The authors have attempted to improve the hot water prediction method based on multivariate random forest (MRF), which uses the average of many decision trees' outputs as the prediction result. However, some experimental results show that a prediction strategy based on averaging the outputs of decision trees does not always lead to the best solution. In this study, the authors propose a novel prediction method utilizing the quantile of the estimation results derived in MRF. By setting the appropriate quantile, we can evade the demand underestimation, which has a higher negative impact on operational efficiency than overestimation. The usefulness of the proposed approach is evaluated via numerical simulations using real-world demand data.



  • Analysis of operation plans of residential PEFC–CGS: a perspective of cost optimality under demand uncertainty

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering (JICEE),   9 ( 1 ) 105 - 112  2019年12月  [査読有り]

  • Multiple Scenario-based Model Predictive Control with Decision Time Limit Determination of Scenario Selection

    Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2019 58th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2019     1486 - 1493  2019年09月


    In the Cyber Physical System or the Digital Twin, the control strategy generates multiple scenarios in the cyber world with optimization of future models and objective functions, and these scenarios are utilized to determine an optimal strategy, which is then applied to the physical world. In these procedures, the decision-making to select and fix a future scenario and its time limit are important factors. In this study, considering the scenario decision time limit, a procrastination strategy is introduced and formulated as a new model predictive control framework. It is to postpone the decision and preserve the freedom of scenario choice for the future. In the proposed method, the concept of a common admissible set for control trajectory and its branch point are introduced. A simple numerical example and an application to an energy management problem are shown to illustrate and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Spinning reserve quantification considering confidence levels of forecast in systems with high wind and solar power penetration

    Thi Nguyet, Hanh Nguyen, Kuniaki Yabe, Masakazu Ito, Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Volume 14, Issue 9, 2019,   14 ( 9 ) 1304 - 1313  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Spinning reserve quantification considering confidence levels of forecast in systems with high wind and solar power penetration

    Thi Nguyet, Hanh Nguyen, Kuniaki Yabe, Masakazu Ito, Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Volume 14, Issue 9, 2019,   14 ( 9 )  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Willingness to Pay for Home Energy Management Systems A Survey in New York and Tokyo

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Sustainability (Switzerland)11,Published - 2019 9 1   11  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Renovating a house to aim for net-zero energy, thermal comfort, energy self-consumption and behavioral adaptation A method proposed for ENEMANE HOUSE 2017

    Reina Oki, Yugo Tsuneoka, Shingo Yamaguchi, Soma Sugano, Naoya Watanabe, Takashi Akimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinji Wakao, Shin-ichi Tanabe

    『Energy and Buildings』pubulished by ELSEVIER,   201   183 - 193  2019年09月  [査読有り]



  • Willingness to Pay for Home Energy Management Systems A Survey in New York and Tokyo

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   11   4790  2019年09月  [査読有り]

  • Enhancing Security for Voltage Control of Distribution Systems under Data Falsification Attacks

    Mizuki Onogawa, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Hideaki Ishii, Isao Ono, Takashi Onoda, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    American Control Conference (ACC)     3249 - 3254  2019年08月  [査読有り]

  • Evaluation of Dynamic Var Support from PV Systems under Uncertain Weather Conditions

    Eita Mizukami, Akihisa Kaneko, Yuji Takenobu, Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    7th International Youth Conference on Energy, IYCE 2019    2019年07月


    Voltage ride-through (VRT) and dynamic voltage support (DVS) are advanced functions of photovoltaic (PV) systems that are expected to improve future power system stability. Toward the improvement in system stability, it is valuable for power system operators (PSOs) to evaluate the effects of these functions. However, it is not straightforward to evaluate the amount of volt-ampere reactive (var) injection from PV systems because var injection depends on weather conditions and on the terminal voltages of the PV systems during voltage sag. In addition, it is equally important to analyze var support from distribution systems (DSs) to accurately determine the amount of var injection in a power system since numerous PV systems are connected to DSs. In this study, we evaluate the var support at a substation of a DS with PV during a voltage sag under various weather conditions. The var injection was analyzed for several time zones and seasons to consider a change in solar radiation. A numerical simulation was conducted based on IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder Model with PV systems. The results indicated that there is a large variation in var support depending on seasons or time zones with different solar irradiance.



  • Decentralized charging control of battery energy storage systems for distribution system asset management

    Riku Okubo, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Kawano, Tomihiro Takano, Nobuhiko Itaya

    2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, PowerTech 2019    2019年06月


    This paper proposes a decentralized charging control method of a battery energy storage system (BESS) that can prevent the over-capacity of a pole transformer in low-voltage (LV) distribution systems due to reverse power flow from the photovoltaic generation system. The distribution system operator provides the charging parameters defined as the relationship between the state-of-charge (SoC) and the charging threshold determined by using only the LV-distribution system configuration and the demand-side information to customers. Each BESS charges the power according to the provided parameters. A high charging amount can be maintained by automatically changing the charging mode based on the change in SoC. Results of the numerical simulation demonstrate that the proposed method can prevent the over-capacity of PTr and maintain the high charging amount of a BESS in LV-distribution systems. Further, the maximum power flow at the distribution substation and the distribution losses in MV-distribution system can be reduced.



  • Estimation of expected cost curve on operation parameter space for planning residential PEFC-CGS

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, PowerTech 2019    2019年06月


    © 2019 IEEE. This study proposes an operation planning method for polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs). PEFC-CGSs provide hot water by utilizing waste heat produced in the electricity generation process. An appropriate operation plan according to household demand will lead to further energy saving. The authors have discussed a framework for estimating expected operation costs of individual operation plans to select an appropriate candidate that minimizes the cost. In this scheme, the expected cost under each corresponding operation was independently estimated. This approach can be expected to provide accurate prediction of costs under individual operations. However, one open issue remains; it may not work well in estimating relative goodness compared to other operations. In this study, the authors propose a new cost estimation approach, focusing on relative appropriateness in candidate plans based on a multiple output prediction. The usefulness of the proposed approach is proved via a numerical simulation.



  • Toward Data-Driven Identification of Essential Factors Causing Seasonal Change in Daily Electricity Demand Curves

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech,18938863    2019年06月  [査読有り]


  • Preliminary Analysis of Short-term Solar Irradiance Forecasting by using Total-sky Imager and Convolutional Neural Network

    Anto Ryu, Masakazu Ito, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2019 IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia, GTD Asia 2019     627 - 631  2019年05月


    The installation of photovoltaic system (PV) is increasing rapidly across the world. However, the fluctuation of PV output causes serious challenges in the power grid operation. Among the fluctuation, a quick part of fluctuation is mainly caused by the change of cloud coverage. A total-sky imager (TSI), measuring device to take sky and cloud, could be useful for short-term solar irradiance forecasting. In this paper, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is applied to forecasting model (called CNN model) to forecast 5-20 min ahead of global horizontal irradiance (GHI) using total-sky images and lagged GHI. To verify the effectiveness of CNN, three forecasting models are compared. They are the persistence model, the CNN model using only total-sky images, and the CNN model using both total-sky images and lagged GHI. From the computation, the proposed CNN model using both total-sky images and lagged GHI performs root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 49-177W/m2, 93-146W/m2, 71-118W/m2 in sunny day, partly cloudy day and overcast day, respectively. From these results, the proposed method is shown to be suitable for short-term solar irradiance forecasting.



  • 所要蓄電池容量の最適設計のためのベータ分布に基づく風力発電予想誤差時系列モデル

    兌 瀟偉, 伊藤 雅一, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 朱桂萍, 姚 義忠

    電気学会論文誌B, 139巻, 3号   139 ( 3 )  2019年03月  [査読有り]

  • Machine Learning Approach for Graphical Model-Based Analysis of Energy-Aware Growth Control in Plant Factories

    Yu Fujimoto, Saya Murakami, Nanae Kaneko, Hideki Fuchikami, Toshirou Hattori, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Access Vol,7、Article number 8663284   7   32183 - 32196  2019年03月  [査読有り]


  • 既存工業化住宅を用いた改修型ゼロ・エネルギーハウスの提案

    中川 純, 常岡 優吾, 山口 真吾, 大木 玲奈, 菅野颯馬, 野元 彬久, 丸山由香, 荒木 菜那, 山品 太輝, 池原 靖史, 渡辺靖哉, 小林 達宏, 田辺 新一, 秋元 孝之, 林 泰弘, 若尾 真治

    日本建築学会技術報告集、第25巻、第59号   25 ( 59 ) 239 - 242  2019年02月  [査読有り]


    Saving energy in the residential is required under the influence of global warming and electricity shortage caused by natural disaster in Japan. For the purpose of promoting zero energy house, “ENEMANE HOUSE 2017”, a competition of Zero-Energy House was held. This paper shows the overview of the building and equipment planning, and also the evaluation of thermal environment and energy in the zero energy house which the consortium of Waseda University and Shibaura Institute of Technology proposed in the competition. This zero energy house demonstrates a method of renovation of housing using low-insulated outer wall of an existing industrialized house. The aim of the facility planning was not only the compatibility of energy-saving and comfort but also the increase in self-consumption of surplus power.

    DOI CiNii


  • Time series model of wind power forecasting error by using beta distribution for optimal sizing of battery storage

    Xiaowei Dui, Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Guiping Zhu, Liangzhong Yao

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   139 ( 3 ) 212 - 224  2019年


    With the increase of wind power penetration in power system, the uncertainty caused by wind farm forecast error is enlarged which results in deterioration of wind power curtailment. In order to optimize the capacity of battery storage for mitigating forecast error, firstly it is necessary to improve the accuracy of forecast error model. This paper proposed a modeling method of forecast error time series in usage of beta distribution. Varying with forecast output, parameters of the beta distribution are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation. Autocorrelated forecast error obeying beta distribution is generated by correlated Monto-Carlo simulation. Based on the forecast error model, an optimization method is proposed to determine the optimum size of battery storage for mitigating forecast error. Through maximizing the total profit composed of electricity sales revenue, penalty and battery cost, the optimum size of battery storage is calculated. The results show that the forecast error model proposed in this paper is able to simulate both probability density function and autocorrelation correctly, which is beneficial to improving the accuracy and economy of battery storage sizing.



  • Empirical study on effective utilization of photovoltaic power generation by precooling and preheating operation in house

    Jungmin Kim, Tianshu Xu, Yugo Tsuneoka, Shin-Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naomi Morito

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   84 ( 755 ) 73 - 81  2019年01月


    The housing section in Japan is promoting the introduction of renewable energy. However, it has problems such as surplus generation during a low load period and there could be a rise in voltage due to reversed power flow. Therefore, there is a need to use the generated surplus energy effectively. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the precooling and preheating operation. To this end, we measured indoor environmental factors, energy consumption, and skin surface temperature and heat loss using a thermal manikin under ten conditions with different air conditioning in house with higher heat capacity.



  • デマンドレスポンス適用を目指した予冷運用および居住者行動の効果検証 その1 温熱環境および電力需要の評価

    森戸 直美, 金 ジョンミン, 大木 玲奈, 菅野 颯馬, 秋元 瑞穂, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2019.6   301 - 304  2019年



    DOI CiNii

  • デマンドレスポンス適用を目指した予冷運用および居住者行動の効果検証 その2 居住者行動の違いによる快適性・健康性評価

    大木 玲奈, 金 ジョンミン, 菅野 颯馬, 秋元 瑞穂, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘, 森戸 直美

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2019.6   305 - 308  2019年



    DOI CiNii

  • Proposal and Evaluation of an Equipment Operating Method Using Solar Radiation Prediction in a Zero Energy House

    Reina Oki, Yugo Tsuneoka, Shingo Yamaguchi, Soma Sugano, Jun Nakagawa, Naoya Watanabe, Tatsuhiro Kobayashi, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Takashi Akimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinji Wakao

    E3S Web of Conferences   111   05003 - 05003  2019年


    Because of the increasing promotion of renewable energy such as photovoltaic (PV) panels in Japanese houses, the voltage increase and frequency adjustment of a city electrical distribution network sys-tem will be of concern. Therefore, self-consuming surplus electricity and leveling the reverse power flow is important in terms of reducing the smart grid network load and reducing the peak load of the smart grid network. The aim of this study was to acquire knowledge regarding methods of self-consuming surplus power as well as leveling the reverse power flow. An equipment operation method, termed “schedule control,” was proposed that changes the operational time of a heat pump water heater and the charging time of a storage battery according to solar radiation prediction. Because PV power fluctuates depending on weather and time zone, this method helps in self-consuming as much PV power generation as possible. By actual measurement and simulation results, it was confirmed that the schedule control of the heat pump water heater and storage battery was useful in self-consuming surplus power and leveling reverse power flow.



  • An online HEMS scheduling method based on deep recurrent neural network

    Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1327 - 1335  2019年


    © ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. All rights reserved. For a daily-basis scheduling of an energy system, energy management system often enough to use not a global optimal scheduling but a near optimal scheduling. The article proposes an online scheduling framework without online optimization. The framework is built from two encoder-decoder architectures to extract features of time series; a multi-layer long short-term memory regression model for multi-step time-series forecasting, and multi-class and single-label classification model for on/off scheduling of a device. The models are estimated at offline, and return scheduling from historical time series as input, at online. We evaluate the accuracy of scheduling from the viewpoint of Kullback-Leibler divergence which measures the dissimilarity between two probability distributions. Through the numerical experiments, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework.

  • Machine Learning Approach for Graphical Model-Based Analysis of Energy-Aware Growth Control in Plant Factories

    Yu Fujimoto, Saya Murakami, Nanae Kaneko, Hideki Fuchikami, Toshirou Hattori, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Access   7 ( 1 ) 32183 - 32196  2019年  [査読有り]


  • 所要蓄電池容量の最適設計のためのベータ分布に基づく風力発電予測誤差時系列モデル

    兌 瀟偉, 伊藤 雅一, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 朱 桂萍, 姚 良忠

    電気学会論文誌B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   139 ( 3 ) 212 - 224  2019年  [査読有り]

  • Intensive Quadratic Programming Approach for Home Energy Management Systems with Power Utility Requirements

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems    2019年  [査読有り]

  • Double-layer optimization of home energy management systems with volt–watt functions

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   14 ( 5 ) 1 - 11  2019年01月  [査読有り]



  • Energy disaggregation based on smart metering data via semi-binary nonnegative matrix factorization

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy and Buildings   183 ( 15 ) 547 - 558  2019年  [査読有り]

  • Alerting to Rare Large-Scale Ramp Events in Wind Power Generation

    Yu Fujimoto, Yuka Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy   10 ( 1 ) 55 - 65  2019年  [査読有り]



  • Optimal Parameters of Volt-Var Functions for Photovoltaic Smart Inverters in Distribution Networks

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   14 ( 1 ) 75 - 84  2019年  [査読有り]

  • Scalable enumeration approach for maximizing hosting capacity of distributed generation

    Yuji Takenobu, Norihito Yasudab, Shin-ichi Minatoc, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Electrical Power and Energy Systems   105   867 - 876  2019年  [査読有り]

  • 住宅における予冷予熱運転による太陽光発電電力の有効利用に関する実証研究

    金 ジョンミン, 徐 天舒, 常岡 優吾, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘, 森戸 直美

    日本建築学会環境系論文集 2019年   755  2019年  [査読有り]

  • 蓄電池を再生可能エネルギー併用する場合の環境性と経済性のエネルギーチェーンを考慮した評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌,   40 ( 3 ) 69 - 77  2019年  [査読有り]

  • 蓄電池による太陽光発電出力の自家消費増加の経済性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   139 ( 5 ) 363 - 371  2019年  [査読有り]


    <p>This paper presents economic evaluation of storage battery systems which increase the self-use of PV output at houses and buildings. The selling price of PV generated energy is decreasing. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) can increase the self-use of PV output, and decrease the volume of buying electric power. So, the introduction of BESS to houses and buildings equipped with PV systems will be economical when the price of BESS is decreased enough. Authors investigated the optimum BESS capacity and hourly charge-discharge pattern for a year, then evaluated annual cost. Daily load pattern of each house and building, and time-of-use electric rates affect the conditions to make BESS cost-effective. Such conditions are shown in this paper.</p>

    DOI CiNii


  • Bid Determination Method for an Electricity Market with State-of-Charge Maintenance of a Compressed Air Energy Storage System Using the Prediction Interval of Wind Power Output

    Aki Kikuchi, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, Vol. 4   4   176 - 182  2019年  [査読有り]

  • 既存工業化住宅を用いた改修型ゼロ・エネルギーハウスの提案

    中川 純, 常岡 優吾, 山口 真吾, 大木 玲奈, 菅野颯馬, 野元 彬久, 丸山由香, 荒木 菜那, 山品 太輝, 池原 靖史, 渡辺靖哉, 小林 達宏, 田辺 新一, 秋元 孝之, 林 泰弘, 若尾 真治

    日本建築学会環境系論文集 2019年   755   73 - 81  2019年  [査読有り]

  • Double-layer optimization of home energy management systems with volt–watt functions

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering    2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Alerting to Rare Large-Scale Ramp Events in Wind Power Generation

    Yu Fujimoto, Yuka Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy , Volume 10, Issue 1   10 ( 1 )  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • 住宅における予冷予熱運転による太陽光発電電力の有効利用に関する実証研究

    金 ジョンミン, 徐 天舒, 常岡 優吾, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘, 森戸 直美

    日本建築学会環境系論文集 2019年755巻   755  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Energy Disaggregation Based on Smart Metering Data via Semi-Binary Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy and Buildings, Vol.183   183  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Optimal Responses of Home Energy Management Systems to Volt-watt Functions and Forecast Errors

    V. T. Dao, H. Ishii, Y. Hayashi, Y. Takasawa, K. Murakami, Y. Takenobu, H. Kikusato, A. Kaneko, S. Yoshizawa

    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2018    2018年12月


    The popularity of rooftop solar and home-scale batteries brings a fantastic opportunity to homeowners for using energy more flexibly and achieving benefits from trading electricity. This paper narrates a research work of how home energy management systems (HEMSs) maximize profits from buying electricity at a fixed price from utility and selling the surplus energy to an aggregator. Appropriate optimization problems are formulated with technical constraints of household devices and from connection requirements including a volt-watt function installed in the inverter of the rooftop solar-battery system. HEMS responses are optimized in two stages. The first stage is a stochastic program for planning an optimal energy commitment to an aggregator considering forecast errors and the predicted power curtailment. On the day of operation, each HEMS tries to follow the committed energy plan when determining optimal responses in the real-Time condition. Effectiveness of the proposed method is well illustrated through a simulation of a Japanese low-voltage system. Results show that forecast errors and power limitation due to volt-watt functions should be addressed to improve home benefits.



  • Temporal Interpolation of Gridded Solar Radiation Data for Evaluation of PV Fluctuations

    Daigo Hirooka, Noboru Murata, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Procedia, Volume 155   155  2018年11月  [査読有り]

  • Expected Wind Speed Estimation Considering Spatio-Temporal Anisotropy for Generating Synthetic Wind Power Profiles

    Kouki Hama, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Procedia, Volume 155   155  2018年11月  [査読有り]

  • Feature extraction of NWP data for wind power forecasting using 3D-convolutional neural networks

    Kazutoshi Higashiyama, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Procedia, Volume 155   155  2018年11月  [査読有り]

  • Proposal and Evaluation of determination method for multiobjective output dispatch of frequency control generators to compensate for renewable energy system fluctuation in multiarea system operation

    Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Nonaka

    Electric Engineering in Japan, Vol.205, Issue 1   205 ( 1 ) 3 - 16  2018年10月  [査読有り]



  • PCSによるPV出力抑制待機の定量的評価と評価結果に基づく出力抑制待機時間の決定

    芳澤 信哉, 成瀬 裕矢, 吉永 淳, 林 泰弘, 緒方 司郎

    電気学会論文誌B, 138巻10号   138 ( 10 ) 805 - 814  2018年10月  [査読有り]


    <p>In this paper, waiting effects of photovoltaic generation (PV) output curtailment by power conditioning system (PCS) on voltage management in a distribution network are quantitatively evaluated, and an appropriate waiting time is determined based on the evaluated results. PV output generation can be categorized to 5 groups based on the weather characteristics, and the waiting effects are evaluated in terms of PV output curtailment amount, cumulative voltage violation amount, maximum voltage violation, and the number of tap operations as the impacts on a distribution system operator and customers. Through a numerical simulation, we found that the waiting time effects in cloudy groups were higher than other groups with keeping the maximum voltage violation lower than the allowable voltage limit. Also, the appropriate waiting time for PCS control was determined based on the relationship between the waiting time and PV output curtailment reduction rate. The results also represent that we do not need to set a longer waiting time from the viewpoints of PV output curtailment reduction rate though the waiting time should be set larger than the time delay of voltage regulators.</p>

    DOI CiNii


  • Upgrading Voltage Control Method Based onPhotovoltaic Penetration Rate

    Satoru Akagi, Ryo Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Masakazu Ito, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Asano, Hiromi Konda

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, VOL. 9, NO. 5   9 ( 5 ) 3994 - 4003  2018年09月  [査読有り]



  • Operation planning method for home air-conditioners considering characteristics of installation environment

    Ryoichi Kuroha, Yu Fujimoto, Wataru Hirohashi, Yoshiharu Amano, Shi-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy & Buildings, Vol. 177   177  2018年09月  [査読有り]

  • Electricity Adjustment by Aggregation Control of Multiple District Heating and Cooling Systems

    Kohei Tomita, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takahiro Yagi, Tatsuya Tsukada

    Energy Procedia, Volume 149   149  2018年09月  [査読有り]

  • Hierarchical BESS management for electric power self-supply ratio improvement and power flow reduction in residential town

    Tetsuro Tani, Shinya Yoshizawa, Teru Miyazaki, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masakazu Shio, Takashi Umeoka

    2018 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2018     1 - 5  2018年07月


    This paper proposes a hierarchical battery energy storage system (BESS) management in a residential town. The proposed management improves an electric power self-supply ratio (EPSR) with charge/discharge operation of BESSs and a time shift operation of heat-pump water heaters installed in the households, and reduces power flow amount by hierarchically BESSs operation. The proposed management is verified in the residential town, and the results of numerical simulations clearly represent that the proposed management could improve EPSR through a year and drastically reduce the total power flow amount in the residential town compared with conventional self-operation.



  • Optimal Parameters of Volt-Var Functions for Photovoltaic Smart Inverters in Distribution Networks

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi


  • Energy cost minimization in plant factories considering weather factors using additive Bayesian networks

    Saya Murakami, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hideki Fuchikami, Toshirou Hattori

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, 2018, Vol.8, No.1   8 ( 1 )  2018年07月  [査読有り]

  • Effectiveness of updating the parameters of the Volt-VAR control depending on the PV penetration rate and weather conditions

    Yuta Takasawa, Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia: Smart Grid for Smart Community, ISGT-Asia 2017     1 - 5  2018年06月


    In this study, updating parameters of smart inverters (SI) based on the change of PV penetration rate and weather conditions was evaluated. Among a wide variety of functionalities of SI, we focused on Volt-VAR control and comprehensively investigated the voltage profile in distribution network (DN) for various parameters. For the scenario in which PV penetration rate or weather condition was changed, we compared the total energy loss for the updated and fixed parameters, while avoiding voltage violation. We found that the maximum reduction rate of energy loss by appropriately changing the Volt-VAR parameters was 14.4% and 13.7%, respectively for the two cases, and that the parameters should be preferably updated according to the condition of DN from the view point of reducing energy loss. Quantitative results of Volt-VAR parameters survey were summarized, which can be a guide for how to use the functionality when PV is heavily installed in DN.



  • Evaluation of Annual Energy Loss Reduction Based on Reconfiguration Scheduling

    Yuji Takenobu, Norihito Yasuda, Shunsuke Kawano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shin-ichi Minato

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 9, Issue 3   9 ( 3 )  2018年05月  [査読有り]

  • 広域系統運用におけるRES出力変動を補償する調整用発電機の出力分担値多目的決定手法の提案と評価

    金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 野中 俊介

    電気学会論文誌B, 138巻4号   138 ( 4 )  2018年04月  [査読有り]


  • Versatile Modeling Platform for Cooperative Energy Management Systems in Smart Cities

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Hideo Ishii, Yuji Takenobu, Hiroshi Kikusato, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-Ichi Tanabe, Yohei Yamaguchi, Yoshiyuki Shimoda, Jun Yoshinaga, Masato Watanabe, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takeshi Koike, Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Kevin Tomsovic

    Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.106, No.4   106 ( 4 ) 594 - 612  2018年04月  [査読有り]



  • Electric Vehicle Charge-Discharge Management for Utilization of Photovoltaic by Coordination between Home and Grid Energy Management Systems

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Kohei Mori, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Hiroshi Asano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Akihiko Kawashima, Shinkichi Inagaki, Tatsuya Suzuki

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   10 ( 3 ) 3186 - 3197  2018年03月  [査読有り]



  • Method for determining voltage control parameters of low-voltage regulator using forecast interval of photovoltaic output

    Masaya Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kikusato, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Nao Kumekawa, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Noriyuki Motegi, Yusuke Yamashita

    2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings   2018-January   1 - 6  2018年01月


    © 2017 IEEE. A low-voltage regulator (LVR) is investigated as a countermeasure for voltage violation caused by the integration of photovoltaic (PV) systems in distribution systems. To achieve appropriate voltage control by the LVR, the appropriate control parameters need to be determined. We have proposed schemes to determine the appropriate control parameters using PV forecast profiles. In a previous work, the control parameters were determined on the basis of one-scenario PV forecast, which derives one forecast value in each time step. However, voltage violation could not be avoided by this method in a time step with a large forecast error. In this paper, we propose a method for determining the voltage control parameters of the LVR based on the forecast interval of the PV outputs to quantitatively consider the PV forecast error. The numerical simulation results show that the proposed method can reduce the amount of voltage deviation compared with the conventional method.



  • 需要家設備の負荷調整力を最大化するEMS技術の制御理論的考察

    飯野 穣, 小林 延久, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   61   436 - 439  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • Operation method for self-consumption of surplus power considering thermal comfort in a zero energy house

    Yugo Tsuneoka, Yuka Maruyama, Tianshu Xu, Maho Ichikawa, Junta Fujisawa, Shin-Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018    2018年


    Future declines in the selling price of surplus electric power, and the cost of PV systems and storage batteries are expected. Autonomous operations like self-consumption of surplus electric power may, therefore, become cost-effective. In addition, self-consumption may reduce excessive power backflow, which can reduce the power generation efficiency in cities. Both energy savings and improvements to thermal comfort are important to support the spread of zero energy houses (ZEH). This study aims to understand the utility of autonomous operations. Through measurements and simulations, we show that thermal comfort is improved, and peak load reduced by precooling. In addition, we show that using a heat pump water heater during the day is efficient. We proposed different combinations of PV systems and storage capacity for different regions and household composition and confirmed their economic efficiency. Finally, we confirmed the possibility that using surplus electric power can improve quality of life during low load periods.

  • Verification of thermal comfort and PV generation self-consumption operation effect under precooling operation

    Jungmin Kim, Tianshu Xu, Yuka Maruyama, Yugo Tsuneoka, Shingo Yamaguchi, Shin-Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naomi Morito

    15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018    2018年


    Because of the promotion of renewable energy in Japan, it is expected that house with solar panels installed will be approximately 7.5 million in 2030. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the precooling operation. To this end, we measured indoor environmental factors, energy consumption, and skin surface temperature and heat loss using a thermal manikin under four conditions with different air conditioning operations in a zero-energy house. As a result, we found that a 6-h precooling operation is more effective than a 3-h precooling operation, and the radiant cooling system is more effective than the air conditioner to increase the photovoltaic (PV) generation self-consumption and to decrease the sales power from PV generation. Furthermore, we learned that the heat loss of the radiant cooling system was less than that of the convection cooling system (air conditioner).


    Mikami Taichi, Yoshizawa Shinya, Matsuda Yoshitatsu, Fujimoto Yu, Hayashi Yasuhiro

    Grand Renewable Energy proceedings   1   305  2018年


    Under the large penetration of photovoltaic systems, the voltage control in a distribution system will contain a difficulty due to the fluctuated reverse power flow, so that the appropriate deployment of voltage regulators is required to suppress the voltage violation. However, derivation of an appropriate long-term deployment plan of voltage regulators is a difficult task because of the uncertainties in spatial-temporal penetration scenario of the photovoltaics systems connected to the distribution system. This paper focuses on a simple approach for deploying step voltage regulators considering uncertainties in penetration transition of photovoltaic systems in order to discuss the necessity of long-term plan. The impact of long-term deployment plans is evaluated by numerical experiments.

    DOI CiNii

  • Proposal and evaluation of determination method for multi-objective dispatch of frequency control generators output to compensate renewable energy systems fluctuation in multi area system operation

    Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Nonaka

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   138 ( 4 ) 265 - 274  2018年


    Recently, a multi area system operation utilized a tie-line has been verified to resolve a shortage of a control capacity of frequency control generators output due to a widespread penetration of renewable energy systems (RES). In order to determine the proper dispatch of the generators output to compensate RES fluctuation in the multi area system operation, the power system operators should consider power flow constrains and indexes of power system conditions such as the speed of dispatch, the balance of reserved control capacity in each area and the stability of power supply. In this paper, we propose a methodology to determine multi-objective dispatch candidates of frequency control generators output to compensate RES fluctuation in multi area system operation considering three indexes, a speed of dispatch, a reserved control capacity and a transient stability based on OPF and MOPSO. The methods determine the dispatch based on Euclidean norm of the indexes in the calculated candidates in order to consider all indexes well-balanced. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is verified by a numerical simulation used IEEJ EAST 30-machine system model with much RES, and the effectiveness of the dispatch minimized Euclidean norm is confirmed by comparison to single-objective solution in each index among the calculated candidates.



  • Evaluation of Voltage Regulation Functions of Smart Inverters Based on Penetration Level and Curtailment in Photovoltaic Systems

    Yuta Takasawa, Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi



    In this study, we evaluate the Volt-VAR and Volt-VAR-Watt functions of smart inverters based on the PV penetration level (PVPL) and the photovoltaic (PV) curtailment. The Volt-VAR and Volt-VAR-Watt functions are compared with the optimal control parameters that maintain the distributed network voltage within an admissible range and minimize PV curtailment. The study results at each PVPL (0-100%) with a typical distribution network model highlight the following points within our conditions. (1) Optimal control parameters vary with the PVPL and two weather conditions; (2) The maximum PVPL does not reach 100% with the Volt-VAR function, whereas the Volt-VAR-Watt function enables the maximum PVPL to reach 100%; and (3) the Volt-VAR-Watt function curtails PV generation, and the average ratio of PV curtailment on cloudy and sunny days is about 12.1% and 0.16%, respectively.

  • Asynchronous ADMM HEMS aggregation scheme in smart grid

    Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2018 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems    2018年


    © 2018 University of Minho. All rights reserved. There is a high demand that aggregating Home Energy Management System (HEMS) as demand response service. Aggregation scheme is divided into the centralized and decentralized approach. On the one hand, in a centralized fashion, a controller manages all device. On the other hand, in a decentralized fashion, a local controller manages own devices and exchanges information for achieving the global optimum. Our previous work has proposed decentralized HEMS aggregation with Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to address scalability and privacy issue. The main idea of this method is that we decompose the large-scale aggregated scheduling problem into individual HEMS scheduling problem by introducing local upper limit which stands for the maximum purchasable electricity from an electrical grid. This article reports that we extend the previous decentralized HEM method to asynchronous fashion in order to improve convergence time efficiency from the practical implementation perspective. We propose the waiting ratio which represents the minimum HEMS number for updating the next local upper limit. We also evaluate the algorithm processing time with changing waiting ratio and the number of households. As a result, it is confirmed that though the result shows 53% of acceleration at the most accompanied by barely 2% increase cost, the asynchronous process does not always accelerate the processing time. It may be reasonable to suppose that the degree of acceleration is decreased, as the degree of asynchrony increases, because iteration number until fulfilling converging criteria is increased.

  • Stochastic receding horizon control minimizing mean-variance with demand forecasting for home EMSs

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy and Buildings, Vol.158, 1   158 ( 1 ) 1632 - 1639  2018年01月  [査読有り]



  • An evaluation of economical capacity of storage battery equipped with residential PV system and reverse power flow pattern

    Yabe, Kuniaki, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   138 ( 2 ) 175 - 182  2018年01月


    © 2018 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. This paper presents an evaluation of economical capacity of storage batteries equipped with residential PV systems. In around 2019, many of power companies' ten-year contracts with PV system owners will come to expire, pushing down the selling price of PV generated energy. This, if combined with a declining battery price, would make it more economical to self-consume PV generated energy than selling the electricity to the utilities. The authors explore the optimized storage battery capacity and charge-discharge pattern by using load and PV output data of 200 houses, and by linear programming. Results show 5.8 kWh battery is suitable for an average house with 4.5 kW PV system when the battery system price is about Y60,000/kWh. The authors analyze the daily storage start timing's impact on reverse power which affects power system operation, the optimum combination of PV and battery capacity, and each house's deciding factors for optimum storage capacity and so on.



  • Distributed energy management for comprehensive utilization of residential photovoltaic outputs

    Fujimoto, Yu, Kikusato, Hiroshi, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Kawano, Shunsuke, Yoshida, Akira, Wakao, Shinji, Murata, Noboru, Amano, Yoshiharu, Tanabe, Shin Ichi, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   9 ( 2 ) 1216 - 1227  2018年01月


    © 2016 IEEE. The introduction of photovoltaic power systems is being significantly promoted. This paper proposes the implementation of a distributed energy management framework linking demand-side management systems and supply-side management system under the given time-of-use pricing program for efficient utilization of photovoltaic power outputs; each system implements a consistent management flow composed of forecasting, operation planning, and control steps. In our framework, demand-side systems distributed in the electric distribution network manage individual energy consumption to reduce the residential operating cost by utilizing the residential photovoltaic power system and controllable energy appliances so as not to inconvenience residents. On the other hand, the supply-side system utilizes photovoltaic power maximally while maintaining the quality of electric power. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is evaluated on the basis of an actual Japanese distribution network simulation model from both the supply-side and demand-side viewpoints.



  • 自立的運用を目指した既存改修型ゼロ・エネルギーハウスの提案と実証評価 その2 設備・制御計画とエネルギーに関する冬季実測結果

    大木 玲奈, 田辺 新一, 秋元 孝之, 林 泰弘, 常岡 優吾, 若尾 真治, 廣川 由樹, 山口 真吾, 菅野 颯馬, 中川 純, 渡辺 直哉, 小林 達宏

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 189 - 192  2018年  [査読有り]



    DOI CiNii

  • Prevention of Output Suppression through Heat Pump Water Heaters for High-Penetration Residential PV Systems for Long-Term Operation

    Yusuke Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 135 (7)   135 ( 7 ) 423 - 436  2017年11月  [査読有り]


    There is a danger of output suppression of high-penetration residential PV systems due to voltage increase. It is necessary to install new technology to prevent the occurrence of such phenomenon. Therefore, we focused our attention on heat pump water heaters (HPWHs). HPWHs are usually used to heat water during night time because electricity prices are cheaper than during the daytime for the load leveling in Japan. So they can be used as a countermeasure without additional cost if they are operated during the daytime. However, HPWHs do not have sufficient capacity to absorb inverse energy at each residence. Thus HPWH operation must be optimized to minimize output suppression loss. In this research, we selected four typical sunny days in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The optimal HPWH operation was calculated by numerical simulation. The optimal monthly HPWH operation was investigated using the weather forecast assuming actual operation in each season.

    DOI CiNii


  • Prevention of Output Suppression through Heat Pump Water Heaters for High-Penetration Residential PV Systems for Long-Term Operation

    Yusuke Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 135 (7)   135 ( 7 )  2017年11月  [査読有り]

  • Voltage and energy loss assessment for systems with smart inverter functions of rooftop solar

    Dao, Van Tu, Ishii, Hideo, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    ECTI-CON 2017 - 2017 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology     159 - 162  2017年11月


    © 2017 IEEE. In order to coordinate controlling devices of utilities in medium-voltage networks with large-scale photovoltaic (PV) inverters, a revelation of clustered impacts of rooftop solar panels in PV dominated low-voltage networks is necessary. This paper first investigates impacts of smart functions on system performance if they are installed in rooftop solar inverters. An optimization is then formulated based on conflicts that have been revealed. Through simulations in a typical Japan low-voltage system with real data, investigation and optimization results show that optimal inverter settings for rooftop solar are feasible and they could help improve system performance.



  • Electricity adjustment for capacity market auction by a district heating and cooling system

    Ito, Masakazu, Takano, Akihisa, Shinji, Takao, Yagi, Takahiro, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Applied Energy   206   623 - 633  2017年11月


    © 2017 The Authors Power grids connected to renewable energy sources must cope with fluctuating output by those sources. One method to do so is for the power grid company to accept bids to increase grid stability. These bids are accepted via capacity market auction of increasing grid stability. These offers are to increase the maximum power capacity by using power stations (both utility and non-utility stations) and by reducing electricity consumption via demand response. One candidate for achieving this is a district heating and cooling (DHC) system installed with combined heat and power. However, the electricity adjustment (EA) operation needed by the DHC for the auction is complicated because the system consists of boilers, water heaters, chillers, generators, and other items. To investigate the possibility of using DHC systems for capacity market auctions, this paper proposes two models for operating a DHC system: electricity-adjustment capacity (EAC) provision and EA operation. In addition, to develop methods for evaluating the cost of the proposed operational methods, a model DHC system is formulated with an actual DHC system as a basis. Using the models, numerical simulations are conducted by particle swarm optimization. Then, the running costs of EAC, EA, and normal operation are calculated. The results show that the running costs of the proposed operations are relatively stable by day and season, not varying beyond the range of ±10%. Nevertheless, the running costs in spring and fall are be lower than those in summer and winter. The cost of providing EAC is no more than 1% the cost of normal operation, and the cost of EA itself is no more than 2% that of normal operation.



  • Prevention of Output Suppression through Heat Pump Water Heaters for High-Penetration Residential PV Systems for Long-Term Operation

    Miyamoto, Yusuke, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)   201 ( 2 ) 32 - 48  2017年11月


    © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. There is a danger of output suppression of high-penetration residential photovoltaic systems due to voltage increase. It is necessa1ry to install new technology to prevent the occurrence of such phenomenon. Therefore, we focused our attention on heat-pump water heaters (HPWHs). HPWHs are usually used to heat water during nighttime because electricity prices are cheaper than during the daytime for the load leveling in Japan. So they can be used as a countermeasure without additional cost if they are operated during the daytime. However, HPWHs do not have sufficient capacity to absorb inverse energy at each residence. Thus, HPWH operation must be optimized to minimize output suppression loss. In this research, we selected four typical sunny days in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The optimal HPWH operation was calculated by numerical simulation. The optimal monthly HPWH operation was investigated using the weather forecast assuming actual operation in each season.



  • Basic study on application of real-time satellite-observed solar radiation data for centralized voltage control in distribution networks with PVs

    Shunsuke Kawano, Kohei Murakami, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2017   2017-  2017年10月


    This paper presents an enhanced centralized voltage control method utilizing real-time satellite-observed solar radiation data for distribution networks with PVs. Conventional centralized voltage control methods cannot prevent voltage deviation between data acquisition periods when large voltage fluctuation occurs because of PV output fluctuation. This is because the tap positions are determined regardless of PV output although there is few risk of large voltage rise/drop when PV generates full/no power. The proposed method forecasts voltage fluctuation width by utilizing the real time solar radiation data, which are acquired every 30 minutes at grid points with a 1 km resolution, and determines tap positions of an on-load tap changer and step voltage regulators to maximize the minimum voltage margin between the forecasted voltage and the voltage limits. The numerical simulation utilizing actual measured PV output profile and solar radiation data will show that the proposed method enhanced the voltage control effectiveness.



  • Development of prediction-based operation planning method for domestic air-conditioner with adaptive learning of installation environment

    Ryoichi Kuroha, Yu Fujimoto, Wataru Hirohashi, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2017    2017年10月


    © 2017 IEEE. The world is more aware of the need for saving energy because of increasing world energy consumption and environmental problems. To promote saving energy in the domestic field, the use of home energy management systems (HEMSs) is rapidly spreading. The HEMS which has automatically controlling function can control domestic electrical appliances including air-conditioners (ACs). In this research, we focus on AC operation plans to improve thermal comfort and reduce electricity costs for residents. However, AC control planning is generally a difficult task because the operation results greatly depend on the environmental characteristics in which the HEMS is installed. To solve this problem, we proposed an AC planning method that accounts for environmental characteristics and uncertainty in prediction by using historical data.



  • Forecast of Infrequent Wind Power Ramps Based on Data Sampling Strategy

    Yuka Takahashi, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy Procedia, Vol.135   135  2017年10月  [査読有り]

  • Optimal allocation of photovoltaic systems and energy storage systems considering constraints of both transmission and distribution systems

    Konishi, Ryusuke, Konishi, Ryusuke, Takenobu, Yuji, Takenobu, Yuji, Takahashi, Masaki, Takahashi, Masaki, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2017    2017年10月


    © 2017 IEEE. As more photovoltaic systems (PVs) are allocated to both transmission and distribution systems, it has been required to consider constraints of both transmission and distribution systems, such as power shortages and surpluses in transmission systems and voltages and current in distribution systems. This research proposes the framework to consider these constraints, and formulates the optimal allocation of PVs and energy storage systems (ESSs) to prevent the violation of the above constraints.



  • Energy disaggregation based on semi-supervised matrix factorization using feedback information from consumers

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Masako Matsumoto, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings   2018-   1 - 6  2017年07月


    Visualizations that depict a consumer's utilization of domestic appliances aid them in effectively thinking about energy conservation. Energy disaggregation aims to break down the total power consumed into the amount consumed by each individual appliance through the use of a single smart meter. This estimation technique provides detailed information about energy consumption and is cheaper than techniques that directly measure each appliance. In order to improve the accuracy of disaggregation, we utilize the consumer feedback information without placing any special burden on the consumer. We propose a semi-supervised shift-invariant weighted non-negative matrix factorization method with auxiliary feedback that records the on or off status of each individual appliance. The experimental results obtained by applying our proposed method to household datasets show that our proposed method and the associated auxiliary information generated contribute to the improvement of the disaggregation accuracy.



  • Feature extraction of numerical weather prediction results toward reliable wind power prediction

    Kazutoshi Higashiyama, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings   2018-   1 - 6  2017年07月


    Wind power prediction is necessary for stable operation of a power grid under the introduction of significant wind power generation. Wind power prediction approaches based on the results of numerical weather prediction (NWP) have been developed successfully in recent years. However, the high dimensionality of NWP results can be a major obstacle when training models. This paper proposes a feature extraction scheme based on convolutional neural networks to compress high-dimensional NWP results by deriving critically important low-dimensional information for wind power prediction. The experimental results show that the proposed feature extractor can contribute to the improvement of wind power prediction accuracy.



  • Voltage Control Method Utilizing Solar Radiation Data in High Spatial Resolution for Service Restoration in Distribution Networks with PV

    Kawano, Shunsuke, Fujimoto, Yu, Wakao, Shinji, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Takenaka, Hideaki, Irie, Hitoshi, Nakajima, Takashi Y

    Journal of Energy Engineering   143 ( 3 )  2017年06月


    © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers. This paper proposes a voltage control method during service restoration in the distribution networks with photovoltaic (PV) generator systems. In the current distribution automation system (DAS) process in Japan, voltage dips and surges occur during service restoration because PVs are disconnected simultaneously after a fault and subsequently reconnected after service restoration. However, in the current DAS, voltage regulators such as an on-load tap changer (OLTC) and step voltage regulators (SVRs) are not controlled during service restoration. The proposed DAS estimates the voltage in a distribution network during service restoration, and it controls the tap position of OLTC and/or SVRs according to the predicted voltage. The numerical simulation results using a real-world distribution system model on a real map and PV output profiles derived by actual square kilometer solar radiation data will be shown. Those results indicate that the proposed DAS prevents voltage deviation that occurs as long as the current DAS is used. The results also show high spatial resolution PV output data are needed to prevent voltage deviation absolutely.



  • Control methods for an energy storage system when wind power output deviates from grid code

    Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Masataka Mitsuoka, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi



    Because of the rapid growth of wind power, an electric grid company set the maximum change rate in a time window to share its fluctuation; this set maximum change rate in a time window is called the grid code. Large fluctuations of wind power may cause deviation from the grid code, but no studies discuss how to control an energy storage system (ESS) so that it quickly goes back to satisfying the grid code. The authors proposed three control methods for an ESS when the wind power output deviates; they are (1) ‘restart’, (2) ‘continuance without operation’, and (3) ‘continuance with operation’. One year numerical simulations with two types of grid codes and two wind power output data have been performed to evaluate the methods. From the studies, control method (3) is found to be the best control method for an ESS to minimize capacity when the wind power output deviates from the grid code, and is verified by the numerical simulations. These results help to answer questions on how to reduce deviation time and ESS capacity using the control method when the wind power output deviates from the grid code.


  • Optimal coordination of voltage controllable devices in distribution systems using power-based models and quadratic programming

    Van Dao, Tu, Chaitusaney, Surachai, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Ishii, Hideo

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   12   S54 - S64  2017年06月


    © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The incorporation of photovoltaic (PV) inverters makes the management of voltage difficult for power system operators. One solution is to consider these inverter-based devices as controllable reactive power (VAr) sources and to coordinate them with other voltage regulating devices in the distribution system. This paper proposes some acceptable approximations to quickly formulate and solve a mixed-integer quadratic programming problem to periodically determine the optimal voltage coordination of a load tap changer, voltage regulators, capacitor banks, and PVs on a smart grid platform. The solution to the optimization problem is aided by an iteration-based algorithm. By using the MATLAB software to carry out the simulation and computation, the method is well verified by comparing its generated result with a trustworthy solution obtained from examining all possible coordinating combinations of voltage regulating devices and PVs in a modified IEEE 34-bus system. The effectiveness and features of the method are clearly illustrated on that test system by considering a time-varying load and PV generation. The obtained results demonstrate the practical application of this work to medium-voltage systems. © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



  • Coordinated voltage control of load tap changers in distribution networks with photovoltaic system

    Kikusato, Hiroshi, Kobayashi, Masaya, Yoshinaga, Jun, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Kusagawa, Shinichi, Motegi, Noriyuki

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe    2017年02月


    © 2016 IEEE. Maintaining voltage levels in distribution networks (DNs) with photovoltaic systems (PVs) is a complicated task for conventional voltage control schemes that only use a load ratio control transformer (LRT) and step voltage regulators (SVRs), because of local voltage fluctuation caused by the introduction of PVs. This paper proposes a coordinated voltage control scheme consisting of multiple kinds of load tap changers (LTCs). The proposed scheme determines the location at which to introduce low-voltage regulators (LVRs) and provides control parameters for the LTCs by considering the behavior of the other LTCs. We carried out numerical simulations using a DN model including PVs to verify the validity of the proposed scheme. The results specify the characteristics of the voltage deviation that cannot be prevented by a conventional voltage control scheme, and the proposed scheme significantly reduces such local voltage deviation.



  • Stochastic model predictive control of residential fuel cell cogeneration unit with periodic forecast update for distributed architecture

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017    2017年


    © 2017 IMEKO As communication standard, such as SEP 2.0 and ECHONET Lite, for digital communication of home appliances has been established, the research of networked control system is progressing in the domain of residential house. Instead of building new power station to fulfil new electricity requirement, such as electric vehicle charging, the concept, that an aggregator coordinates massive amount of home energy management system (HEMS) to supply negawatt power, is proposed. The aggregator requires to manipulate electricity consumption through massive amount of HMES as networked control system. As fundamental study for control algorithm of distributed architecture, this paper constructed one of the networked supervisory control system formulated as stochastic model predictive control scheme, and analysed primary energy consumption sensitivity against update interval of energy demand forecasting and operational strategy in addition to changing number of scenarios. The mainly results are concluded that: as the energy saving ratio in the case of 6 hours update interval has enough high point, which is 9.5% in comparison with the case of 24 hours update interval, the stochastic model predictive control scheme proposed in the case using six scenarios can downsample until 6 hours update interval.

  • Deployment of low-voltage regulator considering existing voltage control in medium-voltage distribution systems

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    Journal of Internatinal Council on Electrical Engineering (JICEE), Vol.6, No.1   6 ( 1 )  2016年12月  [査読有り]

  • Upgrading Voltage Control Method Based on Photovoltaic Penetration Rate

    Satoru Akagi, Ryo Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Masakazu Ito, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, VOL.9, No.5   9 ( 5 )  2016年12月  [査読有り]

  • ゼロエネルギーハウスの設計・建設と四季の計測-早稲田大学『Nobi-Nobi HOUSE~重ね着するすまい』-

    長澤 夏子, 渋谷 彩音, 松永 知大, 田辺 新一, 古谷 誠章, 渡辺 直哉, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘

    日本建築学会技術報告集、第22巻、第52号   22 ( 52 ) 1049 - 1052  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    Waseda University and various enterprises proposed a Zero-Energy-House(ZEH) called &ldquo;Nobi-Nobi HOUSE&rdquo; in ENEMANEHOUSE2014. In this ZEH, we carried out a design for the ZEH technology, and was build in Tokyo at January 2014. After the relocated in Shizuoka, it was measured every four seasons in energy consumption, electric-generating capacity and indoor environment. This report shows design of &ldquo;Nobi-Nobi HOUSE&rdquo; for ZEH and result of measurement.

