Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor
Dr (Eng) ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2005

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2003

    Kanagawa Institute of Technology

  • 2000

    Kanagawa Institute of Technology

  • 1995

    Kanagawa Institute of Technology

  • 1992

    Waseda University

Education Background


    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2019

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会  評議員

  • 2024

    電子情報通信学会MEとバイオサイバネティクス研究会  副委員長

  • 2024

    生体医工学シンポジウム2024  編集委員

  • 2023

    生体医工学シンポジウム2023  編集委員

  • 2022

    生体医工学シンポジウム2022  編集委員

  • 2017

    電子情報通信学会 MEとバイオサイバネティクス研究専門委員会  専門委員

  • 2014

    電子情報通信学会 福祉情報工学研究専門委員会  専門委員

  • 2019

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2019  実行委員

  • 2018

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2018  実行委員

  • 2016

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2016  プログラム委員

  • 2014

    The Insititute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.  IEEE EMBS Japan Chapter Chair

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Professional Memberships






    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers


    The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology


    Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering


    The Insititute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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Research Areas

  • Neuroscience-general / Biomedical engineering

Research Interests

  • Biosignal Interpretation



  • Pavlovian-based neurofeedback enhances meta-awareness of mind-wandering

    Issaku Kawashima, Toru Nagahama, Hiroaki Kumano, Keiko Momose, Saori C. Tanaka

    Neural Networks   158   239 - 248  2023.01



  • Comparison of Japanese and Scottish Mother–Infant Intersubjectivity: Resonance of Timing, Anticipation, and Empathy During Feeding

    Koichi Negayama, Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, Keiko Momose, Konomi Ishijima, Noriko Kawahara

    Frontiers in Psychology   12   724871 - 724871  2021.10  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Feeding involves communication between mothers and infants and requires precise synchrony in a special triadic relationship with the food. It is deeply related to their intersubjectivity. This study compared the development of mother–infant intersubjectivity through interactional synchrony in feeding between 11 Japanese and 10 Scottish mother–infant dyads, observed at 6 and 9 months by video. Japanese mothers were more deliberate in feeding at an earlier age, whereas Scottish mothers were significantly more coercive than Japanese mothers at an earlier age. Japanese mothers brought the spoon to infants with a pause to adjust the timing of insertion to match their infants’ readiness, whereas this pause was not observed in Scottish mothers. Isomorphic mouth opening between mothers and infants was observed. This empathic maternal display is an important element of intersubjectivity in infant feeding that differed between Scottish and Japanese mothers. Scottish mothers’ mouth opening always followed their infants’ mouth opening, but about half of Japanese mothers preceded their infants. Further, the mouths of Scottish infants and mothers opened almost at the same time as spoon insertion. In contrast, Japanese mothers’ mouth opening did not co-occur with the insertion but was close to spoon arrival, a subtle but important difference that allows for greater infant autonomy. The time structure of Scottish mother-infant interactions was simpler and more predictable at 9 months than in Japan, where the structure was more variable, likely due to a stronger regulation by Scottish mothers. In conclusion, Scottish mother-infant intersubjectivity is characterized as more maternally reactive and mother-centered, whereas Japanese mother-infant intersubjectivity is characterized as more maternally empathetic and infant-centered. Cultural differences in intersubjectivity during feeding between Japan and Scotland are further discussed in relation to triadic relationships and parenting styles.

    DOI PubMed


  • Early Development of Maternal Holding of Infants and Mother’s Perceived Difficulty in Holding: A Longitudinal Study

    根ケ山光一, 石島このみ, 百瀬桂子, 河原紀子

    小児保健研究(Web)   79 ( 4 ) 314 - 321  2020.07  [Refereed]


  • Embodied intersubjective engagement in mother-infant tactile communication: a cross-cultural study of Japanese and Scottish mother-infant behaviors during infant pick-up

    Koichi Negayama, Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, Keiko Momose, Konomi Ishijima, Noriko Kawahara, Erin J. Lux, Andrew Murphy, Konstantinos Kaliarntas

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY   6 ( 66 ) 1 - 13  2015.02  [Refereed]

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    This study examines the early development of cultural differences in a simple, embodied, and intersubjective engagement between mothers putting down, picking up, and carrying their infants between Japan and Scotland. Eleven Japanese and ten Scottish mothers with their 6- and then 9-month-old infants participated. Video and motion analyses were employed to measure motor patterns of the mothers' approach to their infants, as well as their infants' collaborative responses during put-down, pick-up, and carry phases. Japanese and Scottish mothers approached their infants with different styles and their infants responded differently to the short duration of separation during the trial. A greeting-like behavior of the arms and hands was prevalent in the Scottish mothers' approach, but not in the Japanese mothers' approach. Japanese mothers typically kneeled before making the final reach to pick-up their children, giving a closer, apparently gentler final approach of the torso than Scottish mothers, who bent at the waist with larger movements of the torso. Measures of the gap closure between the mothers' hands to their infants' heads revealed variably longer duration and distance gap closures with greater velocity by the Scottish mothers than by the Japanese mothers. Further, the sequence of Japanese mothers' body actions on approach, contact, pick-up, and hold was more coordinated at 6 months than at 9 months. Scottish mothers were generally more variable on approach. Measures of infant participation and expressivity indicate more active participation in the negotiation during the separation and pick-up phases by Scottish infants. Thus, this paper demonstrates a culturally different onset of development of joint attention in pick-up. These differences reflect cultures of everyday interaction.



  • Enhancement of Information Transmission with Stochastic Resonance in Hippocampal CA1 Neuron Models: Effects of Noise Input Location and Its Power Spectrum

    川口港, 簑弘幸, 百瀬桂子, D. M. Durand

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   49 ( 1 ) 176 - 184  2011.01  [Refereed]

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon whereby detection of sub-threshold signal is improved by additive background noise in nonlinear systems. It has been unclear how this phenomenon is affected by the characteristics of background noise. In this paper, we investigate the effects of background noise characteristics on information transmission in a realistic hippocampal CA1 neuron model, i. e., the effect of input locations of the background noise and the influence of power spectra of the background noise. Using the computer simulation, the random sub-threshold input signal generated by a filtered homogeneous Poisson process was applied to a distal portion of the apical dendrite, while the background noise having a 1/fβ(β=0, 1, 2) power spectrum generated by a fractional integration was further applied to a variable location to investigate the effects of background noise input location on information transmission. Our results showed that SR was observed as the information rate reached a maximum value for optimal noise amplitude. The results also showed that the background noise input location and the coefficient β did not alter the maximum information rate generated by SR. The noise amplitude required to the maximum information rate increased when the noise input location was set at distal or the coefficient β was approached to zero from two. It is concluded that the variance of the noise having a frequency component of less than 200 Hz can play a key role in the information processing of sub-threshold signal transmission in the hippocampus.

    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship between the binary kernels of visually evoked potentials and the visual responses on the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways

    K. Momose

    METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE   46 ( 2 ) 169 - 173  2007  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Objectives: To investigate the nonlinear characteristics of visual evoked potentials (VEPs), and their correlation with the visual responses on parvocellular and magno-cellular pathways. First and second-order kernels of the VEPs elicited by several checkerboard patterns were estimated, and their relations to the visual pathway responses were investigated.
    Methods: VIPs elicited by checkerboard pattern (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 c/d) alternating based on pseudorandom binary sequence were measured, and their binary kernels were calculated. First and second-order binary kernels were compared with amplitudes of the steady-state VIPs (S-VEPs) to pattern reversal stimulation with a constant temporal frequency (4, 8,12,16, and 32 Hz).
    Results: Positive peak latencies at 150 ms (P150) of second-order first and second slices were correlated with S-VEP amplitude for higher temporal frequencies, indicating that the first and second slices reflect the response of the magnocellular. However, for second and third slices, their amplitudes were partially correlated with 4-16 Hz S-VEP, and this indicated that the second slice contains both magno- and parvo-cellular pathway responses. P150 latencies of third slices were correlated with S-VEP for lower temporal frequencies, indicating that third slice reflects the response of the parvocellular pathway.
    Conclusions: The lower slices of second-order binary kernels reflect the response of the magnocellular pathway and the higher slices reflect those on the parvocellular pathway in the human visual system of VIPs.

  • Characteristics of first and second order kernels of Visually Evoked Potentials elicited by pseudorandom stimulation

    N Nemoto, K Momose, M Kiyosawa, H Mori, M Mochizuki

    DOCUMENTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA   108 ( 2 ) 157 - 163  2004.03  [Refereed]

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    The characteristics of the first and the second order kernels of the visually evoked potentials (VEPs) elicited by pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) stimuli were investigated. VEPs were recorded from six eyes of four normal volunteers. The effects of stimulus luminance on the latency and amplitude of the first and the second order kernels were determined. The temporal interactions of transient VEPs elicited by single and double pulse stimuli were compared with the first and the second order kernels of the PRBS-VEPs. The correlation coefficient between the logarithm of the stimuli luminance (log I) and VEP amplitude of the first order kernels was 0.45 (p<0.05), and that between log I and P1 latency was -0.62(p<0.005). The second order kernels were not equal to the temporal interactions of the responses. However, the latency of the negative peak of the fourth slice was similar to the temporal interaction to double pulse stimulation with an inter-stimulus interval of 40 ms. An inhibitory component at 40 ms following the first stimulus was detected in the analysis of both PRBS-VEPs second order kernel and transient VEPs. This function may help to increase the frequency of critical flicker fusion in normal subjects.

  • PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of VEP in glaucoma

    K Momose, M Kiyosawa, N Nemoto, H Mori, M Mochizuki, JJH Yu

    DOCUMENTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA   108 ( 1 ) 41 - 46  2004.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the PRBS-VEP-deterrnined temporal frequency characteristics (TFCs) of the visual pathways are useful for evaluating the properties of the visual system of glaucomatous patients. The VEPs elicited by pseudorandom stimulation (PRBS) with red LEDs were recorded from 26 eyes with primary open angle glaucoma and 11 age-matched normal eyes. The glaucomatous patients were divided into 3 groups according to the size and shape of their visual field defect; early (9), moderate (9), and severe (8). The cross-spectrum between the PRBS and PRBS-VEPs was used as the TFCs. The TFC of each glaucomatous group were compared to those of the normal controls. A depression of the TFC was found for the middle and high frequencies (18-28 Hz) in the moderate group, and the depression spread to lower frequencies (4-16 Hz) in the severe groups. The TFC values at 14-20 Hz were depressed in the moderate group and most frequencies were depressed significantly with the progression of glaucoma (p < 0.05). The sensitivity of the TFC at 18-20 Hz was 56%, 89% and 100% in the early, moderate and severe glaucoma groups, respectively, and the specificity was 82%. We conclude that the PRBS-determined TFC is altered in glaucomatous eyes, and the frequencies depressed were related to the degree of glaucoma. These findings indicate that the PRBS-determined TFC can be useful for evaluating visual function of glaucomatous eyes.

  • Correlation between frequency doubling technology perimetry and temporal frequency characteristics in early glaucoma

    JJH Yu, M Kiyosawa, N Nemoto, K Momose, H Mori, M Mochizuki

    DOCUMENTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA   107 ( 2 ) 93 - 99  2003.09  [Refereed]

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    To assess the effectiveness of the temporal frequency characteristics (TFC) as an indicator of visual damage in patients with early open-angle glaucoma, TFC obtained from VEPs elicited by a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) stimulus was compared with the frequency doubling technology (FDT) thresholds. Cross power spectrum between the PRBS stimulus as the input and the PRBS-VEPs as the output was calculated, and was used as the TFC. The normalized amplitude of the TFC at 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16, 18-20, 22-24, 26-28, and 30-32 Hz was calculated, and a coefficient of correlation between these values and the FDT thresholds was determined. The coefficients of correlation between the FDT thresholds and the TFC at 18-20 Hz for the central, 10degrees, 20degrees, and 30degrees were r = 0.03,0.31,0.2 1, and 0.16, respectively in non-glaucomatous normal control eyes, and those for the same regions of eyes with early glaucoma were r = 0.66, 0.46, 0.38, and 0.35, respectively. The coefficients of correlation between the FDT thresholds and TFC at temporal frequencies were relatively high at 18-20 and 26-32 Hz. The time required to obtain the PRBS-VEP data was approximately the same as that for the FDT thresholds. The strong correlation between the two tests indicates that the FDT values and the high temporal frequency segments of the TFC may be useful as a preliminary indicator of visual damage in patients with early open-angle glaucoma. In addition, the strong correlation suggests that there was a preferential damage to the magnocellular system in glaucomatous eyes.

  • Visual evoked Potentials elicited by pseudorandom stimulation from patients with macular degeneration

    N Nemoto, H Mori, M Kiyosawa, WF Wang, M Mochizuki, K Momose

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY   46 ( 1 ) 108 - 113  2002.01  [Refereed]

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of a central scotoma on the amplitude, implicit time (IT), and temporal frequency characteristics (TFC) of the visual evoked potentials (VEPs) elicited by a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) stimulus in age-related macular degeneration (,A,[D) patients.
    Methods: Twenty-six patients with AMD, 17 eves with visual acuity of less than 20/100, and 9 eyes with Visual acuity between 20/70 and 20/50, were examined. Nine eyes of age-matched healthy volunteers served as controls. To elicit the PRBS-VEPs, one eye was stimulated with a PRBS stimulus. The first-order kernel was calculated from a cross-correlation between the PRBS and the VEPs. The Fourier transformed first-order kernel was used as the TFC of the visual system.
    Results: The mean IT of P2 (second positive peak) of the first-order kernel was significantly delayed (t-test, P < .05), and the P2-N2 (peak-to-peak of P2 and second negative peak N2) amplitude was significantly reduced (t-test. P < .01) in eves with AMD. A depression of the TFC values in the 6-18 Hz band was prominent in patients with AMD (t-test, P < .01).
    Conclusion: PRBS-VEPs demonstrated a prolonged IT and reduced amplitude of the first-order kernel, and reduced TFC with a reduction of visual acuity in patients with macular degeneration. (C) 2002 Japanese Opthalmological Society.