    DOI CiNii


  • Design and construction of zero energy house: - Waseda University "Nobi-Nobi HOUSE"

    Nagasawa, Natsuko, Shibutani, Ayane, Matsunaga, Tomohiro, Tanabe, Shin Ichi, Furuya, Nobuaki, Watanabe, Naoya, Hirohashi, Wataru, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   22 ( 52 ) 1049 - 1052  2016年10月


    Waseda University and various enterprises proposed a Zero-Energy-House(ZEH) called "Nobi-Nobi HOUSE" in ENEMANEHOUSE2014. In this ZEH, we carried out a design for the ZEH technology, and was build in Tokyo at January 2014. After the relocated in Shizuoka, it was measured every four seasons in energy consumption, electric-generating capacity and indoor environment. This report shows design of "Nobi-Nobi HOUSE" for ZEH and result of measurement.

    DOI CiNii


  • Coordinated Voltage Control of Load Tap Changers in Distriution Networks with Photovoltaic System

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Masaya Kobayashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe     1 - 6  2016年10月


    Maintaining voltage levels in distribution networks
    (DNs) with photovoltaic systems (PVs) is a complicated task for
    conventional voltage control schemes that only use a load ratio
    control transformer (LRT) and step voltage regulators (SVRs),
    because of local voltage fluctuation caused by the introduction of
    PVs. This paper proposes a coordinated voltage control scheme
    consisting of multiple kinds of load tap changers (LTCs). The
    proposed scheme determines the location at which to introduce
    low-voltage regulators (LVRs) and provides control parameters
    for the LTCs by considering the behavior of the other LTCs. We
    carried out numerical simulations using a DN model including
    PVs to verify the validity of the proposed scheme. The results
    specify the characteristics of the voltage deviation that cannot be
    prevented by a conventional voltage control scheme, and the
    proposed scheme significantly reduces such local voltage

  • Maximizing hosting capacity of distributed generation by network reconfiguration in distribution system

    Takenobu, Yuji, Kawano, Shunsuke, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Yasuda, Norihito, Minato, Shin Ichi

    19th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2016    2016年08月


    © 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference.The maximization of distributed generation (DG) hosting capacity that takes into account network configuration is a complex, non-linear combinatorial optimization problem. The search space of the configurations becomes massively large in practical-size networks with several hundreds of switches. For this reason, no existing method can handle such large-scale networks. In this paper, we propose a novel exact solution method. Our method consists of two stages. In the first stage, the method divides the entire problem into a set of small subproblems. In the second stage, it converts all subproblems into a compressed data structure called a zero-suppressed binary decision diagram (ZDD), which expresses the combinatorial sets compactly. The proposed method avoids any combinatorial explosion by using the ZDD to enable operations of the weighted combinatorial item sets. We conducted experiments on a large-scale network with 235 switches. As a result, our method obtained the global optimal solution in 49 hours.



  • Method for enumerating feasible LDC parameters for OLTC and SVR in distribution networks

    Kawano, Shunsuke, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid, IGBSG 2016     207 - 211  2016年08月


    © 2016 IEEE.This paper presents a method for enumerating the feasible load drop compensator (LDC) parameters of on-load tap changer (OLTC) and step voltage regulators (SVRs) in distribution networks utilizing data acquired by SCADA. Deriving the feasible combinations of LDC parameters is becoming important because voltage control is becoming difficult due to the introduction of photovoltaic generation systems, and the voltage control effectiveness of OLTC and SVRs depends on their three LDC parameters: the target voltage, the dead-band, and the impedance. However, an exhaustive search takes a lot of time and heuristics or metaheuristics provide no guarantee on the quality of the solution. The proposed method derives all the feasible LDC parameters, with which tap operation keeping voltage within the proper range is performed, within practical time. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the numerical simulation results of the proposed method will be compared with those of the metaheuristics.



  • Detection of Cyber Attacks Against Voltage Control in Distribution Power Grids With PVs

    Yasunori Isozaki, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Hideaki Ishii, Isao Ono, Takashi Onoda, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol.7, No.4   7 ( 4 ) 842 - 847  2016年07月  [査読有り]

  • Centralized voltage control method using voltage forecasting by JIT modeling in distribution networks

    Kawano, Shunsuke, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference   2016-July  2016年07月


    © 2016 IEEE.This paper presents an enhanced centralized voltage control method of on-load tap changer (OLTC) and step voltage regulators (SVRs) in distribution systems with photovoltaic (PV) and evaluates its effectiveness. A conventional centralized voltage control is effective when its data acquisition period is short because tap operations of OLTC and SVRs are performed after the voltage values in the distribution lines are acquired. However, in distribution systems with high penetration rate of PVs, voltage deviation occurs between the data acquisition intervals because the tap positions can be changed only at the timing when the data are acquired. The proposed centralized voltage control method forecasts voltage fluctuation between the data acquisition intervals and changes to the tap position which maximizes the minimum voltage margin from the voltage limits. The numerical simulation results will be shown to compare the voltage control effectiveness of the proposed method with that of the conventional method.



  • Detection of Cyber Attacks Against Voltage Control in Distribution Power Grids with PVs

    Isozaki, Yasunori, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Fujimoto, Yu, Ishii, Hideaki, Ono, Isao, Onoda, Takashi, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   7 ( 4 ) 1824 - 1835  2016年07月


    © 2010-2012 IEEE.In this paper, we consider the impact of cyber attacks on voltage regulation in distribution systems when a number of photovoltaic (PV) systems are connected. We employ a centralized control scheme that utilizes voltage measurements from sectionizing switches equipped with sensors. It is demonstrated that if measurements are falsified by an attacker, voltage violation can occur in the system. However, by equipping the control with a detection algorithm, we verify that the damage can be limited especially when the number of attacked sensors is small through theoretical analysis and simulation case studies. In addition, studies are made on attacks which attempt to reduce the output power at PV systems equipped with overvoltage protection functions. Further discussion is provided on how to enhance the security level of the proposed algorithm.



  • Evaluation of Coordinated Energy Management System for Grid and Home in Distribution System with PVs

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Akira Yoshida, Shunsuke Kawano, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   6 ( 1 ) 126 - 133  2016年06月  [査読有り]


  • Robust Operation Planning Method for Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in a Collective Housing with Electric Power Interchange System Considering Uncertainty in Demand Forecast

    Runa Kato, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   136 ( 6 ) 528 - 536  2016年06月  [査読有り]


    The subject of this study is to propose a power interchange system in a collective housing with residential solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and a robust operation planning method for integrated SOFCs against uncertain energy demand forecast. In this method, the future operation plan for multiple SOFCs is optimized and determined to minimize the expected total primary energy consumption in the collective housing considering uncertainty in demand forecast. If the forecast energy demand includes forecast errors, the result of SOFCs operation will corrupt from the viewpoint of the primary energy consumption. Thus, the output decision problem for SOFCs is formulated by considering the corruption caused by forecast errors, so that the decided SOFC outputs have the robustness against uncertainty in demand forecast. The validity of the proposed method is examined based on numerical simulations from the perspective of the robustness.



  • Robust Operation Planning Method for Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in a Collective Housing with Electric Power Interchange System Considering Uncertainty in Demand Forecast

    Runa Kato, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   136 ( 6 ) 528 - 536  2016年06月  [査読有り]


    The subject of this study is to propose a power interchange system in a collective housing with residential solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and a robust operation planning method for integrated SOFCs against uncertain energy demand forecast. In this method, the future operation plan for multiple SOFCs is optimized and determined to minimize the expected total primary energy consumption in the collective housing considering uncertainty in demand forecast. If the forecast energy demand includes forecast errors, the result of SOFCs operation will corrupt from the viewpoint of the primary energy consumption. Thus, the output decision problem for SOFCs is formulated by considering the corruption caused by forecast errors, so that the decided SOFC outputs have the robustness against uncertainty in demand forecast. The validity of the proposed method is examined based on numerical simulations from the perspective of the robustness.

  • Capacity Determination of a Battery Energy Storage System based on the Control Performance of Load Leveling and Voltage Control

    Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Jun Yoshinaga, Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takashi Yano, Hideaki Nakahata, Toshiya Hisada, Xuax Mai Tran

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   6 ( 1 ) 94 - 101  2016年05月  [査読有り]


  • Estimation Prediction Interval of Solar Irradiance Based on Just-in-Time Modeling for Photovoltaic Output Prediction

    Yamazaki, Tomohide, Yamazaki, Tomohide, Homma, Hayato, Homma, Hayato, Wakao, Shinji, Wakao, Shinji, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)   195 ( 3 ) 1 - 10  2016年05月


    © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Photovoltaic (PV) systems have recently attracted considerable attention in the context of environmental problems, antinuclear power movements, and energy problems. Therefore, the large-scale introduction of PV systems is expected in the near future. But the connection of many PV systems to the power system leads to problems. For example, the system voltage often drifts from the norm when reverse power flows increase. Accordingly, optimal system operation is required in order to make maximum use of solar energy to the maximum by installing energy buffers such as storage batteries. In particular, in forecast information, knowledge of the reliability as well as the predicted solar irradiance is essential for effective operation. In this paper, we propose a way of estimating the prediction interval of solar irradiance as an index of reliability by using just-in-time modeling. We consider the accuracy of the prediction interval under many conditions and derive a high-precision estimation method. In addition, we also discuss about the future subjects of study.



  • Experimental Demonstration of Smart Charging and Vehicle-to-Home Technologies for Plugin Electric Vehicles Coordinated with Home Energy Management Systems for Automated Demand Response

    Takayuki Shimizu, Tomoya Ono, Wataru Hirohashi, Kunihiko Kumita, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems, 9 (2)   9 ( 2 )  2016年04月  [査読有り]

  • Generating Synthetic Profiles of Onshore Wind Power for Power Flow Simulation on Power System

    Yu Fujimoto, Seigo Furuya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Tetsuya Osaka

    Journal of Energy Engineering    2016年03月

  • 家庭用蓄電池とヒートポンプ給湯器による多数台太陽光発電 システムの電気料金改善効果

    宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門)   136 ( 3 ) 245 - 258  2016年03月  [査読有り]


    Recently home energy management system (HEMS) has been spread due to increase in awareness of save energy after Great East Japan Earthquake. HEMS consists of photovoltaic power system (PV), battery energy storage system (BESS) and heat pump water heater (HPWH), etc. Residential PV implementation rate has been increasing due to feed in tariff from 2009. So there is a danger of output suppression loss due to voltage increase on a distribution line due to reverse power flow from each residential PV. So we try to study how to reduce output suppression loss using BESS and HPWH optimally. One of the main purpose to implement BESS and HPWH is for economy using the difference in electricity charges between during nighttime and daytime. So in this research, we optimize how to operate BESS and HPWH to improve the benefit of the electric power selling charges and electricity charges considering reduction of output suppression loss and the difference in electricity charges between during nighttime and daytime.

  • Cooperating Voltage Control Method between Battery Energy Storage System and LRT and SVR for Purpose of Expansion of PV Introduction

    Jun Yoshinaga, Satoru Akagi, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Kazunari Ishibashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   136 ( 3 ) 291 - 301  2016年03月


    Voltage deviation in distribution networks and photovoltaic (PV) output restriction, caused by a large amount of PV systems installation, have been issued recently. BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) is one of the solutions. However, the detailed evaluation of the voltage control effect of BESS has not been carried out, because its effect varies according to BESS placement, its output and configuration of distribution, etc. Therefore, the amount of PV introduction limits in several distribution networks were evaluated and effective BESS arrangement and output control were examined in this paper. The effectiveness of the proposed BESS cooperating voltage control method with LRT, SVR was verified using numerical simulation and experiment of distribution system simulator.

    DOI CiNii


  • Generating Synthetic Profiles of Onshore Wind Power for Power Flow Simulation on Power System

    Yu Fujimoto, Seigo Furuya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Tetsuya Osaka

    Journal of Energy Engineering   143 ( 3 )  2016年03月


    © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers. An increased penetration of wind energy into the power system will lead to instability of local voltage and global frequency in Japan. Power flow simulation is a powerful tool for understanding the electrical behavior in the power system caused by wind energy; however, plausible and various wind power profiles are required to perform a meaningful simulation to evaluate the effect of wind generators. This paper proposes a procedure of generating synthetic wind power profiles that involve the plausible short-term fluctuation for a power flow simulation based on the spatial kriging method and the bootstrap method.



  • ゼロ・エネルギー・ハウスの実現に向けた実証研究 (第1報)対象建物概要および導入設備概要

    石井 義章, 海野 玄陽, 林 泰弘, 広橋 亘, 加藤 駿, 竹中 大史, 都築 弘政, 原田 尚侑, 山口 莉加, 田辺 新一, 長澤 夏子, 渡辺 直哉

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2014   89 - 92  2016年



    DOI CiNii

  • デマンドレスポンスを考慮したスマートシティの電力シミュレーションモデルの開発 その1:住宅地域の電力シミュレーションモデルの開発及びデマンドレスポンスの効果検証

    竹中 大史, 江部 真里奈, 田辺 新一, 長澤 夏子, 林 泰弘

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2015   53 - 57  2016年



    DOI CiNii

  • スマートハウスにおける窓システムとエアコンの協調制御の評価

    江部 真里奈, 竹中 大史, 海野 玄陽, 田辺 新一, 庄司 智昭, 吉田 彬, 林 泰弘

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2014   185 - 188  2016年



    DOI CiNii

  • ECHONET Liteを用いた自動制御の提案

    中川 純, 宮嶋 裕基, 瀧本 晃裕, 光岡 正隆, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 田辺 新一

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2016   441 - 444  2016年


    <p>本研究では,ECHONET Lite機器内蔵センサーの室内環境自動制御への適用に着眼した.市販ECHONET Lite機器について,保有する複数機器に関して,実際にHEMSと通信させた上で,実装されているプロパティを調査し室内環境自動制御へ利用できる可能性のある情報が公開されている事が判明した.室内環境自動制御の指標として,過酷環境の検出について,検討を行い指針を提案した.次に、提案した指針を計算,機器を自動制御する仕組みを試実装し,動作の検証を行い,良好な結果を得た.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 分散協調EMS実現手法の創出に向けた汎用的な実証基盤の構築と活用

    藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    計測と制御   55 ( 7 ) 592 - 597  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 需要予測の不確実性を考慮した電力融通供給型集合住宅内SOFC群ロバスト統合運用計画決定手法

    加藤 瑠奈, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B   136 ( 6 ) 528 - 536  2016年


    The subject of this study is to propose a power interchange system in a collective housing with residential solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and a robust operation planning method for integrated SOFCs against uncertain energy demand forecast. In this method, the future operation plan for multiple SOFCs is optimized and determined to minimize the expected total primary energy consumption in the collective housing considering uncertainty in demand forecast. If the forecast energy demand includes forecast errors, the result of SOFCs operation will corrupt from the viewpoint of the primary energy consumption. Thus, the output decision problem for SOFCs is formulated by considering the corruption caused by forecast errors, so that the decided SOFC outputs have the robustness against uncertainty in demand forecast. The validity of the proposed method is examined based on numerical simulations from the perspective of the robustness.

  • デマンドレスポンス発動時の配電系統電圧変動問題と蓄電池とSVRの協調電圧制御手法

    吉永 淳, 赤木 覚, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘, 石橋 一成, 高橋 尚之

    電気学会論文誌. B   136 ( 4 ) 400 - 409  2016年


    Demand response can achieve peak-cut and peak-shift of the electric demand by delivering the load restraint of customers, based on Demand Response (DR) signal sent by an electric power company. However, the demand response restrains the load amount of many consumers simultaneously, so the voltage of the whole distribution system is greatly fluctuated depending on the distribution form such as line length, amount of load restraint, etc. Therefore, we propose the voltage control methods which can avoid voltage deviation in consideration of a time constant of demand response. Furthermore, we propose the BESS cooperating voltage control methods with LRT, SVR and verify the effectiveness using experiment of distribution system simulator.

    DOI CiNii


  • 家庭用蓄電池とヒートポンプ給湯器による多数台太陽光発電システムの電気料金改善効果

    宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B   136 ( 3 ) 245 - 258  2016年


    Recently home energy management system (HEMS) has been spread due to increase in awareness of save energy after Great East Japan Earthquake. HEMS consists of photovoltaic power system (PV), battery energy storage system (BESS) and heat pump water heater (HPWH), etc. Residential PV implementation rate has been increasing due to feed in tariff from 2009. So there is a danger of output suppression loss due to voltage increase on a distribution line due to reverse power flow from each residential PV. So we try to study how to reduce output suppression loss using BESS and HPWH optimally. One of the main purpose to implement BESS and HPWH is for economy using the difference in electricity charges between during nighttime and daytime. So in this research, we optimize how to operate BESS and HPWH to improve the benefit of the electric power selling charges and electricity charges considering reduction of output suppression loss and the difference in electricity charges between during nighttime and daytime.

  • PV導入量拡大を目的としたLRTおよびSVRと蓄電池による協調電圧制御手法

    吉永 淳, 赤木 覚, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘, 石橋 一成

    電気学会論文誌. B   136 ( 3 ) 291 - 301  2016年


    Voltage deviation in distribution networks and photovoltaic (PV) output restriction, caused by a large amount of PV systems installation, have been issued recently. BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) is one of the solutions. However, the detailed evaluation of the voltage control effect of BESS has not been carried out, because its effect varies according to BESS placement, its output and configuration of distribution, etc. Therefore, the amount of PV introduction limits in several distribution networks were evaluated and effective BESS arrangement and output control were examined in this paper. The effectiveness of the proposed BESS cooperating voltage control method with LRT, SVR was verified using numerical simulation and experiment of distribution system simulator.

    DOI CiNii


  • Evaluation of annual energy loss reduction based on reconfiguration scheduling

    Takenobu, Yuji, Yasuda, Norihito, Yasuda, Norihito, Kawano, Shunsuke, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Minato, Shin Ichi

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   PP ( 99 )  2016年01月


    © 2010-2012 IEEE.In distribution network management, switch reconfiguration is an important tool for reducing energy loss. Recently, a variety of annual reconfiguration planning methods considering energy loss have been studied. However, no conventional methods address the reconfiguration periods in fine granularity. Practically, switch durability does not support high-frequency switching. Therefore, this paper proposes a new optimization method for annual reconfiguration scheduling. This method determines switch configurations and their reconfiguration periods with a constraint on the permissible reconfiguration times. In addition, this paper reveals the annual energy loss reduction effect of this optimization. Our method is based on partial network optimization with exhaustive enumeration of all feasible configurations. Experiments were conducted using a standard Japanese distribution network model with 468 switches. The results show that optimizing the reconfiguration periods reduces energy loss by up to 2.1 times, relative to that in a simulated conventional operation, which considers reconfiguration at equal intervals. We believe that this is the first quantitative report to address the difference between optimal reconfiguration scheduling and conventional reconfiguration.



  • Energy disaggregation based on semi-binary NMF

    Matsumoto, Masako, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   9729   401 - 414  2016年01月


    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.The large-scale introduction of renewable energy resources will cause instability in the power supply. Residential energy management systems will be even more important in the near future. An important function of such systems is visualization of appliance-wise energy consumption; residents will be able to consciously avoid unnecessary consumption behavior. However, visualization requires sensors to measure appliance-wise energy consumption and is generally a costly task. In this paper, an unsupervised method for nonintrusive appliance load monitoring based on a semi-binary non-negative matrix factorization model is proposed. This framework utilizes the total power consumption patterns measured at the circuit breaker panel in a house, and derives disaggregated appliance-wise energy consumption. In the proposed approach, the energy consumption of individual appliances is estimated by considering the appliance-specific variances based on an aggregated energy consumption data set. The authors implement the proposed method and evaluate disaggregation accuracy using real world data sets.



  • Determination of the most suitable voltage control method depending on photovoltaic installation rate

    Akagi, Satoru, Takahashi, Ryo, Kaneko, Akihisa, Ito, Masakazu, Yoshinaga, Jun, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Konda, Hiromi

    Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC   2016-January  2016年01月


    © 2015 IEEE.In this study, we determine the suitable method and timing for the renewal of the voltage control method using voltage control performance evaluated by the maximum photovoltaic (PV) installation rate possible without voltage deviation. The voltage control method is renewed when the voltage of a distribution system deviates with an existing voltage control method. We determine the most suitable voltage control method, which extends the most PV systems, and define its renewal timing as the moment when the PV installation causes voltage deviation. For the renewal of the voltage control method, changing the control operation of a load ratio control transformer (LRT) and the additional installation of a static VAR compensator (SVC) are considered. A numerical simulation is performed to calculate the limit of PV installation rate of each voltage control method to determine the suitable one and its renewal timing.



  • Distributed Energy Management for Comprehensive Utilization of Residential Photovoltaic Outputs

    Yu Fujimoto, Hiroshi Kikusato, Shinya Yoshizawa, Shunsuke Kawano, Akira Yoshida, Shinji Wakao, Noboru Murata, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   PP ( 99 ) 1216 - 1227  2016年01月  [査読有り]


    The introduction of photovoltaic power systems is being significantly promoted. This paper proposes the implementation of a distributed energy management framework linking demand-side management systems and supply-side management system under the given time-of-use pricing program for efficient utilization of photovoltaic power outputs; each system implements a consistent management flow composed of forecasting, operation planning, and control steps. In our framework, demandside systems distributed in the electric distribution network manage individual energy consumption to reduce the residential operating cost by utilizing the residential photovoltaic power system and controllable energy appliances so as not to inconvenience residents. On the other hand, the supply-side system utilizes photovoltaic power maximally while maintaining the quality of electric power. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is evaluated on the basis of an actual Japanese distribution network simulation model from both the supply-side and demand-side viewpoints



  • Voltage fluctuation issue on distribution system at time of demand response and cooperating voltage control method between battery energy storage system and SVR

    Yoshinaga, Jun, Yoshinaga, Jun, Akagi, Satoru, Akagi, Satoru, Ito, Masakazu, Ito, Masakazu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Ishibashi, Kazunari, Takahasi, Naoyuki, Takahasi, Naoyuki

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   136 ( 4 ) 400 - 409  2016年01月


    © 2016 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Demand response can achieve peak-cut and peak-shift of the electric demand by delivering the load restraint of customers, based on Demand Response (DR) signal sent by an electric power company. However, the demand response restrains the load amount of many consumers simultaneously, so the voltage of the whole distribution system is greatly fluctuated depending on the distribution form such as line length, amount of load restraint, etc. Therefore, we propose the voltage control methods which can avoid voltage deviation in consideration of a time constant of demand response. Furthermore, we propose the BESS cooperating voltage control methods with LRT, SVR and verify the effectiveness using experiment of distribution system simulator.

    DOI CiNii


  • Study on business continuity capability by cooperative operation of photovotaic and battery energy storage system

    Maruyama, Hiroki, Ishii, Hideo, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Onojima, Hajime, Kojima, Yoshikane

    Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC   2016-January  2016年01月


    © 2015 IEEE. In this study, as a new index of facilities, business continuity capability on occasion of an energetically isolated operation, was defined and evaluated for the facility with a rich amount of resources such as private generators, a battery energy storage system and a PV generation system. A methodology was proposed to evaluate a duration during which the facility is self- sustaining regarding energy use. An effect of reducing the capacity of PV or battery was also examined.



  • Power and hour capacity requirement for an energy storage from grid codes

    Ito, Masakazu, Fujimoto, Yu, Mitsuoka, Masataka, Ishii, Hideo, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC   2016-January  2016年01月


    © 2015 IEEE. This paper studied power and hour capacity requirement for energy storage by two approaches. First one is evaluations without constrained condition of power and hour capacity with 80 sets of maximum ramp rates and time windows. And second one is evaluations with constrained condition of power and hour capacity for 2 grid codes (less than 0.1pu change of wind farm (WF) capacity in 20min time window, showing 0.1pu/20min in this paper, and 0.3pu/360min) to see details. The first evaluation in case of 3a resulted 1.0 pu power capacity (charge plus discharge capacity for all result) and 1.3 to 2.2 pu-h hour capacity are required to satisfy maximum ramp rate in time window of 0.1pu/20min. And 1.2 to 1.3 pu and 13 to 18 pu-h are required for 0.3pu/360min. And from the second evaluation in case of 3a, 0.7 to 0.8 pu power capacity and 1 to 2 pu-h for 0.1pu/20min and 1.0 pu and 10 to 15 pu-h are required for 0.3pu/360min. This paper provides relationship between maximum ramp rate in time windows and power and hour capacity requirement. The results help to answer questions whether power and hour capacity requirement satisfy grid codes with simple operating method of an energy storage system.



  • Effectiveness of improvement of benefit of the electric power selling charges and electricity charges using battery storage system and heat pump water heater for high penetration PV

    Miyamoto, Yusuke, Miyamoto, Yusuke, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   136 ( 3 ) 245 - 258  2016年01月


    © 2016 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Recently home energy management system (HEMS) has been spread due to increase in awareness of save energy after Great East Japan Earthquake. HEMS consists of photovoltaic power system (PV), battery energy storage system (BESS) and heat pump water heater (HPWH), etc. Residential PV implementation rate has been increasing due to feed in tariff from 2009. So there is a danger of output suppression loss due to voltage increase on a distribution line due to reverse power flow from each residential PV. So we try to study how to reduce output suppression loss using BESS and HPWH optimally. One of the main purpose to implement BESS and HPWH is for economy using the difference in electricity charges between during nighttime and daytime. So in this research, we optimize how to operate BESS and HPWH to improve the benefit of the electric power selling charges and electricity charges considering reduction of output suppression loss and the difference in electricity charges between during nighttime and daytime.

    DOI CiNii


  • Reproducing Statistical Property of Short-term Fluctuation in Wind Power Profiles

    Seigo Furuya, Yu Fujimoto, Noboru Murata, Yasuhiro Hayashi



    Unexpected fluctuation of wind power output will become serious problems from the viewpoint of stable supply for an electricity grid. Operating a battery system installed in the grid for mitigating the short-term fluctuation is one of the new approaches for grid stabilization. In this paper, we propose a method of generating synthetic wind power profiles with high temporal resolution for power flow simulation which aims to estimate the impact of wind power fluctuation and specify the required battery system. We numerically show the plausibility of the synthetic wind power profiles from the viewpoints of statistical properties. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.



  • Improvement of prediction interval estimation algorithm with just-in-time modeling for PV system operation

    Yamazaki, Tomohide, Yamazaki, Tomohide, Wakao, Shinji, Wakao, Shinji, Fujimoto, Yu, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2015    2015年12月


    © 2015 IEEE. Output of the photovoltaic (PV) system drastically fluctuates depending on weather conditions. Therefore users of PV systems should manage their energy usage with forecast information of the PV output. Due to the reasons above, we have developed an estimation method of X% prediction interval of solar irradiance. We have achieved a high-accuracy prediction interval for any prediction coefficient X%. However, we found that there are some errors in a case where the prediction coefficient is high. In this paper, we improve the estimation algorithm of the prediction interval.



  • Method for Determining Line Drop Compensator Control Parameters of Low-Voltage Regulator Using Random Forest

    Kikusato, Hiroshi, Takahashi, Naoyuki, Yoshinaga, Jun, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Kusagawa, Shinichi, Motegi, Noriyuki

    Mechanical and Electrical Technology VII   799   1299 - 1305  2015年11月


  • Personalized Energy Management System for Home Appliances Based on Bayesian Networks

    Tomoaki Shoji, Wataru Hirohashi, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, Vol.5, No.1   5 ( 1 )  2015年11月  [査読有り]

  • Islanding operation methods integrated with multiple power supplies and HEMS

    Yoshinaga, Jun, Hirohashi, Wataru, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Isoe, Yasuhito, Miyake, Jiro, Tsuchiya, Shizuo, Wada, Mikihiko

    Proceedings - 2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies, EDST 2015     436 - 441  2015年11月


    © 2015 IEEE. This paper investigates the operation of various possible standalone power supply configurations for smart houses with a view to preventing inconvenience to residents when blackouts occur. In smart houses, various types of power-generation equipment (such as photovoltaic (PV), battery energy storage system (BESS), electric vehicle (EV), and fuel cell (FC) systems) with different output power, capacity, and response time characteristics are used. Our results indicate that combined use of these equipment and home energy management system (HEMS) control provide the best means of enabling residents to effectively use household appliances even in limited power supply situations.



  • Personalized Energy Management Systems for Home Appliances Based on Bayesian Networks

    Tomoaki Shoji, Wataru Hirohashi, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering    2015年11月

  • 多段設置された次世代SVRの最適整定値の動的更新手法

    芳澤 信哉, 山本 祐也, 林 泰弘, 佐々木 俊介, 重藤 貴也, 野村 英生

    電気学会論文誌. B   135 ( 9 ) 550 - 558  2015年09月


    This paper proposes a dynamic updating method of the optimal control parameters of multiple advanced step voltage regulators (SVRs) in a single feeder considering a massive introduction of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Each advanced SVR can adjust their tap position according to the updated control parameters in a certain period. The main feature of the proposed method is that the optimal parameters which minimize the voltage violation amount from the proper range and the tap operation count of SVR are determined quickly based on greedy algorithm. A numerical simulation is carried out on an actual distribution system model with the measured PV and load data so that the effectiveness of the proposed method can be evaluated.

    DOI CiNii


  • Dynamic voltage regulator operation with demand side management for voltage control

    Mufaris, A. L M, Baba, J, Yoshizawa, S, Hayashi, Y

    2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, PowerTech 2015    2015年08月


    © 2015 IEEE. Widespread interconnection of Photovoltaic (PV) systems in the distribution system may create voltage rise problem. In this paper, a decentralized voltage control method by use of voltage regulators (VRs) and demand side management using consumer controllable load has been proposed for voltage rise compensation. The proposed method includes a novel determination method to find dynamic line drop compensation (LDC) parameters for a VR that has reverse power flow using the measured line current through VR and an optimal method that determines a dead band for a VR in order to lessens the number of tap operations while minimizing voltage deviation and violation. The obtained results show that voltage violation is extensively mitigated by the proposed method and no significant increment in tap operations of VR is encountered.



  • OLTC and multiple SVRs in distribution system by using database

    Kawano, Shunsuke, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro

    IYCE 2015 - Proceedings: 2015 5th International Youth Conference on Energy    2015年08月


    © 2015 IEEE. This paper presents a new method for determining the load drop compensator (LDC) parameters of On-load tap changer (OLTC) and step voltage regulators (SVRs) in the distribution system. Introduction of photovoltaic generation systems (PVs) into a distribution system makes determining the appropriate LDC parameters difficult, which may cause voltage deviation because reverse power flow from PVs affects voltage. Especially in the distribution system in which multiple SVRs are installed, determining the appropriate combination of LDC parameters becomes difficult. In the proposed method, the parameters are reset every hour by choosing one LDC parameter from a database including feasible parameters in the past. To create the database, the proposed method hourly enumerates the feasible parameters utilizing data acquired by SCADA. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the amount of voltage deviation of the proposed method will be compared with that of a centralized control method.



  • Distribution automation system for service restoration involving simultaneous disconnection and reconnection of distributed generators

    Kawano, Shunsuke, Fujimoto, Yu, Wakao, Shinji, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Irie, Hitoshi, Takenaka, Hideaki, Nakajima, Takashi Y

    2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, PowerTech 2015    2015年08月


    © 2015 IEEE. This paper presents a distribution automation system (DAS) for service restoration in the distribution network with photovoltaic (PV) generator systems, which are disconnected simultaneously after a fault and subsequently reconnected after service restoration. Because the reverse power flow of PVs affects voltage in the distribution system, voltage dips and surges occur during the service restoration. However, current DAS do not control voltage regulators such as an on-load tap changer (OLTC) and step voltage regulators (SVRs) during the service restoration. The proposed DAS estimates the voltage in a distribution network considering the simultaneous disconnection of PVs by performing power flow calculations, and it controls the tap position of OLTC and/or SVRs according to the predicted voltage deviation. The voltage after the disconnection of PVs is calculated by estimating the PV output utilizing square kilometer solar radiation data calculated using satellite image data in real time.



  • 判別器を用いたLVRのLDC制御パラメータの高速決定手法

    喜久里 浩之, 高橋 尚之, 吉永 淳, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 草川 慎一, 茂木 規行

    電気学会論文誌. B   135 ( 7 ) 446 - 453  2015年07月


    Compensating the voltage within the appropriate range becomes difficult when a large number of photovoltaic (PV) systems are installed. As a solution to this problem, the installation of a low-voltage regulator (LVR) has been studied. In this paper, we propose a method for rapidly and accurately determining the line drop compensator method (LDC) parameters as a part of a voltage management scheme, which consists of prediction, operation, and control. In the proposed method, candidates of the appropriate LDC parameters are selected with low computational cost by using classifiers that learns the relation between power series data and the properness of LDC parameters. We performed numerical simulations to evaluate the validity from the viewpoints of computational time and classification accuracy for determination of the LDC parameters, and verified the voltage control performance of the proposed method.

    DOI CiNii


  • Determination of dynamic line drop compensation parameters of voltage regulators for voltage rise mitigation

    A. L. M. Mufaris, J. Baba, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi

    2015 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP)    2015年06月


  • Effectiveness of optimization updating the control parameters of advanced SVRs

    Yamamoto, Yuya, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Yoshinaga, Jun, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Sasaki, Shunsuke, Shigeto, Takaya, Nomura, Hideo

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   5 ( 1 ) 12 - 17  2015年03月  [査読有り]

    DOI DOI2

  • Maximum PV Penetration Capacity Evaluation of a Novel Method for Determining LDC Control Parameters of Step Voltage Regulators

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Journal of Electrical Energy   3 ( 1 ) 13 - 18  2015年03月  [査読有り]


  • Distribution Network Verification for Secure Restoration by Enumerating All Critical Failures

    Takeru Inoue, Norihito Yasuda, Shunsuke Kawano, Yuji Takenobu, Shin-ichi Minato, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID   6 ( 2 ) 843 - 852  2015年03月

  • Estimation method of prediction interval of solar irradiance based on Just-In-Time modeling for photovoltaic output prediction

    Tomohide Yamazaki, Tomohide Yamazaki, Hayato Homma, Hayato Homma, Shinji Wakao, Shinji Wakao, Yu Fujimoto, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   135 ( 3 ) 160 - 167  2015年03月


    © 2015 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. PV system recently attracts much attention on the back of environmental problems, antinuclear power movements and energy problems. Therefore, a large scale introduction of PV system is expected in the near future. On the other hand, a lot of PV systems connected to the power system bring on some problems. For example, a system voltage often drifts from the norm when the reverse power flow increase. Accordingly, it is necessary to perform an optimal system operation in order to utilize a solar energy to the maximum by installing energy buffers, e.g. storage batteries. Especially, the forecast information i.e., the reliability as well as predicted solar irradiance is essential for the effective operation. In this paper, we propose a way to estimate the prediction interval of the solar irradiance as an index of reliability by using Just-In-Time Modeling (JIT Modeling). We consider the accuracy of the prediction interval under many conditions and derive the high-precision estimation method. In addition, we also talk about the future outlook of this study.

    DOI CiNii


  • The Basic Study for Development of a Method for Determining the LDC Parameters of LRT and SVR Using PV Output Forecasting

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)    2015年  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a new method for determining the LDC (Load Drop Compensator) parameters of LRT (Load Ratio Transformer) and SVR (Step Voltage Regulator). Since the voltage control effect of LRT and SVR depends on the LDC parameter, the proper parameters should be chosen in order to control voltage within proper range. When the photovoltaic generation system is installed in the distribution system, voltage control becomes difficult and the optimal parameters in the daytime differ from those in the nighttime. In the proposed method, the parameters are reset every hour. The parameters are determined by choosing from the database including all the optimal parameters for each time period in the past. The database also includes the PV output profiles and load profiles in the past, and the proposed method searches the similar time periods in the database to the next one hour period by comparing forecasted PV output profiles with that in the database. And the common parameters among the similar time periods are chosen for the next one hour. The simulation results will be shown to evaluate the performance of proposed method.

  • Advantage of a home energy management system for PV utilization connected to grid

    Yoshida A, Yoshizawa S, Fujimoto Y, Murata N, Wakao S, Tanabe S.-I, Hayashi Y, Amano Y

    ECOS 2015 - 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems    2015年  [査読有り]

  • Coordinated BESS and LRT Control for Voltage Stabilization of a PV-Supplied Microgrid

    Khoa Le Dinh, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)   134 ( 10 ) 875 - 884  2014年10月

  • 電力融通を考慮した燃料電池設置型集合住宅における熱電併給運用計画決定手法

    亀田 真奈人, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B   134 ( 8 ) 682 - 691  2014年08月


    In this paper, the authors propose an electric power interchange system in collective housing with fuel cells (FCs) and a determination method of operation plan for FCs in the collective housing. In the method, the operation plan for FCs is determined from an evaluation point, primary energy consumption of all houses in the collective housing, based on an enumeration method and particle swarm optimization (PSO) which is one of non-liner optimization methods. In order to examine the validity of the determination method, numerical simulations are carried out for the collective housing model, primary energy consumptions of the model are compared to those of a standard system (without FCs), and the reduction effects are evaluated taking uncertainty into consideration by using 10,000 demand patterns which are represented by 40 observational demand data based on the bootstrap method. In addition, the reduction effects by reducing introduced FCs by half are also evaluated from the point of primary energy consumptions, operating efficiency and running efficiency.

  • Evaluation of Improvement Effect of Voltage Quality by Reactive Power Control with Available Capacity of Residential FC Inverter

    Shoichi Koinuma, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takao Shinji, Yosuke Watanabe &amp, Masayuki Tadokoro

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   4 ( 2 ) 108 - 113  2014年04月  [査読有り]


  • Evaluation of CO2 Reduction and Primary Energy Savings for Collective Housing with Fuel Cells Considering Variability in Demand

    KAMEDA, Manato, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    Journal of Energy and Power Engineering   8 ( 2 ) 274 - 281  2014年02月

  • Improvement of three-phase unbalance due to connection of dispersed generator by damper windings of synchronous generator

    Junya Matsuki, Hisao Taoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shigeru Iwamoto, Akihiro Daikoku

    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)   186 ( 1 ) 43 - 50  2014年01月


    It is well known in the numerical simulations of a synchronous generator that the damper winding contributes to suppressing three-phase circuit unbalance in power systems. However, an experimental study has not been performed yet. In this paper, we verify experimentally the suppression of three-phase unbalance by the damper windings. In order to simulate the three-phase unbalance, a 470-W dispersed generator of single-phase two-line type was connected to a three-phase laboratory-scale power system that included a 6-kVA synchronous generator. We measured and analyzed line voltages and currents as well as damper bar currents both with and without the dispersed generator. The influence of damper windings on the unbalance of the three-phase circuit was also investigated. The results show that the damper winding contributes to improving the three-phase unbalance. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Distribution Loss Minimization With Guaranteed Error Bound

    Takeru Inoue, Keiji Takano, Takayuki Watanabe, Jun Kawahara, Ryo Yoshinaka, Akihiro Kishimoto, Koji Tsuda, Shin-ichi Minato, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID   5 ( 1 ) 102 - 111  2014年01月  [査読有り]


    Determining loss minimum configuration in a distribution network is a hard discrete optimization problem involving many variables. Since more and more dispersed generators are installed on the demand side of power systems and they are reconfigured frequently, developing automatic approaches is indispensable for effectively managing a large-scale distribution network. Existing fast methods employ local updates that gradually improve the loss to solve such an optimization problem. However, they eventually get stuck at local minima, resulting in arbitrarily poor results. In contrast, this paper presents a novel optimization method that provides an error bound on the solution quality. Thus, the obtained solution quality can be evaluated in comparison to the global optimal solution. Instead of using local updates, we construct a highly compressed search space using a binary decision diagram and reduce the optimization problem to a shortest path-finding problem. Our method was shown to be not only accurate but also remarkably efficient; optimization of a large-scale model network with 468 switches was solved in three hours with 1.56% relative error bound.



  • Dynamic Voltage Control Method and Optimization for LVR in Distribution System with PV Systems

    Takahashi, Naoyuki, Kikusato, Hiroshi, Yoshinaga, Jull, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Kusagawa, Shinichi, Motegi, Noriyuki, Ieee,


  • Home Energy Management Based on Bayesian Network Considering Resident Convenience

    Tomoaki Shoji, Wataru Hirohashi, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi



    Total electricity consumption in Japan increased rapidly and the power consumption per household is also continuing to increase. The framework of demand response (DR) to promote the reduction of electricity consumption in the household sector by regulating the price of the electricity will be introduced in the future. In this situation, residents must operate their appliances so as not to affect much to their lifestyles while taking into account the power cost. A home energy management system (HEMS) will have an essential role to control appliances such as air conditioners (ACs), battery energy storage systems (BESSs), electric vehicles (EVs), and heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) and automatically match their operations to the behavior of a resident when the electricity price changes. In this study, a Bayesian network, a fundamental tool of machine learning, is adapted to an HEMS to learn the behavior of the resident and appropriate operations of controllable appliances.

  • Method for Determining Line Drop Compensator Parameters of Low Voltage Regulator using Support Vector Machine

    Kikusato, Hiroshi, Takahashi, Naoyuki, Yoshinaga, Jun, Fujimoto, Yu, Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Kusagawa, Shinichi, Motegi, Noriyuki, Ieee,


  • Verification of Efficiency of Searching Methods Determining Optimal Control Parameters of Advanced SVRs

    Yuya Yamamoto, Shinya Yoshizawa, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigetou, Hideo Nomura

    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONFERENCE (ENERGYCON 2014)     1076 - 1082  2014年


    This paper discusses a method for obtaining optimal voltage control in a distribution system with advanced step voltage regulators (SVRs) by determining the optimal control parameters of the SVRs. As the voltage in a distribution system becomes unstable if a massive amount of solar-generated power is introduced, voltage control devices such as load ratio control transformers (LRTs) and SVRs must be used to stabilize power flow. In this paper, a modified method of voltage control based on existing techniques for determining the optimal control parameters of multiple advanced SVRs is proposed as a means of maintaining power flow stability as solar power generation facilities are introduced.

  • Novel Voltage Control of Multiple Step Voltage Regulators in a Distribution System

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yuya Yamamoto, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigetou, Hideo Nomura



    This paper presents a novel method for determining the control parameters and a voltage control method for multiple step voltage regulators (SVRs) in a single feeder. The main purpose of the proposed method is to reduce the amount of voltage violation and the tap operation times and to extend the voltage margin from the upper and lower voltage limits by updating the control parameters of the SVRs. To determine the control parameters of the SVRs, an improved greedy algorithm is used. In order to verify the proposed method, a numerical and experimental simulation study based on an actual distribution model is carried out. The results show that the proposed control method has the capability to reduce the amount of the voltage violation in a distribution system and the tap operation times of the SVRs.

  • Voltage Control of Multiple Step Voltage Regulators by Renewing Control Parameters

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yuya Yamamoto, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigetou, Hideo Nomura



    This paper presents a novel method of determining the control parameters and a voltage control method for multiple step voltage regulators (SVRs) in a single feeder. The main feature of the proposed method is the updating of the control parameters at constant intervals to minimize the amount of voltage violations and the tap operation times of the SVRs while maximizing the voltage margin from the proper limits in the distribution system. To determine the SVR control parameters, a combined method of a greedy algorithm and a tabu search is used. To verify the proposed method, numerical and experimental simulation studies based on an actual distribution model with photovoltaic (PV) sources are carried out. The results show that the proposed control method can reduce the amount of voltage violations and tap operation times of the SVRs compared with the conventional voltage control method.

  • 「スマートグリッド実現に向けた電力系統技術」特集号によせて

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 4 ) 297 - 297  2013年04月



    DOI CiNii


  • 不感帯制御SVCによる配電系統の動的電圧制御手法

    高橋 尚之, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 4 ) 396 - 403  2013年04月


    This paper describes dynamic voltage control method using SVC with controllable dead band that changes dynamically to a node voltage in a distribution system installed SVC. Proposed method consists of three systems. First system detects probability of voltage deviation from proper range of node voltage. Second system is used to stabilize output of SVC based on changing dead band. Third system expect voltage trend. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method in comparison with conventional methods, numerical simulation and experiment were carried out using a distribution system model with RES.

    DOI CiNii


  • PV導入ケースの多様性に対応した送配電系統の遮断器と開閉器の階層制御による送配電損失最小構成の決定手法

    渡辺 喬之, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 4 ) 383 - 395  2013年04月


    Distribution system has huge number of configuration candidates because the network configuration is determined by state of many sectionalizing switches (SW: opened or closed) installed in terms of keeping power quality, reliability and so on. Transmission system also has huge number of configuration candidates and circuit breakers (CB: opened or closed) as same objective as distribution system. Since feeder current and voltage depend on the network configuration, losses of transmission and distribution systems can be reduced by controlling states of CB and SW. So far, various methods to determine the loss minimum configuration of transmission and distribution systems have been researched. However, a method that hierarchically determines the loss minimum configuration of transmission and distribution system with PV has not been proposed. In addition, power flow of whole system is changed by various PV penetration distribution patterns. Therefore, transmission and distribution losses must be evaluated in various PV penetration cases.In this paper, a hierarchy control method to determine a transmission and distribution loss minimum network configuration by controlling on-off states of CB and SW is proposed. The validity of the proposed method is evaluated to calculate the reduction of whole network loss in a transmission and distribution model with 48 CB and 1404 SW in two kinds of PV penetration cases.

    DOI CiNii


  • 低圧配電系統における高速電圧計算手法の開発と評価

    河野 俊介, 林 泰弘, 板屋 伸彦, 高野 富裕, 大野 哲史

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 4 ) 343 - 349  2013年04月


    Since residential photovoltaic systems trend to increase in low-voltage distribution feeders, it is becoming more important to estimate voltage profile including not only high and middle but low-voltage distribution network to operate distribution systems. In case of using the conventional power flow calculation method based on iterative calculation, it will be taken much time to get voltage values all over low-voltage distribution feeders. This paper presents a new method to calculate voltage quickly keeping the accuracy sufficient for practical operation. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical results are shown by comparing its computation accuracy and time with those of the conventional one.

    DOI CiNii


  • バンク事故復旧対応型LRT・SVR協調電圧制御手法

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 辻 祐毅, 神谷 英志

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 4 ) 333 - 342  2013年04月


    Voltages in distribution system are maintained within a proper voltage range by adjusting a tap position of Load Ratio control Transformer (LRT) and Step Voltage Regulator (SVR). In Japan, many voltage control methods have been researched. However, these conventional methods do not presuppose the bank fault restoration. Since the main purpose of voltage control of the conventional restoration approach is to reduce the amount of voltage violation in distribution system, the number of customers with voltage violation cannot be reduced to zero during a bank fault restoration. In this paper, the authors propose a cooperation voltage control method of LRT and SVR to minimize the number of customers with voltage violation corresponding to the bank fault restoration in distribution systems with PV systems. In the proposed method, the tap position of SVR is controlled after the control of LRT to avoid frequent tap changes and each tap position of voltage control devices is controlled to minimize the number of customers with voltage violation. In order to check the effectiveness of the proposed method, the simulation using distribution system model with PV systems is performed under various conditions.

    DOI CiNii


  • センサ開閉器情報の取得周期が配電系統電圧制御に与える影響の評価

    宇田川 剛, 林 泰弘, 高橋 尚之, 松浦 康雄, 森田 智比古, 南 雅弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 4 ) 324 - 332  2013年04月


    Measured data from IT switches are utilized in order to control voltage in distribution systems with photovoltaic generation systems. However, length of period from the data measurement to the data acquisition from IT switches affects voltage control ability in the distribution automation system. In this paper, a voltage control method by LRT and SVR with the periodic data from IT switches is proposed, and using the method, the effect of the length of the data acquisition period for voltage control is evaluated through numerical simulations in a distribution system model. Furthermore, the optimal length of the data acquisition period is determined according to PV penetration rate.

    DOI CiNii


  • 東日本大震災以降のスマートグリッドのエネルギーマネジメント

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   133 ( 3 ) 225 - 228  2013年03月


    The Great East Japan Earthquake drastically changed Japanese energy management scheme in Japanese electrical grid. Stopped nuclear power plants caused a rise of the electricity costs. Demand side energy management scheme such as demand response is newly needed to reduce the peak of electric power demand by using HEMS (Home Energy Management System) and BEMS (Building Energy Management System). This paper describes Japanese trend of energy management based on demand response and international standardization of communications protocol and indicate the future issues and vision.