  • Application of visual evoked potentials for preoperative estimation of visual function in eyes with dense cataract

    H Mori, K Momose, N Nemoto, F Okuyama, Y Kimura, M Kiyosawa, M Mochizuki


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    Purpose: To determine whether the temporal frequency characteristics of the visual system as determined by visually evoked potentials (VEP) can be used for a preoperative estimation of the visual function in eyes with cataracts. Methods: Light stimuli driven by a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) of 40950 ms duration were presented and EEG recordings were made from 13 control and 20 patients with cataracts preoperatively and 1 week after cataract operation. The first kernel of the PRBS-VEP was obtained as the first-order cross-correlation function between PRBS and PRBS-VER The Fourier transform of this function was used as the temporal frequency characteristic (TFC). Results: The mean +/- standard deviation of the latency and amplitude of the VEP in normal controls were 110.8 +/- 4.3 ms and 2.01 +/- 0.67 muV, respectively. A high correlation (r > 0.7) between the pre- and postoperative VEP waveform was obtained in 13 eyes (65%), and 14 eyes (70%) in the VEP-TFC curves. The sensitivity of the examination was 73%, 27%, and 91% for the latency, amplitude and TFC of the VEP, respectively. The specificity of the examination was 67%, 100%, and 89% for the same measures. Eleven of 12 eyes with abnormal TFC preoperatively showed retinal or optic nerve lesions postoperatively. False-negative results were seen in cases with delayed corneal edema. Conclusion: Postoperative visual function of patients with cataracts can be predicted by preoperative measurement of the TFC obtained by PRBS-VEP.

  • 疑似ランダム光刺激を用いた視覚誘発電位による逆Uhthoff現象の測定

    森浩士, 清澤源弘, 根本伸之, 望月學, 百瀬桂子

    神経眼科   18 ( 2 ) 186 - 191  2001  [Refereed]


  • 加齢黄斑変性における疑似ランダム系列刺激に対する視覚誘発電位

    根本伸之, 森浩士, 清澤源弘, 汪維芳, 望月學, 百瀬桂子

    日本眼科学会雑誌   105 ( 5 ) 336 - 332  2001  [Refereed]


  • PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of VEP in glaucoma

    K. Momose, M. Kiyosawa, N. Nemoto, H. Mori, F. Okuyama, Y. Kimura

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings   1   426  1999

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of the VEP are valid and useful in evaluating the properties of the visual system of glaucomatous patients. TFCs of VEP were measured from 15 normal eyes and 31 eyes with primary open angle or low-tension glaucoma. Glaucomatous eyes were divided into 3 groups according to their visual field defect. The mean TFC values at 4-8, 14-20 and 26-30 Hz were statistically different in normal and three glaucoma (ANOVA, P&lt
    0.05). With the progression of glaucoma, part of the TFC values were selectively depressed and later almost all values were depressed significantly. This correlation between the TFCs and the glaucomatous changes indicates that the PRBS-determined TFC is useful for evaluating glaucomatous eyes.

  • Visual temporal frequency characteristics determined by pseudorandom stimuli

    K Momose, M Kiyosawa, N Nemoto, Y Kimura, F Okuyama, M Senda

    INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE   40 ( 1 ) 50 - 54  1999.01  [Refereed]

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    PURPOSE. TO investigate whether a rapid and practical determination of the temporal frequency characteristic (TFC) of the visual system can be obtained by using the visually evoked potentials (VEPs) elicited by pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) stimulation.
    METHODS. VEPs were recorded from eight volunteers. For the conventional steady state VEPs (S-VEP), the eye was stimulated with five stimulus frequencies. To acquire the PRBS-VEPs, the eye was stimulated with a PRBS stimulus for 40 seconds. The TFC for the S-VEP was calculated from the root mean squared amplitude for each frequency using Fourier transform. For the PRBS stimulus, a cross-correlation function between PRBS (x[t]) and PRBS-VEP (y[t]) was calculated to obtain the TFC.
    RESULTS. The TFCs obtained by the PRBS and S-VEP methods were highly correlated (P < 0.05), and the TFC curves resembled those in the literature. Most important, the data necessary to determine the TFCs using the PRBS stimulus could be obtained in 4 minutes, whereas that for the S-VEP required 60 minutes for the two eyes.
    CONCLUSIONS. The high correlation between the TFCs obtained by the two methods indicated that the PRBS technique gives a good measure of the TFC of the human visual system. The significantly shorter time required for this method demonstrated that it is a practical method for determining the linear (and nonlinear) property of the visual system and that it may be useful in clinical applications.

  • Extraction of color responses from visual evoked potentials using the binary kernel method

    K Momose

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E81D ( 1 ) 124 - 131  1998.01  [Refereed]

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    In order to investigate the nonlinearity and color responses of visual evoked potentials (VE-Ps), which have been useful in objectively detecting human color vision characteristics, a nonlinear system identification method was applied to VEPs elicited by isoluminant color stimuli, and the relationship between color stimuli and VEPs was examined. VEPs of normal subjects elicited by chromatically modulated stimuli were measured, and their binary kernels were estimated. Results showed that a system with chromatically modulated stimuli and VEP responses can be expressed by binary kernels up to the second order and that first-and second-order binary kernels depended on the color of the stimulus. The characteristics of second-order kernels reflected the difference between two chromatic channels. Opponent-color responses were included in first-order binary kernels, suggesting that they could be used as an index to test human color vision.

  • Nonlinear analysis of visual evoked potentials elicited by color stimulation

    K Momose, K Komiya, A Uchiyama

    METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE   36 ( 4-5 ) 315 - 318  1997.12  [Refereed]

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    The relationship between chromatically modulated stimuli and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) was considered. VEPs of normal subjects elicited by chromatically modulated stimuli were measured under several color adaptations, and their binary kernels were estimated, Up to the second-order, binary kernels obtained from VEPs were so characteristic that the VEP-chromatic modulation system showed second-order nonlinearity, First-order binary kernels depended on the color of the stimulus and adaptation, whereas second-order kernels showed almost no difference, This result indicates that the waveforms of first-order binary kernels reflect perceived color (hue), This supports the suggestion that kernels of VEPs include color responses, and could be used as a probe with which to examine the color visual system.

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  • 楽曲中の逸脱音による瞳孔拡張反応と事象関連電位P3の成分解析

    百瀬 桂子, 久世 廣将, 松邑 祐亮, 平山 健人

    第70回生体信号計測・解釈研究会  (大阪大学豊中キャンパス国際棟シグマホール)  日本生体医工学会専門別研究会生体信号計測・解釈研究会

    Presentation date: 2024.12

    Event date:
  • Measurement of Gustatory Event Related Potentials using taste flow stimulation

    Ayumu Koitabashi, Kento Hirayama, Keiko Momose

    Presentation date: 2024.09

    Event date:
  • メロディの親近度および予測性が事象関連電位P3 に及ぼす影響

    久世 廣将, 松邑 祐亮, 平山 健人, 百瀬 桂子

    生体医工学シンポジウム2024  (東京大学本郷地区キャンパス工学部2号館)  日本生体医工学会

    Presentation date: 2024.09

    Event date:
  • Measurement of pupil dilation responses and event-related potentials related to detection of pitch deviants in melodies

    Hiramasa Kuze, Yusuke Matsumura, Kento Hirayam, Keiko Momose

    Presentation date: 2024.05

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  • Development and evaluation of low-cost gustatory stimulator for measuring event-related potentials

    Keiko Momose, Ayumu Koitabashi, Kento Hirayama

    Presentation date: 2024.05

    Event date:
  • 閾下提示刺激に対する選好形成と瞳孔径変動の関係

    百瀬 桂子, 藏方龍之介, 磯谷 俊治

    第68回生体信号計測・解釈研究会  (大阪大学豊中キャンパス国際棟シグマホール)  日本生体医工学会専門別研究会生体信号計測・解釈研究会

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:
  • Early gaze bias characteristics in visual preference decisions for highinterest objects

    Momose K, Yoshida A

    Life Engineering Symposium 2023 (LE2023 Kawagoe) 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

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  • Pupil dilation and ERP elicited by deviant sound in familiar music.

    Kuze H, Matsumura Y, Hirayama K, Momose K

    Life Engineering Symposium 2023 (LE2023 Kawagoe) 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 楽曲中の逸脱音に対する瞳孔反応と楽曲への親近性との関わり

    久世廣将, 松邑祐亮, 平山健人, 百瀬桂子

    生体医工学シンポジウム2023  (熊本市,熊本城ホール)  日本生体医工学会

    Presentation date: 2023.09

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  • Development and evaluation of gustatory stimulator for measuring event related potentials

    Koitabashi A, Hirayama K, Momose K

    Presentation date: 2023.09

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  • 対象への関心の高さが選好判断初期の注視時間・順序に与える影響について

    百瀬桂子, 吉田杏奈


    Presentation date: 2022.12

    Event date:
  • The effects of personal interest level on early gaze bias for visual preference decisions

    Momose K, Yoshida A

    Presentation date: 2022.08

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  • 閾下単純接触効果生起時の生理反応に関する一検討

    百瀬 桂子, 磯谷 俊治

    計測自動制御学会 ライフエンジニアリング部門シンポジウム2022  (芝浦工業大学 豊洲キャンパス)  計測自動制御学会ライフエンジニアリング部門

    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • The effects of personal interest level on gaze bias for visual preference decisions

    Yoshida A, Momose K

    21st European Conference on Eye Movements  (Leicester, UK) 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

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  • Pupil size variation and autonomic activity in subliminal mere exposure

    Isogai S, Momose K

    Presentation date: 2022.06

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  • バイナリ汎関数級数展開によるChromatic pupillographyのモデル化の試み

    佐藤諒弘, 百瀬桂子


    Presentation date: 2021.12

    Event date:
  • Pupil size variation and autonomic activity during subliminal mere exposure

    Shunji Isogai, Keiko Momose

    the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  (Online)  IEEE EMBS

    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • 楽曲の好みに関わる楽曲特徴量と鑑賞時の脳活動の検討

    松邑祐亮, 百瀬桂子

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2021  (オンライン)  ヒューマンインタフェース学会

    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • Recent advances in biosignal interpretation

    Keiko MOMOSE  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2021.01

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  • 対象への関心度が選好課題中の注視時間・順序に与える影響について



    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Classification of Event-Related Oscillations for Positive/Negative Facial Expressions

    Matsumura Y, Momose K

    42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

    Event date:
  • 事象関連電位P300を指標とした映像教材への注意配分量の検討 第2報

    松邑祐亮, 長濱澄, 森田裕介, 百瀬桂子

    第61回生体信号計測・解釈研究会  (芝浦工業大学)  生体医工学会・専門別研究会・生体信号計測・解釈研究会

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Recent advances in biosignal interpretation and application

    Keiko Momose  [Invited]

    (Nagoya)  Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 事象関連電位P300を指標とした映像教材への注意配分量の検討

    松邑祐亮, 長濱澄, 森田裕介, 百瀬桂子

    生体医工学シンポジウム2019  (徳島)  日本生体医工学会

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Emotional modulation of late positive potentials elicited by dynamic facial expressions

    Momose, K

    the 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference  (Berlin)  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • アイトラッカーを用いた読書時の眼球運動特性抽出方法の検討 第2報

    池田結佳, 百瀬桂子, 早川友恵, 松岡久美子

    第54回日本眼光学学会総会  (新潟市)  日本眼光学学会

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Effects of dynamic emotional expressions on face-related evoked potentials

    Marie Ikai, Issaku Kawashima, Keiko Momose

    40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  (Hawaii) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

     View Summary

    Event-related potentials (ERPs) to dynamic face expression were measured and investigated the effect of facial movement on face- and emotion-sensitive ERP components (N170 and LPP). Similar N170 components to static face stimuli were obtained in the right temporal area and their amplitudes were dependent on the time length of the facial movements. Large late positive potentials after 300 ms are obtained at centro-parietal area, and this component may reflect the impression of naturalness of face expression.

  • 事象関連電位P300の振幅と映像教材の提示速度の関連性に関する一検討

    名取優太, 岩附直登, 長濱 澄, 川島一朔, 森田裕介, 百瀬桂子

    2018年電子情報通信学会総合大会  (東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス)  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2018.03

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  • 表情変化が顔認知関連電位に与える影響

    猪飼まりえ, 川島一朔, 百瀬桂子

    第57回生体医工学会生体信号計測・解釈研究会  (早稲田大学国際会議場)  日本生体医工学会専門別研究会生体信号計測・解釈研究会

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • Pupil diameter changes related to interest value of visual stimuli

    Anna Yoshida, Keiko Momose

    The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

    Presentation date: 2017.07

     View Summary

    Pupil diameter changes during presenting the visual stimulus was measured, and there relation to subjective interest values to the stimuli was investigated. Visual stimuli was 10 product photos of clothes, shoes, and bouquet. Principal component analysis was applied to pupil diameter changes measured from 33 participants and the relationship between principal component score and subjective interest values was evaluated. Results showed that 10th principal component score was difference among interest values, and the component vector included the sinusoidal changes around 0.5 Hz.

  • アイトラッカーを用いた読書時の眼球運動特性抽出方法の検討

    池田結佳, 早川友恵, 百瀬桂子, 松岡久美子

    第73回日本弱視斜視学会総会  (石川県金沢市)  日本弱視斜視学会

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Relationship between gaze behaviors and participant roles in post-lingual deafened adults with cochlear implants during free conversation

    Minato Kawaguchi, Kimino Sugizaki, Keiko Momose

    (Kokubunji, Tokyo)  IEICE WIT

    Presentation date: 2017.05

     View Summary

    Gaze behaviors of post-lingual deafened adults in multi-party conversation were investigated. Conversations were video- recorded from three groups (CIL: four adults with cochlear implants, and three of them feel difficulty in conducting conversation, CIH: four adults with cochlear implants who do not feel difficulty in conducting conversation, N: four normal-hearing adults). Each person’s gaze behaviors and utterance was detected from recorded videos. Mean normalized duration of gazing at the current speaker was longer in CIL and CIH than in N group. Shorter duration of the current speaker’s gazing at the previous speaker was observed in N group, but shorter gazing at the next speaker in CIL and CIH groups. This difference may be due to that participants’ difficulty in conducting conversation in CIL and CIH groups.

  • The relation of illusory visual motion to the steady-state evoked potentials

    Keiko Momose

    56th conference of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE)  (Sendai, Japan)  the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering

    Presentation date: 2017.05

     View Summary

    Noninvasive methods for probing direction-selective neuronal activity are effective for understanding human motion perception. Some previous works demonstrated that phase of the Steady-state Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) reflect the direction-specific neural activity (Ales & Norcia, 2009). We have also reported that phase of SSVEP related to direction of illusory visual motion (motion aftereffect, and reverse phi) (Momose, Yakovleva, & Norcia, 2014, Momose & Arimitsu, 2016). Here we present a method that reveals motion mechanisms directly through a signature predicted by the motion energy model, and discuss the utility of SSVEP.