    DOI CiNii


  • Restraint method of voltage total harmonic distortion in distribution network by power conditioner systems using measured data from IT switches

    Shoji Kawasaki, Kazuki Shimoda, Motohiro Tanaka, Hisao Taoka, Junya Matsuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   182 ( 3 ) 19 - 29  2013年02月  [査読有り]


    The amount of distributed generation (DG) such as photovoltaic systems and wind power generator systems installed in distribution systems has been increasing because of reduction of the effects on the environment. However, harmonic problems in the distribution system are a concern in the context of increased connection of DGs through inverters and the spread of power electronics equipment. This paper proposes a method for the restraint of voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) in a whole distribution network by active filter (AF) operation of multiple power conditioner systems (PCSs). It also proposes a method for determination of the optimal gain of AF operation so as to minimize the maximum value of voltage THD in the distribution network by real-time feedback control with measured data from information technology (IT) switches. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, numerical calculations are carried out using an analytical model of a distribution network of interconnected DGs with PCSs. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 182(3): 1929, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.22354



  • Verification of loss reduction effect on loss minimum configuration of distribution system by zero-suppressed binary decision diagram for large penetration of residential PV

    Takayuki Watanabe, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2013 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2013    2013年


    This paper verifies, for distribution systems with residential photovoltaic generators (PV), the distribution loss reduction effect on the loss minimum configuration selected from all possible configurations. Methods that determine the loss minimum configuration of distribution systems have been developed. However, loss reduction effects and guidelines for future PV deployment to effectively reduce distribution loss have not been discussed extensively, because of difficulties in enumerating possible configurations and in comparing distribution losses for each. We have previously proposed a method for selecting loss minimum configurations from among all possible configurations. In this paper, we use the proposed method to verify the loss reduction effect on loss minimum configurations of a distribution system composed of 468 switches for three PV penetration patterns. We also evaluate the loss minimum configuration by comparing its distribution loss with that of other configurations and provide a guideline for future PV penetration position and system operation. © 2013 IEEE.



  • A versatile clustering method for electricity consumption pattern analysis in households

    Hideitsu Hino, Haoyang Shen, Noboru Murata, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   4 ( 2 ) 1048 - 1057  2013年


    Analysis and modeling of electric energy demand is indispensable for power planning, operation, facility investment, and urban planning. Because of recent development of renewable energy generation systems oriented for households, there is also a great demand for analysing the electricity usage and optimizing the way to install electricity generation systems for each household. In this study, employing statistical techniques, a method to model daily consumption patterns in households and a method to extract a small number of their typical patterns are presented. The electricity consumption patterns in a household is modeled by a mixture of Gaussian distributions. Then, using the symmetrized generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence as a distance measure of the distributions, typical patterns of the consumption are extracted by means of hierarchical clustering. The statistical modeling of daily consumption patterns allows us to capture essential similarities of the patterns. By experiments using a large-scale dataset including about 500 houses' consumption records in a suburban area in Japan, it is shown that the proposed method is able to extract typical consumption patterns. © 2010-2012 IEEE.



  • これからのスマート社会と電気

    林 泰弘

    電気学会誌   133 ( 12 ) 787 - 787  2013年



    DOI CiNii


  • A study on accuracy of fault locator in distribution system with distributed generations

    Daisuke Iioka, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   133 ( 6 ) 2 - 522  2013年  [査読有り]


    A fault locator system in a loop-shaped distribution system with inverter based distributed generations is proposed. An algorithm of proposed fault locator system is based on the impedance obtained by the phase-voltage and line-current at the transformer feeder in the power distribution substation. We have proposed the quadratic equation expressed in terms of fault location. The quadratic equation represents the impedance from the substation to the fault location. Inserting the impedance obtained by the voltage and current at the transformer feeder into the quadratic equation, two candidates of the fault location are obtained. We can select the true fault location from the two candidates by using the characteristics of impedance calculated by the voltage and current at the incoming feeder of distributed generation. The validity of the fault locator system was investigated by PSCAD/EMTDC simulations. As a result, it was found that impedance obtained by the information of the substation and distributed generations are useful for searching the fault location in the loop-shaped distribution system. © 2013 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • 総論 : スマートグリッドとテクノロジー

    林 泰弘

    電気学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan   132 ( 10 ) 678 - 679  2012年10月



    DOI CiNii


  • Verification of Reduction Effect on Output Suppression through Storage Battery in Residential Area with Clustered PV Systems

    T. Fujimori, Y.Miyamoto, Y. Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   2 ( 4 ) 377 - 383  2012年10月

  • Verification of effect of damper windings on the transient condition of synchronous generator

    Junya Matsuki, Hisao Taoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shigeru Iwamoto, Akihiro Daikoku

    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)   180 ( 2 ) 33 - 42  2012年07月


    This paper describes the results of an experimental investigation on the effects of the damper winding of a four-pole synchronous generator at a synchronous generator transient. It is known from simulations that the damper winding acts effectively under synchronous generator transient conditions. However, experimental proof has not been obtained yet. Thus, experiments on damper effects were conducted using a laboratory-scale power system. The damper winding of the tested generator consisted of five damper bars for each pole
    the number of working damper bars could be changed manually. The damper currents at each bar were measured by a Rogowski coil. FFT analysis was applied to both the damper currents and armature currents under different operating conditions. The relationships between damper currents in the rotor and armature currents in the stator were made clearer than before. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 180(2): 33-42, 2012
    Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.21278 Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Method of Optimal Allocation of SVR in Distribution Feeders with Renewable Energy Sources

    S. Takahashi, Y. Hayashi, Y. Tsuji, E. Kamiya

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   2 ( 2 ) 159 - 165  2012年04月

  • Experimental Analysis on Influences of Harmonic Voltage at High- Voltage Network on Harmonic Current at Medium-Voltage Network

    J. Inagaki, Y. Hayashi, Y. Tada

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   2 ( 2 ) 146 - 152  2012年04月

  • Determination Method of Optimal Planning and Operation for Residential PV System and Storage Battery Based on Weather Forecast

    Ryota Suzuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto



    This paper proposes a computation method to determine a optimal planning and operation of residential Photovoltaic Power Generation systems (PV systems) and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) based on the weather forecast to each customer. In this proposed method, the optimal planning and operation are decided by changing the amount of charge in the BESS in midnight when the electric rate is cheap. This proposed method can determine the optimal planning (determination of optimal rating capacities of PV and BESS) and the optimal operation (determination of three values of the amount of charge at midnight on sunny day, cloudy day and rainy day) so as to minimize the annual cost of the household. In order to check the effectiveness of the proposed method, the optimal planning and the operation are compared on the data of two years.

  • Automatic Extraction of Basic Electricity Consumption Patterns in Household

    Haoyang Shen, Hideitsu Hino, Noboru Murata, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi



    Electricity consumption in households varies dependent on a lot of possible reasons such as lifestyle, family configuration, and weather. It is of great importance to optimize the electricity generation system to install for each household. In our previous work, we proposed a clustering approach for extracting a small number of basic electricity consumption patterns in a household. In this study, we apply the method to a larger dataset with many households. In the previous work, we determined the number of basic patterns in a heuristic manner. In this work, we use gap statistics to automatically determine an appropriate number of basic patterns, and we obtained a reasonable result on a large-scale data.



  • Pattern Sequence-based Energy Demand Forecast Using Photovoltaic Energy Records

    Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi



    Considering recent trends in energy technology development, consumer's energy demand could be influenced by the renewable energy supply in any way. A simple extension of pattern sequence-based forecasting (PSF) enables us to predict demand curves based on the correlated bidimensional time-series by using co-occurrence patterns of energy supply and demand. However, prediction accuracy of PSF deeply depends on the clustering result, which is used for pattern matching. In this paper, a promising clustering method based on nonnegative tensor factorization is applied for this task and evaluated experimentally from the viewpoint of prediction accuracy.

  • 研究グループ紹介:早稲田大学 先進電気エネルギーシステム研究室

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B   132 ( 2 ) NL2_2  2012年

    DOI CiNii

  • Centralized Voltage Control Method Using Plural D-STATCOM with Controllable Dead Band in Distribution System with Renewable Energy

    N. Takahashi, Y. Hayashi



    The authors propose voltage control method using centralized control of D-STATCOM with controllable dead band to control all the node voltages dynamically. To maximize the acceptable amount of RES, centralized control system meters each node voltage installed D-STATCOM, and control all the node voltages based on each node voltage. The target voltage of D-STATCOM near a substation is modified by another node voltage to regulate all the node voltages within proper range. The amount of correction for the target voltage is determined by the amount of deviation from a threshold which is set between upper limits of the dead band and proper range. Conventional method has potential to command inappropriate reactive power due to delay time based on communication time and calculation for commands of reactive power. Proposed method compensates for the lack of reactive power based on the delay time using the predictive control.

  • Determination Method for Loss-Minimum Configuration Considering Reconnection of Distributed Generators

    Hirotaka Takano, Takafumi Tomida, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   176 ( 4 ) 7 - 14  2011年09月  [査読有り]


    In the field of electrical power system, various approaches, such as utilization of renewable energy, loss reduction, and so on, have been taken to reduce CO(2) emission. So as to work toward this goal, the total number of distributed generators (DGs) using renewable energy connected into 6.6-kV distribution systems has been increasing rapidly. The DGs can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, when a fault occurs such as distribution line fault and bank fault, DGs connecting outage sections are disconnected simultaneously. Since the simultaneous disconnection of DGs influences restoration configuration and normal configuration after the restoration, it is necessary to determine the system configuration in the normal state considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs.
    In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the loss minimum configuration in the normal state considering reconnection of DGs after simultaneous disconnection by fault occurrence. The feature of determined loss minimum configuration is satisfying with operational constraints even if all DGs are disconnected from the system. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real-scale distribution system model with 252 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2(252)) and 120 DGs (total output is 38.46 MW which is 23% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(4): 7-14, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.



  • 同期発電機過渡時における制動巻線の効果の実機評価

    松木 純也, 田岡 久雄, 林 泰弘, 岩本 繁, 大穀 晃裕

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   131 ( 5 ) 447 - 454  2011年05月


    This paper describes the results of experimental investigation on the effects of damper winding of a 4-pole synchronous generator at the synchronous generator transient. It is known in the simulation that the damper winding acts effectively at the synchronous generator transient condition. However, experimental proof has not been performed yet. Then, experiments on damper effects were conducted in this paper using a laboratory-scale power system. The damper winding of tested generator consists of 5 damper bars each pole and the number of working damper bars can be changed manually. Damper currents at each bar were measured by a Rogowski coil. FFT analysis was applied to both damper currents and armature currents under different operating conditions. Relationships between damper currents in the rotor and armature currents in the stator were made clearer than before.

  • Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Load Model in Power System by using Measured Data

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Michiya Tomoda, Junya Matsuki

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   1 ( 2 ) 200 - 206  2011年04月

  • 系統の高調波抑制を目的としたPVシステムの協調制御手法

    田中 基寛, 川崎 章司, 田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. SPC, 半導体電力変換研究会   2011 ( 86 ) 19 - 24  2011年03月

  • 系統の高調波抑制を目的としたPVシステムの協調制御手法

    田中 基寛, 川崎 章司, 田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2011 ( 49 ) 19 - 24  2011年03月

  • 分散型電源導入拡大に対応した復旧目標構成の決定手法

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 菅谷 周平

    電気学会論文誌B   131 ( 2 ) 187 - 195  2011年02月  [査読有り]


    In the field of electrical power system, various approaches, such as utilization of renewable energy, loss reduction, and so on, have been taken to reduce CO2 emission. So as to work toward this goal, the total number of distributed generators (DGs) using renewable energy connected into 6.6kV distribution system has been increasing rapidly. However, when a fault occurs such as distribution line faults and bank faults, DGs connecting outage sections are disconnected simultaneously. Since the output of DGs influences feeder current and node voltage of distribution system, it is necessary to determine the optimal system configuration considering simultaneous disconnection and reconnection of DGs.<br>In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal restoration configuration considering many connections of DGs. The feature of determined restoration configurations is prevention of the violation of operational constraints by disconnection and reconnection of DGs. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale distribution system model with 4 distribution substations, 72 distribution feeders, 252 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2252) and 23.2MW DGs (which is 14% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    DOI CiNii


  • Cooperative power quality control by photovoltaic systems

    Shoji Kawasaki, Motohiro Tanaka, Hisao Taoka, Junya Matsuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2011 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT Asia 2011 Conference: Smarter Grid for Sustainable and Affordable Energy Future    2011年


    In recent years, the power quality of a distribution system is getting worse. In the distribution system, the voltage imbalance and current imbalance or the increase of harmonics has been seen with diversification of the loads by progress of power electronics technology and with increase of the amount of connection of distributed generators for home use with the reduction of the effect on the environment. This paper proposes the suppressing method of harmonics and improvement method of voltage imbalance in the distribution system utilizing the plural power conditioner systems of photovoltaic systems. And it verifies the validity of the proposal method by the numerical calculation using an analytical model of distribution system. © 2011 IEEE.



  • スマートグリッド概論

    林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源 = Energy and resources   32 ( 1 ) 22 - 26  2011年01月

  • Multiobjective Optimization Method for Distribution System Configuration Using Pareto Optimal Solution

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hirotaka Takano, Junya Matsuki, Yuji Nishikawa

    ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN   94 ( 1 ) 7 - 16  2011年01月  [査読有り]


    A distribution network has a huge number of configuration candidates because the network configuration is determined by the states of many sectionalizing switches (opened or closed) installed in terms of keeping power quality, reliability, and so on. Since the feeder current and voltage depend on the network configuration, the distribution loss, voltage imbalance, and bank efficiency can be controlled by changing the states of these switches. In addition, feeder currents and voltages change in response to the outputs of distributed generators (DGs) such as photovoltaic generation systems, wind turbine generation systems, and so on, that are connected to the feeder. Recently, the total number of DGs connected to distribution networks has increased drastically. Therefore, many configuration candidates of distribution networks must be evaluated multiply from various viewpoints such as distribution loss, voltage imbalance, bank efficiency, and so on, considering the power supply from the connected DGs. In this paper, the authors propose a multiobjective optimization method from three evaluation viewpoints, (1) distribution loss, (2) voltage imbalance, and (3) bank efficiency, using Pareto optimal solutions. In the proposed method, after several high-ranking candidates with small distribution loss are extracted by combinatorial optimization, each candidate is evaluated from the viewpoints of voltage imbalance and bank efficiency using the Pareto optimal solution, after which the minimum-loss configuration is chosen as the best configuration among these solutions. Numerical simulations were performed for a real-scale system model consisting of 72 distribution feeders and 234 sectionalizing switches in order to examine the validity of the proposed method. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 94(1): 7-16, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/ecj.10271



  • 再生可能エネルギー電源との調和に向けた先進グリッド技術の国内動向

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   130 ( 11 ) 928 - 931  2010年11月


    In tandem with the penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as photovoltaic and wind power generation to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve energy, development of advanced smart grid technologies is needed to secure a stable power supply of grid with RES by controlling power quality (voltage and frequency) within each secure range. This paper describes Japanese trend of the advanced smart grid technologies to harmonize RES and conventional bulk power system. Furthermore, several ongoing field tests to try to realize Japanese version of smart grid are briefly introduced.

    DOI CiNii


  • PV群集中管理を目的としたPV導入エリアの決定に関する研究

    永田 耕一, 花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 148 ) 55 - 60  2010年09月

  • 再生可能エネルギーによる周波数変動の送電線混雑管理を目的とした発電機の出力配分

    鈴木 浩章, 林 泰弘, 輿水 源太郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 125 ) 19 - 22  2010年09月


  • PSOによるパラメータ推定を適用した動的負荷のモデル化

    田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 友田 道也, 林 泰弘, 金尾 則一, 山岸 良雄

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 109 ) 91 - 96  2010年09月

  • PCSによる系統の電圧不平衡改善および高調波抑制

    川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 田中 基寛, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 155 - 160  2010年09月

  • スマートハウスを活用した配電系統における負荷管理手法の評価

    吉村 和晃, 花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 149 - 154  2010年09月

  • PV群と複数台GEの協調制御によるPV出力変動補償に関する研究

    保科 俊一朗, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 139 - 142  2010年09月

  • PVの大量導入における複数台SVCの最適設置箇所に関する研究

    小西 啓佑, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 25 - 28  2010年09月


  • 太陽光発電大量導入時の電圧上昇と電圧不平衡率の改善を目的とした燃料電池の無効電力制御に関する研究

    佐野 正裕, 花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 進士 誉夫, 辻田 伸介

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 19 - 23  2010年09月

  • LRTと太陽光発電システム群の力率制御による協調型電圧制御法

    金本 憲明, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 7 - 12  2010年09月

  • センサ開閉器区間情報を用いた電圧推定に基づくLRTとSVRによる複数フィーダの集中型電圧制御手法

    高橋 修平, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 45 ) 139 - 143  2010年09月

  • 分散型電源導入拡大に対応した配電系統の最適構成に関する検討

    高野 浩貴, 菅谷 周平, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 牧 雪乃

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 45 ) 83 - 88  2010年09月

  • PV群集中管理を目的としたPV導入エリアの決定に関する研究

    永田 耕一, 花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 149 ) 55 - 60  2010年09月

  • 再生可能エネルギーによる周波数変動の送電線混雑管理を目的とした発電機の出力配分

    鈴木 浩章, 林 泰弘, 輿水 源太郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 126 ) 19 - 22  2010年09月

  • PSOによるパラメータ推定を適用した動的負荷のモデル化

    田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 友田 道也, 林 泰弘, 金尾 則一, 山岸 良雄

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 110 ) 91 - 96  2010年09月


  • PCSによる系統の電圧不平衡改善および高調波抑制

    川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 田中 基寛, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 155 - 160  2010年09月

  • スマートハウスを活用した配電系統における負荷管理手法の評価

    吉村 和晃, 花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 149 - 154  2010年09月

  • PV群と複数台GEの協調制御によるPV出力変動補償に関する研究

    保科 俊一朗, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 139 - 142  2010年09月


  • PVシステム群におけるオンオフ制御と蓄電池を用いた充放電制御の協調による安定化制御の評価

    村橋 圭祐, 林 泰弘, 林 孝則, 奥野 義道, 舟橋 俊久

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 133 - 137  2010年09月

  • 家庭用太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の出力抑制回避の最大化を目的とした電圧上昇抑制動作パラメータの整定値の評価

    宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 123 - 131  2010年09月


  • PVの大量導入における複数台SVCの最適設置箇所に関する研究

    小西 啓佑, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 25 - 28  2010年09月


  • 太陽光発電大量導入時の電圧上昇と電圧不平衡率の改善を目的とした燃料電池の無効電力制御に関する研究

    佐野 正裕, 花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 進士 誉夫, 辻田 伸介

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 19 - 23  2010年09月

  • LRTと太陽光発電システム群の力率制御による協調型電圧制御法

    金本 憲明, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 7 - 12  2010年09月


  • 単相連系PVの導入拡大が配電系統の電力品質に与える影響評価

    花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 佐野 正裕, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 77 ) 1 - 6  2010年09月

  • 分散型電源の連系線電圧・電流から算出するインピーダンスによる故障点標定

    飯岡 大輔, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 53 ) 1 - 6  2010年09月

  • PVが導入された配電系統のバンク事故復旧時における電圧逸脱地域最小化手法

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 森 健二郎, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 46 ) 145 - 149  2010年09月

  • 分散型電源導入拡大に対応した配電系統の最適構成に関する検討

    高野 浩貴, 菅谷 周平, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 牧 雪乃

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 46 ) 83 - 88  2010年09月

  • PVが導入された配電系統のバンク事故復旧時における電圧逸脱地域最小化手法

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 森 健二郎, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 45 ) 145 - 149  2010年09月

  • 単相連系PVの導入拡大が配電系統の電力品質に与える影響評価

    花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 佐野 正裕, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 1 - 6  2010年09月

  • 分散型電源の連系線電圧・電流から算出するインピーダンスによる故障点標定

    飯岡 大輔, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 52 ) 1 - 6  2010年09月


  • PV大量連系配電系統における不感帯可変SVCによる電圧制御

    高橋 尚之, 林 泰弘, 森 健二郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 45 ) 151 - 156  2010年09月


  • センサ開閉器区間情報を用いた電圧推定に基づくLRTとSVRによる複数フィーダの集中型電圧制御手法

    高橋 修平, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 46 ) 139 - 143  2010年09月

  • PVシステム群におけるオンオフ制御と蓄電池を用いた充放電制御の協調による安定化制御の評価

    村橋 圭祐, 林 泰弘, 林 孝則, 奥野 義道, 舟橋 俊久

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 133 - 137  2010年09月

  • 家庭用太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の出力抑制回避の最大化を目的とした電圧上昇抑制動作パラメータの整定値の評価

    宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 76 ) 123 - 131  2010年09月


  • 電力系統の高度利用を実現するシステム技術調査専門委員会

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   130 ( 6 ) 615 - 615  2010年06月

    DOI CiNii

  • A Fault Location Method Using Air-Gap Fluxes of Synchronous Generator

    Junya Matsuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Toshikazu Nakano, Yoichi Funasaki

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   167 ( 3 ) 20 - 27  2009年05月  [査読有り]


    This paper deals with an experimental investigation of a novel fault location method using air-gap flux distributions of a synchronous generator connected to a power system. Air-gap fluxes are the sum of field fluxes and armature reaction fluxes. Changes in armature current and In field current at a fault contribute directly to the armature reaction fluxes and field fluxes, then resultant air-gap fluxes. Therefore, air-gap fluxes can be utilized to locate a fault. Wavelet analysis is applied to the induced voltages of search coils, which are wound around a stator tooth top for measurement of the air-gap flux. It is shown that the fault type and location can be estimated based oil the change in the search coil voltages measured during the fault. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(3): 20-27, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScicrice (www. interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.20707



  • Active coordinated operation of a distribution network system for many connections of distributed generators

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shoji Kawasaki, Junya Matsuki, Shinji Wakao, Junpei Baba, Masahide Hojo, Akihiko Yokoyama, Naoki Kobayashi, Takao Hirai, Kohei Oishi

    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)   167   46 - 57  2009年05月


    Recently, the total number of distributed generators (DGs) such as photovoltaic generation system and wind turbine generation system connected to an actual distribution network has increased drastically. The distribution network connected to many distributed generators must be operated keeping reliability of power supply, power quality, and loss minimization. In order to accomplish active distribution network operation to take advantage of many connections of DGs, a new coordinated operation of distribution system with many connections of DGs is necessary. In this paper, the authors propose a coordinated operation of distribution network system connected to many DGs by using newly proposed sectionalizing switch control, sending voltage control, and computation of available DG connection capability. In order to check the validity of the proposed coordinated operation of distribution system, numerical simulations using the proposed coordinated distribution system operation are carried out in a practical distribution network model. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Determination of Loss-Minimum Configuration with Mathematical Optimality in a Three-Sectionalized Three Connected Distribution Feeder Network

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Shinji Ishikawa, Hirotaka Takano, Eiji Muto, Naoki Kobayashi

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   167 ( 1 ) 56 - 65  2009年04月  [査読有り]


    In a distribution system, in order to enhance the reliability of power supply, the distribution feeder is divided into several sections by installing sectionalizing switches, and then each of the sectionalized sections is connected to a different feeder. For example, one feeder is divided into three sections by two sectionalizing switches, and then each of the divided sections is connected to the other feeder through sectionalizing switch. Since a distribution system with many feeders has many sectionalizing switches, the system configuration is determined by states (opened or closed) of sectionalizing switches. Usually, a power utility tries to obtain distribution loss-minimum configuration among large numbers of configuration candidates. However, it is very difficult to determine the loss-minimum configuration such that the mathematical optimality is guaranteed, because it is well known that determination of a distribution system&apos;s configuration is to decide whether each sectionalizing switch is opened or closed by solving a combinatorial optimization problem.
    In this paper, the authors propose a determination method of loss-minimum configuration by which the mathematical optimality is guaranteed for a three-sectionalized three-connected distribution feeder network. A problem to determine the loss-minimum configuration is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problems with four operational constraints ((1)) feeder capacity, (2) voltage limit, (3) radial structure, and (4) three-sectionalization). In the proposed method, after picking up all partial configurations satisfied with radial structure constraint by using enumeration method, optimal combination of partial configurations is determined under the other operational constraints by using conventional optimization method. Numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution network model with 140 sectionalizing switches in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm in comparison with one of conventional meta-heuristics (tabu search). (c) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(1): 56-65, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.20530



  • Analysis of Even Harmonics Generation in an Isolated Electric Power System

    Norikazu Kanao, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   167 ( 2 ) 56 - 63  2009年04月  [査読有り]


    Harmonics bred from loads are mainly odd order because the current waveforms have half-wave symmetry. Since the even harmonics are negligibly small, they generally are not measured in electric power systems. However, even harmonics were measured at a 500/275/154 kV substation in Hokuriku Electric Power Company after a transmission line fault was corrected. The even harmonics caused malfunctions of protective digital relays because the relays used 4th harmonics at the input filter as the automatic supervisory signal.
    This paper describes mechanisms of generation of the even harmonics by comparing the measured waveforms with the ATP-EMTP simulation results. Analysis of these results has clearly shown that there are three different mechanisms of generation of even harmonics. The first mechanism is the appearance of a magnetizing current in transformers due to flux deviation by the DC component of the fault current. The second mechanism is harmonic conversion of a Synchronous machine which generates even harmonics when the DC component or the even harmonic current flow into the machine. The third mechanism is an increase of harmonic impedance due to an isolated power system, thus producing the harmonic voltages. The design of the input filter of protective digital relays should take into account even harmonics generation in an isolated power system. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(2): 56-63, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.20592



  • Computation of Locational and Hourly Maximum Output of a Distributed Generator Connected to a Distribution Feeder

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Yuji Hanai, Shinpei Hosokawa, Naoki Kobayashi

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   167 ( 2 ) 38 - 47  2009年04月  [査読有り]


    Recently, the total number of distributed generation such as photovoltaic generation systems and wind turbine generation systems connected to a distribution network has drastically increased. Distributed generation using renewable energy can reduce the distribution loss and emission of CO,. However, the distribution network with file distributed generators must be operated while maintaining the reliability of the power supply and power quality. In this paper, the authors propose a computational method to determine the maximum output of a distributed generator under operational constraints [(1) voltage limit, (2) line current capacity, and (3) no reverse flow to bank] at arbitrary connection points and hourly periods. In the proposed method, a three-phase iterative load flow calculation is applied to evaluate the above operational constraints. The three-phase iterative load flow calculation has two simple procedures: (Procedure 1) addition of load currents from the terminal node of the feeder to root one, and (Procedure 2) subtraction of Voltage drop From the root node of the feeder to terminal one. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are performed I or a distribution system model. Furthermore, the characteristics of locational and hourly maximum output of a distributed generator connected to a distribution feeder are analyzed using several numerical examples. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(2): 38-47, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.20610



  • 分散型電源の再連系を考慮した配電損失最小構成決定手法

    高野 浩貴, 富田 貴文, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会論文誌B   129 ( 2 ) 824 - 830  2009年02月  [査読有り]


    In the field of electrical power system, various approaches, such as utilization of renewable energy, loss reduction, and so on, have been taken to reduce CO2 emission. So as to work toward this goal, the total number of distributed generators (DGs) using renewable energy connected into 6.6kV distribution system has been increasing rapidly. The DGs can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, when a fault occurs such as distribution line fault and bank fault, DGs connecting outage sections are disconnected simultaneously. Since the simultaneous disconnection of DGs influences restoration configuration and normal configuration after the restoration, it is necessary to determine the system configuration in normal state considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs.<br>In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the loss minimum configuration in normal state considering reconnection of DGs after simultaneous disconnection by fault occurrence. The feature of determined loss minimum configuration is satisfying with operational constraints even if all DGs are disconnected from the system. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale distribution system model with 252 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2252) and 120 DGs (total output is 38.46MW which is 23% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    DOI CiNii


  • パレート最適解を用いた配電ネットワーク構成の多目的最適化手法

    林 泰弘, 高野 浩貴, 松木 純也, 西川 裕士

    電気学会論文誌B   128 ( 10 ) 1208 - 1216  2008年10月  [査読有り]


    Distribution network has huge number of configuration candidates because the network configuration is determined by state of many sectionalizing switches (opened or closed) installing in terms of keeping power quality, reliability and so on. Since feeder current and voltage depends on the network configuration, distribution loss, voltage imbalance and bank efficiency can be controlled by changing state of these switches. In addition, feeder current and voltage change by out put of distributed generators (DGs) such as photovoltaic generation system, wind turbine generation system and so on, connected to the feeder. Recently, total number of DGs connected to distribution network increases drastically. Therefore, many configuration candidates of the distribution network must be evaluated multiply from various viewpoints such as distribution loss, voltage imbalance, bank efficiency and so on, considering power supply from connected DGs.<br>In this paper, the authors propose a multi-objective optimization method from three evaluation viewpoints ((1) distribution loss, (2) voltage imbalance and (3) bank efficiency) using pareto optimal solution. In the proposed method, after several high-ranking candidates with small distribution loss are extracted by combinatorial optimization method, each candidate are evaluated from the viewpoints of voltage imbalance and bank efficiency using pareto optimal solution, then loss minimum configuration is determined as the best configuration among these solutions. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model consists of 72 distribution feeders and 234 sectionalizing switches in order to examine the validity of the proposed method.

    DOI CiNii


  • Determination of the optimal control parameters of voltage regulators installed in a radial distribution network

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuji Hanai, Junya Matsuki, Yoshiaki Fuwa, Kenjiro Mori



    This paper presents a new computation method to determine simultaneously file optimal parameters of several voltage regulators such as load-ratio control transformer (LRT) and step voltage regulator (SVR) installed in a radial distribution network. The proposed method determines a combination of their control parameters by minimizing the weighted sum of deviations of line voltage from the upper and lower voltage limits and the amounts of voltage violations by referring to the stored data measured by IT switches. which are sectionalizing switches with sensors installed in the distribution feeder. The optimization algorithm is based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). which is one of the nonlinear optimization methods, by using the concept of swarm intelligence. In order to confirm the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are carried out oil a distribution network model. (c) 2008 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published John by Wiley & Sons. Inc.



  • Service Restoration Method Considering Simultaneous Disconnection of Distributed Generators by One-Bank Fault of Distribution System

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN   91 ( 8 ) 44 - 55  2008年08月  [査読有り]


    Distributed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells are going to be installed in the demand side of distribution systems. The DGs can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, there are several problems installing DGs such as service restoration of distribution system with DGs and so on. When one bank fault of distribution substation occurs in distribution system, since DGs are simultaneously disconnected from the system, it is not easy to restore isolated load by one bank switching in distribution substation. Therefore, a service restoration method to determine restoration configuration and restoration procedures (switching procedure from normal configuration to restoration configuration) taking into account simultaneous disconnection of DGs is needed. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal restoration configuration and the restoration procedure considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs by one bank fault of distribution system. In the proposed algorithm, after all of the restoration configuration candidates are effectively enumerated under the operational constraints, the optimal configuration to restore the isolated load is selected among enumerated configuration candidates. After determining the optimal restoration configuration, the optimal restoration procedures are obtained by greedy algorithm. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model with 237 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2(237)) and 21 DGs (total Output is 5250 kW which is 3% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 91(8): 44-55, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience. wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/ecj.10133



  • Estimation of load model parameters for harmonic analysis

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Kenichi Kobayashi, Norikazu Kanao

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   164 ( 2 ) 44 - 53  2008年07月  [査読有り]


    In order to devise countermeasures for harmonic disturbances and harmonic suppression in power systems effectively, it is necessary to develop a harmonic analysis approach with high accuracy. The major harmonic analysis approach is to re-create harmonic distribution in a power system model by using a simulation method. However, in order to carry out high-accuracy estimation of the harmonic distribution using the simulation method, after creating a load model which consists of several parameters associated with the measured harmonic impedance, the optimal load model parameters must be determined. So far, appropriate load model parameters have been determined by trial and error. Therefore, a systematic approach to determine the optimal load model parameters is needed to estimate the measured harmonic impedance with high accuracy.
    In this paper, a determination method for the optimal load model parameters to estimate the measured harmonic impedance is proposed. The proposed method is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is one of the optimization methods using the concept of swarm intelligence. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, the load model parameters estimated by the proposed method are evaluated using test data and field data of Hokuriku Electric Power Co. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Service restoration method considering simultaneous disconnection of distributed generators by one-bank fault of distribution system

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part II: Electronics (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi)   91 ( 8 ) 44 - 55  2008年  [査読有り]


    Distributed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells are going to be installed in the demand side of distribution systems. The DGs can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, there are several problems installing DGs such as service restoration of distribution system with DGs and so on. When one bank fault of distribution substation occurs in distribution system, since DGs are simultaneously disconnected from the system, it is not easy to restore isolated load by one bank switching in distribution substation. Therefore, a service restoration method to determine restoration configuration and restoration procedures (switching procedure from normal configuration to restoration configuration) taking into account simultaneous disconnection of DGs is needed. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal restoration configuration and the restoration procedure considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs by one bank fault of distribution system. In the proposed algorithm, after all of the restoration configuration candidates are effectively enumerated under the operational constraints, the optimal configuration to restore the isolated load is selected among enumerated configuration candidates. After determining the optimal restoration configuration, the optimal restoration procedures are obtained by greedy algorithm. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model with 237 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2237) and 21 DGs (total output is 5250 kW which is 3% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Determination of optimal sending voltage profile in distribution systems with distributed generators

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Ryoji Suzuki, Eiji Muto

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   161 ( 2 ) 16 - 24  2007年11月  [査読有り]


    Sending voltage profile of distribution feeder is controlled by changing a tap of distribution transformer. In a distribution network with distributed generators, for reasons of effect of reversed flows from them and existence of a great number of sending voltage profile candidates, it is not easy to control sending voltage profile within the acceptable voltage limit. In this paper, in order to determine the optical sending voltage profile of distribution transformer in a distribution network with distributed generators, the authors propose a new method to determine the optimal sending voltage profile so as to minimize the total number of tap position&apos;s change per day under constraints of acceptable voltage limit. In the proposed method, after calculating acceptable range of three-phase voltage of distribution feeder, the optimal profile of tap position within the calculated acceptable voltage range is determined among these candidates by using reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD) which is an efficient enumeration algorithm. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution network model with a distributed generator. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • 配電損失最小化に基づく年間CO2排出削減量の簡易評価手法

    林 泰弘, 高野 浩貴, 松木 純也, 横山 昌央

    電気学会論文誌B   127 ( 11 ) 1137 - 1144  2007年11月  [査読有り]


    Global warming caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases is one of the serious environmental issues. Carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor to global warming. Many efforts to reduce emissions of CO2 are carrying out in various fields. In electrical power system field, various approaches to reduce CO2 emissions have been performed such as loss reduction, utilization of renewable energy, recycling of resources and so on. Especially, distribution loss minimization is effective to reduce CO2 emissions because reduction of distribution loss leads to save the energy. For example, the largest distribution system in Japan consists of about 19,000 feeders. Much CO2 emissions can be reduced by minimizing distribution loss of the largest distribution system. However, CO2 emissions reduced by distribution loss minimization for the largest Japanese distribution system have not been estimated so far.<br>In this paper, the authors try to calculate annual CO2 emissions reduced by distribution loss minimization for a distribution system model based on partial actual data, which is composed by 19,000 distribution feeders, 95,358 sectionalizing switches and 73,849 load sections. In the trial calculation, reduced CO2 emissions are estimated by sequentially proceeding four procedures: (1) classification of distribution system model into several load areas, (2) determination of loss minimum configuration in each load area, (3) calculation of reduced annual distribution loss for each area, and (4) calculation of reduced annual CO2 emissions. As the result of the trial calculation, reduced annual CO2 emissions of 40 &times; 106kg/year is estimated for the Japanese largest scaled 19,000 feeders distribution model.

    DOI CiNii


  • 電力ネットワークアクセス

    林 泰弘

    電気学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan   127 ( 2 ) 89 - 93  2007年02月



    DOI CiNii


  • Establishment of a Standard Analytical Model of Distribution Network with Distributed Generators and Development of Multi Evaluation Method for Network Configuration Candidates

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shoji Kawasaki, Junya Matsuki, Hiroaki Matsuda, Shigekazu Sakai, Teru Miyazaki, Naoki Kobayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   126 ( 10 ) 1013 - 1022  2006年10月  [査読有り]


    Since a distribution network has many sectionalizing switches, there are huge radial network configuration candidates by states (opened or closed) of sectionalizing switches. Recently, the total number of distributed generation such as photovoltaic generation system and wind turbine generation system connected to the distribution network is drastically increased. The distribution network with the distributed generators must be operated keeping reliability of power supply and power quality. Therefore, the many configurations of the distribution network with the distributed generators must be evaluated multiply from various viewpoints such as distribution loss, total harmonic distortion, voltage imbalance and so on. In this paper, the authors propose a multi evaluation method to evaluate the distribution network configuration candidates satisfied with constraints of voltage and line current limit from three viewpoints ((1) distribution loss, (2) total harmonic distortion and (3) voltage imbalance). After establishing a standard analytical model of three sectionalized and three connected distribution network configuration with distributed generators based on the practical data, the multi evaluation for the established model is carried out by using the proposed method based on EMTP (Electro-Magnetic Transients Programs).


  • Computation of Locational and Hourly Maximum Output of a Distributed Generator Connected to a Distribution Feeder

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Yuji Hanai, Shinpei Hosokawa, Naoki Kobayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   126 ( 10 ) 1023 - 1031  2006年10月  [査読有り]


    Recently, the total number of distributed generation such as photovoltaic generation system and wind turbine generation system connected to distribution network is drastically increased. Distributed generation utilizing renewable energy can reduce the distribution loss and emission of CO2. However the distribution network with the distributed generators must be operated keeping reliability of power supply and power quality. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the maximum output of a distributed generator under the operational constrains ((1) voltage limit, (2) line current capacity, and (3) no reverse flow to bank) at arbitrary connection point and hourly period. In the proposed method, three-phase iterative load flow calculation is applied to evaluate the above operational constraints. Three-phase iterative load flow calculation has two simple procedures: (Procedure1) addition of load currents from terminal node of feeder to root one, and (Procedure2) subtraction of voltage drop from root node of feeder to terminal one. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are accomplished for a distribution system model. Furthermore, characteristics of locational and hourly maximum output of distributed generator connected to distribution feeder are analyzed by several numerical examples.

    DOI CiNii


  • Determination Method of Loss-minimum Configuration with Mathematical Optimality in a Three Sectionalized and Three Connected Distribution Feeder Network

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Shinji Ishikawa, Hirotaka Takano, Eiji Muto, Naoki Kobayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   126 ( 5 ) 516 - 524  2006年05月


    In a distribution system, in order to enhance the reliability of power supply, the distribution feeder is divided into several sections by installing sectionalizing switches, and then each of sectionalized sections is connected to different feeder. For example, one feeder is divided into three sections by two sectionalizing switches, and then each of divided sections is connected to other feeder through sectionalizing switch. Since a distribution system with many feeders has many sectionalizing switches, the system configuration is determined by states (opened or closed) of sectionalizing switches. Usually, power utility tries to obtain distribution loss-minimum configuration among large numbers of configuration candidates. However, it is very difficult to determine the loss-minimum configuration that the mathematical optimality is guaranteed, because it is well known that determination of distribution system's configuration is to decide whether each sectionalizing switch is opened or closed by solving a combinatorial optimization problem.
    In this paper, the authors propose a determination method of loss minimum configuration which the mathematical optimality is guaranteed for a three sectionalized and three connected distribution feeder network. A problem to determine the loss minimum configuration is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problems with four operational constraints ((1) feeder capacity, (2) voltage limit, (3) radial structure and (4) three sectionalization). In the proposed method, after picking up all partial configurations satisfied with radial structure constraint by using enumeration method, optimal combination of partial configurations is determined under the other operational constraints by using conventional optimization method. Numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution network model with 140 sectionalizing switches in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm in comparison with one of conventional meta-heuristics (Tabu search).

    DOI CiNii

  • Application of improved PSO to power flow control by TCSC for maximum acceptance of requested wheeled power

    Y Hayashi, J Matsuki, G Kanai

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   155 ( 2 ) 17 - 26  2006年04月  [査読有り]


    Open access to electric power transmission networks has been carried out in order to foster generation competition and customer choice worldwide. When several PPSs request to simultaneously supply power to customers based oil bilateral contracts, it is expected that the transmission network accepts amounts of wheeled power requested by the PPSs as much as possible. It is possible to maximize total requested wheeled power by controlling power flow through transmission lines. It is well known that FACTS device is available to control line flow flexibly. In this paper, in order to maximize total wheeled power simultaneously requested by several PPSs, the authors propose an algorithm to determine the optimal reactance of TCSC (a type of FACTS device). The proposed algorithm is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is an optimization method based on swarm intelligence. In the proposed algorithm, PSO is improved to enhance ability of searching global minimum by giving different characteristic to behavior of each agent. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical results are shown for 6 and IEEE 30 bus system models. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Service Restoration Method Considering Simultaneous Disconnection of Distributed Generators by One Bank Fault of Distribution System

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   126 ( 3 ) 336 - 346  2006年03月  [査読有り]


    Distributed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells etc. are going to be installed in demand side of distribution systems. The distributed generators can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, there are several problems to install DGs such as service restoration of distribution system with DGs and so on. When one bank fault of distribution substation occurs in distribution system, since DGs are simultaneously disconnected from the system, it is not easy to restore isolated load by one bank switching in distribution substation. Therefore, a service restoration method to determine restoration configuration and restoration procedures (switching procedure from normal configuration to restoration configuration) taking into account simultaneous disconnection of DGs is needed. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal restoration configuration and the restoration procedure considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs by one bank fault of distribution system. In the proposed algorithm, after all of restoration configuration candidates are effectively enumerated under the operational constraints, the optimal configuration to restore the isolated load is selected among enumerated configuration candidates. After determining the optimal restoration configuration, the optimal restoration procedures are obtained by greedy algorithm. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model with 237 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2237) and 21DGs (total output is 5250kW which is 3% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    DOI CiNii

  • 自律度向上型太陽光発電システムにおける蓄電ステーションの検討

    山口 雅英, 詫間 隆史, 川松 達弥, 黒川 浩助, 大谷 謙仁, 若尾 真治, 林 泰弘, 小野 之良

    パワーエレクトロニクス学会誌   32   54 - 60  2006年


    Japan set up the long-term R & D roadmap titled "PV2030" in 2004. This roadmap assumes the mass deployment of 100GW PV aggregation will supply 10% of national electricity up to year 2030. Under this condition, PV penetration will reach almost 100% in the majority of urban areas, which may allow less harmonization with the conventional power grid due to the frequent and huge reversal power flow from PVs. The authors have developed new concepts called "autonomy-enhanced PV cluster (AE-PVC)" to realize a less dependent PV aggregation on the existing power grids. This paper describes a configuration and functions of a battery storage station, which performs energy control in AE-PVC.

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of even harmonics generation in an isolated electric power system

    Norikazu Kanao, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   126 ( 9 ) 887 - 893  2006年  [査読有り]


    Harmonics bred from loads are mainly odd order because the current waveform has half-wave symmetry. Since the even harmonics are negligibly small, those are not generally measured in electric power systems. However, even harmonics were measured at a 500/275/154 kV substation in Hokuriku Electric Power Company after removal of a transmission line fault. The even harmonics caused malfunctions of protective digital relays because the relays used 4 th harmonics at the input filter as automatic supervisory signal. This paper describes the mechanism of generation of the even harmonics by comparing measured waveforms with ATP-EMTP simulation results. As a result of analysis, it is cleared that even harmonics are generated by three causes. The first cause is a magnetizing current of transformers due to flux deviation by DC component of a fault current. The second one is due to harmonic conversion of a synchronous machine which generates even harmonics when direct current component or even harmonic current flow into the machine. The third one is that increase of harmonic impedance due to an isolated power system produces harmonic voltages. The design of the input filter of protective digital relays should consider even harmonics generation in an isolated power system.



  • 競争環境下の新しい系統運用技術

    大山力, 岡田健司, 高橋理, 石亀篤司, 加藤政一, 北裕幸, 栗原郁夫, 斎藤浩海, 佐々木伸幸, 沢敏之, 柴田信之, 進士誉夫, 高橋順一, 但見収司, 塚本幸辰, 寺島一希, 中沢太郎, 野村宗訓, 林秀樹, 林泰弘, 藤本明夫, 松川勇, 三沢哲也, 三島裕樹, 宮内肇, 諸住哲, 矢野信彦, 横山明彦, 余利野直人, 佐藤泰司, 佐々木鉄於, 吉田誠治, 伊佐治圭介, 内田貢市, 柏木健志, 川内野寿博, 北岸延之, 小杉成史, 佐藤康生, 杉原俊雄

    電気学会技術報告   ( 1038 ) 156P  2005年11月


  • Determination Method for Optimal Sending Voltage Profile in Distribution System with Distributed Generators

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Ryoji Suzuki, Eiji Muto

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   125 ( 9 ) 846 - 854  2005年09月  [査読有り]


    Sending voltage profile of distribution feeder is controlled by changing a tap of distribution transformer. In a distribution network with distributed generators, for reasons of effect of reversed flows from them and existence of a great number of sending voltage profile candidates, it is not easy to control sending voltage profile within the acceptable voltage limit. In this paper, in order to determine the optimal sending voltage profile of distribution transformer in a distribution network with distributed generators, the authors propose a new method to determine the optimal sending voltage profile so as to minimize total number of tap position's change per day under constraints of acceptable voltage limit. In the proposed method, after calculating acceptable range of three phase voltage of distribution feeder, the optimal profile of tap position within the calculated acceptable voltage range is determined among these candidates by using reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD) which is an efficient enumeration algorithm. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution network model with a distributed generator.

    DOI CiNii

  • Calculation of the loss-minimum configuration in the IEEJ local power system model

    Y Hayashi, J Matsuki, Kurihara, I

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   146 ( 4 ) 34 - 42  2004年03月  [査読有り]


    in Japan, local power systems (77 kV) are served from the 275- or 154-kV substations. For enhancement of power supply reliability, the transmission lines are connected to several substations, and the operational configuration is radial. The local power system&apos;s configuration is determined by connecting and disconnecting transmission lines so as to keep the radial structure and satisfy the operation constraints. When a local power system has a number of transmission lines, many configuration candidates occur. Recently, an IEEJ committee made a practical scale local system model (IEEJ Local System Model). Since the IEEJ Local System Model has 76 transmission lines, the total number of configuration candidates is 2(76) (approximately 7.5 x 10(22)). In this paper, the authors try to strictly obtain the loss-minimum configuration under constraints such as substation capacity, line capacity, and radial structure in the IEEJ Local System Model. In order to obtain the optimal configuration, a new computation algorithm is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the configuration determination problem is replaced as two combinatorial optimization problems based on the operational constraints [(1) substation capacity, (2) line capacity, and (3) radial structure]. One combinatorial optimization problem (subproblem 1) is to pick up all partial configurations so as to minimize total line loss under the substation capacity constraint. By using the enumeration method, subproblem 1 is solved. Subproblem 2 is solved by using the reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD). Since the proposed method is based on enumeration and Boolean function, the optimality of obtained solution is guaranteed. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  • Application of Improved PSO to Power Flow Control by TCSC for Maximum Acceptance of Requested Wheeled Power

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Genshin Kanai

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   123 ( 10 ) 1133 - 1141  2003年10月  [査読有り]


    Open access to electric power transmission networks has been carried out in order to foster generation competition and customer choice in the worldwide. When several PPSs request to simultaneously supply power to customers based on bilateral contracts, it is expected that transmission network accepts amounts of wheeled power requested by the PPSs as much as possible. It is possible to maximize total requested wheeled power by controlling power flow through transmission lines. It is well known that FACTS device is available to control line flow flexibly. In this paper, in order to maximize total wheeled power simultaneously requested by several PPSs, the authors propose an algorithm to determine the optimal reactance of TCSC (one of FACTS devices). The proposed algorithm is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is one of optimization methods based on swarm intelligence. In the proposed algorithm, PSO is improved to enhance ability of searching global minimum by giving different characteristic to behavior of each agent. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical results are shown for 6 and IEEE 30 bus system models.

    DOI CiNii


  • Multi Objective Evaluation for Local Power System Configuration Based on Deterministic and Probabilistic Approaches

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Kazuhisa Sato, Yuko Tokunoh

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   123 ( 10 ) 1172 - 1179  2003年10月  [査読有り]


    Local power systems (66kV) are served from the 275kV or 154kV substations. In order to maintain power supply reliability, the transmission lines are connected to several substations, and the operational configuration is radial. Since practical local power system has a number of transmission lines, many configuration candidates occur. It is expected to effectively evaluate these configuration candidates from various viewpoints such as reliability of power supply, transmission loss and so on. In this paper, the authors propose a multi objective evaluation method by using deterministic and probabilistic approaches for local power system configuration. In the proposed multi objective evaluation method, after selecting system configuration candidates which satisfy N-1 security by using an optimization method based on Boolean function, these candidates are evaluated from viewpoints of expected outage time, transmission loss and facility operation rate. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical results are shown for a practical local system model with about 39 × 1027 configuration.

    DOI CiNii


  • Determination of optimal system configuration in Japanese secondary power systems

    Y Hayashi, J Matsuki

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS   18 ( 1 ) 394 - 399  2003年02月  [査読有り]


    In Japan, when a secondary radial power system (66 kV, 77 kV) has a number of connected feeders whose circuit breakers (CBs) can be opened or closed, the combinatorial number of possible system structures created by switching CBs becomes very large. In order to determine the optimal configuration of secondary radial power system in normal state and fault state, a new computation algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on enumeration and Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD). In order to verify the availability of the proposed approach, the authors obtain optimal configurations for normal and fault states on IEE of Japan secondary power system model (IEEJ model) by using the proposed method. IEEJ model has the distinctive characteristics of practical Japanese power systems, the total number of configuration candidates is the 76th power of 2 (= 75 000 000 000 000 billion approximately). The optimality of the system configuration obtained by the proposed method is mathematically guaranteed.



  • Determination Method for Loss-minimum Distribution System Configuration Considering Disconnection of Installed Dispersed Generators

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Hirotaka Takano

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   122 ( 12 ) 1376 - 1383  2002年12月


    Dispersed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells etc. are going to be installed in demand side of power systems. The dispersed facilities can reduce distribution system loss by the appropriate allocation. However, when a DG which has large capacity is disconnected from the distribution network by a fault, violation of the operational constraints such as the line capacity and voltage drop may occur. From a view point of system reliability, robust system configuration for suddenly disconnecting DG from the distribution network must be determined, since system operators can not control DG connection to the network in the on-line. In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm to determine the loss-minimum configuration for a distribution system with DGs maintaining system reliability. Namely, in the proposed algorithm, when the loss-minimum configuration is determined under the line current capacity and voltage drop constraints, n-1 contingencies for DGs are also considered. In order to determine the loss-minimum configuration, tabu search added strategic oscillation is employed. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model with 118 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates is 2118) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, performance of the proposed method is compared with a conventional metaheuristic method, which is Simulated Annealing (SA), through numerical simulations for the system model.


  • Computation Method for Simultaneous Transfer Capability Considering Wheeled Power by PPS

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Takayuki Ikeda

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   122 ( 12 ) 1366 - 1375  2002年12月  [査読有り]


    Open access to electric power transmission networks has been carried out in order to foster generation competition and customer choice in the worldwide. Available transfer capability(ATC) is the largest additional amount of power above some base flow which can be transferred between two sets of buses under constraints such as voltage limit, overloads, stability and n-1 contingencies. Calculation of ATC is important to promote open access to electric power transmission networks. If there are several ATC between two sets of buses, simultaneous transfer capability(STC) of power transmission networks must be calculated. STC is defined as the ability of a transmission network to allow for the reliable movement of electric power from areas of supply to areas of demand. In this paper, a new algorithm to precisely calculate STC is proposed. The proposed method is based on linear programming(LP) based DC power flow and optimal power flow (OPF). Namely, LP base DC power flow is used to obtain the initial solution of STC, and then OPF using successive quadratic programming (SQP) is applied to obtain feasible solution of STC under the operational constraints such as balance of power supply and demand, voltage limit, overloads, generation limit, steady state stability and n-1 contingencies. Furthermore, if power wheeling transactions by several PPSs are simultaneously requested for the transmission network, it seems that the acceptable quantity for the requested wheeling power must be indicated to PPSs from a view point of the transmission network reliability. An algorithm to calculate the acceptable quantity for the requested wheeling power is also proposed by using STC computation. In order to check the validity of the proposed methods, numerical results are shown for 6 and IEEE 30 buses system models.


  • Calculation of the Loss-minimum Configuration in IEEJ Local Power System Model

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Ikuo Kurihara

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   122 ( 10 ) 1082 - 1088  2002年10月  [査読有り]


    In Japan, local power systems (77kV) are served from the 275kV or 154kV substations. For enhancement of power supply reliability, the transmission lines are connected to several substations, and the operational configuration is radial. The local power system's configuration is determined by connecting and disconnecting transmission lines so as to keep the radial structure and satisfy the operational constraints. When a local power system has a number of transmission lines, many configuration candidates occurs. Recently, an IEEJ committee made a practical scale local system model (IEEJ Local System Model). Since IEEJ Local System Model has 76 transmission lines, the total number of configuration candidates is 276(=7.5×1022 approximately). In this paper, the authors try to strictly obtain the loss-minimum configuration under constraints such as substation capacity, line capacity and radial structure in IEEJ Local System Model. In order to obtain the optimal configuration, a new computation algorithm is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the configuration determination problem is replaced as two combinatorial optimization problems based on the operational constraints (1)substation capacity, (2)line capacity and (3)radial structure). One combinatorial optimization problem (subprobleml) is to pick up all partial configurations satisfied with line capacity and radial structure constraints. The, other one (subproblem2) is to select the partial configurations so as to minimize total line loss under the substation capacity constraint. By using the enumeration method, subprobleml is solved. Subproblem2 is solved by using the reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD). Since the proposed method is based on enumeration and Boolean function, the optimality of obtained solution is guaranteed.


  • Optimal allocation of dispersed generators for loss minimization

    K Nara, Y Hayashi, B Deng, K Ikeda, T Ashizawa

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   136 ( 2 ) 1 - 8  2001年07月  [査読有り]


    Dispersed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells will be installed on the demand side of power systems. Such dispel scd facilities can reduce distribution system loss by appropriate allocation. Planning and operation of distribution systems with the dispersed facilities have already been discussed. In this paper, the authors discuss the extent to which distribution system loss can be reduced if DGs are optimally allocated on the demand side of the distribution system. In order to determine the optimal allocation and size of DGs so as to minimize the distribution system loss, an algorithm based on tabu search is employed. The proposed algorithm consists of iterated nested use of the tabu search algorithm. Namely, in the proposed algorithm, in one computational iteration, after the location of the DG is temporarily determined by tabu search, the size of the DG is also determined by tabu search so as to minimize the distribution system loss for the temporarily determined allocation. Numerical simulations are carried out fur two system models in order to examine the validity of the algorithm. (C) 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 136(2): 1-8, 2001.

  • Determination Method for Optimal Secondary Power System Structure Using ROBDD

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Koichi Nara

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   121 ( 2 ) 172 - 178  2001年02月  [査読有り]


    Secondary power systems (66kV) with radial system structures are served from the 275kV or 154kV substations. For enhancement of power supply reliability, the transmission line is connected to another substation. However, when the radial power system has a number of connected feeders, the combinatorial number of possible system structures by switching CBs becomes very large. In this paper, a new solution method to determine the optimal secondary power system configuration is proposed. In the proposed method, the determination problem of the optimal system structure is treated as a minimum spanning tree problem with constraints, and then it is solved by using reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD). Since the proposed method is based on Boolean function, the optimality of obtained solution is guaranteed. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are carried out for system models, and the results obtained by branch and bound method are compared with these of proposed method.


  • Application of tabu search to optimal placement of distributed generators

    K Nara, Y Hayashi, K Ikeda, T Ashizawa



    Distributed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells, solar cells, wind mills and micro gas turbines, etc. are going to be installed in demand side of power systems. Such distributed generators can reduce distribution loss if they are placed appropriately in the distribution system. In this paper, tabu search application for finding the optimal allocation of DGs from a viewpoint of loss minimization is illustrated. In other words, the authors discuss about an implementation method of tabu search to find how much distribution loss can be reduced if DGs are optimally allocated at the demand side of a power system. Namely, locations and discrete capacities of DGs to minimize the distribution loss are determined by nested use of the tabu search algorithm. Numerical examples are shown to demonstrate the method.

  • Optimal Allocation of Dispersed Generators for Loss Minimization

    Koichi Nara, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Bin Deng, Kazushige Ikeda, Tomoo Ashizawa

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   120 ( 5 ) 672 - 677  2000年05月  [査読有り]


    Dispersed generators (DG) such as fuel cells and solar cells etc. are going to be installed in demand side of power systems. The dispersed facilities can reduce distribution system loss by the appropriate allocation. So far, planning and operation of distribution system with the dispersed facilities have been discussed. In this paper, the authors discuss about how much the distribution system loss minimization can be reduced if DGs are optimally allocated at the demand side of the distribution system. In order to determine the optimal allocation and size of DG for minimizing the distribution system loss, an algorithm based on tabu search is employed. The proposed algorithm consists of the repetition of nested use of the tabu search algorithm. Namely, in the proposed algorithm, in one computational iteration, after the location of DG is temporarily determined by tabu search, the size of DG is also determined by tabu search so as to minimize the distribution system loss for the temporarily determined allocation. Numerical simulations are carried out for two system models in order to examine the validity of the algorithm.


  • An Approximate Solution Algorithm for Load Balancing of Distribution Systems

    Keeyoung Nam, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Koichi Nara

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   118 ( 9 ) 983 - 989  1998年09月  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a new algorithm to obtain an approximate optimal solution for the load balancing of large-scale radial distribution system. Since the problem is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem because of the discreteness of load section connection, it is difficult to solve a large-scale combinatorial optimization problem accurately within the reasonable computational time. So for, in order to find an approximate optimal solution quickly, the authors have published a solution method based on the network flow incremental algorithm. Although the incremental algorithm can find the optimal solution to the problem, the result is not always radial (feasible). So as to overcome this deficiency, in this paper, the authors propose a new algorithm that can find the load balanced radial distribution feeder configuration. The proposed algorithm picks up load by a unit of a section load. Therefore, the problem is elementarily a combinatorial optimization problem. However, to avoid the permutation, the algorithm employs a heuristic algorithm based on the mathematical concept of the optimality of the incremental algorithm. In picking up section load, the algorithm can take into account not only the current load balance but also the expected load which feeders should pick up afterward. To realize this algorithm, a combination of labels is introduced to each node. Through numerical examples, the validity of the proposed method is examined.

  • Reliable electrical power supply by DGS for unbundled power quality services

    K Nara, Y Hayashi



    The authors have been proposing a new electrical power delivery system named FRIENDS Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical eNergy Delivery System). FRIENDS is a new concept of power distribution system which can realize unbundled power duality services after de-regulated conditions. In order to realize FRIENDS, we must develop a system network configuration of FRIENDS itself For unbundled power quality services, especially, for reliable power supply, the authors propose a new algorithm to create a network of FRIENDS. The proposed method is based on tabu search, and can find the, le: ast cost network configuration of FRIENDS under the constraint that no overloaded exists in multiple fault cases.

  • Determination of Newly Installed Feeder Route Considering Use of Existing Feeder

    Koichi Nara, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yukihiro Yamafuji, Hideo Tanaka, Jun Hagihara, Shoichi Muto, Kotaro Tuchida, Masahiro Sakuraoka

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   117 ( 6 ) 798 - 805  1997年06月  [査読有り]


    In planning a distribution system for urban area, when a feeder is newly installed, the route of the feeder must be determined among many candidates, considering investment cost and constraints. However, it is difficult for planners to find the optimal route of the newly installed feeder. Because too many candidates of route exist which can be constructed along the road on service area of the power company. It must be considered whether the end part of an existing feeder can be used as apart of newly installed feeder within specified loaded value. In this paper, in order to support planners' decision for selecting optimal route of newly installed feeders, the authors have formulated the problem mathematically, and propose a new solution algorithm to find the optimal route by referring Dijkstra Method. Through numerical examples, authors demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.

  • An algorithm for thermal unit maintenance scheduling through combined use of GA SA and TS

    H Kim, Y Hayashi, K Nara

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS   12 ( 1 ) 329 - 335  1997年02月  [査読有り]


    This paper describes a method of solving a large scale long term thermal unit maintenance scheduling problem. In the solution algorithm, the genetic algorithm(GA), the simulated annealing(SA) and the tabu search(TS) are cooperatively used. The solution algorithm keeps the advantages of individual algorithm and shows a reasonable combination of local search and global search. The method takes the maintenance class and several consecutive years scheduling into consideration. Several real scale numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Scenario creation method by genetic algorithm for evaluating future plan

    Y. Hayashi, H. Kim, K. Nara

    Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation     880 - 885  1996年


    Genetic Algorithm(GA) is well-known as a search algorithm based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. The ability of adaptiveness of GA is available for various problems in industrial fields. In this paper, GA is applied to scenario creation for the evaluating future plan in order to support planner's work. The proposed method is based on the planner's knowledge which is used to create scenarios by planner. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by numerical results for an example of application to the power system planning.

  • Development of Negotiation Expert System for Subtransmission System Planning

    Y. Aihara, Y. Hayashi, T. Terashima, I. Takemoto, S.Iwamoto

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   115 ( 7 ) 778 - 786  1995年07月  [査読有り]


    Recently the task of planning in power systems is becoming a very complicated process for utility planners. This kind of planning has a lot of objectives to accomplish. In this paper we employ Negotiation Algorithm, which was proposed by the group of Chen-Ching Liu, for subtransmission power system planning to create a plan having many objectives. First, the Goal-Decision-Network(GDN) is constructed to model this planning problem, and Negotiation Algorithm is applied to utilize both subtrasmission system planning GDN, which attempts to capture its knowledge, and negotiation operators, which search for the most feasible and promising decisions in this planning GDN. Finally the negotiation expert system is demonstrated for the subtransmission system planning using a real system.

  • The performance of hybridized algorithm of GA SA and TS for thermal unit maintenance scheduling

    H Kim, Y Hayashi, K Nara




    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   114 ( 8 ) 41 - 54  1994年12月  [査読有り]


    In general, electric power companies must prepare power supply capability for maximum electric load demand because it is very difficult at present to store electric power. It takes several years and requires a great amount of money to construct power generation and transmission facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast long-ten load demand exactly in order to plan or operate power systems efficiently. Several methods have been investigated so far for the long-term load forecasting. However, because the electric loads consist of many complex factors, good forecasting has been very difficult.
    This paper proposes a long-term load forecasting method using a recurrent neural network (RNN). This is a mutually connected network that has the ability of learning patterns and past records. In general, when interpolation is used for unlearned data sets, the neural network provides reasonably good outputs. However, when extrapolation is used, such as in long-term load forecasting, some kind of tunings have been necessary to obtain good results. Therefore, to solve the problem, a method is proposed in which growth rates are used as input and output data. Using the proposed method, successful results have been obtained and comparisons have been made with the conventional methods,

  • Application of Improved Hopfield Model to Voltage Control Problem

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Iwamoto

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   112 ( 8 ) 685 - 692  1992年08月  [査読有り]


    The voltage control calculation is the combinatorial optimization problem, and it has been difficult to solve this type of problem quickly with the conventional digital computer. However according to the modelling of excellent parallel processing ability of neurons, it has become possible to carry out the optimization with the Hopfield neural network model. In this paper, in order to solve the voltage control problem we propose an improved Hopfield model which has an individual input-output function for an individual neuron to achieve a drastic improvement in the calculation time.

  • Introduction of Neural Network Theory to Load Flow Problem

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Iwamoto

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   111 ( 7 ) 713 - 722  1991年07月  [査読有り]


    In recent years, according to the modelling of excellent information processing ability of neurons, it has become possible to carry out pattern recognitions or optimizations with the neural network theory. In this paper, we show how to introduce the neural network theory to the load-flow calculation of rectangular coordinate. A problem which input-output functions have for neural network applications is pointed out, and effects of changes in load patterns and system size are discussed in terms of the optimal multiplier. Results of simulations are shown with the convergence characteristics.



  • 配電ネットワークシステム工学

    林 泰弘 監修, 配電系統ラディカル化検討会, 編著

    オーム社  2021年03月

  • Cyber Security for Voltage Control of Distribution Systems Under Data Falsification Attacks

    Hideaki Ishii, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Isao Ono, Takashi Onoda, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Springer International Publishing  2020年

  • “Demand-Side Response/Home Energy Management”, Smart Grid Handbook

    Hideo Ishii, Wataru Hirohashi, Masataka Mitsuoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi( 担当: 共著)

    John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  2016年06月 ISBN: 9781118755488

  • スマートグリッド学—戦略・技術・方法論—

    林泰弘, 編著, 岡本浩, 林秀樹, 濱坂隆, 伊奈友子, 坂本紀代美

    日本電気協会新聞部  2010年12月

  • スマートグリッドの構成技術と標準化

    横山明彦, 林泰弘, 坂東茂, 林秀樹, 新井正伸, 姉川尚史, 合田忠弘, 浅野浩志, 今井伸一, 木槻純一, 山田竜也, 弥栄邦俊

    日本規格協会  2010年06月 ISBN: 9784542301832

  • 電力系統の最適潮流計算(OPF,Optimal Power Flow)

    関根泰次, 横山明彦, 安田恵一郎, 林泰弘, 田辺隆也, 岡本浩, 多田泰之

    日本電気協会  2002年



  • 短期計画・長期計画の両方を考慮した燃料電池の最適運用に関する初期検討

    岡本光一郎, 丹野裕次郎, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 島潔, 田村龍一


  • 域内電気自動車群のアグリゲーションによる 再エネ利用率向上への貢献性評価

    森田晃世, 金子曜久, 広橋亘, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 高口雄介, 板屋伸彦, 鍵田昌幸


  • DRreadyを想定したヒートポンプ給湯機の太陽光発電余剰吸収ポテンシャルの年間評価

    上村真子, 金子曜久, 広橋亘, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 高口雄介, 板屋伸彦, 鍵田昌幸


  • 系統切替プロセス効率化と配電損失削減を目的とした配電系統構成に関する初期検討

    清水翔馬, 石井綱吉, 藤本悠, 林泰弘


  • 再エネ需給不確実性を考慮したディーゼル発電と蓄電池の離島オフグリッド運用法の検討

    野々村 孟德, 藤本 悠, 石井 綱吉, 林 泰弘, 大貫 正昌, 石橋 一成, 田中 俊輔, 唐澤 利史


  • 超急速充電器を用いた電動バス充放電計画における線路利用率の上昇と同時充放電現象の関係性

    梅津 奏, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山 慎距, 生石 光平, 森 健二郎


  • 施設園芸における温度管理の脱炭素化に向けて:外気温情報を活用した空気熱源式 ヒートポンプと燃油暖房機の協調運用

    石森 貴也, 菅野颯馬, 藤本悠, 田辺新一, 林泰弘, 石井雅久


  • 将来の電源構成に基づく東日本系統モデルを用いた慣性力の基礎的評価

    吉川 優衣, 志熊 亮佑, 金子 曜久, 諏訪 寛, 矢部 邦明, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


  • 多目的動的系統構成最適化問題における 系統指標間のトレードオフ関係の評価

    XIE SHANGHONG, 金子曜久, 飯野穣, 林 泰弘, 百川 涼平, 矢部 啓之, 直井 伸也


  • マイクログリッドのDER群多目的最適化における需要家の公平性の評価

    齋藤龍平, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎


  • 電圧降下緩和を目的とした需要家電圧に基づく電気自動車の自律型充電シフト手法の初期検討”

    渡邉崇史, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 平田嘉裕


  • エネルギー自立型住宅のDER容量設計:自立分散型社会を見据えた機能要件の類型化に向けて

    進士聖夫, 藤本悠, 金子奈々恵, 林泰弘, マハムドファーハン, 諏訪部元樹, 樋口裕二


  • 系統用蓄電池の活用を考慮した系統レジリエンスのアデカシー評価検討

    竹原有紗, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 湯山安由美

    電力系統技術研究会(テーマ: 電力技術一般およびそれに関連する半導体電力変換技術)  

  • 連合学習に基づくスマートインバータ群の協調的制御パラメタ決定における 電圧制御性能評価

    高橋 壮, 藤本 悠, 金子 曜久, 金子 奈々恵, 飯野 穣, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    電力系統技術研究会(テーマ: 電力技術一般およびそれに関連する半導体電力変換技術)  

  • 配電系統の空間的な潮流可制御性を考慮した電気バス充放電計画最適化に関する手法提案

    梅津 奏, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山 慎距, 生石 光平, 森 健二郎

    電力系統技術研究会(テーマ: 電力技術一般およびそれに関連する半導体電力変換技術)  

  • 系統運用性と公平性の指標間の相関を考慮したマイクログリッド多目的最適化手法の提案

    齋藤龍平, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    電力系統技術研究会(テーマ: 電力技術一般およびそれに関連する半導体電力変換技術)  

  • 電圧簡易推定に基づく配電用変電所の混雑緩和のためのDER調達地点選定手法

    設楽竜士, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    電力系統技術研究会(テーマ: 電力技術一般およびそれに関連する半導体電力変換技術)  

  • 階層型ロバストEMSの需給調整市場への適用評価検討

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 土井淳平, 松崎貴広, 三宅治良, 坂元賢太郎

    電力系統技術研究会(テーマ: 電力技術一般およびそれに関連する半導体電力変換技術)  

  • 電力データの時空間クラスタリングによるパターンEMS方式の評価と考察

    飯野穣, 林泰弘


  • A resilience management method for power outages with dynamic prioritization of consumer resources

    Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    15th International Conference on Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE 2025)  

    発表年月: 2025年02月

  • Low Carbon Charging Schedule of Electric Buses: Case Study in Denmark and Japan

    Fumiaki Osaki, Francesco Pastorelli, David Menchaca Santos, Jan Martin Zepter, Mattia Marinelli, Yutaka Iino, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    15th International Conference on Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE 2025)  

    発表年月: 2025年02月

  • A Calculation Method of Non-fossil Value of Pumped Hydro and Storage Battery Output and the Calculation Results

    Kuniaki Yabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 41st Conference on energy, Economy, and environment  

    発表年月: 2025年01月

  • 需給調整市場を対象とした地域冷暖房システムの経済価値及び環境価値の同時評価

    冨田康平, 飯野穣, 林泰弘


  • 停電レジリエンス性能予測に基づく平時の蓄電池の動的管理方式の評価

    飯野穣, 林泰弘


  • 混雑緩和を目的とした系統用蓄電池の充電インセンティブ設計手法に関する検討

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 花井悠二, 小関英雄


    発表年月: 2025年01月

  • Cooperative Voltage Regulation Method between On-Load-Tap-Changers and Smart Inverters in Distribution Systems Using Communication

    So Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Power Factor Settings of Photovoltaics Considering Regional Characteristics in Distribution Network for Effective Generation Utilization

    Takafumi Watanabe, Akihisa Kaneko, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yoshihiro Hirata

    IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • エネルギーデータの時空間クラスタリングによる連合学習型EMS方式の提案

    飯野穣, 林泰弘


  • Assessment of Power Flow and Voltage under Distributed Energy Resources Utilization for Mitigation of Congestion at Distribution Network Substations

    Akihisa Kaneko, Hiroshi Suwa, Yutaka Iino, Yu Fujimoto, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    the 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-35)  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Feasible Sub-Network Enumeration and Combination Approach for Loss Minimization in Locally PV- Dense Distribution Networks

    Erina Sato, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Dynamic Determination for Voltage Regulators Parameters by Monitoring Power Flow and Three-Phase Unbalance

    Tatsuki Okuno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masaaki Ishimaru, Minoru Doi


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Edge-Side Data Squashing and Metric Learning for Energy Prosumer Clustering: Toward Parameter Optimization of Residential Photovoltaic Inverters

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, So Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Assessment for Suitable Distributed Energy Resource Utilization to Mitigate Impact on Voltage under Congestion Management

    Ryuji Shitara, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Iino Yutaka, Yasuhiro Hayashi


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • A Personalized Federated Learning Scheme for Operational Parameter Determination of PV Smart Inverters

    Yu Fujimoto, Nanae Kaneko, So Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • A Low-Carbon Charging Operation Planning Approach for Electric Buses

    Haruka Nakano, Yu Fujimoto, Nanae Kaneko, Soma Sugano, Wei-Hsiang Yang, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Hayashi


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Impact of Installation Location and Active Power Limitation of Grid-Forming Inverters on Frequency Stability

    Yui Yoshikawa, Ryosuke Shikuma, Akihisa Kaneko, Hiroshi Suwa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi


    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • Proposal and Evaluation of Hierarchical EMS using an Adaptive-Robust EMS Method

    Masao Shinji, Yutaka Iino, Tsunayoshi Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoshi Yamashita, Jumpei Doi, Takahiro Matsuzaki, Jiro Miyake, Kentaro Sakamoto


    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • 燃料電池と蓄電池と太陽光発電の連携システムを用いた一次調整力の入札計画手法

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 手島 光, 大澤 泰嗣, 小林 範之


  • 将来的な PV 導入地点の不確実性に対応した配電系統における系統用蓄電池の導入地点および容量の検討

    蔵口桜子, 石井綱吉, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 小林将矢, 長谷川匡彦, 唐澤利史, 吉永淳


  • 同時市場を仮定した需要家リソースの市場価値とリスクの評価

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 山下 聡史, 土井 淳平, 松崎 貴広, 三宅 治良, 坂元 賢太郎


  • 施設園芸における暖房機器設備設計による省エネルギー性と経済性の分析

    石森貴也, 菅野颯馬, 藤本悠, 石井雅久, 林泰弘, 田辺新一


  • PV Surplus Power Utilization and Enhancing Resilience by Electric Buses

    Fumiaki Osaki, Yutaka Iino, Yu Fujimoto, Yuto Ihara, Masataka Mitsuoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Second EXCET Workshop  

    発表年月: 2024年09月

  • 太陽光発電の余剰吸収に向けた上水道システム運用における配水池容量と水DR導入の効果検証

    杉村修平, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 田邊隆之


  • 施設園芸の低炭素化に向けた暖房設備の設計要件の検討-農業のエネルギーマネジメントシステムに向けて

    石森貴也, 菅野颯馬, 藤本悠, 石井雅久, 田辺新一, 林泰弘


  • 太陽光発電の短周期出力推計による30分窓内の最大電圧を考慮したSVR電圧制御整定値決定手法

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林 泰弘, 岩本泰典, 野村英生, 元島仁志


  • ロバスト分散協調制御と制約付き実時間制御による階層型EMSの提案と予測誤差に対する性能評価

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 土井淳平, 松崎貴広, 三宅治良, 坂本賢太郎


  • 急速充電器が電動バス充放電計画および配電系統に与える影響評価

    梅津奏, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎


  • 感度分析に基づく再エネ電源のグルーピングと潮流状況のパターン分類を用いた系統混雑処理に関する検討

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 糸田祐樹, 和山亘


  • 太陽光発電が大量導入した配電系統における電力潮流データベースに基づいた多目的動的系統構成最適化手法

    謝尚弘, 金子曜久, 飯野豊, 林泰弘, 百川涼平, 矢部啓之, 直井伸也


  • Droop型Grid-Forming インバータの導入地点と電流制限が発電機脱落事故時の周波数変動に与える影響の評価

    吉川優衣, 志熊亮佑, 金子曜久, 諏訪寛, 石井英雄, 林泰弘


  • 再生可能エネルギー電源の出力と市場価格の不確実性を考慮した選択的市場入札法の年間評価

    桂田一輝, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎, 柴田龍一


  • 都市の太陽光地域余剰電力活用と運行の低炭素化を目的とした電気バス充電計画法の検討

    中野はるか, 藤本悠, 金子奈々恵, 菅野颯馬, 井原雄人, 楊イ翔, 林泰弘


  • 需要家クラスタリングに基づくスマートインバータの制御パラメタ最適化に向けた検討

    高橋壮, 金子曜久, 金子奈々恵, 藤本悠, 飯野穣, 林泰弘


  • 配電系統と需要家DER群の多目的最適潮流問題における複数評価指標間の相関関係についての考察

    齋藤龍平, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎


  • スマートメータデータによる夜間蓄熱用電力負荷の稼働状況推定手法

    大崎文暉, 藤本悠, 石井綱吉, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 宗像大介


  • 配電系統の地域特性の違いがPV有効活用に向けた力率値選定へ与える影響の評価

    渡邉崇史, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 杉山開路, 平田嘉裕


  • 太陽光発電余剰電力の地産地消に基づく電動配送車両の低炭素運用計画手法

    宮部稜士, 藤本悠, 林泰弘


  • 複数市場に対する多段階入札戦略の一般化と市場データによる評価

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 山下 聡史, 土井 淳平, 松崎 貴広, 三宅 治良, 坂元 賢太郎


  • 配電損失最小化構成:PV導入下における最適性担保に向けた検討

    佐藤江理名, 藤本悠, 林泰弘


  • 配電系統電圧制御の高度化を見据えたセンサ開閉器の計測情報と予測モデルの活用による電圧推定手法の比較評価

    奥野竜希, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 土肥実


  • 分散協調EMSのリアルタイム制御による地域潮流の混雑緩和評価

    山下聡史, 三宅治良, 坂元賢太郎, 進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘


  • 地域冷暖房システムによる地域熱供給と電力市場参入を同時実現する運用方法の提案と経済性評価

    冨田康平, 飯野穣, 林泰弘


    発表年月: 2024年08月

  • 停電時のレジリエンス性能確保を考慮した平時の蓄電池SOCの動的管理方式の提案

    飯野穣, 林泰弘


  • Relationship Analysis between Capacity and Value in Balancing Market of Distributed Energy Resources

    Ryunosuke Imai, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ayumu Miyasawa, Kojiro Nishioka

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Consideration of Multi Evaluation Method of Power System Resilience from Adequacy Aspects

    Arisa Takehara, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ayumi Yuyama

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • A Spatial Impact Assessment Approach for Procuring Local Flexibility Based on Distributed Energy Resources

    Ryuji Shitara, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Iino Yutaka, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Study on Multi-objective Optimal Control Method in Microgrid EMS Considering Power Quality and Consumer Load Control

    Ryuhei Saito, Yutaka Iino, Tsunayoshi Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • A Study of Network Configuration Method for Exact Daily Loss Minimization in PV-Installed Distribution Systems

    Erina Sato, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Generalize the Bidding Strategy of Distributed Energy Resources for the Balancing Market

    Ryunosuke Imai, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ayumu Miyasawa, Kojiro Nishioka

    International Conference on European Energy Market (EEM) 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年06月

  • Renewable Energy Bidding Strategy in Multiple Markets Considering Uncertainty in Generation and Price

    Kazuki Katsurada, Yu Fujimoto, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichiro Minotsu, Ryuichi Shibata

    International Conference on European Energy Market (EEM) 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年06月

  • 電力メータデータに基づく需要家エネルギー機器状態推定手法の検討

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第11回制御部門マルチシンポジウム   (広島)  計測自動制御学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 再生可能エネルギー出力の不確実性を考慮した 複数市場に対する入札計画法の検討

    桂田一輝, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎, 柴田龍一, 二田丈之

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 停電災害対策への貢献を目指した電動バスによるレジリエンス性能のポテンシャル評価(続報)

    飯野穣, 井原雄人, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 光岡正隆

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 系統レジリエンスのアデカシー面からの多面的評価検討

    竹原有紗, 湯山安由美, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 無効電力出力状況に基づくスマートインバータとLRTの協調電圧制御手法に関する初期検討

    高橋壮, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 需要家側リソースの需給調整市場への市場入札戦略の一考察

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 西岡宏二郎

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 慣性応答領域の周波数調整力の定量化に向けた初期検討

    志熊 亮佑, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 織原 大, 喜久里 浩之, 田岡 久雄

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 実系統モデルを用いた分散型電源の普及拡大が三相不平衡電圧へ与える影響の評価

    奥野 竜希, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 石丸 雅章, 土肥 実

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • マイクログリッド蓄電池運用支援のための域内ネット需要の不確実性予測手法

    野々村 孟德, 藤本 悠, 石井 綱吉, 林 泰弘, 大貫 正昌, 長谷川 匡彦, 田中 俊輔, 唐澤 利史

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • バーチャルオフグリッド型分散協調EMSにおけるリアルタイム制御の予測誤差影響評価

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 尾下遥, 土井淳平, 大和久崇

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 潮流方程式と需要家DER群モデルによるマイクログリッド多目的EMS方式の初期検討

    齋藤 龍平, 飯野 穣, 石井 綱吉, 林 泰弘, 内山 慎距, 生石 光平, 森 健二郎

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • PV発電の有効活用に向けた配電系統のPV力率最適化に関する初期検討

    渡邉崇史, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 杉山開路, 平田嘉裕

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • スマートインバータの分散協調制御に向けたデータスカッシングと需要家クラスタリングの提案

    金子奈々恵, 藤本悠, 高橋壮, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 分散型電源が大量導入した配電系統における系統構成の動的最適化手法に関する初期検討

    XIE SHANGHONG, 金子 曜久, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 百川 涼平, 矢部 啓之, 直井 伸也

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 将来的な配電系統混雑解消のための系統用蓄電池の導入場所に関する初期検討

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 小林将矢, 長谷川匡彦, 唐澤利史, 吉永淳

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 慣性低下対策インバータの制御種と導入地点が発電機脱落事故時の周波数変化率に与える影響の評価

    吉川 優衣, 志熊 亮佑, 金子 曜久, 諏訪 寛, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 地域 PV 余剰電力の利用向上のための電気バス充電計画:気温不確実性が電力消費に及ぼす影響評価

    中野はるか, 藤本悠, 金子奈々恵, 楊イ翔, 井原雄人, 林泰弘

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 営業用電気自動車の充電・車両交換逐次運用制御による営業所需要ピークシフトの検討

    宮部稜士, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 市川哲理, 遠藤秀樹

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (徳島)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 固定速揚水の可変速化がCO2削減に及ぼす影響評価

    矢部邦明, 林泰弘

    第40回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (東京)  エネルギー資源学会  

    発表年月: 2024年01月

  • 需要家資源の動的な融通優先度管理による共助型レジリエンス性能の改善

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第40回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (東京)  エネルギー資源学会  

    発表年月: 2024年01月

  • Effectiveness of Load and Photovoltaic Current Separation Function of Grid Control System in Determining SVR Control Parameters

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩, 元島仁志

    15th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific and Energy Engineering Conference APPEEC2023   (チェンマイ/タイ)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年12月

  • Multi-index Evaluation of Distributed EMS with Coordinated Control for Electric and Thermal Loads

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 尾下遥, 土井淳平, 大和久崇

    IEEE IES ONCON2023   (オンライン)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年12月

  • Evaluation of Impact on Voltage Regulation by Management of Electric Vehicle Charging in Japanese Actual Distribution Network Model

    奥野 竜希, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 石丸 雅章, 土肥 実

    15th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific and Energy Engineering Conference APPEEC2023   (チェンマイ/タイ)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年12月

  • Prioritization of Distribution Networks with Distributed Energy Resources for Efficient Deployment of Loss Minimum Reconfiguration Technology

    萩原圭, 藤本悠, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 前田亮, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia)   (オークランド)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • Planning and Management of Distributed Energy Resources for Achieving the Target Renewable Energy Rate in Distribution Systems

    宮﨑創太, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 鍵田昌幸, 板屋伸彦

    2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia)   (オークランド)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • Grid Congestion Management using Grouping of Renewable Energies based on Sensitivity Analysis and Grid Congestion Amount of Transmission Lines

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 糸田祐樹, 和山亘, 高橋長衛

    2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia)   (オークランド)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • 分散型エネルギー資源の所有・運用形態によるエネルギー融通性能の比較評価

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第66回自動制御連合講演会   (仙台)  計測自動制御学会  

    発表年月: 2023年10月

  • Development of Evaluation Process for Demand-Side Resilience against Power Outage

    堺紀夫, 當房拓郎, 髙橋玲子, 飯野穣, 矢部邦明, 林泰弘

    CIGRE 2023 COLLOQUIUM   (仙台)  CIGRE  

    発表年月: 2023年10月

  • 事故復旧を考慮した配電系統構成の最適化に関する検討

    杉村修平, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 野崎哲平, 鈴木顕, 伊藤健洋, 田邊隆之

    令和5年電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会   (熊本)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 配電用変電所の混雑解消時におけるDER調達量の空間的偏在性が 系統電圧および潮流へ与える影響の評価

    設楽竜士, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    令和5年電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会   (熊本)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • Kalman Filter based estimation of behavior of battery energy storage system based on net load data of consumer

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    62nd Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE)   (三重)  計測自動制御学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • アンサンブル気象予測の動的メンバー選択による風力発電出力の確率分布予測の高度化の検討

    加藤拓馬, 藤本悠, 野原大輔, 菅野湧貴, 大庭雅道, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 域内太陽光発電余剰電力活用を目的とした商用電気自動車群の充電・配送計画手法:実規模運用における急速充電器の利用効果検証

    宮部稜士, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • プローブデータを活用した電気自動車群の域内太陽光発電の余剰利用ポテンシャル推計

    大崎文暉, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 宮崎泰仁, 鈴江祥典, 村井謙介, 武田大

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 太陽光発電の余剰吸収に向けた給湯需要の推定データに基づくヒートポンプ給湯機の電力需要特性評価の初期検討

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • スポット市場・需給調整市場に対する複数市場入札戦略の提案と評価

    飯野穣, 今井龍之介, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 慣性低下対策インバータの導入地点による発電機脱落時の周波数変動への影響評価

    志熊亮佑, 吉川優衣, 諏訪寛, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • PV引込センサ計測情報を用いたPV出力の短周期簡易推計手法

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩, 元島仁志

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 市場価格とインバランスリスクを考慮したDERの最適市場入札戦略に関する研究

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 配電損失低減を目的とした潮流電圧制御手法の検討

    齋藤龍平, 児玉安広, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 前田亮, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 配電損失最小構成化技術の効果的普及に向けて -中長期的技術適用拡大における系統選定指針の影響評価-

    萩原圭, 藤本悠, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 前田亮, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 実配電系統モデルを用いた太陽光発電設備と電気自動車の普及拡大の影響評価

    奥野竜希, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 土肥実

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 電力と熱負荷を考慮した分散協調EMS制御による多目的指標の評価検討

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 尾下遥, 三宅治良, 大和久崇

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 太陽光発電由来の逆潮流による配電用変電所の混雑緩和に向けた 分散型エネルギー資源調達タイミングに関する一検討

    設楽竜士, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 感度分析と系統混雑発生量に基づく再エネ電源のグルーピングを用いた系統混雑処理の検討

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 糸田祐樹, 和山亘, 高橋長衛

    令和5年電気学会B部門大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • エネルギーネットワークのトポロジー制約を考慮したエネルギー融通によるレジリエンス性能の一考察

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第42回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   (大阪)  エネルギー資源学会  

    発表年月: 2023年08月

  • Evaluation of PV/EV hosting capacity by optimal radial-loop configuration for distribution network in various scenarios

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 村本大輔, 飯田義和, 山口大翼

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2023   (香港)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年07月

  • A cooperative voltage regulation scheme using OLTC and volt-var function of PV smart inverter

    謝尚弘, 金子曜久, 林康弘

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2023   (香港)  ICEE  

    発表年月: 2023年07月

  • Quantitative Effect of the Inertia Emulation Block of Grid-Forming Inverters on Frequency Stability

    志熊亮佑, 織原大, 喜久里浩之, 田岡久雄, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    IEEE PowerTech Belgrade 2023   (ベオグラード)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年06月

  • Facility Planning and Operation in Zero Emission with Photovoltaic and Battery Systems

    宮﨑創太, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 鍵田昌幸, 板屋伸彦

    IEEE PowerTech Belgrade 2023   (ベオグラード)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年06月

  • Development of coordinated control of PV and distributed resources: optimization of contracted power, RE utilization rate and economic efficiency

    石井悠太郎, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 興梠暖, 林龍之介, 宮澤歩夢, 島潔, 田村龍一

    IEEE PowerTech Belgrade 2023   (ベオグラード)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年06月

  • Electric Bus ChargeDischarge Scheduling Optimization Method for Power Flow Smoothing in a Distribution System

    加藤夏乃, 井原雄人, 児玉安広, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 前田亮, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    The 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability(SusTech 2023)   (ポートランド)  IEEE  

    発表年月: 2023年04月

  • 時間前市場電力取引のための価格配慮型風力発電短期先予測に関する検討

    盧 慧敏, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和6年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 近隣PV計測値を用いたSVR整定値決定手法の初期検討

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 感度分析に基づく再エネ電源のグルーピング粒度が混雑緩和時の出力制御へ与える影響

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 糸田祐樹, 和山亘, 高橋長衛

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • インバランスリスクを考慮したDERの需給調整市場入札戦略の基礎検討

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 上水道システムにおける 送水ポンプの最適運転計画策定手法の一検討

    杉村 修平, 林 泰弘, 田邊 隆之, 伊藤 孝充

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • LRTとの協調に向けたスマートインバータのVolt-Var制御パラメータ決定に関する初期検討

    馬 喬, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 配電系統の部分ループ化によるPVおよびEVの導入可能量向上効果の評価

    蔵口 桜子, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 村本 大輔, 飯田 義和, 山口 大翼

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • DER を用いた配電用変電所の混雑緩和に向けたデータ近接性の学習に基づく調達必要量予測の一検討

    設樂 竜士, 藤本 悠, 金子 曜久, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • DG発電量と設備容量の最小化を目的としたマイクログリッド内のEMS制御手法の検討

    齋藤龍平, 児玉安広, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 前田亮, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • PV導入配電線における有効電力と無効電力の関係

    児玉安広, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 宗像大介

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 停電災害対策への貢献を目指した電動バスによるレジリエンス性能のポテンシャル評価検討

    飯野穣, 井原雄人, 藤本悠, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 地域太陽光発電余剰電力を活用した商用電気自動車群の低炭素運用計画手法

    宮部稜士, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • ネット需要データに基づく需要家蓄電池の稼働状態推定

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第10回制御部門マルチシンポジウム   (滋賀)  計測自動世制御学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 2030年度の需給シミュレーションに基づく系統慣性評価指標の考察

    矢部邦明, 林泰弘

    令和5年電気学会全国大会   (愛知)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 電動バス充電計画最適化による配電系統の電力潮流への影響評価

    加藤 夏乃, 児玉 安広, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 前田 亮, 生石 光平, 森 健二郎

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (沖縄)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • Zero Emission Grid 運用におけるレジリエンス向上を目的とした蓄電池制御手法

    宮崎 創太, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 河野 俊介, 松田 啓史, 鍵田 昌幸, 板屋 伸彦

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (沖縄)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 家庭用燃料電池と蓄電池を用いた一次調整力のアグリゲーションにおける需要家個別の電力需要量を考慮した調整力分担量の決定手法

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 平井 友之, 田嶋 翔太, 百瀬 敏成

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (沖縄)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • PVと調整力を保有する需要家による需要ピークカットとPV利用率向上を目指した協調制御手法の開発

    石井悠太郎, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 島潔, 田村龍一, 興梠暖, 林龍之介, 宮澤歩夢

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (沖縄)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 実配電系統のスマートメータ計測情報に基づく可制御リソース推計手法の検討

    大崎文暉, 児玉安広, 藤本悠, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 宗像大介

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (沖縄)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • 電力・熱・燃料需要を考慮した需要家モデルに基づく共助型レジリエンスの評価

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第39回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (東京)  エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2023年01月

  • Price-Aware Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting for Intraday Market Trading

    Huimin Lu, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Grand Renewable Energy 2022 International Conference  

    発表年月: 2022年12月

  • Assessing Benefits of Time-Varying Flexibility of Controllable Power Resources for Regional Power Producers and Suppliers

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yutaka Iino, Masataka Mitsuoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yamato Imaeda

    2nd International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • 分散協調EMS方式による需要家群のレジリエンス性能の向上

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第65回自動制御連合講演会   (栃木)  日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • Robustness Evaluation of Operational Methods for Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems Installed on Remote Islands

    長澤和輝, 児玉安広, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 赤木覚, 吉永淳


    発表年月: 2022年11月

  • Evaluation Method of Congestion Frequency Considering Changes in Power Flow Conditions due to Wind Turbine Installation

    Yujiro Tanno, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Naoki Ito, Katsuhiro Kakeda, Masamichi Ohba, Daisuke Nohara, Yuki Kanno

    Wind & Solar Integration Workshop 2022  

    発表年月: 2022年10月

  • Density Integration Approach for Probabilistic Prediction of Wind Power Generation Based on Ensemble Weather Forecast

    Yu Fujimoto, Takuma Kato, Daisuke Nohara, Yuki Kanno, Masamichi Ohba, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop  

    発表年月: 2022年10月

  • Balancing Group Operation for Wind Power Plants and a Pumped-Storage Hydro Generator to Maximize Expected Revenue in Consideration of Wind Power Output Uncertainty

    Maiko Inagaki, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichiro Minotsu

    Wind & Solar Integration Workshop 2022  

    発表年月: 2022年10月

  • Distributed coordinated energy management system for DERs to realize cooperative resilience against blackout of power grid

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    計測自動制御学会年次大会2022   (熊本城ホール)  計測自動制御学会  

    発表年月: 2022年09月

  • Comparison of voltage improvement effect by Volt-Watt control and Volt-Var control in distribution lines in rural area

    飯野穣, 児玉安広, 福井将悟, 林泰弘, 松本直也, 松本侑, 稲垣信

    CIGRE Kyoto 2022   (ハイブリッド(オンラインで発表))  CIGRE  

    発表年月: 2022年04月

  • Measures to ensure power quality using DER on integration of distribution lines in rural areas

    児玉安広, 諏訪寛, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    CIGRE Kyoto 2022   (ハイブリッド(現地でポスター参加))  CIGRE  

    発表年月: 2022年04月

  • Construction of Middle and Low Voltage Distribution Network Models as Platforms for Quantitative Evaluation on Performance of Voltage Control Methods

    金子曜久, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 高橋和樹, 西田直樹, 吉永淳, 松浦隆祥, 濱田拓, 森健二郎

    CIGRE Kyoto 2022   (ハイブリッド(オンラインで発表))  CIGRE  

    発表年月: 2022年04月

  • 東北における残余需要の変動実績と今後の周波数調整力必要量の考察

    矢部 邦明, 原田 耕佑, 林 泰弘


  • 電圧感度に基づくVolt-VAR制御パラメータ決定による配電系統潮流制御への有用性評価

    田中裕大, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 松浦隆祥, 濱田拓, 宮崎輝

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 停電レジリエンス価値の評価モデルの構築(2)~ビル需要家のレジリエンス曲線の推定事例~

    飯野 穣, 矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘, 當房 拓朗, 堺 紀夫, 竹澤 伸久, 髙橋 玲子, 羽深 俊一

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 停電レジリエンス価値の評価モデルの構築(1)~評価プロセスの概要と社会実装イメージ~

    當房 拓朗, 堺 紀夫, 竹澤 伸久, 髙橋 玲子, 羽深 俊一, 飯野 穣, 矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 電力卸売市場における配電系統運用者とEVアグリゲーター間の情報交換に基づくEV群の最適充放電計画決定手法

    安東隆, 喜久里浩之, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (長崎)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • マイクログリッド系統における地絡保護方式の検討

    児玉安広, 林泰弘

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (未定)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 共助型レジリエンスを目指したDER群分散協調EMS方式の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    計測自動制御学会マルチシンポジウム2022   (オンライン)  計測自動制御学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 分散型電源連系系統の配電損失最小構成化における損失削減ポテンシャル推定のための系統特徴量の検討

    萩原圭, 藤本悠, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 佐藤匡人, 森健二郎

    令和四年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 配電系統における不平衡改善を目的としたEVの電圧依存型進相力率制御手法

    平野和明, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 奥野竜希

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (長崎)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • Optimization Method for Electric Bus Charging Schedules According to Variations in Renewable Energy Power Output

    加藤夏乃, 飯野穣, 児玉安広, 林泰弘

    タイ合同シンポジウム研究会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 地域PV余剰電力の最大利用とCO₂排出量最小化のための電動バス充電計画最適化手法

    加藤夏乃, 富澤勇輝, 飯野穣, 児玉安広, 井原雄人, 林泰弘

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 電圧集中制御システムを用いたSVR制御パラメータ決定手法に関する初期検討

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • DERを用いたスポット市場・需給調整市場への二段階入札戦略に関する基礎検討

    水本佳那, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 市川哲理, 小林広介

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • ゼロエミッショングリッドを目指した配電系統における太陽光発電出力制御の基礎検討

    宮﨑 創太, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 河野 俊介, 松田 啓史, 板屋 伸彦

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 小売介在型自己託送モデルにおける蓄電池SCO調整に関する評価

    石井 悠太郎, 安東 隆, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘, 小野島 一, 島 潔, 武藤 亮平, 興梠 暖, 林 龍之介

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • マイクログリッド実現に向けた多段階最適化によるDER群運用計画手法の評価

    笠原 亮太, 飯野 穣, 児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 山下 聡史, 尾下 遥, 三宅 治良, 遠藤 秀樹

    タイ合同シンポジウム研究会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • マイクログリッド実現に向けた多段階最適化によるDER群運用計画手法の比較検討

    笠原 亮太, 飯野 穣, 児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 山下 聡史, 尾下 遥, 三宅 治良, 遠藤 秀樹

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • Simple Calculation Method for Voltage Compensation by an Energy Storage System Using Traction Substation Measurement Data

    中村将, 福田嵩大, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 林屋均

    タイ合同シンポジウム研究会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 発電ポテンシャルと系統混雑の偏在性に基づく新規再エネ電源の配置計画手法

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    電力技術/電力系統技術/半導体電力変換合同研究会   (未定)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 全送電線の混雑状況と感度分析に基づく混雑解消を目的とした火力出力抑制率決定手法

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 太陽光発電の地産地消に向けた域内余剰電力の融通のポテンシャルに関する時空間的解析

    大崎文暉, 明祥吾, 宮澤歩夢, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 期待収益の最大化を目的とした風力・揚水発電機のバランシンググループ運用計画決定手法