  • 刺激への関心度が選好課題中の眼球運動に与える影響について

    Yoshida Anna, Momose Keiko

    (Yokohama)  Special Interest Group of JSMBE: Bisoginal Measurements and Interpretations

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • Motion aftereffect direction-specific responses in the steady-state visual evoked potentials

    Shiori Arimitsu, Keiko Momose

    8th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation  (Osaka)  IFMBE, IEEE EMBS, JSMBE, SICE

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • Effects of visual spatial and temporal frequency on Motion Aftereffect Direction Specific Response in SSVEP

    Arimitsu Shiori, Momose Keiko

    The 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  (Orlando, FL)  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

    Presentation date: 2016.08

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    The effect of spatial and temporal frequency on direction specific response in steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) was investigated. 64-channel SSVEPs were recorded during test stimulus of oscillating vertical sinusoidal grating (0.5 or 2 c/deg, 4 or 9 Hz) with/without motion adaptation. Fundamental frequency (1F) component was extracted from the SSVEP of each condition by using Fourier analysis. The phase of 1F component under right-adaptation in occipital and occipito-temporal area was shifted by 90-180 degrees from that under left-adaptation, agreeing with the previous studies. The different phase-shift dependency on MAE direction between 4 Hz and 9 Hz stimuli were obtained, and the dependency was more typical in 0.5 c/deg. This result implies that there are two or more different motion detectors with different temporal sensitivity.

  • Turn Taking Skills of Post-lingual Deafened Adults with Cochlear Implants

    Sugizaki Kimino, Kawaguchi Minato, Momose Keiko


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Detection of Motion Direction Specific Response Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials

    Momose Keiko, Arimitsu Shiori, Yakovleva Alexandra, Norcia Anthony

    The 55th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  (Toyama)  Japanese Sciety for Medical and Bioliogical Engineering

    Presentation date: 2016.04

     View Summary

    Noninvasive methods for probing direction-selective neuronal activity are effective for understanding human motion perception. Some previous works using the Steady-state Visual Evoked Potential has used adaptation to reveal direction-specific activity. Here we present a method that reveals motion mechanisms directly through a signature predicted by the motion energy model: motion energy detectors produce opposite-signed responses to phi and reverse-phi stimuli.

  • 視覚誘発電位の位相による運動残効⽅向の検出

    Arimitsu Shiori, Momose Keiko

    The 18th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society  (Kyoto)  Japan Human Brain Mapping Society

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 運動錯視で知覚される運動方向の視覚誘発電位による検出

    Keiko Momose, Alexandra Yakovleva, Anthony M. Norcia

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 選好課題中の視線停留時間の検討

    Anna Yoshida, Keiko Momose

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • Developmental Eye Movement test(DEM)と文章黙読の眼球運動の比較

    池田結佳, 早川友恵, 百瀬桂子, 松岡久美子


    Presentation date: 2015.10

    Event date:
  • 選好判断中の眼球運動の特徴分析

    Anna Yoshida, Keiko Momose

    (Okayama)  Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Steady-state 型視覚誘発電位を用いた運動残効方向の検出(第2報)

    有光翔理, 百瀬桂子

    生体医工学シンポジウム2015  (岡山)  日本生体医工学会

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Detection of motion aftereffect direction specific response using steady-state visual evoked potentials

    Shiori Arimitsu, Keiko Momose

    The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  (Milan)  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Detection of motion aftereffect direction specific response using steady-state visual evoked potentials: a preliminary report.

    Shiori Arimitsu, Keiko Momose

    The 43th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  (Nagoya)  Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • 動画像解析による母子の身体接触コミュニケーションの特性評価

    第51回日本生体医工学会 生体信号計測・解釈研究会  日本生体医工学会専門別研究会生体信号計測・解釈研究会

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 運動残効知覚時の Stesdy-state 型視覚誘発電位の分析

    有光翔理, 百瀬桂子

    第51回日本生体医工学会 生体信号計測・解釈研究会  日本生体医工学会専門別研究会生体信号計測・解釈研究会

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Detection of phi and reverse-phi direction-specific responses using the steady-state VEP

    Keiko Momose, Alexandra Yakovleva, Anthony M. Norcia

    Vision Sciences Society 14th Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • Measurement of mother's picking-up and holding her infant

    The 26th Bioengineering Conference 2014 Annual Meeting of BED, JSME 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • 離乳食供給・摂取行動の発達に関するマイクロ分析

    根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 河原紀子, 百瀬桂子, 百瀬桂子, 石島このみ, 石島このみ


    Presentation date: 2014

    Event date:
  • Kinematic development of infant-mother interactions during specific tasks


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 抱き場面における母親と乳児の相互作用 -ビデオとモーションキャプチャを用いて(予報)-


    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Nonlinear modeling of steady-state and transient Visual Evoked Potentials

    35th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference 

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Nonlinear Modeling of Steady-State and Transient Visual Evoked Potentials

    Momose Keiko, Norcia Anthony, Miller Rich

    BME  Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering

    Presentation date: 2013

    Event date:
  • Eye movement characteristics and visual information processing through restricted visual field in autism spectrum disorders

    7th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation , 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Binary Functional Series Model Analysis of Visual Evoked Potentials and its Clinical Application

    The 56th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Topographic maps of VEP Elicited By Pseudorandom Stimulation with The Swept Parameter Technique

    ARVO 2012 Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Microanalysis of mother-infant interaction in tickling play

    ISHIJIMA Konomi, NEGAYAMA Koichi, MOMOSE Keiko

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2012.02

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Interaction of 5- and 7-month-old infants and their mothers in tickling play was naturalistically observed at a child-care support center. Microanalysis of the longest episode of tickling in each dyad revealed that the 7-month-old infant was more complex in his interaction with the mother than the 5-month-old: the 7-month-old showed a gaze at the tickling mother's face and hands, a high-pitched vocalization, and an expectant ticklish expression before actual touch. It is suggested that, in comparison with the 5-month-old, the 7-month-old and his mother were more competent to share the same narrative with each other by mutually monitoring behaviors and attuning interaction.

  • Sequential Structure Analysis of Repetitive Movements and Utterances in Mother-infant Play Interaction

    MOMOSE Keiko, NEGAYAMA Koichi, ISHIJIMA Konomi, KIKUCHI Hideaki, HONDA Masaaki, ICHIKAWA Akira

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2012.02

    Event date:

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    Tactile interaction of three 4-month-old infants and their mothers in play situation was observed at home. Playful repetitive arm/leg movements were observed in all mother-infant pairs and their sequential structure was analyzed. Tempo of the repetitive movement decreased with expanding moving arm/leg area of infant. Mother and infants intended to keep and enjoy their play and their interaction through infants' active physical contact and utterance was observed. Sequential features of the repetitive arm/leg movements obtained from this situation imply the importance of the tactile interaction for the early development of communication.