    稲垣舞子, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 電力供給源としての蓄電池の負荷に対する電圧・電流特性

    児玉安広, 長澤和輝, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 気象アンサンブル予測を活用した自然勾配ブースティ ングによる風力発電出力の確率分布予測

    藤本悠, 林泰弘, 野原大輔, 菅野湧貴, 大庭雅道

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • 「慣性力等を備えた制御装置の基盤技術開発」 ④ 革新的技術検討:GFM制御アルゴリズムと評価基盤の開発

    石井英雄, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 原亮一, 中島達人, 餘利野直人, 造賀芳文

    令和4年電気学会全国大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • Impact of Smart Meter Measurement Granularity on Control Parameters of OLTC in Distribution Networks with PV

    中村麻理香, 金子曜久, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT NA 2022)   (未定) 

    発表年月: 2022年02月

  • Evaluation Method of Spatio-Temporal Flexibility as Renewable Energy Absorption Potential of a Group of Electric Buses Using Bus Operation Data

    富澤勇輝, 井原雄人, 児玉安広, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 吉永淳

    Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT NA 2022)   (未定) 

    発表年月: 2022年02月

  • 2030年における電源種別ごとの地域間潮流の試算

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会, エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス  

  • 需要家群における共助型レジリエンスの評価指標とグループ規模適正化に関する提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会   (オンライン)  エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2022年01月

  • 世帯・住宅ストック構成を考慮した地域単位住宅エネルギー 需要推計と精度検証

    今井達也, 山口容平, 藤本悠, 内田英明, 下田吉之, 林泰弘

    第38回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (オンライン)  エネルギー資源学会  

    発表年月: 2022年01月

  • Assessing the Operational Potential of Pumped-Storage Hydro Generators for Supporting the Grid Integration of Wind Farms

    稲垣舞子, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎

    2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia   (オンライン) 

    発表年月: 2021年12月

  • 可制御空間最大化MPC方式の提案と分散型エネルギー資源調整力最適化EMS問題への適用

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    第64回自動制御連合講演会   (オンライン)  システム制御情報学会、共催 電気学会,他  

    発表年月: 2021年11月

  • 可制御電源が地域新電力モデルにもたらす電力地産地消効果の検討

    宮澤歩夢, 飯野穣, 藤本悠, 林泰弘


  • 九州における太陽光発電出力の短周期変動実績と周波数調整力必要量

    矢部邦明, 林泰弘


  • 離島オフグリッドにおける蓄電池の充電状態に基づく事象駆動型運用制御手法と厳密な数理計画型運用制御手法との比較評価

    長澤 和輝, 児玉 安広, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 赤木 覚, 吉永 淳

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 不足インバランスの削減を目的としたウィンドファームと定速揚水発電機のバランシンググループ運用

    稲垣 舞子, 金子 曜久, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 簑津 真一郎

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 電力系統の感度分析を用いたメリットオーダー方式に基づく火力・再エネ電源の出力抑制率決定手法

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 飛田雄一, 佐々木和人

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   (オンライン)  電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 地域冷暖房システムの調整力による容量市場・需給調整市場に向けた入札戦略の基礎検討

    飯野穣, 林泰弘, 市川哲理, 小林広介

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • バス事業者における全運行バスの段階的な電動化を考慮した充電スケジュール最適化によるPV地産地消への貢献能力評価

    富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 児玉 安広, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 池田 欧世, 吉永 淳

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 需要家利益と系統貢献価値の同時実現を目指した住宅需要家群向けDER最適配置計画

    笠原亮太, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 金子雄

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 分散型エネルギー資源の協調運用によるレジリエンス価値のポテンシャル評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    第40回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 分岐線を有する配電線における共同接地線を用いた断線点の推定手法の基礎検討

    児玉安広, 林泰弘, 西田悠介

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 配電系統の高低圧系統における電圧情報の計測時間粒度がLRTの制御パラメータ決定へ与える影響

    中村 麻理香, 芳澤 信哉, 金子曜久, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 電動バスにおける充電スケジュールと蓄電池容量の同時最適化の検討

    加藤 夏乃, 富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 児玉 安広, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 吉永 淳, 池田 欧世

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 特高系統と鉄道き電系統の協調運用に向けた鉄道負荷と電力潮流の関係に関する考察

    中村将, 福田嵩大, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 林屋均

    令和3年電気学会D部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • Grid-Formingインバータの 導入量増加による電源脱落時の 系統周波数安定性への影響評価

    志熊 亮佑, 金子 曜久, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘, Hieu Xuan Nguyen, 中島 達人

    令和3年電気学会B部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • 鉄道き電系統と電気自動車の蓄電池を活用したPV導入時の系統混雑低減効果の評価に向けた基礎検討

    福田嵩大, 中村将, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 林屋均

    令和3年電気学会D部門大会   電気学会  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • PV導入時の系統混雑低減を目的とした特高系統と鉄道き電系統の協調運用に関する検討

    中村将, 福田嵩大, 児玉安広, 林泰弘, 林屋均


    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • スマートメータの計測情報を用いたエリア内家庭用太陽光発電総量把握手法の検討

    村山拓海, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 電力地産地消の実現に向けたスマートメーターデータに基づく都市需要の日周期性を考慮した空間分布予測

    明祥吾, 宮澤歩夢, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 電力地産地消を目的とした地域エネルギーマネジメントシステムにおけるメガソーラー導入への可制御電源の寄与効果検証

    宮澤 歩夢, 飯野 穣, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 林 泰弘

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 一次調整力提供のための家庭用燃料電池と蓄電池のアグリゲーション手法

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 平井 友之, 田嶋 翔太

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 自然変動電源と蓄電池の導入拡大が非同期電源比率に及ぼす影響評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 配電線内のマイクログリッドにおける地絡点推定

    児玉 安広, 林 泰弘

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 感度分析に基づくグルーピングを用いたNF 電源の出力抑制率決定手法の検討

    丹野 祐次郎, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 飛田 雄一, 佐々木 和人

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 多目的価値の実現を目的とした住宅需要家群向けDER最適配置計画の検討

    笠原 亮太, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 金子 雄

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 風力発電とのバランシンググループにおける可変速揚水発電機の調整力としての運転手法 ―30分計画値同時同量のための出力制御―

    稲垣 舞子, 金子 曜久, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 簑津 真一郎

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 鉄道き電系統を活用したPV導入時の系統混雑低減効果の評価に向けた特高系統モデルの構築

    中村 将, 福田 嵩大, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 林屋 均

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 低圧配電系統における効果的なEV群協調充電実現に向けた制御対象のグルーピングに関する検討

    小倉 大誠, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 林 泰弘, 木内 寛允, 村井 謙介, 鈴木 健太

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • Grid-Forming インバータ導入による系統周波数安定性への影響評価の基礎検討

    志熊 亮佑, 金子 曜久, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘, Hieu Xuan Nguyen, 中島 達人

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • 蓄電池とディーゼル発電機の協調制御による再エネ活用オフグリッドの運用手法

    長澤 和輝, 飯野 穣, 児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 赤木 覚, 吉永 淳

    令和3年電気学会全国大会   (日本) 

  • エネルギー管理システムの計画軌道パターン学習による簡易予測制御方式の検討

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    第8回制御部門マルチシンポジウム(MSCS2021)   (日本)  計測自動制御学会  

  • Feasibility Evaluation of Off-grid Performance in Distribution Network with Actual Data

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoru Akagi, Jun Yoshinaga

    The 4th International Workshop on Power Engineering in Remote Islands (IWPI2021)  

    発表年月: 2021年02月

  • 水素需要および輸入水素利用を含むエネルギーシステムの最適運用モデルの構築

    原田 耕佑, 矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (日本)  エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2021年01月

  • 分散型エネルギー資源の相互エネルギー融通による環境価値の評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (日本)  エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2021年01月

  • CO2削減賦課金と蓄電池の導入が石炭火力の利用率CO2排出量に及ぼす影響の評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス   (日本)  エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2021年01月

  • Charging Schedule Optimization Method for Electric Buses with PV Installed at Bus Stations: Sensitivity Analysis of PV Capacity based on Real City Data

    Yuki Tomizawa, Yuto Ihara, Teru Miyazaki, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryota Yamamoto

    International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES2022)   (Perth) 

  • Basic Study on Cooperative Management Scheme of Electric Vehicle Charging for Reduction of Impact on Low-Voltage Distribution System

    Taisei Ogura, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Masataka Mitsuoka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Kensuke Murai, Kenta Suzuki, Keigo Ikezoe

    International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES2021)   (Perth) 

  • Backup generator output control method of off-grid system based on renewable energy in remote island

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Tery Miyazaki, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Tomoaki Shoji, Jun Yoshinaga

    International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES2020)   (Perth) 

  • 可制御軌道に基づく分散型エネルギー資源アグリゲーション制御

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    第63回自動制御連合講演会   (日本)  計測自動制御学会  

    発表年月: 2020年11月

  • Graphical Modeling for Analysis of Hourly Electricity Demand and Market Price

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    the 17th European Energy Market Conference (EEM2021)   (Stockholm) 

  • Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using an Adaptive Combination Method in the Japanese Spot Market

    Manaka Omura, Yu Fujimoto, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Toshiyuki Sawa, Hiroto Sasaki, Naoto Fukuyama

    the 17th European Energy Market Conference (EEM2020)   (Stockholm) 

  • 電力地産地消を目的としたスマートメーターデータに基づく都市需要の空間的分布予測の検討

    明 祥吾, 宮澤 歩夢, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • HEMSとの協調を考慮した需要家蓄電池の配電系統電圧制御手法

    福井 将悟, 宮崎 輝, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 松本 直也, 松本 侑, 稲垣 信

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 電力負荷推移の要因分析を目的とした統計的グラフ構造の解析―日本とドイツの比較―

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 配電損失最小構成技術の効果的普及に向けた適地選定のための統計的スクリーニング手法

    阿美 咲良, 宮崎 輝, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 長谷川 匡彦, 宮里 善貴, 篠崎 一樹

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 地域間連系線と蓄電池の最適運用による全国大のCO2削減効果の評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 配電系統計測情報の特徴量に基づいたSVR整定値のリアルタイム補正方法の基礎検討

    村上 晃平, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 近藤 宏, 金沢 由樹, 野村 英生, 梶川 拓也

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 実都市データを用いたPV逆潮流削減を目的とした電動バスの最適充電スケジュール決定手法

    富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 吉永 淳, 篠崎 一樹

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • PVとEVを導入した低圧系統の電圧分布分析に基づくLRT制御パラメータ決定頻度に関する電圧制御性能評価

    中村 麻理香, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 電力系統の感度分析に基づくノンファーム型電源の出力抑制量決定手法の基礎検討

    丹野 祐次郎, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 飛田 雄一, 佐々木 和人

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • スマートハウス重点機器群による 需要家利益と系統貢献の両立にむけた基礎検討

    笠原 亮太, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 金子 雄, 河口 俊朗, 岸本 卓也

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 短期風力発電量予測の評価の検討:北海道における変動緩和要件の観点から

    中山優佳, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 野原 大輔, 大庭 雅道, 門倉 真二

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 低圧配電系統における電圧逸脱と設備容量超過を低減するための系統内EV群充電マネジメントの基礎検討

    小倉 大誠, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 林 泰弘, 村井 謙介, 鈴木 健太, 池添 圭吾

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 機器消費電力推移波形の形状に着目した機器別消費電力推定手法の検討

    藤田 恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • EV普通・急速充電による電圧逸脱軽減に向けたEV充電器の進相力率一定制御の有用性評価

    平野 和明, 芳澤 信哉, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 橋本 茂男, 杉本 仁志

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 時間帯・季節を考慮した再生可能エネルギーを主体とする 離島オフグリッドシステムの運用手法

    長澤 和輝, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 庄司 智昭, 吉永 淳

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 風力発電の安定利用を目的としたバランシンググループにおける揚水発電機の運転計画決定手法

    金子曜久, 稲垣舞子, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 野中俊介

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • インバランス平準化を考慮した蓄電池による太陽光発電の計画発電手法に関する検討

    劉安東, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 朱桂萍

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • PV 予測誤差による電圧逸脱の低減を目的とした電圧感度に基づく無効電力制御とVolt-Watt 制御の組み合わせ制御手法

    栁谷侑, 村上晃平, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 松浦隆祥, 濱田拓

    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (日本) 

  • 住宅・業務施設を統合化した地域エネルギー需給シミュレーション:東京4区市を対象とするケーススタディ

    正田悠人, 山口容平, 芳澤信哉, 陳何苗, 岡田健志, 杉山みなみ, 下田吉之, 林泰弘

    第39回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   (日本) 

    発表年月: 2020年07月

  • 需要家EMS群と協調した地産地消型エネルギー・環境マネジメントシステムの提案と評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    第39回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   (日本) 

    発表年月: 2020年07月

  • CO2削減賦課金の導入が全国大のCO2排出量とコストに及ぼす影響の評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    第39回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   (日本) 

    発表年月: 2020年07月

  • Environmental Efficiency Evaluation in High Solar Wind Penetration Region with Fractional Optimization-based Operational Planning

    Akira Yoshida, Kuniaki Yabe, Hideo Ishii, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2020)  

  • An evaluation of CO2 emission reduction by EV and FCV introduction considering stable and economical power system operation

    Kuniaki Yabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2020)  

  • Battery smoothing control for photovoltaic system using short-term forecast with total sky images

    Anto Ryu, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)  

  • 離島における再生可能エネルギーを主体としたオフグリッド電源構成の検討

    長澤 和輝, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 庄司 智昭, 吉永 淳


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 実都市データに基づくPV 発電利用の最大化を目的とした電動バスの充電時間組合せ最適化問題に関する初期検討,

    富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 電圧感度を用いたスマートインバータの無効電力制御手法に関する一検

    栁谷 侑, 村上 晃平, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘, 松浦 隆祥, 濱田 拓


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • PVとEVを導入した低圧系統の電圧分布分析に基づく電圧制御パラメータ決定手法の検討

    中村 麻理香, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 送電系統事故時における配電系統連系PVの動的無効電力ポテンシャル評価,

    水上 瑛太, 金子 曜久, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • テンソル分解手法を用いた都市における人の時空間挙動解析の検討,

    板場 直人, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • EV大量導入に向けた電圧制御機器の整定値更新とEV充電器の進相力率一定制御による電圧品質向上効果の評価

    平野 和明, 芳澤 信哉, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 橋本 茂男, 杉本 仁志


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 部分ループ最適系統構成決定を目的とした配電損失と供給信頼性の評価

    金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 姉川 高也, 外薗 秀康, 桑下敬康


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 契約電力制約を考慮した商業施設利用者に対するEV充電サービスの検討

    宮原 将太, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 稲垣 伸吉, 川島 明彦, 鈴木 達也


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • EV充電が柱上変圧器の設備利用率に与える影響の評価

    小倉 大誠, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 林 泰弘, 村井 謙介, 鈴木 健太, 池添 圭吾


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 電力貯蔵装置における電化交通のき電系統と配電系統への多目的充放電制御

    小鯖 裕之, 小林 宏泰, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 近藤 圭一郎, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 長谷川 匡彦, 吉永 淳


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 複数予測結果の統合による電力スポット市場価格予測-精度向上に向けた状況別統合の検討-

    大村 愛花, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 澤 敏之, 佐々木 浩人, 福山 直人, 西野 由高


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 石炭火力の使用年数上限の設定がCO2排出量と発電コストに与える影響評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 複数の電力市場価値に対応した分散型エネルギー資源の階層型最適配分計画に関する考察

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    計測自動制御学会 第7回制御部門マルチシンポジウム(MSCS2020)  

    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 機器のON/OFF状態推定機構を導入したRestricted Boltzmann Machineに基づく機器消費電力推定手法の検討

    藤田 恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • Evaluation and Visualization of kW / kWh Cost of a District Heating and Cooling System for Electricity Adjustment

    Kohei TOMITA, Yasuhiro HAYASHI, Yutaka IINO, Yuto YAMAMOTO, Kosuke KOBAYASHI

    ICEEN 2020: The 8th International Conference on Electrical Energy and Networks, Singapore, March 7-9, 2020  

    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • Stability Evaluation of a Multi-objective Dispatch of Frequency Control Generators in Cross-Regional Operation under Various Conditions

    Daichi Azami, Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shun Tanaka

    IEEE The International Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Nortth America Conference 2020, Washington DC  

    発表年月: 2020年02月

  • On Nonintrusive Monitoring of Electrical Appliance Load via Restricted Boltzmann Machine with Temporal Reservoir

    Megumi Fujita, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    12th The International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2020, Valletta-Malta  

    発表年月: 2020年02月

  • Advanced Voltage Control Based on Short-time Ahead Voltage Fluctuation Estimation in Distribution System

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    21st Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2020)  

    発表年月: 2020年

  • Estimation of Expected Cost Curve on Operation Parameter Space for Planning Residential PEFC-CGS

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 13th IEEE PES PowerTech 2019, Milano, Italy  

    発表年月: 2020年

  • 地域冷暖房を対象としたデマンドレスポンスのポテンシャル評価

    吉田 彬, 石井 英雄, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年01月

  • 太陽光発電大量導入地域における蓄熱システムの余剰電力吸収効果の検討

    吉田 彬, 矢部 邦明, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年01月

  • 太陽光発電大量導入地域における車両電動化のエネルギーチェーンによる経済性・環境性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年01月

  • 複合エネルギーシステムのエネルギー構造モデルによる分析・可視化手法の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会, 第36回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス  

    発表年月: 2020年01月

  • Hot Water Demand Prediction Method for Operational Planning of Residential Fuel Cell System

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    7th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmarGrid 2019)  

    発表年月: 2019年12月

  • 複数の電力市場を想定した分散型エネルギー資源のアグリゲーション手法に関する考察

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    日本機械学会, 第62回自動制御連合講演会  

    発表年月: 2019年11月

  • スマートシティの最近の話題

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    計測自動制御学会 産業応用部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • 需要家電力資源からの調整力の創出とその流通活性化に関する考察

    小林 延久, 石井 英雄


    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • 耐用取替周期を考慮した過去の電圧計測情報に基づくSVR 整定値決定方法の評価

    村上晃平, 芳澤 信哉, 林泰弘, 近藤宏, 石川博之, 梶川拓也


    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • オープンデータに基づく電力スポット市場のエリア価格予測 -複数予測結果の統合アプローチの検討‐

    大村 愛花, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 澤 敏之, 佐々木 浩人, 福山 直人, 西野 由高


    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 離島における再生可能エネルギーを主体としたオフグリッド導入の検討

    長澤 和輝, 宮崎輝, 林 泰弘, 冠城 さやか, 吉永 淳

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • EV 急速充電器の配置計画と充電制御の統合手法に関する基礎検討

    富澤 勇輝, 小鯖 裕之, 飯野 穣, 宮崎 輝, 光岡 正隆, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • EV導入可能量の拡大を目的としたEV充電器の無効電力制御の評価

    芳澤 信哉, 平野 和明, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 橋本 茂男, 杉本 仁志

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • エネルギー消費量の削減支援を目的とした業務用ビルにおける機器別消費電力推定技術の検討

    中山優佳, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 次世代型路面電車交通と協調した EV 充電制御による 配電系統ピークカット効果の基礎検討

    小鯖 裕之, 小林 宏泰, 宮崎 輝, 藤本 悠, 飯野 穣, 光岡 正隆, 近藤 圭一郎, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 長谷川 匡彦, 吉永 淳

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 複数の制御パラメータ決定手法を考慮したスマートインバータの電圧制御機能の評価

    栁谷 侑, 村上 晃平, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 施設契約電力を考慮した商業施設におけるEV充電サービスに関する基礎検討

    宮原 将太, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 配電損失削減を目的とした系統構成計画に対する年間電力需要の不確実性を考慮した運用最適性評価手法

    阿美 咲良, 宮崎 輝, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 安居 昂紀

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • EV用急速充電器が配電系統に与える影響の評価

    福井 将悟, 宮崎 輝, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 稲垣 信, 松本 直也

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • デマンドレスポンスの支援を想定したDeep Echo State Networkによる機器消費電力の短時間先予測の検討

    藤田 恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 系統貢献を目的とした地域冷暖房システムの 大規模運転計画問題分割手法

    冨田 康平, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 山本 有途, 小林 広介, 速川 敦彦

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 積算給湯需要予測に基づく家庭用燃料電池の運用計画作成手法

    土屋 祐太, 藤本 悠, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 配電系統連系PVの平常及び動的無効電力制御併用時の挙動に関する考察

    水上 瑛太, 金子 曜久, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 風力発電システムの計画発電におけるウィンドファーム規模の違いによる蓄エネルギー装置の所要設備容量削減効果の比較

    菊地 亜希, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 柱上変圧器の容量超過回避を目的とした需要家蓄電池の分散型充放電制御手法の開発と評価

    大久保里矩, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 板屋伸彦, 高野富裕

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 時別電力負荷推移の要因分析を目的とした統計的グラフ構造解析の検討

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • 短時間先PV出力予測情報を活用した蓄電池によるメガソーラーの出力変動緩和制御に関する検討

    劉 安東, 石井 英雄, 林泰弘

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • PV連系配電系統におけるループ地点数が配電損失低減効果へ与える影響の評価

    金子 曜久, 林泰弘, 姉川高也, 外薗秀康, 大山雅之

    令和元年 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • LDC-Control Parameters Determination by the Planes Using Measured Data from IT-switches in Distribution Systems with PV Systems,

    Akihisa Kaneko, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masakazu Ito, Takaya Anegawa, Hideyasu Hokazono, Masayuki Oyama

    The 6th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2019), Okinawa Japan  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • Multiple Scenario-based Model Predictive Control with Decision Time Limit Determination of Scenario Selection

    Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2019 58th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2019 8859962,  

    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • CO2削減賦課金と蓄電池導入効果のエネルギーチェーンによる経済性・環境性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年08月

  • 需要家電力資源による電力需給調整その4

    小林 延久, 蜷川 忠治


    発表年月: 2019年08月

  • 蓄熱空調システムの新たな活用方法とその評価

    石井 英雄, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年08月

  • 負荷調整力アグリゲーションにおける需要家分散型エネルギー資源のポテンシャル評価プロセスの提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年08月

  • Proposal and evaluation of an equipment operating method using solar radiation prediction in a zero energy house

    Reina Oki, Yugo Tsuneoka, Shingo Yamaguch, Soma Sugano, Jun Nakagawa, Naoya Watanabe, Tatsuhiro Kobayashi, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Takashi Akimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinji Wakao

    E3S Web of Conferences  

    発表年月: 2019年08月

  • Residential Battery Conmtrol Methjod for Life Continuity Planning in Home with Medical Equipment

    Fujio Iwata, Akihiro Iwata, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Voltage Control Performance Evaluation of Advanced Inverter Function for Photovoltaic Integration in Distribution Networks

    Yu Yanagiya, Kohei Murakami, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Robustness Evaluation Method of Loss Minimization Approach for Actual Distribution Network Configuration against Uncertainty of Annual Load and PV Curves,

    Sakura Ami, Yuji Takenobu, Shingo Uchiyama, Teru Miyazaki, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryota Yamamoto, Takaki Yasui

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Forecast of Electricity Spot Prices in Japan on Integrating Multiple Open Data-Driven Prediction Methods

    Manaka Omura, Yu Fujimoto, Toshiyuki Sawa, Hiroto Sasaki, Naoto Fukuyama, Yoshitaka Nishino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Evaluation of Dynamic Var Support from PV Systems under Uncertain Weather Conditions

    Eita Mizukami, Akihisa Kaneko, Yuji Takenobu, Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE 2019), Bled, Slovenia  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Evaluation of Impact on Light Rail Transit Using Integrated Dynamic Modeling of Power and Transportation System

    Hiroyuki Kosaba, Hiroyasu Kobayashi, Yuji Takenobu, Teru Miyazaki, Yu Fujimoto, Yutaka Iino, Masataka Mitsuoka, Keiichiro Kondo, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryota Yamamoto, Masahiko Hasegawa, Jun Yoshinaga

    International Council on Electrical Engineering ICEE Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Analysis of Energy Procurement Balance Focusing on Imbalance Settlement Scheme in Japanese Electricity Market

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto

    International Council on Electrical Engineering ICEE Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Optimal Configuration of Loop-Radial Hybrid Distribution Networks under Various PV Systems Penetration

    Akihisa Kaneko, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takaya Anegawa, Hideyasu Hokazono, Masayuki Oyama

    The International Council on Electrical Engineering ICEE Conference 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Enhancing Security for Voltage Control of Distribution Systems under Data Falsification Attacks

    Mizuki Onogawa, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Hideaki Ishii, Isao Ono, Takashi Onoda, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • Toward Data-Driven Identification of Essential Factors Causing Seasonal Change in Daily Electricity Demand Curve

    Nanae Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    the 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019, Milano, Italy  

    発表年月: 2019年06月

  • Decentralized Charging Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems

    Riku Okubo, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Kawano, Tomihiro Takano, Nobuhiko Itaya

    2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, PowerTech 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年06月

  • Expected Cost Curve on Operation Parameter Space for Planning Residential PEFC–CGS

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, PowerTech 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年06月

  • Experimental Study of the Isolated Operation of a home DC Link System,

    Teru Miyazaki, Wataru Hirohashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Kosuke Kobayashi, Tatsuya Tsukada

    CIRED 2019 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Madrid 3-6 June 2019  

    発表年月: 2019年06月

  • Asynchronous ADMM HEMS aggregation scheme in smart grid

    Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (2018)  

    発表年月: 2019年05月

  • LRTとEVによる電化交通システムが配電系統運用に与える影響の基礎評価

    小鯖 裕之, 小林 宏泰, 竹延 祐二, 宮崎 輝, 藤本 悠, 飯野 穣, 光岡 正隆, 近藤 圭一郎, 林 泰弘, 吉永 淳, 山本 良太, 長谷川 匡彦


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • スマートインバータのスケジューリング機能を用いた力率制御の高度化手法の一検討

    栁谷 侑, 村上 晃平, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 実配電系統モデルを用いたPV・EV導入量の年次推移に対する配電系統電圧対策の評価

    宮原 将太, 赤木 覚, 芳澤 信哉, 宮崎 輝, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘, 山口 博史, 棚澤 昌幸, 山本 正紀


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 高次元オープンデータに基づく電力スポット市場価格予測―複数予測結果の統合アプローチの検討

    大村 愛花, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 澤 敏之, 佐々木 浩人, 福山 直人, 西野 由高


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • デマンドレスポンスの支援を想定した機器消費電力の短時間先予測の検討

    藤田 恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 年間電力需要の不確実性に対する配電損失最小化運用計画のロバスト性評価手法

    阿美 咲良, 竹延 祐二, 内山 慎距, 宮崎 輝, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 安居 昂紀


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • RES変動時におけるパレート最適解集合を用いた調整用発電機の価値評価手法に関する基礎検討

    浅見 拓一知, 金子 曜久, 林 泰弘, 野中 俊介


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • センサ開閉器の計測情報に基づく配電損失最小化運用の年間評価

    内山 慎距, 竹延 祐二, 阿美 咲良, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 安居 昂紀


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 系統貢献を目的とした起動停止制約を考慮した地域冷暖房システムの数値モデル構築, 平成31年電気学会全国大会

    冨田 康平, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘, 山本 有途, 小林 広介, 速川 敦彦


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 家庭用燃料電池の運用計画作成のための給湯需要予測手法に関する一検討

    土屋 祐太, 藤本 悠, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 瞬時電圧低下時の電圧降下量・PV発電状況による配電系統の動的無効電力出力への影響評価

    水上 瑛太, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘, 大恵 慎平, 山本 享慶, 大山 雅之


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 配電系統におけるPV導入推移の不確実性を考慮した長期的な電圧調整設備配備計画の一検討

    三上 大智, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 松田 源立


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 蓄電池容量の多様性を考慮した需要家蓄電池の分散型充電制御手法の評価

    大久保 里矩, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 河野 俊介, 板屋 伸彦, 高野 富裕


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • インバランス料金の算定機構に着目した変数間の関係性の把握に基づく需給状況の解析

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 太陽光発電の有効消費を目的とした住宅タウンでの階層型蓄電池制御

    谷 哲郎


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 気象情報を活用した再生可能エネルギーを主体とする離島オフグリッドの運用手法の検討

    宮崎 輝, 釜 壮一郎, 林 泰弘, 冠城さやか, 吉永 淳


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 住宅負荷を擁した再生可能エネルギーを主体としたオフグリッドにおける発電・蓄電設備容量および運用方法の決定手法

    釜 壮一郎, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 吉永 淳, 冠城さやか


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • スマートインバータの電圧制御パラメータ更新による電力損失と電圧制御性能に関する定量的評価

    高澤 佑太, 赤木 覚, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • PV連系配電系統における部分ループ最適構成決定手法に関する基礎検討

    金子 曜久, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘, 姉川 高也, 外薗 秀康, 大山 雅之


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • エリア風力発電量予測の高度化–気象場予測データに対する時空間特徴量抽出

    東山 和寿, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 系統用蓄電池による変動緩和の性能向上を目的としたState-of-Charge Feedback制御の基礎検討

    赤木 覚, 芳澤 信哉, 伊藤 雅一, 藤本 悠, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 矢野 孝, 久田 俊哉, 田和 克久


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • Minimizing Losses in Zone-based Volt-Var Settings Through Genetic Algorithms

    村上 晃平, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘, Hamed V. Haghi, Jan Kleissl


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • Volt-var制御の時間変化率変更による電圧制御効果への影響評価

    山下 裕輔, 村下 直久, 芳澤 信哉, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • EV普及拡大を見据えた実配電系統における三相配電線電圧への影響評価

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 石丸 雅章, 橋本 茂男, 杉本 仁志


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • モデル予測型電圧制御手法における電圧変動推定区間と電圧制御性能に関する評価

    芳澤信哉, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 需要家電力資源の余力による電力需給調整サービスの構築

    小林 延久, 石井 英雄, 横山 健児, 宮本 裕介


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • CO2削減賦課金による火力からの排出量削減

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 分散エネルギー資源と電力システムの将来

    石井 英雄


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • マルチシナリオベースモデル予測制御方式の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 需要家電力資源による需給調整を実現する通信ネットワークの技術要件

    小林 延久, 田中 立二, 芹沢 善積, 水野 修


    発表年月: 2019年02月

  • 需要家の負荷データに基づく負荷調整力ポテンシャルの視覚的評価方法の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年01月

  • 蓄電池を再生可能エネルギー併用する場合の環境性と経済性のエネルギーチェーンを考慮した評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年01月

  • エネルギーチェーンによる将来のエネルギーシステムの定量的評価の提案

    石井英雄, 矢部邦明, 林泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年01月

  • 電圧変動推定に基づくモデル予測型電圧制御手法に関する検討

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年01月

  • PV大量導入時における複数電圧階級の協調VQC装置運用決定手法

    金子 曜久, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 杉村 修平, 植田 喜延, 田邊 隆之


    発表年月: 2019年01月

  • Optimal Responses of Home Energy Management Systems to Volt-watt Functions and Forecast Errors

    Dao Van Tu, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuta Takasawa, Kohei Murakami, Yuji Takenobu, Hiroshi Kikusato, Akihisa Kaneko, Shinya Yoshizawa

    2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • Evaluation of Voltage Regulation Functions of Smart Inverters Based on Penetration Level and Curtailment in Photovoltaic Systems

    Yuta Takasawa, Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • Japan's R&D Project of Ramp Forecasting Technology: A Machine Learning Scheme for Ramp Forecast

    Yu Fujimoto, Kazutoshi Higashiyama, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    17th internationaol wind workshop, Stockholm  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • 電圧逸脱リスク最小化を目的とした電圧管理手法の基礎検討

    芳澤信哉, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 配電系統電圧制御におけるスマートインバータの地域別制御パラメータ決定の影響評価

    村上晃平, 芳澤信哉, 藤本 悠, 石井英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 各PV 発電状態における Volt-VAR 制御時と定力率制御時の電力損失に関する評価

    高澤佑太, 赤木 覚, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 再生可能エネルギーを主体とした供給信頼度の高い離島オフグリッドの発電・蓄電容量および天気情報を用いた運用方法の決定手法

    釜 壮一郎, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘, 冠城 さやか, 吉永 淳, 瀧ヶ崎 光


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 圧縮空気エネルギー貯蔵システムを用いた風力発電システムの計画発電 ―推定予測誤差と実予測誤差の差の分布を考慮した計画値作成手法―

    菊地 亜希, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 中期先電力需要予測における変数属性の要因分析を目的としたグループ正則化の検討

    金子 奈々恵, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 蓄電池を活用したメガソーラーの出力変動緩和制御に関する検討

    劉 安東, 伊藤 雅一, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 圧縮空気エネルギー貯蔵システムと予測を用いた出力事前制御による風力発電出力の変動緩和実証試験の評価

    伊藤 雅一, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • センサ開閉器の実測情報に基づく系統構成切替による配電損失削減効果の評価

    内山 慎悟, 竹延 祐二, 阿美 咲良, 宮崎 輝, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • 蓄電池による太陽光発電出力の自家消費増加の経済性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Evaluation of Dynamic Voltage Responses of Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Systems

    Yuji Takenobu, Satoru Akagi, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Jens Boemer, Deepak Ramasubramanian, Parag Mitra, Anish Gaikwad, Ben york

    2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • HEMS Operation with Utility Requirements for Rooftop Solar-Battery Systems

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • Emerging Requirement in Decentralized and Democratized Electric Power System

    Hideo Ishii, Kazuhiko Ogimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    GRE 2018 (Grand Renewable Energy)  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • A Comparative Study of Regional Wind Power Forecasting:Direct Approach and Aggregating Approach

    Kazutoshi Higashiyama, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    GRE 2018 (Grand Renewable Energy)  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Configuration of Large-Scale Battery System with Volt-VAR function in Distribution Network with Advanced Load Tap Changer Control

    Satoru Akagi, Ben York, Mobolaji Bello, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC & 34th EU PVSEC)  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Scheduling Method of Wind Power Generation for Electricity Market using State-of-Charge Transition and Forecast Error

    Aki Kikuchi, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    24th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Seoul, Korea  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Optimal Responses of Home Energy Management Systems to Aggregator and Utility Requirements

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuta Takasawa, Kohei Murakami

    ISGT Asia 2018 (IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies- Asia)  

    発表年月: 2018年05月

  • Hierarchical BESS management for electric power self-supply ratio improvement and power flow reduction in residential town

    Tetsuro Tani, Shiya Yoshizawa, Teru Miyazaki, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masakazu Shio, Takashi Umeoka

    2018 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年02月

  • Optimal smart functions of large-scale PV inverters in distribution systems

    Van Tu Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia)  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Evaluation of energy-loss minimum operations using real measurements and network data

    Shingo Uchiyama, Yuji Takenobu, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masato Watanabe, Ryota Yamamoto

    2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia)  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Installed generator capacity determination method with variable weather-based SOC operation for island-alone off-grid system

    Souichiro Kama, Jun Yoshinaga, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Masato Watanabe, Hikaru Takigasaki

    2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia)  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Effectiveness of updating the parameters of the Volt-VAR control depending on the PV penetration rate and weather conditions

    Yuta Takasawa, Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia)  

    発表年月: 2017年12月

  • Voltage and Energy Loss Assessment for Systems with Smart Inverter Functions of Rooftop Solar

    Tu Van Dao, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/ Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON)  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Residential Fuel Cell Cogeneration Unit with Periodic Forecast Update for Distributed Architecture

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Proceedings of ECOS 2017 – 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Energy Disaggregation based on Semi-supervised Matrix Factorization using Feedback Information from Consumers

    Ayumu Miyasawa, Masako Matsumoto, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Method for Determining Voltage Control Parameters of Low-Voltage Regulator Using Forecast Interval of Photovoltaic Output

    Masaya Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kikusato, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Nao Kumekawa, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Noriyuki Motegi, Yusuke Yamashita

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Feature Extraction of Numerical Weather Prediction Results Toward Reliable Wind Power Prediction

    Kazutoshi Higashiyama, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • Development of Prediction-based Operation Planning Method for Domestic Air-Conditioner with Adaptive Learning of Installation Environment

    Ryoichi Kuroha, Yu Fujimoto, Wataru Hirohashi, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference  

    発表年月: 2017年04月

  • Optimal Allocation of Photovoltaic Systems and Energy Storage Systems Considering Constraints of Both Transmission and Distribution Systems

    Ryusuke Konishi, Yuji Takenobu, Masaki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference  

    発表年月: 2017年04月

  • Coordinated Voltage Control of Load Tap Changers in Distribution Networks with Photovoltaic System

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Masaya Kobayashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT)  

    発表年月: 2016年10月

  • Optimal Dispatch of Frequency Control Generators for Output Fluctuation of RES Using OPF and MOPSO

    Ohsei Ikeda, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Tanaka

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年07月

  • Methods to Determine Line Drop Compensator Control Parameters of Low-voltage Regulators Considering Temporal and Spatial Resolution of a Power Forecaset Profile

    Masaya Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kikusato, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年07月

  • Capacity Evaluation of a Battery Energy Storage System for Multipurpose Utilization

    Satoru Akagi, Shinya Yoshizawa, Jun Yoshinaga, Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Takashi Yano, Hideaki Nakahata, Toshiya Hisada, Xuan Mai Tran

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年07月

  • Advanced Decentralized Voltage Control Method of Voltage Regulators Based on Measurements in Distribution System with PVs

    Kohei Murakami, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Hiroyuki Ishikawa, Takuya Kajikawa

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年07月

  • Control Methods for an Energy Storage System when Wind Power Output Deviate Grid Code

    Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Masataka Mitsuoka, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016  

    発表年月: 2016年07月

  • Energy Disaggregation Based on Semi-Binary NMF

    Masako Matsumoto, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition,Vol.9729  

    発表年月: 2016年07月

  • Advanced Islanding Operation Method Integrating Multiple Power Supplies Including Photovoltaic Power Generation

    Jun Yoshinaga, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoshi Sato, Makoto Ohashi, Jiro Miyake, Shizuo Tsuchiya

    CIRED Workshop  

    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • Method for Enumerating Feasible LDC parameters for OLTC and SVR in Distribution Networks

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid  

    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • Maximizing Hosting Capacity of Distributed Generation by Network Reconfiguration in Distribution System

    Yuji Takenobu, Shunsuke Kawano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Norihito Yasuda, Shin-ich Minato

    19th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)  

    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • Centralized Voltage Control Method using Voltage Forecasting by JIT Modeling in Distribution Networks

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Proceedings of IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference  

    発表年月: 2016年05月

  • Reproducing Statistical Property of Short-Term Fluctuation in Wind Power Profiles

    Seigo Furuya, Yu Fujimoto, Noboru Murata, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    10th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference   (Dusseldofr, Germany) 

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • 送配電系統における太陽光発電と電力貯蔵装置の最適導入量決定問題

    小西 隆介, 高橋 正樹, 竹延 祐二, 林 泰弘

    平成28年電気学会全国大会   (東北大学 川内北キャンパス) 

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • 蓄エネルギー装置の出力事前制御による 力発電出力変動緩和のための所要量削減効果に関する基礎検討

    伊藤 雅一, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    平成28年電気学会全国大会   (仙台市) 

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • 大規模配電網における分散型電源連系可能最大容量の厳密解法

    竹延 祐二, 河野 俊介, 林 泰弘, 安田 宜仁, 湊 真一

    平成28年電気学会全国大会   (東北大学 川内北キャンパス) 

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • 配電損失最小化問題のスケーラブルな厳密解法

    安田宜仁, 湊真一, 竹延祐二, 林泰弘

    平成28年電気学会全国大会   (東北大学 川内北キャンパス) 

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • Power and Capacity Requirement for an Energy Storage from Grid Codes

    Masakazu Ito, Yu Fujimoto, Masataka Mitsuoka, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2015   (Brisbane, Australia) 

    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • Determination of the Most Suitable Voltage Control Method Depending on Photovoltaic Installation Rate

    Satoru Akagi, Ryo Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Jun Yoshinaga, Masakazu Ito, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hiromi Konda

    IEEE APPEEC 2015   (Brisbane, Australia) 

    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • Study on Business Continuity Capability by Cooperative Operation of Photovotaic and Battery Energy Storage System

    Hiroki Maruyama, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hajime Onojima, Yoshikane Kojima

    IEEE APPEEC 2015   (Brisbane, Austaralia) 

    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • Weighted Semi-Binary NMFに基づく機器別消費電力推定

    松本 眞子, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    (茨城県 つくば市) 

    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • ランダムフォレストに基づく風力発電のランプアラーと手法の検討

    高橋由佳, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    IBIS 2015(第18回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ)   (茨城県 つくば市) 

    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • Islanding Operation Methods Integrated with Multiple Supplies and HEMS

    Jun Yoshinaga, Wataru Hirohasi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yashito Isoe, Jiro Miyake, Shizuo Tsuchiya

    2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies(EDST 2015) CIGRE SC C6 Colloquim Vienna   (Vienna) 

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 系統構成を考慮した分散型電源の連系可能最大容量の決定手段

    竹延祐二, 安田宜仁, 河野俊介, 湊真一, 林泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋 名城大学) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 非負値行列分解の応用に基づく機器別消費電力推定の精度評価

    松本 眞子, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋 名城大学) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • HEMSにおける需要家機器使用傾向の学習精度に関する検証

    松本 直也, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • ランプ検知を目的としたエリア風力発電量予測に関する

    高橋 由佳, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • リアルタイム最適化による次世代集中制御手法の開発

    高橋 尚之, 高橋 諒, 三好 龍之介, 林 泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 風速観測データベースに基づく擬似風力発電プロファイル生成手法の検討

    古屋 成悟, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • ピーク電力最小化を目的とした蓄電池併用型エリア間電力融通手法の検討

    杉本諒太, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 佐野豊, 栄千治

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • DRにおける電力需要削減効果の経時変化に関する一考察

    須藤慧, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • エネルギー価格をパラメータとした地域冷暖房システムによるデマンドレスポンスへの対応可能容量の検討

    高野 彰久, 伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘, 進士 誉夫, 田所 真之

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 網羅的な実行可能構成の列挙に基づく年間配電エネルギー損失最小化

    安田 宜仁, 竹延 祐二, 河野 俊介, 林泰弘, 湊 真一

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋 名城大学) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 電力予測精度とHEMS/Grid EMS協調効果の関係の評価

    森 皓平, 喜久里浩之, 芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 若尾 真治, 林 泰弘, 川島 明彦, 稲垣 伸吉, 鈴木 達也

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 電圧感度推定を用いた次世代集中制御手法の評価

    高橋 諒, 高橋 尚之, 林 泰弘, 浅野 浩志

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • PV導入拡大に対応したSVRと蓄電池との協調電圧制御手法の検討

    吉永淳, 赤木覚, 林泰弘, 石橋一成

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 高圧配電系統の電圧制御を考慮したLVRの設置に関する基礎検討

    喜久里浩之, 小林 将矢, 吉永 淳, 林 泰弘, 草川 慎一, 茂木 規行

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 広域運用系統における風力発電出力変動補償を目的とした周波数調整用発電機の最適出力配分候補の導出

    池田 欧世, 林 泰弘, 田中 毅

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • 連系要件の違いによる蓄エネルギー装置の所用出力・時間容量の検討

    伊藤雅一, 藤本悠, 光岡正隆, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    平成27年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会   (名古屋) 

    発表年月: 2015年08月

  • Information Exchange between HEMS and GEMS for Effective EV Charge/Discharge Planning

    MORI, Kohei, KIKUSATO, Hiroshi, YOSHIZAWA, Shinya, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, KAWASHIMA, Akihiko, INAGAKI, Shinkichi, SUZUKI, Tatsuya

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Evaluation of Coordinated Energy Management System for Grid and Home in Distribution System with PVs

    YOSHIZAWA, Shinya, YOSHIDA, Akira, KAWANO, Shunsuke, FUJIMOTO, Yu, AMANO, Yoshiharu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Interval Forecasting for Wind Power Generation Based on Random Forests


    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Evaluation of the Impacts of Tap Width Difference of Multiple Voltage Regulators on Voltage Control Performance of a Centralized Voltage Control Method

    TAKAHASHI, Ryo, YOSHIZAWA, Shinya, ITO, Masakazu, HIROSHI, Asano, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Study of Multi-Area Energy Management Method for Peak Power Minimization

    SUGIMOTO, Ryota, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, SANO, Yutaka, SAKAE, Chiharu

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Evaluation of Demand Response Based on the Random Forests

    SUDOH, Kei, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • A Study of Co-Generation Systems for Power System Frequency Control with Mass Penetration of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Generation

    KOBAYASHI, Shimpei, ITO, Masakazu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Basic Study on Deployment of Low-Voltage Regulator Considering Existing Voltage Control in High-Voltage Distribution Systems

    KIKUSATO, Hiroshi, YOSHINAGA, Jun, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, KUSAGAWA, Shinichi, MOTEGI, Noriyuki

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Spatial Prediction for Generating Synthetic Wind Power Profiles Based on Kriging Approach

    FURUYA, Seigo, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • A Determination Method of Parameters of Line Drop Compensation in Distribution Systems with Photovoltaic Systems

    ENOMOTO, Kyohei, KAWANO, Shunsuke, ITO, Masakazu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, ITO, Takaharu, ABE, Katsuya, MINAMI, Masahiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Basic Study of Grid-connected Battery Energy Storage System Capacity Determination for Load Leveling and Voltage Control

    AKAGI, Satoru, YOSHIZAWA, Shinya, YOSHINAGA, Jun, ITO, Masakazu, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, YANO, Takashi, NAKAHATA, Hideaki, HISADA, Toshiya, TRAN, Xuan Mai

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • A Personalized Energy Management for Advanced Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning System

    MATSUMOTO, Naoya, SHOJI, Tomoaki, FUJIMOTO, Yu, AMANO, Yoshiharu, TANABE, Shin-ichi, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Energy Disaggregation Based on Shift-Invariant Semi-Binary Matrix Factorization

    MATSUMOTO, Masako, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    ICEE 2015   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2015年07月

  • Distribution automation system for service restoration involving simultaneous disconnection and reconnection of distributed generators

    Shunsuke Kawano, Yu Fujimoto, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hideaki Takenaka, Hitoshi Irie, Takashi Y. Nakajima

    2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech   (Eindhoven, Netherland) 

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • Determination of Dynamic Line Drop Compensation Parameters of Voltage Regulators for Voltage Rise Mitigation

    A.L.M. Mufaris, J. Baba, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi

    ICCEP   (Italy) 

    発表年月: 2015年06月


    Jun Yoshinaga, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhito Isoe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Jiro Miyake, Shizuo Tsuchiya

    CIRED 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution   (Lyon, France) 

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • Dynamic voltage regulator operation with demand side management for voltage control

    A.L.M. Mufaris, J. Baba, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi

    2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech   (Eindhoven, Netherland)  Eindhoven, Netherland  

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • Improvement of Prediction Interval Estimation Algorithm with Just-In-Time Modeling for PV System Operation

    Tomohide Yamazaki, Shinji Wakao, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference   (New Orleans, USA) 

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • Method for Determining LDC Parameters of OLTC and Multiple SVRs in Distribution System by Using Database

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IYCE(International Youth Conference on Energy)  

    発表年月: 2015年05月

  • Determination Method of Voltage Control Parameters Based on Input-output Relationship Database in Distribution System

    Shinya Yoshizawa

    2015 JST-NSF-DFG-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems   (Arlington, VA, USA) 

    発表年月: 2015年04月

  • Development of Methodologies for Collaborative Energy Management System Using Simulation Model and Distribution NW Simulator

    Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2015 JST-NSF-DFG-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems   (Arlington, VA, USA) 

    発表年月: 2015年04月

  • Multiple Scenario Forecast for Residential Energy Demands

    Yu Fujimoto

    2015 JST-NSF-DFG-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems   (Arlington, VA, USA) 

    発表年月: 2015年04月

  • Robust Operation Planning Method for Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Under Uncertainty of Demand

    Runa Kato, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Renewable Energy Congress 2015 (IREC' 2015)   (El Mouradi Palace Sousse, Tunisia) 

    発表年月: 2015年03月

  • The Basic Study for Development of a Method for Determining the LDC Parameters of LRT and SVR Using PV Output Forecasting

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies(2015 ISGT)   (Washington DC, USA) 

    発表年月: 2015年02月

  • Maximum PV Penetration Capacity Evoluation of a Novel Method for Determining LDC Control Parameters of Step Voltage Regulators

    Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2014 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Engineering(ICPSE 2014)   (Barcelona, Spain) 

    発表年月: 2014年12月

  • Method for Determining Line Drop Compensator Control Parameters of Low-Voltage Regulator Using Random Fores

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Naoyuki Takahashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    2014 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Engineering(ICPSE 2014)   (Barcelona, Spain) 

    発表年月: 2014年12月

  • On Detection of Cyber Attacks Against Voltage Control in Distribution Power Grids

    Yasunori Isozaki, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Hideaki Ishii, Isao Ono, Takashi Onoda, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications   (Venice, Italy) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Demonstrations of Communication Standards for Demand Response and Smart House

    Jun Yoshinaga, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 6th International Conference on Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources(IRED 2014)   (Kyoto International Conference Center,Kyoto,Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Advanced Voltage Control Method of Multipke Step Voltage Regulators in Distribution Feeder

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Y.Hayashi

    The 6th International Conference on Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources(IRED 2014)   (Kyoto International Conference Center,Kyoto,Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • A Basic Study of Distribution Automation for Service Restoration in a Distribution System with Distributed Generators

    Shunsuke Kawano, Y, Hayashi

    The 6th International Conference on Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources(IRED 2014)   (Kyoto International Conference Center,Kyoto,Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Fluctuation Range Prediction of PV Output by Using Just-In-Time Modeling

    Hayato Homma, Tomohide Yamazaki, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hiroshi Kikusato, Shinji Wakao, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion(WCPEC)   (Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Dynamic control method based on JIT for LVR in Distribution Systems

    Naoyuki Takahashi, Hiroshi Kikusato, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion(WCPEC)   (Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Voltage Control Methods using Acceptable Amount of PV Installation

    Ryo Takahashi, Ryunosuke Miyoshi, Naoyuki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion(WCPEC)   (Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Basic Study of Voltage Control Method with Demand Response

    Satoru Akagi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion(WCPEC)   (Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto) 

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • Method for Instantly Determining Line Drop Compensator Parameters of Low-Voltege Regulator Multiple Classfiers

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Naoyuki Takahashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    IEEE ISGT Europe 2014 in Istanbul   (Istanbul, Turkey) 

    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • PV Output Prediction under Various Conditions of Time and Spatial Resolutions by Just-In-Time Modeling

    Hayato Homma, Shinya Yoshizawa, Hiroshi Kikusato, Shinji Wakao, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The 29th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EUPVSE2014)   (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 

    発表年月: 2014年09月


    Hayato HOMMA, Tomohide YAMAZAKI, Shinya YOSHIZAWA, Hiroshi KIKUSATO, Shinji WAKAO, Yu FUJIMOTO, Yasuhiro HAYASHI

    The 29th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition   (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 

    発表年月: 2014年09月

  • Voltage Control of Multiple Step Voltage Regulators by Renewing Control Parameters

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yuya Yamamoto, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigetou, Hideo Nomura

    18th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2014)   (Wroclaw, Poland) 

    発表年月: 2014年08月


    Yoshinaga Jun

    CIGRE 2014,CIGRE C6 WG C6.30   (Paris, France) 

    発表年月: 2014年08月

  • Home Energy Management Based on Bayesian Network Considering Resident Convenience

    Tomoaki Shoji, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    13th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems(PMAPS2014)   (Durham, England) 

    発表年月: 2014年07月


    Ryunosuke Miyoshi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Grand Renewable Energy 2014 International Conference   (Tokyo, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2014年07月

  • Experiment with an OPF Controller Based on HPSO-TVAC for a PV-Supplied Microgrid with BESS

    Khoa Le Dinh, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2014, (The 2014 IEEE PES)   (Washington DC, USA) 

    発表年月: 2014年07月

  • Optimal BESS Placement and Sizing based on HPSO-TVAC to Stabilize Voltage in PV- Supplied Micro-grid

    Khoa Le Dinh, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Multi-objective control method of battery Energy storage system for distribution system

    Jun Yoshinaga, Satoshi Akagi Mikihiko Wada, Yasuhito Isoe, Wataru Hirohashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    CIRED Workshop 2014   (Rome, Italy) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Dynamic Control Method for LVR based on Predictive and Dynamic Controller

    Naoyuki Takahashi, Hiroshi Kikusato, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusawagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Centralized Voltage Control Method using Voltage Sensitivity Estimation in Distribution System with Mega-solar System

    Ryo Takahashi, Naoyuki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Basic Study on Dynamic Reactive-Power Control Method with PV Output Prediction for Solar Inverter

    Ryunosuke Miyoshi, Naoyuki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • A Novel Grid Energy Management System in Distribution System with PVs

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Hayato Homma, Yu Fujimoto, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Home Energy Management based on Bayesian Network considering Priority of Home Appliances

    Tomoaki Shoji, Wataru Hirohashi, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • The Basic Study for Accelerating a Voltage Calculation Method for High-and Low- voltage Distribution System

    Shunsuke Kawano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Nobuhiko Itaya, Tomihiro Takano, Tetsufumi Ono

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Determination Method of the Configuration Minimizing Yearly Loss

    Yuji Takenobu, Shunsuke Kawano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Norihito Yasuda, Shin-ich Minato

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Effectiveness of Optimization Updating the Control Parameters of Advanced SVRs

    Yuya Yamamoto, Shinya Yoshizawa, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigeto, Hideo Nomura

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014(ICEE 2014)   (Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel,Korea) 

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Interval Forecasting of Photovoltaic Generation Based on Quantile Regression

    Genta Kikuchi, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yoshikane Kojima, Shunji Nakao


    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Verification of Efficiency of Searching Methods Determining Optimal Control Parameters of Advanced SVRs

    Yuya Yamamoto, Shinya Yoshizawa, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigetou, Hideo Nomura

    ENERGYCON 2014   (Dubrovnik,Croatia) 

    発表年月: 2014年05月

  • Novel Voltage Control of Multiple Step Voltage Regulators in a Distribution System

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Yuya Yamamoto, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Sasaki, Takaya Shigetou, Hideo Nomura

    Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES   (Washington, DC, USA) 

    発表年月: 2014年02月

  • Dyanamic Voltage Control Method and Optimization for LVR in Distribution System with PV Systems

    Naoyuki TAKAHASHI, Hiroshi KIKUSATO, Jun YOSHINAGA, Yasuhiro HAYASHI, Shinichi KUSAKAWA, Noriyuki MOTEGI

    Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES   (Washington, DC, USA) 

    発表年月: 2014年02月

  • Method for Determining Line Drop Compensator Parameters of Low Voltage Regulator using Support Vector Machine

    Hiroshi Kikusato, Naoyuki Takahashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shinichi Kusagawa, Noriyuki Motegi

    Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES   (Washington, DC, USA) 

    発表年月: 2014年02月


    Satoru Akagi, Jun Yoshinaga, Naoyuki Takahashi, Shunsuke Kawano, Ryunosuke Misyoshi, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    発表年月: 2014年

  • Development of Technology for Collaborative Energy Management System and Foundation for Versatile Demonstrative Research and Its Evaluation

    Yu Fujimoto, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2014 Joint JST-NSF-DFG Workshop Distributed Energy Management Systems   (Hawaii, USA) 

    発表年月: 2014年01月

  • Evaluation of the Effect of Solar Inverters Installed with Different Reactive Power Control Systems Types on the Distribution System

    Miyoshi Ryunosuke, Ryo Takahashi, Naoyuki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shuichi Ashidate

    the 23rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference   (Taipei,Taiwan) 

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • Photovoltaic Output Prediction Based on a Collection of Quantile Regression Models

    Genta KIKUCHI, Yu FUJIMOTO, Yasuhiro HAYASHI, Yoshikane KOJIMA, Shunji NAKAO

    the 23rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference   (Taipei,Taiwan) 

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • Optimized Voltage Control in Distribution System with PV Using Advanced Analog Simulator

    N. Takahashi, A. Otsubo, Y. Hayashi

    CIGRE SC C6 COLLOQUIUM 2013   (Yokohama, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • Online Optimal Power Flow Based on HPSO-TVAC Coordinates with Centralized BESS and LRT Control to Stabilize Voltage in a PV-Supplied Micro-grid

    Khoa Le Dinh, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE ISGT Europe 2013(ISGT)   (Copenhagen, Denmark) 

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • Evaluating the Ability of Hydroelectric Power Generation for Controlling Frequency with a Large Introduction of Wind Power Generation

    Yu Matsumoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Tanaka

    the 45th North American Power Symposium (NAPS)   (New York, USA) 

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • Coordinated BESS Control to Improve Voltage Stability of PV-Supplied Microgrid

    Khoa Le Dinh, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference(UPEC 2013 Dublin)  

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • Evaluation of Improvement Effect of Voltage Quality by Reactive Power Control with Available Capacity of Residential FC Invertor

    Shoichi Koinuma, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Takao Shinji, Yosuke Watanabe, Masayuki Tadokoro

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) 2013   (XIAMEN,CHINA) 

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • Evaluation of a Cooperative Control Method for Electric Vehicles and Heat Pumps in Residential Photovoltaic Power Systems


    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) 2013   (XIAMEN,CHINA) 

    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • Optimization of Fuel Cell System Operation Plans in Houses with PV Systems

    Y. Taniguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Hayashi

    IEEE International Power and Energy Conference(PECON2012)   (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia) 

    発表年月: 2012年12月

  • Weather-Based Planning and Operation for Residential PV Systems and Storage Batteries

    Ryota Suzuki, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE International Power and Energy Conference(PECON2012)   (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia) 

    発表年月: 2012年12月

  • Verification of Loss Reduction Effect on Loss Minimum Configuration of Distribution System by Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram

    Takayuki Watanabe, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies(ISGT)2013 Conference   (Washington D.C., USA) 

    発表年月: 2012年12月

  • Centralized BESS Control to Minimize Demand of PV-Supplied Micro-grid under Voltage Constraints

    Le Dinh Khoa, Hayashi Yasuhiro

    IEEE International Power and Energy Conference(PECON2012)   (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia) 

    発表年月: 2012年12月

  • Automatic Extraction of Basic Electricity Consumption Pattern in Households

    Haoyang Shen, Hideitsu Hino, Noboru Murata, Shinji Wakao, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications(ICRERA   (Nagasaki, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Pattern Sequence-based Energy Demand Forecast Using Photovoltaic Energy Records

    Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications(ICRERA)   (Nagasaki, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Design of Electric Power distribution networks using a biologically inspired algorithm

    S.Watanabe, A. Takamatsu, Y. Hayashi

    1st International Conference on the Theory and Practiec of Natural Computing   (Tarragona, Spain) 

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • A National Project on Optimal Control and Demonstration of the Japanese Smart Grid for Massive Integration of Photovoltaic Systems

    Akihiko Yokoyama, Hirofumi Akagi, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Kazuhiko Ogimoto, Hideo Ishii

    IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2012   (Berlin, Germany) 

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Centralized Voltage Control Method Using Plural D-STATCOM with Controllable Dead Band in Distribution System with Renewable Energy

    N.Takahashi, Y.Hayashi

    IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2012   (Berlin, Germany) 

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Centralized Voltage Control Method of Load Ratio Control Transformer and Step Voltage Regulator for Bank Fault Restoration

    S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi, M. Tsuji, E. Kamiya

    IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2012   (Berlin, Germany) 

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Evaluating Improved Generation Efficiency: One Year Using Residential PV Voltage Control With a Clustered Residential Grid-interconnected PV

    Yusuke Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2012   (Berlin, Germany) 

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Experimental verification of advanced voltage control for penetration of PV in distribution system with IT sectionalizing switches


    2012 CIGRE   (Paris, France) 

    発表年月: 2012年08月

  • Basic Study on Optimum Control Method of Storage Battery for Reduction of Output Suppression in Distribution System Including Clustered PV Systems

    FUJIMORI, Taro, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, MIYAMOTO, Yusuke

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Evaluation of CO2 Emission and Primary Energy Consumption Considering Variation in Demand for Collective Housing with Fuel Cells

    KAMEDA, Manato, FUJIMOTO, Yu, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Evaluation of Sectionalizing Switch Control under Centralized Voltage Control Condition in Distribution System with PV

    OTSUBO, Atsushi TAKAHASHI, Naoyuki, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Autonomous Control of Heat Pump Water Heater for Avoidance of PV Output Suppression

    SHINJO, Takayuki, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, MIYAMOTO, Yusuke

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Voltage Control Method Using Centralized Control of Dead Band of D-STATCOM in Distribution System with Renewable Energy

    TAKAHASHI, Naoyuki, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Evaluation of Voltage Control Effect for Data Acquisition Period Length from SCADA with IT Switches

    UDAGAWA, Tsuyoshi HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, TAKAHASHI, Naoyuki, MATSUURA, Yasuo MORITA, Tomohiko, MINAMI, Masahiro

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Voltage Control Method of LRT and SVR in Distribution System with PV systems corresponding to Bank Fault Restoration

    YOSHIZAWA, Shinya, HAYASHI, Yasuhiro, TSUJI, Masaki, KAMIYA, Eiji

    The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE2012)   (Kanazawa, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2012年07月

  • Voltage Control Method Using Statcom with Variable Dead Band Installed Weight Coefficient In Distribution Systems with PV System

    N. Takahashi, Y. Hayashi

    21st International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference(PVSEC-21)   (Fukuoka, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2011年11月

  • Voltage Estimation and Control of Distribution Feeders with Distributed Generationd Using It Switches Data

    S. Takahashi, Y. Hayashi

    21st International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference(PVSEC-21)   (Fukuoka, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2011年11月

  • Optimization of Reactive Power Control of Clustered Residential Grid-Interconnected PV Systems

    Y. Miyamoto, Y. Hayashi

    21st International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference(PVSEC-21)   (Fukuoka, Japan) 

    発表年月: 2011年11月

  • Cooperative Power Quality Control by Photovoltaic Systems

    S. Kawasaki, M. Tanaka, H. Taoka, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Asia 2011)   (Perth, Australia) 

    発表年月: 2011年11月

  • Three-Phase Short-Circuit Fault Locator in Loop Shaped Distribution System with Inverter Based Distributed Generations

    D. Iioka, Y. Hayashi

    the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11)   (Stockholm, Sweden) 

    発表年月: 2011年08月

  • Cooperative Voltage Control and Improvement of Voltage Imbalance by STATCOMs in Response to Extensive Interconnection with Distribution System of Renewable Energy Resources

    S. Kawasaki, Y. Hayashi, N. Takahashi

    the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11)   (Stockholm, Sweden) 

    発表年月: 2011年08月

  • Distribution Line Structure and Generation Efficiency Improvement: a Clustered Residential Grid-Interconnected PV

    Y. Miyamoto, Y. Hayashi

    the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11)   (Stockholm, Sweden) 

    発表年月: 2011年08月

  • Dependence of Distribution Line Loss on Real and Reactive Power of Home Appliances

    D.Iioka, Y.Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Evaluation of Optimal Capacity of Residential Storage Battery to Smooth Output of PV Systems in Low-voltage Distribution System

    H. Sugiura, S. Kawasaki, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Optimal Generation Output Dispatch to Minimize Transmission Congestion and Loss for Frequency Deviation by Renewable Energy Sources

    H. Suzuki, Y. Hayashi, T. Tanaka

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Experimental Analysis on Influences of Harmonic Voltage at High-Voltage Network on Harmonic Current at Medium-Voltage Network

    J. Inagaki, Y. Hayashi, Y. Tada

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Optimal Allocation of Plural SVCs for PV Penetration

    K. Konishi, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Evaluation of Reduction Effect of Inverter Capacity by Cooperation of Binary Control and Storage Battery in Clustered Residential PV Systems

    K. Murahashi, Y. Hayashi, T. Hayashi, Y. Okuno, T. Funahashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Improvement of Power Quality in Distribution System by Cooperative Control of Power Conditioner Systems

    M. Tanaka, S. Kawasaki, H. Taoka, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Voltage Control Method Using Plural STATCOMs with Variable Dead Band for Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation System

    N. Takahashi, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Optimal Cooperated Planning and Operation of Residential PV System and Battery Energy Storage System

    R. Suzuki, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Minimum Required Available Capacity of Clustered Gas Engine Systems for Compensation of Output Fluctuation of PV Systems

    S. Hoshina, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Autonomous Decentralized Voltage Control Using Available Capacity of Fuel Cell Systemunder High Penetration of PV System

    S. Sano, Y. Hayashi, T. Shinji, S. Tsujita

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Determination Method of Optimal Allocation of SVR in Distribution Feeders with Renewable Energy Sources

    S. Takahashi, Y. Hayashi, Y. Tsuji, E. Kamiya

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Evaluation of Voltage Control Method in Distribution System with PV Systems during Bank Fault Restoration

    S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Verification of Effect on Reduction of Output Suppression by Introducing Storage Battery for Residential Section Including Clustered Photovoltaic Power Systems

    T. Fujimori, Y. Hayashi, Y. Miyamoto

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Reduction Effect of Output Suppression by Time-shifting the Load of Heat Pump Boiler for Clustered Residential Grid-interconnected Photovoltaic Power Systems

    T. Shinjo, Y. Hayashi, Y. Miyamoto

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Verifying the Avoidance Output Suppression Loss Effect: Residential PV Reactive Power Control of a Clustered Residential Grid-interconnected PV System

    Y. Miyamoto, Y. Hayash

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Evaluation of Optimal Operation of Residential PEFC System with Exhaust Heat Use for Heating and Hot Water

    Y. Taniguchi, Y. Hayashi

    17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)   (Hong Kong) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Measured Impedance at Incoming Feeder of Distributed Resources Interconnected to Loop-Shaped Distribution System

    D.Iioka, Y.Hayashi

    IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting   (Michigan, USA) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • Evaluating improved generation efficiency: One year using residential PV voltage control with a clustered residential grid-interconnected PV

    Y. Miyamoto, Y. Hayashi

    IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting   (Michigan, USA) 

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • PVシステム群におけるオンオフ制御と蓄電池制御の協調によるインバータ容量削減効果


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • HEMS住宅を活用した系統電圧管理のPV導入限界量の面からみた評価


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • LRTとPVシステム群の力率制御による協調型電圧制御法


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 配電ネットワークの事故復旧支援手法の拡張


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • アクティブフィルタ機能を有する単相PCSによる系統の高調波分布の解析


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 再生可能エネルギー電源の出力変動と分布を考慮した周波数変動調整用発電機の最適出力配分


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 動的負荷モデルの精度向上と負荷パラメータの推定


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 住宅内電力需要のモデリングに関する一考察


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • PV群の出力変動補償に要するGE群の最小空き容量の評価


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 家庭用太陽光発電システム大量導入時におけるHP給湯器の負荷シフトによる抑制量低減効果


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 食・物流・環境・エネルギーの連鎖による「スマートシナジーグリッド」の提案


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 冬期における排熱暖房利用を考慮した家庭用PEFCの最適運転計画の評価


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 系統電圧の不平衡と逸脱余裕量の改善を目的とした住宅用燃料電池の自律分散型電圧制御


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 複数台SVCの最適配置パターンの評価


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 重み係数付き不感帯可変SVCを用いた電圧制御手法


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 集中型電圧制御におけるLRTとの協調制御を考慮したSVRの最適配置決定手法


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • STATCOMによる系統の電圧制御および電圧不平衡改善手法


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • センサ開閉器情報に基づいた集中型電圧制御方式の計測周期・不感帯整定に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 電圧逸脱軒数の最小化を目的としたバンク事故復旧時における電圧制御手法の評価


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 低圧配電系統におけるPV出力の平滑化を目的とした併設蓄電池の最小容量の評価


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 天気予報に基づく住宅用太陽光発電・蓄電池の最適導入量と最適運用の決定手法


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 配電用変電所の電圧・電流から算出するインピーダンスによる故障点標定の精度


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 住宅用太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の無効電力制御機能による出力抑制回避効果の検証


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の住宅設置用蓄電池の導入による出力抑制量低減の検証


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • PV大量連系配電系統における不感帯可変SVCによる電圧制御


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PVが導入された配電系統のパンク事故復旧時における電圧逸脱地域最小化手法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • センサ開閉器区間情報を用いた電圧推定に基づくLRTとSVRによる複数フィーダの集中型電圧制御手法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 分散型電源の導入拡大に対応した配電系統さいてき厚生に関する基礎研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 再生可能エネルギーによる周波数変動の送電線混雑管理を目的とした発電機の出力配分


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PSOによるパラメータ推定を適用した動的負荷のモデル化


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PVシステム軍におけるオンオフ制御と蓄電池を用いた銃砲電制御の協調による安定化制御の評価


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 家庭用太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の出力抑制回避の最大化を目的とした電圧上昇抑制動作パラメータの整定値の評価


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PVの大量導入における複数台SVCの最適設置箇所に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 太陽光発電大量導入時の電圧上昇と電圧不平衡率の改善を目的とした燃料電池の無効電力制御に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 単相連系PVの導入拡大が配電系統の電力品質に与える影響評価


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • スマートハウスを活用した配電系統における負荷管理手法の評価


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PV群集中管理を目的としたPV導入エリアの決定に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • LRTと太陽光発電システム群の力率制御による協調型電圧制御法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • センサ開閉器情報を利用した複数台PCSによる配電ネットワークにおける総合電圧ひずみ率抑制手法」


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PCSによる系統の電圧不平衡改善および高調波抑制


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 分散型電源の連系線電圧・電流から算出する測距インピーダンスによる故障点標定


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PV 出力最大化と配電系統電圧適正化を目的としたヒートポンプ給湯器と電気自動車用充電器の協調制御手法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 系統連系されたインバータ型分散型電源への距離リレー適用に関する一考察


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 太陽光発電が大量導入された配電系統における負荷管理手法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 事故復旧制御における分散型電源の再連系の利用


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 開閉器情報を利用したPCSによる複数フィーダでの総合電圧ひずみ率抑制手法に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 系統電圧維持を目的とした太陽光発電システム群の力率制御手法」


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 燃料電池の無効電力制御を用いた配電系統の電圧制御と電圧不平衡抑制の効果に関する基礎研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PV 大量導入に対応した送電系統遮断器と配電系統開閉器の協調制御による送配電損失の最小化手法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PV システム群のオンオフ制御による蓄電池容量削減効果と利用率の評価


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 「複数台SVC による系統電圧制御効果の評価


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 「PV の連系容量と連系地点に応じたSVC の最適設置箇所に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • センサ開閉器計測情報に基づいた複数フィーダの電圧推定・制御手法


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • PV 出力変動補償を目的としたPV 群とGE の協調制御に関する基礎研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 再生可能エネルギー大量導入による周波数変動に対応した発電機出力の最適化に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 系統電圧維持を目的としたPV システム出力平滑化のための蓄電池容量に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 並列計算環境による配電系統構成決定時間短縮効果の検討


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • ループ型配電系統に連系された分散型電源の電圧・電流から算出する測距インピーダンス


    発表年月: 2010年08月

  • 分散型電源の連系線電圧・電流から算出する測距インピーダンスと系統構成との関係


    発表年月: 2010年08月

  • 配電系統に連系されたインバータ型分散型電源の短絡電流最大値と系統構成との関係


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 大規模PV導入が配電系統に及ぼす影響の評価


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • PVが大量導入された配電系統におけるHP給湯器とEV充電器の運用形態に関する評価


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 太陽光発電システム群の力率制御手法の実験による検証


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 分散型電源連系インバータによる系統規模での総合電圧ひずみ率抑制方法に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 再生可能エネルギー電源が連系された次世代ループ配電系統の電圧維持能力の検証


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 事故区間分離を考慮したループ配電系統の電圧制御に関する検討


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • センサ開閉器からの計測情報を利用した配電系統の集中型(LRT・SVR)電圧制御手法


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • LRTとの制御分担を考慮したSVCの瞬時電圧制御法およびSVCの定格容量と制御パラメータの決定手法


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 蓄電池容量最小化と適正電圧維持を目的とした風力発電出力変動平滑化


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • PV群のオンオフ制御台数とならし効果による出力安定化の検証


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • PV出力最大化と配電系統電圧適正化を目的としたヒートポンプ給湯器と電気自動車用充電器の協調運用決定手法の基礎検討


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 再生可能エネルギーとの調和を目指した先進グリッド技術


    発表年月: 2010年02月

  • 太陽光発電システム群の多目的力率制御手法


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 太陽光発電設置住宅におけるヒートポンプ給湯機と電気自動車用充電器の協調制御手法

    PSE-10-005 (2010)  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • PV導入形態が配電系統に及ぼす影響に関する基礎検討

    PSE-10-007 (2010)  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • センサ開閉器情報を利用した分散型電源連系インバータによる系統の総合電圧ひずみ率抑制方法に関する基礎研究


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 太陽光発電設置住宅におけるヒートポンプ給湯機と電気自動車用充電器の協調運用スケジュール決定手法


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • PV導入による電力ロス削減効果に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 配電系統におけるSVC の定格容量と制御パラメータ決定手法


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 並列計算技術の開閉器制御手法への適用に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • センサ開閉器から得られる計測情報を活用した配電系統の集中型(LRT・SVR)電圧制御手法の実験的検証


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 再生可能エネルギー源が連系されたループ配電系統の電圧制御に関する検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 分散型電源連系インバータのPQ 制御及びAF 動作による系統の電圧ひずみ率抑制方法の検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 階層型マイクログリッドの一次エネルギー消費量およびCO2 排出量削減効果の季節別検証


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 自然エネルギー利用型分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用形態の検証実験


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 蓄電池容量最小化を目的とした風力発電出力の最適平滑化時定数の決定


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 太陽光発電システム群の総有効電力出力最大化を目的とした力率制御手法


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 太陽光発電設置住宅におけるヒートポンプ給湯機と電気自動車充電器の運転スケジュール決定手法


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 配電損失削減とCO2 排出削減に貢献可能な自然エネルギー利用型分散型電源出力範囲の評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • PV 群のオンオフ制御による蓄電池容量削減効果の検証


    発表年月: 2009年

  • PV 群のオンオフ制御台数による出力安定化効果の評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 配電系統の電圧推定手法を適用した送出し電圧制御の実験的検証

    6-015 (2009)  

    発表年月: 2009年

  • 太陽光発電システム群の多目的力率制御のANSWER による検証実験


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 模擬実験装置を用いた損失最小化制御手法の検証


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 動的負荷特性の同定のための誘導機モデルのパラメータ推定


    発表年月: 2009年

  • LRT とSTATCOM による協調電圧制御のANSWER を用いた検証実験


    発表年月: 2009年

  • タップ切替回数と電圧プロファイルに基づいた電圧制御器(LRT, SVR)の不感帯幅の決定


    発表年月: 2009年

  • オンオフ制御による太陽光発電システム群の制御遅れ時間に対する出力目標値設定誤差の評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 階層型マイクログリッドにおけるGEのオンライン運用の一次エネルギー消費量とCO2 排出量の削減効果


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 並列計算環境下における開閉器制御手法の高速化


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 配電系統に設置される複数台SVC の協調整定に関する検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • ANSWER による太陽光発電システム群の力率制御手法の検証実験


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 分散型電源系統連系インバータのPQ 制御による系統の電圧ひずみ率抑制方法の検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 配電系統模擬実験設備を用いた分散型電源連系が系統の高調波電流に及ぼす影響の解析

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 階層型マイクログリッドにおける熱電併給運用の評価

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 適正電圧維持を目的とした風力出力変動平滑化制御の最適時定数の決定に関する基礎実験

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • PV システム群のオン/オフ制御による出力安定化

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 分散型電源の連系課題解決支援実験システム(ANSWER)の構築

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 定格容量を考慮したSVC の制御パラメータ決定手法

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 燃料電池設置型集合住宅における最適熱電併給運用

    平成20年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 分散型電源の連系が配電ネットワークに及ぼす影響の面的解析

    平成18年度 電気学会 電力系統技術研究会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統に連系される風力発電機の連系可能最大出力の評価

    平成18年度 電気学会 電力系統技術研究会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 燃料電池設置型集合住宅での戸別間電力融通による最適な熱電併給運用

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電ネットワークにおけるアクティブフィルタの最適設置箇所に関する基礎研究

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • キャンパス配電系統における電力品質の季節変化

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • キャンパス配電系統における高調波インピーダンスに関する研究

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電ネットワーク模擬実験設備を用いた分散型電源協調型の配電ネットワーク制御方式の検証

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統模擬実験による分散型電源と配電系統との協調運用形態の検証

    平成18年度 電気学会 電力技術・電力系統技術・半導体電力変換技術合同研究会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電損失最小化による年間CO2排出削減量の簡易評価手法

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源の連系可能最大出力の観点から見た送出し電圧制御方式の比較

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • センサ内蔵開閉器からの系統情報に基づいた変電所LDCの最適整定値の決定手法の開発

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • マイクログリッドにおけるオンライン電源運用最適化手法の妥当性の検証

    平成19年 電気学会全国大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電ネットワーク模擬実験による分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用形態の検証


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源が連系された配電ネットワークにおけるアクティブフィルタの最適設置箇所に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 集合住宅における燃料電池の最適運用計画決定手法


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源が連系された配電系統模擬実験設備での高調波解析


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統における変電所LDCの最適整定値決定手法の検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • パレート最適解を用いた配電ネットワーク構成の多目的最適化手法


    発表年月: 2007年

  • キャンパス配電系統における電力需要の年変化に関する一考察


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 階層型マイクログリッドの最適熱電併給に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統模擬実験設備を用いた分散型電源連系パターンの違いによる高調波解析


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統模擬実験による風力出力変動平滑化制御の最適時定数の決定


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源連系配電ネットワークにおけるアクティブフィルタの最適設置箇所に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • DG多数台連系前後での配電ネットワーク構成候補の評価実験


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 燃料電池設置型集合住宅における最適運用計画の季節別比較


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 集合住宅における燃料電池の導入についての検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 燃料電池設置型集合住宅における最適な熱電併給運用の決定手法


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 階層型マイクログリッドの最適運用に関する基礎研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電ネットワーク模擬実験設備を用いた分散型電源多数台連系前後での配電ネットワーク構成の多面的評価


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用形態の検証実験


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 適正電圧維持を目的とした風力出力変動平滑化制御の最適時定数の配電系統模擬実験による決定


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 系統構成を考慮した分散型電源連系配電ネットワークにおけるアクティブフィルタの最適設置箇所に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • キャンパス配電系統における電力品質の年間変化に関する検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • インバータ利用分散型電源が連系された配電系統模擬実験設備での高調波解析


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統における風力発電システムの連系可能最大出力の算出手法に関する検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電損失最小構成の年間変更頻度に対する損失削減効果の評価


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 電力品質に対するパレート最適解を用いた配電ネットワーク構成の多目的最適化


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統におけるLRTとSVRの統合整定手法の提案


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 同期発電機内部の空隙磁束を用いた送電線事故判定


    発表年月: 2007年

  • サイリスタ制御直列コンデンサによる不安定現象に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • TCSC点弧角自動制御モデルを用いた電力系統の動揺抑制効果のためのディジタル制御に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 実測データを用いた配電用変圧器の最適LDC整定値の決定


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電損失最小化に貢献可能な分散型電源出力範囲の算定


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電損失とバンク効率に対するパレート最適解を用いた配電ネットワーク構成の多目的最適化


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 配電系統におけるLRTとSVRの統合整定手法の検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 分散型電源の連系許容出力範囲の算出手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 分散型電源が連系された配電ネットワークにおける最適送出し電圧決定手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 分散型電源の一斉解列を考慮した配電系統の事故復旧


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 分散型電源が連系された配電系統での単相負荷の接続替えによる三相電圧不平衡の改善手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 実測データを用いた高調波解析用負荷モデルのパラメータ推定手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 空隙磁束を用いた送電線事故標定手法の検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 配電ネットワークの標準解析モデルの構築


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 電圧不平衡率面から見た配電ネットワーク構成の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 電圧歪率面から見た配電ネットワーク構成の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 配電ネットワーク構成の多面的評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • ループ状配電系統潮流計算への三相繰返潮流計算手法の適用


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 新規連系の分散型電源に対する連系許容出力範囲の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 3分割3連系配電ネットワークにおける配電損失最小構成決定手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • バンク事故による分散型電源の一斉解列を考慮した配電系統事故復旧手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 競争的環境下における健全時と事故時を考慮したTCSCの効果的運用に関する研究


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 電圧不平衡率面から見た配電ネットワーク構成の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 電圧歪率面から見た配電ネットワーク構成の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 競争的環境下における健全時と事故時を考慮したTCSCの効果的運用


    発表年月: 2005年

  • バンク事故による分散型電源の一斉解列を考慮した配電系統事故復旧手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 3分割3連系配電ネットワーク構成における電圧歪率の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 3分割3連系配電ネットワーク構成における電圧不平衡率の評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 3分割3連系配電ネットワーク構成の多面的評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 広域同期計測システムを用いたキャンパス配電系統の電力品質の検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 学内電力監視システムを用いた配電系統の電力品質の検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • TCSCによる電力系統の動揺抑制効果向上のためのディジタル制御の検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 送電線事故時における発電機空隙磁束の変動と事故標定への利用


    発表年月: 2005年

  • ループ状配電系統への三相繰返潮流計算手法の適用に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 数理的最適性が保証された3分割3連系配電損失最小構成の決定手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 分散型電源の連系を考慮した配電系統のバンク事故復旧手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 無負荷変圧器における過電圧の抑制に関する実験と考察


    発表年月: 2005年

  • サイリスタ制御直列コンデンサにおける不安定現象の解析


    発表年月: 2005年

  • TCSCによる系統安定度向上に関する実験と考察


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 同期発電機の制動巻線による分散型電源連系時の三相不平衡の改善


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 競争的環境下でのTCSCによる運用形態


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 送電線事故時の同期発電機内部の空隙磁束のWavelet解析


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 高調波解析用負荷の縮約手法に関する検討


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 高調波解析用負荷モデルのパラメータ推定


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 託送電力の最大受け入れを維持したTCSCによる送電損失の最小化


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 配変負荷融通による地域供給系統の供給支障解消


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 単相負荷のつなぎ換えによる三相電圧不平衡の改善に関する基礎検討


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 統合電力潮流制御装置(UPFC)を用いた動態安定度に関する実験と解析

    電気学会 電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2004年

  • 制動巻線構成変化時の電流分布の解析

    電気学会 電力・エネルギー部門大会  

    発表年月: 2004年

  • 同期発電機内部の空隙磁束の変化を用いた送電線事故の判定


    発表年月: 2004年

  • UPFCを用いた系統における定態安定度向上効果の検討


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 突極型同期発電機の制御巻線構成変更時の電流分布解析


    発表年月: 2004年

  • TCSCのディジタル制御に関する研究


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 同時送電可能電力(STC)の最大化を目的としたTCSC設置線路インピーダンスの決定

    平成14年電気学会全国大会, 6-117, 205-206  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 電気学会地域供給系統モデルにおける事故復旧時の最適系統構成

    平成14年電気学会全国大会, 6-117, 207-208  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 同期発電機の空隙磁束を用いた送電線事故の把握

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊A, 249, 711-712  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 風力発電機の電力系統への影響に関する研究

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊B, 507, 711-712  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 分散型電源のn-1解列を考慮した配電損失最小構成の決定手法

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊A, 8, 50-55  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 統合電力潮流制御装置(UPFC)の基本特性の実験と解析

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-3, 7  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 確定論と確率論を融合した地方供給系統構成の多目的評価手法

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊A, 124, 463-464  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 託送申請量の最大受け入れを目的としたTCSCによる潮流制御

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊A, 144, 503-504  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 地理的最適化と構成最適化に基づく配電計画評価手法

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊A, 149, 513-514  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 実測データを用いた高調波解析における負荷モデルに関する検討

    平成14年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊A, 173, 561-562  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 地理的最適化と構成最適化に基づいた配電系統計画手法

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE02-54/PSE02-64, 13-18  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 託送申請量の最大受け入れを目的としたTCSCによる潮流制御へのPSOの適用

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE02-141/PSE02-151, 39-44  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 託送申請量の最大受け入れを目的としたTCSCを用いた潮流制御

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-2, 6  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 統合電力潮流制御装置(UPFC)の基本特性の実験と解析

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-3, 7  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • PPSの系統参入に対する同時送電可能容量(STC)の計算手法の考察

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-4, 8  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 地理的最適化と構成最適化に基づいた配電計画手法

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-5, 9  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 配電損失最小構成決定手法における戦略的振動の効果

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-10, 16  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 同期発電機の空隙磁束を用いた送電線事故の把握

    平成14年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-13, 19  

    発表年月: 2002年

  • 分散型電源の解列を考慮した配電損失最小構成決定手法

    平成13年電気学会全国大会, 6-102, 2396-2397  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • Simultaneous Transfer Capabilityに基づく電力託送受入れ可能量の計算手法

    平成13年電気学会全国大会, 6-124, 2435-2436  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 電気学会地域供給系統モデルにおける損失最小系統構成の検討

    平成13年電気学会全国大会シンポジウム, 6-S19-5, 2749-2752  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 確定論と確率論を融合した地方供給系統の供給信頼度評価に関する基礎的検討

    平成13年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊B, 279, 85-86  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 線のボロノイ図を用いた配電エリアの決定

    平成13年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 分冊B, 279, 87-88  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 戦略的振動を考慮したタブーサーチによる配電損失最小構成の決定

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE01-20/PSE01-14, 47-52  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • PSSの系統参入に対する同時送電可能容量(STC)の算出手法

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE01-170/PSE01-164, 65-70  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 配電系統の地理的最適化と構成最適化に関する基礎的検討

    平成13年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-8, 20  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 電気学会地域供給系統モデルにおける事故復旧目標構成の検証

    平成13年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-9, 21  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • STCの最大化を目的としたTCSC設置線路の最適インピーダンスの決定

    平成13年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-13, 21  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 同期発電機の空隙磁束を用いた送電線事故の把握

    平成13年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-14, 26  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 統合電力潮流制御装置(UPFC)の試作とその基本特性の検討

    平成13年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-15, 27  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 誘導発電機を用いた風力発電機の単独運転の検討

    平成13年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-16, 28  

    発表年月: 2001年

  • 離散型最適潮流計算による電力供給可能性評価手法

    平成12年電気学会全国大会, 6-049, 2580  

    発表年月: 2000年

  • 最適構成に基づく二次系統の供給信頼度評価手法

    平成12年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 145, 448-449  

    発表年月: 2000年

  • ATCに関する基礎的検討

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE00-130/PSE00-135, 37-42  

    発表年月: 2000年

  • 最適潮流計算を用いたSimultaneous Transfer Capabilityの計算手法

    平成12年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-8, 21  

    発表年月: 2000年

  • サイリスタ制御直列コンデンサ(TCSC)のスイッチング時間分岐に関する検討

    平成12年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-9, 22  

    発表年月: 2000年

  • タブーサーチに基づく配電損失最小構成の決定手法

    平成12年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, A-10, 23  

    発表年月: 2000年

  • 高柔軟・高信頼電気エネルギー流通システムの最適系統構成決定手法

    平成11年電気学会全国大会, 6-049, 2580  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • 多重タブー探索を用いた電力設備計画

    平成11年電気学会全国大会, 6-049, 2580  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • 事故時の供給信頼性を考慮した分散型電源と電力貯蔵装置の最適配置決定手法

    平成11年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 22, 159-164  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • ROBDDによる事故時の運用を考慮した地方供給系統構成の決定

    平成11年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 149, 411-412  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • 供給信頼性の観点から見たFRIENDSの最適系統決定手法

    平成11年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 132, 377-378  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • 事故時の運用を考慮したBDDによる地方供給系統構成の決定手法

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE99-91/PSE99-88, 37-42  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • 配電損失最小化を目的とした分散型電源の最適な配置と容量の決定手法

    電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, PE99-137/PSE99-134, 19-24  

    発表年月: 1999年

  • Network Configuration Study of FRIENDS from a View Point of Service Reliability

    Koichi Nara, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    International Conference on Electrical Engineering 1998  

    発表年月: 1998年08月

  • BDDによる地方供給系統構成の決定手法

    平成10年電気学会全国大会, 6, 1366, 161-162  

    発表年月: 1998年

  • 探索空間の縮小を考慮したタブーサーチによるFRIENDSの最適系統構成の探索

    平成11年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 181, 368-369  

    発表年月: 1998年

  • 電力損失最小化を目的としたタブー探索による分散型電源の最適配置

    平成11年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 186, 378-379  

    発表年月: 1998年

  • 多重タブー探索を用いた無効電力設備計画手法-変圧器タップ操作を考慮した場合-

    平成11年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 187, 380-381  

    発表年月: 1998年

  • 実需要家による運用を想定した家庭用燃料電池と蓄電池による一時調整力調達のためのアグリゲーション手法の評価

    金子奈々絵, 藤本悠, 広橋亘, 林泰弘, 平井友之, 田嶋翔太


  • 分散型電源の配置に対する電圧と電流分布の関係性


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 実需要家における運用を想定した家庭用燃料電池と蓄電池による一次調整力調達のためのアグリゲーション手法の評価

    金子 奈々恵;藤本 悠;広橋 亘;林 泰弘;平井 友之;田嶋 翔太

    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • EV大量導入時における配電系統の部分ループ化による配電損失低減効果の評価


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 分散型電源連系系統の配電損失最小構成化に向けて -損失削減ポテンシャル推定のための系統特徴量の検討-


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • PV導入可能量最大化を目的としたSVR整定値決定における負荷・PV電流分離機能の効果検証


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 太陽光発電出力変動の均し効果の5分値に基づく分析


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 地域内エネルギー有効活用のための多段階最適化によるDER群運用計画


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 負荷優先度を考慮した需要家群における共助型レジリエンス管理方式の提案


    第41回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   (オンライン)  エネルギー資源学会  

  • スポット市場・需給調整市場に対する二段階入札戦略手法の提案


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 風力発電の新規導入における系統混雑の発生頻度評価手法


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 需給調整市場の入札戦略に向けたSD法による価格予測手法の評価


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 負荷脱落時の周波数変動に基づくGrid-Formingインバータの実効慣性評価の初期検討


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 小売介在型自己託送モデルにおける蓄電池CGSの協調制御に関する研究


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • ZEG運用における線路容量超過回避を目的としたPVリアルタイム抑制制御手法の検討


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 電鉄変電所の負荷平準化を目的とした鉄道用電力貯蔵装置の運用方法に関する検討


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 屋内配線における漏電・過電流を起因とした停電に対する早期復旧と区間の縮小方策


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 電動バス充電計画最適化問題における環境価値と系統親和性を考慮した目的関数の一般化


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 北陸エリアの実配電系統モデルの構築とPV大量導入時の系統電圧への影響評価


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 風力発電出力の確率分布予測におけるアンサンブル気象予測と直近発電量活用の影響評価


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 期待収益の最大化を目的とした風力・揚水発電機のバランシンググループ運用計画手法:連続日運用効果の評価


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 配電系統アナログシミュレータを用いた蓄電池設置形態の違いによる系統電圧への影響評価


    令和4年電気学会B部門大会   (福井)  電気学会  

  • 太陽光発電システム向けPCSの地域別容量の検討

    伊藤雅一, 林泰弘, 黒川浩助

    平成27年度日本太陽エネルギー学会・日本風力エネルギー学会 合同研究発表会   (宮崎市) 



  • 責任あるイノベーションのための共創と共治に関する国際研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    川上 智子, 林 泰弘, 根本 直子

  • 太陽光発電の大量導入を目的とした協調的次世代配電系統運用手法の体系化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    林 泰弘, 藤本 悠, 飯野 穣, 金子 曜久, 金子 奈々恵, 石井 英雄

  • エネルギー自動分析のためのデータモデルと物理モデルのハイブリッドモデル分析手法

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘



  • 両面受光型太陽電池の垂直設置時の経済性・環境性評価手法の開発と適地地図の作成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    伊藤 雅一, 林 泰弘



  • 変動制再エネ大量導入と需要側エネルギーマネジメント

    独立行政法人 国際協力機構  2022年度課題別研修



  • 電力・熱・交通のセクターカップリングの分析と広域連携研の設計/電力・交通データ連携型地域エネルギーマネジメントシステムプラットフォームの設計指針の構築

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム/SIP2期/IoE社会のエネルギーシステム



  • 再生可能エネルギー発電等のアグリゲーション技術実証事業のうち分散型エネルギーリソースの更なる活用に向けた実証事業

    一般社団法人 環境共創イニシアチブ  令和3年度蓄電池等の分散型エネルギーリソースを活用した次世代技術構築実証事業費補助金



  • 分散型エネルギーリソースの更なる活用に向けたフィージビリティスタディ

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  再生可能エネルギーの大量導入に向けた次世代電力ネットワーク安定化技術開発事業



  • 変動制再エネ大量導入と需要側エネルギーマネジメント

    独立行政法人 国際協力機構  2021年度課題別研修



  • 配電系統における電圧・潮流の最適な制御方式の開発

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  再生可能エネルギーの大量導入に向けた次世代電力ネットワーク安定化技術開発事業



  • 慣性力等の低下に対応するための基盤技術の開発

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  再生可能エネルギーの大量導入に向けた次世代電力ネットワーク安定化技術開発事業



  • 分散型エネルギーリソースの更なる活用に向けたフィージビリティスタディ

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  再生可能エネルギーの大量導入に向けた次世代電力ネットワーク安定化技術開発事業



  • VPP基盤整備事業

    一般社団法人 環境共創イニシアチブ  需要家側エネルギーリソースを活用したバーチャルパワープラント構築実証事業



  • 多種・多様なコンポーネントを連携・協調させ、新たなサービスの創出を可能とするサービスプラットフォームの構築/超スマートシティ・サービスマネジメント・プラットフォームの構築

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  未来社会創造事業/超スマート社会の実現領域



  • 超スマートシティ・サービスマネジメント・プラットフォームの構築

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的な研究開発の推進 未来社会創造事業 探索加速型



    林 泰弘


    探索研究では、宇都宮市をモデルとして、LRTを含めた交通システムと 電力システムの一体的モデリング手法の開発を進める。 電力と交通を連携させることで、公共交通機関への電力供給の最適化、 消費行動の促進サービス、交通のピークカットサービス、都市デザインや 災害時の誘導支援など様々なサービスへの展開が期待される。

  • 分散型電源を活用した電力エネルギーサービスにおけるインターフェースの国際標準化

    経済産業省  省エネルギー等に関する国際標準の獲得・普及推進事業委託費/国際電気標準分野



  • 汎用的な実証基盤体系を利用したシナリオ対応型分散協調EMS実現手法の創出

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的な研究開発の推進 戦略的創造研究推進事業 CREST



    林 泰弘



  • 再生可能エネルギー連系拡大対策高度化

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  電力系統出力変動対応技術研究開発事業



  • 風力発電予測・制御高度化/予測技術系統運用シミュレーション

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  電力系統出力変動対応技術研究開発事業



  • VPP基盤事業

    一般財団法人 エネルギー総合工学研究所  需要家側エネルギーリソースを活用したバーチャルパワープラント構築実証事業



  • 高度制御型ディマンドリスポンス実証事業/ネガワット取引に係る共通基盤システムの開発・調査・研究・接続実証

    一般財団法人 エネルギー総合工学研究所  バーチャルパワープラント構築実証事業



  • ネガワット取引に係る共通基盤システムの開発・調査・研究・接続実証/マルチエリア対応大規模スケーラブルDR共通基盤システムの研究

    一般社団法人 新エネルギー導入促進協議会  次世代エネルギー技術実証事業



  • ネガワット取引の有効性の検証と評価/ネガワット取引ポテンシャル・有効性検証のためのデータ取得と分析評価

    一般社団法人 新エネルギー導入促進協議会  次世代エネルギー技術実証事業



  • 太陽光発電大量連系を可能とする次世代配電ネットワーク運用支援統合シミュレータ開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    若尾 真治, 林 泰弘



  • エネルギーマネジメントシステム標準化における接続・制御技術研究事業/小規模負荷設備用簡易デバイスを用いたFastDRの実現に向けた先端研究

    一般社団法人 新エネルギー導入促進協議会  次世代エネルギー・社会システム実証事業



  • 協調エネルギー管理システム実現手法の創出とその汎用的な実証および評価の基盤体系構築

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的な研究開発の推進 戦略的創造研究推進事業 CREST



    林 泰弘


    本研究では、住宅のエネルギー管理システム(HEMS:Home Energy Management System)と、系統電力による中央制御型の配電ネットワークのエネルギー管理システム(GEMS:Grid Energy Management System)の双方に着眼し、「予測→運用→制御」の一貫型のエネルギー管理フローに基づくHEMSとGEMSが協調する新しいEMSの実現手法を創出します。また、EMSの実現手法をシミュレーションと実験で評価可能な汎用的プラットフォームを構築します。

  • エネルギーマネジメントシステム標準化における接続・制御技術研究事業/デマンドレスポンス実現に向けた国際標準化に係わる先端研究

    一般社団法人 新エネルギー導入促進協議会  次世代エネルギー・社会システム実装事業



  • 未来の電気エネルギー供給形態のスマートデザイン研究拠点の形成/再生可能で環境に優しい電気エネルギーに基づく低炭素社会の実現に向けて

    文部科学省  私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業



  • 未来の電気エネルギー供給携帯のスマートデザイン研究拠点の形成




  • 次世代送配電系統最適制御技術実証事業




  • Japan Next-generation Transmission and Distribution Systems Optimal Control Technologies Demonstration Project

    Cooperative Research



  • LRTとSVRとSVCによる次世代協調電圧制御方式に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  共同研究



    林 泰弘



  • Research on advanced cooperative voltage control using LRT, SVR and SVC

    Cooperative Research



  • 分散型電源が連系された配電ネットワークにおける高調波の面的解析に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    川崎 章司, 林 泰弘



  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)「分散型電源連携配電ネットワークの多目的協調運用シミュレーションとその検証実験に基づいた分散型電源の連携課題解決支援システムのプロトタイプの開発