  • 中心視野・周辺視野の制限がグローバル-ローカル処理に与える影響


    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 中心視野・周辺視野の制限が視覚情報処理方略に与える影響


    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • 中枢神経系での閾値未満の周期的な電気刺激による微弱な神経信号の検出の改善


    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Extraction of M and P components from the visual evoked potential using pseudorandom stimulation with swept parameter technique

    Momose Keiko

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Stochastic Resonance Can Enhance Information Transmission of Supra-Threshold Neural Signal

    31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Simultaneous detection method of P300 event-related potentials and eye gaze point using multi-pseudorandom and flash stimulation for brain computer interface

    30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • Evaluation of an eye gaze point detection method using VEP elicited by multi-pseudorandom stimulation for brain computer interface

    29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Nonlinear Characteristics of Visual Evoked Potential in Glaucoma patients and Their Correlation with the Visual Responses on Magnocellular and Parvocellular Pathways.

    28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • Determination of the chromatic contrast responses using Wavelet analysis of visual evoked potentials

    27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 

    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of VEP in glaucoma

    K. Momose, M. Kiyosawa, N. Nemoto, H. Mori, F. Okuyama, Y. Kimura

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings  IEEE

    Presentation date: 1999

    Event date:

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of the VEP are valid and useful in evaluating the properties of the visual system of glaucomatous patients. TFCs of VEP were measured from 15 normal eyes and 31 eyes with primary open angle or low-tension glaucoma. Glaucomatous eyes were divided into 3 groups according to their visual field defect. The mean TFC values at 4-8, 14-20 and 26-30 Hz were statistically different in normal and three glaucoma (ANOVA, P&lt 0.05). With the progression of glaucoma, part of the TFC values were selectively depressed and later almost all values were depressed significantly. This correlation between the TFCs and the glaucomatous changes indicates that the PRBS-determined TFC is useful for evaluating glaucomatous eyes.

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Research Projects

  • Development of novel method for eye movements and validation of the training effect in the children with developmental dyslexia

    Project Year :


  • Utilization of blinks for accurate detection of visual motion evoked potentials

    Project Year :


  • Early development of parent-infant inter-body relationship at picking up

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Negayama Koichi, Jonathan Delafield-Butt, KOBAYASHI Hiromichi

     View Summary

    Infant picking-up from the floor was longitudinally observed at 1.5, 3, 5, and 7 months of infants' age. Mother's holding patterns changed after the infant's head held up steadily, and the speed of picking-up significantly increased at 3 months. Analysis by a motion-capture system also indicated an increase of speed in maternal manual approach with the infants' age.The mothers' sense of difficulty in their own holding was correlated with the paucity of the infants' active participation in the holding at 3 months, whereas it was correlated with the mothers' negative feeling in holding at 5 months

  • Development of simultaneous recording method of visual M/P pathway responses and visual attention.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOMOSE Keiko

     View Summary

    To develop a method of extract magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) components from VEP, the nonlinear system identification method using pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) stimulation combined with swept parameter technique was suggested and its efficacy was confirmed by experiments with healthy adult participants. The suggested technique would be effective for studying and screening several eye and neurocognitive disorders which have been reported to relate with selective damage in M/P pathways

  • Development of brain computer interface using visually evoked potential elicited by pseudorandom stimulation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOMOSE Keiko

  • 視覚誘発電位を用いた色覚特性と視認性の客観的計測法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    百瀬 桂子

     View Summary


  • 色・運動刺激の同時提示によるVEPを用いた視覚M/P経路特性の計測法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    百瀬 桂子

     View Summary


  • 視覚誘発電位の非線形解析による視覚M/P経路特性の計測法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    百瀬 桂子

     View Summary

    本研究は、Binary Kernel法により視覚誘発電位(VEP)を解析して得られる非線形成分(N次バイナリ核関数)と視覚M/P経路特性との関係を明らかにし、それをふまえた視覚M/P経路の機能評価方法を開発することを目的としている。本年度は、昨年度明らかにしたM/P経路それぞれが特異に反応する刺激について、実測により検証した。輝度の異なる2つの灰色一様画面を疑似ランダム系列(PRBS)に基づいて切り替えて、刺激とした。PRBSとVEPの相互相関関数より、Binary Kernelを算出した。刺激に用いる2画面のコントラストを様々な値(12.5%〜87.5%の範囲内)に設定して、コントラストとBinary Kernelの関係を調べた。健常者3名を対象とした。1次カーネルおよび2次カーネルの第1スライスは、コントラストの減少に対して、最大振幅が低下する傾向を示した。最大振幅値の潜時の変化には個人差があり、統一的な傾向はみられなかった。本研究代表者らが先に提案した時間周波数特性導出法(Momose et al.,IOVS,1999)を適用したところ、コントラストが低下するに従って、10Hz以下の成分の振幅が低下するとともに18Hz付近の振幅が増大する傾向があった。低コントラスト刺激は、高周波数特性のよいM系を選択的に刺激すると考えられる。MおよびP系の応答はPRBSによるVEPの18Hz付近および10Hz以下の成分に、それぞれ現れることを示唆している。従って、本手法によりM/P経路の特性を分離抽出できる可能性が示された。さまざまな空間周波数をもつ刺激に対するVEPの実測と評価、およびこれらの実測結果から実用的な時空間周波数特性の計測法を開発することが、今後の課題として残された

  • 複数の色刺激の同時提示によるVEPを用いた簡易色覚特性計測法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    百瀬 桂子

     View Summary

    本研究では、短時間で安定した色覚応答を得ることのできる実用的な色応答検出法の提案とその妥当性の検証を目的として、視覚誘発電位(Visually Evoked Potential:以下VEP)の非線形解析手法による色応答抽出法の実用化を検討した。本年度は、LED刺激装置を用いて健常者を対象とした基礎実験を行い、本手法の妥当性と問題点を明らかにし、CRTを用いた簡易色覚計測装置を構築した。疑似ランダム系列(PRBS)に基づいて輝度を変調した刺激をLEDにより提示し、VEPを計測した。測定対象は色覚正常者(30歳台)とした。左右眼に異なる色を異なるPRBSで変調させて提示し、測定されたVEPとPRBSとの相互相関関数からシステムパラメータであるバイナリカーネル波形を推定した。左右眼同時に刺激した場合と、左右眼別々に刺激した場合のバイナリカーネルを比較した結果、両眼同時に刺激した場合にも、左右眼別々に刺激したときと類似のバイナリカーネル波形が得られた。これは、左右眼同時に刺激でも各眼のVEP応答が一度に計測できることを示唆しており、この点では既に実用化(VERIS)されているmulti-focal VEP(例えばBearse et al,1994)の結果に矛盾しなかった。しかしながら、両眼に提示する色の組み合わせによっては、両眼に異なる色を提示しているにもかかわらず各眼のバイナリカーネル波形が類似の波形となる場合が見受けられ、今後の課題として残された。これらの結果を踏まえてCRTを用いた色覚計測装置を構築し動作確認を行った。この測定装置では、約2分弱の短時間測定によりバイナリカーネルを得ることができ、短時間計測という点で臨床検査への実用化が十分見込まれると考えられた

  • 視覚誘発電位を用いた色覚応答検出法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    百瀬 桂子

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  • 映像コンテンツの高速視聴における事象関連電位P300振幅を指標とした注意配分量の分析

    長濱澄, 名取優太, 岩附直登, 川島一朔, 森田裕介, 百瀬桂子

    日本教育工学会論文誌   42 ( Suppl ) 41 - 44  2018.12  [Refereed]

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  • Comparison of eye movements between Developmental Eye Movement test (DEM) and silent reading of sentence

    Ikeda, Yuka, Hayakawa, Tomoe, Momose, Keiko, Matsuoka, Kumiko, Matsuoka, Kumiko

    Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica   9 ( 7 ) 573 - 580  2016.07  [Refereed]


  • Improvement of Information Transmission of Suprathreshold Input Signal with Stochastic Resonance in Hippocampal CA1 Neuron Network

    KAWAGUCHI Minato, MINO Hiroyuki, MOMOSE Keiko, DURAND Dominique M

    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   47 ( 1 ) 79 - 80  2011.01  [Refereed]

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    We investigate if and how SR (stochastic resonance) can be shown in the presence of supra-threshold signals (SSR) in physiologically realistic neural networks. The mutual information was maximized at a specific amplitude of noise in larger neural networks, implying SSR.