  • 分散型電源が連系された配電ネットワークの次世代運用形態に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    林 泰弘



  • マルチエージェント方式による自己診断修復機能を有する電力システムの構成とその運用

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    桧山 隆, 喜多 敏博, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘



  • 地方供給電力系統の供給信頼度評価に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    林 泰弘


    放射状系統構成で運用されている地方供給系統(主として66[kV]系統)は、一部の送電線に対して両端を異なる変電所に連系することにより、供給信頼度を確保している。ところが、そのような送電線数の増加に伴い、遮断器のオンオフによる系統構成の組み合せ数が急増する。そのため、最適な系統構成の決定は専門家でも容易ではない。昨年度までに、単一変圧器事故時に一段負荷切り替えを行なうことにより、供給支障が解消できるような健全時の地方供給系統構成の中で、送電損失が最小となる構成を決定するアルゴリズムとして、二分決定グラフ(Binary Decision Diagram:BDD)に基づく手法を開発した。本年度は、単一変圧器事故時に一段負荷切り替えによっても供給支障が解消できなかった場合でも、短時間過負荷運転(短時間だけ変圧器の定格出力超過を許容する容量での運用)により供給支障の解消ができるように手法を拡張した。すなわち、単一変圧器事故時においても、一段負荷切り替えや短時間過負荷容量での運用により供給支障が解消できるような健全時の系統構成の中から、送電損失最小の構成を決定できるように、BDDに基づく手法を拡張した。BDDに基づく解法は厳密解法であるため、得られた系統構成の最適性が保証される。また、小規模と実規模のモデル系統上で改良手法を用いた数値計算を行ない、最適系統構成に基づく運用により、系統設備の拡充なしで供給信頼性をどれくらいの期間確保できるかを評価した。さらに、従来手法である分枝限定法との計算結果の比較により、開発した手法の高速性を検証した。これらの研究成果は、研究発表欄に示すように、国内外の学会で発表している

  • 配電系統に設備される分散型電源の評価に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    奈良 宏一, 三島 裕樹, 林 泰弘



  • ボロノイ図による配電用変電所配置の地理的最適化に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    林 泰弘



  • 電力システムにおける効果的な設備配置に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    林 泰弘



  • 電力系統設備計画の柔軟性評価に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘



  • 需要側のスマート利用

  • 送配電ネットワークの次世代運用・制御

  • 再生可能エネルギー電源の次世代制御

  • smart control of demand side

  • advanced transmission and distribution network control

  • advanced control of renewable energy sources



  • 将来的なPV導入地点の不確実性に対応した配電系統における系統用蓄電池の導入地点および容量の検討—Assessment of Location and Capacity of Battery Energy Storage System in Distribution Network for Uncertainty of Future PV Installation Locations—電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会 (1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般 (2)分散電源・次世代グリッド・レジリエンス

    蔵口 桜子, 金子 曜久, 石井 綱吉, 林 泰弘, 小林 将矢, 長谷川 匡彦, 唐澤 利史, 吉永 淳

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan / 電力系統技術研究会 [編]   2024 ( 88-93・123-128・130-137・139 ) 1 - 6  2024年09月

  • 将来的なPV導入地点の不確実性に対応した配電系統における系統用蓄電池の導入地点および容量の検討

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 小林将矢, 長谷川匡彦, 唐澤利史, 吉永淳

    電気学会研究会資料(Web)   ( PE-24-088-139/PSE-24-088-139 )  2024年


  • スマートメータデータによる夜間蓄熱用電力負荷の稼働状況推定手法

    大崎文暉, 藤本悠, 石井綱吉, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 池田欧世, 宗像大介

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2024  2024年


  • 急速充電器が電動バス充放電計画および配電系統に与える影響評価

    梅津奏, 石井綱吉, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2024  2024年


  • 配電系統と需要家DER群の多目的最適潮流問題における複数評価指標間の相関関係についての考察

    齋藤龍平, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2024  2024年


  • ロバスト分散協調制御と制約付き実時間制御による階層型EMSの提案と予測誤差に対する性能評価

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 土井淳平, 松崎貴広, 三宅治良, 坂元健太郎

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2024  2024年


  • 施設園芸の低炭素化に向けた暖房設備の設計要件の検討-農業のエネルギーマネジメントシステムに向けて-

    石森貴也, 菅野颯馬, 藤本悠, 石井雅久, 田辺新一, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2024  2024年


  • 都市の太陽光地域余剰電力活用と運行の低炭素化を目的とした電気バス充電計画法の検討

    中野はるか, 藤本悠, 金子奈々恵, 菅野颯馬, 井原雄人, YANG Wei-hsiang, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2024  2024年


  • 需要家側リソースの需給調整市場への市場入札戦略の一考察

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 西岡宏二郎

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • マイクログリッド蓄電池運用支援のための域内ネット需要の不確実性予測手法

    野々村孟徳, 藤本悠, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 大貫正昌, 長谷川匡彦, 田中俊輔, 唐澤利史

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 再エネ導入拡大のための最新送配電ネットワーク技術 再エネ導入拡大に向けた上水道の配水池用送水ポンプにおけるエネルギーマネジメント

    杉村修平, 林泰弘

    スマートグリッド   14 ( 2 )  2024年


  • 停電災害対策への貢献を目指した電動バスによるレジリエンス性能のポテンシャル評価(続報)

    飯野穣, 井原雄人, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 光岡正隆

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • バーチャルオフグリッド型分散協調EMSにおけるリアルタイム制御の予測誤差影響評価

    進士聖夫, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 山下聡史, 尾下遥, 土井淳平, 大和久崇

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 需要家資源の動的な融通優先度管理による共助型レジリエンス性能の改善

    飯野穣, 林泰弘

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集(CD-ROM)   40th  2024年


  • 潮流方程式と需要家DER群モデルによるマイクログリッド多目的EMS方式の初期検討

    齋藤龍平, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 内山慎距, 生石光平, 森健二郎

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 営業用電気自動車の充電・車両交換逐次運用制御による営業所需要ピークシフトの検討

    宮部稜士, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 市川哲理, 遠藤秀樹

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 地域PV余剰電力の利用向上のための電気バス充電計画:気温不確実性が電力消費に及ぼす影響評価

    中野はるか, 藤本悠, 金子奈々恵, YANG Wei Hsiang, 井原雄人, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 社用車を活用したき電系統における回生電力有効活用方法の提案

    福田嵩大, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 林屋均

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌(Web)   45 ( 4 )  2024年


  • 8-1-2 分散協調EMSのリアルタイム制御による地域潮流の混雑緩和評価

    山下聡史, 三宅治良, 坂元賢太郎, 進士聖雄, 飯野穣, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集(Web)   33  2024年


  • 無効電力出力状況に基づくスマートインバータとLRTの協調電圧制御手法に関する初期検討

    高橋壮, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • スマートインバータの分散協調制御に向けたデータスカッシングと需要家クラスタリングの提案

    金子奈々恵, 藤本悠, 高橋壮, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 分散型電源が大量導入した配電系統における系統構成の動的最適化手法に関する初期検討

    XIE Shanghong, 金子曜久, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 百川涼平, 矢部啓之, 直井伸也

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • PV発電の有効活用に向けた配電系統のPV力率最適化に関する初期検討

    渡邉崇史, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 杉山開路, 平田嘉裕

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 慣性低下対策インバータの制御種と導入地点が発電機脱落事故時の周波数変化率に与える影響の評価

    吉川優衣, 志熊亮佑, 金子曜久, 諏訪寛, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 系統レジリエンスのアデカシー面からの多面的評価検討

    竹原有紗, 竹原有紗, 湯山安由美, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 慣性応答領域の周波数調整力の定量化に向けた初期検討

    志熊亮佑, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 織原大, 喜久里浩之, 田岡久雄

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 再生可能エネルギー出力の不確実性を考慮した複数市場に対する入札計画法の検討

    桂田一輝, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎, 柴田龍一, 二田丈之

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 将来的な配電系統混雑解消のための系統用蓄電池の導入場所に関する初期検討

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 石井綱吉, 林泰弘, 小林将矢, 長谷川匡彦, 唐澤利史, 吉永淳

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 実系統モデルを用いた分散型電源の普及拡大が三相不平衡電圧へ与える影響の評価

    奥野竜希, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 土肥実

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2024  2024年


  • 配電用変電所の混雑解消時におけるDER調達量の空間的偏在性が系統電圧および潮流へ与える影響の評価

    設楽竜士, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料(Web)   ( PE-23-119-192/PSE-23-111-184 )  2023年


  • 事故復旧を考慮した配電系統構成の最適化に関する検討

    杉村修平, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 野崎哲平, 鈴木顕, 伊藤健洋, 田邊隆之

    電気学会研究会資料(Web)   ( PE-23-143-226/PSE-23-135-218 )  2023年


  • プローブデータを活用した電気自動車群の域内太陽光発電の余剰利用ポテンシャル推計

    大崎文暉, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 宮崎泰仁, 鈴江祥典, 村井謙介, 武田大

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • 太陽光発電の余剰吸収に向けた給湯需要の推定データに基づくヒートポンプ給湯機の電力需要特性評価の初期検討

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • 太陽光発電由来の逆潮流による配電用変電所の混雑緩和に向けた分散型エネルギー資源調達タイミングに関する一検討

    設樂竜士, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • 実配電系統モデルを用いた太陽光発電と電気自動車普及時のLRT・SVRによる電圧制御への影響評価

    奥野竜希, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 土肥実

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • 感度分析と系統混雑発生量に基づく再エネ電源のグルーピングを用いた系統混雑処理の検討

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 糸田祐樹, 和山亘, 高橋長衛

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • 慣性低下対策インバータの導入地点による発電機脱落時の周波数変動への影響評価

    志熊亮佑, 吉川優衣, 諏訪寛, 金子曜久, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • PV引込センサ計測情報を用いたPV出力の短周期簡易推計手法

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩, 元島仁志

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • Zero Emission Grid運用におけるレジリエンス向上を目的とした蓄電池制御手法

    宮崎創太, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 鍵田昌幸, 板屋伸彦

    電気学会研究会資料(Web)   ( PE-23-049-069/PSE-23-055-075/SPC-23-105-125 )  2023年


  • 近隣PV計測値を用いたSVR整定値決定手法の初期検討

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023  2023年


  • DERを用いた配電用変電所の混雑緩和に向けたデータ近接性の学習に基づく調達必要量予測の一検討

    設樂竜士, 藤本悠, 金子曜久, 飯野穣, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023  2023年


  • 感度分析に基づく再エネ電源のグルーピング粒度が混雑緩和時の出力制御へ与える影響

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 糸田祐樹, 和山亘, 高橋長衛

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023  2023年


  • 配電系統の部分ループ化によるPVおよびEVの導入可能量向上効果の評価

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 村本大輔, 飯田義和, 山口大翼

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023  2023年


  • LRTとの協調に向けたスマートインバータのVolt-Var制御パラメータ決定に関する初期検討

    馬喬, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023  2023年


  • Study on Spatio-Temporal Urban Energy Balance for Improving Local Self-Sufficiency: Prediction of Spatial Distributions of Net-/Pure-Demand and PV Generation Utilizing Smart Metering Data

    Shogo Akira, Ayumu Miyasawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    33rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2022年11月

  • Basic Analysis of Dynamics in PV-Originated Congestion at Distribution Substation for Realizing Local Flexibility with Distributed Energy Resources

    Ryuji Shitara, Akihisa Kaneko, Yu Fujimoto, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    33rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2022年11月

  • 北陸エリアの実配電系統モデルの構築とPV大量導入時の系統電圧への影響評価

    奥野竜希, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 土肥実

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • EV大量導入時における配電系統の部分ループ化による配電損失低減効果の評価

    蔵口桜子, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 村本大輔, 飯田義和, 桑下敬康

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • 負荷脱落時の周波数変動に基づくGrid-Formingインバータの実効慣性評価の初期検討

    志熊亮佑, 織原大, 喜久里浩之, 田岡久雄, 金子曜久, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • 期待収益の最大化を目的とした風力・揚水発電機のバランシンググループ運用計画手法:連続日運用効果の評価

    稲垣舞子, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • 風力発電の新規導入における系統混雑の発生頻度評価手法

    丹野祐次郎, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 伊藤直樹, 掛田勝宏

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • ZEG運用における線路容量超過回避を目的としたPVリアルタイム抑制制御手法の検討

    宮崎創太, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 板屋伸彦

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • 配電系統アナログシミュレータを用いた蓄電池設置形態の違いによる系統電圧への影響評価

    金子曜久, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 松浦隆祥, 濱田拓, 宮崎輝

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • PV導入可能量最大化を目的としたSVR整定値決定における負荷・PV電流分離機能の効果検証

    渡部鴻人, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 岩本泰典, 彦山和久, 野村英生, 福田徳浩

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • ゼロエミッショングリッドを目指した配電系統における太陽光発電出力制御の基礎検討

    宮崎創太, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 河野俊介, 松田啓史, 板屋伸彦

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2022  2022年


  • 期待収益の最大化を目的とした風力・揚水発電機のバランシンググループ運用計画決定手法

    稲垣舞子, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2022  2022年


  • 気象アンサンブル予測を活用した自然勾配ブースティングによる風力発電出力の確率分布予測

    藤本悠, 林泰弘, 野原大輔, 菅野湧貴, 大庭雅道

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2022  2022年


  • 東北における残余需要の変動実績と今後の周波数調整力必要量の考察

    矢部邦明, 原田耕佑, 林泰弘

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2022  2022年


  • 非化石電源のみの電力系統における再エネ併設蓄電・水素製造設備の最適構成

    原田耕佑, 原田耕佑, 矢部邦明, 林泰弘, 林泰弘

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集(CD-ROM)   38th  2022年


  • 風力発電とのバランシンググループにおける可変速揚水発電機の調整力としての運転手法-30分計画値同時同量のための出力制御-

    稲垣舞子, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2021  2021年


  • 不足インバランスの削減を目的としたウィンドファームと定速揚水発電機のバランシンググループ運用

    稲垣舞子, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 簑津真一郎

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2021  2021年


  • 水素需要および輸入水素利用を含むエネルギーシステムの最適運用モデルの構築

    原田耕佑, 原田耕佑, 矢部邦明, 林泰弘, 林泰弘

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集(CD-ROM)   37th  2021年


  • ゼロエミッション電源構成における輸入水素・国内水素製造の最適導入量に設備単価が与える影響の分析

    原田耕佑, 原田耕佑, 矢部邦明, 林泰弘, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2021  2021年


  • 九州における太陽光発電出力の短周期変動実績と周波数調整力必要量

    矢部邦明, 原田耕佑, 原田耕佑, 林泰弘, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2021  2021年


  • 鉄道き電系統を活用したPV導入時の系統混雑低減効果の評価に向けた特高系統モデルの構築

    中村将, 福田嵩大, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 林屋均

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2021  2021年


  • EV大量導入に向けた柱上変圧器の接続相変更による配電系統の電圧不平衡率低減効果

    平野和明, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 橋本茂男, 杉本仁志

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2021  2021年


  • Grid-Formingインバータ導入による系統周波数安定性への影響評価の基礎検討

    志熊亮佑, 金子曜久, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, NGUYEN Hieu Xuan, 中島達人

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2021  2021年


  • 感度分析に基づくグルーピングを用いたNF電源の出力抑制率決定手法の検討

    丹野祐次郎, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 飛田雄一, 佐々木和人

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2021  2021年


  • 低圧配電系統における効果的なEV群協調充電実現に向けた制御対象のグルーピングに関する検討

    小倉大誠, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 木内寛允, 村井謙介, 鈴木健太

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2021  2021年


  • CO₂削減賦課金の導入が全国大のCO₂排出量とコストに及ぼす影響の評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   39   178 - 183  2020年07月


  • 住宅・業務施設を統合化した地域エネルギー需給シミュレーション : 東京4区市を対象とするケーススタディ

    正田 悠人, 山口 容平, 芳澤 信哉, 陳 何苗, 岡田 健志, 杉山 みなみ, 下田 吉之, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   39   23 - 28  2020年07月


  • 風力発電の安定利用を目的としたバランシンググループにおける揚水発電機の運転計画決定手法

    金子曜久, 稲垣舞子, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 野中俊介

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • 契約電力制約を考慮した商業施設利用者に対するEV充電サービスの検討

    宮原将太, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 稲垣伸吉, 川島明彦, 鈴木達也

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020  2020年


  • PV予測誤差による電圧逸脱の低減を目的とした電圧感度に基づく無効電力制御とVolt-Watt制御の組み合わせ制御手法

    柳谷侑, 村上晃平, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘, 松浦隆祥, 濱田拓, 森健二郎

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • 電力系統の感度分析に基づくノンファーム型電源の出力抑制量決定手法の基礎検討

    丹野祐次郎, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 飛田雄一, 佐々木和人

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • 配電系統計測情報の特徴量に基づいたSVR整定値のリアルタイム補正方法の基礎検討

    村上晃平, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 近藤宏, 金沢由樹, 野村英生, 梶川拓也

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • Volt-var制御の時間変化率設定にともなう電圧逸脱量の低減効果

    山下裕輔, 宮崎輝, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 村下直久

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • PVとEVを導入した低圧系統の電圧分布分析に基づくLRT制御パラメータ決定頻度に関する電圧制御性能評価

    中村麻理香, 芳澤信哉, 石井英雄, 林泰弘

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • EV普通・急速充電による電圧逸脱軽減に向けたEV充電器の進相力率一定制御の有用性評価

    平野和明, 芳澤信哉, 林泰弘, 石丸雅章, 橋本茂男, 杉本仁志

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • 低圧配電系統における電圧逸脱と設備容量超過を低減するための系統内EV群充電マネジメントの基礎検討

    小倉大誠, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 光岡正隆, 林泰弘, 村井謙介, 鈴木健太, 池添圭吾

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web)   2020  2020年


  • 電気をよむ・あやつる : beyond 2030(第8回)有効な資源を結びつける

    藤本 悠, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    OHM = オーム   106 ( 10 ) 42 - 47  2019年10月


  • CO₂削減賦課金と蓄電池導入効果のエネルギーチェーンによる経済性・環境性評価

    矢部 邦明, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   38   115 - 122  2019年08月


  • 電気をよむ・あやつる : beyond 2030(第6回)再エネを使い切る(1)スマートな需要家

    広橋 亘, 光岡 正隆, 芳澤 信哉, 石井 英雄, 林 泰弘

    OHM = オーム   106 ( 8 ) 47 - 51  2019年08月


  • 41304 デマンドレスポンス適用を目指した予冷運用に関する研究 その3 居住者行動の違いによる快適性評価

    金 ジョンミン, 常岡 優吾, 大木 玲奈, 菅野 颯馬, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘, 森戸 直美, 秋元 瑞穂

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 625 - 626  2019年07月


  • 41302 デマンドレスポンス適用を目指した予冷運用に関する研究 その1 温熱環境及び電力需要の評価

    森戸 直美, 金 ジョンミン, 常岡 優吾, 大木 玲奈, 菅野 颯馬, 秋元 瑞穂, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 621 - 622  2019年07月


  • 41303 デマンドレスポンス適用を目指した予冷運用に関する研究 その2 居住者行動が快適性へ及ぼす影響についての被験者実験

    大木 玲奈, 金 ジョンミン, 常岡 優吾, 菅野 颯馬, 秋元 瑞穂, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘, 森戸 直美

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 623 - 624  2019年07月


  • 電気をよむ・あやつる : beyond 2030(第5回)再エネの弱点を補う(3)スマートに連系する

    石井 英雄, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘

    OHM = オーム   106 ( 7 ) 51 - 55  2019年07月


  • 電圧変動推定に基づくモデル予測型電圧制御手法に関する検討 (電力系統技術研究会 電力系統の電圧運用・制御技術一般)

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan   2019 ( 1 ) 21 - 26  2019年01月


  • PV大量導入時における複数電圧階級の協調VQC装置運用決定手法 (電力系統技術研究会 電力系統の電圧運用・制御技術一般)

    金子 曜久, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 杉村 修平, 植田 喜延, 田邊 隆之

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan   2019 ( 1 ) 39 - 44  2019年01月


  • 配電系統におけるPV導入推移の不確実性を考慮した長期的な電圧調整設備配備計画の一検討

    三上大智, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 松田源立

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 再生可能エネルギー電源が大量導入された広域系統における周波数調整用発電機の増強計画決定手法

    浅見拓一知, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 野中俊介

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 41151 既存工業化住宅を用いた改修型ゼロ・エネルギーハウス の提案と実証評価 その 4:エネルギー運用に関する冬季実測結果

    大木 玲奈, 常岡 優吾, 山口 真吾, 菅野 颯馬, 中川 純, 廣川 由樹, 渡辺 直哉, 小林 達宏, 田辺 新一, 秋元 孝之, 林 泰弘, 若尾 真治

    環境工学II   ( 2018 ) 317 - 318  2018年07月


  • 41150 既存工業化住宅を用いた改修型ゼロ・エネルギーハウスの提案と実証評価 その3 自立的なエネルギー運用を目指した設備・制御計画

    常岡 優吾, 大木 玲奈, 山口 真吾, 菅野 颯馬, 中川 純, 廣川 由樹, 渡辺 直哉, 小林 達宏, 田辺 新一, 秋元 孝之, 林 泰弘, 若尾 真治

    環境工学II   ( 2018 ) 315 - 316  2018年07月


  • PV連系系統における電圧調整設備の長期的な配備計画に関する基礎検討

    三上大智, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 松田源立

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • PV導入推移の不確定性を考慮したシナリオに基づく電圧調整設備の配置計画作成手法の基礎検討

    三上大智, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 松田源立

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • 広域系統運用における周波数調整用発電機のファジィ理論に基づく多目的出力分担値決定手法

    浅見拓一知, 金子曜久, 林泰弘, 野中俊介

    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • PV大量導入による電圧無効電力制御への影響評価

    河野俊介, 金子曜久, 藤本悠, 林泰弘, 杉村修平, 植田喜延, 田邊隆之

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • 集中型電圧制御に基づく大規模配電系統に対するサイバー攻撃シナリオの一検討

    青木勇輔, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 小野功, 石井秀明, 小野田崇, 林泰弘

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • 様々な配電系統条件におけるPV出力抑制待機の需要家および系統運用者への影響評価 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会 (1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般 (2)分散電源)

    成瀬 裕矢, 芳澤 信哉, 吉永 淳, 林 泰弘, 緒方 司郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan   2016 ( 80 ) 129 - 134  2016年09月


  • 集中型電圧制御方式に基づく配電系統に対するサイバー攻撃シナリオの自動探索プラットフォームの構築

    青木勇輔, 小野川瑞季, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 小野功, 石井秀明, 小野田崇, 林泰弘

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016  2016年


  • 集中型電圧制御に基づく配電系統のデータ改ざん攻撃に対するロバスト化手法

    小野川瑞季, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 石井秀明, 小野功, 小野田崇, 林泰弘

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016  2016年


  • ポスター講演 Weighted Semi-Binary NMFに基づく機器別消費電力推定 (情報論的学習理論と機械学習 情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2015))

    松本 眞子, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   115 ( 323 ) 189 - 194  2015年11月


  • D-20-9 機器別消費電力量推定への半バイナリ行列分解手法の応用(D-20.情報論的学習理論と機械学習,一般セッション)

    松本 眞子, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2015 ( 2 ) 178 - 178  2015年02月


  • 高低圧一貫型配電系統を用いたLVR設置位置に関する検討 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    高橋 尚之, 三好 龍之介, 吉永 淳, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 66 ) 69 - 74  2014年09月


  • エアコン・窓システムを対象とした学習型空調自動制御の提案 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    松本 直也, 庄司 智昭, 藤本 悠, 天野 嘉春, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 66 ) 57 - 61  2014年09月


  • 判別器を用いたLVRのLDC制御パラメータの高速決定手法 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    喜久里 浩之, 高橋 尚之, 吉永 淳, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 草川 慎一, 茂木 規之

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 82 ) 41 - 46  2014年09月


  • 次世代SVRのパラメータ更新による配電系統の電圧制御最適化の基礎検討 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    山本 祐也, 芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 佐々木 俊介, 重藤 貴也, 野村 英生

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 82 ) 47 - 52  2014年09月


  • 予測・運用・制御の一貫したGEMSの電圧制御とHEMSの電熱運用手法との協調EMS手法の評価 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    芳澤 信哉, 河野 俊介, 吉田 彬, 藤本 悠, 村田 昇, 若尾 真治, 田辺 新一, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 66 ) 63 - 67  2014年09月


  • 41501 ゼロ・エネルギー・ハウスに関する実践的研究 : (その2)躯体性能および電建協調制御導入時の省エネルギー効果予測(ゼロエネルギーハウス,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)

    原田 尚侑, 石井 義章, 海野 玄陽, 加藤 駿, 竹中 大史, 都築 弘政, 山口 莉加, 田辺 新一, 長澤 夏子, 渡辺 直哉, 林 泰弘, 広橋 亘

    学術講演梗概集   2014   1045 - 1046  2014年09月


  • 41500 ゼロ・エネルギー・ハウスに関する実践的研究 : (その1)対象建物の熱性能概要および電建協調制御シミュレーション解析方法(ゼロエネルギーハウス,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)

    石井 義章, 原田 尚侑, 海野 玄陽, 加藤 駿, 竹中 大史, 都築 弘政, 山口 莉加, 田辺 新一, 長澤 夏子, 渡辺 直哉, 林 泰弘, 広橋 亘

    学術講演梗概集   2014   1043 - 1044  2014年09月


  • 建築・窓システムの協調制御HEMSおよび温度・電力量の見せる化による省エネルギー運用システムの開発(ポスターセッション,知的環境,センサネットワーク,スマート建築,スマートシティ,構造モニタリング,ゼロエネルギービルディング,社会基盤センシング,BIM/CIM,国土基盤モデル,一般)

    竹中 大史, 原田 尚侑, 大場 大輔, 中川 鈍, 長澤 夏子, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 田辺 新一

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ASN, 知的環境とセンサネットワーク   114 ( 65 ) 35 - 36  2014年05月




  • 配電系統電圧制御におけるサイバー攻撃検知に関する考察

    磯崎保徳, 芳澤信哉, 藤本悠, 石井秀明, 小野功, 小野田崇, 林泰弘

    計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム(CD-ROM)   1st  2014年


  • ポスター講演 機器個別消費電力の把握を目的とした半教師付きNMFの応用 (情報論的学習理論と機械学習)

    藤本 悠, 大久保 直樹, 林 泰弘, 杉立 好正, 緒方 司郎

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   113 ( 286 ) 185 - 190  2013年11月




  • 高低圧配電系統を一貫した高速電圧計算手法の開発

    河野 俊介, 林 泰弘, 板屋 伸彦, 高野 富裕, 大野 哲也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2013 ( 52 ) 79 - 83  2013年09月


  • 集合住宅における需要の多様性を考慮した燃料電池導入に関する基礎検討

    亀田 真奈人, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2013 ( 52 ) 133 - 138  2013年09月


  • 需要家の行動パターンを考慮した住宅用PVシステムのためのEV・HPの協調制御手法の提案と定量的評価

    山本 健太, 広橋 亘, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2013 ( 34 ) 153 - 158  2013年09月


  • PV連系系統に対応した開閉器切替制御による電圧制御の検討

    大坪 敦, 高橋 尚之, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2013 ( 78 ) 83 - 86  2013年09月


  • 住宅用FCのインバータ空き容量を用いた無効電力制かすくにおける電圧不平衡率と無効電力出力量の評価

    濃沼 翔一, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 進士 誉夫, 渡部 洋介, 田所 真之

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2013 ( 78 ) 49 - 52  2013年09月


  • PVの出力変動に対応した次世代SVRの最適整定値決定手法

    山本 祐也, 芳澤 信哉, 吉永 淳, 林 泰弘, 佐々木 俊介, 重藤 貴也, 野村 英生

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2013 ( 78 ) 87 - 92  2013年09月


  • これからのスマートハウスのエネルギー管理 : デマンドレスポンス技術を用いた次世代HEMS

    林 泰弘

    エネルギー・資源 = Energy and resources   34 ( 4 ) 193 - 197  2013年07月


  • スマートグリッドの課題と展望

    林 泰弘

    日本機械学會誌 = Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers   116 ( 1133 ) 224 - 227  2013年04月


  • 次世代送配電系統最適制御技術実証の進展 (特集 スマートグリッド技術の進展)

    横山 明彦, 赤木 泰文, 林 泰弘

    電気評論   97 ( 10 ) 19 - 24  2012年10月


  • 住宅用PVシステム多数台連系時の出力抑制回避を目的とした定置用蓄電池及び電気自動車の運用手法に関する基礎検討

    藤森 太朗, 宮本 裕介, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2012 ( 123 ) 61 - 66  2012年08月


  • 実測負荷データを用いた低圧配電系統高速電圧計算手法の計算精度と電圧降下幅の評価

    河野 俊介, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 板屋 伸彦, 高野 富裕, 大野 哲史

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2012 ( 143 ) 31 - 36  2012年08月


  • 太陽光発電システム連系系統に対応したLRT・SVRと開閉器による協調電圧制御の基礎検討

    大坪 敦, 高橋 尚之, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2012 ( 37 ) 79 - 84  2012年08月


  • LRT・SVRとSVCによる協調型統合電圧制御手法の開発

    高橋 尚之, 大坪 敦, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2012 ( 37 ) 53 - 57  2012年08月


  • 太陽光発電の導入分布の不確実性に対応したSVRの最適な配置と移設の決定手法の評価

    芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2012 ( 143 ) 7 - 11  2012年08月


  • 太陽光発電の導入分布の不確実性に対応したSVRの最適な配置と移設の決定手法の評価

    芳澤 信哉, 藤本 悠, 林 泰弘, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2012 ( 159 ) 7 - 11  2012年08月


  • PVの面的導入に対応した送配電系統の遮断器と開閉器の協調制御による送配電損失最小化手法

    渡辺 喬之, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2012 ( 1 ) 43 - 48  2012年01月


  • LRTの送り出し電圧制御プロファイルを考慮したSVC最適設置箇所の評価

    小西 啓佑, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2012 ( 1 ) 81 - 85  2012年01月


  • センサ内蔵開閉器子局の情報取得周期が配電系統電圧制御に与える影響の評価

    宇田川 剛, 林 泰弘, 高橋 尚之, 松浦 康雄, 森田 智比古, 南 雅弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2012 ( 1 ) 67 - 71  2012年01月


  • スマートグリッドと制御分野への期待

    林 泰弘

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   51 ( 1 ) 14 - 19  2012年01月


  • Improvement of Power Quality in Distribution System by Cooperative Control of Power Conditioner Systems

    Motohiko Tanaka, Shoji Kawasaki, Hisao Taoka, Junya Matsuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   2 ( 1 ) 72 - 78  2012年

  • Analysis on Harmonics of Distribution Network with Distributed Generators

    Shoji Kawasaki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki

    Journal of Energy and Power Engineering   6 ( 2 ) 220 - 229  2012年

  • 太陽光発電システム群の力率制御とLRTによる協調型電圧制御法

    川崎 章司, 金本 憲明, 田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌B   132 ( 4 ) 309 - 316  2012年


    Recently, the number of system interconnection of the renewable energy sources (RES) such as the photovoltaic generation (PV) and wind power generation is increasing drastically, and there is in danger of changing the voltages in a distribution system by the precipitous output variation of RESs. In this study, the authors propose one voltage control method of the distribution system by the power factor control of plural PV systems in consideration of cooperation with the load ratio control transformer (LRT) of laggard control response installed beforehand in the distribution system. In the proposed method, the slow voltage variation is controlled by LRT, and the steep voltage variation uncontrollable by LRT is controlled by plural PV systems, as a result, all the node voltages are controllable within the proper limits. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, the numerical calculations are carried out by using an analytical model of distribution system which interconnected PV systems.

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi Evaluation for Optimum Instalation Location of STATCOMs

    Naohiro Kurokawa, Shoji Kawasaki, Hisao Taoka, Junya Matsuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012   ( P-EM-15 )  2012年

  • 一般配電系統における太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の出力抑制回避を目的とした住宅用蓄電池の最適配置に関する基礎検討

    藤森 太朗, 宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. MES, メタボリズム社会・環境システム研究会 = The papers of Technical Meeting on Metabolism Society and Environmental Systems, IEE Japan   2011 ( 15 ) 77 - 82  2011年11月


  • 太陽光発電システム多数台連系系統におけるヒートポンプ給湯機の昼間運転による出力抑制回避効果

    新庄 貴之, 宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. MES, メタボリズム社会・環境システム研究会 = The papers of Technical Meeting on Metabolism Society and Environmental Systems, IEE Japan   2011 ( 15 ) 59 - 63  2011年11月


  • 太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の出力抑制量推定に関する分析 : 系統インピーダンスの影響

    宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. MES, メタボリズム社会・環境システム研究会 = The papers of Technical Meeting on Metabolism Society and Environmental Systems, IEE Japan   2011 ( 15 ) 71 - 76  2011年11月


  • 天気予報に基づく家庭用太陽光発電・蓄電池の最適計画運用決定手法

    鈴木 亮太, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. MES, メタボリズム社会・環境システム研究会 = The papers of Technical Meeting on Metabolism Society and Environmental Systems, IEE Japan   2011 ( 15 ) 49 - 53  2011年11月


  • 次世代送配電系統最適制御技術実証--太陽光発電の大量普及を可能とするために (特集 スマートシティ,スマートグリッドをはじめとした次世代エネルギー社会システム技術の動向)

    横山 明彦, 赤木 泰文, 林 泰弘

    電気評論   96 ( 10 ) 34 - 38  2011年10月


  • センサ内蔵開閉器子局の監視周期が配電系統電圧制御に与える影響の評価

    宇田川 剛, 林 泰弘, 高橋 尚之, 松浦 康雄, 森田 智比古, 南 雅弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2011 ( 74 ) 19 - 23  2011年09月


  • 太陽光発電システム多数台連系時の出力抑制量推定に関する分析

    宮本 裕介, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 52 ) 61 - 66  2011年09月


  • 家庭用PVシステムによる電力系統の電力品質改善手法

    田中 基寛, 川崎 章司, 田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 仕明 遼, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 52 ) 73 - 78  2011年09月


  • 分散型電源が連系された配電系統における故障点標定の精度に関する考察

    飯岡 大輔, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 57 ) 13 - 18  2011年09月


  • 低圧配電系統における高速簡易電圧計算手法の評価

    河野 俊介, 林 泰弘, 板屋 伸彦, 高野 富裕, 大野 哲史

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 57 ) 7 - 12  2011年09月


  • PV連系配電系統における集中制御型不感帯可変SVCを用いた電圧制御手法

    高橋 尚之, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 57 ) 77 - 81  2011年09月


  • 太陽光発電導入拡大に対応したSVRの最適配置と移設の決定手法

    高橋 修平, 林 泰弘, 辻 祐毅, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 57 ) 55 - 60  2011年09月


  • バンク事故復旧時における電圧逸脱軒数の最小化を目的とした電圧制御手法の評価

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 辻 祐毅, MORI Kenjiro, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2011 ( 124 ) 85 - 89  2011年09月


  • バンク事故復旧時における電圧逸脱軒数の最小化を目的とした電圧制御手法の評価

    芳澤 信哉, 林 泰弘, 辻 祐毅, 神谷 英志

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2011 ( 141 ) 85 - 89  2011年09月


  • Load Management using Heat-Pump Water Heater and Electric Vehicle Battery Charger in Distribution System with PV

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yuji Hanai, Kazuaki Yoshimura, Junya Matsuki

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   1 ( 2 ) 207 - 213  2011年04月

  • 分散型電源の導入拡大に対応した配電系統復旧制御支援手法

    高野 浩貴, 菅谷 周平, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    岐阜工業高等専門学校紀要   46 ( 46 ) 77 - 82  2011年03月  [査読有り]


  • 並列化開閉器制御手法における処理時間の遅延に関する検討

    高野 浩貴, 菅沼 正寛, 柴田 良一, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    岐阜工業高等専門学校紀要   46 ( 46 ) 83 - 88  2011年03月  [査読有り]



  • PSOによるパラメータ推定を適用した動的負荷モデルの構築

    田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 友田 道也, 林 泰弘, 山岸 良雄, 金尾 則一

    電気学会論文誌B   131 ( 7 ) 557 - 566  2011年


    This paper presents a new method for estimating unknown parameters of dynamic load model as a parallel composite of a constant impedance load and an induction motor behind a series constant reactance. An adequate dynamic load model is essential for evaluating power system stability, and this model can represent the behavior of actual load by using appropriate parameters. However, the problem of this model is that a lot of parameters are necessary and it is not easy to estimate a lot of unknown parameters. We propose an estimating method based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) which is a non-linear optimization method by using the data of voltage, active power and reactive power measured at voltage sag.

    DOI CiNii

  • 同期発電機の制動巻線による分散形電源連系時の三相不平衡の改善

    松木 純也, 田岡 久雄, 林泰弘, 岩本 繁, 大穀 晃裕

    電気学会論文誌B   131 ( 9 ) 724 - 729  2011年


    It is well known in the numerical simulation of synchronous generator that the damper winding contributes to suppress the three-phase circuit unbalance in power systems. However, experimental study has not been performed yet. In this paper, authors verify experimentally the suppression of the three-phase unbalance by the damper windings. In order to simulate the three-phase unbalance, a 470W dispersed generator of single-phase-two-line type is connected to a three-phase laboratory-scale power system that includes a 6kVA synchronous generator. Authors measured and analyzed line voltages and currents as well as damper bar currents both with and without dispersed generator. The influence of damper windings to the unbalance of three-phase circuit is also investigated. The results show that the damper winding contributes to improve the three-phase unbalance.

    DOI CiNii

  • センサ開閉器情報を利用した複数台PCSによる配電ネットワークにおける総合電圧ひずみ率抑制手法

    川崎 章司, 下田 一貴, 田中 基寛, 田岡 久雄, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌B   131 ( 12 ) 936 - 944  2011年


    Recently, the amount of distributed generation (DG) such as photovoltaic system and wind power generator system installed in a distribution system has been increasing because of reduction of the effects on the environment. However, the harmonic troubles in the distribution system are apprehended in the background of the increase of connection of DGs through the inverters and the spread of power electronics equipment. In this paper, the authors propose a restraint method of voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) in a whole distribution network by active filter (AF) operation of plural power conditioner systems (PCS). Moreover, the authors propose a determination method of the optimal gain of AF operation so as to minimize the maximum value of voltage THD in the distribution network by the real-time feedback control with measured data from the information technology (IT) switches. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, the numerical calculations are carried out by using an analytical model of distribution network interconnected DGs with PCS.

    DOI CiNii

  • Measured Impedance at Incoming Feeder of Distributed Resources Interconnected to Loop-Shaped Distribution System

    D.Iioka, Y.Hayashi

    IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, USA    2011年

  • Three-Phase Short-Circuit Fault Locator in Loop Shaped Distribution System with Inverter Based Distributed Generations

    D.Iioka, Y.Hayashi

    the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11)    2011年

  • Cooperative Voltage Control and Improvement of Voltage Imbalance by STATCOMs in Response to Extensive Interconnection with Distribution System of Renewable Energy Resources

    S. Kawasaki, Y. Hayashi, N. Takahashi

    17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC2011), Stockholm, Sweden    2011年

  • Measured Impedance at Incoming Feeder of Distributed Resources Interconnected to Loop-Shaped Distribution System

    D.Iioka, Y.Hayashi

    IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, USA    2011年

  • Three-Phase Short-Circuit Fault Locator in Loop Shaped Distribution System with Inverter Based Distributed Generations

    D.Iioka, Y.Hayashi

    the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11)    2011年

  • Cooperative Voltage Control and Improvement of Voltage Imbalance by STATCOMs in Response to Extensive Interconnection with Distribution System of Renewable Energy Resources

    S. Kawasaki, Y. Hayashi, N. Takahashi

    17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC2011), Stockholm, Sweden    2011年

  • 総論・スマートグリッド技術の動向と展開


    電気評論   2010 ( 11 ) 18 - 23  2010年11月


  • Restraint Method of Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion in Distribution System by Power Conditioner Systems Using Measured Data from IT Switches

    S. Kawasaki, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    The 9th International Power and Energy Conference (IPEC2010)    2010年10月


  • センサ開閉器情報を利用した複数台PCSによる配電ネットワークにおける総合電圧ひずみ率抑制方法

    川崎 章司, 下田 一貴, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 46 ) 115 - 120  2010年09月


  • 解説・スマートグリッドの国内動向


    低温工学会報   vol.45 ( No.9 ) 410 - 416  2010年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • Impact of Power System Configuration and Control Methodology of Inverter Based Distributed Generation on Fault Current

    D. Iioka, Y. Hayashi

    16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)    2010年07月

  • Verification of Multi-Objective Power Factor Control Method of Photovoltaic Generation Systems by Scaled-down Distribution Network Equipment

    N. Kanemoto, S. Sakai, S. Kawasaki, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)    2010年07月

  • An Evaluation of Influences on Distribution Network by Connection Cases of PVs

    H. Takano, K. Nagata, Y. Hayashi, J. Matsuki

    I16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)    2010年07月

  • A Basic Study of Coordinated Control Method for Heat Pump Water Heaters and Electric Vehicle Battery Chargers

    Y. Hanai, K. Yoshimura, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)    2010年07月

  • スマートグリッドと国内導入の必要性


    電気協会報・特集   2010 ( 5 ) 7 - 11  2010年05月


  • LRTとの制御分担を考慮したSVCの協調型電圧制御法およびSVCの定格容量と制御パラメータの決定手法

    川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 山口 益弘, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 10 ) 71 - 76  2010年03月


  • PVシステム群のオンオフ制御台数とならし効果による出力安定化の検証

    岩崎 真幸, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 章 維聡, 林 泰弘, 林 孝則, 奥野 義道, 舟橋 俊久

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 11 ) 89 - 94  2010年03月


  • PV出力最大化と配電系統電圧適正化を目的としたヒートポンプ給湯器と電気自動車用充電器の協調運用決定手法の基礎検討

    花井 悠二, 吉村 和晃, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 11 ) 113 - 118  2010年03月


  • 蓄電池容量最小化と適正電圧維持を目的とした風力発電出力平滑化

    上村 浩俊, 酒井 重和, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 若尾 真治

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 11 ) 83 - 87  2010年03月


  • 事故区間分離に対するループ配電系統の電圧制御能力の検証

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 11 ) 59 - 64  2010年03月


  • センサ開閉器からの計測情報を活用した配電系統の集中型電圧制御手法

    栗原 雅典, 花井 悠二, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 森 健二郎, 不破 由晃

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2010 ( 11 ) 65 - 70  2010年03月


  • 並列計算技術の開閉器制御手法への適用に関する基礎検討

    高野 浩貴, 矢橋 和起, 柴田 良一, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    岐阜工業高等専門学校紀要   45 ( 45 ) 39 - 44  2010年03月  [査読有り]



  • 配電系統模擬実験装置を用いた開閉器制御手法の実証試験に関する基礎検討

    高野 浩貴, 桝田 淳規, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 酒井 重和

    岐阜工業高等専門学校紀要   45 ( 45 ) 45 - 50  2010年03月  [査読有り]



  • Voltage Control for a Loop Distribution System with Renewable Energy Sources

    Y. Hanai, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    The International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality(ICREPQ'10), Spain    2010年03月

  • PV導入形態が配電系統に及ぼす影響に関する基礎検討

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 永田 耕一, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 1 ) 37 - 42  2010年01月


  • 太陽光発電システム群の多目的力率制御手法

    酒井 重和, 金本 憲明, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 1 ) 1 - 5  2010年01月


  • 太陽光発電設置住宅におけるヒートポンプ給湯機と電気自動車用充電器の協調制御手法

    花井 悠二, 吉村 和晃, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 1 ) 25 - 29  2010年01月


  • 分散型電源連系課題解決支援システム(ANSWER)の構築と分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用形態の実験検証

    酒井重和, 林 泰弘, 川崎章司, 松木純也, 馬場旬平, 横山明彦, 北條昌秀, 若尾真治, 森健二郎, 不破由晃

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)   130 ( 5 ) 1 - 483  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • センサ開閉器から得られる計測情報を活用した配電系統の電圧推定・制御手法の提案実験的検証

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 栗原 雅典

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)   130 ( 10 ) 859 - 869  2010年


  • 再生可能エネルギー電源が連系された配電系統のループ化と集中型電圧制御の適用効果の実験的検証

    花井悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木純也

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)   130 ( 11 ) 932 - 940  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • LRTとの制御分担を考慮したSVCの協調型電圧制御法およびSVCの定格容量と制御パラメータの決定手法

    川﨑章司, 林 泰弘, 松木純也, 山口益弘

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)   130 ( 11 ) 963 - 971  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • センサ開閉器情報を利用した分散型電源連系インバータによる系統の総合電圧ひずみ率抑制方法に関する基礎研究

    川崎 章司, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 下田 一貴

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2010 ( 1 ) 13 - 18  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • A Basic Study of Load Management using Heat-Pump Water Heater and Electric Vehicle Battery Charger in Distribution System with PV

    Y. Hanai, K. Yoshimura, J. Matsuki, Y. Hayashi

    16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)    2010年

  • 自然エネルギー利用型分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用形態の検証実験

    酒井 重和, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 馬場 旬平, 横山 明彦, 北條 昌秀, 若尾 真治, 森 健二郎, 不破 由晃

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 37 - 42  2009年09月


  • 蓄電池容量最小化を目的とした風力発電出力の最適平滑化時定数の決定

    上村 浩俊, 酒井 重和, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 若尾 真治

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 49 - 53  2009年09月


  • PV群のオンオフ制御による蓄電池容量削減効果の検証

    岩崎 真幸, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 林 孝則, 奥野 義道, 舟橋 俊久

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 109 - 113  2009年09月


  • 太陽光発電システム群の総有効電力出力最大化を目的とした力率制御手法

    酒井 重和, 金本 憲明, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 61 - 64  2009年09月


  • PV群のオンオフ制御台数による出力安定化効果の評価

    岩崎 真幸, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 林 孝則, 奥野 義道, 舟橋 俊久

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 115 - 119  2009年09月


  • 配電損失削減とCO_2排出削減に貢献可能な自然エネルギー利用型分散型電源出力範囲の評価

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 永田 耕一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 95 - 100  2009年09月


  • 太陽光発電設置住宅におけるヒートポンプ給湯機と電気自動車用充電器の運転スケジュール決定手法

    花井 悠二, 吉村 和晃, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 160 ) 65 - 70  2009年09月


  • 階層型マイクログリッドの一次エネルギー消費量およびCO_2排出量削減効果の季節別検証

    福嶋 正史, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 140 ) 55 - 60  2009年09月


  • 配電系統におけるSVCの定格容量と制御パラメータの決定手法

    川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 山口 益弘, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 83 ) 43 - 48  2009年09月


  • センサ開閉器からの計測情報を活用した配電系統の集中型(LRT・SVR)電圧制御手法の実験的検証

    栗原 雅典, 花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2009 ( 83 ) 55 - 60  2009年09月


  • 分散型電源が連系された配電ネットワークにおけるアクティブフィルタの最適設置決定手法

    川﨑章司, 林 泰弘, 松木純也, 菊谷裕隆, 北條昌秀

    電気学会論文誌B   129-B ( 6 ) 733 - 744  2009年06月


    Recently, the harmonic troubles in a distribution network are worried in the background of the increase of the connection of distributed generation (DG) and the spread of the power electronics equipments. As one of the strategies, control the harmonic voltage by installing an active filter (AF) has been researched. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal allocations, gains and installation number of AFs so as to minimize the maximum value of voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) for a distribution network with DGs. The developed method is based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) which is one of the nonlinear optimization methods. Especially, in this paper, the case where the harmonic voltage or the harmonic current in a distribution network is assumed by connecting many DGs through the inverters, and the authors propose a determination method of the optimal allocation and gain of AF that has the harmonic restrictive effect in the whole distribution network. Moreover, the authors propose also about a determination method of the necessary minimum installation number of AFs, by taking into consideration also about the case where the target value of harmonic suppression cannot be reached, by one set only of AF. In order to verify the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method, the numerical simulations are carried out by using an analytical model of distribution network with DGs.

    DOI CiNii

  • 配電系統復旧制御を考慮した最適構成に関する研究

    高野 浩貴, 富田 貴文, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    岐阜工業高等専門学校紀要   44 ( 44 ) 46 - 51  2009年03月  [査読有り]



  • Cooperative Voltage Control by LRT and STATCOM in Distribution System

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, M.Yamaguchi, Y.Hanai

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2009    2009年

  • Optimal Operation of Combined Heat and Power in Hierarchical Micro Grid

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, M.Fukushima

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2009    2009年

  • キャンパス配電系統における電力品質の実態把握と品質向上に関する研究

    川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 伊藤 彰俊

    電気学会論文誌B   129 ( 9 ) 1115 - 1122  2009年


  • オンオフ制御による太陽光発電システム群の出力安定化制御手法

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 岩崎 真幸, 舟橋 俊久, 奥野 義道, 林 孝則

    電気学会論文誌B   129 ( 12 ) 1576 - 1584  2009年


    In this paper a method to stabilize total output of PV systems by controlling on/off of each PV system is proposed. In the proposed method, the total output of PV systems is controlled so as to fit the output target value by determining off status of each PV system at each time interval when the amount of total power generation exceeds the output target value. Based on measured output of each PV system in instantaneos value, on/off status of each PV system is determined taking into account delay time of control. In order to check the validity of the proposed stabilization control method, the numerical simulations are carried out for a 100PV systems model. The effect of output fluctuation reduction is verified by changing the delay time of control. Furthermore, the utilization ratio and 30 minutes output deviation of PV systems are evaluated for various output target value.

    DOI CiNii

  • 分散型電源の導入拡大に対応した配電系統電圧制御の動向と展望

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌B   129 ( 4 ) 491 - 494  2009年


    DOI CiNii

  • SVCによる配電系統の瞬時電圧制御手法

    川崎 章司, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 吉川 尚志, 花井 悠二, 馬場 旬平

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 166 ) 7 - 12  2008年12月


  • FC設置型集合住宅における戸別間電力融通による最適熱電併給運用計画

    友本 篤志, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 舟橋 俊久, 奥野 義道, 林 孝則

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 151 ) 13 - 18  2008年08月


  • サイリスタ制御直列コンデンサ(TCSC)の点弧角切り替え制御による動揺抑制効果

    松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 山口 博史

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 87 ) 43 - 48  2008年08月


  • オンオフ制御による太陽光発電システム群の出力安定化制御

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 岩崎 真幸, 舟橋 俊久, 奥野 義道, 林 孝則

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 136 ) 59 - 64  2008年08月


  • ANSWERを用いた分散型電源と配電ネットワークの協調運用形態の検証実験

    酒井 重和, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 馬場 旬平, 横山 明彦, 北條 昌秀, 若尾 真治, 森 健二郎, 不破 由晃

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 21 ) 1 - 6  2008年08月


  • 損失最小化制御手法の実証試験に関する基礎検討

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 西川 裕士

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 21 ) 11 - 15  2008年08月


  • センサ開閉器区間電圧推定手法を適用した配電系統の送出し電圧制御

    花井 悠二, 栗原 雅典, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 21 ) 35 - 40  2008年08月


  • 電圧制御器(LRT, SVR)の統合整定手法の検証

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 森 健二郎, 不破 由晃

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 21 ) 59 - 64  2008年08月


  • LRT・SVR・柱上変圧器による統合的電圧管理に関する検討

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 吉岡 淳平, 不破 由晃, 森 健二郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2008 ( 21 ) 47 - 52  2008年08月


  • N-1基準を考慮した分散型電源連系配電系統の最適構成に関する研究

    高野 浩貴, 河村 一輝, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    岐阜工業高等専門学校紀要   43   51 - 55  2008年03月  [査読有り]



    In the field of electrical power system, various approaches, such as utilization of renewable energy, loss reduction, and so on, have been taken reduce CO_2 emission. So as to work toward this goal, the total number of distributed generators (DGs) using renewable energy and connected into an actual 6.6kV distribution system has been increasing rapidly. The distribution system with many DGs must be operated in terms of system reliability of power supply, power quality, and distribution loss minimization. In this paper, the authors deal with the loss minimum configuration for a distribution system with DGs on the condition that system reliability should be maintained. Followings were the loss minimum configuration of several cases surveyed by the conventional determination method: 1) the configuration without consideration of DGs, 2) the configuration considering output of DGs, 3) the configuration considering N-1 disconnection of DG, and 4) the configuration considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs. We examined the optimal configuration of distribution system with many DGs by putting them in the perspectives of total loss and system reliability.


  • Experimental Multi-objective Evaluation of Radial and Loop Distribution Network Configuration using Distribution Network Equipment

    S.Sakai, Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   3 ( 5 ) 530 - 539  2008年


  • Online Optimization Method for Operation of Generators in a Micro Grid

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hideki Miyamoto, Junya Matsuki, Toshio Iizuka, Hitoshi Azuma

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   128 ( 2 ) 388 - 396  2008年  [査読有り]


    Recently a lot of studies and developments about distributed generator such as photovoltaic generation system, wind turbine generation system and fuel cell have been performed under the background of the global environment issues and deregulation of the electricity market, and the technique of these distributed generators have progressed. Especially, micro grid which consists of several distributed generators, loads and storage battery is expected as one of the new operation system of distributed generator. However, since precipitous load fluctuation occurs in micro grid for the reason of its smaller capacity compared with conventional power system, high-accuracy load forecasting and control scheme to balance of supply and demand are needed. Namely, it is necessary to improve the precision of operation in micro grid by observing load fluctuation and correcting start-stop schedule and output of generators online. But it is not easy to determine the operation schedule of each generator in short time, because the problem to determine start-up, shut-down and output of each generator in micro grid is a mixed integer programming problem. In this paper, the authors propose an online optimization method for the optimal operation schedule of generators in micro grid. The proposed method is based on enumeration method and particle swarm optimization (PSO). In the proposed method, after picking up all unit commitment patterns of each generators satisfied with minimum up time and minimum down time constraint by using enumeration method, optimal schedule and output of generators are determined under the other operational constraints by using PSO. Numerical simulation is carried out for a micro grid model with five generators and photovoltaic generation system in order to examine the validity of the proposed method.


  • 燃料電池設置型集合住宅における最適熱電併給運用計画決定手法

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 友本 篤志, 宮元 英樹, 舟橋 俊久, 奥野 義道, 林 孝則

    電気学会論文誌B   128 ( 10 ) 3 - 1226  2008年


  • Optimal Allocation and Gain of Active Filter for Distribution Network Connected Distributed Generation

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Kikuya, M.Hojo

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008    2008年


    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of the 16th Power Systems Computation Conference    2008年

  • Multi Evaluation Method of Distribution Network with Distributed Generators

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    International Journal of Innovations in Energy Systems and Power   Vol 3 ( no. 2 )  2008年


  • Determination of Optimal Smoothing Time Constant of Wind Power Generation System with Storage Battery to Control Voltage and Load Fluctuation

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, S.Sakai, J.Matuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008    2008年

  • Optimal Allocation and Gain of Active Filter for Distribution Network Connected Distributed Generation

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Kikuya, M.Hojo

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008    2008年


    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of the 16th Power Systems Computation Conference    2008年

  • Multi Evaluation Method of Distribution Network with Distributed Generators

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    International Journal of Innovations in Energy Systems and Power   Vol 3 ( no. 2 )  2008年

  • Determination of Optimal Smoothing Time Constant of Wind Power Generation System with Storage Battery to Control Voltage and Load Fluctuation

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, S.Sakai, J.Matuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008    2008年

  • Determination method of optimal operation schedule for fuel cells in collective housing

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shoji Kawasaki, Junya Matsuki, Atsushi Tomomoto, Hideki Miyamoto, Toshihisa Funabashi, Yoshimichi Okuno, Takanori Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   128 ( 10 ) 3 - 1226  2008年


    In this paper, the authors propose a power and heat interchange system using fuel cells (FCs) in a collective housing and develop a determination method of optimal operation schedule for FCs in this system. The developed method is based on tabu search which is one of non-linear optimization methods. In the developed method, the optimal operation schedule is determined by using Pareto optimal solutions from two evaluation viewpoints ((1) running cost, (2) CO 2 emission). In order to examine the validity of the developed method, numerical simulations are carried out for the collective housing model with 12 houses in winter, summer and middle season, and the optimal operation schedules are determined. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.


  • 電力・エネルギー部門編修活動のご紹介

    舟橋 俊久, 林 泰弘, 川井 二郎

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   127 ( 11 ) 1103 - 1105  2007年11月


  • Experimental study on the unified power flow controller

    Junya Matsuki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shunsuke Kitajima, Masahiro Takahashi, Kenji Murata

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   161 ( 2 ) 8 - 15  2007年11月


    This paper presents the results of experimental Study on the performance of a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), one of the FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) controllers. A laboratory-scale UPFC was manufactured and installed on a laboratory electric power system to investigate its multifunctional capabilities as a power flow controller. The UPFC consists of two 4.5-kVA, 200-V back-to-back voltage-sourced converters, labeled "Converter 1" and "Converter 2" operated from a common DC link provided by a DC storage capacitor of 380 V. It can provide independent control of both the real and reactive power flow in the line. Tests were performed to examine the capabilities of the UPFC, under one-machine connected to an infinite-bus system. Steady-state responses under various kinds of operating conditions were measured and analyzed. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


  • 分散型電源が連系された配電系統模擬実験設備での高調波解析

    川崎 章司, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 橋本 祐一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 126 ) 25 - 30  2007年08月


  • 集合住宅における燃料電池の最適運用計画決定手法

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 友本 篤志, 宮元 英樹, 舟橋 俊久, 奥野 義道, 林 孝則

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 113 ) 25 - 30  2007年08月


  • 分散型電源の大量連系された配電系統の最適構成に関する研究

    高野 浩貴, 河村 一輝, 富田 貴文, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 29 ) 7 - 12  2007年07月


  • 配電ネットワーク模擬実験による分散型電源と配電ネットワークとの協調運用形態の検証

    酒井 重和, 林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 吉川 尚志, 馬場 旬平, 横山 明彦, 北條 昌秀, 若尾 真治, 小林 直樹, 生石 光平

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 29 ) 13 - 18  2007年07月


  • 配電系統における変電所LDCの最適整定値決定手法の検討

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 小林 直樹, 生石 光平

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 17 ) 1 - 6  2007年07月


  • パレート最適解を用いた配電ネットワーク構成の多目的最適化手法

    西川 裕士, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 高野 浩貴

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 29 ) 37 - 41  2007年07月


  • 分散型電源が連系された配電ネットワークにおけるアクティブフィルタの最適設置箇所に関する研究

    川崎 章司, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 菊谷 裕隆, 北條 昌秀

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 29 ) 25 - 30  2007年07月


  • 配電系統模擬実験による分散型電源と配電系統との協調運用形態の検証

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 酒井 重和, 野村 知弘, 馬場 旬平, 横山 明彦, 北條 昌秀, 若尾 真治, 小林 直樹, 生石 光平

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2007 ( 1 ) 11 - 20  2007年03月


  • 分散型電源の連系が配電ネットワークに及ぼす影響の面的解析

    川崎 章司, 松田 浩明, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 菊谷 裕隆, 小林 直樹, 宮崎 輝

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2007 ( 1 ) 69 - 74  2007年02月


  • 配電系統に連系される風力発電システムの連系可能最大出力の評価

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 小林 直樹

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2007 ( 1 ) 7 - 12  2007年02月


  • TCSCを用いた送電ネットワークの混雑管理手法

    林 泰弘, 松木純也, 米澤 浩則

    電気学会論文誌B   127 ( 10 ) 1073 - 1079  2007年


    In recent years, deregulation of the electric industry in the world aims at creating competitive markets to trade electricity. For deregulated transmission networks, one of the major consequences of the nondiscriminatory open-access requirement is a substantial increase of power transfers. Congestion management of deregulated transmission networks is very important to accomplish always nondiscriminative network access. In this paper, the authors propose a congestion management approach by using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) in order to maximize transmission margin and minimize transmission loss without changing contracted power under constraints such as thermal, voltage, and stability limits. In the proposed approach, power flow through transmission lines can be flexibly controlled without changing contracted power by determining firing angle of TCSC. In order to check the validity of the proposed congestion management approach, numerical results are shown for 6 bus system model. Simulation results show effectiveness of the proposed congestion management approach by using TCSC, when congestion occurs at a transmission line in the system model.

    DOI CiNii

  • 連系可能最大出力の観点から見た配電系統に連系される風力発電システムの評価

    花井悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木純也, 小林直樹

    電気学会論文誌B   127 ( 11 ) 1145 - 1152  2007年


    Recently, the total number of Wind Turbine Generation System (WTGS) connected to distribution network has been increased drastically. Installation of WTGS can reduce the distribution loss and emission of CO2. However, the distribution network with WTGS must be operated keeping reliability of power supply and power quality. The WTGS's effects to distribution network depend on its structure. In order to accomplish both the stable operation of distribution network and the progress of WTGS's prevalence, it is necessary to evaluate the acceptable output of WTGS quantitatively. In this paper, the authors evaluate several WTGSs connected to distribution network from viewpoint of Acceptable Maximum Output (AMO). The operational constrains to calculate the AMO of a WTGS are the following, (1) voltage limit, (2) line current capacity, (3) no reverse flow to distribution transformer, (4) short circuit capacity, and (5) voltage dip by inrush current. In order to evaluate the WTGS from viewpoint of AMO, numerical simulations are accomplished for a distribution system model. Furthermore, characteristics of AMO of a WTGS connected to distribution feeder are analyzed by several numerical examples.

    DOI CiNii

  • 分散型電源の導入拡大に対応した配電系統の協調運用形態

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 若尾 真治, 馬場 旬平, 北條 昌秀, 横山 明彦, 小林 直樹, 平井 崇夫, 生石 光平

    電気学会論文誌B   127 ( 1 ) 41 - 52  2007年


  • 同期発電機の空隙磁束を利用した送電線事故標定手法

    松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 中野利一, 舟陽一

    電気学会論文誌B   127 ( 3 ) 495 - 501  2007年

    DOI CiNii

  • Verification of Proposed Active Operation of Power Grid with PV Systems by Scaled-down Distribution Network Equipment

    Y.Hayashi, S.Sakai, J.Matuki, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2007年

  • Study on Optimal Allocation and Gain of Active Filter Considering Distribution Network Configuration

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Kikuya, M.Hojo

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年


  • Simultaneous Determination Method of Control Parameters of Voltage Regulators Installed in Radial Distribution Network Using Measurement Data

    Y.Hayashi, Y.Hanai, J.Matuki, K.Mori, Y.Fuwa

    Proceedings of IEEJ-EIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems    2007年


  • Seasonal Change of Power Quality Based on Real Data at the Distribution System of Fukui University Campus

    J.Matuki, Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, A.Ito

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Multi-objective Evaluation of Radial and Loop Distribution Network Configuration Using Distribution Network Equipment

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of IEEJ-EIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems   2007 ( 89 ) 95 - 100  2007年


  • Evaluation of Reduced CO2 Emissions by Distribution Loss Minimization in Japanese Distribution System

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Takano, M.Yokoyama

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Development of Computation Method to Determine Optimal Setting Value for LDC Voltage Controller Using Measured Information

    Y.Hayashi, Y.Hanai, J.Matuki, N.Kobayashi, K.Oishi

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Determination Method of Optimal Operation Schedule for Power and Heat Interchange System using Fuel Cells in Collective Housing

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, T.Funabashi, Y.Okuno, T.Hayashi

    Proceedings of IEEJ-EIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems     101 - 106  2007年

  • Decision Method of Optimal 24-Hours Sending Voltage Profile in Distribution Network with PV Systems

    Y.Hayashi, Y.Hanai, J.Matuki, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2007年

  • Basic Study on Optimal Smoothing Time Constant of Wind Power Generation System with Storage Battery to Inhibit Voltage Flunctuation in Distribution Network

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, T.Nomura

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Active coordinated Operation of Distribution Network with Distributed Generators

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, J.Baba, A.Yokoyama, M.Hojo, S.Wakao, N.Kobayashi, K.Oishi

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Verification of Proposed Active Operation of Power Grid with PV Systems by Scaled-down Distribution Network Equipment

    Y.Hayashi, S.Sakai, J.Matuki, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2007年

  • Study on Optimal Allocation and Gain of Active Filter Considering Distribution Network Configuration

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Kikuya, M.Hojo

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Simultaneous Determination Method of Control Parameters of Voltage Regulators Installed in Radial Distribution Network Using Measurement Data

    Y.Hayashi, Y.Hanai, J.Matuki, K.Mori, Y.Fuwa

    Proceedings of IEEJ-EIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems    2007年

  • Seasonal Change of Power Quality Based on Real Data at the Distribution System of Fukui University Campus

    J.Matuki, Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, A.Ito

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Power and heat interchange system using fuel cells in collective housing

    Y. Hayashi, S. Kawasaki, T. Funabashi, Y. Okuno

    2007 POWER CONVERSION CONFERENCE - NAGOYA, VOLS 1-3     1174 - +  2007年


    A power and heat interchange system with fuel cells in collective housings is proposed. A solution method for determining optimal FC operation plan is proposed. From numerical simulations it is confirmed that fuel cells are effectively used by interchanging power and heat in a collective housing.


  • Online Optimization Method for Operation of Generators in a Micro Grid

    Y.Hayashi, H.Miyamoto, J.Matuki, T.Iizuka, H.Azuma

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Multi-objective Evaluation of Radial and Loop Distribution Network Configuration Using Distribution Network Equipment

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of IEEJ-EIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems     95 - 100  2007年

  • Evaluation of Reduced CO2 Emissions by Distribution Loss Minimization in Japanese Distribution System

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Takano, M.Yokoyama

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Development of Computation Method to Determine Optimal Setting Value for LDC Voltage Controller Using Measured Information

    Y.Hayashi, Y.Hanai, J.Matuki, N.Kobayashi, K.Oishi

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Determination Method of Optimal Operation Schedule for Power and Heat Interchange System using Fuel Cells in Collective Housing

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, T.Funabashi, Y.Okuno, T.Hayashi

    Proceedings of IEEJ-EIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Technology in Power Systems     101 - 106  2007年

  • Decision Method of Optimal 24-Hours Sending Voltage Profile in Distribution Network with PV Systems

    Y.Hayashi, Y.Hanai, J.Matuki, Y.Fuwa, K.Mori

    Proceedings of 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference    2007年

  • Basic Study on Optimal Smoothing Time Constant of Wind Power Generation System with Storage Battery to Inhibit Voltage Flunctuation in Distribution Network

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, T.Nomura

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Active coordinated Operation of Distribution Network with Distributed Generators

    Y.Hayashi, S.Kawasaki, J.Matuki, S.Sakai, J.Baba, A.Yokoyama, M.Hojo, S.Wakao, N.Kobayashi, K.Oishi

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007    2007年

  • Integrated method of determining transmission and distribution loss-minimum network configurations

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hirotaka Takano, Junya Matsuki



    In Japan, the secondary transmission system (66 kV, 77 kV) and distribution system (6.6 kV) with loop structures are operated using the radial configuration. The transmission and distribution network configurations must be determined so as to keep the radial configuration and satisfy the operational constraints such as line capacity, voltage drop, and so on. However, the configuration candidates are too many, and it is not easy to determine transmission and distribution loss-minimum network configurations comprehensively. In this paper, the authors propose an integrated method of determining the transmission and distribution loss-minimum network configurations under the operational constraints within practical computation time. In order to check the validity of the proposed method of determination, numerical simulations using the proposed method are carried out for a real-scale Japanese transmission and distribution network model with 2(2098) configuration candidates. (c) 2006 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


  • 配電損失の最小化による石油代替効果とCO_2削減効果の試算

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 横山 昌央

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2006 ( 24 ) 25 - 29  2006年08月


  • 配電系統模擬実験設備を用いた分散型電源の連系可能最大出力の計測実験

    酒井 重和, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 川崎 章司, 野村 知弘, 馬場 旬平, 横山 明彦, 北條 昌秀, 若尾 真治, 小林 直樹, 生石 光平

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2006 ( 85 ) 7 - 11  2006年08月


  • 配電系統に連系される風力発電機の地点別時間別連系可能最大出力の算定

    花井 悠二, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 小林 直樹

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2006 ( 85 ) 49 - 54  2006年08月


  • 配電系統と分散型電源への最適化技術の適用 (電力ソリューション特集) -- (最適化技術の適用)

    林 泰弘, 舟橋 俊久, 奥野 義道

    明電時報   2006 ( 4 ) 71 - 74  2006年07月


  • 分散型電源連系配電ネットワークの標準解析モデルの構築とネットワーク構成候補の多面的評価手法の開発

    林 泰弘, 川崎 章司, 松木 純也, 松田 浩明, 酒井 重和, 宮崎 輝, 小林 直樹

    電気学会論文誌B   126 ( 10 ) 1013 - 1022  2006年

    DOI CiNii

  • 分散型電源の地点別時間別連系可能最大出力の算定

    林 泰弘, 花井悠二, 松木 純也, 細川慎平, 小林直樹

    電気学会論文誌B   126 ( 10 ) 1023 - 1031  2006年


    Recently, the total number of distributed generation such as photovoltaic generation system and wind turbine generation system connected to distribution network is drastically increased. Distributed generation utilizing renewable energy can reduce the distribution loss and emission of CO2. However the distribution network with the distributed generators must be operated keeping reliability of power supply and power quality. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the maximum output of a distributed generator under the operational constrains ((1) voltage limit, (2) line current capacity, and (3) no reverse flow to bank) at arbitrary connection point and hourly period. In the proposed method, three-phase iterative load flow calculation is applied to evaluate the above operational constraints. Three-phase iterative load flow calculation has two simple procedures: (Procedure1) addition of load currents from terminal node of feeder to root one, and (Procedure2) subtraction of voltage drop from root node of feeder to terminal one. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are accomplished for a distribution system model. Furthermore, characteristics of locational and hourly maximum output of distributed generator connected to distribution feeder are analyzed by several numerical examples.

    DOI CiNii

  • 配電系統のバンク事故による分散型電源の一斉解列を考慮した事故復旧手法

    高野裕貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 小林直樹

    電気学会論文誌B   126 ( 3 ) 336 - 346  2006年


    Distributed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells etc. are going to be installed in demand side of distribution systems. The distributed generators can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, there are several problems to install DGs such as service restoration of distribution system with DGs and so on. When one bank fault of distribution substation occurs in distribution system, since DGs are simultaneously disconnected from the system, it is not easy to restore isolated load by one bank switching in distribution substation. Therefore, a service restoration method to determine restoration configuration and restoration procedures (switching procedure from normal configuration to restoration configuration) taking into account simultaneous disconnection of DGs is needed. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal restoration configuration and the restoration procedure considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs by one bank fault of distribution system. In the proposed algorithm, after all of restoration configuration candidates are effectively enumerated under the operational constraints, the optimal configuration to restore the isolated load is selected among enumerated configuration candidates. After determining the optimal restoration configuration, the optimal restoration procedures are obtained by greedy algorithm. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model with 237 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2237) and 21DGs (total output is 5250kW which is 3% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    DOI CiNii

  • 配電系統のバンク事故による分散型電源の一斉解列を考慮した事故復旧手法

    松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 北島俊介, 高橋雅浩, 村田憲治

    電気学会論文誌B   126 ( 6 ) 605 - 610  2006年


    Distributed generators (DGs) such as fuel cells and solar cells etc. are going to be installed in demand side of distribution systems. The distributed generators can reduce distribution loss by appropriate allocation. However, there are several problems to install DGs such as service restoration of distribution system with DGs and so on. When one bank fault of distribution substation occurs in distribution system, since DGs are simultaneously disconnected from the system, it is not easy to restore isolated load by one bank switching in distribution substation. Therefore, a service restoration method to determine restoration configuration and restoration procedures (switching procedure from normal configuration to restoration configuration) taking into account simultaneous disconnection of DGs is needed. In this paper, the authors propose a computation method to determine the optimal restoration configuration and the restoration procedure considering simultaneous disconnection of DGs by one bank fault of distribution system. In the proposed algorithm, after all of restoration configuration candidates are effectively enumerated under the operational constraints, the optimal configuration to restore the isolated load is selected among enumerated configuration candidates. After determining the optimal restoration configuration, the optimal restoration procedures are obtained by greedy algorithm. Numerical simulations are carried out for a real scale system model with 237 sectionalizing switches (configuration candidates are 2237) and 21DGs (total output is 5250kW which is 3% of total load) in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    DOI CiNii

  • 統合電力潮流制御装置(UPFC)の基本特性の実験と解析

    松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 北島 俊介, 高橋 雅浩, 村田 憲治

    電気学会論文誌B   126 ( 6 ) 605 - 610  2006年

    DOI CiNii

  • 数理的最適性が保証された3分割3連系配電損失最小構成の決定手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 石川伸二, 高野裕貴, 武藤英司, 小林直樹

    電気学会論文誌B   126 ( 5 ) 516 - 524  2006年

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi Evaluation of Distribution Network Configuration Candidates

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Matsuda, S.Sakai, T.Miyazaki, N.Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Evaluation of Available Maximum Output of Distributed Generator Connected to Distribution System

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, S.Hosokawa, N.Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Effective Enumeration Method of Determine Loss Mimimum Distribution Network Configuration

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE 2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Determination of the Optimal Restoration Configuration Based on Enumeration Method

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE 2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Acceptable Maximum Output of Potential Renewable Energy Sources for a Distribution Feeder

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matsuki, Y.Hanai, N.Kobayashi, T.Hirai, K.Ohishi

    Proc. of Renewable Energy 2006    2006年

  • Optimal Grid Voltage Control in Distribution Feeder Connected with PV systems

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Shoji Kawasaki, Shinpei Hosokawa, Naoki Kobayashi



    The authors propose a new grid voltage control scheme to determine the optimal sending voltage profile so as to minimize total number of tap position changes per day under constraints of acceptable voltage limit for distribution feeders with photovoltaic systems (PVs). In order to verify the validity of the proposed grid voltage control scheme for multiple PV connections, numerical examples for a grid model with PV were shown.


  • Multi Evaluation of Distribution Network Configuration Candidates

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, H.Matsuda, S.Sakai, T.Miyazaki, N.Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Integrated Determination Method of Transmission and Distribution Loss-minimum Network Configuration

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Hirotaka Takano, Junya Matsuki

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   1 ( 3 ) 216 - 225  2006年

  • Evaluation of Available Maximum Output of Distributed Generator Connected to Distribution System

    S.Kawasaki, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki, S.Hosokawa, N.Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Effective Enumeration Method of Determine Loss Mimimum Distribution Network Configuration

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE 2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Determination of the Optimal Restoration Configuration Based on Enumeration Method

    Hirotaka Takano, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki, Naoki Kobayashi

    Proc. of ICEE 2006 International Conference on Electrical Engineering    2006年

  • Acceptable Maximum Output of Potential Renewable Energy Sources for a Distribution Feeder

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matsuki, Y.Hanai, N.Kobayashi, T.Hirai, K.Ohishi

    Proc. of Renewable Energy 2006    2006年

  • Power system harmonic analysis using state-estimation method for Japanese field data

    N Kanao, M Yamashita, H Yanagida, M Mizukami, Y Hayashi, J Matsuki

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY   20 ( 2 ) 970 - 977  2005年04月


    The harmonic state-estimation (HSE) method appears to be effective but its applicability has yet been fully verified using actual data in power systems. Particularly in Japan, there has been no verification of the applicability of the method in actual power systems. In this paper, for Japanese field data synchronized with a Global Positioning System (GPS) clock, a practical method for power system harmonic analysis is proposed, which is based on HSE. In the proposed method, in order to improve the precision of HSE, uncertain parameters R, X, and Y of the transmission lines are determined from measured fundamental data, and bad measured harmonic data excluded systematically. It is also possible to estimate the error of each measurement instrument by using HSE. It is confirmed that by using only partial and selected measurement data synchronized with a GPS clock, the entire harmonic distribution of the actual power system has been obtained effectively. In this paper, field-test results of the HSE on an actual Japanese power system are shown. Furthermore, an example of harmonic analysis based on HSE in the actual power system is presented, which is prediction of harmonic voltage distribution after a change of the actual power system configuration.

    DOI CiNii

  • 分散型電源が連系された配電系統における最適送出し電圧の決定手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 鈴木 良治, 武藤 英司

    電気学会論文誌B   125 ( 9 ) 846 - 854  2005年


    Sending voltage profile of distribution feeder is controlled by changing a tap of distribution transformer. In a distribution network with distributed generators, for reasons of effect of reversed flows from them and existence of a great number of sending voltage profile candidates, it is not easy to control sending voltage profile within the acceptable voltage limit. In this paper, in order to determine the optimal sending voltage profile of distribution transformer in a distribution network with distributed generators, the authors propose a new method to determine the optimal sending voltage profile so as to minimize total number of tap position's change per day under constraints of acceptable voltage limit. In the proposed method, after calculating acceptable range of three phase voltage of distribution feeder, the optimal profile of tap position within the calculated acceptable voltage range is determined among these candidates by using reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD) which is an efficient enumeration algorithm. In order to check the validity of the proposed method, numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution network model with a distributed generator.

    DOI CiNii

  • 単相負荷の接続替えによる三相電圧不平衡の改善支援手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 大橋 正芳, 多田 泰之

    電気学会論文誌B   125 ( 4 ) 365 - 372  2005年

    DOI CiNii

  • 高調波解析用負荷モデルのパラメータ推定手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 小林 賢一, 金尾 則一

    電気学会論文誌   125 ( 10 ) 939 - 947  2005年


  • Conceptual Study on Autonomy-Enhanced PV Clusters for Urban Community to Meet The Japanese PV2030

    K.Kurokawa, S.Wakao, Y.Hayashi, I.Ishii, K.Otani, M.Yamaguchi, Y.Ono

    EU-PVSEC    2005年


  • Conceptual Study on Autonomy-Enhanced PV Clusters for Urban Community to Meet The Japanese PV2030

    K.Kurokawa, S.Wakao, Y.Hayashi, I.Ishii, K.Otani, M.Yamaguchi, Y.Ono

    EU-PVSEC    2005年

  • 地域供給系統の設備拡充の繰り延べを目的とした配変負荷制御

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2004 ( 86 ) 63 - 67  2004年09月


  • 高調波解析用負荷モデルのパラメータ推定手法

    小林 賢一, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 金尾 則一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2004 ( 26 ) 49 - 54  2004年09月


  • 分散型電源が連系された配電系統における最適送出し電圧決定手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 鈴木 良治, 武藤 英司

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2004 ( 73 ) 65 - 70  2004年09月


  • 分散型電源の一斉解列を考慮した事故復旧

    高野 浩貴, 河野 源, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2004 ( 73 ) 53 - 57  2004年09月


  • 同期発電機内部の空隙磁束の変化を用いた送電線事故の判定

    松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 中野 利一, 舟崎 陽一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2004 ( 14 ) 13 - 18  2004年09月


  • Loss Minimum Configuration of Distribution System Considering N-1 Security of Dispersed Generators

    Yasuhiro Hayashi, Junya Matsuki

    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems   19 ( 1 ) 636 - 642  2004年02月


    Dispersed generators (DGs), such as fuel cells and solar cells, etc., are going to be installed in the demand side of power systems. The dispersed facilities can reduce distribution system loss by the appropriate allocation. However, when a DG that has a large capacity is disconnected from a distribution network by fault, violation of operational constraints, such as line current capacity and voltage drop, may occur. From a viewpoint of system reliability, robust system configuration for suddenly disconnecting DG from the distribution network must be determined, since system operators cannot control DG connection to the distribution network online. In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm to determine loss minimum configuration of a distribution system with DGs while maintaining system reliability. Namely, in the proposed algorithm, N-1 contingencies for DGs are considered as an operational constraint, when the loss minimum configuration is determined under the constraints for line current capacity and voltage drop. In order to determine the loss minimum configuration effectively, an algorithm based on tabu search with strategic oscillation is proposed. Numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution system model with 118 sectionalizing switches in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm in comparison with the conventional approach.

    DOI CiNii

  • Loss minimum configuration of distribution system considering N-1 security of dispersed generators

    Y Hayashi, J Matsuki

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS   19 ( 1 ) 636 - 642  2004年02月


    Dispersed generators (DGs), such as fuel cells and solar cells, etc., are going to be installed in the demand side of power systems. The dispersed facilities can reduce distribution system loss by the appropriate allocation. However, when a DG that has a large capacity is disconnected from a distribution network by fault, violation of operational constraints, such as line current capacity and voltage drop, may occur. From a viewpoint of system reliability, robust system configuration for suddenly disconnecting DG from the distribution network must be determined, since system operators cannot control DG connection to the distribution network online. In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm to determine loss minimum configuration of a distribution system with DGs while maintaining system reliability. Namely, in the proposed algorithm, N-1 contingencies for DGs are considered as an operational constraint, when the loss minimum configuration is determined under the constraints for line current capacity and voltage drop. In order to determine the loss minimum configuration effectively, an algorithm based on tabu search with strategic oscillation is proposed. Numerical simulations are carried out for a distribution system model with 118 sectionalizing switches in order to examine the validity of the proposed algorithm in comparison with the conventional approach.

    DOI CiNii

  • Overload Elimination of Secondary Power System by Load Transfer of Distribution System

    H.Takano, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki

    ICEE2004/APCOT MNT2004   OD7-2   192 - 195  2004年

  • Overload Elimination of Secondary Power System by Load Transfer of Distribution System

    H.Takano, Y.Hayashi, J.Matuki

    ICEE2004/APCOT MNT2004   OD7-2   192 - 195  2004年

  • 送電線事故時の同期発電機内部の空隙磁束の変化

    松木 純也, 林 泰弘, 井上 正樹, 中野 利一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2003 ( 19 ) 17 - 22  2003年11月


  • 配電負荷融通の限界量を考慮した上位系統の放射状構成決定に関する基礎研究

    高野 浩貴, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2003 ( 106 ) 1 - 6  2003年09月


  • 分散型電源を考慮した配電設備拡充計画の評価

    能勢 正樹, 林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2003 ( 154 ) 77 - 82  2003年09月


  • ボロノイ図とタブーサーチを融合した配電計画評価手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 能勢 正樹, 乾 正知

    電気学会論文誌B   123 ( 10 ) 1124 - 1132  2003年

    DOI CiNii

  • 託送申請量の最大受け入れを目的としたTCSCによる潮流制御へのPSOの適用

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 金井 原心

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2002 ( 134 ) 39 - 44  2002年09月


  • 地理的最適化と構成最適化に基づいた配電系統計画手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 能勢 正樹, 乾 正知

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2002 ( 52 ) 13 - 18  2002年09月


  • 電力系統へのメタヒューリスティクス応用調査専門委員会

    林 泰弘

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   122 ( 6 ) 779 - 779  2002年06月


  • 分散型電源のn-1解列を考慮した配電損失最小構成の決定手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 高野 浩貴

    電気学会論文誌B   122-B ( 12 ) 1376 - 1383  2002年

  • 電気学会地域供給系統モデルにおける線路損失最小系統構成の算出

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 栗原郁夫

    電気学会論文誌B   122-B巻 ( 10号 ) 1082 - 1088  2002年

  • Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor for Damping Power System Oscillations

    J.Matsuki, Y.Hayashi, S.Hasegawa

    Proc. of IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Los Angeles, USA, 173-177    2002年

  • PPSの系統参入に対する同時送電可能容量(STC)の計算手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 池田 孝之

    電気学会論文誌B, 122-B, 12, 1366-1375   122 ( 12 ) 1366 - 1375  2002年


  • Experimental Study on the Unified Power Flow Controller

    J.Matuki, Y.Hayashi, S.Kitajima

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), Cheju, Korea,2097-2102    2002年

  • Determination of Optimal System Configuration for Japanese Power System Model

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matsuki

    Proc. of IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 2002, Yokohama, Japan, 220-225    2002年

  • Determination of Loss-minimum Distribution System’s Configuration

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matsuki

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), Cheju, Korea, 257-261    2002年

  • Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor for Damping Power System Oscillations

    J.Matsuki, Y.Hayashi, S.Hasegawa

    Proc. of IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Los Angeles, USA, 173-177    2002年

  • Experimental Study on the Unified Power Flow Controller

    J.Matuki, Y.Hayashi, S.Kitajima

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), Cheju, Korea,2097-2102    2002年

  • Determination of Optimal System Configuration for Japanese Power System Model

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matsuki

    Proc. of IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 2002, Yokohama, Japan, 220-225    2002年

  • Determination of Loss-minimum Distribution System’s Configuration

    Y.Hayashi, J.Matsuki

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), Cheju, Korea, 257-261    2002年

  • ROBDDを用いた地方供給系統の最適構成決定手法

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也, 奈良 宏一

    電気学会論文誌B, 121-B, 2, 172-178    2001年

  • ATCの計算に関する基礎的検討

    林 泰弘, 松木 純也

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   2000 ( 124 ) 37 - 42  2000年09月


  • 設備運用計画問題の Particle Swarm Optimization による解法(数理計画法(2))

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 三島 裕樹, 蓬田 倫之

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集   2000   168 - 169  2000年03月


  • 停電電力量最小化を目的とした電力貯蔵装置間の事故時の電力融通手法

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 三島 裕樹, 蓬田 倫之

    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会   2000 ( 1 ) 43 - 48  2000年01月


  • 配電損失最小化を目的とした分散型電源の最適配置

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, テン ビン, 池田 一成, 芦沢 友雄

    電気学会論文誌B, 120-B, 5, 672-677    2000年

  • Loss Minimum Re-configuration of Distribution Systems with Dispersed Generators

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi, K.Ikeda, T.Ashizawa

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE2K), 560-563    2000年

  • Evaluation Method of Electrical Power Congestion Possibility in Open Market System

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi, C.Takahashi, T.Shirasaki, H.Sato

    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management(PSAM5), 447-452    2000年

  • Loss Minimum Re-configuration of Distribution Systems with Dispersed Generators

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi, K.Ikeda, T.Ashizawa

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE2K), 560-563    2000年

  • Evaluation method of electrical power congestion possibility in open market system

    K Nara, Y Hayashi, C Takahashi, T Shirasaki, H Sato



    In recent years, in Japan, electrical power market is partly open to the public, and many generators of power sellers or independent power producers (IPPs), etc. are going to be connected to the electrical power systems. Retail sale of electricity is also opened in a large consumers' market, and power wheeling, for instance, from IPPs to their customers, can be requested to power transmission networks. Normally, these power sources are connected to the power transmission system regardless of its transmission capability or characteristics. Therefore, a power company must examine the transmission capability of his network whenever connection of new power resources or wheeling is requested. Moreover, the most economical power resource dispatch is also required since the power company has its own generators in his network. Namely, in the open market, they must determine the price. of requested power wheeling and the price of power to be purchased according to its connection point through taking power transmission congestion and reliability into consideration.
    From the above background, in this paper, the authors propose an evaluation method of electrical power congestion possibility in the open market circumstances by using the operational constraint violations of the system. In this method, congestion possibility of each operating profile is evaluated by using an expected value of such constraint violations as line capacity and voltage drop (rise) of the pre-determined contingency cases.
    In this paper, the problem is defined and formulated in Chapter 1, and the solution algorithm by using discrete optimal power flow is illustrated in Chapter 2. Some numerical examples are shown in Chapter 3.

  • 配電損失最小化を目的とした分散型電源の最適な配置と容量の決定手法

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 工藤 啓之, 〓 斌

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1999 ( 134 ) 19 - 24  1999年09月


  • Tabu Search Algorithm for Loss Minimum DG Allocation

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems Proceedings(ISAP), pp.180-184    1999年

  • Operational Simulation of Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical Energy Delivery System Using PSCAD/EMTDC

    J.Hasegawa, H.Kita, Y.Mishima, K.Nara, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of American Power Conference, pp.518-523    1999年

  • Discrete Optimal Power Flow by Tabu Search

    K.Nara, Hua Hu, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), pp.20-23,     20 - 23  1999年


  • Determination of Optimal Secondary Power System Configuration Using Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram

    Y.Hayashi, K.Nara

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), pp.127-130,    1999年

  • A Solution Algorithm Based on Multi-stage Tabu Search for Nested Combinatorial Optimization Problem

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference (SMC)     551 - 556  1999年

  • Tabu Search Algorithm for Loss Minimum DG Allocation

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems Proceedings(ISAP), pp.180-184    1999年

  • Operational Simulation of Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical Energy Delivery System Using PSCAD/EMTDC

    J.Hasegawa, H.Kita, Y.Mishima, K.Nara, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of American Power Conference, pp.518-523    1999年

  • Discrete Optimal Power Flow by Tabu Search

    K.Nara, Hua Hu, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), pp.20-23,    1999年

  • Determination of Optimal Secondary Power System Configuration Using Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram

    Y.Hayashi, K.Nara

    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE), pp.127-130,    1999年

  • A Solution Algorithm Based on Multi-stage Tabu Search for Nested Combinatorial Optimization Problem

    K.Nara, Y.Hayashi

    Proc. of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference (SMC), pp.551-556,    1999年

  • A new algorithm for distribution feeder expansion planning in urban area

    K Nara, Y Hayashi, S Muto, K Tuchida

    ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH   46 ( 3 ) 185 - 193  1998年09月


    When feeders are newly expanded in a distribution system, allocation of new feeders, new routes that connect from the new feeders to substations and tie-line routes to other feeders, must be determined so as to minimize installation costs of new facilities under such constraints as load-balancing, current capacity, voltage drop and geographical installation restrictions. However, it is difficult for planners to find the optimal feeder expansion plan among various candidates. In this paper, in order to support planners' decision of feeder expansion planning, the authors propose a method by which the least cost expansion facilities can be obtained through searching all the candidates that satisfy such expansion constraints as voltage drop, as well as geographical installation restrictions. In the proposed method, a dual effective gradient method, the Dijkstra method, the Ford-Fulkerson method and tabu search are employed to obtain a feeder expansion plan. Through numerical examples, the validity of the proposed method is verified. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • タブー探索による設備計画問題の解法(組合せ最適化(3))

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 林 幸治

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集   1998   142 - 143  1998年05月


  • BDDによる電力系統構成決定問題の解法(組合せ最適化(3))

    林 泰弘, 奈良 宏一

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集   1998   144 - 145  1998年05月


  • 燃料電池の電力系統における導入効果 : 供給信頼性向上効果と最適配置

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. FTE, 新エネルギー・環境研究会   1998 ( 1 ) 25 - 30  1998年03月


  • 負荷の離散性を考慮した配電系統負荷バランス問題の近似解法

    南 基榮, 林 泰弘, 奈良 宏一

    電気学会論文誌B分冊, Vol.118-B, No.9, pp.983-989,   118 ( 9 ) 983 - 989  1998年


  • Scenario Selection by Genetic Algorithm for Evaluating Power Resource Planning

    Y.Hayashi, K.Nara

    International Journal of Power and Energy System, Vol.18, No.2, pp.142-146,    1998年

  • A Novel Automatic Contingency Selection Algorithm for Dynamic Security Assessment

    D.Gan, Y.Hayashi, K.Nara, Z.Du, X.Wang, X.Wang

    International Journal of Power and Energy System, Vol.18, No.3, pp.157-160,    1998年

  • Scenario Selection by Genetic Algorithm for Evaluating Power Resource Planning

    Y.Hayashi, K.Nara

    International Journal of Power and Energy System, Vol.18, No.2, pp.142-146,    1998年

  • A Novel Automatic Contingency Selection Algorithm for Dynamic Security Assessment

    D.Gan, Y.Hayashi, K.Nara, Z.Du, X.Wang, X.Wang

    International Journal of Power and Energy System, Vol.18, No.3, pp.157-160,    1998年

  • 多重タブーサーチによる無効電力設備計画

    林 幸治, 奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1997 ( 78 ) 7 - 12  1997年10月


  • 高柔軟・高信頼電気エネルギー流通システムの最適構成

    水戸 章人, 奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1997 ( 78 ) 65 - 70  1997年10月


  • 分散配置された燃料電池による配電損失の軽減効果について

    〓 斌, 奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1997 ( 110 ) 25 - 30  1997年10月


  • 配電系統の負荷バランス問題の新しい近似解法

    南 基榮, 林 泰弘, 奈良 宏一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1997 ( 32 ) 13 - 18  1997年10月


  • 新設配電線の最適供給経路の決定手法

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 武藤 昭一, 土田 鋼太郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1997 ( 32 ) 19 - 24  1997年10月


  • 放射状配電系統負荷バランス問題の新しい高速近似解法

    南 基榮, 金 賢哲, 林 泰弘, 奈良 宏一

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   117 ( 10 ) 1369 - 1374  1997年09月


  • 都市部における配電線増設位置決定アルゴリズム

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 武藤 昭一, 土田 鋼太郎

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   117 ( 10 ) 1375 - 1381  1997年09月


  • 設備増設計画問題の多重タブー探索による解法(組合せ最適化(1))

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集   1997   28 - 29  1997年09月


  • カオスによる電源計画シナリオの構築

    Hayashi Yasuhiro, Kim Hyunchul, Nara Koichi

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   117 ( 2 ) 183 - 188  1997年01月


  • 負荷バランスを考慮した配電線の新設位置の決定

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 武藤 昭一, 土田 鋼太郎

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1996 ( 1 ) 51 - 60  1996年09月


  • 負荷バランスを考慮した放射状配電系統の構成手法

    南 基榮, 金 賢哲, 林 泰弘, 奈良 宏一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1996 ( 1 ) 41 - 50  1996年09月


  • 既設配電線の取り込みを考慮した電力供給経路決定手法(電力のOR)

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 山藤 幸博, 武藤 昭一

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集   1996   34 - 35  1996年05月


  • Thermal Unit Maintenance Scheduling Using GA Combined with SA

    Kim Hyunchul, Hayashi Yasuhiro, Nara Koichi

    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society   115 ( 11 ) 1324 - 1330  1995年10月


  • タブー探索による電力系統新設配電線の連系経路決定手法(電力のOR(2))

    奈良 宏一, 林 泰弘, 山藤 幸博, 武藤 昭一

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集   1995   170 - 171  1995年10月


  • GA、SA、TSの融合による火力発電機補修計画問題の解法(電力の最適化)

    金 賢哲, 林 泰弘, 奈良 宏一

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集   1995   144 - 145  1995年10月


  • 電源計画における不確定要素のカオス性の判定

    林 泰弘, 村井 英一郎, 金 賢哲, 奈良 宏一

    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会   1995 ( 145 ) 69 - 78  1995年10月


  • 長期電力需要想定への改良型リカレントニュ-ラルネットワ-クの適用

    林 泰弘, 岩本 伸一

    電気学会論文誌 B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   113 ( 11 ) p1203 - 1212  1993年11月


  • 写像定理とカリトノフの定理を用いた電力系統の動態安定度解析

    河野 豊, 林 泰弘, 岩本 伸一

    電気学会論文誌 B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   113 ( 11 ) p1283 - 1291  1993年11月


  • 電圧制御問題に対する改良型ホップフィ-ルドモデルの適用

    林 泰弘, 岩本 伸一

    電気学会論文誌 B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   112 ( 8 ) p685 - 692  1992年08月


  • 電力潮流計算問題へのニュ-ラルネットワ-ク理論の導入 (電力・エネルギ-分野におけるニュ-ラルネットワ-ク応用<特集>)

    林 泰弘, 岩本 伸一

    電気学会論文誌 B 電力・エネルギー部門誌   111 ( 7 ) p713 - 722  1991年07月




  • 消費電力推定装置および消費電力推定方法


    林 泰弘, 藤本 悠, 大西 尭, 山口 亮, 小林 信郷



  • 消費電力推定装置および消費電力推定方法

    林 泰弘, 藤本 悠, 大西 尭, 山口 亮, 小林 信郷



  • 圧縮空気貯蔵発電方法

    林 泰弘, 蓮池 宏, 佐藤 隆, 中道 亮, 猿田 浩樹, 松隈 正樹



  • 圧縮空気貯蔵発電方法

    林 泰弘


  • 消費電力推定装置および消費電力推定方法

    藤本 悠, 林 泰弘


  • 電力管理システム及びプログラム

    梅岡 尚, 松崎 純一, 上西 章太, 林 泰弘



  • 電力管理システム及びプログラム

    林 泰弘


  • 配電網構成出力装置、方法、及びプログラム

    安田 宜仁, 竹延 祐二, 林 泰弘



  • 配電網構成出力装置、方法、及びプログラム

    林 泰弘, 竹延 祐二


  • DR制御システムおよびDR制御方法


    吉永 淳, 林 泰弘, 広橋 亘



  • DR制御システムおよびDR制御方法

    吉永 淳, 林 泰弘, 広橋 亘



  • 昼食製造設備における電力供給システム


    林 泰弘, 服部 敏朗, 渕上 英紀



  • 多数台連系した太陽光発電システムの出力抑制回避方法及びその装置


    林 泰弘, 宮本 裕介



  • 昼食製造設備における電力供給システム

    林 泰弘, 服部 敏朗, 渕上 英紀



  • 昼食製造設備における電力供給システム


    林 泰弘


  • 多数台連系した太陽光発電システムの出力抑制回避方法及びその装置

    林 泰弘, 宮本 裕介



  • 多数台連系した太陽光発電システムの出力抑制回避方法及びその装置


    林 泰弘


  • 配電系統システム


    林 泰弘


  • 分散型電源を配電ネットワークに連系する際の条件を決定する支援システムおよびプログラム


    林 泰弘


  • 分散型電源を配電ネットワークに連系する際の条件を決定する支援システム及び支援方法


    林 泰弘


  • 配電系統構成最適化装置および配電系統構成最適化方法


    林 泰弘








  • 政治経済学術院   政治経済学部

  • 附属機関・学校   グローバルエデュケーションセンター

  • 理工学術院   大学院先進理工学研究科


  • 2024年

    先進グリッド技術研究所   プロジェクト研究所所長

  • 2022年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員