    DOI CiNii

  • Case of acute zonal occult outer retinopathy resembling retrobulbar optic neuropathy

    M Ogawa, H Mori, N Nemoto, M Kiyosawa, M Mochizuki, K Momose, M Wakakura, H Ohde

    NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY   26 ( 4 ) 217 - 222  2001.12

     View Summary

    We report a case of acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR) with a central scotoma and normal fundus. A 17-year-old man presented with reduced vision in his right eye. A relative afferent pupillary defect was not present, and his fundi were normal. He had a central scotoma in the right eye, but the left eye was normal. Central flicker fusion and color vision were normal in both eyes. Fluorescein angiography showed a somewhat mottled retina in the midperiphery of the right eye. The visually evoked potentials were reduced bilaterally. The a- and b-waves of the photopic ERGs and the amplitude of the flicker ERGs were reduced. In addition, the multifocal electroretinograms (mERGs) were reduced. A diagnosis of AZOOR was made. Electrophysiological studies were helpful in making a diagnosis of AZOOR in this case.




    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E76D ( 12 ) 1532 - 1535  1993.12  [Refereed]

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

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    This letter shows that VEPs can be easily measured by using color cards as the color stimulus, and that the responses evoked by a difference in chroma could be described largely by the value of the first principal component in principal component analysis.



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Overseas Activities

  • 視覚誘発電位のモデル化と運動視知覚の検出への応用


    アメリカ合衆国   Stanford University


  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 音響・音楽刺激に対する瞳孔反応とエラー関連電位の測定と評価


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    楽曲を聴いているときに無意識に知覚される意外性や覚醒の程度を,瞳孔拡張反応(PDR)と事象関連電位(ERP)により評価することを試みた.大学生17名を対象として,楽曲のサビ部分を含む12秒程度のメロディを約60曲聴取してもらい,その間の瞳孔径変動と頭部29箇所の脳波を記録した.楽曲の約半数は,その後半にピッチを高くした逸脱音を含めた.1曲の聴取が終わるごとに,メロディに対する親近度(聞き馴染みの程度)と予測性(どの程度予測しながら聴いたか)を5段階評価と,逸脱音の有無の回答を求めた.評定値を基に,各メロディを親近度高群と低群,予測性高群と低群に分類した.逸脱音提示前後の瞳孔径変動と脳波を抽出し,メロディ群ごとのPDRとERPを抽出した.親近度と予測性の評定値には正の相関が見られた.親近度・予測性の高・低群間で,PDRに統計的な有意差は見られなかった一方で,ERPは頭頂部の潜時250-400 msの平均電位は親近度・予測性の高群は低群と比べ有意に増大していた.この結果から,皮質下処理に関わる瞳孔変動には,メロディへの親近度・予測性の程度にかかわらず,逸脱反応が出現し,親近度・予測性の違いは皮質応答である脳波に反映されることが確認された.

  • 瞳孔の対光反応モデルの作成と情動検出への応用


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    色光刺激によって誘発される瞳孔変動を記録するChromatic pupillography を,光点滅に対する視覚系神経応答の記述に活用されているバイナリ汎関数級数展開式で記述可能かを検討した.健常成人を対象に,疑似ランダム色刺激に対する瞳孔変動を記録し,バイナリ核関数を算出したところ,1次核成分のみでシステムを十分記述ができることが示唆された.しかしながら,刺激変化に対する持続的な瞳孔変動の記述ができておらず,最適な刺激系列やクロック間隔を検討する必要があることが確認された.今後最適な記述式を同定することで,瞳孔変動に含まれる対光反応を特定でき,情動・認知活動による瞳孔変動を検出できると考えられる.

  • 視聴覚課題遂行中の脳機能ネットワーク状態の変動解析


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    移動する視対象への顕在的・潜在的注意状態の客観的指標を得ることを目的として,移動する輝度反転刺激の出現への注意制御を求める課題中の脳波の時間周波数解析を行った.顕在的注意の反映が予測された後頭部の定常型視覚誘発電位は,いずれの課題においても有意な出現がみられず,移動する視対象に対する注意指標に適さないことが示唆された.潜在的注意を必要とする区間では,δ-β波帯域の有意な低下が前頭・後頭部で同期してみられ,注意制御との関連が報告されているδ-β couplingが出現したものと考えられた.

  • 乳児と母親の遊び映像の自動解析によるコミュニケーション発達の検討


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  • 瞳孔運動と事象関連電位による情動反応の検出法の高精度化


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  • 視覚誘発電位を利用した運動視機能・視知覚の簡易評価法の開発と神経機構の解明


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  • 乳児と母親の身体接触遊びのマイクロ分析による身体動作テンポとリズムの発達の検討

    2014   根ヶ山光一, 石島このみ

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  • 視覚誘発電位の非線形システム解析による運動視の神経機構の解明とその臨床応用


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    視対象の動きの知覚(検出)を行う運動視に関わる脳機能を,簡易計測可能な視覚誘発電位(VEP)を利用して明らかにすることを目的とした.本検討では,運動視のメカニズムに関する研究の整理と,それらを踏まえての刺激系列とVEP分析方法の見直しを行った.加えて,VEPを精度よく記録するためにアーチファクトの影響の確認を行い,測定環境整備を行った.当初の研究計画では,VEPに対して非線形システム解析を適用することとしたが,文献調査と予備実験を踏まえて,刺激系列と分析方法を変更した.非線形システム解析に適した刺激系列では運動残効などの影響が大きく,適切な分析が行えないことが明らかとなったためである.加えて,そこで,視対象の動きの方向の変化の検出に目的を絞り,2つのパッチの点滅による仮現運動(Phi)を刺激に採用することとした.このパッチの点滅周波数を固定することによって,Steady-state型視覚誘発電位(SSVEP)を測定することとした.加えて,一方のパッチのコントラストを反転させた運動方向錯視(reverse Phi運動)刺激についても測定を行うことで,運動方向とSSVEPの関係を検討した.刺激の運動方向は,運動エネルギーモデル(Adelson & Bergen, 1985)を用いて予測した.健常成人9名を対象として,128チャンネルの高密度脳波の計測を行,予測された運動方向とSSVEPの位相に相関が見られた.具体的には,通常の刺激(Phi)とコントラスト反転を伴う刺激(reverse Phi)に対するSSVEPの位相が反転(逆位相)となり,子の位相反転は後頭部から側頭部の領域に見られた.しかしながら,点滅に伴う輝度変化の影響もVEPには反映されているため運動視の検出においては課題が残された.今後は,コントラストの影響を排除できる正弦波縞刺激を用いて,比較的明瞭な運動方向知覚が現れる運動残効時のSSVEPの測定・分析を行う予定である.

  • 有効視野と眼球運動からみた自閉症スペクトラム障害の視覚情報処理方略の特徴分析


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    【研究背景と目的】 自閉症スペクトラム障害(Autism spectrum disorder: ASD)は他者とのコミュニケーションが十分できないことが主な障害の一つであり、顔表情から感情を推測することが不得意であることが知られている。例えば、顔観察時の注目点や眼球運動が健常者と異なることや、顔処理に関与する大脳皮質部位および皮質下の経路の機能低下などが報告されている。また、視覚処理領域が狭く、注意分割や注意の切り替えが苦手であることも指摘されている。健常者は眼球運動を適切に行いながら、中心視野と周辺視野の機能を補完し合い、注意を払うべき対象を検出し、それらを中心視野で捉えている。故に、ASDではこれらの中心視、周辺視機能特性に異常があるか、それらが適切に機能していない可能性がある。 本研究は、表情読み取りをしている際の、ASDの中心視野、周辺視野の情報獲得、情報処理の機能特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。視線の動きに随伴して、視野の一部分を制限(マスク)して提示する視線随伴法を利用し、中心視、周辺視機能の機能を低下させた状態で、視覚課題中の視線(眼球運動)と回答までの時間(反応時間)、回答内容を記録・評価した。視覚課題は、全体・部分の知覚的関係を評価できるNavon課題(実験1)と、表情読み取りについての課題(実験2)の2つを実施し、ASDと健常者の結果を比較・検討した。【方法】 視線の動きに随伴して、視野の一部分を制限(マスク)して提示し、中心視、周辺視機能の機能を低下させた状態、マスクをしない状態の3条件で、視覚課題中の眼球運動と回答時間、回答内容を記録・評価した。視覚刺激の呈示と課題遂行中の実験参加者の視線位置の記録は、モニター一体型のアイトラッカー(Tobii 1750, Tobii Technology)により行った。実験1では、全体・部分の知覚的関係を評価できるNavon課題、実験2は表情読み取り課題を実施し、ASDと健常者の結果を比較・検討した。実験1の参加者は、健常者7名とASD 3名、実験2は健常者8名とASD 7名であった。健常者、ASDともに視力、視野の範囲、視覚疾患がなかった。ASD 2名はアスペルガー障害で、1名は高機能自閉症アスペルガータイプであった。言語性IQ(WISC-III)は84以上であり、表情読み取りに問題がないと判断した。【結果・考察】 実験1において,ASD、健常者共に、周辺視野マスク条件でglobal文字を回答するよう指示した場合に視線の軌跡が探索的になり,反応時間も長くなった。中心視野マスク条件ではglobal文字を回答するよう指示した場合に、ASDは健常者に比べて視線が刺激像全体に分布する傾向があったにもかかわらず、回答のエラー率は67%と高かった。同条件における健常者のエラー率は0%であった。以上の実験1の結果より,ASDはglobal処理が健常者に比べて苦手であることが示された。 実験2では,健常者はすべての条件で正解し、表情判断時には特に目を注視する傾向が認められた。ASDの結果のうち分析可能な結果が得られたのは3名であった。この3名の周辺視野マスク条件においては、ASDにとって表情判断が難しいとされる恐怖顔を提示した場合に目に注視する傾向が認められた。さらに、感情評定も正解に近いネガティブな感情を回答し、感情評定理由も全員が目と答えた。そのほかのマスク条件では、先行研究と同様に目以外の部品から表情評定する傾向が認められた。ASDが、健常者が用いる情報に意図的に注意を向けることで表情認知能力の向上を図ることができるとの先行研究報告もあることから、中心視野のみを利用した方が正しい表情判断を促進する可能性があるといえる。【結論】 健常者に比べてASDはglobal処理が苦手であり、周辺視野の情報獲得とそれらの統合に問題があると考えられる。また、ASDにとって表情判断の難易度の高い顔では、中心視野のみを利用した方が目に注視する傾向があったことから、中心視野のみを適切に利用するよう支援することで,正しい視覚認識を促進できる可能性が示唆された。 

  • 疑似ランダム刺激による視覚誘発電位を利用した視覚M/P経路特性の計測法の開発


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    ヒトの視覚情報が大脳視覚野に至るまでの主な2つの伝達経路(M経路とP経路)について,両経路の機能評価を同時に短時間で行う他覚的方法を確立することを目的として,正弦波縞反転刺激に対する視覚誘発電位(VEP)の測定と分析を行った.正弦波縞はモニタに提示し,縞の輝度をフレーム毎に疑似ランダム2値系列に従って反転させて刺激とした.M/P経路の空間周波数応答特性の違いを踏まえて,正弦波縞反転刺激中に,その空間周波数(0.5~9.0 c/d)を連続的に増加(もしくは減少)させることで,M/P経路を選択的に刺激することを試みた.3名の実験協力者(健常大学生)を対象として,約90秒の刺激に対するVEPを測定し,刺激に用いた疑似ランダム2値系列とVEPとの相互相関関数から,非線形パラメータ(バイナリ核関数)を算出し,空間周波数との関係を調べた.その結果,刺激中の空間周波数の変化に伴って,バイナリ核関数の形状が規則的に変化していくことが確認され,バイナリ核関数の変化から空間周波数の違いを評価できることが示唆された.先行研究では,市松模様刺激によるVEPのバイナリ核関数には,M/P経路の特性に関連する変化が規則的に現れることが示されており,本研究でもそれと同様の傾向を確認できた.しかし,バイナリ核関数の形状やその変化の仕方には個人差が見られた.今後は,変化させる空間周波数の範囲を様々に設定して,バイナリ核関数におけるM/P経路関連応答の現れ方をより精査して適切な刺激条件を調べる必要がある.また,個人差によらずM/P経路の機能評価を行える方法を確立することも次の課題である.

  • 視覚誘発電位の時間周波数解析による色覚特性の短時間計測法の開発


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    誰もが見やすい色表示を提供するためには、さまざまな視覚条件における色感度を把握する必要がある。色感度は自覚的な応答であるが、色表示への応用などのためには、他覚的な検出法を用いて、定量的にとらえる必要がある。我々は先に、他覚的に人の色弁別閾を測定する手法として、視覚誘発電位(VEP: Visual Evoked Potential)を用いた方法を2色型色覚に適用して有効性を確認した。さらに、得られた色弁別閾が、心理物理的手法により得られたものと相関があることを確認した。本研究では、より明瞭な色弁別閾の検出のために、提案手法で測定されたVEPに、wavelet変換を適用して得られる時間周波数分布を検討した。色覚健常者および第二色盲者を対象とし、等輝度正弦波縞反転刺激(10秒)において、色度コントラストを100%から0%に変化させたときの脳波を記録した。この脳波に複素Morletウエーブレットを用いたウエーブレット変換を適用した結果、時間周波数分布がより明瞭なVEPを確認できた。さらに、正弦波縞の空間周波数および反転周波数を変化させることにより、本手法が色覚の時空間周波数特性の計測に有効であることが示唆された。

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